The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 11, 1860, Image 2

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    Cjfe Jltona Crim
Where parties are unknown to ns,onrrulefor adver
■ l»ia* U to require payment In advance, or a guarantee from
known .persons. It is therefore useless for all such to send'
a*advertisements offering to pay at the end of three oi* six
nun the. Where advertisements are accompanied with the
whether one, five or ten dollars, we will give the
advertiser the. foil benefit of cash rates.
-Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, Mew York, and
Iff State street, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona
Tnbuat, md the most influential and largest circulating
Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. They
mtfi authorised t 5 contract for as at our lowest rates.
Verily, wo were disappointed in the “terrible
castigation” we expected to receive in last week’s
issue of the Tyrone Star, not, however, ns the
editor of that paper would flatter himself into
4he belief, because we dreaded it, but because
he bad so loudly trumpeted through this and
other places that be intended to “sew us up,”
while, in reality, his article was only a begging
of the question, concluding with a few indirect
charges, which, as be put them, simply meant
The editor of\ the Star- says he Has always felt
the kindliest feeling towards us, and yet in less
than five lines following- he misrepresents us in
a:manner wjjicb is calculated to-do us nn injury
•where his true Character is not known. He
charges that .we lend our influence in favor of a
certain political party. This is is not the case.
We published an extract of a speech, mode by a
Republican ispeaker, atthe request of a number
of our patrons who are members of that party ;
but we also plainly ..stated at the same time that
oqr columns were open to our patrons of other po-
litical parties, for the same purpose, nud if they
•dp not possess themselves of our offer it is not
our fault. In an editorial, article in the same
paper in which the extract referred to was pub
lished, we commented on “ political trickery,”
and especially upon the contemptible practice
of garbling, extracts from speeches. In doing si
WO bad no reference to particular persons or
parties, but because the; editor of the Star was
guilty and the shoe pinched, he construed our
remarks into an Attack upon him, and to justify
his attack upon us in return, he charges us with
being the aggressors; but this “ stop thief” cry,
By the guilty party, will not deceive those who
read both papers. We did not become the apol
ogist of Carl Sburz, for reasons which we gave
in the article to which the Star took exceptions.
Certainly the actions of the editor of the Star
not in accordance with his professions.
With week’s issue of the Star we are
done, add now come to notice an article in the
issue of Monday of this week, in which we find
theindirect charges of Inst week made anew,
with such alterations that we can now under
stand them. We dislike, and have ever tried to
avoid, personal controversies with our cotempo
raries, bat a mean personal attack made upon
us by the Star, compels us, injustice to ourselves
and others, to reply in like manner; and if we
chan&e to reveal some things, not agreeable to
the feelings of our slanderers, they Lave no one
to blame but themselves; We copy the follow-
ing extractfrom the Star, of Monday last:
“We might have referred more particularly to
.Thomas Ford, and his celebrated raid in Penn
sylvania, in 1856, and have edited Mr. McCrum
tb the witness stand. We might have alluded,
in pointed terms, to somp of the influences ex
erted in behalf of Mr. Blair’s election in 1868,
bringing the Records of Blaircounty in evidence.
We might hafo said something in regard to a
certain offer made week before last to the Bell
and Everett State Commit te, and called upon a
banker to substantiate what we said.”
. Thej first sentence, in reference to the rail of
-Thomas Ford, in 1856, is meant to revamp the
.story put in circulation by IT. Bucher Swoope,
immediately after the ’56 campaign, in which it
was-charged that the Altoona Tribune received
$4OO forsnpporting Fremont. This charge was
fairly and flatly contradicted at the time it< was
'biade, and it was found necessary to transfer the
charge from the Aitoonato the Cambria Tribune.
Mr. Jolly, ns well- ns every other person who
read the Tribune in 1856, knows very well that
we did not support Fremont, and this fact alone
.is»a sufficient refutation of the charge. To set
Jbls matter at rest and stop future harping there-
McCrum, whom the Star summons ns a
Witness, now takes thestand and is ready to be
.qualifi.ed-to the fact that no sum of money was
paid. Slither directly or indirectly, by Thomas
; Pord dr any other person,. to the theb proprie
- tors of the Tribune, for political purposes; and
Mr. McCrum bo w offers to the editor of the Star
«oe*balf the amount said to have been paid the
' Tnbvnt, if he can prove that snob was the case,
jf-e want bo more of this charge without the
proof. i
We now come to the second sentence in the v
extract quoted, in which! reference is made to
the records of Blair eouhtjr. Herein is the black
rad craven heart of oup assailant laid open.—
The atmoapbere Tthichsui?onnd3 a being so lost
■ to sU.the finer feelings ofepmmon humanity
\M-^o : #ei*e' upon the misfortunes of another and
attempt tp construe them into a reproach, pre
sents,ns from a near approach, and , sinks him
. go low that jne can hardly hope to reach him,
- jat not so low but that such insinuations as be
makes, if allowed to pass unnoticed, roiglitwork
tb;jbtfr, injury. ' Bis insinuations are intended
tojconTpy tbb impression that ye bad some.diffi*
-suity.jtt law] in and;, that Mr; Blair was !
