The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 06, 1860, Image 3

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amuel Hagertj, near Altoona
A HD. .on of William and
c .uuly. Mo., "god 3 year* and
A NOR VALLACK, at bar na
fed 70 years.
Ith nit* ELLA dughiv of
the Vth ji-aV of tier ago.
Ist inil, Mr*. AOMKSBIIOMO,
to calland see the.Mw anna-'
•lace to And the hllikiatb as
at Uie;lfodet’-'”' w •;.»
■ ■ ~ ju- u. t;i
froth and atoa’
■ * ,
for children and Misaesat tke
ot deterred the proprietora of
In their eecoud supply ofWln._
us to buy (lieu at very low
pared to offer oiir customers
omestic Dry Good*,
JW WARE, 4c., 4«. '
■ri ired is full sod comprises
los worthy of examination far ’
>- will sell them cheaper than
nd its) us, but particoWlT tho
Life of Trade.”
y hmlne**, and the *ubaerib*r
tins opened a (tor* in the
l>y him as a Justice offlc*, on .
ai>.>Te Julia (treat, wh«re ti* '
lit vlf • ' ' '
able stylos, for men and tibyt,
es axd aamutM#3j;
leady-Made Shirts,
Alty. ISK, FLA’S, «fe.
•si, by selling at a small proit
•■' . to merit patronage.
joiix McClelland,
I-: ks iiEiiAimNa
Ltoona* Dacembar lat,lMo.
I-nibig. F. 3 • ’ :
-rriatay.TkomM '
Phillip ; -
Mark, Klixaboth
Martin, Mr. ■
Mires, John
MellrMc. D.
y cCnlongh, Thomaa
M.Caughey, John
McOmsoland, W S.
MrCahr, G. P, ~
McAleman, Mr.
MrCli-llund, Samnel
MrMackin. Elizabeth'
Mclntyre, Pat.
'•mi oid. W. 11.
Parker. J. L.
i‘roKt<m. A. 1L ,1.
Kieliardaon. Kl««ar 9
Koady, M. J.
Itodgera. g. 9,
Khonda. B. P. _j
Kcynold*. J. J.
j rlrani. 8.9
I flippy, A. ! '
Schell. Samuel ■ 'j
I L’.prcnson. L." 9
rwuher. If. ' i s -<—>
Small. Q. tr< ',
Hhlngler. Jacob
| Hts-pla, John
• Hauer, A.
Snowden. Jobs ;■,
Templeton, A. M.
Thomaa, J. B. !
M illlarna.' J. C.
■'Vrisl, Wolfgang ! tr;.
Ward. Jama*
Wlmclar. Amo* 1
in thii Hat will pleaeeaay they
T :r
red dollars givsn With _»TWJ
r.ntrcd to crtry IwsliKbasll.
er, d by tho
>w, jtgw TOES.
;he most liberal aift. Corievn
•. 1505. ■ \
■a other (lift Houses art pirll
:it tluiiieclv.-s with our tertns.
1;> J, uud put all otberalntho
one of tho Uißs to purcksssn
i. Hunting Case*.
, U
h.-* t UuDtiDgCtfM,
: Ka^c*.
r.iH. vanoue stylss.
l t- Huttons a Studs, aUpamr**.
1 rich etjle*. ■;
■ins. " ’
.Jewelry, Pins and B*r*l)rops,
■ worn, auth-as Cameo, Mqsaw,
. Ac., Ac. ;
«■- a frreat assortment of stami
na of literature, Interesting to
l.iil to send f)T a catalogue-"*:
y'address. Apply to
.NEW TORS ent-
Street, Boston, Mu*;
m strong & Co*,
3 & 85 Duajno si*
ii,g Weekly, in nsw ud
; KEVAG-, ' • i _
. T.ry I’rint In tb»
design in fill!
i uuy in nukrkßt,
.promptly attends ( w*
.■■- to give in«troctloM to®” 1
w/ 3rd,l»W.-
, aad Arohitwtaral
if ting. .
i:.~timat«i of balldiupr"P¥®“
s-witt on
, . ;1 Tu. sday Thumday and rrj ,
tin. r j,n over ■«£ .
for iuittmctionfnthea
},l>\VAl'J> UOP> E > z _
Notice is
n-r.diip hcretoldr* «*^.^ton
.; .solved by mutual cou*n
i The bni.m|*aof tb e
.mptoa who will contim^
~ s^jgSS®
tv 1 No', ico h. b » t i‘ 7 e H
; :• K)R S MBTOIUNG •;; ; ; ';;
BALP AjN*ls ■ •
, Winv »lne« th« A
hawull come ahdgone. belugcarriwlaway
remit* of Pro f. Wogd> r preperptiop, and the fieldto U. Muistless sjfay,-
o«rf 0 J. Wood * Co. : Gents:—Tfceletter I wrote yoo
, ,cm concerning your valuable Hair Restorative,mil
vnu have published in this rictoitr and elsewhere,
7 b .Jlr»a rise to numerous inquiries touching tho fret* in
{***?,!; The enquiries ere. flret, i» ItaJhctof my h.-bi
.l Tnuul D»me,asstated lit thocommunication; second,
0 f all therein contained; third, doesjny hair (till
t„ Up to good order and of natural color t To all
do answer luTarlabl.r yes. My hair ii even het
tn any stage of my life for 40 years past, more
**L thrifty and better colored; the .same la true of my
*‘v7, km , and the only cause why it is Hot generally true;
0 VrtuS. substance is washed off by frequent ablation of
Jli. fare, when If care were used by wiping toefhoe in close
numeetfim With the whiskers, the same result wiil follow
Cfhr hair, 1 hare been in the receipt of a great number
", letwrg from all put t» ot New England, asking me If my
hair still continue to bo good; aathere is sormnch fraud
Intbs manufacture amlsale of various compounds as well
' this it has, do doubt, bern basely imitated and been nsed
ir without any good effect, but to absolute Injury,—
1 (,««e not used any. of your Restorative of anyocconut for
Inis months, and yet my hair is as good an ever, and hun
dreli ha'« examined It with surprise, as Inm now 01 years
U rD d not a gray hair id thy head or OH my face; and to
mute this fact I send you a lock of my hair taken Off the
Mat Week. - X received your favor of two quart botfles last
Juniiti.; , for which,T*aut very grateful. ■! gave it to my
frlanii, and thereby induced them to try it. many were akep-
Ilcal until after,trial, and then purchased aad used ft with
anirersal success. I will ask as a favor, that you send
s by which I can discover fraud in th<> UesttWative,
~!•! h" •nmy. T f-itr. without authority from you. A puie
t . will insure success, eud.l believe ttiicre goodeffects
j> not f.i.low, the failure is caused by the impure article,
«b r.h curses the iurentor of the good. 1 deem if my duty
m u»retJfurc,.tn keep you apprised of the continued effect
en wy hair. as I assure all who enquire Of mo of my un
,bskru opinion of its valuable results. I remain, dear sir, i
jean, AC. RAYMOND. ]
1 f • •■■<
Atxoxs Rex, Ky- Nov. SO. 1858.
