f ■ “ The Potatoes, they aro small, ' Over there, over there.” —Old Song. A GOOD “DIALOGUE. Mr. Smith—How is it, neighbor Jones, that ,your potatoes are so large and.fine, while just .over .the. fence, on similar soil r min? nre.as small M paljets’ eggs, and precious few.at that ? Mr. Jones—l manured this field %ltli brains. Mr. B.—’Pshaw—All the Cincinnati hog-kil •lera couldn’t supply brains enough for this ten acre field. ■; . >'.■ , Mr. J.—l used human brains, of which there oro-plenty. ' : V ‘Mp. S.—Nonsense—Now don’t make fun of •me because I’m unlucky, and Providence .has' :seut you a good crop. ' . ' Mr. J. —Providence helps those help themselves. I used my own brains on this field. ’ ' ■ 'J"; ■ : ■’ Mr. S->—So did I mine, and they, are .as good .$s anybody’s. • ■ Mr. J.—Ah I There’s the trouble. You know it all your, self; .1 don’t, apd so I get all the out* •side help’l cap. I’ve been collecting. other ■.j men’s bnitu for my land for - twenty years, and you See one.result in fAwepopi » ' MP.-S.— Yes, I sec the result, but I don’t un .Nderslandii • MK J.—Well, when, we began here 20 years myself a good fanner, botl be lieved others had gopd ideas, too, and 1 made it my business to ,get at their thoughts; some I found in agricultural books and papers, others I up at the County Fairs, by asking how .the big things were raised, and often I’ve got a ;good hint from;a neighbor. . \ . r Mr. S. —l’ veal ways, been down on this “book ‘fhrroing,” hot your crops stagger me, they’re real kapok down arguments. IJm'sick of the poor.ahow I get for'all my work, .and am -des perate enough to try any thing for improve ment. ‘ V- . Mijv J.*-!’!! giveybu-my experience; it ip ay aid ypu. About, nineteen that - some men who had been brought up on farms haf! clubbed together, tu}d, one. of ; them was going to publish d piperj Wljich sbould consist mainly' of accounts of Apto ‘ different fanners cultivated various crops, and such like matters. •I sent for the paper' and have done so every yearthink over the ten thousand thoughts, imd hints, and suggestion)}! have thus gathered. iVlbat a blapk would be left in my head, if these .thoughts were taken away. Mr. S.—But docs tile practice of farmers on otherkinds of soil and with a different climate, suit your wants ?• Mr.J.—lVhyno.not exactly, perhaps. But then, every thought 1 get from another, atari* a new ihoughl in my otm mindt ODdihuß l am con-; stoutly improving my own-skill and practice. Yon pee, 1 get all the brains ]! bom. from other men’s heads, and composf thqmweli in my own Aead with admixture of common sense,vand then* .make the application to my fields.., In that way, I have manured this crop of potatoes with plen ty of brains. The editor calied here last week oft bis Western tour among farmers, and seeing jaj good crops, be asked me to write out jnst ’/Sbwd have treated this field for years past, and I promised to do it as soon as my crops are gathered. He will probably print it, as he com etantly prints all such practical matters, .and perhaps a hundred thousand persons will read ,it; and though nobody else may do just as Ido, many will get a new.bint, and improve upon it. You may tead it if yon will. Mr. S.—l would like to borrow your paper. Mr. J.—Better take it yourkolf, for then you .will be more likely to road it You will find hundreds of plain talks Rbcut .various kinds of crops,'during, a single year. -One hint gave five bushels of corn on each acre of a largejield in .ar single year. :-V ■’ ■ Me. S.—l can't afford to.take it.this.year. Nr. i—Yon would think nothing of,spend ing tw» cents n.week for extra .tobacco, or a blgar, or candy, and that’s all the paper will cost How little a week it costs to.snpply your- Slfond family with & targe amoapt of infor-- ation through any good paper. - m - : Mr. S.—What are the politics of that pa. t«tT ■ M*. J.—l» doesn’t touch politics. It is do ’ rotea to snob subjects as Field and Garden •rops, Animals, etci, and has, besides, a good dealabout Woman’s Work, which wife says is worth more than, ten times- the >few pounds of hatter it costs to pay for the paper. Then there » also a department for the young folks con* tomipg many things which please the children— not mere trashy stuff, such as is too often.print ed, for thenv.but information that will have a good; influence bn them. I would sell a dozen hushels-ofjabeat to bare ifly j oong people get the good reading in timt'papcr, but the average price of bno bushel will pay for it a year. -My John says he can pay for it easy with the eggs from two or three bens. ,1/ I was ttmechanicor merchant and bad had' only a littld garden, I should take the paper to -tell me hotr to make the best use of the little plot ;, and if IJiad not a foot of land I should still want it for my" Wife, andjibildren. : ’ Mr. B:—Jloesthecditor Know any thing about farming ? Mr. J,-—The editor who owns and publishes the paper was brought tip on a farm, where be learned' to work. He has studied all the books on fanning, nod experimented for years - in the laboratory, and has besides, traveled all over the country to sec wlmf was doing.' Then he several associates—Farmers, Gardeners, and Housekeepers, who know what they write about-,.and among them nil they do gather up a wonderful lot of information every year. The language, too, is so plain, so like talking with ypn, that I enjoy reading it. Then, too, every paper has; engravings, which show one exactly now ammals and plants, and implements, and bonsehoid furniture look, much ; better' than WorjiS eould describe them. Among theso jire pUtis of buildings, that help bricj to plan others; Ohdiftlso many very fine large pictures; which are worth more than the cost of a whole vol ume. ■ ■ r ■ j Mr. S.