The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 31, 1861, Image 3

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S?; '•Vii
: If AIM tJMfSB.
, „ AJM. 1
Ai- : 7 no p-SI.
’'•■ T W’ ‘-*'
. '■*,3o- Md ;ll*M
fronj 8 - •• ■..
• ■ ! Tos^W^aKek, r.M ;
|' : ■. ’ ||l^ii:^ r iilpwtt,
. - ffa.* ’Wi *‘ 7,15 ‘ '•■ •-*,* V*M A. M
' It •« - M;, «• ,».» f-M
-' ••■B-t ‘‘- IRSlljC'. M. » 11,85 A. M.
ttt “ *. 1 ' 45 .,F- S {;
iSBURO BRANCH connects wjln.all
' jf ' • y ,V'■•'.• W
Noil TRAINS connectivity Job ns tAwn
fraiu Raat and iVest„SlaU Tnuu Rust
read TralnKaltaiulWest. -
ENOCH LEWIS, Gen'l bupt.
The ■
. Aecomi
• and Wi
K'S’;ateS'flS : ®r
of the citizens of the
- Bor6uf Altoona will he held
in on Tuesday
sli, 1861, at 7
: dclothe purpose of forming
, a '3fso he supported at the
MANir. ,
wMjfcrtvn has-latcly
been f»ct that some interested per
- son, os|p la this place, are endeavoring
‘ to creiflfqcliog between the .Rail Road
, who are not connected with
the Coroiliich lB fioaigned tp be manifest
ed not ing'Boroxigh election, but
<to he tnmBactiona. This an
tagonist fcljtfo be cpg<m<i ercd b ? th ® cir ‘
some of pur citizens
m-wm M
.... Road Clip: to he excluded. Whether
»ny mafmaected with the Kail Road ever
of the kind, we do not
know we ttfjfr Certain tlilat we
can wljo is fivvorable to the for
mation df a ticket. TJm origin of, or
assent tOj Ceckion'rOf,miolii> ticket has been
chargcd;apu| ; fr?cnd" down staiis, James
Lowthen iai‘rejj&oBi»d.its to. thns publicly
deny bis oicitpr ih'any such transaction. A
second any man
that such a oftithl!; merchants
■or business! wpold result ■“ to their -injury,
and it Is lik|y tliat any of them are too
short-sight) foresee it Wo think that the
Rail Road isy epshppldnot -be too hasty in
aaraying ttelyps against their fellow citi
zens, at }cnot|iintU^>eybave,proycdtho
correctness-ho jrepoSt which, sa we said
;before, vretteto the work of design
•big pcraoi&N , be mire injuri
ons to the we '.of our town, or the social
iutctcouraß ur pooplo, than such E state of
fooling, nnd cltjMna should unite in
fsorining dpWyitttempt W cngondex:it.
v .rr.l—A party of some six or
Sight .cbnplgyk in£ a puugi warm anil,pleas--
ant sled
for Frees’ Bdtin Inn, some place up on the'
Allegheny %ains, ®“'
joyed tUernip deUgblpi\|[*' if >e may J udge
from the tijey rendered uS, notwith
standing thojfl not > hayo ; anj“-upsel,”. ; wliich
is almost imjcnsabio to .the of
ouch an ndv<mc JVUen yyerc young, it
was onr mingle in stt.oh.parties, aud
.. we feel UkCjpt'mg. “ one iof, them” yet, al
" though a humous rule of society .makes a
bridge of om*ts very often. Wliy dpn’t onr
youngifolks sledding parties
every evenin'- |he’ mbw ' ns ? The
next party order to
beat the on
. S.ujK or
iaanji of a
In October
Jlailrpftd wi
phit The
length, inc)
.thereof, obi
menqes at -
-'Vtcmcta the
/70m time'
„ imltWUl. '
Amrg lo Be.
*/ 4nola(Joti th<
S-,'*9f nay, .and
stood. The
«f $21,900,
. > ' '■!
time post; we 4
•he depot ;in
t they trere
were gfis ro- 1
jadoa street
railway company} and .flint they were being
filled with gas froti the bolder of the Bati
’BovJ Qompauy.-axal ijo tolie shipped to London,
where the gas will !;? BitpejtlrmlW*yL
cars. : Each of. tlio recorders holds about 505.,
'feel, oifgaa. ■ , - '] f ; '<
Gas rorii
• C4Q««t»S ly
■ in tended fo
-ethers and
Fm|i.>4;We learn in tloi-*j
last evening, cqn- 1
eutncd Lindsey's Blood Si^^r 'Popot
the Penn’a
The Blood Jlarciier liepot ttjvb-
lt. M. Lemon, ISq. TliO fire origi
nated the boiler
Jncdiflioe. We have not le|paed the hmonnt of
•loss, nnt'lnndcrstand that Psr. L. succeeded in.
•getting out his shfc and althia books and pa
pers. ■% . w}:'-'- ' " ' ■" ■ : ■. ■
;V 1 Icara that Copimaadoty,
P 10, Knights Sethi's ‘trill
" Visit Harrisburg on tho oak
in the
fing on iho C®?!, pj||aea
» 1
is. ' *
.. . »
Sekate \ Jan. 25,1861.
- Vice, President beij>g absent Sir. Geromiil
(Va.) was colled to the chair. 1 .
The Committee on Commerce offetcS a report
on the survey of the Pacific ftv it. question
On motion of Mr. Caldwell, ( N -
That the clerk be instructed to call the roll bj
States at the opening* of each session, and mem
bers not answering to their names be marked
ab Qn motion of Mr. McMinn.
| That the members of the Cabinet be admitted to
scats on the floor of the Senate. ,
Mr. Caldwell (N. C.) offered the Cnttendon
Resolutions, which was ahlj discussed by Messrs.
Caldwell', (S. C.) Woolly (O.) Goof (Bel )
Belo, (Wis.) Me Minn; (Mm.) Sembowcr, (Pa.)
and Rose. (Va.). The subject was postponed
until next setting of Senate
On motion adjourned.
