The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 25, 1860, Image 1

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r i
ll,c preparation of Iron n nrMu .
l ’ u ' tl '"> ill Hydrogvn
‘r;ll AuilionHofl, both Ita 1 ta kSf* -
prescribed in their prMtS' o ®*
Kircl with
Tcctiom,- Emaciation, n
A« lt Jlhenm, I
Complaint*, C>tronte^j%% tU f n ) I
Krcrs 1
ilit.v, whether the reanl/SP*’ **e
-1 diminution of ne£SSi;?£ acn ‘» J
complaints, one
«ful to anextentX^ 0 * I ***-
talion would render credlbu^**
■"« to town bccome
mve suddenlyro-appestSfatiih
"? 1 fr ; ,nl a protracted trawl In
signal instances of this VlndaiS
v. emaciated victims of apparent
diaustion, critical changet aad
s ami dyspeptic aversion to air' '■
physician has no name,
if all kinds, and for reasons lb
"ix'i ation of this preparation nr
for, unlike
. without being exciting ami
ugularly aperient, even in th«
stiviness without ever beln£»
mg a disagreeable sensation
among Others, which tnakei It
permanent a remedy tbr POa
to exert a distinct andaiMhlS
cil tendency which fermsthSn
de as are Us caUH-8, asingtebox
! LS often sufficed fur the aS5'
o*-atteud:int CotUttneu
even when advanced to Dyes*,
ir. and apparently maligham
.■ decisive and ’
ilesh and strciigtli,debJlStoUnw
■ ? vhich generally Indicate S
remedy has alloyed tb“aUr»
m several Very g*atifyJng\S
tl'i' Diedicated Iron has had
•ct oflliemost cantiotulvhat
1 ’ " llhoQt My of their well.
nnnot b 0 too confidently hivt.
j, alive, in the cotes pecMlu r |j
: iiic and inflammatory-in the
tii-dijr—|t has beeh'invatUhlv
■ting tbe pain and reducing the
‘ joints and muscles. *
must necessarily Iwagneatr*-'
ly.Muid its progress |n tbo new
al probaby bo one of high r *.
Te/od in the whole history of
* Prompt, happy, and fully r «-
tite. complete digestion. rapid
!■ nn unusual dfapbsltlon W
immediately follow Its use.
- containing 50 pills, pries 10
ngg!.sts and dealers; Wfll he
vecipt of the price; All letters.
'-'■d to ■ ”
20 .Cedar St, New York.,
ir.p in the praise of
■ith to affordritmantimum re
nctu ns if by magte,'ind out
; t hat what we say is trite. It
li TC9 by removing the suffer*
f by deadening its tensibilitia.
" itself ns tbe only reliable prep
laumEx Tbethiso, DubbjkSa,
liowcLs. Acidity of xhb Stom
t>. mill Croup, also, for trflen
:;i tutmii, regulating the Bowels,
, —bring an auti-spamalie
res- ill all cases of COSTtJUIOJ*
the H/e and health of your
■III /rum those tad arntblighting
: u h, result from the use of nor
edi'et for Infantile Chmplainlt
till Katox’S iSF.VSTtLECOBMAL,
is perfectly harmless, and can
inlant. Price, 23 cents. • Fall
mule. Prepared only by
•- -lot) llroadwuy, New-York.
m King
.-.uni l i-ssentiul,, elements, and
si* inn. Analyse the Blood of
ji.sumpfion, Liver Complaint,
«o find in f.ciry instancr. ccr
.■Lutes Of Blood. Supply these
in.lo well. The* iluxiD foot) I*
•v—iioncc Its natouuhlngsuc-
• f (lie 111'kxI In different d|S-
IlroNcniTPS or any aflection
,i MU'*, inducing CossCStPTWX,
*; .. f**r Dki-hmsiOX op Shwts,
nnmxic. arising
ii:iT. mill Xkkvol’s PjMWTtA
. *.M'. So. 3 terDrsniftlA.—
i.. if is TAEixnrDsnM
* ill*- cin uLiliou, so that .what
i. 4 is fur Fi3i.HK InßKCClAai
free special directions for
i. :ioxs, Srnoruwus, KltiSlT,
Xo. 3. In nil cases -the <ll
- .l. Price of the Blnod find
l.uuiicn It DUPONT,
. ■! f i'j Broadway, New-York.
idelpliia, audO. H.KJtYSER,
J* # • |
. T. Murray, Hollidnysbnrgi
si,-: throughout the country.
n Crime and Criminals is I®
vidoly circulated throughout
1 Hie Great Trials, Criminal
ialsoh the some, together wltr
tiers, not to bo found IB anJ t
i. nnm; $1 for six months, te
iho should write thrir wun**
t. whore they resideplauUW
. w. MATSELL * CO-.
Sow York Police
jv'eta iarkyuy.
•ance and Trust Co*
k, $500,000.
,iJ/ St., s. E. comer of
[Oct. 27th, .1869 Ijr.