—l suppose those engravings and des criptions are partly to help the editor sell im plements or Mr.* 3.—Not at all. The editor keeps nothing of the sort to sell, so that he may be perfectly free .to praise or condemn anything, according 'BB it may be valuable or worthless to hia reader*. you .Would laugh to 'sec how ho comes down ‘on, pobr inventions, patent manures, and all kinds' of-humbugs. Mr. £L—ls the paper adapted to our part of the. country ? ' ■; ;Mr. J, —Exactly. Soils and crops and cli mates differ, but the general prinoiples of culti vation, ate the same everywhere, and here is the benefitof a paper published for the whole coum, Mvety reader gets new. ideas by learning what is J|one somewfaero else; and further, I cndtbatthepajper has letters from every jm l of tbe-conntfy, and one or more associate edi tors |n different sections, so that we get Infor mation; from many regions; and our own too. One , thing I must mention . particularly. The editor is conStantly'warning his readers against humhvge, telling boW sharpers take the advan tage of people. Why, I was just -going to send a dollar-fos -an article advertised in glowing colors, when 1 found it shown up as a humbug in this paper. Dutlcuu not stop to'talk -more now t- 1 have tuch a-letof potatoes- to har veat *- ■ ■ ■ ‘ .r ' ■' Mr. S.—l wish-/--had. I must Try that paper a year, and see what there is in it. 1 can hum age to save two cents a week; . Mr. J.—-Never Tear—lf yon don’t finditphys, I’ll bay your copies pt keep. ‘ Mr, S. What did you say the paper is palled? ‘ ~ Mr. American Agriculturalist. It is published iu New York City. 'The editor,-though one of our country farmers, andliving in. the country, finds he can publish it cheaper there, where printing, and paper, and mailing facilities are all convenient. , Mr. S.—How shall I.gct it? Mr. J.—Simply inclose a dollar bill in o.let ter, giving your name. Post Office, County, and State plainly, and direct to Oiumqb Jcdd, 41 Park Row, New York City. Mr. S.—When does a volume begin ? Mr. J.—The TVcn&tA .vplumebegins Jan. Ist) ■but all who send in the dollar now, get the re maining numbers of this year, ;n addition to the whole of next year’s. So if you subscribe now, you get fourteen months’ papers. . The proprie tor also offers some valuable premiums to those who get up lists of subscribers. Send Tor the paper, and you may .afterwards find it well worth- while ,to make tip a club. Some 1700 persons have got good premiums in this way 'during two years. ' Some of your Genian .neighbors’- would join you, perhaps, for the Agriculturist is printed separately iu- German. I did intend to start a drib myself, but I have so many potatoes to dig, I can not get the‘time. My 'sister-m-law in lowa, got up n club last year and received a premium of a] $5O Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine; an; qld ncquain . tance -in Wisconsin got two or 1 three good Tam ing implements, and a young nephew of mine in Ohio got a beautifuTcopy of Webster’s great Dictionary. These things only post.'them a little time, showing the paper evenings and election day. Send in your subscription and the first paper will tell you all about the pre miums. I forgot to tell you that every year the publisher, also, sends put to all his feub scribers who want them a lot of choice garden and field seeds. Mr. S.—What does he charge Tor thorn ? Mr. J.—Nothing! They are sent /rei, ex cept Uie postage. They are of the best kind and one single parcel I got last year was worth more to me than the price of the paper. Mr. S.—l’ll try it a year, any way; if.’half what you say is true it will be a good invest ment, . Mr.'J.—Ybti’ll find every word I have said true. • -. i -■ , i Mr. S.—l’ll send; this very night,. while in the'spirit of it - Mr. J.—Do it, and you’ll always thank rao foTj this. .talk... Good day, I- must hun-y up dig ging my potatoes, I’ve such a lot of them— tpanks'.tp'a hint in the Agriculturist. Sir. S.—How did you say I should direct the letter containing the Dollar ? M. J.—2b Orange Judd, 41 Park Row, New York City. J PROF. L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOR! I A N EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECO NOMICAL COMPOUND, FOR RESTORING GRA T HAIR to Its origins] color without dyslog, sud preventing the hair from turning FOR PREVENTING BAEJONESS, snd curing It,When there is the Isset particle ofvitality or recuperative en ergy remaining. ' ■ FOR REMOVING SCURFAND DANDEVFF. and all cutaneous affections at the-Scslp. •’ 1 FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, imparting to it an un equalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky In its texture and causing it to curl readilyl The great celebrity and the increasing demand tor this unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor'that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of Its superior qualities over any other preparation atpresent In use. It cleanses the bead