Pmf. 0. J. Wood: Bear Sir.—l would certalnlybc doing
» (treat Injustice not In nuke kuowq to the world, the
\rouderful, oh well as unexpected result I haro experienced
irom using one bottle of your Hair, Restorative. After using
rrrr} kind of Restoratives extant, but without success, and
ilnding uiy head nearly destitute of Imir, 1 was fluidly iu
ju.-M to try a bottle of yonr Hair Restorative. Now. can
dor and Justice compel me to announce to whoever may
rud tins, that I Dow possess a new mud beautiful growth
./hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the
original was. I will therefore take occasion to recommend
this m valuable remedy to a IX who may feel the necessity
( f it. K'-sp'y you s. Rev. S A LLRN BROCK.
P. S.—This testimonial of my approbation for > Our val
uable medicine (as you are. aware of) is unsolicited , but if
you think it worthy a place among the rest, lustre if you
wish; if act dbstroy au l say nothing.
Th« Keitoratlve is put up in bottle* of three site*, viz:
Urg*. medium and email; the (null holds a pint and
retail* for one dollar par bottle; the mediums bold at least
i verity per cent more In proportion than the (mall, retail*
lur twodollars per bottle; the large hold* a quart.‘4o per
ient. more in proportion ait' retail* {or $3 n bottle! 0 J
WOOD tCO.. Proprietor). 444 Broadway, New York, and
111 Market etreet. St. Louie. Mo. And mid by ail good
Druggists aud Fancy Quod* Dealer*. [Dec* 0, ’OO 3m
A B&Jc of Plain Halt* and Calculations for Business Ope
rations, by Marlin M. Bohrer, Practical Surveyor and
Cimrcyancer. A'eie Edition, published by J. B. Lippin
oitl <f Oi„ Philadelphia.
Thi* work contain* 201pagt*. and 0f.600 Rule*
and Examples. entirely and thoroughly practical, such as
ari« ercry day in tho common pursuits of Business. Tt
hti already passed through a non*her of edition* in rapid
•uccejiion. and 1* pronounced Ijy all clauses of business
Beu to b* the handiest book of reference, pertaining to-cal
relation*, that has eTor been published.
Every example in {he book i« worked out in full ami sta
te! in aolain manner, so that .when ■» parallel eaae arises,
those referring to the work, will flwd natHfSCttUy in solving
it; in a word, the general arrange* Ntfwfttte OAfAHIL A
TOR is rtmple, that any one! wlrndmowshowToadd, sub
tract.; multiply and divide, can easily salve say 1 ordinary
example tbit arises in business, or arriveat the truo result
of any estimate required. •
Th» chief aim of the author has been* to eschew theory
»ad philosophy In figures, aiming only at fact* atid simpli
city. believing that business men care little about spending
Sms in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of
figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose To be ablest 1
s moment, hr reference, to arrive a» the true result. The I
CAL'. VLATUR di;L-rs iu this respect from all other Arith
metics of tii-C(isy and kindred works— it is a key to prac
ticalbusiness-calculation.*— it i*. in the hand* of the busi
ness man. wlmt the key to mathematical work* is in the
hsnd# of tlie tem-ber in the school room—it facilitate* time
*nd insures correctness, i
\ •>
Meafcrfment of Land, of Lumber, ofßiick and Brick
Work, of itone and stone work, of grain and grain bln*, of
coal and coal bfnu, of wood.' of rollds, of liquids, of circu
«r. iqtiarc or Irregular of ciatomaand rata, ofrooN
loj, of plasterer's, painter’s, glazier’s, paver’s, plumber's,
paper hanger’s and nphblsterers’ wort. U treats of cur
rtney tod of foreign and domestic exchange, of tlic doci
msl rystem, of reduction snd v it* extended appiicut.on to
tneißess. of simple and compound ititcrcst.'and their en
application tb business transactions, with the laws and
JMp« governing and regulating the same, together with
samrruu* commercial forms—of legal tendei, of lurtud'
parmeat on notes, of faulting and bunk discount, of enna-
Iloa of payment and of partnershipaccounts. of
«luei, of weights and measures, of square and cubic
nramrs. ol the squire root and its application to business
of .urtaers, of excavation, sa l of many other important
pructical msttersnot within the scope of an advertisement
•o mention.
T»m f r, the merchant, the mechanic, the artizan, or the
prweeiKmal man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to
me lawyer, the Justice of the pence, the conveyancer,
J tt«l e«ute broker, to the assessor the banker, the
«r», toi the-civil engineer and the surveyor, to the carpen
ter «nd bricklayer, to the stonemasinii and the plasterer,
... hanger and upholsterer, to the paver and the
r. *c., keg each'and all will find it adapted to their va-
VUu’!* Rtt *" r than any book published.
M " leJ (P“t Paid) to any part of the United States,
P s rsceipt of the money. Price of a single -"opy, in cloth,
W ’ < ’ r t " ,) , cu P i<,fl f»r $l,OO. Bound in po«iket-book
isuth morocco, sl,ou per copy.
, M. M. KOIUtRB.
. ■ B ' Box 1911 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa.
wholesale grocers &
1 louk, grain, bacon.
Provisions, Cheese, Iron,
Glass, Brooms, Yarns, &c.
Kor. l -Cm.
ua I? f,,rni *b familiea, parties hotel, and Ba>
quantity of Oyrtm. from miingl.
? ld *' Ui> .t>y*!»w are .rrcairad daily by
aad are alway* freah and of the wy bwt qaallty
Jl «Quikclur€rd tutd Importer*
, COK®! COKE!! ,
ll-Sl 0 - 18 COKS *°*
R. BKACnAM, B«pt. .
jrith’twmrdioj kt
K<)BEB:—a. SCFPLyi -
irJomjwa»iG* • ja': ' : j.*, - somubt
- ':J tm *r:
Commission Merchants,
avb tuim ur
No 803, Liberty Street,
aperlentaud stomachic preparation of Iron purified
OI Oxvgvn and Carbon by corn!)nation in Hydrogen. bane-
Uiuiedby the highest Medical Authorities:'both ioftarope
* t^i the Ua,t * tt ***■*•***ol: proscribed in their practice.
