The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 27, 1860, Image 1

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    the Art World!
VAN'i, i\u, 781 BnKu{|M|
i-ir novel and lugenlodiiS!
: ‘ pvau patents, are fnUy jJJ.
s of Persona oa China
ami advantageous feature* at •
illiiincy and finish of a W.tJtT <
unatlaiued quality of'dlira!
imperishable a» Uio natural '
i which they are, transferred -
t:-)e Company enables tha ta!
a only on plain w
any degree of Irregularity,!!
ivith faultless accuracy «.j
I'oiciain wares
u as articles of luxury or of
Toilet Aiiicltt, <Cc./
rails and furnishing a niliksi.
illation of articles Indotnfiai
i for the gratification of.dia
e wants of those patrona sir
ug I>oi traits tu> porcelatnTui,
Kuropo a collection
acturvd to their orrh o^^r-
y are owners of tbs patent'
a y persons authorised fo «L
ined, in oriliir ■
,v section of Vet Rttoh
ox cm.yj, ,
tioll to
(11. ■ Ullage, to vita OMmM,
net tn Xew loci-. -W\:
(li, anibrorype, orilaMsmsi
any m Now Turk, actoaspa.'
\ :■
.Ifc or Toiltt Article,
I’.v tlie Jmtnntwl pro^Mv.
n-otypM and :
DOLL Alts,
•! ' 9
Xcvrtt Vatjt,
n il to miniature paiullM
can be reproduced OB jtefSt*
■.dily of Finish,
id Dollars the Ihtir,
mg the address, towh,«n%
ulLtruiC I’Oactuilf Q»,”
TSI Ui end way.
Sew York.
z in tho pralse.of
v- in affurd inuanlarttoiu'rt- ' .'
i- a- if hy magic, atta in*
■at what wo say it true, ll
..■) by )'<neiving the ttfSir
• Jtji'/ijppii ih lensibaliiti.
"It iin ter only raliable p retr
utx Teeiiiisq, Diaxkbcu,
■ els, AaujTr or tax Sron
•iii.l CitoLp. also, fur sqfteH
•■■■•tion, regulatingthe JkhctU,
being an (in/i-jpomotfwi
in all cases of
ii/e and health of your
from tl-ore sad and Uigfding
.■j rcnlt front tht Ute tfnar
■ t for Infantile (implainU
i:.*.Tox*!t iNF.i.NTiueCpttßiii,
I-.rfectly harmless,andcan-
Price. 25 cent*. Toil
I’rcparcd only by
1 lintCll A DU PONT,
1 13 road way, NcW-York.
W.c essential elementtjaid
Analyze Iheßloodbf
Miin|itiou, Liver Cowplgintj
v. find In every in,tuner cer
s .if r.lood. .Vupph/thaa.
i!e well. The BloodFooi, ta
—liencu its astonishing sue-
it' the Blood In different dla*.
ite.iNctiiTi?. or any affection
t Gi, inducing,
i ii>r Dir.trssio.H or agouti,
'anoxic CoMi'LAixTfl, wising
.'.TV. ami Nxnvoca PKOSnA
jxrs. No. 3 for PrsPtPM*>-
it it TAKXXDI D*6w
.he cit dilation, so that whet
4 it lor Kr.HALE iRRIODIAiI
tc. .See special dircctlofaiibr
i'::o.Ns, Si r.orcLOUS. KiDMST,
No. 5. 1 u all casus the dt
■■••!, I’l ice of tile Ulc<xt jh<hi
nui-.cii a ddpoSt,
4 .< iiicruUvay, New-Yorir.
!' .;»hia f amlU. lI.K£YftBS» %
j Murray,
throughout thoepuatty.-
he that they are prepared t»
: I»jw price.*?. They oleokeep
i. at lowest prices,
wool) MOL’LDIKO3,
a Vs Drug Store, Altooae*
.1 dUJ.vysburg, Pa.
Crime and Criiuitialai* t»
J, 1 y circulated throughout
the Great Trials. Crinifog
Lon thoaome, together wttr
v:-i, not tb be found In anj
mi,; $1 for six jnontKM*
. should write theft-W***
shore they reside
, • York Police Gazette,
Aew Tort City.
.nee and Trust Cp»
a §500,000.
. S. E. com* if
agent, altoowa,
a. Wlim.M» A «*"•■
[Oft. 27th, 1859-1/.
>rl r OK SALE.—
:. Mis on the second n»or, *
r onlor. . ,ila»
ami obtain foftW*
• iib>rribcr. _
makgt. m, Me envn-
i-NCV. —Tho uiidcnsifiWjJ
Fire Insurance CoWJ®”£L
■nst loss or
urc and JVoprrt? •
r . ot as reasonable
; (^oSSSt»
[l»ea,S!3, . SPftff.
ailoona S^tlfbS
VOL. o.
At the People’s Shoe Store.
