The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 24, 1860, Image 2

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C®. Where partiM are unknown to lu, our rule for adrer
lilng isto regain payment In xdrxnce, or from
kaoWppersons. It U therefore neelem for«ll each to i|end
«• edTerdeetnenU offering to pay at the end of three or fix
months. Where adrertieements ere accompanied with the
■MMy,,whether 'one,'firo'or ten dollars, wo will give the
adrertUer the foil benefit of ouh rate*.
«. 11. FEITEW6ILL & CO.,
Advertising AgsaU, 110 Nassau street. New York,and
10 State street, Boston, ere the Agents for the Altoona
yWbwMi'end the most influential end largest circulating
■ew'fpepen in the Doited States end the Canadas. They
re authorised to contract for ns at ohr lowest rales.
» . . •-
A Glance at the Times.
A very few days ago oar country seemed in
the midst of prosperity almost without a paral-
lel. Everything looked bright for the future.—
We have abundant crops, good markets at fair
prices end general health tbreagUout thecoua-
try. There wis nb reason that could be divined
why. a recurrence of the times of 1857 should
aweep o’er our land—no cause why a financial
panic brought about.' Notwithstand
ing a 11. this, owing entirely to political causes,
the nature of which we propose to glance at,
our country is startled by Bank suspensions,
rapid decline in stocks, extreme tightness in
money matters, prostrating for the time old and
stable institutions—always, and now, regarded
as perfectly solvent—and all the excitement of
n money panic seizes the public mind. - What
jgplitical difficulty has brought on this trouble?
all agree that there is no occasion at
this time for a money panic. This is not a crisis
brought about by over-tradiny or any extensive
qbute of credit, which causes led to the crisis of
three years ago. Our country bad began to re-
cover from that shock. Those not able to stand
up under the difficulties which came upon them
then, went clown, and those who suspended tem
porarily, resumed.
The present suspensions of Northern banks
and decline in Northern stocks, is owing wboly
to. the action of our Southern brethren, and while
we do not intend to indulge in reproaches against
them at this time, in the midst of difficulties
created by their own folly, we desire to advert
briefly to the reasons given for the course pur
sued by certain party leaders—ambitious, bad
men, of the cotton States, whose only motto
. seems “ rule or ruin." That there have been a
few individuals, of the class above referred to,
in the far Southern States, who were desirous
to see this glorious Union dissolved, for the
pqrgose of starting a Southern Confederacy, we
full well know* but until this time all their ef
forts in that way produced no effect on the popu
lar sentiment, either North or South, which was
“The Udion, it must and shall be preserved.”
The election of Mr. Lincoln is seized on by these
persona as a pretext and stated to be a cause
for the breaking up of the States. That the
election of a President, strictly in the manner
provided for in the Constitution, under the prin
ciple that the will of the majority shall prevail,
should produce consequences such as these, is a
new feature in our country’s history.- Without
waiting for the President elect to be inaugura
ted, or to make one move in any manner inter
fering with the Constitutional privileges or
rights—without giving him a chance —a portion
of the Southern people, or rather self-constitu
ted representatives claiming to not for the people,
declare this cause for secession, hnd boldly pro
claim their right to secede.
In this they are clearly wrong. The Consti
tution of the United States is a compact'of the
several States—a hand that binds all together.
It recognizes no right of one State to secede
from the rest—no way in which a dissolution of
the Union can be brought about. If South Caro-
lina, or any 1 othhr State, should resist the col-
lection of the revenue, or in any manner vrar
against her sister States, the Executive of the
country should hold the violators of the Consti-
tation guilty of treason against the General
'-'Government and treat them accordingly. That
the present Chief Magistrate may profit by the
example of Jackson we tnnch desire. While we
do not recognise fce right of the Southern States,
or tuiy of dhem, to resort to measures of this
kxnd,wefully recognize their right to have all
■ 'laws passed for the benefit of themselveaor their
property, by the Congress of the United States,
carried out in good faith by the Northern States.
However objectlonal the act of Sept. 18, 1860,
commonly called the. “ Fogutive Slave Law,’’
may be to many, people of the North, salt is
worded, it-is the law, and all good citizens should
and wiil obey it. AllState,enactments in force,
that either In letter or spirit seem to conflict or
interfere with the power .to enfoise the■;Fpgu
'■; should herepealod. We see in
: dlfferent Sonthern exchanges tSaCPenneylvsnia
la-blassed as cno of the States that hos on its
Statutes a " personal liberty bill.” Penneyl*
mia has not now nor never had spy such law,
; has her legislature passed pny act since
• j ir dWing 18S0 that could in any monnerbinder
the execution of the act of Gongress of that
year. If the act of 1847, or the one .imetiph
pt it, looks that way, wo think it should!*
pealed. That be ‘
.owing to the decision of the SjtPJ‘*! , * ie
Court ot the United States in the case of Prigs
figoaut Pamtj/lvania.
