The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 13, 1860, Image 1

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    ■ preparation of Iron .
nihustum In Hyarof en PU o^ cyl
>1 Authorities, both In
vserihcd in their i>ri?tU? rOI> °
ils diiily proves that nrv *. *
ed with it. lmpurit“°» P o7« a '
r K. v > pale and otherwise**^ 8
in almost every concob
thn>; Emaciation, Dy t r >au{ „
aUcr,, Incipient CbntutSi^’
>" 10,a, m MivncrXZuZ’
mplaiutt. Chronic
even. J imples on the p UCf ?’
7< ' vll ;! h - r the result of
innnntion of nervous anUmm?
implaiuts, one trial ofthu
a.l t 0 11,1 ‘■’x t «nt..which no dt
,' vou! ‘|
to have become forgotten In
7 re-appeeredK
', l ! “ protracted travel la
„ instances of tilts kiiwj arB
unrelated victims of apparent
a nation, critical changes, and
a. ill dyspeptic aversion to in
fll eian has no name,
all hinds, and for reasons fa
i ration of this preparation of
ut.Liy, for, unlike the old ox
withon 1 being exciting and
guhirly aperient, oven in Tn:
i. 1 ness without over being ■.
.: a di..agreeable scnsatlonT
niong others, which makes It
arinaiiuit a remedy for P(Ut
■ e.v.-: t u distinct and specific
d t- n iency which forms them
• as are its causes, a single box
"■ often Milliced for thoinost
attendant (XslivilKSt.
i n when advanced to Dvsen
. and apparently malignant
decisive and astonishing. ~
lesh and strength, debilitating
wliir!. generally Indicate In!
loedy has allayed the alarm
I veral very gratifying and
Ihh medicated Iron has W
of tlie most cautiously bal
without any of, their; will-
nnat he too confldently’lnTl
in tho oases peculiarly
i-c aud iuflammatory—in u, #
dy— it has been luTarlably
m- tho jiuin and reducing tbs
i.'iiits mid muaclca#
i noceswily l>e a great ra
'■ and. its'progress in the now
provahy bo pno of high re-
: •! in tho, whole history of
; ornpt, happy, and ftilly re
complete digestion,- rapid
u;i unusual: disposition f or
mmed lately follow Its use
.mtaiiiing 5 1) pills, pries 60
ami dealers. Will bo
:;.l of the price. All letters:
1.1 *
CO: OnXEIUL Attests,
bo Cedar St., New York.
: in the praise of n
I’dN'S r%
:!< tu uffurd inttanfantont r»*
c’l M*f Vy magic, iiul mu' what *e My'to tnw.' It
,-ves b 7 removing the eufir
y deadening ilt taitihffUUt.
t -If «s thebnZj/ reliable pttp
l’jhen Tesiiikso, Cubbrou,
vu.s, AciDlir OF in* Stok
iiinl Croup, also, for tqften
intion, regulating the .Bo weir,
being an anti-sparmocUt
r» in all cants of CONYOLSIOS •
he. life and health nfyottr .
/rum t l . rec sad and Uighting
tc result/: am the tit* Of nor-
Jl.r infantile Complaints
] - ; /Vctly hannlcbj. and can-•
fa ;:. V:ice, 25 cent*, full'
(’l’i c i ami only by
I'ilU.itCil £ UCJ'ONT,
VioaJway, N err-York.
' --iiitial element*. And.
. Analyze tlio Blood of
iptiou. Liver Complaint,
!iiut in every instance e»r
-• iof Ulood. Supply thM*
■ -.veil. Tiie Blood FOOD U
rK .nce its aitODUhlOs»ao-
;h» Blood in different dl»*
so?-cum*, or anyiaffectlon
o inducing CONSUMPTION,
; r Depression or Spirits,
it. nic Complaints: arising
r. , end Nervous Prostra
u No.for DrsPEPSU.—
cir eolation, so that what
: i • f.-r Female Ikreqdlaw
. special directions for
•i .v?''ScKom.ouB, Kidney,
'■ . r ‘. In all cases the di
al. Price of tho Wood Foci
::u KCIf i DUPONT,
in and wa v, New-York.
!;diia, anJO. XI. KKTBEB,
. .Murray,
throughout the country,.
’rime and Criniinajs i* : ba
l v circulated throughout
ho Grout Trials. Crixninal
■on the some, together with
-■*, not to he found in en>
in: $1 for six months, to
iioulri write their n*®**
n ro tliev reside plainly-#-
York Police OaMtte,
.iVctc York City-
ice and Trust Cto*
St., S. E. comer of
•it a.
