The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 06, 1860, Image 2

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    f 11 ptomta Cribm
aguWbtr* £srtleiare unkaownto *«,onr rale for adw
U to nqnir* payaMßt in adraoee, or * utauaotea from
fcooWP penoM.' to*a*-
to adraitlwtnenti dtoSbt>° payat theaadof thrtoor six
mmllw. SrtenadrattiaMMato ata aocompantad with th»
anaay. w**h* «*. orte» doUara, w# will fit. tit*
adf.rttow U»afall boastt of caab rates.
8. si. PETTOiraiKiL * CO.,
; AiTSrtWngAgsnto, 11# Nassau tesst. Nsw.Yor*, and
10 BUU totob; an tiM Ac«nto for tUa Altoona
Tribttnt, and tha moat influential and largest eircnlstiag
Newspapers Id Uw United States and the Canadas. They
re eatbprtaad to contract for os it our lowest nUu.
We have do desire to deprive onr subscribers
of the amount of reeding matter to wjbieb they
ere entitled, but our advertising petrous have
crowded our oolumnsoonsiderably at the pres
ent time, end -as they pay well.of course we
oon’t refuse them room. tell the truth, we
.don't regret onr present “ tight place,” as, after
•11, it Is by the advertising patronage we receive
we are enabled to keep np our paper. Whilst
a good paying subscription list is a material
help to a paper,yet if it had to subsist on that
alone, very few country papers could live- In
order to accommodate onr subscribers as well
as our advertising patrons,* we propose to en
large onr piper one column on each page, at
the commencement of. the next volume, or soon
er, if we receive proper encouragement. What
say onr subscribers to this ? Will they lend a
helping band by paying up old scores and a
year in advance, and each one ask his neighbor
to subscribe ? It will enable us to make our
*paper more intereating and you will thereby be
John Biu.on Secession. —A Now York jour
nal publishes a report from Tennessee to the
effeotithat John Bell has prepared an elaborate
address to tbe American people pn the crisis,
taking strong grounds against the right of se
cession and the expediency of it, and demon
strating tbe ruin, to the border States which
must follow from the Gulf States going out. Mr
Bell, it is understood, advises conciliatory meas
ures, and shows how strong tbe united South
will be against any Republican foray and bow
Lincoln will be, compelled to be conservative.
Congress met on Monday last. There
was a ijuorom in both {louses. The President's
Message was read on Tuesday. It is not so
lengthy as we anticipated. We have not yet
bad time to read it, consequently cannot speak
of its merits.
Sl&ioos AcCIDMT.— On Friday afteTnoon last
an accident occurred in the yard in this place,
by which Mr. John Cramer, of Tyrone, who runs
a market ear on the road, was severely, if not
fatally injured. It is customary to run the
Local Freight Train to the head of the yard,
when coming in from the East, and drop the
cars down the different tracks on which they
are. wan ted. On Friday afternoon Mr. C’a car
jras the lost on the train, and after being ran
to the bead of the yard, it and several box cars
were dropped down a track on which a number
of coal tracks were standing By some means the
oars which were -being dropped down became
unmanageable and ran down the yard at con
siderable speed, driving Mr, C’s car with great
force against the trucks Mr. C. was"standing
'on the .front end pf his car, consequently did not
see his danger. After-the concussion and, as
he thinks, when the cars were springing back,
bis. head was caught between the top of his car
and the one following it and received a squeeze
sufficiently hard to fracture bis skull for several
: inches, extending from his forehead, and over
his to the base of the skull. Otherwise
he was not inured in the least He was taken
to the office pf Dre. Good & Oemroill, where his
wound was dressed, after which he was removed
to Bowman’s Exchange, where he now lies.—
Everything that medical skill can suggest febe
ing applied W bis relief and he now Appears to
rpst easy, although he is n it out ,of danger.
A Tuesday evening Inst, at the
invitation of Ur. IK B. Miller, of the Logan
House, we jumped on n sled and rode up to the
of Mr. Runyan, to ace a pig
obui. the Utter bad just slaughtered for .the
former. It waa a eight worth aeeing—a beauty
in fact a It weighed, when dressed,
. the nine little pile of 620 pound* It was not
as long as the' common breed of lings in this
port of the country, but, as aduitehinan would
aay, It was ‘‘ wide out ” It measured, as near
ly, m ere could ascertain, a footand a half sereas
the shoulders and nearly tiro feet across the
kMnejs. The fat on its back bone measured
sevep ?p"bp« and the flitches between six and'
eight inches in thickness. The pig was of the
gqfltolk breed—full blooded-f-and vras ftyout 8
yearsold. It was -brought here and? wised by
Mr. Miller who has the reputation pride*
himself in, getting a good breed of whatever
Vifod of he raises, and the yield of pork
above noticed, proves that 'all w-hb .jwvse hogs
wpaldbjjthe gainers if they fpUowedhts ex
ample. H
While Supervisor Snyder was having the ■ receiving hi* holiday stock of confectionaries, nipper* lind ifoside another effort.' After one or
discerned written the w*U thelnforttiatioft- his.etore eoirner of . _ ■>, «- ’lt (hesinred |n ill five inchesr—«hr6e inches, of
jfigM CogAD was the first insute of matih*r { to he ferity the attention of old- end w biohJhj*d penetrated the spinal column, and
*j|ht lodger. vvi.^VK-.-•;■■■■ -.^r^
CarnmxofA Bsa*.-—One of the most sin- i
gniar captnrea, or rattiercrippling, of a bear'that
probablyevertook place, Penn*
sylvaniaßall’Hoad, aboutSo^^^ou^onday
As sj|gine Noj-BjliM6rif. A. - j
Con^ t oiiwitr j
-the: tlpiiands os |
ibfSrain dbyrnad
tha river aome distance ahead. It came up to
the road, just as the engine reached the \point
• of the
train haring been checked, brain ran along
ahead of the engine for aome and aeemed
determined on eroesing the back. At laat be
made the attepipt when he was struck hytbe
cowcatcher broke bis right fore-leg at
the aboulder and fan left 'hind-leg.