AU fmr minded men of the North, and.espe-.
daily of this State, recognise the right of the
Bonfli, under the Constitution, to a fugitive slave
law—a law by which they may recapture them.
We are not aware that any legislation of this
State has ever in any manner had the effect of
interfering rilib the prewiit of Congress.—
Ifthrireis any such on oar Statute Book, the
nextlegislatare shonfal repeal it i
T|» President elect by bis published speeches
m hie debate with Judge Douglas m the Illinois ■
CSJapaign of 1868, distinctly givesitashis opin
ion -that the South is entitled to a fugitive slave
law, And that the law i should be enforced.—
Again it is unquestionably true that the States
complaining that this slave law is not enforced
and bold it good cause for revolution, are so sit
uated that no 'slave can escape from their limits.
The border States, that might complain, do not
do so. If Sonth Carolina would observe the
sensible plan of minding her own buemese, we
doubt not her people would live more pleasant
ly and more at ease, and the other States get
along fall as well. ,
We trust that a spirit of moderation will per
vade the minds of all lovers' of our Union, and
that we will continue 'long in the future, as in
the eighty-ydors of the past, to be the United
States of America, on benign influence
of liberty on all the world around.
All reasonable men must agree that there is
no cause for a dissolution of the Union or the
Recession of any State, apd certainly as little
cause for a financial panic which would in
volve the country in ruin and distress, situ
ated ns we are in 1860.
Qodey’s Lady’s Book for January, 1861,
is already on our table. It contains three steel
plate engravings and a colored fashion plate su
perior to any heretofore published in this or
any other book, besides innumerable engravings
of pattern work, embroidery, &c., which are
alone worth the subscription price. With this
number Godey’s Book enters upon its thirty
first year. We deem it entirely unnecessary to
add anything to what we have already said
about Godey. Wo will furnish it to our advance
paying subscribers at $2 per annum, which is
§l,OO less than they could get it for if they were
to send for it themselves.
Abthuu’s Home Magazine.— The publishers
of this periodical promise largely for 1861. —
Heretofore they have fulfilled ail their promises
and even done more than they promised, conse
quently we look for a good work during the en
suing year. Nothing but what is really benefi
cial or interesting appears in the- pages of this
book. All light reading, which has a demorali
zing effect upon the mind of the reader, is es
chewed. Price $2 per annum. T. S. Arthur
& Co., Philadelphia. :
Official Vote of Pennsylvania.
The following is the official vote of this State
at thd' late Presidential
Elk ....
M’Kean.. ......
' Montour
■ Union.... i
Venango |
, Warren........
Washington ..j
lent roajo
Lincoln’s prei
Lincoln over Douglas ticket
« *• Bell “
V all opposition ....
Nok-intebcouesb Advocated. —The New Or
leans (La.) Delta of the 16th inst. says there is
now In that port h ship owned by a Republican
politician and member of the Legislature of a
Northern State, whose captain recently applied
to A ship-broker of that city to pro
;ourt freight for him. The broker informed the
captain that bis ship.might rot at the wharf be
fore be could be accommodated at that port'.—
The Delta adds. “We hope this example may
be followed by others, and that all ships owned
by oiir enemies' may be senf out of ourport in
ballast. 1 Betwr employ foreign ships than"those
which are owned by onr domestic enemips."
pfijp-On the 14th inat., John M’Clain, ia the
fourteenth year of. his agp. On the 7,th« Alvinah
M’Clain, aged twelve years, on the same day
Margaret M’Clain, aged ten years, and, the 16th
Maty M’Glain, in her twelfth year. All died
of diptheria, and were children of Daniel and
Bachel M’Clain. of Hanover township, Washing
ton county. This ternble disease 1 has left but
one child in a family of .ten. ninerof whom have
died within about three years.
. 13
irity ovei
, 93,785
, 68,786
*« Old pick on State XQghts.; : :
n be
el Pi
;b; H
do' on
he *fi'
C «.
Jnstat tliis tirfben somenf AaShnthern
States ate kickii their heels because Da
coin has been ell President and are threat
ening to march the Union, it may not bo '
amiss to publish Mowing extract from Gen.
Jackson’s prod on, issued on . December
11th, 1832, whe ideation and secession was
rife in Sonth C «, and which he most ef
fectually pint d< All that is, needed to put
down the presr gitation is to have a man
possessing: the aching braveness and inflexi
ble determinatpf “Old Hickory” in the
Presidential c| The .arguments used by
Jackson arc fable in the present case
and ai e irrepn| and must be endorsed by
every good iitijn the Union : Gen Jackson
said:— 1 ,
“It would rfsuperfiaoos to add anything l
to show the nil of that union which connects
os; but,'as erfus opinions on this subject
are the foundl pf doctrines the most des
tractive to ouijce, I must give some further
developementiy'views on this subject, No
one, fellow ci£ has a higher reverence for
the reserved ri of the States than the magis
trate who nowllfesses you. No one would
make a greateisonal sacrifice or official exer
tions, to defeoem from violation ; but equal
care must be b to prevent on their part an
improper iutince with, or resumption of.
the rights theye vested in the nation. The
line has not bio distinctly drawn as to avoid
doubts of the exercise of power.
