The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 06, 1860, Image 1
relty in the Art UrowcTr'''' UPHY UPON PORccr-. MKIUGAN PBOTOrn* JKLAI.V COMPANY, A-oTfsi i:ig .-i.cuml Ua-ir novel «n i \ r °adtn iK ji. and European p a leoti J <• all urdura fur ‘ “ u i Wo fnjjj tt Likenesses of Persons on attractive mill advntitn»„ M ' J iUHn l 1 "!''"- e* l ' I'nlliancv anil taf, 1 rwi ture« aal .r ldtliiM lu ‘* *l'. of ‘S ° i 'iiu. n-.l us i„i I yHri # l mb] qn * ll |y of • ailiora |tp„n wl,i c |, the®? «•*« n» t u r " ;-l jiroccM ~f the Company * nsf 'tUd i u tftiaplia. not only tlm, i' Uiul or of n..y^gree P ote : ~Mv.ilu<;c<| with liiShjL” 1 "I^KUliriiv 1“ upon Porcelain • r UJ} ,, JWrt Urticu, \ Ut 01 faithful lwrtniiUaj^>u M S7’^-;. ; l ’ f ■liiAli facilities for the ' 1,1 «•> mwt the wante offh®*U<>n ef ih. 1"11. .u.l *’f I‘nvine 1-ortreiulnT p#,r °n« oi niwrtca from Kwpffgggftwa«hfrfl Fy""'?^sS&4U uu ' ‘l' tonnined, W. tb] •" "*ry iWy I j sin-KAirs ojf cajzfA ““B to ’ wrs POLLAJtS, . :; ‘i*«! wanner,.;; ■ -. 1, . >»<■ French , raSgSSs^*^ ’■'nr : of rich &bru 'v:jy tt <■/ttery Qualify pf tv^i !" ■ . ‘ ’ . .uMiesSed to 1 '- . .tr - 1.«- •. u:< <Bl ’ •y speaking in the praises? ' > ; BATON’S ' ILE CORDIAL ■‘'r'.rjaOtto atontf irliutiiunteutr*- 1 ** *' c t* bv magic, and ,1, ncu you that whit wewtfff (ftt* T. - Ji. ;. v k 2GORIO OS OPIATE f‘* r ? •>? tutor ■ ■ .ul o by deadening jf» jaittlrilul,, ::miM i itself us f y C utiißEx 'fEEintsoi' Dmajia* o,Te lf'-AoMtr oF ia»:gtej,! ’-. flu d. ami CttPOT, ateoyfopjoAen ' ■ < i>Mi*n*mUon, regufatwatit &v*u ■■ ■‘! I " I [-Wa8 an antl-ijittmedie ' v in all CMtn. of CosfmuM ■ ra.jic Ute Uft and JteaUh favour “ re them /r<rn tlotc tad and UigUinn I '-rlaiu to reiult from the it#e qfnau ■; r c f« ht itmpUdra, r °“ c pa. K.tToyaJariatnjCoßwu, i. it is perfectly harmless, and cau • wato infant. Price,’ 2R cents.'- full ■' vacli' bottle. Prepared only by CIIDHCU A VUi'oUX No. 409 Broadway*N>w-Yorfc. upon being ! ALYZED i!)i the ramo essential elements, Bad J'Taxdard. Analyze tbeHlood of ■ - n Consumption, Lire-r Complaint, kc , ;iml wo find in (very itaianct cer in c (ilubuKs) of Blood. Sitpplu them <u* made well. ' TOe Btooff Ko» U Theory—hen to. Its astonishing sac- Pn£PAJtATIOSS \ ' i:;iiti*|s of tfic Blood In dioenint dis- Cvi-pay Br.os.cHmg, W.nfiylfcetloii ■at ..r-J.uKos, inducing Cowwnos, ■ j tin. No. forJDertiEBMow.of Spiwm, I for all CoHmitrtsi aVlllnx ial Drnmtr. ,nnd Ntavoca Piojxej.- ft ConpLusra. No. 3 for Dmpipsu.— d/nr dhsnrjftioti it is I AXIS nr Deom i.v into ,t!ic circulation, so tlmtvrhat 1 lie No. 4 is for JrEHAU llBloOlaui si.'sus,' Ac. Sco special directions for JM. Kr.UMIOSS, acßOPiTOcii, Ku>NiT, in. take'No, 5. ■ In nil caeesthedi fv followed. I‘ricc of tlfeJS/ood Jbod CHURCH 4‘DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway; Now.Vorfc- S. Philadelphia, andG. H.HEYSEB, A pruts’; i.;; W: ,T. Murray,” Hollidayabnrg; orsiggist* throughouttho country. -iX AND ORNAMENT 3. -ME.SHfiS. KEYS * WALSH r« - I’Cbllc Unit they *u« prepared to [) CBN AMENTALPAEiHNG, rand lit 1n w prices. They Bbokerp I t snip, at loweetprice*, : TV & PAINTfiRS' TOOLS ; I'-‘ills, STAINED i L iCKINU GLASS i PICTURE N B ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, -MENTAL GILTJ’jRAMLES. ■ A. Itoush s Drug Store, Altoona, :nt ion. • • ■-•-rcet, lXollidaysbarg,Pß.^ POLICE GAZETTE.— ml of Crlmeand Criminal is I* is widely circulated throughout ns all the Great Trial*. Criminal . torials on the soaife; togothecwltr 1 Matters, not tobo found to-Mj I ,t annum; £1 foralxni oaths* to . (who should .wrlto their n*to“ c State where they reside plainly V ,'. ■ G..W, MATSELD r. of New York Police GazCtto. JVsie igurance and lock, SBOO^.Y \Val7iut',St., S.&wfaafof iirlh-Vttila. ' r'i *; I 5„ AGEST, AiTOOKA, fOct, 27tli, • LOT FOR SALE.— 1 Kitchen on c jj; ri loins on tho second : . - ili {tooil i -Tiler. , » i !»• prcmisfi and obtain fnrtnvr j.-i.liie snhscrihiT. M.VK'iT.-M. McCatJH- V.'-tf. ( OUNTiT -MTJWJj# :: AOJ2NCY.—TIie i .-iml Fire In*uranc«'Coii|lJjPj’ r. loss or dax^HE^S^]? tl > f'‘ nature and Property oT W*. •;,ntrv, at ok rca*ou«W9 . .Office iu the .Maeonic Temf= .■'UI.V SUOKMAKEU. $9pT- BITTNER*!* X HE &ASO&g&jgr ; [PfINP; ; ■ *>, r AN DS ! LANDS!! LANDS!!! iT, vr* h m UU ,! ler ' , # n ‘'! llB P rt P ared to-locate LAND WAR „ , • t lu o,nalia aU(I Nebraska City Land Offices.