concerned therein. and' that be thereby coerced j
ni Into his sjtppbrt. This is untrue. We never I
for or against as, consequently be eoald not
bsvabad any influence ove r ue inthat way.' While
speaking of difficulties at law, we might as well
tell Ailittle more. We had difficulty, financial
ly, alongwithmany other men who
ffelt criffii' of 1857—68. But why had we
the ’simply because a set of as grace
lesascampsas the country affords, persisted in
keeping in their pockets the money we had fair
ly earned, and with which we hoped to pajr our
debts. . Among that number is M. H. Jolly, ed
itor of the Tyrone Star, who stands indebted to
ns to the amount of $25,76, fur work done in
1856-57, and, although frequently dunned, has
not offered topay one cent of it. Such, read
er, is the man who would make the misfortunes
which he helped to bring upen us, the basis of
a mean and cowardly insinuation which is inten
ded to fHph from ns that which be does not pos
sess—a character.
Lastly we come to the insinuation (bat we
bate made on offer to the Bell and Everett State
Committee, in which case a certain banker in
this place is witness. The person referred to is
David T. Caldwell, as be is the only banker in
this place who is connected with the Bell and
Everett party. If he-is the person to whom ref
erence is had, and be says that we ever made
an offer to the Bell and Everett State Committee,
through him, or any other person, be tells what
is false, and wo call upon him to substantiate the
charge. The only conversation we have ever
bad with any'person, which could in any way
be construed cinto an offer to jthe Bell party, is
simply this:—Some time since Mr. Caldwell
came into our office, and after talking over po
litical matters, he remarked, as we thought, in
a joking manner, that in case Bell was elected
President, he bad the disposal of this post of
fice. We replied, in a joking manner, that if
he would insure us the post office, we would go
for Bell. This was all that passed in reference
to the matter, and it certainly does not read
like a proposition to ..the Bell and Everett State.
Committee. If Mr. Caldwell told the editor of
the S(ar anything more than we have detailed,
aud thatdt was other than a joke, we repeat
that it is'falsc, aud M. H. Jolly, or the person
who gave him bis information, are hereby called
upou to prove the charge, or wear the braud of
deliberate falsifiers.
We ask pardon of our readers for devoting so
much space to the charges of the Star. Were
it not that such charges, made iu the midst of
nu exciting policnl campaign, are more likely
to be received and circulated to our prejudice,
by those who side with the person making them,
we would not have deemed them worthy even a
passing notice. Here, where the author is
known,-be can do us no injury. Here it is ouly
necessary to say that such an assertion was
made by Jolly, in order to cast doubt upon its
validity, or elicit a contradiction eveu from Lis
own partizans, few of whom have any confidence
in him. But ns mercy (?) has been shown us, we
must be merciful in return, therefore we will
say no more at present.
Shocli) oo to School. —The editor of the Ty
rone Star should go to school and learu a little
in relation to the time and body of men who
elect the next President, in case there should
be no election by the people. In ibis week’s
paper, which appeared the day before the elec
tion, he appealed to the Bell, men to vote for
McAlister, and against Blair, for the reason
that In case Blair was elected he would vote for
Lincoln, should the election go to the House.—
Now everybody knows that in case the election
of President does go to the House, it must be at
tended to previous to the 4th of March next, up
to which time Mr. Blair would hold his seat, even
though he had been defeated; and consequently,
that Mr. McAlister, had be been elected, would
have bad nothing to do with the selection of
a President. The editor of the Star ’must be
either an ignorant politician, or an accomplish
ed falsifier and deceiver, and warnings and
instructions from that source should be received
with caution.
“ Wide-Awake” Caudle Lecture.
The following, from a Buffalo paper, is too
good to be lost. Our “Wide-Awake” friends
can laugh over it as well as any others ; and it
suits the “ Minute Men” and all who carry
torches, os well as those for yfhom it was origi
nally intended:—
[Scene —in bed, face to the wall. Strong
.smell of coal oil. Time, three in-tlie morning.]
A pretty lime indeed for you to come home,
sir! Where have you been all night? You
smell as if you had been in search of Syinroes’
Hole through a tar barrel. Talk of sulphurat
ed hydrogen, or superanuated eggs.! They ain’t
anywhere; Say,_where have you been? Here
I’ve been lying awake for the last five hours,
waiting l\ir you to come Now, I want to know
where you have been nil this time? Wish I
wouldn't bother you—tell me in the morning f I
want to know now ; it’s near enough morning
to know where one's husband has been all night,
and particularly if he conies home perfumed
clear through. ns you are. You musu’t good
wife me... That.,won’t answer. Suppose you
were a woman, and your husband should go off
every night "in . the week, and come home as
you do, and—l wish you would get. up and let
some fresh air into the room; ov 1 shall certain
ly suffocate —what would you say ? Don’t you
imagine there would be a row iu the family?