■ T ABOUT 20l'BHCjB!«T.
[Oct. 27th, 1859-ly-
I'.CV. —The undcreigned,
:-<i In.-iirauce Compan},
'• or damage by f e r °;
rr and Property of *jer>
at ilb reasonable
> in tho Masonic Tempi*-
[Dec.2d, ’5B-tf-
licretoloro oe- IHM
u»i*. ♦
VOL, 5
UcCSOH * 'WSEIfi PuWiih*ei and Proprietor?.
p M mnum f (p»y»Me invariably la advance,) $l5O
111 pwsr* (Uecoßtinueu at the expiration of the time
; ... 1 Insertion 2 do. 3 do.
tar line* or lert, it & f. S7Jg $6O
njjjquwe,( 8 Unci,} 60 76 1 00
IW “;Ctf “) , 100 160 200
sm» "•? (**'■“ >■)* .*-*> 300 260
Orer three week* uul lew than three months. 25 cents per
•nut for each Insertion. r
3 month*. « months. 1 ye«r.
$1 60 $3 00 $6 00
3 60 4 00 7 00
4 00 0 00 10 00
6 00 8 00 12 00
Ux ÜbmoF !••*)
I»o “
nm« i
lour “ - COO 10 00 14 00
flslfscoisms, 10 00 14 00 20 00
Oat column, 14 00 20 00 40 00
idmlnistrstorsandKxecnUrs Notices, 1 jj
Merchants advertising, by the year, three squars*,
with liberty to change, 10 00
ftefowkinul or Business. Curds, not exceeding 8
Use* with paper, per year, fi 00
Communication* of a political character or individual in*
latest will be charged according to the above rates.
I Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions
dashed, will bo continued till forbid and charged according
to tie above terms.
Business notices five cents per line for erery insertion.
Obituarynotlces exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square.
S&fect IJffctrg*
Ti§ Urn hour of midnight lonely,
Very lonely, verydrear; '
All things round me v
JE’en fornoiaa of filling tear, '
‘ Falling on the Pact’s dark b|ar. : '
Tie ihohourbestatfor.mnaiipg,
Musing on the days gone by,>
When the heart fe-tellajta atMy, ‘
Having timeaadglacistioalgh.
Sigh for hopes long ln the aky.
’lwcro not well to give heart-memories,
Never dear though sad recall,
Kor to let e’en life’s deep sorrows ;
In forgetfhlneaa to fell:
From ne'er,Wfclbepall.
For, though, heart-ache at recounting
Joy and hope and, loveVer gone,
I Blckcnaa it scefl life’i pleasures
Change to sorrows all anion.
Borrows coming thicklyon; 1 .
let tbe fjoul thus learns submission,
Being 10w,,t0 look ebjiiTO,, '
And the heart, though tom andbieedihg, : ‘
Learns to bear e’en severed love,
Oentte trusting as Che dore; |
Ufcla double, outward, Inward,
Seen and'tildden from thellgh t;
'Tiiaacrollof varied pictures,
Colored dark and colnrwl ■
Boiled np partly out of sight)-;'•
One's the life as shown to others,
This, though past,, oft seems] the whole,
For, at outward things e’eelooktng,
We forgot the life of soul, l”
tik* as we forgot life’s goal, *
But, at silent hour of midnight.
When ourselves alone tre sue, ■
When all noise Is turned to stillness.
Bushed is every sound of glee,'
hound of anguish, pleasure's fee. /
% soul, wltii ejre turned inward, |
Gazetb' on' its secret life, '-Af- , 1 v
Dope and Joy, despalrandsorrovr, ’V
Besson «Um end passion rife,
Good and bad in constant strife. ■
Memory then hep conJuripg office
fills hyeajßngnpihepStt; i \
Budding hives whfchMa their spring time
Chilling froets faad coma in hleyf,
P&rted lore, that tore heart-tendrils,
Severed fromanother heart,
Tb»t restrained thejiarted hwt-ptrings, ■ novbutbearinginaric. .
Beenes of childhood's Joyous Ufcflpring,
ionn’s .pit life’s bright summer time.