The experience of : thonauitls dally.proves that no propa
ration oflron can be compared with it. Impurities of the
blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly
complexions ttHuctfo iU iKCeMity in sluost QYerv -cooctl*
nbiiem. 5
1 AVrww iWfdiqtw, Emaciation,
Omsupafion, DiUrrhced. Dysentery. Incipient Qmsumptiori,
alou L Satt Rheum. MivhtntfrUatian,
HTAifcs, CWoron*. JWwK OomplainU. Chrome Jteadacha,
RneumafittQ. intermittent fhcert. Pimpirt mi the'Pace, the.
.£“*•**• 9* General Debility, whether the result of sente
disease, or of thsddfitinaed diminution ot nereousand miu
color-energy, from chronic complaints. one trial of this re
storative has proved successful; to au extent .which no de
scription nor written attestation would Vernier credible
Innuib so long bed ridden as to hare become forgotten in
their own neighborhoods, bare suddenly re-appeared in the
"?*J wu . f W as, if Just returned fn>m a protracted travel in
’.'f ?*'' Tery signal instances of this hind are
attested by eeniAte sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent
msrasnms. saiigtiloeous exlufcrtioti, critical changes, and
tils complication of; nervous ami dyspeptic aversion to air
and exercise, tor which the physician lias uo name.
A? oerrons Afflictions oj all kinds, arid for reasons fa
miliar tu medical men, the operation of this preparation of
iron must necessarily be saintary. for. unlike the old ox
If vigorously tonic, without being exciting anp
overheating; and gehtly, regularly aperient, even in the
ntowt oMtmatd cuo of co9titvue«i without e\vr IjCliii; a
or hiflicting u disagreeable eeiiefttlon.
It Is among which makts it
so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles.
upon which It Wbo appear* to exert a distinct and specific
diepersiug the local tendency which form** them.
innumerable 8d are its causes, aeiugle box
of tliesc Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the most Including the attendant Cbstivenessr
In unchecked Diarrhoea, even whcfti advanced to Dyaen*
Ury, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant,
the effects have been equally decUtve and a*tonl*hinji
In the local pains, loss of fl.*ah and strength, debniatlnt
cough, and remittent hectic, r-hlch generally Indicate In
cipjenc Couimmptioo. this remedy lias allayed the alarm
of friends and physician*, in several very gratifying and
In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, thi* medicated iron has had
mr more than the good effect of the must cautiously bal
anced preparation* of lodine, without any of their well
known liabilities.
The attention of females cannot be too confidently invi
ted to this remedy and restorative, in the cases jieculiarlv
afflicting them.
In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflammatory—in the
latter, however, more decidedly—it has been invariably
well reported, both as alleviating the pain and reducing the
utUings and stiffness of the joints and muscles.
**• intrnnlttept Fevers it must necessuyily be a great re
medy aud energetic restorative and its progress in the new
settlements of the West, will probaby b* one of high re
nown and usefulness.
RavHA B.
No remedy Iwa been discovered in the whole history of
medicine, wbieh exerts sncli prompt, happy, and folly re
•mmtlve •ffwjt*. Good uppetitc. complete digestion, rapid
acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for
•ctiveand cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use.
Pat upjn flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 60
ceittsper I .ox; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be
sent free to any address on receipt of the price. AH letter*.
oraor», tlc.* should bo addre&wd to
* , LOCKU-i CO., GKnout Agents,
- July W, 1860,-ly. 20 Cedar SUN ew York.
Always in season !
, The undersigned
would inform bis old customers and the public generally,
that h« ha* just returned from the £aat with his fall stoak.
which is ths
svsr brought to this place. Ue hoi every variety ia
Price, size and (Quality, of
BO YS’ caps.
For Pkll and Winter Wear.
AUo, all sixes, colors, shapes, and qualities of Ladles and
Misses and Children - * HATS and FLATS, to which tho at
tention of those In brant of anything in this line is .peclal
ly Invited.
I hare now the largest and handsomest assortment of
Furs «ter offered to the ladies of Alt fona, embracing
and everything in that Hue, for Ladies and Children, of
American and European manufacture, and of every quali
ty of Furs. - • ■
Persons in want of anything in the above line, will
please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I iru
determined to sell at .the. very lowest poaitible prices.
Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church.
Altoona. Oct. 4, 1860-tf. JKSSK SMITH.
1 STOKI..-—The u miersigued'would ber leave to an
nounce t« the citizens of Blair countv and vicinity that he
ha*o[.--n. d hie n. w Store on V7r,jini; Hr N t. Otrtt door*
Moir Ute Superintendent 1 1 Office, where hehasjuat received
from thread l and \S cut u large aaaprtnirnt of
Foreign and Domestic Liquors,
consisting ai follows; MB
French Olard Brandy, Cognac Brandy. Peach
Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old. Burgundy
Hizie, Old Port time, Jamaica Bunt
Holland Gms Old fiyj Whiskey, '
Monongahda piWro, and
t> hint VR>i«J '
wWcn Ue l.R* Uhn»elf iinportpd. Hetkiier* of LJqnor* imit
Earners will find (t to tl»eJr to bnV?of ? hlm
whe will sell at CITY PRICES. ‘ ■ - Dl " ° r “ ln ’-*
He will also keep constantly on hand an #Mortm.Bt of '
Such as Flour. Bacon, Salt. Fi*k, Tobacco, St
yar*. Syrup. Sugar. Coffee. ke . Jec.,
j b ® sold cheap fir caslior Country Prodnce.
'l?™'"*' anil ‘hepublkKcnerallyttiw renwctftiliy In
▼ Red to give us a call before parchMingelaewhero.
Altoona, May 28. 1«59.-tf
MISh uA. BYEIIS will open in Al
toona, on the Ist day of October. 1860, a School for
uirla. All the Branches of a good BngUah Education will
he tauftht, nncl Cldfeea to bo inatructed la French, Mn.'ie.
Bratrmg and Painting, will ba received at the following
Slueic V quarter, 1 110.00
French, “ , * * nft
Drawing, “ goo
Piiinting. Water Color, a'oo
Painting. Oil, - iioo
Three month* will conatitote on* quarter In any of tha
above brunches. . **
WM. T. I**o.
iTlie achool year will be competed of two term* of 6
month* each. The charge for tuition $l.OO per month.
P a y*“ ] h; In ad ranee, and the number of pnpils limited to 26
The dlaclplihe will be mild, hut firm. Leuona will ba
auigned each pupil for study at home; and for abaenoa or
tardineee. a written exenae will be demanded. •
„ wiu *>6 an der the care and direction of Bar,
Robert Oliver.