Been with the Wide Awakes ? 1 should think
as much. You’re a wide-a-wnke fool, that’s
what you are. I’ve always, thought you had
about sense enough to parade the streets all
night. Why did Imarry you ? That’s a pretty
question. Didn't you swear that ym’d shoot
yourself if 1 didn’t take pity ou you ? I’m sor
ry 1 didn’t allow you to shoot, hr hang, or drown
yourself,. It, would have been the best thing I
ever did in my life, i .What is it Smells so ?
Nothing. ? Don’t well me nothing; it never
smelled- so in tie World. Had to carry a torch t
That's sweet business for a man who pretends
to bo the fatbejr of a large family. Next thing
I shall expect -to hear of you is, that you’ve
beeu splitting rails for general circulation. I
know nothing about politics ? Don’t eh? I don’t
want to know nothing about politics, if Fhave
Ip neglect thy family and carry'stinking torches
for the benefit of a roan who is trying to be Pres
idetit. Want to sleep 1 I thought you were a
Wide-A-wake. I suppose you’ve kept awake to
night on whisky, havu’t yq.0.7 Where have you
been alt this' time ! the 'town block has just
struck three; Been to Tondwdnda to raise a lib
erty pole I That’s a sweet note. Why didn’t
the Wide-A-wakes of Tonawattda raise their own
pole t Wel£ you can’t fool any body. I be
lieve 4 know something about politics myself,
And I know that you ore drunk, that’s what you
are.. Must go-ia sleep, must you 7 ; J’ye had no
steep to,night. and you heyer once thought of
me., 'You’re ap old brtito f 1 ’.
i Pennsylvania Election. ,
|PaiiUiMsi<PßtA. OcL 10, 5 P. M.—The last
edition; bfthe.B«#ef»t speaks nsfollowst—Com
plete victory of the Peoples* Party ! .The elec
tion in i Pennsylvania resulted ini the success of
the Peoples l Party by majorities far 1 exceeding
the ordinary calculations.. Philadelphia city,
where inost of tbe Bell and Everett men voted
with the Democrats, gave Foster a majority of
about 2,000 in a total vote of oyer 81,000; but
in other parts Of the State the Peoples’-Party
have largely increased their majorities. Tbe
general. results may be thus stated: “ The
Peoples’ Party iu the State elect their Governor
by froimSO.OOO to 25,000 majority ! carry 18 or
20 out iof 25 Congressional Districts, and have
both branches of the Legislature by large ma
jorities.” '
In this city tbe Peoples’ Party earry all the
City Ticket, elect their Senator and a majority
of Representatives to the State Legislature.—
For Congress, Lehman, Democeat, Morris, Ver
ree, Kelly and Davis, Peoples’ Party, are elect
ed—the latter by a majority of about 60 over
logersoll, democrat.
Below we give the reported majorities as
far as heard from:
Curtin. Foster.
Allegheny, 6,900
Dauphin, 1,400
Lancaster, 6,000
Erie, 8,000 ■
Philadelphia, 2,043
Montgomery, 1,650
Beaver; : 900
Susquehanna, 1,550
Franklin, 700
Washington, 700
Mercer, ■ 1 800
Lawrence, 1,700
Delaware, 1,209
Berks,: 3,000
Lehigh, ' 600
Westmoreland, 450
York. 1,300
Cambria, 600
In Cumberland and Perry odunties both tbe
People's l ' Party candidates for Assembly are
elected. •
Armscrontr and Westmoreland counties sends
three People’s Party candidates to the House.
John Covode bus carried bis district by 2,000
The returns indicate the election of Dr. Wraith
Fuller id the Senate from the Westmoreland
district and George V. Lawrence from the
Washington district, both People’s Party candi
Wlmptnn, the People’s Party candidate for
Sennioi, in the Huntingdon, Bedford and Spmer
set district, is elected.
McPherson is elected to Congress from the
Franklin district. 1
Indiana Election.
Indianapolis, Oct 10. —The latest returns
from this State indicate the election of Henry
S. Lane, ;the Republican candidate for Governor,
by a majority of 10 000! The Congressional
delegation is largely Republican, also both
branches of the Legislature.
Ohio Election.
Cleveland, Onto, Oct. 10
Ohio lias followed the example of Pennsylva
nia by electing the whole Republican State tick
et by a majority of over 20,000. Only three
Democratic Congressmen are elected.
Letter from Ireland.
Correspondence of the Altoona Tribune.
Messrs'. Editors: —Before I left Altoona, I
was asked by some of my friends, who are sub
scribers ;to your paper, to furnish letters for the
Tribune, givijig a history of my travels and a
description of the country 1 passed through. I
also promised the junior Editor that I would
write occasionally, and I now comply. I have
not been idle since I left you, and if I give you
a full description of the country 1 have now
passed through, then this is only one of a series
of 1< n,' letters ; and if they are read with as much
interest as I felt in visiting the different places,
1 am sure a great interest will be manifested.
