The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 03, 1861, Image 2

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    C|e Cribime,
partite are unknown tb ua, «nw riiiolor ad-
Tertlaing is to roqalt* payment in adT«nce, or.» guarantee
from known persons. It I* therefore uaeleaafer airancb
frfrnliuidnniiNMßH offering topeifattheiendofthree
oral* months.- Where, adrartieeawn to. are: accompanied
.fllbtlnsuitwji *Ulbtr oMriln or ton we will
giro iJ»* adrortuir the full,boaeflt of ej^rrito*.: /
; .;
jASrertUng Agent*, 119 Namau street, New Totk, and
10 lUto atreet, Beaten, are the Agents far the. Mteona
4Vtkmt, aad the meet Influential and-Urgest circulating
NawHfafiaxa to Ptataiaaiid the Canada*. They
ace aathotoiedto eoatraet for na at unrivisMt nitoC. L ;
Secession Movement.
.Since opr lut issae a number of important
mores havebeen.made on the Secession ohess-
Chnrleeton ,en 4 a
few of which we briefly .recount as (oilobs
despatches were received
stating -that Hiy. Anderson
hedbbmidonod Fortilonltrie, haringfiret spiked
tbs gone, and removed. With : the government
iroops to Fort- Snmter, which commands the
harborbf'Charleston. The movement, which
was without authority from the President or
Secretary of War,Rested intense excitement in
Charleston, several military cmpanies were or
dered outanda collision wasexpdcteji, hot'did
notoocor. -On the 28th, Hie military,of Charles
ton, took possession of Fort Moultrie end Castle
Pinckney, hut they are of little value to them
under, present circumstances. . On the same day
the Palmetto flog was raised oyer the Custom
House and Post Office in Charleston, and the
Convention authorized the Governor to receive
embassadors, consuls agents from foreign
powers. Now,,if South Carolina don’t get,out
oftthei.Uqion, these proceedings, will be a dark
blot bn the pages of her State history.
While ibe above was being transacted at
Charleston, the three Commissioners appointed'
toWait upon the President, and make arrange
ments about the U. Si property which lies with
in the State of South Carolina, were in Wash
ington, seeking to have a -conference with the
President. One despatch' states that the Pres
ident refused to receive them except as citizens
of the United StatesV The movement of Maj
Anderson was discussed and' much condemned
by the secessionists and the Secretary of AY nr,
and Mr. Floyd, who b a secessionist, demanded
of the President that for tliis act he should be
recalled. The .Union members of the Cabinet,
flcottl and all the -Northern members, of
botU E[ouB6 of Congress opposed his being re
called, whereupon Mr. Floyd tendered his res
ignation *b Secretary of War, which was accep
ted. •: ■ . !
Ihft Telegraph dispatches of Monday last,
Btit® thot-'tho Tacant Seoretpryship Render
ed to Gen. Scott, who declined,
Master General, Mr. Holt, a Cnlpn man and a
patriot,,was appointed. < v Th|» appointment meets
tie approval of Gen. Scott.'- r These changes are
. said to hare created a healthy state of feeling
in'Washington among tho lovers of the Union,
the' disunionisls feel awful and are cur-.’
sing :tbe r President and Gen. Scott most lustily.-
It is saidi that tho cutter, Harriet Lane, haa.sail
ed.vltb sealed orders, the dostinatiou Leipg,
ptohabiy. Charleston. .The South :Caroimians
arp said to ho Meeting strong fortifications in
and around the harbor pf dharleston to prevent
being Mnj. Anderson.
‘ were. received at Washington, pn
thf South-,j
pfjthe Stotei prevailed there, hut
thj? rum nr was likely without foundation, as we
have heard, nothing of U.sipce that time.- Front
tbp ppMpernatioin which the.rumor produced, it
is evident :tjhat the Southerners iear a movement
oLthis.kind much more than they down Attack
onthem by the people of the North, „
The latest despatch from Washington says:
On tho lit Inst, Mr. Holt called every officer of tho army
and navy to tho War Department for reneral consulta
tion In reference' to the .Charleston .Forts., They had a
VRitracted swsfon, the reenlt "of which: is not known fur
&or than that ovory officer 1 present approved of thecou
dncnS Mid; Anderson. The President's special message
on the proeent difficulties In South ( Carolina would be
sent -in to-day (Wednesday.) TUer6 ; . .exe't*
ntent tu the square on which ftanos thshonse occupied
by tbeXfommlssiontrs from Chariistott'ano aportlon of
the police force was detached to patrol the square.—
Nothing serious occurred. The secretary of the Oom
mftaipners left for Charleston with detailed despatchee
for‘the Convention. J _ ~ , • .
