SAVING FUND. Company. SAYING FUND.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY.—CHAMBUB bx mb •taw or PESJtSIIVAIOA. 1. Money is received every day, and in.any amount, -large ot small. 2- IfiVn pee cent. Interest is paid formoney from theday it is put in. 3. The money is always paid back in oou>, whenever it Is called for, and without notice. 4. Mom-y is received fr-iu Extcuhrrt, Adminittralors, Guardians, and others who desire to have it In u place of perfect safety, and prhere interest can he obtained for it. f>. The money received from depositors is . invested in Real Estate, Moutoaoes, Ground rents, and such other first class securities os the Charter directs. » 6. Office Hours—Every day from 9 till 6 o’clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock ill the evening. lION. 11. 4,. BE.NNEU, President. KOBEKT SEEKKIPOH, Vito President. IV. J. KEEP, Secretary. DIRECTORS, , HekRT 1,. BsjrjfETl, FII.UtCIS IiKE, Kj>wj!ed L. CahteHj F. Cjuirou. Brewster, U.OBEKT SttFRIIKJE, JOSEPH U. II.ABRT, Samuei. K. Ahhtos, Joseph Yebkes, r. I.AMjRKTH Mi’nns, Henet Bippendeefee. Ofllce : Walnut Street, S. W. Corner of Third St. Phila delphia. April Uth, ’59-ly. x * . 'P I g * tjs ! I as Bljo. i o 4 SH*|«s§ s f Si 8 t -1 ggi i«-g; if *fSi J ; Ki f I [V> rz _r r4?l C*3 « . m . S ~ s M €& ° • r r ■ L kI 803 02 a a P rVH Bo : W-r g“s* § ft § ~ f™ 1 -—4 5*- 11£{ g I q r - g fipi H § Bf i -2 x- HH o r , § get s?m- •• - O r—H /- sßfc s 3ti'E a g -f) w= a ® i I J Q-5 g M Sjt* H *,sTj C.. rf? K <. rl U j ft ►» j* * —. oi w s_ « | fl| oa v | > hH I *1 1 Maria l. de peysteh memo- KIAL SCHOOL. —This institution, which is located u A it iHiiri, Blair County, Penn’a, will be opened on the let MONDAY in MAY’. It is Infendedas apermanent School,; and will connect with it a Mali- k Female Department. In the Mule department, young men will bo instructed with a view to their entering the advanced classes of our best Colleges ; or. if desired, their education completed. In the Female depaitment, instruction will be given in any, oral! o! the different branches, either solid or ornamental, taught u our best Female Seminaries. X'm- year will lie diviiliij into two Sessions of five monllia each—the Summer Session to commence on the Ist Mon day of liny, ending on the last 'Wednesday of September— the Winter Session to commence on the Ist Monday in No vember, ending on the last Wednesday of March. The Sessions will bo divided into two quarters of eleven weeks each. Terms, per quarter, as follows—viz.: SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Reading, Writing, Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) $4,00 Advithvd (Including the Natural Sciences. Mathe matics, Meptal and .Mural Philosophy, Logic, the Lan guages and Composition ic.) extra, or ornamental branches. •‘ia.'dc (Including use of instrument) §lO.OO §O.O(K Painting (In water Colon) 3,00 Needlework, 2,00 Instructions in vocal music gratis. One half the above charges, to be paid iuvarii.My in advance. B. IV. OLIVER, Superintendent Mate Dept. A. JJ. CLARK, “ Female “ Mr . Principal of Male “ Miss O. M. CLARK, '• icmak March 10, ISSU.-tf stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, SPOUTING, &C. TAS.,W. RIGG WOULD fj Kpoctfully inform the citizens of AI toona mid vicinity that Ik* keeps constantly on hand large assortment of Otoliny, 2\uior, Office, nnrl Shop Stovr*, of nil styles and sizes, to suit the wants o! all, which he will sell at low prices, ou reason able terms. lie also keeps on hand a largo stock of Tin and Sheet iro/? liar'*, consisting of all articled for culinary purposes- O *ll &:iUih’.*, St'.’ri if lie has al«o purchased the right of sale in Blair county, of K. V. JUNKS’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which Deads only to he seen to lie uppreria iin .1 should ii.; ],n--..-s.-,-d hy every funner, butcher or those reijuiring such a machine. II Particular attention jiniil to putting up SPODTTNO, cither in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most n asotiable terms. ftipril 14, l«5!'-ly HAIL HOAD LANDS POH SALE, OX LOXG CREDIT , AND AT LOW RATES Of* INTEREST rpilK lIANTRAL AND 6T. JOSEPH JL i’.A ILK() AI) COMPANY', having over (500,000 ACRES of I.A.NT. lying in the State of Missouri, which was grant ed. by Aet of Congress, to aid in the construction of their 11.« d. oif. r the principal portion thereof, for sale, on the ine,-t liberal terms. The greater part of these lands arc within six, and all within lifteen utiles of the Railroad, which is now comple led. and open for Use throughout Its entire length (200 miles.) and runt through it country which is unsurpassed by any in the salubrity of its climate, the fertility of its soil, and the extent of its mineral resources. For further information, apply at the Land office of the Company, or address hy letter, JQSI All HUNT. Land Commissioner, 11. A St. Jo. R. R. Hannibal, Mo. Fob. 2, ’GU.