— Good se ecbons can now be made near thi .arge str-ama a.‘J settlements The La,id* of this Tet itory, now in iltir ket, arc of the belt quality. BS- Selections carefully, wade. Letters cf inqplry re alex. r. McKinney, Jaly U, 1»59.-tf OniAPOus, Cass County, N, Tsr. W. M. JLJLiO YL & CO., ALTOOSA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., POLL IDA YSBURO, PA., {Late “Bell, Johmion, Jack $ Co ”) DE a FTS ON THE PRINCIPAL' Utles, and Oliver and Gold for sale. Collections “S'- : 'l'??', ****** ° n deposits, payable on demand, without ntefest. or upon.tlme, with interest at fair rates. £ r f. Oil. IBC*9. T !-> LE ivJ’, Ar i o UNE V AT LA \V 'J ALTOONA, BLAIR Co. Pa., Will practice law In tlio several Courts of Blair, Cambria Huntingdon, olearflvld, Centre and adjoining counties.-! Aho m the I>.strict Coupt of the United States, ts. J. rn" r, 'hns promptly attended to Agent for Bounty .Land Warrants, and all fcmmsw pertaining jq conveyancing and the law. llsriaKNcis • , hrr o | n - IT 11 ”' 3 McCandles and Andrew Burko. Esq., Pitts j n“' ? IIU11 ? A. Gilmore, Pros. Judge of Fayette Juhciil Butrlct: Hun. Chenard Clemens. onVheelJngfva • H , 1,l?!lr - v n Fo-fr.i.reensburg; Hon. Job >W. Klllineer rl a °V ' ! Vm ' A Poster Philadelphia: amufun 1 ■ llolUm , Pittsburg. June 16.185.1-ly. S. M. WOODKOIC attorney at law, ALTOONA. BLAIR CO . PA.. L IMI ACT ICE IN THE SEYE ' T R AL Co ’ lrt > ot Blair. Cambria and Huntingdon ttuniiM *T ral ye “”’ «P»rlence In the practice of • ho ,.‘; x to merit public patronage. jj 4 i '"*»'>*■****. ,n th * fOftn lately occupied by j- - ei. [Sept.6. B.C._ j. hsikmiu, ».», I) It S-. GOOD & GEM MILL HAV- Partnership In the Practice of i« ti /nX-r tf “ y te ,-? Dr °* oir ,erTice * t“ the Public V"'.' 1 ' 'Z* branches of their Profession. • ' —wliich* VJ T a ' l " w ' Jrt '‘ 1 ®**her day or night at their offlee I (i , ,iJL l ' e “ heretofore occupied by Drs. Hirst i Logan House. A Pnl dl«i. 3,„ a:\d shoes.—the un ’l^T' 1 h . a!l n ? w on l>»nd and will ’’• a i 1 j a n to# Masonic Trin-'todfli iVD s?M N .S nd T' 1 ' 1 '' 1 * apflortment of BOOTS W ■J-'whl V' [■ '*?* m ? d0 ’ or ordw, H Sau . d; d«. Gum Shoes, Cork she best in I‘is linc of business. of •atom workwai-Mted** mo6t **’ aaolia,ilu toms. All • l ’b. 2. ' * ’ The Root and Kerb Doctor, ( has left A* will return'f''? slo ' ,lltu ! n ®, for « neW Simply of Hoots, «<W. A1t'.,,,” ,f„ ,i fo? JHh .hy If d, • “ Iht day «if November ami oirtbe months ♦h,^ r ’« A^ !s°. om- day In catjh m.mtU for. Ibis toner thereafter, notice of which will be piven In NitS, ison *>B. 'Wi I/BTiXpST(>Ji. 1 > aopvov Ji 3 OUNry: IN^UHAiXCE “ndenrfpwtf. Agent of the Blahr “tL«r In«ttraiice Company, is at all V'-r r £ “ S^, nst ,0 “ or *OMge hy fire, Build c' Winn. In Wn*Ar J l Uni, /*‘ r * ar y* of every (tea- Cum™,,,. .1 “ r country, at <js reasonable rate* M any Co. r>«) in the State. Office-a-ith Bell. Johnetoh. Jack! J»a. 27, '59-tf ' 0. 1. CAIiDWEIiI*, flgtni. • BE., fnit*m of MrtfcMidithe "'“'W. nn RoHroa.lntreot, ntVin,™, K'iel..where they may,be fyl 6. nr^ M ’ T - O. ! AmjJM. NOT AR Y P Ufl I <T; C. a at alloo, PA., . I. Isay* wuu * «tor«,of jJ.Jp. JQlleinan.'': Of,- U /Jo«t«dia tU.Boron*b A#lf »«»• 9, l««0.-tt ■ ™ w ■cww*4 m McCUUM & MERN, OL. 5. BUY YOUK BOOTS & SHOES At the People’s Shoe Store. ? QTEVVAKT & THOMPSON - 0 Take pleasnre'lh auuoffnrfug to Ui» citlilna of AftSj# na and surrounding country that they have Jh«tr«»ta2l ,t their store on Andie street, two doors below tlir p!!,* Offlcivn largo and Imndsoim-assortment of I!i>OTS oirnoo and .0 a U«ntlmeo^nd : CliiUmisw? «i all ai z*-*s an l kn*la. tbeir stock!# of aillent maiiuriciure, which th*y irHl ti>ilTot CASf?«<£** «-« ® «*« f* 5 ™- C '“*«» than the cau purchased ■•ls^wliore—aa will to seed by Wtrrlnr to the lolluanng price list:— MeiTe flue calf Boots, i 3 25 to *9 so Men s fin-kip Boots, 2 75to?S« B.y s kip BooU, 176t0 2 to , 1 •lUtil'i, 1 -fa - Man’s CstfOaltsm, i ™ - MeiisOxtordXiss, t 02 to 2 Uensßrygan’s, 1 12 to 1 65 Boys Brogans, 75 to J M Youths* Shoe*, ■’ ’ io|r 1 £ Chilurvn's Shoes, 3& to S Ladles’ Congress Gaiters, 1 6b to 1 M Ladies' Lasting 0 alters, with heels. 137 to I to Ladies’ Superior Lading Gaiters, ' j gi Ladies’Morocco Boots with heels. ISOta 1 fis Lsdlast Morocco Boots without heels. I 25 ta t Ladies’ Goat Boots with hoels, 1 95 Ladies' Calf Boon with hiels, 1 20 to 1 e? Misses’Calf Boots with hoels,. 