The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 15, 1860, Image 3

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    'i ON THE HORSE.
I’n tin.lngy and Operative Sur
•ece ol Philadelphia. etc., etc.
i. II inter? and distinctive traits
>is .breed* of European, Asiatic.
1 American Horses, with the
oi.itoii aud peculiarities of the
h. to ascertain his age by the
I condition ol his teeth; lllustn*.
lie ronn explanatory engraving*.
Wreaking, Stabling, Feeding. v,
demiK. mid the general voTy 3
the horse, with the beetinodeeof • *
■K medicine. also. how to treat
ii. rearing, shying, stumbling,
restlessness, and other vices to
is .'object: with namerouiez
symptoms, and treatment of
•re throat, distemper;-catarrh
ronchitie. pneumonia; pleurisy’
i, chronic eougli. rdhring and
i n ■pas, spre’ mouth and nlcenc -
1 U'cllif; with otlrrr diseases nf
ml rcsidratory organs. * .
■s. symptoms and treatment of
. coin , strangulation. stony com f
pture-i palsy, diarrhoea, /atm- \
ami bladder, inflammation and
* of the Stomach, BbweU. Ut£
orgiiui. ■ 'i ■ _
Minis Disk asks! v I
s symptoms, and treatment of
md bog, spavin, swecoie. ring.
broken knees. Vwind
'■ bruise and grscvel, cracked
tn «, cauk.-r; thrush and coma •
■ms, vertigo, epilejwy. staggers
■easos of the foot,, tegs and bead.' ■',
e.ajinptom. and treatment nf
:v ‘‘•'panders, fare#, sennet fa.
lurluit. IqpKod JawfhoumatUtn,
, diseases of tire and heart,
and hoa-'hj,manum castration
!>hiun^,.MweUn^Brl n g,hot^
.ion,Tapping,- andTJbther sorgl-
thod, of taming horees; how to
ilteV. or.jtalile a colt; how to
liois.) to strange keunds and *
<■"' to bit, saddle, rklSWnd break "
im; also, the formfifad law of J
I ho whole being tiro result of
rte. li years’ careful study of the
i.ititic.i. wants and .weakhessee
mnl useful animal. - '
ages, appropriately. illustrated ;
ngntTiags. It* Is printed in a ' i
II be furnished to any address,
price, half bound,or, In
R ho made by onterpri*. :
ing men everywhere, to t j
'.popular works of ours, Onr '
exceedingly liberal. . j
> ;k, or ibr terms to agents, wrJtli
or address
UN E. POTTER, Publisher,
om Street, Philadelphia,inn
in all its branches, byllist
>cd by Mrs. 8. J. Hux* ‘
ill kinds of meat, ponltry, .
ttm various end m<«t apiirpv.
iressing .md cooking beer and ' >
' beet and simplest way at «ei{.
,i id curing the same. ■ t .
mid most approved inodes of r I
.UK- find bonlug mutton, laialK;, .
•ml game of all ktads. with'
i. ssin gs, gravies, audetnfflng*
wnh. •, ' ■
flvan, and preaerre Pish of all
to sweeten it when tainted;
nuns and most approved mode*/
K tbeUifferont dreeeiinge^eueeif
appropriate to each,
and most approved modet of ;
fifty different khpls of Meat,, and Vegetable Soups, |
;. : wrt, with Uin RelUhes and, 1
•topriate so each. /
.■■ad most approved of '
nldi fl oi every deaeript^jo,also
■ Pickles. Catsup* and jCturlse >
-t ted'Meats, Fish, Game, Math- !
ami miet approved modes of
cooking all kinds of Plain and i
Puddings. Omelette*. fritters,
i diary', Preserves,'J6Ul**, and |
f every description. i ■ i
and ’ most approved modes of 1
. Husks. Muffins, and Biscuit,
".1 of preparing coffee, Choco- .
ami how to make Byraps, Cor- ■
ic * of various kinds,
and ornament a Table, how. to ': •'
s of Fish, Flesh or Fowl,-and -
to eo simplify the whole Art of
bring tlic choicest luxurie* of /
in cverybod’s reach. . , ■ ! .
scs. aud'upwarils of twelve hnn
re the results of actual expert- ; . ■
carefully tested under the pet» i:
ic. writers. It is printed inja :
ist rated with appropriate eo*
rd'*d to any address, neatly 1
rccipt.of tlio price, $l.OO, aria *
J can be mudeJiy enterpri- I
*!ng mca everywhere, In i
inducements to all inch being
(ink. or for terms toagenU,
ly to or address
E. porrUK, Publisher,
a street, Philadelphia, Pa.
4LY & CO.,
hit* xaqle both,
U G H;■ PA.
tfd (lock of ;
tobaccos; i ■
XCBS, t '
tc., Ac, AC., ; Af-r .
,;i articles uiu*Uy JonndUlW*
itry Merchant. U rc.pccM“R/
vKWS !. _ .
* jn.t received from th*
It of
:rn, Sus
• .-chiefs,
s)M at tin* lowest pric < ' fl - •
rule up in tbo very host «7‘*»
ms. on short notice. ■
5 Si. BETAI"*
i Ell IS NOW PR^
i;Uok. parties, hotel*
ity of*Oyster*,
OveVrß are received I
iii niij of the very best < l ua " ty
doy Morning at hi.. Salmon
o Korr'ii .tore.
f.. lease come • ;
charges and lake It * w "
ef according to j’J’f,',, •aw, -
.f- .
pojna Crilimt.
7 00 A.M.
7 00 A.M.
740 “
Through M^ ttBQpK{>
** -jljiir"
||OIW«J» T 8 10P.M.
#fltfr u »»J> 6 66 'P. M.
Ki3t* rn „„ n for the transaction ofbuslneei from 030 A M
-o*?',°™! during Uio week, and from-730 to 830 o’,
on Sunday.
RAILROAD schedule.
. Traiii Kant arrives 8,10 P.M., ' leave* 3,25 P. M.
t.prtM Trai Wejit u 7,40 A. M. « 8.50 A. M.
“ East “ 1,16 A.M.. “ 1,20 A.M.
.. West “ 8,« 1’- M., “ 8,40 P. M.
„ e East “ 7.15 A. M. “ 7,30 A. M.
