SAVING FUND. National Company.' Saving fund.—national SAFETY TKtTST COMPANY.— OttiBTEMD VT THE BtAis or VusmyiutiA, ■ • RULES. . ■■ 1. Honey b received Wery day; and In'any amount, largo or small, - • 1 '' 2. Vm m ci.iT. interoat Is paid for money from thoday / it boat in. 3-The money is. always paid track fa oouo, whenever it b called Sir, and without notice. ■> ,i 4. Honey U received Eaecutori,Adminiitratort, Guardians,• and. others who desire to have it in e-place of perfect'safety, and where intcrestcan bo obtained lor it. "6,Tho money received from depositor*'fa inverted in Rut EatAtE, SloßTasnKS, Ououndrerts, andsuch other first class securities oiTlhe Cliarter-directs. r r ■ ;■ ft, Office Hours—Krery day from 9 till 5 o’clock, and on Uoodavs aud flmrsdnys till 8 o’clock in the evening. 1 ■ HON; H. LV BEN N Kit President. UOBKRT 3BLFRIDUK, Vico President. W.J.IUJKI), Secretary. - * x \ ■. DIRECTORS. Htsgr t. Berreb, Fiuxcta.LgE, '• Edward Jj. Carts*, ' -F. Carroll Bbrw^tcr, . Robert SEtmooE, , Joseph B. Barbt, ' : Samuel K. Asnro.v, ' Joseph Yibißks,,., „ C.LAHORETU Mux.VS, ! vHRSTRT B|tPWSI»B»»HC ’ Office; 'Walnut, Street, S. W.Conwr.of Third StVPhlla deiphte. ■ ' V April 14th,’59-ly. tiro;vvaM jissofeiiiTio^, JJL ■, J' PHILADELPHIA. A Benerd&nlhatUuiiqn cstaMUJicd l/y Special Endowment, for. theßeUrfrfUtt Sick and Didrttsrd, afflicted with ' Vihdenl dna Distascs,and specially for the , Curi eflKttascs of the Sexual Organs. ? ’ : Medical AdrioO given the 'Acting .Surgeon,, to all Jrydettcr. wUh a dgscription of their ilon K (nge, occap*tion, habits of life, £c.,) and . in cisofl of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of .charge. ~ VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, end pthor diseases of the, goiualOrgaus, and, on the stew remrdus employed in the. Dispensary, gqty. to ,the .afflicted in sealed utter envelopes, free of charge,. Two or throe Stamps for postage will be acceptable, ... , ; V Address, DR. J, SiHLLOK HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Assoebtiou. South Ninth Street, Phil adslpbia.Pa. By order of the .Directors. ' EZRA p. HEART WELL. Tres'l. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. [Jan. 19, >tk-ly OKE PRICE RAT AND CAP STOEE, , ,(OOMTtlt OP IUB’FIFB BTORT BLOCK,) . . Ifsrih Witt ‘Coiiier of Eighth -and Race Streets, rmtAOZLi'uu. THE PUBLIC: ARE RESPECTFUL LY, invited to bear In mind that .at .tills Store may bo found an assortment of fashionable and banilsoma MoUtlinDrftt IBit, Sqfilluit, j- v . High, Low nud ,Depth Crown,:Cloth .and (Hazed Caps, lMusti aiid {br Hen and Boys, Faiicjr'HnU ad&Copa for-Children, GOODS.-ad K GROCERY FEED AND PRO ON STORE. . - XUetnbscrlbcr would respectfully inform tho citizens of Altoona and vicmitytUat ho has opened a stare of the above Mud; near the corner of Adaliue dud. Julia streets, Rust Altpona, r wl|ereb.e will keep constantly on.jiandufull sup ply oroTcryiUlilg ih;his line. ,His. , GR OX) ER IE 8 afd all fresh and will be sold at prices n£ low as those of any other establishment In town. His stock of p-ortaious, consisting of ’ 'Flour,- MafnSy ShouMqrs, Side &c. will,be Boldtt little ch-mper than they can be b nghtany whore else. Jllsilour is obtained- from tho’bcst mills in the Western part of. the State,aud is warmuted to be what it-is. represented, >' ’AH kinds ofJfetaLfor horses, cows .and hugs, always on Land, ’ ■ , - -\ ~ ■ . (intend, to keep such an Assortment that I shall at nil times. bo supply my customers with whatever: they may need, and I intend also to sell at prices, which will make It a, thuse who patronize my store. IIKNRY BELL. Stovcs, k, Kii & Shect Iron Ware, : sapjOUTiN.a, &c. I C< BIGG WOULD RESPECT- Lilly inform the yftizepa of AltoonnSsSSk - Otti tlclnity thathaikeeps constantly onband aJH&MT hugs assortment of pookfivj, Pirlor, OJice ■ Shop Storet, of all etylesiand sizes, to suit the wants of all, which ho will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. '/• ■-i , , I He also keepa on hand alargn stock of Tin and Sheet- Iron Wart, consisting of all articles, for culinary purposes— QxdScuUlet, Sl ope Pipe, iCc. s' Tie basalso purchased: tho right of sale ih Blair county, of R. V. JONES’ ; IMPROVED SAUSAGE STDFFER, an.invention.yrhlclt nc<>ds,imjy ,to he seen to be apprecia ting fßould. bo. possessed by every farmer, butcher or those rbqutridg such a machine. ASrParticjhlar attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, intpwp.or country., Spouting' painted and put up i oh the most reasonable terms, (april 14,13i!