SAtfHVG FUND. -. RULES. ' 1. Money Is-mslved every Jay, and In any amount, lam or email. r- •,--!£ t.TiT*-MR‘Cl?tt.intefest la paid Tor money from*the'day MiSPOtin. t.- : - ~ rr-j-ff/c 3. The money In alwiiyspalabn’ck In mid whenever it 1« eaUsddbr, and »llhoat, notjc<£; -U 1 T ' 4‘Honey U' received '■ r ExrctUors, Adminitiraiort, Cuardiont, and other* seflodferfre ffi'wSrtthaplace of psrfect htPrAtaldedfor it. 6. The. money received Staff -dupoaityr* -is - invested in ■JUStt KiTyitE, Mortoaofi. Qrocxd semts, and such otiiar first djwpßenrltias “» the d We**-' ’ OT#? 0. Office Ifouri—Urery day from 9.ti1l Sp’eloelt, and on Thnrtdaya tfll it O'clock in the STtttinK. B4HWBR, ftmdWWiC' ”, ' ROBERT SKIiFRiDOE, Vies t-rsaidsat. ' r* ' ! ,E«T«t»ry- y’.'' r y . ' 'Me ' ; DIRECTORS/ L. BsMKia, • - faannatan, ItowAao t. Csa»«, ■, -E.tXsmtmfeßaawana, HpiWWfiIWWWH, v. C.J.U9MTB Mvmu, UsKitrDim*»*»na. . - Walnut Straet, B. W. Comer.o&'tbtrdßt.'PbUa JCI/v- »-r jhu^dkj,ei«a. A Skatedttii'JiuHbUion utabiithod by Special • Endowment, J» tMMetkf ef the. Biek and DUlratcd. afUeUdvitk Ptraltaluristf end ctpecially fir th* Curt afJHttaits of the Satual Organ t. ~ i- p tlon;(«ge; occupation. habits of Tift. Ac.,) and In cases of extrema poverty. Medicines tarnished fro* l of eliarg*.' ' VALUABLE and ether dtyuuipe.or the Bexim! QVjhdi!. and bn* ilie sewwuisdixs •mp#w«;liS The Dispensary, sent to th« affllitcd in sealed, gtWllSwsard AssoeDißdh; Tfo. 2SohtU"Nipth Slyest, .fejdl-. .Jiy.prdcr-oftheDirectors, - l >r ' ! . . ' EZRA D. MJ&RTTOBLLi/Wl. - QSO. EAIRCn) LD, Sec')/. _ _ {Jm J9,/«0/ly “ a,VENN’S " OM P|ig£ J3A? SK^E, iVor/A West Comer qf :Kightk and Race Streets, PIIIL4DELPiIU- . ... THE PUB DIG ARE KBSPBCTPISL LY luvltedtobearin.inind ihgt at thhJStor* may bo (bond an assort mentoffojh londh ie rind handsome iloUttdn Dries ITats, Soft Hats, High, !>>w-and Medium Depth Crown. Cloth and Glased Cap*. Plash apd Plush Trimmed Cape for Men &ad B .ye, Fancy lUwoodJlsps lor Children, at I'M? Price*. ■■■.' JW-NO TWO PRIORS BORtRKaBLAR OOOBB.'W Jam 12,1860.-ly FEED AND PRO JIN STORB.V\ - ! V inform the citltens of Altoona anri viclnity that he ha* opened a store of tbo above kind, near the.corner of Ad.aline and Julia streets, East Altoona, Where, hu Will ksepconstontly on hand afuU *up jdy ot'erery thing Ih bis line.- Hi* G R 0 CER lE.S ar»;|Jl fresh.and will he sold at price* a* low ki.thoM or any other establishment in town. - Uis etuclf of provision*, consisting of ' 1 JPlour, Ham*, Shoulders, Side dec, will haloid a little cheaper than they can be t nghteny w -Hl* Flour I* obtained from the .beet mill* in Uit Tnntern part of Omßtate, and l» warranted to be what It i, Mpj-eeeijtjd. - All,-kinds of feed for hone*, eow* aiid hug*, always on band.';' it^M^itot thatl. shallatoll •Mw.TW jpw tnenpply my customers with' whatever they MS B**d,;«ndXintend also, to Sell .at .price* which will enake lta iavlng to those who patronize my store. ./nIy22.WM Jlm. HENRY BELL. flu lb : SPOUTING, &C. S3UGG AVOUUD RESPECT. » fully inform the citizens of anaylotoity tlfftt lie keeps constantly on hand ' Urge assort men t of OMHng, Pi rim-. Office oijdBHHBB Shop Stasis, of *ll style* BOd sizes,.to'suit the want* inf all, which he with sell at low prices, on, reason able terns. - ■ 'He also keep? on hand a large' stpick of Tin and Sheet- Ired Tfhre. -consisting of all amcles for culinary purposes— Cbal Saages, Stove Pipe. bwiie Sfiicfe of excellent Wines, for medlsiaal pur rosea, with slot uf tha beat old Bye WhL-key to bs foubd ln the country. -jpJpon%pay 2T,JBW.-ly] which % nowagitate*'the mtodnf evufyperson-jiga- ‘ - it, where can f.get the bent article formySW,. inonpy,Jn regard to other matter*, the sub acriuSr would net attempt to direct, hut if yon 'IHL went ahytmng in the line of l ' <800358 OB SHOES ho invitefan examination oflits stock and -work. He keeps constantly on hand an assortment of Do its, Shoos, Gaiters. SUpperij’Ac.. whlch he offers at fclr pric-s. He will give special attention to chnto w irk, all ol which will be warruntad-to gfvreatUlhctibu. Noaelmt the best workmen are .employed . , -■ '* Bamemlier my shop is oh Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler's Drugstore. ■ ■ " September 3. Wltf] •: ' JOHN Hi ROBERTS. • JOTTb Persona out of 'Employment. (, o;'AGmim IttwSry v Cdmity of the Halted States, rjpO ENGAGE JN THE. SALE OF i ’ some vf the best and most elegantly illustrated works poojllhrd: i ; ;'v Onf pnbllcations are of the most interesting character,' adapted to thu,wants of the Farmer, NU mm of enterprise and indnstrion* &abiu. this . buKetf otKra SmTipportunlty for profitable employment ■wlijhia tq be met wlthl' ■ . • *• • t •-• A KBi. wwonsdisslring to act os agents wjil receive prompt ■ It by mall Inii particulars. .terras.’at~ liy addressing r — XEVRV, OETZ 4 rx), „ No. 224, North Second Street, Philadelphia. ROfe^lh.’dO—om. , - %f v ' ' r ~ * • i CABINET-WARE, ■ P- ItUx Ml, 31. !>., . j i and attend to the duties ol an TODERTAKKK. * '©ffor* his profeMionml service* toth* citiMn* of i Two good Cabinet-Makers andonoapprentiee want'd. Altoona And vicinity. ■ / "■ ‘ | Altoona, Apr. 12.1800. JAS«. T UilOttK. Thereat of-r«fer«iu:oa con be Riven If required. : —— ' Office at rosidenep pn praoch etreet, East Altoona, three TITEDIGATED FJMI fIH'KS^^PROI ir»| M i s«e sink^M*fsMiTO 41*.. Kuril,. '~» k ” »-r.’ SAFITY teUst Company. —NA/ri(^L Coumn ity' Tin JOHN BOWMAN. . .PgOEt L; HILLER’S SAFE .ANDECO XHI'JIOSTICAL compound, * FOR- sKSroRmG aua y /taix toM color WtQtohtdyjsing, and presuming Uia hsto from turning FOJi 'FRETTfNTIXG BA LDXESS, aad/curinglt, when there is the least particle of vitality or recuperative eu- . „J roiTityuqriNG scuff ed aii cotawWns ‘affect ir ns at thr- Scalp." “ - s*** “ THE UAlIi, i m partingJto Ran an eqttalhal rfoaraud-brijliaucy, makiug:lt*SitSlW’silky in Its texttw alifl causloplt to cnrl readfly.'e» Theyrnakt-eelebrlty and the -increasing deaiand tor Hiis nnenuattSd preparation, convince the pwsprletorthat one trlsbbr OBjflr necessary of its thehesd antf scalp from'OdMlTt&iand other cutaneous diseases, causes tlie hair to grow lux orient ly-andsiveslts rich, toft, glossy flexible appearance, ami also where the hair to loosening nod thlniag, it will give strength, and vigor to tbe.roou. sod restore thegrowth to thrash parts which have become bald, causing it to yield a fresh catering of hair. There arwhuudred* ladies and gentlemen in New York whohave had their hair restored :by the use of this Invigo>ator. when all other preparations bad failed. L.M. has in hto possession- letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persona of the highest respectability. It will-eflSsetnally, prevent the huir from tumiuggray until the latest period of life; and In case* where-the hair basal ready Changed (u color, the use of the Invigoratoi will with ccrtaiaty to Us original hue, giving it a dark, f lossy appearance. As a perfume lor the toilet and a Hair Ksstomtive. it to particdlariy recommended, having so sgreesble fragrance; and the great (anilities it affords in dressing (he hair, which,"Whenmoist with the Invigorator can be dressed iu any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in cnrls—hence the great demand far f t by 'the ladies eta a standard MM article which none onght tu he wUhoat,as the prlceplaess it within the reach ef all, being. ONLY 35 CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists.and perfu mers. I. miller: Fould call the attention of Parents and fimrdians to tbs nse ofthclnvigofator. in cases where the Childrens’ Jlair inclines to be weak, fho use of it .lays the foundation for a good head nfJmir, os it removes nny impu ritiea that may have become connected .with the sculp, the removal of,wbich is necessary both for the health of the child, and.the future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION.—Nope genuine without the toe simile LOUIS UfLUKK being on the outer wrapper; also. L. MILLER’S HAIR XNYIOOKATOR, Si. Y. blown in the glass. Wliolesnlr Depot. US Dey St., and sold by all the princi pal MerchauU-and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal diß.ount to pnrebasera by the quantity. 1 also desire to present to the American Public my r- New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE which lifter years of scientific experimenting! have bronuht to perfection.. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the ftairor Skin, warranted the bust article of the kind in existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 23. W-ly. '~f I S ‘QQ- •f t- f I . ho I js - rvl I .s 05 rM 011 q l Iff n A. p s j§ - % £ L_J ® S g"S S 2 «tb » cc >5 s c -a -g S' _ sM„s_os a a « -S yiad 63 te s q ’ s- cop h“ g ->|i«si d j 0 r-T-1 £3«lSai 88 |n , ’|N g§i W g to J B 0 - WJ § 3:iifc «i 99 H HH O IT' § o£N M Z _•-r . .«• i p || Q O r SSi g “I O ii .* H . S sj*= -T »i» I * si* h S O{? 1 i |PI s h-1 I H 1 BAIL ROAD LANDS FOR SALS, OX LOXQ CREDIT. AND AT LOW KATES OF INTEREST rpHiE HAJtyßAfi AND 6T. JOSEPH I RAILROAD COMPANY, having over COO,QUO ACHES ofLAN'D lying in the State of Missouri, which was grant ee!, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction ot thoir Rood, offer the principal portion thereof, for sale, on the most liberal terms. The greater pirt of these lands are within six, and all within fifteen miles of the Railroad, which is now comple ted. tn»d open for use .thfimghout its.entire length (206 mil A.) nod rum through a country, which is unsurpassed by any in thu salubrity of its climate, the fertility of its toil, and the extent'of.its miacrafresonrces.' For further Information, apply at the Land office of the Company, or addresa by fetter, JOSIAU HUNT, Land CommUtioner, 11. & St. Jo. R. R. Hannibal, SIo. ' . Feb. 2, ’60.-ly.« GROCERY, PRO VISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOE STOKE. The undersigned would in form the public that he has purchased tho interest or A. MILLIKON in tho Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia qtreet, below Caroline Bt., where be will continue tho business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FbpCU, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES DRIED BEEP. FISH. SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, StJOAR,sk>ICEa CONFECTION ARILS, and everything nstUlly kept In Grocery and Provision Stores, all of whiclDie receives from the eastern and western cities, anff yill sell at toe most reasonable prices. Having recently-obtained license to'sell liqnbr by whole sale. I will keep constantly bn liand a large assortment ol liquors of the best qualities to be })nd. 1 respectftUly eollcit ashore of publiccustom. Jnlv 12.1880.