icb week at your door r Of a and many thing* [done, d that was anywhere lag its trip ’round th« cst, mirth, or of fun. ,;ive finished my aoqg, ; whatever you wish to ne you have a spare it along ' , CARRIER IOY. Tyrone Dir, Kb 325, .Soot u> appointed .to .-draft v re unouiiuoualy adopted: f T.iother Joiiu-W.CAuaor '• ami energetic member Of lu cf the teuipemneo “r*. ' -.pected aiidbelovod bytU ■nr enteem tor the deewutid iiicx. wear crape for thirty dutioni be.inaorted u copy be tent to tbo W ISOK, J , me C*rnlry, held ot |jb(>r ■ntf. on the 16th of Bacon* idle and reiolntiona ware in'crutabla Previdenee to i companion-in-arma, John to his memory, onraruo* he term of thirty daya, tad miiiK, of the Cavalry, our ■. , •on of the ,company WfRW ■ n t bo publlghed in tbo fly. iij'i .a copy of them bo aont ; ;> of the deceased. " ' / OTICES. lood Food 11 ; ■ ' ,c ti ic«i other reniedlM an* roman's Blood Food iritb i! ■cuknow of tile Blood Food • ■•ins- Xojr. that qijaqk* u.iiiu you withthSirpatSUt , 'reparation Uxf lanw rtyii '.I otiHon is a teacher in w • h rated lenurer.oß phyd patent mc-dUinea—aratha >t experience and know!. ; ’l«h yon have tiled other I you will surely be cured. 'v 1 by this. Unfortunate I ■aght on wme chrpnlC‘d|o. /-. find relief ebd.rtMtqra- Blood. Food. Dy ( *peptl«l •.umplaiut, male or fttnals ■'used by poverty or.deft with the Blood Food;«s4 .no your.own comfort and lir. Baton'* Infantile Cor safe, free from paregqrie emedy lor Diarrhea, Sum. .ittending teething,and a .urns. 43“8eeadr*ft4»#. ;t.'oua, Fa.-. ptives. i "ted with ir\\ - t.ASE, if U & AGUB.CR CONSTIPATION. '■live year* old, haa far his Forishonery and the Ul copipialniß, which carry untimely he >ha( rave applied to him forte* hrlntian’i duty to, relieve , he will send to hi used. (Free of Ch^rf*), hi.l using the earner -Aht. and Exercise for tide r 9 .-i sure c ure for Coniomp ent and Lungs, .Fever, end wr.l?, Dyspepsia, •’Narrow =i. i.iul he hope* »Verj on* < i: will cost QOthing, Ul4 It in tuo'lat«. : .to: eminent hhjiieiao* In [ Theta wishing them wJU Dll. Ci IAMBKRLAIN. illiamsburgh, Nsw Torß: Oankorine. -1 K cures Putrid SoraMmilk.i r; cured Sors Sipple*. ";/■ K cures Clcerattjd JNwi. , li turea Cuts. !; uns Burns. I.' cafes' Sores. E cures Chapped Ups. , K cures deviated Sums. r E is the beat Purifier sftlk* Z cures Canker, la Ah* s uiting from Ssarlatiiiaot - white teeth, use the CAK- Ii be rc-allr.ed. We pladjje i from acids and n (o an infant with JperfcH t!. uud keep the gums/re* t ■arifms for nursing Sort ‘ . medic? lliat hare beeajmt ;i diseases above, nons.eatt .... ail druggists. Price.Sl .T. IJURKILB *OO. •. s. 93 Maiden .*:• , KESSLER. ■ ’ ; l . omach and Dp* m. ' . ■■ noUmd Bituin , in ing in Holland 3mV|» uuTercd much from s: inn She hadbeenjinj^r ■. but the disease seemed** ; ! chased some noihA*? as given tone to .hsrstoM- • are i«Uirhing, end weftnn* real cure effected by jr«fr wonderful cures effec^d.py ; i; other oppr.rttriiity. ■' W* - r e have published srsiW**' community, and are IW** j. QWNIOT. d uwsbode, ShoWjW. fW-. nical and Toil* BOOK. Directions forinakjeß*!* :■ nations Id os#» ,-•■■•,ll* for maklDjß j • ku. perfume®, t Article.. . i, -if you wis't ft Want!** 1 ,, ..j n f month faco, aeleM’.aW** . 1; _.ji- if you wish to, k"»|r j Toilct.md MedfcalUßtisjrOf ;,.ny of this book. ■ • • * Work for T. F. CUAPMAjj. : • Cl Broadway, New■T«nt.|j Stomach Bitter* 1- tno stomach, or I iu America or abrorf^^. it the ‘ Bitters” : e.ees, is to tb* ?roprl#t«B» It removes aU.worbid ***T blood. iitiparU rat**** giving It that ton* II iteration of health. i its superior •y„u [.ropriatora that if iLo affljoud, cih*r aoJatflV - , lMmr heelngbeen rreiitoritfto tkdblfh Innfcw w*pi« N | « r with • **™* ,M * *® ! ' etton » tha * dre * d ***• *** l :r^ B ptlott—i* nations to makohaown tohtoftllow the means of core. j ~ rdltrbo desire it he will serid a copy of the prdserlp -1 ned (free of cha*ge»)"wiU« tl* dii«doiw fcrpr)jj>nHiJe r~ the same, which they 'wUl Bod a euw «nre Sir AiTBJiAj BioKOHnifc Ac. The only objectof r beendlhgtbe Preferiptton is to benefit the **?,nd spread tffoasiop “which ho conceites to be and be w It trill cost them nothing, 4*“* may proto ablejMlng. ! Williomeburgfa, Xing- 'County, Mew Yirk. 0 ,t*erieneed mine and female'physician, haaaaoothing *“ * 7or children teething, Which greatly facilitates the * ,of toothing, by soteniife the gums, reducing all in- Lnmation—will »ll«y all pain,'and U tore to regulate the ' bo*»l«- Depend upon It, lt/wjll give rest toyour -1 ) T(a , tod relief and health to your ihfents. Perfectly all cases. tee advertisement in another column !