The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 27, 1860, Image 2

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    Cfce Cribm
where parties are unknown to ns,ourrulefor adver
ising is to require payment in advance, or a guarantee from
known ijprsons. It is therefore useless for all such to send
ns advertisements offering to pay at the end of three or six
mouths.jj- Where advertisements are accompanied with the
moaay, (Whether one, five or ten dollars, we will give the
advertiser the full benefit of cash rates.
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York, and
10 State Street, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona
Tribune, and the most influential and largest circulating
Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. They
are authorized to contract for us at our lowest rates.
The Tyrone Star, of this week, calls the
Tribune a Republican paper, and says wo devo
ted two columns of our last issue to the defence
of Carl Schurz. Now we did not devote any space
to the defence of the gentleman named, because
he needs none, but we did devote considerable
space to the defence of truth, and thereby place
the editor of the Star in such an odious position
before the honorable men of all parties that, in
order to screen himself and weaken the force of
our remarks, he must needs make a cry against
us, and forthwith call the Tribune a Republican
paper. Tho editor of the Star admits that the
obnoxious extract of the speech which he pub
lished, is the only part of it he ever seen. This
is unfoitunatc for him. ■ It shows that he was
afraid to read the whole of it and learn the
truth, because he knew that Carl Schurz never
uttered the sentiments attributed to him, and if
he had read the whole speech he would not have
had the conscience to mnltilate it as he did.—
Rut he says again that if any report is a garbled
one most likely the one we published. The
extracts we published were taken from the
speech in pamphlet form, wuile he admits he
never seen the speech, consequently took it from
an exchange. We leave the public to decide
which is most likely to be garbled.
Thfc Slur would, we know, like to draw us
into a political controversy for a special reason,
one which is unworthy of any gentleman, and
which has been manifested towards several gen
tlemen in this place besides ourselves. Rut
Mr. Jolly can not make his point with us. We
stand just where we have always done—inde
pendent of all parties—but we are not afraid to
contradict falsehoods whether found in the Ty
rone Star or elsewhere; and there is no use in
the editor of the Star trying to injure us or our
paper because we expose the disreputable polit
ical tricks to which he stoops. His object is
known and detested, therefore his attempt to
class the Tribune as a Republican paper, falls
harmless to the ground.
Particulars of Walked, 1 8 Capture. —lt ap
pears, from intelligence brought by the Empire
City, that Walker and his men were captured
on tho lid Inst. The name of his second in com
mand, who has been condemned to share his
fate, is Iluttlcr. Most of the men are said to
have been in a deplorable condition when the
boats of the Icarus made their appearance.—
They were all taken to Truxillo with arms and
baggage, and the whole were then put by the
British commander at the disposition of Gen.
Alverez, under the condition that Walker and
Kuttler should be dealt with according to law,
and that his followers should bo allowed to re
turn to the United States on giving their oaths
never again to serve in any expedition against
Central America; their expenses being paid by
the United States commercial’ agent. The two
leaders, it was supposed, would be executed
shortly. The party which landed to assist the
filibusters were from Omoa, but preparations
had been made to resist them, and they have
probably seen tit to leave Honduras ere this.—
General Chamorro; acting President-of Nicara
gua, has issued a proclamation calling upon the
people to go to the assistance of the Hondurans,
but the capture of Walker will render such a
step unnecessary.
Railway Management. —The N. Y. World,
in commenting upon the recently discovered pec
ulations of some of the employees of the Penn's
Railroad, says it discloses another of tfioserisks
of loss, to which this class.of security is liable.
If these risks were without remedy, there would
be small benefit to tho public in exposing them.
But they cannot only be remedied, but remedied
promptly, by the inauguration of a system now
practiced in Europe. In Europe no passenger
is permitted to enter a railway car without first
purchasing a ticket-at the regular office. Ejec
tion from tho car, and fine or imprisonment, are
the probable penalties of a wilful and knowing
evasion of the regulation. The conductor sim
ply examines the tickets, and a different agent,
at the final destination of the traveler, collects
them. They are numbered consecutively, and
are returned at stated periods, we believe daily,
to the issuing office,where they act as vouchers
and checks. Fraud or collusion is difficult,
seemingly impossible, unless the clerks at every
office and >the conductors combine to defraud.
From a column of “ Religious Notices” which
we find'in the New York Tribune of Saturday
last, we extract the following. The subjects to
be discoursed upon, we take it, dp not exactly
come under the head of “religious:” but the
New Yorkers are wont to call things by curious
The People’s Meeting, at No. 187 Bow
ery, EVERY SUNDAY.—Subject on the 23d, at
8 p. in., “The Issues and the Candidates of the
Presidential Campaign:” at 7J p. m., “Negro
Suffrage.” platform of both meetings free to
The Press.
Our cotemporaries are for'the moat pari just ,
now busily engaged in saving the country! from |
the hands of its enemies! It has been said that
the virtues of a people are not known until they
are etpraved upon their tombstones, but it would
certainly be hard to find the virtues of the po
liticalparties of the present day by reading them
in the newspapers. Any one unacquainted with
the political history of this country and the char
acter of our people, would, by perusing the po
litical papers, be led to believe that a dissolu
tion of the Union must inevitably follow the an
nouncement of the result of the election on the
6th of November, so sanguine are the presses of
each party that the selection of their favorite
will alone save the country. political press
is too often mainly so for a consideration, and
'its efforts are directed towards the elevation of
its favorite men to positions of honor, trust, in
fluence and patronage; and that portion of the
press which is controlled by men who are direct
ly pecuniarily interested in the success of their
party, are the most active in the work of mis
representing and defaming the, motives of their
Almost every paper put into the
hands ofihe people is filled with a history of
misdeeds and venality which are as revolting to
a sensitive mind ns they are often farfetched and
untrue, manufactured and construed for politi
cal out and out self will and
wickedness ofjiarty papers is giving to the po
litical affairs of the country a decidedly disrepu
table and repulsive character, creating a field of
bitter contention, denunciation and quarreling,
without a shadow of honesty and fairness, and
! scarcely an intimation of truth. Principle is
burled for gain and position —truth for power—
honesty for How far they cannot go is
only demonstrated when their career is cut short
by some unlorscen occurrence. In their dying
struggles hold up to their readers
the idea that the entire nation is arrayed against
itself, in a destructive warfare, which can only
be availed by the support of their peculiar prin
Book and Newspaper Trade on Railroads.