,! Fire Insurance
■ loss or damage by Crt*
h.ure and Properly of ever!
r\< iif nil reasonable .
lii'ee in the Macule Temple*
[Dec. 33, ’sB—tt
[\LEy RE- . /
(coua aud the ad-^flj^HV^
[co heretofore oc-
I- genteeS®2
fjosEPH r.TROVt^SSf
ready to di»h*«W
Uei upon.
jll tjgttfl.- Agfa* tribune
VOL. 6.
I At the People’s Shoe Store*
I iN Take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Alteo-
I , ST»nd surrounding country that they have Just received,
I lt tiicir store on .Annie, street, two doors below the Post
I pffler, a large and handspme assortment of BOOTS, SHOES
I tod GAITERS, for JLadide, Gentlemen and Children’s wear,
I 0 f(dl sizes apd kinds. Their stock is of neat finish and. ex-'
I ssllsnt manufacture, which they will sell Or CASH only,
| st least 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER than the same can ho
I purchased elsewhere—at will be seen by relenting to the
I allowing price Bit : —
Men’s fine calf Boots, $3 25 to $3 SO
Men's fine kip Boots, 2 78 to 3 25
Boy’s kip Boots, 1' 75 to 2 00
Youths’, 1 75
Men’s Calf Gaiters, 2 00
Meg’s Oxford Tits, 162 to 2 00
Hen’s Brogan’s, 1 12 to 1 65
I Boys’ Brogans, 76 to 1 20
I Youths’ Shoes, ' 62 to 87
I Children’s Shoes, 25 to 66
I Ladies’Congress Gaiters, 160 to 1-66
I Ladies.’ Lasting Gaiters with heels, X 37 to 1 60
I Ladies’ Superior Lasting Gaiters, 186
| ladies’ Morocco Boots with beels*, XBO to 155
Ladies’ Morocco, Boots without heels, X 25 to I 37
’Ladies’ Goat Boots with heels, I 26
Ladies’Calf Boots with heels, ’ X2O to 125
Misses’ Coif Boots with heels, 75 to X 00
Misses’ French Morrocco Boots, with heels, X 25
llaring bought our goods for cash, they were pot at the
purest figure, and by doing an exclusively cash basinets
nutoniers are not made to pay for bod debit hence our
|*«r prices.
And if yon want a good and fashionable Boot or Shoe
made, leave your measure and they trill have it made at
- short notice. Repairing done in the neateet manner, and
«t reasonable terms.
We respectfully solicit a liberal share of public favor.
Sept. 13, ISGO.-tf.
Literary Emporium and News Depot
8 T OR E.
The subscriber continues to
keep constantly on hand all the best literary papers and
periodicals, doily papers from Philadelphia, New lurk and
Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All
the gchoolßooks used in this place and vicinity always on
Also, a choice lot. of Confectionaries, and knick knacks
of til kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco A Segars
to bs hod In town, together with a fine assortment of Gold
snd Silror Pencils, Gold Rings and other articles of Jewel
ry. Call and examine. H.PETTINGER.
Altoona, July 26, ’flMy. No. 1 Mioona Haute.
,1 A The undersigned is prepared to' locate LAND WAR
RANTS (n the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices.—
flood selections can now be made near tin large streams
sad settlements. The Lands of this Teiritory, now in
Market, arc of the best Quality, ■
S 3. Selections 'Carefully made. Letters of Inquiry re
quested. ' ALEX. P. MCKINNEY,
Orxapolis, CossCouuty, N. Xer.
ialy 14,1869.-tf
Rot. A. B. Clark, Altoona, Pa.
Wk. M. LlotsA Co., Bankers, Altoona, Pa.
McCrdm A Dnur, Editors. “
Tsos. A. Scon, Bnpt. P. R. R„ «
D. McMcrtrii, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa.
W. M. LLOYD & CO.,
{Late “Bell, Johnston, Jack £ Co.”)
Drafts on the principal
Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections
made. Moneys received on deposito, payable on demand,
without interest, or npon time, with interest at fair rates,
feb. 3d, 1859. i
y • ALTOONA, BLAIR Co, Pa., .
Will practice law in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria,
Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centre and adjoining counties.—
Also id the District Count of the United States.
!}’ "
Collections of claim* promptly attended to. Agent for
the tale of Real Estate,. Bounty Laud Warrants, and all
.business pertaining to conveyancing and the law.
Hon. Wilson McCandles and Andrew Burke, Esq., Pitts
burgh; Hon. Samuel'A. Gilmore, Pres. Judge of Fayette
Judicial District; Hon. Chenard Clemons, of Wheel IngcVa.;
Hoa Henry D. Foster, Greensbnrg; Hon. John W. KUlinger,
Lebanon; Hod. Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hon.
George P. Hamelton, Pittsburg. June 18, 1859-ly.
RAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon
eoanties. K
Having had several years* experience fit the practice of
‘ he ex Peot* to merit public patronage.
Office on Virginia Street, in the room lately occupied by
M.\j. Lect, Eaq. [Sept. 6,1860.-tf.
*• R. OOOD, u) B. j. If nnniiiT, h. B
IXO entered into Partnership in the Practice of
Medicine, respectfully tender their services to the Pnblle
la the several branches of their Profession.
Calls will be answered either day or night at their office
—which is the same as heretofore occupied by Dm. Hirst
• Good,—or at the Logan House.