Pictures of tiie soul. dijly", ( ‘
Spirit-language can define, . ■ ;.v
Pais in gay or solemn line. 1
•tod thcrp’e nrnslc, »ott-ton*d mniic,
K»ycd on cbordaof yen** gone by,
Cw * in 6 tear* of gent le ndneae, - , ,
which, though they fill thocyaL ' • * -
Help to see beyond the " ! '■’ K v' -
Tim the iota in gecret growth, ;! •! . *. .<
with mortal it matt stay;
iu ««««> ’twill grow forerer,'
Beta, and seeing by the ray' /
Of the incerttUn d*y
&W- IpsaHattg.
Beennp &e country t” I queried, as I mat
I th« street,' a f«p days since.
Mn’t teen him for some time, and he looked
rttogb, as if he had been exposed
e country sun. He informed me that he
t 0 Tisit Tom Somerßj
front 4®®dof quits, who had moved away
After inquiries
djj Bis visit, and his enjoyment during
tiieqi*” 11 mon * llB » conversation reverted to our
I “I n r ’
pane r*" mor,atlr P r “« life,”said
*oll, ll was to see him in the depot at
I-..,.,* * Bad quite forgotten that he was
‘-‘lea there.” , . , \ '
BimthltAhadaiso forgotten it,
L 6 1 beheved his wifo’s relatives were living
1 14 lr • ■ \ ’
7®*»” Continued Burner,
“Te, » rom au that; did yon know her?”
liiiiti ’,, , rei)lied ; “ «Be is a little, bustling,
Ne Wt, ’ and chat, and ma
bse Uttio OUBO men y By the music of her voice,
r “uie woman.”
kj o ** at m * tt “oijTent, and buret in-
N him in* J °, g*®** wonderment, Ireques-
. ■>-
Talkative,” said he, when he could cheok
rein his cschindtory colt, “ I found her anything
but that, I tell you. ' I never knew the lady
when the lived in town, but a more taciturn
body I never saw than I found her.”
“ Indeed!” I remarked, “ then there must
have been a change, truly.”
“ I met Somers in the depot,” continued Bur
ner, “and he was very glad to see m?, inqui
ring after his old friends, and you with the rest.
Through all his joy, however, I saw that there
was.a vein of sadness; and when I alluded to
his family he appeared embarrassed, and dis
posed to change the subject. I had no object in
wew In visiting Eamshead, other than change of
scene, and did not intend to remain there buti a
day or. two; but meeting Somers led me to think
that it would not be a bad thing to tarry there
awhile, seeing that there was a beautiful pond
of water in the vicinity, os I had seen from the
oarers I came along, and a deep wood, denoting
game. 'Somers used to be great on those things
you know. I hinted at our former sportingprac-
and mentioned my half resolution to stay
but-insteadof manifesting any interest in the
flhbject; hesighed deeply, and replied :
“ Burner, I hasn’t taken a pole in hand, hc|r
put a gun to my shoulder, for five long years,
and I never shall again.”
I looked at him with astonishment, but I
Jmew that he was sincere. . I fancied that!saw
a tear in his intelligent eye, my heart drew
stronger towards him than ever. I then quite
jesplyed to stay, and prdercd the porter of the
hotel te cawy my baggage-my valise.and gun
—up to the house, which was close by. My rod
cane I carried in my hand. Taking Somers on
n»y arm, we fre pqrter. and a few mi
nuteslater found us seated in my room with a
little rummer of claret excellent In
bricator for a dusty day.
“ y.tow Jo? prospering, Somers ?” \
Apked, wishing to .penetrate, if possible, the
mystery that enshrouded him, deeming that it
might be a business difficulty in which he was
involved. . 1 ■
- * WlWIj»” in replied, ‘ luysn’t lost
•* dollar.since I camehere. People have nick
turned me ‘Lucky Tom.’ How wrongly people
■ men.” - ’ *'
“ Wiat do you mean by that!” said I, as I
BMT the cloud creep oyer his face, ps you hare,
While standing on the mountains, seen a shadow
; flitting amrpsa the meadow. " ' ;t !
“ Widhe, ‘‘that, in measuring ns
they take bat one feature Into th* account, and
upon that base a hypothesis ;happiness, wof
luckj as the caaemay be. 1 ’
“ f*? v “ 9t i Asked, in a tone eal
oulated to win his confidence.
I “ 1 f P f w M , ’ re^ [ Ued, m indeed, a
niore miserable man is notto’he founding these
parts.” ' : ; *• •
“.In what regard 7”
“ My wife is dumb,” he almost sobbed in an
swer to my qqejrtion.