•jtU hope of the reception ot the Commlsskmew, In their
capacity, is abandoned, jibe revenue tatter,. Har
riet Lane, has been ordered to sea, hud It ft snpposed her
dMtfasttun to Fort Sumpter. The Commlssiohers Say do
Cufted StatM steamer shall be aUowed to pus Charleston,
tmless sift carries a white fftfi.'r V.;'"':'
This is the condition p|f affairsat this time:
What U maj be this time neit week,
alone 4ill' We ftjrboar. uja-' 1
wwhat couqw wiU
ijfc; Quite an excitement was created in)
JMt week, in iconseqraiioe of an nr
derJUsaedby. -the Sectary of War for the
shipment of some 124 cnniiohs toForts in Texas ■
and Louisiana; ..which, it ‘is allegedv aw-not yet
•finilhW or in to receive themt -
fact that Mr. Floyd, thenjthe
if a secessionist, induced the belief that the
gone Were intended for the disunionists and-not
for .tye. defence or strengthening of • United
State* fortifications. Inquiry was immediately
Jtiede by the .cititens of Pittsburgh in regard
to what disposition was to be made of 4>e'!gttbs, :
and the reply being satisfactory theahipment is
goipg on without ' interference. The pro- ‘
CMt of loading the guns la necessary veyy
-the imMf.' j- ' ! .id:
■fo r ■
: ,.r. r .?
Railroad Compant. —A mooting k>f tb# stock*
holders of thjs Company was,
phiaonthe 27th nit, to take aottdnonlhe ad*
epptance or rejection of the contract fd*. a more
permanent lease of their Road to the Pennsyl
vania Bail Road Company. Thera was!# large
attendance of share holders. By IhsnfijJtion of
the Chairman the roll er*? called, inrorder to
ascertain ifn majoritjr^Of. the' Bteokwas repre
sented. This operation entailed a great expen
diture of time. It-waa finally ascertained that
tbere'«ein4Moo Claires aemt of
21,742, the whole number of shares. This be
ing more than a quorum of the stock, "the meet
ing proceeded to business. Mr. Baker, the
President of the Company, read the;eontraet
made with the'Pennsylvania Railroad Company
fortbe rane wal4»t-the Jeaae of the Harrisburg
and. Lancaster Bailroad tp tl l6 Pennsylvania
Railroad. The substance of the contract is that
thb organisation of-'the i Harrisburg Company
BhaUbemaintained.and -the' lease be made for <
nine hundred and-oinetyfnine years; .the. Pen
nsylvania Railroad Company mantaining the road
and paying the interest on the funded debt, and
;BOTon ,per cent, per .annum on the stock. As
the cost of the 'Harrisburg Railroad is some
$96,000 greater than the .amount represented
by the existing. numbor of shares. the Harris
burg Railroad Company Is to be allowed to is
jmfr. nineteen hundred shares of new stock, thus
making the number of: shares equal the cost-of
the work, and on this increased capital the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company! will payseven
per cent., which is eqaal to about seven and
six-tenths per cent, per annum, on the present
number of shares. The new stoCk to he issued
is a fraction less than one tp eleven. The profits
since the last dividend in October are to be di
vided among stockholders; and the dividend
periods, hereafter, are; to be in .January and
July, instead,of April and October. Attached
to the contract was a resolution authorizing the
Board of Directors to consumate the contract
and the lease to the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany. A. motion was made that the resolution
be adopted., After a protracted and animated
I discussion, the vote was taken viva voee, on the
ratification of tho contract, and it was almost
unanimously adopted. .Several gentlemen ob
jected ,to taking the, vote; in this /way, and Mr.
TbomasS. Smith called for a stock vote. The
Secretary stated bis belief that under the charter
of the company a stock vote was not necessary
where there was a clear majority of stock repre
sented at the meeting. - The chairman announ
ced that the question, was decided in the affirm
ative. There being much objection to a viva
voee vote in settlepoenl of the question, a stock
vote was called and ordered. The majority in
favor of ratifying the contract was about ten
thousand shares. The Pennsylvania Central
Company will now lake control of the Harris
burg and Lancaster road, causing an entire
change of programme,, and the dismissal of the
Conductors and other employees of the last
named company,
Ten Years or Railroading in the United
States.— The world has probably never, wit-!
nessed, in any department of' industrial and
mechanical developemenjtj such an extraordi
nary phenomenon as that of. railroad construc
tion in the United States,- during the lost ten
years. Railroading had commenced long be
fore! but the larger portion of the immense num
ber and magnitude of railroads in this country,
has been made between 1850 and 1860, and al
most altogether between 1850 and 1857. To
show this clearly and strikingly, wo will present
•the number and length of railroads, in each
Stale, in each of .the years 1850 and 1860, as
near as wo con ascertain them. The following
table presents that view, viz ;
N. .Hampshire •••• ••
Rhode 151 and.......
New York
New Jersey...
Delaware s
North Carolina...;
South Carolina.;..
Georgia i.............
Florida ....;
Louisiana ...........
Texaß...U.;.. .......
Indiana **
lowft ••••••••#•••••»••
Cftliforiilft • • •••••*•••
Oregon • ••*««•* ee*eee
,BJ9 States
Dnarn or Hon. Hehrt M. • FuLtEn.—The
telegraph, on Wednesday last, conveyed through
out the .cohhtiy the intelligence of the death of
this man, lately so prominent before ( the people
of this State. Mr. Fuller was otice a tiactrber
of (he State LegUlatore', was to Congress
in 1850 as ft Whig, and agam iii 1854 as a mem*
-toerof the American party..'/S-jEemai the’Ameri*
, li' f ■< f . -pi ,1 „•?>•<>*. , :» - J- f t l ’- i ’ ’/ t- - '■. i ,
cancandWatefpr wluch.
.tlHTeleotioii -br„ife-* jßlfittica." He eras
at one time the WUig <»rididate f^r : opnal Com-.