Tako-pJ casn,:o to annouiwtag to, tho citizens of Altoo-
M and surrounding country Yhatthoyhavo Just received,
•t their Btorn on. Annlo «treet,--two-doorn below the Poet
office a large an* l handsome assortment of BOOTS, SHOES
uid O.VITKKS, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children’s wear,
afsll sizes rind kinds. Their stock Is of heat finish and ex-
MUent manufacture, lyjiich thoy will se)t for CASH only,
at least 26 Will CENT. CUEAPEUj than the same-can bo
pureliasod elsewhere—as will bo lieen by rclerring to the
following price list:— '■ ' •*-'
Men's line calf Boots, ■ j $3 26 to $3 60
Men’s lino kip Boots, ■ 2 75 to 3 25
Bov’s kip Bunts, , ‘ 1 76t0 2 00
Youths’. 1 75
Men’s Calf Gaiters, i -2 00
Men’s Oxford Ties, 1,02 to 2 00
Men’s Brogan's, 1 12 to 1 03
Boys’ Brogans, , 76 to 1 20 ’
Yonths’ Shoes, '62 to (S 7
Children's Shoes, 23 to C 5
ladies’ Congress falters, 1 50 to 1 65
Ladies’Lasting Gaiters, with heels, 137 to 1 50
ladies' Supcrlor Lasting Gaiter?, 1 s. r >
Ladies’Morocco Boots with heels, 130 to 166
ladies’Morocco Boots without, libels,! 26 to 1 37
ladies’Goat Boots w|th heels, i 05
L»dics’'Calf Boots with heels, 1 20 io 125
Misses’Ctlf.Bouts.with heels, j .75'to 100
Misses’ french Morroccoßoots.with heels, ,1 25
Having louglitour goods for cash,’they were put at the
lowest figure, and by doing an 1 exclusively cash business
«oiturners are not made to pay for .fond debts henco our
low prices. ,
Anil If you want a good and fashionable Boot or Shoo
Bade, leave your measure and they will havo it made at
•Uurt aotioe. Repairing done in tho neatest manner, and
M> reasonable terms.
Wo respectfully solicit a liberal share of public Civor.
Kept. 13,18W>tf. ’ ' .
Literary Emporium tod Ifows Depot
The subscriber continues to
keep constantly on band all tho best literary papers and
periodicals, daily papers from I’lnludelpliut, New York mid
Pittsburgh, together With a good asroruueut of Books. All
the f3jhool,Byoks used in this pluco and vicinity, always on
Alao.acholce lot of Confoctionarlcs, aid knick knacks
of all kinds tor children. Also the .best Tobacco & Sejrars
to be. had in town, Wether with, a flue assortment of Gold
and Silver Pencils, Gold Bings aiid other articles of Jewel
ry. Call and examine. ' • H. PUTTING KR.
Altoona, July JJ6, ! 60-ly. j Hb.l Altoona House.
T AxVDS l I l LANPS !!!
I J Tho undersigned Is premre|d to locate LAND WAIL
Rants in tboOmalm andNebraskaCityLand Offices,—
Good selections can now bo made near tho iargestrcnitis
and settlements. Tl)e Linds! of ;tbis Territory, now in
Market, are of tho ■beat, qualify, r
Selections Carefully made. Letters of inquiry re
quested; • -ALKX. F. McKINNBY,
. Oiuapous, Cass County, N. Ter.
July 14, 1559.-tf
• ifSPIBC XC X 8: ■■■■
Rbt, A.’B. Cu&K, Altoona, Pa; ’ •
V*t.U; hlo*nA;Co„ ; Bankers,Altoona,Pa
McCauu i D nut. Editors, «
Tuoa. A. Scott, Supt. P. U. R.,' * «
D. McMratEie, Ewjn lldatlngdon.Pa.
W. M. IjljOY£> & GO.,
itoLtwXtsßuna, ,pa,
{Lale“ Bell, Johnston, Jack £ Co.")
Drafts on the principal
Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections
made. Moneys received on depoaite, payable on'demand,
Without interest, or upon.time, with interest at fair,rates.
Peb. 3d,1859.
Wlll practico law in the several Courts of Blnir. Cnmbria,
Bantlngiiou. Clear and adjoining
AUo In the f>i B trlct Count of the United s“atea
Collections of claims’promptly ' attended to. Agent for
the sale of Real Estate, Boanty tand Warrants, and all
cosiness pertaining to conveyancing and the latf.
Hon. Wilson McCandle? and Andrew Burke, Esq., Pitts
lUaclli ,*l2."' Jl*1“ *}?* Pres. Judge of Fayette
Ci omens, ofWheellng.Vng
Uoallonryp.yoitoi', Urecasburg; Hon. John W, Killinger,
m 1 A /. ortcr - Philadelphia; and lion,
ueorgg p. Haineitonjl*itfebttrg. June IC, 1859-1 j.
attorney at law,
RAL Courts "Of Bhtfr,. CunTbrla and' Huntingdon
llavfng kad several years’ experience in the practice of
,ri<> *‘ aw > be expects-to nucil.pabllc patronage,
•mice on lately occupied by
Mui. Leet, E sq. - ' ’{^pt. 0, IECO.-tf.
0 B. OOOD, «. O. J. M GOMfIIX, M. D
ING entered - tat# ’Pnrtnieretiip In the Practice Of
Mwllcme, respectfully tender theiri ecrviccstothePnblio
Profession. ,
laUs wtTTW answered ejthdf day or night at thnlr office
—which n the sdmo as heretotbwoccupiod by Dra.ilirSt
* Good,-rorabthe.Lagan House.
April 21st, .
Boots and. shoes.—the un-
liag how on band and wrii ' ~•'
TOicliMpUlTih stow In tho Masonic
AVncwK-S"* 1 co “>P l «teaB«ortmuDtctfßCK)TS
n? u , , ready mails, ar. mahe, to' order, .^9
Qwwfcctj, Cork'
i^ a l ud every Udng In his line of business, of
s Deaf quality on tbo most reasonable terms. All
c ~ , °m work warrilnttd. a •“ “ ■
iii?‘.V 56r1 0. V ' ' J. SSOEUABLEB
X "
Jhe Itocrtr Doctor,
hfw'suppty Of Eootu.
