hie preparation of I ron combustion Jn PtaHUn ical Authorities, i proscribed in their pra^t^ o * amis daily proves tli»V« "*• . pared with it. : bc-rgy. pale and otherii!? ( ? fu ‘* iccotaity in Tcclinns, Emaciation r>.— . Hity, '**•• I diminution of nemnii^*® o ** complaints, one sful to an .extent which*!}!? s*' lotion would render cwdns«**" ■as to have become .are suddenly re-appeaJS {?“.£* ned from a siKUai instances of tills kind.}? ?■ cm “ciate tn - l native, la tIU mile and Inflenjantory— fa the • I wily—it has boon invariably Hting the pain and raduciuirth. e Joints and muscles,■ umit necessarily be a neat ri- I yo.aad its progress in the new II probaby ba one of high re- vcreal in the whole history of prompt, happy, and fully re nte. complete dlgreHoiTnujl* an unusual dlipoeitlon {or immediately follow Jte nae * containing- 60 pil(a, prlce io iia K ist* and dealers. %n u ocejpt of the price. AU lettera to -. • * it CO. Gktoul Aonm, 20 Cedar BL, Hew York, ing in the praiee of ATOX'S 3 CORDIAL, cult to afford instahtaskmu re act* as if by magic, and one that what we say is true. It C OS OPIATE ilieves by remeringihs nffkr* ' by deadening/ ilt tmtSbmlei. i itself as the only reiiaUs prap iildhm Tirrnwa, Bimmip, towsLs, ActDtiT or thi Srtm- d. and Croup, also, for soften motion, regulating the Senods, dual— being an antLepumadit cess In all cases of CONTULStOK : the life and health of your m from those sad and htigkting n to, result from the list ejtwr- ' •dies for InfantiU Qstnplainls )r. Eaton's X-vrismsOonnui, is perfectly harmless, and ean- Infant. Price, 26 cent*, fall ortle. Prepared only by CHCBCH A DC PONT, i. 409 Broadway, Nsw-Yerk. n being iYZED Fame essential elements,,*** (bard. Analyxe the Blood of nsumption, Liver Complaint, we find in nery ifttianct ear doles of Blood. Sujtply thett ade well. The Btoon Kop U y—hence i,le astOntahlngsa*- VA RATIONS " of the Blood In different die r.nQscnrris, or any affectlqe .r*ua, inducing ConstfMPnox, !o. for Dkprmsios or Swam. Ciiromc Coßfuixts. arising ii.itt, and N xavoc* Paosra*- Ai.vre, No. 3 for Dtspepsia.— K'irplim It i* iakxbt DMW tlie circulation, ao that what p 4 is for rtMKLE IBBMOIAIU .(.c. gee special direction*for : rnovs, Scrofulous, Knw*T, ;n Xo. 6.- In,all cases the dl wed. Price of the Stood too* CUDIICn & DUPONT, . 409 Broadway, Kew-Tfark. idclpbia, andG. H.KBYBBB* T. Murray, Hollidayrimrgi its throughput the country. • sICE gazette.— f Crime and Criminals,to h» ri.Vly circulated through!)** the Great Trial*, «ndn*ll risen the some, together w«r :iers, not to be found in wjt. nnnm; *1 for six month*, M ■ho sliould write their name* where they reside plainlyd IV. MATSELL A CO, few- York Police Gaiette. iVcte TortCtty- anc6 and Trust Co* li, $500,000. nut St., 3. Corner of i'/iila. agest, ALTOOSAv USUAL MUTDALBAKW. , AT ABOUT ANCE UATES.THBM'" [Oct. 27tb, 1868'W- UNTY MUTUAL CEXCr.-Tho ntidertlgn»jj -1 Fire Insurance C°inpM>y, must loss or daroa«p by if are and Property ofeV‘ -v. at as reasonable raws in the Masonic TcapJ'- IN' SUOEMAKtB, *9*** ITTNEft, DENTIST. ! MASONIC TEM [Dec. 23> ’58.-«- a LEY BE- / . h professional ) na and the ee heretofore oc- HHB - GENTLEMEN JOSEPH t to dt*oharw W ,^P # Ud upon. U"“ - tribune McORTTM & BERN, VQL. 6- BtJT YOUR BOOTS & SHOES At the People’s Shoe Store. CTEWART & THOMPSON JS Take pleosuro iti announcing to. the citteens of Alfoo surrounding country that they have just received, rT their store on Annie street, two doors below the Post mßce. n large and handsome assortment of BOOTS, SHOES JJaii GAITERS. for Xadies, Gentlemen and Children's wear, , -ii ,i W s aniMtinds. Their stock is of peat finish and the -lleot idmifrcturo, which they will sell for CASH only, •t least 25 I’Kll CENT. CHEAPER than tlie same can bo purchased elsewhere—a: will bo seen by relorriug.to the allowing price list lien”, flue calf Boots, $3 25 to $3 50 Men's fine ki|) Boots, - 75 to 3 25 Ay's kip Boots, 1 76 to 2 00 Youths'. . 1 75 Men's Calf GaiUm. 2 00 Men's Oxford Ties, X 62 to 2 00 Hen's Brogan’s, 1 12 to X 05 Jims' Brogans, . 75 to 120 Youths' Shoos, ' 02 to 87 Children's SUoss, 25 to 65 bade - ;!' Congress Gaiters, 150 to 1 65 1,1 lies' Lasting Gaiters with heels, 137 to 150 • Indies' Superior Lasting Gaiter*. 186 Ladies' Morocco Boots with heels. 130 to 155 Ladies' Morocco Boots without heels, 1 25 to 1 37 Ladies' Goat Boots with heels, 1 25 Ladies’ Calf Boots with heels, 1 20 to 1 25 Misses' Calf Boots with heels. 75 to 1 00 Misses' french SXorroccoßoots, with.heels, 1 2-5 Haring bought nnr goods for cash, they were put at ths lowest figure, and by doing an exclusively cash business tuit n.ei, are not made to pay for bad debts Lance our tow price*. 1 Ami if yon want a good and fashionable Coot or Shoo siau*. bare yonr measure and they will have it made-at iiiort notice, Repairing dune in tho neatest manner, and nrt U-nus. u ejuspectfullv solicit n libeml shore of public favor. Sept. Kl. TOO.-tf. Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SKOAR, TOBACCO. JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. rriTE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES to ’J| keep constantly on bond all the best literary papersand i i*n.i-licals. daily papers from Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All the School Books used in this place and vicinity always on hand. * Also, a choice lot of Confectionaries, and knick knacks of all kiu-ls for children. Also the -best Tobacco A Segar.* t- ho had in town, together with a fine assortment of Gold ami Silver Pencils, Oold Bings and other articles of Jewel ry. Call and,examine- ' 11. FJJTTIXOKR. AI tooiia, July 213, ’GO-ly. .Vo. 1 Altoona U'juse. I ANDS ! LANDS I! LANDS !!! 8 1 The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND VTAB KANTS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Laud Offices.— u.ksl s- lectioas can now be made near tin large streams iad settlements. - Tho Lands of this Teiritory, now in lUrki-i, are of the best quality. u’i. Selections carefully made." Letters <-f Inquiry re qui'iied. ALEX. F. McKINNEV. ... Orbafous, Cus* County, N. Ter. July 14, 1569.-tf RtriAEKCia: Bov. A. B. Clark, Altoona, Pa. Wm. M. Lloyd A.Co., Bankers, Altoona, Pa. McCkdm & Dees, Editors, “ • Thus. A. Scott, Bupt. P. 11. K., “ V. HcMcntm*, Esq., Huntingdon,Pa. W. Mi LLOYD & COi. ALTOOyA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO.. {Late “ BeU, Johnston, Jack .J’ Co.") Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections sisde. Moneys received on deposits, payable on demand, without interest, or upion time, with interest, at fair rates. r«b. 3d, 1859.' f D. LEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW f) i ALTOONA, BLAIR Cp, Pa„ Will practice law in the several Courts of TUair, Cambria. Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centre and adjoining couuties. — Also In th'e District Count of the United States. *»a ‘ 00 Collection* of claims promptly attended to. Agent for the gale of ‘Real Estate, Bounty Land Warrants, and all tn iirgh; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, pres. Judge of Fayette Judicial District; lion. Chcnard Clemens, of Wheeling, Va.; llos Henry D. Foster, Greonsbiirg; Won. John W. Killinger, T-ebanon; Hon. Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and linn. 6».,rge I*. llamolton, Pittsburg. Juno 16, 1959-ly. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO , PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE RAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon fftnties. , ' Having bad several years’ experience In the practice of i the haw. be expects to merit public patronage. : Office on Virginia Street, in the room lately occupied by H«j. beet, Esij. [Sept. 6,1860.tf. B. ». COOIi, M. B. J. M OEUWILL, M. D Dies, good & GEM MILL HAV ING entered into Partncrsldp in the Practice of Me.!i.dn<-. respectfully leader their service* to the .public in the several branches of their Profession.' '’•ids will be ausvyered either day or night at their office —which if the same as heretofore occupied by Drs. Hirst t, C-yi.—or at the Logan House. . * April 2Ut, 1?59 3m Boots and shoes.—the un duisigned has now on .hand and will 'nil cheep at his store in the Masonic Tent s large ami complete assortment of BOOTS iND SHOES, rawly made, or made -to ordoa . "'•erfhocs. Ladies’ Sandal*!,Gum Shoos,-Cork and everything inlusllno of business, of i i:e treat quality and op, the most reaabnable.terms. All out. an work warranted; h - Jan. 2, ’66-tq . ■ X SHOEMARER. . The Root and Herb Doctor, AF PHILADELPHIA, HAS LEFT jls for the Rocky Mountains, for a new supply ofßoots.- Hi Will return again and can he consulted pt Johh.'WbodV H f W, Altoona, on the 21st Say of November and oh the ’sth day of December. Also, one day in each month for 'itcral months thereafter, 'notice ofwbkh will be given in this paper. DR. W.REVINQ3TON. Sept. 20, 1800. LAIRG OUNTY INSURANCE D AGEXCT,—TiIe undersigned, Agent of the Blair onniy Mutual Fire Insurance Company, to at; all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, Build- Merchandise,’ Furniture and Property, of every des- CMption. imtown or country, at as reasonable rate* a* any Gimpiay in the State; Office -with Bell, Johhston, Jack & 1,1 H. 1.-CALDWELL, j^ent. Jap. 27, ’J9-tf V, r V ; • : ; ,RS. CONRAD & cAMEBQN BE- XJ Si’P.CTFtlLLYoffertlieir professional services to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on Bailroailstreet, **o doors east of thoUcd Won Hotel, may he , at all hours, - except when profemlonaUr-cngaged." J. O. ADLIIM, not ary public . ' ALTOOKA, BLAIB 00., I*A , ' Onnat all times be fouud at tho storo ofj.B.llUeman. Utoher 1,1857. - r ; . BOR SALE.—A HOUSE AND EOT, -A. desirably tecated lu the Borough of'Altoona. Apply - - joiinishobmakbL- Altoona, Feh;9,' 186p.-tf. ~y ■' i : riN XT:ESSTATES! ■ TiXFE TNSU ' iANCK Company. - Aeouey, Annaßtreet, Altoona. March I?.