The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 11, 1860, Image 1
of Iron purified H } Jr °gen, Sams, tuthontics. both i„ Knrorw, 1 1 ibod in .their practice ' doily proves that no nrenn i with it. ■ v ; polo and otherwise sicWy otj in almost every concsl- Emaciation, un\.™ptot&n%S3SS: EJn'im, iti into nstruatUm ' >hontt. Chrome Ihadache, •ry J imptes on the fhce £ w hether the result of acute onntion of nervous and nitti* plaints, ono trial of this rL h> an extent which no it u would render credible— o have become forgotten in a suddenly re-appeared in tho Irom a protracted travel la ini instances of this kindar# naciated victims of apparent atlun, critical changes, and d dyspeptic aversion to air sician has no name. I kinds, and for reasons fa ction of this preparation of ny, for, unlike tho old ox itlumt being exciting and huiy aperient, even in Uia •ii"s.« without over being a :i.disagreeable sensation, mg,others, which makes it inaiieut a remedy for Ihltt ■xert a distinct and spociSc eiidepcy which forms them, s ore its causes, a single box often snlliced for-tho most tendont Custirentti. i 'when advanced to Dysen ti,d apparently malignant cisive and astonishing. ’ li and Hticn/tth,debilitating >i' b generally indicate lr£ ■ dy baa allayed the alarm C\eral very gratifying and Ids medicated iron has had u -the most cautiously bol aitjiout any of their. well* mt be too confidently Invt* r-:, in the casus peculiarly . and inflammatory—in the • —it hits been .invariably z tbo pain and reducing the into and muscles. t necessarily bo a groat re runl its pi-ogfoss in the new . ulmhy j)a one of hlgh r*- d in the whole history of .ni'pt, linppy, and fally r «. - complete digestion, rapid in unusual disposition for mediately follow its pso. staining 50 pills, prico 50 i-ts and dealers. Will b« lit of the price. All letters, Oexeiul Aqests, -o Cedar St., New York'. in the praise of 'V3 CORDIAL, ' to afford instantaneous re >. « as tC by magic, pad oik it what we soy is lt OR OPIATE f s by removing Vie suffer deadening its sensibilities. e 1 f as the only reliable prep r.i.x Tbltiiixu, Dl.umuou, n.s, Acidity op tub Etou iul Cnot p, also, for sojlen dim, regulating the Bowels, :!—hidjig an (inti-f]Hismodic in all oases of CoSTCLSIOJ* ■ life and health of your 'ran U:o~e tad and High tiny • result from the use of nilr far Infantile CbmplainU I; MON'S iNI'ANTILECoBBUi, .-rf-ctiy harmless, andean* lit. Price. 25 cents. Full, , i’. Prepared only by IiUIICH & DUPONT, / \ lUr j.uhviiy, New-York, ,\ iin£ ZED in ' elements, and r.l-. Analyze the Blood of Liver Complaint, lind in erery instance cer h-s of Blood. Supply then* ■ .. ell. The BlooD F 00» to, Mivtice its astonishing an#- ij KATIOSS tlie Blood in different dls* CNcnms, or any affection 3,-. inducing CpjfScriPTlOJi, for Depression or Spirit*, r.'Wic Com plaints, arising v. and NEnvoi's PEOSIiM- No. .1 for DrsPIPSIA. V tion it i« takes nr Dbop* ■ circulation, so. that what i- for I'm ALE IBREOULARI- .'•co siiceial directions for i >ns, SonorcLors, Kidsei, ;.i. ;>. In all cases the dl* ‘ d. Price of the Stood Hbod IiCKCII A DUPONT, f ‘.i Broadway, New-York. | phii, nndG. XI.KEYSEB, iifnrray, HollidaysbuigJ .liroughout the'country. CE GAZETTE.— rim*' and Criminal* I* to dv circulated throughout he Great Trials, Criminal on the some, together wiw not to ho found In any r;n • «;! for six months, to should write their namsa i acre they reside plainly-/ MATSELL A CO., v York Police Gazette, jYno York City- ice and Trust Co. , $500,000. , St., S. E. corner of /'.GENT, ALTOONA, UAL MUTUAL BATES, - ABOUT 301‘EHCENX; INCB lIATK3, THELO" A. WIIILLW». [Oct. 27 tb, 1869-Jy- \tla. NTY MUTUAL -'•py The undersigned, r.u. Insurance Company,« l<w» or damnge by (i > and iV^rtyof e«ry at as reasonable rate* in the Masonic Temple-. ; .-UOKMAKEB, Jga* ttner. . dentist. MASONIC TUM [Deo. 23, ’58.-tt LEY BE- / and tho heretofore oc- SI GENTLEMEN >,xvu P-xnoOT*HS£ i upoa. I . | | J 11 '|I?V -r ~ N ' ''■ “' '■ -t * jtfoCRUM & I>ERN, ; VOL. 6- but YOb'R BOOTS & SHOES K ttie People’s Shoe Store. nTBWAET & THOMPSON N Take pleasure in announcing to the citlxens of Altoo- Mndsnrroundlng country that they havejust received, t their store on Annie street, two doors below the Poet , toga and handsome assortment of BOOTS, SHOES iS OAITKIIS, for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children’awear, t7_ij f \u» and kinds. Their stock is of neat finish and ex- Client manufacture, which they will sell for CASH only, ft least 26 PER CENT. CHEAPER than the same can be purchased elsewhere—as will be seen by relerring to the blowing: pricelist j-7 < Men s fine calf Boots, Men’s fine kip Boots, Boy’s kip Boots, Toutbs’, Men’s Calf Gaiters, Men’s Oxford Ties, ' 162 to %2 00 Men’s Brogan’s, A 12 to 1 65 Boys’ Brogans, 76 to 1 20 Yontbs’Shoes, 62 to 87 Children’s Shoes, 26 to 65 Ladies’Congress Gaiters, ISO to 165 ladies'Lasting Gaiters with heels, 187 to 150 ladies’ Superior Lasting Gaiters, 1 85 ladies’ Morocco Boots with heels, 130 to 155 \ Ladies’ Morocco Boots without heels, 1 25 to 1 37 ladles’ Goat Boots withhoels, 1 125 Ladies’Coif Boots with heels, 1 I 20 to 126 Misses’Calf Boots with heels, 76 to 1 00 Misses’ French Morrocco Boots, with heels, 126 Haring bought our good? for they were put at the lowest figure, and by doing an exclusively cash basinet* customers are not mode to puy for bad debts hence dor liw prices. I ■ And if you want a good and' fashionable Boot or Shoo made, leave your measure and: they will have it made at short notice. Repairing done in,the neatest manuor, and on reasonable terms. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of public favor. Sept. 13,1860.-tf. j Literacy Emporium and NeWa Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAJI. TOBACCO. JEWELRY & V VARIETY I STORE. The subscriber continues to keep constantly on hand all tire host literary papers and I] periodicals, daily papers from New York and r Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All | ' tbs School Books used in this place and Ticihity always on hand. ■ ' , , | Also, a choice lot of ConCsctioqaries, and knick knacks of sll kinds for children. Also.tbo best Tobacco * Segars to b« bad"in town, together with la fine assortment of Gold and Silrcr Peocjls, Gold Rings and other articles of Jewel ry. Call land examine. " , H. FITTINGKK. Altoona, July 2d, ’6O-ly. JVb. 1 AlioonaMoust. r ANDS ! LANDS! ! LANDS !!! I J The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices.— Good selections can now be made! bear the large streams sniKeeUlomeuts. The Lands of this Territory, now in Ustket, am of tiie best quality. ; _ _ tS~ Selections caiefiuly madft, Letters cf inquiry re nted. ALTSX. F. McKXNNEY, Ouapous, Cass County, N. Ter. July U, 1859.-tf airiKtxcit: K«t. A', B. Cuns, Altoona, Pa. Vm. M. Ijlotd A Co., Banker*, Altoona, Pa. McCann ft Dna, Editor*. “ Tuos. A. Boon, Sopt. P. B. It-, « P. MoMca,Tn«,Esq., Huntingdon, Fa. \V. M. LLOYD & CO., . . ALTGOJfA, PA., JOHNSTON, jack: & CO., BOLLWA TSBUItG, PA , (Late “Bell, Johnelon, Jack $ Co.’’) Drafts on tde principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposits, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fiir rates. Feb. 3d, 1859.' T 1). leet,attorney at law U . ALTOONA, BLAIR Co, Pa, . Will practice law in tlie.sdveral Courts of Blair, Cambria, Huntlngdoa, Clearfield, ■Centro' 1 «ml adjoining couuUfi.— Also in the District Ccjunt of tbe| United States. Collections of claimi promptly attended to.: Agent for tbsialeof Heal Estate, Bounty Land Warrants, and ali holiness pertaining to,conveyancing and the law. IUPKWWCEai Hon. Wilson McCandies and Andrew Burke, Esq., Pitts osrgh; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, Pros. Judge of Payette Jndiclal District; Hon; ChenardGiomens,ol Hoe Henry D. Foster, Groonshurg; Hon. John W. Etllinger, Lebanon;, Hon. Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hon. Ocorge P. Uamelton, Pittsburg. ! Jqne 16,1859-ly. S. M. WOODKOK, attorney at law, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN TH*E SEYE- T T KAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and'-Huntingdon counties. 1 " ° several years' in the practice of 1 * x P oCt * to merit'public jiatronage. ' IKHcs mi Virginia Strict, in the room lately occupied by Miti. Lest, Esq. | CBept.6,lBBo;-tC a r.. good, n. d. , j, n sooou, x. » ■pkli S. GOOD & GEMMILL HAV jL/ INO entered into Partnership in the Practice of awllcins, respectfully tender their services to the Pahlie ,n the several brauches of their Profession. Calls wdl be answered either day or night at their office —whlcli is the same aa heretofore occupied by Drs. Hirst * Good,—or at the Logan House. April 21st, 1859 3m Boots and shoes.—the un uenjigned has now on hand and will ' wn cheap at his store In the Masonic Toni-t|o »vi?i?lK,2 nd <»“plete assortment sou SHOES, ready made, or made to order. ■ werehoea, Ladies’ Sandals, Gum 'Shoes, Cork and everything In Ijisline orbnsiness,of m 2™ <inali *-y and on the * most reasonable terms. AU emtom work warranted. '■ i _ Jan - 2 ’ ’ B H f -l j. shoemaker. T he Root and Herb Hotter, (V PHILADELPHIA, HAS LEFT rh-,,, r .V 10 Rock y Mountains, for a new supply of Roots. Huw iu turn again ani can be consulted at John Wood’s lsth li, r« a ’ on day Of Noremberand on Uie ™° f P' ce ™ t>er - Also; one day In each month for thu * m<mtb9 Ihertnltorj notice of which will be Riven In ffil’wco. ' if- w. umsjisxoN. PLAIR COUNTY INSURANCE »°$SS»r3?- T de ” ,sn6 ?’ A B ° nt ‘ of the Blair . lime, r„„V, n J u^ 1 Hre Insurance Company, lg at all ii,„ to j ■ n * n^. aga,Mt lo “ ;ot <taD “SO by Arc, Build- Furniture anil Property, It every dee- at as reasonable rates as any “pany in the State. Officowifh Bell, Johnston, Jack * ' ». «. CABDWBLL, fi gm t. HRS. CONRAD & CAMERON RE professianalserricosto tho Office on Railroad street, t onsnUw?w?*ii\ f c,n Etotel, where they may bo M’t! Mseo'-U ““P* ' when I'tefeaaionally engaged. M O. ADLUM, N OTA ft Y p UBLIC.1C. AtTOONA; BLAIR CO, PA. Cctl,^ ,** the'* lol * of J.B.Hilema.n. P^J.fiOOSBANJ) JOT, to located, tn the Borough of Altoona. Apply EUOBMAKE&. J> STATES LIFE INSU- Altoona. JQBa SHQBMAKBB. £gent. OF AtL descriptions ( . ** lo4 executed at thl* offlce. < . \ $3 25 to $3 50 2 16 to 3 25 1 76 to 2 00 1 76 2 00 VALUABLE GIFTS /WITH BOOKS GEOBGE G. EVANS’ Original €}iftßoak Enterprise. T/u larged in the world ; permanently located at 439 Chett ' \ ,v nut street, Philadelphia. SIXTH TEAR OP THE ENTERPRISE. Baring purchased the spacious Iron Building, No. 489. fitted It up with every convenience to ‘to* branch devoted to COUNTRY ORDERS; and having ©larger capital than any other parly invested-lo the business, I am now prepared to < offer,greater advantages and better gilts than ever to mv customers. — ~ . 