! repeated; and thinking to rally
5““» “»<* M> jocular manner, “Well, that is a
very singular thing to be sad for;
husbands who would be too happy to hare such
a calamity happen to them. Bums says, ‘An
auldwifo’f tongue’s a feckless matter; and there
mno contention in a house where a perpetual
silence is-the bond of unity.’*
I saw that he was hm*. and hastened to rem
edy the evil I had done. ’Caking him by the
hand, I said: '
“Tom, I assure jyop I would not wound your
eelings willingly. lam no less your friend than
re»er was, anil no less worthy your confidence.'
trouble, that I may share It with you, or possi
hlynUeriate it.”
He hesitated a few moments, and then said
with considerable emotion:
“Well, Burner, old frienship is stirring up
within me, and I shall do at its prompting that
#hioh I thought nothing could wring from me,
Yon remember how happy I was." There was not
a “ an m the world who had more friends, true
friends, than I had. My home was a happy one
r-my wife was pleasant, my children handsome
and intelligent. You never saw my wife, friend
My name, in the connection, sounded like an
imprecation upon his wife, and the Buraer a
wrathful expletive—“ burn her” Somers con.
“ When we moved up here things went on in
pretty much the same pleasant way, until there
came to the village a lady whom I had formerly
kown, and about whom and myself there had
been a little gossip in old days. Our acquaint
ance was renewed, and I visited her several
times; made no concealment of my intimacy
with her, and invited my wife to accompany me,
but she declined. She wished to make no new
acquaintances, she said. There was a frequent
visitor at my house—a relative of my wife’s
who poisoned her ears with suspicions that it
was not right between May Brennon and myself.
e repeated the old gossip, with additions, and
spoke of my visits to Miss Brennon, and hinted
at criminality, as that nasty-minded class always
will, who, having small virtues of their own and
depraved fancies, conjure up impure conceits re
garding their neighbors imputing lasciviousness
and wrong where the strictest purity might not
occasion to blush. I’was returning home
one spmmer evening, on foot, having spent the
day in business at a town a few miles from this,
when, by a strange chance, a short distance from
towb, I inet Miss Brennon. It was pure accident
that fought us together, and she turned back
prs Tp', .
wxtb j|ne, taking my arm. Wo walked slowly, as
the weather was warm, and stopped a moment
on the fustic bridge yonder, to look down into
the Stream, and eay a few pleasant words about
old times. I saw some One pass us as we stood
there, but was indifferent as to whom it might
be, and bidding my companion good-bye I went
home,as happy as a lord, in anticipation of see
ing the ones there that I loved so well. I met
with a cold reception. My bane was sitting
with my wife in counsel, and I read judgment on
the face that had too many times lately turned
unkindnesson me.
“ S° you’re come, Mr. Bjrpocrite, hare you?”
was the first salutation.
“ Certainly, my dear* I have com*” I replied
--“ though l can scarcely seereoson for the ap
plication of that name to riie.”
“Yon cannot! you who have just leftthat
vile cristate, on whose account and id whose
***&*?{ JOB>we aU day. been ebsent from
yonrhome. : You cannot !” - '
_ “ Bway all day on business, ” said
\ Socwtos; “ I w»s returning; and
encountered Mi« Brennon:” We walked together
*• |nd then I left her for my pleasant
home, ogrWnly did not expect such a cold
reception/* >'
said she, sheeringly,“but you
* M »/ oUn( * o,lt * ***' stood upon the bridge
your arm around the strumpet’s waist, and
kissed herl’* ,
I felt aroused at this. lean bear any attack
upon niyself, ; bnt the reflection upon Miss Bren
non was too much for me who knew her pure
character and-worth.
“Itis a falsehood!” I shouted, “and your in
formant is,a malicious and malignant falsifier.”
The relative gathered herself up to go, but
before she -went I gave her a lesson on lying mid
.tale-bearing tiiat shcrfaas not forgotten yet She
has never ; my ,dpor .junce! As soon as
•he was B<>b«» I tamed to my wife and «■»•>! ; __
“As for: yon, madam, if you cannot make a
better use of your tongue, you had better never
speak again.”
in .apssaion,. and scarcely knew
what X said, but the unkind words went in to her
soul. 1 left the house, and did not return for a
long time. I fonqd her calmly and undistorbed
ly sitting; vrhere! had left her, but she spoke
not She arose and performed such duties as
were required of her. but she did not speak
In vain I addressed her, but she made no reply.
