idioal and Toilet BOOK. ml IHreciiont for making all i-parations in use; also R|- actions for making all tbs irt ica," Perfumes, Unguents; rt Articles. If youare sufi —if you'wish a beautiful a smooth face, a clear skin j it —or if you wish to knot# o Toilet and Medicalline, ypti copy of this book; for foil ho work for perusal, (free.! T. F. CHAPMAN, ” 631 Broadway, I^ew.Tork. CTSLOW, ilc physician, has a soothing' hich greatly facilitates tbs’ g the gums, rednclnlg all iu :i, and is euro to regqlatathe hers, it will give feat tbyour-' to your infants. Perfectly srueut in another column J IASON! - ■ Tbo undersigned l rs and the public gene rally, I > the Fast with his fall Stock,. 1 THE SINI> lie has eySry Taristy ta 1 d Quality, of* I HAT S AND CAPS, Winter Ttfear. and qualities of Ladies and - md FLATS, to which the at* ’ iy thing in this Unela .special- IS I FURS 1 ! liandtomeit auortmeiit of of Alt joiuv, embracing {• S, CUFIS, ’ for LndiPd arid Chlldren.of ifncture, and of every, qaali- ling In ,the above line, will iiohnsingeldo whore, aa 1 am lowest po««il>le prices, site the Lutheran •HiSSE SMITH. r ANf) LIQtOB ned would bog leave to an euiinty and vicinity that he Virginia tlrtU, three door* -. where he bos Jnat received go assortment of ■, tic Liquors. . ME C o'gnae Brandy, Reach' '-iy. Old Burgundy >!*,- Jamaica Bum, ■1 Rye Whiskey, ' . Whiskey, and Vt r Wine,-; I. Retailers of Itiquor* sad advantage to toy of, him, *S. * . . . , -ou hand aa aMortnapt of ‘ ;ries, . all, Fish, Tobacco, ‘ Cofee, se., se,, ' for cash or Conn try Produce.- .-.. IK 1 rally are respectfully tor urchasiug olsowhere. ,'i LOUIS PLAGE. O O L G LADIES. ■K COUNTY, FA. illS will opoo in Al a October, ISA), a School for good English Ednrattoawllf iihtructed in Preach, .Untie, ho received at the fOUeving flQdSfr ; tj» tJOO ■ gin ■ its one quarter In any of the romposed of two terms of,* for tuition gl&> per month, number of pUpils limited to 3S. I. but firm.. Lesson* will hr >a t homo; and for absence or v ill lie demanded. lit- cars and direction at Jt*7- lILY LiaUOES. ; 110 USE & GO .y VhulcsiUe Dealers in GINS AND SEGABU, m of the citizens ofthe.Unilerf md Liquors, put up under their and Medical use. in eases as* Iul»«, Military utad other public rase in large or" small quaflli be liberally dealt wltlu fries )lISE BITTERS. ; physicians as the best rwnsiy dm ion, Debility, and all pure, wholesome, anq bv all Druggists. ; I HOUSE 4 CO, Proprietots, 3 k .b Exchange Place, V Jersey City, ah to engage a few active men, ats for their house, ,to whom offered, for particulars, ad- ■ w*. f..uab. j ER & LANG,' . E GROCERS & a Merchants, SAIXEB X2* AIN, BACON, Cheese, Iron, ooms, Yams, &c* Liberty Street, PITTSBURG, [,L PAPERI I ALL ANNOUNCES. f Altona and riclirity that b?! from 6 ,cts to jo cte; do 10 ' do 121 do 20 do . ' do 12f do 50 do >2,00 do $1,60 do 6,00 RIPED EBOIIT,- >0 STREET, PIXISBIIIWB* I ,B & RETAI^* ,«BKIS NOVVTRE; KiMilics, parties, s.iit-y of Oyster*, Ajiy ly i Oysters ate roceitea <»W r. -hand of the rerybest q^ ll^ K ' rr jouN alexakdkb- UOICE i.OT OF ) : ,e Door Mow the Po6tU^_— HOUSES ANDEj> IIIJuSTRECI^^i cable assortment^ , SUPPORTERS; ?* ua * Jii r;rr;' for «.M« »* pDflmfnte, NfA4L«CftEmn.E. A MAILS CLOSE. 7 15 A. M. ~r B - : 7 is ■« JSSn Vl5 and 11 00 “ SSSnbw* " 7 oo P. M. 703 “ E*,‘ ernT MAILS AKBIVB. - . 7 30 and 11 10 A.JL „Jlid*« barp -"iT • 745 « f sJ!tcrn Through-;-■ gl3 “ • Tlnongli . n2o.j « — 140 p. si. Jeters ' v ® s ' During the week, from 7 00 A. M. till Ornc* from 8-00 till 9 00 a. m. . jjp.H- On J()UN gHOBMARER. P. M RAILROAD schedule. Trail. Bust Arrives 9,20 P. SI., leaves 9,40 P. M. W* at « west “ B,IS A. SI. “ 8,33 A.M. S 5 “ 7.15 A.M. « S.OOA.M. t„‘ „ west “ 8,50 P. SI., « 9,10 P. M. . EMt “ 11,20 A. SI. « 11.35 A.M. »«3 „ West “ 1,40 P.M., “ 2,00 P.M. The IIOtLIPAVSBURO BRANCH connects with all TRAINS connect with Johnstown jVD IA N A -• t d West, Mail Train East KAprcAS Train East atul Wert. ***•s£* ENOCH LEWIS, Gtn'l Supt. »^ C T. 10W. local items. copy with pleasure the following Which find in the Pittsburgh Gazette of the 17th inst. Xbe success which has crowned the efforts of the , B cipal. Bev. C. Pershing, is a sufficient f oof of his qualifications; We know of no in vitation of the kind in the country which We con more cheerfully recommend to parents and a,rJiuns who have daughters or Wards to edu wte. Send for a catalogue. The Gazette says t PiTTJBUJion Female College.—Thofalliterm I f fdiis popular institution will close on Tuesday, ‘’7th inst. During the usual epm ihtiions will take place, and in the evening the Voung ladies will give a literary entertainment. The last term has been the most successful in the history of the College. Such bos been the in creasing popularity of the institution that it has become somewhat difficult to accommodate all w bo attend. Nor is this popularity confined to Pittsburgh. While it has grown rapidly in favor here, its good name has gone abro id. Lou isiauna, lowa, Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey. Virginia and other States have sent their repre sentatives. Among the causes that has contrib uted to this result are, the energy and activity of the President, Rev. I." C. Pershing, A. M. t *bo is determined that no similar institution shall excel it ; the superior advantages offered; the ability of the Faculty and the healthfulncss of Pittsburgh. Cue point deserves special at tention. The stockholders are men of means, who invested their money, not for personal profit, but to have an institution of the highest ,prade in-our own city. The tuition fees, instead of being appropriated to individual purposes, are used to promote the interests and advance ment of its patrons and pupils. There is no temptation, therefore, to take an inferior teach er because she can be had at a lower price, or to employ less than are really necessary. Every department is provided for. It is not an insti tution for private gain, but pays all its teach ers and professors fixed salaries. 