and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causes the hair to grow luxuriant ly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosening and thining, it will give strength and vigor to tlie roots, »nd restore the growth to those parts which have become bald, causing It to yield afresh catering of hair. There are hundreds; of ladies and gentlemen in New York wlio have hod their hair restored by the Use of tills Invigorator, when all other preparations had failed. L. M. has in his possession letters Innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair has al ready changed its color, the nee of the Invigorator will with certainty restore it to its original &ue, giving it a dark, glossy appearaheo. As a perfume fur the toilet and aHnir Restorative it is particularly recommended, .havingah agreeable fragrance: and the groat facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist With the Inv%orator can be dressed in any required form so auto preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for It by the ladies as a standard toilet article which udne onghtto bo without, as the titles places it within the reach sf all, being. 1 . ONLY 35 GENTS per bottle; to be had at all respectable druggists and perfa* mers.‘ ■ ■ ■ ~ yv ' v KMILIiEU would call the attention - of Parents, and Guardians to.tho nse of the Invlgorator, iii cases where the childrens* Hair inclines to be weak. 'Xho use of It lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it retnoves.any impu rities that mny have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which Is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance of Its Hair. CAUXION.—None genuine without the fee SimileXOUlS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also,X. HILLER’S HAIR IN VIOOHATOR. N. V. blown lii the glass, t > i- ■ Wholesale Depot, 50 Dey St., and sold' by all the princi pal Merchants and. Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discount to purelmsers by the quantity. . I also dcsimto present to the American Public my 1 New and Improved Instantaneous ‘ LIQUID HAIR DYE which after years of scientific cxperimentinglfaaTe.bronght to perfection. It dyes Black dr Brown instantly without Injury to the Hniror Skiu, warranted the best article of th* kind in existence. ■ • • 3Mce, Only 59 Aug. JS, >SO-ly. > Depot, 66 lh»y gt, \ew York. •v . &■ ■j ' l '- © - ■■' Ho * | ■ ■, _ • ovs Crl Siiq ,| d fip 02 , Ss 3 q * j§ £ ■ **» 6 #5 S ” o O -fwj §|fH' ® | m»K if.:' f'QS« gsi **s.l si ! 'fej § rr : g rV'l Se|»ae §8 fi hH 5 g|= - g.l;- w*, ; I*l r- §S-2 “ I I fcjfc „ L mJ y ulial AA Q CT' 1 3 1 S £H| PA o M ,§ ° BA - O r . § Sff itj MS •. - O 1 8 -S® 2 -<2 t«00 : te S= ® - H 99 * P ys ■ « m Tbl-tefe-i C ) si | s li «■ . : fM : H-1 , QHOE-i , mi)INGS.—JUST ißEGEl fcyjeda'sjjod assortment JofShoo-Ffoillng*, of all do -1 wtpQiMu, wHsh we wllatjow prlceajor pash. ’ 3ttty»/lW ' ' BTBWART-4 THOMPSON. ' ; MOFFAT’S LIFE-PILLS aod PflffiNlX BITTERS. f'piIESJtftEHTCINES HAVE NOW 1 beep b'-forc the pnldiasfor a period of thirty years, and daring that time hare, maintained a high fharacteria almost cfery part,of fur their octraordinarynud immediate power of restoring perfect health topersonssnf feriug under pearly every kind of disease to which the hu man frame is liable. -v. Thwibllowing are among the distressing variety cf hu maif diseases in which the V VEGKTABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to bo infallible. DYSPEPSI A, by thoroughly cleansing Die first and sec ond etcjowohiri and creating n flow of pure, healthy bite, in stead Of the anil ncrid hind; FLATULENCY, Doss or Appetite, Hnirtbnrn. Headache, Reef loesne*?, 1U Temper, amt -Mc lahch'-iy. which are eymp&nuofDyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural conso goencoof its core, COSnVKNIiSy. by cleansing fho wbolo icDgth oftlie in testines with # solvent process, and. without. yiolence; ail violent purges ilcarc the bowels costive within two days. FKYEUS (jf alt klmls. by restoring: the Wood to a rego lacciiicuiatioh, through tlic process ofrespiratirm in such catesi:Asid.tb« thorough solution of-all intestinal obstruc tion in others. . .. , v The Idfe Medicines have been known to cnreTtllßCMA- TlSMpormaueutly in three weeks, and GOUT in half that tiineyny removing load inflammat ion from the muscles and llgameota-ofUiojoiuts. t i - v >. . LUOLWIKS Of allkinrts, byireeingand strengtheningtbe kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully vn fitese Important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for tlic worst.casea ofGRAYiiL. , ■ WORJre.'hr from five turnings of the bowel? the slimy matter to-Which these creatures adhere; .iSCUDViX* ULCEUS. and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity’Which thesoLlFfi MEDICINES giyo to the humors.; :• "i; i SCORBUTIC EUDFTIO.NSknd BAD COMPLEXIONS, By i their alteratire eilect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and tbe morllid state of which’ occasions alLernptive com- Wonny.'and other disagreoaole complexions. ■’(Theiiuse of these Pills for a very short lime will effect an entirocureof SALT JIHEOM. and a strikiiiginiprovoment intliolclearnete of theskiu. COMMON , COLDS and IN FLUENZA will nlways bo enred by oue dose. or bytvro in .the.wiinst coses. k *’• jPlliiES. —Bio original proprietor of those inert ictnes.wAs 35 yeara-standing, by the use of the Life ■’ (FEyER i-AOUE.