SAVING FUND. Company. Raving fund.—national O SAFETY TUUST COMPANY, -CiujrtJttß) *! tbk OJf PMWBTI.VA.NU. ; . RULES. ~ ,1. Honey is received every day, and in any amount, large or small. '' %■ Fit* rzßcixi. interest la paid lor. money from the day ,ftisputin. 8. The money Is always paid hack In MU>, whenever it M called for, and without notice. > "'i. Money Is received '~*ui Executors, Administrators, tmxraums, ;aad others who desire to Imvo it in a place of < .perfect safety, and where interest can bo obtained for it. 1. The money, received from, depositors is invested in JU*l .Estate, Mortgages, Gaoo.vo ants, and such other •frwt eUsssecnrities as the Charter directs. , , _jfr pnice Hours—Every dayfrombtilljso’clock, and on .Hohdays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening. nOTXi n. L. BENNER, President, JtOBERT SKLVHXDOE, Vice President. ' W.XWfIfD, Secretary. . .. ii. , OIRECTORS. Emrh.SKisxit, JBAScttldHe, Buwaab L.Camee, - P. CiMAu.'BaEwim, iOßsarSitwinaa, Joarnß-Bsani, - fiiMttt K. dkfirov, . . Joseph Venus, •, ’ HrimTpißEMDtßrsß. 8 ‘Walnut Street, B.W, Comer of Third St.Phila •WPW** . T April 14th, ’69-ly. ®WARJ) ASSOCIATION, JC3L ■" >iin.ADEi,piiiA. AJknnsMJkMlution. established bytyeciol Endowment, for the ReUefafthe Sick ondJHstressed, affiieted with ' Virulent ana Epidemic Diseases, andetpedally for the Curt Plush andPlnsh Trimmed Caps for Men and J ; Boye,F*ncy Hats and Caps for Children, at Fair Prices. TWO PUICES TOR IUiGUL-VR GOODS.-®* Jau. 12, IiCO.-ly : • ■ • • "\TEW GROGEUY FEED AND PBO JL 1 C VISIOK StotlE t®id«ibtwJbcr Wfcnld respectfully Inform the citizen* of Altoona itai Ticinltythat he has opened a store of the above ' Wnd, near the corner of idallijo and Julia streets. East Altoona*when? iio will keep constantly on hand ufuli gni>- T plj-of everything In his line. Uls GROCERIES »I«»U freehand-will be sold at prices as low aa those of any other csUbllilunent in town. Ilia stock of i.»o>risioiu, cteurtuig of' Flour t Sams, Shoulders, Side dec. win be »olda little cheaper than they con be 1 nahtanV Where ewe. ilia Flour is obtained from the beet mill* fa the TTeetern part of the State, and la warranted to bo what Uis represented, of feed for homes, cows and hogs, always on .i3J?l en * p . ,h 8n assortment that I shall at all ■ « m ®*v*> e *ole-to supply my customers with whatever they may p*ed, and Xintend also to scU at priws which will I* * saving to those who patronise my store. jJuly 22,1855-3 m. HENRY BELL. Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, •SPOUTING, &C. .Q ‘ BIGG WO OLD RESPECTwa*. f“?ly Inform the citizens of Altoona BroPS. and Vicinity .that he keeps cbnftahtly on hand »»wi» - assortment of,(baking. Parlor, Office rnirfSSßßßt raftop Stow, of nil style* and sizes, to suit the v irants of all, which ho will tell at low prices, on reason able terms. keep* oh bond a large stock of Tin etnd Sheet “Jf** ”nrc. consisting ofall articles for culinary purposes— Coal Scuttle*, Stoee Pipe, Oe. UON^ haBed the r!gh ‘ ° l 8819 Blair county. IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an inrentton which needs only to be seen to be apprecia *nd should be possessed by every fanner, butcher or those requiring such a machine. .’^J'“ rticDla r attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, •itbOr in townur country. Spouting painted and pat up w the tnoet reasonable terms. fapril 14,1350-1 y t?xchaNge hotel.—THE SUB 'JEj/- SCRIBEtt would respectfolly in- V form thopubllcthat be hot recently re- k fitted the ahdre Hotel, and is now pre- iiffifmr ,S pared to accommodate his friends and JSuRmV patrons In a comfortable muntidr, and will spare no pains In making It an agreeable homofor all sqjourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the .country and : cities, add bis Bar fllled with liquors pf choice brands. UU charges are as reasonable as those of any ftther Hotel In the place, and he feefowtisfled they can not be complained Of by those who taror blm with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patrOnage, and folly intending to deserve it, be throws open his house to the public and invites a trial, t have Just received a stock of \No. 1, i'rencb Brandy, for medicimil purposes. * Also tUarjge stock of excellent tVines, for medicinal pnr- KSOT. togetUdr witli a lot of the best old Eye Whiskey to found in the country. . r * Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] The great question which now agitates ithe mind of every person U, where can I 'get the best article formyl!