3 r°i,™ or .?P wnr l l^’and B*7° R present worth from 60 cento i*?iT ■ “ ? IC “ book, and guarantee to give perfect astr ismction, as lam determined to maintain the reputation) already bestowed nponihy establishment. v 7 Strangers visiting Philadelphia are invited to call and .Judge for themselves. G. o. BVAN , IP YOU WANT ANY BOOKS wndto GEORGE .Or. EVANS, RELIABLE GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, , No 439 CHBBNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. when all books are sold at the Publisher 1 * prices, and you hare the advantage, of receiving a handsome.present, wpaitH reoH 60 a»n *0 100 Dolurs with Bach Boos. OKO. O. EVANS 1 Original Oiftßook Enterprise has been endorsed by the Book Trade and all the loading, city and country papers in the United States. QEO.G. EVANS’ Punctual business transactions-have re-' ceived the approbation of over 6,000,000 citizens of the United States, oaoh of whom have received substantial evidence 1 of the advantages derived by purchasing books at this establishment. GEO. O. EVANS Has done more than any other publisher or bookseller in the United States to wanis dißbsinp knowledge to the people. ,• By this system many books are read that otherwise would not have found their way into the hands of readers. —Frank Pulie't yaotpaper. GBO. O. EVANS Keeps constantly on hand the most ex - tensive stock, the greatest assortment of Books, and circulates free to all who may apply, the moat most complete catalogue of Books and Gifts in the United States. OEQ. Q EVANS Has advantages offered by other pub lishers and manufacturers which enable him to furnish his patrons with a finer quality and better assortment of gifts that) any other establishment. GEO. G. EVANS Publish™ nearly Two Hundred Popular and interesting Books, therefore, as a publisher, he is better able to offer extra premiums and commissions. GEO.O.EVANS Gnaranteesperfcctsatisfactiontoailwho may send for books. GEO. O. EVANS 1 New classified catalogue of books era bracAthe writings of every standard au thor In every department of literature, and gives all the Information relative to the purchasing and forwarding by Mail or Express of books ordered from his es tablishment, together with full direc tions bow to remit money. OEO. O. EVANS’ Catalogue of Boooka will be scut gratis and free of expense to any address In the United States. GEO. O. EVAN’S Inducements to Agents cannot be sur passed. The most liberal commissions are offered, and by sol lotting Subscrip tions to .books Jn the manner proposed, 20 books can be sold in the sometime that it.would toko to sell. one on the old . fashioned subscription plan. Send for a Classified Catalogue, and every informa tion will be given in reference to agen cies. Select- your books, enclose the amount of money required, and one trial will'satLfy yon. that the best place in the country to purchase books is at THE EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT GEO. G. EVANS. No. 439 Chestnut Street,. Phita. WHERE. TOD CAN GET BOOKS OP ALL KINDS I!!! I Books of Pact I * Hooka of Fiction! i Books of Devotlonl Books of Aouisementl. Books for the Qld Polks! , . Books for the Young Folks! , Books for Husbands! Books'for Wives! Books for Lovers I - Books tor Sweethearts! Books for Boys 1 - Books for Girls! Books of Humor 1 ’ Books'of Poetry . Books of Travel! Books of History! ‘ Books Of Biography! Books of Adventure! \ Booksabout Sailors! Books about Soldiers! . Books about Indians! Booksabout Hunters! BoJts about Hetoes! Books'about Patriots 1 Books fbr Farmers! . ' ! Books for Mechanics! Books for Merchant#! -■ Books for Ppyaiciansf Books for Lawyers! , v Books for Statesmen! Bibles! Presentation Boosts! Prayer Books! Hymn Books I ' ■ Juvenile Books! V] Annuals! * f Albums, m ’ CECIL B* HARTLEY’S Xntereeting Biographies 1 KEY. J. INGRAUAM’S ScHptorailioTOmces! SMUCKER’S Lives of Patriots'and Statesman! J. T. LAUREN'S Revolution aryritorles I T.B. ARTHUR'S Popular Talosl DR. ALCOTTS Family Doctor! MRS. UENTE’S Novels! ' MRS. SOUTHWORTH’S Novslsl COOPBB’S Novels I DICKENS’. Novels! , WAYERLBY Novels 1 IBYINO’S Works! - - All the .writings of every standard author in every de partment of literature, in every style of binding, at the publisher’s lowest prices, and remember that yon pay no more then yon would at any other establishment, ard yon have the advantage of receiving an elegant Present, which oftentimes is worth a hundred fold more than the amount paid for the book. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE QF BOOKS, Orderly book tliat you may waatl remit thn retail price, together with the amount required for postage, and one trial will assuro-yon that the best place in the country to purchase books isat the Gift Book Establishment of OB IROB G. EVANS, Originator of tho Oiit Book Enterprise, ■ ■'■■■! ' -Uo.4BSTCussthvt Stbkst, ■ 1 Philadelphia; ACCENTS - To whom greater Inducements than ever are offered. Any person, either male or female, who is desirous of en gaging in an -■ ;v , ' f ONOftABLE AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS. Requiring but little time and' no outly of money, and by wblcbthcy canobtaiogratls A Valuable Library, A Fine Gold WUieh and Chain, A Uandtome Servihe of Plate. 