k tribune* - r-~~ -The Arms of the State are nil in the possession . of fee. armed .volunteer companies, and com prise'22joBo muskets, &c., 4,7oGriflcs,,&c. > 2,- - 80$ cavalry swords and sabres, 3,447 pistols, ! , pieces . ordinance being six pound ■ jjronte cannon. .There are only about forty . jtjro hundred of these email' arms of the im proved .the others are old flint locks, for nothfeg.no W. This is .hot, at present, ‘ V a very flattering picture of the efficiency of the militia ,if suddenly called uponfor service. VC; '■'■■fj- ALTOONA, PA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1861. i ?:Hli®wWh*r« parties are unkuownto us, our rule lor ad yartbliM U-to require payment in advance, or a guarantee ' pytniltDo.WD persona. Ills therefore useless for .all each to »(md usadvcrtbitmcntaoffcViDg topay at theend of three oral* months. Where advertisements ore accompanied with tha money, wbelher one, fire or ten dollars, wo will gwa-the advertiser tlio full bcaefltof cash rates. ' -8. M. PETTINGU.I. &CO., Advertising Agenda, 119 Nassau street, New York, and 10 State street, Boston, are. the Agents for the Altoona Tribunt, and the most influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the .United States and tho Canadas. They are an thorlred to'contract for us at our Imeest rates. At a meeting of the stockholders of the ]sbensbnrg and Greaaofc Railroad, held on the 17th ulju, the following gentlemen were elected President and Directors of tho Company: Pres ident, Thomas Collinsi; Directors, A. A. Darken Edward Roberta, R. Jones, Jr., Abel Lloyd, Johnston Moore, Geo. J. Rodgers, R. L. John ston,Mullin, Thomas Griffith, John IVil llama, JRobert Davis aud Jos. S. Clark. ‘'■■■jjfS* The Student and Schoolmate , published by,Galon James & Co., 15 Cornbill street, Bos ton; is one. of the best periodicals of the kind published in the country and just the monthly visitor wbiob should be in the hands, of every scholar 'in the land. It is filled with reading OptUer particularly adapted, to their minds, and is a valuable assistant to the teacher. Price SI.OQ a year in advance. Address as above. ' v A NOBLE REPLr.—A short time since, while Mr. 'Etheridge of Tefin., a-South American, was - 'making a'speech in Congress in favor of the Cnttenden resolutions, he was interrupted by , Mr. Loako of Va., who asked him whether he .Wasspoaking on the side of the South or of the North, whereupon Mr. Etheridge replied :—“ I speakingdn that side which has few repre ' 'f *' * s sentatives on the floor—l am speaking on the pjide ofiny country.” Tribune Almanac. —We have received the tribune Almanac, published by the New York Association This is one of the most valuable political registers published, but not a ■party,publication.. It contains a great amount W statisitcal information and accurate returns .. of the elections in every State in the Union in 1860. Price cents per copy. Everyman who wishes to be posted in reference to political should possess himself of a copy. ■ We learn from the Juniata Sentinel, that on Friday week a little daughter of Jacob Hpmer, residing near Mifflintown, was burned to death, through the carelessness of some older ohildrfen who were playing with a lighted stick a,nd let a coal fall into the cradle in which the j ohild was lying. .While the grand-fdthgr of theij child was attending the funeral, some scamp ..or .scamps entered his house and stole $320. in ■gold. The perpetrators of the robbery have not,yet been detected. • Brice X. Blair, member of the State ' -Legislature, was put on trial at Huntingdon, at last court, charged with having conspired with others to abduct a young lady named Maggie ... Scott, a young and handsome girl who resided r ' .ffither, near the residence of Mr. 8., in Huntingdon county. \ The jury, after a pa ," tient jvnd lengthy investigation of the entire af fair, brought in a verdict of hot guilty, but .directed .the defendant to foot the costs. The .accused is yet to be tried, at tho April term, for abduction, and an attempt to procure abor tion, An unpleasant position, truly,, for a Legislator.' .' Mieitaet Resources or Pehnstuvania— - From,the Adjutant General’s Report we learn that fee military force of this State is about three hundred and fifty thousand, of which nineteen thousand are uniformed volunteers.— i: ' :^,pjjpuThe “Farmer at^,Oarckner,y asalsothe 1•• American Dee Jownal” .for February, are re- V Weired,, The former, in addition tp its usual ? ’ i .contains a finely engraved fron tispiece of the celebrated Farmer ’* Market, of the finest edifice of its hind in the world. -In addition to this it isfilledto reple -lion with .the most useful and seasonable rcad ‘ ing. The Ameritan Bet Journal comes to,ns >. Jjrith ail the .promises made in the.first number \ .fulfilled.' As .this is the only journal of its class ' in tboUnited States, and as it is .not paly.pnn . - .ted.iin.tbe.most unexceptionable. manner, but edited with marked ability, it oannotfail to suc ceed. The publishers, desirous uf introducing '■ these .two valuable works, offer .them both, to- jjether with vprepaid copy of a handsome Pre mumßook, for the trifiing sum. of One Dollar ; Cents; or, either one of them and n Book for One Dollar. Thisis certainly than any other jiubiicatipns of the same character -in the United States.