tx’s Cankerine. RINB cbm* Putrid aeMMeeUi, RINK cewSoe* Nipples. RINE cornDlcwwted Boms . RINE cum* Cut*. RINE cbms Burnt. ■ - RINE cores Sow*. RINE cum Chapped Lip*. , RINE cure* Ulcerated Dm.. ' RINE Is the best Purifier efo^. IKINE cures Oaakar in jfa* b, resnltjng frontflcarUUmTor white tcslb, QS*UmOAN » will be realised, W* pledge free from acid* and all p-u— p e'iren to an intent with perfcet »teeth and keep the gomsfrss y efficacious for nuraing aoee ids remedies that haw been put irions disease* aba*, n 0,,, by all dnmgUtH. 25 j. rußrillaoo t tor’s Stomach Bitten for. On*, s of the stomach, or any othsr one in America or abroad, in 1 tlxat the “Bitten" are a certain diseases, is to the proprietors re. It removes all morbid taat* es the blood, imparts renewed m, giving it that toneand on he restoration of health . The of it* superior excellence and vl the proprieton it can- « o the afflicted, and impart vi- another coljaxnn. IL SCHEDULE. CLOSE. \ t- 7 K A. M. •••••• 716 « 7 16 and 11 go- « 7 90 P. M. 7OO “ AIIRIVE. 7 30 and 11.. U A.lf 74? «“ Bl3 “ II an « I«P,M Si- week, from 7 00 a. H. till [i SOO till 900 a.m. " OUN SUOESIAKKB, P. M SCHEDULE. ■> .20 pjm leare* gjiop, jj ??am. •* \4faS: to A. M. « 5,00 A. M -ol*. SI., “ .6JO P£' f'' a.m. « iwsXm! .40 P. M, « 2,00 P.M. I)RANCH connects wltfi sU IXS connect with Johzutown nn«l West, MoUTrainEast East and West. ' . ;OCU LEWIS, Gen'l Supt. IIED; it tv. Samuel Creighton, Mr. to Mias. JANE BAILOR, of U. rry. Esq., Mr JACOB MA i G ALLA HER, both of Cam- ID'. lingdon co„ on the 28th nlt_ I. LOVE, aged 24 yean, 10 i instant, ROBERT M. TTlL uanths nod I day. intant, of scarlet fever, J. S, inrkhart, aged 4 year*, 2 moa. CS!! WINES !!! IOLIDAYS. -LOT ANNOUNCES tuona and vicinity that hohas C WINES. h as Blackberry, JBderberry, nr, which he will dispose of ftt small quantities, for Holiday til to be the beat In the coun t to the taste, but beneficial IIIOTrS STORE. on Brunch lsw-2t UNION.” CHEAP GOODS ! J. E. ICK^S Partnership in the Mercantile <>ro occupied by John Annie street*, East Altoooh, red and opened the largest, >ck of A \ r TER GOODS own. ' It consists, in part, of cy Dress Goods Merinaes Cashmeres, Do es, Prints, Ac. !e. Ladies' Cloaks, doves, Mrs, Gentlemen and ots and Shoes..: lothihig at Cost. I stock of Ready-Made Cloth 1. and made up in the leetand, i will bo sold at pjiSadeM* a coot* from $4 to $10; Bonne** t,m $1 to f*. Whole wilt of t,. $l6, and other »uIU to p«>- 1 .. ui re, Queensiodre, kept in stores in this place lire we can glwsatUSctlop.. u in exchange for Goods’*. [tkc. 13, MBetf deterred the proprietort of tlieir second supply of W*"" - to buy them at very to" ired to'offer our •p*K»»to GOODS, - imestic Dry Good** GOODS, 11. CLOTHS. ; SHOES, ; i hardware, ; W WARE, &C.. &C. •s ired is full and _ comprise* ■i worthy of examination oy w ill soli them cheaper twm Life of Trade/ business, and the has opened a store“P” .v him ns a Justice if .TC Julia street, fW*** t of *; .D CAPS _ uoU* Styles, for men andnoys, SiND FLAT® ~V AND CHILDREN, .eady-Made Shirt*» , rs AND LADIES, A’.V OF ALL KINDS, AllY. INK, PENS <&•> J*' ■d, by selling at a small P”** •‘■'SSNSSSSSi** —Notice is hereto rsbip heretoloro e* uti “£ t Vm solved by n.utimlwM«ag b, The business of th" U.I'SOU, Agent, who wIU o?°* bUU OEO. W. BTEVTARjr .j MOSES TUOMESOj* j PPOKTERS, BOBBER'S BOBBER'S BOBBER’S BOBBER’S . BOBBER’S 'PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. E 1 OHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, jfc cf Plain Rules ana. Qilculations/or Butintts Ope . I * returns, by Martin M. Rohrer, Practical Surveyor and I nmresancer. Aeiß Edition, published by J. B. Lippin - I coti * Of- Philadelphia. . This work contains 204 pages, and upwards of 600 Rules Mil Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such as arise every day in tho common pursuits of Business. It has already passed through a number of editions in rapid •secession, and is pronounced by all classes of business men to bo the handiest book of reference, pertaining to cal culations, that has ever been published. 