H* ll .. West “ 6.58 P. M, “ 7,10TP. M.
* uni LIDAYSnOIIG BRANCH connects with Expre**
** R««t"and West, amt Mall Train Eastnml West.
A BRANCH TRAINS connect with jhhnstown
. .mraodatlon Train East and West, Johnstown Way
ifhTrsstwapi and Express Train Westward.
IB6O. ENOGU LEW Ift, Gen'l Supl.
Chtbch Doob Loafing.—“ Harping on that
,übjcct again,” we\ think we hear some of our
renders e«j, but those who were in attendance
,! the Methodist Church, on Sunday evening
lsst, and observed the crowd of ill-bred, impu
dent church door loafers, who formed lines pn
tt ch title of the door way and .pavement, will
B ot wonder that we refer to tjiis almost intolor
,bl» nuisance. Me refer to it for the purpose
of coping the following item from the Pitts
bnrgh True Frees, of Tuesday lastf
jlsycir Morrison, of Allegheny 1 ; haif before
liim ou Monday, eight young men who bfed. been
»rrested on Sunday evening, for loafing In front
of flic Beuver street M E. Church, during !
oertice hour. They, together with numerous i
other young men, bad been standing about the j
church door awaiting the time of dismissal, for j
the purpose of obtaining the company of this |
or that young Indy who was silly enough to hitch i
on to their arms for the asking. Four consta- j
bies arrived just as the congregation was being i
and at the pressing invitation of the ;
officers of the law,- the girl hunters wore com- !
pel led to take their arms—each officer being |
provided with two “ nice young men.” The bal- i
»uce of the crowd fled like sheep, thus cotifes- i
sing that they hud been caught in a mean act.
The captured gallants were marched to the lock- i
up. where they remained all night, and in tiie !
uiurnmg they were'dismissed upon paying a fine !
of one dollar each. ....
f ■<
Now if the nuisance can be abated in this way
in Allegheny city, why can not the authorities
of the church in this place request constable
Ely to attend about the church for nn evening,
or two and treat these outside “ girl hunters”
in a manner Similar to that noted above. We
think it would soon put a stop to the practice.
Try it, gentlemen, and you will have the thanks
of all the j gentlemen and ladies who attend the
Distressing Occurrence.— Mr. David Bol
der of Martinsburg, whose mind for some days
previously seemed to be unbalanced, went out
uf his house on Wednesday evening Inst at about
S o'clock, remarking that be would be busk in a
few moments, but returning ns promised,
hi) family looked fo/him but could not find him.
They at once gave the alarm to their neighbors,
md nearly the whole town turned out iu search
of him, pushing their search and inquiry to oil
the neighborhood around, bat he could no where
he fuond, nor has ho yet been discovered or
heard of. He was an estimable man, and his
sadden and mysterious disappearance hns over
whelmed his family in grief, and the Marlins
burg community in sadness. The only clue to
his derangement was the recent death of a be
loved son, which had deeply affected him- He
had spoken of going to the Asylum at Harris
burg, and in the hope that bo had gone thither
inquiry bus been made by telegraph, but he is
not there. On the day before his disappear
ance be seemed cheerful and happy, engaging
in religious exercises with a lively interest—
We still hope to hear of his turning up alive
somewhere, and of his ultimate recovery.
Since,the above was put ih type w« have re
ceived a note in regard to the matter from
Messrs. Hasslcr, Morrow, and Everhart,’ neigh
bors of Mr. Bniger. They describe Mr. Bolger
»s about 50 years of age, with rather sharp fea
tures, and as between 6 ft. 10 inches upd 6 ft.
high.. lie was dressed in a black frock coat,
black pants, morocco shoes, and a brown straw
had. Any tidings ofhim will be thankfully re
ceived by those gentlemen, on behalf of his dis
tressed and afflicted family. Address them at
Martinsburg, Blair County, Pa.— Register, '
3s}* Well, it's oar private opinion, publicly
expressed, that if all who are now wishing
tiimseWes in •• Dixie’s Land,” could got there
*itbin a reasonable length of time, that famous
country would soon be well populated anti wo
®'g!u as well “ pull up stakes” and go along,
18 there would not be many left in this region
to our paper or call upon us for job work.
Everybody sings or whistles “ Disipbrass
ks ods blow out •• Dixie,” and it is nothing but
Dixie” from morning till evening, in the
!,reeta - abeysj work shops, stores. offices, par-
W kitchens and every place; where men, wo
“"*> Wys or girls inhabit, “ Dixie" bids fair
, to have the most extended, reputation, be more
aorribly butchered, and in the course-of twelve
“ Pnthß be more deprecated than was ever m Old
L ocleHed” or “Old Virginia.”
Good Will Fire Company.— The Directors of
>* company are now milking an effort to raise
* Bhala nce d «e on their engine, and we hope
at w k° rosy he sailed Open to contribute
“■ purpose will respond as liberally as
* ir oirou niBtanoeB ifill admit It would not re
much from each property holder frail
I° a ** contr ibute as fbey should. it is certain
l 'tOI ” D P^ eMant to ti*e Directors, and all eon*
h«! • *^ e c h m P an 7* t® have this debt
png orer them, especially when the debt has
n incurred for the safety of properly holders,
e thSm a lift, gentlemen. \:
Fe predicted some |two weeks since,,
ftiii? a ' )OQt , M nmoh uie In sending the!
t64Ben P»ngton Furnace, toqueUtbe
, j 00 0? *^ e “ strikes,” at t|bat place, as there
Thav t iU fttUobin 8 » fifth wheel to a wagon.
y tound no rioters and he«rd of no “ strikes,”
county Into a clsvW idU^coeb.
local items.
Dixie's Land.— ln order to gratify the frifendk
of that popular air, “ Dixie.” ve have the pleas
ore of giving the original words "of that song,
and do so in the hope that the voice instead of
the..wind may bemore thoroughly cultivated:
I wiabl wm te de Übd ofoottuo,
Old times dar am not forgotten;
look away! look away 1 look away! Dixie land,
In Dixie land where X was burn in,
, Early on onofroaty morning,
Look away I look away! look away! Dixie Land,
Caoacs:—Den I wish! was in Dixie, Hooray! Jlooray 1
In Dixie Land I’ll took my stand, i
To lib and die in Dixie.