When the train reached Black Log Station,
Urif gave his engine in charge fireman,
and ;prbenring an axe be started back to des
patch the bear, which be (band in a ravine close
to where the accident occurred, but when he at
temptedto acquaint brain with tbeaze, the lat
ter backed up to a tree and showed two dangerous
rows of ivory and wielded faia dexter paw in an
ugly manner. Under the impression that he
was too much injured to travel, and as night had
set in, Qrif went to Mifflin, intending to return
and have the fun out the next day.
Accordingly, on Friday morning, ho, in com
pany with another man, ;both armed, and a dog,
went in searob of the bear, bnl when they come
to the spot Irhere be was fast seen, it was found
be bad awam the river, crippled as be was, and
made foA the mountain. They followed bis track
and finally overtook him, when he immediately
showed fight against-the dog, wbonl he pinioned
back of the neck and would not release his hold
nntil despatched by a rifle ball- He was taken
to Mifflin, and after being dressed weighed 284
pounds. One of bis .daws shown us, would
leave a track in the snow about seven inches
long by 4} inches brood.
Impobtavt Suits. —At the adjourned Court
held in Hollidaysbnrg last week, tbe case of
Charles Hughes against the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company was tried. -The plaintiff's claim
amounted to. $lO,OOO, and was for 100 tona of
railroad iron taken from the 'Portage Road, and
damages. Tbe dft claimed to own it under a
purchase made from the State, or the Agent of
tbe State, before the ante of the Public Works,
while the Company lay cla.m to it under their
purchase of the Main Line in 1857. We hap
pened to be in Court while it was being tried
and bad the pleasure of hearing the argument
of Col. Hall, of this place, on the part of the
defence. It was one of his best efforts—a clear
and logical argument. The jury rendered a
verdict for the dft. for $575. the value, we un
derstand, of ten tons of iron. It is said tbe
Company will take tho case to the Supreme
A suit, in which considerable interest wai
manifested, and which involved a principle of
great importance to all citizens, and especially
to collectors of taxes, was tried on Friday last
It was an actipn of trespass brought by James
Hutchison against Abraham Miirkey, collector
of taxes for Logan township, for 1859. It seems
that iMarkey levied on the plff’s horse, in Oc
tober last, and sold it for taxes, the plff having
refused to pay. The plff alleged that the deft,
did not demand the taxes from him thirty days
before be seized the horse, and bis counsel in
sisted that he must show that he did. On tbe
other band, deft’s counsel took tbe position that
Markey was a public officer and that the law pro?
suraed that be discharged his duty —that it was
for the other side to show be di 1 not make the
demand, even though it did involve a negative.
Tbe Court agreed with the deft, and so instruc
tpd (he jury, who, notwithstanding the charge
(and much contrary to general expectation)
found a verdict for the plff, for a part of bis
claim. We learn a motion has been mads for
; a new trial.
Advent of Winter r—The genial Summer is
past, glorious Autumn has departed, and the
aged and stern old Winter King has made his
advent, with icy breath and lowering brow.—
With all his rudeness and coldness and wailings,
who don't like-jfrim, frosty wold Winter—jolly,
roystering old Winter—happy, healthy, blus
tering old Winter—the time for fun and frolic,
song and sentiment, social dancing parties, jolly
home circles, sparkling fires, long evenings and
favorite authors? Now does the keen wind
buoy up the drooping spirits and impart a frui
tion that no Summer day’s languor can impart
—now does tbs glowing skater skim gracefully
over the smooth blue ice—and Soon will tinkle
the merry sleigh bells over hill and dale. And
iow. 0, Winter ! come* {the especial season of
feast mg, of harmless relaxation, and joyous
revelry—now comes merry, fat, good-natured
Christmas, and jolly, happy, hopeful New Tear.