*■ tern Way ffratern Way. HollUaysburc W«#tfrn Through , gattru Through iv MAILS ARRITJS. HclllJaTsiiurg y 1 30 *nd 11 10 A. M Tfiateru Through 746 “ i£t„» Through . i . 813 “ tfjutarn Way 11 20 {uiern Way ■.*•. -• ■.l 40 P. ;M # Ornct Hobbs Luring the week, 'from JOO ,a» ft.-till i K . t. On Sunday), from 8 00. till 900 A. M. ,r JOHX SUOKHAKKR, P. M RAILROAD SCHEDULE. 'Train Bust arrives 9,20 P.M., r leaves 9,40 P. M. i " West “ 8.13 A. M. \ “ 8,33 A. Mi M " East i “ 7,46 A.M. ' « 8,00 A.M. ■ ■■ West “ 8,60 P. M., •“ 9.10 P. 31. Ktii “ East “ 11,20 A. M. “ 11,35 A. SI. West “ ' 1,40 p.. 51., « 2,00 P. SI. Tli« HOLLIPAYSBUIIO BBAncU connects with all East aud West. INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown Accommodation Train East and West. Mail Train East tail West and Express Train East and West. >OT. 26, 1860. ENOCH LEWIS, Con’J Sup f. On tbs 26th ult-i byJohn Griffin,. Esq- Sir. lIIRASI yiaiiAY to Miss CATHARINE fiXIVEU, Loth; of Hunt ingdon county. . 1 f On the IStbult-by the Rev. JL,Hauler,Jlr. DAVID ID. WOLF, and Miu MATILDA BBIISHIADOII, both, of Mar tini turj, Blalf county. On the 18th ult., by Rev. A. >L Barnltz, Sir. ,t. McCLOS REY, of Duucauhvills, Blair county, to Slits MAGGIE PAINTER, of Huntingdon county. On tli* 20th ult., hy the some, Sli. JOHN SELL, of this county, to Miss SUSAN ISENBEKO, of Huntingdon Co. Is Hollidaysburg, on Christmas rfav, by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Sir. LEVI B. CRUMBAKGR to Miss MARGARET ANN HARPSTEIt, both of Frailkstown township. On the evening of the 27th ult., at the residence of the Irl le’s father, by the Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. M. B. ilcDOW tbL to Miss EMELINE J, DICKSON, both of Logan fp. On the 260 i ult, by Rev. Joseph Fichtner, JOHN B. HOLLAND aud Sliss LOVIO WEAVER, both of Freedom ip., Blair co. On the same date, by the same, JACOB DRESS EL, of Blair aud Miss SIARY ANNIE KLUTZ, of Bedford co. On the 24th ult., by Rev. Thos. Barnhart. Win..l. HOUSEHOLDER, oflfuntingdou county, and 31 its HO SANNA STROUSE of Blnir county. By the same, on the 27th ult., JACOB CLAPPER to Miss BAGGIE HOUP, both of Blair cb. : On tho 25th ult., by the Rev. Wm. B. Craig, at thio house «f the bride's fatlieh Mr. ROBERT A. MOORE atid 3tiiu ANN K. WITHROW, both of Centre township, Derry Co. We wish the parties to the above contract all the.hap piocas that cun possibly flow from a union of honest hearts md hands. May prosperity be their constant attendant sad adversity a stranger to their household. The bride can not want.for mart Be long asyhe baa her partner with her, and wefcel sure that he,«an bark Hfely down the stream of time, if be fulfils his promise to iheparson. v- 1;.; In Antis township, os Frldsy mom ins lust, Mr. ROB ERT McKMGHT, sgsd shoutlOyears. In Hollidsysburg, on the ifjth ult., JACOB GLAXT, io (sut sun of Washington and Mary Jane Cruise: Robes: robesi Just received a flue lot of Biiflalo Bob**, which we Will soil ;,t from $< to siu a piece. Two doors below lira Po ?‘ Office. H. THOMPSON, Agent. Jan. 3. iSOi. • . THE AS JUST JL returiiwl from the wet wh#ro L« liof purchased a v «rj large and fine of BOOTS &c SHOES, Brogans, ©alters, Sec., which ho is prepared to offer to fhecitizone of Altoona and Utility at very low prices. Having purchased din ct from the mann&ctui era for cash, he is prepared to hell at price* that will defy competition. Alt that he a-ks is that the tSiwbeTe C 1 a ‘ ld examiae hia "lock before purchasing, and SHOES made to order on the most rea- Wtf Crn,, .