The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 10, 1861, Image 3

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it Infirniary,-
i !•>:>{*,
■ i Ktform; to the Dif-
I rtntiun of Dunne,'
ini ulllicUxl with Clirb
- viiil this liifirmaryis -
throughout the
l.i avoid the PbitdnonM
jm./Vu.-ff Fhyticiani,
„( thousands annually
im?c3 we cure, not Only t
’ . nr country f
oiphiiuts, fevers, ficrof- .
tv,-. Cancers and other
-a. Weakness,
l .'exual Organa, from
i. Our object will be to
li all cases a speedy euro. ‘
.■'livjce and written pro-' i
reijucstctl tho Tery best •
mr own Laboratory, un-
.1 ate the must reliable
i' recent discoveries.
inaining full neebunt of
occupation, 4c.,,
b auvico nuil directions
ending for advico wtllb*
the pour; In all .cases
vpiess it' desired, genii
ainl judge fur yoiirseWes.
to aid these.objocts,
obtaiiioii, for tho euro of
full i-xiiluimtioUH of the
ml exercise. I’ricfe&OoU;
i- ami treatment of all
uii marriage, Up dutiao,
•on, their ill#, and cln.tha
valuable .Instructions, to
are; Price 25 coots. :
leal Companion,
nibrociiig the Patkolcgy, i
■ nf the liritmry andBex
i advice aiid cuuuaei, such
Price 2S cents.; '
■NB. ■ -
i.. 1 the various Trick* ; to
mtratca the. plan* of tho
one. Jt guides the un- ..
every swindlo'of the age.
Medicine-i, Liquors yind
means of detecting the
it/'jO receipts on. Cooking,
•. Hove to plant ana what.
•• animals, advice tohonao- .
■ m 1000 subjects of inter- '
■ :.*nuy opo. . ’ '.
i from tiutt awful dfsen^a,
mlies used lor it, with a '
.ad other useful inform*-
to lie fouml in any works
any other source. Thesd
■ paper, and beautifully
a moiled free, on receipt of
::whole in a‘ Imndsojjndy
(iimily should bo with
ith bi autiful engravingS,
n-nee of years! . . "
Milts, whocunmakeslM)'
■ r agents. ’
i l -nng from secret habits;
, ,-r: nervous dobiUtj; loss
a.Utuda; eruptions.on the.
latf. before you suffer
evi! mind. r. '■ -■ i
jr 'tuant and tni'e romediev
i.-WhiU-s, ic, send tp ns.; :
are many Jiarunts of serpfkt
-1 condition tp whom a .ho-
MiXlering and poverty. -To
we will send information of
failing PKEVKSTItB. ,
ir- apply ing for it,
apor. and contains tho most
natoi iioat, or Seminal Woak
•Ut-c, showing tho awflu «■
si vnal Organs, afnlleipla-.
i-, tho means of prevention
i.i disease.'
oil aud Skin.
'i .'lii-iiiea.
[ i.i. w practised,
.1 .ition.
r.'::-!i run tr. ; .
l:t hamls of every ohc., .
:|ik-C Physician.'. S. S. AIoBMV
uii-.t. ’ . .
liamW* streot/ ' ' i :-
k.utlr *tb and 5Ui
• • ncloto two or tUJjW.WSnp*
! I;HUNKY, Secretory,-
Yew-, .
ivASON! ■■
- Tli* nndor»isn«‘
u- m Mid the public pg?-
■_!,i the KASt wUUhtoWlwoe*#.
H-, (ms every vavlrtfl?
nil QualttJ, P*
ma iiats
111 ANP
i|pL. C A »
( Winter Wear. ,
FLATS, to wbidl
■ .-.ytlunp in this Hnefc.»pP|“.
i‘S’ Stubs i f
~<i hanJacmrtt *
... ~t Altana, embrooinK , .
• 1, Uirs nmf‘onttojjigf
i, muficturc, and of every <1
cvtiiiiJK in tbe WW* r tS
, V
, V lowest J)' >«sible p r tWS- _
.^ ttth -.SSS?BSSr
f Altoona u U a vlcinity tH**
■ ;riv.jicco <>f _ . ■■ J
carles, Nuts, Spi _
L ... expressly
~ on luma A good »toe*, OT r
:i manufacture. «,zt -
nes, stAist*®-*#*
.. mia of the year.'. _ '
-jr. Molasses, BaM,
, .ru. coax M EAL >
i:.‘n in largo or fD> » U
my -lock and J°“ t
;; : y in town.
(iiclife ofTra*^
r.iKJr«w &*-
•■■ im-nt of -__g«
AND. CA £and***
nionablo stylos, *>r n>«
y, Ready-Made^ 111
? (a;«o ASD t
-.CiWO-YS OF£*£££%*, *'
l/JOyAJil'f “T
t 1 mined,
or money,
EbutE -
£J«a Through,
7 30 and 11 10 A.M.
7 45 i“
tfitern Through gl3 «
Ssm Throus* 1 ;;; ii an •< ,
: 140 p. m.
'\iLm—During the week, from 7 00 a. m. till
ornct UOCM • " r » m 3ootm9oo A. *.
,J)t. * 0“ banJ * JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. M
*, . v, ct arrives 9,20 P.M., leaves 0,40 P. 5L
« 8,13 A.M. «• 8,33 A.M.
v“. “ 7.45 A. 31. « 8,00 A.M.
V« ! . \Te«t “ 8,50 I*. 3*., “ 9.10 P.M.
\ y£t “ 11,20 A.M. « 11.35 A.M.
iiill w“ t > •< 1.40 P.M.,- « 2,00 P.M.
“ , IDAYSDDRO BRANCH connects with all
lII* ** • XV*gf e
7r*lo« I!A vch TRAINS connect with Johnstown
lSD ution Train Kast and West, Mail Train East
*on Tra||l and We ,t.
* tJ 4,1800 P ’ ENOCH LEWIS, Oen'l Supt.
SiiEßirr’s Sales. — Sheriff Funk will' soUthc
property, at the Court House, in'Hol-
Hdaysburg- on Wednesday, January 30th, 1801.