—ln England the railroad cars are divided off
into compartments, each of which contains seats
for eight or ten passengers. While, therefore,
an immense number of books and newspapers
are sold at the principal stations, the construc
tidn of the cars prevents their sale on moving
trains. In this country, on the contrary, peo
ple rush to the train at the lust minute and have
little leisure to secure books or papers, and
hence the great bulk of literary sales is made
en route. To give an idea of the value of a mo
nopoly on any of our great lines of travel, tho
New York Tribune states that Messrs. Adams &
Co., in behalf of D. N. Shear, the projector of
the “ Newspaper Express,” have recently con
cluded a contract with the New York and New
Haven Company, to pay the sum of $5,000 for
the sole privilege of selling papers, magazines
and books on the trains and in the stations of
the company for one year. Thej’ have the priv
ilege of renewing their bargain on similar terms.
Last year this privilege was enjoyed by another
person, for $1,500.
The Pakdonino Power. —The Philadelphia
Press, speaking of the complaints made against,
Governor Packer for his free use of the pardon
ing power, says that with ouc exception, he has
pardoned fewer men than any of his immediate
predecessors, and gives a table of the pardons
issued by Governors Johnson, Bigler, Pollock,
and the present Executive, in proof of the fact.
From it we learn that Gov. Johnson, during his
three years, pardoned three hundred and thirty
eight, restored twenty-seven to citizenship, and
remitted the fines of thirty, Governor Bigler
pardoned two hundred aud seventy-two, restored
forty-eight to citizenship, and remitted the fines
c-f twenty-seven. Governor Pollock pardoned
one hundred and forty-three, restored forty-fivp
to citizenship, and rimitted the fines of eight.
Governor Packer, up to the 17th inst., pardoned
one one hundred and seventy, restored fifty-two
to citizenship, and remitted the fines of fourteen.
Another Calamity. —On Monday last, at 4
minutes before 1 o’clock P. M., the boiler in
the marble and machine works-df W. W. Wal
lace, in Pittsburgh, blew up .and knocked the
entire works into a heap of ruins, hurrying a
number beneath it ' Ten dead bodies and 11
persons more or less injured have been taken
from the ruins. The cause of the explosion can
not be accounted for. The man who had charge
of the engine says that shortly before the explo
sion he tried the water gunge aud found the
water at tho second guage. The safety valve was
giinged to CO pounds, and the boiler seems to
have been in good condition. Some idea of the
force of the explosion may be inferred from the
fact that after leaving its bed, it passed through
and demolished six stout brick walls. The af
fair has cast quite, a gloom over the city and
thousands have visited the scene of the catas
Among the killed, we regret to notice the
name of John DeArmit, formerly of Hollidays-
burg, who was universally respected and esteem
ed by all who knew him.
An American Catholic Church. —The Broth
er Jonathan says there has recently been organ-
ized in Richmond, Virginia, a Society of “ Inde-
pendent American Catholics,” the object of
which is, to dissever all connection with the
Pope of Rome and bis Bishops; and, in fact, to
repudiate and protest against the Roman Hier
archy in every form. It is composed chiefly of
French and German citizens. This is the first
move to, establish an Independent Catholic
Ch*uroh in America,''and bids fair to increase in
strength and importance, ns large numbers of
adopted and native citizens in every State of the
Union, are expected to organize similar congre
fjjg» The officers of our State Agricultural
Society have been, aod probably are yet, in a
pretty bhd fix. They shipped a box containing
all their most valuable papers and documents
on the 4th mst., from Harrisburg to their Fair
Grounds at Pittston. It in some manner, how
ever, miscarried, and its whereabouts cannot be
ascertained. Unless the box has been found,
it is said the Fair must be postponed.
The Philadelphia Inquirer mentions four
/fsen styles of counterfeiting coin. It is estima
j ted that folly ten per cent, of all the apparent
! gold coin in circulation is bogus, much of it be
ing so admirably executed as to deceive bank
officers and other first class judges. The natu
ral and legitimate loss in value of gold coin is
immense. The estimated loss on the coin in cir
culation in the United States is over $1,000,000
per annum.
ANew Idea. —A vote on the Presidential
question is now taken every evening, at the
Pittsburg Theatre Thus far the result has
been favorable to Lincoln. It strikes us that
this is a pretty good dodge of the theatre man
ager to get up an excitement on this subject and
fill his house. It might pay if it was adopted
at other gatherings, as many men now take
more interest in such things than they do oven
in attending church.
Letters to Fictitious, Names. —Attorney
General Black has decided that the Post Office
Department has the power to withhold letters
addressed to fictitious persons or firms, when
such names have been assumed as a part of a
system to cheat and defraud the public. The
fraudulent intent, however, must be very clear.
The Allan tic Monthly for October, con
tains a greater variety of reading matter than
usual, embracing articles on political, histori
cal, biographical, literary', humorous and other
subjects. If you want a good standard maga
zine, subscribe for the Atlantic Monthly. Pyice
$3 per annum. Ticknor & Fields, Boston.
Blair Furnace, Sept. 21, IBbO
Messrs. Editors: —Louis W. Hail, tlio uublc
champion of the people’s rights, spoke here last
night, to a most attentive and orderly audience
of from 160 to 200 persons, notwithstanding the
evening was very unpropitious and threatening.
The school house was filled and many were com
pelled to stand outside. The door being kept
open, the eager crowd had at least a chance to
hear, if not to sec, the noble young Senator-,
who was frequently greeted with rounds of ap
plause. His speech was sound, conservative
and unanswerable, and his telling points were
fully appreciated. The speech and meeting was
a grand success, and will tell on the 9th of Oc
tober and Oth of Kovemoer, in this confer of
Logan, which will maintain its past integrity,
and continue to work for future victories iu toe
cause of Freedom and Protection.