'Owing to this fact, and its large patronage, the Trustees arc enabled to employ an unusually large, able and experienced Faculty. Whatever profits may accrue are returned to the patrons in the su perior advantages afforded over smaller schools, or those established for private gain only. A fine Philosophical and Chemical apparatus, selected by a gentleman of experience, has been recently purchased in Boston. Preliminary steps hqve alsobeen taken to secure a, Gradu ate's Gallery, -m which will be {Raced the like neas of ;ekch otasa as it graduates; a gallery of he pointings as models for the pupils in this department; a cabinet, &c. A system of prizes to be distributed at the cud of the year, bos alto been adopted. And, as an additional stim ulus; the next session will close with a Literary contest, the successful contestant to receive a silver cup. , W.c arc requested tp urge those who desire to enter to make early application, and especially those who wish to enter as boarders, as but few more boarders can bo accommodated. Mis Killed. —On Tuesday morning la«t, Mr. A. Sloss, of Pittsburgh, flagman on the westward bound Fast Freight train, met with an accidental Kittanning Point which resulted in his death in about six hours afterwards. He was riding on the “ pusher" of the train .and when it stopped at the Point he jumped off the engine, (intending to get on one of the curs of the train,) and not noticing that the Eastward stock trains were coming down the mountain, be jumped against the engine of the first train* which was then passing, by which he was struck on the sile and face and knocked down between the tracks. His forehead was broken in and his face much mangled. He was brought to this place and medical aid ‘summoned, but his inju ries were such that aid could be of no avail, and after lingering in misery, for about 6 hoars, death came to his relief. He leaves a wife and oao child. TniiKsciviKa—.We frequently hear this fes tival spoken of as if it were a fast day—a reli gious occasion for self-denial and humiliation.— Such is not the design. It is a feast day—a % of rejoicing and thankfulness for the many blessings we enjoy. The custom of appointing Thanksgiving Day was an early New England one, and spread" oyer the other States. The first Thanksgiving day in Pennsylvania was appoint 'd by the beloved and lamented Governor Sbunk. &>w it is a regular institution of the State, al ®oBt universally observed by oar people. Ar rangements having been made , the different con pegations of this place will .meet at the Pres byterian Church at IQ} o’clock, A. M , where »n address appropriate to the occasion will be delivered. The pnblio schools will meet at the Methodist church in the afternoon for the pur pose of hearing an address. • lupdre Watbb.— Set a pitcher of water in a *w>o, and in a few hoars it will have absorbed Warty all the respired and perspired gasses in room, the air of which will haye become purer, bat the water utterly filthy. The colder ***• water is, the greater its capacity to contain these gaasea. At ordinary temperatures a pint water will contain a pint of carbonic acid P>. and several pints of ammonia. (This cnpa city is nearly doubled by redncing the water to the temperature of that of. ice* Hence water,; kept in- the room awhile, is always unfit for ?cr .the same reason, the water in a pump fwck should all be pumped out in the morning wrore any la used. Impure water is more in jurious to the health than impure, adr. : Chakos op ScHKDutn.-r-The winter arrange* toent forrunnirig trains on «■’ f l Effect on Mo’ndtwr "last.r - For p»r rt,» U t to.passehgSf eoiuult wifhedule at the head ’;%l«mn. Council Proceedings. . • Altooka, Nov.llth, 1860. Gonneil;nUt Present A. A. Smyth, B. Green wood, D. F. Baughman, J. A. McDowell and D. M. Green, ConnoU,.-«nd Win. 0. McCormick, Chief Burgees. . Minutes of last meeting read trad approved: pn motion^Setohed, That the fines in the hahdsiof J; M." Cherry, Esq., be applied to re pairs of the “Lock Up,” N and that Wm. W. Sny der, Supervisor, bo authorized to lift said fines and apply the amount to sqid repairs and report to Council at their next meeting. On motion, Resolved, That the Chief Burgess be requested to invite the officers of the Altoona Gas and Woter r Con»pany, to meet the Council' at tbq Council room as soon ns may be conveni ent for theta, T for the purpose of coming to some specific understanding relative to the charges for fire plugs and water rent. On inotion. Resolved, That the Supervisor be hereby directed to put down-pavement in front of the two lots in East Akooua, comer of Har riet and Catharine Streets, owned by 11. Unupt, and that the