‘ r *P air * n ir promptly, attended "to. , 0 l -■, r ? e , t thß two dooti below P.+t Office. J*b.3,lbi-1. • M. TUOMPKiiN, Agent. TN THE COU RT OF CO il MON JL PLEAS OF BLAIR COUNTY. DsnJsl H. Nswhard ') Wo. T 2, Jnly term, ISBO. Msry | LIBEL IN DIVORCE. 2 ?‘ l Oct. 1880, the alias subpoena having been ths 'l' Sheriff > * nil proof having been mld«. that £ »«!£S d W ot f** found |Q wM county, the Court tZ*° rd 't tUat tie Sheriff cause notice to lie published BUCCC ™ fuII . T » priorts the fourth Monday of tsvtoTL 6 .?*' |* ( l ulnu K “'<• respondent to appearoii said r tb * com P laiDt sfjsald Libellant. Bv the Co " utjr - . JOS, BALDRIDGE, JW. h> -'•whird, the Respondent above named, is hers- K ,° ! Pl ’x* r , ? n ‘j l6 daXibove nained. as reqalred JAMBre-.K.a.y. nelliiUytburt. Bec. 2A, 1860.| ‘ Jan. 3.1, '6O-lt. T IST OF LETTERS REM AINING m the Altoona Po«t Office, January Irt, 1861. kilan^nd** S' „ i Eeeler. RO Keja, Rer Wm H T ssasl-e. ;afess2* S?*s-... SSBSSTf S’rT? Mot#*. CrtUatino' . =•■•■ -4rak3«oH',--; BniUkn u"" 11 n, » Su *?“ **&lLc Betti* aSS» •••••«■«* . a^“ Cenwr.j . Clerk, Denni. • H Dlck,n ß x Patteuon, A Itb.Uu! HaekvQeo -V-ISffig SB* 11 ?*-' v 53ui£* 2 r fer’" I '. ' fc*rbnon Ana, ~ . Bnow;l>*Tld 1 S£Es’l opbio JJ*»rn«y, jPv* Woo*sJno ; / Walter*, Ansi* .... Kfrl *y,cb ■• ?! M»rjnr»t v ** Jn. tUroflie*, wQlplMMMty J** »— i ~ . ' • P. M« • and lot, fc • 7 to,th«Soroush ojf Altoona. Apply U# Br »«es,-ftrdsle'at v/v - -- r' ■ M - • . Jit. * MBS. WINSLOW, ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE. HAILS CL6SK. 7 is a. m .U.~ 716 “ 7 16 lud 11 00 “ I 7 00 P. M 700 " MARRIED: DIED. SOMETHING MEW. HOMWSTHEHftIiTOITS! rpHE USDEKSIGKBD ANHOUN- J_ eeate the citizens of Altoona and ildnity that he hasjnst received a large invoicee of Emit, Confectionaries,' Huts, Spices •and notions for ahildreo Ac- expressly for the Holidays. .lie will also keep always onh»nd a good stock of plain and taucy cakes, of faU own manufacture. PEtTNES, EAISIES &C., always on hand atoll seasons of the year! Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, BOOS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, BUCKWHET .FLOUR, CORN MEAL, AC, ' always in Stareandfarsale in dance or small quantities. Call, ♦xamine and price my gtock and you will find it as good and cheap us any lit town. Dec. 20, ’6O-lyjJ JACOB WISE. “Opposition the life of Trade.” This is true of almost every business, and the subscriber subscribing to that doctrine has opened a store in the building .formerly occupied by him as a Justice office,, 'on Virginia street, three doors above Julia street, where he has on hand a fine assortment of HATS AND CAPS of the latest and most-fashionablc styles, for man and boys, BONNETS AND FLATS \FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, Gloves, Hosiery, Eeady-Made Shirts, COLLARS FOR GENTS AND LADIES, TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, STATIONARY, INK, DENS. <*«-, He invites a call, determined, By wiling at a am all profit and returning value for money, to merit patronage. Dec. 6, ’dO.-tf. JOHN McOLKLLAND. VM. BCHOMAKK3. SCHOMAKER & LANG, WHOLESALE GROCERS & Commission Merchants, FUOUR, GRAIN, BACON, Provisions, Chcesc 3 Iron, Nails, Glass, Brooms, 'Yarns, &c. No. SOS, Liberty Street, Nor. 1.-Om. PITTSBURG, PA. OrncE Altoosa Gas A Wateii Co., 1 Ai.iooxa. Dec. 24, 1800. J rr HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT. 'on the Capitirl Stuck of the Company, dear of State Tax, payable on aud after January Ist, 1861. Powers of Attorney for collection of dividends can be had on anplicaliou at the oflice of the Treasurer, (riup’t Office, Ptnn’a It. R). 1 Transfer Books will be closedon the 27th of December, and remain dosed until tho 3d of January. 