Away V away 1 away down sooth id Dixie 1
Away I away! away down south in Dixie 1
7 10 A'. M,
7 16' “
740 «
0 80 P. M.
' Old M tarns many “ Will de wcaber
Willinm was a gay deceabcr;
Look away! Ac.
But when be put his arm aronnd ’er,
lie smiied as fierce ns a “ forty pounder,”
1/ook away! Ac.
Chorus.—Den I wish I was in Dixie, Ac. .
Ills face was sharp as a batcher’s clcaber,
But dat did nut seem to greab ’er;
Look away t Ac.
Old Missns acted de foolish part.
And died for a .man that broke her heart;
away I Ac.
Chorus.—Dun I wish 1 was in Dixie! Ac.
Now here’s a health to the next old Missus,
v And all the gals that want to kiss us.
Look away! Ac.
lint if you want to drive ’way sorrow,
Come an hear dis song to-morrow;
Look away! Ac.
Chorus.—Den I wish I was in Dixie! Ac.
Bars buckwheat cakes on •• Ingin hatter,"
Makes you tjst or a little latter;
Look away I, Ac.
Den hoc it down and scratch your grabble,
To Dixie Land I’m bound to trabble;
Look away! Ac.
Cuoncs.—Den I wish I was in Dixie! Ac.
The Railroad Conductor. —The railroad
conductor is one of the productions of the ago,
n recent phase of humanity. Amid the roar of
a score or two of iron wheels, and flying like a
bird, he must lead n quiet life ; accurate amid
confusion, patient amid vexation, courteous
amid censure and complaint, and prompt as the
sun, a first-rate conductor can be made out of
no poorer material than a first-rate man. Job
was never a conductor ;i that trial was spared
him. .Of all sorts of people, all sorts of money,
all sorts of weather, he is the special victim.—
Ho cannot keep-aloof from a bear ora bore, any
more than he can from a.bride ,or a beauty.—
Like Death, he must Approach ** with equal
step,” and pay his respects to everybody. Ho
must be accountable for the snow drift that ob
structs the track, for the broken rail that tum
bles the train into the ditch, for the cars that
failed to connect. He must know when every
body will get everywhere, and what it will cost
to go, and where it is best to stay. He meets
people sometimes who do not know where they
are going, and he must bo able to tell them ;
people who do not know where they got abroad
and ho must gently remind them.
Baker’s Crystal Spiro Mills Flour.—The
excellent flour manufactured at this mill is now
retailed at the following prices :
Extra Family W Wheat Flour, per bbl. $7,00.
“ Superfine Red “ “ “ “ 6,50.
Superfine “ •• “ “ 6,26.
Mill Feed sold at different prices.
A liberal percentage given to retailers.
All orders are filled promptly on shortest no
The .mill wagon visits this place four days in
each week for the purpose of supplying all who
order flour from this mill. Wo know by expe
rience that there is no better flour in the coun
try than that manufactured at the Crystal Spring
Mills. One sack of it will be sufficient to con
vince any good baker that what we say is true.
Child Burked to Death.— George McDon
ough, son of Mr. Stricklcr, of street,
Hollidaysburg, aged three years, was so burned
on Sunday morning Iqst as to cause his death.
He was playing with , the fire in the stove by
lighting pieces of paper, whilei his mother was
up stairs. His litllo sister bad-taken the paper
from him., and put it away, but he got it again,
when his clothes took fire, and’bcforo his mother
could relieve him he was all in a crisp. Dr. Hap
persett was called, anddressed the wound. He
eurTived«only seven hours.— Register.
MOkk Optositios. —lVe notice that Esquire
McClelland has opened a store in the room for
merly occupied by him as a Justice office. He
has on hand an assortment of men and boys’
bats and caps, ladies and misses bonnets and
hats, plain white end figured shirts, collars,
gloves for ladies and gents, hosiery, trimmings
of all kinds, stationary, and every variety of
notions, and last, tyut of no means least,.(in
size) skeleton skirts lor the ladles. Step in and
see the squire if you want either law, justice, or
the worth of your money.
Seniors Accidest.— On Saturday evening
last, Augustine Ham stead, a fireman on the P.
R. K. between this placed nhU Conemaugh, had
bis leg broken about half-way between the knee
and ankle and his foot badly crushed by being
caught between the cross-beads of the locomo
tive which be was oiling. He was brouglit oVer
to this place on the Fast Line, oh Sunday mor
ning, and placed under the care of Dr, J. T.
Christy, who thinks that he can save the leg anil
foot. ,
What's Better.— Verily, what more easily
induces a man to accompany yon on a short
walk, than to invite him to Taylor’s saloon,
next door to the Bank, and partake of a dozen
of the fine Cove Plant Oysters wbioh may at all
times bo had at that establishment, together
with good apples, confectionaries, nuts, cakes,
pies, cigars, tobacco, add various drinks. If
those who so ofted wish themselves in “ Dixie’s
land” would call at .Taylor’s a few times, their
tone ffoidd change from “ Dixie” to “ Taylor’s”
SiBOUiAR Accident.— On Thursday of lost
week. Prank,. the youngest son of Mr. D. D.
Woods,..of tilts place, met withsingular and
very painful accident. He was playing on the
side walk in front of hjs when
he chin sticking the pavement—and
bit off the end of his tongue. Dr. Oemmlll, of
Altoona, was wht for, who sewed on the piece,
hat up tp ißis time it- is hot healed, and causes
the little fellow agreat deal of suffering—ty.
nne-Stifa' ;■ -
j Mince Meat.— Otto Rossi will accept oar
| thanks Ijor a crook of as fine mince meat as was
! ever; bake<! into pies. If it was a sample of
■ what he for «»!#;_ then those who
buy it of him have good pics for dessert. Hc in
tenda to keep the article constantly on hand at
his establishment two doors below Fatton’s Hall,
| and has also placed it on sale at J. &J. tow
j ther’s store. Wo assure those who want good
• mince meit that they will get it when they bn; i
i of Rossi, i
Resigned.— We notice by the ITollidnyEburg
papers that Rev. D. X. Jnnkin. D. D., has re
signed bis charge of the Presbyterian congrega
tion in that place and intends removing to
Parkeaburg, Chester county.
Protracted Meeting. — A protracted meet
ing was commenced in the Methodist Church,
in this place, on Sunday evening last. We hope
it may result in great good to many.
