SAVING FUND. Company. Saving fund. —national , SAVKTY TRUST COMPANY.—CiuaxntBD in .tax t fain of PnnaiLVAiru. I.Monsy U received every day, and In any amount, large oi mail. 2. Fr?* rtat cun. interest I* paid for money from theday His pat in. . , , 8. Tbs money Is always paid back to. acts, whenever It Hi called for,, and without notice. 4. Honey is received '--m Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and others who dcsfreto-have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it . (. The money received from. depositors Is invested in Bjui Karan, Mortoaom, Oeoc.vd waits, and such other 4rst claas, securities as the Charter directs. ft. Office Homs—Every day from 9 till 5 o’clock, and on' Sundays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the evening. HON. H. L. BENNER, President. ROBERT BELPBIDQE, Vice President. IT. J. REED, Secretary. directors. . , HmnivL. Bunas, Ersmcu Lrr, EawsanL. CsKTut, P. Carroll Bssirsmt, Jtoßun&unuMS, JoaseuJ). Barrt, . BaxdrlK. Asanm, . Joscra Ykrlms, 0. Landkltd Mdn.ns, Hkxrt DIFFKMICarUIt Office: Walnut. Street, 8. W. Corner of Tlilrci St Phila delphia. , ; . , April I.4th, ,’59-1 y., TTO.WARD ASSOCIATION,. '[ JOL ' HqXADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution cslaUithfd hy Speeiet/ Endowments for the Relief of the Sick an dlHttreard, afflicted with ; V TirOhnt ana Epidemic DUtaset, and especially for the j r Marge. VALUABLE IIF,POUTS on Spermatorrhoea, ’and other diseases of the Snxaal Organs, and on the xsw ekmcdies employed In the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of cliargS. Two or three Stomps lor postage will be acceptable. i Address, DR. J. SKILLQN nOUOIITtfN, Acting Bur geon, Howard. Association, No. 2 Snath MullLStrcet, Phil udelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. 1 ' ! . \ EZRA D. ÜBARTWELL. Pmt't. j GEO. FAIRCHILD, Su'y. ’ [.jam 10, ’fld.-ly GLENN’S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (coaxen or Tius .nvK siojiY.BtocK;) North U«l Corner ’of.'Eighth and.-Hoee Streets, Pint A del i‘Hi a . HP HE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFUL j LY Invited to hear hi mind that at this Store may he found an assortment of fashionable and Imudsome I, MAtsldn DreNPitt, Sa/t Hits, Iligh.Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Glazed Oitps, Plush and Plush-Trimmed Cops for Men and Boys, Fancy Urvts itad Caps lor Children, : . at Fair Prices. .i *#-NO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR OOODS.-SA Jau. 12, ISOS.-ly NEW GROCERY FEED AND pro vision store. r Thesuhscriher w'ould respectfully Inform tho citizens of Altoona an/ vicinity that hit has opened nstcreoftheabovi; hind, hear the corner of .Adalimv ami J uU(i streets. East' Altoona, where he will keep constantly on hand afujl sup ply of everything in his line. His GROCERIES are all fresh and will ho sold nt prices a* low as those of any other establishment in ’tqwn. His stock of previsions, consisting of Flour, Ilaifis, Shoulders, Side -&c will he sold a Utile cheaper than they can bo I unlit any where else. His Flour is obtained from-the best mills in tho Western part of .tho State, and is warranted to he what Ills'represented. All kinds of Feed fur horses, cows and ke-gs, always on hand.; ,■ ,1 intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all limosha able to supply my customers with' whatever they may need, mpl I intend also to -sell at prices which will make it a saving to thoso who patronize mv store. July 22, ISoS-dm- HENRY DELL. Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, SPOUTING, &C. SRIGG WOULD RESPECT-Sg, • i fully inform the citizens of Altoona Sfis&v end,vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand a§SujS9{ largo assortment of Choking, Parlor, Office and Shop Stovet, of all styles and sizes! to stilt the wants of all, which' he will sell at low prices, on reason able-terms. He alto keeps on hand n.large stock of Tin mnd Shut- Iron Ifßre, consisting of all articles for culinary purposes— Qxil Scuttles,,Store 2*ipe, rfc. -0 110-has also purchased the r : ght of sale in Blair county, of R. Y. JONES’ f IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, : an invohtion which needs only to be seen to bo apprecia and should-he possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. . ' Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either. In town or country. Spouting painted and put up oh the most reasonable terms. fapril 14,1859-1 y T? CHANGE HOTEL, —THE SUB. JEj sGBIBER would respectfully In form tlio {labile that lia hu recently re- i filted’thdabove Hotel, end Is now pro- «_) accommodate bis friends patrons In a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in nuking it an agreeable homo for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filial jwltli liquors of chniqc brands. His charges are as Reasonable ns tluSec Ofkny other Hotel in the place, and he . feels satisfied'' th««y can not be complained of by those who fhvor him wltu'their custom. Expecting to receive n sliare Of public patronage, and Tally intending; to deserve it, ho throws open bis house to the public and invites a trial. I have jipit received a stock tf No. 1 French Brandy, (or'medlciital purposes. , . Also a Inigo stock of excctiout Wines, for piediclnal pnr pAsss, together wltha lot uf.tha best old. Ryu Whiskey to be found in tile cnnnfry. ■ 1 Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] - JOHN BOWMAN. The great. question which now agitate# the mind of every person is, where can I, get the -best article fori myMflp lUoney?