-6 in. J. BKUKOWITZ.' r rq THE PUBLIC.—T UEEII K JL bC HIRER (having taken the establ i-hmm t heretofore owned by aninel 1, Fries.) weuM an «, nonneo to the citizens of Altoona aud vioinity, swfe) that he has removed his M&ijyil WHOLESALE AND RETAIL & STOVE STORE. J* to the new bnlldingon Annie street.-between Harriet and Adeline streets. East Altoona, where he will keepoonstant ty on hand a large assortment ,of everything in his line, which he will dispose nfbuy asonoble terms. KOpFINO & SPOUI'INGh put up on’ short notice. -He also mann/actnres Leaded Irox S|H)uting, whtch is sold to ho much superior to gal vahfeed or tin. Uejtas also attached a copper-smithing boom to tabllsbmetit and will keep onjmud an' assortment of cop per and jbrqaakettles. Ac. ' ' Alt kliidsbfJ.jb work promptly attended to. ' A share of puhllcpatronago la respectfully solicited. - ' . . STEPHEN WINTERS. Altoona, Ang. 16th. 1860. ■ , T>BD LION HOTEL. JQu _ ; , JitToqxA, blajr countt. pa .mS old established,and popaIarHOTJSL. located nearly oppofiiie tlie place orstoj-j'lng, the passenger We in Alton-» jei.has passed Into'the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants me In assuring the travelling public that no pains will be spared to render gnests us comfortable as possible while sojourning under my roof. . ", ■. a ■ The.TABhE wlllconstantlybe supplied with .the rsry best the market affords. " 4 . The BAR will be found to contain an excellent assbrt taent of-UQUORS Of ril l^nds,.including that choice bore rap! LAGKB KBEB. - h - ■■ ** ln <^*argo ,an cxoeUentaUd'ezperi- The-proprietor hopes, by his long the husines and the facilities at his command, to make the Red Llon.iln all reepocts, a first ciase Hotel. The business of the Hotel will be under my own personal superirlaten. A liberal share of public oatronageisklndiy solicited' JOHn *r. SauWBICKttT, Ptimridor. May 1», 1859.-tf ’ • w auk-room -^tbe undersigned respectfully informs the public’that he ha* taken the ware-room two doors from the Blanch K< ad, whore be will keep on baud all kinds of " Depot. 66 Day Bt.. New York. LIFE PILLS and PIKENIX BITTERS. -i beenbidbretbe nubile fer- yaara. and during that tkMkovs maistaMM a high character ta dnMdeverylpart of the globe, Ar their sattnsor'dinajry and immediate power of restoring pardbct health toperaoMsuf-' ferlngunder inearl y every kind of dtota•■■'■■' -,i‘ ■>;-*. vSho Allowing areftmoug the distressing variety cf hn maa diMeseV in whteh tbe -VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to b« infallible. DiSPEPSJA. bvthnrouKhlvcleansing the first and sec ond stomachs. and«iieaticgtt ffowofpurp.-heal thy bile, in stead of the stale stfdm-ridfclna ; -PIATtILKNCY. Lorn or Appidtte.liesrttrarin.llaadacfae.,Restlessness. 11l Tamper, Aukity. Languor. and Melancholy, which arc the general.: symptoms ofX>ytpep.ui, will - vanish, as a natural oonse qoan^ofJtaoaiM.i . QOBTJVSNKBB, by cleansing tbe whole lehgtbof the in testines With n Solventpmcess, nod without violence; all violent purges lea vbitbe bowels iwlive'wiihln two days'. FEVERS Of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu lar .circulation, tbrough the.procesa of respiratjon in such ! the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruc tion in niber*. I : , The LiftiMediciries have beenknown tocnreRHKUMA- TlflM'permanentlyin three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by i etdovmg local inflammation from thsmuscles and ligament* of the joints. \ DUOHSTris Of all kinds, by frecingand strengthening the kidney* itudj bladder: they operate most delightfully on, there important orpins, and hence have ever lieen found a certain iemitdy fortbcWorstcaaeS of GRAVEL. Also WS JItMS. by dislodging froin th>-,turnings of the Bowel* the slimy nmttcr to which tliese creatures adhere. SCURVY. ULCEJIB. and I 0 VETERATE SOHJEB. by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and nit the humors. SCORBUTICEROI'TIOJfS arid BAD COMPLEXIONB. by : their a’terative efrpct upQU the fluids that feed tlie skin, and the uioijbid sbaeof which occasions all ernptive com plaints. sallow, cloprty. and •ther dtnagreeaolec mplexions. The use of there iPlll* fora Very short time will effect ap entire cure qfSALT KllhCM, and » striking improvement in the clearness of the skln. COMMON COLDS and IN FLUENZA Will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst case*. PlLES.—lpiia original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Pile.?, ot So years standing, by the use of the Life Medicinesßione. FOVER Is AGUE.—For thtosconrgc of the IVeetorn conn try- - these medicines will be fonnd asftfe. speedy anu certain renn-dy. Other medicine? leave the system subject to a re turn of the dispose—a cure by these medicines is perma nent—try them be satisfied, ami be cared. BILLIOUS FEVERS ane LIVER COMPLAINT?.