the Art World! UPON PORCELAIN. in tho United Sutoi. v n _i_ *■ , and Belgium. . f the latest <- lotli, plain Delaines only 20 a.vs beon noldat2sctaJulhU Assortment of the' chdlcnee ivKilged to be the best prints >' assortment of lost colons! .1.1, s, Opera Caps, ‘lies and children, an nnsnr- I' tlirr with'ah abnndance and Sutidn and Trimming line, ii Ids beautiful assortment, of SWARE, V die mast complete of any in l< tying competition!. Tea acta, tstoo. \ i> SHOES, :ul Imnvht horn first hands. CHAIN, USX, HEMP AND IIU'ETS. ■- ~ - r.i 1 p yards itWtfc. ERIES :>nd will so sold at as low a el the city. Itement I the STORE!” VVY TO INFORM it' ayiiu on hands with an IOODS, •i_!it at prices Hint will CDR tli'-r house in this section of mills a larger stock of fluo .-a broiight -a this jilnee tinil eim- on r efforts to please their nt our stock, which; we toko ive many no\elticS in OrcSs arc Hu- following. \ futures. Oriental Lustres, ’iairs, Sil/c Frilliants, adc Poplins, Ghent I'nplins, Figured >tiled Merinos, Fig. French Plain do'. ail kinds of Domestic inA Hotln, Oassimores, Batldctw, - inl Children's Shawls, Clpsks |. \ is, Wimlcd floods, Carpets , nk .Is. Ac. , to our present stock of H> SHOES, r than they enn bo boUfiW tiMial eupply of ware, Hardware^ ii'.k'nu- Jlure. nt stock of Goode worth an jl: to buy, and cordislljr ln- .-ce us. • j.iJ. LOWTHBIL - ASON! The undersigned i and the public gTO*w«£» ; the Kost with hi* W 1 stoat, THE KIND lie Ims every vmriety.lß Quality, m f HATS ANi> - CABS, inter Wear. fai id Qualities of Ll FLATS, to which tbe“* p tiling in this line is special- is: fubsi . lianilsomcst assortment o* r..r AUx»na, embracing , kv, GUFFS, ■ Lr Ladies and Children, 0 ! fiketure, and of every _ Li-- in tlic above UnvrejJJ Irflia-iiiig clwwhere, Lwcht possible price*. _ Lite the tuther»n chug?* r JBBSB WUIH. f T> A V litona and vicinity that im6 ctsto.lo ’ Now||FoE Fra!-Th« idimiteble »Gheap " John,” i|ie fellow who nukes everybody whetherjthey wlah to or not, slill holds forth in , his the Red Lion Hotel; where he has 1 jnst received a fresh supply of various kinds of' wares, such as Ladies’ Dress Goods, Hoop Skirts i ofsll patterns.Qloss Ware, Cutlery, and every thing thl« may bo called for. He invites the ladles ujjvisit him. Now if the ladies ail knew what. a ‘‘ phanny•phellow”“ CheapJotm” is [ they wontd certainly go see him, and wp guess they wilt Anyhow. Satisfaction l given nr no sale is John’? motto, so walk afong. ’•! Suhdat School Exhibitioh.— We woold again call the attention of our readers to the fact that the exhibition to be given by the scholars oon pected With the Methodist Sunday School in this place, copies off in the audience room of the Mi E.Charch, this (Thursday) evening. The scholars | have spent mach time in preparing themselves to give a good- entertainment and such we feel sure it will prove to be. Let them have a fall house, and thereby give them en couragement. Price of single tickets, 15 cents tickets; |for ludy and gentleman, 25 cents— children’* tickets, 10 cents. A Fellow.— A'few days since, Mr. Wm. Sellers left upon our tabled potato, raised upon the farm; of Mr. Bell, at Elizabeth Furnace, which exceeds anything in the potato line we have yet seen in this section of the country. It weighs within a fraction of two pounds. Can ony body beat it ? that’s the question. Invitation.— The ladies are respectfully in cited to call at G. W. Kessler’s old Drug Store, J on Virginia street,.and examine “Dan’s” stock of Furs and Ladies Shavls, of wfaicb he has quite an assortment, and which he will sell-at fair priceSi Drop in, ladies, and look at them. Council Proceedings. Altoona, Oct. 4th, 1860. Town Council met according to adjournment. Present—A. A. Smyth, D. B. Miller, R. Green wood andiD. Laughman, and ffm. 0. McCor midk, Chief Burgess. * Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were presented and orders granted, to wit:— ' John Shoemaker, for lumber and spikes §33 61' Thomas McAnlcy, lumber..... 