-im» JOJW Agent. ■UANKS OE ALL DESCRIPTIONS ’ pgpm&aty exynted at fcUdßee.. lIOLLWA TSBVRQ, PA., S. M. WOODKOK. /1 VALUABLE GIFTS WITH BOOKS ©EOBGE G, EVANS’ Original Clift Book Enterprise. The largut in the toorld ; permanently located at 439 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia. SIXTH TEAK OF THE ENTERPRISE. Having purchased the' spacious Iron Building, No. 439 Chestnnt Street. and fitted it up with every convenience to facilitate my business, particularly that branch devotedtto COUNTRY ORDERS; ami having a larger capital thaiwuiy other party invested in the business, 1 am now prepared to offer greater advantages and bettor gifu than ever tolmy v customers. . --f I will furnish any book (of a moral character) published in the United States, the regular price of which Is One Dollar or upwards, and give a present worth from 50 cents to $lOO with each book’, aad guarantee to give perfect sat isfaction, as lam determined’to maintain the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment. Strangers visiting Philadelphia are invited to call and judge for.themselves. v G. GET AN. \ IF VOU WANT AN V BOOKS SSKD TO GEORGE a. EVANS, RELIABLE GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, ».r_ - 7 No 439 CIIESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA where alt books are sold at the Publisher’s prices, and you have the advantage of receiving a handsome present. WORTH FROM 50 CENTS-TO 100 DOLLARS WITH F.ACII BOOK. GEO. G. EVANS’ Original Gift Book Enterprjsc lias been endorsed by the Book Trade and all the lending city and,country papers in the United States. GEO. G. EVANS’’ Punctual business .transactions have re ceived the approbation of over 0.000.000 citizens of the United States, each of whom havo-rcceivyd substantial evidence of the advantages derived by purchasing \ books at this establishment. GKO. O. EVANS lias done more than any other publisher or bookseller in tho United States to wards dhousing knowledge to the people. By this system many books are read that otherwise would not have found then way into tile hands of readers.— l'i anlc ; - Leslie's jXiwspaper. s GEO. G., EVANS Keeps constantly on hand the most ox j' tensive stock, the greatest assortment, of ,r Books, and circulates free tdaii wiio may ‘ apply, ths:iuost moat complete catalogue of Books and .Gifts iu the United States. GEO. G EVANS Hus advantages offered Cy other pub lishers and manufacturers which enable him to furnish his patrons with a finer quality anil better assortment of gifts than Arty Other establishment. GEO. G. EVANS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popular and interesting Books, therefore, as n i publisher, he is better able to offer extra premiums and commissions. GEO. O. EVANS Guarantecsporfectsatisfactiontonil who may send for books. GEO. G. EVANS’ New classified catalogue of books em brace the writings of every standard au thor in cverjr department of literature, and gives all-the information relative to N the purchasing and forwarding by Mail or Express of books ordered from his es tablishment, together with full direc tions how to remit.money. GEO. 0. EVANS’ Catalogue of Boooks will bo sent gratis and free of expenso to any address in the United States. ' _ GEO. G. EVAN’S Inducements to Agents cannot be sur passed. The most liberal commissions are qffered, and 1 by soliciting subscrip tions to bopks in the manner proposed, 20 books can be sold in the same time . that It would take to sell oho on the old fashioned subscription plan. Bend for a classified Catalogue, and every informa ’ lion will be given in reference to agen cies. Select your books, enclose the amount of money required,and one trial wilt salt fyyou that the best place in tbo country to purchase books is at THK EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT GEO. G-. EVATSTS, No. 4391 Chestnut Street, Phila. WHERE YOU CAN GET BOOKS OF ALL KINDS ill!! Book* of Fact! Books of Fiction! Book* of. Devotion! Books of Amusement! ' i Books for the Old Folks! Books for the Young Polite! Books for Husbands! Books Tor Wives! Books for Lovers 1 Books.for Sweethearts' Books fur Boys 1 ’ Rooks for Girls!' ' ' Books of Humor 1 Books of Poetry!' Books of Travel! Books of History! i Books of Biography! ' Books of Adventure! 1 Books about Sailors! t , Books about Soldiers I Books.about Indians! Books About Hunters! Bocks about Heroes!. Books about Patriots! Books for Farmers! Rooks for .Mechanics’ ' Books for Merchants ! Books for Physicians! Books for Lawyers! Books for Statesmen! Bibles! . Presentation Books Prayer Books! Hymn Books! . Juvenile’ BoplCsl Annuals! Albums, etc., etc. , CECIL B. HARTLEY’S Interesting Biographies! REV. J. INGRAHAM’S Scriptural Romances I SMUCKER’S Lives of Patriots and Statesmen! ‘ J.T.LAUREN’S Revolutionary Stories! r ’ T.S. ARTHUR’S Popular Tales! .DR. ALCOTTS Family Doctor ’ •• • •'SIRS! WENTZ’S Novels 1 ‘ ’ , SIRS. aOUTHWORTH’3 Novels! COOPER’S Novels I DICKENS’NoveIs! WAVER LEY Novels 1 PRYING’S Works! • ' AH the writlngs of every standard author in every de pertinent' 6f literature, In every stylo of binding, at the publisher's lowest:pricCB,’and remember that you pay no more then you would qt uny otlier establishment,-and- you have the advantage of receiving an elegant Present,’ -which oftentimes is worth a hundred fold more than the amount