' xbc interest of John- Nelson in a house and lot
f round on Branch street, Altoona.
° xbc interest of Levi and Alexander Riling in
tTl vern bouse and lot of ground, situate on
street, Altoona,
lie interest of David and Saraif Mertz in a
4 house and lot of 15 acres of land, in Logan
jbe interest of ffm. Andrews in a lot ,of
ground in Tyrohe borough, having thereon
erected a two-story brick house and a one and
a half story frame house and stable.
\jbe interest of John Weaver,' dec’d, in a
measurage of land lying along the road leading
from Williamsburg to Franklin Forge, having
taercon a two-story frame .bouse and frame
The interest oLJohn R. and Thomas McFar
lanc in a tract of laud in Blair township, known
as the Gap Furnace properly, together with the
improvements thereon erected, water power,
tools, fixtures, liberties, privileges and whatso
ever thereunto appertains, also iron one in and
on the lands of the late Peter Shocnhcrger.
The interest of John C. Osterloh in two lots
of ground situate in the borough of Hollidays
A two-story frame building and church, situ
ate in Tyrone City—the property of the United
Brethren of Tyrone City.
The interest of Jacob Duck in a tract of land 1
in Wooilbcrry township, containing 210 acres,
Laving thereon erected a two-story frame dwell
ing house, two plank dwelling houses, a frame
grist mill and other buildings.
. The interest of ffm. Burley in a, two-story
frame house and a lot of ground in Tyrone City.
The interest of Walter Graham in a tract of
:3T acres of hind, in Catharine township, hav
ing thereon erected three frame dwelling houses,
tiro log dwellings, frame gristmill, store house,v
frame bank barn, frame stable, blacksmith shop
ami-other improvements. Also, a tract of land
■belonging to same, in same township, contain
ing one acre and twenty-six perches; also, aj
tract of land belonging to same, in Frankstown i
township, containing 292 acres, and having a j
log bouse and log barn thereon; also, a tract of I
land belonging to same, in same township, con
bining fifty acres. - i
The interest of Elias Hoover and Samuel 11.
lloycr, in Franklin Forgo, together with the
Uads and buildings thereunto belonginjg; ' also,
a tract of 320 acres, adjoining the above and
belonging to the same; also, a tract of forty-four
acres adjoining the above and belonging to'the
same; also, tracts belonging to the same, con
taining, respectively; 26, 72, 79, 371, 165, 457,
122, 64, 201 acres, together with two other
tracts, the amount of which is nOt given.
The interest of John Irwin and his wife in a
tract of 147 acres of land, in Logan township,
having a small log house thereon.
The interest of Jesse R. Crawford andliis wife
in four lots of ground in Gaysport borough.
Bold Theft.— On Saturday last, a seedy
looking chap went into the Superintendent’s Of
fice, in this place, for the purpose of soliciting
a pass over the railroad. Not finding the per
son who could confer the favor he sought, ho
passed out again, bat not without making his
trip pay, ns he took with him a contSbelonging
to Mr. Irons, which happened to bo hanging on
a nail in one of the rooms through which ho
passed. Mr. L missed his coat shortly after
the gentleman left and soon pat Constable Ely
on his track. He was overhauled a short dis
tance below town, with the coat bn his arm, and
hrough before Esquire Cherry, .who committed
him to the “Lock Up.” He appeared a little
intoxicated while in the Supt’a Office, bnt feignv
ed to be very drank when arrested. In view of
his condition, Mr. I. did not proceed against
him, after recovering his coat.
Amcsd Aaus.—On yesterday afternoon wo
liad t|ie pleasure of taking by the hand our
welcome friend, Mr. Jonathan Focht, Colporteur
°f the American Tract Society, who is now about
la commence his annual canvass of Altoona, for
the purpose of selling tho publications of the
above society. His books arc all valuable, con
taining nothing butinformatiohwhioh will make
tbp reader wise and happy. They also print
on clear type, excellent paper; rand are sub
stantially bound. Mr. F. sells bis books at a
lower price th%n they can be had., at any book
««tablishment in the country- or city. We be
opoak for him the cordial welcome and liberal
patronage of onr citizens, as the cause ip which
be labors U a good one and worthy of their
hearty Co-operation.
Bffi-Tho Hoi Udaysburg Fenoibles fired a sa
lute of thirty-three guns, on Tuesday .morning
last, in honop of tho Union, and of Major An
derson, the Hero of Fort Sumpter. We npder
stand that both the Fenoibles and -Juniata
® c ?i paased rcsolntions endorsing the action of ;
Major Anderson in evatpsftting, 'Fort -Moultrie
‘ taking possession of yort Sumpter,
olating their willingness to dpftmd-the yiag of
onr Union. • : ,
7 16 A.M.
1......;...... 716 “
w... 716 and 11 00 «
7 00 P. M.
local items.
Infanticide.—On Wednesday morning last,-
a child,- apparently three op font* dayrold, was/
found in the lot in the rear of the Lutheran
Chnrch, in this place, With its throat ent from
ear to ear. An inquest was held upon the body
at the Office of Dr. J. T. Christy, where a ver
dictof *• murder, by some person unknown to
the Jury,” was rendered. A colored girl, v who
has been living at the Altoona House, was sus
pected of being the mother of the child and its
murderer. - She was forthwith arrested and
brought before Esquire Cherry, when she con
fessed the crime. ' She was committed to jail to
await her trial at the next term of Court, when
it is hoped sbo will receive the full extent of
the law and the reward due such a hellish deed.
700 “
Mathematical Puzzle. — “ All Paris and the
have been worried, for the last
month over the following published seriously in
the Monde llltuire. Draw a series of lines thus:
Then with three strokes of the finger, and
without returning upon any line already touch
ed, wipe them all out. All the slates, dead-walls
and shop-doors of Paris are now sacrificed to
this interesting exercise in mathematics.
ggy We acknowledge a visit on Thursday
last,.from friend'Kurtz, of the Central Vress,
Bellefonto. He looks, talks and Ac ts like a
clover, wholesouled fellow, such ns all editors
arc (with n few exceptions). We promise him
a return visit ns soon ns the Tyrone Mid Lock
Haven Railroad is c ompleted, os it is not likely
we shall travel in a stage coach to see him, un
less wo are compelled to. i
pigy-The Whig says that it has learned, from
what may be considered reliable authority, that
the Central Bank, of Hollidayaburg, will soon
be resuscitated by gentlemen of capital, and in
whom the public can place the utmost reliance.