® inoney? In regard to other matters, the aeriber would not attempt to direct,,but if yon Hi want anything in the line of BOOTS OH SHOES he invitee an examination pf hie stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand ac assortment of Boots, Shoos; SfcpeM, *c., which he offers at fair prices. * He will give special attention to custom work, all oi which wili'be warnmtedto give satisfectlohr None hut the workmen are employed b on street, immediately •pposite Kessler’s Drug Store. - -- - v • September 3,’67-tjn 4 JOHN H. ROBERTS, i& m To Parsons out of Employment, \i Iv -' AGENTS WANTED, aln County of,the United States, ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF iffl eof the boet 11111 moBt tlegiiiitly illastinted work* the mpst Interesting character, 4116 "'S ? f t ho Mechanic. andUMer , chaut : they are published In the beet stylo and bound la thejnwtenbetantlal WRMer. anil arc worthy * place in the library of every bonschold in the land. . * ' •;-Siaß»r enterprise and Industrious habits, this business offers an opportunity for proOtablo employment seldom to bo niet with. .*M*rsotm dosiringto act as agents will receive prompt- Wbynmil tall particulars, terms. ie~ by addressing ’ f bEAUY, GEXZ 4 Co, Publics,: : : i w 2 «-?°V 224 ’ North Becond Street, Philadelphia. J»o*. Ssth. *6o—6m. ■ ... ' ;> / r OLD STANDI! ggpB?feBSCJRIBBR"- WOULD IN: i JL FOKtf the,pubUG hßbwjtigt rocelied.frOm the assortment of - &LOTUS AND VESTmGJS, POE SPRING AND SOMMER CLOTHING, which, he will order onshore notice and reasonable WniSjand warrantsto give .satisfaction. Person* In Want Of anything in hts liuo can rely npori liolng thirty dealt „ , „ JOHN O’DOSNEL. TT,Sn - on Main St, a few doom below the “Bed Won - [May 24, iB6O. T> jF. -ROYER, M. D., " The best of references can be given if renuired 4suats&ss?^*tmh& « AIR OILS,COLOGNES, POM tfae, Shaving Osaata,ToOst Ag^C^tosaiety National SAFETY TRUST RAIL ROAD LANDS FOR SALE, rpHE HANIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH Jt RAILROAD COMPANY, having over6oo,ooo ACRES of LAND lying in the State of Missouri, which was grant ed, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction of their Rood, offer the principal portion thereof, for sale, on the most liberal terms. The greater part of these lands are within .six, and all within fifteen miles of tho Railroad, which is now complo ted, and open for two throughout its entire length (206 miles,) and ran* through a country which is unsurpassed by any in the salubrity of ifo climate, the fertility of its soil, and the extent of its mineral resources. For further information, apply at the Land office of the Company, or address by letter, • JOSIX.II HUNT, Land Commissioner, 11. t St. Jo. R. R. Hannibal, Mo. Teh. 2, ’60.-ly.» GROCERY, PROVISION, AND ?■[ Wholesale liquor store. The undersigned would in- FORM the public that ho has purchased the interest of A. MILLIRON ih the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia! street, below Caroline St., where he will continue the business,' and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS. SHOULDERS, SIDES. DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everythin" usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he recelvcs fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at'.the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale, X will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ol liquors of the heat qualities to be had. 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12,1880.-6 m. J. BEUKOWXTZ. JOHN BOWMAN TOJTHE PUBLIC.-r-T H E SUB 6GRIBER (having taken the establishment heretofore owned by>omuol I. Fries,) would respectfully an- mm bounce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, JRgfe* that he has removed his EsSSmt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IpilpL Tiy, SUEETIROX WARE d-STOrp toibe ncw buildiug on Annie street, between Harriet and Adeline streets. East Altoona, where he willkeepconstant ■2w?Jw--m. 1 !?* 8 of everything In bis lino, - will dispose of on nagonabla t^rms. KOOFINGK & SPOUTING “B Pn short notice. Ho also manufactures Leaded mach Ba > ,crior “*s 3l ' 1 “I 80 ntttt cb ( 'ED LION HOTEL, ■Wp „ 1 ... ■ ALTOONA. BLAIR COVUTT, PA. established and popular HOTEL, located dearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars in Altoo na,has imsMd lniO the hands of. the present proprietor.