1861. Dec. 27,’50-4t. i B. F. ROKE, Treasurer. A LWAYS IN SEASON! i % The undersigned would inform his old customers and the public generally, that ho Imsjust returned from the East with hie fall slock, which is tho - LARGAST OF THE RIND ever brought to this place. He bos every variety ia Price, Size amdi Quality, of ME N B HATS AND AND BOYS’ CAPS, For Fall and Winter Wear. Also, all sizes,. culorH, shapes, nod. qualities of Ladies and Sliseos niu\ Children's HATS and FLATS, Jto which tho at tention of those in want of anything in this line is special ly luvitud. FURS! FURS! FURS! ,1 have now the largest aud handsomest assortment ef Furs ever oflered to the ladies of Alt xma, embracing (JAPES, MUFf S, CUFFS, and‘everything in that line, for tatties and Children, of American and European manufacture, aud of every quali ty of Furs. I Persons in want of anything in tho above line, will please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sellnt the very lowest possible prices. Store on Virginia opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, Oct. 4, 1860-tf. JESSE S3IITU. New grocery and liquor SXOR£*---Tho undersigned wvuld beg leave lo an nounce to the citizens of Blair county aud vicinitv that he has opened his n*w Store on Mrffini'i street , three doors below the Superintendent'* Office, where he has rocoivetl from the Last and West a large usbyrtiiient of . ' Foreign and Domestic liquors, I|hH| cor.ais.ting as follows: nSHE? French Olirrd Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy , Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Old Port H ine, Jamaica Rum, Jlollynd Gina Old Eye Whiskey', A 0> nonguhtla Whiskey, and tihine Witte, wklcn he lias himself imported. Retailers of Liquors and Farmers will And If to their, advantage to buy of him as ho will sell rIjCIIV PRICES. ■ J ’ Ue will also keep constantly on hand amaasortment of CtROGERIES, Buck OS Flour. Bacon, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, St gars, Syrup, Sw&tS&Jfae f -£e., se:-, AH of which will be sold (Jmapforcaah or Country Produce. Our friends and the public generally are respectfully in vited to give us a.call before yarckasing elsewhere. • " 1 LOCtS PLACE. Altoona, May 26, IfiSD.-tf , SC HG OL j FOR YOUNG LADIES. ’ ALTOOXA, DLAIR COVXTT, PA.C ]\ l ISS H. A. 3JYICIIS will openin Al ' XtJL todna, on ths let day of October. ISOVaigchool for Uirft. All the Brandies of a gobd Rnplish Education will be taught, and Cinawis. to he instructed in French, Music, Drawing and Pulping, will; be •. received at .the following charges. , ; ' ' •’ "" ' > ■ • ‘Music, quarter, . tIO.OO French, ' “ 5,00 Drawing, “ „ . v 8.00 Painting, Water CbUr, 6.00 .fainting, Oil, 8.00 Three month* will constitute one quarter in any of the abore branches. ' \ Theschool.year will , bo composed of two terras of 5 months each. The charge for tuition $1.09 per month, payable in advance, and the number of pupila liulted to 25. The discipline will he mild, hut. Ann. Lessons will' be assigned each pupil for qtudy at home; and for absence or tardiness, a written excuse will be demanded. The School will be under the care and direction of Hey, Robert Oliver. Altoona,’ Sept. 27, X860.-tf GENUINE FAMILY LIQUORS,. WM. B. MOREHOUSE & CO., ItppUPPAIXK ROBES.—A SUPPLY ; r> of )Ked BuBWp RijbeS just received and for sals V ' • V JOHN 10DD0N. > WM. P. LAMG. AND DEALERS IN AND . v . ; \ ' alley.— Lot No."l 5. In the plan .of said town, fronting fifty feet on Chestnut: St. apd extending bark at right angles to said street, one hundred and twenty feet, to an alley, adjoining tho lot before described, and Jots No. 15 and No. 6, Block I* in the plan of said town. The undivided half of said lots being the Interest of John Snyder, Ph UUp • nyder, Jacob Snyder and Christian Snyder, minor children of Jacob Snyder, debased; the other undivided half of said lots, be ing owned in fee simple by John F. 1 Bowman, and as said lots cannot be (livided without injury to .the same, the said Bowman's interest will be sold at the same time, and place aboire mehtiowid, eo .that the whole Of said lotswiU .be ex posed to sale as above described. Terms of Sale , cosh on confli tuition of the sale. ' WM. 31. LLOYD, Guardian ofthe