2 88 i -James Hooper, for blacksniithiug 2 37 Shoemaker & Irons, for measuring wall and exca vation 1 00 . J. A. .McDowell, for stone and carpenter work 3 00 Philip Dempsey, for hauling... 15 25 M. R. Knotty ; “ ....... 300 Martin Dinner, for mason w0rk....."...... 10 75 C. Jaggard, Jpr lumber ] 428 K. 11. McCormick, for lumber in 1859. $4 08 'do do 1860... 45 43 _ „ ■' 40 62 *v. w. Snyder, Supervisor for September 21 75 Daniel Coyle, labor for September. 14 oo Jesse Grove, " “ “ 11 60 , , $172 91 Adjourned to meet again on first Thursday (Ist) of November next. [j Extract from tht Minutes. MARRIED: At the Exchange Hotel, in this place, on the 10th Inst., by Rev. A. IE Clark. Mr. SAMUEL F. DICKSON to Miss MAIIY E, ROSEBKUKY, both of Sinking Valley. At the residence of the bride’s father, by .the Hey. Mr. Zabuizcr, Mr. JOHN IIUOiVN, of Sliirleysburg, and Miss KATE HAMILTON, of Oneida township, Huntingdon Co. In Chillisqiiaqne, Northumberland Co., Pa., on tbe SOth Sept., by the Rev. Jno. W. Hedges, Mr. JOHN O. McGRAW, of UoiUdaysliurg, to Miss HENRIETTA P. HART,former ly of Montrose, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Oh the ttli lQjt., at thi Lutheran Parsonage, by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. JAMES M. IGOU to Miss AMELIA HUNTER, bath of Antis tp., Blair co. ' In tiiis place, on Sunday! October 7th, 1860, ANNA E., wife of Mr. Gl W. Cunningham, aged 23 years, 11 mouths and IS days. At the residence of his brother in Frnnkstown, on the night of the ; JMth of September, of palsy. Mr. PETER STEPHENS, Rgcd 57 years; formerly of Huntingdon. At Chicago .on Uie 19th ult., Prof. J. G. MARTIN, for merly of Blair; co., Pa., aged 28 years, 3 months. At the.residencc of lier parents, in Logan tp., Blair co' on the 13th tilt, ISABELLA PRISCILLA, daughter, of Samuel and NS (cy McAteor, aged 3 years, and 7 months. At Allegheny Fnrnace, on the morning of the 13th inst, of Consumption. Mrs. MARY F., wife of Henry T. McClel land, in the 38th year of her ago. . Her death ia' felt by all who kne\v her; for she was high ly esteemed far her many virtues; and her unostentatious, but genuine kindness made for her large numbers of friends. The crowds j who gathered to sympathize with her bereav ed family and pay their last respects to her mortal remains, gave abundant evidence of this. She leaves a very largo number of'relatives to mourn their bereavement. But the chief mourners were—an only surviving sister, a brother, her aged and deeply afflicted parents—but above al 1, the husband and father, with six motherless children. But they have the consolation to know that theih loss ia her unspeakable pain. She bore her affliction for the most part, patiently and cheerfully. Occasionally d cloud intervened to shut out for a time the light of the Father’s face—but only for a little while. The sun-set of berlife was unobscured—the end was peace. We eommond the loved ones left behind to the same'grace and the same Saviour, in whom she triumphed. CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON. The Subscriber would in form flic citizens of Altoona and vicinity that his CONFECTIONERY. NUT and FRUIT STORE, is always supplied withithe very best articles to be hod, and in great variety. Ho has also an OYSTER SALOON attached to bit store, in which he will serve no PRIME OYSTERS, in jail stylos. ' , He is Stall times prepared to supply cakes, candies, Ac, for pio-nics ami other parties. He invites a share of pub lic patrddage,;believing that he can render full tatisfaction to all. Remember, his store and saloon is on Vlrginlastreet, two doors below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI. Great Rush to “ DAN’S,” THE OLD FREIGHT COHDUCTOE’S jOMap Clothing Store, In Kessleifs old Drugstore, on Virginia St. 66 nkAN” IS DETERMINED NOT ■ Jto bo outdone by any one in the sale of x PiDIHfADE CLOTHING and othef Notions. He has a large stock of Overcoat?, of the best quality and latest styles, .'black and fancy and plain and ,fancy SILK VESTS, Frock and DreAr COATS and PAJfXS, <|f every color, quality and styled for men and Gents Shawls, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoesqf every slgle.'qualUy and pries for old and young. Ladies Dress and Morocco Boole, Metis Morocco face Boots, Ladies and Misses' Gaiters, and. a great variety of Chit drifts Shoes, Ladies Nolies, | (Jhildren's fancy Hats and \ , ; {Moods, Gent's Shirts, I . ; ; j! . Underskirts and ■ j v ij Drawers, f•' !