1‘ ; An Kitgdnn Milk Drttt Pattern, ; A Spkndid Stt nf Jeweiry, ! Or any other choice articles enumerated In the Elat of Gifts can do so by acting as an Agent for this establishment. Any person. In any part of the country, can bo ah Agent simply by forming a clnb, sending a list of Books, and re mitting, the amount of money required for tho same; Send for a catalogue, which contains all tbs desired in formation relative to agencies and tho formation of dubs; and to insnro prompt and honorable dealings, address all orders to THE HEAD QUARTERS OF GEORGE G-. EVANS, . paopwttoa or tub ou>m ajcd £AJRO£ST SIFT BQQK ENTJB&PBISJS TS tBM woau>, ■ permanently located it Ko. 430 Oheetant Street, PKUadau Cabs, t i ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1860. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. UcpRUMjA KERN, Publishers and Proprietors. Per annum, (payable invariably in advance,) $1,60 AU papers dUcontiuued at the expiration of the time paid lor. j *, ttaxs or asvsxnsuro. _ . ..1 1 1 Insertion 2 do. 8 do. Pour lines or less, $25 $ 3714 $6O One square, ( 8 lines,) 60 75 1 do Two « (16 « ) 100 160 200 Three '» (24 “ ) 160 290 250 Over three weeks and less than three months, 25 cento per square for each insertion. 8 months. 6 months. 1 year. Slxlinesor less, $1 60 $3 00 $6 00 One squaw, 2 60 4 00 7-00 Two “ goo- 600 10 00 Three > : 600 . 800 12 00 Four “j ' o oo 10 00 14 00 Haif a column; IQ 00 U 2O 00 One column, .14 00 $5 00 40 00 Administrators and Executors Notices, 1 76 merchants advertising by the year, three squares, -with liberty to change, 10 00 Professional of Easiness Cards, ngt exceeding 8 hues with paper, per year, 6 00 Commanications of a political character dr individual in terest will be charged according to the above rates. Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions desired. Will be) continued till forbid and charged according to the above terms. Business notices five cento per line for every insertion. Obitaapy notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cento a square. Jldcd Jfldrg. , A LOVERS SONG. Youaf o vary lovely, lady I ' Soft and fair your skin (■ i Beauty’s pencil has been there, 1 Blending colors fresh and tare; ; \ Is all fair within ? \ Tcsjthat blush with modest glow, \ Sweetly tells wbat I" would know. Ton are very gentle, lady-1 Uiunblo and discrcctl Lot not words of artless praise, Kindle anger in year gaze. Praise is not unmeet, When the Ups of truth doth find Language for th’ approving’ mind. You Biro very dear, sweet lady I ■ Will you bear my suite! Honpst is my love, and purs; Lasting while my days endure; Why are you so mute f . Ah! you smile and blush and sigh 1 I do-ask no more reply. Jldect IPkcllaiig. THE MYSTERIOUS LODGER. In September, 1852,1 occupied; a room in a two-stOry frame building on Stockton street, in San Francisco, in which were perhaps half-a-doz en lodgers—possibly more. As I seldom visited my room daring the day, and invariably retired at 12 o’clock, I rarely met any of my neighbors —or, if I did, it was without my knowing them. With tiyoiof my fellow lodgers I became partial ly acquainted. One was a middle-aged man, occupying a room adjoining mine, and divided from it by a thin partition. Against that thin boundary stood oar beds—the middle aged gen tleman’s ant^mine—not to exceed three inches apart. The; middle aged gentleman was wedded to the habit of snoring. And nis was a pecu liar snore, not a periodical accompanying every fourth or fifth inspiration, but a terrific and un interrupted combination of Snorts, groans and snuffles, with the addition of teeth grinding and occasional plunges of the extremities against the creaking foot board. For a week I stood up against[the clatter. At length, ! knocked at bis door. I was desperate. lie rose, struck a light, and for'the first time we met fqce to face. I had prepared myself to deluge him with sarcasm— to abuse him with Billingsgate—to sink him with abuse. ] His; face was round and jovial, and his head‘so entirely destitute of hair; that Ico uld not'summon ‘Courage to utter a single harsh word. For. -a moment wo peered into each others faces. ! “ Cub 1 dp anything for you ?” ; I inquired. Smith, ifor that was his name, must have read my have - known he snored— must have been aware of the object of my visit —for be immediately replied: “ Yes, toy friend, join me in a glass of brandy and watef —I; haven few drops of something genuine. : Pemit toe to insist,” He continued, observing my hesitation, “you will sleep all the better for it,” and he gave me a looks welling over with commiseration. ■ ■ I meekly followed him to his sideboards, and we pledged each other in n glass of ancient vin tage, He pressed mo to smoke a cigar. I could scarcely do less. Sitting on the side of the bed, with bis I round visage peering through a gauze of smoke, and bis fat legs Swinging good tiatairedly, Stoith wnsa picture. { Together we would i&ve afforded an dipusing sketch for Punch. |le talked incessantly, end,before I left him we touched glasses several times, and I firm ly resolycd that he might shore, night and day, for a year to; borne, and I would not disturb him, I wrung bis hand in ccstaoy of friendship, .and bade him aniaffectionate good night, Smith’s brandy wasj playing strange tricks, with] my fancy and I frit as though something was whis pering, as