—For this scourge of the Western coun try,* these medicines will be found a safe, speedy nuu certain repiedy-. Other medicines leave the system subject to a re turn Of Hie disease—a cure by these ’medicines is pertna pant-r-try tliem, Be ralisfiert, ami be curort. . ’ .TOliLlOOgFlfyßltSane LIVER COM PLAINT?.—G ep diml fltebillty.- losa of appetite and .disease? of females—the medicines lidve bcen nsedwitb tbo‘ most beneficial results -in. cases of tlj!(s description:—Kings Evil and Fcrofiila.’in its worst formisryields tp>the nriid yet powerful action of th|eBp .Night tweaks, Notypua.lh? hllllyj NcfyoSjiS Complaints of all kinds, palpitation Of the H^Qsi'™'’’t*rB , Colic, are'speedily cured. >, i tJ^MERCURTAL-DlSEASES.—Porsonswbose constitution., mire Becnme’lmpaircd by the iuiudicimis use of Mcrci ry. iriU-flnd’these medicines a pcrlPct cure, as they never fail to,onMligirtp from the system all the effects, of Mcrcuryl ih nqi tely srohffr titan - the most powerful preparation of Sar saparilla. - - . - . ’ anuibold'by . W; B. MOFFAT, . '' i j- 355 Broadway, New-York, 4 Tor.,sale by att-Druggists., - [Sept. IS, 1860-ly. JLtX; private instructor for inarried.pereoiis. ~, m, er thpjc (ibopt to, bn .married boi{i inale fematp, Incyprytlging concerning Ky ifnff toelaffphs toT otir systcnij 'nhd the Auction or p%jejrtion,oteprto,including ail the new dis coveries periir bftfoM 'gTveri fn tlift En£lfsh*languagc. l.iv WM. YOUXO.M. D. This is.really a valuable and inter esting .work. [:Tt is ■written in plain language fer tile gene rnl N rcadcr,nitd is illustrated with numerous Engravings. All ypung ntarrjed people, or those contemplating piar riago,- and having theleast impediment to married life, should read Hus hpuk. It discloses secrets that every one ahonld boacquainted with; still it is a book that-must be locked up. arid not lie about the house It will top sent to any on© 6U the receipt of twenty-live cents in specie or in posing* stamps ' Address Dlt. WM.i’ODNG, ISo. 416 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, I’a. AND tJNFOI’.TUNATE—So matter disease, before you place yourself under the care of any. ono of the notonous.-qne.cks—native or for eign-rwho, advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of either ofllr. Young’s Books, and read it carefully. It will the njeans of saving you many a dollar,, your health and possibly yonr life. DIU! YOTOG can bo consulted on any of the diseases de scribed in hW publications, at Ids Office, No. 116 SprnceSt. above Fourth. [Apr.12,’60.-lyeow. PATENT KEROSENE Oil CARBON OIL LAMPS I ‘ . - Unrlpaledtn Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. l! ETwijr person desiring to obtain the very best'and cheap eat pee table light within 'their reach', should call at the store oTthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we 'pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist.' That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That,they emit ho offenatre odor while burning. 3d. ■ Tliat ihey arc rerv e.*urSly'.tHmmdd:' : 4th., ; That they aro easily regulated to giro more or less «Si.‘ TUt&iey burn "entirely free from smoke. 6th.; That the light is at least '6O per cent, cheaper than ' any other light now in common n«e; These lampsare admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, pdechahics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, Stores* Hotels, and are highly recommended forfamily use. = Tha burner of tho Carbon Oil Lamp can bo attached to oldnide, lianging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer -every purpose of a new lanp. tro guarantee perfect satisfaction in allcases. . Augi io; IflsB-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. THE HREEN BOOK. JUST PUB LISHED, 160 PAGES, PRICE 26' Cents;; On Single and Married life; or,the /7»/»/J! Institution of Marriage; its Intent, Obii gallons, nnd]Physical end Legal Disbnali siMmSkkmßr ficatlons ; tim ralional treatment of all private diseases in both Sexes, Ac. To,which is added a poetical essay, enti tled “CblUpiiediae or the art.pf having and rearing beau tiful and healthy children, by. the late Robert J. Cclvxr well, Esq, M. D. _ Sehi free |f postage, by the Publishers, Chas. Kuxb 4 S?” x *BB(},Ncw York,or Dexter d Cb., Wholesale agents 113 hassiiu street, Jlew York, Agents wanted everywhere. Also, Gr ajrs, ah extract and sample of the above etui titled! Dr. (Mrerwai’s Lecture on the rational treatment of Spsmiatbtrhoca and privatd diseases generally, detailing the means by whiph invalids may effectually ‘cure them sclveß vfithout the use,ofdAngerona medicines, and atfbnt litlla expense to themselves. ? Scnt.frde by mail in a secure envelope, ortithe receipt of one stomp, to prepay postage, by addressing, . CHAS. CLINE 4 CO., Febl 22, l?o9. Box 4588, New York City. Bouse, sign and ornament i AT, PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS 4 WALSH re Bpectihllyannonnce'to the public that they are prepared to do all [kinds bf • , HOUSE, t&TON AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in a workmanlike manner and at low prices. They also keep constantly oh hand and for sale, at lowest prices, OIIi,'GLASS, PUTTY PAINTERS’ TOOLS ; ALSpj LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED & ENGRAVED WINDOW GLASS, LOOKING GLASS A PICTURE • ‘ KKAMES, GILT AND RCjSE WOOD MOULDINGS, ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMiES. AU Qnlcrs leftnt A. Roush’s Drug Store, Altoona, will receive prompt attention. Sltbp oh Montgomery street, XToUid.iysburg. Pa. April 5. l?