—Gen eraI debility. loss pf appetite and diacawe of females—the medicine* lieVt* been used witii tbe most beneficial results Jn cases of tliia description Kings Evil and Scrofula. in its worst forms yields to tbe mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous pa bility. Nervous Complaints of all kinds Palpitation of tbe Heart. Painters’ Colic, are speedily cured. - MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose censtitutionfl have become impaired by ;he injudicious use of Mem ry, will And th)ise medicines a perfect cure. as they ucrer fail to I iadicate frum the system all tbe elfvctb of Mercury, in finitely sootier than the most powerful preparation of Sar saparilla j Prepared pad -sold -by- W. B. MOFFAT, 303 Broadway, Now York. For sale bjy all Druggists. [repp IS: 1?60-Iy. DIRECT FROM SEW YORK. RA;. 0.; KliltH HAS JUST UK 'm turned from New York City with a beautiful us sortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, I , consisting iu part of ~ Fancy Winter Silke, only 65 ernti< per yard, Black Brett Silks *• $1,20 per yard. Japanese Cloth—a beautiful fabric for ladies' dresses—Mexican Fladt, Poil de Chevros. a most complete assortment of the latest patterns of Dlaiui*. Opera Cloth, plain Delaines only 20 cents per yaid. they' have always In-vu sold at 2C cts in this market. Also, n bountiful assortment of the challenge Wnmßiitta Prints, now acknowledged to be the le-st prints in market, mid a handsome’ assortment of fast colored prints from o to 10 cts per yard. Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Caps, Woolon fur liuli«*s nnJ children, un unaur* pugged et'>ck of Hosiery, together with nu abundance and variety of eVorythinp hi the Xvtlon and Trimming line He coils special attention to hi* beautiful ascortment of QU EF.XBWA K E, which Is acknowledge I to be the most complete of any in the town, and sold at prices defying competition. Teasels, consisting of 46 pieces, sold at $4 00. BOOTS AND SHOES, Iron 1 I( w York, and bniiHbt from first h an 1 ALL WOOL. INGRAIN, LIST. HEMP AND IfAG CARPETS, CLOTHS from 1 to 2 yards wide. directly BRUSSELS] OIL UU stuck ol I GROCERIES In every respect, and will so sold at as low a y honse this side of tlie city. leo. is complete figure as an I oct ii. id P\TW oil i Unrivaled pci est po.talilc store jf the ’ purchasing strata NT KEIIOSENE OK CAKBON -ASIPB! | in Beauty. Simplicity Safety or Economy. iwn desiring to obtain the very best and cheap i light Within their roach, shonld call at the undersigned and examine tliese Limps befoiV dsewbere. and we pledge ourselves to demon- . lilt. Thai 2d. Thai 3d. Thu , 4th. Thai NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion, they omit no offensive odor while burning, they are very easily trimmed, they are easily regulated to giro more or loss tht. w they bum entirely free from smoko, it the light is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than toy other light now In common use. rips are admirably adapted for the nseof Btu- Binicsi Seamstresses, Factories. Ualls. Churches, els. and are highly recommended for family use. icr of the Carbon Dll'Lamp can be attached to timing and table fluid and oil lamps, at* small id will answer every purpos* of a new lanp. an toe perfect satisfaction In all cases. Sth. Thai 6th. Tha, Tlicm lat rtsnts. M'-cl Stores, Hot Tlio burin old aide, lull expanse, an! We gunr Ang. 19, ISaS-tf.] ri'HE (iKEJSN BOOK. JUST PUB | USIIHIt. 150 PAGES. PJUCE 25 -TSTm*. Cents; Oh Single and Married life; or, the JrfJf/gfM Institution 1 1 if .Marriage; its' Intent ill’ll- /gsMl Rations, and and Legal hisbunll 58QEeer fications; the rofioao/’trentment of II prirate diseases m hoth saxes. |4c. To which is added'a poetical essay, enti tled ** falHyrtedim or the art of having and rearing beau tiful at id healthy children. by the late Kobebt J. CnvEß weil. I Sent free |of po-tftge. by the Publishers. Cn*B. Ktlys 4 Co.. Box 1586. Sew Vork.or Dexter if Cb.. Wholesale agents 113 Nassau {Street, New York. Agent* imuted everywhere. Also. Gratis, an extract and .sample of the above end titled: Dr. fnlveriudl'n UrMire on'the rational treatment Of SpernmtoirhoeanndpriTHtediSeaaesg’-uendly. detailing the means Uy wh'°hhlvali(h'uiay effi’rttiaUy care them selves without.thejpsh of ilßngeronBTUe, ; aBTII*, sottEs. ac., n .;; D® doeahbt coniine treat nl n itiletti' traCeeSe Patlcnt-i will life visited if desired, a tw» naWe distsnce. Persons desiring: to visit Dr. K. wlii Mkin, 9top «*nji "" : 7 - on, as staoUftetji n#ei have been and nev«r wlllhs sold from the BrtitWry.; Alrlcegu containing 'said stamp will hecjaiwedted wfcfen. whenever fbaiidi by tiio proprietors of the grovfeiy w .■‘'hum they belong. ,5-..' . July 2*tli ifciu-rf. : - WIUIKLM t BKO. / 1-U^l V_7 Aftet LING still! to enre all \ CANCEI IjKMpVAi,.—A M KING, Si,OJS- J. V MAKKK, iofiirma the public 'that he ' 'f hiuf taken the Hoorn next door to.the -■ j- Office, on Virginia; Street. wh?rchois ttf M BN’S aHpKS, atijreasonable price*, and Id a sntlsiafitijn manner. ;}. .'. [Mar.IVW.-tf. : Boot SfIOEMA KKiir-JOEN ST.EjdI*E has talon a portion of the . room oecnpffed bjr AV-M; JP NO, next to J.W.Kfgg’sTin Bhotv and announce! himself ready to get; np Men's Boots £ ShoeswPHßß In good style and at low rates. [Mi«r.lii,’l»-tf. QHOJiS-FINDINGS.—-JUST JUSCEI- M'.'wJ S good assortment of Shoe Findim-s, of all de-. scripUoh*,; which wo will sell at low prices for cash -r July 19.; JSdO. STEW ART £ THOMPSON. ra cj» to the p’ as an Ape* i- IS! 0 YESOi ENTJiKMEN' nfth knd hear.' JOSEPH P. TROUT that lie -to ready to discharge bia doty ineof wt*n. . 