Tobacco for Disease of the Throat.— The
BostouJf«h'cui anil Surgical- Journal makes the .
following observations Jin a review of Sir Benja-'
inin Brudie’s letter in the London Ti'qtcs on the
“ Use and £buse of Tobacco:” “ There is a local .
effect of tobacco, when smoked, which we have
not seen mentioned, and which, in a therapeuti
cal aspect, may be of considerable importance;
wo refer .to ' its action in preventing that pecu
liar condition of the throat which, if neglected,
is liable to terminate in follicular inflammation, ;
or what is properly known as clergyman s sore
throat. It bos been said that few, if ouy, in-*
stances of this affection can bo found to exist in
those in the habit of smoking, and wo know of
one or two instances where it yielded at once to
- the poteht influence of tobacco. probably
acts by allaying commencing irritation, which,
if allowed to increase, would end in inflamma
tion ; and, perhaps, any spas
modic condition of the surrounding muscles—a
very natural source of trouble in 'this distress-
ing disease. ”
Something Siiw and Vaixaiilk.— The Iron
City Commercial has just issued a
splendid'Catalogue of about one hundred pages,
containing the names'of the officers and students
of the college, together yrith an amount of in
formation which renders it a document of great
importance to those interested in the cause of
public education, or seeking information rela
tive to our best and popular institutions of
this the college is shown to be in a highly
nrosperous condition, and fully entitled to the
credit it lias long enjoyed, of being the beat in
stitution of learning for the business man in
the country. Copies of the' catalogue, with
specimens of Prof. Cowley’s inimitable Pen
manship, will be mailed, post-paid to any ad
dress, by inclosing five letter stamps to
JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Send for It nt once, and without delay, j _
i)CFF‘S CCLLKQE, PITXSBVUGU.—The follow- j s^'
ing letter speaks fyr itself; |T)> Ip
.‘‘ Impaired health haying compelled me to 1 , *j • Jt •
I' resign my Professorship in Penmanship in this
r College, ,i was succeeded by associate teach-.
I ernnd former pupil, Mr. Win’. H. Puff. who al- -nr no i en s oc t 3
I ways exhibited a high talent, for this art., liis, . _ T , I c , . .
twelve or thirteen pieces on exhibition at our Merino butler onitts*
late Pair have rarely, if ever, been equalled J)q ' “ Drawers,
with the pen in this city. I am sustained in ffcavy doublb-SOlß.Boots,
this .opinion by the judges of our own and the i R Calf Boots, I
United States Pair, at Cincinnati, who awarded f ,«vo.r-Shoes
him Nine Firs* Premiums in all branches of the \ ~,
art. His specimens .apa remarkable 3 Tams
perforroaDcejj for Children's GalLSkiiifShoes,
.they werc,;in a short time, amid -the- interrup- Women's do - do
tioffs ofdjffsiness. ’ JNO. S. DUNCAN. : fi.?n«rl»*un .ITmhrcllasJ
L-iie Prof, of Penmanship in DuffVGollagc, ; '
Pi*t«burirh Pa bOttOU ,
Pittsburgh, la. - [ Children’s Fine Woolen Hoods,
Steel Carver and Foik,
A Curt load of Stationary,
Large Dinner Waiters,
1 Dqz. Britania Tea Spoons,
1 Hatchet, and Hammer,
4 :
rAU kinds of.,
JScpd'Us Death.—We regVct to announce the j ;
sudden death of Mr. Michael Cook, one of .the j
beat engmeera-on the' Pennsylvania Railroad. — |
He was about yesterday, apparently in the ea» j
joy meat of his usual good health. After reti- i
ring to bed last wiglit he had tin attack of heart
disease, or ruah.of
about one o clock. The deceased ftas an indus
trious man, highly esteemed by, tLo Railroad
Company, and'-fils ; follpw employees, .and respoc
' i ted by all tfho knew him. He loaves a family !
to mourn his loss, who-have the sincere sy nvpa- :
.y, ih-pur- i' thies of the ehtiro. community In the a i
uno Court 1 fiictkm which-'hSi thus suddenly’ fallow upon ■
ick Haveii ( T4ejrttph\ 29iA-iwL '* 1
II Philadel* j Moxrrtoxs of Wa» boisia EAST.-i-Within n
fuw days past, several heavy artillery pieces
have been sent to inuladolphia frpni tbo United
.States Arsenal, at itawCnccviilej: near Pitts-
Jjiirgh. They intended, for Abe protection of
FortAclaware, npar -thp the mouth of the Dela-
river. A targe afnonnt oUmatei ialsof wnr, :
■ thjij&i|:; reached
..tion. :'' ' "''*r vUj ■.. 'V*'i ■
miles in
lateral road
.fltid ‘
at iav,:
‘.ee county,
■y iand Eric,
from Mile®-'
-The sale
tolls, right's 1
;r the said
for the sum
\ hfciag the
bur| V&iriot and Union that the Mail pouch from
Tyffeho was stoltn from the bar
was Bub "
wit Open, Thh letters:^;-AH
and"aifeiiad,'bat.itiB hat tKsy
anything '&*s*%• ',
SWabittg aovid noV be better J*an J*|_ _
V&ltffbSfcp present tgic. T^boo^
Iwtweea biah,cs43gp WtU<?
make a* siaightide ■ ngjre<»blfeS^pp^n|gp
!oniterS and animats arjT into
iviepfo}: bedding
'mao' of this: pksds« i^?',,%^l, jy evening,*
kiP#bsiaTy 2nd^ : sho Mcvibertn^ai}X ,
ttfo to be preßcnlV *£ .•
'- r, '<tf.?-: -': B.'F CUSTiJR, i?«. &c’y. -
£ooal U, S, Senate.
Clerk 'U. S. Senate.