1 g re ry example in tho book is worked out in fnll nnd sta i ted in s plain manner, so that when a parallel case arises, those referring to the work .will find nodifficulty in solving u; in S word, tho general arrangement of the CALCULA TOR I* simple, tliat any .one who knows how to add, sub tract, multiply and diyide, can easily solve any ordinary example that arises in business, or arrive at the true result of any estimate required. The*Hiief aim of the author has been to eschew theqry ID j philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts and simpll- I r i, V| believing that business men care little about spending time in di.tcussiug.fhe philosophy Of rules, or the sciencaof tjcuris, deeming it sufficient for their purpose to bo able at , moment, by reference, to arrive, at the true result. The ciICL’LATOII differs in this respect from nil oilier Arith metics of the day and kindred works—it is a key to prac tical business calculations—it is. In the hands of tho bnsl nesa man, what the key to mathematical works is in tho bauds of tbo teacher in the school room—it facilitates time Utd insures correctness. TUK WORK TREATS OP THE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of .Brick and Brick \Vi,rk, of Stone and stone work, of grain ami grain bins, of r.ol and coal bins, of wood, of sqlids, of liquids, of circu lar. square or irregular vessels, or cisterns and vats, ofrool -102. of plasterer’s, painter’s, glazier’s, paver’s, plumber’s, piper Imager’s and upholsterers’ work. It treats of enr n u.-y nnd of foreign «ud domestic exchange, of tho deci mal system, of reduction and its extended application to easiness, of simple and compound interest, and their on to e application to business transactions, with the laws and u-ages governing and regulating the same, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tendei, of partial (uuueiit on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equa in in of payipeut/aud of portnershipaccounts, of assessment . f tuxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square root and its application to business surlacce, uf'cscavation, an 1 of many other important practical matters not within the scope of an advertisement tu mention. IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOR THE farmer, the mercliant, the mechanic, the artizan, or the professional man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to lli* lawyer, the justice of the peace, the conveyancer, ah! real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the rkrk. to the civil engineer and the surveyor, tothecarpen it ami hriekluye , to the stonemason and the plasterer, to tile paper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, ic., Acg each and all will find it adapted to their vu i i .iH waats better than any book published. C£* Mailed (post paid) to auy part of the United States, up n receipt of the money. Price of a single copy, in cloth, io * t:uta, or two copies for $l,OO. Bound in pocket-book lum. morocco, $l,OO per copy. Address, M. M. ROHREK, Dec ti, ISfil-Cm.i Box 1911 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. WATCHES GIVIJN AWAY!! A GIFT VALUED FKOiM TWO jiXl dollars to one hundred dollars given with every l>o.ik sohl at retail prices ! I At least one watch is guaranteed to every twdc* hooks. These inducements are offered hy the SUFFOLK EXCHANGE COMPANY, 37 PARK BOW, NEW YORK. The most extensive and the most Übcral Gift Concern hi existence. Established In 1855. J6T SEND FOR A CATALOGUE-®# Those who have patronized other Gift Houses are parti cularly requested to acquaint themselves with our terms. 1 Our inducements are unrivalled, and put all others in the shade. The following are some of the Gifts to purchasers ’■*if bosks : i English Lever Gold Watches, Hunting Cases. I’ateut Lever, “ ’ “ “ “ Ladiis' Lever. “ “ “ “ Detached Lever Silver Watches, Hunting Cases, • U-pine Silver Watches, Open Face. Gold Lockets. Various Sizes. Liditir and Gents’ Gold Chains, various styles. I.viics - and Gents’ Gold Sleeve Buttons t Studs, all patterns.' ihuia’ Bosom Pins, new and rich styles, held Pencils add Pens, holies’ and Gents’ Gold Rings. Gold Watch Keys and Belt Pins. ■' Ta |7«y of Ladies’ Jewelry, Pin* and Ear-Drops, comprising ali the styles now worn, such as Cameo, Mosaic, Ould gtqae, Lam, Hureutine, Ac. 7 1 (•old Bracelet *, ail styles. T**" V a,uf hooks comprises a meat assortment of stand nrd works m every department of literature, interesting to aud .?“• Do send for a catalogue— tataloguea mailed iree to any address. Apply to SUFFOLK EXCHANGE COMPANY, 37 PACK ROW, NEW TORE CITT. V Wnshin « :ton Street > Boston, Jlass. De Forest, Armstrong & (Jo., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 & 85 Duane St., NEW YORK, WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE are ° PCUiUS ' VCCkIy ’ in DC T“ d beaU ‘ WAMSUTTA prints. Also THE AMOSKEAG, W,IIC, V PXCcIs cvor y Print in the Country for Mir Pri ?, !