These, Winter, jure thine own. No other season
cap lay. claim to them—no other season - can
give them rip us. And though iby hair be frosty
and whitp, Old Winter, and thy face pinched and
blue, t&y lieart is right .and trad and sincere,
and thy hands are open, as thou treadat this
good old earth. There is much to be enjoyed
and to be thankful for daring thy reign on this
slandered World of pan—in thine not : alone
but in those of thy brothers. Spring, Summer
and Autumn—by the possessors of warm hearts,
good tempers* social dispositions and clear
consciences. God’s 'blessing on thee for the
good you bring, andheallh to all to enjoy it.—
And when / ■■ f,l
r • •'
“At night with hoMlsMflngere,
The frost Its pencil takes, P :
Mingles the rainbow colon 11 '
Beside the- crystal lakes, •'
And softly shades the smallest leaf
Before the sun awakes." "
May those who have warn rooms and oheer
fa) fire-places remember in merdy the suffering
afid the destitute* nndshare with them some
portion oCthe blessings and the bounty that is
their doper-
For tww Howdats.— George Smith is about
i Bohuk’s Practical
! oar mdffl to a descriptive adtertbMV£pt ofth*
above work hi^ly
recommended aa sop|>|ytog
fetingjta a oomft&i' -itfit r"
■ eristy otfoaiathm
! dioary*a.inm.To tho '|j|p^*bb' ; , fw
j oat-Igrovofaia aebeoliDg** to feel rwfcy .when
] oaHed ifWS.ft* vffrk oe.eetimatw oatof tbe line
; oflde lt afford* tbeelae
; mo*tJ»adily'iMjd wbUe .pae de
ficient'in all bat the Tudiinents of a niatheinati-
cal •dncxtiMir: itt‘lßeid ra)c« andexamples w»
sufficient to Suable him to solreeverv question
presenting itself in any but extraordiaaty busi
ness transactions As n bendy book of reference
| it la invaluable, and may be relied on aa au
B»coxK»st>*P r— The Whig urges Hon. Sam- ;
uel Calvin, pf Hollidaysburg. as a shitable per- I
son to fill the office of United States Senator.— |
Mr. C. has a good record so far as hi« fidelity j
to the interests of Pennsylvania is concerned, ]
and would make a creditable representative, but
we fear bis pole is too short to knock the high
persimons this time.
The Johnstown Tribune recommends Robert
M. Lemon, better known os Bob Lemon, of Hol
lidaysbsrg. as a suitable person to fi 11 the office
of Marshall of the Western District of Pennsyl
vania, Whether Bob has any aspirations that
way we are not advised.
lieurt. Editor* .-—Permit a reader of your
paper to pay a deserving compliment to the
landlord of “ White Hall Hotel,” and the excel
lent house he keeps. The writer of this, with
a number of gentlemen, were invited to a sup
per on Thanksgiving evening, with “mine host”
of the above named hotel, and I but speak the
unanimous sentiment of the party in saying that
a tnciie luxuriant table we never set down to.—
It was coveted with everything inviting to the
palate, and the variety so great os to allow
each taste to be satisfied. May the clever fel
low who keeps the “ White Hall” enjoy a large
share of public patronage, and long may he
wave. r X.
Romantic.- —The Tyrone Slur details an ac
count of a novel wedding which took place on
the Huntingdon Accommodation train on its up
ward trip one day, some two weeks since. Es
quire Burlev. of Tyrone, received won! that the
coup’e would be on the Accommodation Train,
and wished him to meet them. Upon the arri
val of the train. Enquire B. stepped in and per
formed the ceremony, much to the surprise of
the other passengers, after which the “ model
conductor” sung qut •* ail right,” and the hap
py couple passed on their journey over the roil
and through life.
Conductor Killed. - -Mr Herman Updegraff,
a citizen of Johnstown, and for several years
past Conductor on tue Pennsylvania Railroad,
was killed on Wednesday afternoon, near La
trobe, by falling from his train, which passed
over and mangled him in a most horrible man
ner. We did not learn the cause of the acci
dent. Mr. Updegraff was a married man, and
the father of several small children, all depen
dent on him for. support His remains were
taken to Johnstown, on the Acoommo lation, for
Thanksgiving wa» generally observed by
the business portion of the community in this
place. Work was suspended in the Fail Road
Shops and all the stores were closed. A sermon
suitable to the occasion was delivered in the
Presbyterian Church, at half past 10 o'clock in
the morning, by Rev. A. B Clark. In the
afternoon the scholars connected with the pub
lie schools, convened in the Methodist Church,
where they were addressed by Revs, bhrenfrld,
Creighton, Clark and others.
Not OtMiiTT. —Anthony Roeloff, conductor,
and James Armstrong, engineer, who bad charge
of the train which ntn into the crowd at Hunt
ingdon, during the fair and encampment at that
place, last fall, thereby killing two men and in
juring another, and wh o were arrested therefor
on the charge of manslaughter, had their trial
at the recciit terra of Court in that county. In
the case of Roeloff. the jury returned a verdict
of “not guilty.” In the case of Armstrong,
the District Attorney entered a nolle prosequi.
Look brr Bovs —Two young men were re
cently arrested and fined.,in Allentown, for de
fading handbills. This game of defacing bills
is practised to a considerable extent in this ploce,
and those who nut up handbills may yet be
driven to the necessity of pursuing a course
similar to that adopted in Allentown, to protect
jheir property, So, look out boys, that you are
hoi. taken on a “ whereas” some of these days,
and invited to appear before, the Chief Burgess
Coks. —We have tried the coke burned at the
gas wotks in tills place, and are of the opinion
that it is just the article for those who use coal
stoves and wish,an article which will make &
quick, hot fire, and at the game time prove
economical. It is sold at 6} cents per bushel
at the works. Let those who wish something
of this kind give the gas coke a triaL
A Political Biotkb with a Swobd Black
1h His Back.—During the election riot at 1111-
noistowu, 111., a man named John Oenoar was
stabbed in the back with a sword cane. The
weapon Iwaa :drnr«n in about midway of tbe
spinal column, and then broken off within
about iwbioches of the body.
It was fonii*! Impossible to extract the weapon,
and DenoaT was conveyed from Illinoistuwn to
the Health Office. A physician was called in,
andendpavored to pull out the weapon with a
smaU pidr ,of; forceps or pincers, lie applied
the pincers some half a dozen times and pulled
with airthe Strength he c«dld command. but so
firmly was the steel transfixed in the bone that
the pincers i invariably slipped off. and the
‘‘ clawa’f fiodily became injured in such a man
ner thftt’|the pincers were rendered useless.