I left Altoona on the 10th of August, but wit
nessed nothing of interest on my trip to New
York. ;On the 18th of August I found myself
on board the steamship Kangaroo, and dis
tinctly heard the Captain say “ Let go the
ropes.”,arid presently the good ship was out in
the river, with her beak turned down stream,
and weiwere sailing smoothly down the river.
1 was seated about the middle of the ship, and
could see the vessel capering in the water with
a motion similar to a small bird known by the
name ofKildeer,” i e. “up before, down be
hind—up behind, down before.” The conse
quence of this motion was that the passengers
began ito get sea sick. Now commenced the
perplexities of a sea voyage. Passengers were
lying carelessly on the decks fore and aft,
each with their heads resting on one hand, and
in the,: Other baud - a tin vessel, and all were
shouting; “y-0-r-.k,” As for myself, 1 was uot
yet affected in th<i least, but 1 looked forward
with drpad to the time when I would be. About
six; o'clock we lost sight of “ ray own, my ua-jf
tive laud,” and with it went u long. Heavy and
deep sigh, us I caught the last glimpse of the
land. I’did wish if was Pennsylvania—aye—
tbq hills around Altoona, that I might bid fare
well to .places familiar. But they were lost to
my sight; and I.never lost sight of an object 1
loVed so-much, because that land contains my
home—jaye, my wife and children, the jewels of
my hous4-hold. Oh! how much did 1 appreciate
the wonls, '
‘ j; “ 7 here to no place Ike home.”
.Time] passed very pleasantly, I saw a num- ]
be* of (iRh, among them the I mighty whale.,j
SchuolsjOf them appeared, s spouting the water'*
fifteen Arid twenty feet above them.; Some shot'
\'-'r ■ ■. , .. •. i
up two ,sfreams, and these I I was told were
spc whales, they being , the only ones that
spouted thru.ugh two nostrils. | Porpoises were
nujnerou£. Sailors are governed by the direo
tiofi these fish swim. They always appear in
the morning and the direction they take is the
course pf the coming wind.
ogreoablyuntil Monday, met-
CoLEiuiN. County Antrim.)
September Ist, 1860. )
uiog; 25th, when it was announced that one of
pur number, a lady, had died. She had passed
herself to the captain as being perfectly heal
thy. She took her bed in a few days after she
came on board, and the physician being sent
for, it was ascertained that she bad consump
tion. She was without friends or acquaintan
ces, and gave as her reason for acting as shq
did, that she wished to be upon the ocean to.
find relief. She found relief in death. AH'
were lively and gay when the steward an
nounced her death, and an immediate gloom
was cast over the passengers. She died with
out the presence of a solitary person. In a
short time she was encased in a coffin and placed
in the most obscure place in the ship. Just as
she was found, so she was coffined, —not a friend
to shed a tear over her departure or to sec her
properly encased. Alas I what adeath, to die
at sea.
All was gloomy on Monday. On Tuesday,
about noon, a crowd gathered around the mid
ship. I went to learn the'cause, and saw there
the coffin. Shortly the Captain appeared with
books in hand and read the funeral service, after
which four sailers picked np the coffin contain
ing the corpse and pitched it feet foremost into
the angry ocean, apparently as a feast fur the
hungry sharks that were around the ship in
swarius. It sunk, but rose again and floated
at the surface. 1 was sitting ut the guard, and
as far as 1 could see, the black coffin still float
ed. Poor woman ! found the relief she so
ardently sought fur. sea was rolling very
angrily and the waves were becoming larger and
larger. They rose before us like mountains and
seemfcd to bid defiance to 1 our gallant ship. It
was a sight I shall never forget. As I sat on
the bow and watched the motion, she capered
among the waves like a young duck, and such
waves uS would not melt before her she gallant
ly leaped on top of them, only to settle down
in tbe next billowing vale. And so it continued
until 1 o’clock on Thursday morning, when the
Giver of all said, “ Peace, be still,” and it was
so. As I bad no sleep until this lime, I wnq
glad to fall into tbe endearing arms of Mor
pbeus. I was dreaming of homo and its jewels
—of Altoona and its pleasures—bad just picked
up the Tribune and was about commencing to
read the “ Locals,” when tbe steward called for
breakfast. !• was inclined to pall his ears, but
Was told “ Laud was in sight !" I jumped up,
washed and run up on deck, when low and be
hold, there were, in reality, (he rocky, barren,
shrubless bills of “Quid Ire'and.”
We landed on a steamer, in the cove of Cork,
about 11 o'clock A. M., but did not .get on the
land until u o'clock P. M. It was about 13
days past since we taw land, and to see it was
not sufficient: I longed to stand on it—to touch
it, aye, to’take earth in my hands, for certainly
thirteen days without enjoying what 1 had en
joyed every moment of my existence, would ap
pear a very long time. Such may appear silly
-talk, but let any one, who never before crossed
the ocean, try it, and my word for it he will
conceive the time much longer than it really is.