> Tn regard to .other matters, the.sub-HH scribor would notattemptto direct, but if you HR, ' want anything in the line of- BOOTS ,0B SHOES he* invites an examination of bis stock and work. - Tie keens cohstautly.on hand an assortment of Boots, Shoos, Gaiters, Slippers, A-c-which heoßersnt ffrir prices. He will give special attention to custom work, all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction. N.ono but the best wd{kmea afts employed " Hemember my shopJs .on Virginia street, immediately apposite Kessler’s Drug Store. September 3, 3 67-tfj- '•■i'- -JOHN H.iRPBEUTS. out of Employment. -^9B - ; ? ’ agejcts Wanted, " v ! In every County of time United States; nio. engage in the sale of JL -.home of.tbebeet and moat elegantly illustrated works published;' • ■ Oqi-puhlicationsare of tlio most interesting character, adapted to .the . wants of ,ttib Farmer, Mechanic 'and Mer chant sythpjr are published in the beat style and bound ln tte most subimft tlal vWkoner; amt are worthy a place in the library of every honseholU fa tho land. ' ' . %g„.To ju®n of ehterpriso and industrious habits, this busintwa offbra an opportunity for profitable employment ’ seldom to Wraet with. : ; ‘ ' ' M Persons desl ri tie to' act as agents will receive prompt ly by mall full pastfciilars. terms. Ac., hyadditaing' V ,: ‘ fife ARY, ORTZ * Co.', £>imshert, . ■■( , No. 221, North Second Street, Philadelphia; ■ Nov. jgSth,\ ‘r : - AT TIIIS OLD STANDS I S SUBSCRIBER I%OULD xs the public, that jie.has just received from the lidkssortment of ‘ - 'S}' : - r ' s jO fiPTIIS AND YESTfNGB, TOR BPRIMO AND SUMMER CLOTHING, order on abort notice and reasonable giro satlifactlon. Person* lb want -■of 'anything in Ids Hoe can rely upon being fairly dealt aria; 2..: • ' : JOIKf O’DONNEL. ' on Main St., a.- few doors below tue “ RedLlon : - |May24,-1880; ; *VjROYER, M. D., :7 r « Offer* bis professional services to the citizens of AJtoqtfa and "ylcinitv, • • ' The s >best of referAecs can be given' if required. Office at : residence on Branch streat,.East'Altoqna. three doom above Conrad’s Store. April aS'lSIMfr, 1 TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, PQM- Shaving Gmam, Toilet National SAFETY - TRUST RULES. ~ PROE. L. MILLER’S HAlllf INVIGORATOR! ! EFFECTIVE, SAFE ANDECO- X3LNOMICAL COMPOUND. , / FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its original color without dyeing, and preventing the hair foom tarnlng gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS,’ and curing it, when there la the least particle of vitality or recuperative en- - ergy remaining. FOR JtEMOVJNG SCURF AND D'ANDSVTE, and all cutaneous affections at the Scalp. 4 - FOR BEAD TIFFING THE 7/A/S, httpasUagtoU an w»- cqnalled gloss and hrllliancy, making it toft and silky in its texture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing demand tor'this nnoqmuled preparation, convince the "proprietor ‘thift one' trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning pnßUelof its superior qualities overbuy other preparation at present in nee. It cleanses the bead and scalp frpm dandruff and other cutaneous diseases. causes the hair to grow Inxnrient ly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where the hair la loosening and thinlng, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore the growth to those puts which have become-bald, causing it to yield M,fresh covering of hair. ■ There arejtnndreds of Indies and gentlemen in New York whohkvd hod their hair restored by the use of this: Invigorator, when all other preparations' had failed. L.M. 1 has in his possession letter* innumerable testifying tothe, above Acts, from persons of the highest respectability. It i Will efleetnany prevent the hair from tuminggray until the latest period of life; and hkcasos where the hair basal*! .mdy,changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will I fwith certainty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, | glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative It is particularly recommended, having an i agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can bo dressed Inany Required form so as to preserve its place,-whether plain qr-lu curls—hence the great demand for it by the ladlesasa standard toilet article which none ongbt to bo yrithont, as the price-places it within the reach •f all, being. ONLY 25 CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Gnardfanii to the use of the luvigorator. in cases where the childrens,’ Hair inclines to be weak. the use of it lays the foundation fur a good head of hair, aa it removes any impu rities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION. —Nolie genuine without the lac simile LOUIS MIhLEK being on the outer wrapper: also. L. MILLER’S HATH INVIGORATOR, N. Y. blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot. 60 Dey St- and sold by all the princi pal Merchant) and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal dis. ouut to purchasers by the' quantity. I also desire to present to the American Public my New tand improved Instantaneous * 4 LIQUID HAIR DYE which after years of scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to tho Hair or Skin, warranted the host article of the ktud In existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 23, ’6O-ly. S | g 'OO i.lo'f I Ol] sli§ I “? M ag -xj r. o i OS- Maid f 5 fe g-o a>.s |l W QQ ■ g ryi !- Sf|«2l .88 OrH5 |u a gi «« W gss ><>« 3 ~ oa I QQ ■s- ►2 J K H ? HW '.'O M - o W' w ti S 3 tN M - ■ P f""! 5..21 | ggul oo xg c i p^fioo>i p a—S Sjsg “iisN I l H= i S . E e So U . o|j.S IS ' « = «*’ is Sc ,T ¥ i BAIL ROAD LANDS FOB SALE, ON LONG CREDIT, AND AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST rpHE HANIBAL AND 6T. JOSEPH I RAILROAD COMPANY, having over 600,000 ACRES of LAND lying in the State of Missonri, which was grant ed, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction of their Rood, offer the principal portion thereof, for sale, on the moat liberal terms. “ ; The greater part of these lands are within six, and all within fifteen milos'of the Railroad, which Is now comple ted, and open' for hso throughout Us entire length (200 miles.) and nine .through a country which ifb unsurpassed by any in the salubrity of its climate, the fertility of its eoil, and the extent of its mineral resources. For further information, apply at the Land office of the Company, or address by letter, JOSIAH HUNT, Lund Commissioner, U. k St. Jo. lt. Rt Hannibal, Mo. Feb. 2, ’60.