75 to 1 00 Misses’ French Murrucco Bootsl) with heels > 1 9fi Haring bought our goods for cash, they wore put at the figure, and by doing an exclusively iasli bmluesi sustuuiers are not made to pay for bad debts hence our lea prices. r . , * And If yon want a good and- fash&fchle -Boot or Shoe o«>ie. leave your measure and they will have It made at short notice. Kep Uring done in the jieatest manner, and on tci ms. a liberal share of public favor. Literary Emporium and HoVa Depot CONFECTION ARY. BEGAR. TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY S T O ft E. 'THE SUH s CIUBER CONTINUES to •1 keep constantly on hand all thebe-tlltcrary papers and pfnod.c.tK daily iwpors from Philadelphia, New York and Pitlsbiii ah together with-agood assortment of Books. All th. school Bouts us.yl m this place and yicluity always on Also, a choice lot .of Confectionaries, and knlck knacks «f all kinds for children. Also the beat Tobacco 4 Se-ars t« be had in town, bigethar with a fine assortment Gold sn.l ell tec I encils. Gold Rings mud other articles of Jewel -17. Call and examine. It FKTTrvni’n Altoona, July 28.’e0-ly. ll Zste. itmtxcki: R«r. A R. Ot-sar, Altoona, Pa. Wir M. LI.OTD 4 Co„ Bankers, Altoona, Pa. McCbdm 4 Onttf, Editors. “ Thus. A. Scott. Bupt. P. R. R„ « v. McMcnxim, Baq., Huntingdon. Pa, GEO. G. EVANS. No. 439 Chestnut Street, I'hila. WHERE YOU CAN GET BOOKS Of ALL KINDS! Mil Books of fact 1 Books ol fiction 1 Books of Davotlon! Books of Amusement! Books for the Old Folks! Books for the Young F..iksl Books fo r Hii.bauds I Books for Wires! Books for Lovers I Books lor Sweetheart*! Books for Buts I Books for Girls! Books of Humor! Books of Poetry! Books of Travel I Books of History! Books of Biography I Books of Adventure! Books about Sailors I Books about Soldiers I Boobs about Indians! Books'abont Hunters I Books about Heroes 1 Books about Patriots 1 Books for Farmers! Books for Mechanical Books for Merchants I Books fur physicians 1 Books fir Lawyersl 'Books for Statesmen! Bibbs! Presentation Books Prayer Books! Hymn Books f' Jorsnlle Books! Annuals! Albums, etc™ etc. K 3 acn ‘ ,tural Romances 1 T. S. ARTHUR’S Popular Tales! , DU. ALCOTTS Family Loctor! Mlt«. UUXTZ’S Novels! SOHTHWOKTH'S Novels! COOPER’S Novels! DICKENS’ Novel*] WAVERLEY Novels! IRVING’S Works! . writings of every standard author in every de v L llterat,l . re - iu ever}- aivlo of biudine. at the publisher's lowest prices, and remember that you nav no more then you would at any other estahltshmeiit. ard y.m have the ad vantage of reculyfng an elegant Present- which Jd fo™H.e iTk" * tm morC tlmn tbe .!»«•« SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Ordnrnajr book that yon'may want, remit th ■ retail price! together with the amount rcqnired foe piwtage, and one Xoa that thq teat place in the country to purcWhooJwH at the Gift Book Establishment of J n ■:-7- ... . , , KGE O. EVANS, Originator of tlieOift Bo k Enterprise,. < I*Qi-.430 CutaracT Stbket. v Fhihtdelphia. . agents "Wanted, ■ - Ff ea icr iridncomonts |bun over are offered, gajringlln^— “*!« who is desirous ofen- HONOEABLE AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS. Ileonirlng but little time and no oath- of money, and hv rrMch-they ctpi obtain gratis ' ' V •• ■ * - ■>- d. Pine Gold Watch and Chain, A JJaiuiiome.;&n&efi/Plate, 4” &tgmn\W-hren Pattern, iniliß tistof Gifts mitting the amount of money required fortheKnmir' 1 ■ SoUd fiir a cataiugnW and^s^o^^h^^i’ ,e ofXb"; wim to “ d address all : the .head Quarters of dEDRGE G. EVANS, (T- {f,a>rm!Kin wthiolmst aot - LARGEST GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE KS - to*** iukdmt; S' SHOEMAKER. VALUABLE GIFTS WITH BOOKS GEORGE Q. EVANS* Original Gift-Book Enterprise. -* lIXTII XjtAK Of TUE ENTERPRIBB. CliLtnm S <!?K,!^ h c !? i‘ e Iron BiiUdingr, JTo. 439 fecilitato mv lumlhm up with every convenience to OJUVTn v y i' ar 1 tl l c i ,l, *riy that branch devoted to SSartv V“ Vh,K " ,8, P« r “«"«*“ tlmnany ff P y in the iitiHiucw. Imu now to SZSIT * dV “ t B-ftethan i’eTto^ inUnited "pteJS. b Ti' k ( of a Character) publiehed Dollar a price of whiih i„ One tollOO wttTEft.!? Sl " r T“ orpsent-wortli from 50cents **?*• “ :ld euanmtee to Kivencriect eat •tr«dy W^dS e ~teld£«nt in the r£,,Ut “ tio “ J^“r2e^l^.