But 1 must first give you a general and cor
rect description of tiie island of Ireland, and af
terwards 1 will commence where I lauded and
give you the particulars of all particular places
on my route —and I may go out of it, for 1 hear
tuuclb—and write nearly all down.
JL’ho island has been called by the natives,
from the earliest times, “Eri” or “Erin,” signi
fying ‘-Western, ’’ and from most of which its
Other names are derived. Thus, the Greeks
knew of it under the name of “lerna,’’ while
Ptolemy and Javenae called it, respectively,
“lowerna” and “luverua," hence the corruption
“ Hibernia ” By the ancient Britons it was
Called “ Iverdom,” and afterwards named by
their Saxon conquerors “Ireland,” or “lerland,”
the former being ;he present name. The appel
lation of “Scotia.” sometimes applied to Ire
laud, originated in the fourth century, when it
was in common use among the learned. This
title, however, properly belongs to Scotland. It
is called “ Emerald’s Isle” on account of its
beauty, and well may it be so called, for it is a
lovely country. The surface is' an undulating
plain, rising in some parts to a considerable ele
vation, and at others forming extensive levels,
occupied by bogs or moorland. Its scenery is
characterized by openness of prospect, beauty
and picturesqueness, but wants in grandeur
More than one-half of the land, is arable, and
about one-sixth under cultivation, the remain
der being covered with either moorwater or
buildings : there are no hills that could proper
ly be called mountains, though some of them
very nearly approach that rank. The tempera
ture of Ireland is more equable than that of
England or Scotland, the winters being less se
vere and the summers not so warm. This dif
ference is especially noticeable ou the western
and southern coasts, where the effects of the
gulf stream are (mediately felt. The donkey is
used to a very great extent. They are about as
large as a four month’s colt though not so heavy.
The Kerry cove is fast disappearing. I am
told that squirrels are rarely met with nud
wolves never. Frogs are plentiful, but the com
mon toad never found. At a town culled Bally
mena, I saw a notice stuck up in the garden,
reading thus:—•• Poisoned snakes set here,”—
The less repulsive waterjack or yellow striped
toad is * found in county Kerry. What I have
written I have been tol l by persons of good
authority. Bed bugs are scarce, but fleas, oh I
horrible? Two persons should always travel
together, so that they may be of service to each
other, one while the other sleeps,
otherwise to sleep is utterly out of the question.
More anon. W. R. BUVERS.
How Walkbr Was Shot.— An Havana cor
respondent of the Herald writes it
appears, was uot permitted to have any commu
nication with any of his followers previous to
his execution. lie marched from his cell to the
place of execution with a steady step and un
shaken mein. A chair had been placed fur him
with his buck'toward the Castle. Having taken
liis seat, be was blindfolded. Three soldiers
stepped forward to within twenty feet of him,
juid disc an reed their muskets. The balls en.-
'•tened his body, and he leaned a little forward :
but, it being observed that be was uot, a
fourth soldier mercifully advanced so close to
the suffering man that the muzzle of the musket
almost touched bis forehead, and being there
discharged, scattered his brains and skull to the
is tub Sun Growing Cold and Dark?— There
are now inure-spots on the sun than have been
seen for many years ; some of these are visible
through a smoked glass to the naked eye.. Sev
eral stars—some of them of great brilliancy,
which from their ascertained distance, must
have been as largo as our sun—have totally dis
appeared from the sky; and the question has
been raised among astronomers, whether the.
light and heat ut the sun are gradually fading
nWuy. As this would be ucconi puttied l.y the
dcstrpcfiou of all the plants'And animals on the
earth, it is rather an interesting question. The
sun’s light and beat are diminished, by the dark
sp.ets at the present tithe about 1 per cent.—
Sdmtife Amhckfi. ‘
49* There are 63 inmates of the Ohio State prison under
sentence tor life, one of whom haabeen confined 24 yean.
A largo number of Garibaldi's soldiers axvsald to
be fair, pretty looking boys, not moro than twelvo or tour
teen years old. .
Miss Blisabeth Blair, of ifanaflcld, Ohio, has made
a gentleman of that place pay s£,<3oo for saying she was,
no better than she ought to be. :
49-“ Red, White and Blue.” 1 The red cheeks', white
teeth and bine eyes of a lovely girt are as good a flog as a
young soldier iu the battle of life, need fight for.
«Bu About a half a million of documents an weekly
sent out from tbe National Capitol folding rooms, on ac
count of the several political parties.
49* The Vicksburg Whig is terribly indignant that the
Governor of Mississippi should have spent at tbe North the
sum of $200,000, appropriated by that State for the pur
chase ut arngs and ammunition.
On the night of the 22d utt., the stable of Mr. Sam’l
Clark, ofCurweniville,Clearfield county, was consumed
by fire, together with four horses, seven sets of harness,
four tous of hay, and other articled Loss $3OO.
49- Movements have been commenced in Baltimore and
Boston for the establishment in those cities of asylums for
aged ipen, and it has been suggested that measures be
taken iu Philadelphia to organize a similar institution.
