«C Y UPON PORCELAIN n’Vana ICAN PHOTOGEAPW '■ COMIMNf, Ao. 781 £~*: a ' □r«l their novel and .aj.uropoanp.unu, xesses of Persona on Chin. «Utd and advantageous tho brilliancy ancTsSh Jlhano naattalned quality red as Imperishable P* u P° n which they are of the Company enabuf phs. not only on plala7 nr * or of any degree of IrrerabSSf#®** iuced with faultless accn™^5 tty *~ . upon Porcelain wareTSf^S’.^? 1 ■i used os articles of luiu^.^ :fast Cups, ToUit Articles, «fc ul portraits and fumUhfmc a rnamentation of article, £ SSjg* realties for tho _ cot the wants af having PortnUte d from Kurope a collectin^fiL^a ?«£““■* *> wa?*: .utormined, in order ~a to «M n KCr y qf the Vision MTS oy CHINA, ropoiltion to \ ' >, who are unable to vitil —-- _ i Galleries in Kern or -ti'mm Company la New Tork, f- DOLLARS, , manner, 'ench Tate ofi lbiltl ArUSe, . lucod by the patented procaa. agutrreotypea and i’N DOLLARS, irn. > f rich Setrtt Irt. equal u, mlaiMan . tnuts can U npndaad^^rii ry Quality «yr ;; ■ fuudrti Dtßart tiu writing the «ddf—i. rsed to i’uoroaurnio PoMiiaAi» 781 Biotdiu, N**rTork. caking in the praiaa of KATOVfI .E CORDIAL. r foils to offoni itiiinffliifldiia r . It acta a*ir ,JU that what we say {a tnu. It ■ J tv >RIC OS, OPIATE relicTM by rtvumngihe ntu l of by deadening \U oils itself ** the only rtUaUtnml Cuildbss TtrrntNo, DubunEu i: Bowels, Aciwxt Of *Ba,Bl9M> I A.n, and Chocp, alto, for umntition, regulating the TTiiiifi , o 'ifto.il— being an anti-tpatwto&t thcctss in nil cases of COHTtnmjt /or the life and health of vttir them from those tad aiMf UMMm • •:in to result from the uteofnar nnalics for InfanlOt Cbmpiaintt > ’■> D;.. Eato.n’s lsFihmtfln»M» ' perfectly barmleu, and can* infant. Price, 26 esats. JuU , bottle. Prepared only by CIIUKCU A DC PONT. 409 Broadway, Now-Tortc ipon being LY2ED i A saimi essential elements, Did tanhabd. Analyse the Stood gf Consumption, Liver ml we find in every instance «Sfr» globules of Blood. Suppfy'Oum nmde well. The Blood foo# It fry—hence its as tonUhlngSno- F.PARA TIOSS t-9 of the Blood in different die* Br.oscnms, or anjjdfecUoo r Luxes, inducing Cosscxmos, « No. for Depression or BMun nil Chronic Complaints, arUhtj iruturr, nnd Nebvopi Fioatlt diusis, No. 3for Onrarau.— ■ n'jtnrptinn it U TAKEN BTIINOfN it.. the circulation, so that wtail i No. 4 is for Female Irrxoblaei kr. See special dlreelioae for Ekeptioxs, Scrotolocs, Kidsit, take No. 5. In all caaet the dl illowcii. Price ofthenfeedißed CHURCH A DDPOKT/ v , '• o. 409 Ilroadway, New. York, lihidelphia, audu. H.KKBUUI, uts. T. Murray, HoUidaystaßg; twists throughout the country. AND ORNAMENTr JESSRS. KEYS A WALSHre public that they an pnpinilfi NAMENTAL PAINTING, i. l at low prices. They also keep - ill, nt loweet price*. & PAINTERS' TOOM; STAINED A ENGBAVBD RING GLASS A PICTURE. VjSKtVOOD MOULDING^ NTAL GILT FRAMES. Imtsh’a Drug Store, it, Uollidaysburg, Pa. •LICE gazette.— of Crime and Criminal* lahe ■ idcly circulated throu|OMW >ll the Groat Trial*, CrfiUniß nalsou the some, togetberwl® alters, not to be found In annum; fl for »ix month*,® who ohonld write their n»®ee at i- where they reeide plainly# i, W. MATSELLAOO. New York Police Garotte, Aeie Turk Cttf. xanbe and Trust Co* Ik, $500,000. •.l.'.u! St., S. E. comtre/ i Vhila. ‘ ' , agent, altooka, E UBUAI MDTOALRAT*#* :s, AT ABOUT 20 praejfflT. I.XANCE BATES. TBJKUW* A. WHILLDIN, iVrft [Oct. 27th, 18S8-ly. ,0T FOR SALE.— Private Sale upic-d by her, Julid streets, a good Two a ■ Itchen on rooms on the second Beefs* * n good order. ' e premises and obtain xnrtner ae Bubscriber. IIAP.OT. M. McCBUM f. —— )UNIY MUTUAJ AGENCY.