Missouri Breckinridge Convention. — St.
Louis, September 22. A special despatch to the
Republican, from Jefferson City, states that the
State Convention adopted the report of the com
mittee on resolutions, which declares that where
as, the failure of the Charleston Convention to
nominate, leaving the people their choice of can
didates and principles, therefore, we still adhere
to the principles of constitutional government
which the Democratic parly have always upheld,
and which, if but faithfully carried out, will
perpetuate the Union, and disseminate its bles
sings equally beneficially throughout all the
borders of the confederation ; re-allinns the
platform adopted by the Slate Convention in
April; declares steadfast devotion to the plat
form adopted by the Maryland Institute Con
vention, and accepts Breckinridge and Lane as
the candidates of the Democracy of Missouri.—
Mr. Thurston, a delegate to the Convention at
Charleston, spoke nearly an hour. The most
noticeable feature of Lis speech, was the ex
pression of his belief that Lincoln would be
elected, and his advice to them to prepare for
defeat. After this event, the Democratic party
would be purged, and ready for future victories.
St. Louts, Sipl. 22.—Before the final adjourn
ment of the Breckinridge Convention yesterday,
a resolution was offered, but not acted upon, re
quiring the electors to vote fur any candidate to
defeat Lincoln. The electoral ticket was re
viewed and all vacancies filled. Convention ad
journed sine die.
Fousd his Mother.— Senator Douglas, with
his wife, visited his mother, at Clifton Springs,
N. Y., on Saturday week, remaining until the
hour for the organization of the public meeting
of his friends. The gathering was very large,
including delegations from all the surrounding
towns, numbering from 15,1)00 to 20,000 per
sons. Mr. Douglas commenced his speech by
expressing the pleasure he felt, being enabled
to relieve th<* anxiety of the Republicans by in
forming them that be had found his mother, who,
God bless her, was in fine health-, lie was in
no wjty a.iaoyed by tbe comments of a partiz ut
press. On concluding, the following question
was handed to him ; “ Dave the people of a
territory the right, according to the doctrine of
non-intervention, to abolish or exclude slavery
from the territory, while in a territorial condi
tion To which Mr. douglas answered affir
matively.- referring to has numerous speeches
for his persistant maintenance of that doctrine.
The Chairmen of the Penplebs Party and
Democratic State Central Commit-lees have fail
ed to agree in making arrangements for the ri
val candidates for Governor to meet each other
mi the stump. Mr. McClure, on behalf of Col.
Cnrtin, asked that Gen. Foster should meet
Cm tin at those points where he (Curtiaj had
been advertised to speak, and notice be given to
that effect. Mr. Welsh, on behalf of Gen. Fos
ter, declined this arrangement, and asked new
appointments, some of which would be in pla
ces whore Curtin has already been. Mr. McClure
declined this proposal, on the ground^that it
would compel Col. Curtin to disappoint his
friends in those localities where he has been ad
vertised to address them.
A Goon Hit. —An exchange makes a good
hit at Mr.. Yancey, the southern seclionalist:
Mr. Yancey proclaims that the pen is already
nibbed which is to write the story of another
revolution. .’Tis more likely that the rope is
already twisted which is to be knotted under
the left ear of those who shall attempt to create
the revolution.
No Fusion in Pennsylvania. — Harrisburg,
Sept. 22d.—As much has recently been publish
ed on the subject of alleged propositions of fusion
in Pennsylvania, the parties are informed that
the question of fusion has at no time been enter
tained by the Democratic Executive Committee.
SBS“ Mr. Douglas, in his New York speech, is
said ; to have intimated that “if the withdrawal
of his name would defeat Mr. Lincoln, he would
at tliis moment withdraw it.”
Anecdote job Cleboymen. —lt not unfre
queqtly happens that established clergymen of
all denominatons receive “calls” to other par
ishes or congregations, and it happens, we fear
almost as frequently, that such “ calls” are ac
cepted if a larger salary is offered among the
inducements. It ist not unusual to hear such
clergymen give among their reasons for leaving
their present position, the “ increased useful
ness!’ which the new field of labor promises.—
We like the honesty of the Quaker, whose son,
a clergyman, having received several “calls,”
askeii him which he would advise him to accept.
“Aslthee preaches for money,” said the old
man; “ thee had better take the one that pays
the most.”
A. L. IIqcMFOET, Chairman.
You will bo Tory sure to “go to smash" if you arc
In the habit of going to “ smashes.’’
49* Trust him little who praises all; him less who cen
sures all: and him least who is indifferent about all.
A Toast—‘‘The Ladies! They divide our sorrows,
double our joys, and treble our expenses!”
Hon. Ephaim Banks was married, at Lewietown,
on the 12th inst. -
Ag- Myers, the Houston deer hunter, says he has kiHed ;
six thousand deer in the last nine years, on the Houston
Ocrritt Smith is said to be dividing property to the
value of $200,000 among five.devoted relatives. Evidently
there was an object in their devotion.
45.0ne thousand pounds sterling lias recently been of
fered in London for a complete set of the Times newspaper,
but without success.
Love may exist without jealousy, although this is
rare; but jealousy may exist without love, and this is com- ,
A debating club lately discussed tin- important r)nes
tion, “ whether a rooster’s knowledge of daybreak i= the
result of observation or instinct.”
The world receives now in a single year nearly one.
tenth as much gold as was obtained in the whole period
from the discovery of America down to the year ISIS.
tjw. In Chicago, Mrs. James Pawl.s, by ilie breaking of
the lid of a coffeepot, scalded to de:\tb an infant child,
while sitting in her lap.