Altoona. Sept. 27, 1860.-tf
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in '
Jjj* f* 1 , 1 J^ 6 attention of the citterns of the United
Stetee to their pureWinee and Llqunn,p«t up omier their
I *•««* »nd me. in cMei
j sorted to suit customer*. Club*. MiWary and other public
bodiee, who require to purchase in Urge or email quantl
tim, |n casks or bottles. willhe liberally dealt with.- Price
List sent on application; ■ rr «*
OhD MOREHOUSE bitters.
a, first physicians as the,hist remedy
Indigestion. Debility: and all Ner
berersge, It 1» pure, wh -leeome, and
doUduda to the taste. «oW bf all DlWlst*.
‘ “v VTH.B.MORKDOUBK *&>4 Proprietors,
.■%. fiAfißxchange-IMitcp,
£■"' ’Jersey City, V. 3.
toynraw’ afewactire men,
!ni^i.. tt t!.\.i rr * Te ng A P tor th«r house, to whom
dnM?a*ahhrt™ offered. Fpr particqlara, ad
ml*. IfhW abdEetaiL-
J -“sas?s..
■ -*r* V *•*:.. mm., rii
1 *•- '; - -'.•)
- j potoopbßtiai • ••■!
ffi-Irnff" 1 - , y l tb-Wolitetatwre onthetrtablei
* r W t Wheat derived from becoming a subscriber.
. rr arenow betngsresoivad in aratio ounxai
lcl«l villi tint ,of «ui piwiisnnw. .
. Any pjrson canbecomua member bysuWribing throe ■
dollars, forwhieh «mu th*ywUlrw>iVe J 6 •
ntitleth’ 6 '*** t ***** j‘
jid—Ode copy, one year. of that elegantly Illustrated
Bd—Fodr odmiwion*, during the aeaaon, to 1
The Gallery of BaaUiutja, 549, Broad-
I; ;1 «wy. New York. x
In ddiUthm to the iiifuve benefit*, there will bo, given to
subscribers, as gratoiumapretuinnu, over •
comprising valuable painting*, mar'dea. parlans, outline*,
•c-t forming a tr»ly national benefit.
"hich every aubacribor will receive,
entitled, y , ialsuitf Mustering his iiecrniM,” 1* one-of tfa»
mu *t beautiful aid popular eugotviugs ever issued in this
c,.iuiiry,. lit is done ousted, in fine line and stipple, and
1* printed on heavy plate paper. 3o j nc .«*, making a
nioit dioioo ornament. snitablo for the wail* of either the
parl„r uj office. It* subject is tire eeienrated scene
of air John Eabtun receiving. in Justice EtuiiowS office
the; recruit* which nave been gathered for his "ragged regi
ment- it coaid not be furnished by the trade for leas
than five doilai s.
The Art Is too well known to the whole Country
to need comiriendatimi. It is a mugnlflcentlv illustrated
magazine of Aft. containing Essays. Etudes, Pmuua, Gossip,
Ac., l.y the very la-et writers in America.
The engraving u sent to any port of the country by mail,
Aiti) Hsifefy. wing puckvd in u cylinder* prepiuil.
Euhscrlptiuns.will be n-roived until the evening rtf the
31st of January, ISiil, st which ..time the book* will close
aud tlie premium* be given to subscribers.
Xp prison is restricted to a Single subscription. Those
remitting $l6, are entitled to five memberships and to one
extra engraving for their trouble.
Subscriptions irom California, the Canadas, and nil for
eign commies, must he $3,5u instead of *3, in order to de
fray, extra postage, etc.
For further particullirs send for acopy of the elegantly
illustrated AW Journal, pronnucod the haudaomet iiuikh
xm« in America. It contains Catalogue of premiums, and
numerous superb engraving*. Regular price. 60 cents per
uuuibet. Spitimen copies, however, will be sent Ui those
Wishing to subscribe..«u receipt of,lb touts, in stamps or
com. Address,
C L. OEUIiY, Actuary C. A. A.
,» _ ' . . 640 Bnudwag. Aim J art.
~ ' •f ultoc i - ijitioiia received and forwarded by I), T.
CALI) it ULd., Agent l-.r Altoona and vicinity, where speci-
l.ngiavii.g, ai d Art Journal can oo won.
n. ; K2 mm .
New*York Benevolent Infirmary,
. . . ¥ ' >SfAßUfiilMlsaß. ' "
And dev.** to The Ospse of Medm Reform? to tne Dif.
/uwm of Diser.u.
and to tliicTelief ofthose suffartogaod afflicted wit)> Cliro
nlc amlYjrgieiit Disorders. "Tathb.end tliia lriflr mf r T i.
endowed, to enable the {iod qileriuu throuibbat Ahe
n to avoid the Ptris'nvnu
aml presetted Physicians.
throtafch Which thousands aMLas of thousands Hiinnally
perish.' - 'efS
tire some of, the disease* Wecnrc, not only
at tlw Tnflemary but in all portAof our country ; j
ALnaumptiou und'Pnlui.mary Complaint-., Fevers. Scrof
ula. jDysiwpsio. Eyentol liar 1 Disease. Cancers and other
Turners, Jaundice uud Liver Complaint. Seminal Weakness,
and all diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, from
whatever cause or whatever nature.' Our object will be to
givejjoy to the afflicted by effecting, in all caws a speedy cure.
Our rule is to charge ■ othhig for advice and written pre
scriptions; but will furnish when requester' tire very best
medicine-sat the lowest rites.
These remedies are prepared in our own Laboratory, un
der the care of able Chemists, and ai« the most reliable
known to science, including.all the recent discoveries.
* To all aildr -eslng o by letter, containing full account of
symptoms aid ap]iearances of disease, ago, occu)iat!un, 4c»
we Will write a candid r 'ply. with advice and directions
tor cure. Any fees sent us when sending fur advice will bo
devoted to furnishing medicihe fir the poor. In all cases
niedlelno'can be sent by mail or express if desired. Send
lor ime or more of our works and Judge foryonrselves.
Alp* v'published at the Infirmary, to aid these objects
THE FAMILY physician,
Crn taming simple rcmediis easily obtained for tile cure of
Diseases In all its forms, witli full explanations of the
causes, symptoms, diet, bathing uud exercise. Price 60eta
A work pu the cause, symptoms and treatment of all
complaints peculiar to the sex. mi marriage, its duties
abortion and its results, on Children. Ilieir ills, and on the
prevention, of conception, with Invaluable Instructions to
tUem ou subjects id a private nature. Price 23 cents.
Tile Gentlemen's Medical Companion,
A book for the sdd mid young, embracing the Patholi gy.
Prevention and t tire of all Disease* of the Urinary and Sci
n-tl Organs; and u warning voice Of advice and counael.sucb
an Co be found in noocher work. l*iice 25 coats ’ >f
It exposes all tho Humbugs. and the various Triples to
enticethoiick and well It Ukisrmtes the'plans of the
Quacks i>ud Hogues to dupe every one. It? guides the un
wary through life, and shown up every swindle of the axe
It shows,hi.w idl kinds of Food, Medicines, UquOfs and
GiKHbi Oro adulterated, with the means of detecting the
frauds. Price Sfa cent . b
PLANTATION and shop.
