Gfre£t Rush to “ DAN’k,” IKE Olffl FREIGHT COJTOUCTOR'S Ctoejap ClotMngr Store, Messlefsold DrtigStore, on Virginia St. ® C T\AN” IS DETERMINED NOT ' ■ f- to> bcoiiUlono by auy om> in the sale of • JMJA3DY-MAI>E GIiOTHIJPC andothsrNotions. lie has m largo stock of OvcrcoaUjdf the best .Quality And latest styles,• black and fimcyaad plain -and fancy SILK VESTS,.Vreoi. ,atid Dress COATS and PANTS, of cycyy color, quality'and style* for ihsnsnU ■/boys,. ;■ ' ■ {Gents Shawls, lints, ■ Caps, . Moots and {flutes-of', t and mee/oroldandyoUfiy; M Ladies. fihe-Drefs and. Morocco Boots, Men's Moroeto laee Boots, Ladies and Misses' I (jailers, arid, a great variety of Chil drin'jr Shies," Ladies Nolies, . ; Children's fancy Ifalsand ; Moods, Gent's S/iirts, . . Undershirts, and Drawers, Collars, Gloves, ’ ’ Hosiery', Handkerchiefs; *. >. Ladies' Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, ftc., in greatvarietff. Also, a larKO-iiMortmcnt ofOAHPKXXNQ Styles and prices, VarlduB.|>atterns of Oil Clqtlui,. Zabio Covers, Uiankcls, Muslin, Sliectfug, Trunks, Corpet : Bws, Valises Ladies’ Morocco Sacliels, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ac. .Also, WATCHES ASD JEWELRY of every description, such as Breast Pins,Ear-Kings, Finger ' Kings, Sockets, Bracelets, Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Children’s Gold- ami Conti Tflek-ujw, Gent’s Shirt Studs, .ladles and Gent’s Sleeve Buttons, silver Table and Tea %K»ns, Portmonaies, Pocket Knives, Pistols," Pocket, Side Back Coni ha; Tootli, linir und Clothes Brushes; Soaps and ToUet'Artidet#, ic., ict, all of which will bo sold at •tbo lowest prices. Be sure «ud call nt before yon go el tie where and you will save inouov. « B. BAUGHMAN, AgmL Altoona, Oct. 4,18C0.-3m NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT HI LEM AIM'S. THE SUBSCRIBED INFORMS HIS customers, and tho public generally, thatha has lust received a largenud beautiful assortment of ~ • FALL AND WINTER GOODS. which, for magnificence, extent ami variety, havo never btjfore been excelled in Blair county, Particular attention is invited to our stock or LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, f Such a* mack and ihncy Silks, Challies, Per eyes, /I rill tanks i Zdwiis, DtJaincS, C.'dutzs, OefJri/cs, Crapes, Prints, ’ j 'Crape and Stella Shawls, Mantillas. Undertimes and ( J/usicry, Bonnets and JUhlunis. Collars, Hand-, \ kerchiefs. Kid (i'orrs. lixymiSkirU,Skirt- L - ing, Lace Mills, dx.. ' y inform tin, citizens of Altoona HSisv imo vicinity that ho kociis constantly on hand a Umß.MWEtmeot of CMp„ r l„f. Office aml&mSk £hoj> ofaxes, of all Ktvle!' tiiid sizes, to suit the H übto^ornis* 1 ’ ' Vll * C ** L ' ' vi 3,j11 at low prices, on leason- , keepfl ,°" 11,1,1,1 11 ~,r K R Bt °ck of Tin and Shat £s f,jr * rP arpo«^ ofK*! v 9 JONK3’ ri;h;i3Cj Ult Blit of sule : ill Blllir county, IMPROVED SAUSAGE S.TUFFER, an inTontion which need- only fo l,e K .,en to he apprech roo‘l,!’!i 0U j possessed by owry farmer, butcher or those requiring such u machine.- Particular uttention paid to putting up SPODTING, either to town or country. Spouting painted and put up onitho most reasonable terms. fapril u 1559-ly Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCUIBKU would respectfully in form the public that he lias recently re- 1 fitted tins'above Hotel, mu! is. now pre pared to .accommodate his friends petrous in a comfortable manner, ami ■ will spare no pains in making it an agrocablelmmeibr all sjyonrners. His fable will always ho luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country imd cities, and his Bat 1 lUleiMvitu Ucjuom of choice hrarujs. UU charged arc its reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he reels satisfied they can not he compWinoU of by those who , r him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share pr public patronage, ami fully intending to deserve it, he throws open Jiis house to the public and invites a trial. Ihnvejnrt received a stock of Jfo. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal-purposes. , ■ Also a large stock of otccUcnt Wines, for medieinal pnr m togeUier withnlot of the best old Kyo Whiskey to be found in tho Country. Altoona, May. 27, 1559. t .lv] 'P-118 .GREAT-'.QUESTION WHICH JL nd'r agitates the ninid of person «, wfiera can I got Uie best article for mvBM money 7 In'regard to other matters, the Sub- aHf seriber would not attempt to direct, but if yon Ml want anything in tho line of BWW BOOTS Oil SHOES _ho invites an examination of his stock and work. He keeps constantly on baud an assortment of Boots, Shoos, Ac..whichho offers atfairprices. Xla wlll glyo special attention to custom work, all of vhieh will be wampted to givcsatUtaction. Konebutthe i'--f workmen nro employed - s ~ 01 ‘ ** 011 Virginia street, Immediately oppmdto Kessler’s lirug Store J September 3, ’6T-tf] AT THG OLp STASD J ! \ , T|flE SUBSCRIBER WOULD W rocefvedWtho GIOTHS AND VESTINGS, FOR SPRING” AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which Jie will nuke to order on short notice and reasonable terms, and warrants togtve satfcfecttynu persons In -want of anything in hialioo can rely upon betoefolrly dealt With. r :■ i ; ’ , JOitSv iyjWSNEL; „ s M«PP»:Moto St, a few doors below the ‘illedhion Hoi#." . ~ . ~ ;• ; ; > tMay#|,TBflflf;' , Bakery aiid Grocery store. rrUE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CJGN- J.