“»«I1 return again and ! can bj-condaltcil rit Johii 'Wood’s
on SUt davTfef N ovembeKnnd on the
ftrin r«i!? 0 - 1 ■ thereafter, notice of which will be given ‘in
v ‘ v -
m . Age*** <if ,thf> Blair
pany in the State: Nofflctftrlth Bell; J&ftMton,-. Jack &
• , • .“V ..■ * -'t-tJ .: ./,r«
t •*
' c ' -
b« 11,l l , 1,0 found attkettacoof.
■^*- l *‘'*»; -A
P2SS&iiBISE6W wr,
ocarca wuioß}r o iigfl^Hf'%t 00 n a Api Jy
/ and expodlciouily attßU office. ,
Original (iift Book Enterprise.
Thetargtxtdn the world; pemanendpUacaUd at 420Chett
* •unl Stivtt I JViUaddp}iia t
■Having jpnrclmsed tike spacious Iron Building, No. 430
Cliestout Stroot,am] fittedit uj) with every convenience to
COUNTED ORDIiUS; and having a largercapi tal than any
other party invested In the business, I am now prepared to
offer greater advantage* and better gifts than oreTto mv
customers. V '
■ «ny>ook (of a moral character) published
m the United States, the regular price of which ie Ono
Uollar or upwards, and give a present worth from 50 cents
Jo stoo with each book, and guarantee to give perfect sat-
Isfuction, as I apt determined to maintain the reputation
already hretowed upon my establishment.
Strangers visiting Philadelphia arc invited to call and
judge for themselves. O. 0. EVAN .
j°oks are sold at tlio Puhlishor's prices, and you
have the advantage of receiving a handsome present, '
wonro pbom 60 cents to 100 nouj.ns with Each Book.
GEO. G.K VANS’ Original Gift Book Enterprise Ims been
endowed by .the Itook Trade and all tl»e
leading city and, country payors in the
United States.
QEO.O. EVANS’ Punctual hus|ness transactions Wre re
ceded the approbation of over 6,0&0;0d0
citizens of the United States, each df
i • •W'fgp tovoreeeiyedsubatantaabeyWeuctj
of the advantages derived,by purchasing
• , . books at this establishment.’ *
GEO. G. EVANS Has done more than any otherpublishcr
or bookseller in the Gnited atates to
wanls diffusing knowledge to the people.
By thte system hinny books are read that
otherwise Vonld not lutvd found their
.way .into the. hands of readers.—AVmijt
Lethe'f Kcwrpapcr,
GKO. 0. Keeps constantly oh hahd the most ox
' . tensive stock, the greatest assortment of
Books, and .circulates free to all who may
npply, the most most complete catalogue
evn « v,..v 0 of Books and Gifts In the United States.
GEO. G E)ANS lias advantages offered byothorpnb.
Ushers and manufacturers which enable
him to furnish ids patrons with a iln«S
quality and better assortment of gifts
' thMn . any.otherestablishment.
GEO. O. EVANS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popular
\ i.aud Interesting Books, therefore, as a
, publisher, hela bet ter able to nflVrnTt 171
premiums and commissions.
, GEO. 0. EV ANS G uamhteea perfect satisfaction to all who
limy send for books..
GEO. G. EVANS’ New classified catalogue pf bboksem-
I brace the writinga of every standard au
' thor^in uvetry'department of llierathre,
nnd gtTasiAU the information relative to
\ th *£Ws<Sl!nK »ad fyovarding by .Mail
of books ordered from his es
tabtSwhenL 'together ‘with '/ull diroc
. . 1. .tions how to remit money.’
GEO.G. EVANS’.Catalogue of Bpooks will be sent gratis
• and free of expense to any address in
the United States.: ■
GEO. O. JBVAN’Slndncements to Agents cannot be sur
passed. .'The most liberal commissioiiß
are offered, .and by soliciting subscrip
■ , tions to books' In die mender proposed,
:20 bopkS can be sold in the same time
tbat it would tako to Sell onooaithe old
fashioned subscription plan, gondfbro
classified CaiaJogue, and every informa
tion will bo given in referepoe tb agen
cies. Select yonr books, enclose the
amount of money required, and one trial
, will sathfy yoU that, the beat plate id the
_ , eoqnttiy P> purchase hookaJb at
No. 439 Cheetunt street, Phlla."
Booksof Fact! ■
Books bi. Fiction!
Books of Devotion!
Books of Amusement!
Books for th* Old Folks!
; \ ■ BpoJmibrHio Young Folks!
; ' ;•-* -
. Dooksfbr LovarsT ■ . ■ t-::
Books fur S 1
Books for Bojs I
Books for Girls! --*■■■■ ■
Books of Humor 1 ,
Books of Poetry!
Books of Prove!! ■
: Bookfl oif History I ■ '
Books of ilio^rapliy! :
Boots of Adventure! v
Books aboutSalidrp I
; i l ,Books'ftbpUtSoldiorsf '
woks about Indians 1 ■;
. Books about Hunters!
Books about fieroes!
Books about Patriots! ;
Books for Farmers! ■ > . ,
’Bdfms'fo'r Merchants!
Books for Physicians! ■
for lawyers!
Books for Statesmen!
