The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 06, 1860, Image 3

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    me, Ohio, has dow roach-’
: more than a half mile.
0 eclated in lay or of as
najority of 20,000 rotse,
a- wanted to go to tha
uM at Spiingfleld, Mas
citation of the State de
acanl if iho occupant
his term of office.
y been organlx«d In
cr, of the Infantry, has
;ompany. Tha company
lumber more than forty
posed of young anmor-
a Cincinnati, on Bator-
Th» one that measured
iop, step andjnmp was
on by Wm. Abbott, He'
ce inches. There war*
ys:—" Messrs. Qraff
time past in boring for
a tha Bairds to wn and
j struck a vein which.
>ii, at the depth of
per.” ■ ; 1
ling near Plum Creek
rommittod a rape upon
amed Barr. The neigh*
tree, when the chOdfo.
ickory wlthee for about 1
oubu are entertained of
Justifiable, it was per-
odent of the New York
says: . A former bank--
mines, engaged Intel- •
of tiio churchea urSaa*''
key On Bunday. Xast
cu'countcrod anex-Cln
i the New York Bowery
lial, and engaged keep
ing,Tour hundred nfi)f :
Bead I
111., July 80th, 1800.
r “InpecOne,"'or
rs. I was Wholly ds>
iud it, and la five how*
r lias ensued: Itisthi
id’er. of nature or art.
line” a single
“ague proof."
nma, July 23d,1800.
d from the grave Igr
■ Inpectlne,". or « Ptr
xra I have suffered ot
•-st Spring my llfewM
■iroycd the <<Lh
1 strength. ~
ml cure for F«ver and
nt mail, , post paid, on ■
i all respectable Drug-
, 188 Main St, Bieb
l Commerce Building,
iod Food.
. r eparation U beyond
le is becoming as largo
fore the pnblie. . Tens
sufferers are now teen
principal cities of the
ring the fame of “Dr.
the civilized worhL—
(lran ne can say jin a
life, health and bOanty
ragic, those who were
e need only say, try It
of Mothers to Dr. Ba
ud to be superior to any
If your apxious hearts
up*) of your little ones,.
it is c.u invaluable spo
icir gums, and allaying
ms get the Cordial; re
1, and enjoy nnbroken
—Advertiser anilhr
. Koush. '
.ach. and Indi-
have's Holland Bitten .
. ing in Holland Town,
•red much from Weak*,
n. She had bison under •
at the disease ieomedto "
asod some HOLLAND
,';ven tone to her atom
ic turning, nml WO firm
! euro effected by JOUf
utierful enres effectedby,
Jut opportunity. On*
mve published are from
numuity, and are liter-
bodo, Shcbaygan, Wla)
c. these Pills are the **•
ice. They are mild la
acting all irregulariti**
1 obstructions, whether
uin in the side, palplta
is affections, hysterles,
is, Ac., disturbed sleep,
: in the treatment of
u which hare consigned
m beautiful, and the bo-,
female can enjoy good
ii.-never an obatraction
is te decline.
Duffs for all complaint*
they are invaluable, in
regularity. They *r*
d them at different P**
ing the sanction of some
, and when they thmdd
I'rict On* PoUar neh
free, of the Agent*-
:iosing price to the Gen
is, gesebai. Aowty.
3 roadway. New Yor*-
juocent eheep ehonW h*
on to the undoing«t»
i-ht also hare deplore*
jo uncouth manner t*
tcher up tbs cloth »**
.me harmless sheep
orbing up cloth wueW
tho best advantage _
. Brown atone Clothing
y/S and 00a Chestnut 8 •
tueir stock of ger»**"
:h greatly facilitate*
ic gums, reducing
u a id Buro to regulate***
t. u will e iv,rcg l“S
your infant*.
Uitlannothoreottl** : ■
L fir the tr»n**etton 6f bMlaMTftom 6.80 A M
» /during th * week ’ iram ™ to BJO
~,iu East arrives 8,10 P.M., leaves S£s P.M.
M’**’ 1 .. Weal “ 7,40 A. M. * 8,60 A.M.
“ Hurt “ 1,15A.M. “ 1,20 A.M..
I* .. west “ 8,25P,M, 8,40 P.M.
„ « 7.16 A.M. « 7,80 AM
0' West “ P.M, “ 7,10 P.M.
■* t nuYSBUHO BRANCHconnectawlth Express
sad West, and Mall Train Eait and West. ,
b jia\Cll TRAINS connect with Johnstown
■ Train East , and West, Johnstown Way
ltC °T.rtward and Kiprcas Train Westward. - '
s iprUUl ' ENOCH LEWIS, Gen’l Bupt.
local items.
proceed ings of Town CounciL
Conncil September Bd, iB6O. Present—
Smyth, R. Greenwood and J. A, M’Dowell,
Conacil, and ffm. C. McCormick, Chief Burgess,
jlinatcs of last meeting read and approved.
liie chief Burgess presented and read the po
tiiion of tb® citizens of Altoona Borough to the*
Ceort of Quarter Sessions, praying the Court to
I M jjtjj. and amend the charter as that the Town
Coonciishall be composed of six members, two
,f vhom shall be elected annually; and that D.
g Miller and D. M. Greene servo one year from
lit 3d Friday in February 1860, and. Ralph
Greenwood and J. A. McDowell serve for two
jtin from the same time, andi that A. A. Smyth
ted D. Lsugbman serve for three years from the
time aforesaid.