J I begged her to speak to me.
but not qne>qrd would she deign me. It has
continued thus ever since. Not one word has
ahe uttered to me or any one. My home is dis
mal as a tomb, or I would have invited yon to
stay there.” *
. 9® story, and I told him how much
interested I had been in it “But,” said I,
“ have y° u tri ® d n 9 remedy to cure this disease!
for disease it must be ?”.- He told me that he
n °V : “aid I, “ take me. home with
ypn, ; and jtf; I don’t cmrelmr, strike the spurs
frommy h[eel as an unworthy knight.”
L I enl^* 1 ! ,ltll poor fellow; and found
pretty much as he had'represented I was
introduced to thp mistressof the mansion, who
received me (with a profound bow.
d®Ughtfal homc, madsm, th& t)f yours,”
“ id f « brjffi* window.
I looked towards her as though expecting a n
ply. . noMed hqphead. -
th ?*! e “kny each in this vicinity among
the hills ?” I persisted, looking her in the face.
She as though she were confused. I
found,subsequently, thatlwosthefirststranger
.«iat he had dared to take home for several years.
I saw by her organism that she was notnatural
ly a bad woman, and divined at once that she
had -vowed perpetual silence at the unkind words
of her husband, and that it only needed a sin
gle word to break the spell that rested upon her.
X continued my engineering, making all mao
-ner of domestic Inquiries regarding the children,
of whom she appeared very fond, but could not
elicit a word from her. I next alluded to her
husband and our old acquaintance, and in the
course of my remarks made some reflections in
way upon the slight blemish in one of
his eyes—-the only fault in his really handsome
foce. I saw a feeling like chagrin flit across
her brow, and a moment after, when I praised |
him, a pleased expression effaced the cloud.
“Aha!” said I to myself, “here are pride
and affection, At any rate; these springs have
not dried up and I think that language may yc
be unsealed/’
A day passed, but nothing transpired save
manoeuvres, I-have never tried so hard to make
myself attractive as on this occasion, and felt
that I had succeeded when on tne second mor
ning she greeted me with a smile, and extended
her hand to tne as I came from my chamber.
I chatted and tattled on about the town and its
splendors, told of now improvements, changing
fashions, crinoline and lovely bonnets, all of
which was listened to with evident interest—
Still she wouldn’t speak, confound it! I trem
bled for my spurs. Something must be done.
“ Mrs. Somers,” paid I very suddenly, “ will
yon allow me to look at the palm of your hand ?”
She extended her hand very readily, and I
gaped upon it as though I were a wizard enga
ged in some trick of necromancy, involving the
fate of the household. Looking in her face, I
relinquished her hand and sighed deeply. She
appeared surprised, and seemed as if expecting
me to say something.
“You may rireli be surprised at my conduct,”
I said,'“ but your surprise would be overwhel,
ming conld I dare tell you (he jnotire of it. J
* r V. 1 T *..***•
r •»
[ cannot do this wilhoutoompronxising others.' I
[ however, that in yonrhand I discern
’ a poorer that may be employed for- immense
good. There are lines in it that meet and di
*«g«» and come near ■ together i again without
meeting. There is a mystery I" f T looked at
the hand sgain, robbed my forehead as though
I were much perplexed, and went out abruptly.
I saw her face depicted in the glass as I passed
out, and it bore the expression of greatwonder.
“ How far is it to the top of Battlesnake Hill,
Somers!” I asked at dinner time, as we sat at
tabic. .... ■ ■■■- ■
“ About fifteen miles ; why 7” he replied.
**?? canBe g°*Pg here to-night. I must
be there at precisely midnight .lam going to
gather a charm from the old Battler’s care,
through which I-hope to obtain a treasure that
will compensate for all trouble and danger.”
‘ Yoa cannot go,’ said he anxiously, * the way
is onh of pieril. It is full of ravines and pitfalls,
and the serpents are very numerous.”
I saw that his wife shared 'in his uneasiness,
and her looks said “don’t go]” plainer than
words could speak. V
“So much the (better for my purpose,” said 1
“ were it not attended with danger, that which
* seek would be valueless.; I shall go; and
more than this, I shall walk.”