though to “ Macbeth”—“ Sleep no more.” ' Irritated at my wakefulness, I drew my clothes on and was soon in the streets The moon rddb high in the heavens, and the night was ‘ beautiful as a poet’s dream. - Strolling around tlie btreet ns far as Clay, 1 suddenly turned the corner, and encountered a crowd of half-drunken rowdies, standing in front of a boose they had either just left or were about to enter. In the act of retracing my steps] Iheard some one oxqliim, in a boyish tone :' “ Not to-night, gentlemen, some! other time, but not;to-night; please' excuse' me.” 1 ! ' The speaker in passing along the street had been stopped: by the rowdies, and invited to drink, “ Bah I” exclaimed a number of voices, “you must come to the scratch—either drink of fight,” “ But, gentlemen, I cannot, ,s ‘ insisted . the stranger, struggling to free himself from the grasp of hia “ I cab neither drink' nor fight to-night; lam not well”’! ‘ “.Gnipmoh!” growled the'party, attempting to force him into the house. i: I felt that.’ as a conservator of the peace and champion of Society it fras my duty to interfere, Smith’s brandy told me so, and furnished the nerve, in addition, to carry out the fesolation. Striking quietly in upon the crowd, I laid my hand upon tho boy’s shoulderand reqaested him io* follow mje. ; He' turned .to' cojnpty. when “ Give him one!” yelled one of the rowdies, and the next moment I received a blow on the back [independent in everything.] of the neck, and found myself leaning against the sido of a house. I waq not atudneid btti ex asperated'beyond measure. The liquor of my bald headed fellow lodger steeled my nerves to notion, and I threw myself into a position of de fence, Not doubting my perfect ability to scat ter the crowd over an acre of ground, I invited the unequal contest. The Appearance of a.po liceman spared the impending slaughter, for the party suddenly left. the field. My companion informed the officer of what bad occurred, and be started in pursuit of the retiring rowdies, enjoining us to fight the way to our lodging.— Taking the arts Of the lad we proceeded towhrds my room. He was a pale faced, interesting looking young man of perhaps eighteen or nine ! i.eefi years of age, remarkably well bred and in telligent ' Be was dressed in good taste with out affecting any of the airs of m.atnrer years, and I was quite taken with him. He told me at once th at his name was Richard Janson; that he was alone in California, but not without means; that he lived in Stockton street sod visiting a friend that evening, bad been detained • to that unusual hour. In a few momeiits we arrived at my lodgings, and observing that he evinced.little inclination to port with me. I in vited him to accept a portion of my bed for the night. He smilingly declined, stating that he was quite near his own ; and then 1 lekrned for the first time, that he occupied a room in the same house on the same floor with myself. Thus 1 became acquainted with two of my lodgers. Janson and myself often met after £hat,.but it was al ways In the streets or on the stairway. He never invited me to bis room, or accepted an invitation to mine. He visited me once or twice at my office, and then remained less than five minutes. How bo spent h\s time I did not in squire. Ho was a mystery. I spoke of him to Smith one day. .Strange to say, that gentleman had;never seen him, but from my description of him ventured the opinion that ho- was either a gambler or a genteel pickpocket. I was reluc tantly forced to the conclusion that Smith was right, and after that I treated the young man with.unusual coldness. He observed the change, and his look wore a reproach so sorrowful, that I half repented having harbored the suspicion of my venerable looking friend, who was'fearfully averse to all mysteries. Occasion called me to my room ono evening at an earlier hour than usual. I heard a soft rap at my door, and openiug it, found Janson standing in the entry. “ Come in Janson, I exclaimed, throwing open the door. “ Would you not prefer taking a walk ? ” he inquired. •• The night is beautiful,” “ I believe not to night,” I renlied, “some other time." I was piqued that he should persist in remain ing outside the door.' “ I should bo much pleased to have you,” he rejoined. “ I have a few words to say to you in justice to myself, and—" “Enough,” I interrupted: “I will go.” I felt assured he desired to tell me something of himself, and I was all anxiety to hear it. It was unpleasant to think him a pickpocket or a sharper, and I hoped that he might be able to ppave to me that he was neither. We left the house and proceeded along Stock ton street toward Happy Valley. For ten min utes not a word was spoken. Several times he seemed on the point of speaking, bat he as oft en checked himself. “ Euless I may call you one, I have not a friend in California,” at length be began; pla cing his hand upon my shoulder. I bowed, but made no reply. * “ You do not speak,” he- replied, observing my silence. “lam to understand. I presume - that, you are not to be made an exception !” “To be frank with you, Jansen,” I replied, there is a certain mystery about your move ments calculated to give rise to suspicions any thing but favorable.” “ Of what nature ?” asked my companion. “ That you are a gamaler, or even worse," I bluntly replied. He smiled as he replied: “Ypb, yes, I see; yeti the suspicion wrongs me.” ~ “ Make it appear so,” I answered, “ and you shall not want a friend.” “ Promise me that you will not divulge what I may tell you, or attempt by word or action, to thwart me in the, accomplishment of a purpose to which I have pledged my soul,” he said, looking me earnestly in the face, “ and you shall have the proof yon require. - ’ ‘“.lf your purpose is not criminal, I promise ; if otherwise, keep your secrets,” was my answer. “ ’Tie what you would do, or any other man worthy of the name.” “ Then 1 promise; hefe is my hand.” “ Listen,” he resumed, taking my arm and walking slowly oh. “ I have a twin sister.