At the house of the bride’s father. Nov. oth 1800, hy the
Rev. CKas. fi.Rhrenfold. Mr. E. P. MILLER of Altoona, to
Miss NANNIE J. BELL, of Pleasant Valley, near Altoona;
Oreonsbmig jiapers please copy.
Recently, jby Wm. Swartz, E»q.. ANDREW J. WHITE
of Blair county, to Miss REBECCA READY, of Mifflin co.
On tlie (-veiling of the Btb Inst., at the residence of the
bride's father, by the Rev. D. X. Juukin. TH.IMAB Me-
FAKLANE bud Miss LEAH K. CARNEY, both of Holli
day sburg. , 1
On Thursday. Btb irst. at the residence of Martin Bell,
by Rev. Coo; W. Young. Mr. THOMAS II.MAI EMAN.auJ *
I where perfectly FAST COLORED PRINT'S can bo
bought for 10 cents per yard, and I yards for a Dollar, is at
Shawls and cloaks,
In gre.t variety and very cheap, at
Nov. 16-lt
Are being received almost daily at the •• MODEL.” Tlie
Ladies would do well to call and examine them. [lt
Selling off at greatly Itcduced Price* to clo*e out
the Season’s .Stuck'. J. A. J. LOIVTUEII.
Nov. 15.-11
M tC
New-York Benevolent Infirmary,
And devoted to The pjuse of Medical Reform; to the Dif
fusion of Medical Knowledge for the 2‘reveniion of Disease,
am! tolhe relief of thtwe sufTcniiK and afflicted with Chro
nic am! Virulent Disorders. To this end this Infirmary is
endowed, to enable the sick and suffering throughout the
length and breadth of our iond. to avoid the Poisonous
Drugs, Extortion, and Ignorance of professed Physicians,
through which thousands and tens of thousands annually
perish. ’
The following are some of the diseases wo cure, not only
at the Infirmary but in ail parts of our country :
Consumption and Pulmonary Complaints, Fevers. Scrof
ula, Dyajiepsln, Eye and Ear Disease, Cancers and other
Tumors, Jaundice and Liver Complaint, Seminal Weakness,
and all diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, from
whatever cause or whatever nature. Our object will be to
give joy to the afflicted by effecting in all cases a speedy cure.
Our rule is to charge i.othing for advice and written pre
scriptions; bift will furnish when requested the very best
medicines at the lowest rates. -
These remedies are prepared in our own Laboratory, un
der the car.- of able Chemists and are the most reliable
known to science, including all tho recent (discoveries.
To all addressing n- by letter, containing full of appearances of disease, age, occupation, Ac.,
we will write a candid nply, witli advicls and directions
lor cure, Any fees sent us when sending for advice will be
devoted to furnishing medicine for the pi sir. In all cases
medicine can be sent by mail or expre« if desired. Send
lor one or more of our works and Judge Tor yourselves.
Also pnbliahed'nf the Infirmary, to Aid these objects,
Containing simple remedies easily obtained for the cure of
Diseases ip dll its forme, with full explanations of the
causes, symptoms, diet, bathing atn| cxcftiise. Price 50 cts-
A work op the cause, symptomfl and treatment of all
complaints peculiar to thc\ sex,'on marriage, its duties,
abortion and its results, on Children, their ills, and on the
prevention of conception, with luralnal.ii- Instructions to
them on subjects of a private nature. Price 25 cents.
The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion,
A book for the old and young, embracing the Pathology,
Prevention and Cure of all Diseases of the Urinary and Sex
ual Organs, an J a warning voice of advice and counsel, such
as to be found in uo other work. Price 25 cents
It exposes jail the Humbugs, 1 and the various Tricks to
entice the sick and .well. It illustrates the plans of tho
Quacks and Rogues to dupe every one. It guides the un
wary through life, aud shows up every swindle of the age.
It snows hoW all kinds of Food, Medicines, Liquors and
Quods are adulterated, with tho means of detecting the
frauds. ; Pride 25 ccnti.
For every family, having over KWh receipts on Cooking,
Preserving. Dyeing, Cleaning, 4c. How to plant and what
is tho bait to raise. How to cure animals, advice to house
keepers, farmers and mechanics, on IUUU subjects of inter
est. Price 26 cents. Worth $lO to Any one.
For those who wish to get well from that awful disease,
a full description of all the remedies used lor it, with a
careful statement of the results, aud other useful Informa
tion. Price Ji) cents.
The information in them is not to bo found in any works
published, nor obtainable from any other source. These
books are published on fine white paper, and beautifully
bound. ; ; ' ' '
Any of tho above works will be mailed free, on receipt of
price, in staiiips. or money; or the whole in a handsomely
Dsuud volumeter oxe hollar. No. lamily should, be with
out them. They are illustrated with b.eagtiful engravings,
and cunntin (he condensed experience of years.
Aosxrs Wixrtn for the uhovo works, who con makcslso
a month.' Sind for a circular for ngelits.
To t lie yohug ot both sexes eufferiug from secret habits;
prostration of.juind; loss of |Hiwcr; nervous debility; loss
of sight; nukefutuess; luvoof solitude; eruptions cm the
face, 4c., 4c.{ tiend bejore it ft too lot*: before yon suffer
incurable damage to both body aud tuiud. ‘
To Females who want toft, pleasant and sure remedies
for lrregulantics, Obstructions. Whit- s, 4c.,send to us.
Wo ore coiiyinred that'tnero are many parents of scroftr
luus, consumptive aud diseased condition to whom a nu
merous offspring only brings suflering and poverty. To
such we would Say write, nmt we will send information of
a sure, well-tested, and never-falling Preventive.
.We will mall free, to any one applying for it,
It is a large and beautiful paper, and contains the moat
valuable on Spcrumtorhcea, or Seminal Weak
ness. Tim cqhse, effects aiid core, showing the AwfUl ef
fects of the disease,
On all other jdhwiaee of tho Sexual Organs, a full expla
nation of the wigin of Syphilis, the means of prevention
and core. - ■
On. Consumption, that fearfnl disease.
On the; Liver, Heart, Stomach and Skin.
On FehmiejCumplaints.
Ou tho various Schools of Medicines.