(J0.-tf. ■ ■ • INSTITUTE, r ]^y-y car *>'- o i‘ ipiActide, DR. KEL LING ttlll doeires to do good to tho afflicted.’ lie continues to ctjro all kmd* Of ' ■ * ' v i ’ : • 5 , WENS. SCROFULA, or HING3 ■ «.: / ■ EVIL, SORES.&C,"' ♦Wtmrtxntttag or poison. He docs not confine merely to the cure of the above diseases, bnt will treat all others with success. Patients will be visited, 1 if desired, a reasonable distance.. Persons fleering hr visit Dr. Ej will please stop at the RailrondHotel inMechanlcs burg, iwherdthey will 1m directed to his residence. Forall particulars write—state diseases plainly. Enclose a post age stamp to prepay answer; Address Dr. 0. L. KELUNO Mechanicshhrg, Cnmborland C0.,-Pa. -: Sept. 13, 18H0-6nt XTOUSE AND DOT FOR SALE.— JLX! The Subscriber offers at Private Sale r - '~ ‘ the HpUSE'iind LOT now occupied by her, • ■ on the corner of Adeline and J ulia st reets, 1ar.15,'00.-tf. BOOT AND SHOEMAKER—JOHN STEIItE has taken a portion of tho ' ■ ■ F°°™ h I A-M- KINO, next >*■ Tin Shop, and anDonnces^^BH^^_ himself ready to get up Men’s Boom 4 in good style and at low'rates. • [MarilS.’UO-tf. ’’ HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, JLJL Palpti Sash and Varnish Brushes at " * . " U:' "■ ■ ’ ; KESSLER’S.' -A Through Ticket to CaltforniaL S C. COkBERT &-CQ’S - • FIFTH QRAND QUARTERLY DISTRIBUTION of 100, WO A«nciw.iroßTn|3(X>.ooo. Which will bcsold for SIOO.OitO. fa the phrchasers of opr ■ «9r’GOU>EN PEN’S AT 30 Crs. PER BOX.ltEar Oar OolJcrf Peal la the test ever used, and is warranted not to ccrode in any hit, Every ■ business roan and family should Use the OoWch Pen, ’ The following list of IIMOOO itrticlcs will he distributed , among oar patrons tit 41.00 inch, and need not hi paid for jantil we inform the purchaser whiefr of the following arti cles we will sell him for sl,oo atxl then it is optional wbeth erhe sends the dollar and tnkee the goods or hut. All woods can be retarnedatour expense within ten days after the purchaser receives them, (unless they are and the monejbwill be refunded, - list OF GOODS ISCIXDEH IS Till DtSTRIBCTIOS. Pianos. Gold Haninpoued Watches, Mosaic and Jet KarJ)rop», Oold’Wntchee, . Lava * Florentine Kar-Drops, I-KtUcs* Silver Watches, Coral Ear-Drojie, Voet and Chaplain Chains, * ’ Coral, Emerald, and Opal Brooches, Ormoo Brooches; Emerald utid Opal Ear-Drops,. Miwaic and Jet Brooches. •: ' Hands-me Sen! Kings, Lava * Florentine Brooches, Mosaic and Cameo Bracelets, Gents Breastpins, Watch Keys. Fob and-Ribbon Slides. Sets of Bosom Studs. Sleeve' 1 Buttons, Plain Kings, gtono Set Kings, Seta Ladies’ Jewelry, Cauton Crape Shawls, Mousse line de Baines, Challics, French and American Lawns, Ber eges. Poplins, French Calicoes, and ether Ladies’ Dress Goods in'great variety,.together with Head Dresses, Cabas, Fancy Fans, and in fact almost every description of goods usually found in first class diy goods stores. PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. , HIGHEST PREMIUM SU)U. LOWEST PREMIUM $2. Tlie articles aroumubered. mid Certificates stating what wo will sell each person for $l,OO are placed in sealed en velopes. with a decimal arrangement ofpremium?; so that -iu each hundred certificates there is ope for a Gold Wateh. and there will also bo a splendid premium id each leu cer tificates. Ladies, if you desire a fine shawl, dr dress pattern, or a la-autiful article of jeweliy, enclose us 30 cents for a Poe of the Golden Pens, and wc will send you a certificate which may enable you to procure it fur $l. On receipt of 30 cents wo will send you a box of our Gol den Pena, and a scaic-d notice of the'article which we will self for $l. TRY os. . ; PRICES TO AGENTS. POST PAID. 4 Boxes Pena with 4 Certificates, 0 do do .9 do 2a do do 25 do 100 do do 100 do N. B.—With each package of 100 boxes wo present the purchaser 100 certificates, one of which is guaranteed to contain one order for a FINK WATCH, or sewing machine, or by ordering 60 boxes in one package yon aro sure to re ct-ive.6o certificates, containing one order for a splendid SILVER WATCH, beside-a largo number of other very valuable premiums. One certificate sent gratis, upon ap ptiegtion of any person desiring to act as agent, which may enable him to procure a valuable-premium upon the tiav ment of $l. i'iAN’OS, MELODEONS. MUSIC, BOOKS, SEWING MCUINES. 4C., B(night mit] Sold on commission. Any article will be sent to tin; country at the lowest wholesale prices with the ad dition of 6 pen cent commission for forwarding. N. B—Agent* wanted in every town. Circulars sent on application. ' = Adtlrcaa all communications to S. 0. COLBERT St CO*, Commission Merchants Ear-drops, tory. Bpstsmas - SWKACHIITTEIS. of HOS* TETTERS CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT- - TEUS can nppeal-*iih. perfect continence to i phyaiSiailsAnil cm«aas gc»era,lly of tUfr United I Uecauso.the oyticlohfca attained a repu tation heretofofeuhknovrn. A; few facta upon this point Will spcSl? rh'orc powerfully than volurucff of bforw-asseirtioS or blazoning puffery. . The oonaitujpflpja of .liosteUera Stomach Bit ters for ttie last year amounted to over a half- s