— We wore born in Georgia, and Our parents were the possessors of a hundred slaves, and a plan tation Ihrge enough to give nil employment. When we wore fourteen i jpur father died. At the age of sixteen, my fitter became a convert during a religious revival, and six months after, in thd face of the determined opposition of toy mother, ran away and married a young preach er, to whose eloquence the revival owed its ori gin. My sister did not love the man. Her feelings for him was a religions enthusiasm—a fancy wrought upon her by an unnatural infat uation. Learning they were married, my good mother sent lor them, and they returned to re ceive her blessing. The plantation was placed in charge of my sister’s husband, and Jie relin quished the gospel. He frequently visited New Orleans, and other of the large Southern cities, during the first year of his marriage, bat the circumstance excited no suspicion. “To be brief, before two years elapsed, the large estate owned by my father was swept from us, and we were almost bankrupt. He had in duced my mother to mortgage the plantation, iriih .the view, he said of purchasing more ne grocs' to work it, but the money was squandered and the slaves he secretly sold. ! by fives and tens, till Jess than*, a dozen remained. When asked to explain by toy mother; he had no ex cuse to offer. In the midst of this great grief, another wife of Mayhew--tbat was the yilUin’s name—suddenly made her appearance at'the plantation. Learning the residence of her hus band; but not knowing of his Second, marriage, she had left? South Carolina to meet him. My poor sister iVns heart broken. Mayhew, to es cape prosecution, flbd from the State. His first wife was sent to the toad house, and in three months my poor old* mother was laid in the churchyard. My grief bowed sister—but I (will not speak of her. Turning the wreck of our property into money, I started in pursuit of the scoundrel who had dealt such a havoc with our Peace. Through a dozen States I tracked him, and returned with my mission pf vengeance un accomplished. Oney ear-agobyaccident,l learned he ia California. At soon at I covered from a serious illnesh under which I WAS HE A HAN, OR A BRUTEf was laboring, 1 took passage fq|f this State. I * arrived six mouths ago. i ,s I once, says John B Gough, the eloquent “He is here, for I have seen;him,and he can temperance lecturer, In a late speech, picked up not'escape me now I He is -even In this city; a man in the market place. They said, “He but bo little dreams that the pistol is shotted to is a brute—let him alone.” I took him home send him to the great reckoning. I have made- with me, and kept the “ brute” fourteen days few acquaintances here, having no wish to im- and nights, through bis delirium; and he nearly plicate others in a work of,blood which must be frightened Mary out of her wits, one nightchas mine alone. Lost night I followed him from the ing her all about the bouse with a boot in his El Dorado, where he spends mokt of hid time, to hand. But she recovered her wits, and be re ft house on Powell street. Hel has visited it He said to me, “You wouldn’t I frequently qf late, and to-day that think I had a: wife and child?” “Well, I be is paying his addresses to a widow lady resi- shouldn’t.” “ I have, and—God bless her dear ding there.” But he will not many her for ano- little heart—my little Mary is as pretty a little tber week shall not find'him alive r Tpa now i thing as'ever stepped!” said tho “brute.” I know all. Have. 1 one friend ii^^iftfrhia!” 1 asked, “ Where do they live!” “They live To eee so much spirit, so mnch determina* two miles away from here.” “When did you ' tion, so much manhood exhibited by a beardless' see them last?” “ About two years ago.” Then boy, surprised me beyond expression. I offered he told me his sad story. I said, “You must the brave little fellow my hand,; and he felt that go\aok again.” “Imusn’t go back—l won’t be Was answered. In silence ;we returned to —my wife is better without mo than with me. our lodgings. Bidding Jansen goodnight,! I will not go back any more; I have knocked stepped into Smith’s for a moment I found the her, and kicked her, and abused her; do you old gentleman somewhat agitated. He had lost suppose! 1 will go back again ?”. I went to the a valuable diamond pin that day|, and freely in- house with him 1 knocked at the door, and timatod that the “ sleek young Cuss,” as he de- bis wife opened it. “Is this Mrs. Richardson?” 'nominated Jansen, had stolen it. Iso strenu- “Yes, sir.”' “Well, that is Mr. Richardson.