4Sf-The editor of the Wilmington (S. C.) Herald, re
cently saw a snow white raccoon’s skin, tbe fir of which
is os beautiful and soft us the finest wool. Tbe coon was
killed witli two others of the same color on the borders of
the Roauoke river.
Cuts are In demand at Pike’s Peak. Mice are plen
ty, though rats are uot known ip. that pari of the country.
Cats sell at a high price. Indians; aro said to bo very fond
of them, and have been known to £ire three or four buffa
lo skins, valued at four or live dollars each, for a oat.
4®* A German, who wasarrested at Lancaster, Pa., last
week for steal lag, explained that the last time he was in
prison was for vagrancy, and he had only-bread and water,
while lie saw the convicts have meat. As he liked meat,
he thought he should better his condition by stealing.
*3- Tiie Inst Legislature of New York passed a Is w that
no |ierson having a husband, wife, child or parent shall,
by will, give more Ginn half his property to any “ honevo-,
lent, charitable, literary, scientidc| religious or missionary
society, assix'ifitiou or corporation, in trust or otherwise.”
49* J- Edgar Thompson has resigned the presidency of
tiie Southern Pacific Kailroad Company, on account of the
demands upon his time and energy by the Pennsylvania
Koud. It is said that the vacant position has been tender
ed to Cot. V. K. Stephenson, President of the -Nashville and
Chattanooga road.
43* At the great fair in Macon, Georgia, no article will
be tolerated if the manufacturer or inventor resides in a
Northern State; and just as this fact is announced, the
citizens of Jackson Parish, La., have held a meeting and
despatched an agent to the Northwest to purchase corn for
them, as their own is entirely stricken by smut.
49* The Mt. Carmel Democrat, published at Mount
Carmel, Wabash county. 111., has the American Union Na
tiouul. State and county ticket hoisted on tiie first page,
and tiie Dougins Democratic Notional, State and county
ticket ou the second page. To the former ticket it gives a
passive support, hut pitches in nobly for the latter.—
That’s mixing things.
4o*Thc Hartford Times says potatoes, Lr the first time
of late years, are yielding in the almost old inshioned
measure of 250 bushels to the acre, and largo contracts are
being made at r.7’-j<<j.4o cents per bushel; apples lie rotting
by the hundred bushels thousand orchards, uot only
of Connecticut, bin of New England, for want of market
at any price. They can he bought, good and sound, at any
a shilling a hush* I. We have not seen any
thing in our orchards since 1844.
Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine.
DU. VELPLAU'S CANKKIUN6 cures Putiid Sore Mouth,
DU. VELPEAU'S GANKEUINE onrra Soro Nippfca.
DU. VELPEAU’S CANKEUIM3 cures Ulcerated Scuea.
DU. VKI.PJi AC'S CANKEIUNjS cures Cut3-_
DU. VKLPfcAU'S CANKEUINE cures Chapped Lips,
DR. VELPEAU'S CANKEUINE cures Ulcerated Gums.
DU. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE is the best Purifier of the
Breath of anything kuawn. '
D:.. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE cures Canker in the
Mouth. Throat, or Stanmuch, resulting from Scarlatina or
Typhus KeveVs.
Ladies, if you delight in pure white teeth, use the CAN
KEKINE, and your desires will be realized. We pledge
our word that it is entirely free from acids aud all poison
ous substances, and caii bo given to an infant with perfect
saiety. It will'preserve the teeth 'and keep the gums free
from ulcers. It is equally efficacious for nursing sore
mouths. In all tlie thousands remedies tjiat have been put
forth for the cure of the various diseases; above, none can
equal the Cankerine. Sold hy, all druggists. Price 25
cents per bottle. j. BUKUILL A CO.,
Proprietors, 93 Mnideu Laue, N. Y.
For sale in Altoona, by G. W’. KESSLER.
Read the following certificate from j'lr. Weaver, a well
known Auctioneer at Pittsburgh:
Pittsburgh, Sept. 13, 1860.
The undersigned, being sorely afflicted with the Neural
gia in the lower jaw. Which affected ray teeth, I stepped
into Dr. Keyset's Drug Store to obtain some relief. \v)i<-n,
accidentally, 1 met the agent of Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine,
which I applied and fouud instantaneous relief. 1 most
cordially recommend it as a sovereign remedy for all pains
in the teeth or jaws. J. 8. WEAVER.
[/Vom ; the EgsVai Daily Express. J
Chairs ! ' Chairs M Chairs 11!