■ ■' • • Cottars, Gloves, ... ( ; j Mosicry, Handkerchiefs ; ); Ladies' Olovft, Mitts, Hosiery, sc., in greatvarieiy. Also, ajlargeioiaortmeot of CARPETING of au styles Md pricdi, variouspatterns of Oil Cloths; Blankets; MnsKn, Sheeting, Trnnks,Carpet Bogs, Valises, Udles’ MoroccbSachels, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ac.; Also; ' WATCHES AND JEWELRY ! •ofeveiy description, such as Breast Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger Bings, Jackets, Bracelets, Gold and Silver Fob Chains, Children’s Gold and Coral Tuck-ups, Gent’s Shirt Binds. Ladles and Gent’s Sleeve Buttons, silver Table and Tea Spoons, Portmdnaies, Pocket Knives, Pistols, Pocket, Side and'Back Combs; Tooth, Hair and Clothes Broshes;' Soaps and Toilet Articles, Ac, Ac, all of which will bo sold at theiotMUf prices. Be sure and call At-.“ Dan’s” bofrre ySa go elsewhere add yon will save money. > £ * . i v , D. LAOOHJIAN, Jgtnf. - Altoona, Oct.A, ; j DIED. JUSTICE .TO THE SOUTH. , A NEW BOOR mad onedcßtibedtocre4t»B»ensstioD. t witttPublished. , THE SUNNY SOUTH I •, o* she aoDTHHuna At eon, Emtftcfßg' FiVfc Tear* experience of • Northern Ooreroe**, I , in the land ofSngnr, Rice, Tobacco and-Cotton. Edited ; by Prot J. H. lNill almost instantly relieve Griping in the Bmods and Wind CbUe, and over come convulsoins, which, if not speedily remedied, end In death. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world, m an cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in children. whether it arises from teething or Irqin any other cause. we would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints^—do not let your pre judices, nor the prejudices of others, stand between your suffering child and the relief that will be sure—yes, abso lutely sure—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bot tle. None genuine unless the foe-simile of CURTIS A PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the wbrld, and by G. W. Kessler and A. Roush, druggists, Altoona. Price 25 cents per bottle. Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar street, N. Y July 12, ISOO.-ly. .. . Cheap Goods! Cheap Goods!! McCOEMICK’S STORE. TUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE- U'R l OOrt» P q EN J^.“. I r re i e f tock SPRING AND SUM fv 1 .H 16 .- ? BtylM ’ u ‘ d finalities In the -eastern market. In the Uno of LADIES’ DRESS AND DOMESTIC GOODS, O”: Coffee, sugar, tea, syrups, Ac., are of the best kind, and all fresh. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, JUtk CAPS. BONSITS. FLATS FOB LADIES ANpiMIBSEsf ” together with as full assortment of ' : ' GENTLEMEN A BOYS’ DRESS BOOTS, BOOTEES AND GAITERS. ■; ; Btyk- s tb o O f LadieS,J>epartniontlßre 411 different and latest GAITERS, BOOTS, BUSKIN AND RT.TPPBPa l!LT ith .\ g t.% al , as8 ° rtinen t for Children A&sscs, and a good and full stock of \ . TSS?? GENTLEMENS’, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHINQ, for Spring and Summer. The largest assortment of N WALL PAP-Bfe ! hn P lacp ,'auditing nppredently low.from «}4 up to 25 cents per roll, with Bordsbino to match. And as we purpose henceforth to give the business our especial attention, we will sell very low for cashTtonntey s™d? co will take In ezcliange, oqusuai, Butter, JQroj **rd, lhOou>, Potatoes, BemZdPifoi -Tha^3,r astrict "Terence to business, to opr old motto, ‘-Small profits and gti'& safe*,* to retain our customers old and gain may new does. <- MayS, 1860. . ;| ' AJEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR X V STOBE.