, * . .Jlreaentation Books
, JPrayerßooks! ;
" ■ Hymn-Books! ,•.
. ■JiiTenilaßookal
Annuals.! .
Albums; dtivetc.'” ” ’ i:i • ::
OiSClt B. HABTLErsintcresUn^Biogriiphfts!'
BBV •j l -Jl^^AUASPSScriptaralßomanoesl]
of S«Wiofouna>Blatesmpitl-,
-J. T.X.AURIS'S Revblbtionary StorleS! ’
' T. 8. ARTHUR’S Popular Tiles! i
r DR. ABCOXI'g family Doctor! =.■
- COOPBR’g Novels I : ' - !
, • DICKENS’ Novels!
WAVEIttEY Novels I'
IRYING r S Works! ’ i
, *■
« •: --S
r ■;
AU;tlie writings of every standard antlior Jo every de
partpient of literature, in every style of bidding, at,the
publiulior's prices, arid remember tbajryou pay no
morethen spatwoßW-ntjailyother
™»ve the, adviifltßge of receiving an elegant Present, which
pftCmtfmes’iswcirfh a hundred fold more than the ameuiik
paid forthoboot. - • • ;,■* vj,r.
drder.any book thht jutfnmy want,^remit Iharetalfpricd,
together jffith the amount required for. postage,- and! one
trial will’ assure you that the.hcet. place In lho.conntrj to
utthc/Olft Book fotaT>lkhtneWt‘of
'• V- t-.; OEOROB«T EVANS,
Originator of the Gift Book JSuterprise, ; A
No. 439 CHESTNUT Shueet,
- . • - Philadelphia.
ev^«-jjoffer<Nl., VI
■Jffli ,knilo pr who ia desirous bfen
!taJ r;. •
A iYne CM mb&xmdeQtfa, ' -i'
, ‘ -in Jfltgann SOk Dntt I'niiem,
■•y^r.\v.jf.'.^ :'•>. f ■-■•'!■ '’i'A BftaidklSetofJertelry; >’J ;\
Or *By .other ohcdcoartlale* enhnuirn t«4 111 thoUstof GUIs
*Wj »n Agent/pr tills cstabU»hin«nti -
tf-tho coqhfty, rain fip'ah Awnt
tending H list of BiiokS; Snd ni
nttpWAP^.mwatipfmoaby required for totßunch f
-Benf for dcntaJb^o..which contains All th« fl«*ired,iii
fortnatiou relative to agencies and the formation of clubs;
and fo insure promitt-and -honorable dealings; address all
ordejato ’ . . . , .
«»! o ■ta&pEAit QUAttTEns aFyZ* -
! MM& iE-Sii - ;<&*;;& vans!, •
, n:ii& isiii :
:h;i mpw m&mmm&z**
' ~- ■ nt thewobid^.,,- , f ,■
« I
Jratottas, V. 8,, of Pathology and Operative' Sur
mil TtU l ofthe.Origi tv History and: dfetWctin* traits
, I i ; S?, 1 "® various breeds of European, Asiatic,
■ 1 African and Americati the
l and pechliariUee of the
•unlmal, and how to ascertain his age"by the
, number and condition of big teeth; illiwtra
i.t«d with numerous- explanatory engravings.
jot breeding; Breaking; Stabling; Seeding,
j Oroomingi Shoeing. and tlie general tnau
. agomont of the horse, with the best modes of
j^uistoring-medicine, also, how to treat
; kick!u e. rearing, shying, stumbling,
; crib hitmg, reBtit'aaness,and ■ other vices to
which ho Id subject; vritli numerous ex
planatory '•: V:
-I; . I
lw f.|9 f .|hc causes, symptpms, and treatment of
! ■' Btßinglea, Borc throat,' distemper, catarrh,
»influenza,,bronchitis, pneumonia, . pleurisy,
broken wind, clironic cough, roaring and
iwidatllng, lam pa*, sore/ mouth and ulcers,
and dpeayed teeth, witii other diseases of
the mouth and respiratory organs.
i :■(
ihll Itu lok of the causes, symptoms iiud treatment of
! ■ worms, beta, colic, strangulation, stony con*
j xretious, ruptures, palsy, diarrhea a, jaun
dice, hepaitirrlirea, bloody urine, stones in
the kidneys and bladder, inlluninmtion and
other diseases of the Stomach, bowels, liver
and urinary organs.
\ruL Till Jon of the causes, symptoms and treatment of,
1 -bone, blood and bog, spavin, sweenie, ring-!
Rone, strains, broken knees, wind galls,
founder, solo bruise and gravel, cracked
boois, scratches, canker, thrush and corns;
also, of megrirasj vertigo, epilepsy, staggers
- , other diseases of the feet, legs and head.
THE horse and his diseases
.Out Tell:Xoti\<iT the canoes, symptoms and treatment of
'fistula, poU-Cylh glanders, farcy, scarlet fe
i’ vor, mange,snrfol t.lookdd jnw,rh^nmatisni,
~m*amp,galls, i discases of Ul9 .eyeand heart,
J«c., Ac.,and how toluandgu Castration,
. 'bleeding, trephinuing, toweling, firing, hor
... nin, amputation, tapping, and other surgl
’ 1 cal Operations.
Will jxU lou of Rarey s method of temiug horses; how to
approach, halter, or stable a colt; how to
accustom a horse ,to strupge sounds aud
jWits, and howto bit, saddle, ride and brent
him to harness ; also, the fbrmand law of
WAUBAsir. Tho whole being the result of
more'than fifteen years’careful slndy oftiitr
> : peculiarities, wonts and weaknesses
1 ‘ I of this noble And useful animal.