paid fos the book. • 3END FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE QP ROOKS, O r der any book tluit.you may want remit the retail price, together with ,(bo amonnt required for postage, and due trial will assure you that the best place in the country to purchase hooks IsHt the Gift Book Estahliahiijidnt of :' GEORGE 0. EVANS, Origihator of tho.G Ht Book Eutorpriao, i - , ' • «0.459 CffE3tKT!T StaBtT, 3 ' Philadelphia. . AGENTS WANTED, "! .To 'whom greater inducements Own ererare offered. . Any person, either male dr fuinaloi who is dcelr'ous nfen .gaging In an , fIONQBABLE AND PROFITABLEBUSINESS, Kcnnirlng but little time and no ontly of money, and by whjcKthcy can obtain gratia A Valuable Library, - j A Fine Gold Watch and Chain, A Bandsome ServOteof Pltte, An Elegann fUlk Dreu-Bittern, : = A Sfiendid setp/ jewelry, Or any.othcr choice articles cnuraerated intlie T,lst«f Gifts can jo so by acting ns ; an Agent fbr this establishment. ■ ■ Any person, In any part of the count/y, can bo an Agent simply by forming k club, sendingia list of Books, and re mitting the amount of mohey reguired for tlie same.' . ; Sendfora catalogue, ndi ich contalnsall the desiredin fomation relative Jo agencies and the formation of clubs; and to insure prompt and honorable dealings, - address all HEAD Q HARTERS OF ' GEORGE Q: iJYA^-S, ■ oF. Taa oLnm axd LARGEST PIET BOOK ENTERPRISE i atitwoß®, ,j ; : iWmaasntly located at So, 130 Chestnut Street, Philada. : *ept S/IMO.-Sm. - * ■. ' Card. ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY,, NOVEMBER 1, 1860. Sieves, Tin & Sheet iron Ware, SPOUTING, &C. SRTpO WOULD RESPECT • fully iufurm the citizens of Altoona SSpjgik. And ricinity, that ho keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Office and Hgjilga Shop S lutes, of all styles and sizes, to sufe the 'i wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. He also keeps on hand a largo stock of Tin and Sheet- Itoti Iffore. consisting of articles for culinary purposes— CbaZ Scuttles, St(n-e Pipe, eC-c. He has also purchased the right of sale in Blair county, of R. V. JONES’ ’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, ah invention which needs only to be seen to bo appreci.v and should be possessed by every farmer, batcher or those requiring such a machine. Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in'town or country. Spouting painted and put up en the most reasonable terms. fapril 14, 1859-ly RAIL ROAD LANDS FOR SALE, ON LONG CREDIT . AND AT LOW KATES OF INTEREST rpHE HANIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH I RAILROAD COMPANY, having over 000,000 ACRES of LAND lying in the State of Missouri, which was grant ed, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction of their Road, offer the principal- .portion thereof for sale, on the most liberal terms. The greater part of those lands arc within six. and all within fifteen miles of the Railroad, which is now comple ted. and open for use throughout its entire -length. '2OO miles.) and nine through a country which is unsurpassed by any in the salubrity of its cliiuale. the fertility of its toil, and the extent of its mineral resources. For further information, apply at the hand office of the or address by letter. JOSIAH HUNT. L/md Commissioner, 11. A St. Jo. R. R. Hannibal, Mo. Feb. 2, ‘.60.-ly* GROCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. The undersigned would in form the public that he has purchased the interest of A. MILLIRON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on hiitid a large supply of ■FLOCK, HAMS, SHOULDER?. SIDES, DRIED BEEF. FISH. SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA. : SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and evorythihg usually kept iu Grocery, and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and western cities; and will ceil at the most reasonable prices. Having repently obtained license to sell li;ju,r by whole sale. - Twill Keep constantly on hand a large assortment o! liquors of life, best qualities to-be bad, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July U. IStkl.-bm. J. BERKOWm. rp(> THE -.PUBLIC.— 1 T H E 8 U B -1 BCRIBER (having taken the establishment heretofore owned by Sninuel X. Fries,) would respectfully an \ nonnee to thy cltizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he'has removed his WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r/A' SUEET-IROX WARE <£■ STOVE STORE, to the new building on Annie street, between Harriet and Adeline Streets, East Altoona,where he will keep constant ly on hand a largo assortment of everything In Iris line, which bo will dispose of on reasonable terms. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up op short notice. Ho also manufactures Leaded Iron Spuntifig, which is said to bo much superior to gal vanized sheet-iron or tin. He has also attached a coppcr-smithlng room to hi* es tablishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and braSs kettles, Ac. AH kinds of job work promptly attended to. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. STEPHEN WIN’! ERS. Altoona, Aitg. IGth, 1860. Red lion hotel, ' ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNT P. PA. This old established and popular HOTEL, lormted nearly opposite the place of stopping the.passenger cars in Altoo na, has passed into the hands of the prcschf proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants [mo in assuring the travelling public that no pains will be spared to,render gucstsias comfortable as possible while sojourning under my roof. The TABLE will constantly be supplied with the very best iljo market affords. 1 The BAll will fie found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice hove rage LA (IEIt BEER. The STABLE is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler.; The. proprietor hopes, by his long experience in the busincp and the facilities, at his command, to make the Rod Lioik. fn all tespocts, a first class ilotei. The business of the Hotel will bo under my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public -eitrouage is kindly solicited. : 1 JOII« n. SOHWEIGERT, Proprietor. May 19, 1850.-tf Exchange hotel.—the SUB SCRIBER would respectfully in form tiic pubilc that he has recently re fitted tho above Hotel, and is now pre- KggbT pared to accommodate his friends and IB tdrSKn* patrons in a; comfortable manner, and hnKfJJ"v ( ”y iijajr will spare np pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. : His Table will always he luxuriously supplied from tjie markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors (if choice brands. His charges arc as reasonable as those of anjj other Hotel in the place, and ho feels satisfied they ran not bo complained of by those who favor him with their eastern. Expecting to receive a share of public patrohage, and fnlly intending to deserve it, lie throws Open'his house to the public and invites a trial. I haVo just received a stock cf Mo. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for raedieinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old. Rye Whiskey to be fouiiddn the couutrv. Altoona, May 27, ISSk-ly] JOHN BOWMAN, THE GREAT QUESTION WHICH •poW agitates tho mind of every person is, where can I get tho best article for myvwp money? ; Iti regard to other matters, the sub- IM scribcr wonldnot attempt to- direct, but if you 88. want anything iu the lino of ' • : BOOTS OR-SHOES - ho invites an examination of his stock,and work. • Hekceps constantly on hand an assortment of Boots, Shoos, Gaiters,’ Slippers, Ac., which ho offers at fair prices. Ho will give special attention to custom work, nil 61 whichiwjll ho warranted to give satisfaction. Nonebut tflp best workmen-are employed ‘ * Remember my shop is onJV'irginla street, immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store. Septenibor 8,’57-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. AT THE: OLD STAND!! The : subscriber would in- FOTIM the public that he has just received from the of dLOTUS AKD VESTINGS, FOR'SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTHING, which:hfj wfiiitnake to order onshort notice and reosoteiblo terms, and ivarranfs to give satisfaction. Persons in want of anyth!, In his It jo eaurclV upon being fairly dealt withl - ! > • ;;l JOHN O’DON NEL. aid- Shop on Main St., a few doors below.the “ Red Lipq Hotel j’. ' ; [May 24,1800 i 17URNfTURE WARE-ROOM —THE ' undersigned respectfully informs tho public that Ife has taken the waro-r6om two rtfaotw from the Brandi Ktud, N where hd'w|iljkoep on hand all kinds of ■-, ; OABINET'WARE, and attchd totho duties. of an UNDERTAKER. . Twd good; CttbincbMakers and-onq ppiiremtice want’d. Altoona, Apr. 12.18P0. ' JAB. T- MOORK. T) F: ROYER, M. D.,' . I) m rbffofs his profotsiohal semcea to the citizens of Altoona jiud vicinity. -‘ \ . Theibtjßt pfi/rufcmices can be given it required. ; . Office at rfcsjdpncc on« Brandi street. East Altoona, three doors Ab6ve!Conrad’s Store. ; ■ ‘ April 28 ’Sit-ljr. ' TI/rEDiCATED FUR CHEST PRO HoitfotHfe JitofcwttcU arise fh>w.the ejgKwsi State o£ the fINDEPENDENT IN EVERYTHING.] THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. E. B. McCKDM,..-. U. C. DERN, , * PDBUSIURS ANI) PROPRIETORS. Per annum, (payable invariably in advance.) $1,50 All papers discontinued at the expiration of the time paid for. 1 insertion 2 do, 3 do. Four lines or leas $ 25 $ $ 50 One square, ( 8 lines) 50 75 1 00 Two “ (10 “ ) 100 160 200 Three " (S 4 “ ) 150 200 250 Over three weeks and leas than three months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. 3 mouths. 0 months. 1 year. Six lines or less $1 60 $3 00 $5 00 One square, 2 50 4 00 7 OO Two “ 4 00' 600 10 00 Three “ 6 00 8 00 12 00 Four “ : 600 10 00 14 00 Half a column 10 00 14 00 20 00 One column 14 00 . 25 00 40 00 Administrators and Executors Notices 1 75 advertising by the year, three squares, with liberty to change, 10 00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines with paper, per year .■ 5 00 Communications of a political character or individual in-, terest will bo charged according to the above rates. Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions'desired, wiil-be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to the above terms. LETTER FROM IRELAND. Correspondence of the Altoona Tribune. Messes, Editors : — This morning, I again sit me down to address another letter for your val uable paper. I dated this letter at Dublin but I may finish writing it in Belfast, for the time from noon until the train leaves is too short, and 1 dare not finish my letter, unless I do justice to all the “wy&s,” and they are many. I se cured a guide (-an old man to whom I gave half a crown for his services) 8 hours yesterday and 2 hours this morning. But 1 will not give you as minute ft description of Dublin as I received, but, only the history of the principal objects of this the principal city of Ireland. Dublin is situated on the banks of the River Liffey, which, running from West to East, divides the City into two nearly equal parts. After leaving the town the river expands into a noble bay, which is guarded on the one side by Killiney hill, near Kingstown, and on the other by the hill of Houth.. The river Is navigable as far as Carlisle Bridge, in the .centre of the City, but the heavier vessels seldom pass above the Custom Bouse. Well for the sights—and the first is the Bunk of Ireland. This building is situated In College Green and was formerly used as the Parliament House, and occupied the s ite of q building which was begun early in the Seventeenth Century by Sir G. Ca rey. Originally intended for an hospital, it be cn.itoe successively the seat of justice and a man sion, The present building was commenced in 1721) and completed in 1787, costing altogether $46,000. The huildiug is somewhat semicircu lar in shape, with a beautiful Colonade of lonic columns facing College Green, and portico in the centre, in the tympanum of which is placed the Royal Arms, appropriately surmounted by emblematical figures of Hibernia, Commerce and Fidelity, The entrance to the former House of Lords was by ft portico oq the eastern side, th,C Columns presenting the anomally of the Corinthian order. - The figures here ore Forti t’udß; Liberty and Justice. The western on tranco, like the Colonade, is in the lonic £tyle of ’nrchitecture. The old Hoa«o of Commons is now used os the Tellers office. The House of TEEMS OP ADTKTITIStSO liosiucss notices five cents per lino for every insertion. C/biLuary notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square. Select |)octn). ROCK ME TO SLEEP, MOTHER. LY FLOIIE.VCS I’EBCV Backward, turn backward, oh. Time, m your flight; Make me a child again , just for to-night I Mother, come back from the echoless shore, Take me again to your heart as of yoro— Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care,- Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair— Over tuy.slumber your loving watch keep— Rock me to sleep, mother—rock me to sleep ! Backward, backward, oil, tide of the years ! 1 am so weary of toil and tears— Toil without recompense—toaiA all in vain— Take them and give me my childhood again 1 I have grown weary of dust and decay, Weary of flinging my soul wealth away— Weary of sowing for others to reap;— Rock me to sleep, mother—rock me to sloop Tired of the hollow, the has--, the untrue. Mother, oh. mother, my heart calls for,you 1 Many a summer the grass has grown green, Blossomed and faded, our faces between— Yet with strong yearnings and passionate pain, Long I to-uigbt for your presence again : Come from the silence so long and so deep— Rock me to sleep, mother—rock me to (deep 1 Over my heart, in the days that arc flown, N o love like mother-lovo ever has shone— No other worship abides and endures Faithful, unselfish' and patient like yours ; None like mother can charm away pain Front the sick soul and the world weary brain ; Slumber’s soft calms o’er my heavy lids creep, Rock me to sleep, mother—rock mo to Sleep) Como, let your brown hair, just lighted with gold, Fall on your shoulders again as of old ; Let it drop over my forehead to-night. Shading my faint eyes away from the light— For with its sunny edged shadows onco more Haply will throng the sweat visions of yore. Lovingly, softly its bright billows sweep— Rock me to sleep, mother —rock roe to sleep! Mother, dear mother I the years have been long Since I have slept to yonr lullaby song; v Sing, then, and unto my soul it shall seem Womanhood’s years have been only a dream. Clasped - to yonr heart in a loving embrace, With your light lashes just sweeping my face, Never, hereafter, to wake or to weep— Rock mo to sleep, mother—rock mo to sleep! Cljt #11) OEmmtrg. Dublin City, liUel,vnd. ) Scjitember 3rd, 1800. / Lords remains unaltered, save the site of the throne is now occupied by a statute of King George the 111. ‘ The chairs are in their places, the long table in the centre and the old tapestry still hanging on the' walls. i This has on the left a representation of,'King William crossing the Boyne with poor Schowberg expiring almost under bis horses feet; and on the right the siege of Derry. Both pieces .of needle-work are in excellent preservation. Directly