‘ >Wla ‘ ,a,p,ita ln tl.Kvl”“ d IT 10D WANT ANT BOOKS fiSND TO GEORGE (t. EVANS reliable gift book enterprise No 430 CUEBNDT STREET, ’ «h.r< n k . PHILADELPHIA have ad^“ re , ? ld the •’"Wfc.hhrt price,. aud you 0 ,lre a<ITHUt), P° of receiving a handsome present, ? 50 “ SIS 10 100 I>OU ' AM Each Book. GEO. O. EVANS' Original Gift Book Enterprise Im* been endorsed by the Book Trade and all the ssr cuuutry w« * Q£o.o. EVANS’ Punctual-business transactions have re ccived the approbation of over 6,000,000 citizens ot the United States, each of whom have received substantial evidence KLo a . d i. i<ntagPe . deriv, - <1 purchasing GEO 8 vvivfl Looks at Mug establishment. OEO. G. EVANS lias done more than any other publisher or bookseller in the United States to wanls diffusing knowledge t„ the people. - By this gystem-many books are read that otherwise would not have found their way Into the hands of readers.— Frank s Ae*a<paper GEO. 0. EVANS Keeps constantly on hand the most ex tenure (stock, the greatest assortment of .'X*-" ,ld circulates free to nil who may u v moat complete catalogue GEO O i!Tiv« of Books and Gifts in the Ur.ited States. GEO. G EVANS Has advantages offered by other pub l.i'.o'T* r Ud ?'i ln , u . filc turer» whirJi enable mm to furnish Ins patrons with a finer q ulity and better assortment of gift* QEO a RVIV9 tt ’ l - v °ther establi-iimeut. UEO.G EVANS 1 nblishcs nearly Two Umidred Popular "nd .interesting Books, therefore, as a publisher, he is better able to offer extra nrn r »riv-» premiums and commission,,, UEO. G. EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to al 1 who nrn Q pv»vo. IV"? wild for books. UfcU.U. EVANS New classified catalogno of books em brace the writings of every stamlmd au thor Ip every department of literature, and gives all the Information relative to tbß' purchasing and forwarding by Mail 9 r " S press of banks ordered from his es tablishment, together with full diroc nwev n lions how tc remit immev. GEO. G. EVANS Catalogue of 800 ,k« will’ be sent gratis and free of expenso to any address in _ the United States. GEO. 0. EVANS Inducements to Agents cannot he sur passed. The most liberal commissions are offered.. and by -übscrip tbius t.. bo ks In the manner proposed, SO books can be sold in the *am* time thHt it woulJ lake to si I] ouo on th« old - rMhumcd Bubecrii>)lon pin .. Send for a Clashed Catal igue, au.l every mPirma tl»»n will l»~ given in reference to ug-u -ck*B. bolect your books, enclose tin* Amount of money rtqulhtf.aml one trial will intt fy you that the. lent place iu the country to books is at Tlili EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISH MBS T Card. ALTOONA, PA,, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1860 /■•N HEAT WORK ON TOE HORSE. MSqASJSS i. By Robeiit ‘ " * p •—■ - ..Afrtoitt »n«t‘’Auecipui Horses. with the { a advance,). *1,60 physical fur.inrt,,,, and peculiarities ..f the , "I 1 M WI discontinued at the expiration of the time annual, and how to aecei tain his nge-hv the 1 P '*" l ■ 1 - number and condition ot bis teeth; illustra- I teems or *T)Vertisixq. f ted numerous exidauat .ry engravings „ .. , 1 Insertion 2 do. 1 8 do. „ THE lIOKSE AND H|s-Dl«i4*wt>J • . Four lines or less $ jfc * 87U .* 60 waimrou of Breeding, Btpakiig, Stabling.-Feeding i » 76. ' 100 Grooming. Shoemg, the i '• „>“ “ \«> 200 h«rse.witii thobvbtmodi-sof f u\.<r t*™*. 4’V 160 2 W s 2 60 a*imiui»t. idng medicine, aim. how to treat 1 uer “ o<l t,mn tl,ree m “ n,h8 > 28 «•»*» hi »{?. kicking, mating, shying, I * 1 '° r ettcl ' ••>***"*■ , ctlh jilting, restlesanees, and <«ther vices to : gi* lines ..r 1... 3 months. 6 months. I year. wWch he is numerous „x“ One nuare »\ S° • 8 00 « 5 00 planatory engravings. II ' 1 * “ 26u .6 00 700 „ TILK IfiJUSti A*ND HIB Throw *• 4 00 6 00 10 00 imitll lot* of the caiuwH. wymptoius. aiu\ treatment of Four « |“J!f • *’#{ JJ inTm r™ P*!**' catarrh, lialf a column :""V.lO OT UM 11 M I &00 40 00 r . “ssrsgtss?* >“* *=R*=i the m»uth pud respiratory organs. Profimsiomil or Business Vilr.fV ’.“V" WOt Tell Tou ANJ> UIS - DistASJ;:s lines with paper, ]M>r year 6 00 ■ ru °l tbe symptoms and treatment of , t-.