million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase iu times .past, kis evident that during , the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never bare boon sold but for‘the raro medicinal properties .contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the: most prominent physicians iu those sections pf the country where the article is best known, who not only , recommend the Bitters to their patients, but arc ready at all times to give testimonials to its ellieacy iu all cases of stomachic derangements ami tho diseases resulting ih^i-cfroin. Tliis is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of (ho Bilitcrs, but ft solid esiimaiion of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to ho ns enduring ng-ifimc itself. Hostel lev's Stbmach itiuoi's have proved - a Godsend to regions whereiifever and -ague , nnd various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by huiulmls. To be ahie to siutc confidently that. ,the “Bitters”, me a oottain cure for Iho Dyspepsia and like diseases, is (o (he proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from -the stomach, purifies -Iho blood, and imparls renewed vitality u> tl»i* nervous system, giving jt that lone nnd energy indispensable for tho.restoration of health- lilt operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and so.m restores thorn to acondii ioiressontial to (he healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Klilerly persons may use the Hitlers daily as per directions on Ihe bottle, find they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant, to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. -We have the'evi dence of thousands of aged ijnicn and women who have experienced Ihe benefit of using-this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general dubiety; acting under the adviefc of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs jind feurly tested the merits of this article.' A fp\v words Ip the gentler sex. There are eerliii,n periods when llicit- cares arc so harassing that ninny of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly; lender, that I lie mother, especially if she be iyoung, is apt to forget her own health in her; extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the pqj’iod of maternity arrive during Ihe summer sejrson. the wear of body and mind is, generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stirtmlant. to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable Ihe mother to hear up under heroexhausliiig trials and responsibilities. Nursiflg mothers genc-- ratly prefer the Hitlers to aji other invigora (ors that receive the endorsement of physi cians. because iK is agrccalde to the taste as well as certain fo give a permanent increase of bodily strength. \ All those persons, to whom.wo have particu larly referred above, to wit; sutferera from fever aiid .ague,'caused by mularia, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss;of appetite, and all diseases or of the stomach, superannuated invalids,’persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler's Celebrated Stomach Hitters a trial. CAUTION.-i-Wc caution the public against using .any of .the many imitations or oouuter feiis, but ask for llostktteb’s Celebrated Stomach Hrrrmis, and'sec that each bottle has the words " Dr. J. llostetter’s’Slomach Bitters” blown on tbc side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph nignature is ou the label. - 1 ’*S“ Prepared and sold by HO3TETTEK St SMITH. Pittsburgh, Ph.,'and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Am* rioa, and Germany. For sale hr A. ROUSH, Altoona, Pa. Sept. 20. 1860-ly. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, tf The Hero oj'.One Hundred Fils per Month I I would respectfully;set forth my; claim to public atten tion,'ns a Fashionable Tailor, as follows: Became I keep an excellent assortment of Cfdtha, Cassi meres. Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined, always please. ?i ' because my work is made up jri a manner that takes down the country and gives all my customers a city ap-' poarance. , v; Because I am not inferior as a Cutter to the best to be found anywhere. Because long, experience in my business gives me qrflire control over it. and 1 am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of the suds. i \ Because l aih still oh the sunny side of forty, and there fore my tasto as a Cutter anti workman unimpaired. - , Call on tnd, in-tbo corner room of tho ‘- Brant House.” Give mo a trial qnd you will go away pleased. .' ' Altoona. May 26-amr ; | JACOB SNYDER. Blair county Daguerrean ROOMS.-Mr. O. TV. FISHER,-tbo Hollldaysbuvg Artist, begs leave to inform our reaaers that he is prepared totnko -: ' : Photographs of deceaecdpersons, ftom daguerreotypes, aftho shortest notice'and on the' mustreasonahlpterins. Hehagjnstireocivednlargc stock l of Burahleand treat epscs, of SR sizes and styles, including anewpatterrfcof Family Cose for foiir persona, and is pro pored to fill them with perfect liketicsscA ■ • , ASIBROTYPE, DAOUKRREOTYKi OR PHOTOGRAPH. Give him a call. Rooms; on tho'oorner of Montgomery and Alleghetiy stroets, polllJaysbnrg, Pa. [JnnelT-tf. GW. KESSLER—-PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfhllyj announces ' ' 1 tt to the'citizensj>( Altoona ami the public erolly, that lie still continues the Drag on Virginia street, where ho koepf constantly V 7 • on hand, for Mle‘, IVholcsalc and Retaih DRUGS. B|3*g MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS,YARNISu’ ES and DYE-SJtOPFS. • Ity'strfct attention to husinoaS, and a desire to render sat isfaclion to all as regards price and quality, he hopes to mEritqnd:»evivea iliaro of pujillcpatronago. ' ■ Phyfflcgfif aniJ.'morchantß supplied on rbaSonabla terms, andall cwersitaan-a distance promptly attended to. > Physicians pregbriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. r>IKE !ANB < LARD: OILS; CAM *T Ku W. Carhop Ofl, Ac, at ; Jan; 3; ’SGrtf] j,', KEBSLEB’S,\ HAND AT Store clothing; Call and'soa. ... ; n:;; f « Jh,y.