minor thildren of Jacob Snyder, dec'd. ■ Altoona, Dec. 20, ’6O-3t. , D« forest, Armstrong & Co*, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 76, 77, f? 0, 81, 83 &85I)uane Bt., NEW YORK, TTTOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE ▼ T ttiattlUy are opening Weekly, Jn Biwud l**u tilW patterns; the ’ 0 PRINTS, -■), . AUO TB1 ; ' v " 'V AMOSKEAG, A New Print, which excels every Fridt in the Country for perfection of- cxecutionand design infuliMadderCoiors. Onr Prints are chenper thanany In market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly Attended to. Feb’y 2,1860 Hy ' '■ — ; YV" INSTRUCTION IN DRAFTING The undersigned proposes to give Instructions lii Draf ting, in Altopdit, commencing December Srd, 1860. • Machine Diaftiag, and Architectural . * Drafting. Attendance will lie given on Tuesday, Thursday and Frl day evenings of each week, in the room over Jacob Rees’ tailor shop, on Virginia street, for instruction In the above. Nov. 21th. ’6O-lm. EDWARD HODNETP. E LOUR.—THE BEST QUALITY OF FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale andßetail. f to J. SHOEMAKER, Lee. XI, 13S6rtf. . Masonic Temple. PURE ’WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Point, also Chrome. Green, Yellow,Paris Green, dry ■ ground oil at.- fl-tf.l KESSLER'S BLANRSOF ALL DESCRIPTIONS neatly andexpedldously fxecuted atthlaaUca; mfiCELIaANEOtrS. Thx Amaigamation ov Labocaobs.—There la a growing tendency In this agd 'to Appropriate the most eipnwaive words of other laugnagea, and after a white to incorparaU them into our own | thus the word Cephalic, which-is Don. the Greek, signifying “fbr the hem'” is now becoming popular! zediu connection with Ms. Bpalding’s great Head ache remedy, but it will soon housed in amoragoaeral way. and the word Cephalic will become aa common aa: Electrotype and many ■.others' Whoea distinction as foreign words has been worn away by common usage until;, they seem “native and to the auinor.born.” ; | ' ’ ’ardly Realized. Hi "ad 'h ’orrlbte ’eddacho this hafiernoon, hand 1 stop ped into the hapothecariae hand says hi to the man, “ Can you heaao me of an ’eadache !’* u Docs it haclio’ard,” says •e. u Hexceedingly,” says hj, hand upon that ’e.gave me a Cephalic PHt hand ’pon me ’onor it eared me «o quick that I ’ardly realized I ’ad ’ad an ’eadache. \ ■ jQr-Headache is the favorite sigh by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, nod viewed in this light e’U be nfiher know ing what it is. Ye See she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and wants Borne more of that same os re loived her before. PruggiKl. —You must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pills. Bridget. —Oeh! sure now end you've sed it, here’s the quarther and give me the Pills and don’t be all day about it either. Constipation' of Coativenesa. No one of tho ,: m«ny ills flesh is heir to - ’ is gp prevalent, so little understood,and so much neglected os Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits; it is regsrged as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and com panion of many of the jpost fatal and' dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which coslive ness is the usual attendant are lleahachc, Colic. Rheuma tism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dyaontary. Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, Epi leysy, Paralysis, Hysteria. Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate their presence ir the system by this alarming symptom Not unfreipiently the diseases named originate in Constipation, but tako on ah indepen dent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From ail these considerations it follow's that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever 1 ! it occtti«, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cepha lic Pills os the first appearance of the complaint, as thefr timely use will expel the inslduous approaebes of disease and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. | . A Beal Blessing. Physician, —Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache I . Mrs. Jones. —done! Doctor, all gone I tbe pill you sent cored me in just twenty minutes, 1 wish you would send more so that 1 cun have them handy. Physician. —Ton can get them Btahy Druggist. Call for Cephalic Pills, I, find they never fail, and 1 recommend them in all cases of Headache. Mrs. Jones. —l shall send for a box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a real Messing. Twksii Millions or Dollars Saved.