SAVING FUND. Company. «AVINf. FDNJK- NATIONAL . RULES -13 rccclTo‘ da >’> and to any amount, large It puUn. 131 CtyT ' intore6t Paid for money from theday COU> ’ whene ™ “ it , rec .? lveJ f i-‘ a Administrator), , ”21!? * n *< an “ otherß who desire to hare it in a place of ! *awu- !ty ’ and wllelc interest can bo obtained for it. siml, recp i v ed from depositors is invested in aeS* 1 .“tOT* l ®! Moetoaues, Gnoran rents, and such other '“aSS** securities ns thn Charter directs. Offlse flours—Every duy from a till 5 o’clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the OTeniuc;. . ■ ■■MW. IT. L. BKNNEIt. President. . ROBERT SELKKIDUIi, Vice President W,J. REEK, Secretary. * _ „ DIRECTORS. tor L. Better, Francis Lee, Kbvahd L. Carter, F. Carroll Bsewstbx, JOBWT SMJRIBOE, JOSEPH B. BaRRV, Samuel K. Ashto.t, Joseph Yerkes, Musks, HesrtDifpenderfe*. /trace ; Walnut Street, S. W. Corner of Third St. Phila ■•V*"*- April 14th, ’59-ly. HpHE UNDER SIGNED WOULD JL. *«*peetfnUy inform his old cus r*? public generally •■?*** received a liege Mvt HASnsonE Oil- Eortment of CLOTHS, Cassimeres, ; AN P VESTINGS, la now offering for Bale, malio them np in \ most durable man- Srofomowia b " t the best workmen •nhwnplojcd.and nI l work m . ldo will Ki'o satialaction. EtQck of Gexts ’ GOODS, 8 DIMS, COLLARS, I’koEC SHIMa, Drawers,Pocket Handkerchiefs, Neck Ti is, Stocks, i?£ S i, e , r : v ,'.n^ r v;.* 0 ’ a,so a largo* assortment of RKADY-MADK CLOTHING, all of which'he Is determined to Wt Mcheap as they can be bought this side of I'hila aelpbla. Tho public uro respectfully invited to call and . stock, as X shall take pleasure in showinc ..OP«n nt all times from 0 A. M. until 9 I». M Admittance free. jfcyfi l lBs9-tf GREAT OPENING SPRING AND SUMMER <23* C2D C£> « T B. HILEMAN HAS JUST RE tf • celved and opened at his old stand, on Virginia st and attractive assortment of seasonable goods, com prising all the novelties in . DUCALS, LA ir.V.S', GINGHAM?, KUBIiOI DERIES, LACES, HOSIERY if GACirA'S, and all varie _.ties and textures of LADIES DRESS GOODS, :W»*etlter with a full assortment of goods for gentlemen’s wear, such as Cloths, Ca&rimcrc* and^jfcstiugs. ; Also a full Btock of Hardware, Que which equal to any in the market, •*w |r(Il be sold at fair prices. ■ recently enlarged my store-room, I can now display my largely increased stock to better advantage aira wonld respectfully invito everybody to call. Stoves* Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, SPOUTING, &C. ..I®W- HIGG WOULD ,nr ° rm the citizens of Altoona K||jv *WiTlOln|ty that he keeps constantly on hand a wßagfrf I»TO,assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Office a«(fHsSsß Snap alow, of all styles and sizes, to suit the a^ t*cll at low prices, on reason- ,^^" kee P , ,°" hand a largo stock of Tin and Sheet- V?*V'5?!S co ”J lB,in K of all articles for culiuarypurposcs— Om Stnmet, Stove Pipe, tfc. tho rigUt of sal ° ta Blair count >’> IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, •a lnrenUon which needs only to bo seen to be apprecia- Wdyhonld bo possessed by every farmer, butcher br those requiring such a machine. ■. attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, 2fe i^"' UOr<:o J , J ltry - S P ouUn K painted and put up «■ the most reasonable terms. fnprU 14,1859-ly 1 jjEENAN AND SAYERS ! i | JESSE SMITH, ■ ipfonn the citizens of Altoona and arrlVCdfr ° m tUe City witha largo ®CATS « OF AND SB ALL CAPS, STYLES, For Spring and Summer Wear, ,« a call before purcliosing elsewhere, as lam detormmed to sell at the very lowest possible prices Virginia fitreet, opposite the Lutheran chnrch. Altoona, May 3, ISGO-tf. JESSE SMITH. UltOL WiSI. WM. M.-OORJO.T. WM. CUBBY W.JM. CORMLY & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS BACON, MESS PORK, PRIED BEEF, SXJGAB-CUBED HAMS, CHEESE IRON, KAILS, GLASS, &c., &c. ' NQ, %il LIBERTY STREET, OPPOSITE EAGLE HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. May'XO, 1860.