>-ly Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCKIBIJR .would 'rcspectfidly in-. : form thepabncthatheliiUrcceutiy rc- A - fitted the above Hotel, abd la :ho\v pro-. ®KSS!SI-JIJ ~ w to l3s friends findMajHaaf • - patrons Ina comfortnbli; n>«ncqr,and ll q ~ will spare' no pains in.matlnh itan aprecftbls Homo for all sojparqets. Uis Table will al waya bo luxuriously supplied fitnntbk fnnrkota gf the country' Und oltlesi and .fiis_Bar filled wltnllquors of choice brands. His charges arc ns reasonable as those nfirt'hft feels satisfied they can not bo complained of .by who favor him,with their,custom. to receive a share. ofpjfbHc ‘ apd fully intending ta dt^'ifj }*? throws open his house to the pu?>Uo ajpd invites a trial. J.haveJutt received' n. stoct cf No. Jl JBtraudy, medicinal:pnrj>oses. - ~ - i ’ ; ' - . j Also alorgcstockof cxccUent Wines, for pnr£ pokes, together with a lot of-the bcst'old Tlyc Whiskey to "be found Jn the cmjntry. , . , ■ •’ : Altoonn, SIaySST, 185i».-lyl rfiH® GttEAT QUKSpON I ndwagitates the mind ofevxVy perBtm_twgfc is, where con I get; the Jjitat-, artlphnforiayllMp monoyf In regard to other, scribcr woum hot atteAipt to 'direct,' but wautanythlnp.lnth64iDcof .t ; BOOTS'OE SHOES --V t he invites nn c.\»mln»tlon of bis stock and work. 3e keens constantly on assortment of hoots, Shoos, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which hc' lair prices. He will give specWtattdhtitm to custom work, all of whichwillbowarrante4togiveeatisfactidil. .Nonubutthe hfgt-workmen aroemployed ~ " • - • ftehiember hiy shop -is' oh Virginia street, Ihfmodlatcly j oppositeKCmloTVsDrugStoto. , • • ■ _v' * S, ’a7-tf] 1 JOBS J. ItOBBRTa.. * '■iO&To Pcrions out of 1 ’ AGENTS WAITED, ' lirtjrejry County of the ITnited Spates, f 0 ENGAGE IN THE ‘ SAIIB 'OE abmo oftfiobest and moat elegantly Jilnstrated wdrfaf published. 1 '■ .-.3 -■=^•■'l > Onr publications arc of the most interesting character,, adapted to the wants of .the Farmer, Mechanic nndMw,- Ohhof, they arc published in tno.bost style and bonnd In' tho most substantial.manner, and are worthy a -place tbe'Ubtary'of every 1 household lu tlio land, , _ .. men of enterprise and industrious habits, this bnalneM'ofrers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. ■ ‘ 1 Li 1 r to act as agents will receive prcjnpt ly by mail full particulars, terms, 4c., by addressing ' << : .v, .. XGAUV, OETZ & Co^PMiihrrs, , No. '224; North Second Street, Philadelphia. Not. 25 th,’C»—Cm. ■ : \ #5 OIiO ST Aim!! - buhlio that he has just’received from the assortment of - • ri£opj& AND VESTINgS,,, Ffl AND SUMJflS'fc C^OTHINa, -artll maV>t« order an short notiyenrtd tcws[nahlo term*, And warrants to give satisfaction.-.l'crapne. .in.want of ainthing in his Una can rely upoii- being fairly ; dealt vritlCF V JQUN OIDOSNKL. jJMtVtop on Mala Bt, a few doors below the “JUd Lion Itotel.**,. ; . [May 24,1880. , B* X/KOTER, m. d., 4 'Offere his professional services to “the citizens of Attoona andwiclnity, , •>, ” V,..’, .JJtdbrttpf rtiftWnop«-cn» bogiven if required. * , residence on Branch street, East Altoona,’ three dooft aWo Coaiyd's Store. April 28 ’5O-ly. '.ym . PROF. I, MILLEE’ife ~ H&IR INVIGORATORI! JN EFFECTIVE, SitPE nomical COMPOUND, U LJ .V|d«Tv RESTORING GRATHATRAo i * jMiaMdßlte eu errarremainiajr. . - V. - i V-’i-fejf ? FOR REHOVIXG SCURF AND DANDRUEF, «jd all cutaneous affecticns at the Ecalp. . . FOR REAOTfFYINOTOE UAiR; it an un eqtudlcd gloasamUirtlliancjvmaklng ft Boiyrnd silky in • Us texture andcausihg it to cujrl readily,' Thu grwit.celebrity,uudfUp nneqiitrtled preparation, rotorteco jilts pyrofg^^gt^oiie ahy other prepo in use. It cleanses the head and scalp from dandruff, and other cutaneous diseases. causes the leair to grow luxurient ly, a rich,’ soft, glossy, flexible appearance, .and also where the hair b loosening and thinlng, it will . give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore the growth tothose porta which have hecoine bald, causing it to yield a fre»h catering qf hnir. Tliere oro lmndreds of. ladies and gentlemen in New York who barb bad thrji; hair restored by tlie use of thta InvigonUor, whendu oilier prepaiatious bad failed. L.M. has.iit bb possrssipu letters iturumorablo .testifying to the above wets, from persons oflho higliest respectability. It Will effectually prevent tlie hair from’ turning gray until the latest .period .of life; and in cases where the hair basal ready changed its color, the uso of the Invigomtoi will with’certalntyjredore r< to fb Aue, giving ita diirk, gloMy appearanco. As a perlpmo for the toilet and a llair Restorative it' : is particularly .recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; arid the gregt iacilitics it affonls in dressing the hair, vyhlcfi; When'mftbt with the Invigorator can bo dressed in any required form so as to preserve its pliicc, whether plain or in curls—boucc tlio great demand by the ladies as a rtoudard /offet -driic/e which none oiight to be without, os the price it within the reach of all, beipg. , ■■ ONLY 95 CENTS , SAFETY TRUST . JOHN BOWMAN. • ? > .»'V per bottlo, to be.had at allrespectahlo druggists and perfu mers. ' . , B. MIDTiER would call the attention of Parents and the usc of the luylgoriitor, in cases whore tlie childrens’ Hair inclines to ho weak. Thu use of it lays the • foundation fern good head of hair, as It removes any impu ritles that rpay have bcciuiio connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary ihoth 'for the health of tlie child, and the future Appearance of its Hair. CAUTION.