. SSi pages, approihiatelyfUustrntcd
by nearly: Ode Hundred Engravings., It Is printed in a
clear and open type, and will be furnished to any address,
on recoipt-ofpricc, half bound, £l,OO, or, in
SldotrA YEAR maac by c ? tcrrri =-
•*r•• ‘f. T? . ,r- ing men everywhere, in
Bolling the abovo, and other popular works of ours, Our
Inducomijrtts-(jo all sUCh ire-exceedingly liberal. -
A c L r . Bi S& lo - < f^J eB or A lul hopk, or fortenus to agents, with
other information, apply to dr nddrcaa’ •
. ! - JOHN, E. POTTER, Publisher,
' ■ J'' ; m i 817. Sandozn Street, Pjiilfidclphia, Rn..
Vi I
l, K i
i T
A UfXll Its branches* by Miss
Euza Acto.y. ! Carefully revised by Mrs. S. JVllai^.
It Till* rp« Itow4o chodsonll'kindsof m’eat/piSrttry; arid
game, with «U the yajhoußaud,irto»t approv
ed modes ot dressing and cooking beef and
pork; .also ifio best and simplest way of salt-
Wgj pickling andcurlugthosalnor
It TeUt Tw AJI the various and ruojt approved modes of
1 ' dressing, cooking, and boning mutton, lamb,
reoh poultry, and i ga l o° of all kinds, .with
tko dluareut dressings, gravies, and stuffings
- ’ appropriate to each.' ! ; ■
il TeUt Ibu flow Ip choosa.eloan, and preserve Fish of all
kinds, arid bow to sweeten itwhen tainted;
I . atso'all Jhß yariom and most approved modes
(ft cooking,With the different drcsMnga,saucea
' and flavorings appropriate' toeach. ’ '
” TeUt Thu All the various apd most approved modes of
preparing oVer v fiflEy'difrerciittihcls'o^sreat,
' ' Fowl,-Game, and. Vegetable Soups,
Froths, and Stews, with the Relishes and
Scasonings appropriatosoeach. ’ ■_' '
It Tdlt You All the various, and. most approved modes of
Cocking. Vegetables ot eyery description, also
notv to prepare Plcklefc. Catsups and Curries
. Ofnll kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, (lame, Mush
rooms, Ac.
It Jills Toll All tho various and most approved modes of
... preparing and Cooking all kinds of plain and
' - Fancy Pastry. Puddings, Omelettes; Fritters,
fakes, Confecitonary,:Pre«errcs, Jellies, and
drect Dishes of every destriptlom
It Till} Tou All tliO' viriops and moatnpprov-od modes of
making Bread, Busks, Muffins, and Biscuit,
the best-method of ju-eparfffg’coffee, ChOco
httc; and Tea, and how to make syrups, Cor
dials, and Wines of various kinds.
It TilU Toti Htur to Bet ontand Orosibant a Table, bow to
Ctarvc all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and
, itiabortjbpw to so simplify the,whole Art of
11 Cooking as ta brlng the 'choicest luxuries of
.. i, f?%Jalde withinjeverphod’sreach..;
Tlie book contains 418 pages, and upwards of twelve hun
dred Hecipes, all of which aro the resulteofactUal experi
lutving been/nlly and carefully tested under the
of 'the' writers. It Is printed Inin
is With appropriate en
gravings, and Willuie forwarded to any address. neatly
noundi and poirtnge paid, onredptof the price, *l.OO, win
cloth, extra, J 1.2&. .
Syo '
Staring wiirt]
veryjjbjrafc^; ; .•■/ :•■:,■••■.{ ;.m- •i- f
Itor single copies of tbe. Book* for terms to agents,
'T*th other information', apply to or address
v - v "' M r U ‘ MUX Publisher,
To. Cl 7 SanjKw Street, fa.
Im. 1 ■* ' * *
Kot.T, v, 60.
W. M. GORMLY to CO.,
! DiRECfeY orpoSire eaoib’ hotel,
Keeps constantly on hand
a largo and well Bclectarstock of *
. smupfi,. BROWN, '
coffee, ohyjj,
| * LARD .. ggj)A, ...<
; oil, 1
, -..4' MOULD, UHMP A
tSt- —*mt-i
■: BACONi.-: ■,-■■■! tJ GRAIN,CHEESE.
SUBS,': I . ...
Ac.,l: . Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., .
All of which, together with all articles usually lountUntho
£ ■
win bo
& 3 “ The attention of-CouutryMerchauts Is respectfully
, l f* f f l? ' '*"• "fi4
1 • FORM the citizens of Ai toonarimV vicinity that hia
ehpplioawtth ttorvery :bcfrtttrticlM to be r haai'aHa-tn irent
attached to his etorc, in which he wiU aervetnD' JUtUfE
OYSTERS, in all style*. *
m isat all tlfic* prepared to
for pic-nic* and tether parties. ‘
He patronage, hexan render fiiU eatkbctlon
' 'feJnemb«T,iji» store an3*gafo<)n’ it od
door* Wow Patron’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI.
[independent in everything.]
cnn !w -Trwdo’l>y enterprl
K B. ~y.
■ Per annum, (payable invariably In advance,). $1,50
All papers .discontinued at the expiration of the time
paid for. ■ i
' 1 insertion "2 do. ' 3\do.