4«- ■■ Lear Laura, when we were courting you were very
dear to use; hut now you’re my wife, and I am paying
your hills, you seem to bo decree and dearer.”
tf^_Three daughters of Mr. Levi Trice, of Heading, Pa.,
died last week, within forty-eight hours of each other, of
trjSu Five editors in Michigan have boon imuinated for
Logi-datnro, Wluit u fall ; They could not earn their salt
probably in a decent newspaper office—else why wish to
descend from their position.'
tB, The quantity of coal oil pi.Mmcil in the VnitiM
Staton is ostiinat. il at thirty thousand Gallons |o r day. or
njiK' millions por annum, worth uvor six mitliuiia of dollars
in tho agin'o^aio,
A lollor from an otluvr on tho -toamer Pulaski, do
sci ii.os a oxoi ntioii in Mont. i idoo. At tho fatal
signal ast iint stopj.oii f *r\v;u d. loi/.ed the man hy tho
inur, and eul tit: throat /com ,ai 1.. , y r ;
4 s—Mr. Shaw, the rich'old haojo l r at St. I.•mis. ajrain.-t
whom Ktlie Curstaug brought that famous htoaoli of pro.
in iso o.iso. is assossod ioi i• -d oatatc. and Jf.l.ocJ
lor porsoual properly. lithe is still living at St. Loins.
e are too often apt to forget that warmup which
William iVnn so etrongly gave u*. againM th*- folly of put
ting i nr faith in govd laws, while we lru?t tie ir adminis-
tration to bad men
Peterson*.* Magazine fur Octob»-r i? out. and contains
its u.-ual attractive variety of Kashi* ii-Plan - and Putt* ;ns
of ewry d< scriptioii for the bolus. Tin- lit- rary contribu
tions are Irma well known and admired writer*. Trims
$2 jk r annum. C. J. Peterson, Philadelphia.
The complete census return? of li« rk- county, Pa.,
,-how n population *1 ‘.'.*74. against TT.ldl in 1 increa?e
in ten y -at s. lb>4o. The city of Pending ?hows an in* if —the po I 'ul ali*»u in lM>o being -d. IT 1 against
lii.ldd in lv*o.
SU.The Ailams (Mass., i T--<iusrript -ny- that a man in
Wi!hum-town liasaluru 1 lot < f l»nii I'. gs. all lamne-l for
a foiemn market. ij* n:e d tl.* :a h.tW been hi.hly fe-i 1* r
several y at-*, and are <*f en--rnious weighing about
forty pounds! The weight of the hog? appears to us rath
er liahy.
In Philadelphia, < n Saturday, while Mr. and Mrs.
le'Wi’* were id-ait taking a carnage tv• att*-i:d tin- fu
ii'-ra! of a neighbor, a child of th- irs. which was on
the l-al' iiiiy of til*- house. watching the caniage. acciden
tally h»»t its balance, ami fell t*> the pavcim-nt, dashing out
its brains
$3- A balliKiifist states that a bar ofbra.-s. which on the
carlh's surface actually weighed fifteen pound*. at a bright
of three mile* actually weigh? only .-■•*. en and a half pound*.
Five miles up it on'ly weighs three pounds and u quarter.
Such is the diminished farce of giavily at a distance from
the earth.
touching srrne.—The pa?t*> one of tho Mil
waukee churches went intu one mm tiuii of that city on Sun
day. wherefrom many of the -x*nisioni-t- »n :he ill-fated
Lady F.igin had g»»ne, ainl f«*und in difl* r< nt h* n-c.s iw less
than one hundred chiKlr- n i• n >-f fat h» r and mother, and
Wondering why ih.-y did not enne !«.. k.
Th** Amh;*;-t Krprvss s-iys a Id* ring man in that
tow n hua a sore upon hi* foot fninwlt h is j*r t It ha? already pr**j*-t l*--.i lui lw. uo lo?. A I. w
y ear- muc** In* had one token from on** ol In? limit- i went v-
n•‘ V IX K-U Kllg. Wc Wouldn't lik'- t" b • 111 I!. pK- •• .<f |hr
mull licit lia* lh<it foot. >/l I Ik* on* tluitmM flit H--i' - .
Cincinnati t-xpicx t:aji - n tli ■ .v Vmk C- n
tml Kail r* >ad, bc-in g lull I' an h< -m 1 ■ inn-1 t inn* r« > '-atly. i;■ n
• iglity-mi'- nil!-'-; in mm* bun-ip tl in ini;*.
imab-, at which /v-wi anil \val»T \\vj- tak-n, • •tcupving
about fifl-t-ii minute.*. making lb<* a. rnal running linn*
fighty-live inimile>. tbc average rale o!bring a tiille
lew than a milo a minute.
JUxj" Dr. Ol b r a c<;lrbr:itn.l Jmvik h pby-drain. >\
eiv.l that h-ne do* » imtu'-di;il* l\ di-wbni the h.-arl
ceu<*-s to le-at. For, af(*T lie* il■•alh of un animal, Dr. i.dar
has r> ne»v«-d bou»* I'min the body to that of a living animal
an«i tie: thuw intrtMluced ban unit-*.! ilm If i ompb-f. ly
to tiiat properly beh-aging to lie- auhna). There rvima t>.
be a- 1 ilmbt, therefor*. that we may mem.l and replace our
bones, as easily as it table leg.
ft').Tall Shooting—Samuel Ilart/edl, of the Ingram
Jlou.-C, Jefferson, Creelie county, .me of tin* five who heat
an ••«jnal number of i'itt-bnrghers,
rille slcoting, fired nine sh'*t-, across a strong wind, a f- n
days-me.-, a distance of one hundred andfise \;u.|s.ofi'
hand, and put en balls within the rii cumh r.*U'v of u
pap-r five inches in diameter, fom of which balls struck
the black centre mark, the size of a .juarler dollar, and
mud of the others in the immediate vicinity of the centre.
fiD-Tho census of thirty-one cminth-s in Kansas, all but
nin-. give s an aggregate population -f 5i,440. The returns
tu come in will pr.-baMy carry the whole number b)9'J.<»uu
af least. It is believed that at least 2a.iM.") have gone to
tlie mines, or left the Territory in cor\*e,|uencc of the fail
ure of crops*. During tlio past season l.bol men, 1.338 wag
ons, 492 mules, and 14.312 oxen, have been employed in
transporting merchandise from Atchison ah-iu* across tin*
plains. Tlib includes only the regular traders and freight-
-G5- A youfig man lately volunteered his services to con
duct a lady home from a parly. Ou the way he becudgled
his brain for some interesting topic of convocation to
amuse her with; he could hit upon nothing until they met
several cows, llei.e was a topic which the swain immedi
ately laid hold of; and with much simplicity remarked:—
“ Now ain't it strange what a^mothei ly appearance a cow
has?’* To which the lady it plied ; "I do not think it
strange at all, sir, that a cow should have a motherly ap
pearance to a calf.”