For every family, having over lOuO receipts on Cooking,
Praierving. Dyeing, Cltuumg, Ac. How to plant nod what
is the best to raise, liuw to wire animals, advice to house
keepers. farmers a .d mechanics, on lono subjects of inter
est. Price, - 2u cents, Width slu to any one.
For thiistj wliu wish to get well from that awful disease,
a full dwcription of all the remmies used lor it. with a
careful statement of the results, and other useful informa
tion. Price lu ceuts. r
published, nor obtainable from any other source. These
ot. nnewhue paper, and beautifully
of ihe above works will bo mailed free, on receipt of
price, ins ramps, or money, or the whole in a banifeimolv
bound volume for oUtt douam. No family should tie with
out them. They are llustrated with heatrtltol engravings,
AOB.NTB M asted for the above works, who can maketl&O
a month. Send tor a circular for agents.
X* 1 "* of both .Saxes suffering from secret habits;
prostration of mlnd; loss of |iowcr; nervous debility; loss
of sight; wakefulness; love of solitude; eruption* on tho
face,.Ac.. Ac. .Nstul brjore it it too lots; before you sudor
•hcurable damage to I kith body and mind.
To Females who wane toft, pleasant and sure remedies
for Irregularities, Obstructions. Whits, Ac., send to us.
We[wre convinced thut there am many parents'of scrota-
L'us Consumptive anil diseased condition to whom a u«-
merons offering only brings suffering and poverty. To
such rre would say write. and tie wilt send information of
a »ure,well;te»ted. and never-falling fiireinin. -
Woiwilt mail free, to any one applying S,r ({,
TliiE OF AlktilOAL itEfUBM.
It is a large and beautiful (nwr, and contains themost
valuable inibrntatimi oh t'j*ernntorhoe.'i. or SeininalWittk
ness, j Tlia cause, effects and cure-pshawing'the awtalef
facts ut the jlisease. ■ f ''
Uu i.thfer dieeaae* of-tho Seiual Organs, a full expla
nation of thiorigin of Syphilis, the means of prevention
and cure. , , - . -
On Consumption, that fearful disease.
Ou fhe Liver, Heart. Stomach and Skin.
On female Complaints. J ' i
On the various tfch.wis of Medicine*, , 1
• On the miidee of Treatment •low.practised. J
On the false Treatment of Diseases. ' I;
On the rations Medical Humbugs. '
•, On the Physiology of Marriage.
On Che UuUimon sense of Medicine. '
On Diet, Exercises, and Ablution.
Howtho fhysician should he.
How to prevent frcgniucy.
• Aramany Other things, thtxn vox it.
TW* j *buttKl w in the bands uf qvmt oxie»
t 8.8. Moxm,
surgeon. Dr. J. Doyle, Chemist.
0«oe in New York. 164 Chambers street. . -
Office in Wliliamsburpb.' South Stb'oiid Sth streets. ‘.
Correspond; nt» will please enclose two or threestamra
fbr return postage and address • -
i' v DK. A. BERNE* Sectary,
Noviis/Kg 0 Wllliamsbn rft iiowyork.
. "• Hf" - -rf . —••••■
1 ILL itlonsjustroceiTed and forsalehy
■ r <»w..l»-tnj J. jt. njJhKMAN
V' i
- itaiiiwi)war or LAjrooiOMc-rTbsrw 1* a growing
Ji this age to Appropriate the most expressive
wwdavif other Isngnatgyi, and after a white tDineorpanOe
them into our own.; thwMhewmd,OßphaUc. which i* froim
the tierek,signifying" for the heatt," !»• now- Wowing
popularised ih connect ion. with Air. EpaUiug’sgnwtHead
ate* remedy, bnt Itwßl apoa be used bia.more general
way, and the word Cephalic will bacxmM a* oommoa as
Mactrwtype audmany otherai.wbose distinction a* foreign
words ha*'been worn away by rmnmun usage nnttb they
suein “native and to thotuanor born.” -
*ardly Beallral. '
'. 111 ’ad 'n ’orrtbte’iwdacte thte hafterndon. hand l step
ped into the hapotiiceadea hand aaVa hltutbemaa, ** Can
i 'you lease rhe nf nn ’qedscher” “ Does it haelre ‘ard.” aaya
[V. Uezceedlngly.” »ay* hi. bandnpern that ’e gave mba
Oeplmlic Pill, baud ’pon me ’onor It eared me aa quick thiit
I ’ardly realized 1 ’ad ’ad an ’eadadio.
iO'Headacbe is the fov»ritesign by which natnre makes
known any deviation whatever from the natural state of
the brain, nod viewed in Ibis light it may lie looked on os
a *afeg ard intended to give notice of disease which might
otherwise escape atb otiou. till 100 lute to be
and its ii.dkatfons should never be neglected, lieadvches
msy be clussified muh-r two names, viz: Symptomatic and.
Idopathic. Symptomatic Headache I* exceedingly common
and la the ptreurw r of a great variety of diseases, among
Which are Apoplexy, Gout. Klieumat am ami all fcbrile di
seases. le ts nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of
the stomach constituting tick- headache, of hepatic disease
constituting biliou* headache, of worms, eotiitipation and
other disorders of the bowels, a* wi ll as renal and uterine
affections. Disease* of the heart are v-rjr fr- quemlv -t
-tended ’with Ifsodnehes; and plethora an- also af
fections which frvqii'-ntly ocewsom h' .ulache. Id o|iatli;c
Heailache is also vei> conm on. being unusually listiii
guishnl by tho name ofinrewu* htndr,-Jte. yo, .etbnes coin
ing oif suddenly in a state of apparently k uml losi'tli and
piostialiug at oure the mental and p !y.ocal.eneigies. and
$u other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depres
sion of spirits or acerbity of tum|ier. la most instunces
tlie pain is in tho front of Ili*“ lo ad ever oe or Imtl, eyes,
and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class may
also, lie named Neuralgia.
For the treatment of either class of Headache tboCeplia
lic Pills have (>eeti found a sure and safe remedy, relieving
the most acute )tains in a few minute*, and by its subtle
power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the
unerring index.
Bridget. —Miiwns wants you to send her a box of Cepha
lic Glue. no. a bottle of Pre|ured Pills.—but I’m thinking
that’s not just it neither ; but perhai>s ye’ll be aftiier know
ing what it is. Ve see she's nigh dead and gone with the
Sick Headache, and ■ wants some more of that same as re
laived Iter before.
Druggist. — You must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pills.