-ly.» r r'HE GREAT QUESTION WHICH JL i now agitates the mind of every person -,<» is, wlicre can A get tlio best article for myfSHB money ? In regal'd to other matters, the sub- iBH Bcriber would not attempt to direct, but if you W .want aui thing in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES ' lie invites an examination of Ida stock and work. 3e keeps constantly on hand or. assortment of Hoots, Shoes, Gaiters. Slippers, &c.. which he offers at fair prices. He will give special attention to custom work, all of which will be warranted to give eat isfaction. X one but the best workmen are employed Kcmem-bcr my shop is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store September 3, ’57-t f] AT THE OLD STAND M The subscriber would in form the public thut he has just received from .the East a splendid assortment of ■ CLOTHES AND VESTINGS, POR SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which ha will make to'order on short notice ami reasonable terms, andwnrranta to give satisfaction; Persons in want of anything hr his Hue can rely upon being fairiv dealt with. \ JOHN O’DOXNEL. ,&l>' Shop on Main St., a few doors.bcltfnr the “ Bed lion ■ , [May 24, ISOO. ~ More light! more light i Just arrived at .the store of A.Ronsli, a splendid lot of a No. IjCarboitOil, which, he will sell at 31 fits' per qnnrt, also a lot of Carhop Oil .Lamps 6f Jones Patent which ore warranted to ho superior to any other kind. Altoona, Nov. 24, ’59-tf. B F. ROYER, M. D., • Offers his professional services to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. ■ The hcst’Of references can bo given if required. Office at residence on Branch street, Bast Altoona; three doors.above Conrad's Store. April 28 ’6O-ly. PURE WHITE LEAD AND LINO Paint, also Chrome. Orcon, Yellow, Paris flreen, dry B gr-.nud oil at [t-lf-: KESSLER’S National SAFETY I- . TRUST RULES. JOHN If. ROBERTS. PROF. L. MILLER’S HAIR INVICORATOR!! A N EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECO NOMICAL COMPOUND, HAIR to Its original color 'witboßt dyuDg) ftud jprorciuing thohairfiroiu turning BADDNESSj and curing it, .when thereto tha leas t particle of vitality. or recuperative eu - ergyrcmaining. FOB BJSUOTINO SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and an cutaneous affections at the Scalp. FOR DBAVTIFFING TJIE HAIR, Imparting tolt an un equalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its toxture and causing it to enri readily. The groat celebrity and the Increasing demand tor Ibis unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation at present in use. It clean seethe bead and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous difeatts, causes the hair to grow luxurient ly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where the. hair is loosening and thinlng, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore tlie growth to those parts .which have become bald, causing it to yield a f rt»h. catering of hair. \ \ .1 There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New York who have had their hair restored by the use of this Invigoralor, when all other preparations had tailed, 1,.M. has in his possession letters innumerable testifying to tbs above £acta,frotn persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually prevent the hair from, turning gras until the Idlest period of life; and in cases where the hair has al ready changed its color, the use, of the Invigorate! will with certain ty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume ibr the toilet and a Hair Restorative It is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great laolfities it affords ip dressing the hair, which, when moist With the Invigomtor can be dressed in any required form so os to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none onglit to be without, os the price places it within the reach of all, being. ONLY 25 CENTS. per bottle, to he had at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. ■ L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of the Invigoralor. in coses where the childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays ties foundation for a good head of hair, as., it removes any impu rities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which Is necessary both for the health of the child, and tho future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION.—None genuine without tho lac simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER’S HAIR INVICORATOR, N. V. hiovru in the gloss. Wholesale Depot. 60 Dey St, and sold by all the princi pal Merchants and Druggists throughout tho world. Liberal discount to purchasers hy tho quautity. I also desire to present to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous liquid Hair dve which after years of scientific experimenting I hare brought to jxTfoction. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted tho best article of the kind iu existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Ang. 23, ’6O-ly. Depot, 50 Doy St., New Vork. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCBIBKIt would respectfully in form the public that he has recently, re- 4 yfcA'i'"■'.-v fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro- ffffiipnnT ■ pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and heffSixSiP&PcSxc will spare no pains in making it' an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied trom liie markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not ho complained of by those whp favor hint witli their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. X have just received a stock of No. 1 french Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of tho best old Rye Whiskey to be found iu tho country. Altoona, May 27,185UOn? of all kinds, including that choice beve rage LAGER HF.FR. The STABLE is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. The proprietor hopes, by bis long experience in thft busincs and the facilities at his command.'to make the Red Lion, in all respects, a first class Hotel. ‘ The business of the Hotel will be under my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public »tttnmuge is kindly solicited. • JOlla >i. H'JUWEIOEitT, Proprietor May 19, 1850.