A Bogus Prince. — An amusing hohx was |
perpetrated at St. Louis on Monday, in the Per
sonation of the Prince of Wales and his suite, ;
by some wags. They sent a dispatch from Chi- ;
cago, saying that the Prince would arrive by
the next train, and in the next train, sure':
•enough, there was Baron llenfrew and his Men- i
tor, the Duke of Newcastle. A. crowd was as
sembled, and the ladies never thought of their
criooliue, so eagerly did they press forward to
get a sight of royalty. The Prince bowed, the
venerable Duke smiled benignly, in which the
Prince joined, wncu the crowd offered to take
the horses out of the carriage and drag the ve
hicle themselves. The carriage moved over the
whole city, surrounded by eager and excited
spectators, and it was not till next day that
they discovered that they had been paying hon
ors to a bogus Priuce.
Preservation of Cut Flowers— A French
provincial paper states that cut flowers may be
kept fresh for any length of time, by the intro
duction of a spoontul of powdered charcoal into
the water contained in the vessel in which they
are placed. Neither the charcoil nor the water
require renewal, the latter remaining limpid.
Toram’s Furniture Warehouse.
This establishment is becoming one of the most attrac
tive ” Institutions” of the Quaker City, and the place where
housekeepers “most do congregate.” Mr. Toni* estah
lisiieu himself at the corner of Ninth <m<t .Varl-ei Streets,
in IS.MX and by snperintendingithe manufacture of every
article himself his wares soon gained a reputation, nnd by
-liberal advertising aud strict attention to business, he was
soon forced to add room after room to .his establishment,
until his is now the most entensive esta'dishment of the
kind in Philadelphia, and being one of special interest to
all housekeepers, we deem it worthy of this special notice.
Mr. Torum is himself a master mechanic, a shrew,l busi
ness man. and a gentleman. He so per is own busi
ness and may be found at the establishment early and late.
He is, in the strict sense of the word, a utilitarian, ami the
reader must not expect, should ho visit his business place,
to find a “showy” establishment, unless, indeed, a hive of
industry and well stocked ware rooms of large dimensions
but unpretending stylo may bo considered ihoivy. The
| pi,we is an attractive one, however, and especially to young
1 housekeepers commencing life and looking for home com
forts. The varieties of style and gradation of prices are
such us to enable one to purchase according to taste and
i with a certainly »f purchasing at the hneest prices. Make
a note of this, reader, and call at the establishment or send
your order. Address Stephen Ton am. K. K. corner of.9th
and Maiket streets, Philadelphia, and your furniture will
be selected from a stock embracing every thing from the
- best and most elaborate finish to the plainest and cheapest,
i All orders receive the personal attention ol Mr. ToB.vM aud
his efforts to please are generally satisfactory
Sept. 13, ltoju-lm.
Messrs. Wilcox i Co.:—Vour •*lnpec.tim', M or “Per
sian Fever Charm,” lias done wonder*. 1 was wholly de
spondent and wretched when I applied it, ami in live bourn
the chills were removed ami no fever has ensued, ll is tho
simplest cure imaginable, ami a wonder of nature or art.
I would not be without this “ Inpertinc" a single hum.—
liy constantly wearing 1 seem to be “ague proof.”
(iKNTLF.WEN:—t have been snatched from the grave by
the application of your wonderful ” lupecline,” or “ Per
sian Favor (. harm." For several years 1 ha\e suffered ev
ery seastm from l*vi r and Ague. Last .Spring my litcwas
threatened. hntyour remedy has destroyed the disease and
1 am rapidly gaining an appetite aud strength.
KesptetfuUy your«, lb N. BAUUON.
This truly w mdorful preventive and cure for Fever aud
Agu«* ami bilious Fevers will he sent mad, po*l pai.l. tin
receipt of one dollar, AUo for Halo at all respectable*Drug-
gists and Country St*>re.s.
Pi i:u i j oil Depot and Manufactory. ISS Main St.. Kirh
moiid, Va. Branch office, Bank of Commerce Building,
New York. Address JOHN WILCOX.
The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the re
sult of a long and extensive practice. They arc mild in
their operation, and certain in eonecting all i: regularities
Painful Men.-ti u.nious. removing all obstructions, whether
from eohl <»i otlo-rwise. headache, pain in the side, palpita
tion of the he.u t. whites, uli nervous ftlh*cliuus, hysterics,
fatigue, pain in th- back ami limbs. Ac., disturbed sleep,
which arise horn interruption of nature.
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of
th‘jse irregularities aud obstructions which have consigned
so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the be
lovi d to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good
h'-alth unle-s -he is regular, and whenever an obstruction
lakes place the general health begins t<* decline.
aro tlie most effectual remedy known for all complaint*
peculiar t*» F< unil-'S. To all cl i.-ses they are iiiNa’.uahle. i)/-
</r.c/«7, n-i! ! t <•>' rt ti ,ity. pfritnlir-d rtp>d iriiij. They
known to thou-ands. who have u-a-tl 'Vliem at different pe
riods. throughout the country, having the sanction of some
of the most ■.rtm- ‘it Physvtaus in Ani'n -u.
lA'ji’tCt! ilin-r'm'is. statin*/ ir'an, (l/i'i a- '*l th> *// should
u«t Ir us'd, with each Box. —the /V.*r (jnc Lhnlar nuin
li’-x. >'unt’. , h iny do Vdh.