-ly.* GROCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. The undersigned would in form the public that he has purchased the Interest of A. MILLIRON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore them on Virginia street, below Coroliuo St., where he will continue {ho business, and will keep con stantly ou hand a iargoibpply of FLOUIL HAM'S, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which ho receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale,"! will keep constantly on band a,large assortment of • liquors of the best qualities to be had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public enstom. July 12,1800.-« m. j J^BEKKOWITZ. rro THE PUBLIC.—T It E SU B JL SClUBER(having tahtm the establishment heretofore owned by.eamnel I. Fries,) would respectfully an nonnea to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that ho has removed his’ isKMBs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tiy, SaEETIROX WARE cC STOVE STORE, * l ™- to: the new building on Annie street, between Harriot and Adeline streets. East Altoona, where he will keep constant ly on hand a large assortment of everything in his line, which ho will dispose of on reasonable terms. ROOFING & SPQUTING nut up on short notice. Ho' also mahnfactnres Lnxnen IKOKSpmitinc. which is said to ho lunch superior to gal vanized Sheet-Iron or tin. , lie has oltio' attached a copper-smithing room to his es tablishment and will keep on hand an asaortment'of cop per and brass kettles. £c. AH kinds of Job’work promptly attended to. A shore of public patronage is respectfully solicited. ' STEPHEN WINTERS. Altoona, Aug. 16th, 1800. - ; 1 ’■' 1 > ■ ■ \; Eed lion hotel, : ALTOONA, BLAIR COUXTT, PA. This old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars in Altoo na,bas ppitsSd into the hands of proprietor.— Long experience hi the businesa warrant* me in assuring the travelling public that no pains will be spared to render gaestsas comfortable aa possible while sojourning under •my ropf. ' ' , ‘-V’ TheTABLE will constantly bo snppllpd with the very best the market afford^. .• The BAR will be found to contain ah excellent Assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds. Including that choice bevo rage LAGER BEER. . . \ L V: 1 • The -STABLE is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. , .ri'-.r' V'';: The proprietor hopes, by his long experience inthe businesaml fhe fncil Ities at his. command, tomake the Red Lion, in" all nwpects, a lint class the Hotel' bp tinder my own personal artpervision. A Überal ahare of pabllc is kindly solicited. • JOHa «». SCHWEIQBKT, J’ropriet&r. May 19, 1850.-tf T?URNIT(TRIS WARE-ROOM.--THE X~ undersigned respectfully Informs .the public that he has taken .the ware-room two doors from theßranchfU-ad, Where he will keep on hand alt kinds of ; : CABINET-WARE, and attend to the duties of .an UNDERTAKER.:’ ; , Two good Cabinct-.Makers and one apprentice wanted. -Altoona, Apr. 13, 1880. MOORE. Medicated fur chest mo- TECTOB, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE fearftd diseases Bronchitis, .Coughs, Colds, and other affec tions of the Luge, which arise from the expospd state of the chest, according to fashion and the continuali changes ofont fllmal?, for salept thcLnrg Store of Q.Vf. KESSLER. Depot, 66 Pey St., Now York. MOFFAT’S ' : ' iEPpiIiLS and PHOENIX BITTEKS. npSEsil MEDICINES NOW I ■ been wlbe the public for a ported of ihirty years, and during that tftns lam maintained a high character in •altnortevpfy feta of tlw glebe, for their extraordinary and Immediate power of restoringpetfeCth«*Uh to pernon* suf fering Maar Mrljf every kind of disease to which the bo-, jpw frtiiyto ■ :Tbe following are among the distressing variety ft ho* man diseases in which the • __ VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to be infallible. DYBPBPSIAj by thoroughly cleansing the first and sec ond stomachs, and creatine a flow of pure, healthy bile, in stead of the sjhde and acrid kind; FLATULENCY. Lessor Headache, Restlessness, 111 Temper,, Anxiety, Langour, and Melancholy, which, are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural conse quence hf its phre, ... COSTIVENKBB, by cleansing the whole length of the in testines withaeolvcut process, and Without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS ofall kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu lar circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and tbe ; thorough solution of all intestinal obstruc tion in others; The Life Medicines have be?n known to cure lUlEDMA- TlSMperinaneDtlyln three weeks, and GOUT in hay W. ti. MOFFAT. 335 Broadway. Now York, [fepf. 13, 18fi0-ly For sate by all Druggists, 11 f AHRIAGE GUIDE—BEING A J.TJL private instructor for married person*. _ or those nbota to be married both male and , female, in everything concerning the phygiolo gyand relations of our system, and the=pro duction Or prevention olfspring, including all the new dis coveries novjor before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M.D. This Is really a valuable and inter esting work, fit is written in plain language for tlie gene ral reader, arid is illustrated with numerous Engravings.— All young married people, or those contemplating mar riage. and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should ibe acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked Up. and out lie about the house It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or in postage stamps Address DU. WM. YOUNG. No.4l6Sprucs Street, Philadelphia. Pa. *ST AFFLICT ED AND UNFORTUNATE—No matter what may he J our disease, before you place yourself under the care of any one of the notorious quacks—native or for eign—who advertise in tills or any other paper, get u copy of either of Dr. Young's Books, and read it carefully. It will be the moans of saving you many your health and possiblylyour life. DU. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases de scribed in hip publications, at his Office, No. 41 f Spruce St. above Fourth- f Apr.12.’«0.-]yeow. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON dlli I-am i>s; Until- aled til Beauty . Simplicity Safety nr Economy. Ev ,y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est pv, table light within their reach, should call at the store .f the undersigned and examine these Damps before purchasing elsewhere, wo pledge ourselves to demon strate ! Ist. That* NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That: they emit no offensive od6r while burning. 3d. That! they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less lidu. \ 6th. That! they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. Thatltlic light is at least 60 per cent,cheaper than ally other light now In common u»c. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents. Mechanics. Seamstresses, Factories, Halls. Churches, Stores, Hotels, and arc highly recommended for family use. The burned of the Carbon Oil Lamp can bo attaebud to old aid?, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. ■ We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. ID, ISSS-tf.] ’ 0. W. KESSLER. rpHE GREEN BOOK. JUST PUB | iISHIID, 150 PAGES, PRICE 25 Cents; On Sjnglc and Married life; or. the fiSlSfi S Institution p! Marriage; its Intent. Oldi gat ions, and Physical and Legal Diabuali ajJsuJDaov ticatiohs; this-rational treatment of .11 private diseases in both sexes, «c. To which is added a poetical essay, enti tled “ Ciillipuediac or the art of having and rearing honn tiful and healthy children, by the late Robert J. Cclver wcix. Ksq., M. D. . Sent free (of postage, by the Pnblisbers, Cu,ss. Kune 4 Co., I!nx4sSß, New York, or Dexter <£• Co.. Wholesale agents 113 NaSpau Street, New York. AgenU wanted evergxvhere. ' Also, Gratis, an extract and sample of tbo above entl titled: Dr. Culver well's Lecture on the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generally, aletailing the means liy which invalids may effectually cure them sclves wtthqut the usu of dangerops medicines, and at but little expense to themselves. -Sent free by mail in a secure envelope, on the receipt of one stamp, to prepay postage, by addressing, CHAS. KLINE * CO., Feb. 22,1859. Box 1588, Now York City. Souse, sign and ornament: AL PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS 4 WALSH re illy a monnee to the public that they are prepared to do alt kinds of !. HOUSE, 1 SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in a work manlike manner and at low prices. They also keep constantly on hand and for sale, at lowcst prices, OIL, GLASS, PUTTY & PAINTERS’ TOOLS; ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED & ENGRAVED WINDOIV GLASS. LOOKING GLASS i PICTURE FRAMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, CARVED, & ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES. tnS—: iAll Orders left at A. Roush’s .Drug Store, Altoona, will roceivclprompt attention. Shopon Montgomery street, Hollid.iysburg, Pa. April 5, iSCO.-tf. / IANdER INSTITUTE. After many years of successful practice, DR. KEL .LING still qcslrca to do good to the afflicted.. Ho continues to cure'all Kinds of " ■ : _CANfiEHS, TUMORS. WENS, SCROFULA, or KINGS ; EVIL, SORES. AC., if curable, without cutting or poison. He docs not confine himself merely to the cure of the above disease, but will treat aßoUtern with success. Patients will bo visited, if desired, ,h rpa-sonable distanco.. Persona desiring to visit Dr. K. Will please stop at theltiulrond Hotel in Mechanics burg, .where they will be directed to his residence. ■ For all particulars Write—state diseases plainly. Endow a post age stamp to prepay answer.. Address Dr. C. L. KELUNG, Mechanicsbhrg, Cumberland Co- Pa.- ■ > . SepL 13. iSpo-Qm. 1 ' : ' HOUBE AND LOT* FOR SALE.— JChe subscriber offers ut Private Sale ul _tt the HOUSE: and LOT nov occupied by her, aafIEESL oh the coriwr of Adalluc and Julia streets, 11 Si A Bast Altoona. The House is & good Two- SflnH r i ||E Parlor.Diufog-Room and Kitchen on first flour, fjur good sleeping rooms oh the second floor, & a flpisbed Attic. The lot is in good order. ' . Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain further InKhrujatioU will call upon the subscriber. ■ ’ ' 7 i'i ‘ ‘ MAROT. M. McCRDM. Altoona; Aug, Iltfr, 1859-tf.j pADIiION.—ALL PERSONS ARE herebir notified hot to purchase' or sell any lager bOcr keg* with tbe stamp Of the ALTOONA BkEWBKY there ou, as suchkegs never have: been and. never will be sold' All kegs, contaiuglng said stamp will j bo clalmod tad taken, wherever found, by the proprietor* ! of tlw'Brewfejry to they belong. ' j Jtt?y.2Btli3«6»-tL WILHELM k BRO. 1 1> JEMQVAL,—A M. KINO/ SiiOE -1 li‘ilAKEB. informs the phhlic that be " ■ '' ’ hastaben tbbßoom next door to'the Tribune ■Office, bn .Virginia Street, where bo is pared to manufacture every style of MEN'S-SUpES, at reasonable prices, and in a substantial manner, i- 1 • J ; \ [MarJs,’«).