The D ctof: endeavored to loosen the weapon
in'avarietyhf’way's, but to no purpose. It
bad been driven in with so much forge that it
wajs even moire strongly transfixed in the bone
thsm a nail driven into a stick of wood Dr.
Smith I’naliy procured a p/iir of jffioemajtjw’s
evening last, Grit Conner, ' ’ IMPORTANTTO ttMAUft | K J>lXb.
caglMer <k IwTbpotigh Freight Train running .®2sl2i£lififc'*e«e : * A>»«ni|>nfirf Aiiooali.
hom lhi- pUce to Mifflin, h.d.h. good fortune J^^^JS***,*
to |j>** » bich nttempted tocross , ii.iii«i|frr.-"•. 'Hi -■ .»* \.
th« t«ck /sbont four miles west of Miffin. The i paioftil w fc *~
reklh of Ihisanimal’is *• be m*!e into a robs, [ OTIHIax,
bnt we it will be «* comforuWe. j ft. of
cheap oraerviceaWe as a emt of clothes from . whlth , r>fr oi|natnre. = ■ • th*
tbs largeabdelegant invoice of, fashionable { g' 6ft CH*ftIBIUMI , JnLlS' ';l . ..In Holiltojvborg,oa th* Ist lest, Mr*.AONXB BUOMO,
clothmgTCCeived by Pan LaaghmaO. on Satar- ! »«the eesMaeifeament of a new w» to the Usahuavi a* *****
J T •■■ , . . 7 XT- thu*e irrarularitie# and obstruction* which haV* consigned ■*»"'
day last, * bis cheap clothing ba»ar. on Vir- \ of yooDf , th.
i ginia street, in the store formerly occupied by , |oTw| s Ho tasale «to esjoy «i»od
' O W. Kessler. Callt and yon will not go away | bealtb onto* »h* to regular, and whenever aa obatnctiou
dissatisfied. ' 1 take* place th* general health beglnsto decile*.
are th* meat effectual remedy e»er known tor a# complaint*
peculiar to J*malss. To all cluM* they are Invaluable, »*•
dueing. with certainty periodical regularity They are
known to thousand*. who ha** Sard them at different pe
riudf. throughout the country, haring thasanetlonaf some
of the moat eminent Phg/tieian* in America.
Explicit directions, iWiig and when they ihould
not be toed, with each Box,-tt* Price On* Dollar each
Boa. containing 40 Pitti. i.
A valuable Pamphlet. to ha had Brea, of the Agent*.—
pills sent by maO, promptly, by enclosing prlea to th* B*n
oral Agent. Sold by Druggist* generally,
B. 8. UOTCUINQ3, OssssAt Aossr,
' 14 Brtmlwky. New York.
'old in Altoona by 0. W. KSrnlsr; In HoUWaysburg by
Qaa. A. Jacobs. tD**- $« 1859 ' l f‘
i Coiciu —We understand that the scholars
connected with the Presbyterian Sunday School,
in this place, are now practising with the view
of giving a public concert in a short time, for
the purpose of raising money for the School.
Proceedings of Council.
Council met—present,- A. A. Smyth, D F.
Laugh man, D B Miller, and R. Greenwood,
Council, and Wm C. McCormick', Chief Burgess
Minutes of last meeting read, and after be
ing corrected in resolution relative to lifting
certain finea in the hands of Jacob M. Cherry,
Esq., and applying the same to repairing “ Lock
Up,” so as to read “ Wm. C. McCormick, Chief
Burgees.” instead of “ Wm. W. Snyder,” they
were approved.
On motion an order waft granted Wm. Doroer
for one hundred and seventy five dollars, being
the amount of allowance awarded him for lot
-No. 0, block A., taken and appropriated for the
opening and extension of Catharine street, to be
paid as soon as the money for that purpose can
i be collected.
On motion, on order was granted to the Al
toona Gas and Water Company, for one hundred
and fifty-eight dollars, for putting in twenty fire
plugs and water rent in full up to 16tb Dee:, iust.
On motion, the following orders were granted
for labor performed on the streets for the month
of November:
~.$3l 60
... 16 25
.... 17 00
Ob motion, an order was granted D. F Laugh
Win. W. Snyder,
Jesse Gr0ve,......
Daniel Coyle,
man for $3 50 for 1 one pair blankets for the use
of the “Lock Up.”
The following bills were presented and read,
and on motion, orders for the same were gran
ted, viz:
John Shoemaker for lumber, bauling
and nails, i
J. A. McDowell for hauling
E. H. McCormick, lumber and nails. :..
John Hooper, biacksmithiug done fur
former Council
The petition of the Good Will Fire Company,
asking that a fire plug be put in on the corner
of Annie and Brunch streets, was read, where
upon, on motion.
Resolved, That the Gas and Water Company
be instructed to put in a fire plug in compliance
with the prayer of the petitioners
Oh motion, Resolved, That the Supervisor be
instructed to have the following pavements im
mediately put down, in accordance with the Or
dinance of the Borough, to wit: On Brunch
street, in front of lots of James Korns, Wm.