-6 m. The great question which how agitates the mind of every is, where can 1 get the best article for inylSßl In regard to other matters, the sub- ■■ •enper, wduld not attempt to direct, but if yon US want anything in the line of - WtV. BOOTS OR SHOES Ro invites nn examination of his stock ami work. 3e keep* constantly on hand an assortment of Boots, Shoos Slippers, *c., which he offers at fair prices. He will giro special attention to custom work, all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction. None but the host workmen are employed Remember my shop la on Virginia street, Immediately opposite Kessler’s Drag Store, J September 3, ’57-f f] AT THE 03.55'STAIVO ! ♦ The subscriber would IN FORM the public that ho had just received from the Hut a splendid assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, POR SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTHING, which he wilfjjnake to order on short notice and reasonable terms, and warrants to give satisfaction. Persons in want of anything in hin lino can rely upon being fairlv dealt wit jb JOHN ODONNEL. _ w*„ HhO P on Main St., a few doors below the “Red Lion n ° tel - [May 24,15G0. MO R E LIGHT ! MORE LIGHT! Just an-itcd at tho store of A. Ronsli, a splendid lot oin Ko. 1, Carbon Oil, which ho will sell at diets per qnart also a lot of Carbon Oil Lamps of Jones Patent BUl)Crior *° aDJ ' ° tber ***•■'. QPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER UJ tots for gale At . fl-tf,] KESSLEK’S LASS Bxlo TO 20x24, AND CUT to order by 0. W.KEBBIBK National SAFETY TRUST THOMAS EL WAY. JOHN H. ROBERTS, jr ? I s W. il~ i I ta jg CS ■' t-iao ■& O O W &5”202 » i i s gSiHs l3 •go ■ §E z ® if w ”o> QO 2 Jl CC 9 8 -i ** B I Km P"H r g « i mt* r* 1 S-*H ,* HH o r . §3c* i SI*M s O {■■■ni ? cS o „A A y fc> Si| > a^oo > SJ B ?soOi ci gt & g £.•§ pp § A. J 3■§ 2 M * & ■- g-s ’2 S* U± ..«|oi'. *1 °l ■HH' I »f 1 GOOD NEWS! The Train has Arrived! JB. HILEMAN HAS JUST EE • TURNED from the city with a largo ami careful! v selected stock of . SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which he is determined to sell cheap, consisting in part of Black and Fancy SILKS, Bombazines, Delaines, Cali coes, Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White Goods, SHAWLS, &c. Also, MEN’S WEAK of all descriptions, snch ns Cloths, Cnssimercs. Satiuetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cord Dril lings, Testings, Ac., ic. . Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. A largo assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, for Ladies, Gents and Misses, of all prices, sizes and qualities. Also, a large assortment of QUKEXSWAKE and HARD tmd 1)oubll) Carpet Chain, i'lcece Cotton, CARPETS, &C. GROCERIES: This department is supplied with the very choicest articles that can bo had in .market, audios cheap as can bo coaslsting in part of prime KIO COFIEE, SUGAR, all kinds and prices; Syrup and Blolasses, Biack and Green Tens, Rice, Spices, Tobacco and Scgacs; Starch, Corn Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Can dles, Mustard, Oils, Turpcu tine, FISH, Ac., Ac. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes to receive a liberal snare ot public patronage. BS.AII kinds of Country Produce taken in Exchange '"STSum. TV/I ILLINERY AND TKIMMIMG ItJL STORE.—MISS JENNIE SCOTT respect fully announces to thedndies of Altoona and vici mty that she is now prepared to supply all their Jh&P wants in the Millinery and Trimming line. She4sfe»- iias on hand an excellent assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS, STRAW AKD L4CE GOODS, FLOWERS & RUCHES, RIBBANDS AND TRIMMINGS, to which sho invites the attention of the ladies. She has aslo one of Mrs. C. C. Daw’s patent HAT AND BONNET PRESSING MACHINE, and is therefore enabled to do work in this line in a sane npr manner, on short notice, arid at reasonable prices. She Invites a call. f April 12 | ig^F Exchange hotel.