. gWmtft v fo pno of the
fofopgplf Union Party and
and was tlie'tf candidate for Congress in the
second diat^mf.
From the returns made to the United
States Adjutant General’* office in ifeO iVap
peara that the number
free States was 1,2516,573. tff this number the
four States of NewTcrtiv' Pennsylvania, ‘
and Massachusetts had 758.&71 smd men,
while the fifteen Southern States had only 778,*
increase the : in fajor
1850. 1860.
118 miles. 475 miles.
171 “ ; 687
235 “ 564 “
1125 “ 1469 J “
50 “ 167 “
236 “ 691 “
1208 “ 2852 “
246 “ 616 “
1159 “ 1958 “
318 “ 368 “
16 “ 128 “
851 “ 1587 “ 4
312 “ 629 “
270 “ 748 “
666 « 1111 “
54 • ‘‘ 109 "
114 “ 504 "
118' “ 921 “
‘6l “ 260
_ *« 162 “
56 “ 386 “
38 “ 882 “
« 706 “
380 “ 8080 “
86 “ i 960
105 “ 2820 “
879 “ 687 “
“ 735 V
_ «! ! 861 “
... II
22 “
iu • ••
_ it
’7,861 mis. 87,186 nils.
+>l _
-j*> ; • l> -
.'C 7
. }: 1 , •
Eaaßisßtmo, ; .
Messes. Editom 1® ’
ago to see the procaisof organising >a Hottse of
‘ Bepraasatntirea.i - ;VV^/-
and exciting scenes occur, p*r
ticularlydaringthe preliminary arrangements.
Sacha polling, Caucusing end boring, Ac. TFoll
tbp great agony .is now peer, the caucuses in.,
bothhonsoeiwero heldyraUaday 5»l
lost night, which, ofconrse ended! thegreatstrife,-
and catreed some black looks and some.loud and
ratter hart ifot ds, among those outside the ring.
were not'quite the nsoal num
tbit have been hare the two or
hat alill the crowd was reepee
i nil applicant* pressing their
iifferent offices with their tery
■ ■
I think there
her of outsiders
three last years,
tahly large,’an
claims for the <
best ability
im called to order by the old
(ck to-day, and vent throngb the
i of Organization, electing Eli
if Venango county, Speaker.E.
.‘high county, Clerk, and£. W
The Bbnse
clerk, at 12 o’cl
regular rontini
aba W. Paris, c
B. Bauch, of L
Caperon, of Obiter, Assistant Clerk.
The Senate vms called to order by tbs former
Speaker, R. M. Palmer, at 3 o’clock. The Elec
tion returns of the districts from which the new
members were 1 elected, were opened and read.
The. Senate th(U s proceeded to the election of
Speaker, which resulted in the selection of R.
M. Palmer of S ehnylkill. The Speaker and new
members were sworn in, the Senate then pro
ceeded to the election of Clerk, Ass’t Clerks, &e.,
as follows:—Clerk, Russell Erret, Ass’t Clerk,
C. P. Ramsdell; Tranfcribing Clerks, Goo. W.
Patton, -G. S. I Jerry and J. Hitchcock, also, all
the other officers, and after the organization
was completed, and the usual committees ap
pointed do waiiupon the Representatives, Gov
ernor, &c'., and inform them of their organiza
tion, and ajlso resolutions in regard to hour of
meeting and a< Ijournmeat, a series of regolutiqns
were offered bp Senator Smith of Philadelphia,
relative to the existing crisis now so greatly
ngitating the fcmds of the People of this Union,
and pledging Peunsyfyania now, as she ever hits
been, true to tjhe Constitution and the Union.
The Resolutions were, on motion, referred to
a special committee upon which the Speaker ap
pointed Messrs. Smith, Hall, Ketcham, Schindel
and Clinier, without any discussion.
The members of the third House are arriving
rapidly, and a.meeting, I believe,'has been cull
ed to effect -au organization. I see the for
mer Speaker ijs on hand, but it is said he de
dines a re-eljjction. I expect they will have
quite an iutgrjestiug time in their deliberations
this winter. !
The U. S. j Senator question is begining to
assume an interesting attitude. It is bard to
tell who has the inside track but 1 think it is
either Wilmotior Cowen.
I think there is no doubt of the election of
Hon. 11. D. Moore State Treasurer.
? Yours Truly,
‘.‘4- Occasional, Jh.
Patbnt Mkdicisk Advsbxisekehth. —Friend
Lewis, of the Huntingdon Olobe, is opposed to
the publication of patent medicines in country
newspapers, especially when the proprietors do
not pay the same rates as local advertisers. —
Jolly, of the Star, refers to the matter, and sug
gests a convention of the newspaper publishers
of Blair, Huntingdon, Clearfield, Cambria and
Centre counties, for the purpose of .fixing upon
a schedule of 1 rates . for advertising.- We can
:e the necessity of such a convcn
it is necessary to secure the desi
each publisher to stick to bis
not exactly s
tion. All tb
red end is fpi
ces. This is hot done now, nor
t would be done if the price was.