Men of the baotentions and soundest views
may differ in t) construction of some parts of
the Constitutic|>ut there are others on which
dispassionate |ction cau leave no doubt.—
Of this nature pars to be the assumed right
of secession. I’sts, 113 we httVe Kecn> on tbe
alleged uudivhkovereignty of the States, and
of their havingined, in this sovereign capa
city, a compaoihich is culled the. Constit
ution, from whij because they made it, they
have the right tcede Botu of these posi
tions are erronfl. and some of the arguments
to prove- them been anticipated.
The States have hot retained their
entire sovereign It has been shown .that, in
becoming parts a nation, not members of a
league, they sujider many of their essential
parts of The right to make trea
ties, declare wjlevy taxes, exercise exclusive
judicial and powers, were alLof them
functions of sotign power. The States, then,
for all these iiftaut purposes, were no longer
sovereign. Till®!- 111110 ® of their citizens was
transferred in - first instance to the Govern
ment of the U|d States ; they became Ameri
can citizens, aowed obedience to the Coueti
tution of the Hed States, and to lows made
in conformity!! l the powers it vested in Con
gress. This I position has not been, and can
not be denied How, then, can tUpt State be
said to be s«reign and independent, whose
citizens owesdience to laws not made by it.
and whose gistrates are sworn to disregard
those laws vn they come in conflict with those
passed by aiher? What shows conclusively
that the Stapannot be said to have reserved
an undivjdeiovereignty, is, that they express
ly ceded theght to punish treason—not trea
son agaiustbe separate power, but treason
against tlmaited States. Treason is an of
fence againsovereignty, and sovereignty must
reside with t power to punish it. But the re
served rightif the States are not less sacred,
because theiave, Tor their common interest
made the Geral Government the depository of
these power The unity of our political char
acter connoted with its very existence.
Under Government we had no sepa
rate 1 Char,act; our opposition to its oppressions
began as Ufd Colonies. We were the United
States undeihe confederation, and the name
was perpeued and the Union rendered more
perfect by £ -Federal Constitution. In none
of these stqa did we consider ourselves in any
other light an as forming one nation. Treaties
and allianc were made in the name of all.—
Troops weirnised for the joint defence. How,
then* witlull these proofs, that under all
changes ofiir position we bad, for designated
purposes, si with defined powers, created na
tional govurnents —how is it, that the most
perfect of t>se several monies of union should
now be coiderod as a mere league, that may
be dissolve at pleasure ? It is from an abuse
of terms, ompact is used as synonymous with
league, altugb the tnie terra is not employed,
because it ould at once show the fallacy of the
reasoning. It' would not do to say that our
Cimstitutic was only a league, but it is labored
to prove it compact (which, in one sense, it is)
and then targue that, as a league is a compact,
every counct between nations must, of course,
he a leagr, and that, from such an engage
ment, eve sovereign power has a right to se
cede. Et it has been shown that in this sense
the Statenre : not Sovereign, and that, even if
they wen and the Constitution had
been forad by compact, there would he no right
in any or Stale to exonerate itself from its
So obvjus are the reasons which forbid thiS
secession,that it is necessary only to allude to
them. Te Union was formed for the benefit of
all. It vis produced by mutual sacrifices of in
terests ad opinions. Cau those sacrifices be
recalled ! Can the State who magnauiiliously
sirrrendisd their title to the territories of the
West, reitll the grant? Will the inhabitants of
the inlad States agree to pay the duties that
may be pposed without their assent by those
on the Alantic or the Gulf, for their own bene
fit? N<;ono believes that any right exists in a
single Site to involve all the others in these
and couitless other evils, contrary to engage
ments slemnly made. Every one must see that
the otbe States, in self-defence, must oppose it
at all hoards.