—Mr- Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glut and it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ton dol lar* worth of broken furniture. t(uis making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total Ipss by this valuable invention. Having made his Glue a house hole word, he now proposes to do the world etill greater service by curing all the aching heads with hi* Cephalic Pills, and if they are as good as his Glut, Headaches will soon vanish away libs snow in July. Over excitement, and the mental care and anxiety incident to close attention to business or study, are among the numerous cases of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body Incident, to this distressing com plaint is a fatal blow to all energy and amlitiou. Suffer ers by this disorder can always obtain speedy reiiaf from these distressing attacks by using ono of tho Cephalic Pills whenever the symptoms appear. It quiets tha overtasked brain, and soootiies the strained and jarring nerves, and re laxes the tension of the stomach Which always aecompa uios and aggravates tho disordered condition of the brain. Fact Worth K.vimsa.— Spalding’s Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headache,'Billons Headache Nervous Headache, Costlvenessiad General Dsbility. - GnrAT Discovert. —Among the most important of all the great medical discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaccination for protection from Small Pox. the Crphalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the use Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure spe cific. whose benefits will be experienced by suffering hu manity long after their discoverers are forgotten. fiSf* Did yon.ever have the Sick Headache T Do you re member tha throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing ami disgust at the sight of food. How totally un fit you were for pleasure, conversation or study. One of the Cephalic. Pills would ha ye relieved you from all the suffering which yon then experienced. For this, and'other purpose you should always have a! box of them on hand to use as occasion requires. Nervous Headache .HtesSatii®, By tiie use of these Pills the periodic attacks of IVervetu or steh prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief 'from pain sod sickness will bo obtaiijed, ' ‘ f H" 1 They seldom fail in removing tit* JYgttSfa Mid KaMe to which females are so eub/ect. : ■ v’ They act gentljtupon thebowels,—removing CWiNnm. For IdUraryiten, Sludenlt, DeilcateFemales, and all persons of tedenlary Aalnfr, they are AaMttve,- Improving the appetite, giving tone amt to the digee- UToorgaDSjandrestortDgtbonitturnl elasticity and of the whole system. - :l /- *-■ V- ;-‘>v ; ■ - The CEPIf ALIC PILLS are the .result of long investiga tion nn£ carefully conducted experiments, having Wen in ueemany during which time tiiry have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from ; Headache, whether originating in. the nervous system or from a deranged state ofthe stomach; ■ They are entirely vegetable ip their-composition, and may be taken- at all times with pafect safety, without making apychange of dlret, and the absence of any disa. grtiablt lotto renders it easy to administer them to ehddros. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each. Box. - . - : Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent t>y mail prepared on receipt of the , PRICE as CENTS. AO etdw’lfrmMlm, xjftiwUlg vT h; ; • ; HBKET O- SPAWSJHG,' J T A SUPERLATIVE i ■ . TONIC,DIURETIC, DYSPt^}j' U-AAfiD ■) IHVIMRATIH& CORDIAL TO THE CITIZIvNS OF NEW JER SET AND PENNSYLVANIA, I Apothecaries, Dkuo tempted nut only to imitate bit icetorativo, ’ nt praftli to bare discovered loraclhiiii; that would produce ratalhttdto* ticnl; but they hare all come and »OD\).beli, t e«i I )ldaWfl ly the wondetful reeulta of Prof. Wood's preparation* and hare been forced to (ears the field' to its reelatleea nMfrb> Head the following Bits, April IBVbt lßfiQfc- Prof. 0. J. Wood A Co,;o«nt»:—Tho letter I in 1*66 concerning your valuable Hair Keafot«tK«,i|)l i which you have published hi tills vicinity and elsewhisa,, lias given rice to numerous. inquiries touching tho facts in tho case. Tho enquiries are, 'Urn. to It a'ftct of my babl* tktiun and name, aa staled In the communication; second, is It true of all therein contained; third, (Uhs» my.hair still continue to L* in good order amt of natural color? ■ To all I can and do answer invariably tee. My hair is even bet tor than in any stage of my life for 40 years past, mom* ■oft, thrifty and belter colored a the same Is true of my whiskers, and tho only cause why it is not generally true, to that the substance Is washed off by frequent ablation Of the face, when if rare ware used by wiping tl.e face Inclose connection with the whickers, the same remit will follow as the hair. I haye been in the receipt of a great number of letters flora all parts of New Kngland. asking me If my hair still continue, to-be good; as tilers is so much fraud ih the manufacture and sate of various comjmunds aa well aa-thls. it has; no doubt, hem basely Imitated and been used not only without any good effect, but to absolute Injury.— 1 have sot used any of yonr Restorative of any account for soma months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hun dreds have examined it with surprise, as lam.now 61 years old rnd not a gray hair in my head or on try thee; and to prove this feet, ! send you a lock of my hair t ken off the past week. 1 received your favor of two quart bottles last summer, for which I aid very! grateful. 1 gave it tony friends and thereby induced than to try it, many were skep tical until after trial, aud then purchased and used it with Universal success. I will ask as a favor, that you send me a teat by which 1 can discover ft aud in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without authority from you. A pure article will insure success, and 1 bellevb wbei e good effects 1 do not follow,tho fidlure is caused by tho impure article, I Which curses the inventor of the good. 1 deem Kmy (tutor | as heretofore, to keep yon apprised of the continued effect { oh myUulr, as I assure all who enquire of me of my un- Shaken opinion of its valuable multi I remit in. dearsllV ! yours, J-V , , A. C. RAYMOND I _ - _ _ Aa an tes Bus. Ky., Kov. 30. 1858, uaVtxram (Port Wins. i»But». hisky. Ie cKiun* of the oors, Imported by me is\fiuniliar in of hi* celebrated itter to me, apeak, irs, says: “ 1 prill ng as a merchant ew Vork. that all pare as Imported, sd upon by every 'tor'a name on the ' the certificate.— 1 and examine for U Apothecaries and Paer. 0. J. Woos: Bear 81r.—1 would certai»ly b« doing yon a great injustice not to make known to (ho woild, the wonderful, as wella* unexpected result I have experienced from using one bottle of your lloh Restorative. Alter using every kind of Restoratives extant, hut without success, aha Dndius my head nearly destitute of hair. I was dually In duced h> try a bottle of your Hair Res to rat ire. Now, an#* dor and (nslioo con'ipoi me. to Announce to- whoever may read this, that I how possess a new and beautiful arrow tn of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than tha original was. I will therefore take occasion to recommend this invaluable remedy to au. who may leel the necessity, •fit. Hosp’y yoUs, Rev. S. AhLKN BROCK.' P. S.