On tbomodas of Treatment now practised,
dn the False Treatment of Diseases.
On thevarfons Medical Humbugs. .
On tim PhySfology of Marriage.
On the'Common sense of Medicine. ‘ f
On Diet, Exercises, and Ablution.
. flow the Physician should be.
How to preivent Pregnancy. j :
And many other things; Bixn fox it.
This Jjmra4l should be In the handsof every one.
J.BtmmwM.D., A. M., Chief Physician. S. S. Moxxn,
Surgeon. Dr, J. Boyle, Chemist. v -
Office In New York. 161 Chambers street..
Office In WUliamsbnrgh, South Stb'and sth streets. '
CorreepoutknUwill please enclose two or three stamps
for return pottage; andaddress ' ,
>'. DR. A. DEBNISY, Secretary,
(Box 141.) Williamsburg, New York.
. Not. Is, WW.-ly
ttons jnat received and for sale by ',EMAN,
A numflid fhahlonable Msbrtinhnf at tlia atore of
Tin Amalgamation or LANOtMOCs.—'There Is a growing
tendency in this age to. appropriate the most expressive
words of other languages, and otter a While to incorporate
them Into oar own; thus the word Cephalic, which <a from
the Greek, signifying “for the head,” is now becoming
popularized in connection with Mr. Sledding's great Head
ache remedy, but it will soon he used in a more general
way. and the word Cephalic will become as common.a*
Electrotype and many others-wbose distinction w foreign
words baa been worn away by common usage until they
seem “native and to the manor born.'*
’ardly Realized.
HI ’ad ’n ’orrible ’eadachc this 1 (afternoon, hand I step
ped into the bapothecaries hand says hi to the. Until. -‘Can
yon liease me of an ’eadacllel”- “ Does it haclie’ard.” says
*e. “ Heieeedlogly,” says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a
Cephalic Pill. liaml 'pon me 'om*r it cured ms so (puck that
I 'ardly realized 1 ’ad 'ad an ’eadadra.
is.the favorite sign by which nature make*.
■ known auv deviation whatever from the natural-state of
! the brain.‘and viewed in this light tt may lie looked on as'
: a safeg -art! intended to give notice of disease which might
! otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied;
and ita indications should never be neglected. Headaches
I may be classified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and
I Idupathic. Symptomatic Headache Is exceedingly common
! and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among
1 which ore Apoplexy. Gout, Khenmat sm and all febrile di
seases. In ;ts nervous form it is sympathetic. «f disease of
1 tlie stomach constituting men headache, of hepatic disease
constituting bilious headache, of worms, constipation and
other disorders of the bowels, as well as ronal and uterine
affections. Diseases of tlie heart ore verv frequently >t-
I tended with Headaches: Anemia and plethora are also af
fections which frequently occasion headache. Idoputhic
Headache is also very Common, being unusually distin
guished by tlie name of ntrrous sometimes com
ing «u suddenly in a state of apparently, sound health and
prostrating at once tlie mental and physical energies, and
, in-other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by deprea
' shin of spirits or acerbity of vemper. In most instances
the pain is in the front of the bead over one or botli eyes, ■
' and sometimes provoking vomiting: under this class may
also be named \eurulgia.
• 'For tin- treatment of either class of Headache theCepha
, lie I'ilis have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving
flie most acute pains in a few minutes, and by ita subtle
jmwer eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the (
unerring index.
| DtIM»T. —Missus wants you to send her a box of Cepha-
I lie Uluf. no. a bottle of Fills.—but I'm thinking
Mlmfn not Just it n«lther ; but perhnps j e’ll bo aflher know
' ill fi what it i-*. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with tho
S.ok Ueadnqhc, aud wants some more of that same as re
! laived her before. s '
Druggist. —You must mean Spalding's Cephalic Fills.
Bridget. —Och'sure now and you’ve sed it. here's the
quiutber and give me the Fills aud dou’t be all day about
it sillier.
Constipation of Costiveness.
Jfo one of the ‘•many ills flesh is heir to’’ is so prevalent,
so little understood, and so much neglected us fVstivcness.
Ofteu originaling in cnrelessm-ss.-or -* (i‘‘iitnr\ habits is
regorged os a slight aisorder of too little cou— qneuce to
excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and com
panion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases,
and unless early eradicated it will bring the sufferer to uu
untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costivc
ness is tlio usual attendant are llenliaclie. Colic. Uiieunm
tism, Foul ilrealli. Piles and others of like nature, while
a long train of frightful diseases such os Malignant Fevers,
Ahrenses. Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia. Apoplexy. Epi
leyay. Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis. Melancholy
and Insanity, first indicate their presence ir the system by
tliis alarming symptom Nut uufnquciitly the diseases
named origmsito in Constipation, hut take on da indepen
dent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early
stage. From nil these considerations it follows that the
disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it
occurs, and no person should neglect to pet a box of Ceplia-
Uc Pills on the first appearance of the complaint, as their
timely use will expel the insidnous ajiproaehes of disease
and destroy this dangerous foe to human life.
A Beal Blessing.
Physician,—- Well, Mrs. Jones, how, is that headache T
Mrs. Jones. —Gone 1 Doctor, all gone I the pill you sent
cured me in just twenty minutes, I wish you weald send
more so that lean have them bandy.-
t . Physician . —Yon can get them atany Druggist. Call for
Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I recommend
them m all cases of Headache. .
ilrs. Jones. —I shall send for a box directly, and shall
tell all my suffering friends, fur they arc a real blessing.
Twenty Millions or Dojxaes Save®.— Mr. Spalding lias
sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue
and it is estimated that each 1 Kittle saves at least ten dol
lars worth of broken fnruiture. thus making an aggregate
of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by
this valuable invention.. Having made his Glue a house
hole word, bo now proposes to do the world still greater
service by curing ail the aching heads with Ids Cephalic
Pills, and if they are as.good os bis Glue, Headaches will
soon vanish away like snow in July.
A®*Over excitement, and tho mental caro and anxiety
incident to closo attention to. business it study, are among
tbo numerous cases of Nervous Headache. The disordered
state of mind aud body incident to this distressing com
plaint is.ii filial blow to all .energy and ambition. Suffer
ers by tills disorder can always obtain speedy relief from
these distressing.atta.ks by using one of tho Cephalic Pills
whenever the symptoms appear. It quiets tho overtasked
brain, and soootbes the strained and Jarring nerves, and re
laxes the tension of tho stomach Vliieh always iwcompa
uies and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain.