Can the iTAip tell us whether the new proprie
tors will redeem the notes of the Bank now
held by our citizens ? i
Lecture.—We understand that the Bishop of
Pittsburgh will lecture in tie Catholic Church;
in this place, sometime this month. No doubt
timely notice will bo given of the day and sub
ject of the lecture From what we have learned
of this distinguished divine, we can, in antici
pation, 'promise a rich intellectual treat to all
whp will attend the lecture of tho Rt. Rev.
Bishop Domcncc.
A heavy press of job work, for some
weeks past, has prevented us from giving that
attention to our paper which it should have had
and which ive desire to give it, and the crowded
condition of our columns, with advertisements,
precludes our giving that-’ variety which would
make it interesting. We hope in a short lime
to be able to givq it closer attention.
pgf° The President’s Fast Day was not very
well observed hi this place. All the stores andj
places of business wire open, with the exception
of the Post Office and Mr; Shoemaker’s store.—
Religions services were held in the Presbyterian
Church, and a sermon appropriate to the occa
sion delivered by Rev. A. B. Clark, the pastor^
1 jggy The Pittsburgh True I'ras has been dis
| continued and a now paper, called tho Evenidg
j Gazette , issued from tho same office, by
IS. Riddle & Co. It is independent in politics.
JB©“ W’o notice that oar Senator, Col, L. W.
Hall, has been appointed on the following com
mittees, viz:—Judiciary, Corporations, Estates
and Escheats, the latter of which he is chairman.
-The following is? an extract from a letter writ
ten by the C. Z,. Weiser, to the ‘ German Ro
omed Messenger”'at Chambersburg^Penn.:—
There was a woman in the public eye, whose
name had all along been associated* in our
Blind, with the “ Yankee“ Quack,” and
“Humbug.” Hut it is no longer, and we de
sire to wrest her name from all such auspicious
association in -all other minds. Whatever no
tions we may have of womanly delicacy and
propriety, we will all admit, that woman, atone
is the Nurse —the good Nurse. Whether we
shall have Female Physicians or not, is a ques
tion which must be decided by time and princi
ple, aqd nbt as a matter of taste. Pride, prej
udice, caprice and enstom, may as # wcll behave
themselves, for if there is really a want, there
wilt also be a supply—if there be “ a calling,”
there will be a 1 coming. ’Nature and Human
Society are always self-supplying, and though
Art and Fashion may hinder,.,they can not pre
Mrs. Winslow dqqs not want totreat you'aES
tlkhsn ! Nor .does she prescribe a regimen for,
your wives ; butmodestly appears as n messen
ger of health and happiness to y.o,ur infants in
the'cradle. Is there anything improper in that !
A Nurse of “ ten years’" experience can boldly
say What is or,is not gopd for a.babe —and ought
to be listened to- God speed her, on her hum
ble but happy mission. She is the most suc
cessful physician and most effectual benefac
tress our little one enjoyed—her doting parents
not excepted. Just open the door for her, and
Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Flor
ence Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we
ore so sure, that we will teach oar “Susy” to
say, “ A Blessing on Mbs. Winslow”— -for.
helping her £b survive and escape the griping,
colioking and teethingi siege. We confirm every
word set forth in the Pbospectus. It performs
precisely what it professes to perform, every
part Of it—-nothing less. Away, with your
Cordial,” “ Paregoric,” “ Drops,” “ Lauda-
and every other “ Narcotic,” by wHioh
the bribe is drugged into stupidity, and render
ed dull and idiotic for life ! v
We have never seen Mrs. Winslow—know her
Only through the preparation of her “ Soothing
Syrup for Childreh Teething,” If we bad the
power, ire should make her, as she is, a physi
cal saviour to the infant Dace.
SavA-re CoAUnu, Dec. 28th, 1860.
Senate preceded to elect delegatee frein the States un
represented at last meeting, vrUcta resulted as follows
ijfew Jersey—-John C. Houston.
Korth,Carolina-—James H. Oysart.
Tennessee—.!?. W. Clark* \
Maryland--W.-'W. Osborne.
Oregon—Bohott Pitcnlrns.
. Pennsylvania—Jonathan Robinson.
'Alabama—Thomas McCauUy.
Ohio—R, M. Measimcr. J •
lowa—John.M. Campbell.
Alter which tho resolution of Mr. Caldwell (S. C)
which laid over from last meeting was taken tip apd P 4 ® -
sedwith tho following amendment by Mr. Potts (Mo.)
vis“ That tho rnlea in'reference to the appointment of
Standing committees be suspended, and that the President
bo empowered to appoint all committees.
On motion of Jhr. GemmOl ’{Taj Ute president’s Me*
A Benefactress.
Local TJ. S. Senate Proceedings.
gage was roadvjafter which the ’ President of" the Senate
■ proceeded teniraolntthetho regular standing committee*.
Onn»ottono|Dr. Gamma) (Vtu> the special meisagoor
the President Iwaa read',! after Which on* motion of Mr.
Woods (Ohio) tihe Senate ordered two hundred’copies oT ;
the President’! Message to he printed for the ase of the :
Senate. . | / |
On motion of Mr.Caldwoll (N.C.) the Senate went Into I
nomination and ciection of a Public Printer, which result- j
ed og followß, oin flrtrt j
E. B. McCnimL nominated by Mr. Pitcairns (Or) 14 rotes
Jno. W. Forney, ■ “ 1 “ Rose (Va) 2 “ j
Horace Or -t “ “ Maun (Me) 7 “ I
J. Gordo itt, “ Dr. GemtniU (Va) 3, “
0. A. ‘ “ Mr. Woods (0) 2 “
H. C.; “ “ Custer (La) 2 “
M. U. “ Galbraith (Va) 2 “
Jos.R “ Delo, -(Wls) 1 “
Thos. “ Caldwell (NC) 8 “
Maj. “ Potts (Mo) 1 «
election, on motion of Dr. Ocmmitl (Va)
Me) wan unanimously doc tod by the Sen-
E.B. :
Mr. Potts (Mo) C. Tipton, was appointed
On moiionof Mr.,fit cairns (Oregon):
Rtsolted, That the committee of Finance be instructed
to procure a suitable Hall for nest meeting and also to se
cure a permanent place of meeting for the Senate, ascer
tain the terms and report at die next meeting.