‘, STANTJUY on hand /V.V' l'i«Bh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c. } I PEBIVBACOIiri PLOUB, R GHOOEBiEB, '( 1 Also, a Choice lot oiLSBGAHS L _ ; > ■ JAOOB KINK, , - Vv - 1Q - Vitglnik Street. , ioi'iWuc, Altoona, blaie co, pa; '■ ttto£s^^^ at *! B. Hlleman. 1> E. RGYEB, M. D. r ■ ' The bas t of ieterencee can ho ghrea Jfroq nired awic! > Ai toolu, three uo=r# abort, (feand* Store. - April 28’w-iy J. B. HILEMAN JOHN BOWMAN, JOHN H. ROBERTS., PEOF. L. MILLKE'S H«R INVIGORATOR! ! A N kPCTSCTITE, SAP* AKf) ECO JLJI nomical compound, ETAXHta Itn original color without, dyeing, andpreventlug the hair from turning gray; • ° and curing it, when therc- W lhe-lca»t par tide ofvitalityor reonjreratiVß uu ergrremaining.'--- 1 : v rojtsmtormd SCUiIP JA'D- BANBRUFF, and all cutnneoasaffecticns nt the Scalp. ' ■ . ■ FOR T//£.HAZ«, Imparting toil an un eqnaUed glow andbrllllancy, making if, «oft and silky in italoxturo and;causihgirto ctirl hatdily. relslirity l&e ‘itoreasing demand tor this propaaitloh, convince the proprietor that (hie trial is Qnljt neceaeary to satisfy a discerning public of its supetlor qnMlties over any other preparation nt present in use. It cleanses tl(e head and scalp from dandruff and otter eulaneotu diseases, onuses the hair to grow luxurient ly, am! gives It a (rich; soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosening and thinlng, it will give strength andvigor to the roots, andrestorc the growth .to tllose parts which have become bald, causing it to yield afresh cartring of hair. - ~ Tlieru nrc hundreds of ladles nnd'gentlemen in NoW York tvho bare-bad their hair restored by the use of this Invjgorator, when all other preparations hud failed. L. 51. has in his possession letters innnmemble testifying to the above ftlcts. from persons of the highest respectability. It wniiOffcctnally prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of life; and in cases where tie hair basal ready changed lts color, the use of tho luvigorator will with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glomy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Uair Uestorative it is particularly recommended.,, baring an agreeableTragrauce; and the great facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invjgorator can bo dressed in any required form so as to preserve its plttco. Whether plain or in c»it!h—hcucu the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet arttcle. which none ought to bo jwlthout, as the price places it within tho reach of all, being. ONLY 25 CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable drus&Hts and perfu mers. ? “ L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and i*?j to tho use of the luvigorator, in coses whore the childrens 1 Hair inclines to be weak, The use of it lays the: fonndatioufor agwod/tcad of hair, asJt removes unv impu rities that may liavo become connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. pAUTION.—None genuine without the fee simile LOUIS ‘'i'hhKK being on tho outer wrapper: also, L. MILLBU’S INVUJOKATOK, N. Y. blown in tlie glass. Wholesale Depot, 66 Doy St., and sold by all the princi pal Jlercluiuti and Druggists throughout tho world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. X also desire to present to the American Public ray Kew and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID- HAIR DITE wliicli after years of scientific experimenting I linvo brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to thollairor Skin, warranted tho beat article ofthe kina iu existence. , . Price, Only 50 Cen(s. Aug. 23, GO-ly. Depot; 5G Dey St., New York. RAIL ROAD LANDS FOR SALE, ON LONG. CREDIT , and : at low rates of interest The hanibal and st. Joseph RAILROAD COMPANY, having over 000,000 ACRES of LAND lying in the State of Missouri, which wits grant ed, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction of their Road, offer the principal portion thereof for sale, on Uie most liberal tennis. The greater part of these lands arc within six, and all vuthiu fifteen miles of tho Kailroml, which is now comple ted, ami open for use throughout its entire length miles,) and runs through a country which is unsurpassed by any in tho salubrity of its climate, the fertility of its soil, and tho extent of its mineral resources. For further information, apply at the Land office of the Company, or address by letter, JOSIAU HUNT, • Land Commissioner, 11. i St. Jo. R R Hannibal, Mo. Fel), 2, 'GO -ly * GROCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR ST6RE The undersigned Would jn- FmFJtooJ’V 1 * 11 } 1 that lie ]>ns purchased the interest OT A. MILLIRON in the Grocery and Provision Store hen .toforo kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St where he will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on liand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept In Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives'fresli from the eastern and western cities, and wifi sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale, I will keep constantly on band a large assortment of liquors of the best qualities to be had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12,1800.