—The undersigned, r! Fire Insurance Company,* gainst loes ordamagehyWJ» ■ it/ure and Property jentisS&^; E MASONIC Jaw*- r p#*. * J ~ GROCERY ANB LIQUOR iy W to a* h lol °lh jw^rccSved frum tiio iaat and V, est a forgo asaortmont oIT T Foreign and Domestic liquors, ||B| consisting as follow*;' , JHu french (Hard Brandy, Qoynac Brandy^P^ch Bra **'J’ %T$ B ™ nd y> Old Burgundy Port Wme t Jamaica Rum Holland Gtns Old Rye Whiskey, ’ Monongahela Whiskey, and Rhine Wine, u» he will sell CITY PItICKS. ° °* Uu will also keep constantly 0 n hand an assortmant of GROCERIES, Such as Flour, Bacon, Sail, Fish, Tobacco,'Se gars,.Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, ,t- c All of which will ho sold cheap for cash or ComitrrP,,, 1, . Our fricuJß and the public generally are respectful!/Sn- Tited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. * Altoona, May'2fl, 1859._tf LOUIS VLACK De Forest, Armstrong & - M.cMiKTEit, Esq., Huntingdon, PaJ. w. M. LLOYD & CO., t ALTOONA, PA.. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., J JIOLhWA YSHXJItG, PA., {Late ‘‘Bell, Johnston, 'Jack Co.") "Ti HAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL zU. jSw'jLfi'JT I,m ! fioI ! <1 *»«*»• Collections without it iurLt tjr " ‘leposjto, payable on demand. Fub' Ul ' un “ me > * ith intwrent at fair rates! J ATTORNEY at law y • AI.TOOXA, Ilf, Ain Co, Pa., nlttaiS 6 c T‘V of ™ ir - c <— Heal Estate P ft mpt \ att,! “ ,,ed t - A fi*P‘ for tininess pertain..., to w K Ef*It£NCES: burcli- nulri mi uei ln i‘on"'* A,,d t " w Bl >rke, Esq.,Pitta Judicial District* Hun r? nU TS. I res. Jmlfco o,f Fayette . WOODKOK, att °BNE y at law, ALTOoNA ’ BLAIR CO., pa., * \\ p u RAGTICE IN THE SEYE 'A ' C '” jrt:i of Blair. Cambria ami Ilmitingdon WuntiV<. - v^ r f experience in the practice of Offlco o vir£. I ' mL ' rlt pub,ic Patronage. M:iJ.Lmu Kkj S lla Street, in ,tUo room lately occupied by _ [Sept. 6,1800.-tf. x * ». 000 D, a D ' ' —; — fx „ J. M OEJIMUJ, *. D JJ is. (xOOD & GEMMILL HAV- Vtp^trul| 1 v n t?..^ art .'! ol ? hil) Jn 0,0 PrtKtico'iof In the several bnooK t i‘ olr fiorrlccs to the Public Oiili* iJiIM tjrMch<,s of their Profession. /„ t n a»Mf ithe f r '» a y or night at their office , 4 Goad,—u r at r ‘Sf tofore t«cupied by Brs. Hirst > J A l>ril 21st, ttouse - ' ' BSf , f ND SHOES.—THE UN -'Mi SriOFu'^j lll ' l ' l ? assortment ofBOOI’S WT . °»*wh9M rr 3 ?? made > or mat}* to order, ■! Shoes, Cwc •b« lost rjm>ii ?. J, ? s in htt line 0{ business, of , ( Fiction! Hooke of Devotion! Books of Amusement! * Books for tho Old Folks! Hooka for the Young Folks Books for Husbands Books for Wives ( Books for Lovers! Books lor Sweethearts 1 \ Books for Bovs! . Books for Girls! Books of Humor! Books of Poetry! ' Books of Travel! Books of A i story ! _i of Biography! Books of Adventure! ■ Bonks about Sailors! ’ „ , Books about Soldiers! ■ Books about Indians! _ Books about Hunters I Books about Heroes I Books about BatriotaJ Books for Farmers! i ! Books for Mecbanicaf . Books fur Merchants! .Books for Physicians 1 Books for Lawyers! Books for Statesmen! Bibles! ' i Presentation Books Prayer Books! Hymn Books] Jovebile Books! Annuals! ■ Albums, etc., etc. f t lr f\M’kEY , S Interesting Bit ri-apliios! ! ' Popular Tales! ■ “•fflgsssswsr' DICKLJi Shovels I T WAVEBLEY Novels! XRVINQ-S Works!; n . ; . , author in. every de partment of literature* in ovppv «fv!r* nf • • publisher’s lowest more then you would at any other establishment. „R° 0 advantage of receiving an elegant Present which 3EXD FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Order any book Umt you may want, remit the retail Drive’ together withthe nmomit required for nasta** orJi A 1 trialwlll assure you thdt the to purchase books is at the Gift .Book iLtablishment o? ' GROUGE 0. EVANS Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise , K0.,439 Cukstkct Stuset, ' \ Philadelphia. ' m agents wanted. To \Tbom .greater Imlncomontfl than ever we offered. e Stabliug, Feeding, aZt?!V^ OC , , “ g ’ anU tho Bont-ral mau -7 f Ule ilorse ' wuh ‘he best modes of b tb.e t.v??"' “ edic . ino > “'so. bow to treat < - . , reanu K’ shying, stumbling, wldd. U j? b ’ refiU( ; f!Knt - ss > «nd other rices to • : uu't, he “ sub Jec‘: with numerous ex- j Riauatory engravings: mil mi ibu of 1 !? 