On motion of Mr. Bose (Ta) the Senate resolved them
selves into executive session for the purpose of confirming
the appointment of the President’s Cabinet, as follows:
Secretary {of State—Charles J. Mann.
Secreturyjof-Navy—James Lowther.
Secretary jof Treasury—Wm. M. Lloyd-
Secretary of War—l)r. J. M. Qemmill.
Secretary kf Interior—Thee.' P. Sargent.
Post Master General—John Shoemaker.
Attorney General—Dr. Wm. K. Finley.
On motion of Mr. Pitcuirns (Oregon) T. B. Patton was
appointed Assistant Messenger of the eonato.
, John Bue! has received the appointment of Sergeant at
Clk C. S. Senate.
Committee on Finance reported that they have attended
to their duty and procured a Uali for. the meetings of the
The Senate proceeded to draw for tito vacancies occur
ring by the appointments of the President s Cabinet ns
follows, viz: i
.Massachusetts —E. Elder.
South Carolina —John Lowther.
On motion of Mr. Potts (Mo) ; —Hint a tax be levied on each Senator for the
purpose of defraying the necessary expenses of the Sen
On motion of Mr. Rose (Va) the resolution was referred
to tho Finance Committee.
On motion iff Mr. Adlum (Mass) tho Committee retired
for a few minutes for the purpose of taking the matter
into consideration. The committee after consultation of
fei cd the following:
Resolved, lira a tax of fifty (50) cents per month bo as
sessed upon ouch Stucu to Uclmj tho übcosvary expenses of
tUe Senate.
The report Was accepted. On motion to adopt Was lost.
On motion bf Mr. Putts (Mo):
Resolved, ijhat a tax of twenty-five (26) cents per month
bo levied on oaqh Senator for tho purpose of defraying tho
expenses of the Government. Agreed to.
On motion adjourned to meet ip Lowlher's Hull on Fri
day evening, January 11th, at 7 o'clock.
Clk U. S. Senate.
At the Logon House, In this place, on the 25th nit., by
tho Rev. C. L. Kbrenfeld, Sir. GEORGE MO WRY to Mies
ELIZA McCARXXEY, both of Blair county.
In the Ist Instant, by Lease Yingling, Keq., Mr. JAMES
JONES, formerly of Uollidaysburg, and Miss MARIA Mc-
FALLS, of Williamsburg.
On the 25tli ult,, by Rev. S. H. Reid, Mr. JOSHUA AU
RANDT to Miss SARAH J. HUGHES, both of Yellow
Springs, Blair county-
On the Istinstaut, in Ncwry, by the Rev. Jos. Ficlitner,
both of Allegheny townsliip, Blair county.
On the 25th nit., by 1 tho same, Mr. JOHN U. HOLLAND
to LOVIE WEAVER, both of Freedom tp., this county.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. JACOB I’HESSE 1.,
of Greenfield townsliip, this county, to Miss MARY ANNIE
KLUTZ,,of Bedford county.
In Altoona, on (he Ist hint., by J. M. Cherry. Esq.. Mr.
ALFRED- ChAUGBAUOH, of Altoona Borough, to Miss
MARY ANN SMITH, of. Spruce Cicek:
bond about 24 000 lbs. of POKK and 4,000 lbs. of
LAUD V which bo will sell in quantities to suit purchasers.
He will sell Lard by thp Carrel at 10 cents ft lb.—by tbe
'Can of 50 or 75 0)s weight at cents lb, and l)y tbo
small at 14 cents lb,
Altoona, Jau. 10, ’iU-tf
_J DENCE of tlio subscriber, in Lo-
pan township, sonin time during Inst
full, aWhite and Brown sjiottcd DUEL )<CTaSftPT'
CALF; nbnjnt one year obi. No other
distinguishable murks about him. The
owner is requested to come
prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise
ho will be disposed of according to law
Jan. If), 1561.-31
bISSbLUTION. Notice is hereby
■ given that the Partnership lately existing between
John D- Veach and Richard McLain, of Altoona, under the
firm of VEACH i CO, was by mutual consent
oh the Tthilay of January, 1861. All debts owing said
partnership are to be received by said Richard McLain, and
all demand)) on the said partnership are presented to
him for payment, nt the business. bongo of tbe late firm,
where the business will be continued by Richard McLain.
All persona indebted to said firm, or having cl aims against
It. are requested to make immediate settlement.
■ ; > joiur d. veach,
Jan. 10, isCl.-St RICHARD McLAJN.
I to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that they have
opened a •
On JULIA STREET, 1 door above Winters 1 Tin Shop, East
Altoona, whore they will keep on hand n good assortment
of Boots and Shoes own manufacture.
MSf Particular attention given to .making Ladies' Shoes,
Gaiters, <fC. They invite a share of public patronage, feel
ine satiafied that they can render entire satisfaction.
Altoona,Jan. 10, ’6l4f WM. BOELL A CO,
Office Altoona Oas A Wateh Co, \
Altoona! Dec. 24, 1860. J
The board of
have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER
CENT, on the Capitol Stock of the Company, clear of State
Tax, payable on o,nd after January Ist, 1861. ' '
Powers of Attorney for collection of dividends can be had
on application at the office of the Treasurer, (Sup’t Office,
Penn’a H..R). , .