Somers and his wife changed looks, which I
interpreted to mean, “Well, isn’t he a queer
one ?” and after a few moments at table I left
the. honse telling Somers that I should be back
by ihe morning. ; I accordingly struck out
Btoutiy for Battlesnake Hill, accompanied by
his utter blessing and his • wife's inarticulate
bension ; but when I reached the first brook, I
made my cane into a jointed fishing rod, and in
dulged tin sundown in the finest sport The
trout never bit with more avidity; and having
caught a goodly string, I carried them to a
farm-house' not far away, and had them cooked
for my supper. Late in the evening I returned
to my friend Somer’s, and enjoyed a fiqe night's
rest Upon his haymow. At daylight I aroused
the family by knocking at the door, but I greet
ed them with a simple shake of the hand, ga
zing abstractedly at Mrs. Somers. She looked
“ Somers,” said I “pJe„e leave me .mo
ment with your wife. It is a matter that you
know, but not at present Have
you not heard of my wonderful developements
as a seer?”
He said he had not, but, without explaining,
I pusheihim out and closed the door I knew
that he would, listen however.
Mrs. Somer's,” said I, “my mysterious
movements are fast growing to a climax, I
last night plucked a dragon’s tongue from the
month of the rattlesnake’s den; I laughed with
the -midnight echoes, and stood faqe tofacq with
Uie darknhss, in order to gain what I sought
Your hand, please; thank you.: The lines a*P
brought newer together, and it needs bn* one
word of yours, in response to an incanthtion
J- shall utter, to make my mysticohonn
niught!” Tou ® UB t. » a 7 Tea, or all is as
. I looked wildly as L spoke, and I saw that
she was; aa it were, spell-bound.
“And .this is my incantation,” I continued,
“ you swew that jrou Aa/e Tim Somers,”
“ No •” the almost shrieked.-
Poor Tim had been listening.' Fearing barm
to his wife from my supposed lunacy. r imd hear-
Ing the question I'had put in response, he rush
ed in frantic with joy, clasped her ip his arms,
kissed her over and over again, and jumped
about the room with the wildness of a madman.'
She dhi not seem to comprehend what she had
done for an
that she had spoken, and divined the meaning
of my cabalistic efforts, she came new fainting
.with her emotion. • - c -
“ Thank" God i. the spell is broken said.
“ the bideoaa apdl that has bound me to silence
and sorrow so long.” V. .• T : - f,
The mystical word having been ispoken,”
said I, “ that brought the diverging lineg to
gether, lam free to teU irhat I sought at mid
night bn Rattlesnake Hill.”
•“ rrais^itrf&ejr
“4 womwa’s longue 1” I replied, »• and since
have found it, never allow any trifling cause
to silence it again.”
t^ eol 7 correct with regard to her
pot speaking. She,, bad: vowed perpetual ■ si*
fence, and had kept her vow until brought to
utter one word, by stratagem, which had un
sealed her tongue again. The children were
delighted, and ran all around the neighborhood
telling every body that their mother cOuld fadirj
and every body rushed in to ascertain what it
meant. For a time it seemed as though anar
chy and confusion had become instated on Tim
Somer’s hearthstone, to makeup the silence that
had so long brooded there; but he bore it all
good humoredly. I left them, a week after
wards, the happiest couple you ever saw, and
my midnight excursion to Rattlesnake Hill was
frequently alluded to.
“Did you really go there!” Mrs. Somers
asked the morning before I came away.'
“ Jio! said I, imitating her emphatic accent
of the same monosyllable in reply to my inoan
tation, and we had a grand laugh about it; Tim
Somers swearing that my seership was the best
ever known, and my magic had wrought a hap
pier effect, than that of all the fairies he had
ever seen exhibited at the museum.
“ Good-bye,” said Burner, as he finished his
story, and he tell p»« well satisfied wi(h the.
Planner in whioh he spent h&’Tiwation.—iwton
Saturday Evening Qazttte.
elmpteht clergyman, Rot. Dr. Fql-
Joti i recent address at areli
gioos anniversary in New York, paid the fol
lowing tribute to “the press.? :
“Who can measure the power of the press!
M onnoe of lead moulded into a bullet,'and put
ihtb a Minnie rifle, with a few grains of powder
it, win go two miles and do its errand
u» eh efficient manner, if it encounter no obsta
elee. Butthat ounce of lead [made into types
and put Into one of Hoe’s lightning printing
presses, trill ge thousands of miles and do its
errand not on rnaii; merely, but on
millions, and- that though oceans, rivers and
mountains may intervene. V steam printing
pfassi D}d you over go. .down! iu one of the
spacious, vanito beneath your; sidewalks here
andwatehthe monsters ? Why, my friends, I
feel something like awe in looking at them, I
feel like teldpgmy hat off at the huge machine.