Conroy. Philip Dempsey, Wm. McGlaughlin and
John Welsh ; also in front of lot between Welsh
and Driver ntid between Nichols Vod lekes, and
that correct bibs be made o»t for each separate
ly, and report tjie sumo to Council, who will
piocced to collect the same according to law.
Ou motion. Resolved. That the Supervisor be
instructed to have the pavement, recently pul
down by C. Jaggard, on the corner of Catharine
and Hurried streets, in East Altoona, taken up
and put down strictly in accordance with the
Ordinances of the Borough, and keep a correct
account of the expenses of the same, and report
to the. Council immediately.
On motion. Council adjourned to meet again
"on Ist Thursday evening iu January, 1801, at
: 7 o’clock. —[Extract from Minutes.
blood Food 1 Blood Food I!
Are you despairing? Have you tried other remedies and
failed? l*o you classify Dr. Brbnson’s Blood food with
other patent medicines 7 Listen I
It would he impossible to let yon k now of the Blood Food
withoat resorting to the advertising. Now. that quacks
resort to the same method to acquaint yon with their patent
medicises. duos not make this preparation the same style
of article at alias the Its. Dr. Bnhieon is n teacher in our
medical colleges, and a v-ry celebrated lecturer on pbysi
olojiy ; and his preparations—not patent medicines—are the
reeu c of an old physician’s great experience and knowl
edge. Thou do not despair Though you have tried other
remedies aaa failed, try this and you will surely be cored.
Consumptive I you may be cured by this. 'Unfortunate!
whose over-taxed system has brought on some chronic dis
ease. numbers suffering as you are, find relief and restora
tion to perfect li ealth from the Blood Food. Dyspeptic!
try it. fill suffering from Liver Complaint, male or female
weak leases, or any complaint caused by poverty or defi
ciency of blood, feed your blood with the Blood Food and
be well.
Mothers) Mothers! I If you value -your own comfort and
the health of your children, keep Dr. Eaton’s Intanuldtter
diai always in the house. It is safe, free from paregoric
and all opiates, and fa a certain remedy for Diarrhea, Sum
mer complaint, and all diseases attending teething, and a
great assistance in so ftcnlng the gums. 4®* See ad vertise
meut. For sale by A. Koush, Altoona, Pa.
Try Barhava Holland Bitten.
Try Bcerhavet Holland Bitters.
Try Bctrhava Holland Bitten.
Try Bcerhavet Holland Bitthrt.
In all Nervous. Rheumatic and Keuralgic affectations, it
has Id numerous instances proved highly beuedcial, and
In others effected a decided curb.
O_Tlio use of Dr. Host?tier’s Stomach Bitten for Dys
pepsia, Flatulence;' heaviness of the stomach, or any other,
like affection, is second to none in America or abroad. To
be able to state confidently that the ü ßlttera” are a certain
cure fur dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors
a source ofnnall yed pleasure. ItremoTesall morbid mat
ter from the stomach, purifies the blood, imparts renewed
vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and en
ergy so indispensable for the restoration of health, The
numerous acknowledgements of its superior excellence and
beneficial results have assured the proprietors that it can
not bat proven great cure to the afflicted, and impart vi
-taUty to the thorough system.
49” Sue advertisement in another column.
mbs. wikslow,
An experienced nnrse and female physician, has a teething
Byrnp fbrehlldren teething, which greatly facilitates tEs
process of teething, by aotsning the gams, reducing all in
flammation—will allay all pain, sure to regulate tbs
bowels. . Depend upon It, mothers, It wHl'give rest toyonr
setvse, and relief and heaUbtoyoor infanta. Ferfsetly
Altoona, Deo. Bd, 1860,
Try Barhavtt Holland Bitten.
Try Jkerhaves Holland Bitten.
Try Barhavet Holland Bitten.
Try Barhavet Holland Bitter».
Bead I Bead] Bead!
Ham. Joan Wilcox A CoL-—Your "liipectlae,” or "Per
sian Fever Charm,” ha* done wonders. 1 was wholly de
spondent and wretched when I applied it, sad in live hours
the chilis were removed and no fever has ensued. It is the
simplest cure imaginable, and a wonder of nature or art.
I would not bo without this “Inpeetine” a tingle hour.—
By constantly wearing I seam to bo "ague proof.”
. Tears very truly, B. M. STOUT.
Ontuni: —I hava been snatched from the grave by
the application of your wonderful ** lupectlne,” er Per
sian Fever Charm.” For eeveral year* J have suffered ev
ery season from Fever and Ague. Last Spring my life was
threatened, but yodr remedy has destroyed ths dissase and
X am rapidly gaining kn appetlta and strength.
- Respectfully yonre, D. Ni BARRON.
This truly wonderful preventive and cure for Fever and
Ague and Bilious Fevers will he sent mail, post paid, on
receipt of one dollar. Also for sals at all respectable Drug
gists and Country Stores. • , _ .
Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188-Main at-, Rich
mond, Va. Branch Office, Bank of Commerce Building,
Now York. Addreag JOIIN WILCOX.
Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine.
DR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE cures Putrid Boro Mouth
DR. VELPEAU'S CAN SHRINK curve Sore Nipples.
UR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINK cures Ulcerated Saras.
DR. Tr.LPEAITS CANKEKItjB cures Burns.
Dil. VELPEAU’S CANKKRINE cures Chapped Lips.
DR. CANKERINK cures Ulcerated Gums.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINK is tbs best Purifier sf tbs
Breatb.of anything known.