-Cm. J. BEKKOWTTZ. ■\TEW. GROCERY FEED AND PRO VISION STORE. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that lie Ims opened a stoteof the above kind, neat the corner of Adeline and Julia streets. East Altoona, where lie will keep constantly on hand afuU sun ply of everything Ju his lino. Ills 1 GEO (JER IE S arc all fresh and will be sold at prices as low as those of any other establishment in town. His stock of movisions consisting of 1 ’ Flour, Rams, Shoulders, Side Sc. will be sold a little cheaper than they can be V mdit any where else. His Flour is obtained from the best mills in the Western part of the State, and is warranted to bo what it is represented. All kinds of Feed for horses, cows and hogs, always on hand. r • l intend to keep sn«h an assortment that I shall at all times bo able to supply my. customers with whatever they tnnj need, anil I intend also to r 6611 tit prices which will miiKt* it u saving to thosd who patronize mv store. July 22, ISSB-3m. , HENRY BELL. Red lion hotel, ALTOOXA, SLAW COUXTY. PA. This old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place qf stopping the passenger cars in Altoo na has passed into tile hands of the present proprietor Long experience in the business warrants me in assuring the t ravelling public that no pains will be spared to render gnest-s as comfortable as possible while sojourning under my roof, ° The TABLE will constantly be supplied witli the very best the market affords. 1 T, l° U 0 fullnti t 0 contain an excellent assort ment ofLIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice beve rage LAGER DEBS. -The,.STABLE is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. ■ The' proprietor hopes, by his long experience in the busbies and the facilities at his command, to make the Red Lion in all respects, a first class Hotel.. The business of the be wider my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public mitroungo is kindly solicited May 19, SCUWEIGERT, iVeprieier. Howard association, PHILADELPHIA. A established by Special Endowment, ■ AT Sf jSftcA* a.nd,Distressed, afflicted, with Undent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for (he Pure of Diseases ef Vie Sexual Organs. ' Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to f,'! w D "PP|y If* 4 ®) Y l41 * “ J e ™ripticm of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, A 0.,) and incases of 6X vf fw-nishod fv. ~ . SBT“ Tb Persona out of Employment. “^gj AC|jr®S WANTED, Inevifiiy County of the United States, Tpo ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF pnbUsh’e’d 6 ° f tW!best and most elogantly lUnstraicd works character, Sf ■ the Parmer, Mechanic and Mer bo*t «tyle and bound to , nnd “re worthy a place to the Übniry of eyery household i» the land. ■ : 19®.T0 men of, enterprise and indnstrioos’ habits, this Stable ■ d^l*WladeJ P hia. WARE-ROOM.— -THE X lnronns the public that ie iiaa toKen tlioware-room twodoOrd from the Branch Head vnere ho vrilltcep on all kinds of .. \ PABINET-WARE, > «M attend to tte duties of an ONDEItTAKER. , .Two good Cabinet-Makers add ono apprentice wanted. . Altoona, Apr. 12.18C0. JAS. T. JIOOBB. BMR Ot LS, COLOGNES, POM •Afm, Bhi-rinjf Creaml Toilet Boaps, Ac. fordatoby -I ! ’ ' 1 LIFE BILLS aiid HRE.NIX BITTERS, j Tai:sE haves now been hOf.-ire the pnhTic--fbr a ■pcried of thirty yearn, and daring that time havw-maintained a high character in almost every part of the glolie, for their extraordinarv'and immediate power of restoririgperf.ict health topersenssuf ferinp under pearly evorykind of disease to which the hu man frame is liable. ... The following are among the distressing variety cf hn ; tnandiseaacfrinwhieh the ; VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES ; •are well'hnown to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, bythofonghly. cleansing the first and scc ondstomachhinpdcreatingaflow of purej healthy bile, in stead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY,'boss or Appetite,Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, Hi Temper, Anxiety, Langour, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of,Dyspepsia, will 1 vanish, as .a natural conse quence of its cure. . % COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the in testines with a solvent process, and without violence: all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by, restoring the blood to a regu lar circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and'the.thorough solution of all intestinal obstruc tion in others: The Life Medicines have been known to core RHEUMA TISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of disjoints, DROPSIESjof all kinds, by freebignnd strcngthenlngtho kidneys and gladder; they operate most delightfully on those Important Orgfina. ftiid hence ever ’been found h certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the b 0^ S .. t J’.t sl, i? y mattL ‘ r which those creatures adhere. SCLI.A T, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SOKES, hv the pprfect purity, which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. . SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect ujion the fluids that feed the skin, and tile morbid state ol which occasions all eruptive com plamte, sallow’ cloudy, and other disagroeunle complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT UUEUM, an(i a striking improvement IU,l U , of the skin. COMMON COLDS and IN ELLEN/A will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. ' s’lfi:;S;T,Tho 5 ’ 1 f i: ; S ;T, Tho ori " i,ml proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, ot o 5 years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines alone. I ER & AGUE. For this scourge of the Western conn •try, these medicines will be found a safe, speed V mm certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a re turn of the disease—a cure by these medicines is perma nent—try them, bo satisfied, and be cured. FKVI ' :RS am ' LIVER COMPLAINTS.—Gen eraI debility. loss of appetite ami diseases of females—the medicines hav« been used with the most beneficial results m cases of thiif description .—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats. Nervous Be binty, Nenious Complaints of a » kinds.'Palpitation of the Heart, Painters’ Colic, are speedily cured. 1 • DOSKASES,—Persons whose constitutions J’°S <,Ine impaired by tlie injudicious use of Merei rv. will find these medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, in ettpurilla° OULC * liaU f ' lo lllost Powerful preparation of Sar- Prcparcd and sold by „ , , _ 335 Broadway. New York. Forsalo by aU Druggists. [aVpl. 1.-J, Isik-ly, BIRECI FROM SEW YOKE, RA. G. KEEK HAS J IST JiJv '• turned from New York City with u beautiful as Eortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ' consisting in part of Fancy Winter Silks, only 05 cents per yard. Stuck Dress Silks 1 - ijiJ.iiO per t/nrd. Japanese Cloth—a beautiful fabric fur ladies’ dresses—Mexican Finds , Toil do Chevrc-sj a most complete assortment of the latest patterns of .FK-laincs. Upura Cloth, plain Ueiaiin-s onl v -’n cents per yard, they have always been sold at S> cis. in '(his market. Also, a beautiful assortment of the chalb.-n-e >1 amsutta Prints, nmv uekiiowlodged to be the I ..-at priiTts in market. atiu a haudsomo assortment of fast colored • prints* trum o Or 10 cG jx*r yard, Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Caps, Woolen Undcr.-deeves for ladies and chihlren. an unsur jaisseti stock of Hosiery, together with ah abundance and variety of everything in the .Notion and Trimming lino Ho calls special attention to his heautifnl assortment of QUEENS WARE, which is acknowledged to he tlio most complete of any in the town, am! sold at prices defying competition. Tea sets consisting of 40 jdeces, sold at -4 UO. BOOTS AND SHOES, directly fre-ni New York, and bought from firs t ban BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL. INGRAIN, LIST, HEMP ANI) . RAG CARPETS, OIL CLpTIIS from 1 to 2 yards wide. His stock of , groceries is complete in every r-spect. and will so sold-at as low a figure as any In,use this side ofthe citv ’ Oct. ii. xseo. PATENT KEROSENE Oil CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safe/,/ or Economy. E>\ry person «V<*trin|r to ohtaiu the wry L.-t nnd rh»-u> ost portable within their rearh, MiouM ml! at the store of the* iimlorßignod and examine these Lamps purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to d-mon* btrato }, 3 }' £! lnt NO ACCIDENT cmAiccni- l>y exphe-ion. £ ’ ; " ,il,l 't no offensive odor while burning. 3d. ahttt they are very easily trimmed. ■ 4th. That they arc easily regulated to give in-.-re or loss light.: 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke, bth. That the light is !lt [H . r r ,, 11t ~]l (, n . ) er t j lau any other light now in o.imu-ni u»f. These lamps ar* adnjDl ably adapted for the use „f ?tu dents. Mechanics,- Seamstresses, Factories, UaUs. Churches k,t ¥i oS V llQtol3 ’ s'Y. Hr d' lu b r,l! .v recommended for family use! The burner °f tin-Crnhon Oil. Lamp can be attached to old side, hangingum! table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and wyli, answer every purpose of a new lanp We guarantee perfect satisfaction iu all cases , Ang. lU, 1838-tf.] G. IV. KESSLER. THE GREEN BOOK. JUST pub lished, 150 PACES. PRICE 25 , . Ceuts ; On Single and Married life; or, the /dSIBIS Institution of Marriage; its Xutent, ni.ii gallons, and Physical and Legal Disbuali SBfCwi.Jty Jications; the rational treatment of <.ll private diseases In * C j- "*d r -li is added a poetical essay, enti tlod » (WJipaedtae or the art of hnvingandrearim- beau wn.LapsqhtM' i) chlldre “’ by tUo laU Rowaw J. Cclvee- Seat rrecofp.istagoi.y the Publishers,’ Chas. Kuxb & Co Rox4oBo,New kork.or />sx(fr_ita..,Mniolesale agents 113 Nassau fctrect. New York. Agents wanted every trim ** m tr r aCt and «•“»»« of «•« above entb titled. Dr Caver,od/’s Lecture on the-rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generaUv, detailing the meansby ■ which invalids, may .effectually cure them- Belves without the use of dangerous medicines, and at but little