Thesiare the alternatives that are presented
by the CinvCntion. A repeal of all the acts for
raising jjvenue, leaving the Government with
out tbejniJans of support: or an acquiesence in
the of our Union by the secession of
one of )ts members. When the first was pro
posed, t was 1 known that it could not be listen
ed to fir a moment. It was known if force was
applie] to oppose the execution of the laws
that limuat be repelled by force—that Congress
could jot, without involving itself in disgrace
and t e country in ruin, accede to the proposi
tion; ind yet if this is not done In a given day,
or if my attempt is made to execute the laws,
the Site is by the ordinance, declared to be out
of UieiTJuion, The majority of a convention as
sembled for the purpose, have dictated these
tormi or rather its, rejections of all terms, in
the fijm® of the people of South Carolina It
is trUlthUt the Governor of the State speaks of
- the sjihmißSsoa of their grievances to a conven
tion d/all tlie States, which he says they “sin
cerely and anxiously seek and desire. ’’ Yet
this obvious and constitutional mode of obtain
ing tbs sen'se of the other States'on the con
struction pf the Federal compact, and amending
it, if necessary, has never been attempted by
tbosb.wbo hate urged the’State on to this des
tructive mfiasare. The State might -have pro
posed; the call for a general convention to the
othet; Stateb; and Congress, if a sufficient num
ber ,qf them concurred, mast have called it
But the magistrate of South Carolina, when ho
expressed a hope that, “on a review by Con
gress and ihe functionaries of the General Gov
ernment of'the merits of the qontroverey,” slich
a convention wilt be accorded to them, must
have'.known .that neither Congress norany func
i tionapy of fye General Government has author! -
; tytocall such a convention, unless ithederjian-
I ded by two-thirds of the States. This sbgges*
tion,then,' is another instance of titereckle|;9ia-
* 574
attention to of the Constitution
■with which this erlsis baa been madly hurried j
nn ; or of the attempt to persuade the people j
that a constitutional remedy had been sought
■ and refused. If the Legislature of South Car
olina “anxiously desire” a general convention j
to consider their complaints, why have they not ■
made application for it in the way , the Consti- i
lotion poinjts out? The assertion that they
earnestly sefk It i$ completely negatived by the .
omission. " i " ' - _ j
This then is the position in which we stand.
A small majority of the citizens of one State in i
the Union have elected delegates to a State Con- i
vention. That convention has ordained that all 1
the revenue? laws of the United States must be |
repealed, or that they are no longer a member I
of the Union. The Governor of that State has :
recommended to the Legislature the raising of an
army to carry the secession into effect and that
be may be empowered to give clearances to ves
sels in the name of the State No net of violent
opposition to the laws hag yet been committed,
hut such a State of things is hourly apprehen
ded ; and it is the intent of this instrument to
proclaim not only that the duty imposed on
me by the Constitution to “take care that the
laws be faithfully executed” shall be performed
to the extent of the powers already invested in
me. by law. or of such others as the wisdom of
Congress shall dovilje and entrust to ipe for that
purpose, but to warn the citizens of South Car
olina, who have been deluded into opposition to
the laws, of the danger they will incur by obe
dience to the illegal and d isorganising ordinance
of the convention; to exhort those who have re
fused to support it to preserve in their deter
mination to uphold the Constitution and the
laws of the country —and to point 01U to all the
perilous situation into which the good people
of that State have been led to pursue' is one of
ruin and disgrace to the very State whoso right
they affect to support.
Philadelphia Bank Suspension. — A tele
gram from Philadelphia says: The action of
the Bunk Presidents in suspending specie pay
ment in the present exigency, is regarded with
favor by the business men and the press ; in hav
ing been .determined upon as a precautionary
I measure to enable the banks to expand their
i discounts, and prevent the scer-e* which attended
1 the panic of 1357. An immediate meeting of
j the Statc Legislature is suggested, for the double
j purpose of relieving the banks from the opera
! nous of the banking riaws. and considering the
j legislation of the fugutive slave law. The hank
of Chester County will suspend to-day.- finan
cial editors express the opinion that the condi
tion of affairs yesterday afternoon give evidence
of a healthy state of tr|ide. There was more
cheerfulness among busiiless men, and more dis
counting done by the Banks, than any other day
fpr the laet two weeks The Banks are mani
festing every disposition .to accommodate. No
I failures are reported. The quotations for specie
are 3@5 per cent. N , the latter for email pur
How Texas is Fixed.— The progress of the
Secession movement meets with an obstacle in
the fact that Texas cannot chll a state conven
tion. as hei' legislature dees not meet for fifteen
months. Therefore Texas cannot go out of the
Union at present. Governor Hous;on will not
call an extra session for the purpose of seces
sion. Senator Wigfall. it is said, will retain
his seat in the Senate. Should he resign, as it
was reported that he ‘would do, Gov. Houston
would fill his place with a Union man.
The second session of the 36th Congress
will commence on next Monday, the 3d day
of December, and terminate by constitutional
limitation on the 4th of March.
ACS" A wife’s farewell to her husband, every morning—
“ Buy, buy.”
The Presidential electoral colleges of the several
States assemble on the first Wednesday la December.
At Ocoquan, Ta., where a Lincoln pole was cut
down, LiucoliUmd 68 majority over his three competitors.
43, Green corn, bean*, radishes, and the general run of
early vegetables, are in the market again, from the
second crop, at Brownsville, Texas.
43- A young lady at Niagara was heard to exclaim,
“ What an elegant trimming that rainbow would make for
a white lace over dress.” What a poetical idea.