— BgjuSpecimen numbers are fumishedwithoat eharge.by the publishers . A. M. Spangler & Co., No. 26 North" Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Court Proczxdihqb.*—Wo copy the following .Court pro ceedingsfor January Term, from, the Sotniard i Commonwealth vs.' Samuel l^ice. —Indictment, Fornica tion safrßastardyl Caw. eontiuned, on .parties entering Into recognizances /o appear atnext sessions. • Oom. n. Lucy Robinson.—ln Oyer and Terminer. Case continue on (Mrtiea enteringinto recognizance to appear at next Term. r *y- ■ ’ Com. vs. Jacob Ooop.—lndictment, Forgery, Cose con tinued, on defendant entering into recognizance to appear at next session. Com. vs. Francis Keener and Louisa Keener. —Indict- ment, Assault and Battery. True.hill.. Guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5 jointly to the Commonwealth for tho use of tho county, and the costs of prosecution. \ Com. vs. Agnes Bopp.—lndictment, Assault and Battery. Not a true .bill, and the prosecutrix* Louisa Keouer*to pay the costs of prosecution, except the $4 to tho county. Com. vs. Uenry Dinion.—lndictment, Lcirceny. True bill. Guilty. Sentenced to House of Refuge, at Philadel phia. . Com. vs. Oscar 8. Fowler.—lndictment, Larceny. True bill. Guilty. -Sentenced to pay a fine of $l, the costs of prosecution, and undergo an imprisonment of two months in the county jail. Com. vs. Georgs Penlow.—lndictment, Larceny. True bill. Guilty. Ssufebced to pay a fine of $6, costs of pros ccuthm, oud to undergo an imprisonment of three months in the county jail, . Com. Vs. Otho Hai lan .—District Attorney. enters Nol. Pros., and defendant is discharged. Com. vs. Jacob Brown and Alex. BfeDowell. —Indict- ment, Larceny. True bill. Jacob Brown guilty, and A. McDowell not guilty. 'Jacob Brown’s counsel makes a motion for arrest of judgment, and moves for.new trial for reasons filed. Overruled. Sentenced to pay d fine of $l, costs hf prosecution, and to undergo an imprisonment, by solitary confinement at labor in the Western Penitentiary, for the space of fifteen months. Com. vs- Elijah Fcrree.—lndictment, Libel. True bill.. Guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $lOO, costa of prosecu tion, and to undergo an imprisonment fur three months in the county jaiL Com. vs.-Elijah Ferree.—lndictment, Libel. True WR ■ Not guilty, but'pay the costs of prosecution. -Com. vs. George lieu tier.—lndictment, Assault. True Bill, Gnilty. Sentenced to pay a flue of $5 to .Hie Com monwealth for the use ofthd county, and costs of prosecu tion, and to be in tlio custody of the Sheriff until tho sen tence bo complied with. Com. tsj John Weaver.—lndictment, Larceny. True bill. Not guilty, aud 1 on motion the defendant was dis- charged. Com. tb. John Ililey.—-Indictment, Larceny. Not a true bill. Com. vs. Mary Long.—lndictment, Nuisance. Grand inquest return' “/ynoramus, and the county to pay the costs.’’ Com. vs. John Long and Wm". Long.—lndictment, Lar ceny. True bill. Defendants’ counsel pleads guilty. They will b» sent' to the House Of Refuge. Four or five other cases were continued over till next sessions. From tub South. —The telegraph reports and letter writers from the South repeat the reports of the day previous, with additional sur mises and rumors, but give us very little that is really reliable. From wbat we can glean from the reports we believe that Fort Sumter has, or will shortly bo attacked, and a report is current here to-day (Wednesday) that a scrim mage has taken place at Fort Pickens, Fla., oc casioned by the attempt to lond troops from the stea 4 mer Brooklyn now lying at Pensacola har bor. These are only rumors on which no reli ance can be placed. Hurra job Virginia !—The latest returns from. Virginia indicate' that the Unionists have carried two : thirds of the delegates to the Con vention soon to be held for the purpose of con sidering tb.e question of secession. Oqekciok or St. Louis— Thh Mississippi to be Turned Awat Fbojl it. — An Illinois correspondent, of the St. Louis Democrat threat ens dire vengeance on that city in case she should take sides with the Secessionists. lu that event, he says: ; “This Southern gate of commerce is all that! will be left her thus shorn of her splendors, ! and even this will be at the mercy of the State ! of Illinois, and can bo destroyed without aa act of hostility of which she can have no right to complain. The Mississippi river can bo made to run away from St; Louis and under the Illi nois. bluffs, leasing your city high and dry, seven