onvsntion. Besides, all the pub-j
( district nanfcd might not jjttend
ag, and those who did not would
d by the action of the others, and
Id be in no better shape than at
present. sd<far as we are concerned, w« have
a schedule of prices and 'wo live up to them.—
We charge Ipcal advertisers no more nor no less
than patent medicine dealers. All patent med
icine advrrtistncnts now in our paper pay full ad
vertising’ ratiis. ' We have,lately refused to pub
lish several Advertisements of patent medicines,
and that, top, after the agent had shown us con
tracts made! with other papers,- which have a
larger circulation than ours, in which they were
published at a little over one > half the price
asked by.usf Discrimination in favor of patent
medicines and against local advertisers is wrong
and the publisher who is guilty of such discrim
ination does .not deserve the patronage of home
advertisers. : Let each one answer for himself.
published pri
are we sure i
fixed by a c
Ushers in tin
such a meet!
not feel hour
matters woui
House BObnt.—On Sunday afternoon last,
the house of Mr. Philip Harpster in Frankstown
township, was burned to .the ground, together
with all its contents, embracing beds f bedding,
clothing; provisions', &o;, &o. The family were
all at Churoh at tbi|B time of the occurrence, and
it is supposed the fire originated" 1 from a spark
falling on the roof. Mr Harpster is a poor man
and the doss is a severe One, especially at this
inclement season of the year. The building
was qwped by Mr. Isaac Slippey. Among the
articles-jdestroyod was a double-barrel revolving
rifle wofrth some $lO, a uniform of the Alle
gheny Cavalry, and another. of the 1 Juniata
Rifles. Mr? Haypater’js neighbors, with char
acteristic generosity, :done much to relieve his
pressing neccssitics/but whitbal, as
his. loss is a severe one.— RtgUUr.
Christmas .—Christmas, we were always
tanghtto bfelievo was a merry day, but we ipdst
confess'that it bora a closer resemblance to
Sunday’ tfihn any holiday or .thanksgiving wo
have eterpassed over. All the stores; with tbe
etcOptibn.of the candy and ; notion shop* and
clothing stores, were clowd imd’phr ; stp«ets‘.si--
most deserted. «the rest of
mantihd” had gone to hunt Christmas some
pfaceeise. We .spent our time m cMting .np
onraccqunts with cdrpatr flfose
to:Bee :
ere Jong, jwd those,whom see ns an
THAhßS^—Otto Rossi, Who keeps fine cOh
fectionary fruit and caka store up street, will
accept pur thank s for a' fine cake, with which
to fiswp onr Christmas dinneri As -Ve-bap
,pwW'itiS^: that occasion it did
not grape oUr festal board on that day; b ; nt was
djody served tip * lew .days later,. when xt was
found superb;; For a good cake, on Rossi
•ni yottVui gefit- f.; - : ;n";.
Jvxobs.—The following the list of Grand
•nd l¥»Ter«e Jnrore drawn for the January
Term of Court,whichcommencea on the fonrth
Mondtyuud 2&thdaybf January,
■ -y GuabdJoboes.
. Akely Jacob n Bnyder;
Arbie Jacoby £ >g%n
r Boonejosapfa, Ante*.
- Crawford Jeaaeß. Gdiysport,.
Dibert Henry,Qreenfield.
Bonn William, HolUdaysburg.
Billing John H. Huston.
Emigh Jacob C, Taylor.
Fleck Henry, Logan.
Gihboney B F, Mortinsburg.
Hartsock Charles. HolUdaysburg
Koon Abraham, Taylor.
Lewis Thomas, Gay sport,
Moore Silas, Frankatbwn.
McKiljip David, \ “ '
Miiliken SamUel, Antes.
Plummer Wm R, Snyder.
Russ Geo W, HolUdaysburg
Roberts John H, L^gan.
Stroup Barnett, Taylor.
Shrirer Daniel, North Woodberry.
Stephens Nicholas, Frankstown.
Spang Rudolph. Greenfield.
W eight John, Snyder.
Tbatxbs Jdbobs—First Wsix.
BurkhimcrPeter, Greenfield.
Butngardner C A, Snyder.
Rurkel John, Greenfield.
(Hugh George, Logan.
Campbell J M, Altoona.
Crawford J A, HolUdaysburg..
Duncan James, Snyder.
Dixon John, Logan. j x
Ellsworth Josiah, Woodberry.
Eaken William, Snyder.
Fignrt Benjamin, Altoona.
Fox Samuel, Catharine.
Garrett William, HolUdaysburg.
Gibboney Joel, Catharine.
Graham Walter, “
Heard 1 homos W, Gaysport.
Hagerty William, Logau.
Hutchison Robert M, Logau.
IrTine’Abraham, Antes.
Jacobs George A, HolUdaysburg.
Klingerman John, Allegheny.
Lewis Martin, Altoona. .
Ldrver Jacob, Taylor. ,
Lingenfelter J G, East Freedom.
McGuue S R, Frankstown.
Morrow Robert, Tyrone tp. F
Mentzer Ephraim, Huston.
Morrow J U, Tyrone,
McKim James, Allegheny.
Nicedauius Jacob, North Woodberry
Rhodes Isaac, “ “
Richards Roland, Frankstown
Haggles John, Allegheny..
Rhodes Paul, Huston.
Stiffler Wm, “
Stewart Matthew. Tyrone tp
Shatter Pet,cr, Altoona.
Wesley John, Logan.
Burchincll Thomas, Gaysport.
Barnhart Jacob, Greenfield.