April 21st, 18593 m
Boots and shoes.—the un
dersigncd has now on hand and will
wit cheap at his (tore in tha Masonic Tom- WHI
ivn ,&r (J e an< l complete assortmentofßOOTS
AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order,
uvenhocs, Ladies’ Sandkla,Ciram Shoes, Cork
«les, and.everythlng. In hU.llne of business, of’
■tit best quality and on the moat reasonable terms. All
work warranted;' 1 ' 1 : ’
Jan. 2, ’66-tf.]
'he Soot and Herb- Doctor,
for the Becky Mountains, for a now supply of Roots,
win return again.and can be consulted at John food’s
ioi C *’ Alto °na,'on tho 21st day of ‘ November and on the
*uli day of December. Also, one day In' each month for
months thereafter, notfceof which will bo given in
““ I»Per. 88. WVLETXNGSTON., 1860.
Dlair county INSURANCE
jA-f agency^—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair
vomity Mutual Thro Insurance ■ Company, I* . st all
■l®'* r <ady to Insure against loss or damage by Are, BuSd-
W,lknhanditei Furniture and Property, of every ties
tnption, in town or country, at 'as reasonable rates as any'
tompany in the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack i :
SPECTFULLY offor thelr professional services to the
of AJtdona and vicinity. Office on Railroad etreet, >? ? **** the Bed Lion Hotel,, where they may be
*ptlo, all honr% except when professionally-engaged.
„ • T. <3L ADLUM,
notary public.
Stotari 185T* tw . , ' o,mdatthe «tore of J. UUeman.
i* to t*M»
states life insu-
V*? Md npedietaaly omoMm thisoffld*.
Original «lft Book Enterprise.
Tht largtit in the world; permanently located at 459 Chttt
nut Strut, Philadelphia.
Having purchased the spacious Iron Building, No. 439
rn£ n ?t Street, and fitted It up with every convenience to
v'p4rttcniorly that branch devoted to
COUNTRY ORDERS'; and having a larger capital tbanany
other party invested iu the business, I am now prepared to
offer greater advantages and better gifts than ever to my
i “y book (° fa tporal character) published
in the United States, the regular price of which is One
o i, a i, o^^P wa^ ? s . , and Sire a present worth from 50 cents
, ®*cn book, and guarantee to give perfect sat*
iaiacuoii, I determined to maintain the reputation
already bestowed upon my establishment. ' -
Strangers visiting Philadelphia are invited to call and
Judge for themselves. G. Q.EVAN .
•: avoi *o
where all books are sold at the Pub Us her’s prices, and you
nave tbe advantage of receiving a handsome present,
vroKB from 60 extras to 100 Dollars with Each Book.
GEO. 6. STANS’ Original Gift Book Enterprise has been
endorsed by the Book Trade and all tbe
.caducity and conntry papers In the
GEO. Q. StAp Punctual business transactions have re
> celved the approbation of over 6,000,000
citizens of the United States, each of
whom have received substantial evidence
of tbe advantages derived by purchasing
books at this establishment.
GEO. O. EVANS Has done more than any other publisher
\ or bookseller in the United States to
wards diffusing knowledge to the people.
By this system many books are read that
otherwise .would not have found their
way into the hands of readers. —Frank
Letlie’t Newspaper,
GEO. O. EVANS Keeps constantly on hand the most ex
tensive stock, the greatest assortment of
, Books, and circulates free to all who may
■ apply, the most most complete catalogue
of Books and Gifts in tbe United States.
GEO. G. EVANS Has advantages offered by other pub
lishers and manufacturers which'enable
him to furnish his patrons with a finer
quality and better assortment of gifts
than any other establishment.
GKO. G. EVANS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popnlar
and interesting Books, therefore, as a
publisher, he is better able to offer extra
premiums and commissions.
GEO. Q. EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to all who
may send for books.
GEO- G. EVANS’ New classified catalogue of books em
brace the writings of every standard au
thor in every department of literature,
and gives all the information relative to
the purchasing and forwarding by Mail
or Express of books ordered from his es-
tablishment, together with fall direc
tions how to remit money,
GEO. G. EVANS’ Catalogue of Boooks will be sent gratis
and free of expense to any address in
the United States.
GEO. O. EVAN’S Inducements to Agents cannot be sur
passed. Tho most liberal commissions
are offered, and by soliciting subscrip
tions to books in the manner proposed,
30 books can be sold ]□ the same time
that it wonld take to sell one on the old
fashioned subscription plan. Bend for a
classified Catalogue, and every informa
tion will be given in reference to agen
cies. " Select your books, enclose the
amount of money required, and one trial
will satisfy you that the best place in tho
conntry to purchase books is at
No. 439 Chestnut Street, Phila.
Books of Fact!
Boojks ot Fiction!
Books of Devotion!
Books of Amusement!
Books fur the Old Folks!
Books for the Young Folks
Book* for'Uusbands
Books for Wives!
Books ibr Liovers I
Books lor Sweethearts I
Books for Boys!
Books for Girls!
Books of Humor!
Books of Poetry I
Books of Travel!
Books of'History >
Books of Biography! '
Books of Adventure!
Books about Sailors 1
Books about Soldiers I
Books about Indians!