—N6np geuuino without the fac simile LOUIS MITjUKR being on the outer wrapper; also, 1,.' MILLER’S HAIR INVIGOUATOI!, N. Y. blown in the glass. -WholpMlo Depdt, 66 Dey St, and sold by all the princi pal Merchants and-Druggists throughout the world. ' Liberal discount to purchasers hy the ijuantity. ' I also desire to present fo-the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE ’which after years of scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection. It dyes .Black or brown instantly without injury to tlio Ualror Skin, warranted the best article of tho kind in existence; Price, Only 50 Cents. Aiig/sa, ’<‘d-iy. U 2 .|io s 6- 'co'-W K |li § ! if o h-r g'*g ii§ it Ws _ O ° PE « rc I oS|R*-s -S LoLmb ;Vj is e S g GQP a S|g£§|- rr P rj*. i * gllSai S 8 W • “2 S o f* l 2 I*** „ r i s y.: «i pp P a S s En IPP O rr . . § go I Sd Mi XrT O (■■■J «tj s«rtP£ sc 5 9 {> -S a o 61 11 99 * -Q- «I|S || a l|£ s .| °| •:W I 8 I 1 RAIL ROAD LAUDS FOR SALE, ON LOKO CREDIT, AND AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST rpHE HANIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH 'JL RAILROAD COMPANY, having over 000,000 ACRES of LANB.ljing in the State of Missouri, which was grant ed, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction of v th«(ir Uoad, offer the principal portion thereof, for sale, on the most liberal terms. The greater part of fliepe lands ore within six, and all within flfleen njtlcs of the-Railroad, which is now comple ted, and ripen for uso throughout its entire length (20G miles,) and ruip through a country which is unsurpassed by any in tho salubrity of-ils climate, the fertility of its soil, and the extent of its mineral resources. Por fnrflicr lnformation. apply at the Land rtflice of tho Company, or address by letter, JOSIAII HUNT, ■ Land Commissioner, 11. &Sh Jo. R. It. IlannibaVMp. . ' Feb. 2, ’GO.-ly.• GRO€£ll¥, PROVISION, AS D ' WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN FORM thopnbllc that ho,lias purchased tho inforest of A. MUXIRON In the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them: on Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will coutinnethe bUsiaess. and will keep con stantly on-.hand a lafge supply of 1 , " Fbdtii, irAis, shoulders, sides, DRIED BEEiVPISU, RALT,'IiOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, ■ v ' SUtfAR,' SI'ICES, COXFEGXIOXARIES, and Everything nanally kept in Grocery and Provision StorC9 r all.of which he receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the most reaaodable.prices. llavigg recently obt ained'license to sell liquor by whole sale, I will keep constantly on hand n large'ossorlmont of Uipiora of the best qualities to be had, r I respectfully Solicit a share of public enstom. *’■ duly 12, ‘ : J. 11KRK0W1TZ. rp) THE JPUBLIC —T II E SU 8~1 ~I ; .SCRIRER Otaving taken the ostablinhinanthorctofurc owned by SamueM. Fries,) would respectfully an- ■*, nqunco bptho c(tizans ofAltoona and vicinity, ‘that liVhas removed Ida , ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sitph r/x, sheet-izox ir.t re a,stove store, to tWnow Imijdliig Street, ‘between Harrjet and Ad.dlnbstreefe, EgsfAllaona,‘wh'cre ife wUlkccnconstaht ly on hapila Tjatgd i asportiU(jut qf'everything in htS line, wfiichhcwili dispose’ ofonreasonablb terms. ’ ’ e . £spFM ■ ' ■■ " ' " : ,‘ pt A'TE COnXTi r , ZVI. “This old established Andnppnlar HOTEL, located hearli! oppbeilo'jlip'placoof stopping the passenger,cars In Altpo- a»b of ‘theprtsmitproprietor.—, JMg cstfcriehcb In the business warrants' me in assuring the travelling public that no pains will he spared to render' The TABLE will fconstantiy be supplied with the very best the market-affords. 1 ; y ( ■ > The BAR.will hd assort imejit of LIQUORS »fe® IdtxldA/ including tinkebojeobevo rageXAGJS/f UEEII. ’ ■* ’ The'SsjSPleß;>f the joints. ; In Cases ofGcneral Debility, whether the result of aente 1 DUOI’SIKS of allkinds, by freeingand strengthening the disease, or of thecontluneddlminiiHonof riervons and mus- | kidueysand bladder; they operate most delightfully on cular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this re- ■ these important Organs* and hence liave ovcr been found a storatlve baa proved successful to an extent, which no do certain remedy ibr the worst cases of GRAVEL. scription nor written attestation would render credible.