Fact Worth Knowing.' —Spalding's Cephalic Pills aro a
certain cure for Sick Headache, Dilions Headache Nervous
Headache, Costiveness aud General Debility.
Great Discovert. —Among tho most Important of all tbo
groat medical discoveries of this age may be considered the
system of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the
Cephalic Pill for relief of Ueadaqhe. and the use Quinine
for Hie prevention of Fevers, either of which is .a sure spe
cific, whoso benefits will-bo experienced by suffering hu
manity long after their discoverers are forgotten.
43~ Did you over have the Sick Headache f Do you re
main ber the throbbing temples, .tho fevered brow, the
loathing and disgust at the eight of food. How totally un
fit yon were for pleasure, conversation or study. "One of
tho i ' Pills would have relieved you from all the
suffering which yon then experienced. For this and other
purpose yon should always havu a box of them ou baud
to use as occasion requires.
Nervous Headache
By the use of Oieso Pills the periodic attache of Xervous
or sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken at the
icommencement of an attack immediate relief from pain
apd sickneea will be obtained.
■ They seldom tail in tcm-ivlng the ifinaea and Headache
io which females are so subject.
They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Cbstiveness.
For LUerarg Mai. Students, -Delicate Females, and all
persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a laxative,
improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the diges
tive; organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength
.of the whoie system. ■
The CEPHALIC PILLS we the res,nit oflong investiga
tion and carefully wnducted experiments, having been in
nse many years, doring which time they have prevented
and; relieved a vast amount of, pain aud aroffering
Headacho, whether originating In the nervous system or
froin a deranged state of the .stomach.
n>cy are entirely vegetable ip (their composition, and
may be taken at aU times with pefect safety without
mafcipg any change of diret, and the absence gf any disa
greßMe taste renders it easy to administer (hem to children.
The genuine hate fire signature* of Ucnry C. Spalding on
each Box. :
Sold by Druggteta and all other Beaiara in Medielnca,
A. Box yrUl be aent tjy mail prepared on receipt of the
- All ordera sbouid be addrcoaed to
jiENjar o-spAxomp,
Nor. 16,’Cp.viy.] « Cedxr Street Naw Tork.
i'THi » fib Oiitmi.pMiS Ui? iSliiW Jiuß
i Amucmo, Dbcogists.Obocees and Peitai#. ’
. Fannin i
WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy.
WOLFE’S Pure Maderie. Sherry and Port Wlsa,
WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum..
WOLFE’S Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky.
I beg leave to call the attention :<>f the citizens of the
; United states to the above Winee and Liquors, imported by
Upolpho ffowt, of New York, wli(*sp name is fiimilinr in
eVery uart «f this country for the purity of his celebrated
, ScimuuK Schsapp*. Mr. Wolfe, in iiis letter tome,speak
ing of the purity of bis Wihcs and -Liquors, says; “1 will
Make my reputation as a man. my standing ns a merchant
of thirty years’ residence In the city of New York, that all
Che Brandy and Wines wliioli 1 Uittlo are pure as Imported,
and of the b-st>‘qnnlity. and can lib irelied upon by every
purchaser.” Every bottle has the proprietor's nnme'on the
wax, and a fac -i:uilo of Ids signature of the Certificate.—
The public are respectfully invited tb-cnll and examine for
themselves. For ante at Retail by all Apothecaries and
Grocers in Philadelphia.
| Geobqs H. Ashton. No. 832 Market St_ Phiia.
J Sole .Agent for Philadelphia,
j Road the following from the New V-i-k Courier;
arc Imppy to iufonn our follow-citizens timvihoro's one
| place in our city wlo-ro tlie physician, apothecary, and
; cun'll;--'merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and
I l.iqu ira, as ,mni aa imported, and of (he best quality, \Vo
do not intend to giro dn elalaimte description of this mer
cliant's extensive business. although it will well repay any
stranger or citizen to visit lidolplto Wolfo'sextenaive ware
house. Nos. 18. 2d and 22. Beaver street, and Nos, 17. 19
and 21. Market field street. His btockof Schnapps on hand
i ready f. r shipment could not have l been less than thirty
thousand casus; tlie Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vin
tages orts3o to I’Sfi; and ten. thousand eases of Madeira,,
: Sherry and Port Wine. Scotch and Irish W hiskey. Jamaica
1 and St, Croix Bum. some very oki and equal to any in this
country. lie also had three largo cellars, filled with Bran
dy. Wine. 4e.. in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for
liettling. Mr. Wolfe’s sales of Schnapps tasty ear amounted
to one hundred and eighty tlidnsand dozen, and \rc hope in
less than two years he may be equally successful with his
Brandies and Wines. :
His business merits the patronage of every lover of bis
specie*. Private families who wish pitre Wines and Liquors
for ineiib'al use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe,
until every Apothecary in the landi make up their minds
to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and re
place it with Wolfe's pure Wines ami Liquors.
We understand that Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation
of small deab-rs in tile country, puts np assorted cases of
Wine, ami Liquors Such a man. ami such a merchant,
should lie -nstained against hi- trns of thousands of oppo
nents in the United States, who sell nothing but imitations,
ruinous alike to human health and happiness. ■*
Sept. 13. 1800-t!ra.U.
JL customers, and the public generally, that he has Just
received a large and beautiful assortment of
which, for magnificence extent aqdivarlety. have never
before been excelled in Blaircounty. Particular attention
is inviud to our stock of *■ *
Hack as Black and Fancy Silks. Challics, Bereges, Brilliants,
Latqns, Delaines, Chintes, Deßeges, Crapes, Prints,
Crape ami Stella Shawls, Mantillas, Undersleeves and
Jlosiery, Bonnets and Ribbons, Collars, Hand
kerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Ifooped Skirls, Skirt
ing, Lace Milts, cfc.. <£c.
We have Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tweeds, Joans, Ac.
Heads of families would do well to call and examino-our
stock of Winter Goods for Boys.
Bouts; Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Quecnsware, Wood
and tt illow 11 arc, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., in any quantity
and at prices that cannot fail to please.