Briiigtt. —Och! sure now and you've seif it. here’s the
quarthcr and give me the Pills aud don't be all day about
it aitber.
Constipation of Costiveness.
No one of the • many ills flesh is heir to” is s • prevalent,
so little nnJeirtoud. and so inn h neglected as O.stivenes.-,.
Often originating in n,ii-bsssmss. or wnl -uta; ; habit.; it js
regnrgodas a slight disorder of too little con-, queue- to
excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor a’d com
panion of many ol the most land aud danger ms diseases,
and unless early ciadicatcd it will bring the sufferer to an
untimely grave. An.bug tb- lighter evils of winch costive
‘ness is the ti-ual attendant at- llealiache. Colic. Kbi-ama
tism. Foul Breath, Piles and otliern of like nature, while
a long train of frightful diseases each as Malignant Feyefa,
Alicese.-s. Dysentery Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Apoplexy. JHk
leysy. Paralysis. Hysteria. Uypoctioudriasis.
and Inwuiity.first indicate their presence ir the systemjyr
this alarming symptom Not unfrequeutly the diseases
named origmute in Constipation, hut take on an iudepeje
dent existence uqlesa the cause is eradicated in an early
stage. From all these considerations it follows that the,
disorder should receiv* immediate attention whenever it
occuis.and no person should neglect to got a box ofCepluP' .
lie Pills on the first aptiearnnce of the Complaint, os their \
timely use will expel the insidu >ns approaekes of disease. |
and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. j! ■
A Real Blessing.
Physician, —Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache?
Mrs. Jones. —Gone.' Doctor, all gone! the pill you sent
cured me in Just twenty minutes. I wish you would send
mure so that I can have them handy.
Physician. —Yon can get them at any Druggist. Call, for
Cephalic Pills.. I find they never frail, aud 1 recommend
them in all cases of Heailache.
Mrs. Jones. —l shiill send 'for a box directly, and shall
tell all my suffering friends, fur they are a real blessing.
Twextt Millions or Dollars Savsd,—Mr. Spalding hat
sold two millions of bottles of bis celebrated Prepared Glue
aud it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dol
lars worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggregais
of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from to?al loss by
-this valuable iuv-ntiou. Having made his Glue a house
bole word, he now proposes to do the world still greater
service by curing ai.l the aching heads with his .Cephalic
Pills, and if they are ns good as his Glue, Headaches will
soon vanish away like snow in July.
dGrOvcr excitement, and the mental care and anxiety
inci.eut to close attention to business i-r study, ar« among
tbe numerous coses of Nervous Heailache. The disordered
stop* of mind and body incident to this distressing com
plaint is a fatal blow to all energy and amlition. Suffer
ers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from
ibeso distressing attacks by using one of the Cephalic Pills
Whenever the symptoms appear. It quiets the overtasked
brain, and sooothes the strained and Jarring nerves, and re
laxes the tension of the stomach which always ascompa
uies and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain.
Fact M’oßrn Knowing.—Spalding'sCephalic Pills ore a
certain euro for Sick Ueadache. Billons Headache Nervous
Headache, COstivcncss and General Debility,
Great Discovert. —Among tho most Important of all the
grpat irifdical discoveries of this age may be considered tlie
system of vaccination far protection from Small Pox. the
Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the use Quinine
for tile prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure spe
cific whose benefits will be experienced by suffering hu
maalty long after their discoverers are forgotten.
ASF* Did yon ever have the Sick Headache ? Do von re
member the throbbing t-mples, the fevered brow, the
loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How totally un
fit you were f(|r pleasure, conversation or study. One of
the Cephalic Pills would have relieved yoo from all the
suffering which you then experienced. For this and .other
purpose you should always baVe a box of them on baud
to use as occasion requires. - '
Nervous Headache
?y the use of these Pill? the periodic attadts atKenous
irji&i iftaitt&t may he prevented; and if taken at the
commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain
and sickness will be obtained. ,
They seldom fail in rem ving the Ndutea and Beadaeht
to which females are so subject.
They act gently upon the bowels,—removing CtutiVneis.
: sidaii
of sedentary haldtt, they are valuable as a Laxative,
Improvltg the appetite, giving fans'and vigor totbediges
dve organs, and rastoringtbe natural elasticity and strength
of the whole system. ' " \ "
The CKPUALIC PILLS are the result of long inveatigv-
conducted experiments. having been In
Use tnany jfcarv dm lug which time they have prevented
relieved * vast,amount of pain and mltaing from
, °*l(tin»tlng in., the neryoiu eyitemor
state ofthe.rtoroach. *
'They are cntlwdy vegetable in thetf cbmporftkni, and
«*» AH«me»witb without
(haking-any change ofdjret. and tteotaaee »/ an f dua.
to <&&trin.
Th.® genuine have five alguatorea of Henry C. Spalding on
Soldby DnioiMaandallpthet DaJeriin Medicine*.
A ho aenthy mail prepared on receipt ofthe
Allorderaahoqid be addrvaeod to --* ■ ’ • '■■j,-* .ty ■
. " £ Odar
r | 'U i It h V i;i Ut jMuU OjUli
AcotjißCAUCBi Dkvqgibts. Osoenu ms Putatb
I beg leave to call the attention of the citiwns of the
Pelted tb the above Wimy and Liquors. imported be
1 Unoirnn Woipe, of New York. Mhos* unme is families iii
1 Bv-ry nart of this country fi'r this purity of his celebrated
Schimhm schnapps. Mr. Woifei lu his letter to me, speak
ing of the parity of his Wince a ltd Liquors, say»: “f Will
stake my n qmtutlun an a man. nij Standing Mi a merchant
of thirty years’ residence in the city of New York, that all
the Brandy wt Wines which I tattle are pure os imported,
ttml of the b »t quality, and- cat) be relied upon by every
purchaser." Krery bottle hast be proprietor’s name on the
wax. nod a fan -i.-nilo of his (denature of the certificate:—
T«*e public are re*pectfclly invited to call and examine far
themselves. fi.r min «t lletaii by all Apothecaries and
Grocers ii> Philadelphia.
G cohos n. Abuioa, No. 832 Market $t- Phi la.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the fnliowiog from the New Yu’k Couriar;
uro happy to Intortn our Mlnw-ctthtens that there 'a one
pine- in o«r city where the physician, apothecary, and
am try merchant, can go and purchase pure. Wines and
Liquors os pure us imported, and of the I>«st quality. We
do not intend to give an elai>omte description of this mer
chant's exioii-dve business. although it will well repay anv
stranger or citizen to visit Udnlpho Wolfe's extensive ware
house, Nos. 18, 2o and 22. Beaver street, and Nos. 17. 19
and 21 M»i;k«tfleld street Ills stock of Schnapps on hnn<>
ready for shipment could not, have been less than thirty
thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thoiismid cases—Vin
tages of 18T.C to and ten thousand cases of, Madeira.