11815 AND HIS diseases 1 loa “I ‘he causes, symptoms, and treatment of i* ore «.??s? a *» dhiteinpor, catarrh, , influenza, pleurisy, broken wind, chrj&c\yiwh, roanng and whistling. lattW and ulcers I 1 b ’- W ‘ th "‘her diseases of luc umuth auu rcapiratury organs. wiii TM ,?he iiokse and ms diseases »tU TeU Tou ot tho causes, symptoms and treatment of worms, hots, colic, strangulation, stony con cretions, ruptures, palsy, diiirrluen,'jauu * *i CU i ! I<; P utlr rliceu, bloody urine, stones in ( ‘* 1 *'‘ e k,( liic-ys and bladder, inflammation and 1 otiici diseases of the Stomach, bowels, liver , , and urinary prgaus. I Wilir,]] J HK H? KStl AXD HIS DISEASES HMTea Tuu of the causes, symptoms and treatment of Ikuik, blood and bog, spavin, sweenie, ring bono. strains, broken knees, wind calls Joumicr, sole bruise and gravel, crtmkej hoofs, scratches, canker, thrush and corns:' ; ' also, of megrims, vertigo, epilepsy, staggers and other diseases of the feet, legs and head TM THE lIOKSE AND HIS DISEASES Did TM lou of the causes, symptoms and treatment of fistula, poll evil, glanders, farcy, scarlet fe- • ' er, mange, surfeit, 101-ked jaw. rheumatism, cramp, gull s , diseases of tho N cyeand heart. ■ ’ ! hit.", r ‘. ’ a ,“. d ]|o ' v t 0 “anage castration; I bleeding, trcplmmmg, rowetiug. firing, hur ra!Sr tIWiD& UDd otUer surSi wm mi .?hd iiciRSE and ms diseases HOT TkU lou ofilarey’s method oftaming horses; how to approach, halter, or stable a Colt; bow to accustom a hprso to strange sounds and bbn ra ?“ d h ° W to , Wt > Baddl1 '- ‘Wo and break him to also, tho form and law of ' M AIUtANTY, The whole being the result of . ?t r .“. tl * a " fi Hecn years’ carcftil study of the Tie hook and will bo furnished to in addrat" c^th^r^’sTK^ 01 PdCe > Abound, *l,OO, or, in $lOOO A YEAR can be made by enterpris- I .soiling the above, and other popular inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. ’ ° r lor single copies of the book, or for terms to agents will, other iflfonnationi apply to or address* ‘ ° 1 * 11 Nov 8,-Cm No so simplify the whole Art of or enqc, having been fully and carefully tested under Uu/tkt OT, s e «"» te “‘J«suco of tlio writers. It is printed inla cl«ar and open type, is Illustrated with nppronriat 0 el gearings, and will be forwarded to any address neatlv cio"hfe«nif« a SC ° U rCCil,t ° f tbe P ric “- or in $lOOO : A YEAR cjm bo made by enterpri sjsJn. - Not. 7, >40.!^ 617 Uiiaa'olp I*a W. M. CORMLY Sl CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO. 271. LIBERTY STREET, OPPOSITE EAOLB HOTEL, PITTSBURGH. PA. Eebrs constantly on hand a largo nod well selected stock of ™pt. A 3 ; XOHACCOS, Molasses, ' SYRUPS, ’BROWN' 11 WHALE, \ T l™ S - BtCARB. ■ AB ARB ' BOH A, ; sVaitt n I IXEIGO, ' nn*PKn D ’ I , r UK ' n> * ; * STAR ’ MA ROPF LA .CANDLKS; lIVMP a mSI! ; r,Acn\ S ‘ BED cord, J)RY nL'KP . ORAIJJ, CHEESE, ll&V 'MESS PORK, *2g’ 0 3« s“ .! BUCKETS, i BROOMH WASH-BOARDS, TUBS, ’ AU of ttMcK, together wthaU artlctolwnaUy found to the CJBOGERY TRADE ;? I I^SoMa.«| t Iio , iOWEST^MARKET RATES ' i iu^ T - OA °“ tio “ ofCO “ nl ° rirorCjlaDtS *» «»P«Ctf o iy BJtujrargi Jfbv.S, 18M.