Transfer Books will bo closed on the 27th of December,
and romalifolosodhntU the 3d of January, 1881. ■'
Dec. 27,’00-4t. B. P. ROSE, Treasurer.
j returned from the cast where he has purchased a
very large) and fine stock of
jirogaus, (Waiters, Stc.,
which he is prepared to offer to thecitizens of Altoona and
vicinity ait very low prices. Having purchased direct from
the manufacturers for cash, ho is prepared to sell at prices
that will! defy competition. All that ho asks is that the
people will call and examine his stock before purchasing
t(Su BpOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea
sonable terms.' Also, repairing promptly attended to.
Don’t forget the place, two doors below Bust Office.
Jan. 3) 1861. M. THOMPSON, Agent.
Daniel H. Ncwhard I No. 72, July term, 1860. ,
Mary E. Ncwhard. ) t
And now, 22d Oct. XBUO, tho alias subpoena baying been
retnrnedby the Sheriff, and proof having been made, that,
the Respondent cannot be found in said connty, tho Court
do now order that the Sheriff cause notice to bepnhlished
forfonriweeks, soccceefuliy, prior to tho fourth Monday of
' January; next; requiring said respondent to appear on said
daV to answer the complaint of saidLibellant. By the
OofcntyJf ' JOS. BALDRIDOB, Prot,..
\ Mary-E. Newhard, the Respondent above named, is here
by notified to appear on the day above named, as required
by the art of Assembly and the order of tho Court, and
answer the complaint of the
Saraivris Office, V , - • _
Haliid»ysbnrg, Dee, gt. 1800. j Jan. 3d. *«Mt.
t) ORES I ROBES ! . -
T\i Just received a fine lot of Buffalo Robes, which we
wi&aett dt from 44 to $lO a piece. Two doors beloW the
peetOfflce. M. THQSWBON, Jyenl. ;
■ ;■ E ; ;; : :
v i :
Szmatx Chamber, Jan. 4, 1861.
Tff« A*xwA3tltlOli'or LAiraTiosai— -There li e growing;
tendency. In-this age to appropriate tho most expressive
word* of otHer languages, imkl sdtera. wJille to.Jncotparata
i them into our owtr; tins th# word Cephalic, which Is from,
i theGreek,signifying ‘‘for thttatl,"'fa now becoming.
1 popularized iu connection with Mr. SjßiMing a great Hcaul
'ncho remedy, but it will soon ho used iu a more general
" way, anil the word- Cephalic will become ** common an
1 Electrotype auil many others' whose distinction as foreign
i words boa-been worn away by common usage until they
; seem “native and to the manor born.” \
’ardiy Realized.
HI ’ad ’n ’orriblo ’eadache this liaflcrnoon, hand 1 1 step
ped Into the bapo theatrics hand my* hi to the man, •* Can
yon hease me of an ’eadache ?” “ Does it liache ard, rays
V. “ Hexceedingly ” says hi, hand upon that ’» gave mo a
Cephalic Pill, hand ’pon mo ’onto it cured me so quick that
1 ’ardiy realized 1 ’ad ’ad'an ’eadache.
j®> Headache fa the fevorite sign by which nature makes
known any deviation whatever from the natural state of
the brain, and viewed in this light it may l«s looked on as
a safeguard-intended to give notice of disease which might
otherwise escape attention, till too late to bo remedied;
and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches
may bo classified under two names, viz; Symptomatic and
Idopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common
and is the precursor of a great variety of among
which are Apoplexy, Gout, Kheumat sm and all febrile di
seases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of j
the stomach constituting tick headaclu, of hepatic disease j
constituting bilious headache, of worms, constipation and j
other disorders of the bowels, as well ns renal and uterine ■
affections. Diseases of the heart jiro very frequently «t- !
tended with Headaches; Anaemia and plethora are also af-‘
fectious which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic
Headache is also very common,- being unusually distin
guished by the name of nerrous headache , sometimes com
ing on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and
prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and
iu ptlier instances it come* on slowly, heralded by depres
sion of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instances
the pain is iu the front of the head, over one or both eyes,
and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class may
also be uamed Neuralgia.
For the treatment of cither class of Headache the Cepha
lic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving
the most acute pains in a few miuutos, amPTy its subtle
power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the
unerring index.
Bridget. —Missns'wnnts you to send her a box of Cepha
lic Glue., no, a bottle of Prepared Pills,—but I’m thinking
that’s not just it uaitber ; but perhaps ye’ll be afther know
ing what it is. Yo see she’s nigh dead and {jono with the
Sick Headache, and wants some more of that same os ro
iaived her before.
Druggist. —You must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pills.
Bridget.— Och! sure now and you’ve sed it, here’s the
qnarther and give the the Pills aud don’t be all day about
it either.
Constipation of Costiveness.
No one of the “many ills Hosh is heir to” is so prevalent,
so little understood, and so much neglected as Costivcncss.
Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits; it is
regarded as a slight diSirdcr of too little consequence to
exdite anxiety, while unreality it is the precursor and com
panion of many of tlie u)ost fatal and dangerous diseases,
and unless early eradicated it will bring the sufferer to an
untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costive
ness is the usual attendant are Ueahache, Colic. Rheuma
tism Foul Breath. Piles and others of tike nature, while
a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers,
Abcesses, Dysentary. Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, Epi
levsy. Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy
and lusauitv, first indicate their presence ir .the system by
this alarming symptom Not unfrequently tho diseases
named originate in Constipation, but take on an mdepon
dc*nt existence unless the cause is eradicated in- an early
stiure. From all these considerations It follows that the
disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it
occurs, and' no person should neglect to get a box of Cepha
lic Pills on tho first appearance of the complaint, as their
timely hso will expel the lusiduous approaches of disease
and destroy this dangerous foe to human life.
£. Beal Blessing.
Ph ysician,— Well, Mrs. Jones, bow is that headache ?
airs. Jones.— Gone! Doctor, all gone! tho pill you sent
cured me in Just twenty minutes, 1 wish you would send
more so that I can have them handy.
Physician. —Yon can get them at any Druggist. Cali for
Cephalic Pills. I find they never fail, and 1 recommend
them in all cases of Headache.
Mrs. Jones.— l shall scud for a box directly, and shall
tejl all my suffering friends, for they are a rail blessing.