'i 'W. ’ | pEKI£S.---A LARGE AND Met«, assortmentofGroceries hare im* {teen r® W Stntt Wf / - ■ -J B' mtEMSK: “ am Vj, cpw ! ecuvil at tl m ii," a ; ... i*-4 ‘r-Ti *r gL miwt to S»«^i|fe^^|i>^^A^fsiair^ MsraißtfnoN - ' 0 feßSlt WUcbwiU be«)ld*fop\loo,oOo t to oiv v■ -■• ■. .•, , :' —■-- ■' «*OOLDES pi»3'AT»oc*.pkrbox.-» * Tlie proprietors anv X nnoft ctes weir D wit Mm for $l,OO and then it it notional wheth- | ncretoioro unMipwn. -A few. gets U|>9» cr inaettdatliedoliar and takes the gondser not. AH j this pOiHt Will speak more pOWefWliy.dU*® .goods can be-rctnrnsd at our expeii** within ten days aftyr \ Tulmue* of bttre assert ion or blazoning pufferT, | The consumption of 11osteiter'a Stomach Uil ■ usr or 0900 s in the ruraußrriox. ! lert for the lost year amounted to 6rer a hair* Phao*- r Cnmeo i million boulea, ami from its manifest steady ! time. Ladies’surer Watcher Coral the coding year the coo»un»ptroii;!mll reach __ j ne.*»r one million J)otllo3w This immense amount ■ ' Coral, Emerald, and Opal Brooches, Cameo Brooches, Emeraldand Opal Kar-Drops, Mosaic and Jet Brooches. Hand* *me Seal Rings, Lave Vlr" line Brc*«be« ~ - cents for a box of thoOoldeD Pens, and we will eend yon a certificate which may .eiioble you to procure it fi>r st’. On receipt of 30 cants we will send you a box of our Gol den Pens, and a sealed notice of the article which we will sail for $l. TRY US. PRICES TO. AGENTS. POST PAID. 4 Boxes Pena with 4 Certificates, $1 9 do do 9 do 1 So do do 36 do fi 100 do * do IUO do 14 N. B.— With each package of ir>o boxes we present the purchaser JlM> certificates, one of which is guaranteed to contain one order for a PINE WATCH, or sewing machine, or by ordering 60 boxes in one package yon are snre to re ceire 60 certificates Containing one order for a splendid hi LVEU WATCH, hi-side a large number of other very valuable premiums. One certificate sent\gratia. upon ap plication of any pet son desiring to act as agent, which may enable him to procure a valuable premium upon tbs pay ment of SI PIANOS. MELODKONS, iIUSIC. BOOKS, BE.WING HCHiNES. AC.. Bonghtand sold on commission. Any article will be sent to the country at the lowest wholesale prices with the ad dition of 5 per cent commission for forwarding. N B.—Agents wanted in every town. 1 Circulars sent on application. Address Uil communications to S. C. COLBERT i CO.. Cbw nw'srinn Utrnhani* -ll known gentlemen am! business firms:— His Excellency. .1. W. Geary. (Ex-Gov. of Kansas: West inureland. Pa.; Palmer. Ricliardsou A Co . Jewelers. I'bila.: E. A". Warns. Ksq.. Jew ler. I’bila.; Win. A. Gray. Esq,. Jeweler. Pbila : Kemmerer A Moore, Wa er street below Arch: Pratt i Heath. Filth and Market sts.: J. C. Fuller Jeweler, Pbila ; A F. Ward. Publisher.of Fashion, ic. PMla.; M. 11. Home. Cataeauqua Bank : Hon. L, M. Unison. Eureka California. (Sept U. Isfio-Sm. GREATIMPKjVEM N -\lajUK t STOVES jOiV vr.SMOKK AND UAH AND SATINt- Cooking Stove, recoptly patented, which is destined to sti percede all others, as it requires O.NE-TUIRU LESS FUEL than other Stores and is more easily, (juicldr and reguUi ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from ihi stove from the fact that it is 'all consumed ere it can es cape. There is no trouble from smoke as that nnpleasum and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside ol the stove Neither is there any danger of flues nr chlm neys becoming clogged 'With soot ot tbe mortar loosened b\ the gas arising from coal fires. Perspus wishing to purebjisc stores are invited to call at the Store of the subscriber, iu tbe Masonic Temple, and ex amino theabove stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Sole Agent for 11! air Oaunty. N. R. Ail kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Eg Stoves on baud. f Aug. 12. tS5d. •' PHILADELPHIA WATCH A\U JEWELRY STORE. i-vrUl® 0. CONRAD. FORMER OCCUPANT. No. 148 N. lid St., cornci of Quarry St. The undersigned has leased the premises, where ho will keep a large assni tmenf of Gold and,Silver Watches, of American. Engll-h and Swiss man* Ufacture of the must celebrated makers, in addition to which will be found always on band (and made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated ware, together with a general assortment of such goods os arc usually kept in a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store. Tho.patrous of 0. Conrad, and those of the subscriber, together with the public generally, are invited to call, and they will receive agoisl article for .their money. As 1 am determined to do a cash business, goods will be sold verv low. ~ Small Profits and Quid: Sales” Is the m»tto of this Establishment. LEWIS I! BROOMALL, Formerly 0. Conrad. N0.J48 N. Second St., cor. of Quarry, Philada. June 7,1860.-ly. 3 ’ O. W. KESSLER, NEW WALL PAPER I W p M ARSHA LL ANNOUNCES v»' •to the citizens Alton a and vicinity that he has for sale Wall Paper, from G cts to 10 cts. do do do 10 ,do 12$ “ Glased do do 20 do 81,00 Panel Oak do do 12$ do 50 cts. Gold do do 50 do 82,00 Gold and Velvet d 0,51,50 do 5,00 AT THE STRIPED FRONT, NO 87 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. Sept. 13,1860-2 m. ' I>LANING MILL & SASH MANU FA TOityiXUo Kiibscribor wuultl announce that he baa temoved his . Planiug JMiii and Sasta IManufac "•: tqry, from Tipton to Altoona, where,lie will continue to fill or ders and attend to all work entru-tod to him, with des patch. The Mill is on the lot aiUoining Allison’s Steam Flouring Mill. TUOS. McAULEV Altoona. Nov. 17. IB6o.