/ X, r ,U “ l nd desi K n ,n *»“ Madder Colors, i, T aper . t * lan a,, y in market, and meeting orders P rom Ptly attended to. k SCUO3IAKER. SCHOMAKER &, LANG* WHOLESALE GROCERS & Commission lilercliaiits. ASD DEALEES IX DROUR, GRAIN, bacon. Provisions, Cheese, Ivon, -N'ails, Glass, Brooms, Yarns, &c. I'to. 803, Liberty Street, PITTSBURG, PA. Not. Yst ERS, & retail. I pLn LBSCKIJ B EiI IS NOW DRE hil DeaieiYu it?. furn^*h families, parties, hotels and Re do »n an to »h,m. “? I“;ptity of Oysters, from a. single VesTaud „ r^‘, UdB - His Oysters are receirod daily by ’ ar c always fresh and of the very best quality • FRESH FISH M a:n nrwt 7 Tl T lrBd ?y Morning at his Saloon on Sor sTem shore Kerr's store. 8,1860,-im > JOHN ALEXANDER. in drafting ling, in Ahn/ rs,Bned P ro P°&* to give Instructions in Draf auoona, commencing December 3rd, 1860. aclune Drafting, and Architectural An* Drafting; 'wntaM of'iLif•£!!? ?“ Tuesday, Thursday and Frb hilor mlS ? *“ *J“ room over Jacob Roes’ s °r.24th ’fiZ!i glll^aBtreet ’ •“Atructloii Intheabove. 6 °- lm - EDWABD HODNETP, > & BOURKE, lmporter v/APER HANGINGS. ***** sovste ass basket stssete 1( *_ COKE! COKE!! ». JBBAQHAM, Sapt FEW •flj to ; Wholesale udMitilv— T ‘ V , fiobei Jnst received »ndfor «al» jv&mposF D MOTT'S : i PILLS iIROM. i nf « d stomachic preparation of Iron purified ;5 .. n ‘. &**«• b y combustion in Hydrogen. Sanc * “??? 1 ! 1 . 6 Medical Authorities, both hi Europe Th«L Dni^ d Bta^ e 3 ; BDd P reBcril >ed in their practice. rauSn ®?i? riellCo thousands dally proves that no prepa det,r t i f 0 | npared witd i - Impurities of the oiooo, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickle compl^ousludicateit B nece^tyin I £ err:( l ui A ff Emaciation, Dutpepsia, S^f£^ l 7^H h , aa -’ D SJt”Ury. Incipient , r “b«rc.d/)m, Salt Rh turn, MimcmtrvMon, 2 i ? cer c <**PtainU, Chronic ffwdcH-ha, Rhtuifuitifm, Intermittent JFkvers, JPimples ontht Fhc*~ . 1 11 *? vigorously tonic, without being exciting anp miMt’rfwti fit™? gUQtI /’ regularly aperient, even fn the most obstinate cases of coativenes* without ever being a B^t tr i ,C »Wi Ve ’ ° r ,n, licting a disagreeable sensation/ B Jrc!f,awi B „il? Pr . ofM ; rty - J amon B “there, which .makes it m»nTh ch b n »i^ CtUa andpermanen t a remedy for POa. SertUn h iC 5- aPPfare to exert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes, a single box Cha, ybcate Pills has often sufficed for the most habitual rases, including the attendant OotUveneu. ““'backed Diarrhrea, even when advanced to Dysen amaaiatiug, and apparently malignant, tL Tn t f bfa u equally decisive and astonishing: In the local paina. lo*a of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indicate In of P fr^nS , an U i mP | tlo ?'| th “ f emcd y h as allayed the alarm interastSgTnsSf ’ “ VCn * l Very gratifying aad fnr l ?n^ ro^ Ul ° U f, Tuber S UloHl8 ’ thlB medicated iron has had ore tban '*j“* 6°od effect of the most cautiously bal known P [a fi biU?ii o . na ° f iodlne > withou ‘ "V of thei/well tJTt* f 1 t * cntiun “f females cannot be too confidently invi- bi the cases pe^u^ly ~i n R beumatism, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latter, however, more decidedly— it has beenin variable swelunes^nd’ atifTno* al i7, iat ‘ n 8 the P»ta ™ d reducing the swellings and stiffness of the Joints and muscles. In intermittent Fevers it'must necessarily be a great re medy and energetic restorative, and its progress now settlements of the West, will probaby be one of h gh r" nowu and usefulness. b No remedy has been discovered fn the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt; happy, and fully- re storative effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active aud cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. 1 ut np in flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sole by druggists and dealers. . Will be sent free to auy address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to T 1 in *'■ 4 CO., GENERAL AGENTS, 10,1860,-ly. 20 Cedar St., t(fw York. Always in season! The undersigned wouru inform lus old customers and the public generally that he hos juat returned from the East with his fall stock which is the ’ LARGAST OF THE KIND ever brought to this place. lie has every variety in Price, Size and quality, of ME N n HATS AND H AND BOYS’ CAPS, For Pall and Winter Wear. Also, all sizes, colors, shapes, and qualities of Ladies and Misses and Children’s HATS and FLATS, to which the at tention of those In want of anything in this lino is special ly invited. * FURS I FURS ! FURS I I have now the largest and handsomest assortment of Furs ever offered to the ladies of Alt-joua, embracing -*■ CAPES, MUFFS, CUFFS, and everything In that line, for Ladies and Children, of American and European manufacture, and of every quali ty qf Furs. Persons in want of anything In the above line, will please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell at the very lowest possible prices. Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, Oct. 4, 1860-tf. JESSE SMITH New grocery and liquor STORR-Tbe undersigned would beg leave to an nounce to the citizens of Blair county and vicinity that he has opened his new Store on Virginia Hrut, thru door, fcfoio tftc Superintendent , Office, where he has Just received from the Last and West a large assortment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, |U| consisting as Ibllows; French Otard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Tli/ie, Old Port H ine, Jamaica Rum Holland Gins OldßyeWhiskey, ' Monongahda Whiskey, and Rhine Wine, which he has himself imported. Retailers of Honors and Farmers will fipd it to their ' advantage' to bnv of him ns he will sell at CITY PRICES. -*7 °* He win also keep constantly on hand an assottmentof GROCEBIES, Such as Flour. Bacon, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Se ,K a : r f' Syrup, Buga r , Coffee, he., he., n, a? 10 j wiU k® B °ld cheap for cash or Country Produce. vimH I »?' ,C - nCiS an( ' th ® P u 3 , Hc generally are respectfully in vited to give us a caU before purchasing elsewhere. ' 7 LOUIS PLACE. WSt. P. LANG Altoona, May 26,1859.-tf SCHOOL. FOR YOUNG LADIES, ALTOONA, BLAIR COVNTT, PA. * MISS H. A. BYERS will open in Al- Air*h« o n the L Bt d J y of October. 1860, a School for ”*™- \ A ll th ® Branches of a good English Education will bu taught, and Classes .to be instructed in French. Mnllc charged and ftlintill 8i will bo received at the following Mnslc, quarter, «mnn French, « f Drawing, “ n'jS Painting, Water Color, s S Painting, Oil, \ g'JCJ WUI COnBt V tut ° ono “inartcr in any of the y 2L r composed of two terms of_6 months each. The chaffee.for tuition $l.OO per month payable in advance andjthe number of pupils limited to 25. The discipline will be Wild, but firm. Lessons will be assigned each pupil for study at home; and for absence or tardiness, a written excuse will be demanded. Eohort*oliver WUI *** th ' care ?“ d direction of Bey, Altoona, Sept. 27,1860.-tf ' • GENUINE FAMILY LIftIJOES, WM. B! MOREHOUSE & GO., . Importers and Wholesale Dealers in BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, AND SEGABS, beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to thelrPnro Hincsand Llqudn, pat np tinder their own supervision, for Ifaitofly and Medical use. in cases as sorted to suit cnstomen; Clubs, Military and other public bodies, who require to purchase in large or. small quant? ties, la casks or bottles, will bo liberally dealt with. Price List sent on application. ; / OJL>D MOREHOUSE BITTERS. . Recommended bythe first physicians as the beet remedy kroem for DyspeiMia,-Indigestion. Debility, and aU Her vSS&SmSZ&;£»• Wnifift., 1 * Wwholesome, and d«“®lt* to the taste. Sold by all Druggists. r y ,WM.B.MQB£uQDB£ AGO., Proprietors, , V’ 3A6 Exchange Place, - ; y Jersey City, g. J. wfll » I “™ l ft l^*®l^l 0 f“ l ent; to a few active men, toact as agents for thelr bouse. will be civen tO tboee W ,*W ln .*fl,edistrict for which theyap ofeom^? services they are willing to pay a salary o ioo6 To eoo doli^ars PerYoar, snd expenses. Por further particulars addrtM ' W.B. MOR. HOUBE it 00- . • - „ ' fl 4 6£xchancePlaee, Nov. 1.-Bm. Jersey CltyTw? J. 'pwo SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS *° JOEUS SHOEMAKER/ At the poet Office. ? s E V E JT T E A R S. THE SEVEN YEABS OP- UNRI. .1. rakdancccaa attending Gw Cosmopolitan Art Association, m^unby hoUBehold eTeryquarter nno hnmi h h.^P ,CBB thto popnlw Institution, over3oo - 000 homes hsTe learnt to Appreciate-—bv bnintiAii _ n^. °*thf ° U on their tables benefit derived from becoming a subscriber leled wit?^ ho * h * iug rowlv ®d in a ratio unparal leled with that of any previous year. * ianu TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . peftwn can become a member by subscribing throe dollars, for-which sum they will receive' ° 1 entiUed/ 16 186 BUperb steel 30x88 Inches. “ falstaff MUSTERING HIS RECRUITS.” n M-One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrate “THB COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL.” 3d—Four admissions, during the season, to The Gallery of Paintings; 549, Broad way, New York. =,jL a ?. dition t 0 the f boTe benefits, there will be given to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over FIVE HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL WORKS OP ART! comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians. outlines Ac .. forming a truly national benefit. ’ enL h U«} 11 1. r v!