-mmuiiicatioiie of a political character or individual in. h l^B - collc , strangulation, stony con- tareBt will be charged according to the alwve rates dl ll> ) ‘ , - 8 - “‘Pi 111 ® 8 - palsi- diarrhoea, jauu- Advisements not marked with the number of hiser dice; hujiatu rhoea. bloody urine, stones in turns desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac tu« Jufliuiauialiun ftiuJ I "the above; (urtiH. S nr .,s ° f th * Stomach. Ih>woU, liver ! five evuu per lino for every inaeiti m TRh Hi^r/v^u. 9 ' Obifnarynofit.-es exceeding 1 1,-., i.nel. c7nts a's^are jf-tt nn JF 11 * AND UIS DISEASES i ntu.TeU Jot|-nf the causes, symptoms and treatment of ' ‘ bone, blood and bog, spavin, sweeuie. ring boue, strains, broken knees, wind cal), founder, sole bruise aud gravel, criu.-k.-d hools, scratches, canker. tin ush aud corns: also, of megrims, vertigo, epilepsy, staggers tiud other dineiifli of the h*o|, legs and head wm nil ,? Il£ ,»' 1 >«SK a.\d ms DiSi-;A.sES ” * IU lou "f the causes, symptoms aud treatment'of nstula. poll evil, glanders, farcy, scanet fe ver, mange, suif.-ii. locked jaw-iheuiua'isui. cramp, galls, diseases of riu- eye aud iieart, *c_ Ac.. Ac., and liuw to manage castration, hlcerliag. irephinuiiig. rowoliug, tiriug. her nia. amputation, tapping, and other surgi cal operations. trm nn A \ p UIS DI -^KASr..s trul Teu rou of s method of taming leases : how to . approach, halter, or stable a colt: how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and Sights, and how to hit. saddle, ride aud break him tohainess; also, the form and law of w ARitAXTT. The whole being the result of more than fifteen years' careful study of the habits, peculianties. wants aud weaknesses of this noble and useful animal, rue book contains 384 pages, appropriately illustrated try nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be furnished to uuv address Postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound, sl,lo. or, in cloth, extra, SI,!J3 ’ $1 000 A YEAR. 9 an be made hy enterpris . , , ing men everywhere, in selling the above, and other-popalar works nl ours, uur indue ineiits 1., all sucli are exceedingly liberal. Ollier bi‘r” !t ‘ L , he b ”" k> " r f,,r *. lpr “W to agents, with other mPn-mutiou, apply to or address JOHN L. PUTTER, Publisher. Ho. Sl7 Baus'.m street. Pliiladelpliia, Pa. Not. S.-Cm r IMIK BEOBBE’S COOK BOOK. I. MODERN COOKERY in all it* bran, lies, by Miss r.UZA Acton, l.'urifnlly revised by .Mis. S. J. Halt. It TtUs lluw to rnooso all kinds of meat, puul’ry, and game, with all the various and must apprnv cd inodes of dressing and Cooking beef and pork ; also the best and simplest Way of aaltl r in*, pickling and curing ilio same. Tells J™ All tire various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning nnui n, lamb- Teal, poultry, and game of all kinds. « itii the dilfirent dressings, gravies, and stuffings , _ „ appropriate to eaali. U Tall Tou How to elioos •, clean, and pieserve Fish of all kinds, and iio« to sweeten it a lien tainted; also all the various an I most approved in >des of cooking with tin- uili-rent dressings,sauces n ~„ .. and flavorings upprojiriate to each." it TOU Text All the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of" Meat. Fish. Fowl. (lame, and Vegetable Soups. Broths, and Mew*, with the Relishes and n-r n v S«d>-dnngs appiopriato so each. it TOU You All the various and most approved inodes of cooking Vegetable* ot every description, also how to prepare IVkl-s. Cdxnp* and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish. Game. Mush -* roi»u*A, £c. l * le mid iii-t-t JipitfroT*"*] mode* of Th ere was a fellow once «teDred -viif nf preparing and conkingall kinds ofPlafu and .J ... i- . , \J. . ° Ut 01 iaucjr i-asxey. J'uddings. Omelettes Fritters C U ,Ur Of a tatom Oil the Mississippi , . meaning to walk a mile up to the next Lx- It leUt Tint Al! the various mid most approved nmdi-n of vern - J USt at the landing there lav a bio making Bread. Rusk* Muffins, and Biscuit, i-.ft an* , i i i /. . . U the best m-thod „f preparing coffee. Cboro- , , 000 rc K u * ar old faslllOlied late, and Ten..unit how to make Syrups. Cor- "’hitlers a Taft a Uiile lun«'. nms ~ ,■' dial*, atul \\ inc* of various kinds. liMi .1 /» 1. , . *?" % R Tdit Yqu u<tw to M»t ftmi ornament a Titbit, how t» -- c teuow heard the landlord sav Carve all kinds of Fish. Fivsli hr Fowl, and { tllC Taft WUS a Uiile loD" and ho citrt / in phorC bow to po simplify' the whole Art ol 'i • i,. . ... t ' r al - hdlQ to Cooking us to bring the choicest luxuries of j lmi lSOit, ‘ I Will go forth atld See this rrrp-if df* I** 1 ** cumin. ns i.ilU'.'