-tf. r ro THE PUBLIC.—T HE SU B JL teCKIBKR (having taken the establishmcntheretofore owned by Samuel I. Fries.) would respectfully an- rn nomice to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that ho has removed his ' eSSp—ls, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TIX, SHEET-IRON WARE £ STOVE STORE to the new building ou Annie street, between Harriet and Adeline streets, East Altoona, where ho will keep constant ly on hand a large assortment of everything in his line, which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up ou short notice. He also manufactures Leaded Iron Spouting, which is said to be much superior to gal vanized sheet-iron or tin. He has also attached a copper-smithing room to Ids es tablishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, Ac. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. STEPHEN WINTERS, Altoona, Aug. 10th, ISRO. SA-MUn. LWAKT, V.M. M. OOP.MI.Y. WM. CUItP.T W. M. GORMLY & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, DEALERS IN' FDOUR, G BAIN. SEEDS, MESS PORK, DRIED BEEF, SIT GAR-CURED HAMS, CHEESE, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, &c., &o. NO. 271 LIBERTY STREET, OPPOSITE EAOLE HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA, May 10,1860.-Gm. Bakery and Grocery Store. THE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON STANTLY on hand Fresk-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c. FEED, BACON, PLOTJE, GROCERIES, Also, a choice lot of SEGABS and TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Nov. 10. Virginia Street, below Annie Street. TITEDICATED FUR CHEST PRO- J.TJL TECXOR, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE fi-urful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affec tions of the Logs, which arise from the exposed state of the chest, according to faction and the continual changes ofonr Climate, for sale at the Drug Store of Q. IV. KESSLER. MOFFAT’S LIFE HUS and PHffiNIX BITTERS. T^HESE''MEDICINES HAVE NOW been before the public for a peried of thirty yean, and during that time have maintained a high character in alihost every part of the globe, for their extraordinary and ' immediate power of restoring perfect health to persona suf fering under nearly every kind of disease to which the hu man frame is liable. The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the , . VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to bo infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and sec ond stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, in stead of the stole and acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Loss or Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness. 111-Temper, Anxiety, Langotir, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will (vanish, as a natural conse quence of its cure. 1 COSTIYENEBB, by cleansing the whole length of the in testines with a solvent processi\uid without violence; ail violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. i£\ EitS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu lar Circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of oil intestinal obstruc tion in others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure RHEUMA TISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that tUne» by removing local iuflammxitiou from Iho muscled and ligaments* of thejoihta. of all kinds, by etreugtheningthe kiflneyteuud bladder; they operate most delightfully eii important organs, and hence have over been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also M OKM&i by dislodging from the turning:* of the bowels the alimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVKTKKATE SOKES, bv the pertect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS,by tlipir alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasion*) ul) eruptive com bxilJow, cloudy, and other ULsigrceahlediuiplexiouai. ahe use of thf»e Pills fora very short lime will effect an entire cure of SALT RIiiKUM, and a striking improvement ini the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and IN ELUEN&A will always bo cured by one dose, or by two iu the worst cases. tpILLS.—Tho original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, df So years standing, by the use of the Ufo Medicines alone. & Ay.UE,—For this sconrpe of the 'Western coun these medicines will be fuuiid uaafc. speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to u re turn ol the didoaac—a euro by these modiciiu-a is i>eriiui mmt—try them.lbe satisfied, ami be cured. 3ILLIOUS FKVJSKS ane LIVKK COMPLAINTS.—Gon eriiI debility, loss of appetite andidiseiwvs of females—the medicines have boeu used with tuo most beneficial results ureases of this description:—Kings Evil and Sc;»»fula, in lU worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action «»f these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats. Nervous Dc bility. Nervous Complaints of all kinds. Palpitation of the Upiuy Painters’ Colie, are speedily cured. MEKCUiIIAL DISEASES.