^ Vi xi g- T hich e . T ? ry subscriber will receive, entitled, Falstaff Mustering his Recruits.” is one of Hi. most DeautifiU ard popular engravings ever issued in tiiis country It to done on steel, in fine line and OD lieavy l ,lato P ft P er > 30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either the nf V ar °o ? r , Ce- ItB sub J ect “ the celebrated scene receiving, injustice Shallow’s office, the rMi-uite which have been gathered for bis "ragged regi ton five doUare “* farai * l ‘* i by to trade for toss The Art Journal is too weli known to the whole country to need commendation. It to a magnificently illustrated *e ag t.v th ° f Art ’““ iu K Stories, Poems, Gossip, Ac., by the very best writers in America. V 7^' 6 e r u f rt r iD K i* sent to any part of the country by mail, with safely, being packed in a cylinder, nostage prepaid. Subscriptions will be received until the evening of tiic 31st of January, 1861, at which time the books will close and the premiums be given to subscribers. No person to restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting $l5, arc entitled to five memberships and to one extra engraving for their trouble. Subscriptious from California, the Canadas, and ail for eign countries, must be $3,60 instead of $3, in order to de fray extra postage, etc. I For further particulars send for a copy of the elegantly illustrated Art Journal, pronuuced the hamtoomet maim ziue in America. It contains Catalogue of premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Regular price, 50 cents per number. Specimen copies, however, will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt of 18 cents, in stamps or com. Address, C. L. DKKBY, Actuary C. A. A. w „ - , , frW Broadway, A’cw Fork, n lii7i'rnr.^ c . r ' l °? received and forwarded by D. T. CALDWtLL, Agent for Altoona and vicinity, where speci men fcngraviiigg and Art Journal can be seen. 1 G £ vV A'DVJOJf Hew-York Be&eyolcmt infirmary, established iqte. And dpvotedto to the Dif fusion qf Medical Knowledge for the Prevention of Disease -?d to the relief of those e&e ritoKandsKd w4hCW “ lc . a “J . Vl . n » u ' n l t Disorders. Tdthia end this (mdovtol, tocuubto the sick *ndeufferiug throughout the S±^2f, 0 / 10 a ;» 1J th ® Ktomou* d l OJ ,or °™ x o f professed Physicians, which thousands and tens of thousands annually . ■^ e r° 1 i owiDg a '. re Bome of * e diseases we cure, not only at the Jnfirmary but in all parts of our country: * Consumption and Pulmonary Complaints. Ferers. Scrof ula, Dyspepsia, Eye and Ear Disease, Cancers and other tumors, Jaundice and Diver Complaint. Seminal Weakness, and all diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, from whatever cause or whatever nature. Our object will be to give joy to the afflicted by effecting in alt cases a speedy cure. Our rule is to charge nothing for advice and written pre scriptions; but will furnish when requested the very best medicines Ht the lowest ntes, * These remedies are prepared in our own Laboratory, un der the care af able Chemists, and are the most reliable known to science, including all the recent discoveries. To all addressing u- by letter, containing full account of symptoms and appearances of disease, age, occupation, Ac.. we will write a candid riply, with advice and directions ijl c “ r ?’ sent 118 when sending for advice will be devoted to furnishing medicine for the poor. In all coses medicine can be sent by mail or express if desired. Send lor one or more of our works and judge for yourselves. Also published at the Inh rmary, to aid these objects THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, causes, symptoms, diet, bathing and exorcise. Price 60 cts. THE LADIES' MEDICAL FRIEND, AND TDK PHYSIOLOGY ON MARRIAGE. A wort on the cause, symptoms and treatment of all complaints peculiar to the 'sex, on marriage, its duties, abortion anddts results, on Children, their Oil, and on the prevention of conception, with Invaluable Instructions to them on subjects of a private nature. Price 25 cents. The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion, . . AM) PRIVATE ADVISER. A bopk for tlieolil and young, embracing the Pathoirgy, Prevention and Cure of ail Disease* of the Urinary and sfx ual organs, and a warning voice of advice and counsel, such as to be found in no other work. Price 25 cents THE GUIDE AND GUARD for evert ose. : It exposes all the Humbugs, and the various Tricks to entice the side and well. It illustrates the plans of the Ituackd and Hogues to dnpo every one. It iruidcs the m>. Z aT Z ‘j!L r0 n ngh aud Bh ° ws swind Wthea^. It shows how all lands of food, Medicines, Liquors and S. W Pric“ &{l WUh ** mCaaa 0t detoctin S the THE HOUSEHOLD AND FARM. ; PLANTATION AND SHOP. For eyery family, having over 1000 receipt* on Cooking, ,/Z r A DS 1 DB ' How to plant andwhat is the heat to raise. How to cure animals, advice tohonse keepera, fanners and mechanic*, on 1000 subjected ihter est. Price lucent*. Worth $lO to any one. the consumptives book. . £?ra hose , "I 10 w !? h . to K® l wen fro® that awful disease, a full description of all the remedies used lor it, with a I mT centt* 116 WBwlt8 ’ and other US6f “ I ir>fnrm °- The info'■tuition In them is not to be found in ariy works £l,l h ’ n l l i.