— | Also by dislodging from the turnings ofthe Invalids so loug bedridden na to have become ftirgot ten in bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere, i their own neighborhoods, have suddenly ro-appenred in the SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the busy world ns if just returned from a protracted travel In perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are j blood, nod all the "humors. * . attested by Female sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent ; SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by‘ marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and i their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, | tho complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and the morbid state of which occasions nil eruptive com- i and exercise, fur wliioh the physician h:is no name. ] plaints, sallow, cluudv, nudutlier'disagrecaidcconiplexioos. I In Nervous AtUlctloas of all kinds, and fur reasons fa- : The usoiof these Pills fora very short time will effect au j miliar to medical men, theoi-or.-vtion of tins preparation of I enUro cure of SALT RHEUM, and n striking improvement s iron must necessarily he salutary, for, unlike the old ox- i in tlio clearness of tiio skin. COMMON COLDS and IN- i ides, it is vigorously tome, without bemg-exVitmg anp , FLUENZA will dhvftya be cured by one doee, or by two in 1 overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the tho worst coses. j most obstinate coses, ot costiveucw without ever being a PILES.—The original proprietor of those medicines, was | gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation, cured of Piles, of 35 years standing,by the use of the Life i it is turn dat ter property .among others, which makes it Medicines alone so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy fur Jules, ' FEVER Jk AGEiG.—For tl iis scourge of the'Western conn- upon’which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific try, these, medicines will be found a safe, speedy nnd certain action, by dispersing the local tendency winch forms them, remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a re- du Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes, a single box turn of the disease—a cure-bv-these medicines is perma- of these Cnalybcato Pills has often. suthced fur the moot uont—tty them,, bo .satisfied, And be cured. cases, including the attendant C UUcenat. BILLIOUS FEVERS lino LIVER COMPLAINTS.—Gen- In,Unchecked Dnurhwa, even when advanced to Dysen oral debility, loss of nfpetite and diseases of females —tho tory, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, medicines have been used with the most beneficial results Ik® eflecU have been (.••juplly decisive and astonishing, in cases of this description:—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in \ InAht* local pains,.loss of hesliand strength,de Intituling its worst forms.yields to the mild vet powerful action of 1 cough, add remittent hectic, which generally indicate In these remarkable. Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous De- ‘ cijycni Consumption, this remedy has allayed Hie aiaim hility, Nervous Complaints of nil kinds. Palpitation oCthe j of friends and- several very gratifying and Heart. Painters’Colic, are speedily cured. mtercsting instances. . • . . MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whoso constitutions ’ In Scrofulouslubcrculoris, this medicated non lias had haiui become imbaired by the injudicious use of Merci ry, : far more limn thrf goad eflect ofthe most canti u-ly hid will find these medicines a perfect cure, ns they never fail ! auced preparations ol iodine, witlamt any pf Ibejr w«.,i to eradicate from the system, a!! liie dTecls of .Mercury, in- i known imhilities. . finitely sooner than the tnost powerful prepm-atiou of car- i I 1 ”-’ attemiou ol leuiales cannot he too confidently raw sapariila. ' ■ tcfl to this remedy and reslorafin, in the cases peculiarly Prepared and sold by . W. B. MOFFAT, t afflicting them. . - - In Rheumatism, both chrome and inflammatory—in the In-ttfr. however, more —ft been invambly well reported. bntl|.Hs aljeviating the puiti nmi red-King the swoUinps and fititlno-ss of the julnt.s ami nub>cl» i tf. In intermittent Fevers it mu»t iieoossarily be a 'great n*- medy anji energetic restorative, and tt.s proyress in- the now settlements of tin) wiiK probiihy bj one uf r ollout! aiui usefnluasH. "Ny remedy bus been discovered iii tho whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully re storative effects. Good appetite, compieto digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual for active aud cheerful exercise, immediately follow its nQOT AND SHOEMAKER—JOHN ft pJHKHLE haa taken a nortlon of tho room occupied by. A. M. KINO, next door^^^^ ■to* and aunpnnccn^^^A^ B _' liimselfrcady to get up' Men’s Boots fr Shoes iu good atyle and at low rates. ■ -■ [MjarJs,'tiO-tf.. SHOE-FINDINGS.