■ Gulp) little sou (>f Mr. Ocorgo
Rifcy, of Gayspoi&'about 3jrw».
shockingly burned, on lost, ISy Ws
f««a thp; stow/torlug; the
Wgm? 0?us? ] \tQ T t;c ii-~BOOKs i
• ~.-' ’ • ; ' r 'v"-Vi.-'^ica > Ksoin“'A , y><)ci. , ttiO!i^|i^v^ tiCCii
- atihwQrO's apd P. 1 1 , fl. at buolU-i l&i iflUSrfte i
cr columnj^^#V4lft«^ a a . n<l if»sS^S*-j SS^^Bl3SwaßifaMS?3iSl»*tjj^
- -1 ■:■ : ■’
I oßermysetftotho clttelms of £ltboo* M» CMdWate
for the office 0 f BOKOOTH CX)S&TABI,B, pMgii*
uelf, if elected, to discharge (lio dtlHns of tbo office with
out fear, ttvor or affection, and off|teßmy former conduct
' ; ■ " '' J
to Iht Citiztntof Altoona: . . ,
1 offer myself as a candidate for
CONSTABLE. If clcctbd, I ’irilf.djWiarge foy duty to ilio
beat of my ability. ‘ « r
Jan/wat. : JOHN M. CLARK.
—I offer myself as a candidate for BOROOOIf COV
P.LE, pledging myself, if elected to discharge the du
ties of the office-to the best of my UARMAN .
On Tnepday, thO 22d lust,, at the lu °! ‘ b °. Ijq
fatlieV by the Rev. Jos. Flchtner, Mr. DA\ ID M. LtlOH
XV toiuas CATHARINE all of J nutate tp.
In T)mie:insviUu, oh Wednesday, Jan. 23d. after an 111-
ness of foiir days, SARAU, wife of Jacob Cliugcrmau, m
the 07 th year of her age.
List of letters remaining
iu thu Post Office at Altoona, January Ist, ISOI.
Ainsworth, J U Lu<i»‘ioV, Harlip S
Ale, Elizabeth Leonard,J
Attimoro, P a A
Boustoc, Kate - Magmllau, Juzzio
Bair, Abraham MaGeehon, La' id
Bunn us, Wm ; Mo^ughlm.P
IJurkii. James Mc{totan, Hugh
Bower, 11 MaHuslwJ S
Buyers, A € McLabe, t« >
Beak. John MdLaue, A B
Buck, William M( *“ l T?' ou ; *™ loi
Burkhart, llunglo McClelland, Miss
Burrs. Mary Ann MoKeiison, ,
Beiin. Conrad >lc< -auley.
Beam, Thos M Moore, Band A
15ui U» or Bams, Flomia©
Uiutlioltz, laaac : Ma2£o*V David
Bart. Wm Mathews, Margaret
Blakincv, J M W Mdwry, Geo K
1 Carapbol 1. Jacob S Morris, Job u
; Crufcv, John MfVaio, 1)K
■ Conwav. M Jr Morgan Isaac
Campbell. U Miles, MoUW
1 rluas I* Otterson, fcafah A
1 Clarit, F Owens, Saimtel M
( Dusk & Uumos (jimnrf
t xnven, John Margaret
i Davis, George Jtpdgers, Ednaid
I Decker, Ann P Rinij Mary A^
DeKnsh, Peter h
i Decker, Henry li,itehei . BUuuid
I’nrrill Am) lliiuluf, Jului
i Fitzpatrick, Bernard Bjpwlmids, Jennie
J Pawl, A mile Kpdgcrs Robert
I Fox A Soudcu Itpeves, Samuel
i Fulton, S A Suydur Mm
i 0 urgent, Henry 8w th, John
Grimes, Julia M Smith. A B
Graham, Eliza |ip;,th, Thonms
| Harbour. H Bhinefelt.Mary D
' Heuderson. Mary Strunk. 'VP ~
; Harkins Wm ■ Wowart, Y.f- . ■ ,•
I ■ jr u n, j Stewart, Alfred 0 ■'
1 Herrick. Edward Sampson. Luther By
v Heini, George S»Ub, John C
Uillian, II Sfchooly, U
Hading, Ed Shearer, Ben
. UmWotj ' Snyder Thomas fl
Heaury. Bridget Sehmijlt, Peter
Hogewell. Uriah s,'lmmas, John F
I Ickes, George L
I Joseph, Sleekens Francis 2 Voight, Louis II
; Johnson, Samuel .Wan, Alexander
I Johnson, IT H Williams, Martha
! Johnson, T SS\ dr ??L llurujr
i Jenkins, Isaac 2 u ills, D C
; James. J J- Warreu.G B
Ktipai, Caroline M alsh. Patrick F
< Kearn, Samuel Wniloma, Nelson
j Klutz, Soah . Walton, Keed
Persons calling for letters In this office, « ill please say
,] a Advertised.” JOHN SIIGEMAKEK, P. M.
' \ ’ >tj&xisx4>'.o- goods, -
An 4?9 i fe<sttCYerytbin^' Iftw|p 1 ftw|p a JoweUarp to a
I'Aljlj GOODS,/!
which wo tliirilc have hocn bought .ihoHivl)! vntiii
bl- in to comia ro.-w. lth
country. We haye boiv uu hanil^' u/laVjjiJr stock of iii»» i
Coeds than has heretofore been Irronght'tp this pliioo aiid
we hope the ladies will U! our efforts to’pl64Bo tJtßlr
I tastes by calling arid looking 'at, our Stock, 1 wmcl|"we 'toto
I pleiisrjeo in showing. Wo nuvo niafiy novditiedfiu Dress
i Goods, among some of which are the follo'wing. I
j Wool Delaines, Mohair .Mixtures, OriintalUjUstres,
Palestors, Brocade Mohairs; Sil/c Brilliants,
j Silk Poplins, Broca Jc Poplins, Chcne
washing! machine. ■ Ca.AnifrM,* lUoibcd F.
m H E HAVtNG j I
■f _ purchased the right! for Blair cdiiiity,ot | Together with a bill stock) of all kinds of Donlestic t
Tollmrsfc’s Washing Machine,
| Tweeds, ic. liLlhi, Misso* and Children's Shaw is, Clt
nre imw raknfftctrtnk them at Altoona; and intend to ' and Cloth Dusters, Hosiery,Gloves, Wooten Gooibk'Cari
BMitOly them to these psrssona throughout the conntywfe . Oil Cloths, Bed[Comforts, Blankets, 4c, :k-.