43, Two Indiana Methodist Churches lately deducted
one-fourth of their ministers’ salaries because they had
jjeeu ill two months.
43- A lady in Belleville, Canada West, last Wednesday
week, had five cancers cut from her breast during one op
eration. Three years ago she had a similar operation per
f®_The Minnesota people not liking the government
sale of lands, hit upon the expedient of advancing five
cents an acre on their bidsi bidding so slowly that one
quai ter section was only knocked down in a day. At this
rate there is go chance of sale.
43, Twenty-one wagon-loads of fish were Liken at one
haul, at Cape Island, New Jersey, on Friday, by four flah
ermefi. They .were sold to a farmer fur manure at $1 a
thousand, there being no railway to bring them to market.
43-One fiim at Madison, Indiana, has engaged 40,000
hogs. Packing will commence there about the 16th lust
A packer at Lafayette, Indiana, has made preparations for
killing from 10,000 to 12,000 hogs.
49, It Is reported that a somewhat juvenile dandy said,
to a fair paitner at a ball —“Miss, don’t you think my
moustaches becoming 1” To which Miss replied—“ Well,
sir, they may be coming, but they haven’t yet arrived.
49, The postage collected in the State of South Carolina
for the last year amounted t 0,501,600. The cost of trans
porting the malls was $192,310. fi Massachusetts the
tame year, the receipts were $582,184, and the expenses
4®- Four years ago, in consequence of a fierce snow
storm, the Presidential Electors in Wisconsin were unable
to reach Hie State Capital till the day alter thatjircßCribed
by law, and the vote of that State was not counted. Great
er care will be advisable this time.
43-Tho ninth of November is to be a great day in the
luture, ns we learn from the Charleston News of the 10th:
The ringing of the bell* and the booming of the cannon
yesterday from the eastern and western sections of our city,
reminds us of the Fourth of July, as it should, for it was
the dawn of our Independence day.
43, The Raleigh (N. C.) Standard throws ont sugges
tions that the grand object of those who are now creating
such a turmoil in the Cotton States Is not to produce a se
cession, either now or after Mr. Lincoln’s inaguration, but
to create a panic among slaveholders of the border States,
so that they may be induced to part with their negrocrat
a great sacrifice.
#®,Hnrper Proscribed.—The Charleston Mercury makes
the following announcement: —We learn that on Friday
nil the book houses in this city, who have heretofore sold
Harper’s Weekly and Monthly publications, closed their
accounts with the publishers, aud returned the copies on
bahd. The-last number of the Weekly opened with a bio
graphical sketch and full length portrait of Abe Lincoln,
the illustrious rail-splitter.
43- Rev. Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati, having been twice
annoyed, but not robbed, by burglars, ho* issued the fol
lowing notice“ The thieves who, last Friday night, broke
into our office for the second time, ore politely requested
to do so no more, as wo feel heartily ashamed .for any de
ceit thief to see iiow very poor we ale.' Tell us before
hand your intention ’to pay ns a visit, and we shall place
some change somewhere within reach, to save the credit of
the establishment.”
A Corpse Hung.—Levi Durbin, formerly of Daven--
port, lowa, was hung at Pike’s Peak, a short time since
by the vigilance committee,' for stealing mules. When ho
learned that the committte was after him, ho got some
comrades to lay him oat pffor the manner of a corpse—he
figuring stark dead. One of the vigilant boys' wasJeft-to
wotchats convenient place to see wheUjor it was a ruse
or not, and soon the' corpse took to itself legs. : He. was
|hca wrested and hung. °
The combination of ingredient* to ths»e BBto n?e tk» ,
suit of a long and extensive practice. Thny art mild to
their operation, and certain to corrtcttng all irreijnlartties
Gainful Menstruations. removing all obstructions,; whether
from cold ot otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpita
tion of the heart, whites, all nervous affection* hysterics,
fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, Ac, distorted sleep,
which arise from interruption of nature.
was the commencement of a new era fa the treatment ot
i those irregularities and obstructions which haretonslgned
| so many thousand* of the young, the beautiful, and the be
> loved to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good
1 health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction
! takes place the general health begins to decline. <-? ,
are the most effectuafremody over known for all complaints
peculiar to fimales. To aU classes they are invaluable, in
ducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are
known to thousands, who have used them at different pe
riods, throughout the country, haying the sanction of some
of the roost eminent Physician t in' America.
Explicit directions, stating when, and when they should
not be died, with each Dox,r-tA< Price On* Dollar each
Box. containing 40 pile. ; -v
' A valuable Pamphlet, to bo had free, of the Agents.—
i Pills sent by mail, promptly, by enclosing price to the Qen
i eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally,
R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Aoent,
14 Broadway, New York.
Sold in Altoona by 0. W. Kessler; in Holliday.burg by
. Geo. A. Jacobs. [Dec. 8,1859,-ly.