-—the sub scriber would respectfully In form the public that ho has recently re- i fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre- A •pared to accommodate his friends and JB £ patrons in a comfortable manner, and heßgg||aaSSr will spare no pains in making it an agreeable homo for all sojourners. Ills Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and ho feels satisfied they can not ho complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, ho throws open his house to the public and invites a trial, I have just received a stock of No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Ryo Whiskey to bo found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. Howard association, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Tnslituiion established by Special Endovment, for Vte Belief of the Side and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and specially for the - Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs . , Medical Advice given gratia, by tl.o Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condi lion, (age, occupation, habits of life, ic. } ) and in cases of poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge, VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new remedies employed m the Dispensary, sent to The-afflicted in scaled tetter envelopes, free of cliarge. Two or three Stamps for postage will he acceptable. * Addiess, DR. J. SKILLON HOUGHTON, Acting Snr geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL. Pres'l GEO. FAIRCHILD. Ste'y. fJan. 19. mljV GLENN’S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (COEXKK, OP ini FIVE BIOBT BLOCK,) Forth West Corner of Eighth and Race-Streets, . PHILADELPHIA. r PHE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFUL JL .LT invited to hear in mind (hat at this Store may be found an assortment of fashionable and handsome ■ Moleskin Dress Hals, Soft Hats, Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Glased Caps, Plush and Plush Trimmed Caps for Men and .Boys, fancy Hats ami Caps for Children, , at Fair Prices. JhuT 12°iSU0 ° I PW “ S 1011 RRGU LAR GOODS.-®# EED LION HOTEL, -IXroO.V.i, BLAIR COTPPTY PA Tills old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping,the passenger cars in Altoo ua, has passed Into tho hands of the present proprietor Long experience in tho business warrants me in assuring tho travelling public that no pains will be spared to render guesfa as comfortable as possible while sojourning under besUhcSetTffordT^ 117 SU M licd w Uh t! “> very Th ® !?•*J’ e foun» bad opened a store of the above Alt^l^ ar i lle C i° rne^ii o . f Adalin6 1111(1 Julia streets. East Altoona, where ho will keep constantly on hand afull sim ply of everything in his line. His UU GR 0 GERIES are all fresh and will be sold at prices a* low as those of Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Side &c. will be sold n little cheaper than they can be b ncht amr where else. Ilia Hour is obtained from the best mills in ° f th ° Stat °’ a “ d is warrantcd ‘o bo what kinds of Feed for horses, cows and hogs, always on I intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all times bo able to supply my customers with whatever thev may need, .and I intend also to sell at prices which wiU make it a saving to those who patronize mv store. July 22, XSSS-3m. HENRY BELL. } ]\/FEDICATED FUR CHEST PRQ JLtJL TECTOR, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affec tions of tho Lugs, which arise from the exposed state of tho pst, according to fashion and the continual changes ofenx Llimata, for sale at the Drug Store of G. W. KESSLER, URE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green, Yellow, Paris Green, dry n ground oil at p-tf.] KjESSLEB’S Blanks of all descriptions noatly and expeUJeloualy executed at this office. Cheapest! Best! Largest!! 835.00 PaysforTnftionln Single and Double Entry Book-Keen :• “Si-Writing, Commercial Arithmetic and Lectures. Board 8 Wed;s $2O, Stationery $7, Tuition $35, entire Ed ■ penas $O2, fo com P lete n full course, from 6 to 10 weeks Avery- Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed to be tom petent to manage tho Books of any Business and qualified to earn a. salary of from ■ ; i $5OO to $l,OOO. Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Keview at pleasure. FirstPremimns for Dost Business Writing f.r 1859 re ceived at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of tho Union for the past four 18®- Ministers Sons received at half price, lor full information. Circular, Specimens of Business and Ornamental V, nting and Embellished View of the College, eD «iT £r,l e^ er ? tan ‘P 3 t 0 F- W. JENKINS. Sept. -2,1859.—1 y Pittsburgh, Pi*. ]\pw GOODS! NEW GOODS!! R. A, 0. KERR’S. -?■ A'O.'KoTT'hag just received the largest, most faslilon boat selected stock of Goods in the market, consis ' ting of on endless variety of goods for men andlwvs’ wear, une largest and best assortment of Ladies’Dress Goods i«t. t ,ea D ii <:onSl3tl n. e ?. f . ,,l 2s^ nlldfanc y Silks . aU Wool De laines, Alpacas, Challio Delaines, plain and figured Braize Lawns, Ginghams, Ducals, Lavella Cloths, Do Barge, Trav’ bOO a, l (! 11 beautiful assortment of Prints, 4c. A Cl !£° Muslins—Black and Unbleached, Cotton and Lmcn Table Diaper, Crash, Nankeen, 4c. ,Also,_a large assortment ol Ladies’ Collars, Dress Trim- C3 ’, C . I( ' V “. Gauntlets, Mitts, ilosiery.ltlk ™d Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils, Barred and Plain Swi Snn l fe p VlS3 | Mu ;, li , Victoria Lawns, Mill Muslins, a a fit^sorffi\ U of mity SPRING SHAWLS, ; . and ladies’ Black Silk Summer Cloaks, Neat and Beautiful, =• ' £oo t* and Shoes, Hats and Caps, “ nd billow Ware, Groce- d lWl ’ A,BO, tho Best Assortment • CARPETS AND \ OIL CLOTHS lndo jy n J which will bo sold cheap. tbhf r wi. C :T lm . iue my B00i9 > 1111(1 y° n will Bo convinced marked tUe bcst aseortment » lnd cheapest goods in Se Un t m?«i rl ! C i £ 7 i“ W “> ’TravellingMixtures, Mack and PuieySJkt, together withafuUlineof ■Domestic*. IR: hare alarge assort imntof fictions and /•Un g ' c y articles, such Our stock of ’ ****' MiUs > ■ BOOTS AND SHOES not he a w y i larso and vc . l ? chca P- In those goods we am not bo beat by any one cither in quality or priceCfornroof of Which please aill and see goods and prices. -Proo VFT% d r?n4wo U wH°^T t 0 onr ,ar S° stock of CAK ij-.ib, oil cloths. Wall paper and bordrr J' ® ll \ VC aru al>l ,° to 8011 «t. greatly reduced prices We lu’U.ii 80 a "°° a assortment of HARDWARE** OUI.’PV<5 C MARE, WOODEN AND IVILLOW-WARP ritneiuhr^ *eu .from the public, we cordially invite our friends to N call ‘ Ahr‘ ! l“lS6o n ’ h ° pl “ s £hat the benefit may ho mutual Api. ij, -ISGO. J. 4 J.LOWTIIER. ‘jl/JTARRIAGE GUIDE-BEING A ~ i natruc tor for married persons. „ or those about to be married both male —■» * female, m everything concerning tlic gy and relations of our system, and the pro marrted people, or those contemplatin'- mar 5..04?c n adihSk. 0 should bo acquainted with; etilnt is „ bool locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents , • postage stamps Address DK. WJI YOUNG v.f 41 rS ° r ,n Street, Philadelphia, Pa. *ouMx, No.4loSpruce /2S* AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATP Vo _ .. jour wo. - ' 1Apr.12,’00.-lyeow. P 4l E S EROSENE 011 OAESON Unuealedm Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy sSESSK^&m* we pledge ou™el™Tdemon -2- vw h,° ACC .I can occur by explosion 3d’ TW Cmit n ° ofrm Bm oke. t&SSSSS^^lSstffA'S of ? '•■ Aog.lO, 18a8-tf.] Q. w KESSLER. BOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENT AL PAINTING.— MESSRS KEYS * wirorr * SSSr'"“ Ule lmbliC t,lat ** y prepared 1 ?© constantly on hand and for sale, atffit priced k °^ OIL, GLASS, PUTTY & PAINTERS’ TOOLS ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED & ENGRAVED "■INDOWKLASS, LOOKING GLASS & PICTORR -FRAMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULDINUS^ CARVED & ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES VS-All Orders left at A.-RouaU’s Drag au S ’ will receive prompt atfc\ntion. * Store 3 Altoona, April *5? ISGO.