2« * flXltOB-SAVJKtf MACHINE. V * , ANOTHER FNEW CERTIFICATE— Hit. KETsF-R n \ Wo ask particular attentionto onr present stofk of
This rahcWtA is *?iti4p ; o tf entirely new principle, , j. KCtO HAL"S\<»TO.^-IlutVo?Wfcn i BOOTS AND SHOES,
e (l ,,«idcred bvthose who Imre seen it m use, the , ,j f or pevsi'al- weeks— so bad was it that! could not , wJ. r-J x V^tn!,
that has ever litnThought before_ thp public,: i rtwp . I hatl-ffo advice- and prescriptions from ‘^ c b °[ whir* we fad sure are cheaper- than they can Jfc hoi
Among the . riiaojr iulvfti.tages of Hhs machine over all | t, lO best iShysictaua in the city, whom Ixmlld nn™->nt , elsewhere. W « htve also oar gjfcply of J ■
others may bementioned; thbfolld'rittpf IdQ uoido sm Jfluidly of - yom-1 * 1 fJ-- 0 QVifiPnSWare Hardware.
Ist. lW algo* «•»*; Syrttp, avhich cured me eftirclj, c I — ote -sCS, -
Water and i 2 ?0 Liberty st, Pittsburg, Pa.,'jan. »tb, 18(30; j W£ . StoptJwJrtl
t^^talic * :. k. ',i --ilk | v*re™nrfriends tOdr°o“ iSwv k '
br'riantTfy pfclOthet Urei "V : F- -- ; . ■ "•
, v it equaJJf-Jwell,<ho finest and ‘lightest Jabric - .■ ■• ■. - I °ct. .lopp-.
or tk coa'sestjuiii'&av< 5 5i gncli as"bcdxu.ltsj 'cotnforts. ' “STOP THAT CQIjGtUSG. -w“IIow can I do it. ■__
blankets,'Ac. • * street and got a bottle of his
■f ' . ■ MeStl-N-VA DBRJf, (iu«U Pector.ill, add if that don’t on ro yon, your case must
'■<■■■ ; j CbtiSfy/m pddwvperatc ludccd.’' .Thisis a specJmen-of thecolloojny
v one li As aliujiafc every day In cold catching s&esons oftho
war, - As we ran, Ironf actual experiment. cheor?t*ly *'?**!
tor in Uio.adviser’a adhionitfpn as »r Ve have tried
in a most stubborn witid cimreapp;
cess. Near
of tho:most distressing Coutriit7, miou
coUglia wB have ever experienced i
; 'thllmhadahff aph ? re.^■ .
li* Jbt oho vi'Bfato wedk, in hopes of tlrhilg It or.,
ito xoe '!«' fisftt Tt‘ seemed rather to
S&’SS ? SS.A”?»3
' Street, ojiposite •
Great sale ai“ ji'dock every night. r'
S*' -M
- ccrtrfy .Um* ■yre'aro now
,t6togateWnriim Maclilno wnJ are M*
l If lira vpry excellent article of the MM.;
-towhUitatW great speedwltli little lnl»r, iind ner-
ntMitctory manner, w«
thircforfi chcarfully fecoiaijioud it to «H dcsire-a real:
macWne. ;; ; ,
It. A. 0. KKKR.
a" '
against pnrchnifluK or In' Wy*«y
nwl \
u order, payable at _i
■JntllotweofAfni.'ai; IfloyilJfc C 0.,” cnoTi .feted thP,.fr <jf |
i -.ter pay* l ®* j
1 nlrio^ayrTtftttf’ifa.jte % ofe for ■:: $270,0&, paysiljli) yjxty day* ;
1 aftetWte|atftl oh6mis4li)P.<», payable jnucty «Ux»£?WL
t tlicse iiytea by n» *r : ‘> nl .'’ n f *
'i monelbn ft
I All persons aro notljtUtl that w« shortwt pay *I' CI J uolo ? a .
i reattired bv-ltiw; J * KJt'ltAfvD MCLAIN* _
I -■■ josepu
■ -.r ,
X** v v‘EV-'
' >:
- \
r J
>’aVj 3 ' § g
S '.B M ■ -w
'«■ s '1 % ■■■ - : to
* S - i •§ ■ »
S 3 § ■ i S’
CD 59 Q
w S
S “ I 03 ‘ ■
« s --i « N
5 a .§ '
w . t . -g ■ - :cj
£ * « M
C 3 S v
a ■ f a.
o I i» ~
I INVITE ATTENTION to some cf the most extraordi
nary cures by my
Thev are at home and, any one who has.dqnbta Can in
oiflre of the persons who have been cured 'Sbytt.
ATTEND TO VOUP. COLDS.—A case of five years stand
ing cured bv
PrrxsacßO, Jan. Hth, 1860,
Dr Kftskh' Mv wife has been afflicted with a bod
cough and fflfflculty of breathing for five or Six yw«,
which '“"several years hack had gradually
violence, Ihe complftSut has b«cnhcmhUry,andaluj IbM*
been treated by eevLll physicians
this state of her case I procured some oty>m
('ouch Svruu. I bought the first time a fifty cent pottle,
width Sed her vtry much; I.tlmu
dollar bottle.Vblch Ojtred her entirely, .
no trace of the former diteaspj *&&£}: weakness. I would
ako State l!.at X used the ‘nediciue aceW and
cough. The medic!no cured me by taking «»
press my entire satisfaction with tlin and ybu
: at liberty to publish this Ify*
Alderman) Pifth Ward.
PETTfiBUlu*. Nov. IStli, 1S58«
T>n K rv^rn; —Although not an advocate of Patent Medi
cine, In It aftjnfc’jpo plwaaro recommend
vour iVvtumi Svrp->.‘ Aaa medicine it is well worthy th#
attention of liny j-erwjm who' may lujany manner boa Dec-.
ted with coughs, cold*! and hoarjeucaihof
tUc peculiar qualillculiuns for removiug'all Aha* oi*a&reta
bio sensation attending a cold- - . ... th „
1 have been more or lees, in my life affected with th.o
Everest colds of hoaiJtkuesa. At times my throat would
l.econio so closed as.til prevent mV speaking allot » «
per, and by taking (tjfew doses .of tbu-above Syrup it vf£uU-
In recommending this medicine, X njlist fmhcsitatinglv
ssv that it is thb best medicine lever'foimd, purporting■ t)
cuvo the above; nor shogjfrarty family bo without this
remedyfor diseases so prevalent.