— Long experience in the me in'assurinc thotoaveUlng public that nopalns will be spared to render gnertsascomfortable as possible while- sojourning' under The TABLE will constantly,be supplied with the - very best the market affordsi ■ ' J to contain an excellent assort klDd8 ' lnc ltidlngthatihoico beve ei»rfO*Ue? I ‘ E fa charge of an excelled! and experi hopes, by his long experience in the rW to at “ is cobmaud. to make theßed f 1.2 firat class Hotel. The busimauof ll^tofv y ow " PC”onal supervision. A liberal share of public -ertronage Is kindly solicited. May S =UWBIGBBT , £sUior. WARE-ROOM—TH E has •“forms thepublic that lie wber* ? arc ‘ roo "» two doors from the Branch Bead, where ho will keep on hand all kinds of CABINET-WARE, “ an U^ER*AK®R aml 000 apprentice wants*. Altoona, Apr, 12.1860. JAS. T. MOORE. Medicated pur chest pro raCTOß, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE Mwases Coughs. Colds, and other affec ArSt maasgg£r»ixi!," PROF. L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOR!! A N EFFECTIVE, SAFE ANDECCL j[\_ NOMICAL COMPOUND, FOR RESTORING GRAY BAIR to its original color without dyeing, and preventing tho hair from turning sri>y* FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, and curing it,when there is the least particle of vitality or recuperative'on epgy reniainlng. , FORREIfOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and all cutaneous affections at the Sculp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, imparting toll an un equalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in itstexture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing demand tor this' unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor tbit one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation at present in use. It oeanses tiie bead and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causes the hair to grow luxuriant ly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where the bair is loosening iind tfaining, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, end restore thegrowth to those parts which have become bald,' causing it to yield »fresh covering of ’hair. '■} There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in Now York who have had their hair restored by the use of this Invigorator, when all other preparatlsns had failed. ' L.M.' has in his posaessibb letters innumerable testifying to the above facto,from persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually prevent tho hair* from turning gray until the latest pOriod of life; and in cases where the hair has al ready changed Its color, the use of the Invigorate! will with certainty restore it ’to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume fur the toilet and allair Restoratives t is particularly recommended, having an r ‘agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities!- it affords in dressing Ihs hair, which, when moist, with Uib Invigorator > canbo dressed in any required form so a* to preserve its place, whether plain or Ju curls —hence the great demand for It by the.lodles oa a standard toilet article which hone ought to be without, os the price places it within the reach of all,bsing. ONLY 25 CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. L. MILLER would tail the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of the Invigorator, in cases where the childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation far a good head of hair, as it removes any impu rities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both fur the health of the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION.—None genuine without the fre simile LOUIS HILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOR. N. Y. blows in the glass. Wholesale Depot. 66 Dey St., and sold by all the princi pal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. . Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. ’ I also desire to present to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE which after years of scientific experimenting X have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly withont iqjury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the best article of the kind in existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 23, ’6O-ly. Depot, 56 Dey St, New York. -J? | I 2 CC c 1 5 t _ .lIS “ 4 ££l Slio | d fi 5P g 1.3-0 - a 8 a O ? E g“S © £ ato o % a s - g.a w e a»& w n -r og & s ” = * 02~ * QZ s g-s| ** s.l s* £■ fej gI C 9 Xo g ryv ai|»ai 88 p>M ,£J o = S a 2 1 ~ 7 S ■ * S P a .7 m~ § CO ■£ c O & I Q g a |s PP o t__, Is,JIM? Z- t|i|gsii§§. •'ss?