-2MK / LASS Bxlo TO AND CUT :to order hy . ? O. W.KESSLKB. An aperient anil stomachic preparation nf I«, k . of Oxygen amt Carbon by combustion in V** B I toned by-the higlicst Medical Authorities, and the United States, ami prescribed In theft- The experience of thousands daily prores (CrS?** ration of Iron can be compared with It, blood, depression of vital energy, pale andotherail? ® fl *» complexions indicate its necessity In almost«... * ic *o table ease. M ' r f «ess». In Debility, Xenons AJ fictions, Emaciation Omstipation, Diarrhoea, Dytentrrtf.Jneipient terojulotu Tuberculosis, Salt -RAcum, Whites, Chlorosis, liter Complaints' Cftrwiifc < ?f r !! B6 * ,, » Khcnmatism, Intehaittent Ihxrs, Dimples on In case* of. Oencrsi-Debility, whether *- disease, or of the continued diminution of n er ™„ of *'««s cular energy from chronic complaints, one tH.i JVI, , mn *' storative has proved successful to an extent r * > scrlption nor written attestation would remler°i2l..S. 0 . dv Invalids so long bed ridden as to hare bectim/nT' 1 .* I*--- 1 *--- their own neighborhoods, have suddenly ™aDn^?| 1 } 40 !* busy world as if just mnrued from a protracted a distant laud, Some very signal ihstancas of tM *». attaeted by: Female sufferer*. em«tfite«^Stl»^ a marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, :criUcal tlie complication of nervous and dvnwtAie and exercise, fcc which'the phy«cW^S“ lo * In Nervous Atßictions of all kinds. »„.i’fe!r. miliar to medical men the thU iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike tbeou f , iiios, it is vigorously tonic, without being overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even fn'.wl most obstinate cases of costiveness without over be?... gastric pnrgativo. or Inflicting a dlHagrecabls senV«tio^‘ It i? this latter property, among others, which mai ' i. so renmrkab y effectual and permanent a upon which It also appears to exert a distinct and ’ action.by dispersing the local tendency which fornuth** In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are Us causes. ui of these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for Z habitual cases, imdndiug tho attendant Cbih>o,«. “““ lu unchecked Diarrhma, even when advanced to n._ tery, confirmed, emaciating, and annafeniw W tits effects have been equally decisive Imd astJnishW I** 1 *** 1 ' In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength debilif«M„' cough, mid remittent hectic, rhicli generally ladicau cipieut Consumption, this remedy has allavcl ,T ““ of fridmls and physicians, in several very kratifvln interesting Instances. . > v 6 !> ° s M ‘ lu Scrofulous Tuberculosis, tjds medicated iron fer more than tlie good effect of thb'most cautiously Ui auced preparations Of iodine, within t but of tUelrJ.iL. known liabilities. , i r The attention of females cnnnbt too confidentlybn. ted to this remedy and mtorafire. In the cates afllietiug them. :-T 1 lu Rheumatism, both chronip and tu latter, however, more decidedly—jf '-lms been lnvarl.l,l. well reported, both «s alleviating triopaln and reducing it. swellings and stiffness of the Joints aud muscles. In intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a ervat t*. medy and energetic restorative, and its progress inth. settlements of the West, will probaby bs one of bisU r*. nnwu and usefulness. 1 No remedy has been discovered in the whole history »r medicine, which exerts sucii prompt, hnppv, and fslly r »- sturativo effects. OooJ appetite, complete digestion, rtnis acquisition of strength, with ah unusual disposition U active and cheerful exercise, Immediately follow lu use Put up in flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price u cents per box; for sale by druggists aud dealers. Will W sent free to auy address on receipt of the price. All lelltn. orders, etc., should be addressed to ’ INFANTILE CORDIAL, f.nd why ? because It never /aits la afford instantansent rr hr/ when given in time. It sets as if by msgis, (ad ns trial atom will convince you tb»t wh»t we say !• trie. It contains NO PAEEGOEIC OE OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the suffer ings of your child, Instead of by deadening its sensibilities »or this reason, it commends itselfas theon/y reJiuWrpree aration now known for Children Tmthino, Duunou DrsESTEBr, Ghipinq tx ins Bowels, Acourt or »hi gtoie Adi, tiro, Coin in tup. Head, and Caocr, also, for sofim v/lg the gums, reducing inffunnation, regulating the Bowls, and relieving pain. It has no «/jnal—being an anti-mum«h< It is used with un/tiling success In all cases of CuNvruios on OTHER Kits. 