necessary expenses for. tbe same be entered up on the County Docket as a Lien against said lots. On motion, Resolved, That the Supervisor be directed to proceed immediately to open and extend Catharine Street in accordance with n late decree of the Court of Blair County, and to soe that tbe buildings now on that portion of die ground to be occupied for said street, be imme diately removed, by the proper owners. On motion. Resolved, That an order be grant ed to Daniel F. Lauglnnnn for the amount al lowed him for that portion of Lot No. 11 tAken for the purpose of opening and extending Catb rine Street, to be paid ns soon as the amount can be collected from tbe proper assessment tnado for that purpose. Adjourned to meet again on the first Monday evening iu December, (Sd,) at 7 o’clock, P. M. “ Extracts from the minutes ” ggy If our patrons imagine that we are go ing to take many excuses for not publishing a paper last week, they are mistaken. Our only excuse is that we hod a harvest of job work, which pays better than printing a newspaper, and which was of a kind that could not be de layed. so we attended to it first. We, not our subscribers, lose by laying our paper over a week, qs we make up the year if it takes us thirteen months to do it, consequently they should not complain if we do uot; and those only who have paid in advance have a right to complain, aud to them we make this apology. To be ficwG.— Cathcart, convicted recently in Clearfield county of murder in the first degree, for killing his wife, was on Thurs day last sentenced to bo hung, the motion for a now trial having been overruled. Our readers will probably recollect that this murder was committed near Janesville, a few miles from this place.- It created some excitement at the time, and the feelings of the whole community were decidedly against him. He alleges that he shot bre accidently-.— Star; t ■ , llkf.kan Aqoux.—John C. Heenan, the cham pion nose-smasher and eye-bqnger passed I through this place on Friday mdrnrng last, on „hia way to the West to exhibit his proficiency in his line. As a matter of course the news of his arrival spread rapidly, and there was soon a large crowd at the depot to get a look at him. He was accompanied by Aaron Jones and other lesser lights in the fistic arena. A. S. S. A.—The Altoona Sabbath School As sociation will meet in the basement of the United Brethren Church, on Friday evening, December 7th, at ? o'clock. Several interesting addresses will be 4blivered. Friends of the Sunday School cause ore invited to attend. Large Turnip. —We were shown, a few even ings since, a turnip which measured 24 inches in circumference, 4 inches in depth, and weigh ed Tibs, 7oz. It was raised upon the farm of Mr. Martin Cell, at Elizabeth Furnace, in this county. Can any farmer in this section beat it! MARRIED: \ • - On the TSth of Nov. 1860, at the. Lutheran parsonage, Altoona, Pa., by the Rev. Chas. L. Ehrenfeld. Mr. SAM UEL B. TREES to Miss MARY E. ARTHUR, both of A 1 toona. DIED. In this place, on the 20th inet., THORNTON TROUT, in the 31st year of his age,. Buffalo robes.—a supply of Red River Buffalo Robes J ast received and for sale by JOHN LOUDON. COKE! COKE!! 1 bushels gas coke for I (j\j for sale at Gas Works. Altoona, Nqv. 22.-3 t R. BEACHAM, Supt. Boarders wanted.—a few gentlemen can be accommodated with .'boarding at reasonable, by applying Immediately to Mrs. Liv ingston. on Caroiide street, near Virginia stieet. Altoona, Nov. 24, 2800-3 t. BISSOLUTION.— Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned was dissolved by mutual consent on the 21st day of. November, 1860. The business of the firm will be settled tip by Mr. Thompson who will continue tbo business in the old ; stand. ■. GEO. W. STEWART, ; Altoona, Nov. 28, 1860.—3t.] MOSES THOMPSON. Notice l. of a— a meeting ofTFashington Capitol No. 4 120 L. of €., willbe held at their hall, on Thursday evening, November 29th, at I]A o’clock. .Members are all requested to be present as busi ness of importance Will be transacted. ” Altoona, Nor." 28; 1860. INSTRUCTION IN DRAFTING The undersigned proposes to give instructions in Draf ting, in Altoona, commencing December 3rd, 1860. ‘' Machine Drafting, and Architectural Drafting. > Plans, Specifications and£stiniaterofbnildingB prepared and drawings executed for patents on reasonable terms. For particulars, inquire at the Exchange Hotel. NoV:24th,’6o-am. EDWABDHODNKTr. OTIGE IS here- I / bjr given that the partnership entornd into on'the 28th of January, 1860, between Klchard Tinkolpangh. Ke ’ beccaTirikclpaughhls wife,' and John Lehr, to be termi nated at the wilbof either party, tvas dissolved on the 20th day of May, 1860. JOHN LBHR. ■ Altoona,Nor.'B,lB6o-3t.' ' E STRAY.—CAME, TO THE RESI DENCE of the subscriber, residing -V--. ■■ ■ in Hogan township, Blair county, some- time in Jnly last, a BIIINDLK STEIiB, |^^^Klf w -about two years old. white spot on fitee dßwflPHf and white strine on rump with left ear/11 M ;rc now being received in a ratio unparal leled With that <* any previous year. , TERMS OF. SUBSCRIPTION. Any;person pan become a member by subscribing three dollars, for which hum they will receive Ist- -The large and superb steel engraving, 3QxSB inches, entitled. ' fc “ FALSTAFF MUSTERING HIS RECRUITS.” 