—tf StIGK LEATHER—We have just rec-ivcd ft gStod' slock of the best Red and Oak So.e Leather. We have also a good assortment of Onat and Frendh Mprodco& Firnaiand (WitVy Calf Skins, Uppers. Khis, Linings. Bindings, 4c„ all of which we will at low pricey and warrant-P> give mtis'Emtbm.' ctll gild exiimiiieonrstopk .before purchasing else where. Don't forget place—two doors below the Post Office July 19. 1860. ‘ StKWART 4 THOMPSON. HQJ SE ANJ) LOT at PRIVATE , .SALE.—ThoGate-IXouse and Lot' belonging to the ALTOONA AND lIOL- A jSAI PLANKHOAD C0..«1t- *gS3L~ . oato-J^mile from,Alumna, is offered at■tr4lhi3 Private Sale. For terms ana particulars inquired JOSEPH DifSAHir. pUside "f" tie Company. ' 1 (April 26, IWSO.-tf. T IjMBEE FOR SALE. I J SHINGLES.' 50.000 LATHES. \ nrtd all kinds of irtJILDING MATERIALS, lower than the lowest, lor Cash. Apply to ■' 3oHN SHOEMAK ER- C2j.It.KAT WESTERN INSURANCE A AND TKnST COMPANY,—lnsurance" on: RMI or peraotial property wiU be effected on the meet Hsn&fokbfe toms by their ngants in Altoona 1 athU ottlce in Annagfc March 17,1859. JOMN SHOKSUKBR, Agwit ?■ T Eyrsj’REP4EATION~FOR KXI AXTe tu.d danger in Ususennderau? .ircunwtan cm for HtldAt the Drug -Store of Jan.24y6e-tf] , ‘ b P^r a (TEENS WAUE. JUST RECEIVED. - r -- ■ P * } f rf<**»Mll# ; i«aysirali ■ • r «Il.nnft*eK ?!;• ;« ■ •rpgjp^jjgi^r 1 A.BDOAItNALgUPPORTERSjTrue- —* t s£& OF FCFL. The subscriber takes pleasure iu offering to the public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING could never Untfe been sold but- for the ran medicinal properties contained in the preptw*- -\d the ' ction of the xriosl prominent lion, and the sanction of the most p» physicians in thosoeections of tlie country trlitre tlie article is best known, who not only recommend the Hitters to their patient*, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to iia efficacy in nil cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretVdtn. ~ This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary effort* in the way of • irum peting the qualities of the Kilters; hut a solid estimation of an invaluable nodicine. wbielt l» destined to be ns enduring litueiitself. Hosteller's Stomach Kilters , base Jkrotred a Oudtiend to region* where fevef *nu ague ami furious oilier liilioim complaints have counted their victims >»jr hundreds. To be aliie lo stare confidently that the “Hi it ere" arc n cei luia cin e for the Dyspepsia anti like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes *ll morbid matter from the .stomach, purifies the .'blood, and imparts renowedvitaliiy lo the nervouaaysiem, g ving it that lone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon tin? stomach, livey. and other digestive organs, mild y but powerfully, and soon restores tbstn to it condition essential to the healthy discharge of the fund ions of nature. Elderly person* may use iheCiltere daily at per directions ou the bottle, and they will find in it u stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant 10 the palate, invigorating to (he bowel*, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi denoe of thousands of aged men' and women who have experienced tho benefit of using this preparation while suffering frontal otuaoh de rangements and general debility: feting under the advice of physicians, they Imre abandoned nil deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few Words lo the gentler sex. There are certain period* when their cures are so harassing that ninny of theta sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the monlier. especially if she be yonrjg, is apt to forget Iter own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period Of maternity arrive during the summer season,;the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Mere, then, is a necessity fur a stimulant lo recupe rate the energies of the system, afid enable tbs mother to hear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer,rhe Kilters to rill otljer invigora lors that receive the endorsement of physi cians. heoan’sc it is agreeable to:the taste us well ns certain lo give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: siltl'erers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare hy giving to Hos teller's Celebrated Stomach Hitlers a trial. CAUTION.—We caution (he public against using any of the many imitation's or counter feits, blit ask for HifSTKTTBII’s Cr.I.KBKATUII Stomach-. Bittkiis. and see that each boiile has the words ‘•'Dr. J. Hostetler’s Stomach Hitters’’ blown on the side of the bottle, and.stamped on the metallic cup covering the cork, and observe fhal our autograph signature is da the label. ,WS~ Prepared and dold by HQSTETTEB A blllTH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Bouth Am* non. and Uermany. For sale by A. ROt’SU, Altoona, Pa. Bept. 20. IKOO-ly. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fils per Month I I would respectfully set forth my claim to pnblie atten tion, usn Fashionable Tailor as follows: Because I keep au excellent assortment of Cloths.'Cnssi meres. Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined, always please. ' Because my work is madr£ pared to R|l them withperfect likenesses,- AMRUOTYPK, DAQOBHREOTYPE OK PHOTOGRAPH. Give him a call. Rooms on the coruerof Montgomery and Allegheny streets. IliHi-layet nrp. pai. fjnno 17-tf. Ci YY. RkACTICAI* S *. PRCGOISf, respectfully announce# •• .Z:-. to and public; e rally, that he utill coritlmios the buyine.**».^S^Sßsf on .ytefefc V kfcp» coiiattstthr sss^sssglfl' ES Slid DVE-STCFFB. * |'* By strict attontion to bnslne**, and a desire to render sat isaction to ali as regards price And o&Olty. he honea to .merit and recefro-a'shh ro of public patroolga ■ Physician* and merchants supplied oh reasonableterm., and all order* from a distance promptly te V f|-;tt ? G. W. KE.SSLKR. I-. LAitjjs oAM-^i C " l “ <* ' i •s/* w • it W.-a « T PS .5 y-5 5 o M ea - "• e» c * « •r '> & * - * »» i {“J £« a| PS -■: 3 & 83 <5 I «| 0;o 5C ® rt &3 . > OS “os •:& D>a-sc-g 2 K'£ a 55 a. P3:P3e5 **B CO.pftSg | 3 bss's «*•< 0-2 Q 15 Sz tS w I—l s- » u e l-< 'J j o a - lJ « 2* OP* ,|| s,f-» ,?t A goV6lt y fa* fli* Art "Worldf ' • &••*<“* jwmw. - • qi^AWS^fcAlTJtjoTOOßißt, AfiRBH&atSHS ,ftsu&e» rcntionby America and Knropean patents. ar? JwiS* *•’ pared to extent*- ellVnlera for ’ ” »“»Mw Miniature Likenesies «fP«n«ai osCliia* presenting all the attraettre dnd adwntaaronha-»Z__r* ordinary photoicrephSrttio brill of ** color drawing,and* hitherto toattalßed nnallt* ,?»*£:' T- Wllijr. bj-brlnn rendered aa n.m^ properties of the article* upon which the* are »—°* tßri «l Aa the patented process of the Company enable* i** 1- production ofl’hotogrßphs, Dot only on TOrft f~°*/*- open ench as are itmhd or of nny degree of (mnS*!** portraits can be rtprodnred with IkdlUosa *fcur«!. deliewy of delineation, npon PortoJaln wart, of scriptioa and dimension nsed aa articles of household utility, such at WMr J « * Vmt, Fcuer, preatfati Ctgte, Jbitit Artieht. «fc. • thereby securing teithtal portraita ami (brniahina a and exquisite style of ornamentation of aritein tu dua^ In order to tarnish tacUUleaftnr, thegratißcaiUr, .. popnlarlaate. and to meet the wants ofthomZjJ* tk * the ljue Arts deairona of having Portrait* on Company harm imported (tom Huron*al. I’* 1 ’* rlor porcelain good*. mannfeetmwT to their. which they sell at coat prices own or *ts*i Aa the. American Company are owaera of th. right. and consequently the only panons antharuli .a * tb« process, they hate determined, in order - " *** lb afford People .a tr try r* -m an opportunity to. poasrya portraits ox eacvjL to m*kA tbft following preposition, ta v Ruidtnti in the Churjtry. xtho arr unabU f*irtirfr win. n the At Her ami Ga Persons sending a photograph. ambivtjp*. or danunw g*yg«» <* *« Company I* S.wTqrkJ FITE' DOLLARS, they will secure in like maimer, A handsome french Fan Or Add Artiiie With the Portrait reproduced be the patented preeaa. By sending a pair of daguerreotype* and FIFTEEN DOLLAkM, they will receive in return A Fair of rich Saeru three, with the portraita executed equal to miniature petatlan and. In like manner, portraits can be toproUncsdei, ZEL lain wares or rarer of tvery QucUi} of Finuh, ranging in price (tom Twenty to. One Hundred DdOart tht Bait. K. B.—Bo particular in trritina th* addraaa • am* - ty and State dlstlneUy. All tatter to be nddreuad to u MaKASU,'AIUaiCAX PBOTMKAtnc PoiCtUIR Oo * 781 Bi oadwar, ' Sew Tort Oct. 4. U60.-3m Thatuaadi an dally spcaklni >a tb* praiM *f SR. RATON’S . INFANT!I.E CORDIAT,, and why ? because It ntctr fails to afford ihs.anlaneoui r*. in/when given lu thee. It acts ns If by magic. and on. trial alone will cwuvinc* you that wlial w» my li t r « r. contain* NO PAREQOHIC OH OPIATE of any kind, and therefor* r«li.-Tca by removing th, nfir~' ingt of your child. instead of by deadening Hr sensibility For this reason, it commends itaelf ns the only n-haUf nn-o. aration now known for Children TCETODtO. SumtHalus StitSTERT. is thk UowswtAcibiit or tat Sto»- *on. Wind. Cold is the Head, and Croop. alio, for tofua trip Vtr gums, reducing inflammation, regulating the £mnlt and relieving pain, ithu* oo equal— being an anH-jpatmaiis it is used with anfuilinn suretss in all cn»e« of Costjujo* OR OTHER Mrs. As you value the lift and health '/year children, aiidw'slt to save them from P.ust sad and blighting conseqn . nces which are certain to result from the use ofnaji colics of which all other remedies for Infantile Complaints art composed, tale none but 1)r. Eaton’s INfANTiuCoiDui, this you can rely upon. It I. p-rfectly hiinnUa*. snd can., not injur* tho moat delxutft infant. Price, 25 cent*. y*U olr»*tioL» aMumtmay *if»bi bottle. Prepared only by CDCKCII A DUIDNT, H«. 