expense to fhemseixes. gout free by mall in it secure enveiope, qn the receipt of one stamp, to prepay postage, OH AS. KLINE & CO 1 ., b -’ Feb, 22,1809. Box 4580, Now York City. pANCEII INSTITUTE. ?Yvr, A ?f, r i n^ Dy yo!,rs of *«««««l6l practice. DR. KEL to cure aU K &T * thoafflicted - Ua treat all others with success. Patients will be visited, if desired, arcnsorwhle distance. Persons desiring to visit- Dr.ds.. win rtcasc ;stmi at the Raflrond Hotclia'Meclmnica. burg, where they will he directed to his residence. For all particulars writo-rßtate diseases plainly. Enclose a nost- SFIi tan ? p i opre ?ii y “ nBwcr - Address Dr. C. L. KEELING Mechanicsbnrg, Cumberland Co., Pa. ’ Sept. 13, 1860-6 in ' : PjAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE "pr=by hohfiea not to purchase or sell any Inner floor kegs with the stamp of the ALTOONA BREWERY theft* on, assuch kegs nOvoi-havo been and never will bo sold bo IdaBWISUSTPi A 1 i kesa con piungiug said stamp will W? and V^ 01 ?’ wherever found, by Hie proprietors of tho Browary to whom they belong. ■ July 28tli 1859-ty.. WILHELM t BUO. EEMOVAIa— A M. KINO, SiIOE MAK-EB, informs tfle publicthdtho lias taken tbo Hoorn next door to tlio Mim>. ■Office, on Virginia; 1 Street, where lie is paredto:manufacture every stylo of MEN’S SHOES, at reasonable prices, and in a eUbStantlal manner. ' [MarJ5/oft-tf. Boot and shoemaker—john 1 STEHLB lias taken a portion of the room occupied by jAv M. KING, next door^^^» Jo J. W.Rlgk’sTii Shop,' and nnnonncerH^BWj^— __ himself ready to get up Men’s Boots & In good style and n|t low rates. 1 i"-“- [,’(io-tf. RECEI a good, assortment of Shoe-Findings; of all do scrlpnons, whlth wo wUI sell at low jiflceß?fbr cash Julylfl, ISCO. j; STEWART 4 THOMPSON. A YES! 0 YES!-—-GENTLEMEN draw nigh, aid hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT announ ces to the piJlic, that ho is ready to dischargeJilg duty ns nu Auctioueer whenover called upon. fjnn. 2 ’SB. OJIGCERJES.- —A -LARGE AND cpmplete asshrtment ofGroceriea have fust boon re vived at the Btorapf ' ' •" J, B. UILEMAN. TTAIR, TOOTH, SHAVING, JL J PainVßnah nnd'Varulah Brushes 4l ■fr--:/ KESSLER'S. /i( Debility, A Tfs. ■/I .ijTcrtions, hhruicitition, Dy* pep ,{a . (Jnitl. pillion. Dianiora, Jfiprnttnj. Incipient Amsnmptuai, .Vco/, lulvrcuhas, hkilt x Ithcuin. Mismcnstrunlion, Whites, Chlorosis. J.i;nrbuNi. even wln*u advaM-ril t.> Pv*“n tcry cunlinncd enmeialing. and appaiemly malignant, the .-fleets have been eipially derisive and astonishing. lu Hie local pains. Ins., of tlesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remiUeni iieeiie, which g, ncallv indicate I eipnmt (i onsnmpiion, this remedy has allay', d the alarm of fnends and poy-uuims, in scleral very ipatifying and interesting nistanees. In hcroliilous T»i here ft 1, isis, tliis medicated ji„n has had fai more than the good elKct of the most cautiously bal anced I>r.-| of iodine, without any of their’yvi ll- Jcnow n liabilities Thi-atteiitini. of feiuahWannut be too ,-ouf, ie U uv invi te u ‘hl - Mn ” in ,h * W. R. MOFFAT, In Rheumatism, both chronic and iullaiiuu.itorv—in the lat er, hovvever. more d.eided!y-it has he, invariably wel both as .ilb vietulg iln pain and i educing tin swellings and si,ll,~f the joints end ,„usel.s. 1 unit ■■mult, lit Fevers il mu-; net- -sailv !„■ a great ri me, iy ami energetic restorative, and ii, p,, C- p, ,| ... „. seltl-unuts of West, will probaby l,_- one ~f hi li re u >\\ fi un»l u.-'i'/uhi, No lemeily hiu, l.een discovered pin- wh.-le history of medicine, which exerts such prompt. Imppv. and fuilv re storative efleets. Good appetite, couplet.- digestion, tapid iiciniaitioii .-1 strehglli. with an rnm-nal .i-p.-shi. u for aud eln-erful exorcise, immediately f..!!-:« it.- u—. 1 ill up iu fiat nn fal boxes containing di, pdls. price ad cunts per box ; for sale by druggists ami dealers. Will la tent free to any address on ri*s-ipt of the pi ice. All letters, ofc., fJj’-uM L*o . K - *• lucre a n>„ gi:sxp..u a-irnts. July IU. Ikno.-ly. o 0 <■-, llai . S[ , w v ,„ k Great improvementin cook- IX'i STOVES. ' CO&SLMI*TW2\ OF 6M/ < >K K AXD GAS AXI) SJVIXG The subscriber tali, s jib a-uie in offering t- the public XKW (I AS A Ml 1. t'l >NM' \I f, C.Hikint; Stove, n.0.-mly pnu-nb.-j, « aid, i, (ku.iaed to „> peret-de till ellu-r:-. ;.i> it i-.-.nm-.-, i.u.-s run, than Other str.Tii* ,V„. All kinds of Air-tight, Par K-r C. b mih! K ,r » Sf(.’V(v» on hand. i.v^c^ MAR 111 ACE (iUHiI-; —IJKINii ‘a private instructor f.-r ma-'i'-. i p.-i-,..n<, or those about t-i be married boih me!.- -n. l female, in everything r.-i,dug tin- pl,v>i- KV and relation, ,:f our t.y,t<-ni. me] i],'e pr... duction or pr- V.-ntion rdlspring. incliidhiv „|| ,j , «-\V ri s? Jl*' v ' r ,M ' f,,rc e‘veii in tin- Ktigii-h lain u-• ■ i v MM. YOLNG, ,M. D. Tills is really a valualde ami'inter esting "ork. It IS written in plain language f..r th- - .