2d—One copy, one year, of that elegantly illnstrated magazine, “THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL.” 3d—Four admissions, during the season, to 2'he Gallery of Paintings , 519, Broad wag, NetO York. In addition to the above benefits, there will be given to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over FIVETIDSDRED BEAUTIFCL WORKS OF AET! comprising valuable paintings, marbles, pariaus, outliues, &c„ forming a (truly national benefit. Thesuperbctigraving, which every subscriber will receive, entitled, "Falstaff Mustering his Recruits,” is one of the most beautiful'urd popular engravings ever issued in this Country. It Is done on steel, in line lino and stipple, nud is printed on heavy plate )iaper, 30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either the library, parlor or office. Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff receiving, injustice Shallow's office, the recruits which have been gathered for his ‘-ragged regi ment," It could not he furnished by the trade for less thau five dollars. The Art Journal is too well known to the whole conn try to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustrated magazine of Art, containing Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, ic„ by the very best writers in America. The engraving is sent to any part of the country by mail, with safely, being packed in a cylinder, Hostage prepaid. Subscriptions will be received until the evening of the 31st of January, 186], at which time the books will close and the premiums be giveu to subscribers. Nopcrson is restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting $l5, are entitled to five memberships and to one extra-engraving for their trouble. Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and all for eign counti ics, must be $3,a1l instead of $3, in order to de fray extra postage, etc. For further particulars semi for n.copy of the elegantly illustrated Art Journal, prommcetLthc haudsomet maga zine ip Anierlcd. It contains Catalogue of premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Regular price, 50 cents per number, Specimen copies, however, will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt of 18 cents, in' stamps or coin. Address, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. 546 Broadway, New York N. B.—Subscriptions received and forwarded by 1). T. CALDWELL, Agent for Altoona and vicinity, where speci men Engravings and Art Journal can be seen. DIO n f,, .V JCSL-BE3 Jfc''' CO& JECL 3&JBC m AOY ICE FREE. Hew-York Benevolent Infirmary, established mo, And devoted to the CuUse of Medical Reform I to the Dif fusion of Medical Knowledge for the Prevention of Disease, and fp the .raltef of those suffering and afflicted with Chro jiicand yirnlput Disorders. -Totals end tills Infirmary is to enable the sick and suffering throughout the length and breadth of our land, to avoid the Poisonous Drugs, Extortion, and Ignorance of professed Physicians. through which thousands and tens of thousands annually parish. The following are some of the diseases wo cure, not only at the Infirmary bat in all parts of our country : Consumption ami Pulmonary Complaints, Fevers. Scrof ula. Dyspepsia. Eye and Ear 1 Disease, Cancers apd other Tumors. Jaundice aud Liver Complaint. Seminal Weakness, and all diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs froth whatever cause or whatever nature. Our object will be to give joy to theafflicted by effecting in all cases n speedy cure. Our rule is to charge nothing for advice and written pre scriptions; but will furni-hi when requested the very Lest medicines at the lowest nti-s. These renlcdies are prepared in our own Laboratory, un der the core of able Chemists, and are tiro most reliable known to science, including all thrf recent discoveries. To all addressing u- by letter, containing fall account of symptoms aid appearances of disease, age, occupation, Ac., wo will write a candid r iply, with advice ami directions lor cure, Any fees sent us when sending for advice will be devoted to furnishing medicine for the poor. In all cases medicine can be sent by mail or express if desired, gend lor one or more of our works and judge fur yourselves. Also published at the 1 nil rmary, to aid these objects, THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, Ccutahiing Simple remedies easily obtained fur tlio cure of Diseased in nil its forms', with full explanations of the causes, symptoms, diet, bathing add exercise. I’ricc 50 cts. THE LADIES’ MEDICAL FRIEND, ANp THE PHYSIOLOGY ON MAURI AGE, A work on the cause, symptoms and treatment of all complaints peculiar to the sex, on marriage, its duties, abortion and its results, on Children, their ills, and on tba prevention of conception, with Invaltiable Instructions to them on subjects of a private nature, Price 25 cents. The GejQilcmen’s Medical Companion, AND PRIVATE ADVISER. A book for tbe old and young, embracing the Patholrgy, Prevention and Cure of all Diseases Of tire I!rinary and Sux ual Qrgans, and a warning voice of advice and counsel,such os to be found in no other work. Price 25 cents. THE GUIDE AND GUARD Foe every one. It exposes'all the Humbugs, and the various Tricks to entice the sjck and well. It illustrates the plans of the Quacks and Kogues to dupe every one. It guides the un wary through life, and shows up every swindle of the age. It shows bow aft kinds of