« iiggv p 3 5 g “|££g C- i ia r 8 ’ll ’ s '■ *I *2 3 - ,zT •“ _ g Jr ot i-; s" 1 % i&ul find these medicines a jKirfi'i’t cure, as they uever fail to eradicate from the system all the effects of Mercury, in finitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sar saparilla. Prepared and sold by W. E. MOFFAT, _ , , . 336 Broadway, New York, For sale by all Druggists. [Sejif. 13,1860-iy DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. RA.jO. KJJBII HAS JUST KE • turned from Now York City with a beautiful as Eort.tuent of LADIES’ DSESS GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy Winter Silks, only 65 cents per yard. Mack Dress Silks *• §1,20 per yard. Japanese Cloth—a beautiful fabric, for ladies' dresses—Mexican I lads, Pol) do Chovrca. a moat complete assortment of the latest patterns of Delaines, Open Cloth, plain Delaines only 20 cents per yard, they Itiivealwuys been sold at 25 ct». inethis market. Also, a beautiful assortment of the challeuge >i uuifiuttA Prints, now to fw tlu? hi*“t prints in market,. ami a handsome ansurtuieut of Uibt colored prints from 6 to 10 ct* per yard, Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Caps, Woohfii Undent Ice vea for ladies and children, an uilsur- Piwsed atocH of Htwiery, together with an abundance and variety of everything in the Notiommd Trimming line. He calls special attention to his beautiful assortment of QUEENS WARE, which is acknowledge I to be the most complete of any in tho town, apd sold ut prices defyingcompetitlon. Tea sets consisting of 46 pieces, sold at $i 00. ’ BOOTS AND SHOES, directly from Nev York, and bought from first hands. BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL, INGRAIN, LIST, HE Ml* AND RAG CARPETS, i OIL CLOTHS front 1 to‘2 yards xcids. His stuck of groceries is complete in every respect, and will so sold at as low a figure ns any house this side of the city. Oct. 11. 1860. Patent kerosene or carbon JIL LAMPS! unrivaledtn Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Evv.y persoii dotirins to obtain tin- very best and cheap est ik. Wblo light within their reach, should call at the storethe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing Elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon slrsiu i ■ o'*?! ACCIDENT can occur by explosion, o. H ,:lt , ! iey emlt no offensive odor while burning, ou. That they ar« very easily trimmed. 4th. That they arc easily regulated to give more or less TJiat they burn entirely free from smoke. Gth. That the light ik at Iwtst 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use' Thise lumps are admirably adapted fbr the use of Stu- R?avei s^'»“ ics - Factories. Halls, Churches, St 2,\ ot ""“J recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, budging and table fluid and oil lamps, nt a small expense, audwiil answer every purpose of a new lanp «l»lo of the above entl titled. * Lecture on the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generally, detailing the means by which invalids may effectually euro thoim wIvM wittoat thouse of dangerous medicinw. and at but little expense to themselves. Sent free by mail in a secure emtlOpe, on the receipt of one stamp,'to prepay postage, byaMressing, GHAS. KLINE ico™ ' s ’ *eb; —,lgp9. 110x4586, New York City. Cancer institute. of s '>^e«s f, .l practice, DR. KEL- S im SI iSSTJ" “'■“‘"'l'' a. treat dll others with success, Patients, will be visited if n *. distance. Person, deslrlnif'to visit Dr. K. wiU P]«"»oJtpp at theHailroad Hotelin sfcchanics burg, where they will bo directed to his residence, for all particulars wnto-stute diseases plainly. Enclose a post omj stamp to prepay answer. Address Dr. C. L. KELLING Mechaniesburg, Cumberland Co. Pa. ‘ *^ u > Sept. IS, 1860-Cn« pIAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE with of the ALTOMA tW oiii as Such kegs never have been 1 aiid ‘hover will bo sold hk*M ifewry. All kegs containing said stamp will be claimed and taken, wherever found, by the proprietors of the jßrcweiy to -hem they belong.' 1 p 10t0 ” " Tfeg-tr. WTLHKLM A BRO. l>sslOyAL.—A M. KING, SHOE- Xt lnfi>rms the public that ho baa fatken tbo.Uoom next door to the a. " Offlcci on'Virginia street, where lio i» pre^^^MHk___ pared to manufacture every style of MBN’g SHOBS, at reasonable prices, and in a‘substantial manne r. [Mar.l6.’do.-tf T>QOT AND SHOEMAKER—JOHN 'jLr STBHhB fiat taken a portion of tho '■ ' > nwtnotictlpiea by A. M. KING, next door to J. W. Ehfg’e Tin Shoo, and I himself ready ;to get up Men’s Boots A I in gtsxl style and at low rates. ■ [Mnr'.IS.’UO-tf. '* AUSt: REGEI kI7 ved r a good assortment of Shoe-Findings, of all de scriptions, which wo will sell at low prices for cash. July 10, 18WH ' STEWART 4 THOMPSON! OXES! 0 YES!