Twenty Millions op Dollars Saved.— Mr. Spalding lias
sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue,
and it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dol
lars worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggregate
of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by
this valuable invention. Having made bis Glue a house
hole word, he now proposes to do tho world still greater
service by curing all the aching heads with his Cephalic
Pills, aid if th«jy are iid good os hia Slue, Ueadaches will
soon vanish away like snow in July.
£3-Over excitement, and tho mental care and anxiety
incident til clone attention to business or study, are among
tiii- numerous cases of Nervous Headache. The disordered
state of mind and body incident to this distressing com
plaint is a fatal blow to all energy anil ambition. Suffer
ers by this disorder can always obtain speedy reliof from
these distressing attacks by using one of the Cephalic Pills
whenever the symptoms appear. It quiets tlio overtasked
brain, and sooothes tho strained and jarring nerves, and re
laxes the tension of tho stomach which always aecompa
tiies and aggravates tho disordered condition of tho brain.
Fact iYobtii Ksowiso. —Spalding’s Cephalic Pills arc a
certain cure for Sick Headache, Bilious Headache Nervous
Headache, Cootireuoss aud General Debility.
GreiT Discovert.— Among the most important of all the
ereat medical discoveries of this age may be considered the
system of vncciuatihu for protection from Small I ox, the
Cephalic Pill for reliefof Headache, and the use Quinine
for the prevention of Fevers, cither of which Is a sure spe
cific, whoso benefits will be experienced by suffering hu
manity long after their discoverers are forgotten.
Did yon ever have the Sltk Headache ? Do yon re
member the throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the
loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How totally un
fit you were for pleasure, conversation or study. One of
the Cephalic Pills would have relieved you from all the
suffering which yon then experienced. For this and other
purpose yon should always have a box of them on hand
to use as occasion requires.
Nervous Headache
' By the use of these Pills the periodic of tacks of Nervous
or sick Headache maybe prevented; and if taken at the
commencement of oh attack Immediate relief from pain
and sickness will be obtained.
They ! solilom fall In removing the Aausca and Headache
to which females ore so subject.
They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Cbstiveness .
For Literary Men, Studentsi' Delicate Females, and all' 1
persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative,
improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the diges
tive organs, and restoringthe natural elasticity and strength
of the whole system.
The CEPHALIC PILLS ,oto the result of long Investiga
tion and carefully conducted experiments, having beeii in
use many years, during which time they have prevented
and relieved a vast, amount of pain and suffering from
Headache,’whether. originating in, the nervous, system or
from a deranged state of the stomach. •
They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and
may be taken at all times with pefecjt safety without
making any change ofdiret, and tJteaUsaux <tf any diso
grreable taste renders it easy to administer then ifo children.
The’genuine have fiyo signatures of Henry C. Spalding on
each Box. f ’ ■■, l , .
Sold hy Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines.
A Bos will he sent by mail prepared, on receipt of the
lai orders should bo addressed to. :
. >[■ ■,V HENRTO. : .
JJot. 10, ’60.-ly.] CedM
WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy.
VOL PE’S Pure Maderic, Sherry ang Port Vine.
WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Hum. .
WOLFE’S Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky.
I bog leave to call th« attention of tl|o citizens of tho
United States to the above Wines and Liquors, imported by
Udolpbo Wolfs, of New York, whoso name Is fiimiliar in
every part of this country for tho purity of his celebrated
Scuieuaji Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, iu Ufa letter to me, speak
ing of the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says: “ I will
stake my reputation as a man. my standing as a merchant
of thirty years’ residence iu the city of Now York, that all
the-Brandy and Wines which I bottle hrtpnre as imported,
and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every
purchaser.” Every bottlo has the prohriotop’a name on the
wax, and a fac simile of his signature of tho certificate.—
The public ore respectfully invited tojcall and examine tor
themselves. For sole at Detail by ill Apothecaries aud
Grocers in Philadelphia. j
George 11. Asutox, No. BC2 Jfarkot St., Phila.
Sole Ageist for Philadelphia.
Bead the following from tho New Ypik Courier:
Enormous Business for one New York Mekcuant.—Wo
are happy to inform our. feilow-citizcns that there is ono
place iu our city where the physician, apothecary, oiid
country merchant, can go and purchase pure \i incs and
Liquors, as pure as imported.; and of file best quality. Wo
<do not iutend to give an elaborate description of this mer
chant’s extensive business, nlthohgh it will well repay any
stranger or citizen to visit Udolpbo W.oifo'a extensive ware
house, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver street, aud Nos, 17,19
nud 21, Murketfield street. His stuck’of Schnapps on hand
ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty
cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vin
tages of 1830 to I 860; aud ten thousand cases of Madeira,
Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch nud Irish Whiskey, Jamaica
and St. Croix Rum. some very old and equal to any in this
country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Bran
dy. Wine, kc~, in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for
I bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted
to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in
less than two years ho may bo equally successful with his
Brandies and \V ines.-
His business merits the patronage lof every lover of his
species. Private families who wishpiiro Wines and Liquors
for medical use should send their ordursdiroct to Mr. Wolfe,
until every Apothecary In the laud make up their miiids
to discard tho poisonous stuff from flioir shelves, and re
place it with Wolfe’s pnro Wines and; Liquors.
We understand that Mr. Wotte, foil the accommodation
of small dealers iu tho country, putd up assorted cases of
Wines and Liquors. Such a man, uiul Sucli a.merclmnt,
should be sustained against his tons jif thousands of oppo
nents in the United States, who sell
ruinous alike to human health and happiness.
For sale by A. ROUSH. [Sept. 13, ISGfi^
MRS. WINSLOW, &N experi
sents to the attention of mothers her
which greatly facilitates the procesiof teething, by soften
ing tlie gnms reducing all inflammation willallay pain and
spasmodic action, and is sure to regulate the Bowels.
Depend upon jt mothers, it will give rest to yourselves,
and Relief and Health to your Infants.