Baird Marlin, Blair
Conrad James, Freedom. '
Cowen David, Taylor.
Crissman A J, North Woodberry.
Dunn Hugh, Catharine. '
Barr Joseph, Altoona. v
Defobaugh James E, Woodberry.
Figart Alex K, Frankstown.
Qrabill Levi, Frankstown.
Hays Samuel D, Hollidaysburg.
Hoover John B, Huston. ,
Hickey John, Altoona.
Hewit George W. Woodberry.
. Huston John E, Altoona
Hammond Henry K, Altoona
Law Jacob, North Woodberry.
Long James, Allegheny.
McQuaid James, Snyder.
Manley David, Antes.
McClain Thomas, Tyrone tp.
Nicodemus Henry C, Martinsburg.
Totls George, Loga^i.
Pringle Phillip, Greenfield.
Rhodes Jacob, Huston.
Robeson Moses, Snyder.
Refiner Alexander, Altoona.
Rutledge Alexander, Woodberry.
Stoner Daniel B. North Woodberry
Smith John B, “ “
Stokes illiam, Snyder.
Snyder Theo., North Woodberry.
Sellers George W, Hollidaysburg.
Tussey John M, Tyrone tp.
Vanscoyoc Thomas, Snyder.
Vanaulman Samuel, Frnnksfovrn.
Vaugh William (of Samuel), Blair.
Capture or a Fox bt a Locomotive.— One
day last week, iu the neighborhood of Mill
Creek, Huntingdon county, the engineer of the
No. 73, hauling one of the stock traius, discov
ered a fox coming down the embankment upon
tbe track. The engineer, being M cunning as
Reynard is said to be, “ shut off,” and watched
his opportunity until the fox should, attempt to
cross the track in front of the engine, wben/he
would put on steam and capture him. this
design he was so far successful as to cripple the
animal. The fireman jumped off with/a view of
getting tbe game alive, bat Mr. Reynard show
ed fight, and bad to be killed bejrore he would
allow iiimsolf to be captured. The skin of the
animal, we understand, is to be stuffed, and to
adotn No. 73y .■ f '■ / r: ....
The Local U. S. Senate will meet in
Lowther’s Hall, on Friday evening next, the
committee appointed fOr the purpose having se
cured that room, which is now being fitted up
for the uso of the/Benate. The proceedings of
last meeting of/Senate are unavoidably crowd
ed out this vyeek, together with other Local and
news items/Which should have appeared.
. QgU/Reported—that beef is selling at 3 cents,
porirat 4 cepts, and butter at 12} cents per
pOnnd, in Rlairsville. In Altoona, beef is 5@6
cents, pork 7 cents, and butter 20 @22 cents.
A slight difference in so short a distance.—
Couldn’t some of these articles be imported to
this place for loss than from 3 to 8 @lO cents
per pound T . ,
Masonic, F*snvAi..-i-Thutsday .LMt was the
anniversary of the patron eaiplt ofFreeMison
ry.StJohn’sDay. Theeventwaa celebratedin
a proper manner by the brethren of the “ mystic'
tie," on tbe evening of that day, by partaking
oil a substantial supper* served up hy Mrs. Lev
an,,at jn Eaek Altoona., ,
Capture or Liberals. —Miramon has sol-
prised tbp iiberals 'at Tocjtria,' add captured
1,200 men, and twelve cannon. Generals, lie*
gallftdo,'Beraesebiiit,' Trenco iadd'others were
Bsuso,cjs.^Thfr«she pfewAJqgln .the
Pjeshytwriim Church, 'in thie place, on Friday
Paet.Dej.’ 'The puWlc aw Sa*
to .fo*»|iip .thejre,
:r V
vf• .. . ’ *
to ts* Mtmojw or t»
■ | ||U<: ■■]
Kind • ■
I lrffle Miard AldnuMd
Sang this last dirge or the fast dying y€ar.
I’d an engagement when midnight same 'round,
Up there, by “ Old Father Time to be found: V
That he’d meet mo there as in dayafbf yore;
And as ever would have, "the Carrier boy
Go forth in tlw morn, with his, smile of joy, „
Wishing the friends of the TBincsa good cheer,
A very bright morning and happy jNeW Year.”
While waiting alone in my attic there.
Thrown backward to rest, in my easy chair,
II thoagbt of the year thus passing hfway.
Which oblivion would claim ere the'dawn of day:
I For 1 knew that no sooner would] “ Sixty” be
gone, . - ..." i -I
Than with glad shouts wouldbehailfed Sixty .one.
Thus with my head? full of past ang future, ■ : : i
And my gas turned down to a taper light, ■
-in m y attic there in my easy chain
I drenmingly mused, on Time’? rapid flight,
I thought of the morn ‘of last New [tear's day.
When the sun broke forth in its bright,
And bathed in its lustre the browd of some v
Whose hearts were then happy, buoyant and
. light, —
Hearts that grew sad ere the yearpassed away;
For sorrow has oast o’er some hpm'es a cloud,
“And where there was mirth, and gladness and
song. r [abroad..
Has since been the death-dirge, coma and 4
And I thought of the rambles, last: summer,
In search of flow’ra in the dark I shady grove.
And of songs and sighs ’neath the greenwood
tree — r
Worships there offered t’ the Goddess of love,
I thought of the opening bud of life.