Onr stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and
consists of Uio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf anil N. O
Sugars: Green, Y. 11. and Black Tens; Molasses, Soaps, -
Candle, Sait, Fish, Ac.
1 hank ful to the public for the very liberal patronage
heretofore received, he hopes by strjet attention to busi
ness, and an ondeayur to please, to merit a coutinoonce of
the same. !
*»* Country Produce of all kiuds taken in exchange for
Goods at market prices. '
Oct. 25, 1600; ; ,J. b. HI LEMAN.
. ’ •' : U
Salt River Passengers, Ho!
il under the neces. ity of leaving early iu' November
for the bend watet-s of Salt Rivelv in tho ship UNION,
-which will pos lively sail about that! time; and knowing
that many of my friends will go along and will want afl
outfit. I take this opjiortuuity of Informing them us well
as all my old frlends and customers, that 1 have just re
turned from the East, where I purchased a large stock of
Goods, which I am now opening lit mv t tore In North
Ward, to which 1 invite inspection.' It is' the
ns well as tho CHEAPEST lot of poods brought to the
town this fall. The reason why I 'say the cheapest is ob
vious to every n fleeting mind, because as the season ad
vances (the merchants iu the oast say) prices decline, there
fore 1 have an adv.-imago of from £0 to 25 per cent, over
those who purchased early in the sea,on, and I can and
will sell cheaper than any other hound, in the place. Pur
chasers will thus at once sec tho propriety- t at least ex-,
•mining my stock before buying elsewhere. My stock
consists of all the newest styles or j '
fur th« season, also a full of
Misses' Fell and Strata flats,’’
and everything in the line of Dry Goods and Notions which
It is unnecessary to enumerate. All' of which will be sold
for cnsll, or to prompt (laying monthly customers, or ex
changed for alt articles of Produce which can bo consumed
hcTp or exchanged for goods In tho Hast.
' ■! A. McCOUMICK.
N. B.—The subscriber has.arrangements in ths East by
which ho can supply any article ntishurt notice. .
Altoona. Oct. 25, 1850.. X. MPCoRHICK. ■
New grogery aind liquor
STORE.--rTho undersigned Would beg leave to an
nounce to the citizens of Blair county and vicinity that be
bus opened his new Store on street, three doors
below the Superinlendaif s Office, where he has just received
from the East and West' a large assortment of.,
Foreign and Domestic Liquors, &&
consisting os follows:
French Otard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach
1 Brandy, Cherry Brandy, ;i Old Burgundy
Wine, Old Pori M ins, Favxaicct Hum
Holland Gins Old Ryt- Whiskey, .
Monongabela Whisky, and
Rhine Winel ;
which he has himself Imported! Retailers of Liquors and
Farmers will find it to their advantage to buy of bin.:
as he will sell at CITY PRICES. : -M ' 3 ■ '
• He will also keep constantly on hfoid an assortment of
Such as Flour. Baepn, Salt, Msk, Tobacco, Sc
guru. Syrup, Sugar, C<messc., Ac.,
A n° f wiU J b ®»°M «h««P ®>r <%h or Country Prodnce.
Our Mends and the public generally are respectfttlly ln
vitod to give us a call before purchatipg elsewhere. ■
Altoona, May 26, 1869.-tf '; ■ FLACK.
Bakery and Grocery Store.
The subscriber keeps con-
STANTLY on hand 4
Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &C.
•Also, a choice lot of SEGAKS and TOBACCO.
Nov. 10. Virginia Street,-bClow Annie Street. .
. TEA FAMILY FLOUR for tale by
Sept. 13, ISCtMCJ One Boor BAow the Pott Office.
X' foraaie. Apply to JOllii SHOEMAKER.
Sept. 20. ? At the Port Office.
maftraalCat ’ ,fl-tf.] | KESSLER'S. ;
• And tulimoninlp. ni-xv and almost without number might
be given from Indies and gentlemen in all grade* ofsoele
ty. whose united testimony none could resist,thatProfesaor
Wo*hl’j Hair Restorativa will restore the baklnndgray,
and preserve Uie hair of the youth to cld age, la all 1M
youthful beautv.
B.MTUt Casa*. Mich., Dec. 2lst, ISSB.
Peof. Woob:—Thee wilt please acre pt a line to -ufom
thee that the hair on my heart all fell off over twenty years
ago, caused by a coraplicatad.diruiiic disease. nttenoed with
an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering
through lifts haring reduced me to a state of de)iendei>e<u {
hare net been able to obtain stuff for cape, neither Bara I
been able to do them up. in consequence of which my head
ha* suffered extremely from cold. This induced mo to pay
Briggs AODwlgeenlninat the last cent 1 had on earth fora tun*
dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of A**
gnst last. I have faithfully followed the directions and tha i* now covered with hair thick and black, though
short*.it.i* coming In nil over my head. Feeling esnfident
that another largs bottle would restore It enliivly and per*
manently, 1 feel anxious to- persevere in it* use. m.d iK-ing
destitute of meiins to purchase any more. 1 ould nsk tbua
iflhee wouldst not be willing to scud me an order on thin*
ggenu for a bottle, and receive to thyself th scripture da*
duration— ‘- the reward la to those that are kind to tha wi
dow, and the fatherless.” ihv (Head.
•_ „• , tMOftinX Rhle Cc 3 lad,. Jell. 6th,. 18M.
r«0». O. J. Wponj—D«r flm latter part of tha
par 1852. while attending the State and Naiii-nol Law
School of the State, of Now York, my halt, horn a cause, 1 ,
unknown to mo, commenced falling off Very rapidly,so that-'
Ip the short space of six biontUs, tlw whole upper part of ;•
my sculp was almost entirely bereft orita covering,* and ■!
tench of Uic mnalulug portion u|>oii the side nod back part
of my head shortly after became gray. So that you will not
bis surprised wheii 1 tell you that npon my return to this
State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances wens not
•p much, at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my
nppeursiice. as my more intimate acquaintance-* were ta
recognite me nt all.