-ff mtTy BtrCCt ’ nol Pa. Bakery and Grocery Store. The subscriber keeps gon STASH, Yon hand ° OUJN * Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes FEED, BACON, FLOUR* GROCERIES, ’ Also, a choice lot of SEGAES and TOBACCO. : JACOB BINE, ” OY - 10 - Virginia Street, below Annie Street. House and lot for sale.— The subscriber offers at Private Salo c tho HOUSE and LOT now occupied by her, on tho corner of Adaline and Julia East Altoona. The House is a good Two' TOh9R A ilsP Story Frame Building, containing a Hall. JSbIMs- 8 “ “fg Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on tho«®=«BSsH 2 tote Becond floor > & call ° W;Ud MARQt. JI. McCKUJI. Altoona, Aug. 11 tli, 1850-tf. A STHMA. "*■ this distressing complaint uso PENDT’S BBOiVCDIi CIGARETTES, Made by C B. SEYMOUB &C0.,107 Nassau St, N. Y. ■ Price, $1 per. box; sent free by poet, FOE SALE BY ALL DEUGGILTS. ' March 39, iSOO.-Cm, Cheap Goods! Cheap Goods!! AT ■ McCORMICK’S STORE. TOST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE- SiPo I ££L2S EN 5 D ’ a lar S e stock of SPRING AND SUM j&juk uvtiDS* of till the late styles and Qualities in tho Eastern market In the line of LADIES’ DRESS AND DOMESTIC GOODS, we cannot be surpassed by any house in the place. Our stock of Gbocezues, such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, SYRUPS, 4c., are of the best kind, and nil fresh. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE; HATS, CAPS,BONNETS, FLATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES, W together with os full assortment of GENTLEMEN & BOYS’ DRESS BOOTS, BOOTEES AND In tbei Todies’ Department, are all tho different and Uteet stylesxof v •GAITERS, BOOTS, BUSKIN AND SLIPPERS, toother with a general assortment for Children & Misses, and a good and full stock of ’ GENTLEMENS’, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, for Spring and Summer. The largest assortment of t,to ! hc P la co.and being unpredently low, from up to ia cents per roll, with Bormjuxq to match. And as we purpose henceforth to give the business our esgcial attention, we willaeli very low for cash or country S C Vn iB exch ' in e°) as usual, Butter, E&P, Lard, l\tllow, Potatoes, Beeswax, dee Thankful fbr past patronage, we hope, by a strict adherence to business, to out old motto, ‘•Smalt profits and quick sates,” to retain our customers old and gain mhy new ones. , May 3,1800. TO THE PUBLIC.—THE SUB SCIUBER (having taken the establishment heretofore' owned bytamuel 1.1 nes,) would respectfully an- mm nounce to tbe citizens of Altoona and vicinity that ho has removed his WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r/rV, SHEET-IRON WARE <6 STOVE STORE, gilding on Annie sheet, between Harriet and Adeline streets, East Altoona, where he will keep constant- M,l?. rse ftssor tnicnt of everything in his line, which he w ill dispose of on reasonable terms. ’ HOOFING & SPOUTING P“L u g on , : fahurt . n . v l ic . e ‘ manufactures Leaded .Iron Spouting, which ls said to bo much superior to iral vanized Blicct*iron or tin. 1 ® He has also attached a copper-smithing room to hla es tablishment and will keep on hand an assortment of eon-' ■per and brass kettles, ic. m cop- All kinds of job work promptly attended to. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. .. Stephen winters, Altoona, Ang. 16th, 1860. GROCERY, PROVISION, ! AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STOBB. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN MTi l T I Ti t i h nv Übl , i . C t n atrho has P urc b«sed fhetatorest v. MILLIRON iu the Grocery and Provision Storahare toforo kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St, Where hei will continue the buslaess, and wUI ebfi stantly oft hand a large supply of ■ ■ , ■ FLOOR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, " ! , DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFRB, THA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, • T s? d , evc i?'^ in e . D l uall y bopt in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and westeni cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices, ..i l i a ? in ?