- Books about Hunters!
Books about Heroes!
Books about .Patriots)
Books for Fanners! .
ißooks for Mechanics!
: Books for Merchants!
Books for Physicians!
Books for Lawyers!
Books for Statesmen I
v Bibles!
Presentation Books
Prayer Books!
Hymn Books!
Juvenile Books!
Albums, etc., etc.
CECIL B. HARTLEY’S Interesting Biographies!
KEY. J. INGRAHAM’S Scriptural Romances!
SMUCKER’S Lives of Patriots and Statesmen!
J. T.LAUREN’S Revolutionary Stories!
T. S. ARTHUR’S Popular Tales!
DR. ALCOTTB Family Doctor!
, OURS. HKNTZ’S Novels!
COOPER’S Novels!
All the writings of every standard author in every de
pertinent of literature, in every style of binding, at the
publisher’s lowest prices, and remember that you pay no
more then yon would at any other establishment, and yon
have the advantage of receiving an olegant Present, which
oftentimes is worth a hundred fold more than the amount
paid for the book..
Order any book that you maytwant, remit tho retail price,
together vuh tbe funoQnt required for poetagej atid one
trial will assure you that the best place in the country to
purchase boob is at the Gill Book Establishment of
Originator of the Gilt Book Enterprise,
No. 439 Camnnre Stanr,
To whom greater inducements than over are offered.
Any person, either male or female, who is desirous ofen
gsging in an ''
Requiring but little time and no outly of money, and by
which they can obtain gratis . -.- . -
■A VdtuahU lAbrary,
A Firu.GoldWatch and Chain,
A Byndsome ServOte qf Platt,
An Eleganh SOU Drett Pattern,
■ A Splend’d Set of Jewelry,
Or any other; choice articles enumerated inthe List Of Gifts
can do so .by acting as an Agent for this establishment.
, A n ,F P<.tWQ, in any part of the country, can bean Agent
simply by forming a (Hub, sending a list of Books, and re
mining the amonnt of money required for tho same.
Bend for a catalogue, which contains all the desired in
formation relative to agencies and tho formation of clubs:
audio insure prompt and honorable dealings, address ill
orders to
PensanenUy located ct So. 490 Chestnut Street, JPhUeda.
Bept A JSWrflm.
Per annum, (payable invariably in advance,) $1,60
paid* r Per * < “* cont^ a l the expiration of the time
nuu or anvzßTjgwo.
_ „ I ; 1 insertion 2 do. 8 do.
Four lines oarless,..., $25 $ 37Vd $6O
One square, :(■ 8 lineal 60 78 100
m?° it ty 6 “ 100 160 200
Tl^*f r .. ii 24 “ ) 160 200 260
over three weeks and less than three months, 26 cents
per Square for each insertion. ’
al _ „ i 8 months. 6 months. 1 year.
n™ l 0r *** *1 M $8 00 $6 00
One square,;.,.. 2 60 400 700
JEL « 400 600 10 00
« i“ 600 800 12 00
iSS “ vi- - 600 10 00 14 00
Hnira column 10 00 14 00 20 00
A?ltff i a , mn ,r :• •• 14 00 25 00 40 00
Administrators and Executors Notices 1 76
“? v ® rtta . in B by the year, three squares,
with liberty tochange, qo qq
Professional iOr Business Cards, not exceetog 8
ir* e,wlt “ ; ? a P« r . Per year. 6 00
of a poUtical character or individual In
terest will b* charged according to the above rates.
»i„t:o ert “T en £ ? ot marked w *lb the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and chanted ac
cording to the above terms. b
Business notices five cents per line for every insertion.
vDitiwy notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square.
Uded liflttrg.
Be kind to each other!
- ' The night’s coming on,
When friend and when brother
] Perchance may be gone I
Then midst our dejection •
How sweet to have earned
Tjie blest recollection
■ |Of kindness —returnedt
•When day has departed, \
■ And memory keeps
Her watch, broken-hearted,
. Where all she loved sleeps!
Let falsehood assail not,
; Nor envy disprove—
Let trifles prevail not
; Against those ye love t
fclbr change with to-morrow
•Should fortune take wing;
But the deeper the sorrow
• The closer still cling!
'■ Ob I bo kind to each other!
; ™be night’s coming on,
'When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone!
’lia sweet to know we have a friend;
Unwavering as the sea-girt rock;
Where storms in vain their fury spend,
And naught but waves roll from the shock.
UnmoVed, unflinching, there it stands,
(Thoiigb ocean’s waves around it roar,)
Unlike the gay coquettish sands, i '
That, sparkle pntbe distant shore.
And shch a friend methinks is mine,
As pure as is the morning due;
Unchanging with the change of time,
As constant as the rock is true.
0, magic Bleep I 0 comfortable bird,
That bropdeet o’er the troubled aea of the mind,
Till it is bush’d and smooth I 0 nnconflned
Bestrainat! imprisoned liberty! great key
To golden palaces, stranger minstrelsy,
Fountains grotesque, new trees, bespangled caves,
Echoing grottoes full of tumbling waves
And moonlight; aye, to all the magy world
Of silvery enchantment!—who unfurl’d
Beneath thy drowsy wing a triple hour,
But renovates and lives ?