— JUST REOEI red a good' assortment of Shoe-Finding of all do -BcripUtlns.':wmch we Will sell at low prices for cosh. July .JO, 1860. - STEWAKT & THOMPSONV O' YES!’ 0 YESS—GENTLEMEN draw nigh,and bear. JOSEPH P.TKOCT renoun ces to the pd.-lic, that ho is ready to discharge his duty as an Anctioheorwhonerer called upon. [jan.B p ROOERIES. —-A LARGE - AND \JT Complete assortment of Groceries hare Jnist. been re ceived atttwetofo or >-• •J. H. IHXEMAX. OAIR, HAT* TOOTH, SHAVING, Psßft, Sash'ahdVarhlah Brushes'at- " v - -= 't ■ v -i ■ i KBsar.v.w»p ■ GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK ING stoves. CONSUBPTJON OF SMOKE AND GAS AND SAVING OF FUEL. The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to sn percede all others, as It requires OS'K-TillKD LESS FUEL than other stoves and is more easily, quickly and regnlai ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from this stove from the fact that it is all consumed ere it can es cape. There is no trouble from Smoke as that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by the gas arising from coal tires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call at the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Site Agent fur Blair County, N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and iigg Stoves on hand. [Aug. 12,1856. li/TARRIAGB GUIDE—BEING A iT w private instructor for married persons, or those about to be married both male female, in everything concerning the jdiysiolo-ySfcBBSSS iry and relations of onr system, and flu- pro duction or prevention offspring, including ail tho now dis coveries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and inters esting work. It is written in plain language for the gene ral reader, and -lit illustrated with numerous Engravings.— All young married people, or those! contemplating mar riage, anil having the least impediment to married life, should read tills book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with; still it is a look that must he locked tip. and not lienhonf thehouse. It will In- sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or in postage stamps Address DR. WM. YOUNtJ, No. MO Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. .Kff*AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE—No matter what may be yonr disease, before yon place yourself under the care of any one of the notorious quacks—native or for eign—who.advertise in Hus or Any other pilpcr. get a copy of «itber,of Dr. Young's Books, and read it carefully. Jt will be the means of saving you many a dollar,, your health and possibly yonr life. ‘ ' ' k Dlt. YOUNG can be consulted oii any of the diseases de scribed in las publications, at J|is Office. 3Jo. ‘416 Spruce St. above Fourth. ._c [Apr.12,’60.-ly«iw. Philadelphia watch and JEWELRY STORE, ?. 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, No. 14S N. 2d St., corner of-Quarry St* Sm&S? The undersigned haslcused the nboyo”~WWWwMß»Wßwra premiss, where lie will keep a largo assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, of American, English and Swiss man ufacture of the most celebrated makers, in addition to which will be found always on band (andmade reorder) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Sibror Plated ware, ,together with- a general ■ assnrtment of snch goods as are nsnnlly kept in a first- class -Watch and Jewelry Store. The patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of the subscriber, ,together with the public generally, are invited to call, and 'they will receive a good article'for their money. As lam determined to do a eftsh business, goods will bo sold very low. ’• Small JProfUs and Quid.- Sales!’ is tho motto of this Establishment. LEWIS R." BROOM ALL, ' Form'erly 0. Conrad, ' , . • No. 148 N.-Second St., cor. of Quarry, Philada. Juno 7,1860.-Xy- PLANING MILL & SASH MANTJ FAt-TORif.—The Subscriber would announce that lie lias removed his . . ‘ ’ ’ Pining Mill and Sash Manufac tory, from Tipton .to Altoona, where ,ho will continue to fill, or ders and-attend to idl’-wnrlt ' entrust him, vHth des patch.' The Mill iaon tho Jot adjoining. Allisoirs/Steam Tlo'irlng Jrnii - • < V ‘ 1 tSjS. McAULEY.' Alt^a^Noy.;i7,lSsfl.