—GENTLEMEN drdw nirh and hear. JOSEPETP. TttdilT announ ces to too p't-iic, that be is ready to discharge; hit duty nsan Anctloneerwhcnever cailcdupou. fjan.,2 »66. J /■^ROCLIIIES-- —A LARGE AND VT complete assoftmont of Qrooeries have fast been re ceived at the store of J . B. UICEMAN. SAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, XJLtWhtjßaabAnaTaniisb Brushes atr r-. - kbssisipb. A Through Ticket to California 1 S C. COLBEKT & GO’S • FIFTH GRAND QUARTERLY DISTRIBUTION Wv. v ,„ < * loo .’V o ? AMWUW, WQKTfI $300,000, wWchwßl for $lOO,OOO, to tbe pnreliawrs of our v^ -g °l‘ i> KN FFJ«B AT 30 Cts. PER BOX. .** Our Gulden Pen u the best ever nsed, and is warranted not to cojnode in any ink.. Etery business man and family should use the Golden Pen. The following list, of 100,000 articles will bo distributed among our patrons at $l,OO each, and need not be paid for until wo infonn the purchaser which of the following nrti ®l®J we will him for *l,OO and tiien It i£ optional wl>bt h tr he sends the dollar and take* the good* cr not." All goods can he returned at our .expense within ton days after the purchaser receives them, (no loss they are (satisfactory,) and the money wdl be refunded. c list or goods DEcx.uiua> tiib iustridctiojc. Piano*. Camecrßar-drop*, Gold Huninp cased Watches, Mosaic and Jet Kur-IW* ? 01 2 ~ ?h es > w , Lavaw Florentine Ear-Drops, tallies’ Silver Watches, Coral Eur-Drotw, . Guard, Vest and Chatclain Chains, _ Coral, Emerald, and Opal Brooches, Cameo Brooches. Emerald and Opal Ear-Drops, Mosaic and let Brooches, Hands..nio Sea! Rings Lava * Florentine Broshes, Mosaic and Cameo Bracelets. Gents Breastpins, Watch Keys, Fob and Itiblioii Slides, SeU of Bosom Studs, Sleeve Buttons. Plain Bings. Stone Set Bmps, Sets Ladies’ Jewelry, Canton Crape Shawls Mousso ’*“* L -' uum - Ciialljes, French and American Lawns. eges, Poplins, French Calicoes, mid ctlier Ladies’ Dress Goods rn great variety, together with Head Dresses Cabas Fancy tans, and in Cict almost every description of goods usually found in iirst class d. v g.K.ds stores b PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. . HIGHEST PRWTICV $lOO LOWEST PREMIUM «2 The articles are numbered, and Certificates stating what we will sell each person for $l,OO aro placed in aeak-d en velopes, with a decimal arrangement of premiums ; ao that *" Sj^ 1 * hundred certificates there is one for a Gold Witch, and there will also be a splendid premium in each ten cer- Ladies, if you desire a fine shawl, or dress pattern, or a ar£,cle of jewelry, enclose us 30 cents for a bo* of tlu Gthlen Pena, dud wo will aend you a, certificate which umy enable yon to procure it ft»r $1 On receipt of 30 cents we will send you a box of our Qol soll 1 for si. a tr y US 11 " lh ° articl * wllich wo will , . „ PKICES to agents, post paid « Boxes Pens with 4 Certificates, at •do do 9 do ' *3 25 do do 26 do t 100 do do 100 do 18 lm h r c . l! ,r c^“ ge ° f I( ‘° boiM wo the purchaser 1U() cert dies tea. one of which is guaranteed to contain one order for aPINK WATCH, ur sewn gmachine cwvJso cTrt'lL 50 ! bOXl ‘ s i,,o r > ou «1I W* fl Tf’n 8 f ,,n . t J u,,in f order for a splendid ' ,f, VV ATCU, beaiJo a lar-e number of other rery valuable premium* Onu certified a eut gratis upou up pliuitum of any person duHii injr to act as agent, which may ment or Sl. tUI,rOCU1 ° * Valuabk l”™ium upon the pa/- PIANOS, MELODEONS. MUSIC, BOOKS n ... , . EEVV'ING MCHINKS. AC., Bought and sold on commission. Any article will bo sent to tbe country at the lowest whole JepJfcS with the mi dition of 6 per. cent commission for forwarding appli“ tot gent 3 WUated “■ eYer - T toW “' Cirtula « »' a£ °» Address all communications to 8. C. COLBERT t CO 138 South I-o,,rt!i street, below Chestnut. Phil,,. , For our integrity and ability to fulfil llllr men s. we beg to refer you to the following well known gentlemen and business firms:— ° K üBU His Kxcelloucy. ,J. W. Geary. (Ex-Gov. of Kansas) W. st mureland. Pa.; Palmer, iticliardson i C»., Jewelers.'Hiilaa K. A Wari.e hsq.. Jew. b-r, Pbila.; Wm. A. Gray H., Jeweler I luhi ; Kenuuerer A Xl.,ore, W« er ierr-ot below Arcli ; Pnitt A Reath. Fifth uml Market st.s.; J. C L-'uilcr Pldia - M n“ir A F - r Ward - i’ol'licli. r of Fashions, icj Eurek’J r-IL 1 !!’