°l! ta . iliab i e frum any other source/ These bound 81 * * nb ,* telleotbecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and re place it with Wolfe’s pure Wines and Liquors, We understand that Mr. Wolfe, ifor the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Winesaud Liquors Such a manL and such a merchant. Should ho sustained against his teiU of thousands of oppo nents in the United States, who sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For sale by A. ROUSH. [Sept. 13,18«0-6m.to. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT tub “MODEL STORE!” TI/'E AltE HAPPY I’O INFORM We a "aßain °“ haDd * With a “ fall goods, which we think have been bought at prices that will ena ble us to compete with any other house In this section of country. VV e have now on hands a larger stock of fine Goods than hasi heretofore been brought ‘to this place and « e hope the ladies will appreciate our efforts to please their tastes by calling and looking at our stock, which wo take pleasure in showing. 'VVe have many novelties in Dress Goods, among some of which are the following. Wool Delaines. Mohair Mixtures, Oriental Lustres, Palestors. Brocade Mohairs Silk Brilliants , isil/c Poplins, Brocade Poplins, Ghent Valencies. Kep Poplins, Figured Cashmeres . Mottled Merinos, Wool Plaids, Fig. French Merinos. Plain do. Together with a full stock of all kinds of Domestic and Shiple Dry Goods. Cloaking, Cloths, Casslmeres. Satinetts, a*™ Mltaes and Children’s Shawls, Cloaks rai d m l « h D o US J'^ s ’ Hosiery, Gloves, Woolen Goode, Carpets Oil Cloths, Bed Comforts. Blankets; Ac- Ac. We ask particular attention to our present stock of BOOTS AND; SHOES, which we feel sure are cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere. Wo have also our usuaj. supply of , 6 Groceries, Gueensware, Hardware, . Hwoden and IFiUotj) Ware. fn a word, we think onk- present stock of Goods worth an examination by persons wishing to buy, and cordially in v!te our friends to drop in and see us. 3 Oct. 4. 1860. J. A J. LOWTHEB. NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT HI LEMAN’S. The subscriber informs his customers, and the public Orally, that ho has Inst received a largo and beautiful assortment of '■ fall and winter goods, ’ which, for magnificence extent and variety, have never folnvherto e orst^ n of lairCOnaty ' attention LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as Blade and PUncy Silks, Chatties, Barges, Brilliants Baums, Delaines, Chintss, Dtßeges , Crapes, Prints ’ Crape and Stella Shawls, MantiUds, Hosiery, Bonnets and BibbonsiCbOars, Hand kerchieft, Kid Gloves, Hooped Skirts, Skirt ing, Lace Mitts, dx l. «fc. FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, We have Cloths, Cassimerjs, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Ac. and at prices that cannot fail to please. r H ‘ y GROCERIES. sssumt™,-. ie. ** Black T r’ MoWB>soap8 > . Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronasa heretofore received, he hopes by strict b2K thf»ml an endeavor *° P' easo ’*® merit a bontinnanpe of O^s^rLWcS. 0 ' 811 “?* toke “ to Oct. 25, 1860. j,J. B HI LEMAN. Salt River Passengers, Ho ! A s THB SUBSCRIBER WILL BE “ ndartha leaving early In November for, 0 ? 6 h r ad wat S” of S**“ RiTer, In the ship UNION, which Will pos Are ly sad about that;time; and knowing that many of my friends will go along and will want an pntflt I take this opportunity of infonnmg them aa weU as all my old friends and customers, that! have just re turned from the East, where I purchased a largo rtoefc of Goods, which X am now openlhg stray store in North Ward, to Which 1 invite inspection. Tt is the LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST as well as the CHEAPEST, lot of Goods brought to the town this fall. The reason why I say the caiAnsz is ob vlons to every r. fleeting mind, beegWw the season ad vancesi (the merchants in the east say) prices decline, there fore I have an advantage of Atom 20 p) 25 per cent, over who purchased early in the season, and 1 can and wUI sell cheaper than any other house In the place. Pur chMere will thus at once see the pitjriety Jltt : and Strom] Hats, - *P d everything in the llne of Dry Goods and Notions which It Is ntmeeeesary to'ennmerate. All of which will be sold “f t° prompt paying monthly customers, or ex changed for ail aViHdes of Produce which can be consumed here or exchanged for goods in the East. „ * - A. McCORMICK. ' N> B.