Pood, Medicines, Liquors and Goods are adulterated, with the means of detecting the, frauds. Price 25 cent:. THE-HOUSEHOLD AND FARM, PLANTATION AND SHOP. For every family, having over IOOU receipts on Cooking, Preserving. Dyeing, Cleaning, Ac. How to plant and what is the best to raise. How to cure animals, advice to house keepers, farmers and mechanics, on lout) subjects of inter est.: Price 25 cents. Wurth $lO to any one. TIIE CONSUMPTIVES BOOK. For those who wish to get well from that awful disease, a full description of ail the remedies used lor it, witli a careful statementf of the results, and other useful informa tion. Price 10 cents. Tiie information in them is not to be found in any works published, uor obtainable from any other source. These botiks are published on fine white paper, and beautifully bduiid. • Atiy oft ho above works will bp nioilod froo, on receipt of pride,in stamps, or money; or the whole in a handsomely bound volume for one dollar. No family should bo with out Ahern. ■ They arc illustrated with beautiful engravings and contain the condensed experience of years. Agents Wanted for the above wuVks, who can makesl6o a month, i Send fur a circular for agents'. To the young ot both sexes suffering from secret habits; prostration of mind; loss of power; nervous debility';'loss of sight ; wakefulness; love of solitude; eruptions on the face, Ac., Ac. Hend before it is too late-; before you suffer incurable damage to both body and miud. \ TO females ,who want safe, pleasant and rare remedies forlrrognlarities, Obstructions, Whites, Ac, send to us. PREVENTIVE. We are convinced that there are many parents of scjrofu lous, consumptive and diseased condition to whom «| nu merous offspring only brings suffering and poverty;- To such we would say write, and we will send Information of a ante, well-tested, and never-failing Pbbtebtitk. 1 We wIU mail free, to any one applying for it,’ THE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL REFORM It is a large and beautiful'paper, and contains the most valuable information on Spernmtorhoea, or Seminal Weak ness. Tliq cause, effects and cure, showing toe awful ef fects of the disease, r On all other diseases of the Sexual Organs, a full expla nation Of the origin of Syphilis, the means of prevention and cure. On Consumption, that fearful disease. N On.the |4Vetj Beatt l .Stomach and Skin. On Female Complaints. \ On the vm-lons Schools of Medicines. ' ,(hi tfco modes of Treatraent uow practised. On thcßftlte Treatment of Diseases. On the Taiious Medical Quiubngii. On the Physiology of Marriage. On the Common sense of Medicine. On Diet, Exercltes, and Ablution. Bbtrth£- Physician should bo. ■ How to pyevent Pregnancy; And tnn«y other things. Send posit. I Thts journsl should be in the hands of every one. - J. Bussell, ML D., A. CJitef .PhysicianJ S. S.Mostus, Sttrgeoni lir.'J. Boyle, Cbemlflt. • OmctiinNear York, 15L Chambers street. ' , v . Office inWilliamshurgh, South 'Bth add 6th streets. : ' » Correspondents ■will pteaso encloso tvrb or three stamps for returnposluge. and address ■ , r : , DB. A-BEBNET, Secretary, (Bo* 141.) Williamsburg, New York. Nov. .c-- - ■ TTARDWARE OF ALL BESCRIP 1* i tiona lost received and for sale bv.. ' l' X!pi HItEMAN. • QPEGTAOLES AND EYE PRESER- AND MISCELLANEOUS. . THsAxußMUtios or I^dusoi*.—Tliero to a growing tendency in this .age to .appropriate the most expressive words of other laogaagaa, and after a while to lucorparate them into onr own; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifying “ for the head,” is now becoming popularized an. connection with Mr. Spaldlng’p great Head, ache remedy, bat it wRI soda be used in » more general; wty. and the word Cephalic will become as common as Electrotype and many others whose distinction as foreign words has been flora away by common usage until they sebtn “native audio the manor born.” *ardly Realized. ‘Hi ’ad ’n ’orrtble Vadache this haftenwon, hand ,1 step ped into the hand says hi teethe man- * you of an VadsclieJ" - Does it bacbe’|ard”BayB V. “ Ucxceedingly,” says-hi, hand upon that e jgavem?a Cephalic Pith hand ’pon me ’onor it cured me so qmck that 1 ’ardly realized 1 ’ad ’ad an ’eadache. gw* Headache is the favorite sign by which nature makes known auv deviation whatever from the natural state or the brain, end viewed in tills light it may l-e looked on as a safeguard intended to give nottee of disease which mlgot otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied, and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idupatbic. Symptomatic Headache is cxceedingiMommon and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumat sm and alt febrile di seases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting tide headache, of hepatic disease constituting bilious headache, of worms, constipation and other disorders of the bowels, ns well n» renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently at tended with Headaches: Auieraia and plethora are also af fections which frequently occasion headache. Id opatbic Headache is also very common, being unusually distin guished by the name of nervous headache, .sometimes com ing on suddenly in a state of apimreiitl.v sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in oilier instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depres sion