Vouns, most respectfully.
pushier, CitUeii*’ fteposit Uank.
- SITECDESViLLt, 0.. March llthi 1859.
I have used Dr. Keyset's Cough Syrup for a bad cough
of several year* standing, and can cheerfully say it is the
best medicine for the same that I liavd ever WwjJ^g
UP.-Db. Krystr.—Dear Sir : Excuse the delay of my ac- 111
know-lodging.tlig'exisenciiC# °f 7°SK' VttfvMf PytVP a^^ e , r ‘ I **“•* ° -*2l . ‘ T * w _. . i
-1 t.-dte great pleasure in saying Jtli*t it is all you say it is. ■ q OOTH N G SYRUP'.
Bfflfcud-iHh; I l.avenotusedl FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. ; j
more than on? half of the bottle, and can and do vriah tha| . f.c.iiitatcs the process of teething, by Bojttin- I
cine.” I would not, suffer another aucli an attack lor any f PKni f u u on ;t mothers, it will give rest to yourselves,
or At; Any cost. 1 UTR COUfidvQt I C.m UrcßtllC ! L- ~ « J » M Infants "" ’
more freely than I over did- I shall always^ aok nmvledgo “’ ut up and sold this article for over tou years,
a debt of gratitude for inventing so. cxcelleut a remodi ■ ; ca n gav in confidence and ti-ntli of St, what w e have
You are at liberty to use my name m this .regard. jou •»“ = to say of any otlier medicine—never lias it
think proper. ! n-..„v .'.V it i>„ i tailed in a single instance, to effect a euro, when tiiucly
Messenger, Common Council, Pittsburgh, I. , ’ Kever did wo know an iustancemf diBBatisfact||n by
VtnsDLim, May 11th, ISod. ,„ n „ nv ono w lm used it. On the coutrarV, all are delighted
N. B.—l am no stranger to my fellow citizens, and all , A o.ierillo'us, and-speak in tenatfofWgUcst cofinuen
who entertain doubts can consult me personally. | , ]iaiull of \ t a U mglci>l effeefs andipedlciil virtues. YVetfpdak
‘ * Ii„ this matter “ what wo do knbW,” afterton yoars’bspo, and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what
we hero declare. In almost every instance where the in
fant is.suffcring from pain and exhaustion, relief will ho
found in fifteen op twenty minutes after the syrup Is ad
ministered. . 1 ■ _»
Tills valuable preparation is the prescription ofdno of
the most experienced and skillful nurses in New Kugland,
-and has been used wi%;fiever-fiufi»g success In #<«(«”»“*•
f lt*not otily relieves the child from pain, hut, invigorates,
UiestomacKaud howels, cora-cts »cW!iy, ; mvl toad
ahd ehergji;to tim wbols systeph, r ; Jtwßl;f*U6«s,t: TcSatitl*
relieve Griping idilu Soieili overt
cnnlc-conVuJsoins, which, if not- speedy. remediefl, -, eniX in
, death.
• »■ world, in all casesof. Dysentery and Diarrhoea in children.
PmsiiUßC, Dccefaber 01st, ISoD; j it- arises horn teething or Irohl any other cause.—
A .GREAT CliKB -BY; DR. KEYSKIf’S PECTORAL ; W e wouW .«av to over,v,mother win* RuA a child suffering
SVRCP — 1 live in Peebles township, Allegheny county.— fl . (im ftuv n j ft.,. foregoing complaints—do nutletyi^irpre
liuul a coughing and'spitting, which commenced about . j n dj C ....* U or Um prejudices of others, stand hotwben your
the 4th of February last, and continued 0151111111001118, X I siilleiing cliildsnd the relief that will be sure —ywj, abso
etnploycd the bbdt physicians in the country, add my ' j ut oly sure—to follow the use of this jiicdiclne, ifrttinely
cough continued unabated until early InOctolgt. At that ! wed> y u u directions for using will accompany eadh hot
(inio 1 was advised tu try. your PECTOUAJj ShIUP, vhich I \ouo gf.'iiutiic unions the ot *CLI|TIS &
} dfd. and after I had ti*en one bottle I was epUrely free \ peUKJS?, New Y'ork, is on the outside wrapper. ■; .
from the coughing I had- dlSpaircd of evwr j g, )Jd DrugKisls iln onghmit the world, and b.v|G> 'dV.
getting wcllj uud I think it Lc.kiiowu tluit thla Kcsslp? uud A.-IloiuijUj ilfuggisW-y •& ccuw
valuable remedy NrUrCo for otlierß what it has done in I ~,.r ,J
vnj*’Cft»*e, JOTiN C. LTTHsisj Pceblod to'Anujiiip;. 1 OCficOj No. 15 Co<i«u* streetj v
Witness —R. Jl. ;n Kekk. f 1 July.)-- lM'd.-Iy. ■ iff.-/
§ cts.
12 i
-v ,-;50 ■
62 i
, 56
37 i
READ THE TRUTH—Do. Keyser ; I hare a daughter
who tin* taken sevcraTineUrctiie* fbra bad bough, who has
taken several medicines for a had cough, without benefit —
among them Ayer* Cherry Be£Ug»£ from
vou a bottle of TOiip. oW before eho
.Jjna. tm& halfo Mtli}
tic cured her ohtmdy of her.f-ijugh.? ■ '
\ «
Patios township, April I-lib, 1357.