--Tho undersigned would beg leave to an nounce t» the citizens of Blair county andhoclnity that he hasopenedibis new | tore on Virgihti Street, three doon Mow thiSupannUndenfs W™?; brandy. Old-Burgundy ' fdinaied Buin, ' Holland 6ms Old By* Whiskey, Monongahela Whiskeyf and ... . , ■ Bhine Wine,: ’ ■ Retailers of Liquors and f *».<•* He will also keep constancy on hand an assortment of • Su ?k s****> s*¥, Fish; Tobacco, Se en , ,#?-V #«•» A ‘l° f yhlch will be sold cheap for cash drCountryProdnco ■*^. <^ d *^ d,b ,YE^^ Bßn^J*ro rcspectfhlly in vited to, give wa eaU be&ro.pnrchaslngol wwhere. . Altoona, Hay 28,18fi»:-tf ,f° UI . 8 Pi^CK ’ E LOUR.—A CHOICE LOT OF EX TRA FAMILY FLOUR for tale by o -oas riV STEWART A THOMPSON. ' S*pt- lAIBW-tfc] ■ One Door Below th* Pest Office. " to JOHN BHORMAIC6B. M^dfevtOOte. V,. s , 'T'HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD A respectfully inform hi*old eu»- toraers and the public generallr that he has Just received a » t»n» and UAxnsoMß as- oortment or^^ CLOTHS, Cagsimeres, , AND VESTINGS, which be. is now offering for nk , 18 .P r fP‘Y e , <1 ‘2 mako them up S the latest style A most durable mto “ , non ® b,, i the I test workmen are employed, and all work mailo will new«u. nt rt«i2 Ki y e eattsfeetfon. TORNfsui^G 1 Btock e^ ,Mf Baretsfllrawcrafi S Suspenders, Hosiery, &c„ *O4 also alanm- assortment of RKADY-MABE CLOTIUNG.aII of which^iols determined Y-Yi’Y ~ ea P “f *h c y cnn he bought this side of Pbifo dUphia. The public are respectfully invited 1 to call add examine my stock, as I shall take pleasure in showing Admfttan£fr^“ at011 toeB A° m ® M.until» May 5‘ 1859-tf / THOMAS EIAfAT. GALLERY, '■'f S J ■ “ - PEOPLE’S ■ GALLERY, ■ : b, i ; PEOPLE’S GALLERY, ; : ®iE»PLE?S GALLERY, -, " PEOPLE’S GALLERY, ' . ~/b St^ MS NERY ANI> TRiMMiiia IYX STORE.—MISS JENNIE SCOTT respect* to,he ladie *°f Altoona and riel- S? Wprepa rl t . osn PPly *n their-JJSP wuats.ln the Millinery and Trimmine line. h*s on hand an excellent assortment of ■ ’ SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS, £ STRAW AKO LACE GOODS, ; FLOWERS & RUCHES,. RIBBANDS AND TRIMMINGS, nttenlion of the ladies. She has aslo one of Mrs. 0. C. Dow’s patent ' HAT AND BONNET PRESSING MACHINE; 4 JSI U therefore enabled to do work In this line In a snrit nor manner, on short notice, and at reasonable prloee-lK intltaiacalL ;■ -UprH tztardware of all DESGB® a ttowjust reootred sad for sale by . \ XB.Bsuauir. c' fH %' - ■ ■■■’ Preparation THAT BAR STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS AND GROWS MORS POPULAR EVERY DAT! And testimonial vd*w and almost wilhoatoambermiaht to given from lodise ami gentlemen in nil grades of sods* ty, whoso united testimony none could rental, that Proteaor Wood’* Hair' Restorative will restore the b*M sad mv and preserve the hair of the youth to old ace. lasllfas yonthfol beauty. • ' _ Battl* Crick, Mich- Dec. 21st, 1M». Wood:— Thee wilt please acrept a Bus to Inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, canned by a complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the head. ■ Acontinual conree ef ssfferfog uirough lift haring reduced mo to a state of dependence, I not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I dn * hem f » consequence of which my head UM «ntrL'ryi f xtrcniely from cold. This induced me to pay 1,10 lastcsnt I had on earth for a two doUnrtotrte of thy Hair Restorative about the first of A™ »Sebi«^J?* T 8 fcithfWly followed tho directions and the hair ttlek and l.lhck, though shwt, it fa coming in all over my head. Feeling confident would restore It entirely and per d^titntfe- fe *- an^ iOM topetsevoro in its use, and befog ******** ° r ***** *> pnrehase any more. I would ask thee lar° to willjng to send me an order on thtae affenta for a bon.