Hdfd JjKsfdtonj.
I don’t like to hear the noise of these ham*
mere, xhe dull song of laboring picks breaks
upon the ear With monotonous regularity. They
are making jtracks fur a railroad in this old
to win. lam 'not pleased with the “ improve
ments,” as some call it, for a pleasabt farm
house and its surrounding fields that sloped from
high apd undulating hills have vanished before
its nod. The great genius of enterprise, with
his ugly shears of commerce, is clipping at the
poor wings of poverty and romance, till, I fear,
by and by, ithey will only have power to (lap
along the ground, their etherial faculties chain
ed down to ;stock taking and invoices.
I am sorry the house has gone, for there are
some recollections connected With its history for
the sake of which it would be pleasant could it
have been spared. An old farm-house surround
ed by .fields of waving grain and ; corn, in the
autumn time* overhung by branches of various
trees, goldep with the fullness of time, is a sight
of picturesque beauty in a rich volley, especial
ly if a fine old mountain looms np in tha back
ground, pr a deep shade of forest bees stretch
es away intu tho dear, mellow atmosphere be
yond. ; ;;; ,
In that one before us (I am speaking now as
if it stood ih the old spot) the widow of the no
ble Captain If iehhoht lived some twenty ydars
hgo. The lk|y was a fine specimen of old time
Women;' dignified, even commanding in manner,'
With .a fresh' bloom upon her cheeks, artificially
moulded forehead, and adeep earnest expres
sion in iber bright eyes. She was' a woman of
refined; fthd| cultivated intellectual powers, ‘ a
woman Who |in youth had known no stint of
wealth, jwhwb mind was stored with classic lore,
who had. never, till she emigrated to the wilder
ness of the New World, soiled her fingers with
even household work. L
Father aid husband were both dead. Tie
bones of the:; former reposed in another country ,
beneath a majrble monument; the letter had now
slept two yehrs in the little burying ground be
side the woojden church in sight of the red farm
house, and a pmall gray stone marked .the spot
where nis ashes mingled with the dust.
One day during the hardest campaign of par
Soldier?,.Madame Piemont was alone at tbb
farm, Fomp, a negro servant, had gone on an
Which Would detain him until nightfall)
and Alek the hired man, had wounded hie Wand,
with an axe, ;so that he was quite disabled and
obliged :jto- return to his home, about a mile Sis*
twit,, waieh, $y the way, was the nearest h«ae-
[independent in eveeythino.]
stead to the old farm house. The widow’s four
bravo sons of ages varying from eighteen' to
twenty-six, had started but two days previous
for their country’s field of battle.
While the widow realized that in all proba
bility, some, perhaps all; wduld be smitten by
the ruthless hand of war,‘ her, cheek was still
unblanched and holy hope sat in the repose of
her beautiful features. Only now and then, she
turned to open the Bible before her and read a
few consoling passages, and straightway resum
ed her work with a trusting smile. Ah 1 patri
otism found an endearing home in many such a
gentle breast.
Suddenly from a distance came a sound like
the trampling of horses fest, and a great cloud
of dust betokened the approach of travellers
hurrying to.their destination. ' The widow moved
to the door and shading .her eyes from the in
tense sunshine, watched their progress. They
drew nearer, and in another moment three
horsemen drove up before the door. They wore
military costume and were alf fine looking men.
The foremost gentleman by far exceeded the
others by his imposing figure, and the greatness
of his countenance. It needed no introduction
to assure the widow that this was George Wash
ington. With that character which always
characterised him, be bowed gracefully to Mad
ame Piermont, as he blandly asked if he could
find rest and refreshment.
“ Our horses are. wearied ; we have ridden
since this morning and would fain recruit,” he
“ Certainly, gentlemen, and welcome,” she
replied, smilingly, throwing wide open the inner
door as they dismounted.
“ Our poor beasts,” said one of the officers,
patting bis smoking horse “ I would they could
be attended to immediately. Is there a groom
01 servant about your bouse, Madame, trho could
rub them down and feed them ?” 1 will reward
him liberally.” '
“We would ask no reward in this household,
sir,” replied the widow; “ if you will lead them
around they will be cared for.”
“ Make yourself perfectly comfortable, gen
tlemen,” said the widow; “and excuse me while
I prepare your refreshments. You must be
hungry as well os fatigued.”
In another minute the widow was in the stable
unsaddling the poor horses—work to which she
was not accustomed, but which, nevertheless
she could do in time, being a woman of strong
muscular frame and great energy. She knew
it must be done by herself or not at all. As
for men and horses they were completely jaded
out. She with straw rubbed the animals down
with her own bands, led them into stalls and
prepared and give them food. After changing
her dress the widow again returned to the par
lor, where the Officers having unbuckled their
swords and doffed their caps, sat conversing to
gether evidently enjoying a delightful rest As
the widow stepped over the threshold of the
room, one of the officers was remarking to his
“He was one of the best men; and as fine
looking a young follow as ever volunteered.”
“Do you speak of young Piermont T” asked
“ Yes, he fell yesterday pierced by three balls,
poor fellow; it was a hard fate for such a boy.”