I at once made application In the most skillful phyil*.
dans <n the country, but, receiving from them iioassurahce
that my hair could again be restored, J wa* foroedte be*
edme reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately. In the latter
part of the >cal 1857, your Restorative was recommsned
M me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Hesto*
ratlve iu use. 1 tried one i*ottle. and fomul to tny great
ssitisfaotiun tliat it was producing tint ikslied effect. Blue*
that time I have used seven dollars’ worth of your R«tloi>
ativo, and ns a result, have a rich coat of very soft black'
hair., which no motley can buy, *
;A* a mark of my gratitude for yunr lsbor and skill In
the production of so wonderful an article. I have meurn*
mended it* use to many of my frleMt and
who, lam happy to iuform yon. are using it with like af
fect. Tery respecttUUy. jours, '
“ A, M. LATTA,'
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Dppot. 4-U Broadway, and lull by all dialer* thrpuab&Bl
the world.
The RestoratiT« U put up in bottlesof three-sizes, via:
largo, medium, nrd final) i- tlte small fluids >< it pint, anil
retail* for one dollar per buttle; the medium bold* at least
twenty per cent,, mine in projiorilontlian the luiidl, retails
for two doll.'rs a bottle; the large, holds a quart. 40 pet
cent, more in proportion and retails for $3 » buttle. , ,
0{ J. WOOD £ CO., Proprietors.'444. Broadway. 1 Kaw 1.
York, and 114 Market Street, B ti Louis, Mo. '
Sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Uoods Dealers. . i
Sept. 6, 1860. r , I
Bontsto the attoutiou of mothers her - *
S OOT H I N Q ■fe Ya U
which grrutly facilitates the processor teething,hy soften*
ing the gums reducing all Inflammation will allay pain and
spasmodic action, and la sure to regulate the Eontle.
Depend upon it mother*, it will give rest to yourselves,
and Relief and Health to your Infante. ' /
Wc have put up and sold this article for Overton rears,
and can say, in confidence and truth of it, what ire haw
never been aide to say of any opier medicine—never has it
tilled, in a single instance,. to effect a cure, when timely
used. Never did we know an instance of diseatieftctfon by
any ono who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted
with its operations, and Jpekk In tonne of highest coiumen
dation of its magical effects dud medical virtues. We Speak
In this matter “ what we do know,” after ton years’ ex pe
ri race, and ]>ledgo our reputation for the (Vilfllmeui ofwliat ■
we here declare. In almost every Instance where the in
fant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief-will be ,
foniid In fifteen or twenty minutes.'after the syrup to ad
ministered. . - ■
Tide valuable preparation U the preieriptlon of one of
the!moat ex]H>rlencc(l mid gkilUnl none* In. New England,
nml ha* been used with never-failing aoccete in Vumtandt .
of cases.
It not only relieves the child from pain, hut Invigorate* •
tho stomach and bowels, corrects ncidity;, arid gives ton*
and energy'to the Vhnlo system. It wijf almost instantly
relfeve Griping in .the S/.nfitls ondH7jsi Colic*, end over*
come convnlsoins, which, If not speedily remedied, end In
death. We believe It tho best surest remedy in the
world. In oil coses of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in children, _
whether it arises from teething or Irdm any other cause.—
We would say to every mother who has a child suffering
from any of tho forgoing complaints—do not let your pre
judices, nor the prejudices of others, stand between yuor '
suffering cliildand the relief that will be sore—yes, v
Intoty sure—to follow the use of this medicine, if tliqoly. -
used. Full directions for using will accompany each bot
tle. None genuine unlit# the fac-slmilo of'CURTIS k
PKHKINS. Now York.‘t» on the outsido wrapper.
Sold by Druggists throughout the world, and by Q. W. :
Kessler and A. Roush, druggists, Altoona. ’ Price 23 cats
per bottle. ' - • , - .
4ST Principal Offleo, No, 13 Cedar street, Jf. Y.
July 12,1860,-ly.
Great Rush tq « DAN’S,”
Cheap Clothing Store,
In Kessler’s did Prog Store, on Viiginfa St.
. i J-/ h> be out-done by any one in the sale of
and other Notions. He line a largo stock of Overcodta. of
the beat quality and Utest styles, black and Ihnef
pioiii SUK VESTS. Frock and Dews COATS
r ’^'° f eTery colurj OT“W*y and style, for uun awf
Gents Shaicls, Hats, Gaps, Bools and Shots ofr
every style, quality afifi price for old and young/
Ladies fine Dress and Morocco Boots, Bert's
Morocco lace Boots, Ladiks and Misses* \
Gaiters, and a great variety of Chil- - r ’
x dren’s Shoe* Ladies Nolies,
■ Children's fanty Herts and
Hoods. Gents Shirts,' .
,i Undershirt* afrd ’ - >, -
j 1 ’ , _ ■ Drawers, v' ’ .
Collars, Gloves, ) - ,
_ • • Uosiary, ,C : i
Ladtu Gloves, MiUs t £c. % in great varittg*
-Also, a largo assortment of CARPETING of all atria* '
and price?, vnrimw patterts of OU Cloths, Table Cmeftu
Dlahkets. Mo*liu, Sheeting. Trunks. Corjiet Bags Vulleeo!
ladies’ Morocco SachcU. Umbrcll.ia, Also/’
of every dcwrjption, such as Breast Pius, Ear-Rings, Plums
Lockotfl. Rmifletf?, Gold and Sllrt*r
Oiildren’s Gold and Cnml Tuck-ups. Gent's Shirt Studs’
hadiesand Gent a Sleeve Buttons, silver Table and lea
,mona, **Cl*ofkr-t Knives, Pistols, Pocket. 1 Side
“d Toilet'
Apq Totin Article®, 4c.. nil of which will be told tt
,nrp and call at “Dan’s” befowyo*
£•> olsowhero and you will aftvo money. 1
Altoona. Oct. 4.18t0.3m tAVQ ™**' ;
and oyster saloon
. FORM the citizens of Altoona and viclnit* that thi*
.SSSf T&3S2T
He has always on hand a lot of
Ho is at til times prepared to supply cokes, candle*. ke >
ftr plc-nlcs and other parties. He Jnvltes a ikmofill*!
te-jatronage, belie Ting that he can render full ■ttMuStin
Remember, bis store and saloon is onTlnriuiaatiMt.t*»
doors below Pattoirs Hall. OTTO
& BOUHKte,
Manufacturer* and lmport«i
Sept. 20, IMO.-Sm V
* I
A Wi the standard pa
: : ■ Kifc '; ■ '^KR^t