*, and receive to thyself th scripture de the reward to to those »Sat are kind teS£ Wh dow and the fatherless.” Thy friend, *■ 1 SUSANNAH KIRBY. _ _ IJWKtmr, Noble Co- Ind.. Feb. sth, 1860. -S>'r : - Iu *• J*lter |>*rt of the atfending the State and NnHoaal Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a causa hfJUT* col J®*d«bd to Wag off very rapidly,so that in the short space of six month*, tho whole nppor part of re ly™teft of its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part to ip became gray, so that you will not «.»?!5 when 1 f Oll that «l»n my return to Uia btsto of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change hi mv m nw oufft inthnato twjognlta at in.. lat once made application to tho most skillfol phvii- l he , “““fry. but, rscoivingfrom tlionvnoassurancw that my hair could again to restored, I was forced to be comeyecpncncd to my tote, until, fortunately. In the latter part of the treat 1867, yonr Restorative was rcconimeni’ed to a druggist, as being the most vefiaWe Hair Rest*- .if i o * * tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time I ham used seven dollars’ worth of your Restoi ative, and as a result, have s rich ooat of very softiUask hair, which no money can buy. A » » “ ai * of «y gratitude for yonr labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, 1 havsraoou mended its use to many Of my fHends and acquaintance*, who, Lam happy to inform yon. are using It with ttk* «f. feet. , Very respectfully, yonrsi thow orid** BroBdway > * n ' l *?M W«U dealers throughout The Restorative is put np % botttw ofthrowsiaeSrVia: largo, medium,.and small;, the small holds U apintaml retails for one dollar per bottle ;t he median; Mu* StTeeU twenty per cent, more in proportion than tho smalL'rctails for two dollars a bottle; tho largo holds a qoart,4U u«r cent, more in proportion and refciiU for $3 a (kiltie.' 0. J. ROOD A QO, Proprietors. 4U Broadway, New York, and 1U Market Street, Rt. tdnlsTsfo', •. Druggists and Fancy Good* Dealer*. > Sept. 6, 1860. - GOOD NEWS! The Train has Arrived I T B. HI LEMAN HAS JUST RB s'LtedTck of ** SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which he is determined to sclbcfionp, consisting in part of Black and Fancy SILKS, BonibaxiuetL Drlalors. (kIU coes. Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White OoodsT 1 SUAWLS, Ac. Also, MKX’3 WEAR *< AT , descriptions, such as Clotlts, Osssimeres. / Satinctts Tweeds, Joans, Cord Dril- / lings. Testings Ac, Ac. ‘ . / . Boots, Shoes and Gaiters* A huge assortment of Boots Shoes and Gaiter*, fut t-w,. Gents and Misses of all sizes and qualities, „Marge assortment of QKEEXSWARK and UARD> ttudl)ouUo Carpet Chain, Fleece Cotton, GROCERIES: Tills department is supplied with thevery choicest article* tlmt can he hod' in market gnd a* cheap os can be I had anywhere, consisting fti part of prime 810 COFFEE, SUGAR, all kinds and prices; Syrup and Molasses Black andGreeoTenS, Bicec > Spices Tobacco r.ud Segura; Starch, . . Corn Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Cam ' dies, Mastard, Oils, Tuniem V , ; tine, FISH, Ac., As. - , Thankful for past Ctvors, ho hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. tSt. All kinds of Country Produce taken in Exchange *SWW_,. :: GREAT OPENING I , . 0F ' ' sPRING AND SUMMER ® £E> @3 o JB. hileman has just RE • «**W| and Opened at hls-oW stand, on Virginia '' . ' iM «|d' twtnres of LADIES DUESS GOODS/ - together with a fall assortment -of goods tor i.tntlomsn’a weor, inch as Cloth*,Cassinicrea and vestings. v a fall stock, of Hardware, Queenswareand - GROCERIES, and an assortment of ■ BOOTS, SHOES, GAITOBS, &C., of nil slaes'and styles, which equal to aar <» ‘i“— and will bo Isold at fair - • ■- Having recently enlarged my store-room, I ■ emm ho#, display my largely increased stock to hotter advantaM , W * l,eot^u, *j , Invifa everybody to talk ■' i PICTURES FOB TWENTY-FIVE CERTS I, PICTURES FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS I PfCTBRES FOR PICTURES FOR CENTS I PICTURES FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! PICTURES FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ! I at ra> . AIU.IATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at taw.