of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front of the head over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class limy be named Neuralgia* For the treatment of either clnes of Headache the Cepha lie Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its subtle .power eradicating thediseoses of which. Headache is the "unerring index. ■ Bridget. —Missns wants you to send her a box of Cepha lic Glue. no. a bottle of Prepared Pills, —hut I’m thinking that's not just it uaitlier ; hut perhaps ye’ll be afthor know ing what it is. Ye see she’s nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and wants some more of that same as re iaired her before. Druggist. —You must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pills. Bridget. —Och! sure now and you’ve sed it, here’s the qaarther and give me the Pills and don’t be all day about it aither. Constipation of Gostivenesa. No one of the ‘"many ills flesh is heir to” is so prevalent, soliltlc understood, and so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits; it is regarged as a slight disorder of too little con-iquonce to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and com panion of many of the most fatal aud dangerous diseases; aud unless tally eradicated it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which coative ncas is the usual attendant are lleahache. Colic. Rheuma tism, Foul Breath, Files and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases such os Malignant Fevers, Abcesscs, Dysentary. Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, Bpi- Icysy, Faralvsis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis. Mel.incholy aiid Insanity, first indicate their presence ir the system by this alarming symptom Not unfrcqueutly the diseases named originate in Constipation, hut take on an indepen dent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From ail these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cepha lic Fills on the first appearance of the complaint, as their timaiy use will expel the insiduous approaches of disease and destroy this dangerous foo to human life. A Real Blessing. Physician,— Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache ? Mrs. Jones.—' Cone! Doctor, all gone! the pill you sent cured mo in twenty minutes. 1 wish you would send more so that I can have them handy. Physician.—You can get them at any Druggist. Coll for Cephalic Fills, I Cud they never foil, and 1 recommend them in all cases of Headache. Mrs. Jones. —I shall send for n box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they ore a real blessing. Twestt Miluoxs or Dollars Saved.—Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared (tine and it is estimated that each bottle I saves at least ten dol lars worth of broken furniture, thus making un aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable,invention. Having made his dine a house hole word, he now proposes to do the world still greater service by curing all the aching heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they gre as good os his Glue, Headaches will soon vanish away like snow in July. jfcjf Over excitement, and the mental care and anxiety incident to close attention to business nr study, are among the numerous cases of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to this distressing com jdaiut is a fatal blow to all energy and ami ition. Suffer ers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relijf from these distressing attacks by. uMng one of the Cephalic Pills whenever the symptoms appejir. It quiets the overtasked hraiu. and sooothes the strained and jarring nerfes. and re laxes the tension of the stomach which always aecompa uics and aggravates the disordered condition of th^fbraiu. Fact Worth Ifxowiso.—Spalding’s Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headache, liilions Headache Nervous Headache, Costiveuess aud General Debility. Great Discovert. —Among the most Important of all the great medical discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaccination for protection from Small Pox. the Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the use Quinine for tliC prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure spe cific. whose benefits will be experienced by suffering hu manity long after their discoverers are forgotten. Did yon ever have the Sick Headache? Do you re member the throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at ihu sight of food. How totally un fit yon were for pleasure, conversation or study. One of the Cephalic Pills would have Relieved yon from ail the suffering which you then experienced. For this and other purpose you should always have a box of them on baud to use as occasion requires. CURE Nervous Headache 'By the use of these Pills the periodic attack* of Nervous or. tick Headache may be prevented; and ift, taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickncSs will be obtained. ' 'They seldom foil in removing too jVausea and Headache to which females are So subject. -\ They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Cbsiioeness. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Female*, and all persona of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a laxative, imprjoving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the diges tive organa, and restoringtho natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS aro the result of long Investiga tion and carefully conducted experiments, having-been in use many years, daring which time' they haveprevented andreliexod a vast amount of pain and 'suffering, from Headache,'whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the .stomach. ’ ' • They are entirely, > vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with pefect safety without making any change ofdiret, and" the absence of any disa. greetfUe taste renders it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COOSTKRFBITSi Thepnntne’haye five Signature* of Henry 0. Spalding on cacl/llox. . ; - Sold by Druggists and ati other Beaten in'Medjcinea. A Boz -wUI be teat by join prepared on receipt of the PRICE 86 * All ordere should be oddreued to " V ; ftEJIRY 25' per cent, over those who purchased early intoo;soason, and I elniand will sell cheaper than any other tujnsa in the place. 'Pur chasers will thus at once see, the propriety of at least ex amining my stock before buying elsewhere.' My stock consists of all the newest styles oft LADIES’ DRESS GOODS for the season, also a.foll assortment of GROCERIES, BOOTS ANRj SROES, LADIES’ SHAKER BOIpTETS, . Misses’ Fell and Sfraw Hats, and everything In the line of Dry Goods And Notions which it is unnecessary to enumerate.« AU of which will be sold for cash, or to prompt paying monthly customers, or ex changed for ail articles of Produce which can be ctmsdmed here orexchanged for goods in the East. A. McCORMtCK. N. B.—The subscriber has arrangements in the East by which hecan supply Any article aMhort notice. Altoona. Qct. 25. , . A. McCormick. Bakery oad Grocery Store. The subscriber keeps con. StXNTbY on hand : Fmb*Baked Brcad, Cakes, &c PEED, BACON, PLOTJB, GROCERIES, AUo,» dholcelot of SEOAJSS ahd TOBACCO. ■ tTACOB RINK, / , Nov. , Virgin!* below Anal* ffnat, THE ONX.Y PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OP YEARS ANtt6ROW& MORE POPULAR EVSBT DAT! And testimonials. new and almost without Bomber might be given from ladle* and gentlemen in all grade* of Soda- . ty, whoee united- testimony none could tesia*. that Profteerrr fv’o.-d’« Hair Restorative will restore the Md and gray, and preserve the,hair of the joatk -to old age, in all it* youthful beauty. ... lurrt* Caxxr, Mich„ Dec. £Ut,ltsfl. Ptor. Woon:—Xheo wilt please ocrept a line to inform thee that the hair on my bead all foil off ovcstweatyyeor* ago, caused by a complies tedqhronlodiseaee, atteaoed wtth an eruption on tUo head.. A continual cemrse et ssnsriar through life bating reduced me to a state of dependence, I hate not 1 been able to obtain stuff for cap*, nettltsr bate I been able to do them up, ixi consequence of which •?*•** ha* suffered extremely from cold. This induced roe to pay Briggs A Hmjgee almost the last cent 1 bad on earth for * tvm dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of Afe* gust last. X have fattbruUy followed tlic directions andthsr bald spot ia nowcovcretl with hgir thklf and black, though short, it is coming in all over my bead, Feeling confident that another largs bottle would resloro'it entirely and per manently, I feci anxious to persevere id |ta use, and being destitute of means to purchase any more. I would ask tbs* . . if thee wouldst nut bo willing to send mo an order on thin* •gent) for n bottle. and receive to thyself th scripture' d*- claratlon— u the reward it to thoee that are kind to th* wi dow aid the filth ericas." Thy friend, ' SUSANNAH. KIRBY. r lamaim. Noble Co., Ind., Feb. 6th, IBBfi. Poor.' O. J, WooVi:-r~Dfar tStr,*—lu.the.latter part of the year 1862, while attending the State apd National Lav School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cans* ' unknown to me, commencedftiUingoff very r»plOiy ( sothat In the short space of six months, the ethole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of It* cowing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and bockp*rt of my bead shortly after became gray, so that you will uot be surprised when I tell you that upon ray return to th* State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances w*ru pot' so much at a lost to discover the cause of the change ip mg appearance, as my more intimate acquaintance* to recognize me at all. . \ I at once made Application to the most skillful physi cians m the country, but, rsce.ivlngfrom them uoassaranee that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to be come reconciled to my fete, until, fortunately. In the latter part of the yea) 18(7, your Restorative was recommended to mti by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Reste native in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was produciug the desired effect, glpee that time I have used seven dollars’ worth of yonr Rsstoi ative, and os a result, have a rich epat of very toft bl*sh hair, which no money can buy. . As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and ik|ll In the production of so wonderftil an article. 1 have reCO*U« mended its use to many of my frleuda and acqualpiantofe who, I am happy to Inform you. are uoiug It with Iftte of feet. Yery respectltally, youto, i , A.M. LATTA. . » Attorney and Cqbmmlot aVLaw- ■<. Depot. 