—tf . . .. BIIOE LEATHBFv,—We '"have just rdcdft'iffi a good f tocit'of ihe- Best Red hud Oak io& Ldajjter.have also a good assortment of poatfnnd French Moroccos. French nnir Country CajfrSfclui, Uppers, Kips, Linings, bindings, &c., nil of .which Wo.' will nt low' prices'nndjWarrMjt fo g{vo c’ ; \f / 'h Please call atid cxamlno onr stock before purchasing else where. Don’t forget place—two doors below the Post Office Jnly 19,ISCffi, f . J •£■THOMPSON. Souse and lot .at private tot,, belonging 1 td the ACTOONA AND'HOT.- A LtDAVSinJRG PLANK ROAD CO.,V f ■ - unto Jxj.mlle from Altoona, !* offered at Private Sal* ,J Forf tern*, anti- ihqnifc of JOSEPH DYSART,PrfeaTdeu’of ilk Company. " ' ; *;jXprll i 2O, l^;tfi ; '': T NMBER SALE. ■7' '*■ ndd tju>- lowwt, for Cnali. ;Apply to : JQUN . Hardware of all desgrip liuna just rdcbivddandforßaiciiy- f l Tstr* .■ .. - J.. 8. HII.EMAN. ? AND EYE PRESEB KX rers for Mlo at ■ [l-tf.J KESSLEK’S. '7-. Hos^prapit's STOMACHBUTERS. -v'l^:*- The proprietors Add roannfaclnjlsrs pf lIOS- T KTT E l"S ’€ELE WtATBIJ SXOjMAQB .BIT TERS can appeal with perfect Confidence to physiciansniid citizensgenerally |flhe United. States, tiecsvAse the erimle.has att|inedaregu-| tat ion heretofore unknown. A fow facta uppd this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption Stomach Bit ters for tho last yoiir amounted to over o-half inillion bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach, near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been soldi but-for the rare medicinal properties contained jut he pvepara tion, and the sanction of Lite most prominent physicians in those sections of s the country vhere the article is best known, Jvho not only recommend the Bitters to their jpaiients,"but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stoniabhio derangements and the diseases resulting .therefrom... This is uota temporary popuhfrity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the,qualities of the Billets, but a solid estimation of au invaluable medicine, which is destined lo’lic as-enduring as tinto itself. Hostetler s Stomach Bitters 'have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints Imvc counted their victims by hundreds. To ho able to state confidently that the “Bitters’' are a certain-cure for the Dyspepsia and like: diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un-. alloyed pleasure. It removes all.morbid matter from tlie stomach, purifies the blood,' and imparts renewed vitality to tho nervous system, giving it ihat tone and energy;indispensable fur the restoration of health, 'll'operalcs upon the suimach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly t nt t powerfully, and soon; restores l(ioin I o a cot id it ion essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature., Elderly potions may use the Bitters dnilyas, per directions on the hot tie, ami they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to. comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to tbe.tyo.wcls, excellent, as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have tho evi dence of 'thousands of aged men and, women who have experienced thebcuelit ol using this preparation while suffering fVoiu stomach- de rangements and general debility; acting tinder the advice of;physlcians, they have abandoned till deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few; words to the gentler sex. There arc certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. Tho relation of.mother ' ami child is so absorbingly tender, that the ' mother, especially if she he,young, ia apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety, for her infant. Should the period of maternity, arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of, and enable the mother to bear'up under her exhausting trials atid responsibilities, pursing mothers gene rally prefer the td all other invigortp lors that receive tSio "endorsement of physi cians, it is agreeable*to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase . of bodily strength. All those persons,,to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit:.. sufferers from fever and ague, caused by muffina, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated inyalids, persons of sedontary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION. —We caution the public against using any of the .many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hostbtter’s Celebrate? Stomach Bittebs, and see that each bottle has the words “ Ur. J. Iloatctter’s Slomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. ’tea- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEB & BlflTII, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all dfriggista, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. , Ror sale l»y A. ROUSH* Altoona, Pa; Sept. 20,1800-ly. ♦ JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, ' ; The Hero of .One Hundred Fits per Month ! v I would respectfully set forth my claim to ‘public Atten tion, as a Fashionable tailqr; aa folleiivs: ‘ Because I kbep an excellent assortiuent of Cloths. Cassi mtmesJ Vestinga and Trimmings, which, when examined, always please. ’ 1, liecanse my work is made "up iri-a manner that takes down the country pga .giycs all my-qnstpmeri a city "ap pearantc. i I'. ■ • .:? " h : :‘ .t>. iv H_ : .'