Four lines or less... $ 26 v $ 37 % SSo
One square, ( 8 hues) 80 76 . 100
; “ CW » 100 ' 180 COO
Three n (24 «). I£o 230 " ,2 80
Oyer three weeks and less than three months, 25 Cents
porequiire lor each insertion.. . .*
3 months. 6 montlis. lycar.
Six linos or less $1 50 .£ 3-00 .$5 00
One 5quare,......;....... 250 T 4 00 700
Tw o “ ,4 00 ‘6 00 10 00
Three «. 8 0 0 - ,8-00 12 00
“ 600 10 00 ,14 00
Half a column... 10 00 14 00 20 00
One c01umn..;....... .....14 00 -25 00 Jo 00
Administrators and Kxecqtor* Notices.... 1 76
Merchants advertising by'the year, three squares,
with liberty to change,. 10 00
Professional' or business -Cards, not exceeding 8
Jjhes with paper,, per'year—, „ ; 6 00
Communications of a political character or indlvidnoi in
terest will be charged according to the aboVe rates.'
AdverUsejuon,s uot marked with the number of ihscr
tious desired, will ho continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to the above terms.
Business notices five cents per line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square.
“lam for plain, simple love, without any embroidery.”
I love thee! but Ido not think
Tliy form is perfect grace,
Nor that the charms of Venus dwell.
In the features of thy face.
I love thee! but I think I’ve seen
A smaller foot than thine;
I also think I’ve seen before
An ancle mnch more fine.
I love thee! but a brighter eye,
: ,A ruddier cheek I’ve known—
A whiter forehead and a mouth
Much prettier t than thiup,own.
> I love thee I bpt 1 know I’ve seen
A whiter neck and band,
And tresses that spore lightly waved
When by tho breezes tanned.
I love thee! but I do not
To flatter thee, and swear
if hat thou art perfect, and divine,
When r don’t lMuJt you are. ’
I love thefe I bnt ff tlibu my lpvo
Dost scorn, I never do intond
To pine and die, for thee, >
And yet I love thee too.
I loro thee! for I neyer saw :
One of the womankind
Afore richly do.wried with gifts
Of a pure and noble mind.
1 love thee! for there never was
A heart more true than thine,
Or that could ere as ibrillingly
Responsive chord with mine.
Jltled IPkellang.
I hiv no politics. Nary a one. I’m
not in the hasniss. If I was, I spose I
shonld holler versiffirusly in the Streets at
nite and go homo to Betsey Jane smellin
of Coal ile and gin in the. mornin. I should
go to tie Poles arly. I should- stay there
ail day. X should see to it that my na
bers was than.. I should git cairiagesto
take the kripples, the infirm and the in
dignant than, I should be.on gard agin
frauds and sich., J should be on the'look
put for the imfamus lise of the enemy, got
up jesbi ciecsh.uu for perlitical effeek.-
When all was over and my candy date was
elected, I should mpve heving & ar.thr-r-so
to speak—until I got orifice, which if I
didn’t git a orifice should, turn round &
abpoze the Administration - with all my
pjite an 4 malne. But X’m not in the bis
phisJ’m in-a far;more-xespePtfulbieniss
nor what pollcrfres ip.. give
■sf° tp. b'e ( o jCpngrcsspi;.. Tbp wuse
tnsulfX eyqV was when sertin cit
izens pf asqd m,e to run fur
the Lpgislatcr.l JBez.,l. “ friopda, dos
test think I’d' stoop' to that thejre
TJicy turaed as white as a sheet, J spoke
injay &' thcy : knowcd.l
waSn’f to be tfifled witb. They sluhkcd
dut"of Site tbpn : 6t, lV ’ “
Therd4,7ieying Dd 'poilMics," I made bold
to visit Did Abp al’hishuthstid in Sj)flng
fiold. T found the bid feller in ; lris parler,
surrounded by a perfect Swann of orifice
seekers. Knowinghe 1 'bad been ’’eapting
of a flat, boat on T thh rparin Mississippi, I
thought I’d address Him in sailor lingo,* so
sez I “Old Ahe, ! ahoy f 1 Let dut Y Wr
a ia: s^s >^ c^^uta^ & ‘tbrdw
yer oterboaVd ! • my fini-
any harty!" ! ' [Hi ’B: ''This-Is ginu
ine tnariner langwidge. "I' 1 know, becawz
I’ve seen • ‘acted 6utby ! thehi
Nnw 3Poffc* thete-felled. J : f Old iJ AB6
Jookt up;(jmte ordos & sez,« Send -in yp’r
petition. by‘& by. ■ I caht possibly look at
it hbw. ’ caa^.' 1 "It’s dipossible,
. M seeker,! to. be sure sod/ he!
-* ‘Bif^sed ‘‘ytiu’s, ieve^more
Tbuj HaWt gWa
1m A- Ward. Wax figgers is my. Ippr
feshup. I’m tho^.father of Twins, and
tifyilook like c jrti >l>o6m
to. the Evident
uLthe United iiStates. ; Ifrso-dei you
. ns «f d a«y» ’
see ybh, *■ italn*#
“ Repose in Abraham’s Buzzam!” sed
U7£ '•'hi'.