.nj' I wonder, and let my eyes behold the tim eonal superintendence of the writers. It ia printed in aI °° ' ,O £ ot 0n at “‘C lower end, aad be<lin r S,SSV i ifK.^Z"S u ;;. t'; SISi ;?-W".™ »*•» i« pretty fait Cl'ffh extr/ii I,aid ' OD mipt oftl ‘ B ' prlc,! ’ $I 00 ’ ori " tllue - 13111 J ust i,s he r ot started the raft 11000 ArVEAR 7" ba l-yonterpri- ? tar . tcd t ?°’. “"** fu° ' V ‘‘ ikcd U P th e fiver, •filling t)>« » I •. 8 ll? n,e ’ n In W*UktJ(l liOVVI), both traveling at fIIOA-imo SSKK ” ■ “•>'rale When he got to „7 , " um *- bo f O ." 1 " 1 were pretty near X- * P H'fiia. Publisher, ffsiiorc, and in sijiht of a tavern ; so he me. 7. bd '“ iin £r,wt - p- lauded, and walked straight into the bar room he’d come put of. The general yau.eness of tlnwps took him a iittlu'aback, but he looked the laudh-rd steady iu the luce, and settled it in his own way “ f üblicati.” y a id he, “ arc you gifted with a twin brother, who keeps a sn.ilar sized tavern, with a duplicate wife, a com porting wood pile, and a eorrespoudin<' cii cus bill, a mile from here ?” ° The tdvern keeper was fond of fun, and accordiuoly said jvas just so. And, publican, you hnvo amonc vmur dry goods for the entertainment o? man .and horse any whiskey of the came size of that of your brother’s?” . A “ d f ! ,e tavern man said, that from the nsm>r of the snn even to the *o\n<r down of the same he had. 0 0 /They took the drinks when the stmnirer I *' f-nbliciin, that twin brother of yours is a fine young man—-a very fine man, iti deedv But do you know. I’m iifraid that he suffers a good deal with the C iiea«o diphtheria!” 0 _ And what 3 that ?” asked the toddys sticker. , “ It’s when the truth settles so firm in a man that none of it ever comes out.— Common doctors of the catnip sort, call it lyin’: When Heft your brother’s confec pmh there was a raff at bis door, which he swore his Jife to was a mile locg:— Well,; publican, I. walked that raft from bill to taU* from his door to yobre; Now 1 W Vm J ust w good for’ tfpf -^ ( s .. apd better for thep pny Jnap SmWAMw:;-. X walk a mile 10 exactly twenty minutes, on a good road, and . I’ll be busted with an the blamed logs at that” W. M GORMLY &, CO., i n uoiiLs im '.W. 271 i.iBERTY ■ STREiST, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE EAGLE HOTEL, ... PH'ibUUKGII, PA. KEEPrf CONSTANTLY UN HAND it largo ituii well selected stuck of TultACi'o3, 1BAS ; „ CIGAIIS, SPICES, bYifUPS, MR JWN, OLIVK, R wfi‘*r* *OJBRMAM iWJIAItE, soap; TAM.nEHS, MI garb. 4 «. A r IU) SOMA. INDIGO MOULD) lIKM r I wma* MANNELLA • bl AR BOPU f CANT)LKS. hemp * : MANILLA i.?n.w S ’ BED COK D, mfv nvoV GRAIN". CUKES E, ® BY 9 EKF > MESS I'OUK, ! CODFISH, ’ MAIDS, .j • GLASS, BUCKETS, 1 UUijOMs! WASU-BOAIIDS, ; TUBS. i&c., Ae. Ac All of wliich. togpther with all article* usually louni.' in the UHOCEKY THAi>E. will bp gold at the LOWEST MARKET KATES, lurked Yti6 ntteutiuu of C(,uutr y Merchant* ia respectfully Pfttabnrg.Noy. 8. 1880,-2m 1 AND oyster saloon. 'T'H& ■ SUIISCRiBER WOULD IN- X FORM theritizeim of Altoona aiid vicinity that lira COXFKCTIVSBJttYvNttT and FitUIT STORK.!* always ; supplied withthe very best articles tol* had, and in great i variety. lie hag also un - ! OYSTER SALOON v PKIME CHOICE UliffCE MEAT* Be ii ilt 4|l times prepared to supply taken, candle*, te^- invitee a share of im£ i‘s thtChe can ronder ftOl n»'- ,^fc^..^ Ttr WJnim ti'ciiTlrfrTninrtrmt firtu door# bebw Fatten’* Hell. OCTO&9MI, [independent in everything. 2 THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. e. a McGßuai a. c. dsbn, -he lato Dr. Chalmers i* Kl id to havp b1 .,, n „ 1(> au|h(Jr of the f-11-wing beautiful liuee, Witte,, ou the ..ccwi ...of the death of a young bou, whom he greatly loved: I oni nil alone | n my ch.ub' r now. And the midnight In.or in near. And the ftiigot’a crack, and the clock’s dull tick, Arc only soni ds I heai ; l Au.l over my hou! iu’its solitude, Sweet feelings of sadness glide; For my heart and eyes arc full when I think Of the little hoy that died. I went one Diktat to my father’s houic— Went homCjto the dear ones all. And softly I opened the garden gate, And softly the door of toe hall ; ' My mother came to meet hot son She kissed me and then she sighed. And her head fell on my neck and ;he wept For the little