.i '- -Because I am not inferior aa a Cutter to the best to bo found anVwhere. ' ‘ ; - • a,? -Because long experience in rtty business gives mo entire control over it. aud.l am not dependant upon any one to lilt me out of tli6 ends. 1 ' • i Bccauso 1 am still on tliosnnny sido of forty, and there-’ fore my tasto'as a Cutter atid vvorkhihu unimpaired'. >■' if Call on me, in.the comer room offtlie '‘‘Bfant Tlouse.’\ Give mo a trialand yori will go away pleasdd.' • ' ' Altoona. : I JACOB SNYDER. ; lair Bounty daguepvßean KOP3IS-—5Xr. 0, TfT.TISIfBiI, MicsJlo]Udays\mrz Artist, l>egavlcaVe toinfom our rcadbra tlmtiio isprehared to t»ko ' • . * 'A , - ; of dcccdsod pcrsbns, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest nnticC'and bn the most reasonable terms. Ho has just' received li Im fee stock of dnrablennd u«it coses, of all air.eS iindstijrle», including a new pattern 1 of -Family Casa for fniir persons, and is pre pared to-fill themmdth perfect likeriwses, ' - . AMUKOTYPE, I>AGDEIUIEOIVPB OR PHOTOGRAPH. Give Jnm a call.. Rpojnnoa- Jhii -iWier? of Montgomery and Allegheny e :m: j re?pectOilly onnonnecs '■■■»•.V :Mr - to Uie eft Isons ofAltoonaaiid thir public '{MHk orally, that he still continues llu-Drdg on Yirgiuia street, where he Jcccpa constantly bn, A'iholMtlfand IteMrf. DRUGS, dfipfl 1 ES and DYE-STUIdfS, n- -‘ , .Ey “"3 a deairo to render sat ifimetK*n to aU as .regards pride and ohollty. -lre hode«o mentond recobro.a'abare ofFubUc.patrnnage; - - - rtnjwnablb tprm|, ,«m«« « d%fruic«; fo. 7 PhysfctaitaFtWfcr^aonscareftiUy.-compounded, jyim i; >* e M :rANJ) L'AHljr-OtliS, CAM- Carlwri Oil, 4c., lit • -v: v.: KBSatBE’S.? H4NT)*AT McCQIIMICK’S Stpfo —A splendid assortment clotJHnc; OfllaiyUee. . } .... t ■ W-SS.-tf-T rj-I-iASS Si.lO TO 20*24, AND CtlT VJ to orjlor by M 0. W.KBSBtEK. ' a Jctwaarr PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCatf*^ Secured by letters potent in the United' stWfojTi • yj .:. ,■ ' Franco, ami Belgium! ~ M AMERICAN PHOT€)f>RAPfFi IC TOBOEEAt:* 761 f1r0.1,,” 7Vf«r Forl-, harißg Secured their novel, end* jngenid*2iK yantion byrAmerlcan and European patenm. are. rnltTt-? pniud to execute all orders fur ~ Miftiatßie Likenesses of Person*.ob CTfo-i msentiftgall the attractive and advaata«*ou»f,-t nrM ordinary pbptogrnflml the ,T?LS: cofor di aw ins, ami a hitherto pnatlamed quality of (W. . billty. by being rendered as imperishable as tbcnatnrsi production of Photographs, not Mriyosi Porcvlaiftwaros of any dT script ioa”aud dimension used asartictaMpf lusnrt ' houselioldWlitUy, such a» ; ■■- J Unis, fates, BrtnPfasl Cupt, aiT: - 1 thereby securing faith Ad portraits at&WnSflleW jLl*' | anil exquisite style ofornamentationt^arus^T!|^y*^ | in orderto furnish facilitloaJbV tfi?gAij^3£o'nAt* ! popular taste. And to meet the wants of those llir t'lnr Utn dnnlrntn nf limingToUinlliiim ' Company have imjxirted from Europe a colleetionoftaiS rior porcelain goods, - maadfaefrired to thoir own nr,w which they sell at cost prices. ~> “ orJer > - As the Aniuricun Company pro shn.... right, and consequently the only persons the process, they have , „ 7b afford J?amle in cctrif HfffgllUit'iiii h'llinM an opportunity to-possess - i‘Oßx.RAif#-o& \ to makotho following proiiositipir to 1 x. I t tttmients in Ike (.btmfry.toAo afe 'nnntft i hb riHtnitioniPt ’ tilt Mutter with the Portrait reproduced hy the patented Woosu. I I’*y sending-it pair of daguerreotypes FIFTEEN DOLLARS, ’ ’ ‘ J ’ they will receive iu return , it Fuir 'tf rich Secret Tiisif, *» with the portraits executed equal to find, in like manner, portraits cstube. repreSciJlmuSE lain wares or .TT' , 1 lines of every Quality of Finish,' ranging iu price Crept v r , f • ■ ‘ - Twtiiky to W&jitunarii. DoUmpAmM n«i>lrU K. IWUe lenticular in writing tho-uddriUi, totnu ty and State distinctly. ’ T Tf’^r AH letter-, to be addressed to i i 5 M.VS.VOhU, AMUUCAN I V.H Thousands are daily spt'aking in’ttio' -'■* ' ; - I>RV KATO#a* ’ " ia i INFANTII.EI r.ntl why ? because it never /ails toafforitMsil&tamaHii rs lirf when given in time." TrwstS'tiif lfT)rffiSßcr and «i| trial plwe will conv|»ico ys*t)j»t fct CulitmUS • •. , , ,j jt . r , ’ no PAREtim&o* immll at any kimh and therefore nUirsta\Yryrtim>ting-tMtn*T' ingsvf Jour child, Ins tO&d ofbT, dcdtfmifip. its teMilsjStitb far ttiia reason, it commdudaitailfcas the onZyrriwik prep, aralion. .now kuovvu fur fiiunssxsi Tkkinurav ’iimi«. v OY.sprreuv, Gomso iS-niE JIQWtLS, Acuimo* tut Jtm» acu,>,£old is tiir lloan, and. CabuPf.atiD, »«*> the yarns, reducing and relieving pain, it has no ef,yam children, and wish Jl —— r —-rf'rtr md riiriif WjT>h'«i cmm9 Heoadwaj* N«v-Ox»fc. - CC w K/ c? ® !d >h a 2 ci h * SIJ-a o . S j* >» rA -w s u ca # Uo §2 ; g H< “ § u ■> : rtf ■“ 0,55 £•«.