-ne ral reader, am) is illustrated with numerous Encraviu-s All young marHed people, or those contemplatin'- mai riage, and having the least impediment to married life, sbon d read this book. II discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with : still it is a book that must be locked up. and not lie about the house ft will be sent to any ono on the receij* of twenty-flve cents in specie „r i„ laistage stamps Address DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - 1 AND UNFORTUNATE—No matter what may be your disease, before yon place yourself under the care of auy one of the notorious quacks—native or for cgn-whoadveiiise in this or any other paper, get n conv witnkTl ° [ 1>y ' r °'l n " r ‘ s . Rooks, an-1 read it carefully. it and ft*™ * ‘ lo,lßr * yollr h<^‘ J>U. \OU.\U can bo consulted on nnr of the diseases die h. puMications, a. his Philadelphia watch and JEWELRY STOKE, _. ri _ B x O. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT. 148 N. 2d St-, corner of Quarry Si The undersigned has least d the Wnt’rAvT. hV !:p °>y » l«rgc assortment of Gold aml.ilwr V> ati hes, of Ameiican. Engli-h and Swiss man nfactiirc nftiu/ most celebiiitcd makers, in addition i„ which will be found always on hand (and iinnle to c-dcr) -in extensive variety of Jewelry, Silveraml Silver i‘lat~! w,- re together with a general assortment of such goods « are usually kept m a first-class Watch and Jewelrv gtori The patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of Hie subscriber ogether with the public generally, are invited to call tind they will receive a good article for their money. As 1 dtdi.r,Mined to do a cash l„,siness. goods will h„ sold very >Vt tr a, ‘d Quids X ties” is the motto of this Establishment. i - LEWIS R. BUOOJIALL x, , .. Formerly 0. Conrad. June 7, I&W.-fy ° nd St ’ J C ° r ’ ° f Quarr - V - M“l«. PLANING MILL & SASH MANll- SUbsCrib ° r would nuuoul ica that Planing jttlu and Saslit Mamifac- Altoona,Nov. 17, lEso._tf . McAULti. QTIOE LLAI I'iß.—We have just k 7 received a good stock of tho best Bed and OakSom e h,l *f nJs .° 11 B°°d assortment of Goat and French Moroccos, Irench ami Country Calf Skins U*>nr*r« Elps,,Limngs, Binding!., Ac., all of which wo will ut low kices aid warrant to give satisfaction, llcase wll and examine our stock before nurchasin-eKe. ' V Julv I 9 18M 0rSeti ‘ laCL '~ t^'': l °? r ‘< below tho Post Office . * rr llS6 °- STEWART 4 THOMPSON. House and lot at private SALK.—The Gale-House and Lot AIL ““''glue to tho ALToONA AND MOL- 1 ,asa.— LIDAYSBURQ PLAN K ROAD GO flit Priva^^l 0 fr °v Altoona, is offered ifnvate Sole, audnrnrtLs>r &****. 1 ' [April 20. 1560.-tf.- T UMBER FOR SALE. ®>,POO SHINGLES, 60 000 I.ATTIVU' add all kinds of BUILDING .. 1~«..a,c.i- Appi, MAl Som'liioSAKS£“ HAUIHI AllE Ol* ALL DESOBIP vK°»»i' ,nBt recolved «nd for sale by _ • J.. 8. HILEJIAN. , AND’EYE FRESER. rert for sale st [l-tf.J KESSLER'S. ’•■-■ #.l&££» «*r!^ S> *!«&' -rJ,V r 'T TS Mll£33ig Aa aperient anti stomachic preparation of Iron purified j tu\d Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanc tioned by the highest Medical Authority**, both in Kuropo Ui States, and proscribed in. t.lioir practice, Pue experience of thousands daily proves that no prepa ration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities offhe blood. depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in almost everv concei vable case. * OF Ft:EL, hostett: STOMACH if 1 The proprietors .and manufacturers of 1103* ; TETTKU'S CELEBRATED STOMACH- BIT TERS can appeal with perfect contidcuco to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained arepu-' tatiou heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speakntore powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of’ Hostetler's Stomach Hit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million and from its manifest steady increase in tames past, it is evident that during, the year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for. the part medicinal properties contained in the prepara-r lion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of tho country where tho article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy, in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Billers, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to he as enduring as time itself. llosioiter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a ffodsend to regions where fever and ague and various other billons complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To bo aide to Male conlidently that the “Bitters” ore a certain emu for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to iho proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, pm Hies tho blood, and imparts renewed vitalit y to the nervous system, giving it that lone nml energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestiwp.Qrgans, mildly bin powerfully, and soon restpHs thorn to acottdiiiou essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of'nature. KMerly persons tuny use IheiDilfcrs daily as per direct inns on the bottle, and Ihey will find in it n stimulant peculiarly adapted io comfort years, ns il is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to I lie bowels, excellent as a lonic, and rejuvenating' generally. We Lave the evi dence of thousands of aged nicn ami women win* have experienced the benefit of using Ibis preparation while fullering from stomach de rangements and general