Bead! Bead I Bead!
Messrs. Jons Wilcox * Co.:-Your “L.pectlne," or “Per-
Sian Fever Charm,” has done wonders. J was wholly de
spondent and wretched when I applied it, and In five hours
the chills were removed and no fever has ensued. It isths
simplest cure Imaginably and a wonder of nature or art.
1 would not bo without this “Inpcctino” a single hour.—
By constantly wearing I seem to be “ ague proof.”
Yours very truly, K. SJ. STOUT.
Gestlemxs:— l have been snatched from the grave by
the application of yonr wonderful “ lupectine, or Per
sian Fever Chaim.” For several years I have suffered ev
ery season from Fever and Ague. Last Spring my lifewas
threatened, but your remedy has destroyed tho disease and
I am rapidly gaining an appetite and strength.
Respectfully yours, D. N,. BARRON.
Tiiis truly wonderful preventive and cure for Fever and
Ague and Bilious Fovcra will be sent mail, post paid, on
receipt of one dollar. Also for sale at all respectable Drug
gists and Country Stores. • '
Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188 Main St., Rich
mond, Va. Branch Office, Bank of Commerce Building,
New York. Address JOHN WILCOX.
Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine.
DR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINB cures Putrid Sore Mouth.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINB cures Sore tipples.
DR. VELPEAU’S CAN KERIN E cures Ulcerated Sores.
DU. VELPEAU S CANJCERINE cures Chapped Lips.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Ulcerated Gums.
DU. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE is the best Purifier of the
Breath of anything known.
DU. VELPEAU’S CANKERINB cures Canker in the
Mouth. Throat, or Sthomacb, resulting from Scarlatina or
Typhus Fevers.
Ladies, if you delight in pure white teeth, use tho CAN
KERIN’ E, and yonr desires will be realized. We pledge
our word that it is entirely froo from acids and all poison
ous substances, and can bo given to 4n infant with perfect
saloty. it will preserve the teeth and keep the gums free
from ulcers. It is equally efficacious for nursing sore
mouths. In all the thousands remedies that have been put
forth for tho cure of the various diseases above, none can
equal the Cankeriue. Sold by all druggists. Price 25
cents per bottle. J- BUUKILL & CO.,
Proprietors. 93 Maiden Lane, N. i.
For sale in Altoona, by G. W. KES§LEU.
To Consumptives.
And those afflicted with
The undersigned, now sov»nty-flvo years old, lias for
years devoted his time to .curing his Parishonera and the
poor in New York of these dreadful complaints, which .carry
thousands anil 4housauds to an untimely grave; lie has
seldom failed to cure all who have applied to him for re
lief, and believing it to bo a Christian’s duty to relieve
those abroad, as well as at home, he will send to those who
require it, a copy of Prescriptions used, (Free of Charge),
with directions for preparing and using the same. Also
rules on Diet, Bathiug, Ventilation, and Exercise for the
Sick, they will find these remedies a sure cure for Consump
tion. and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever and
Ague, Constipation, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous
Debility, and Female Complaints, and be every one
afflicted will send for a copy, as it will cost nothing, and
those suffering should apply before it is too late. These
Prescription are used by the most emiilent Physicians in
London, Paris, and Sow York. Those wishing them will
please address BEV. DR. CHAMBERLAIN.
Not. 15,’60,-ly. ' ■Williamsburgh, New York.
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe luug affection, and that dread dis
ease consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow
Bufferera the means of cure.
To nil who desire it he will Bend a copy of the
tion used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing
and using the same, which they will find a euro cure for
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. ' i'ho only object of
the advertiser i;. sending the Prescription is to benefit the
afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to bo
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will tpr his reme
dy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing tne prescription will' please address.
King County; New York.
Oct. 4, ’6o.—ly.
Attention Is this most remarkable and scien*
tific preparation,' advertised In another column. It Is an
entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with"'
any of the numerous patent medicines pf theday. It Is a
certain remedy for all the : diseases specified,and especially
those of a chronic nature —iof long standing—of weeks,
months, and years. Sufferers, try it 1 -
Messrs. Cntmco A Dcrosr, of Now Tork, are the sole
agents for it, and also proprietors of the worl {•renowned
Dr. Baton's Intantiu Cokwai, an article which every
Mother should have in her medicine cloeet in case of need;.;
and containing, as it does, no paregoric: «>'opiate of anyi
kind, it can bo relied upon with the utjaost confidence, and
will be found an invalhabft specific in all cases of Infantile
Complaints.—Oftio State Journal, Cblumbus. W’Soe ad
vcrtlscment. i
Bor sale by Q. W. Kesler and A. llohsh, Altoona.