A WONDEBKini Some time ago, on oM heigh- I
bur of mine wM ywy'-Ui vrWt A bfcpcbtigji wWp*> ’every hue i
supposed to be codsumiditin.' Uis relatives told mo lie Had •.
taken every’piowly* they heard, of-'titliout hcnellt; lus ;
brother came tn«ee liiih dio K and'all tverc conllrmed in fho t
belief. that ho could 'not live. ,X had nliout the third of a !
b.dtie of your Pectoral Syrup, whlfiPl gave him, and it !
entirely cured him. to the astonishment of all. VThat :
makes the case more remarkable, is tho extreme age of
the mail, he htdiVi Jitamt',eighty years old. I liarono doubt .
the Pectoral saved his life. '3OUS M'Olb’XlS,
.VIJ.UC.—Phase semi mo another supply' »f your raluablu
“ I’i i toral Syrup;.”' Almost everybody around Ha baa tho
coidand are"intjtiiriug for 1 “Dr, KbysoV’s 1 Pectoral Syrup.”
Wo him sold ’eljctbm .bottles \lnst week, and are now cn
tiroly out. Mt’. ‘Alter and Mr. P. 'Maher, both of Bhilrs
yUlp'. Pa., ti ll ire they would not bo without It In their
lanuUoJ. In fact, all who uso it once want It again.
January 30th,; IS6O.
/ '>... ■ » -
v-. • .■
Kobiaon sltiuetj Allegheny
kj£' .;
*• ••-w. • " <*\ Hb» :* -/' -•' 1 - " " *
‘.V ’• i v - ■ •
• -M-” 1 ■,!
I'reparedmd soldby..
; ’ • % i
4^rm s »M
SET .AN'l) PENNSY LYANIA, > ■;. *j,
ArOTUXCAWXS, Deicuists, QaoCXRS •’. , L
Families. . '
WOLFS’* Pare Cognac Brandy.
AVOLFK’S Furr Maderic, Sherry anil Port Wane,,'-. ~ rp
WOLFE’S Pnro Jamaica and SK prolx'KwmA. 1
WOLFE’S I’uro Scotch and Irish Whldky.' ;
I bog leave to Call the attention ot tho citief u», of tltfc
United Stale# to the above Wines andjuiquqw, imiiorted hj
Dnotrao WotfK, of New York. whow.natue is fanuHar ti
every port of this country for tho ponty of his celebrate*
SeaiBBAM Mr. Wolfe, in his letter tome.'speajs
inc 01 tho parity Of hie Wines and Liquori, says: * I wip
stake my reputation as a man, tny standing as amcxchapt
of thirty years’ roaidecco iu the city of Now \ork ? that All
the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pure ns imported,
and of the best quality, and can ho relied upon by cvcrti
purchaser.” Every bottle lias the proprietors name on.tUo
wax, and a facsimile of his signature ofthe eertlficate,rj-
The mjbUc are respectfully invited to call and exauuae fiir.
themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries atid
Grocers in Philadelphia, , t
OEOftGe U. ASUIOS, No. 832 Market St ~ Ph)la. .
Sole Agent for Philadelphia-!
Rend thftfoliowing from the New Yoik Courier; >l|
EVOKMOCS ItCUSKSS von ONK Skw \ ouk Mkuciiaxt. We
are luvnpy to inform our feUow-Citlwms that there is qk
qilacc in our city when, the physician, a t K.thecary, and
country merchant, can go and pure Wines ufcd
Liquors, ns pure as imported, and of tho best quality. We
do uot-intend to give nu elaborate description of this m|r-.
chant’s extem-ive business, allhongU it
“stager, or cili/.en to visit Udolpbo Wolfe’s
housT-N«s..lS. 20-and 23, Beaver streeL and Nos.
and 21. Markoifleld street. His Stock of Schnapps oil Itahdi
ready for shipment could not have ht%!D, less than thit-y
thousand cases; the Brandy, sumo ten thousand cihcs—\|U
t;,ires of IS3O to 1Sod; and ten thousand ciu-tit ut Mudeihl,
sherry and Port Wine, Scotch-amiTruih M bmkey, Jauniicn
and St. Croix Bum. some verv old and equal t.o- any imthis
country. He also bad tlirco largo cellar« f ;ftUut with Bran
dy Wine. &c.. in casks, tinder Custom-Uous ckoy,read,vfpr
1 bottling. Mr. Woifu’s sales of Schnapps last year amounted
i to one Hundred and eighty ti r «’sa,,d dp«n.and welumdm
’ less than two years ho may bo equally successful w ith his
j Brandies and Wtnijs. ...
His business merits thp patronage of every lover of jhtjt
sptch-s i'rivalo families who wish pure M mesand Liqnbrs
for medic,ii usoshould scud tl.eir Orders direct to Mr. W idle,
until every Apothecary in the land make up their impils
■t» discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, audji’o
idaec it with Wolfe’s pure 'Vines and Liquors. _
We undertdand that Mr. WoUe. : fcf the accommodation
of small dealers iu [by country,: jiuw.up assorted eases of
Wines and Liquors. Such ft man, and such a merchant,
should be susUinvd against his tens of thousands of omio
nents in the United States, who sell nothing hut imitations,
ruinous alike tohumau health and Impawn*. 1
For sale by A.’HOL’Sfl. [Sept. 13,18G0-6m.iji.
V:- V--’
b*h '\ l
great excite^
, 6 ‘MOiifeii'-s^oREH
We: aiul happy to mmmi friends tliat\we ato again qii Jftiuti Juitli an.
uuusualiyilargastock of . ' '
YY ' importers nhd Wholesale Dealers itt
bes icavo to lli© "
sgfclto tlioif I'or.nvliiM w?dHl»sr*’
sorted t»suit dUEtomnwi •
linriies who require to ptuclmselu large or «nj»il <!'
ties, in casks or bottles,, will 1« liberally flcalTi|itli.
' Ust sent ini application. v
mo MQRkirmsE BirtM
Kccommended by the first tho |ci
known,for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, BchUjty, »j
TOUB-Dfioasci A 8 » bevcrrfgii, it'># WF®’
dcneioos ter tho tnsje; Sold by y. >*
•••'** 'WWfc
; ‘ ; . . SQfiS
mug SUBSCRIBEEp, doftljog in a utaplo ;arUc?<
■'*>■ | » (*jf y>
agents tor-iliidrVotti»rf-A.i'™iereti<to%viUl)o i jjvpkU
wWoM“well SofittatttteU'ih the «UstfteVfor-.w lich’tli
ply.-' .For; arlitoh «acrhk they are- wllUng w. pay
•Offrom ' i .•■-•/, .