Wo have put up and sold this article for over ten years,
and can any, in confidence and truth of it, what wo have
never been aide to say of any other^ucdiclue—never has it
failed, in a single instance, to effeqt a euro, when timely
used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by
ony one who nsed IL On the contrary, all are delighted
with its operations, and speak in tewns of highest commen
dation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak,
in tbiSmatter “what Wo do know,T after ten years’ expe
rience, and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what
we here declare. In almost every Instance where tho in
fant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be
found in fifteen or twenty miuutesjafter the syrup la ad
This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of
the most experienced and skillful njurscs iu New England,
and lias been used with never-foiling success in thousands
of casts.
It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates
the stomach and bowels, corrects Acidity, and gives tone
and energy' to the whole system, fit will almost instantly
relievo Griping in the Dowels ondj B’inrf Cbffc, and qver
’ comb convulsoins, which, if not speedily remedied, end in
death. Wo believe it the best aiid surest remedy in the
world, in nil cases of Dysentery anfl Diarrhoea in children,
whether it arises from teething or from any other cause.—
We would suy to every mother wife has a child suffering
from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let your pre
judices, nor the prejudices of othew, efaud between tout
suffering childqnd the relief that fvill be sure—yes, abso
lutely sure—to follow tho use of this medicine, if timely
j used. Full directions for using will accompany each hot-
I tie. None genuine unless Hie flic-simile, of CURTIS A
PERKINS, New York, is on tho outside wrapper,
j Sold by Druggists throughout till world, ahd ; by G'. W.
i Kessler and A. Roush, druggists, AUtcWna. Price 25 cents
j per bottle. j
Principal Office, No. 13 Cctjar street, N. T. .
I July 13, ISGO.-ly., j:
our friends that wo are again on hands with on
unusually large stock of j
which wo think have been bought! at prices that will ena
ble us to compote with any other house In this section of
country. We have now on hands|.a larger stock of fine
Goods than has heretofore been brought to this place and
we hope the ladles will appreciate pur efforts to pleaset their
tastes by calling and looking at our stock, which we'take
pleasure fu showing. We havii many novelties in Dress
Goods, among some of which are the following.
Wool Delaines, Mohair Mixtures, Oriental Lustra,
Palestors, Brocade Mohair\, Silk Brilliants,
Silk Poplins, Brdcadei Poplins, Ghent
Valencies, Rep Poplins, Figured
Cashmeres , Mottlid Merinos,
Wool Plaids, Ftp. French .
Together with a full stock of aUj; kinds of Domestic and
Staple Dry Goods, Cloaking, Qlotlis, Cassimeros, Satlnclts,
Tweeds, Ac, ’ Ladies, Misses and Children’s Shawls, Cloaks
and Cloth Dusters, Hosiery, Gloved, Woolen Goods, Carpets
Oil Cloths, Bed Comforts, Blankets, Ac., Ac.
. We ask particular attention to bur-present stock of
which we feel sure are cheaper than they can be bought
elsewhere. Wo havealso our usual supply of
Groceries, (laeenawwe, Hardware,
Wooden and WHteio '
In a word, wo think pur present Week of Goods worth an
examination by persons.wJahtnßlto'hhy, and cordially,;ln
vHd otor frienuHo drop in aad stb us. ■ ■; ,
Oct. 4, 1860. ; |r J.t J. LOWJUKR.
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in
begleave to rail the attention of the cltlxene of the United
States to thehr Pure Wines and Liquors, put up under their
own supervlslon, for Family and; Medical use, in cases, as
.sorted to shit customers. Clubs, Military and other public
bodies, who reqnlreto.purchase iu largo or small quanti
ties, in casks or bottles, will ho liberally dealt with. Price
List sent on'applicatbm. K -■
: - Recommended by the first physicians as tho best remedy
knotrn fcr'Dyspcpeia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Ner
vons Discasco, As a beverage, jit is pure, wholesome, and
delicious to the taste. Sold>y ail Druggists.
1 WJL B. MOREHOUSE A CO., Proprietors,
; . 314 6 Exchange Place, ■
ij, . ;j’- Jersey City, N. J.
rpHB BTJBSCRIBJSR9, deajiite «n B
■I ftnrnbh employ wont to ajifow men j to net m
agents lor thdrhonsis A preference will be fttaKtothoae
«£o are weUacoualntcd In thfdistrict for which they ap
slices Ware willing to pay a salary
of from j ■
600 TO 800 DOLLARS
S * 5 Exchange Place,
Jersey qty. W. J.
Kov. 1.-Cm.
i ixfcaUy d expocUciot&l
AT THE }: \
lw executed at this «Bcel
litcb eoKPim*, i
lad Cm various affections consequent upon a dborderud
Boch m Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Patna,
Heartburn, loaa of Appetite, Dependency, CqeUrenoe*.
Wind and Bleeding Pile*. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and.
Neuralgia Aftoctiona, it baa in numerous instaneaa proved
highly beneficial, and in otbera effected a decided eure.
Thl* U a purely vegetable compound, prepared on itrfcUy
aciontitle principle*, after the manner of the ooiebmted .
TTrdlend Profeaaor, Boerhave* It* reputation at homo pro-'
dnead its introduction hare, the demand commencing with
thoea of the fatherland scattered over the face of title
mighty counter, many of whom brought with them and
banded down tan tradition of. its value. It it now offtrtd -
te (he Asurfem. ptMic,Jcnourinq OtcdUt truly wen der/ut
mwhWiKil virtue* mutt (lit ocbwnchdgetfc
It is particularly recommended to thoea paraoos whoaa
aocrtitutioni may bare been impaired by the oontlnuoua uaa
of ardent spirits, or other forma of dissipation. Centrally
instantaneous in effect, it Unde it* way directly to the neat
of life, thrilling And quickening every nerve, ratotng nptha
dropping spirit and, in toct, Infusing new health sndvlcor
in the system.
NOTK!K.—-Whoever sxpssts to And this a bavaraga wU
be dtoappointad; but to the lick, waak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pounced of singular;
remedial proparttoa.
The Gtonulna highly concentrated Barbara's Holland',*
Bitten, to put up in halfpint bottlea oniy.and retailed/*
Ows Dotxin per bottle, or six bottlaalbr FtvsDolxxis. Tan
great demand tor this truly celebrated Medicine has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard sgsinst
purchasing. -
Beware of Imposition. Sas thsi our name to on tea
’label of every bottle you buy.