—This testimonial of my approbation for your val uable medicine (ns you ata aware of) hunsolicited, butif yon tliink it worthy a place auiong the rest, insert ifyoa wish ; if not destroy and say uothiug. ' . , ' Vonre, 4c, RcvSAB. The Restorative is pat up Id bottlii* of tbreesltes, xter large, medium and smallthe small hold* % n pint and retails for ono dollar per bottle ;' tiro mediums bold ot (Mel twenty per cent more in proportion tbau »h« Hiinllj retail*, for two dollars per bottTajtne largo holds a quart, 40 per emit, more itr proportion an? retails for $3 a bottle, ■ OJ WOOD 4 CO., Proprietors, 444. Broadway. New York, aid 114 Market street, St. Loaip. Mo. And said by alt gupd Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. [Dec. 8, ’tiO Sat 1VT RS - WINSLOW, AN RXPERt- JLtJ, ENCED NCBaB AND.FEMALE PHYSICIAN, ft* sentsto'tho attention of mothersbee SOOTH IMG SYR. UP t FOR CHILDREN. TEETHING. which greatly facilitates theproce&snf teething, by soften* lug the gnms reducing ail inflammation will allay pain and apaamodic action, and is sure th regulate the BmceJt. Depend,upon it mothers, it 'will give rest toyoaraeWs*,. and Selief and llcaliMo yqur laftmij: ; l ' Wo have put tip ana sold this article for, oVer t«4 years,' and can say, iir confidence and truth of it, what we hay*. never been able to say of any other medicine-T-ncrer has li felled, in a single ihstahee. to effect.a Cure, tthen OuiSTj, used. Neyer did we know an instance of dissatisfaction b;f any ono who used it. Oh the contra r) 1 , all are delighted, with its operations, and apeak in term* of highest Oommth datioh of its magical elfects and medical virtues. WeSped: In this matter “ what we do k.nOw.*’ .cfter ten yelirs’ exp*, rieacc, and pledge our reputation fur the fntfilment dfwhdl we here declare. In aimoat"every instance yhera the la*, fant W suffering, from pain and exhaustion,, relief will W found In fifteen or twenty minutes after the syr up'le ad* ministered. i ' ; . This valuable preparation is tbs prescription. of" ons of the most experienced atid fkiUiul, nureestn -New EOglaad, ,and lias been ased never-failing success in Ihoutmiit of easa. ' 'I. it hot ohly relieves the child from pain, hut invigorates th« stomach and bovreii, corrects acidity, and gives ton* and energy tie the whole system'. It will almost instantly/ relievo Griping in the.Boukli and Ifind Chile, and over come convulsions, which, if not sprtdtly remedied, end ha death. Wo believe it the. led and surest rtmtdy in tha wiirld. in'all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in chlldrra, whether it arises from teething or from ajiy other cause.— We would'say to every mother who has a child severing from any of the foregoing complaints—do nut let your pre judices, nor the prejudices of others, stand between yowr suiterlng chiid.and thb relief that, will be sure—yes, ebso-. lately sure—to fallow the use of this medicine, iftimely. used. Full-directions for using will accompany each bot tle. None genuine unless the lac-simile of CURTIS h PJER KTS S, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world, and by„o. W. Kessler and A. ItoOsh, Urnggtfta, Altoona. Price lift cents per bottle. , v ,■ 4V* 1 Principal o®ce, Koi lS Cedar (treat, N. T. ■ rl- July 12.18W).-iy. ' , 5, ■; Qreat Rush to “DAN’S,” OLD FEEIGtiT CONDUCTOR'S Cheap Clothing Store* J In Kessler’s old Drugstore, on Viiginl* St ; *fr\AN” , IS DETERMINED, NOT ■ ’Jto be put- Also, WATCHES AND jEWfcLRY ’ of every description, such as Breast Pin».Ear-RiDt*.Fing«» > Blngi, Dockets. Bracelets. Gold and Sliver Fob C'lfHint, Children's Gobi and On-al Tuck-ups. Gent's Slitrt Btndsj Ladies and Gent’s Skcvo Buttons, silver Table-and Tea Spoons, P»rtmonaies. Pocket Knives, Pistole. Pocket.' Bid* and Back Oml>s; Tooth. Hair and Clothes Brushes; Boast' and Toilet Articles, Ac.. 4c.. all ot nbicli will be nobbat the Imetf/pritft. Bo sure and call at *• Dan’s’' befer* yam : go elsewhere and von trill save money. D. DACOUMAX, Jgmii aUEENS WABE, JUST RECEIVED! A Urf« and flalilfmabla aasortmant at - , : ; rJ. B HILBMAN.r AXL THE PAT' t£X, JOteWftfW AT !•«. mu THE ONLY DISCOVERY Worthy of any Confidence FOR RESTORING THE BALD AND GRAY. m Altoona. Oct. 4, 18«0.3m £1 ii'