COMMOM SENSE rul«i the mbss of the people, what
ever the misnamed and misanthrope pbiloeophsrs may say
to the contrary. Show them a good thing;.let its meri
be clearly demonstrated, and they trill not hesitate to give
it their most cordial patronage. The masses have already
ratified {he judgment of a physician, concerning the virtues
of UOSTETTKK’S BXTTKES, as mdybe seen by .the im-'
moose quantities of this medicine 'whi|h areannnally sold
ia erory ot>.the land. It is novi recognized its great
ly superior to all other remedies yet derrised for diseaaos of
the digestive organs, Buah as dlarrhoea, dyBcntery, dyspep
sia, and for the various fevers that arise from derangement
of those portion's of . the system- name is rap
idly becoming a household word, from Maine to Teicas,
from the ahores'of the'Atlantic to thiPaclfio. Try (ho an*
tide and bo satisfied/ -n-. '
Sold by all3rngglsts in the world. >'
♦3*Seo advert isementin another column.
Cairo, HU July 29th, 1860.
Mobile, Alabama, July 23d, 1860.
Blood Food. ;
The American Medical and Toilet
This bookoohtains Jttdpe* and asking «U
the most valimble Medial prepareaoWin''hse; alto r*
dipet and fultapd exptfttt direction* for mailing all the
mart popnlarand osnftii; Cosmetics, vDeriisme*, Bngnentij v
HlUr Eestoimtlfes, andaUToilet Articles. If jon are euf
Bring with any chronie dlseaae—if you wish a beautiful
complexion, a Ane head er hair, a aaootb foce, aclear skin,
1 a luxuriant beard or moustache—or If yob wish to know
anything and evjerything in the Toilet and Medical line, yon
should, by all means, peruse a copy of this book,: For fall
particulars, and a sample of the work for perusal. (free,)
address the publisher, T. F. CHAPMAN,
.Nov. 1.-3 m. No. 831 PrpaftWay,New York.
An experienced nurse and female physician, has a soothing
Syrup for children toothing, which greatly facilitates the
process of teething, by sotenlng the game, reducing all in
fiammation—will allay all pain, and is sue in’regulate the
. bowels. Depend npon It, mothers, it willgive rest to your
selves, and relief and health fo your infanta. Perfectly
safo in all cases; Bee advertisement in another.colnmn
Always in season!
The undersign**
would inform hie old customers and tha public gencnOly,
that he has Just returned from the East with bis foil stock,,
which is the
ever brought to this place. He has every variety la
Price, Size and Qualify, of
For Fall and Winter Wear.
Also, all sizes, colors, shapes, and qualities of Ladles and
Misses and Children’s II .VI'S and FLATS, to which ths at.
tentiou of those in want of anything InJthfo linels special
ly invited.
I have now the largest and handsomest assortment of
Pure ever offered to the ladles of Altoona, embracing
and everything in that line, for Ladies and Children, o(
American and European manufacture, and of every quali
ty of Eure.
Persona in want of anything in the above line, will
please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 vm
determined to sell at the very lowest possible prices.
Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church.
Altoona, Oct. 4, 1800*1. JESSE SMITH.
Jl. i STORE. —'The undersigned would bog leave to am
nounco to the citizens of Blair county and vicinity that he
has opened laa new Store ■ oti Virginia street, three doort
Mow the Superintendent's Office, where he has just received
from the East and West a large assortment of .
Foreign and Domestic -Liquors, IffiA
consisting as folloWs;
FrenchOtard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach
Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy
Wine, Old Port H'tne, Jamaica Rum,.
Jlolland Oins Old Rye Whiskey,
Mononyahela Whiskey, and
Rhine Wine,'
which he has bimaelf imported. Retailers of Liquors and
Farmers Will find it to their advantage to buy of him,
as he wHI sell at PITY PRICES.
He will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of
Such as Flour, Bacon, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, St*
. gars. Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, se., ,j‘e.,
All of which will he sold cheap for cash or Country Produce.
Our frirmla and the public generally we respectfully In
vited to give-os a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Altoona, May 28, 1859.-tf
■VfISS H. A. BYERS will open in Al
ly I toons, on the Ist day'of October, 1560, a School lor
Girls. An the Branches of a good English Education will
bo taugiit, and Clauses to bo instructed in French, Music,
Drawing and Painting,’ will bo received at the following
Music, $ quartet, 110-00
French, “
Drawing, “
Painting, Water Color, i-00
Painting, Oil,
Three months will constitute one quarter in any of tbs
above branches.
The school year will he composed of two terms of 4
months each. The charge for tuition $l.OO per month,
payable in advance, and the number of pupils limited to 26.
The discipline will be mild, but firm. Lessons will bs
assigned each pupil for study at home; aud for absence or
' tardiness, a written excuse will be demanded.
The school will be Under the care imd direction of Rev.
Robert Oliver.