„ r t ceDtly stained license to sell liquor by whole- Mle. I will keep constantly on hand a large assortment' of liquors of the best qualities to be had, 1 respMtfuiiy solicit a share of pnblic custom. ' July 12,186b.-3m. J. BBEKjOWITZ. Literary Emporium and News Depdt confectionary, segar, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY _ STORE. fTHE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES to _A,^? e P constantly on band all the host literary papers and papers from Philadelphia, New Fork niid Pittsburgh together with a good assortment of Books. All the School Books used in this place and vicinity always on /If} choice lot Of Confectionaries,and knick kpaefc. of all kinds for children. A Iso the best Tobacco ASegars *i ia town, together with a fine assortment of Gold ?v d r l ii er p * nCils > P old Riugaaud other articles of Jewel ry. tall and examine. H. PETTivuvit Altoona, July 20, ’6O-ly. ; u 2&. RAIL ROAD LANDS FOR SALE ON- LONG CREDIT, ’ AND AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST nnHE HANIBAL AND 6T. JOSEPH tT ivni l — ll COMPANY, having over 600,000. ACRES of T.AN D lying in the State of Missouri, which waAgnuit cd, by Act of Congress, to aid In the construction ol their mo"t lib^l t \e^[i“ C,l>al ‘bo J" 1 . 0 e ™ ater P a r l °f‘bcse lands are within six', and all within fifteen miles of the Railroad, which is now comple - °P on use throughout its entire length &)6 h 1 r I nnl a " (1 H UUS tlr , ou ? h a country which is unsurpassed by any m the salubrity of Its cUmute, the fertility of its soil, mu! the extent of its mineral resources \ For further inforimiHan, apply at the Land office Of the Company, or address by letter, JOSIAH HUNT ■ rr „ Land Commissioner, H. A'St. Jo. E.R. , Hannibal, Mo. , Feb. 2, ’Co“ly * i PS«?S e hia wat^la nd 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, ; No. 148 N. 2d St., corner of Quarry st The undersigned has leased preniises, where he will keep a large assortment of Gold and v-drer M atches, of American, English and Swiss man ufacture of the most celebrated makers, in addition to which will he found always on hand (and made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silvcrand Silver Plated wa?e together-with a general assortment of such goods as are usually kept in a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store The patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of together with tlio public generally, are invited to call ami they will receive a good article for their money. As iam W rl V. I e Cd *,? r£A. CaS, ‘ will be sold very I?w- Small Profits and Quick Sues” is the motto of this Establishment. LEWIS R. RROOMALL XT , „ Formerlyo.Conrad. > June 7, ?B°G0 1 .-ly N ‘ SeCo “ d Cor ' ° f Qnarry > FhUada. / CONSUMPTION AND ASTHMA /cured. / cure for | Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and W*. ThcreniedywasdiscoVe^dbSwllen Ms only child, a daughter, was given up to die. His child was cured, and Is now alive and well. Desirous of benefit t ng his fellow mortals, he will send to tlToso wlio wi h ib the recipe containing full directions for making and suc cefflfully using this remedy, free, on receipt of their names f) ’ w S k« P i f ° r tnrn When received, take it t 0 G.W. Kessler Druggist, Altoona. There is not a single symptom of Consumption which it does not at once » take hold of aiuldiSHipate. Night sweats, peevishness m irritation oftho nertcsrlHiluro of memor}*. difficult ox> g poctomtion,gharp pains in thelungs, sore throat,chilly / sensations, nausea At the stomach, inaction of the X w 2. V k e JS’.? v i lstin g * w “y of the muscles. Addrc ssO : P / BROWN i CO., 32 add 34 John St., New York. March 8, 1860.-Bm.* De Forest, Armstrong & Co., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS 80 &82 Chambers St., N* Y., , notify THE TRADE tif!lWc°;^ t Uie y IKset ' cal essn J’. entl-i Co S^o^Sß f J >( ' St^ so ’. t>y 1,10 Tuhlishcrs, CnA=. Kuvje & in£3Hg&££ rc-i. —, 1809. Box 4580, Now York City. SNYDBR, TAILOR, t iT ° °f 7le Hundred Fils per Month ' fonS^he®o not^fCriora3 §||lf or t 0 the b to be b 555552 tts&rJpsssK '•SSXS&Sff " u * SiVIDHl °' J, 1.1. 