(Daughter.) It seems to me Uo be a living
thing—one of EsekielV living creatures with
“ *he hand of a man and the Bound of many wa
ters, and the living eye in the wheel. *’
“He asks no nourishment knows noweari
nees. How it strips itself to its work and toils
°h with a strength that mocks ;to scorn {he
might of the giant, and with a clamor as ijjfit
would shriver to pieces; every substance hAia
grasp.' And yet, with a delicacy and precision
unattainable by human muscles, it receives a
fabm so delicate that a rede touch would rend
it, and imprints upon it in the twinkling of an
eye that which iteoste hoars to compose. It
flings off sheet after sheet to entertain, instruct,
regenerate and bless the earth! None of ns
have yet began to begin to appreciate the influ
ence nf the press as an agent for the diffusion of
knowledge, whether it be in volumes, pamphlets,
or, above nil, through the daily newspaper, the
moral institution which has revolutionized pot
only the literary, but the commercial and polit
ical world. If you have read tho constitution,
you will remember that there anj only two es
tates in Congress, the Senate and House of
Representatives ; but a-third estate hm> sprung
np, occupying during the session of Congreas a
seat higher than that
and Represcntativef themselves, opd which con
tio^B l° n gafterCongre^sa^oained,
everywhere and at all times. It |g eomposed.of
the representatives of the press.”; T
How beautiful is. love in its hqijrs of purity.
How Its street Smiles soothes charms our
darkest hours of adversity. HowUt thrills the
heart and sends the warn blood bounding along
its arteries, with emotions too dwp for utter
ance> untold and indescribable. 5
Love, sweet lore I Thy power if Indisputably
Thon hast conquered the most stubborn hearts,
and caused crowned and soepteredheadsto
kneel and sue for thy coveted fore*. ;
Sweet entrances of our being 1 udder thy be
nign and holjr influences, life Is a continued joy
perfect blessing. *
. T^ ou dream, !io which we
fondly and oft-times vainly deSirtS to exist for
erer; for wo few lest our dreain be
suddenly awaked to a reality, a life shorn
®nd d® B titote of thy presencei. f;
. toTe ’ beaaUfui .loVe! Thy aohg is heard
alike in the'lowly cottage and the kingly palace.
T bl « Peasant as he goes
employment, whispering
of peace and hope, causing him to work
with moreaaed rigor, inspired by the fond tho’t
the }<”** »« beneath the lowly roof
fo? wh°s h<J is toiling, and he blesses God for
hw those dew objects to live and labor
for- Thou enterest the halls of the rich and the
thy influence I? felt, and the unfeeling
•ISIS|? The low, sag voice of pity, be-
reppised and driven away, is now listened to.
■® w *^ oir an d the orphans,* the heart-strick
ened and destitute hayo occasion to bless the
and invisible power that has opened the
he heart and hand of the rich and powerful,
before insensible to the ciy of distress or the
tale of woe.
5 . Tomato Wm*.4-The following recipe for ma
king-an excellent article of tomato wine, is com
i® an agricultural paper by a gentle
inan *hq'tried it successfully last season:—
“ To a Dushel of sound, ripe tomatoes cut, add
fdPr gallons of water. Let the mixture stand
in an open tub three days, stirring two or three
times each day; then strain through a sieve—
To each gallon of the clear liquid add three
pounds of brown sugar, stir until the sugar is
thoroughly dissolved, after which it'is not to be
disturbed for three days, except to take off the
scum as it rises. Then strain the liquor through,
muslin or muslin bags, and put it in a cask filled
to the top of the bung hole. There must bo a
surplus of liquor to re-placo what fermentation
throws off, as the cask is to be kept full. As
soon as fermentation becomes feeble, (which is
usually at the end of a week from the time the
cask is filled,) dissolve half an ounce best isin
glass in a portion of the liquor, put it in the
cask and bung tightly. Half an ounce of isin
glass is sufficient for ten gallons. Place the cask
in the cellar, with the spigot in, so that the wine
can bo drawn off for bottling, without disturb
ing the,sediment. , The proper time for bottling
is the following. May. The trine is good when a
year old, but continues to improve ; for' toveral
years. Two and a half bushels of tomatoes trill
Bftke tax gallons of wine.