debility ; acting under I i>e advice of physicians, they have abandoned nil deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing thaj many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, if she he young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during Ihe summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of tlie system, and enable the mot her to bear up under her exhausting trials ami responsibilities. Nursing mothers.gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive-the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable jo the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we havij.particu larly rclcrred above, to wit: sufferers from lever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler s l.elebraied Stomach Hitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hostbtteb’s Celedkateu Stomach Hittkb.s, and see that each bottle has the words •• Dr. .1. Hostetler's Stomach Hitlers” blown on the side of the bottler, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is cu the label. ktir- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH . O* 3 rs s= o g faj t* » • ® L 2 £*s . Sf M o §*.|l p* ■ 2 zti* Sill •S m -c St; S O H<« r>V o <5 o . V '"L 3 ,_&} • > P 3 ” » S S‘m P.a'lS-eS r-s S fc <*S g. 5 Q: i 1 a Z -U P |S £ s □ 3 gx>s B. ; oo *~il : j£t //cir JACOB SNWHER, TAILbR, t? The lEroUrlOnc Hundred tits per Month ' I would reKpcetfiHyWt forth my ctai.ii to public atten tunu ifl a tn.shu'.naUlo ITuilor. as fol!oA‘s:i m^ a, v P J* keep jLHSortmonjt of Cloths. Cnssi- plcnsm" " lniun,i, >ss,'which.; when exaiiiiued, Kecaiisc my work is made ’up in a manner that takes %Zw. e ° nUtr * m * KlVCSi ‘ il liny wC" 0t M a to be Because long experience in my businoii gives mo entire M.!ir U?t any one to Because I am still on theennny side of'forty, and thcro- T ‘ l , tuttcr ‘'”' l workman nhimpmrod. mi, 1 n 1 \ c cori,, ' r ro °m of the *-Brant llonse.” Give mo a trial and you will go away pleased Altoona. May 26-Sm JACOB SNYDER. S°F Tr nAfitoEKKEAS . i h° lo 9 ra ph s of deceased prj'sonn, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice and on tbo Giv? him V^,p 01,U IUiOI ? p E OK|PIIOTOGIIApn. ...a in' l , ll aca ‘ Rooms on the comet; of Montgomery and Allegheny streets, HplUdayabnrg. 9 fJum&tt 7 GW- KESSLE R PRACTICAL »ri(ta ßDo respectfully announce* F 4 »; V, ,u,! 13 ° r . Altoona and tho public) ho still contfnnes tho Drug on Tirgima street, where ho keeps consttinUv ®L 1 ’!51‘ t '; f or sale, WlibleAlo and Retail, DKIfOS “E®ICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VaKIJISIL-AW*"* ES and DYE-STUFFS. ' ' . - ou **ittC=9 attention to huslnoss, aid a desire to render sat. Ibfattton to all us '.regards .price-' aid c, . 8 , merit and receive a share of ** peS to Physicians and merchants snrmlied oiTTEiAw-i., , ahd all orders from a distance somptly- ’ Physicians iwescHptint.scara^llyfco^pfaS DINE AND IiABD OIX.S, OAM- N , -'; J ■ ' ■'■■ ■ r;K*§BIiER^ ;i ', m McCormicks store rj.LASS Bxlo $0 20x24* iiMfIHIUT VX JO ordoi by O. ft.KBSSLBB. SB’S TEES. | Thousands are daily Speaking in tho .. i . - ' J»fc £ATOS S * . i infantile cotoTir : S&ST win couvh ’ oo * onth “* «y Is Ci j NO PAREGOSIC 08. opiatt ; ofan» kind, and therofcttrrolJwcsbr raw™,.. A * ! ottour child, instead of by *o w< kur this reason, it commends ’V uil/ nnuion now JsnoSrn .for Caiu«M Ten^Vm’*' DTBH.VTCKT, OWPC.O IS HIS iJuWEU. ACIWTr ?,’= ACH. \VlXl>, ColJ) IS TUS IItAD. aUll Ooni^ TT ,° P Tn « Sir.*’ illy the gams, retiring fnjramtiuifinn. tt**ht£'£ r ":'V mid rduvtngpain it u used with Mi/mV/Mg «,«£« in ail c»«" ,or OTHBU >its. M i/tut ralM Vie/(/i 4irf j!/ I £ ,! ' vt Uw» : cWWrwi, mid W.SA ; 0 torr Ihenftok UrCeJ l l ‘,,J ’ C , directions acconiDauy each bottle. >«U v CHURCH j ■ ?10 - 409 Broadway. .Wy^ J Ikidthy human Blood opfcn lining ' r ANALYZED always present* us wit)! the same essential „• „ gives of course the Turs M l a person Millcriug from Consumption |,v ' '■'‘S'* Dyspepsia. scrofula. .t c; , and «, n,, (1 i,, '‘’ *■ W, tam Aficuncus in the r.-d, globules of Blood * Z‘nT''^ > ' deficiencies, ami .you ere made well Ttis 1 ° «P»n this Theory-beuco it* .Lfcm'r '“ ; cess. There :uo 10 iwiuuishuig ; yiTE l-XJSI’ARAffO.W! ; adapted to Ihp deftcleiicie* 0 f tlio Blood in dilT r . . , cases. For Coro ns. Colds. Bronchitis , r ~ JI,"* 111 * whatever of the Tulwar or U"vus, indueinl i, ‘ r ‘' al ‘ iI * use N 0... wl.ieh i, !*„, the Loss or Api'criTK, nod lor nil Chko.Mc trom OvKii-caß, U wkiui Dum.nv, and Xiaivm-J no.N. .\ii. ’Zy 'tor LIVEII \o I Torn* H ' ,Sl * v. ! prn**wlf*r ilhsorrtion it h and earned immediately into the circulation .II ! ?' y » P-"« .vu rctaui. Tire No. 4 Islhi W *‘‘* l 11KS, IhsTua.v, \V KAKSJtriSES & c Sv . , l “ luo ' ’ ***» salt and Bl.AM.wi COMI'LUXTS, lake No. 5. hi all ‘cWjJVi net lons imi»t he strictly followed. Brice of the / ■ $1 i r hottle. Sold I,jr CUWTCU *&£s** , T. w. PY. vpr k SONS. Blnia 1 I’iltshup.di, Wholesale Agents. 1 By A. Koush, Altoona; W. T. Murmv Il.aiii . j II VISK'-U?! i,! drUi?6iSU the £%? | FUND. Company. C Y v 1 Cr FII N I>. NATIONAL i o SAFKTY Till'ST COMVAN V. —CiURTjsm M m State of I*e.