The cradle that lay, to the grave, so neat;
Of manhood’s prime and of hoary ;old age.
All lost ’ mid the wreck of the dying year.
Thus on ev’ry string of th? soul
Had mind been busily playing,
And thought had been rambling around.
O'er grave-yards and ploafapro ground
When, Time’s locomotive drew upilo the station.
And whistled down “ brakes”; with a sound
shrill and clear, ! [parted,
And 1 heard the wail of the rwe)te-months de-
As they glanced from their graves at the
i coming New Year. •
Whan thus aroused from myj slumber.
A tap on my lattice I heal’d,
Who's there? And in stalk’d Father Time,
Not deigning to utter a wiord.
For a while he stood there nbd gaz’d
As if some other person t(j see.
And I wonder’d much if I drfani, '
Ho bad promis’d to N call op me. ,
At length ho spoke in mourdful tone,
Which fed like a weight op my car,
And I could plaiply trace o’er his check,
' The course of a briny tear,
•• 1 have come,” said he, “ from the tomb
of years, i :
' Where I’ve buried my children all.
But no sboner’s the last in oblivion laid
Than another comes forth at my call.
And now I have come, to you, my friend.
Though young it years’you may _be, :
To audit the business of six y
And close up accounts fot mn. ,
Some accounts are eternal riy friend,
With those you have nothing to do,
’Tis the personal matters alluo'
That I shall entrust to y< p."
So saying he placed in my Uand
A volume written nil o’er,:
And then quickly turning abound
Pass’d out at my chamber door.
I opened the book ’twas so old,
• Its, lids were'musty with ige.
And tht the account left me to audit,
I found near the six thousandth page,
Each page in the musty yo tunc,,
1 Though blotted over with tears
Plainly presented the record,/
Of one of many past year?.
Yet few of those much worn six thousand pages,
The records of Time for mnpy past ages,
bear on their faces, scene? of ipoment so great.
To society s circle, or circle of §tate.
As the last one there written over by Time,
The one about which! am writing this rhyme;
And from this sam/piige I the liberty take
A selection of itpms in brief to thake.
The buds as be/bre, have swell’il in the bowers.
The gardens and woodlands gpown bright with
The groves have been gieen—tbjasky above blue,
The field? have been cloth’d in tjheir golden hue;
And the harvest gather'd and stor’d away,
And the verdure has faded dayjby day,
The forest’s put op its crimson rind gold,
And the garb of the year’s grown ragged and old.
But events less common than these have Iran;
/ spired, . i
The heart of’ly with freedom’s been fir’d,
Hos beaten responsive to liberty “call,.
And tyranny toppling'is ready |td fall.
And now, high enroll’d on the!records of fame
May he seen shining forth, Qaijabaldi’s nafne,
And Italy free, in her powers again
May flourish—and Victor Emanuel reign.
x And far away in. the sunny sopthren land, , -
Where the oranges grow, and tpe brow is fann’d
By the breezes that blow from [either sen,
Has fallen the grey-ey’d man of destiny.
For fame to ambition his ( heinefihe gaye,*
And Walker now steeps in a mminal’s graVe. <
And Japan her programme of [action to change
Sent far o’er the water hem embassy strange,
Which scene did Americans sol mightily please,
That everything new was named “ Japanese.”
And no sooner bed- Uiey from the New World
- gone, ■■ .
Than Victoria sent over her favorite son,
Who, on Uncle Sam’s farm. aaßaron Bcnfrew,
Wherever be went, 5 crowds of furious drew. /
He paused fora moment dojyu byi the “big
: house," -■ .' [ : i ]']. ' i--
And ho I there was I just as spy as a mouse,
And Ido believe—don’t thinkjine; uncivil— 1 r ];- :
He don’t look as sharp as our youngest deyll.
For many long months the conning election, . •
Caused great excitement ip eyfty direction ;
But that it might b'e no longetfupcertain /
.October raised Atom the Curtin.
And November its tale of victory to tell.
Cast a cloud o’er Brfcckiuridge. Douglas and Bell,
Sentthem back again to the political school.
And decided 'Old Abe at the W bite House should
■ _ rale; . -v i : :/ // 4"; t
Secessionists then, with heartpfull pf tj»aapn,
For their purpose chose this < xcitable season.
I Slavery declaring [that the So ith its place is, •
And that Union no U ngef.embrpces,:
Has summon’d together its co:
To sever th’ one into many we »k nations. -
Yet hop®—though faint ’tis ti nb—-still bums in
our breast, ’] : .
That spon this yough. sea will.
But then if concession of ever
Let us call on Abp’am-for a fc
And fence in the South—till'
)ation : • :..
That exists between her and tl
From Kansas is heard a new i
.Adda' cpyof famine—a cry ’fc
Both war and starvation, they
• With Badnbsa they welcome tl
Qf pcpidents, many and serioi
Which stir up the heart, and
But nowhere did fate; so horr
: Aswkenon the lakei' the Blgi
But. why now recotint the" Jib
The Tbibuwb’s been left each week at ycmr door.