—Persons whoso ronstjt utions “ *cc‘ine impairs ;d by the injudicious u*e of Meici rv, wpl find these medicines a jierfect cure, as they never fail tot eradicate trom tin- system, all the effects of Mercury, iu lliUtely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Jtar« B iparilla. x • ;Pre|)«rcd and sold by W. B. MOFFAT,. _ ' 305 Froadvvav. 'New York, For sale by all Druggists. * lO, IMKMy, Marriage guide—being a private instructor for married person,. , , or; those about to 1,0 married botli nude female, la everything concerning tho plivsiulo py and relations of our system, and the pro dpetion or prevention offspring, including ~11 (lie new dis tlTvrttT S,'°". lu tllc langicge. I,'v Wpu. IOtNO, M. D. ibis is really a valuable amt intcr es(mg work. It is written in plain language for the gene ral reader, ami is illustrated with numerous Hugravings All young married people, or those contemplating mar nage, and having the least impediment to married life, slnntkl read tins boon. It discloses secrets that everv one should bo acquainted with ; still jt is a book that must 1,- lucked up. nnd nut ho about the house. It will he s» uf to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in speck* or in Kffflft Du - WM - YOUM1 ’ “s*™ i «S“AFi , LICTKD AXD UXKOIITLXATK—X,. matter what may bo your disease, liefore you place vonrself under the cure of any one of the notorious quacks—native or for- advertise in this or any other pap. r. get a copy ofCitlier of Dr. Young’s Books, and read it carefully Vt will be the mcaus-of saving you many a dollar, your health and possibly your life. • ? f?‘'A O V: NG «" ,u ‘ c ' o,lsult,,,i on any of the diseases de scribed in ins publications, at his Ollice. Xo. 410 Spruce St above I our til. [’OO.-lye.w ' PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beavty, Simplicity Safety or Economy person desiring to obtain the very la-stand cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at tliV Store■ of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purcltasing blsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon tttrale J,*/- That NO ACCIDENT can occur I.y explosion. J, Ji lat t ,f ‘- v c,u ' t "H'cnsivc odor while burning Bd. That they are very easily trimihed. ° 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. Oth. That tliey bnrn entirely free from smoke. GUi. Thut the light is ut lon>t ;"jO per ri*nt. cheaper than any other light now in common ' Those lamps are mimiralily rulnj.tH for rho u-c r.f dentrt, MechanicsSeamstn-sses. Fhetoriw. Halls. Churches. SOr.-s mid are highly recommend,.,) f„r fmnilv use Tl„. lmn“.r of the Carbon Oi! Lam], can he attached t.. old sides hanging and table fluid and oil lamps at a small expense, and will answer every puri«w of a new lanp ''e guarantee perfect satisfaction in all eases. Aug. 19, ISiiS-tf.] 0. KERSLEK. THE GREEN BOOK. JUST pub lished, 150 I'AOKS, PRICE 25 e- r -- Cents : On Single and Married life; or, tlie fJmiMfA Institution of Marriage; its Intent, OMi-i? gallons, and Physical and Legal Disbuali tiStiSSar Ji rations ; the rational treatment of all private diseases m Loth sexes, Ac. To which is added a poetical essay, enti tled “ or the art of having and rearing beau tiful and health}' children, by the late Robert J. Oin.VLB- T.f.1.i., Esq., M. D. Po S T I t vT- U «n f J’ <,St v So ’. by U A e Pll,lli; ‘ hors ' Cn.w. Klixe A Co., Box-1.,80.New York,or ticxUr <£• Co., Wholesale agents 11J Nassau street, New 1 ork. Ai;cnt.< nntntfd /-reryie/,.-rs 'TT nn cxtnict «nd sample of the above enti tiHed; Dr. f.ulverwi'irs Lrcture on the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generally, detailin ' the means by which invalids may effectnallv cure th. nf selves without the use of dangerous medicines, and at but little expense to themselves. Sent free by mail in a secure envelope, on the receipt of one stamp, to prepay postage, by uddr.-s-ing, CIIAS. KLI Nil A CO. b r*.b. lS;>9. Box 4;'»SO, New York Citv. House, sign and ornament al PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS & WALSH re « pertfully announce to the public that tie r are nreoared to do all kimjs of ' s ’ 1 ‘ HOCSK. c[i; X AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in a workmanlike mnnnerandat low pi ires They aLik ■ -p constantly o„ hand and fertile, at 1.,w.--i prices' OIL,- GLASS, PUTTY & PAINILKS’ TOOLS ; ALSO. LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED A ENGRAVED WINDOW GLASS, LOOKING GLASS A PICTt’RK ERAMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULD! NGS, CARVED ft ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES, ,«»- A “ ® llll ‘ r ' h-fl at A. Roush's Drug Store, Altoona, will receive prompt attention. Slmii on Montgomery street, H-jllida yd.ur" Pa April 5, LsOO.-tf. . r ■ pANGER INSTITUTE. . ni;in - v J’ carB of successful practice. DR. KEL LING still desires to do good to the afflicted. He continues to cur** till kinds of CANCERS, TUMORS. WENS. SCROFULA, or KINGS , EVIL, SORES. AC., if curable, without cutting or poison-. He does not refine himself merely tn the cure of tim above di-eases b„t will treat all others with success. Patients will be vi-it.