For one moment the cheek of the widow was
blanched, the heart of the mother shocked, but
she spoke almost calmly as she asked:
Which one was it, sir ?”
“ Henry Piemoht, if I am not mistaken. Was
he known to you f”
-Was ne known to her ? Oh, the torment that
followed that question I Henry I Her noble
first born! He who bad taken the place of the
dead at their board, and with a gravity beyond
his years carried out the plans his father had
left unfinished. And now bis bine eyes were
dosed forever I his bright locks rolled in the
dpst! Oh 1 the thought was anguish! A death
ly paleness came over her, J)nt she rallied with
a great effort, and said as calmly as before, as
she turned her whitened cheeks away :
“ He was my son, sir.”
They did not see her face as she walked quick
ly and firmly from the room.
‘‘Now, God forgive me 1 I feel as if I had
done a cowardly thing,” murmured the officer
while his lips grew pale with emotion. “ Com
ing here to partake of this woman’s hospitality,
>I have cruelly stabbed her to the heart ”
“You are not to .blame, my friend,” said
Washington, in his deep tones, in Which was
blended a sadden pathos. “ Neither, if I read
her aright, would she recall the child bravely
fallen in his coantry’s cause. This is no com
mon woman—henvery face speaks of her soul’s
‘nobility. Mark me, when you next see her, she
will be tearless; no word of sorrow will issue
from her lips. Our mothers, our wives—l am
proud to say it—are heroines in this trying pe
riod. And this, he continued, pointing to the
Bible, “this is the secret of their greatness ;
whenever you behold that volume opened, bear
ing evidence of constant perusal, there you will
find woman capable of any emergency. I re
peat it it, when we meet again she will be calm
and tearless although a mother bereaved of her
child.” n
Apd so it was, Madame Piermont had school
ed her grief for the dime into' a sudden and sa
cred submission, and' toe officers were oalled
into another room to partake of , the smoking
viands she bad prepared, they found her col
lected, unchanged in her manner, and serene in
countenance. The officer from whom the news
bad so rudely burst, was lost in admiration of
her conduct, and was often beard to say, subse
quently, that he venerated women more for her
_ Towards night the trio departed, thanking the
kind woman with grateful hearts for the cour
tesy. They found their horses ready saddled
and were forced to conjecture that Madame Picr
mpnt had herself performed the duty of hostler.
General Washington kindly took her hand be
fore he mounted his charger, and addressed her
tenderly and affectionately.’ Tears came to the
eyes of the officers while they listened, but
though an increasing pallor overspread the
widow’s face, she murmured:
“I am to my God, sir, that
He has deemed nje worthy of demanding my first
born in this glorious struggle; he was ready,
sir, for life pr death.”
But when l they had gone, and she Returned to
the silence of that lone house, the mother wept
exceedingly bitter tears. Draw we the curtain
before her sacred anguish. ' '
Farewell, "old Piermout house, with your car
pet of mallows, and old-fashioned flowers in old
fashioned pots standing upon the stoop. I feel
sad at Hie thought that ! shall never again see
its doors wreathed in vines, whereon hong clus
ters !of luxuriating grapes; nor its windows on
the lower floor, all opened with the white our
tains of showy whUemnslittfloatlngwitha
dreamy, undulating motion in the pleasant
Beading aloud is one of those exercises which
combines, mental and muscular effort, and hence
has a doable advantage. It is an accomplish*
ment which may be cultivated alone—perhaps
bettor than under a teacher—rfbr then a natural
ness of intonation will be required from instinct
rather than art; the most that is required being
that the person practicing should make an effort
to command the mind of the author, the sense
of the subject.
To read aloud well, a person should not only
understand the subject, but should hear his own
voice, and feel within him that every syllable
was distinctly enunciated, while there is an in
stinct presiding which modulates the voice to
the number and distance of the hearers. Every
public speaker ought to be able to tell whether
he is indistinctly beard by the farthest auditor
in the room ; if he is not, it is from a want of
proper judgment and observation.
Beading aloud helps to deyelope the lungs
just as singing does, if properly performed. The
effect is to induce the drawing; of a long breath
every once in a while, oftener and deeper? than
of reading without enunciating. These deep in
halations never fail to develop the capacity of
the lungs in direct proportion to their practice.
Common conanmption begins uniformly with
imperfect, insufficient breathing; it is the char
acteristic of the disease that the breath becomes
shorter and shorter through weary months, down
to the close of life, and whatever counteracts
that short breathing, whatever promotes deeper
inspirations, is curative to the Extent, inevitably
and under all circumstances. : Let any person
make the experiment by reading this page aloud,
and in less than three minutes the instinct of a
long breath will shew itself. This reading alond
developes a weak voice, and makes it sonorous.
It has great efficiency, also, iq making the tones
clear and distinct, freeing them from thit an
noying hoarseness which tpe unaccustomed rea
der exhibits before he has gone over half a page,
when he has to stop and hem, and clear away,
to the confusion of himself as mnch as that of
the subject.