■f -ri'.*v' m: •>'
I one of the orifice seekers, his idee beiirto
git orf a gosk-at my expeace. •
: Wall,” gez I, “ of al] \ you fellers re
pozo‘ in that there Buzzar i tha re’ll hbmity
poor pussin for some of ybaT' whereupon
Old Abo buttoned hie wesket clear up, &
blushed like a maiding of Sweet 16. Just
at this pint of the conversation another
swarm of orifice seekers arrove & cum
pijip into the parlor. Sum .wanted post
orifices, sum wanted col-ectorships, sum
wanted furrin missions, and all wanted
suPithin. I thought Old !ABo would go
crazy. He hadn’t more t run had time to
shake hands with ’em,,before another W
menjis crowd cum porcin onto hia premi-;
ses; 1 His house and door; yard was now!
pcrfeckly overflowed with orifice seekers,
all cl am cross for a ’ imej it interview with
Old Abe. One man from Ohio, who had
~H. C. DERN,
about seven inches of whiskey into
him, mistook me fur Old Abe and addrest
me as “The Pray-hay-rio Flower of the
West!” Thinks f yon aprifice put
ty bad. Another man wit i a gold-headed
cane and a red nose told Old Abe hie jams
a “ seckind Washington .fc the pride of
the boundless West I" I
Scz I, “Square, you
small Post Orifice if you!
you ?"
Sez lie, “ a patrit is abu
sir!” - »' -
“ There’s a putty big crop of pair its
this season, ain’t there, Square?” seal,
when another —crowd of orifice : seekem
pourgd in. The house, do dr-yard, barn&
woodshed was how ail full, and whenpnp
thcr crowd cum I told ’em pot to go away
for want of room, as the heg pen was still
empty. One patrit from i J small -town in
Mishygan went up op top the ; hduse got.
into the chimney, and. slu down into the
parlor where Old Abe .was endeverin to
keep the hungry pack of: orifice-seekers
from chawin him up alive without benefit
of clergy. The minit he reached the fire
place he jumpt up, brusht thp spot put of
his eyes, and yelled: “Don’t makc eny
pintment at the Spunkillt : postoffice till
you’ve read my papers. All the respect
fill men in our town is signers to that there
dockymeut!” '
“ Good God !” cried Oh
cam upon me from tho ski
chimneys, and from the ‘
yearth!” . "
He had’nt more’n got them wprda out
of his delikit mouth before iwo fat orifice
seekers from Wisconsin, i a cudeyerin tp
crawl atween his legs -for . the pnrpiass of
applyin for the tollgateshi >; at Milwznki,
upsot the President eleck, < 5 he would hoy
gone sprawlin into the Sre-j lace iflhad’nt
caught him |n these anns. But I hadn’t
more’n stood him up strate, before* another
map cum crashiu down thi ebimney, bis
head striken me vilently itgin the inards
and prostratin my volupto ms iorm onto
the floor. “ Sir. shoutid the in
fatooated being, “ my papefrs is signed Hy
every clergyman iu our town, and Ukcwise
the skoolmafeter I” '
Sez I, “you egrejis ass,’? gittin up &
brushin the dust frem my eyes, “ I’ll sigh
your papers with this bunch of bones, if
you don’t be a litdo more keerful how you
make my bread baskit a dipot in the fil
ter. How do you like tliat air perfu
piery ?” sez I, shuving my fist under his
nose: ‘‘Them’s the kind of; papers I’ll
give you ! Them’s the papi >jrs" you ifent i”
.“But I worked hard for :the ticket; I
toiled night and day I The - patrit should
be rewarded !” ! f T' !
’ “ Virtoo, ” sed I, holdin ? iHe infatpoated
man by the - coatcollar, ‘‘vsttoo,sir, is its
own reward. Look at m ;!”• Hedid
look.atme, and qua)cd : bclmygpse.—
“The,” I contiuued : lopkinyround
ifpop the hungry pi»wfl,:“ there. |s scarce
ly a’offiss for every ,ile lamj carried rouho
dpr|n’ thmVcarnpane. X w si, there, was,
I wish, there was furrin‘misi lions Xo He till
ed on vans Islands where or by demies rage
incessantly, and if I was p Old Abe’s
place I'd send every mofhe soh pfypu
to‘ them, ' What air'y’bu he p for ?” I con
tinnered, warmin’ up eqnsid " cah’t
you giv Abe a mimt’spCacc ? Don’t you
see he’sWrrid most to deahl- Go horiie
you miserable mcti, gohoiJ e and till-the
sole! Grp to peddli'n tinware-—goto chop
<m j
respectable; ; nmnureie»rt-- go' ; round# i
original Swiss Beil *-hecuip origi
nal and otily Campbell Mi istrels—gdt»
MfM ini
off ryouc'degs iconmigivin
concerts,-withi; tecbln a|f>peal G'tqachiH'it*'-1
Bic 'gub lj c;' fHnted'- : bti ‘Vou r
copie o]d
your outrages ; cutyjQga up i ~Go( bpme.--7-
Stand' not mpon ayonr -order of •' goin’, 'but
S'd-ld'hhbt i !; ffvd iifces wpifi"th%
hj|, &v iji; sixteen
in it before iheir .cy.esj "E f in five min-
time «ijfd pf you re
wLinsan thbse here ptbmises I’ll go out
fc.age aind let niy Cbn
fttructbr lojolo > T & if’ : he geti : anituig you,
you’ll mMKXxlff SbHbffnh has eura again
ndd’bfc t^shike ! y^-^oti : bdg’ it tohev seed
them ®iey rnh dbf
as tho Satan hisself was arter them with a
t: > I
wouldn't take a
■ 1 git it, would
v them things,
1$ Abo, u they
ifce —down the
Ijbowcla of the
;i. a £ .