1.... 1. inform o.r r,.d«i & ff,gS fmm ioto O ra phs of deceased persons most ° ITehn ’ hrt Mt “ Ot !. CO aml ° n tho of durable and neat cases of nl'ii' lat roce ' vod a large stock a new pattern of FamUv Lr 3 and Btylc3 > inclu «“K SfflSS"dill? ““ “ Give l.ta a i C alK A p™^ n °?' | y PK 0K PHOTOGRAPH, and Allegheny street, Hollidavsbur^p” Artis 1 to tal (jf PRACTICAL 'nn iT ’ t - t “ t 1,0 Etll! f ontimics the Dnifrbu'-inetq on Mrpnmetreet, where ho kceKconstantfv aSttUpmtell Physicians and merchants „' and all orders from a distance i rll. reasonable terms, * tr Pine and lard oils caw 's*%s"*>* Fluid, Carbon Oil, „l ?“* J KKSSLBR’S. O-iiptS; «MoCOKMICK ;S Store o*U*nd»w; - **•**■•** of BWkdj'-Mtd* Nothing. ' Xar.Uftt ■ An aperient and stomachic preparation nr x of Oxygon ami Carbon by combustion in ID- I’ ori n,Dianfnra, Dysentery, Incipient Scn/ulous Tuberculosis, &tU Dhe ua ; Eheumatism, Intermittent Fevers, Fimpla n In cases of General Debility, wUhirtho'*».*. disease, or of thecontinued diminution of m>i!! SD cnior energy from chronic complaints, ¥?*»*• stonUivo has proved successful to an extent!!^ thto r* Bcriptton nor written attestation would tendw vSi.'S? Invalids so long bed ridden as to have bZ < Nill,,; ' thoir own neighborhoods, have suddenly *» busy world as if just returned from a nUl « a distant laud. Some very signal *S vcl la attested by Female sufferers, emaciated victimsbf *n ,a,l * r * marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion i the complication of nervous and hft f 8 ®*’ IUl ' 1 And exercise, for width the physician hfw n* I 0 ”* 0 ® lo •*» In Nervous Afflictions of aUklmlsandf^ 0 ' mUiar to medical wen, the operation of thU **■ iron must necessarily he salutary, for « f Ides it is vigorously tonic; without be,f k ** overheating; and gently, regularly aperient,“mb?,. most obstinate eases of costiveness without eVerVS, gastric purgative, or indicting a disagreeable «£{£?* * It is this latter property, among others, whlchmsk' so remarkably cßeclnal and permanent a remedy Z & ft upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and «£i?’ action, by dispersing the local tendency which form* is ° In Dyspepsia, innumerable as aro its causes, nsinckv! ni ' of these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the habitual cases, including the attendant (bttirerusj * ** , ’ lc 1 1 !. cck< ‘ l, 1 Diarrlima, even when aUvanccUto Dn.„ firmed, emaciating, and apparentiv m.i;. the effects have been equally decisive ■aSastoni9hli,g U4nt ’ In tku local pains, !o«s of fleah strength d*hni?‘*i cough, and remittent hectic, which geuorahV in ciptent Consumption, this remedy has aHaycdft lo - Of friends and physicians, in several very kmti^?„^ arw 'intoresting instances. otWujlng *aj In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated t, ; far more than the good effect of the mSt anccd preparations of iodine, without known liabilities. .. * 01 w*lb The attention of fe*mul£B cannot bo trwV SuS.:“ i" «• weir reported, both as alleviating asvellinsa and stiffness of the joints In intermittent Fevers it must necessarily ba a medy and energetic restorative, and its settlements of the West,,will probaby L one of hM, '* nou n and usefulness. * p . orhl P» W- No remedy has boon discovered in tho whole hialns. , medicine, which exerts such prompt, haonv au.t urn 7 of storativo effects. Good appetite, iTT acquisition of strength, with an uhusnal . ac i}*® aud cheerful exercise, immediately follow iu ust** ■Put up in lint metal boxes containing 60 pills esntsjper. box; for sale by druggists and dealers ’ win ?° AU «*5 July 19, ISCd-ly.' * v co t; ■ i k> m “ Ss Ph a « T 02 a -2 « -*l i p£s w» « ij ri '3 . “ § ° r; u s sj=~ J *.2 | B I S?i a Oo 55 o a . a . ► 05 E o|§'si £3-pit gasp'si < s.