Sherry and Hurt Wine. Scotch anil Irish With key, Jamaica
and St. Croix Bum. some rerv old: and equal to any In this
country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Bran
dy. Wine, 4c.. in*casks, under Custom-House key,ready fur
tattling. Mr. Wolfit's sales uf Schnapps lust year amounts'
to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and wehope it ‘
less than two years he may bo equally successful with hi..
Brandies ami Wines
His business merits the pnttonngo of every' lover of hi'
species. Private fain ilira who wish pure Winessnd Liquors
fur in, dimil use should send their ordersdfrect to Mr. Wolfe
until every Apothecary in tint'laud .make up their minds
to di-cnnl the poisonous stuff frulu their shelves, and re
plna- it w ith Wolfe’s pure W ties and Liquors.
understand that Mr. Wolfe, for tho accommodation
of snmll lealers in the country. puts up assorted cases of
'' in ''V ! f 1 " 1 k f qti n rs Swh a man, and such a merchant,
should Ik- snstaineil against his fens of thousand* of oppo
nents in the United States, whose)) nothing bat imitations,
ruinous alike inhuman health and happiness.
Kor sale by A. KOLSH, ; [Sept. 13.1860-6m.ia.
|p f T our friends that we are again uo bands with an
Iniusually large stock of-
which we think have - been bought at prices that will sua
ble ns to compete with any oGier house In this section' of
country. We have now ou hands a larger stuck of fiat
Goods than Inis herctofiqre been bought to this place and
we hope the ladles will appreciateonr efforts to please their
tastes by calling and looking at our stock, which we fake
pleasure in showing. We have many novelties In Dress
Good<. among some of which are the following. '
II 001 Delaines. Mohair Matured, Oriental Lustres,
Palcstors. Brocade Mohqirs , Silk 'Brilliants,
SUk J‘op tins, ' Brocade Pcpjfns, Chens
Valencies. Rep Poplins, Figured
Cashmeres, Mottled Merinos,
Wool Plaids. Fig French
Merinos. Plain do.
Together with a full stock of all kind? of Domestic aud
staple Dry Goods. Cloaking, Cloths. CuAsimeres, Satiuetts,
Tweeds, ke. Ladles. Muses and Children's Shawls, Cloaks
and Cloth-Dusters. Hosiery,Gloves. Woolen Quods, Carpets
Gil Cloths, Red Comforts. Blankets. Ac- Ac. ’
We ask particular attention to our present stock of
boots and shoes.
which- we feel euie are cheaper th«m they can be bought
olnowhero. Wo have also oar usual supply of j
Groceries. Queensware. Hardware,
Vfcoden and WMmo -Mare. ” * ■ >
In a word, wc thinWW present slock of Goods worth'an
examination by persons wishing to bnyy and cordially In
vite our friends to drop to and see Us.
Oct. J. 1860. J. & J. LOWTHEB,.
customers, and tho public generally, tbat hs has last
received a large and beautiful ussortmeutof
wliich, for magnificence extent and variety- Imre never'
before been excelled in Blair county. Particular attention
is invited to our stock of ->
Sad, as Black and Fancy Silks, Cl,allies. Bereget, Britlianti,
Lawns, Moines, CiUntss, Deßtgts, Crapes, Prints,
Crape anti Stella She,ids. Mantillas, Vhdcrsleeves and
. Hosiery. Bnnnets and Hibbopt, CbUars. Band
kerchiefs. Kid Gloves. Bocped Skirts, Skirt
ing, Lace Mills, <£c_<£c.
We have Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tweeds. Jeans, Ac;
Heads Of families would do well to call and cxarolueonr
stock of Winter Goods far Boys.
Sh "«f' IlaHtrare. Glassware, Quoenswaro, Wood
and Willow War . Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac, in any quantity
and at prices lhat cannot fail to please. .
Our stock of Orocerb-s Is more extensive than ever, and’
consists of Rio and Java Coflee; Crashed. Loaf and N O
SSSISTrL & ” rf T ? ! “wife**
Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage
! I<!l T^L r 0 rec ' -i T nl -be ho P<» by strict attention^to bush
" ttn<l endeavor to pledso; tu merit a continuance of
V Ouuntr.v Produce of all kinds ttkken la exchange for
Goods at market prices.-" •
Oct. 25,1860, - ' J. B. Hi LEMAN. v
Salt River Passengers, Ho!
A « the will be
a ' under the necca ity of leaving early In. November
for the head waters of Salt VtW Slp"tn«oj£
which will pos lively mil about that time; and knowing
that many of my friends will go along and will Want an*
outfit. 1 take.this importunity of idfdralng tliem aa .ireil
as all my old friends and ensfamp*. that I have just r£
tnrned froni the East, where 1 purchased a fargestock.if
Good-, which 1 am now openlng at my ttore la North
IJrard, to which I invite inspection; It is the
as well os the CHEAPEST lot of; Goods brought to the
town this fall. Tine reason wjty I say the 1 cheapest is oi>.
vioqs to evety r flecOog mlDd, beeaiMh as tho sinuon id-i
Tam»ej the merchants (n the east my) prices decline, there- ■
fora I have an advantage of from 30 Pi 2S per e«mt. deer i
* h .2* .Tf* # J , ? r * f,a J w •w'Ur'te’th* -iftMoA,’ and l ean and !
will sel l cheaper than any other house In the place. 'Pnri i
vhwra will thus nt neo see the propriety f at least ex
amlnlrig niy stock befpfd buying 1 elsewhere. ■ My stock 1
consists t;falj the ueirest ftyles or " ' » J
, for the season, also a full assortment 6f’ ’■ ■"
Bitted fOt and straw Baiti
ud everything In the line of Bry Goods and Notions which
it Is unnecessary to enumerate. - All of which will be sold
for cub. ar pAproiupt, paying monthly enstomers, or ex
changed for >ul articles of Produce which can bo consumed
here or exchanged for goods in tho East.
„ _ _ . A. McOOHMICR.
.*• subscriber bds.srtangements In the East hr
which be can supply any artlcle at short notice.
. Altoonsj. Oct. 2Sr 1860. A. McCormick.
Bakery aud Grocery Store.
Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, Ac.
Aleo, a choice lot of SKGARB and TOBACCO.
Koy.lo. Tlrgiai»Strrel,Wffw Annie Stnrt.
"&» OYsretjg
WOLFE'S Pore Cognac Brandt'.
WOLVB’S Purr Mnderw. Shfrtjr and Purt Win*.
W ‘LKE’B I’uro Jamairu and 8r Croii Rom.