opposite the Bank of Ireland is Trinity College. This is a very fine building; I weht through it, but shall only speak of the museum belonging to it. Tho collection is email but very creditable to allcon cornod. Tho skeletons of' the ancient Elk of Ireland, which have been dug up oat of the bogs of various parts of the country, are truly a cu riosity ; the series comprises: two males and a female, together with a group of six heads of Antlers of various ages, from two years old to the adult size. This collection is unique. -An other collection of value to the College student is a series of human skulls, | geographically ar ranged, intended to convey at a glance tho dif ference of cranial development incidental to dif ferent countries. The collection of Irish birds is very fine, the specimens in i good con dition, and tho series nearly-complete. Among them may be observed with interest the Golden" Eagle, Errie or White Tailed Eagle, the Spotted Eaglo, and a Vulture, all shot in the South of* Ireland. In the Library room I was handed a book, called “ A Latin copy of the Gospel,” known as tho Book of Kells,; and attributed to Saint Columbia, which was written 1300 years ago. I waa next taken into the Castle of Dublin, which is by no means an imposing structure.— Wo next went into the Viceregal Chapel which is beautiful in the extreme. The Viceregal apartments are easily found. You eater under a Doric Colonadn, and by the grand staircase into the presence chamber, an ornamented hall containing the throne of the representative mon archy, (in wltieh I sat) which, as well as the hangings, is richly embroidered with gold.— We went through St. Patrick’s Hall—the Coun cil Chamber and the private Drawing Room, which contains the most magnificent furniture, costly mirrors and marble tables. I was next shown the Christ’s Church Cathedral, or Church of the Holy Trinity, which was built in 1038— and about which I took copious notes, bat will give them at another time ; also the Cathedral of St. Patrick, the Post Office, Custom House, the Four Courts and the Phoenix Park. But now we will goto see Nelson’s Monument, which is in Sackville St. It is a tall fluted column 121 feet high (exclusive of the statute,) and stands close to the Post Office, It is of granite, consisting of a pedestal 80 feet high bearing -the names and dates of four of the heroes’ victo ries. The pillar rises above 70 feet, bearing on a Doric capital, a second pedestal on which tho statute rests—it cost $34,280. The statute which stands 13 feet in height, is a beautiful specimen of art, and is from the Studied h na tive Sculptor, Thomas Kirk. On a fine clear day such as we have now, if. you ascend to the safely railed summit as I did, you have a most extensive and beautiful as well os 'delightful prospect; embracing a panoramma view of tbe city and surrounding country—from the Mowme Mountains in the County Donrne on the North, to the Wicklow Mountains on tbe South, the plains of Meath and Kildarr in the West, parted by tho Dublin Hills and Dublin Bay, and a wide expanse of sea to the Eastward. But we must not pass unnoticed the Zoological Gardens in tho Phoenix Park—some pf the animals are liv ing and some are dead, yet of the latter there are very few ; I saw wolves),such as formerly infested Ireland, bears, leopards, pumas, ja guars, hyenas, bisons, llamas, and various spe cies of doer, kept here, together with an assem blage of those amusing little gentry, the mon key. I observeS a large cage containing a whole colony of white tailed eagles, and a number of other birds, but I saw no foarfy or makes, “nary time.” But I have but 15 minutes time to get to Belfast railway station, •which is one mile 'distant, so I must bo off—well I jump op .to a a jaunting car—and I got there just in time, I get my ticket, jump into/ the train, the whistle is blown, and we arc off—aud the first place of jntercst wo came to is Malahide Castle, the fine haronical mansion of Lord Talbot de Malahide. Tho Castle is a large square/building flanked by lofty circular towers. It was erected in the reign of Henry 11. The Oak;Chamber exhibits the most elaborate carving in oak and lighted with a pointed window, of stained glass ; close by is a Malahide AbbeyAan interesting ruin of a church in tho Gothic style, liut wc must be (iff we pass Swords and Lurk and stop at Drogheda. This town is situated omtliej fine-! river /Boyne. The town was formerly wallcd in,'&nd consider able portions of its walls, with two of its gates, ■ still remaining as ruins. St. |jpwrenoe's Gate, pn the northern side of the river) is a.perfect spe cimen, and the Wept Gate, pn the southern or meath side, forms p jn ore picturesque tain, as sociated with Drogheda, arc the histories of the memorable siege by Cromwell) and. the “ battle of .the Boyne.” We leave Drpg heda and Pars Tara—the history pf wbiph ip mpst interesting, yet too lengthy for the pyoSent .occasion,! )7e next come to Dundalk which was the lost town in Ireland, when a monarch jifas crowned, and resided in royal Tjtpre are in the town; that were built |p 10()V.G.N e w?X the next Station.though the town is- sitnated a short distance fromtheßailrtad,inthe vale of ;the-rireirNewry,*sliKo; A EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. gentleman who sat beside me in the ear, and was faihUiar of Nowry, staled that Dean Swift described It. in these words ‘‘High Church, low steeple, dirty streets, and jiroud people.” The next stopping place is Ar magh; In 444 St Patrick fixed his see at Ar magh, and. here on the sight of the present Ca thedral, sprang up.one of the first Christian Churches in Ireland. Here he also foonded the first College in the Kingdom, and while the rest of Europe was in darkness. Armagh was a shining light, which so increased in brilliancy, that ip the timooftho Tenerable Bedey eleven centuries ago, it attracted thither the : nobility and gentry of Brittain for their education, The Danes destroyed the city and its Cathedral in the ninth oentnry, and from this period v, to tho twelfth century it was destroyed seventeen times, so that not many of theanoient-bolldings are left; but we now; leave Armagh, 'and oof next stopping place is Belfast I shohld bare stated that at Postadom we left tho main, lino ahd came through the country, temples and a half distant, to. get to Armagh. It cost nothing and we had time. Now we go back to and take cars for Belfast Weamve“at&p, m„ and will remain two days, so I uavjtov at the Plough Hotel in Belfast, and will |tart on Wodnsday for Colerain and other points of Irelaad. • 1 am yours truly, W.BBonBS. Select THE WALL OF CHINA; This stupendous monument of human. art industry exceeds every thing that wetead of in ancient or modern history. The pyramids of Egypt aro little when compared with ft which is conducted over highmountains,some ■ of which rise to the height of five t vo hundred and twenty-five feet, ■ across thb deep- I est vales, over wide rivers by means of arches, and in many parts is doubled qr' trebled,to-com mand important passes; at the distance, ofal most-every hundred' yards iq a tower ofmassy bastion. The extent is oompntod at fiftan hun dred miles, and is each enormous thickness six horsemen may ride abreast upon it Sir George Staunton, who accompanied Lord : Macartney in bis embasy to China,' considers this great barrier to have been erected at least two thousand years. Du Raids also; says ° this prodigious work was’ constructed tfq hundred and fifteen years before the birth of Christ, by the orders of the first emperor of the family of Tain, to protect three large provinces from the irruptions of the Tartars.’* One-third pact of the able-bodied men of Chinn were employed in constructing this wall, and the workmen were ordered, under pain of death, to place the mate rials of which it is composed so closely that the least entrance might not he left for any instrn-t ment of pointed iron; The labor in its con struction must have been immense, ae the mate rials mast have been earned over a desert coun try to eminences inaccessible to horses or* car riages. This ?* wonder of the wortd'Vwas com pleted in the short space of five years, and.lt is reported that the laborers stood 90 close for many miles that they oonld hand the wiatojriaN from one to aabrher. - DEWDROPS. Liberality is the beat way to gain, affection for we are assured of their friendship: to whoa we ore obliged. : " ; i,-■ The greater the; man is, ’ the mocer -bq hath need of a friend; and the pmirediSonlty there is in dnding and knowing him.. Worthy miads deny themselvesmany advan tages to satisfy a geherboa beneficence, which they bear friends in distress. ' ' t Inquisitive people are the fennels of conver sation; they do pot take in anyth ing'for owp use, but merely to pass it to another.! . pboose thy wife wisely; open not thy bosom to the trifler; repose not thy head on the breast which nurseth envy,' and folly, and -vanity. : ’ . More hearts pine away in secret anguish for unkindness from those who should be,their.opin forters, than for any other calaputy inUfe. : j lie who would-bring. home the - wealth of i the Indies, panst carry the wealth of the Indies with him. So it is in travelling; a.man roust 9 airy knowledge with him; if he would bring home knowledge. ' ■ ’ f ‘. If & man coaid be conscious of all (hat to said of him in bis absence,'he would probably te jeomeatery modest man indeed. ' " r ?? : v ’ ; BQu If you barb great tolebto, industry will iippro™ them; if moderate abilU>«B,in(iaBfry will supply them; -Nothing is deniewi' directed[debar; nothing is ever to lie attained without it Remember, a man’s genius is : al ways in the beginning of "fife as much-unknown 'to' bibiself as is only after frequen t trials, attended with success, that be dares think himself equal to the undertakings' in which those who bare succeeded, bate fixed the ad miration of all mankind. ' sew# the matter of plaint speaking ire are, like the soldier; wbi>; ib bis first battle was afraid to fire off bis buisket, lest be-might hert somebody. •Jr ■' J •-—- B®* ~;I f in instructing a child ychaxaffc^sd 6t'adtoii&i<»M, fay, if f j • : NO. 39. ■ (