or eight miles from the river, with a foreign soil lying between the city and the river from the present site of Illinoistown to what will then be the west bank of the Mississippi river. The people of St. Louis know very well this can be done. They have spent many millions of dollars to pmeht'it from doing itsolf, and have bo?n allowed by the Legislature of Illinois to build dykes and revest tho shores on the Illi nois side for this purpose. But it cannot be expected that Illinois will be thus courteous and complaisant to a foreign State, as She has been to her sister State of Missouri under the glori ous stars and stripes. It is well known that directly opposite to the mouth of the Missouri river its current presses the sluggish Mississip pi against the Illinois shore, and an artificial channel at that point would conduct the united volume of the two streams into the Likes which lie at the foot of the bluffs, and which are sup posed by many to have been the of the ancient bed of the stream, and this would take the river away from St. Louis, and throw it within the jurisdiction of Illinois, until at the foot of the lakes,,near Carondelet, it would again re-enter its present bed dr channel. This can be done ; it has been done at many points on tho Lower Mississippi, by running a ditch across a bend of the river, and the force of the current itself has done tho rest. I Will it be done? If Mis gotui goes out of the Union, it will be a matter of some pride, to say nothing of the profit of the thing, with the people of Illinois to estab lish a rivalcity here in Alton s ' '' ‘" ■■ ■ ■ Wabnimo Vyapu GE9BOIA. —A Southerner writes from.an impprtnnt point in the inferior of Georgia to his correspondent in New York; A format of Georgia from the Union has taken place, bat she will hold herself ready to step back at any time. So .will Alabama;— There will-be ho'serious trouble; only in words. Would to God the whole-difficulty were in the hands of the people instead of demagogues; in Iwhhty-four hmrs wo' 'would be right. Don’t give up the ship. This confirms, other reports which have reached us from the South, going to show that the masses of the ‘people do not violence of the secessionist miulere. '3lbere is a strong .body of conserva tives even in the seceding States, but just now their voice is stifled. Shout Livkd. Hoketmoom.—A. Miss White, of McKean who was married to'a gentleman from Mississippi, a few weeks ago, and accompanied her husband to tbat ; State, which, she intended making her future residence, returned to this city, on Tuesday afternoon, haVingbcea ordered to leave the Southern domain, 'at p. certain date, before the expiration of ten hours. It seems that she made too free use of her northern 4ep> timents to suit the Southern chivalry, and hence' .was ordered out of the country. If this is not ahdreby and oppression we t woald like to know in what country it can be found. What was done with the husband we do not learn.—.firie Despatch. , ' . „ fiknpixj ,6f Gbkat Kf wys, New York Times says, during. the French revolution 'the firpt thing every did bn up in the mprning jras to ; feel if his head was still on his shoulders. Our peoplo, if.adds, before they are dressed, Send for the morning newspaper to see if the Union has been dissolved over night. PEN ANDSCISSO£S. - -t9. An exchange thus dsilncs Congressmen: —A class oTm«n vito receive $3,000 p| r year trying to lie President. tSJOes Wool pronounce! the. treason of South Caroli naasfar transcending that t£ Benedict Arnold.' tgu 'W'o notice byi the last number of the lewlstown democrat, that Henry Fryeingor has again assumed con trol of that paper. t $9, Orders have just been issued for the enrolment of all citizens subject to the militia duty in the district of Columbia. jO» Mrs. Tell lately powbided Mr. Lay, for not perfor ming o promise to marry her. As he would’nt make her Lay, she made him yeU. ■ g9_ An officer of Fort Snmter called the other day. and subscribed for the Charleston Mer ury, to be mailed to the VOl% far the next three montht. Rather Slippery.—Tiro accounts of oil discoveries in the papers from the western: part of the State. If all that is published be true, a traetjof land out there is equally os valuable os a tracts in California. An .elderly lady, named Kate Hoffman, who has been a confirmed lunatic from her childhood, was burned to death a few nights since, at the residence of her sister, near Miffiintowu, Juniata county. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Reward is Offered! For the detection of any person counterfeiting. Imitating, or the vender of any sucli counterfeit or imitation of BtERIIAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS. The genuine, highly concentrated Holland JUtterr is put up in halt-pint bottles only, having the name of the proprietor, B. Page, Jr-,‘ blown in them, and his signature around the neck of’cach and every bottle. This delightful Aroma has been received by Americans, with that favor whicb.ia-eiriy' extended to really Scientific preparations. Wheu we consider the marked success at tending its administration, in the most stubborn cases of Fever and Ague, Weakness Of any kind, Dyspepsia, Heart burn, Acidity of the Stomach, Sick and Nervous Head ache, Indigestion, Costiveness and Piles, .together with the complete control it exercises over all Nervous Affections, we cannot wonder at its popularity. Well may the in valid value this remedy. ttS_The closing years of life are often rendered wretch ed by ailments which are trilling in themselves uud easily curcd if taken in time. Affection of the liver, stomach, and other organs concerned in digestion, are the most fre quent. They naturally make the sufferer nervous, irrita ble an# complqining, and relatives ami friends are forced to bear the brunt of their ill-humor. The use of Hostet lers Celebrated Stomach Bitters will prove an efficient remedy for this evil. It will not only strengthen the whole physical organization, but entirely cure the most obstinate cases of Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Liver Complaint. Tito first physicians in the country aio loud in their praise of tills preparation. Another recom mendation of the Bitters is that it is so palatable to the taste that it may bo used even as a beverage. Sold by all druggists. A Card to the Ladies. DR, DU DON GO’S GOLDEN DILLS FOR FEMALES. Infallible in correcting, regulating, and removing all ob- structions, from whatever cthise. ami always successful as. a preventative Them is not n lady living hut what at some period of her. life needs just such a medicine os “Dupouco's Gulden rills.”. One of the first ladies of Chester told the Agent there that she had received so much benefit from the use of them, she would he willing to pay $5 a hox, rather than he without them, if she could got them no less. The in gredients composing these pills are made known to every Agent. They will tell you they are perfectly harmless and yet will donll claimed fur them. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price $l,OO per hox.— Sold hy 0. W. KESSLER, Druggist, sole Agent for Al toona, Pa. Ladies hy sending him $l.OO to the Altoona Poe! Office, can have the pills sent to any part of the country (confi dentially) by mail, “ free of postage.” Sold also by JOHN READ, Uuntingdon, and by ono Druggist in every village town and city in the State. N. B.—Tltc above Pills have been counterfeited, and are offered to Ladies at prices ranging from 25 cents to 75 cts, (dear at that.) Look out for them. The genuine, hereaf ter, will hear the signature of S. D. Howe, sole proprietor. Price—sl. Purchase of the above gentlemen, mid you will find the genuine article, and one you may rely upon. January 31, ISCI. —ly. Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cum Putrid Sore Mouth. DR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE cures Sore Nipples. DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Ulcerated Sores. DR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE cures Cuts. ; DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERI NE cures Burns. | DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE enm Sorca. J)R. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE euros Chapped Lips. DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Ulcerated Gums. DU. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE is the best Purifier of the Breath ofanything known. DK. VELPEAU'S CANKER]NE cures Canker in the Mouth, Throat, or Sthajnach, resulting from Scarlatina or Typhus Fevers. Ladies, if you delight in < e white teeth, use the CAN KERINE, and your desires will be realized. We pledge our word that it is entirely free from acids and all poiso ous substances, and can bo given to an infant with perfect safety. It will preserve the teeth and keep the gums free from ulcers. It is equally efficacious for nursiug sore months. In nil the thousands remedies that have been put forth for the cure of the various diseases above, nouc can equal the Cankerine. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents per bottle. . J. BURRILL & CO., Proprietors, 93 Maiden Lane, N. V. For sale in .Altoona, by Q. W. KESSLER. To Consumptives. And those afflicted with DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUS DEBILITY, NEAUtr DISEASE, FEVER & AGUE. OR CONSTIPATION. The undersigned, now’ seventy-five years old, has for years devoted Ills time toil.curing his, Parislioners and the poor in Now York of thegf dreadful complaints, which earn’ thousands and thousands to an untimely grave; bo has seldom failed to cure aR who have applied to him for re lief, and believing it toijbe a Christian’s ' duty to relieve those abroad, as well ns itt home, he will send to those who require it, a copy of Proscriptions used, {Free of Charge), with