-.l if desired, e. reasonable distance. Persons desirim- to visit Dr. K. will please stop at the Railroad Hof I in Meehanim burg. where they will he directed to his residence F.-r all particulars write—state diseases plainly. Enclose a post age stamp to prepay answer. Address Dr. C. L. KEELING Mechauicsbnrg. Cumherland Co., Pa. ’ Bept. 13, Ih6o-Cm House and lot rou sale.— The subscriber offers at Private Sale c - the HOUSE and LOTnowoccnjiied bv her, o» til" earner of Adalino nntl Julia el feet.-*’. § | jllfSl East Altoona. Tin; House is a good Two- Pr-yjj j! * jits' Story Frainoßuilding. containing a n.n lagffi?. Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on fiijt floor, four good sleeping rooms on the second floor * a finished Attic. The lot is in good order. Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain further iinformation will call upon tho subscriber. ; M.UIGX; M. McCHU.M. Altoona, Aug. 11th,1859-tf. iST H M A ; - 11 ifX Xl# this distressing complaint use FEHDT’S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR A CO., 107 Nassau St i N Y Price, i?l per box; sent free by post. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGILTS. March 29, 1800.-6 m. - (TIAUTION.— ALL PERSONS ARE VjA hereby notified not to purchase or sell anv beer Kegs with the stamp of the ALTOONA BREWERY there on, as such kegs never have been and never will lie sold from the Brewery. All kegs contalnging said stamp will po mimed and taken; wherever found, by tho proprietors of the Brewery to whom they belong. July 28th 1559-tf. WILHELM & BRO. Flour —the best quality op FLOUR for sale, Wholesale nndUelail.— AlH'ly to J. SHOEMAKER, Dec. 11,1856-tf. Masonic Temple, A Through Ticket to California I S C. COLBERT & CD’S • FIFTH GRAND QUARTERLY DISTRIBUTION 0? 100,000 ARTICLES, WORTH f31,’0,000, Which will bo sold for $lOO,OOO, to tin* purchasers of our 49*GOLDEN PENS AT 30 Ota. PER BOX. .g* Our Golden Pen is the beat ever used, and ia warranted not to corode In any ink. Every.. business man and family should use the Golden Pen. The following list of articles will be distributed among our patrons at $l,OO each, and need not be paid for until we inform the purchaser which of the following arti ®l®s we will set! him for $l,OO and then it ia optional wheth er he sends tha dollar and takes tho goods or not. AH goods can be returned at ottr expense within ten days after the purchaser receives them, (unless they ire satisfactory,) aud the money will be refunded. J ' list or goods ixcLcnnn ix tide distbibctiox. Cameo Enr-drups, S°m S**?’." 8 CasCd Wa t ches > and Jet Ear-Drops, . i Lava a Florentine Ear-Drops, Ladles Silver Watches, Coral Ear-Drops, Guard, \est and Chatelain Chains, M CuIHl > Emerald, and Opal Brooches, CSuneo Brooches, Emerald and Opal Ear-Drops, Mosaic and Jet Brooches. Sea' Rings 1 Lava a Florentine Brooches, Mosaic ami Cameo Bracelets Gents Breastpins, M utcii Keys, Fob and Ribbon glides, Sets of Bosom gtuus. Sleeve Buttons, Plain Kin-s 0,.,’1. Kings, Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Canton Crape Shawls Mousso- Ime d«i Lames, Challies, French and American Lawns Rer- S.VSS SJ3A? s?•"“ PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. inonrsT puemicm sUmj, lowest hiejuum The articles are numbered, nud Certificates suiting what we will sell each person for $l,OO - r0 ~l„c(d i u seafed en velopes, with a decimal arrangement of premiums - Lthat in each hundred certificates there is one for a Cold’Watch rilkat r U b ° a bple,,diJ premilim tenMT- I ir ?°, u dt :-' iro 11 flQe shawl, or dress pattern or a heaaldnl article of jewelry, enclose us 31) cents lor a hofof the Golden Pens, uud we will send you a cutilicate wldcli may enable you to procure it for gl. On receipt of ul) cents we will send you a box of our Gol id! for's!,“ Ud U Turps' 11 '-* uf lho '’ u ' ,id e which wo will PRICES TO AGENTS. PO-X PAID j Pens with J Certificates, ‘ .1 9 do do U do * *0 ' 25 do do £3 do a 100 do do IbO do ' nurrimT^u! 1 oac , l !.P ack,l B 8 of 100 boxes we present tho purchase! UW ccinhcates. one of which is guaranteed to roiilum oue order for a FIXE WATCH, orsewinamachine ccive io'rifrtit 5U t , " >Jtl ‘ S l ,u lc, ‘e' ."’a arc sure to re’- cm V ra f containing one order lor a splendid Ilnlb, • tt| « huge of other verv l‘r iUWi ' °"f seat gratis, upon ap plam am of any person desiring to act as aged, which may meat ol gl IO ~IULUI° H v “'“ aljU ' premium upon'the pay- IJANOS, MKIjODKOXS. mi;sic, books, , , SKWKNU MOIIISKS, AC.. Bnu-l.t au,JKOI,I ou Any article will so „t tu till country at the lowest wbofesalo jirircM with the a.l - of a per cent ccu.ui.-edou lor f,.. wLiutp. a 1 ; I ,uc-!;^u ge,,ts " !U,M "* i ' VL, - v *««» Addicns all communication,, to C. c. COBBKHT i CO ~.o it O-.., nil Ag.HU. *r-a v.o■ ‘ '“r'-vt. 1...|0w flu-siunt. TUi'a. ’ , 1 I" 1 '?" 1 ' 1 "' 1 “Winy i" fuliil uw< ..ngnue oKnlr, we bop to tolor you to the lollow inp woll knowu poullemei) and bu-inos.s firms:— b “ U ii l .!rW-.nT r pi" l p’| J ' "-o " - ; 0 '- < KjcJiOV - pf Kansas) AV.-l -- a ; v m v n * * v.jow,iers.i-biia. ; Jowd r hS 'L-- ,Kurl< ' r - |,hiU -- «■■«. A. Cray. Ks.p. Aroi. - lvlt A l '.j K I T" l u ' , Y * Ww.-r Hroot below Jewel rPII! , o’ -'l/'iket J. C. Kullor, i’ltili - 'CI 1/ * r <»f fn.iliiuiid. Ac., F 1’ o ‘.‘-V 1 ' 1 * 0 ’ Bank ; 11,.,;, (~ M. 8ur5,.,,, J.Uieka. l.ahf .Him, , [S.