A va 1 uahh* Pamphlet, fo bo bad free, of the Agents.—
Pill? Frnt 0j mad. promptly, by enclosing price to the Gen
eral Agent. £cbl by Druggists generally.
H. 11. HUTCHINGS, G!.v-.ij u, A<*i:nt.
14 N- e. York.
?**M in Altoona by G. W. Ke??b.r: in H l«v-loirg by
Ge * A. J..c 1. i D-.c. s. p;.,*.-ly.
ih.- p.*--ibibty of a dmiM. and its >ah* is becoming ns large
n- of any uth* r ni title u**w b*-isv the public. -Tmia
of tb- ii-ands i f p--i><»ns who vrero sufb.-rer* are now sceu
d .ily walking tin- of all the principal cities of the
rni -n. a?id l y th«-ir intlm nce '.preadint: the fame of “ Dr.
> w.-ro
wlnde in-w-j»ap.-r column. It gives life, health ami beauty
to the si<-k. and r* >t'*re.s, as if by uvngic. tho-r >\lk> were
sup:*--si d fob.- irrecoverably lost. Wo ii‘ ,i l only s.i\, try it.
Wo w.mld also call the attention of Mothers b* Dr. Ka
t>in >I n r i.x rti.e Ot.iuai.. /I’bis is said t«» Ik- snp« i i<t to any
ar;n 1- of tin* l;l:i hmw known. If y.»ur anxious hearts
ftfc p.iitn-d by -witm >Mng the stifterings of your Utile ones,
10-e ii<» time m proem in-: a 1- »tie. It is an invaluable spe
cific tor in flints teething, softening their gums, and aIK \ ing
all hver and irritation. By aW menus get the Coidial; re
lieve the sulk-rings of your children; and enjoy unbroken
your own repose. See advertisement.— Adrc/'tiso’ and Far
nuT. Uridyinn'L 17. For sale by A.
Weakness of the Stomach and Indi
a y*ar or two ago, :it
Atmt.’irr Gi-fil r„n- hy Ucrrho'-'S llul/utul Hdlrrs.
Tli.- wift- of Do M ill.-, living in ll.illjirnl T.ivvn,
romily. Wisconsin. snlTcn-.l nmrh from Wr.vk
m-s of tin- Slomacli an-1 liivliocxti-m .“ho had lioon under
a i-hy-irinnV onro for sumo time, hut tlio diooi,so scorned to
h.itllo oven his skill. Sho ])mvhnecj s-nno n-ILI.ANn
111 rTKi;.' at . in .-tlicc. whii-li hies given t. no to her olom
aoh ; lu-r a|*[s-tir.- .ind arc loturninjt', and we tinn
•ly hrlicvo that this is another great euro effected by your
M e have Mill to rrrord many wonderful tares effected by
this remedy, but must wait another oiiprrtunity. One
thing you can roly upon, what wc Imve published are from
persona much respected in our community, and ari> liter
aliy true. J. QUIXTI'S,
(Ed. Sheboygan Nieuwsbodo, Sheboygan, Wis.)
V -rsoiia afllict-d with the Fever and Ague should
not spare either time, trouble or expense-, to procure Dlt.
eiont effects upon the system has been clearly proved to
those who have been stricken down in a short space of time
by this dreadful curse, whose checks are wan and meagre,
and whose nights are sleeping and restless, and whose eyes
are dim and sunken, with death staring them in the face,
this compound must prove a blessing; snatching thorn, as
it were, from the month of the grave. None can t now its
true value until they have tested it. 1 When all others have
failed, these Bitters have restored tlie sufferers to pristine
health. Their popularity in all the.Westeru and Southern
parts should introduce them to aH fiimilics.
<l®- “ On that the skis of an innocent sheep should las
made into parchment, and written on to the undoing of a
maul’ quoth Shakspeare. Uo might also have deplored
the ruiniug of men’s forms by the uncouth manner in
which some ..iigracions tailors butcher up the cloth made
from the wool grown by those same harmless sheep. To
see the perfection of the art of working up cloth wisely
and well, and so as to sot off to the best advantage the
forms of its wearers, call at the Brown Stone Clothing
Hall of Ilockhill tc \Vilson, Nos. COSf and 005 Chestnut St.
above Sixth, Phila. and examine tbelr -stock of garments
for gentlemen and youths.
Read! Read ! Read !
Cairo, 111.,.1n1y 29th, 18fi0,
Yours vi-ry truly,
Motiiu:, AluLama, July ‘Joil, ISCO,
Dr. Bronson’s Blood Food
is's Ki,■*•!*» p... p" throughout the civilized World,—
SoU by druggists and dealers generally everywhere,
tat. See advertisement in anothencolumn.
An experienced nurse and female physician, has a soothing
Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the
process.of teething, bysoteuing the gums, reducing all in
flammation—will allay all pain, and is euro to regulate the
bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest tqyour
selves, and relief and health to your infants. Perfectly
safe In all cases. See advertisement in another column
*TI DYSPt?3n
Vs '- V * AMD— 1
ApoiitECAttiLS, Dp-lmoists. (IttocEits and Private
WOLFE"? Pure Cognac Brandy,
Mi GLEE'S Pure Maderie. Sherry and Port Mge
WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica and ?t. Croix Rum,
WOLFE'S Pure Scotch ami Irish Whisky
J beg leave to call the attention of the chi.-. n, „r
United States to tho above Wines and Liquors, import.,! m 1
U 0011*110 Wolfe, of Now York, whose name is f,i„iha r J
every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated
Schiedam Sciin iPt’s. Mr. Wolfe, in his Utter to me, sivai
ing of the purity of his Wines ami Liquors, savs: '• 1 W jjj
stake my reputation as a limit, my standing as it inerelouu
of tliiity years’ residenco in the city of New York, that all
the Hrandy and Winos which 1 bottle are pure us int|>orled
and of tho best quality. and can be relied upon by every
purchaser.” Every bottle has the proprietor', name on tho
wax. and a fac simile of his signature of the certitlentc.—
Tho public aro respectfully invited to cull ami examine for
themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries uud
Grocers in Philadelphia.