- ■iCq^S°?S -i I Q 5? B- ' , M ID .J M; £ a =q 11 Oct. I. lS&).-3lU: Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED ulways present* us with tho Rambci«onttilel»rabat«,»nd give* of course the True, Standard. Analyirthe Blood ct a poraou gutfuring froth ConstufttpUtoiiXlver jfcanpUlßl, Dyspepsia, Scrofula. Ac., l aud we flu(HnVwry mJtettce Cck« tain deficiencies in tho red globtflea'df BlSfcd. -'/fupM Utf deficiencies, and yon, are made well.. Tim BtoonruOS a is founded tipon this Theory—heuce iU tudonUhlufijp cess. There aro ■ i. ■> jf" FITS :PSEPAJiAfTSSS " ■*. * /-‘t adapted to tho deficiencies of thbßloodin-iUffvcetitdia case*. for Covqhs, Colds, Baoacnitiß, «r any »®«tioa whatever of the Throat or Dtaos, inducing CdsscXßMKl use No. I, Which is also the No. fur J)EPB£Siloy of Sriarn, Isjsa or Appetite, and for nil Cimoido CtjaPUWrt. ilfliinf from Over-use, General Deeiutt. and, Nervous Pigwriu thi.v, Ko. t!, for I.iveb Covplunts, Nor a ibr IHrmMlrl lleing already jirepared/iirahsorjitlimH ia TAKtXttfDaeP* and carriWl Immediately i nt 6 the wb»t y> u gain yoa.rrfoin. The Nol4'iielbrTEMAl*'l»*Ea#Ul|ii ties, Uv.'Trr.tA, AVeaknemev&c. gccspeclnl directions for this. For Sait it ileum, KruitiO-’W, Sntsn, nud Bladueb Complaints, take No. 5. cascsth* di rections nlnst be strictly followed! Price oviheßMod Fbtd $1 per bottle. Sold by C|IU«CH ,* 9UPO.NT, , No. 4oa 11 Roadway, Ncw-Tcjrk. " T. W. DVOTT k SONS, PidhuUlpbW,Rn|o-U.’KWHfI<. Pittsburgh, Wholesale Agents. V By A. Konah, Altisona; Vi. T. Murray, Hoilidayibtrgi and bv all respectable druggists tU«Jttgl»ont*fh* March 8,*18«>.-ly. - ■ ’ * House,.; sr m iNjriJiiili At PAINTING ATCALMLw? npvclfnlly announce, to tliu public tlialtjiey ara prepared W do all kinds of r HOCSE, SION AND ORNAMENTAL in g-trorkmiinlikc manner and oildw constantly on liana and ftir sale, a,t lowostpVftcj, ‘ ■ « OIL, GLASS, PUTTY A TOplI? ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED A .ENGRATffi S’ CARVED & ORNAyENTAL 'Glt’r RRASBB* ■ ®S- All Orders leQ'at Ai RtnialTa Drag 1 BtocA will n; , i 7 ? ■\Tati6nal : POLICE Tills .Great Journal t>f CrtooAtidl(V»iD*¥ lt«’ Twelfth Tear, ttnU TS 'wjdcJy clfttiWwi Wj?*’!* , the. country; It'contains- all 'iht# QreitTmlaj' Cn«i>»l oilier newspaper. Si •• >■ : ' •■'■ ■ •»'•> r ■. tjrsv. Subscription* $2 pec annum* |1 'o>t bu remitted by subscribcrii, (wboidjoald write Mljw* and tife tiiwn, county and State'wberetbey re«w«plw>tu-< ; ■ ■ - To O. WiTMATSSLDA’OOV “ lr^ " Bditor & Prop’A or»^-Yfe-BM* nh-1 V, ftm goM slevping 1 toon is on the jccona ew-s, a flnlslW AtUc. ThcTbt Si VcrSoliifl iiishing to VTow the premises am},eo‘¥P “tT imformatkmwill call uiion thd anhscrUn r. '• -‘~£J. ; , - , . - MAIIGT. -31. SlcCß^r Altoona, Aug. lltli, ISo9-tf. ■ ' --I—' T YCOMING ' GGtINTY' I i FTRB IJTSORANCB AORNCr.-Tlmn3P any compniiylnthe State, flfflwln theM«»n jan.'S, ’6C-tf} •- ;rOHN SItOHMAKRB, AIT^ WM; S. BTTTNfJk ) SURGEON of|ice m J9S“Tt Blodcut wanted. \ ■•■ *» ; ,‘3vr », tu r.jv H t .g»wlonwd v«5» W v ,H "oil'•£» n ■ -» ■’ i- i\% ■ ?. gSSg;.i;v - - ■i* , *. f f?/; f^^ISBSSB i ■' -&m v i • '*'■ A' C -15 s . • t-» -.- J&SS ' ■ sfte *eVihLeT wSmlUv* . ImUm’ L*tc MmMU 4 XhUmSIUc OokLock.t MlWuli Ladiw’aiuK Owtf Baton BoMfwciU UOktfuxdl INMWMdt A put TIL —nritlntt (MdStOae. I ' «M Bnoat* •M work* In OMimncnn '' V-‘. •■Ol .Branch ( lltirur OONFEC JEWE SI ■ 1 keep com 1 periodical*, da ' PltUburgh, to, vft* School 800 Also, echoic of ell kind* Cm |o i .'bo bed in to eu SUver Pen -■fji. Call and e Altoona, Jul r ands -1 A The unde Cants u> tu< (food lelectiout end MUletuoD Mer ket. eru of .B9U oalectiu leCeteil JttljH.lW! Jt*r. A. B. il j.v _ liocum a nto>.A.S( tNoSni ' JOHN US'* \LaU * TiKAF JL/ CltK a mSi Money SWmt intern F#),WsV» T DtLI •1 • ALTOOJ WIU practice in ■Nemcdon.Ct Auolntha Die; OoUectioueoi the eeleof Ren: tMMteeu pertaii Eon. Wilion b*rch; Eon. Sa Judicial Dietric Hoe Henry D.K Lebanon; Hon. Oeocje p. flame ■ S. 9 ATTO ’■ : AL 1 m * lUring hid «■ tlt:Uw,be exp 'i&EtSF ».». MOD, M. D. TV bs. c ent< WMfclll, reipej taUuMTentl hr GWlawtllbea —*Uclr to the • Qood,-or &t t April 21st, 185 TJoots JL3. dendgned ••11 Cheap at hl« 2»Wk*»,Ladle *o«f} and ereryt the beat quality •Wtoln work wa Jwt.2, ’66-tf.] We Boa phi theßo SaaKs,: !WP“ BOOtiu t Suair 4-tAQnNCY- S*W