-2m |> }BWIM iea tf CO»FECTJOJ!EttT ' ‘ A ‘ OYSI'KK SAIioON. > SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN KRAt citizons of Altooon &nd rmnmmt VSSs I'&NI T’ dOKP' JtUppUt Variety.' . YS'l'Bß SATjOON Hp haji always on hand a lot of MIJTCE Mtjii#- Ue U ttt all times prepared to Jbrp^de» aß d!ott,er toiSv^ bebennu that he cua Tender fnll BaUslirtion RetAortlier. h|g storo and saloon Is on YiralnlastreoL^wn doors belpw Patton’s Hall. “ . ; i ■ ■ ■■ ALTOONA, PA.', THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1861 -U* [independent in everything.] THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. E RMCCBDM - 0. DEBil, Per annum, (payable invariably in advance 1 «i fin , pati'cr" « «« expiration of'tte^tiM Four lines or 1ce*...... 1 e o‘i oa , 2 do ; 3 do. One square, ( 8 UucsJ....'""'" 5 S s *' % *«} Iwo ne .< < j 16 I 00 Three ” (04 u > J 150 200 Xr ba “ 26 inS Six lines or less 3 '«■ ?wo eqn “ rc ’- ;i a so Tbrco « 4 Four o 00 Half a column." 9® One column 9® Administrators and Executors Nm uL tcrest accirdfni ; !la ™ c ‘cr or individual im t£S£SX *-* cording to the above terms *"* f ° ,b,d Und char BCd uc- Thon, too, sail on, 0 ship of Stats I Sail on, 0 Union, strong anti great I Humanity with all its fears, With all tho hopes of future years. Is hanging breathless on thy fate I > Wo know what master laid thy kneel, What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel. Who made, each mast and sail and rope; In what a forge and what a heat, Were shaped the anchors of thy hope! Fear not each sadden sound and shock ; ’Tis of tho wave and not the rock • ’Xis but the flapping of tho sail, And not a rent made by tho galo 1 In spite of rock and tempests roar, In Spite of false lights on tho snore, Sail on, nor fear to breast the seal Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears. Our faitii triumphant o'er our fears, Are all with thee—are all withthcol extracts from message. W e take the following extracts from the Message of the President, (Rev. A. B. Clark,) to the Local United States Senate. In view of the present condition of our national affirirs, it will, we think, be read with interest. We shall make no com ments thereon, allowing each reader to draw his own conclusions. In another aspect of the case, our country’s condition must fill us with sadness and distress. Iho excitement incident to a general election has nof, as formerly, passed off, after the result was known, except m the Northern States In these, the election itself, was perhaps, with less excitement than is usual; and since, the accus tomed calm has and the acquiescence iu the result, apparently unanimous. In sever al of the Southern States, however, this baa not been the case. With them an intense ex citement has followed, which has been fanned and fed until the almost entire popular mind is m a b|azo. The result has been the stagnation or business, a monetary crisis, commercial pres sure, the destruction of confidence in the busi ness circles, Bank suspensions, the formal with drawal of one State (South Carolina) from the Federal Umon, the caUing of Conventions in other States to consult upon the propriety and demands for a similar course. Such is the present sad, I may add* alarming condition, of our country, and the danger of the Union.- Ihis is the condition of things about which you are to consult, and a remedy for which ought to be sought speedily as possible. It is not for me, at the stand-point from which 1 am called to view these things, to give them an cx-partc consideration. My rule of judgment shall be the Constitution which knows no North no South, no Sectional interest; but designs the good of the whole. And it shall be my constant aim, and earnest desire, to keep clearly within the range of its provisions and teachings, in all that shall be recommended for your considera tion, and for your enactment: and to put my own prejudices, and political predictions, under my fact. & In providing for the present crisis, it docs not appear to me, that we are called upon to in quire into the causes