-i.t.U, Isoo-Jim. Q RKAT1 M EROVEMENTIN COOK ' J IXCI.STOVKS. CoJii>VMl‘Tloy OFXMOKK A .Vfl GAS AMD SATING The r fakes pleasure in offering to tlic public NMV OAj> AND S.MoKE CONSU.MIXt} Cooking-t-iove. recently patented, which is destined to au pcreeae all others. as it requires »' ONK-Tillltn LK.'S KI7KL Hum other stoves an*! is nmr- easily, qnu-klv and regular ly Imatcd. No unplfusmt siu-11 nt gas arises fn-m this sluM* from the fact t\iat it is all cnmim-.i w>- it e.m «.s -cape. Then* Is m» trouM.- from smoke as that unpleasant ami oft--Ti annoying exhalation is a Iso om-inmal iiisuln of tin* -dove Neither is there any danger of Hues or chim neys becoming Clogged with soot or the mortar loosened hv the gas arising fre.m (-o.d tins, Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to e ri ]] at tile Store of the subscriber, in the Ma-aAe Temple, and ox amine the above stoves. JOHN SIi^K^AKKR. r» J : , ntj-.r />/,»»> 0-w»/y. , * v R - All kinds of Air-ti-hi, l»urlor r- kin- ami MsJV.-s on hand. [ An;'. ]\l, 1 v,r»r Philadelphia watch" and JEWELRY BTuRE. —. c-. I!. CONRAD. FORMER OGCUPANT, No, 11 N*. 2d St.. corner of Quarry St. ~1- The und .signed lias leas, d Tlt -nI v I’rcnuses, w-herc he will keep a large e.-s-vnim nt of Gold and silver Watches, of American. English and Swiss man nfacture of the most celebrated makers. j„ addition to which will be found always on band fah.l m.-ule to order ) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silverand Silver Plated ware together with a general assortment of Mich goods as arc usually kept in a first-class Wateli and J- welrv Store Tlie patrons of 0. Conrad, and those „f the subscriber, together with tlie public generally, are iniiti-d to call ami they will receive a good artiele for their money. As i am determined t<> do a eash business. g,»„ls will i„- sold very an ‘ l Sal.-/" is the motto Of this Establishment. LEWIS It. BROOMALL/ Formerly O. Conrad. No. 1,8 N, Second St., cor. of Quarry, Philada June 7, ISW).-ly. //'CONSUMPTION AND ASTHMA CURED. r pH., 11. JAMES, to-’uv. r -l. Mini-IP t.e W-.-t In li a e-rlainenre for 1 ''V’ T>T A itr-.iirlmi.. .(*• ugbs. Coldn. and . ..vperal Debility. _ I n-- |y masdi , ..ven dby him when 1,,- mill . Till I, I o 111-. lit. r. me giv, i, «p to di-. llis child -' 11 1 ■ “ !l ' ! *' """ ami well. Desirous of lien, nt in-teli, w mortal-'. I,- will-end t0i1,,,-., who wish it the recipe eon:.lining full dir-. f,, r making and suc re--fully. iiMPg this nmedy. live. roe- ij.t of their names with stamp tor return postage. Win n received. fake it to G. W . hessb-r. Druggist. Alt a. There is not a single symptom of Uom-umptioii which it ,i,,es md at once H take bold of and dissipate. Night sweat-, j vKhfiess, ff i 1 nitutiiill ot tin- in-rves, failure of memory, dillh nit ex- g )i' ct.. ration.sliar]i pains in the lungs, -.uv - throat chilly / sensations, nausea at the stoma-d., inaction of the / bo wads, wasting away of the uiu-cles. Address!) p / BROWN A CO.. 32 and 3-1 John St.. New Vm k. /, Mnreli S, IStii/.-f.m.* ‘ J , De Forest, Armstrong & Co., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. 80 & 82 Chambers St., N. Y., WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE that they arc opening Weekly, iu „ew and bean till;! patterns, tla* WAMBUTTA PRINTS, ALSO THE AMOSKEAG, A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country for pert, el lon of execution and design in full M.idd-r Colors. Our Print- are cheaper than any in market, and mcetiii" v.'itli cxt**:i«ivo sail*. Orders nn?rnpilv fittciulcd to ° l v b'y 2, l«oo._}y PLANINU MILL & SASH Manu factory. —The subscriber would announce that he lias removed bis Planing Mill anti Sasli Manufac- tory, from Tipton to Altoona, where he will continue to fill or ders ami attemi to nil work entrusted to him. with d<-s -patch. The Mill is on the lot adjoining Allison's Steam Flouring Milt. THUS. McAULEY. Altoona, Nov. 17,1859.—tf WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPAN Y.—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be effe.Vd on the most reasonable terms by tutor agents in Altoona at bis office in,Anna St March l ( ,18o9. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR Ex terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS and lUgßwithout danger in its uao under nov clrcmns an ces for sale at-the Drug Store of y circumstan Jan. 21,’56-tf] Q. w KESSLER. ‘ Abdominal supporters, t™s t ~ Braces for sale at H^ I i 1 K I J AT ’ TOOTH > SHAVING, Paint, Saah and Varnish Brushed at rpJE OILS, COLOGNES, POM ad«s. ShiTing Cream, Toilet Scape. 4c. for eak by 1 O. W. KESSLER. OF FCKL KESSLER’S. KESSLER’S. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOB* TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained arepu tat ion heretofore unknown. A few facta upon this point will speak, more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of ijostcttcr’s Stomach Bit-, ters for the last year amounted to over ahalf mijliou bo!ties, and from its manifest steady increase in limes past, it is evident that during tho coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never ’ ave been sold hut for tho rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanuion of tlie most prominent physicians ia those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Hitters to their patients, but artTK-tidy at nil time? to give-testimonials to its elhcacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary clients in the way of trum peting thg qualities of -tho Billers, but a solid estimation of uu invaltmldo medicine, which is destiiiedNo he as enduring as lime itself. Hostetler’s Stomach Billers have proved a (iodsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims hy hundreds. To be ahie'to Mate confidently that the •‘Bitters” are a certain cure fur the liyspcpsia and like diseases, is to the prnprieiois a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purities the blood, and imparls renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it ilint tone and energy indispensable tor the restoration of health. It operates upot the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildiy hoi powerfully, ami soon restores them to a condition essentia! to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. KKlerly persons the Hitters daily as per ili'rofiiims on the bottle, noil they will find in il a.Mimulanl peculiarly adapted IQ comfort declining; years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating lo the bowels excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands Qt’ aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while sulfuring front stomach de raiigemciiis and general debility ; acting under the adr'iee of physicians, they have abandoned all" deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words lo the gentler sex. There are ccHain periods when their cures are so harassing that many of them the trial. The relatiun of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she bo young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of' body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a lu-eessity for a stimulant to recupe rate tiie om : rios of the system, and enable .(he mother to bear up under her exhausting trials nud responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bit (era to all other iuvigora tors (lint receive the endorsement., of physi cians. because it is agreeable to the taste as well ascertain to give u permanent increase 6f bodily strength. All those persons, to whom wc have particu larly referred above, to wit; suiferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers. Will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler's (’elfl)rated Stomach Hitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the rnany imitations or counter feits, but ask for llostettek's Celkdratku Stomach llirmis, and see that each bottle has the words ‘- Dr. .1. Hostetler's Stomach Hitters” blown on tiie side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. , <®' Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEB & SMITH, Pittsburgh. Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United Slates, South Aina nca, aud Germany, for sale by .V. KOI si 1, Altix-iia, I’.i. Sept. IS I. ISOO-ly. p -§ C 2 IS -s ? = zn ~ c -= [hSPi 5 - s^-sa H—» ►—' <“* G> **3 O O'* 5 Js .5 ) 53 JACOB SNYDKK, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred File per J/o nth-' X Would .respectfully -t forth my rlaim to public atteu lion, ii;- a tashional Taj lor. as f.illn.vsi Bemuse I keep an i xedb-nt assortment of Cloths. Cassi lucres. Vestings ana Trimmings, which, when examine.!, ill Will-• pil-usc. 1 ’ Bemuse my work is mnjo np in a manner that takes ..own th.. country and gives ul] my customers a city up l»t araiii -o. J r T am ijot inferior as a Cutter to the .best to bo fointJ r»jivwlhtc. lii ran;..- long experience in my business gives mo entire control over it and I am not dependant npmi anyone to iitr mi‘ out of tlio .m;».!.>•. « J because I mil stiH on thcsnnny side of forty, and thcre foro my taste as a Cutter uml workman unimpaired. Cali on me. In the corner room of the ‘‘Brant House ” bne me a trial and yon will go away pleased. Altoona. .May -dE-om I JACOB SNYDER ' COUNTY DAGUERREAN '» O. W. FISHER, tho Hollidavsbi.r to ['ike 58 lc,lVo t 0 lilform our readers that he is prepared Phofni/raphs of deceased persons, D «t? u<, rreotyi)es, at tin* shortest notice and on the of C j::nT' e tI T" S ' ll ? has J n,t received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styles, including cared (o'miTl ° f s 0 for foor 'Persons, and is pro parr*l,“R them with perfect likenesses. AMBROTYPE, I)AtiUERKEOTYpE OR PHOTOGRAPH . a 15oom8 ;0a tlie corner of Montgomery and- Allegheny streets, Ilalliclaysbnrg, Pa. f Jnno mt 7 GW. KESSLER—PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces i n to tho.citizeus of Altoona and the public orally, that he still continues the Drug business, on Virginia street, where ho keeps constantly tßfe l W on hand, for sale, Wholesale and RetaiIJDRTTGSt Whom MKDLCfNKS, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. ••• ’ ™ By strict attention to business, and a desire to render wit lafoctlon to all as regards price’ and he to merit andreccive ashore ofpnbUcpatronam’ , n l li me rchdnti supplied 6n reasonable terns nnd all oniera from a disfanjco promptly attended to. ’ Physicians prcscriptionsTarefully eqmponnded. [l-tf. PINE AND LARD OILS, OAM nIr-fiSl?nrnios * M complexions iudicotu its necessity m a i llKj . ' rwN k , vable case. - In Debility, iVin-eua AffrcU'-ms, Dthcc'u'. , Oahslitmtii-H, Diarrhoea, Dyttsith ry, • Stro/uluif* '1 uhercuhmt, Salt A’, 1 ,. ‘j!