Concentration is evidently the secret of success and'no
one can deny this fact who will vlsitTUE PREMIUM CANE
Nos. 223 aud 225 North Sixth Street, opposite Franklin
Square, Philadelphia,
Mr. I. 11. W isler, the energetic and intelligent proprietor
of the establishment, gives his individual attention,to the
iiianufarture of this single article--Cano Seat Chairs, and
can without doubt iurnish the best Chairs for less money
than they can bo purchased elsewhere. His stock embra
ces the greatest variety of fashionable and elegant styles,
suitable for Parlors. Drawing Rooms, Dining Rooms, or
Chambers, also Ladies’ Sewing Rockers, Children’s Chairs
Ac., that is to ho found in Philadelphia. His ambition is to
furnish the best article fertile least money and with shrewd
bti»incss>caicul.ition he has located himself where rent is
low yet in a central ami prominent place.' Every body can
rememb-r FranUin S/uare and it is the best guide to his
extensive W are Rooms. To any one and every one wish
ing to purchase chairs wo say emphatically that no one
BU PPIy a better article or afford to Bell at a lower price than
Mr. I. U. WIBLER. ; [Oct. 4,1860.—1 m.
*3_ It Is a coiipnon observation that there are more snf
ft-rors from debility, among Americana than can bo fqund
, among nnj other Civilized The reasons are obvi
ous. Wo tako too litye exercise, iand forget tho .wants of
the body in the absorbing pun-nita- f business. In all such
cases oidimtry medicines can do little good What is re
qnired is just Such a tonic and iiiyigoratoras Dr. J. HoStut
ter lias given to tin- his QBLKBUATKD HITT BUS.
Tho weak and nervous denizen of the counting house, tbs
exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and the prostrated
student of the midnight lamp, haVe found a wonderful ro
pe aerator in the “ Bitters,”/and prefer it to mor» preten
tious, but b-ss efficacious medicines. But it should not be
forgotten that tho agent which is so' magical In its infla
eucc upon n frame which is merely debilitated,' it equally
powerful in assisting nature to ekpol the most terrible
form of disease. Who would not gjive it atrial!
Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. 1
fi£9- See advertisement in another column.
■ s
C9u w On voat thb sxxn of an.Tnnocent sheep shonld be
made Into parchment, and written; on to the undoing of a
man!” qnotli Shskspearo. He might also have deplored
tho ruining of men's forms by flie uncouth manner In'
which some nugruciqna tailorabutcher np' the-cloth made.
from the wool grown by ; these same harmless sheep. To
see the perfection of the art of working up bloth wisely
and well, and seas b> set off to the best advantage the
forms of its .weaceifs, call at tli«| Brown Stone Clothing
Hull of Bockhlll * Wilson, Noi.fcOJtand 60$ Chestnut St. ;
above Sikth. I’hila. and examine | tkeCf 1 stock ef fitments i
fcr gontlsmea tad youths. ; I
Toram’a Pamitttpo Warehouse
Thl« establishment tabeeomhig one of the
tiro the Quaker City,
hoaiMkwFpers “inert <& caugrepue.'* ; Sir. Totuw "
UdMn himself ex the eonmr of Jftmk and Market StZ*!
WWW. andbysuperlnttfidlng the mahuActnm oflnZ
artfciehlmself hte ware* soon gained ftrepntatloa, «ndh
liberal advertising aftd-ffarlct attention to basinets, he *
own breed to add room'after room to hla
until We isnow the moat onteusivajsstaUlshment otZ
kindln Philadelphia,.end being ene of special Interest
all housekeepers, we deem It worthy of thla apecial an 10
Mr. Toram is himself a master mechanic, a shrewd °h '
ness man, and a gentleman. He superintends his own h**
ness and, may bo fiiund at the establishment early
Ho Is, in the strict sense of tho word, a utilitarian,
reader must not expect, should he visit his bosioesr i "*
to Bod a “ showy” establishment, unless, indeed, a) i ’
industry and well stocked ware rooms of largo dimt ai j
but unpretending stylo may bo considered thevy r!*
place is an attractive one, however, and especially t» ***
housekeepers commencing lift) and looking f or b omt B *
forts. The varieties of, style and gradation of priced
such as to enable one to purchase according to taste ***
with a certainty of pm chasing at We lowed pncti.
a note of this, reader, and call at the establishment ot« j
your order. Address Step'ocx Toxau, JJ. TOrofr of
and Market streets, Philadelphia, and your furniture will
be selected from a stock .embracing everything f rom a •
best and most elaborate finish to the plainest and cheapest
All order* receive the personal attention of Mr. Tons* and
' his efforts to please are generally satisfactory.
Sept 13, 1800-lm.
Read! Read! Read!
Canto, 111., J uly 28lh, Kao.
Messrs. Johjc Wilcox A Co.:—Your ‘•lupeetins,’* ap »pj r .
slan Fever Charm,” has done wonders. X wUdllj j».
sp.mdf ut and wretched when I applied it and in five boar,
the chills were removed and no fever has ensued. It u tbs
simplest cure imaginable, and a winder of nature or wt
I would not be without this “Inpecttne” a singlebout-!
By constantly wearing I seem to be “ague. proof.'*
Ydura very truly,
Mowtt, Alabama, July 23d, UCO
GrjtTLKME.v ;—I have been snatched from tlio b,
tho application of your wonderful “Inpectino,” ur .. p,’
sian Fever Charm.” For several years 1 have differed
ery Season from Fever and Ague. Last Spring tuy Ufswu
threatened, but your remedy has destroyed the dinare ksti
I am rupidiy gaining an appetite and strength.