— ously endeavored to dissipate the impression, [Laughton] And Mr. Richardson, that isMn. that I verily believe he felt inclined to'transfer Richardson. Now borne in. the house. We the odium of the supposed theft to me. That went in tho wife sat on one side of the room, night Smith snored louder than usual. and the “brute on the. other. I whited to see Three days after, I met Jansen in the street, who would speak first: and it was the woman, and learned that be bad taken rooms on Powell [Applause.] Bat before she spoke shefidgeted street. I did not inquire the reason—l thought * good deal. She pulled up her apron till aha I knew it. The next day I again met him.r— got hold of the hem, and then she palled it all His face was unusually pale, yet he said he bad down again. Then she folded it all up closely, not felt better for xears. ' and jerked it through her fingers an inch at a “ There is to be a wedding in Powell street time, and then she spread italldown again, and to-morrow, afclenst so Mayhew bays, bat there thenj she looked all about tho room and said, will oe no bridegroom! Do you understand ?” “ Wei}, William?” And the “ brute” said, He placed his jingers significantly, to his lips, “Well, Mary?” [Laughter.] He had a largb and we separated. handkerchief round his nfok, and she said. At eight o’clock tho. next evening, as Isaac “ You had better take tho handkerchief off Wil- Mayhew was mounting the steps of the faoase to liana ; you’ll need it, when you go out’ r lie be which Jansen had traced him six days daysbe- gan to fumble about it The knot'waalarge fore, a pistol ball pierced his heart, and hedrpp- enough; he could have untied it if he liked; but ped dead upon the pavement Some nnne- he said, “ Will you untie-it Mary I” and she countable infiuence bad drawn the to the neigh- worked away at it; but her fingers were clumsy, borhood, and hearing the report of a pistol, Jan* and she couldn’t get it off; (heir eyes met, and sen’s words flashed through bay mind, and I the lovelight was not all quenched; she oporieil started with a dozen others,’ in the direction of her arms gently; and he fell into them. If you the tragedy. Before I arrived bh the spot quite had seen those whito arms clasped about his a crowd had collected. The body -of Mayhew neck, and' he sobbing on her breast, and the - was lying on the sidewalk, and over it in speech- child looking in wonder, first at one and then at less agony, stood tho widow who was to have the other, yon would have said, “It U not % been a bride. brute : it is a man with a big- worm heart in U« “ Who saw this?” inquired h policeman. breast.” “ I beard the report of a pistol,” said ond of the crowd. “ and, a minute after, saw a man enter that house yonder,” and ibe pointed to a smalt frame building on the opposite side of the street In an instant* the officer, followed by: the ex cited spectators, started for the bouse. Spring ing through the crowd. I reached the side of the policeman, and as he knocked at the door, 1 was at his elbow. I felt that Jansen' was there. The door was quickly ; opened, and a well dtessed'fady calmly inquired the object of the visit. - ‘"We were looking for a man who a few min utes since committed a murder adtosa the street,’ said the officer. ; T ! And do you expect to find bitn in my room, sir T” returned the lady. “No, Madam,”, replied the policeman, rather politely for one of his ' calling but I will glance through your apartment merely as a matter of form before proceeding to the other portions of the house;” The officer entered, I closely fqllowed. While he was examining the rooto, I fbir the first time obtained a fair view of the lady’s face. Invol untarily, I threw up my hands- in She detected the movement, And quick os thought, placed her finger to her lips. In a moment I comprehended all. Riohnrd Jansen stood before me. No—Richard; no longer, now that she bad slain the destroyer of her peace, but MarthS Janson, my former fellow lodger. sHeavens what a discovery I And for me to have been so confoundedly blind too—but no matter. The policeman searched the house but did nbt find the murderer. 1 ’ s The next day I met Martha op Montgomery street. She smiled and bowed, land I confess ! thought her an exceedingly pretty woman, j A week after she quietly left! the StatVfor Georgia, where she is now residing. After the sailing of the steamer I received p note through the post office from Martha. She explained all, and thanked me for the assistance I had render ed her, and the kindness shown |b her imaginary twin brother, Richard. . When I informed Smith, as I did one evening, that the “ sleek young enss” whom he had view ed with so much suspicion, wais‘ a woman, ho waited for me to repeat the assertion, and then checked himself in the act of filing me a lior The news excited Smith, and be went to bed that night and snored as be had never shored before. . ■ • i i She who was to have been the third wife of Mayhew still lives in San Frpnoiteo. She was married in August last. 1 met her in the street a few days ago. How vividly rite eight of her face brought,to mind the incidents I have rela ted. She wIB read this little story, perhaps, and learn for, [the first time, why: she did not be come the wife of Mayhew the bigamist, Who Wobipk’t be a Sos or tTempeeanoe. Quaker yonng ladies in the Maine Law States, it is said, still continue to kiss; the lips of the young temperance men, to see if they have been tampering With liquor.