hoy that died. I BhaJl inisc him when the flowers come \ In tin' gar 101. whbre lm played ; I shall miss him more by the fireside " 1 11 uHere lire Dll decay,-d ; I shall see his toys and his empty chair, And tin* liorso lio u t>d lo ride, Ami they will speak with silent speech Of the little hoy that died. We shall go homo to our Father’s house— To our Father’s house in the skies, Wliero tho hopep of souls shall hov« no blight, Our 1 ie>. no broken ties. Wu ll r .amou the bauks of the river of peace, Aud bathe in its blissful tide, And one of the joys of life shall bo The little boy that died. Hliscfl(ani). -D PUBLIaiIERS AXD PROPRIETORS, Hflfd Jjqrtrj. THE LITTLE BOY THAT DIED. WALKING A RAFT. A PRINTER ON A THAW?. A at tUc door of his tavern m the Far Wcsji, is approached by f* N*> Yankee, eioigruting w est- I ward on foot with a bundle on a cane over | his .vhoulder. ! I « Stabler Talking Shtick, vat you, | vant?" j • -v- ■ J ■ "Rest jind refreihment,’%replied the printer. ’ 3 "Supper and lockin', I reckon V’ ' "Yes—supper and lodging.’* . “To you a Yanky pedlar, mit ohewelry in puck, tbsliteal tegal?” - * “ No ah', I am no-Yankee peddlar.” " A aihgin’ mashter, tooiaxy to vorfc t” "A shew teal shoemaker, vat hives to measure te gals’ foots uot ankles patter tan to wake te shoes?” 10 00 “No air or I should Certainly hare mended uir own shoes ?” “ A bot.k aehent, vat loddera te school gommitties till dey do vat you vish,shoost to got rid of you.” “ Guess again, sir, I am no boot.agent.” “ Tt ; tu .V VL ‘IA denthist, breaking the people’s chaws at a tollur a shriag!” “ No sir, I am no tooth-puller?’ “ Phrenol.giat, ten, foelm* to young folk s heads like so manycabbitoh ?” “ No, nor a phrenologist.”. \ ell, den, vat ip de tuyvel cap you be? Shoost tell, ant you shall have te pest sassage forsuppei?, unt shtay all night, free gratis, mit out pay in von cent, unt a chill of vishkey to start mit in te moru in’.” “ 1 am humble disciple of Fauat—a professor of the art preservative of all arts a typographer at your service.” “ Vatch dat ?” : A P rinter , sir; a man that prints both books and newspapeis.” “ A man vat prints newspapers ! Oh yaw ! yaw ! dat ish it~a man votch print'd! newspapers ! Yaw ! yaw ! I vish I may be shot if I didn’t tin* yon vash a poor tuyvel of a disbtriet schoolmaster, who vorks for noting, unt poards arount no vharc. Valk in, vaik in Mishter Printer- i man !” TELL YOUR WIFE. If you are in any trouble or quandary, tell your wife—that is, if you have one— all about it at once. to one her in ventiuo will solve your diflicultv sooner' than all your logic. The wit of woman has been praised, but her instincts are quicker and keener than her,reason. Counsel with y<mr wife, or your mother, or sister, and be assured ; that light will flash upon your darkness. Women are commonly adjured as verdant in all but womanish affairs.’ No philosophical ' f.f. u I 6 ot . V ie sex judges them.— J heir intuitions, or insight, are the most subtle, and if they cannot see a cat in the’ meal there is no cat there. In counsell ing one to tell his troubles to Hu wife, we w .Uid go further and advise him to keep none of his affairs secret from her. Many a home has been happily saved, and many a fortune retrieved by man’s full confi donee in his better half. Woman is far' more a seer and prophet tnan man, if she be given a fair chance. As a general rule wives conade the mjnutest of their plans and thoughts of their husbands, having no involvements to screen from him. Why not reciprocate, if but lor the pleasure of meetint: confidence with confidence ? AVc are c rtain that no maiKspcoeeds so well in the world as he who, taking a part net for me, makes her a paring of al] his pur poses apd hopes. What is wrong in his impulses or judgement, spi will check and set right with her almost universally right instincts. “ Help meet’’! was no insignTfi eant title, as apphed to man's companion. Mic is a meet help to Him in every dark ness, diflfoulty and sorrow of life. And what most craves and deserves' is confidence-- without which' love is Dover free from a shadow. “ . A philosopher stepped’’ on boards ferryboat to gross a ! streak 1 ' Off tfie pas sage he inquired of the ferryman if .fie un deretood arithmetic. She man looked astonished. ' I ? 1 . . “ Arithmetic I No, sir.'* v ( ‘I am very-sorry* foil one quarter of your life is pone.”