-tf. Boot and siioem akee—john ST EULE Ims taken a portion of the •; “ room occupied by A, M. KINO. next . to J. W. Rlgg’s Tin Shop,' and himself ready ttf get np Men’s Boots fk Ingiroß style and'at low rates; ■’ [’ut-»f. H air, hat, tooth, shaving, * Paintj Saeh and Tarnish iinißbesat ■;■■■ (i ■ ' ■ ■ ■; KESSLER’S. A Through,Ticket to California! S' ; C. COLBERT & GO’S • FIFTH GRAND QUARTERLY DISTRIBUTION or 100.000 attncLia. worth $300,000, Which will bo sold for $lOO,OOO, to the purchasers of our A*-GOLDEN PENS AT 30 Crs, PER BOX ~f» Onr Golden Pen is the best ever used, and is warranted not to corode in any ink. Every business man and family should vise the Golden-Pen. Hie following Hat of 100,000 articles will lie distributed among our-patrons at $l.OO each, and need not be paid for until we inform the purchaser which of the following arti cles we will sell him for $l,OO and then it is optional wheth er he sends the dollar and takes the goods cr not. All goods can be returned at our expense within ton days after the purchaser receives them, (unless they are satisfactory,) and the money will lie refunded. N list 0? GOODS UiCLUDH) IN THE DISTRIBUTION, Pianos, ' Cameo Enr-ilrops, Gold tinning cased Watches, Mosaic and Jet Eur-Drops, Gold Watches. Lava k Florentine Ear-Props, Ladies’ Silver Watches, Coral Ear-Drops, Guard, Test and Chatelain Chains, Coral, Emerald, and Opal Brooches, Cameo Brooches, , Emerald and Opal Ear-Drops, Mosaic and let Brooches. Handsome Sea! Rings, Lara a Florentine Brooches, Mosaic and Cameo Bracelets, Gents Breastpins, Watch Keys. Fob and Ribbon Slides, Sets of Bosom Studs. Sleeve Buttons. Plain Rings, Stone Set Rings, Beta Lathes’ Jewelry. Canton Grape Shawls, Monsse line de Laines, ChalUes, French and American Lawns, Ber eges, - Poplins, French Calicoes, and ether* Ladies’ Dress Goods in great variety, together wjth Head Dresses, Cabas, Fancy Fans, and in fact almost evtTry'description of goods usually found in first class d: ▼ goods stores. PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. : HIGHEST PREMIUM $lOO LOWEST PREMIUM $3. The articles are numbered, and Certificates stating what we will sell each person for $l,OO are placed in sealed en velopes, with a decimal arrangement of premiums; so that ip each hundred certificates there is one for a Gold Watch, and there will also be a splendid premium in each ten cer tificates Ladies, if you desire a fine shawl, or dross pattern, or a beautiful article of jewelry .‘enclose us 30 cents for a box of the Golden Pens, and we will send you a certificate which may enable yon to procure it for $l. On receipt of 30 cents we will send y/m a box of our Gol den Pens, snd a sealed notice of the article which wc will sell for $l. TRY US. PRICKS TO AGENTS, POST PAID. s * Boxes P<;us with 4 Certificates, $1 9 do do 9 do 2 25 do, do 25 do .6 100 do do 100 do 18 N - B -—"‘ith cacti package of I'o boxes we present the porciiiiMr ICW> c*Ttificntm. ou** of wTti«*ii jis gniirftiitccd to contain out* order for a FINE WATCH, or sewing machine, or by ordering 50 boxes in one package you are sore u> re ceivv SO certificates containing one order for a splendid SILVER WATCH, beside a largo number of other very valuable premiums. One certificate sent gratis. Upon ap plication of any person desiring to act as agent, which may enable him to procure a valuable premium upon the pay ment of $l. r J PIANOS, MKLODKONB. MUSIC, BOOKS, SEWING MCUINES. AC.. Bought and sold on commission. Any mticl*- will be sent to the country at the lowest wholesale prices with the ad dition 'of f> per cent commission for forwuiding. B. Agents wantetl in every town. Circulars sent on application. Address all ceminuiilcnlioca to g. 0. r'oi.nKTtT & CO.. ;;i eei nts it- 1 "e/f/-.[/ _ie. Eureka, California. (Sept lit. lKi(j_->,„. REA'i t. Li iIUVEMENTIS IUUK \ T ING STOVES. cunsemftjon of smoke and gas and sj ting The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the public NEW GA.S AND SMOKf, CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su perevde all others, as it requires ONE-THIUD LESS FUEL than other Stoves and is morn easily, quickly and regular ly heated. No unpleasant smell ol gut arises from this stove from the fact that it is all consumed ere it can e* cape. There trouble from smoko as that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside ol thb stove Neither is there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by Use gas arising from coal fires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call at the store'of the subscriber, iu the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Snle Agent far Blair Omnty. N. B. Ail kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [Aug. 12.1556. PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND JEWELRY STORK. 0. CONRAD. FORMER OCCUPANT. No. 148’N72d St., corner of Quarry St. laSa ySg\ The undersigned lias leased the ;ibove*” fJ ™ premises, where he will keep a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, of American. Kngli-h ami Swiss man ufacture of the most celebrated makers, in addition to which will be found always on hand (and made to orderl an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silvei' Plated ware, together with a general assortment of such goods as are usually kept in a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store. The patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of the subscribers together with the public generally, are ins ited to call, and they will rcceiye a goi-d article for their money. As i am determined to do a cash business, goods will be-sold very low. ‘•Small Prnfilt and Quick Sala” is the motto of this Establishment. LEWIS K. BROOM ALL, Formerly 0. Conrad, No. 1»8 N. Second St., cor. of Quarry, Pbilada. June 7,1800.-ly. ~ De Forest, Armstrong & Co., DRY GOQDS MERCHANTS, 80 & 82 Chambers St., N. Y., WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE that they are opening Weekly, in new and beau tiful, patterns, the WAMSUTTA PRINTS, ALSO THE AMOSKEAG,' A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. ' Feb’y 2,1860.-ly PLANING MILL A SASH Manu factory.