'As you value the If ft and health 0/your children, and wish to sate them/rom those tad audblighting consequences which are certain to result /rum tin use of nar cotics o/ which all other remedies /or fn/antile IbmplaivU are composed, take none but Dr.. E.iton's infantile Consul, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly imrotiose. sad can not injure the most delicate infant. Price, 2{ cents. Fill ■ directions accomuany each bottle. Prepared only by CIIUKCU k DC PONT, No. 409 Broadway, Now-fork. m i w s : j «.s M'i s s*i« «: ££ S 3 II S sH .* ! t; B« s 3 g o ss^-st tf.r gsfi 3*ll Sj a I »—i « .2 o «95§ g £2 o -is , J2 “•* M C SSS a « HH Sr: £ a ,j >- >- < £ » 00= & 2| wb ? 2 Ucalihy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presen tu us with the mm essential element!, tad giro! of course tlio True Stan'DAßl). Analyse tho Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, hirer Complaint Dyspepsia, Scrofula, tc-Taml we find in retry instauet on tain deficiencies in the ml globules of Blond. Supply th«*» deficiencies, and you ere miule well. The Blood Foot b is founded npon this Theory—hence Us astonishing »ne ccss. Tiierc are FIVE PRETARATIOXS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in diflerent d* cnees. For Oorons, Coin?. Bronchitis, or any affection whatever of the Throat or Lungs, inducing Co.vsCNfTio.r, use No. I, .which Is alsoitbo No. for Depression or Sitmij, Loss OF Appetite, and ior nil Chronic Complaints. arising from Oven use. General Debility. and Nervous, Fkosw no?. No. 3, for Liter Complaints. No. 3 for Dyspepsia.— Being already prepared for absorption it is taken sv Danes and carried immediately into the circulation, so tliat whs* y< u gain yon retain. Tho Xo. 4is for Fexaie iaaroruiP Ties, lltstep.ia. tV ear n essks. 4c. Son epccisl directions(or tilts. For Salt Itnr.vM, Eruptions, Scr.orcwes. Kn>«r, and BLA ODER Complaints, fake Xo. 5. In all cases tlicti rectiohe innst he strictly followed.. Price of the W«*f Fool $1 per bottle. Sold by CIICRCU 4 DUI'OXT. No. 409 Bronilwav, Now-Yers. T. W.DYOTT Sc SONS,'Philadelphia, andG. 11. KEVSEE, Pittsburgh. 'Wholesale Agents. By A. Komh, Altoona; IV. T. Murray, llolMdarsMirg; and by all respectable druggists throughout \lhe country. March 8,18C0.-ly. National police gazette.-* iThis Great Journal of Crime and Criminal!* *" its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated thmeehset tho couulry. It contains till tho Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on tho some, together w| T Information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. . . figt.Subscriptions $2 per annum: $1 for sir mental be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their m l n and the town, county and Slate where they rerill,| l» r To Q. W. MATSKtL k 00, Editor k Prop’r. of New York Pollfe Gj«tte. 15-tf] > Bna York Cuy- American Life Insurance and Trust Co- Capital Stock, *500,000. Cbmpany Building, Walnut Si., S..£. conuf 5 aaai»Aua»tofcf#rwlwn#Tff »“ It. F. I.OCKK k Q()„ GuNcrai Aosxn, July 19,1800.-ly. Sty Cedar St, New Tort Xhousatulo arc daily sneaking in the prtiw gf . DU. BATON’S" .*•*.*' ■*-' T l a T 4 -u MoCRU VOL. 6. BUY YO At the ejTEWAR' Tika ploasm iiVnd surround ■ thelr store on Office, a largo ami SdOAITKISS fo •full*!*"* and kli manufactu ' pttKhMOil SUoirlnß price 11; ■ lion’* U“o cal -lion's flue kl| " Boy’s kip Boc Youth*’,' Men's Calf C' : Men's Oxford Men's Brogm Boy*’ Brogan Youths' Shoe Children's Sh Led (os' Congi tadloa’tantii " ladM'Snpcr • tadls*’ Moro, bulbs' Moroc todies' Goat I . todies’ Call 1 Misses’ Calf I Misses* Frolic Hating bought lowest figure, an. customer* ore uo lew prices- And it yon rui made, leste your short notice. Be; #0 reasonable ten We respectfully literary Ed CONFEGTK JEWEL mHK SUB .1 keep constant periodicals, daily i Pittsburgh, togetli ’ the School Books i 1 band.- Also, n choice io •f 411 kind* torch ts be had in town Had Silver Pencils, ry. Cali and exau Altooim, July 21 T AND.S ! : i i The under, i( ai'S'CS In tho 0 Good selections c,.i and settlements. Market, ant of the Selections i Jaly U, 18i0,-tf Rev. A. B. Cu ir*. M- r.LOTD McGanx A Dei; Taos. A. Scott, D.MoMobtric W. TM. L JOHNS rFLCi: {Late TARAFTI 1 -f Cities, and .made. Moneys rei erltbout interest, oi »eb. 3d,1819. T D. LEK’ ft • ALTOONA. Will Practice law t Huntingdon, Clem- Also in tho DUtri ■ Collect ions of e’.i the sale of Ileal f business pertainin Hon, Wilson XL; barefa; Hon. Sam; ■ jßdTcial District: Hon Henry D. Foci Lebanon; lion. \V George P. llamult. S. i ATTO ALTO WILL P T T UAL CrJ Bounties. Having had seye the law, ho c.xp. o Office oh Virgin! HaJ. Lect, Esq; *■ *. dofip, u. z>, T\ & s - G{ 1./ TNG enter. Medicine, rouped I in the several brai Calle will be an- —which in tho r: • fit Good,—or at th. Aprli-2lst, ms Boots j deraigrictl h sell cheap at liis s pie, a Iwic and col AND SHOES, read Overshoes, Ladies’ Boies,'and everyth the beet quality at custom work wan Jan. 2, ’SG-tf.] The Roo rip phii, for tile lliß-l He will return ng; Hotel. Altoona, on luth day of Decern •overal mouths th this paper. Sept. 20, ISCO. Blair agency.- Mutual ••tart ready to insi ttirrt, Merchandise. 5? Ptlon, In town < Wnpany iu the t-l •to. 27, ’59-tf Dks. go* SPECTFUL JWlzeM of Altouui ‘•o door* cast of t Mnsnltea at all ho Sepf. 8,18G0.-tf J. NO T A Ah'] Oan at all tim. s October 1, 1857. For sal dealrably 100 Altoona, Feb. 9, ■TTN.it El V ?asce Co f*»Kh 1T.1833 'DTiANKS JfSf imOjrjna •