This loud reading, when properly dope, has a
great agency in inducing vocal power, on the
same principle that all muscles are strengthened
by. exercise, those of the voice-making orgqns
being no exception to the general rule. Hence,
in many cases, absolute silence diminishes the
vocal power, just as the protracted non-use of
the arm of the Hindoo devotee at length para
lyzes it forever. The general plan, in appro
priate cases, is to read aloud in a conversational
tone,, thrice a day, for a minute or two, or three,
at a time, increasing a minute every other day,
until half an hour is thus spent at a time, thrice
a day, which is to be con tinned until the desired
object is accomplished. Managed thus there is
safety and efficiency as a uniform result.
As a means, then, of health, of averting con
sumption, of being universal and entertaining in
any company,-as a means of showing the quality
of the mind, bat reading aloud should be consid
ered an accomplishment far moire indispensable
than that of smattering french, lisping Italian,
or growling Dutch, or dancing cotillons, gallop
ades, polkas, and quadrilles.— Hall't Journal of
The Man Who Don’t Pat the Pointer.—
May he be shod with lightning, and compelled
to walk over plains of gunpowder.
May every day of his life be more despotic
than, than the Dey of Algiers.
May he have sore eyes, and a chestnut burr
for an eye-stone.
May he never be permitted to kiss a pretty
May bis sheets be sprinkled with cowage and
with bed-bugs, and fleas be the sharers of his
May 240 night-mares trot quarter races over
his stomach every night. '
May bis wife be always cross, and his baby
ever on the squall.
May his demijohn always'be full of blue devil
rot gut.
May bis boots leak, his gun hang fire, and his
fishing lines break.
May his coffee be sweetened with flies, and
his soup seasoned with spiders.
May h troop of printer’s “ devils,” lean, lank,
gannt and grim, and a regiment of cats, eatter
waul under Jus chamber window each night.
In short, may his business go to ruin, and he
go io the Legislature.
A Touching Appeal.— “ Morgan, spare that
dog, touch not a single hair; he worries many
a hog from out bis muddy lair. Oh, when he
was a pup, so frisky and so plump, he lapped
bis’milk from a cup, when hungry—at a jump.
And then his funny tricks, so funny in their
place, so full of j canine licks upon hands and
face. Yon will surely let him lire! Oh, do not
kill him—dead; he wags his narrative and prays
for life—not lead. Go get the tonzzle now, and
put upon his mouth, and stop that bow, bow,
bow I aNd tendency to drought. He is your
children’s pet, companion of their joy ; you will
not kill him yet, and thus their hopes destroy.
■No, Morgan, spare that pup, apd go away from
The Happt Land.— Some “toiler,” (we think
it was a morning newspaper lyjpC) with a han
kering an elysium, thus “sighs his soul
away; ;
“O, is there nota happy land—- I
A land beyond the seas— ‘
where pot-pie smokes in bonndiets lakes,
And dumplings growon trees!'
Where gingerbread is found in *t*ck»,
And ‘ahmeareass’ by the tun, ; i
And when yon do a Job of work j
Yon get the'‘ready John ?’ : >.
Where Nature’s lessons may be read.
In every babbling brook ? t. ;
Where bumble bees don’t sting isobap, !
And mnley cows don’thookJ”, i -
Abstemious Diet.—Said a young gentleman
to a distinguished madldal practitioner in Phila
delphia, “ Doctor, 1 what ao you ;do for yourself
when you have a turn of the headache, or other
slight, attacks'?” ;“ Go without'toy dinner,*’
was toe reply. “ And, if that dHs not cure' you,
what then ?” “Go without my; supper;”. “ But
if'that does not care yon, What, topp ?” “ Go*
without my breakfast. We phjrsieiaPs seldom
take medicines odrselves, v er tup'them in our
families, for ye know that abstinence is bettor,
but wq cannot htoka onr patients believe it.”
ggjp A young lady, lately, . asked a gentle
man the meaning of the word surrogate; and
the gentleman explained it to:her, as a gate
(through which pSitlea have to pass to get mar
ried, “ThenVl imagine,” said the lady, “that it
is’a corruption ofsofrow-yets.” ‘‘ You ace right,
Miss,” replied her informant, “as woman is an
abbreviation of vt+to-mm.’ ’
editors and proprietors.
0&d Littiii—Nww burn kindly letters.—
It is ao pleasant to read thorn over when the
ink le brown, the paper yellow with age. and
the hands that traced the friendly words, lie
folded over the hearts that prompted them, un
der the green sod.
Above all, never born love-letters, to read
them in after years is like a a resurrection of
one’s yonth. The elderly spinster finds in the
impassioned offer she foolishly rejected {twenty
years ago, a fountain of rejuvenescence. Glan
cing over it she realises that she was once abelle
and 4 a beauty and beholds her former self in a
mirror much more congenial to her taste Utah
the. one that confronts her in her dressing room.
The “widow indeed** derives a sweet and solemn
consolation from the letters of the beloved one.
who has just journied before her to the far off
land, from which there cornea no messages, and
where she hopes one day to join him. No pho
tographer can so vividly recall tp the memory of
a mother, the tendeirness and devotion of the
children who have loft her at the call of Heave*,
as the epistolary outpourings of their filial lew.