Which contain'd all this new* and many tbinow
' mote, [dons*
Wo'to told all we’ve heard that was anywhere l
While the world was making its trip'tound th» ‘
' Sunt ‘ ' • ■ .„■■■■ >'
‘Wmher o£ sadness, interest, mirth, or of fun. ‘
V i&anoCkind friends I have finiahed my song, \
or whatever you wish to
an<fc|f for t|k* same ;you have a spats
lypter, cfhalf; i# pass iytf ong.l|^
At a' regniai meeting of Tyrone Div„ No 323, Sou
v< M3MnjwtwaW>* draft-the
followin'greeofatloni, which were nnanl moody adopted:
Wiupmas, in the deptbnf Brother John MTiOjemti
we eusteln theloea of t AiUtol and energetic member of
this Division, end a worm friend of the temperance “ re
form also; one ae aciiiseh, reepected aadlNdoved 6»eu
who knew him, therefore,
Jttsotvtd, That. eta token of oar esteem tor the dfeewed
brother, the members of thie division weer crape for thirty
days. ■'
, That the abooerseelntiaa ebe> laeerti din all
the papers in .Blair county , end a eopj be sent to theba>
reeved'fotuily. ‘i Jv
W.t.KARTia, V
n. M. JUNES, I Carnap.
J. n. PATTERSON, ) f
At sweeting of the Tyitwa .Cavalry, held «t thtlr
Armory, id tho borough of Tyrone, on the Uth
bar, IfteiL, th* following preamble' and resolution* ««r*
adopted: ' l '
Wbehsao, It has pleased an Inscrutable Providence to
remove from our midst our late companlon-ln-anns, Jobe
W: Cramer, therefore.
Htsoivtd, That but of roepeet to his memory, our anno*
ry be dressed inmon ruing for the term of thirty dare, aad
that at 4he iwi> parades next ensuing, of the Cavalry; ear i
colon be craped, and the members of the company wear
the usual badge of mourning.
, Ilttohcd, That the** resolutions bepubllshed in the iy
rone JSfer and Altoona 'l'ribtmt, and a copy of teat
to the afflicted widow and family of the deceased.
Blood Food I Blood. Pood 11
Are yon despairing? Hare yon triei ether remedies and
failed t Do you classify Dr. Bronson,’* Blood Food with
other patent medicines ? Listen I
It would be impossible to let youknow bf the Blood Food
without resorting to tho advertising. Now, that qtuck*
resort to the same method to acquaint you with their patent
medicines, does not moke this preparation the same style
of article |ll as theirs., Dr. Bronson is a teacher in oar
medical colleges, and a very celebrated lecturer on pbyifo
ology; and his preparations—not pXtent mediainea—an the
result of an old physician’s great experience and knowl.
edge. Then'do not despair. Though yon have tried other
remedies and failed, try this and yon will sorely be ettrsd.
Consumptive! you may be cured by this. UufortunsUI
whose over-tiUtcd system boa brought on some ebronfodi*.
cose, numbers suffering as you are, find relief end restora
tion to perfect health ' ft om the Blood Food. Dyspeptlel
try it. AH suffering from Liver Complaint, male or female
weaknesses, or any co nplaiut caused by poverty or defi
ciency of blood, feed your blood with the Blood Food ead
be well.
Mothers!! If yon valhe your own comfort end
| the health ofiyour children, kenp Dr. Eaton’s Infantile Cor
! dial always in the house. It is safe, free from paregorle
and all opiates, and is a certain remedy lor Diarrhea, Sum
mer complaint, and all diseases attending teething, and a
: great assistance in softening the gums. See advertise-
I meat. Fur sale by A.' Roush, Altoona, Pa.
To Consumptives.
And those dieted with
The undersigned, now seventy-five years old, bee fer
years devoted Wa time to curing hie Partshonere -end Ibc
poor in New York of tliese dreodlui complaints, which qirry
thousands and thousands to on untimely grave; he has
seldom /failed to enre all who have applied to bint for re
lief, and believing it to bo a CbristlanV duty to relieve
..those abroad, as well ds at homo, ho will sebd to those wbe
require it, a copy of Presc rations used, (Fyee of Ch*rg*)>
/with directions for preparing and using the tame. Alee
rnlya on Diet, Bathing. Ventilation, and Exercise for tbs
Sick, they will find these remedies asurtcurs for Consump
tion, and all diseases of- the Throat and Lungs, Feysc and
Ague, Constipation; Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous
Debility, and Female Complaints, and be busies srvry on*
afflicted will send for a copy, as it will cost nothing, sad
those suffering should apply before It is too late. These
| Prescription are used by the moat eminent Physicians ia
I London, Paris, and New York. Those wishing them will.
| please address REV. DK. CHAMBERLAIN.
1 Nov. 15,’60.-ly. William ebnrgh, New York
DR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE cures Putrid SorsMeuth.
DR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE ciirr* Sors Ripple*.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERIRE cure* Ulcerated »*r*l.
DR. VELPEAU’S -CANKERINE cure* Chapped Lip*.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cure* Ulcerated final.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE Is the best Purifier sftt*
Breath of anything known.
Dll. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cure* Canker la th»
Mouth, Throat, or Sthomach, resulting, from Seadatlpa Of,
Ty pirns Fevers.