Respectfully yours, D. S. BARR^x
Tills truly wonderful preventive and cure fur Ftver anj
Ague and Bilious Fevers will be sent niail, post oa
receipt of one dollar. Also for sale at ell. respectable Drug,
gists and Country Stores. 1
Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188 Main St., Rich,
mond, Va. Branch Office, Bank of Commerce Building,
New fork. Address ■ JOHN WILCOX
~' - • • * • « -t
The combination of ingredients in these Pills « r 8 t i, o ri
sult of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in
their operation, and cortaln in correcting all Irregularitlej
Painful Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether
from cold ot otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpit*.
tlou of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hyeterlci
fatigue, pain in the hack and limbs, 4c., diaturbsd sleep*
which arise from interruption of nature.
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment ol
.those irregularities und obstructions which bare consign*!
so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and tbs be.
loved to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good
health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction
lakes place the general bealtb begins te decline.
are the most effectual remedy ever known fur all complaints
peculiar to Bimales. To all classes they are Invaluable, m
during. with certainty, periodical regtdarity. They in
known to thousands, who have used them at different pe
riods,tinoughout the country, having the sanction of some
of the most eminent Physician's in America.
Explicit directions, staling when, and.when
not be used, with each Box,— the Price On* Dollar iad\
Box, containing 40 Pills.
A valuable Pamphlet, to b« bad free, of the Agents.-*
Pills sent by mail, promptly, by enclosing price to the Gen
eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally,
R. B. HUTCHINGS, Geserxl Aor.vr,
U Broadway. .Sew York.
Sold In Altoona by G. W. Kessler; in Ilollidaysburg by
Geo. A. Jacobs. | Dec. 8,185f1.-ly.
Weakness of the Stomach and Indi
Another (treat Ourr effected by Bccrh ne's J/olland Bitten.
The wife of Pietur D« Witte, li>ing in Holland Town,
Cheboygan county, Wisconsin, suffered much from Weak
ness of the Stomach and Indigestion She had been under
a. physician's care for some time, but tbo disease seemed to
baffle even his skill. Site purchased some HOLLAND
BITTERS at. onr office, which has given tune to her stom
ach ; her appetite and strength are icturning, and we firm
ly belieyo that this H another great cure effected by your
We have still to record many wonderful cures effected tj
this remedy, hut must wait another opprrtunlty. On*
tiling you can rely upon; what we have published orsffon
persona much respected In Our community, and are liter
ally true. , J. QUI.VTC3,
Nienwsbode, Sheboygan, ffit-i
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having been ■ restored to health in a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having-suffered sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dl»-
case consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of euro.
To :ill who Jraire it he will semi a copy of the prescrip
tion used (Tree of charge.) with the direction! for preparing
and using the same, which they will find a sure cure fcr
Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, ic. The only object of
the advertiser i« tending the Prescription is to benefit tin
afflicted, and spread information which he conceives ,to bo
invaluable and he hopes every sufferer will try bi» reihe
dy, ns it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing-
Parties wishing tue prescription will please address.
William ■■burgh,
King County. New Vwk.
Oct. 4, ’6o.—ly.
Infantile Cordial.
We would request particular atteruion to Ike sdtertUfr
meijt of Messrs. a Dcpo.'T, addressed to ‘Mutbrn.'
Tito Immxtilß CoudiaL OF Du. Eaton U a medicine of gre»t
celebrity, and tlio standing of its mannfuctu ers will !#•
sufficient guarantee of the care taken in its unvarying pu
rity. Tlio “ Blood Food” is for n class of diseases unfortu
nately very prevalent in this Ti.iiiity. and its high repot*
tion should ensure a ready sale.— miimun/tc (Cbnn.)-four
not See advertisement
An experienced nurse and female physician, la* » s** 1
Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates t •
process of teething.'by eotciiiog the gum*. reducing all *®.
flammation — will aliuy All pain, aud U sore I" regulate! •
bowels. -Depend upoii it, mothers, it will give rf=t loruiir
selves,, and relief and health to your infants. Perfect/
safe in all eases: Saeadvertiaemsat in »n»th«r column
• to the citizens of Altoha and rlciuity
has for sale ' ■
Cheap AVall Paper, from 6 cts to ®'
do do - do 10 do 2*“
Glazed . do dp 20 do
Panel Oak do 'do 12 Jdo 5
Gold do do 60 do 52,
Gold and Velvet do 51,50 do 5,W
Sept. 13. JBGO-'im. . ——-
\T; complete assortment of Groceries h»v« 1 , rjjjfS.
ceived at the at-'to of . - ] :
JsjJl T»r« Ibr *alß wit !. (1-tr.i
A torf*’ »n& <ktUu«*M* *** u, !' a Jf g gjjjgjSS-
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v»^ TI
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