of existing troubles, any farther than, they may throw light upon our path, m seeking the remedy; ' nor to condemn o" e P° r . tlo “ of tLe , Ua! on, or any particular, states, to the exculpation of others. There or dt least imprudencies pn all hands. Ibis however Ido not undertake to affirm. But, of this one thing all sober mind ed, reflecting men, who are cognizant of the IT' b ! P ersu o-dcd, viz,:—That the chief difficulty, and great cause of excitement, has grown Out of a misunderstanding of the popular H ln ™! S ,° Ct T ° f , the Union > tow«s;the rhc , clo ™tion of a particular man to the I residency has been seized upon by our fellow. 1 Southern States, as the him B ,hnt a 1 * ho as »>Bted in his election, exiTmc VH!WB » whicJl they attach to A particular name; while the* truth is, that at least forty-nine flftieihs of those who voted for Abraham Lincoln, arc almost ns far from the noti ° nB which Southern brethren attach th ®P» as they ore themselves. While many S^ pp6sed they are yet mort r!l« poßed , to ‘aterveatibn, or Interfe rence with the rights of the States where it ex slnVl would a “y <% «<>. to their aid to quell » or defend them in their Constitutional rights with their lives. On the & * an -?’ "ti thO North ought to and , 7’ uld k«ow, if ih«y took pains to iu form themselves, that many nt the South. are are, of many of ? bjeC ? on 9, dihwbaeW wKh Attach ffietnaeiyeß. to the system of domestic flow 17 n!^ d wonld gladly he rid of it, if they V lhem ’' it : {s> for the present at S, & 91 '•**»»*■** md a-moral ns hot therefore to.be stigma- T its existence fahd should bo protcbtW In their Constitution*! PUBLISHERS AND PBOPMEIOBS, TEEMS OP ADVERTISING J)flrtnr 4 the union. urns Mir vr. longi*ellow. rights, with regard t will be protected. . There is no real ci calamitous state of And if the true state known, or could in a Heved that this stat< lied. To test this, le bills and infringeinen ments, be speedily wi of the North 5 and at least be delated, ii fidently asserted, that and barmoney, peace our distracted countr 6 months, $ 3 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 14 00 ‘25 00 1 year. $ 5 00 7 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 20 00 40 00 1 75 But the question of here. South Caroline Her right, or the righ i so, may well be quest which is the bond of I fight; and clearly imp was ever contemplated reason given in the pr< for its formation and this. Its language is, Baited States, in order Union”— that is more p Articles of Confederal by Cor actual Secession meets as n baa seceded in form huof any other State to do -‘siioned. The Constitution. '} I nion, recognizes no such ini] tlies that no stjtch event, atod by the framers of it. The ie preface to the Constitution and adoption, is evidence of ige is, “ We, the people of the n order to form a mart perfect a more perfect than the original, confederation” which were called pcrpcSSmli “ Article « 0f Confederation, aii AmS ” Tot tt r Ch * h °- Unitod States of morTpTrJect Union C °f\ BtltutioQ to form a obiecfsofftwlJ Aud n “ on S the declared , t 3 of ■ 1 was, to secure the blessings of Lib ' IZ “Z r d Z." d T'* !% & elated bv of’r t 4 was never oontem piated by the Constitut on, either with the “t" "Vi " lh “ ‘bj .hom r Mrf JS d»"ZnS?V 7 1,er8 »“ -AttiiSJ der the Constitution as I Secession, according to the true signification of the term. By Xfev! er style she may desigiate her action South Garohna is guilty of a i evolutionary act. There Llti fu W £ y , to breai the bonds which bS together the Federal Government. claim however that the Sove of the St »tes, iipplioa their right to se- Uvt S r° meftnS ’ their sovereign ity m so far, was voluntarily fielded in enter nig into the compact under the Constitution • which they.were perfectly competent to do; m m other parallel cases which might be adduced Otherwise we have realf nlVer had a goS thin :R v ? Ur , Uuion ba f Dever been any more than a Voluntary Association, for prudential purposes; to be ruptured! at the whimf or by the _ ‘ ,? f a ? y u.