Ladies, if you delight in pur* white teeth, ne* the CAN
KERINE, and yonr desire* will be realized. We pledge
our word that it L* entirely free from acids and all peieo
on* substances, and can b* given to an infant with perfect
ealety. It will preserve the teeth and keep ths gum* free
from ulcer;*. It is equally efficaciou* for nuraing sort
mouth*. la ah the thousand* remedies that bars been put
forth for the cure of the carious diseases abovs, nbn* laa
equal the Cankorlne. Sold by all druggist*. Price Jd
een.ta per bottle. J. BURBILL ACO.,
Proprietor*, 93 Malden Lane, N. I
Per .sal* in Altoona, byQ. W. KESSLER-
Weakness of the Stomach and Indi-
Another Great Cure effected by Bcerhate't Hdland BiMt-
Xhe wffo of Pieter Do Holland Tews.
Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, suffered much from W**k’
aeas of|the Stomach and Indigestion. She had been under
:a physical's care foe some time, but the disease *eem*d**
baffleevep hi* skill. She 1 purchased fame HOLLAND
BUElSfeS’at ohr office, which ha* given, tone to her itosi-,
ach; Her appetite and strength, are leturning. tnd wsftna
ly ielleve sat this ip another great cur*, effected by y»W
medicine. ' . ■
w« k»T«Atili to rorq*
this Tt*tt*dy, bnt'must skit Another opportunity,
thing you can rely upp n. Whet'we have published srs.—
; persons'much respected In our eommunltj.
. (Ed. Sheboygan Nlsnwsbode, Shobqygsn,Wte)
Th© American , Medical and Toil#*
i Pali book cbntafnaJ? t iirtttimt forßaki?r“
the inoetvaluable prepanitiow in
dpesandfull aodeipliclt direction* for - —j.
mbit popular and useftil Cosmetica,, Peffnmw,
H^irßestoratives,and«J| TbilatArticle#. If ij.
erlnjf with any chronic di^aae— If y°“ •W* l ' *
complexion.'a fin* bead ofliatr, a smooth
, a luxuriant beard or moustache—or it T ou •
the pilot
should, by all means, peruse a copy of thi*
particulars, and a yampla of the w«lr ■ faf P*r^j^
ie calmly at rest.
f kind fails, v
« of those rails,
she learns th* re-
fS.The use of DrlHortbttor’e Stomach Bjllf ®
> pepsla, Fin tnlonee, heavidww’ofthe stomach, or f
like fdTebtlgn, is second to none fa Amrfieaor «b> state confidently that the “Bitters
ear# tor dyspepsia and like diaeaeea, it ,0 _
a sourcebftthaljjyod pl**g“?- mussed .
ter from *he atonjach/ purifiea,the i P”
Titality to the glji n |T*‘^V K ilth? t* '
erigy so Indtepewabje fcr.the restotathp o _
numerousacknowledgements of iU *°PO*_ <h>t jj «•'
beneficial results hare assured the *.■
nb| but pwe * gn*t>rfsa ; KS;'. 1$ '
tallijr'w tbs thorough ayotain- -; . ‘
in another *olcn»««.
lis mighty nation.
:ory of blood,
now have to fear,
a {dooming year.
*we find. ;» i ;
barrow the mind.
b, y
i went down.
Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine. i
• £f.ii 0
cct a
;.SK*W'« bhln « “
:; * ’«rn
' -*T»
. nur<
■■ 1
- - 4**lhing.
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H«UU«awl>«nc •••••••
gMMH) Through..
3K5i» Through
- smUta Through
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' • gsiteroWsy
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M . •“ v >Mt
•» - West
M<Uk *
m West
jfc* homaday
Trains East and W«
' AMMiaodatioii x.
JJTWsotand Expr
Bov; 28,1800.
On the-26th ult
Onithrwth 1111, i
WOUnßdMiss JIA
tiosbfat|& Blair com
OaiplSth ult.. I
K£Y,of Duuchuhv
PAINTER, of lluuti
On tboSOth ult.. I
eounty, to Miss bb’y
'fn Hollldaysburg
KBlgbt, Mr. LEVI I
On the evening of
bride's fother, by th<
. On tho 26th ult., 1
HOLLAND and Mis.
111, Blair «o.
On the same data,
•Mr M, stud Miss
On the Stth ult.,
, bocseboldek. c
'By- thooome. on th
■ On tho 26th nit., I
Of the bride’s father.
Jewish the part
ytneos tbotcan poss
and bands. May p
and'adversity a sUt
can not want for we
her, andwfifoel snt
. In Antl> towDshli
: In HolUdaysburg
%nl|on Of Washluj
XV Just receive,
wul ssll at from $1
Jan. 3, 1801.
X returned fron
Tery large and One
U)llch ha ts prrpar*
ek&ttyat very 1,.:
that Will defy comp
people will call omi
. «, BOOTS ami:
•undue terms. Al>
Ddh’t forget the t
Jen. 3,1801.
Xpleas of BL
DenJel H. Newha
. Mary X. Newhai
And now, 22.1 Oct
returned by the Sh
the Respondent cm
4» eow 7 order that t
for four wetke, *uc>
L e ‘! u
to answer the
/J&tT R.Ttswhari
bphetifled to appos
»y ths art of Aura
•eewet the eomplai
<ji ii in til® Altoon
Jftmkw. Tho®
Am Kiriilr
*s»u. Abraham
§s*«, Win® Kate
s°y«-, Abraham
grtgr. Qeo W
Wh> Mattlu
SP, David
Who calling
>ly Joe
- '-.ia
M"VSi k