(lEiir.uE 11. Ashton, No. 532 Market St., Phila.
Foie Agent for Philadelphia
' Head the following from the New Yoik Courier ;
are happy to inform our fello-vv-eitizous that 1 lone ,s 1,,,
place in our city where the physician, apothecary. . [
country merchant, ran go and purchase pure M ims and
Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality. it „
do not intend to gpo an elaborate description of tid» t*,,-,.
chant’s extensive business, although it will well rep.,y ;u , v
stranger or eitiimn to visit Vilolpho M’olfo's extensn,,l., Nos. IS. Jo and 22. Ueavor street, and Nos. n, pj
un i 21. Mai k*-I tiehl street. Ills stock of Schnapps on I, p
ready fa-shipment could not havo been less .than q. ,
thousaiiil eases; tho Hrandy, some ten thousand c.i.-e.— \ V
tages of ISdii to I'.io; and Jon thousand case, ~f Mad,ln,
Sherry and Port M ine, Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Jaamaa
and St. Croix Hum, some Very old anil equal to any ni dm
country, lie also had three large cellars, liJl.d with lira,,,
dv. Wine, Ac., in casks, under Custom-House key. n adv I t
b, 111 mg. Mr. M’olfe’s sales of Si hnapps last year, mini,,|
to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, ami we h, i; ,
less than two years lie may bo equally sure, -.-lid ndl, k.,
brandies and iVim-s.
K. M. STtH’T.
His merits the putroimpo of ev*>ry I n. i . j j
sju*. ies. Private fain 1 1 i*.* *< who wish pure W iiu * ju, ! I
fur meilio:ii u-»* shonM semi their nnlerstlu'eri \lr \\ ; |
until every A|k»lheea rv in the hunt make up !L
l.'ui'cii.l tin- p.'i-un -u- vf.uiV from theft
place it with Viwlh’s pure 'Vinos ami Li.ju«,<r.s.
Wf uuh-i-lam! Mr. W'lfe. f>>r the art-. m-i; <l.* , •,
••T small dealers in tin* country, puts up a-*' i ml ••, i'
,Wiii»> ami LupV'r-;. Such a man, ami Mich u • !i„
glmuM Im* Mi-taim-d against his tern* of tiniu**an k t .
imtits in tin* I'nit. -I .Mates. nothin hut uu.luli
niiiioio .11 iK * * ; ‘human health ami huppim-,-.
KNvr.n M itsi; and kkmai-.i:niv.-Kian. ;.i
-sent', to th • <•( nullmrs her
whieli j.Tee.lly laeil.t U- ' llm pi ... (•••> . f t ■ fl.imr. hy -■ ft
iu>£ tin; truni- I' vlm 1 1*-l ai! i11:t *mu» ;;i-iii -a i!1 allay pain I
spasmodic m limi. a:: i (n I',
Ik*P'*ml hp-ia uin : . it will *J\•• iv.-t tv vm;i -I v.
amt W-''-/ >:■"! U■ •/" fhnts.
>Vr /Mv-- put U( • I ‘"l-i tJim itrti- !■• for over tan v
amt i in iV. i;. ■ *;.i. I ' •* ai. 1 truth i.f it. u hat *a* 1:
lurv-r 1“ n al l- -r« < 1 any • *tl l*-1 .imiiuilie —m-ver ha» it
fail’-il, in a \:;-:.• r;v •. i*» a aiiv.
Us*-1. N'-v - j il l w'• k ii';iu v:.> - r i<l ti"ii l \
any till** vvh.» it. On l ii-• niaitaiy. all at'• <1
wit i. iI- i 'j ‘■•ral i.iu-. u ll < 1-j>takidt- i h. < "t kiulir-'t
- I' it* m t-• ainl ln'-‘! vh in* *. W -ui
in till' 111.. 11 r;•••\vI i .L \w il> ki.-'U." atV-1 l- 11 y•: i: -' v
ri<*r.o*. anti I'k 'lor '>i- i< ,'Dtali <n f«T tins fulfilnu at I what
vt* In n* >i> .-m . In a. n■ m ■ v.-ry w I.- r- .!• ir •"*
font i* MillVrin- u .n-l ♦•\h.nMi •(:. 1 w • ' I
foun-i in hVla.-u.-i twtniy miuut-s ai't* r l\
inmif't* ri >l.
Titi* v i!i;:iM- jT-partti. -n H tl:“ l lj 1 1-u •
til-* in »• I 'i-l -kill fill nnr-*-* u; V- V ,1
an<i !*••» u uv.l wi:h m v r mu —in :■< .
11 hut mi! y v - It- v. •* lit.'* •. 1 1 ’1 <! fi. >:n jain, !-’if i;:'
th<* -t• •• i: M }i U:1 r 1-IIM . : 11 i-1
an-1 ■ i. yI > tip- w p- m It w 111 V,
I'. *1 j. •.'.■■■ f i • f';> /■•U- '< ■! . I
Cuinr ft>n' nU.-it;-. n hi< !i. tl 11 I *• "<■ / *
VT • I - I;• ■v • it tl.- L- ■-( an** r- •*.. ; i, 1‘
world. in nil of Dy-n-nl-iy and iM.trrl.-'-a ... ■ ! il
wln-rln rif nr!-«•.' fi »m t'-i-thin >r t: "in nn> > tli-i «.. . •
Wi" wnM fsay t“ <*\«*ry un-tln r wl.o h.i- i i:il l 'ii'l'-n
from any of thr **• >n• | >!»».*nt —<I>* i: t 1 { > 1 1
jii'lii- '. n-'r th" |»r«J * Man l \
r-ulTi i rii .1 I .Hi"l t!i ■ i - I: -f thnt \n ill t
Infi-1\ mi i 1 • —t«« I > 1 11" \v tin* u-*‘ ot lli!' i
n<- \. Tull f« r n-nr.; ill u
tli*. N 'U-‘ tr -nnin* th** far-M
I'KIiK ! V". .V w V rk. i- .11 tin-. •
i S'M Tv H’. i;_ ■. i't-tlin'iK’l.iui 11 h'-w it 11, .ml I' i> "
| K.-t-I-t tiii*l A. Alt- '• • I’ l • ' -
i JmT
i itj}" I*vin ij»: l N-*. K) Ci'lar •f. »•
1 .Intv 12. iv.w.-ly.