D:.v VELPEAU'S CANKERINK cures Cagker in the
Month. Throat, or Sthomach, resulting from Scarlatina or
Typhus Fevers.
$l3 62
5 76
8 31
Ladies, if you delight in pure whits teeth, use the CAN
KERINS, and your desires will be realized, - We pledge
our word that it la entirely free from acids and all poison
ous substances, end can ho given to an infant with perfect
safety. It will preserve the teeth and keep the gums free
from uicert. It is equally efficacious for nursing sora
mouths. In all the thousands remedies that have beeujmt
fortli f-ir the rare of tbs -various diseases above, none can
equal the Cankerine. Sold by all drugget* Price 2s
cents per bottle. J. BURRILL A CO-,
. Proprietors, B 3 Malden Lane, N. T.
For sale in Altoona, by 6. W. KESSLER.
The undersigned, uoit Bevsnty-flvo years old, has for
years devoted his time to curing his Pnrisbouers and the
poor in New York of these dreadful complaints, which carry
thousands and thousands to an untimely grave; he has
seldom foiled to cnre.all who have applied to him for re
lief. and believing it to be a Christian’s duty to relieve
those abroad, os well as at home, he will send to those who
require it, a copy of Prescriptions used, (free of Charge),
with directions for preparing and using the same. Also
rules on Diet, Bathing, Ventilation, and Exercise for the
Sick, they will fimf these remedies a sure cure for Commitp
tion. and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever and
Ague, Constipation. Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous
Debility, and Female Complaints, and he hopes every one
afflicted will send for a copy, as it will cost nothing, and
those suffering Should apply before it is too late. These'
Prescription are used by the moet eminent Physicians in
Loudon, Paris, and New York. Those wishing them will
. please addreis BKV. Dll. CHAMBERLAIN.
Nov. 15,’60.-ly. Williamsburgh, New York.
The advertiser, luiving beeu restored to health in a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis
ease consumption—is anxious to make known to bis fellow
sufferers the means of cure.--
To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescrip
tion lined (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing
and u-ing the same. which they will find a sure cure for
OsscMmos. Asthma, Baoscaitifl- ic. The only object of
the advertiser i- sending the Proscription is to benefit the
afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to bo
invaluable and he.hopos every sufferer Will try his reme
dy, as it will C'Wt them nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing tne prescription will please address.
King Connty, Kaw Yirk.
Ost. 4, 'Bo.—ly.
Weakness of the Stomach and Indi
Another Great Curv effected by Barhave's JTolfand Silleri.
The. wife of Pieter DA Wittif, li> ing in Holland Town,
Sheboygan county. Wisconsin, suffered much from Weak
ness of the Stomach and Indigestion She bad been under
a physician'reare fur some time, but the; disease seemed to
baffle even bis skill. She purchased some HOLLAND
BITTEKS at our oißce, which has given tone to her etdm
ach; her appetite and strength are teturning, and weflrm
iy believe this this is another great cure effected by your
medicine. >|
t We have still to record many wonderfltl cores effected by
this remedy, but must wait another Opportunity. One
thing you can rely upon, what we have published are from
.persons much respected in our community, and are liter
ally true. J. QUINTUS;
(Ed. Sheboygan Nienwsboda, Sheboygan, Wis.)
' .... wt -W. —■
The American Medical and Toilet
This book contains Rteipetknd Direction* tor makiug all
tbs most valuable Medical preparations In use; also Re
cipes and full and explicit directions for making all the
most popular and, nseful Cosmetics. Perfumes, Unguents,
Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles. If you are »uf
prlng with any chronic disease—lf yon wish a beautiful
complexion. a"fln* bead of hair, a smooth face, a clear skin,
a luxuriant beard or moustache—or if yon wish to know
anything and everything in the Toilet apd Medical line, you
should, by all means, peruse a copy of this book. For full
partieulars. and a'uampl* of the work :for perusal, (free,)
address the publisher, F. CM A PM AX.
Nor. 1.4 m No. 881 Broadway, New Fork.
On the 18th nit, by the Rev. Jos. Ffrbtner, Mr. JERE
' MIAII LONG and Mißs MABU BITCSEF, both ofOreon
fteld township. ' ’■ • ']■ ■
On the Cats of the Pennsylvania- Raj) Road, at Tyrone
Btnfiou.'on the 21st nft- by ffm. Burley, Eeo.Mr. DAVID
ROBISON and Mto SUSaN WALLS, bdthof Birmingham,
Huntingdon county ■ ■ ■ ■
On the »)tn ttlt . by Rev. J. Burn*. Jfr. JOHN-OINTER,
j of Logon township, Blair county, toERiM JEARLDIKB
1 HOOVES, dfSti Angus tine, Ctenbrtapwmty. *
Cairo, IIU July Wlh, I*6o.
Mobil*, Alabama, July 33d, I*6o.
To Consumptives.
And thuse-afflieted with
To Consumptives.
I f to cull sad see the 'new goods
Just received at the MoiUd. , [Dee. 0, ’•t-it
1\) the place to find the feshloos Is at
the Model.' [Dec. 8, MSi.-U.
FT sftkvXaM.
•%c.8,’e0.-«. ...
Qranbebries ,
fteehand nice »tthe Model
c. 6. >SO.-It.
Boot* for children and Mlum tt tka
MwVil. [D*^.«! 'fln.-U.
rv* HE PANIC \ .