- Just imagine a beauti fnl yonpg girl approaching the young temper with all the ! dignity of an executive officer, and the innocence - of a dove, with the charge.:—-“ Mr.— » , the ladies believe you are in Hie habit of tampering With liquor, nnd have appointed me to examine ybu according to our established rules, are you Willing ?” You nod acquiescence. She gently ! steps close to you, lays her soft white arm around your neck, dashes back her raven curls, raises her sylph like form upon her tip-toes, her bosom against your own, and, with her angelic features lit up with a Smile ns sweet as heaven, places her rich, rosYi pbuty, sweet, sugar. molasses, honey, but tbr, eggs, strawberry, sunflower,- lilly, rosebud, honeysuckle, tort, cream, baby-jumper, apple pie, pcttch : puddiog, apple-dumpling, ginger bread’, neotar lips against yours, and Je rusalem 1) Hurrah for the gals and the Maine law, and death to all opposition! Bfflu Oliver Wendell Holmes vividly describes death thus;—" By the stillnessof the sharpened features, by the blackness of the tearless eye, by the fixedness of the smileless 'mouth, by the deepening tints, by the contracted brow, by the dilating nostrils, we know the soul is soon to leave its mortaltenement, and is already clos ing its windows and putting out its fires. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. A YAMKEE STORY. Once whil? steamipg down the Ohio, I heard one that was genuine. I had been sitting In an arm-chair under the lee of one of the chimneys, and on the hurricane deck, rending a lave novel, in which I was so much absorbed that I did not notice what was passing around me, until uy attention was attracted by a Yankee and a oook ney, who were evidently trying to find out who could tell the moat unbelievable yarn. . • f The cockney led the way ; and turning the subject upon hog killing, told of a gang of stt hands in jMerrie England, who would drill & hogs a minute, and clean them. ; “ Wal, Squirt,” responded the Yankee, “I be lieve I know o’ sumthin’ a leotlo ahead o* tHj botwitfastandin* that’s a purty big un." "’Ow’s that?” ® • “ ffell. you see- my frien’, I’ve got as old Uncle Nate, my mother’s brother, who got op a leetle the cussedest mosbeen to clcen bogs with that yhu ever did see. It won’t like" Bathin’ in all Natur’, but it worked mi’ly slick. Yon see. Uncle Nate spent bis hull life at it, and got it just e’en a’raost perfect. Hett drive a hog in, and won knife would stick it; and -then hat water’d squirt on to it; then another knife’d Scrape off all the brussels, and take ont inards ; and » consorted thing would cut it up, and drop it Into a bar’l; clean dnn. , - j “ Wal, you seo, a feller onm down all the way Posting to see the thing go ; for be was In the pork-packing business up thalr, and didn’t know but bo might want tn git wun. “ Wat, Sur, Uncle Nate got the thing in run nin’ order, and then fetched the Teller out to look at it.. I happened in just then, so Unoie Nate got mo to drive in the pig, while ho let on steam. He hadn’t more’n touched thelever, till the thing started, and Jon ought to bin tbair. i on know a pig allcrs squeels when he is stock. Wal, Sur, I heerd that pig sqheel, and't kierd ’im fall into the bar’l after be was out np; bat I swan to man, I never could tell which happen* yea ’ave something to drink with me. Mr. Filklns?” as the cdokhey. •• Don’t cared f I do kofhil,” replied Mr. Fit ktna, And as they wentidown after their drink, I again turned to my. novqh THE HOKE OF THE OIL REGIONS; _ The following story is current in Titustilto, In a ! neighborhood on the creek lived shd laVor* eda sou of Vulckn, who/with his limited tneans. had barely enough to secure a small piece of land and to obtain a scanty living for his rising family. The ideas of his children bad been taught to shoot but little in any direction to wards or refinement, and he little expected to be more than the village blacksmith. But when the oil fever broke out, learning of the success of his neighbors in finding oil, he thought that be might while away his spare hours in drilling a hole upon his homestead lot; and, having tools convenient, he went to work, and, alter a few weeks of patient industry, was successful in obtaining a good show of oil. * It was soon noised about the village, and the blacksmith was somebody at once. Ho had » daughter, also, who had blossomed into maiden hood almost unnoticed and unknown, but who now became more an object of interest to the few young men in that small community. It at once became a question how 1 to break the ice of former indifference, and to secure a favorable acquaintance with the heiress of the oil welt— For a while the natural timidity of the boys kept them aloof; but, at last one of the boldest and best favored among them determined to try his luck, and on Sunday evening attired in his best, resolutely marched forward and offered to escort the maiden home. Imagine' his chagrin when she. turning upon him with a look of lofty inut.psnaence that would have doao honor to ft Broadway belle, replied in language more se vere than chaste: ‘‘Nonsenco ! you can’fcome that! Dad has struck He!’’— Buffalo Courier. tSS* Fear is a prodigious magnifier, especial* ly where it has been, excited by an nnnsgal pb* ieot. No' traveler ever saw ft small Uger;no landsman ever experienced a gale at ’Wkitiw was not a tornado. 4 y . •% -• NO. 36.