Lorenzo Dow ia still remembered by
some of the old fogies as one of the most eeeen
trio men that ever lived. On one occasion he
took the liberty, while preaching, to denounce
a rich man in the community, recently deceased
The result was an arrest, a trial for slander
an imprisonment in the county jail. After Lo
renzo got out of “limbo” he announced that ia
spite of his (in his opinion) unjust punishment,
he should preach at a given time, a sermon bn
“another rich man. The populace was greatly
excited, and a crowded house greeted his ap
pearance. With great solemnity he opened the
Bible,' and read, “ And there was a rich man
who died and went and went to then
stopping short, and seeming to be suddenly im
pressed, he continued : “ Brethren, I shall not
mention the place this rich man Went to, fear
ing he has some relatives in this congregation
who will sue me for defamation of character. **
Grsat Britain.— The London Times observes:
Oct national debt is tboneareat approach to
the infiniteyet achieved hy men. So little den
we grasp it, and so much do no class it with
other eternities and other infinities, that, in or
der to bp practical, we take bits of it, and play
in with an odd ten million or to.«-
What knoirwe about 1,000,000,000 sterling!—
It is like, the distance of fixed star, or the bulk
of the son, or the length of a comet’s tail, or
the Telocity of light. House and land, stock
and share, mortgage and bill—everything has
its aps and downs; but that which change last i
is the three' per cents. The commercial spirit
loves their modest faithful, constant character,
their equal mind, their moderation in prosperity
their firmness in adversity, their help in the
time of need, their., open,' honest countenance,
Ukp the goqd wine that needs no bosh.”
It LXAS3.—A friend, says an exchange, 1
the depot * few mornings rinn,
with a, bottle of freshly imported Maine Law, •
“WajouEg lady whom he must inevitably join
So putting* the bottle under his arm, he softly
walked along side; “ Weil,” said the young la-
disposing of health and weather,
“ what is that bundle under your am!” from
which she discovered a dark fluid dropping.
**'Oh,'nothing but a coat the tailor has been
mending for me.”
* it s & coat, ia it t Well, you hud bettor
CMiylt ba«k and get him to sow tip ore hole
more—itleaks.” , {
/‘t&? A manoay hare true Christian manli*
ness, and jet desire to servo himself; bat no
man- who has true Christian manliness would
eVer servo himself in such a way as to infringe
upon the righto, or interfere with the interests
of another.- True Christian manliness leads a
man to desire to sene others as well as hint*
self. A man who in overtiring he does is oped,
direct, straightforward, truthful, so that
there is concordance between inward thought
wid inward motive and Ms outward life, is alone
Gnawn Hotel is Baltimore.— Mr. Thomas .
Wipans, of Baltimore, is about to add to the at* ■
traction of that beautiful city, by erecting in its
most central locality a hotels the like of'which
shall not have been seen even in our hotel ex
celling country. A correspondent of the New '
Orleans Fieayune says: “Mr. Winaps is repu
ted to be worth from ten tblwelve million dot- ?
lars. The hotel here referred to, if constructed,
will be on a grand scale, costing from one mil-• .
lion to twelve hundred thousand dollars.* ;
Sathq Her Catechism— A lady observed a
little girl apparently lost in the street, accosted'
her with the question ;
*■ Whoso child are you V* v
“Child of wrath, ma’am,” said the little nr
chin, dropping a courtesy as if addressing ih#
)arson. :V ;} t ; -
The lady resumed and said
“Where were you bornT*
“ Bom in sin, ma’am,” petseveredlhd diialn 4 _
utive theologian; .’.y W
pretty and: elegant present has been
forwarded to Miss Nightingale by a grateful of
ficer who recovered under kind treatment whilst
in the Crimea. It consists of a small repeating
watch in a ring, the cylinder of which is made
of an Oriental ruby. Its diameter is the fifty
fourth part of an inch, its length the
enth, and its weight the two hundredth part of
an ounce. r - / •
BgS* An old doctor said that people who were
prompt in their payments always recover'ln
their sickness, as they were good customers, anil
physicians could not afford to loose them. A
good hint and a sensible doctor. .. . r.t
fiST* A country editor, in speaking asteut*
boat, says: “ She had twelve berths in the 14*
dy’s cabin.” “ Oh, life of me,” exclaimed «o
old lady upon reading the above, “what
ling there must have been.”
8@- A good man in affliction, who was asked
liow he bore his sorrows so well, replied : *• It,
lightens the stroke to draw near to Wig* who
handles the rod. ' [
If women seek distinction in fashionable
display, we should at least do them the josth*
to remember that tl»» is pretty much the
avenue to distinction open to them,.
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NO. 32.
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