directions for preparing and using the same. Also rules on Diet, Bathing, Ventilation, and Exercise forzthe Sick, they wili ftudthesti remedies a sure cure for Consump tion, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever and Ague, Constipation, Hcftrt_ Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, am} Female Complaints, and he hopes every:one afflicted wili send for ajnqpy, ns It will cut nothing, upd those suffering should apply before it is too late. These Prescription are used by the most eminent Physicians in London, Paris, and New York. Those wishing them will ; pita«iiaddress ’ vVr TtJEV. DR. CHAMBERLAIN. Jiov. : r Wllllamsburgh, Kew York. The American Medical and Toilet BECEIPT BOOK. ■ ; ‘\- This book contains fttcipe* and Directions for making all the tnost valriable Mcdilial preparations in U8o;,nl50 Re cipes anil fall and exploit directions for making all the most popular and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes, Unguents, Hair BesioratiTes, and ail Toilet Articles. If you aro suf erlug with any chronic* Itsciwe—lf you wish a beautiful complexion, aflne head of hair, a smooth face, acicar skin, a luxuriant beard or moustache—«r If yon tridr to know anything and every thlngiu tlio Toilet and Medical line, you Bhot4d, by aU rawnB, p«ni»o a copy of th)a lK>ok. For full particulars, and a sample of tbo work (hr poru»*l,(ftee,) addmstlie publisher, • T.'P; CttAPHAN, Mot. 1.-3 m . | ; < Kp, 831 Broadway, New York. - An experienced nnrse'and female physician; has KMo&ing Syrup fofChildren teething, whish greatly facilitates the process of teething* by sotening the gums, reducing all iu> bowels' ’ Depend iipon It, mothers, it .wiUgfve rcsttdyour eelree, and relief and; health to jodr infant*. Perfectly eafe in oil cases, gee advertisement in another column , S. D. HOWE, 1 Sole Proprietor, New York, Crying Babies!! Crying Babies! 111 A PKESKNT FOB TUB LITTLE OSES, | j In consequence of the superiority of Dr. Katox'S Ixf.vs- * The Asato a m atioi/ of Lahgua^cs.—There & Rgrpwing I ; sasdsas | druggist of this town have almost all ordered and received, ilium into our ov»n; AMs the word Cephalic.’ #hich ii from a supply of it ;•! so cheer up, Mothcral Ko more crying Die Gruuk. signifying ‘"for the he*),” is n<)lr becoming I any druggist wtyo nmy not have received Dr. Kntou'a Infun- ; and t l»e. word-Ccplmlic-wiU hcjrnnc & cothiium as tUe CkirdUd, or who may on account of getting aonae worth- ■ Kleotrt»typ« wad many others whoso distinction a* tfereigu ratebc-mon.Wterestedin soiling . ** it. Gut the best j it is for sale in town—search till yon j find it. i i Dr. U: ironsou’a. Blood food, fur diseases of the organs and | all pulmonary.complaints, is also for sale in town ; and if j any suffering from the above complaints neglect to try this ' preparation, they ore guilty of suicide. There are five different No». of the Blood Food—all ou the same princi ple, but graduated to the different deficiencies of the blood arising Irom the different organs affected. No. 1 is fur 1 Colds. Bronchitis, Consumption, and other chronic com- ; plaints arising |otu over-use, general debility, or nervous i prostration. No. 2, for Liver Coinpluints. No. 3, fur Dys- i pepsin. N 0.4,.4, AVoman’s Restorative. No. 6, Man,s Re generator. Ask for the No. you want. fffE-Seo A dyer- ; tisemeut. For sale by A. Roush, Altoona, and C. B. Uott A ' Son, Philadelphia. ! To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sev eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis ease consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescrip tion jUbed (free of charge,) with the direction* for preparing and using the'same, which they will find a sure cure for . CuascsfriTON, Asthma, llronciutis, Ac. The only object of . the advertiser i*. sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, andsgread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove u birring. Parties wishing ine description will address. ; Kkv. EDWAiU) A; W 1 hSOX. WiUmin.-burch. King County, New Y »rk. Oct. 4, *6o. A SUPERLATIVE t | TONIC,DIURETIC. “•D OYSPttjg —AMD— ; mounccMM. rpo TilK OIXiZKNS OF NEW JEll- ! I SKY AND PENNSYLVANIA. Apothecaries, Dm. hoists. Grocers and Private | Kami 1.1 ss. I WOLFE'S Pure Cognac ilrandy. WOLFE’S Pure Maderie. Sherry and Port W iue, WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Hum. WOLFE'S Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL in bottles. I bog leave to call the attention of the ritizrns of the Tinted States,to the above Wines and Liquors, imported by U DoLrUfl WotPE, of Now York, whose name is familiar in every part of this country for the purity--of his celebrated Schiedam Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, in bis letter tome,speak ing of the purity of ids Wines and Liquors, says; *• 1 will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pure as imported, ami of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser.' 1 Every bottle lias the proprietor's name on the wax, and a far simile of his signature of the certificate.