, 6oo.a?0, oOp.#iG)^^R
Eer. YcarV lWftWthor^4rtkv
t ;j*-COi
•'• -~-3-A o- lispUft! rgePlar
.»:‘-5 .
■9 *J“ \
'- " I 1-Lv ••* • . ? '
H;- :c~ AJ)-rICI{ JtnsE- ' .*■ ■ V
IfcW-York'Bcm&oteat Infirmary,
And derbtal
loßKth and breadth of oOi> Uhd. bi .
fttßtefrh-r «• ■*** ■
S|S{fnTif-r---v but inaM-patt# "^w „ - _j- '■
WSEffivn.otA|Jiin ,l pulmonary Complains, iuver*, 8««fr
S£n«lwp»X EyV) and Kai r Disease, C*ue«ai and olhM 1
scriptipnatbut wDI tiircWt^beA 1 re<iuo*Mtn# reryjijJA..
medicfneaatthe low-jsrr«tjaj. ,
Those 1-emodfefc are prepared jn odr
dbr the cate of able Chemist#; and ,
■ *
tor euro, Any feusbeut nswboU scndfcp hr ndri« irtltb*
devoted to ftmashfog mcdicino Ibr tbe J*»* -.-?$ ffl ■'ggg. -
medicine caitbb deat by mail or «pr^
tor one or mote Of our works and Judge (Or yooWjdrea.
Also published at tbo lut» rmury, to aid fhw# ,
Ci-ntaiuluK ximulo remedits easily obtained fof the enje of
»U«.ses in all Ui'AforuMK with full cxplaonUoM oTthp
caueel), symptoms, diet, bathing and oxetet##. VricaWW*.- ■
.'A work,oil tbo causp, symptoms and' f -
complaints peculiar to tl‘«.«x, on rinse, %W<&£
abortion uml its ruin} W, oU Children, their tlls, .att*pa tit# -
iir&vditiou uf couct?DtU>D, with
them oil subjects b» a private nature. e
The Gentlemen’s ItlQdical Companioßr w
A book for the old and young, embracing the Putholrgur.
Prevention r*ud Cure of all Diseases L'f the Urinary _
ual Organs.' and a warning voice of advice
as to he found iu no other work. Price **«.
weirffit* osk- ' *•£.. _..
>Jt exposes all Urn mAihngs. and tUo various Trlrtt to .
„Xo the sltk amjrtfail. It Illustrates thorns of tbh
Quacfttmml RdgiTefi to diipa every one. It «»>«•* W» UH
ytfb-v tin .mgh life, and shows up every swindle of too iigo.
Itshoivs liu'w all hinds of Food, Medlelua*, tkwgw Sud
(iooda are - adulterated, with; the iuttmt of ««*«&»« Ut* •
frauds. Price 25 ceuU. • «
pIASTATIto and shop. - , v k
For ev'orv family, IwVUujfovvr 1000 receipts on Qookmgtt';
Prescrvlug, *o. Uov to
w the best to raise. UuTVto euro auhnaU* tHvic? twi
kfeopei'it. farmers ou 1000 subjects of . j
cat. Dried 25 ccuti&slif«wtli W»y one.- ' •• ; . : '
For those who wish to set well IVgm that awfW 4lM9Kiv.\'
a full description (if all the mn.«Ue* .used tdl* ttpw»U* ,
careful sMtauiont of lUt; results, uud ufßet'
tiou. Price 10 caut*. ‘ . ' , 1
• -atioujiflhcm is uot to bo fUVfwMM
The information, , i
published; nor obihinal.le from any BtKW; aourefc. : 56m, I
{woks' pro Coo white paper,- andbtuutUUHyt v •
bound. ’ £-• /' •
Any of iho aboVu work* will l>c mailed frtf? f .SSJJSJ®* ■■ ?iV
price. liTstamps, or Wiiuey; or the whole !]1« ’
bound volume for as* twain. -No toll? ‘yWMW? I ! ,: .
out thorn. tfUej «ro UlMttatwl . ;r-’ ■, 1-
and coutaiu the.
Auests Wasxeu for the above works.wlfocadiua*eslso , s,,
a mouth; ! Send fur a cltcphH||or agent*.-; ■ '
To "the young ot both sexes suffering from secrotjiublft , .
prostration of mind; loss of -nervous ihiblllfj; h*f.
Offight; wakefulness; love t erttptiqnß «n tte
Scc,ie’Ac. : &«d
incurable damage to •
To Females who want safe, pleatant
for Irregularities* 4c.,
VTe are convinced that tliejto aro man* Rltfewal •»'»• -
loiis, consumptive middUeawd b \
mero'is offspring Only bllUiW ’ .. -.v.
such wo would say write, atmlwo .. .
a siito, well-tested, and fleyqCTftUug .. -.. v „ j
TPe trill tualltree* to m : 'V
It is a largo and beautiful paper, and contains ,thf» Jflw
valuable information on Spermatorluua, 6r Seminal Wea*-
ucss. Tlia cause, effects and cure, shewing tlio awful UP,
fects of the disease, r ~i,
On an other diseases of the Sexual Organs, a full expla- -
'and cure.' ’’ .
On Consumption, that fearful » ’
On the bivec, U«mt,.StomueU t^in s
;•off ‘
Mwuclue®. y :*■
, Oiithc of now ptactlsedil,
On%oFal ; swl)^tmcot r brpxsea3e»i.i .-•■ ;.• &■
On'thc *' .
On thol’hysiowgyorMnrrlffeßffi / ->•
On the Common sense of Medicine.
On Diet, Exorcfses, and Ablutidn,
How tlie Physician "' *-
How to prevent Pregnancy_
And many.other thin"-.,.' sjE^nyoinT-.
This journal j n tlio hands of every oner,'
j. Reason; M. p M.; Chief Physfelan,; ff,
Surgeon, ■ Dr. J-'jtoyla, Chamfer.. . 1". ,
Office iu Nevvvtcrlc.TS-l Chatfibcra street, ■
Olffce In NFspluiusburgh, SontV.Stii audfflh streets., t> ,:
rorvespo fl'jclita.will plniso
for return viostaze, and addresari.-t •'. -f.