‘ Whiter, 'Chlorosis, Ziver CimjiUtiiiis. /■;'' Rheumatism, DilermiUtnt flnxrs. rvn/,/ In cases of Ucneral Debility, whether th, , disease, or ofthocontiuned diminutionol n 1 ■•"ci-; cnlar energy from chronic complaints, on,' 1:1,1 *<-au*e it u*r>r fails , ~, * liff when given in time, it acts tw",f |., t „,‘ * trial alwic will convince yuu that what - Vi.i'-u-' 7. . . * *■ NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any Uiiul. !/* <»ryell! eliiM. df I,V J f , For til id reason, it coihiih-ikU itself a* !lj. ' ’ oration torn- known for C:uu>ren Tuvan . 'lll.ll:,’>’ IIVSKVrKRY. Orijm.No IN TUI*. 11.TWEI.S. ,\'T! m in ' Atii. Wish, 0ou» in hie Head. 4U ,i o. 1 • .. .... f.,, ittrj th ijnm*. rnhfin; uijhtmi 1 idh.u. and r>Urritii/ pain, it has ioki/im/—iH iiio it is u*e.l with unfnih',, ’ OR Fits, jj j.. a rw,., il„ /,/> •• cAiW/ta. and icij/i t:j juiv l„, m /n,ni • ~ ci'HsfijtirHCfs which an irihu'u in 1 • I',■■ ,< . eufict tj which all uUnr rnarditi f-r Ini , 1 ■ are c>impt.\d. tnh. mu* hat I)R. Kitov s ! m this yoi can rrty upi.n. It is pcrfec;!v h iia.l. -. not injure the inu.-t ilcl.c.ite infant, l*;v ■. T', direction acooniuiny each bottle. IV . ,ft ciuiutii •. in i'isr. No. Aob Bio;!.la.. .Vm V a CO i yy c? ® i: Ph 3 ”3 M a .2 S p-4 «3 = t- c « is "3 s; W Mif « £■ v •«••* - tftiu (Uficir.itn'si in the r»*l globules of i:i. • 1 deficiencies. and you nn made w!!. Ti: n: ■• i is founded upon this Theory—lk ncv k ce*»s. There- arc five ri:f:rMtATi!'.\* adapted to the deficient-ii» if the- B! •-i : i eases. For (’otoiis. CVu*. 11r..,v■.■;tr'. whatever of tile TlinnAT or I.rv; •• imh. . m-e No. 1, which Is the .V,. I--r l>;. i'■ 1.0-t Ai-V/:T!Ti:. T.ftl r nil ' G from 'Kkh-vm:. GrNr.K.i!. I»r r.i::: v. ..n-i N Ties. No. A. for i.ivu;C .N U’ til'j n’l > n■ • t- ■ ' e £l Per l ittle. Sold hy' C!li l.( il i H lV' r 1 . N... !■ '• llr.o ie. ■ . V', ' ■> T. VC. BYOTT & SONS. PliilaJ-lfiila. II KL ‘' L ‘ ; ritf.-hurirh, By A. llon.Ot, Alteon,i; W. T '1 ' rr. li ajsfl hv all fwptcta'j’e ilrii'.-ii.-ls tht’iv'' ' March S, ISdO.-ly. Nations l roMr!•: o \/s> '■- This Croat Journal of Trim-- : its Twelfth War, and is widely rim;’ * y tlio country. It contains ail th»* Or- u * ;: ' Cases, ami appropriate l-Mit'-i!..! 1 -on th**■=< ■* information on Criminal Matter*.-not t other n**\v-p.ijivr. .Subscriptions $2 per annum: ?l r r n be renutted by subscribers, (wlw -le uM v;: ■" and the town* county and St ;t«* wh r tl«-' : • To (I.W. >1 VTrKI.L -* LU-- American life Insurance and Trust Co- Capital Slock, £.joo ; oo°' Company Building, Walnut 51..,S 1 .., A-' ' T ' Fourth Vhila. . H. F. ROSE, aoest. alw»^ LI^EINSURANCE AT THE CSCAL >l|Thpi-i-vO't. OR AT JOINT STOCK RATES,.« A BOV 1 r ,’ L .)« LESS: OR AT TOTAL AUSTINANCE U J i> r " (. EST IN THE WORLD. A. IVUIW.W> , ■J. 0. SIMMS, Stc'g. . [Oct. ' ' Y COMING COUNTV MTH.AJ Eire insurance aqency.-t^ agent of the Lycoming Mutual toft* fr . at all times ready to'lnsure U>jw or u * *; ■ BmWvgs, Furniiun nm description, in town or counter, at T-rc’^ any company in the Slate. Doin' in tlw 1 ‘ j yl^ Jan-Vsitf] JOHN SllOEMAh^j^. WM. S. BITTNER. SURGEON OFFICE' IN THE MASOMU*; PLB. ' I* 4 ’**' U®- A Stuilout wnntoil Dll. WM. R. FINLEY^: SPECTPUrji* offers his services to' the people of Altoona and •“ oiningcouutry. «c- ■al .Ho way be found at.the ofljoo hereto^ 1 copied by Dr. G. D.. Thomas. “ Alt Oona, Sept. 30,1865.-tf n TEST O YESI^GENffi^ I / draw nigh. and bear. JOSEPH f; _ c«# to tho p’l-ilc t that ho to ready to r jfc. 3 l as an AuetJoooer wiisnowr called upon. Thousand* are daily sjwnking in U„. t .- a . j I'U. K.VIOVS Editor i I’lon'r. of New Voik i ■ '' l 15-tH ■ v " ) ‘ Atttu qTEWA ' OfMteplw ITinjd surrouxi a t tk«ir store «;»• JrJdlstassand celleittmanofa. SuS-tsam purchased d* o ' fcllowlog price Men's flue Men’s flue Boy'* k*P 1 Youth* 1 , Men’* Call Men’* Oxfo Men’* Bro( Boys’ Bros Youth*’ SI. OhOdren't Ladies’ Co. Ladies’ Ladles’ Su| Ladles’ Mu Ladles’ Mo. Ladles’ Go. ' Ladles’ Cal Misses’ Cul i Misses’ Fre , Having bougl lowest figure, o customer* are i tow prices. And if you v mads, leave yo short notice, I on reasonable t> Wo respectful Sept. 13,1800 1;..,* „ ~ I rv > t ■ ■ *« •1 " ... , a:.J t- t.« barghj non. Sai Judicial District Uoa Henry D.i'u Lebanon; Hon. Oeorge P. Ilium: * . • • r * : ' nil..: <- - *1 lit .t!! t; ' t , The Roc OF FIJI] lor the Ito }} e will return a Altoona, r Whday ofDcce •*»*m months t “"(.paper. B*pt 20, 1860. TJLair Jjaobncv. . Sutnal S°®Pajqr in the U>. j J «.», ’59-tf Ron SAI v 1, < Ttt? it e ) ✓ ' :' N » ’i-T* -1: & £T,-; ■ V-*’ • *• McOBU VOL. 5. j BUY Y< Literary: CONFEC' jewe: SHE SU Iteepconsta dicats, dull; burgh, top the School Book band. Also, a choice of all klnija for > to be bad in to« and Sllrer Pane! ry. Call and ox Altoona, July r ANDS I I 1 The under KANTS In thqt flood Selections i and settlements Market; are of tl Selectluui quested. * July 14,1859. Her. A. B. C W». M. Lloi McCacu A D Tuos.A. See D. UcMurte W. M. JOHNS (Lute “ Draf^ Cities, an made. Moneys without interest Feb. 3d,1859. T D. LE W e ALTOON Will practice lav Huntingdon, Ci<- Also ln the Dlst; Collections of the sole of Keai business pertain lion. Wilson 3 S. S ATTO ALT WILLI RAL C counties. Having bad so the Law, bo ox;s Office on Vlrgi MuJ.Lcet, Esq. t>. a, 000d,.u. n. Dks. g INQ cut': Medicine, respei In the several br Calls will be a —which Is the A Oopd,—or at t April 21st, IS6 Boots