— The public are respectfully invitedTb call and examine for themselves. For Bale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocer? Tn Philadelphia. OeoRUE 11. Asuion, No. 532 Market St.. Pbila. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. ' Rend the following from the New Yoik Courier: Enormous Business rtfn one New York Merchant. —Wo are happy to-inform nnr fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as puro as imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this mer chant's extensive business, although it will well repay any stranger or citizen to visit lidolpho Wolfe's extensive w are house. Nos. Ik. 20 and 22. Rebecr street, and Nets’. 17. Hi mid 21, Marketlb Id street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready fir shipment could not Lave been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, son’ie ten thousand easei—Vin tages of lS3fi to lHsfi: and ten thousand cases of Madeira. Sherry amiport Wine. Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Jamaica and St. Croix Rum. some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Bran dy. 'Wine, Ac., in casks, under Custom-House key. ready for bottling. 31 r. Wolfe's sales of Schnapjis last year amounted tn one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two years he may be equally successful with his Brandies and. Wines. HU business merits the patronage of t*vcry bjvi»v of bU species. Private fumilioH who wish pure Wines and Liqiiurs for nifdirai nsc should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary ip the land make up-'their minds to discard the poUonons etulT fn»m their shelves,, mid re place if with Wolfe’s pure Wines mid Liquors. We understand that Mr. Wolfe, for the-accommoilatiop of small dealers in tho country, puts up assorted cases of Wineftaud Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tons of thousand* of oppo nents in tho United States, who sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness For sale by A. ROUSH. [Sept. 13, ISCO-6ni.is. Os : Pays tlic entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commercial School in the Country. Upward of twelve hundred yonng men from twenty-eight different States, have been educated for business hero within the past three years, some of whom have been employed as Book Keepers at salaries of. $2000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who know nothing of ac counts when they entered the College. £2“ Minister’s sons half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please, withont extra charge. For Catalogue of 84 pages. Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Business and Ori ainental Penmanship, and a large engra ving of the College, inclose twenty-five cents in Postage Stamps to tne Principals, JENKINS k SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Altoona, Jan. 24, ’CI-ly. . WM. SCIIQMAKEB. WJI. P. LAND. SCHOMAKER &, LANC, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AM) DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, Clieese, Iron, Nails, Glass, Brooms, Yarns, &c. No. 303 Liberty Street, For. l-3ra PITTSBURGH, PA. BOOT I & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. rpHE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCE to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity Unit they have opened a I * ' BOOT AND SHOE SHOP On JOLLA, STREET, 1 door ahore Winters* Tin Shop, Edit Aftoona,.vriiero they trill keep on liand a good assortment of Boots and .Shoes of their own manufacture. XSr Particular attentiongiven' to making Ladiei’ Shoe*, Gaiter*, oI be afthe)' kmm injj what it is. Ye see she's nigh deaifaud gone wjith the tick Headache, and wants sump more of tliut saiiije as re*- laive . lici before. . Ijnxggisl. —You must mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. liiiagcl. —Uch ! sure now and you've Bed it, he e'» the qusriher and give me the Pills and don’t be all day about it atther. Constipation of Costivenessj. No one of the “inutty ills fiesb is heir to” is so prevalent, BO little understood, and so much neglected as (Vatjveiiess. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits; it is regarged as a slight disorder of too little • con-i quence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and com panion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated it will bring the snflaw to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which.costive mss is the usual attendant are Heahache. Colic. Rheuma tism, Foul Breath. Piles and others of like nature. while a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, AhcesSes. Dyseutary. Diarrhica, Dyspepsia. Apopb kyl Epi leysy, Paralysis. Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate their presence ir the system by this alarming symptom Not unfreqneiitly the diseases named originate in Constipation, hut take on an indepen dent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations it fellows that the disorder should receive immolate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a hox of Cepha lic Pills on the first appdlirance of thc.romplaint. as their timely use will expel the iusiduous approached of disease and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. A Beal Blessing. JV:,i /sician, —Well, Sirs. Jones, how is that headache! Ur's. Janet. —Gone! Doctor, all gone! tho pill you sent cured me in just twenty minutes, 1 wish you would send mure so that 1 can have them handy. Physician. —Von can gel them at any Druggist. Call for Cephalic I’ills, 1 find they never fail, and I recommend tlieiif in all cases of Headache. Mrs. Jones. —1 shall semi for a box directly, and. shall tell all my suffering friends, for they hie a real blessing. Twentt Miluons or 'Dollars Saved.—Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of hot lies of his celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that each Imttle saves at least ten dol lars worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Having made his Glue a bouso liple word, lie now proposes to do the world still greater service hy curing all the aching heads w ith bis'Cephalic Pills, and if they are as good as his Glue, Headaches will soon vanish away like snow in July. US' Over excitement, and the mental earn and anxiety incident to'close‘attention to business or study, are aiflong lb*-numerous cases of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to tills distressing com plaint is a fatal blow to all energy and amlitiquJ Suffer ers by tbU disorder can always obtain speedy rqtiaf from these distressing sttn.ks by using one of the Ceph liic Pills whenever the symptoms appear, it quiets the overtasked brain, ami ,-ooothes tbe strained and jarring m rv< s. and re laxes tlie tension nf-tlie stomach which always ;ivcompa nics anti aggravates tho disordered condition ol tlic brain. Fact Worth Ksowisb. —Spalding's Cephalic P certain cure for Sick Headache, Bilious Headache Headache, Costivouess and General Debility. Grkat Discovery. —Among the most important great medical discoveries of Ibis ago may be consid system of vaccination for protection from Small I Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the net for tlic prevention of Fevers, either of which is a eifle. whoso benefits will bo experienced by sliil mauity long after their discoverers are forgotten. Did yon ever have the Sick Headache? 1 member tho throbbing temples, tbe fevered 1 loathing ami disgust at the sight of food. HoW I fit voti were, for pleasure, conversation or stud; the Cephalic Pills would have relieved you fro suffering .which you then experienced. For this! purpose yon should al ways have a box of then to use as occasion requires. <5jT CURE Nervous Headache Headaehe. By tlie use of these PUls the periodic attacks]of JServotu or sick Headache. may-bo prevented; mid if taken at the commencement of an attack iißmediato relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. I j They seldom foil in removing the Kamca. ami Headache to which females are so subject. j They net gently upon the bowels,—rcmoyl igjCbrh'reneM. For Literary Sim, Students, Delicate Fellatios, and all perqnhs of sedentary habits, they are valuable sesja Laxative, improving tho appetite, giving tone and ripoi so the dlgos tive organs, and restoringtlioneturslelasUcU r end strength of tho whole system. - t ' j .;V • The CEPHALIC PILLS are the remit of fotjg investiga tion and carefully conducted experiments, Ikying been In’ use many years, during which time they hlavja prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and sulfcriDg from Headache, whether originating in the nervotis system or from A deranged'state of the stomochv '' »| [s r - Sliicy are entirely vegetable" in their cojp»)|o3ltion, and may be taken sit all times with pefectaafejy without making auyehango of diret, and theabsmeetf assy dUa. gretablt taste renders it fttiy to administer daklochildren. BEWARE 05 The genuine have five signatures of Henry 0. ISpaldlng on each Box. ' “ "■ '■ goldhy Drnggiatsand all otherDmijere ipSTedioiftca. A EoxwUl besontby on iJecclpt of tho All orders sbonJdUiddressed to; i 48 (Jedsr S' Koi. 15, ’W.-jy.] ithcr class of lleadai ■he tin HOLLAND VITtERS [ sle'p . “ Can J ."says i e me n (k that TUB CELEBRATED HOLLAND RESODT 108 BTSPBPSI&, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, . HTBB COSPIiAIirT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the rarlon* affections consequent upon a diMedwed STOMACH OR LITRE, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, OoUdq r hiiA Heartburn, Los* of Appetite, Deepondency, OostmoMt Blind and Bleeding Piles. In ail Kenrona, BhenmatU, and Neuralgic has in numerous, instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided crus. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared oa strictly scientific principles, after the manner ofthe celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Its reputation at home pro duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the ikee of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of ita value. Jt it nem qffk red te the American public, knowing that ftr tmijf nwndtr/ul medicinal virtues must lit ack-mncledged. It is particularly recommended to thoee persons whess eonstltutlons may have been impaired by the continuous an of ardent spirits, or other forme of dissipation. Generally Instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly hi the Hat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fiict, infusing new health ana vigor fat the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage whl be disappointed; hut to the tick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed Of singular remsdial properties. ' READ CAREFULLY! The Osnulus highly concentrated BOBrhays’R HoUaud Bitten U put up in half-pint bottles paly, sod retailed st On Dollar per bottle, or six bottles
M. 31. ROIUtEB. ’ Pec C, 1861-fim.] Box 1911 Philadelphia P.O, Pa. IV/rRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPERI- JjX KXCED NDR3E AXI> KEMAIE PIIVSICMN, pre- Bent* to the attention of iuothen her SQO T H I N G SYR U P, FOR CHILDREN TEETHim ■which greatly facilitates the proci-ssof teething, by soften ing thogdms reducing alt inflammation will allay pain and «p«smo(j{c actlon, nun is sure to regulate, the Bowels. ' perand upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, nnd/Wtcf ami Heotth to your Infantt. Wo havß put up and sold this article for oyer ten years, and can say, in confidence and tenth of it, %hat we hare never been able to say of any other medicine never has it tailed, in a single instance, to effect a cure, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of direrMsjliftim by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of highest common* datlon'of fta magical effects and medical virtue*. W* speak In this matter “ what wo do know," after ton years’ expe rience, and pledge our reputation for thofulfilment of what wc hero declare. In almost every instance where th« i*- fant is sufferlng fromspain and exhaustion,, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after this syrup is ad ministered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of on* of the most experienced and skillful nnrses In Hew England, and has been used with uover-fiuUng succses in (wMWb of easts. .*■■■■'■• It not only relieves tlie child frnra~pain, but iu the stomach and bowels, cornets acidity, and gl ■ and energy to tlie whole system. 11 will almost h relieve Griping in the Bowels and IPind Colic, at come convnisains, which, if not speedily remedied, death! Wo believe It the- hest nnd rarest remedy ■world, la all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in f' whether. It arise*from teething or Irotn any other We would sayto every mother who has »child from any of the foregoing couiplntnta—do not let, Jndices, nor the prejudice* of others, stand betw Buffering child and the relief that will he sure—! Intely sure—to follow the use of this medicine, . used. Full directions for using will accompany tie. None genuine unless the fac-simile of Ct> PEUKIjS’S. New York, is on the outside wrapper. SdH by Druggists throughout tho world,' aadb.’ Kesslenand A. Houab, druggists, Altoona. PrK* per bottle. ■ u Principal Office, No. l&Cedur N * July 12,18w.-ly. COMBfO, K«W York. SOLI PROPRIBTOKB, MAHCrACTDRI»O 4. J I*" 'T JpffDT M.TOON : Kiutcrn TjjHf-**.*--" x TVeUra SSiE '• ?V. ■ .. ■ >i ■fc**rtrt«»rg....: W«rtrttt Jhrvngh...... VTwMrn Way S*«Uru Wj»y Onto Hovm D 7 ».>.Ou SuuvU RArti Kxpma Tru}n-Ba»t »i • “ Wyl Art “ «*» »♦ . w«»t Midi - “Kail u * Wet TW UOttIDAYSI Trtfa* Slut and Wts4 INDIANA BUAXC] AceooUnodaUuu Tral ( toe msm friends of t\ ion Ticket i mJGRS n Biding j Be Come: one, c By onh CithixjMsh' notice, & meeting mpeotiTe of pert 9& Tuesday croni i of placing in non: .tedatthe cotuinj On motion, Gc to tba chair, and retary. TJhe ohject.of t on motion, the Cl . committee of ti >«i«ik«t aad report . Chair appointed ' Daniel McCann < John Woo Ward, and 0. J N«ctb WardJ . The committee ‘ the duty naaigna •kok, Beg., who v iddreaa tho wee Union! lie reap liatened to with The committee ed and offered tli Bur get t School Dirccto .w ; l Town Councit- Jut,' Auction ■cr. Auditor, Byt. 1 yea ; . Judgt of Elect «»p«rtors —E ,: : T • ■ N. ' ; ; «•; '• W The names o " • atngly to a toto ' two exceptions. On motion, tL .authorised to m v any of those ah ’ “ main on the tic On motion, tl to having tUe ti ; Onmotion, t c continued aa n : distribution of Oh motion, a Woodkok for hi On motion, a 4 •’ ,» - :- "S. BMcCbv Woßsnra v . Iqwiog' U«t of c ing.bold At Shu ' >eeo (tAode