WyLKE’B Pure Be»tch and IrWi Whiaty.
Aad the vmrlOQS mffectiona consequent upon a -Hvonlrred
•nth Mladi|Mtiom Acidity of the Stomach,Colicky Mnc.
□aartboru, Loea of Appetite, Despondency, ftiilhiniM"
Blind And Bleeding Pile*. In a|l Nervous, Übeamatlc, and
Neuralgic Affections, tt be* In numemm iaitnncea proved
hiKbly beoelldel, mud in other* effected m derided cur*.
This imm purely TegeUl>lo emipouuA prepared ou strictly
MfaotUte principle*, miter the manner oTthe celebrated
Holland nodwor. Beer her*, it, r»pi*alioa at h<ene nroi
dnead It* intyodaction here, the demand commencing with
Ewe* a t the Father land Mattered over thalhoe Of |hto
■llthly conn try, many ofwhom brought with tlwn tail
handed down the tradition of its value. A u not* (VRruf
te A* American knowing that iii truly nrndoJV '
■MdUoat eiHuu euui aKeknowUdotd.
It is particularly recommended to thoM persona who** '
constitutions may have been impaired by the wntimioeu use
of ardent rplrita. or other Idrau of dlaelpation. Generally
Instantaneous in effect, it And* its way directly to the eeet
ofUfc. thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the
drooping spirit,and, In fed, infusing' new health and Vira
ta the system .
NOTICE*—-Whoever expects to find this a btnnn wid \
M dfeappotnted; trot to tbs sick, weak and fow syUlUd. It
vtlt proved grataAU aromatic cordial, possessed of iduxuler
fsmsmal properties.
I 1»« Qvnuiue highly concentrated Ik»rhere's Holland
Bittern U put, min haitplut bottles only, and retaUsd at
0*» Doltia per bottle, nr six bottles for Tits DoluM. The
gnat demand for this truly celebrated Madid ns has induced
menjrjmltatlons, which the .public should guard -gr'-|t
Beware of I mpoaitlon. Baa that ottr came Is oa ike
label of every bottle you buy.
tXa.’sss just*"* *• ~ *•
uawtifsotnaiua \
|(harma«tttote and C^mists,
For solo by a. ..Hi-. Altoona.
April 19. IStO-lamly. : •,
Mrs. winslow, an expkri.
sents to the attention of mothers her
which greatly facilitates the process nf teething, iy ioflsa
ing the gums reducing all iuflmnmation will allay pain and
spasmodic action, ano hi rare to regulate (Ar Bowels.
Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourtalraa.
and JteUtf and Health to your Jv fonts.
We have put up (thJ sold this article for oror ten ydtra,
and can say, (n confidence and truth of it, what «ebaf«
never, been able to say of any other medicine—never, hie it
foiled, th a tingle instance, to effect a cure, whetitf&kdy
used. Never did we know an instnnee of dissatisfactionby
any one who used It On the contrary, all are deOikted
with ifa operations, and speak in terms of highest cohbncii
dation of it* magical effects am) medical virtues. N'c rnetk
in this matter “ What wo do know.” after ten years’ otne
rleaee, and pledge opr reputation for the fulfilment of what
we here declare; I a,almost every instance where the' ih
font is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will he
found In fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is ad*
ministered. ”
ThU valuable preparation la'the prescription of one'of
fhemostevpcrienced and skillful nurses in New England,
and has been used with never-toiling success in tiouiawt*
of casts.
It npt only relievos the cbiW from pain, but invigorate*
the stomach and bowel*, Corrects acidity, and gives ton*
and energy to the whole system It will almost instantly
relieve Gnping in thtßawth and IfOid Colic, and over,
pome .con vutsolua. which.'if not ejxaiily remedhd, rad In
death. We believe it-the hat and surest rennlu in tbs
world, in all cases of Dysentery nod Btari beta hi children. •
whether it arises friio teething or I rum any other cause
W e wonld say to every mother who has a child stiffeiing
from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let vuurnr*.
Judlees. nor fh 'prejudices of others, stand hctwaeit your
suffeHnc child and the relief that will be sure—ye* fre
>«*My »flre—to follow the use of this medicine. If timely
nsedi' anil directions for using will Accompany each hot--
1® nul 2. e tf ;o lac-simile of OCUTXB * .
o * .on, the outside wrapper.
Sold by Brugglsts throughout the world, and by (I. W.
Kessler and A; Roush, druggists, Altoona. Price R »«.o
psr i l«ttle. ■■
s -t-
Greiit Rush to “ DAN’S,” -
Chcap Clolhing Store, •
In Kessler’s old DragSiore, on Viiginto St.
VJ to, be outgone by any one In the sale of
and other Nothma. -ll* has a large stock of Overcoats, of
the best quality and latest styles, black and fiwev and
pU i D o^l , L? n 'i y &ItK r £ - Sra *"<k and Drew COATS
and P AXIS, of every color, quality and style, tor men and
Uenit Shawl*, Halt, Copt, Soot* and Sion of
every *tyU. quality and price for old and youny,
Ladiet fine Dreu and Morocco Boots, Men'A -
Morocco lace Boot*, Ladie* and Mi****’
Obiter*. and a great variety bf UhO
dren’tSioe* Ladin Noli**,
Children"* fancy Uau and
Bood* Oenl't Shir(t,
Vnderthirt* and
. ■ Drawer*.
Collar*. Glove*,- :-j •
. t Botiery. Handkerchief*; . ■
Lbdtn'Qloves, Mitt*. Uotiety, j'e.Vm great variety*
°C CARPETING of aU «trU*
and nhfteriia of Oil a>ths, Tabltf Cove«
Sheeting. Tranks, Carpet Ban. ViUea
tadiM' Morocco Sachets. tJmhndlas, AUv
R f in^ t?r r d^tl! pt “i! 1 ' ,ra ? l ' " Brea>t Phis.Ear-Rfngs, Flag*?
oirSLi? K n e i t ?' B J n 2‘l*ta. Gold and Silver Fob Chain*,
(tolraren * Gold and Cnrtl Tuck-upa. Gent’s Shirt' Stud*.
J^“ tS . S,fceT,? But,n n*. "liver Table andTUg
Rocket’Knives, Pistols. Pocket, SM*
** s*!? o<>mh.; Tooth, llalr and Clothes Brushes: Scans
U et Ar,ic,c '*- *c„ Ac . all of which wilt be aoldat
vneeotoen price*. Bo sure and call at •• Ban’s” baton ya*
go eisewberu and you will save money. ' ,
Altoona. Oct. 4.' »’ IvACQUMAN. AfifCs,
choice lot op ex,
.f*4Wf^ufit-nam t»«n»'i v • ~ * T>