“° of 1,8 con ?ponont parts, la op position to thm radical view, wo cite the oath of ee, binding all the Federal officers, including Congressmen, to support the Constitution if preference to the Const! ;utions even of their own states, should they ip any particular con flict And according to tils view of the subject Senators and Members of the House from se cedmg States arc bound, according to their bath theh scats 011 *° op P° B '> ““ssion or resigj The .mmediate plea for secession, is, tho eleo ff V f T ? P art mular man tu the Executive Chair ° l that T ha3 ' been emoted in loiatiou of the manner prescribed by the Con- but . tbat ho bas ieen ‘bus elevated by m y 8eotlo ? al vote - fhe allegation is true! But then, does it furnish a sufficient ground fbr such a radical and revolt tibhary act, as (he Zf • \ rUpt ’f • e l ° f tb ® soJcmn and perpetual com pact into which the Stati s have entered ; Ind £ w ‘ tb f u . c b fearful dbnsequences as must fo °w? Certainly not; a lfeast until the man thus elevated, shall by some overt act, give just occasion for-such a solemtf step. But then it is I hIS -^edjnt^give io expect such occasion. T j this it may replied • ‘ h . at ; * bere 13 a w i d e difference of opinion ns to what his past course forosh tdows. And again . 0 fuggested, that a inan may spe'ak and IIL v ff6re “ tl^ Undertbe Banc tmns and re fapons bihties of the Presidential office, from what lie has done, as the cilizen of a particular State; atf a political disputing or as P a public lecturer Besides, it does not seem %I have occurred to the advocates of secession, that the vote which elected Abraham Lincoln tb tho PrcsU dency, ,s a sectional one, by their own course Thl TS M “ Bec . tiona ' 0110 iQ the North, 'i T b n , ® ctl ,°”. WM warmly ,coi (tested. Each can didate had.his warm and numerous-supporter! and especially the favorite candidate of tW . But Dot ioin the secessiS! fw 1 f ‘ eir / ote . was stricl iy sectional. Their own act therefore is made thfe plea for declaim ing m favor of a revolutionary course. The charge of sectionalism lies a:' their own door. But what now is the relatr e position of South Carolina to the Federal Government; she having fomaUy passed the ! secessioi: ordinance ? It if evidently, that oi a refractory or insubordinate to Ihe ILT Cinbe fi. 0f ® fumi ?y» subject therefor! to the rod, or otherwise as arudence wisdom mercy, love, or forbearance, one or’ aT2 dictate, undier parental anth< rity. The Execu! tive is bound under the solemnlanolions lf an oath before God and his Courtry “to take onro that the laws be faithfully executed.” And for this is authorized by the act if Congress when all other means shall have fa: led. to call ouUh! miluia, and employ tho army and navy But it ordhlanco i 3 harmless in itself; it is deemed best to wait for an overt act such to tho Public property —the conversion, of purpoBC8 > of imposts or non payment ifirn A 0?! , before «»she vefy lasi resort. When, however, the. necessity shall come—and Ged grant that it never may—be as sured, the Constitution shall he kept inviolate * to acccmphsh whieh, the Exacutire will pobfi-’ Congress. That such, aline of conduct under the circumstances supposed, v buld be Constitu! lional and just, is according ib the opinions of the wisest juritts and statosmt ii bf bur country • as for example Marshall and f Madlsoh • an/a precedent for It. would be habliti theSof this^r aC & Q l a But -ire repeat; this ought, abd.so far as the present Executive » it .will bb