409 Broadway, Nsw-Tsfk [iU.Bin.Bpj BtaUhg human Blood apes.being ' ANALYZE!) always presents ns with tlic Same essential eUasnts. tad gives cf course the Trier fcTiMuRD. Ah»lvtf the Blood of a person sulTerlng from Consumption Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Scrofula, ic.. und we find in every initanee cer tain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Suppi} them deficiencies, tillJ you are made well. The BLOon foot la la founded upon this Theory—henco ill astaalihliig io»- cess. There are FIVE PRKPAHATIOXS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different die eases. for Colony Colds, BEu.vcairu, or apy affectlua whatever of the Throw or Lcsoa. •Inducing Co.eacxniei, uae No. 1. which la nlao the No. for DtMUISION orSmm. Loss or Appetite, and (dr all Chromic Compuisti. ariatag from Over t!'*, General Dmm.irr, «nd Nutvoca Pram non. No. 2. for Lever Com flumes. No. 3 for Dtskhu.— Being already prepared for absorption it la teumbt DwH and carried immediately iuto the circulation. an that wlial y> u gain yon retain. The No. 4la for Female Irrmcuu tub, Htsteria, Weaknesses. Ac. See special dlrectiMiutit this. For Salt Whelm, Eruptions, ScaorcLots- Kimut, and Bladder Complaints, take No. S. In all cases tba di rections ilmat be strictly followed. Price of the Rood toed *1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH A DUPONT, No. b>o Broadway, New-York; T. fV. DYOTT A SONS. Philadelphia, andG..U. KEYSM, Pittsburgh. Wholesale Agents. Dy A. Roush, Altoona; W. T. Murray, Hollldayibarj, and by all respectable druggiaU throughout the country March 8.1880.-ly. House, sign and ornament-' AL PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS A WALSH i» spectfully announce to the public that they are prepared»» doallkiudaof HOUSE, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in s workmanlike munuerandat liw prices. They aUoksey constantly on hand and for sale' at loweat price*. OIL, GLASS. POTTY it PAINTERS’ TOOLS: AISO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED A ENGRAVED WINDOW- GLASS, LOOKING 0 ,tSS A PICTURE FRAMES, GILT AND 11081 WO ID MOULDINGS. CARVED & ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES. All Orders left at A. Runeh'a Drug Store, Altoesa, will receive prompt attention. Shop on Montgomery street, Hollidiyslmrg.T*. April s'. ISO!! -tf i _ X r A r i lOJS AL I'ULH'K GAZK'i'll'V 11 Tills Great Journal of Crime and Criminal* j» its Twelfth Year, and la .widely circulate.! the country; It contains all tha Great Trial*. Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together » e Information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in »■. other’ newspaper. " r *3.Suhsrriptions $2 per annum; |1 for «U ““I*"’-" be remitted by subscribers, (who should writethelr and the town, county and State where they resid* p 1 ? 111 - To G. W. MATStLb A Co, Editor A Prop’r. of Hew York Police G*m'£ 15-tf] ' : ' iVcw York Cit) American Life Insurance and Trust Co- Capital Stocky $500,000. Company Building K Walnut St. $ S. S* **rntr i i ■ T Fourth I’Atfc. B. F. ROSE- AGENT. ALTOONA. LlYfc INSURANCE AT THE USUAL OR AT JOINT STOCK It ATEB, AT ABOUT®! PER J-n. J. c. f -.lOct-.yilft w** l *. H OtTSE mT FQH SALE !W»bWb(»rib«rdff«rsat Private B»l*'JhgA the HOUSE andUfTuow occupied by her, MauiU on the'dWjiorTor AdaiimtaJid JW.iasCtmK W{IIV 'Thallouie la aTgood Two;BulK Parlor. biniiig-Koom awl Kitchen on ther*~i--a » firat SeptateSf'S2, l ssS9sjS39 l * JfWMtoa within* to ‘ift'MM prewttean*! obtain te**" information; will Altoona; Aug. 11th, 1859-tf. ; r YCOMING/■ COUNTY MUTUAI' X. 4 fax-. IJJBBBANQB A(3!fh - ey.rr!n»o,m^2J^ ageWhf thabyedmWg PireTnrtrance C®®^> at all time* ready to inanre agatnct Idea or dam*?' 1 f . r ”P fr ty m „ trf ti deacrlptiob, to town or eoantry; at aa macn«bl» auy company In tha State. 0)Bc«’ In ft* **•*?„ ; Tjomf SiIQEMAKhK. ***%, WM. S. BITTNER. iIkFFIOB IN THE 'Vwf ■** ' ’ M \ < i‘e * *tH' ’ Set 1 ,T-v . m* -,t3POLS Mm to A* the ‘iffIISWAK - tMto pleaaur ■ 'jßa>* —«rw>nPdi» ‘ FsmlmlF store on large and foi 'odailalseeanJ kit -wdlaAtnanufactu ASBBSSStS MowlUA price its Slow &uo cal m’allne’kip - Bo^akipßoo : ’fwrfha’, ' - Uau’aOalf fl« Mon’s Oxford ’ ' Man’s Brogan’ Hoys’ Bropus .Youths,’ Shoe*] ' Chfldrtin’a SUo Ladies’ Oougn ' 'lAdito' Lastinj r Ladlea*. Supori Ladiea’Moroc. LadterQuatu CSS’CaIfD. JJHaMA’CaWBc VtßMl* French Bg bought oJ and etubdimn aro not •liwprKor. ■ If you want iaads, leave your n •Hdirttootle*. llep.i oa raaionahle town Vi hapwtftiUy *. ‘ (tw,ISOO.-tf. :,r.V fiiwnryEm 0 fcONFECTIOJ JEWEL *■ ipUK SUBS § kfopconst.mtl. periodicals, (laity pii WtW>gt|h.iiig«tbi i r . tit* School Books us band. . - Alep, a choice lot ' ofail kind* for chi:, -tp bs hsd in town, t Indliiter Pencil*. ( . rl. QtU and oxami • > 20, I 1. 1 The underaitfi TS in the Oiu Good (flections can and tfttlemeuu: a Market, nru of the h " ■•Oau Selections ca VOM- Jaly U, IWO^-tf .Jlw.ii.B. Curi Wm, M. Llotd A Modi g* A Dxn.% , Mob. A. Scott, ! JOHNST V- {Late “ Be , tKAFTS Cities, and f Moneys’ rco vrtUKWtlnterest, or " T D LEFI . tf-w ALTOONA, 1 WO! practice uw in Kaatlo gdon, Cleartl A)1*0 In the Dlatrh i . ■ r ! ;OsUectioQs of cini • tlMwieof Real Eat Msiasss pertaining - Hon. Wilson Met'. InKtr, 2tpn. Samuel Jwntiar District; Hr . ■MtrtkUonry D. Foster .Sebanqnjllon. Wm Oeorge;.p.-lliymolton ‘ •S. M. ATTORI i • i ALTOO pit ■ TT RAL Churt - 'irc ■ to Inauro Ft - SWMu town or c< Sg»fttiy to thei State f^*n.2T,»sa- tf BW~l CONK SPECTFCLLY fot Altoona at *Mt of tUe At «U iours B*Pt«, 1860.-tf J. 0 •t o T A F : altoo aCS ;IpI'SALE.. jj?' **t**Wy locate. Feb. 0. iso-: Xltos vnii' - . V* -I