T lIA Vi: .H’tT UKTITiNK!' M:"’I
1 ill** Ka-*t witli a ■? ila- :
tirlcH. r.. - whiih 1 otttT tn tl 1 ' ‘ -
uikl a c *iiutat tli*‘
Blair County Bool: and Mu. r
' opposite the Tri!-.n(r OfiK'*. Virginia atiNl, .'A’' l '--- • ■
\ at the v*• rv I**\v•*'■** raps :
all kind-.. Alburns. Blank IO 'Ka I'.i'**
j Hook*. Ar.. Ac. ABo ull tin? dilf.-i. nt /■ /. *Sr
Use- 1 iu Ait-Hina or t?i** t.-wndop r K* •*
: an e:-. A ' •
1 an.l an ciidle-5 van. ty of Violin, (luiur and i, tl■■
! of the finest'piaiily. 1 have pail parti
selectman hop* «pia.itity of PIANO Ml tie-.
, published. to \vlin It I iiiVio* tin* nrt*-n?i-*n<d th<* !:»!-•- *
have MUSICAL I.NSTKI Cl OHS lor ulnm.n ia ,y v
; nn-nt. . .
i Also, a superior lot of CIGARS, T(»VS. and
i cal .Instruments, Taber’s ami other «• H-ret d I'o. •
j («'*hl Pr-ns, Perfumery Extracts, F:im*y S'-»*.»]<**. '!*•• t it ar
1 Hair Brushes, Combs, Pocket Rooks. ‘Lathes
j Purses, tfo., & c . CHARLES CAI'GHLIMb *'“•
[ Aus;. 10,
I 1 K
J[ undersigned respectfully futorms tie- pul-lb |1 ■’ l
hits taken tin' waro-nami two do.-rs from the Rran.-. 1* ‘
where he will keep on hnml all kinds of
cabin kt-ware,
and attend to the duties of an UNDERTAKER-
Two >rood Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice
Altoona, Apr. U>. 1800. JAS. T
Hoi’se and lot at piuvate
SALE —TheGate-Ilcaise ami Lot
belonging to ti i o ALTOOW AND 110 - A/Jad-VU
LIDAYSJiUKG I‘LANK HOAD CO., sit- /||r*l«Sfcs*
uate \:, mik' from Altoona. is ottered nt metjtSftMßb~.
Private Sale. For terms ami further
particulars imiulre of JOSKPU DYSAHT |>re«i-iciit el I •
Company. 1 April
• MAKER, informs the public that ho
has taken ths Room next door to the
Office, on Virginia Struct, where he i* i’ n
pared to manufacture every eiylc of WU-V
MEN’S SUCKS, at reasonable prict-s. and hi a j. 1
manner. [M.«i i- - -
Boot and shoemaker— Jon*
STEIILK -lias taken a portion of the
room occupied by A. M. KINO, next
to J. W. King's Tin Shop, and
liimself ready to get up Men's Boots & Shoes!■ ~,.
in good style ami at low rates. I ’*“ r '
M WILMOT, , vn
I DUAWINU, may bo found at Dr.
nia street. Best reference given. |!-ept. - _
complete assortment of Groceries ha'<M'>J
ccivad nt the store of J. u-
Hardb ake of all desciup
tions just received and for sale by ejIAN'
Oct. 15-tf) -s J. B. .
:i ! r ,
\ j .i.l
Ul’ * l 'IV
x: t!r
.1 1
:;t-i !■
Through *nd
-open for th# ti
•s’ onSontW-d;
v,orii* Train *••*«
„ West
, • U EMt
f»‘* u Weat
u TM
Abwvax. or TUI
Will” flro engino <
riT ed in this plow
an d m« k * k tlic
receptioa from tin
this place, and esc
Exchange Hotel n
them,. .Their stei
press Freight shoi
company, was unf
round house, irh(
Will" company, c
city company ia c(
just the men to im
first prize, as thcj
where their engh
sue, beat the first
throwing ft, stream
inch nozzle. Dur
taken in charge b,
Will” of this plaot
“Mountain City.”
At one o’clock i
company* to the n
shirts, black pants
by the Altoona Br
house, and form in
tels at which.the
not] escorted them
the procession was
ia front, the Allot
engine, drawn by
the city company
through several sti
At different places
throwtt by the Iml
men. A beautiful
red, white and gn
gold and silver paj
the inscription “ 1
side, a id on the rc
figure representin
ivns by I
The engine was
fair of the water c
street,' for tho pur|
of her squirting"
upland.a stream th
a 1$ inch nozzle,
strong gale all the
cd tho water so mi
get a fair idea of \
working was high'
cessed it, und; full,
ty of steam over h
to quench fibres. >
The trial bycPi t
placC of
the armory of the
a most bountiful c
stylo, by Mrs. Lc
tho good things, al
Philadelphia Com
called! up Mr. Hin
pbia £ommon,Cou
manher. When h
dcu, on behalf of
Philadelphia Com]
manufactured by
few appropriate rc
President of the
a few well-timed
A number of-toael
the members of tl
good time general
company was esc<
where each compn
crated to meet agi
ning and partictpi
the visit of the cit
In the evening
number of the lad
Military Hall, ant
antly in “ tipping
time of good mu&i
can not speak kno
gramme; but we «
the/ bity company
'Blighted with: t
from the firemen i
The company Ic
{Ms (Wednesday)
safe arrival in jbe
Branch engine, m
A“eaday' evening
* 5 pasa into the e
between the door
fcioe and severely
“Unties, however,
not near so serion
P« g ed to be. He
aWe ,
,h that at
Was recpived f
? declining tl
. The Com
, thanki
- place, now
■ W Beifiwt Mo