the last resort— let if the stern-necessity be f.jrced upon us,-it . ml \ t>« met Of your own specific duty ia the promises, os a- co-ordint te branch of the ; ed^ al Ooyflmment, your wif dom, guided by A OO Constitution, must dictate f and it is hoped you will give it-your earliest most candid and dispassionate consideration. f Tiegard to the propriety >f the Senators from South Carolina holding tieir seats under e?isUng circuniBtances, I hare mly to say, that they should by no means be denied that privi ,lbge.. To do so,? would be to recognize the right ff secede j which p light in no form to be done. LettAm reconcile tho inconsiaten cy or if there be., any. s T hoped th« the agitaUon of the Slavery fueshon in Congress, will ceato. For twenty fivo yeara or more ithas served es a bone of con- good has resulted to tho slave • much harm, it may prove to thp country. And •ep squares, lO 00 it ; and I verily belieTe i hse then, fop the present affairs .in our country.— • of the popular mind whs • iy way bo tested, it Is be (meat would bo fully veri-- it all the Personal Liberty, 1 is of Congressional enact* ; md from the Statute Books • session movements stop, or 1: the South, and it is cen t the people will approve; Union be restored to Governor Hicks ha# published an address to the citizens of Maryland, giving his reksim id Zf ‘°Tf ne eLe Xt abounds ‘ utmost emphatic Union sentiment* thefol lowing are extracts fo ‘* ,_v I firmly believe that a division of A •like proclaimed ibutfuoh would\.uTi l “.’ ,e ' stereo «*s»?/1 »o» SKff 11 • cause was insufficient’ to inatlfy T** that tha South Carolina Can it hi ** 7 00ai ;«J of people, who then tiins™ e that this course of General Al h-° opinions at the bidding «V *1" now , yie *d their -•foaUUI lT„c b t° g , o ld S', T d ' ra . Sc “"- Murjrlund oboold bo dcbnjd 1 th!, P S°“ ° f tions, can understand it tvu « »uat both seo derstand her position f m * sun * derstond it can fail to wishes to un- ' SSttSg would *sS£iSSal' ! pim» •; well knows, and whit said T* effectually by tfer "md.f.uch more meetings, than Tv S W their ' teen months BincLTb«n®* SlatUre choß °n eigh tions were raised\elbro Thnflff 9 is conservative the s*r..w C -‘ _Tbat Maryland who know St\ t?”® »U know ■ there is nothin* in th» « #n that W'»WSlo. «Dd UC. rt £4 Cbmn.amJ. T The me, ,b„ buy? cmbSd’if UJtf? * t 0 conTenei the legislature will spare Bp pains to cany their point.' The whnln iWNii .r%t or ' ipre 1 cannot have long to live, and I fervently trust to bo allowed to end my days a citiaen Jf tto glorious Cuioa, butubopld 11 0 SSed heXiS r the do " nfall ot th »t Government ia t®”u ed fro “ °. ur , fathers, established as it wos by the especial favor of God r w;n * i waa have the Sonsolajipa never, by word or deed * taat 1 orTn * Fours.— An Offi ah ffn h - UmtQ(lStateB Coast Survey gives the the following measurements, as taken from the Sma v{** i? (3D three and three-eighilia lies (If) one and one-eUrhth ml b f°i? Fort Moultrie » (£) mile to the nearest land, one and three-ciahUa miles to Fort Jackson, and two and five-eighths miles to Castle Pinckney: The last flamed fc*t is one mile from the town, and Fort Johnson is two and a quarter miles from the town EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. '*r*S* , i£SS? .“ayf?* *»«.• H^S^«S*g «3Ct t."r™ • tl ‘» i ’ s£f® nghfs. and to prevent agitation then T dannareua^Tki!. I ' ™ "?• c '”“P l 'nalod, but not of our citizens a tbo umu'o of somo . to add to the UniSn Sfa PS r° me ° fStnt * s > upon that projes with °°V 0t bnt lo °k latcd to enfbSf us Sh £n r ** *?' “ Calou ' I . cauBo of tho present state orr' 1 ’ b K* SBa£B‘SsS SsSas^SaSSs- Spain 3S**W"^“W««nt. bn a InS nf t ,«LriiUlo„: ■«•»»- *>nM J£J* Address by Got, of Mtaytaid. _ ■-r -• T. «>' ■? tst? NO. 48.