Altoona, Sopt. 27, 1860.-tf
WM. 8.. MOREHOUSE & CO., -
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in
beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United
States to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put op under their
own supervision, for Family and Medical use. In cases si
sorted to suit'eustomert. Clubs, Military and other public
bodies, who re' purefouc in large or small quanti
ties, in casks or bottles, liberally dealt with. Pries
List sent on application.
Recommended by the first physicians as the best rsuisdj
known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Debility, and all a*r
vous Diseases. As a beverage, it is pure, wholesome, saq
delicious to the taste. Sold by all Druggists.
WM. U. MOREHOUSE * C 0„ Proprietors,
3 4 6 Exchange Place,
Jersey City, N. J.
P. B.—The subscribers wish to engage a fow actiramen,
as Local aiid Traveling Agents for their bouse,Jq whom
liberal inducements Will be offered. For particulars,
dress as above.
Nov. 1.-3 m,
wm. acaoMAKta,
Commission Merchants,
Provisions^ Cheese, Iron,
Nails, Glass, Blooms, Yarns, &c.
No. SOS, Liberty Street,
Nov. 1.-6 tn.
W • to the cittceria of Alton* and vicinity
ha* for sale Ift .
Cheap Wall Paper, from 6 cts to 1J ««•
do do do 10 do m
Glazed do do 20 do §l|oo
Panel Oak da do!2i do '
Gold do do 50 do $2,00
Gold and Velvet do $1,50 do
gept. .18,1860-Zm. ; ' ' .
O Y S T E R s,
if PARED tofnratoh fluniUw. 1 “»„« >
tall Dtalen, with awr
of tb. i*,***™
Mot. 8, 1860.-lm . _. .. A
V Igsfc.
8«y». 13,1860-tt] OneDoorßdo* the
I for »I*. Applj to .. W®* At port OH*
•fept.Bo,lB6j>-tt A *
IqJ, ;A Urge and
JU*** ■; Brne^ftw'jjpjjLEK'* '
•••^ 1
*«Bm Kwi wriv«
J tt l W»W un t ~u]
.", u KMt "
, #H* u Woat “
, „ it EMt “
,» Wrtt “
li-, n oi.ui>AVSßtn
• Wd*t liw) Wl*3t.
branch 1
AC S°WMIt »t» J Bap”** Tl
•, iseo.
v( &nd in the Piltsbu
priMlpftl. Bey.! I.
proof of bis que
H ad
BO r« ohewfttHy rc
guardiana/who have
VM. Send for a cat
pmsBOBOK Fima
of life popular instil
rtotftbfnst. Duri
inetions will take pi
voung ladies will g"
The last term has b
the history of the C<
creasing popularity <
become somewhat a
\ who attend. Nor is
Pittsburgh. While i
here, its good nam<
Uianna, lowa, lUi
Virginia, end other s
A ra ° n s
uted to this result ni
ef ■ the President, P
whole determined •
shall excel it; the d
she ability of the Fa
Pittsburgh. One
tention.- The stock
who invested their
pro&t, but to have a;
grade in our own city
ef, being appropviab
are Used to promote
meat of its patron i
temptation, therefor
er because she cun
ta employ less than :
department is provi
tutlon for private i
ers and professors
this fact, and its la
ore ehabled tb'cmpl
«nd experienced i
may accrue rctur
pepdot advantages &C
. orthose established
. ( Ahne Philosophic
\ selecjted by a gentlm
recently purchased
, sUMfcave also bee
atwi Ctellery, in wh
‘ ,ntti| of each class a
fiaA pskintings as mi
department t n cabin
to be distributed a
also bsen adopted,
nine, the next Bessie
contest, the eucccs
silver cup.- \
We are requested
enter to make earlt
those who .wish to c
more boarders can I
Ur.i A; Sion, of
*a*lward hound Fa
ncchtani arEittann
hisdeath in about
yp* riding on the
Wfhen it stopped at
engine, (intending
tW train,) aad not
Hocljt train# were c
hejumpfcd against
wbiebwas then pa:
nn the side and fac
thp tracks- llla fo
face much manglec
place and medical i
ricSWere such,lhat
after lingering in
hoars, death came
Wife and one child.
ynt. t. usa.
tint spoken of as i
gions occasion for.
Such is not ths d
day of rejoicing ar
blessings we enjoy
thanksgiving Bay
one, and spread ov
Thanksgiving day
hjfthe beloved a
it is a regain
, most universally (
rsngements havinj
Creations of this
hyierian Church a
•®.address approp
delivered. The p
Methodist church
JPeee of hearing at
Inpckx Water*
Sown, and jn a fci
nearly all the resj
tba room, the an
bat the vat
lIS filter is, the g
gasses. At
,of water will con
gas,, and several p
.city is nearly doul
temperature o
Aspt .ln the room
J*S®* -For .the sarn
Stock should all b<
wfore any is used
Wrbua to the heal
or Sen
ftent for ronniog
into effe<
' in Wgati
at i