;red hot<. tea>.pr«Bged. pitchfork* X% fere
mioitsthe premises was etanc. s
1 “ How kin I eyer repayyou, Sir. Ward)
foryour kindness ?” gaid Qld Abe adyati
cjiß and ahakm nxc warmly‘-by the
“ Dow Ida I ever repay you, air. V* 4 .. ; ,
■ the whole country
sonqtb j By. pwift' ile
the trouhlcd.watere, North and Spilth.
By pusaooin’, a patriotic, dm Ahd
course, and then if eny State wauta taao
■sede) let 'em? Sescsh !” ■
“ How ’bput my Cabnrt Mihisftte:,
Ward?” sed Abef ;
u Fill it np with showmen, 1 ski- - Show
men is dewoid of ponytics. They hadn’t
got a darn principle f They know
to cater to the public. They know what
the puhnc wantsi & South. Show
men, sir,’ is ' honest men. Ef you doubt
thare litcrrary look point
ers, and see small ’ bills ' Ef you want a
Cabnit as is a Oabnit, fill it up with shoW
med but don’t call on mo. The morrdl
weeks figger perfeshun musn’t bopermft
to go down while there’s a drop or blood
in these veins V Ai Ltnkin, I ; wish yon
well!—Ef Powers of Walcott wus
out a moddul for a beautiful man,.! skasse--
ly thins: they’d sculp yoajbutef yoUr-dD*
the fare thing, by yure conntry yulo make
as puttyan apgil aa eny of us er euy; after
Wb 1 A. Liakiu uso the
nature has put into ypu
firmly, and aU wUhbe .wdi M-A. Link«n r
He-shook nie by tbe tyywiTr
we exclwagod pictera .bq wq couldgaap
uppn .cftch others % *s&
sMp of S*ate aadl.
anew pmnisß ppjy . fitwepi
septe. ’ '\'\"X'" : * 5 " ’■
Kegardiug the year hoiT closfeg wttltld*
eye to its eelestial'aiidatmdspteiffcyttf #&£
ais its. planetary bWa
a remarkable onfe, and!;■mightweH crOato
in the mind of a Millerifce an inrefrdgiblfe
conviction that he had at dasi the data fbr
a finalT>f®pheey. Thunder and lightning
stormahave been more violent and diiaa
teous thah usual Tornadoes, unprece
dented in fury, have ravaged every parlpf'
the country.,.? Oar weateru frontiera have
beep parched and blighted: by;
Simoons., While one pectipp is
bountiful harvest another vicars its crop?
of vivifying shpwejp*
Terrible storms of gales, hove swept ovuf
ipland vraters and seaboard. Freehefe
and inundations have ravaged the co.untry
in varioM . Meteors of uhtmu»
splcndpr aha size liaVo burst in
Comets' have blandished their fiery
The Aurora has daunted its banners df"
crimson ahd pearl in the northern heav
ens with unusual brilliancy. We htvw
had rain storms and lightning, hail storiad,
a gale of wind,' sunshine, and a va'risttefc
of twenty degrees by 'the thermometerin
a single- day. ThO predictions ofthw
weatherwise have been falsified; then*'
Jronomec has been dumb foundcd,and thjp
almanac is at fault. .. Is, . there pat hove a
magnificent field for thc man of sciaupepj
Who shall explainthese.things, I
the secret agepoies at, work,, and show ftp
cause qf the phenomena of XSfiQ.- Chicqgp
Jqynial I ].] IZ™ '
.stoiy- w
in wbo waa a. upt^:o^,&wfc
ui the nei S ; <;%geci
pn one occasionTsr,.. a neighbor of
X)ic| ? s master' called and said
be sold out of that'par tof the cotitf
try. for he
Turku's. 7 Diek'sms£stor ; could not ''ihVUk
so. 'The two, however, weritinto tbedcfS
whefe Dick wias at wdrky ahd accused fem
Of*thethbffi. 1 lo.SEhfMs~
• - ‘ft Tfoii "stole< Mr* : f Jones’
the master.
1 No; massa,?' responded Disk.
: The ibroter persisted. < *j >•;••••
Well,” st length BaklDick,“ I’lltell
yoamassal t didn’t : steal dem,
lasfc! aight when: I went
pasture I sawoijQ ofourrails ua 4?
&n? 3,501 de rail, and, qsfc*
fioipe to
torkejs on,de rail I”
> ■■V should be cultivated as a dpp
srt*|t i§ afine tiling*, Wfo ,a bad one*
Opjspjopijj»v ( isj - not be, nVe tiroes",m
la. , Tu^,. is a'great
t|ie YougK ‘ places of lifej"mj&es
tfie dispositiphs swept and, rosy;" scaw|s
MnsWrie and flowefs wherever we gd,
tli e "world a rouri d, jolly corinteriariptf,
maliies all the girls'- pretty, and riiai&itfi
brie Pf the best families oUt. We
for fan . .
■ : ~ - : ■' ■■ -1»
J5Sj“ Tho following; beautiftd atabtaffii
copied from a lady's alßani j
u Fair made, when: ■’ I B hold :
&gaize in 2 ure atbur izb: - - <d»
: Myh>Ve is warmed in 2blaiae^
■’■• &thaut» with in myboauaa. filers
which loves mi hart awl in a nutter*** '
/ « 1 V p T *
■■■■'• ■. * - M-.-i L
J;i«! ttihvh