|. Q S a Sq Hil o a oo a il. ™FAN T] LLE CORDIAL SSSST* WUI eOnT “ C 9 you that *** w««jr£«m. 7t NO PAEEQOEIC OE OPIATE of oiny kiodyiind tbertforo relieves bv >wn/»m‘**sw />,< .. . ,&p»V”,fss:i™v“S Uis r“i >* V« ™ an a Inducing Consummios, use No. 1, which is also the No. for Depression or Spirits, Loss of Appetite, tied for all Chronic Complaints, arising °y. ER 'J' General Debility, and Nervous Prostra ion. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. 3 for Dtspepsia,— JJetnij already prepared for absorption it is taken nr Drops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you s iiiu you retain. Tho No. 4is for Female Irregclari- H ™ A ’ Weaknesses, ic. See special directionsftr iur Sa ’- t Rheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidret, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 5. In all cases the di rections must.ho strictly followed. Brice of the Wood PM §1 per bottle. Sold hy CIIUKCII k DUPONT, _ _ No. 409 Broadway, Nsw-Tork. !>•?; OTT & SONS, Philadelphia, andQ. H.EBTSU, Pittsburgh, Wholesale Agents. , 1 Altoonn; W. T. Murray, Hollidftyitags 8 Ts 60 C i (^ru^iats townghpiit th« cqnnttj* IVTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— tTr rL Great Journal of Crime and Criminals ll in Its Twelfth Tear, and' is widely circulated Ihronghoat tho country. It contains nil the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with information on Criminal Matters, not to bo found in any other newspaper. Subscriptions $2 per annum: 41 for six months, to ! a(1 by sul)f uriberB, (who should write tbeirhan* ana tho town, county and State where they reside plainl/J ’ To G. W. MATSKLtACO, . ir Editor & Prop’r. of New York Police Gssetts, 15 “ tf ] Niue Tori City. American Lifa Insurance and Trust Co* Capital Stock, $300,000. Company Building, Walnut- St., 3. E. eontrof ■ Fourth Vhila. B. F. ROSE. AGEST, ALTOONA, AT THE USUAL MUTUAL KATES, TYM T ,vi? l r , n7-STS CK ra TKH, AT ABOUT^OPEKCKfT. AUSTIN ance rates, tub low- J r JAiVc O J^ D ' A. WUILLDIN, £«'<• i. C. SIMMS, St o’i/. [Oct. 27th, 1839-ly. Lycoming county mutual , rRK INSURANCE AGENCY.—TIio undersigned, nf oil *• , r 'Y;’ omin S Mutual Fire Insurance Company,is r, 11 umcd ready to insure against loss or damage by fir*, XuilUinys, Merchandise, Furniture and Property of every description, in town or country, at as reasonable rates** any company in tho State. Oflico in the Masonic Temple. 3 > ad-tfj JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent- WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST. O FFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM VJUPLE.. [Dec. 23,’58.-tt AST* A Student wanted. Dli. WE 11. FINLEY RE- / SIMCCT FULLY offers hid professional services to the people of Altoona and the oming country. Ho may bo found at tho oillco heretofore oc- HbS copied by Or. 0. O. Thomas. Altoona, Sept. 30, 1558.-tf 0?E§1 0 YES I—GENTLEMEN / draw alch and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT maeaa •m to tha be ie ready to diechatX* - MtnAnatloaaerwließeTereaUadtipofl. fjSa. t «*• Thousands are daily speaking in ths praise of DU. EATON’S i H 0m H VIVIBJB FIVE PSEPARATIOyS f -i ' ‘ H *V*i f iCoom VOL. 5 f valua 6 Origin® ■Tktton/c** *» SIXT Having Chestnut Strc< ftsUltate my b COUNTRY 01 Otbar party In gfltr greater u customers. 1 ■j will ftirni {a the United Dollar or ttpwi to SMO with ei jrfsetion, os I already bestow Stranger* v jodgo for thou GEC xRELIABL whsrs »H book birr* the odvan yroata rsou QDO.O.SVAI GEO, Q. STAN Qiao. WAN; o«o. Q.ayAN, ■ OXO.O EVAN; OIW.O.BTAN o*o. O. EVANS OXO.O. EVANS N .1. 8W;O. EVANS OEO.G. EVANS e,',V ti. , • ’ OTTB G . ■■■ No WHSRB TOO ( Bookaof Tactl -Booknoi I • 800 l , BOokafott Books <4 Humor * Book* of P 800 l -P' 1 - - Book » . Bqoka alrou . 5 'Book ■ ’ ' '^T 'AmunOai - BBT. J. INCH BMDOKI IK J.T. -f * waV^l IBTRjQ’SWorks AJ*ftW writings PtofaMmt b* liter jJ®Jjß*k«r , a lowest gwa then yon wo the advaut.iß gwaimea la wort I»« fcr the book. SBSII TOR A Cl nay book tl thl “jnyßß amurc j TtaflUw books is Origi: SS^ABtB SjTOi botuttl “*•» they- can oh : : .<4 Tababte :, A 2 ncttii; fe!! amoun for a catalo an7\ ' on re! '“ivc o^gWroproa. THE OR WJOPi ’iSS'Rte