Bold by Druggists generally. It tan ba fcrwasdad
by Xxprtaa to mostpMnta. 1
pharmaceutists ami (Chemists,
For §ale by A. ROUSH, Altoona.
April 19,1 ISCOrlamly.
Worthy of any Confidence
Mnuy, since tho great discovery of Prof. Wood, hare at- ,
tempted not only Jo imitate bis bat profess to
have discovered somethin); that would produce results
tical; but they have »U como and gone, being canicdaway
by tho wonderful results of Prof. Wood’s preparation, and
have been forced to leave the field to its resistless swa/.
Head the,following:—
Bath, Me., April 18th, 1850.
Prof. 0. J. Wood & Co.: Gents:—The letter I wroth yen
in 1856 concerning your valuable Hair Restorative, amt
which you have published In this vicinity and elsewhere,
luuj given rise to numerous inquiries toochtugthe flscts In
the cose. The enquiries are, first, is it a toct of my habi
tation and name, os stated in the communication; Second,
is it true of all therein contained t-thlrd, does my hair still
continue to bn in good order and of natural colorl To all
I can and do answer invariably yes. My hair is oven bet
tor than in any stage of my life 'for 40 years post, mors
soft, thrifty and better colored; the same is true of my
whiskers, and the only canao why it is not generally true,
is that the substance is washed off by frequent ablution of
the face, when If earo were used by wiping the free in ciosa
connection with tho whiskers, the same result will follow •
as the hair. I have been In the receipt of a great number
of letters from ill 'parts of New England, asking mo if my
bair still contihnesto-bo good; os' there is-*o -much fraud
in the manufocture and ealo of various compounds as well
as this, it has, no doubt, beenbasety imitated and been used
not only without any good effect, hut to absolute injury.— „
I have not used any of yonr Kcstorntivo of any account tor
some mouths, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hun
dreds hove examined it with surprise, as 1 am now 61 years
old end not a gray hair In my head or oh try lace; and to
prove this fact, I send you a lock of my hair taken off tha
past week. I received your tovor of two quart bottles last
summer, for which I am grateful. Igaveit to my
friends and thereby induced them to try It, many wereskep
iical until offer trial, and then purchased and used it with
universal success. I will ask os a favor, that you send
me a test by which I can discover fraud in the Restorative;
sold by many, I fear, without authority from you. A pure
article will insure success, and I believe where good effects
do not follow, the failure Is caused by the Impure article,
which curses the Inventor of the good. 1 deem it my duty
as heretofore, to keep yon apprised of the continued effect
on my hair, ns I assure air.who enquire of mo of my un
shaken opinion of Its valuable results. I remain, dear sir,
touts. ■ v A. C. RAYMOND.
Assess Res, Ky., Nov. 30, 1858.
Paor.O. J. Wood: Dear Sir.—l would certainly be doing \
you a great injustice not to make known to, the world, the ,
wonderful, aa well aq unexpected result I have experienced i,
from using one bottle of your Hair Restorative. After using
every kind of Restoratives extant, but without success, ana '
finding my bend nearly destitute of hair, I was finally in
duced to fry a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, can
dor and justice compcPtoe to announce to whoever mar .
read this, that I now posses* a new and beautiful growth
of hair, which ! pronounce richer and handsomer than th«
original was. I will therefore take occasion to recommend- ■
this invaluable remedy to au. who may feel the necessity
of it. Rcsp'y yon s, • Rev. 8. ■ ALLEN BROCK.
P. 3.—This testimonial of pay approbation for your vaK
liable medicine (aa yon are aware of) is unsolicited, bnt it
you think it worthy a place ampng tho rest, insert if yon
wish; if not destroy and say nothing.
. RevSAB.
, The Restorative is put np in bottles of three , sires, rff:
large,'medium and small; tho small holds a pint and
retails for one dollar per bottle; the mediums bold at least
twenty per cent mote in proportion than tho smalt, retails,
for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per
cent, more in proportion and retails for $3, a bottle. 0 J
WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and
114 Market street, St. Lbnis, Mo. And said by alt good
Druggist* and Fancy Goods Dealers. [Dec. 6, ’6o3m *
Salt River Passengers, Ho!
underthe necessity of leaving early in November
for the bead water* of Balt Biter, In tho ship ON lON.
which ■will ponh'rrfy sail about that time; and knowing
that many of my friends will go along and will want ait
bntfit 1 take thU opportunity of Informing them as well
as all’my old Mends and easterners, that I have Just
turned from tho East, where I purchased a large stock of
Goods, which I am now opening- at my ttora In North
Ward, to Which ! Invito Inspection. It Is tho
as well as tho CHEAPEST lot of Goods brought to tho
town this foil. ' The reason why I say tho cqeapxst is ob
vious to every reflecting mind, because as tho season ad- %
ranees (tho mu-chants in the cast say) prices decline, there
fore I have an advantage of from 20 to 25 per cent, over
those who purchased early in tho season, and I can and
will Sell cheaper than any other house in tho place. Pur
chasers will thus at once sco the propriety of at least ex
amining my stock before buying elsowhcro. My stock
consists of all the neweet atyles of
for the season, also a full assortment of
Misse*' FeU and Straw Hats,
and everything in the Uno of Dry Good* and NoUonswhlch
it la unnecessary to enumerate. All of which will be sold
for caeh, or to prompt paying monthly customers, or ex
changed for all articles of Produce which can be consumed
hero or exchanged for goods in the East.
N. B.—The subscriber has arrangements In the East by
which'bo can supply any article at short notice.
Altoona, Oct. », 1800. A. McCowacx.
Buffalo robes.—a supply
of Bed Klvcr Buffalo Kobe* just received and for sale
I Paint, also Chrome. Green* Yellowj Paris Green, dry
n ground oil at [l-ttl RKSSLEH'S
Qiieensware, just received.
, A-large and fMhlonabJ# 1 assortment thertore of
J* B tilEtßSiAJie.
T tf E
r - yv.-;