—The subscriber would announce that lie has removed his. Planing mill and Sash Manufac- tory, from Tipton to Altoona, whore ho will continue to fill or ders and attend to all work ontrn-ted to him. with , des patch. The Mill is on the lot adjoining Allison’s Steam Flouring Mill. THUS. McACLEY Altoona. Nov. 17.1859. — tf SLUE LEATHER. —We have just received a good stock of the best Red and Oak So,e Leather. We have also a good assortment of Goat, and Frenph Moroccos, French aqg Country Calf Skins, Uppers. Kips, Linings, Bindings, 4c., all of which we will at low prices and warrant to give satisfaction. Please call and examineourstock.buforepurchasingelse where. Don’t forget place—two doors below the Post Office July 19.1800. STEWART 4 THOMPSON. House and lot at private S ALE.—The Gate-House and Lot belonging to the ALTOONA AND HOL- A /Ml LIDAYSBURO PLANK ROAD CO., sit M Tiffin I? unto 'j mile from Altoona, is off-rud at JBtr’%ig“iJißL Private Sale. For terras and further IBjygEffiLßßs particulars inquire ot JOSEPH DYSART. President of the Company. {April an. isuo.-tf. T LUMBER FOR SALE. ‘ . 1 J 60.000 SHINGLES, 50.000!LATHES, ndd aU kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, lower titan the lowest, tor Cash.' Apply to v JOHN SHOEMAK ER- . GtUEAT WESTERN INSURANCE J AND TRUST COMPA&A^—lnsurance on Beal or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by tbcfr.ngentsln ; A)toona at his ofßcc In Afina St. March 17,1869. JOHN SHOEMAKER, ,Agent. T evi’s preparation FOR EX JLj terminating BATS,' MICE, ROACHES. ANTS, and Red-bngs without danger in its use under ai v ceiefor ealeat the Drag’ Storo of Jan. 24,’58-tf] T?LQUB —THE BEST QUALITY OF JL FAMILY FLOUII for Bale, IVholesaib amlKefaU, — Apply to J. SHOEMAKER. Pec. 11,1856-tf. Masonic Tkmple. A ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus ' ■ : Braces for sale at m \ ■ KESSLER’*. OF FEEL. G. W. KESSLER. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors'ami manufkoturers'of II08« TETTER’S CELEBRATED STOMACHBIT ( TEUS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians And citizens generally of States, because the articleJtaaßllainecTarepu tat ion heretofore unknown. Aifew facts upon this point will speak more, jpowerfully than volAnies of hnrei assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostettejr’s Stomach Bit- ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and its; manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming, year the' consumption will teach - near one million bottles. Thisinuucnse amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties containediia the prepara tion, and the sanction of th<| most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to tlteir patients, but arc ready al all tunes to give testimonials to its efficacy in nil cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is notn temporary popularity, Obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Billers, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is - destined 10 be ns enduring aS lime itself.. Hosteller's Siunmeh Binirs have proved n Godsend ttf regions where; lever and aguq and various other bilious icomjdiunls have counted their victims by htmdreds. To bo nine to slate confidently that the “Billers” are a certain cure for fjio Dyspepsia and like diseases, isio. the proprietors 11 source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes;all morbid matter finin the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparls renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it tbut lone mid energy indispensable (or the restoration of health., it operates upon the stomach, liver, and oilicrdligesiive organs, mild y hut powerfully, and soon restores them 1,1 a condition essential to ihehcallhy discharge of ihe functions of nature. Elderly persona may use lliejlittcrs daily as per directions on the buttle, mid they will find in it a stimulant, peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, ns it is pleusuiii lo the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent ns it ionic, tHuLrwjuveiiiuing generally. We have (he evi dence of ihoiisamls of aged intom and women who have experienced Ihc-hetiefil of using lhis preparuiion while suffering from stomach de rangcnicnis and general debility : acting under iko advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested I lie merits of this article., A low words to the gender sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing dial many of diem bin'll uiid.-r die trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that die mot her. especially if she be, young, is apt to forget her'Own livaldi in her extreme anxiety for her infant, (should I fie period of muterniiy arrive during die summer sciison. I lie wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a siiimilauL lo recupe rate die energies of die system, and enable die' mother lo hear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Billers lo all: other invigorn lors ihat receive the endorsement of physi cians. because it is agreeably to tbo laato ns well; as certain lo give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those pei sons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, lo wit: sulferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarylioca, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of I lie stomach, superannuated invalids, persona of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos teller's Celebrated Stomach Billers a trial. ,CAUTION. —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations tor counter foils, but ask for lloststtku’s Stomach and see dint each bottle has the words “Dr. J. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on die metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph Signature is on the label. y CS~ Prepared and sold by HOSTBTTEB & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout United States, South Am* rica, and Germany. ' Fi>r sale bv A. UOL’SH, Altoona. l*n. Se|it. 20. l'S6O-ly. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR,* The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month! I would respectfully sot forth" my claim to public atten tion, as a Fashionable Tailor oh follows ; Because 1 keep an excellent assortment of Cloths, Casst mores. Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined, always please. Because my work is made up In a manner that take* down the country and gives all my customer* a city ap pearance. j -. Because I am not inferior as a Colter to the bust to be found anywhere. ; Because long experience in my business gives mo entire control over it and 1 am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of the suds. Because I am still on the sunny, side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the “Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will go awhy pleased. Altoona. May 26-sra ‘ JACOB SNYDER. Blair county daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. 0. w, JlSlplH, the Holl MayHburg Artist, begs leave to inform our rotifers that ho is prepared to take , Photographs of deceived persons , from Daguerreotype*, at the shortest notice and on the meat reasonable terns. He has Jnkt received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of all sties and.stvles, including a new pattern of Faintly Case for flair persona, aSR is prS pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, AMBKOTVPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OK PHOTOGRAPH. (live him a calf. Rooms on the; Corner of Montgomery and Allegheny streets. Hillldfiyshttrg. Pa. rJnne 17-tf, P W. KESSLER—PRACTICAL V'a • DRUGGIST, respectfhlly announces to tlie':citizens of Altoona and Uie pnblio gen-AKfljM&h emily, that he still continues the Drag business, on Virginia street, where he keeps con«anfly on hundj for sole, Whotosale and, DHDOB, V MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. V , By strictattention to business, and a desire torender sate is&ctlon to all as regards price- ahd quality, bo hopes to meritanJ receive a shore of publiti patronaga. Physicians and merchants supplied ou rcasonable terms, and oil orders from a distance promptly attended io. r Physicians prescflptlone carefully compounded. [l-tf. rMNE “AND LARD OILS> OAM phene; Burning Plaid, Carbon pll, Ac- at : Jen. 3. J; 1 , KESSLER’S, ON HAND AT McCQRMICK’S Store —A splendid assortment ofßeady-Made clothing, Call and see. ' ’ '• •»(;%(,* ;; ' Glass Sxio to 20*24, and cut toerdsrby !f 1 CI.TV.KESSEIR. Ad aperient and stomachic preparation of iron of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hvdn. 1 The experienec of 'thousands dally prove* ration of.lron can bo compared with it. lainnriri ‘ blood, depression of vital energy, pate and other. ■ ul ,i ‘ complexions indie ate its necessity in ah..... *7 coucej. JnpOihty, Xerrout JfiictiotU, Entadation tbnjfi patron, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Incipient Ar,Z** p **> Scrofulous Juberevtotit, Salt Dheum. StomaS* 1 * o *, Whiles, ‘ Chlorosis, Liver Cbmplaints, Chronic /Tt!' I '”** Eheumatism, Intermittent livers. /Vmpi.. o. 0,. r In cases of disease, or cf thecontinued diminution ol nerr. t.' or ' cuiar energy from chronic complaints, one r. lu , a “*- storative ha* proved successful to an extent th “ ** scription nor written attestation would rend.r ,1 Invalid* no long bed ridden as to have b.-ci n .o r. I!' bl ' ~ their own neighborhood*. baveauddeu'v roan-.J*",". I'* 1 '* '■ bnay world a* if just returned fes . SH',"" a distant laud Some very signal instance, of tw, mt' 18 attested by Female sufferers . maciated victims 11 M * marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical chi W ’ : ' r ' !il tire complication of nervous ami dyeprptic sv.wmn *" 1 andw.verci*e.lbr which the phyeiclfufhal no uam, * ' In Nervous Afflictions of all'kinda. an.l tniliar to medical men, the operation of this iron must necessarily bo salutary, for , , ides it is vigorously tullic . without Mng^xcltinv' 1 .'*: Overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even f,, ,'!* mS.t olj.-tn.ute cases »f cstiveuew without evet him gastric purgative. or l..nictln R a dl*igreeahle kmuL.i i* 8 A 1 18 Wus latter property, among others, which ina'kn a .ttronnilcably effectual ampermanent a remedj T r Z* UI H,U which it also appeare to .ten a distinct and adorn by d.spersing the loci tendency which form^‘, C lu Dyspepsia, inmiiuemMe as are its cnn.,-, ...T,, . ? of these Chalybeate fills law often sufficed f or .m I*'* baUlual case*, including the attendant tWhw, I,kre.«| n |i u .\ . settlements of the West, will ,pr«baby ba one uf uicVr ' ! Down and usefulness. * Nu remedy. Ims been discovered lu the whole hinlorr wl medicine, which exert* »nch prompt, happy, imJ f.,u, r sloratlve effects. Good appetite. Complete digestion ■’ acquisition of strength, with ivn auuoial dl.p V *' active and cheerful exercise, huniediateiy follow u, u>- . Pul op in flat metal boxes containing; 50 l cent* lasr 'I ox; for sale by druggists « u .t dealer., \\ ip w tent free to any address on receipt of the (.rice. All lett-n ordurs, etc., should be addressed to ‘ Thousands ors dully speaking In'the pralssef DR. KAION’B INFANTIJLE CORDIAL. and why ’ because it ntvtr fails to afford inx.anlunmui r* lief when given in time, it acu u« if bv rasgie, and o« trial a 'out will convince you that what w* lay Is tius It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relfovci by removing On ru.fW itigs of your child, instead of by deadening its seniitnhL/i. Vor this reason, it commend* itsejfa* the only rrhalir prep aration now known for Children Teeming, Dumiku Dtsentert, Oripino in IDE Howeur Acidity or IHI PWE ACU. Wind, Cold in the Hud, and Ckoup. also, for w/ ing the gums, reducing injlamnatian. regulating the linctlx, and relieving pain, it haa uo equal — being an anfi-jpasWie it is used with unfailing success In all oases of Costcuios or other Fits. As you value the life and health <-/ your chilitren , and wish to save them