- I,e ’ Cutaiau 'iua llaiik ; lion. 1.. M. Ilui son, fcuteko. California. [Sept. H. AT HuDiiU VEMENT IN COOK IE ‘ ING STOVES. COA Sl iIFTIOX OF SMOKE AA r O GAS AX’D SATIXG OF FUEL. The subscriber takes'pleasure in offering to the nubile NEW GAS AND SXIOKE CONSUMING * Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su perccuo all other*. it require* ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other stoves and is more easily, quickly and regulat ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from this stove ftpni the fact that it is nil consumed ere it can es cape. There is no trouble from smoke as that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed lusido ol thtf Stove Neither is there any danger of flues or cliiih •neys becoming clogged, with soot or the mortar loosened bv the gas arising from coal fires. J Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to '-all at tlio Store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stoves. JOHN FIIOKMAKEU. ... s* Affcnf for Dtair Chvnty. -VB. A I kinds of Air-tight, I‘nrlur Cooking and L- Stoves on hand. [ A„g. 12. ISaf. PHIL ADELPH IA W A 'l’ C H AN D J EWELRY STOKE, _ __ cr. 0. CONRAD. FORMER OCCUPANT. No. 148 N. 2d St., corner of Quarry St; Tlie undersigned has leased the preiuises, where lie will keep u large assortment of Cold and Silver Matches, of American. Kngli-h and Swiss nian .uracture of the most celebrated makers, iu addition to which will be found always on hand land made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silverand Silver Plated ware together with-a’general assortment of such goods as are usually kept in a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store The patron, of 0. Conrad, and those of the subscriber, together with tile public generally, are invited to call and they will receive a good article fur their money. As 1 am determined to do a cash business, goods will be sold very I?*'-,, V Profits and Quid- Sola” is the motto of this Establishment. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, „ , „ _ . Formerly 0. Conrad. June 7, IMolfy. C ° r ' ° f De Forest, Armstrong & Uo., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 75, 77, 79, .81, 83 & 85 Duane St., NEW YORK, WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE that they are opening Weekly, in new and Leau ttlul patterns, the WAMSUTTA PRINTS, ALSO THE - AMOS KE AG, A New Print, which excels every print in the Country for perfection of execution and design iu full Madder Colors. Our I riuts arc cheaper tlmu any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. ’ Fub’y 2, ISOO.-!y PLANING MILL & SASH MANU- AGTOUY.-The subscriber would announce that lie has removed hia Planing Mill and Sash Manuf ac tory, from Tipton to Altoona, where ho will continne to fill or dpra and attend to all work entrusted to him, with des patch. The Mill Ison the lot adjoining AUlaon’H Steam Flouring Mill. TIIOS. McAULEY Altoona* Not. I7»-1869.—tf ' SHOE LEATHER.—We have just received a good stock of the best Red and .Oak So,e Leather. We have also a good assortment of Goat and French Moroccos, French and Country Calf Skins, Uppers, Ivipp, Linings, Bindings, Ac., all ‘of which wo will ut low prices and warrant to give satisfaction. - .Please ctlland examine our stock before purchaslngolae whel’e. , Don't forgot place— two doors below the Post Office July 19,1860. - STEWART A THOMPSON. TTOGSE and lot at private JLJL SALE. — The Gate-House and hot belonging to tbo ALTOONA AND HOL- k LIBAYSBURO PLANK KOAD CO.,‘sit- |TO ifrr I* uato 3.3 mile from Altoona, is ortered at JHiSfiB s *?®- Private Sale. For terms and 1 further particulars inquire of JOSEPH orTho ‘: !; rAprll SdTsw-tr t UMBER FOR SALE. X J 60,000 SHINGLES. 4 , So OOOLATTiIfS ! mrr f BD l l 4 reo tl.e lowest, lor Cash. Apply to JOUNSHOEMAK Ell" AT- WESTERN INSURANCE T EVIS PREPARATION KOR KS- ,KATS. MICK, ROACHES, ANTS, and Jan.24,»66-tf] ; * > - >'■ W.H.IMWC • BJ-AIR COUNTY: DAGUERREAN W -’ the HolSburl to take f ° rm our read ? rB that h « h> prepared Photographs of deceased persons, v from Daguerreotype*, 1 at the shortest lurtico and on the Jj c ?l ff?? 0 "* , - torlna - He‘has j list'received a I area stock anew^ttei^nfv 4 C<^ all aize * »nd styles,hlludtog AMBUOTYPE, DAGp*.RHEOTYPJS OR PHOTOGRAPH jib in'? * P hll - Üboms on the coruerof Montgomery and AUegheny streets, Hollidaysburg. vl fJanolTHt 7 (t KKSSLER-—PR ACTICAL T» rpspectfnllyVimnouncea V % m : ' ' to the cltitens oTAltoonaandth/ eraUy, that he still continues the o" -Virginia street, whore: he keepa Oongtan«V, aB -iT ~ hOlcsale and Retail, DEtJG3, BSB merttAnJreceivo a ahaiworpubHo piSSShS a°i>opeato ;"gssftj-^ CAM-' o. \r, KESSt^. (?JN HAND AT McCOKMICK'S Sfor* ■(jTtIiASS- Bxlo TO 20x24, £N2> » 00 M g ° r-i a 33 l ~ J 3 2 >s -j w- • a 'w > A ci -a . C 3 -8 PS’S 2 f=? . W» i-5 <{ M. 2 _• | M o csl.i-3 5 hI <1 I O§§ . g ■ P 3 “cSSm P 3 2 pq c J 2 . fc T3 g0<53|.l pH !