—Thoiubacriber has arrangements in the East by which'he can simply any article at short notice. Altoona. Oct 25. MflO. A. McCormick. Bakery and Grocery Store. rpHE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON- J. ■ STiNTfcT on hand ! Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c. PEED, BACON, FLOTJB, GROCERIES, ; Also, a choice lot of SUGARS end TOBACCO. JACOB ’RINK, Ntfr. 10. Virginia Street, below Aioie Street. ONLTf DISCOVERY Worthy of any Confidence for restoring THE BALD,AND GRAY. Many, sincothe great discovery of Prof. Wood, htrs bn tempted not'only to imitate his restorative, bet Mote te , j***J ilbwwnd something that would produce results Man “c~» Dot they bare all come and (tone, being carrfedeway by Uw wartwftii raealta of Prof. Wood’s preparation,and tedUe WlSrinlt 0 :- T# “* “ to “* a t a « „B««rHs, April 18th,188». ■J» Wo4 Cd.: letter I frote joa }^ 6 concerning: tout valuable Hair Reiterative, Lid y ° U {** y ® P u Wished in this vicinity and elsewhere. Jus given rise to numerous inquiries touching the fltets in The enquiries are. first, is it a feet of «, hSw “ stated in the communication; second, i*, t ™° third, does my hair sUU j**.** llo B°°d order and of natural color 1 lo all 1 can and do answer invariably yes. Mv hair is ksr *«**■*• rn.y_.uge of m, SiTfor 40 pTma™ better colored; the same is true of my iT k » e ““I Hi? ool , y cauSo wh . v It is not generally traZ S.f^TwS^S 61 * W ** bod 2* *«xiuent abluffij th 6 wf, when if cure were used by wipw the fhee in ckM connection with the whiskers, the same result wU fellow 55 1 been in the receipt of a great number ? f ** on ? *** P«e of New England, asking me if my hair still continnes to be goal; as there is so muchjhmd “ the mannfectnre and sale of various compounds afewell as this, it has, no doubt, been basely imitated and been used I not only without any good effect, but to absolute injury.— ' A. m»ve not used any of your Restorative of any account tor , some months, and yet my hair la aa good sa ever, and hun dreds have examined it with surprise, as I am now 61 years j old upd not a gray hair in my head or on my fece; and to prove this feet, Pseud you a lock of my hair taken off fee ; 1 reccived your favor of two quart bottles lost summer, for which I am very grateful. I gave it to my friouds and hereby Induced them to try It, many were tkep ticai until after trial* and then purchased nod osod it with K UCC *ufV I ** a that you Mod by which I can discover fraud in the Kevtorative* sold by mm, I fear, without authority from you. A pure article w ill luaure succeed uud I believe where good effeotl u?*? w ’ !• ctnNd by iho impure articles which curses the inventor of the good. 1 deem it my duty as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued feflhct °, n hair, as I assure all who enquire of mo of my un -1 shaken opinion of its valuable results. I remain, dear sir, T° nre . A. 0, RAYMOND. _ _ _ Aawhw Box, Kv„ Nov. 30. 1848. Pnor. 0. J. Wood : Dear Sir.—l would certainly be doing you a great injustice not to make known to the world, the wonderful, as well as unexpected result I have experienced from using one bottle of your Hair Restorative. After using oveo *md of Restoratives extant, but without success, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, 1 was finally in duced to try a battle of your Hair Restorative. Now, can dor and justice compel me to announce to whoever may road this, that I now possess a new and beautital growth ot hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the original wait I will therefore take occasion to recommend this invaluable remedy to &u who may feel the necessity .. t- D you a, Rxy. 8 ALLEN BEOQK, I. B.—This testimonial of my approbation for >onr vah nable medicine (as you are aware of) la unsolicited, bat if you think it worthy a place among tho rest, .insert if you wish;. If not destiny ant shy Yours, Ac, Rev H A B. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sixes. via: large, medium and small; the small holds U a pint and rutoiU for one dollar per bottle; the medhuiubolaß IfMt twenty per cent more in proportion than tho smaiLretoda for two dollars per bottle;: the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion an. 4 retails for S 3 a bottle. • O J WOOD 1 00.. Proprietors, Jnd 114 Market street. St. Louis, Mo. And said by all nod Druggists and Fnncy.Odbds.lfealers. [Dec. 6, ’6o3ni ■miHuam Mbs. winslow, an expebi- ENCED NURSE AND FEMALJS’PH'SSICIAN, pt*- bguu to the attention of mothers her* 9 , SO O THING SYRUP! FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. ' wiilch greatly Cicilltatca the process of teething, by soften mg the gums reducing all inflammation will allay Mia sad spasmodic action, anti is ture to reoutaie the Bmoeu' Depend npon it mothers., it will glee rest to yonradvs*. and RtUef and Health to yourJnfixtUt, 1 9 Wo hare put up and sold this article for over ton feats, and can say, in confidence and truth of it, what we hare never been able to say of any other medicine—never I»as ft B single instance, to effect a cuts,'when timely used- Never did we an instance of Bi m «i.a. fttnn C* al jy °“ e who used it. On, the contrary, all are itoUghtSl with its operations, and speak in terms of highest commen daHon of its magical effects and medical virtues. Weapeak In this matter “ what we do know,” after tonysafa* mmO. riea.ee, *»d Pl°dg? ottr reputation for the OtUUment of what we here declare. ’ln almost every Instance where the ia font fa suffering firom pain and exhaustion, relief will be ministered*** 11 ° r * wen * y mlnute * after* imp fc’ ad .uThiHall,Rb!? P re P* r *tion Is.the prescription of ona of *he most experienced and skillful nurses in Niter England, o/camr beenUBed with never-fldUng success In It hot only relieves the child from pain, but Invigorate# the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and glrnMmw and energy to the whole system. ' It will almost instantly relieve; Griping in the BowtU and Wind Colic, andovsr! come Convnlsoins, which, it not tpeedCy remedied?end in w'Vm i it the Serf and rarest remedy In the "I 1 ™- in “H ?f Dysentery and Diarrhoea in children! whether it arises from teething or from.any other cause Wo would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let Judies, nor the prejudice, of others, stand between suffering child and the relief that will be sure—yes. abso- ) he nse of tills medicine, y if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bow Ko-WC*tar .treet, N T. Great Rush to “ DAN’S,” THB OLD FREIGHT CONDUCTOR'S Cheap Clothing Store, Ip Kessler’s old Drag Store, on Virginia St. “ HAN” IS DETERMINED NOT A/ to be ouKlone by any one, in the *al» of READY-MADE CLOTHOC ° th - r No ?^ 8- Ho hna 4 largo stock of Overcoats, rf the best quality and latest styles, black and fcncr and p,^ D r.^S‘ n 7 SU,K T ESTS ’ Frock snd DwJecSunj of every color, qnality and style, tot Gents Shawls, Hats, Caps, Boot* and Shot! of everyth, quality and price for oldandyouna Ladiesfine Dress, and Morocco Boole, Men’s Morocco lace Soots, Ladies and Missed Gaiters, and a great variety of Ckilr : , - T drate Shoes. Ladies Notice, Children’s fancy Bats and Hoods, Gents Shirts, Undershirts and Drawers, ' Collars. Gloves,- Hosiery, Handkerchiefs; , Ladies' Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, £e., in greatwariety, assortment of tfARPETINO of ali stvlss ■£« prioi»,?rarkms patterns of Oil Cloths. KtiA Cow? BlsAets, Muslin. Sheeting, Trunks, Carpet Bags; YsHm’ LadJea' Morocco Sachets, Umbrellas, Pan Sols, ate. ’ ; WATCHES AND JEWELRY of every such as Breast Pins, Kar-Bings, Finger Bracele *«‘ Gold and Silver Fob Chains.* Children sQoId and Coral Tuck-ops, Oent’a Shirt Studs! udlea and Gent's Sleeve Buttons, silver Table and Ths “P9°°»i Portmonaies, Pocket Knives, Pistols, Pocket, Side and Back Combs; Tooth, Hair and Clothes Brushes: Soaha ud Toilet Articles, 4c., 4e., all of which will be sohTaS th olou/etl prices. Be sure and call at “ Dan’s" before vow go clsewhers and yon will save money. $ D. LAUQHMAN, Agent Altoona. Oct. 4,1860.-3 m Tl TORE GOOD NEWS I . .* * I*A undersigned baa Juit received from tha frdf - a Urge and railed asaortment of ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS, constating of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING-, material for PINE AND COARSE OVERCOATS, material for BOYS’ CLOTHING; GENTS FURNISHING QUODS, •nch u Undenbirte. DnurcU, Sn« sender* Neci-tlea, Han.lkwchiofa “'d Bt tbe low«t prie«. r:r w®Tl I**? m *^eop in the Tory Heat (ML ftteBt £aahiona J on abort notice. Tfc Nov. 1.1869-tf THOMAS BLWAT;V- Qiteensware, just receive^ A large and fashionable assortment at the store of — J. b mi.ByAy.v- A LL THE STANDARD PATEIT ilmwonußM i. tf . t- :«■ i -v