I . h«*not deterred tjj* propmtort of
tli* SMrl Start ftpm layiai In their w<oud supply o{ Win
ter Goods, bnt baa enabled ua to buy them at eery low
prices. and w# are now prepared to offer our customers 1
grant bargains in all kinds of
DRESS ooops.
Shawls, Cloaks, Domestic Dry Goods,
Our stock of good* Juat rewired is full and comprises
many new and beautiful «tjle* worthy of examination by
those wishing to bur, and we will tell them cheaper than
orer. We lurlte all to call'and see us, but particularly the
ladle*. ’ J. 4 J. LOWTUKR.
' Dec. ft. ’BO.-3t. ■
“Opposition the Life of Trade.”
This it true of almost every business, and the subscriber
subscribing to that doctrine has opened a store In tbe
building forme* ly occupied by him as a Justice offlet, on
Virginia street, three doors above Julia ktreet, wherah*
baa ou baud a fine assortment of
of the latest and most fashionable styles, fur men and hoys,
Qloves. Hosiery, Heady-Made Shirts,
Hii inrites a call, determined, by selling at a small fruit
and returning Value fur money, to merit patronage.
Dec B, ’tiu.-tf. JOHN McCI.tILLAS'D.
l in tile Post Office at Altoona. December Ist, UK.
Arnold. N. A. 3 f.nibig. F. 3
Digger, Alex. Morrlssay, Tlioms*
Broatta. Catharine Moore, Phillip
■Ball, W. W. Mark, Elizabeth
Beam, T. M. Martin. Mr.
Berfchlmor, Sarah Mires, John
Beall. Anton > Mcßride. B.
Baldwin, It. McCulough, Thomas
Brnnine, G. McCaughsy, John
Bentrr, E. \ McOtusoland, W 8.
Bromlmngh, Samuel McCabe. 9. t-
BritUnberg A Green UeAleman, Mr.
Creighton, Sela McClelland, Samttel
Coindiu, Samuel McMuckin. Kliinbetb \
Curuey. Michael 8 Mclntyre. Pat.
Campbell, N. Osmond, W. U.
Crane. Mr. Parker. J. L. ■
Cliuton. J. E. Proston. A. U.
Campbell, Annie J. Richardson, Kleaar 3
Cullncr, Uoracs Roady, M. J.
Duk. Joim Rodgers. E. 8
Davhj, W. M. Rhoads, B. ?.
Flowers, James Reynold*. J. J.
Fisher, U. W. 3 Straus, 8 S
Feller, M. A. Slippy, A.
Or ihim. Elisa Schell. Bemuel
Grub, Alvina Stevenson. I. 3
llonery, B. F. Swisher, 11. .
Toward, J. L. Small! Q. L.
Hamilton, N. 8. Shlngler. Jacob
Hall. J. B. 3 ' Staple, John '
Irvine, A. C. Sauer, A.
I ones, Georgs Snowden, John
James, Hiram Templeton, A. M. .
Jenkins, Isaac 3 Thomas, J. 8.
Jackson, Cornelius Williams, J. C.
Jamus, Thomas W’eist, Wolfgang
Kinney, A. W. •' Ward. James
Lambert. J. Wheeler, Amo*
Persons calling for lottsrs tu this list will pleats say they
arc t* Advertised.” J. SHOEMAKER. P. M.
Agift valued fhum two
dollars to ono hundred dollars given with every
book sold at retail prices !
At least one watch it guaranteed to every twelve booil.
These inducements are offered by tho
The most extensive and the most liberal Gift Cenesyn
in existence. Established in ISiS.
Those who have patronized other Gift lionss* are parti
cularly requested tn acquaiut themselves with our terms.
Our tojluceiueolii ara unrivalled, and put all others in the
shade, Tne following are some of the Gifts to purchaser*
of books:
English Lever Gold Watches, Hunting Cases.
Patent Lever, “ *• “ “
Ladles’Lever. “ “ “ . “
Detached Lover Silver Watches, Hunting Cases,
Lepine Silver Watches, Open Face.
Gold Lockets, Vavious Sizes.
Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Chains, various styles.
Ladioe’ and Gents’ Gold Sleeve Buttons a Studs, all pattwM-
Gouts’ Bdsonj Pins, new and rich stales.
Gold Pei ells and Pens.
Ladles' and Gents’ Gold Rings.
Gold Watch Keys and Belt Pin*. . „ _ \
A great variety of Ladles’ Jewelry, Pine and Bar-Drop,
comprising all the stylesi now worth such as Cam so, Mosaic,
Gold Stone, Lava, Florentine, Ac., Ac.
Hold Bracelets,*all styles. , ,
Thu List of Books comprises a great assortment ot sun
anl works in every department of literature, interesting
the young and did. Do not tall-to send for * catalogn*-
Catalogues mailed free to any address. Apply to
Branch Office, 116 .Washington Street, Boston, il**-
Dec. 6, 1660,-51.
Be Forest, Armstrong & Uo*.