The letter of a true son or daughter to - a tree
mother, is something better than an image of
the features; it is a reflex of the writer’s mqV
Keep all loving letters, bora only, the harsh
and cruel ones, and in homing, - forgot aad fbt
give them. ,
. ' • * i•'
Our Tun* Must Co**.—“Generation after
generation,” says a fine writer, “ have'jfelt, fia
we feel, and their'lives were, as afctlve a* bar
own. They passed like a vapor, while Nature
wore the same ofbeauty N as when her Creator
commanded her to be, Tne heavens shall be as
bright over our graves as they now are around
our paths. The World kill have at
tractions for our offspring yef unborn, tbatahe
had once for ns as children. . Yet a little while
and all will have happened. The throbbing
heart will bo stifled, and we shall be at rest—
Our funeral will find its way,.and prayers will
be said, and then we. shall, be left alone in sir
lence and darkness for the worms. And it may
be for a short time, we shall be spoken o& bat
the things of life will creep in, and sur names
will soon be forgotten. Days will continue to
move on, and laughter and song will be hoard
in the room in which we died; and the eye that
mourned for us will be dried, and glisten again
with joy; and oven our wiU cease to
think of, and will not remember to lisp oar
names.’ 1 .. vv
A Thrilling Romance —Chapter 1 ghe^
stood beside the alter, with a wreath of orange 1
buds upon her head—upon her back the rich
est kind of lover »tood beside hw
with white kids and dickey clean—the Uieiyras
twenty-one years old, the first was seventeen.—
The parson’s job was over—every one bad kiss
ed the bride, and wished the young folks hanpi
ness, and danced and laughed and cried. lsw
last kiss bad been given, and the last word had
been said, and the happy pair bad simmered
down and the lost guest had fled. Chapter, 11
—She stood beside the woshtub, withfier red
hands in the suds, and at her slip shod fcbt
there lay a pile of dirty dads—her husband
stood beside—the Grossest mao alive—the last
Was twonty-nine years old .and the first was
h?aTy wa * oTer » ««*
the clothes hung up to dry— and tom had stack
his fingers in the dirty baby’s eye. Tom had
aDk l u h ?. Buppfir ““de npon a crust
of bread, and the bride and bridegroom went
grumbling off to bed. “ . ■
New Method ot Dspstyisa Asimals or Lira.
—The means proposed for instantly deprlVihe
animals of life consists in the introduction of
sir into the venous system. The effect of this
upon vital acUon was accidentally discovered
by Doctor Auber daring;a surgical operation.
It is asserted that this method is not only pain
less, but that it offers no ■ difficulty in regard to
the subsequent preparation of the animal for
food. In this case wemay hope that the kindly
purpose for which the uninviting Investigation
Of the practices of slaughter-honses was tmder
ta^n; may not fail&f 'effect in diminishing the
sufferings which now end the career of oar
slaughtered animals.
• *? IB f lawyer built himself an office,
or six square. The
novelty of the structure attracted toe attention
of some Irishmen who were passing; they made
a full stop and viewed it critically. The law
rn^°th« Wl ‘f t J diB^US<e s i ftt their curiosity, lift
ed up toe window, his head out, and ad«
ft S 5 you stand toeregaxlng
for—do you think it’s a church?”
Fa “» _ answered one of them, “I was thinking
windy “ aW th ° dCTiI ® oke his he »d out of toe
Power ih a Wqmah’s Eye.—A lady, when
f °? n7 ersation turned on dynamics, asked the
uw??^ 6 Steph?nBoD « «>« celebrated engined.
What do yon consider thelmost powerful ford®
u “. I . wi ? 1 8000 answer that
H--’ ®^ l< J ke» ‘ ‘t lB the eye of a woman, {to
l0T e» her;) for if a woman loot?
with affection on a man, should he go to the at
the re c®Hectlon of
ttmtlook will bring him back.”
J *nx going tq make some soil
soap for the fair this fall,” said a beautiful mis*
°f to her mother the other day. 1
«wu * ,Ut tba * n °tion into your heed
‘, the premium is just what Ibave
f?wn ■tianUhg.”
**Pray, what is it!” ■*
"A W** Jersey Parmer, ’ and I hopo he will
be a good-looking one.” “ <.
fl„*®r A v^ heart paints the world a* it
SLS* | andBca P 0 J tho morbid
»;fv£t P l t 8 llk * a Btenle wilderness pallid
S2Ja^» ck w^ 0 .l 8 ’ "I 4 dark 88 the “Shadow of
‘v®, m l rror ’ !? BhoTt ’ on which it
m caught, which lends to the face of nature the
“PS®* of its .own turbulence or tranquility.
The foreman of a grand jury in Missouri
a “ OMb t 0 a beautiful #omSi,
instead of handing the Bible, presented his fcce,
ow kiss the book madam.” He
discover his mistake, until, the whole jury
bum into a roar of laughter J "
*®-Woman is like ivy, the more you are
rained the closer she clings to you. Arlle
bachelor adds: “Ivy is like a woman— the more
it clings to you the more yon are ruined.” Poor
rule that won’t work both ways. ' ™
' #SL Don’t locate yourself on the beeit
wild bom, unless you want to be distant*
s ■ •-v ~
NO. 38.