Bff. As DBfeSpr. ;
Pf • ■
-■■■■■ . ;ir-
is, isco^iy
s[T !
■only i>isdaf£o''
Worthy of any Ccmfld<Hac*s
kiii nESTOiuVa V.
i. 3140 y, since the efcJPruf. AVood. Imo Sl*V
teniptwjhot onlytqiiaHaloWa' fceatowttve.bnt t»
have Atecetsttsi that would jpiwdueaTOww wlen*
ticar;lutthci'lt!itc'anc<jinß aitJ'mnOi beingcatrieilaway
by of Trof. Wood’*
have fccffu forced to leave the field to Its resistless sway.—
ItVad the folloivius:—
Baik, 51e.. April TSS9.
ProC 0. J. tVoOni Co. :Gontrts-rTha totter Iwrjfajewc
iniSoli concerning yocr yalmihio llair BestotAfire, aid
which "JOB have published, in ’ this viciuitvaitd'bilfewhoro.
lino given riaa to numerous inquiries fondling th«f facia in ‘
tho case. ithc enquiries are, .first,, is ItafaCt of wy h«W-i
tatlon ond haniCihs sfatcd-fn t)«ilcenVihuDicfttlon: kocoiml.
is it trn%f|f all therein ■contain6d; r lWrrf v doo» my hair »f ift ;
continnoTdLe in goodOrderauil of iintniitl cdl-ir * To sit
nu d I cun uhd do answer invariably jes.' My hair ii cron i>lt
iett«L ter than in any.Stago ofimyiiCnfer 40 pa% more i. -
leaks anil <»roredi..tlis'»iuae t» tree of niy
pots whlskcrsVand tlio Only canjo Wsy hot'seacrnily tnir,
tlio face, whenif oare bywlpluglths tieqfn SKS«
» n *j2b<rniir~ Ihn vo been in (ho rcxSrlpt of mgreat iramber
from nUpurtAofJfew JhiglnHd, ssjuug ind If ihj
.i' hair Mill CdtitlnuoS tobatccM: uathcreisso IjitftJt fraud
- in themanu&oiuee (tuff Rato' 1 of various com ntjupils aswell
, ;l3 t)i!s, it JiqSylSiMJoUbt, hocTi-haftcty lniitalcdqadlfccntiood ’
- ' not only IrtthcMt any good ejftst. but to absolute Injury.—
I hawitot used any of your Hcotorstlvo of uayaccount ft«‘
li an, Bome jet my hair is an good a.tevcr,.and him- -
a lit* dreds-hsve examined it with surprise, as lam now olj-cara,
‘ oJdhnd not a gray h«(lr in my head or on icy Cice*,-«rVtiK.___
lii-oTe this I 'senS you n lock of my bair" taken off tba
past wccfc. 1 Wcoivpd your favor of two quart bottles last
summer, very OTtpW-I gave Uto my
fricndsamtthorieby fndnced them to try It, many wcreskcp
tical until after trial, and.thea purchased and used it with
universal shea**. 1 will asfir as a tkat you wind
me atest by which Ipon'discover fra;ad la thelUstoratbrtv 7
sold hyOWanyii fc*t,-without ootliority Drum ypa. A purs
litoi article wlllinraro believe where good effects
halfl do not folwwithe ftilnro caused by tho impure article. ;
i. af' wMcb cuwfea the invsnUr of tho good. 1 deem it my duty
iiblic ashore to ke-p yon apprised of the continued effect
anti- ionmyhftlr, as^-assOTe-Bllwho emjnirc of mo of-myw*- ,
Pri«* shaken mrth&tfof IU valuable results. I remain;' M* sir,„
•-ycrarsi ' " /I-.; I ; ,■ ~ V,A. C. RAYMOND. . *
•••*:" r. -■ Aaeoks-Bow, Kj'., Nov. Soc 1853. ■;
S. Erar.o,3-Woo»: certainly be doing
great injustice not to to tho work!. W*
.I - wondcrfnl. as well as unexpected result Ibaw-CspcrlßOae*
-"S5> After ilstur
overt kiiJdiMiertorjtUvM dxtant, bat without »ucwM..and
. finding tßt beadi»»Jirly-<l>»tl!utc of hair, I yas finally In
?»»’ v idwedWtt ; y a boftlorotyour Uair Restorative. Now, cau
lif dor and - justice cothpcl me to announce to'whoever may
t’ l ndw poss'-ss a new am) beautiful growth
, ■ lofbaiifjwhwh I richer and handsomer than th« •
original wait Ivvill therefore take occasion to reccomnbnd
■ 1,, ’ tMslnvnlurtlile temedy w'atj. who t!iay feel nio 'neqeMlty
e, will iof it. Retti’y you e, - .Hrv. AIXJiN. BBOCK,
**'Sf. • testimonial of mj’.appifobation Air your vat.
B thoao ujildiVHiijdicine (a* you ate aware of) is unsu)iqito<}»-hutu
>ey »p- y ou think it worthy* place among the rest, insert if TP** -
;BMB*y w ish;’m not destroy a#’ «»vy nothing.’ , . .. 0 f
- VoUlKrtC.i ‘ ' ' KVt.of
"a- • Tho Restorative up in bottles ef SOAP,
. . large;wteiHffnr and small ; the small holds jij «v l<~
*?.■■ retails for oi»dollar the mediums heb.
twenty pair .cent more in proportion than tha jm»—
: ibr two dollar# per bdttle; the large 0 fV er
- . cent, morally proportion and retails dor £V* , . VT: .
r WOOD iCO., Proprietors, 4U Broadway $0 BOmettUDg
V mhlarket SlirdCStj toiils. Mo,. Aa»<«e>K«Mi>r lathe
■■ n '^T .
V•- •■' ■ ■
»r*» 7«
V -M'-a-v- .
' . T II .15
x.. *,
A ' '\
... v 'i.
. -A '
--.— me tools,
\ioh, as
' Vight
c , .
' •' v/ *,
■ ■