— * •- 3 cn g r , >v< * .*. w H u o % cj jj-sj P* g h-( «;2 s-^s t“H ‘i Jj o a ass- = Op s |3 wh& *i No. 409 Broadway, New-Yctk. T. W.DYOTT & SONS, Philadelphia, andti. U. KtYSIB, Pittsburgh, Wholesale Agents. By A. Roush, Altoona: W; T. Murray. IMlidaysUrj; and by all respectable druggists throughout the country Mai ch S, ISCO.-ly. House, sign and ornament- AL PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS 4 WALSU n spectfuily announce to the public that they are preiaral It do all kinds of HOUSE, SIGN AND. ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in a workmanlike manner and ad Kjw prices. They alsokerp constantly on hand and for sale, at lowest prices, OIL. GLASS, PUTTY & PAINTERS’ TOOLS; ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES,i STAINED 4 ENURATYD WINDOW GLASS, LOOKING GLASS 4 PICTCKE Fit AMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, CARYED & ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES. ttS- All Orders left at A. Roush's Drug Store, Altoona, will receive prompt attention. Shop on Montgomery street, Uoilidayshurc, Pa. April 0. IS€U.-tf. ~VrATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE A. v “Tliis G rent Journal of Grime and Criminals h hi its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all tho Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together »iir Information Ot) Criminal Matters, not to be found in an) other newspaper. ■ fED,Subscriptions f 2 per annum; $1 for'.aix months, tc , Le remitted by subscribers, {who should write their da®** tknd the town, county and State where they reside plainly V To G. W. MATSBLL 4 CO, , Editor £ Prop’ri of New York Police Oaietts. 15-ff] New For* 0* American Xife Insurance and Trust Co* Capital-Stock, $500,000. Company Building, Walnut St., S. E. corner oj Fourth VnUa. B. . F. ROSE, agest, ALTOONA. LIKE INSURANCE AT IKK USUAL MUtDAL|ATto. OR AT JOINT STOCK BATES, AT ABOUT LESS, OB AT TOTAL ABSTINANCE BATES. THBW”- EST IN THE WOBLD. A. wmtU> l -'<. ! - JO. SIMMS, Se’y. [Oct. 27t>, i^-U- House and lot tor salb.- The'gnbscribcroflerß at Prlrate Sale : ' Jtttik the HOUSE nnd LOT now occupied hy her, BlSr Jarß outlie cofnef ofAdalino and Julia streets, 1 |V Bast Altoona.' The llonsoisagoodTwo SHSttIK Story Frame Building, containing a Parlor, Dining-Room ami Kitchen on «he" r V l , "7i flm floor, four good sleeping rooms on the 'second Boor, a flnfthed'Attlc. The lot ia in good order. . PersonawTshlng to -yfew the premises and obtain rerta (information will call upon the subscriber, ' MARQT. M. MfICRU»- Altoona, Ang. lltfr, 1859-tf. - - . 1. - T YCOMING COUNTY MUTIMj' JLi FIBB INSURANCE .AQBNCnr.—the agent of theXycoming Mutual Firo Insurance Comp“'.' f .ftt all times- ready toinsuro against lot* or damage “I Buildings, Merchandise, HitnUure and Property J: doecription, in town or country, at a* waaosmble rw any company in the State. Office in the Masonic s Jan. 3, ’6f-tf] JOHN SUORMAKhB. WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON UENTIST4 r\EEICE IN TEE MASONIC W* ilptE. • v : [Doe.®,’**** A Student wanted. OWJl^Oßcni Seo««red by Utters patent In the United SUuT^^- and ‘ ***> ftijltex rpHE AMERICAN PHOTOGI)'i,,~ J- IOMHCHr.aiNCOHPAsi, J V«te Tori, having secured their novel .Ji, vention by American and Knropean patent pared to execute all orders fldr wcnt *> •*• f«U; Miniatore Likenesses of Persona nn , presenting all the attractive and advaiif«» 00 ordiiutry pbotogTaphs. the brilliancr and f *hiteT; color dt awing; and a httiierto nnattaln«t „ hof • v« c< buity, by being rende&l a. ;»«»{ *> Properties of the articles npon »h W , u,,'** «b» »«£; As the patented prothws of the Comnau; ,r »a»(nr^ production of Photographs, not onlvoup[ 11 !l , * bIM n ( K>n such aa are round or of anv d* B tte „r . portraits can bo reproduced with delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain W^ Kur *‘J, scnptio.i and dimension used as of ai, T , household utility, aunhias “ Uclc3 ‘ Urns, Voter, Briafyatl Chpr, TvUtl Art,.’. thereby securing foithftil portraits and furnt.M *' ; and exqmslie style ornamentation In order to furnish facilities, for th« iropnlar taste, and to meet the wants (I f?K «th. the Fine .Arts desirous of having Company have imported frr'mVuropTj ""' 1 ‘ nor porcelaini goods. manufactured to i£S ll ° 8 of which they sell at cost prices. “ «w a Aa thu American Company are . right, and consequently the only pers, .