414 Broadway, attt sold by all dealer* through#** • the world. . . The Restorative is put up in tyotttoa of three »lxo#,vf*i ' large, medium, and email ;-the small hold* a'pint, and retail* for one dollar per bottle; the.medium wipe at tract - twenty per cent, more hi proportion .than- the email, retail* for two dollars n bottle; the large holds* quart, 40 per cent, more iu jiroportien and retails for $3 a bottle. .0. J. WOOI» * CO., 'Proprietor*. 4M Broadway, Saw York, and 114 Market Street, St. touts, Mo. . Sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Good* Dealers, Sept. 6, ISOO. . ' MRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPERI ENCED NURSE AN D FKM ALE PHYSICIAN, pru scuts to the attentlou of mothers her. : ■ ' SOOTHING SYRUf, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which Cicllltatos the process of teething, by soften- . ing the gums reducing alt inflammation wßl'sHay pain and spasmodic action, and is sure to remdatk Oie Jkrwelt, Depend upon it mothers, it will give: rest to yourselvtft - and-SriiV and Health to your Infanlt. , ' Wo have put up and sold this article* lor oyer ten years, and can say, in confidence .and truth of it,- what are have never been able to say vf any other medicine—never has It failed, in a single instance, to effect a cure, when timely used. .Never did we know an Instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it.' Oh the contrary; alt sredellghtoa with its operations, and speak'in terms of highest commen dation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speed; in this matter “ what wo do know," after ton years*, expe rience, and pledge .our reputation fur the fulfilment of whit we hero declare. In almost every instance where tbs' in font Is'suffering from, paid and exhaustion, relief will bo fonndin fifteen or twenty: minutes after .the syrup Isad ministered. Tills valuable preparation is. the prescription of one of the most experienced and skillful nurses. In New England, and has been used with never-foiling success in (tovsmis of bates. ' ~ h '■ 1 ' ' It not only relievos the child front: pain, hut invigorate* the stomach and bcArels, corrects acidity, and give*' ton* and energy to the whole system. 'lt will almost instantly ' relieve .Griping in the JlmotU and Hind Cbiic, and come convulsoina, which, if adt tpeoddg remedied, end la }- death. Wo believe it the hat and ruresf remedy in the : world, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea iu chQdrett. whether it arises from teething or Irom any other causes— We would say to every mother v who has a child Buffeting from any of the foregoing complaints—do nut let your pre judices, nor the prejudices of others, stand between your, suffering child and the relief that will bo sure—yes, abso lutely sure—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bot tle. None genuine unless the fhc-simile of CURTIS ft PERKINS. New York, is on tho.odteide wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world, and by 0. W. Kessler and ATuonsb, druggists, Altoona. Price S 6 sent* per bottle. ' \ 49- PrluclpalOfike, No. 13 Cedar street, N.Y. . July 12, ISaO.vly. . ‘ " , Great Rush to ‘MjAH’S,” THE OLD FREIGHT CONDUCTOB’S Cheap Clothing Store, In Kessler’s oldDrugStore, on Viiglait St “Tl AN ” IS determined not 1 f to be outdone by any one In tho sale ef ; READY-MADE CLQTHOG and otberNotions. He baa a largo stock of Overcoati,of tho best quality and latest styles, black and (hue; «cd plain and fancy SILK VESTS, Frofck and Dress 00 ATS and PANTS, of every color, quality and Style, fortnib and' boys. . . ‘ % Gents Shawls, Halt, Caps, Boots and Shoes of every style, quality and price for old and young. Ladies fine Stress and Morocco Boots, Men’s! ' Morocco tape Boots, Ladies and Misses* Gaiters, and a great variety of Ckfc deed's Shoes, Ladies Noises,' ‘ Children’s faheyEats and V , Hoods.Oent's Shirts, Undershirts and 1 ; | •i Hraw&s, ', ■- Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchief*?; Ladies’ Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, sc.,’in great variety. Also. a large assortment of CARPETING ofall styles and prices, various patterns of Oil Cloths, table Covers? Blankets, Muslin. Shooting, Tranks. Carpet Ban, TaUaes. Ladies’ Morocco Sachets, Dmbrenss, Parasols, *o. Al4o, WATCHES AND JEWELRY of every description, such as Breast Dins, Ear-Einga, Dinger Bingt, Lockets, Bracelets. Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Oold and Cpral Tuek-tqJa, Gent’s Shirt Studs, Ladiea undent's Sleeve Buttons, silver Table and Tea Spoons, Portmonaies, PocVet Knivea, Pistols, Pocket, Bids • 2*®)? Combi; Tooth, Hair and Clothes Brushes; Soups ahd.Toilet Articles, 4c., ic., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Be sure and call at “ Dan’s” before you go elsewhere and you will save money. ' .. D. BAUGHMAN, Agent. Altoona, Oct. 4,1860.-3 m More good news ! The nndergigned faas jnst received ton tto Iml *l*rge end Teriad asHtrtment of FALL AND WINTER G OODS* ‘ consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, tutorial foe FINE AND COARSE , OVEBC 6 A T S, i material for BOYS’ CLOTHING, 63N3PS WJBNISHINO GOODS, aooh m Onderebirta, Drmvoiv. Sus, Neci-tiea, Dandkerchleft *ilf%>?k gO, . d ** ‘ he lowe *‘ wfli bo inaJe Bp j„ tho Terr M«t atria. e< Nov , l K ltt^»f ateet f “* hlon, >abort notice. wov.I.ISW-tf THOMAS SLWAT. & bourke, Hianuiactnrers and Importer* 1 '■ . PAPER hangings, & JS. cosmut FOUSTS AND MARKET BTSSSHL