>ssvi.v\.vu. - . “ ' „ RULES. io< «maU ,C 3 ** T “ c,MTwl f ‘ rc, ' y Uily ’ ““yMiohn^krgo !it k ER CKXT ta * paid lor money (rim tie Jay ! 3. Tim moneyalways paid back in gold, nhonem It ; u< called for, and without iiotic**, ; UMoisey is received '-...n JSceeutnn, Admiuislrnii.r » i (•tutnlutn.% and others who.dcsiro to Lave it In a i.kre „f ; [-idect safety, and where interest can bo obtained for iL ■ a. rim 111 roroivcfl from depositors'is inverted la Kesi. 1-.STATK, MouniAoiis, RKXTs. and such Utkr Hi st class securities as the Charter directs. ; fl. onicc Honrs—Kvi ry day from ;i till s o'clock. and ou • T*"i r '“l ; h Tov, VKJiKES. C. I. indhltii )lr:.s;, llr.M.v DiFrEM.EKm, Oilic-,. : \\ a!ililt Struct, S. W. Corner of Tliii-i St. Phil,,. d,l l ,|lm - 'aif-lj. ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STOEE, 'COItSEU OF TUK FIVE STOUT FLOCK. 1 c\t irlh IJ ext Corner nf Eighth and Race Strcds; i'll IL A /,< EL rilj.i. TPHE PUBLIC'AIMS PiESPECTTTL .JL' invited to boar in mind (hat at tbl* Store mar bo tyuml an assortDionl uf fashionable and Imndsouio JAdcv.W.'i Dress Hals. Sn/l Hats, njyh. Low and Medium Depth Crown, CMh and Gland Laps, I’liish and 1 1 11 is 11 Trimmed Caps for Mi a and L ija. fancy lints and Cups for Children,, at Fair Prices. »3)' NO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS.'!! Jan. V>, ISCO.-ly House, sign and MPAINT IX (I. —M KSS 11S. KKYS.i WALSH u sjHurtlally aimounco to the public that they aro rrepareti to other newspaper. ~ t£S_Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six months. K be remitted by subscribers, (who should write theft i»m** nnd the town, county and State where they reside plainly-! To O. tV. MATSELfi * CO., Editor A I’rop’r. of New York Polico GarstK 16-tf] Xew J-ertCVg. American Life Insurance and .Trust Co« Capital stocky $500,000, . Company Building, Walnut Si., S. E. corner of Fourth Vhild. B. F. ROSE, agest, ALTOONA, 1.1 VK INSUR AXCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATfS, ' OK AT JOINT STOCK KATES, AT ABytTT 2oPKBCfcNT. LESS, OR AT TOT Air ARSTINANCE RATHS.TIIh LUK KST IN THE WOULD, i A. WHILWHS, ft** <• 3. O. SIMMS, Afafy. [Oct. 21th, 185S-ly. HOUSE AND LOT- FOR SALE- The aubscriberoirorsat Private Sate AgwK the HOUSE and LOTnbjvoccupied by her, Tjj| *a on fbo comer of Adeline and Julia streets. 1 ilB East Altoona. The {lonsc iaa good-Two-.HM|l|B| Story Pramo Bonding, containing a Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on tho*t'-" ™. firet floor, four good sleeping rooms bn the second floor,« a finished Attic. The lot is in spod order. Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain furtarr imfonnntion will call upon the subscriber- : .... ■ ' MAKOT.f M. McCRIU. Altoona, Arig. Uth, 1559-tf. '•* T YCOMING COUNTY 'MUTUAL JU Wilß -INSURANCE ACENGT.—Tho nndcrsfsw*- agent ufthe Lycginlng Mutual Rim Insurance Compui.^ 1 * at nil tinlei ready lb Insure against Idas or damage by “ ; Ikiihiiags, X/rchandiit, FumilUre and Property of description, itr town Or country, at as >ca«onablo rate* any company intho State. Oflfeoin the Masonic T'®. 1 • Jan. 3, ’56-tf] • ; JOHN. SHOEMAKER, WM. S. BITTNER, SUROEON' bENTIST. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM PLE. :: V {DeC.SS, ' ■*T‘A-Sbldent wanted, •. GLENN’S National SAFETY TRUST ■,h : : A,.. - 1'" i i's. . -."Siys-’* I .^ risdr -.■a rV < v- J ‘r I; i. :^cbu !TOL. 5. ( BTOHB.- i- nounfe to the ci ' ku opvbcd his bttow the Superi from the Sast a: Foreign ai : mnuk Otort IFwte, ( v ; ; 1 JMia which he has hit Farmers will flm •S lW will sell a( tfe will «Ut> ki Gi SucA at Flour gar*. Si, 4U of which will Our friends a:n VUed to give us a Altoona, May , Be Po ;W G( W, 77, 7 N f* that they (((til patterns, the . WAMS AI AcNew Print, whic '» .. MffetkU of excel ' m Prints am cite; Wnh’extenalru snlr - >*eh*y B.lBti(X-lj Idterary Pin: POiNFECTIG *EWELI fpHKSUIJi ,jK kcepcoostanil . penodlcsds,'daily p> Pittsburgh, togotlir the School Books n • . band. - ■ - ' “-o. a choice loti « kinds lor ch i) bad in town, llrer Pencils, < Jail and vsntni Altoona; July 20. f ANDSI I '*• -1 \4 The uudorsitri iUNTS In the On i < Uoud selections can and ’tettlshicnts. 1 llarket, aru of the I Selections ca guested. M; 14, ISW.-tf '-rtTOir-, ,<> ~ Rer. A. B. Ctvu ffK. It. Ltotn A McCau* A Diu Tip*. A. Scott, i B. (bHnnui, yr. m. l jqh^ts 03^ “-Be IARAFTS ■ * Culea, and r ’ WM#- Money* rect ’ Without Interest, or if4»b.34,1W9, ifU: ; B; M. ri*TORI ' • altoo: T IUI Court: eMtllM v .’VlljTlh* n«»l seyern • T*lS? W > ■** aspects t Offleb oifi ANNIE s . E«ftt.«,l» ARericanLife : Capital Jfuilding S- F. HG WmNSCRAKCE I ?5A T Jo,xt stgci OK AT t °ta i ®sx IN TUK WORLi J C. SIMMS, Sec'? »■». ooon, u.», T| KS - G °o ■ JL * INfl entered i MWlcine, respectful! In *™»**«n.l brancht Call* will he answei ' . *kleh U lira mnw * Good,—or at the Lo April 31st, 18533 m B~Tots~Tn dersigned haa •UU cheap at hi* .torn *“ 5«-tf.J r * u “ The Hoot n p philai ■g&Jfeasi* ihirsL monthl thcreaf «QI» paper. Se PL2O, 1800. Ssaik~c^ AOE.NCY._The Mutual Firo Fu , { ® * own or cot Company in tb e state * VVTM. 8 -JSJJIiGKEC ORCEIN . Student want T\RS. CONRJ chCf. Bl ’f ,crr *ULLY o f ?*£•«* Altoona and cj^fe^'tortheit fJfcEAT WEI n^yPTRUSTGt