- ’ ■: !. A few minutes after*. he asked : Do you anderqtahd;mathematics ?” The boatman smiled, and refilid : ‘‘Nn ” “an t^ D ’' ““d &e philosopher* another quarter of your life isetoeV Just then the boat ranroa a snag, and was up, palled off his coat, and asked the phi osopher with oi‘manner: “ Str, c»n ypa K” i ‘ : . No, sir.” ' . (a , Bai * %our toe goQej fP * a r^Bs>lagtq Pof.& youfee*, lir ®o.R»e them gwjraigg Md .eyeing in you to-day, but leave you t^morroWr 5. ;> " v v y-.ii t\ k ■■ A hor,se-joc. °S£. horacj cravelv tltree vears old? ® 6 oia“*mari audchi etnkijQgdifltaneo ef him. EDITORS AiVD PROPRIETORS. v. i CQURTIHG IN RIGHT STYLE. ... f nasty puppy—let me aloue. or iU tell .yew m.V* exclaimed Sally her low, George, who sat aboat ten fcefefrom; ber, v puJUog dirtout of (he jam v 5 m Weli, per&aps you don't diota (jo Both er do yer r •'.;. "'/'T' 1 *" “ “No, i«».” ; :.i, ,i wbyi tyorf^QMiy, pigeon -i(K) < i > ,g ia a er . : J q!W j i yott hain't got & taraal bit orflMM*. pt d)pg bomo with you.” ms-.' itiWrJa ■•'?* . ; u '*to*> haip n * and ef ydn hfay you, my daddy wai soo yoawi fortfiai-eow he gold him toother day, IViißsofehe said he'd do it.’Vi . ,“ Well, look hOTe, Cieorg«f to court me, yoir’d belter do it afi a wfe** man does that thiog-r-uot set offlh«wa* if yon. short J was .\, &SA ’* ■“ *» ■•KtsAS v- v-. Vyhy, sidlo right^h^ Kws me as if yogi really, sinner 5Ta mau about, youv. gpoae “ Well,” said George, dHWihg aCldhff breath, “If I must 1 niust. X4b loVb yoUj Sal," ftnd so Georgecomniehced sidling up to her like a porker gbing l to battle. Laying bis arms gently'dfi -Sal’ll shoulder, we thought we heard Salfchyv “ Now you begiirtoplcaso me,oW boss j that s acting Jibe a white man “Oh, Jerusalem and paneakesl'V ex* ojaimed Geo. ge; “if this am’tbeUe* than any apple tasa ever morm made, a data sight. Cracseo! buckwheat cakes,\al*p« jacks and lasses &i|t’Vpp, TChuJouit aidAaf you, Sal—Oh, how Here their lip* came report that followed was like, pallmgV horse's foot out of the mire. ; - - sow TO Okow by which capital candocrease, is by saving, U you spend as much m you get. a»m:eri» \ never be. richer than you what a man gets, but what constitutes his wealth. Go, learn thefirst two ruics of arithmetic • ? and subtraction. Add to ydur amount of capital any amount you ; substract the amount you add. and tell as it the last amount wi I not be the same as the first. Every manshiald, in eurv year ot his life, make some addition! capital. You say vb^get^ut' mind—spend lesJ than Hull f aucTtlicn next year you wi)l have the profit npoti the, sum you^saVh!-^ 'i here Is no royal l*6ad to Vealth' ans than to geometry; 'iheman who spending all he gets, and expects: that bf some lucky hit he shall be raised id Wltfe wmJ most likely sink into poverty ; cas - of adverse fortune, he has then; norei sources; whereas, by eoonomy.hemayday a stock that may serve a& a provision in case of adversity. You may say that the times are bad, theseasons are the laws are bad.. Be it so; but, jren theeMß reversed, it would make uo differeuce tQ you. hook at home j you spepd than you get. Uow, then, can you he other, wise than poor ?. ’ A Court., a maiT wfaad seeu ti,e inside of i court Voi&i,. 1,1 he , 7“ introduced aa a wuuesa iu a base peijding m uiie or our district courts sit-; .M full m *the northern pgrt Of the state, being sworn, tookhiVposirion with back to tbe jiry, ah(i begantelfiog r hfif story, to the judge. Judge’K~niin hfc olana and courteous man tier. : said j 4t Ad-' d>ess youtseif to theljui^, > Tbemkif made a short panso ji but not comprehends nig what was said to* him' continued his* narrative. His houor was then more ex plicitj, and said "to wr I the men sitting heßimf you OUW benches ” The witness then turned arbtracT and making ah awlcwira bow, : said, ‘with’ Street gravity of mahherj ‘‘Qoddmohmiir. gentlemen : — 1 ji —s. t:t Query Answkbki>.-^\Vhy «re fotneti* healthier professional men'? 1. They work more anddevoh>pe,alJtli*i muscles of the body. ' yjj. 2 1 They tuke exereise in the open «uk : dirjuk are lesa 1 terated and far more simple. 4. They do rnt over work their: as Drufessjonal nien do. ■ . their sleep conimon^'ffii.^ nm of darkness, and *d 9 • night; ?®| ?ear themselves in the fierce contestof rivalry. 'J'heir pleasares are larmoresimpfc* and less exhausting. i as. V- : '