°Y” n . f Ul « thd process, they have doterminidl ” *o^”1 iai To a ford in {rcry secllm an opportunity to posses* I'OHTKAJrs O,V riit\A to make the following proportion to ’ . JietitUnii ia the Country, who ar . Person* semUng a photo ffra ;.h SSS s,ho$ ,h0 offico pf lba - they will secure iu A handsome IV tnch with the Portrait reproduced hr the J ’ By sending a pair of PttW< » f'Jf'TKay DOLL iff e they will receive in return AX ‘* A i.W r of rich Secret V^ u> and^i^u^ lain wares or \ ‘'-prouucej <,» ph rase**./ tvtry Quality of t\niik ranging in price from \ Tuxnly to One Hundred Dollar:. Iht Pjir H. B.—Be particular iu writing the addreaa ’ ty and State distinctly. * urs “> ‘‘•Wi, om. All letter- to be addressed to ‘ > “IJiSAGwi, Americas Paordcttraic PorciuisCo . 781 Bioodwsy. ’ f>«w lutk, Oct. 4,1800.-3 m Thousand* are daily speaking in the prals, 0 f DU. BATON'S INFANTILE CORDXAI r*ml wby ?, Iwcnuna it never jaiU to o*M iuhatitum,/' Ut/*hvn given in time. It nets n. (Thv TT* zzLtr ' v,u contißcB jou ihat wua ‘ x NO PAREGORIC OS OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by remonnn the r in,,* ul your chtid, intend of by Jeademuy lor this reason, it commends itself as the only nimble li aratiou nmv known for .CmtDMs Ttriniso b!S£ IN T . n , E UoWELS - OP tnt Sion! Aou. \\ ind, Cold in tils Head, iuul Crocp also i. P 'anJr- < r U ‘’ lS ' rai . ucin (J '"Jlmn'natum, reyulatiwjtht &4jT U ' ! T'‘ g ., P,nn r "" «;»a«-beli.B an a.LLj^ it is Used «i tit un/uthns merest in all cases of Cuvra™ or OTIIUI tna. -I* you value Vis life and health rfmr chuJi cu. and wish- to save (ka/reu those sad andU iiklasQ ca,usances which ere certain to result fr mt theute!rtl cottcs of w.nch af{ Other remedies fot Infantile CbmjduirU arecciWiid, take none but Da. Baton's IsFAKfasOiMni. this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, uudesu not injure the most doUcato-iufaut. Price, ‘.’a cents Fall directions accomuany each bottle. Prepared oniv bV CnUKCH 4 IIUPON’T, No. 409 Broadway, New-York Healthy human Blood upon being analyzed *«* '4B ;• ’#7 , J >w . > r £ *ft ' jfoCW VOL. 5. &m yc Atlbe QTfiWAI plcasi M mkJ (arrounil tkoil «torii u Ofltoe. •Iww «M>' 3a.uTjk r. -01 «ll »»•! k Mtb*nt uiamificii ■ (tout U 5 Hriit <. mrehMoU el» 'wli Mtawing price II . MeaVlliit* c;» Urd'i Uu > ki B 'j'n kip Ho |te%curo lien’* Oxuu ii . rotkt’ShiK Chlldr"j»’».bu ladle*''Coum ' IsdiM* Uutk - LiJUa* Super lis4le** itoroc La'dlss' M«tvc ImW Goal t T- ( lAdles’Calf P ■ Misses* I'alf 1: • -XM Frenc Rutin* bought < lowest figure, am’ •customers are not •to«.l>Moss. you wan •■Mde, leara -your '■hurt notice. Hep •oo reasonable teiu W* respectfully 'Sept. 13. iv..>.-tf AAtorary Err cosfectio JEWEL! The sub > keep constant!; penodicala. daily pa ‘Pittsburgh. togetho ■ ths School Books us kui Also* « choice lot 1 of all kinds for chib \ (t lx had in town, t \ and WlMf Pencils. < A ■ tf.. Call and exam! \ Altoona, July 2U, ' \ f ANDS! L - 1, A TU* undersign Bants in the om Good selections can > aud settlements. 1 Market, aro of the I . fiS. Selections caJ {vested. July li, 1M9.-tf Bor. A. B. Run W*. 51. Lion* * McCacx A Ontw, Tms. A. Scott, a D- McMuaints. t W. M. LL JOHNST ga.*\ {Late "Belt Bra fts Cities, and fill BM«.! Moneys recei Without interest, or u ■fab. 3d. 1889. Lihi-JT, ALTOONA, ill ractlco Uw In t agdon, tilcarfi ! AIM in tho Dutrict C Oolleetloniyuf cl tin; tbatala of Real ..stud pertaining t Hon. YTltsoa McCat burghi lion. Suimucl. Judicial Distric t; Ho.: Bon Usury D. Foster,. Lebanon; Ifon, Wm. . Qeorge p, Humolton, S. M. AfTORI \ altoon tot k'a : • I RAL, Courts •oantiw. H»Tinj h«d scTm]; **» * > X|>KCtl to .fWtoton YUjlntasti W* ttcl, Js«q. I’ 11. 0000, K. ». WS. GOO JLfINO. entered it , MBUIoInB, respectfully •WfMul brnncliri 0»J(V will b« answer. '.''[“ltn to the same r «aood._flr ß tthi> Log April 2|«t, D-s'.i 3i„ ■ Poi « a:\ i (Seralgued has n ■ju cheap at Uls store 'JfB« «nd coiiipk i*die*’ Sami W«, and everything in aml 0I ( warrantee 3*n.X'&utu - «e Root a nrpiriLAD Tulinl I }'* llock y >»« HotSiui Un> *S ai ' l ">* °P Ihe 2. «r?_T y of D«CW«biT. JJJ^'onth.thmait Si.'iroo. Ti^TTirTTT) , Motual Virv •»no» to Jw’wre agi ’V tu wn or emu n P*nym the State. Jw. i. -'SE'co^ua J *a-27,’59-tf Ki « -Cx. Not a a iw.-' ai>tooxa IrtoiSAi.js.—. i* iu A .^^»«b.-».l8B0.. t ; WHIT I' : uSs'*z Chro!a ' JHaNHs of A