from those tad ami llighhng consequences which are certain to result from the use lifrui p cotter of which all other remedies for Infantile (btnpiuinli are composed, tale nme but Dr. Eaton’s Infantile Cordial this you can rely ui>ou. It is perfectly harndess. and can not injure the mu*t delicate InCnut. price, 2i cent*. Pall Xllreetions accomuany each bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH A DCIVNT, . No. 409 UroaJwaj, New-T«rb CO i k> 4) ® S ►Ha '"A 05 s .3 S £* h'i > pe 13 g fs} w-S « ps Z S s si <1 o a s, Sc S 02 Ph * »s s -a-- uj -SC-j* o l—l . g— g a a 51 ■ Healthy human Blood upon being ' ANALYZED always presents us with Mm same essential element*. rcJ gives of course tli* Tree Standard. Analyte the liloeiUf a person suffering from Couaumption, Liver Complaint, 'Dyspepsia* Scrofula, tc.. and we find in every' in'Unce cer tain deficiencies in' the red globules of Blood. Supply Ihtst deficiencies, and you arc made well. The Bioeafone U is founded upon this Theory—hence its astonishing nie ces*. There are FITE PB EPARA TJOXS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different-dfe eases. For Cocoas, Colds, Bronchitis, or any'aiWtioa ■whatever of the Tiiroat or Lcnos, (nducing Conscmhiox, nse No. .1, which is also the No. for Depression er dpuju, Loss or Appetite, and for all Chronic Couplubts. arWni from Over-Cse, General Debii.itt. and Neevom I’r.ostu iion. No. 2, for Liver Complaints. No. 3 for DrsrrrsiA.- B-ing already prepared for absorption It Is taken bt De|>m and carried immediately into the circulation, so that »r*t y. u gain you retain. The No. 4is for Female Ip.beouaßl- TlES, IITSTERTA, WEAKNESSES. Ac. Seo special dirscth.ii" for this. For Salt Kiiecm, Eruptions, i’cEomocs. K inset, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 8. In sit cases ti* djj rectious must be strictly followed. Price of the B todtu* |1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH i DUBOVT. No. 409 Broadway. New-York. T. W.DtOTTASON?. Philadelphia. undU. 11. KtYSiB, Pittsburgh. Wholesale Agents. By A- Roush. Altoona; W. T. Murray. H.dlidaysl-arg. and by all respectable druggistsstbroughout the country March 8.1860.-ly, N- ATI ON A L POLICE GAZL’i'l K.— This Great Journal of Crime ami Criminal) *• “ Its Twelfth Year, and- is widely circulated thronglm the country. It contains all the Great Trial*. Jj I*® 1 *® . Caws, and appropriate Editoriaison thesome, together information ou Criminal Matters, not to he fonud a j other newspaper. - A3*. Subscriptions $2 per annnm: SI for nr “? n ’ be remitted by subscribers, (who should write thciir.wj , and the town, county and State where they reside jm J To O. W. MATSELL 4 CO* 18-tf] EJit ° r * Pr ° P ’ r ' ° fNC ' T Y ° rk AT- American Life Insurance and 1 rust Co* •Capital Slock, ssoo*ooo. Company Building, iV.alnut Si-, S. E. w*# s Fourth Vhila.- , B. F. HOSE- agEaM. altoov. LIFE INSURANCE AX THE USUAL SIDTCAL OB AT JOINT 3TOCK KATES, AT ABOUT LESS, OR AT TOTAL ABSTINANCK RATbh.Tltfc EST IN THE WORLD. A. wnihL»l> t. 0. SIMMS. Sedy. ]oct. f Y COMING COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSUBAXCK AGEXCV.-Tb« agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire lasUranw ' f[Jj at all times ready to inifiire against loss 0 ( c , e :j Uuildinyt, 3f:rchtmdiie, I\innturt ana dcscription.ln torn or country, at as i cnl |,| f . any company la the State. Office Jan. s' ’56-tf] ; *';■ ; JOHN SHOEMAKI.U- WM. S. BITJNEAI SURGEON■; X) EN i iSf • /“OFFICE IN THE MASOM^ V/ PUS- V..-.CC^- 3 ; " 4S*'A Student wanted TVi. WM. it. FINLEY BE- Jj JLI SPECTFUI-LX offen ht* [ service* tx» the people of Altoona *iw 1 °HB s ?i«5 I offle* fcewtofcw ? copied by Dr. OK D: Thontiaa.- i Altoona. S*pt. 30C.1858.*tf A YES! 0 YKSJ— ! IL-J Araw. ni-b f£S* «■»•,£* | ewiotlie that P» » WJflrw m«. S •* Ia» im AwJtloiHW wli«D«T6r e*ll«4npotj. ■ i It. P- hOCKK A CO.. Qtxtnti Aocmx July 10,1860.-ly. 20 Cellar St.. N, f y. : i T' “ lw| I **■ „;i -v'frt Ci-- >•: rvi -1 i- -v- : Moo; • i fISBSSSH vfcjTEW Intake pi '. tutand aum) •• at their »to Otto*.» l*rg amjq.UTKh of all sixes at OOUentmanu l ' , olJeaat 25 f purchased cb following pri . Wen”* di . Men’s fi. Sort kit , Tpuths, ... MAn’aCa M Hen’s Br Boy*’ li n ■i: : .tSuths’i 0.-v.-,aiSf£ lodiea’Li , lAdlcs- Si ■. . , ladies’ :d .bodies’M • ' . .Radies’ Ci. Sadie*’ C. Miises’ Cr ' Wtsea’Fi ■■ r 4fti?iug bouj ; Iqiimt agure, sMtomors are . i>w.prlcw. «• And if you m4e> leave y ehort notice. «U reMOUabto t S'e rcspeclfu ipt. 13, ISO. . ojitterafy: i CONFEC 1 JEWE rpHESU keep const MriotUcals, dull . Pittjlmtgb, tng. ■ tbo'Scbool Book band. . Abo, a choice df *U klnd-f for 1 to bo bod in' tow • &n£ Silver Pend - ry. t Omit and ex Altoona', J nly t ANDS ! * JL A The under •KANTS-in the ■ Good (elections c and Settlement t. Market, am of ih Selections fiMtdd. 1 July 14,1509.-1 ;• Bev. A. B. Cl Wn. M. hLor McO.un it Id Tnos. A. Scot ; D. MoMtntTki W. M; L JOHNS' -: QQ^E^k {Late “ i 'Tvhapt , JL/.ClUes, an.' 'SjAds. Money* r Without interest, • . Fob. 3d. 1850. J l>. LE! r ALTOONA 1 Will practice taw Bouftogdon. Clo 'ATM In the DUtn Collections of ,p Ah* sale of Beal V business portalniu tton. Wilson Me bttrch; Hon. Sam: Judicial District; HoaUenry D. Font " Lebanon; Hon. \\ ;o«trge P. Hamath S. M ATTOR ALTOI -. WILL pi . TT UAL Con counties, . -i Having had sevi-i •ho law, b'u expect . Offlcogin Virgiiu; - Leet, v Ein. 2, ’ic-tr.f The Boot O F PH IL A for the Hooky iv"» , * return agaii Altoona, on t Wh day of Decemh. wernl niontlis tlur. “iajiapfr. B «Pt. 20, 1860. Blair ( aqency.—tt Jj"«hty Mutual fir sT a,ly to ill3Ur • J!S*’ 3ferc> ‘anaise, p 2?Ptb>h,' lu town or < gnipauy In the Stat 27, ’CO-tf T\KS. GONli SPKCTFCLU S Mor Altoona a ortho C n “I? 11 bour = o. istio.-tr 1 J - Not a - ’ alioc -v S?-?** 11 tlme * hc ■^y?tP b y^ ? 1857. SALE. desirably locate .41to»na, Feb. 0, is Will a “Iso Chro «"»ond oil at