75, 77, 79, 81, 83 & 85 Du«W St-,
that they are opening Weekly, In »•*
tiftil pattern!, the •
A New Print, which excel* every Vrint in
perfectidn of execution and design in W ——risf
Our Print* are cheeper then any in m»rket, M“
With extenaite aala. Oniera promptly attemW »•
Peb’y 2, 1|60.-ly ,
I The undersigned propose* to give in, ,'l? e }e®
ting, in Altoona, com • encing December 3rd, t • ,
Maciuoo Drafting, and ArduteotarM
. Plana, Spsciflcatlcnsandlistiinate* ofbnM“P Sw*.
and; drawings executed tor patents on ~j fri-
will he given on Tuesday. (tees
day evenings of each week, in the room ow , n(ht jbor« ■
tailor -hop. on VfrginUatraet, totWT-
Nov. 2itb. '(Mu. ipWAPD
is Jerebj
given that the partnership ,1 eoa*® 00
tween theonderaigned was dtoolved {h« lit®
theawanjrofNovember.JMO. Thehwinereor
will be settled on by Mr. IKompeon who will oon "°
IqtetaoH in th* cOd stand. gjiffAßT,
Altoona, Nor. 38. 18»—3t-J MOBBS THOMI*^'
o'clock. Member* w* oil roquertwUe ” a
ei < t.
■ * \
wm r
.'• • • *
* "'irinV. t , he .* T ?
- mmoml uot only tv i
22£SobTfrrd K>m*i
tttt they h *‘' r ® *
tii the wonderful twu
been fore<J to ic
Utn fcUowlo*
trot- O. J. Woo» *
la-lsfo eoßferoior >
which y°“ h»»® P" bl1
iSTiIAa itoo to nuu»
Tuo enijulr
u(ioa and naine,»B»
jjlttfil* of all tlievoi
continue to U** In K°vt
T~.n «MJ do Miewrr 1
. tar than to *“>’
” .av** and Un
wblakira. and the onl
' latMt tijaewbetance 1
Mlbehatn. 1 *“7® b
ofrietterefrtmi all i«u
continue* tu
tn tkn MMHihctnn* ar
- MlktK ltkM, no doul
not only without any
2 !»*««* any o
gonni months. and yet
Sfelwtra examined t
nod not astray hal
Drove thi* (Hct I »end
5-.» mL ; I r-'cclrei.
whWi I
{Mentis end thereby m
tlibl until after trial,
nahfrrsal eocon*.. I
me n tees by which I
cold hv many. I f-.u-.
. nrtlole will Ineure sue
Jo not Coilbw.the btih
whiAsvees Ute lnri
** heretofcro, to keep
no iny halr. tu 1 «»<ui
ilnkta opinion of lie '
y««n» ;
<iut.ftJ. Woob: I
wpsw. grant injustice i
wonderful, as well as <
from wing ono bottle u
oven kind of Kestorat
finding my hf*ad ncarl;
dared la try * hotllo
dgMUuJMutUce coiuis
reed this, that I now )
, «f hair, which I protio
original waa I will t
pile invaluable refunly
♦fit: ’ Resp'y you ».
.J, B.—This tsstimon
nable medlcine (asyou
yon think it worthy n
wish; Iff!?* destroy au
Thf I* pi
large, nfodlum and smi
rsUUsfbrone dollar p»
twenlfijmrMnit more I
for Mf. dollars per laitl
cent, more in praportio
WOOD 4 COU PAiprleti
114 Market street. St. (
Druggist* and Fancy U.
AjjSA'eif Plain Rule'
ivtomt, by Martin V
- Cbnreyaneer. Sev
• bott i o>. x Philately l
This work contain*
'stud Examples, entirely
arise every day in tho
has already passetl thro
succession. and is proi
men to be tho handiest
eolations, that lias ever
at pie in the]
,*ed i« ifflsdn manner. >
thus* rftArrlufto the w
it; lu ft word, tSfe.xenet
101 KiUim, dint a
and divi
exanttfr that arises in I
of any estimate require
. The chief aim of the
and philosophy in B&ur
city, believing that husj
CfftM fat dbcuseing the p
figures, deeming It sutlh
a mometU. by reference
CALCULATOR differs ■
dtatiee of the dsv and !
Heat business calculate
Oeet man. wlmt the k-i
fiends of. the teacher in
and Insures correctness.
s ‘ THE WOI!
Measurement of Lain;.
..Wwk , of stone and sto.i
. ooal end cost bins, of v
Jar, square or Irregular
,ing, wphurterer’s. pain
rtP’W'nsriger'g ami upl
rjbey end of foreign an
«f*l system, ofreducti ’
bMDe**, of simple and
to htisir
UtfgM governing arid re
numerous commercial
• ptjfMeat op notes, of hi
tlon of payment and of
of.tegey. of weights an]
measure, of the square r
ofsurtaces, of excavate
practical matters not wi
to aentton.
Parmer, the merclmut, ;
professional man. It h
the lawyer, the ju«u
and rtal ntate broker,
eurk, to the civil onrimi
Md brfcfcUycr, lo fl
p*p«r banner an l
Ulet/Ac., 4to 4 each at. J 11
rtouswanta better than
AP* Mailed (pour p.d I
receipt of the mo mi
W cents, or two copies
®nn,merocco, ii.'.o pe.
Ojiws, i
! Nn 8
n O Y I
r | Hii SUBtiCi
to furnfob
22JMw* with any .11
gg?»?Ptnthou., D d*. i
“*W*w>*nd a rts alwkfi
: fues-
I'M rtfrv Th
nSy riL tw ° do<i " •
_aoy. j, 1860,.i m
p Ea
p «iL
°*p*-». 1800,-Srn
Mot. !i2.-0t
SaJPptlemen can be
Pfi'-e®. by ap
lS£s , n i n s 4ro,Wa *‘r*«
Mqt. 2B& -