And further, that the Chief Burgess, who is
cow elected annually, be hereafter elected bieu
citlly; and also, that the present Chief Burgess
terre two years from the 8d Friday in February,
iB6O. - Aifio, presented and read the decree of
the Court at August Term, 1860, granting the 1
prayer of the petitioners with All the properly
mtheutieateiT documents in relation, thereto.
Whereupon Mr. David M. xGreen, being pre
test, after being duly sworn according to law,
took bis seat as one of the Council, and entered
upon the duties of his office.
Council proceeded to the examination of tho
duplicate ofJ.K. Ely, Esq., late collector, and
allowed him additional exonerations to amount
of $8 38 for the year ,1889,
The following bflls werd then presented, and
orders for the sarnie granted, to wit:
Jno.'M. Campbell) for stone, sand, lime,
ke., delivered, $77 40
J. k J. Lowther, for spikes, shovels and
window blinds,
Chief Burgess for fees paid Prot’y and
Beg. & Rec. on amended charter,
J. A. McDowell for hauling plank & sills
for sewer, and putting same on, 24 GO
Jno. M. Hooper for dressing tools, &0., 426
Jno. Allison for plonk delivered, 1100
The. Supervisor preseated the of himself
ind laborers for the month of August, with a
L itatement of the amount, to wit
Wm. W. Snyder, Daniel Coyle, Jesse Grores,
ind Wm. Ferguson.'
On motion Council adjourned to meet again on
Thursday evening, Sept‘lBth,MB6o, at G o’clock
P. M. —Extract from Minutes.
Rail Road Officers in Trouble.— For sev
eral daysipast the faithlessness of some of the
Conductors and Agents on the Penn’a E. R. has
been the subject at conversation on pur stredt
corners and other circles; but as -we have no
definite information in relation to the affair, ire
eM say nothing about it-{ but give the follow
ing trMoh we find in the Philadelphia Inquirer
of Thursday last:—
Eiagerated accounts have been circulated for
Ibe last few days with regard* to the loss sus
tained by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
through the' faithlessness of some ,of the" officials
on the line of the'road. It affords us pleasure
to be able to state that the loss, much smaller
in itself than generally reported, has been re
covered by the Company. At the same time the
discovery of the present peculation has secured
( tbc Company from further loss of the same sort,
by showing its managers the necessity of the
adoption of new checks, rendering the detection
of such practices inevitable. The means adop
ted by the officers of thp Company daring the
past three months, were so complete in all the
details as to enable them to understand fully
tbe operations* of all employees that were'sus
pected. A general examination has taken place
® the last few days in this city, Philadelphia,
nttiburgh and other places, resulting in the
recovery of cash, stock, property, &c., to a con-
Rderaole amount, being, the investments of the
proceeds of tickets returned to ticket agents
cod othersj and by them resold, and. the daily
appropriations from cash collections,by conduc
es. A number of the conductors,and several
igents have been discharged. With the exam
fes made, and the rigid System now adopted
e examination of accounts, those now jn the
emco-will n° doubt render faithful reports,
d lead amhonest, upright life for the future,
is supposed that the evil, in a few years,
oaid have grown to be a serious matter, to the
«cr of congratulation that the whole scheme
““covered,f and .has been so completely
caected for the' future. The Nbtherh Central
abroad has also suffered 'considerably. \.
Camp Meetihq. — The i Gamp Meeting of the
“J el Church (Colored). will be held on the
,ahn 01 Mr- Thomas Trout* near Blair Furnace,
commencing on Friday, Sept. Idth, 1860. Ex
'Br?lou tickets will be issued, by the P, E; B.
®-> from all station between Blairsyille and
*Utown. Ministers anid resbect
% invited to attend.; JL JOHNSTON.' ■!
fMtor in charge.
roiaiEp.— We arß pleased to note the ap
pointment of C. W. Burkholder, late Clerk in
e Superintendent office ih this place, .tp the
of picket Agent at Harrisburg. Mr.;
•u an energetic and reliable man, and the
®mpanjr could not hare found a better man for
e . Position. While we regret to lose him as a
u ® n » we are content since, our loss ip his gain.
B —Wo Me by the last cumber of the
/' onn *7 Won, *** the p eajiH
f betweeh Martin & Bay, .in the publication
", * P tt hap .been isnow
*2“ A- Kay A Co. ,®he .paper
items ire clip from
the-Tyrone Star, of yesterday:
OnlastTuesday evening, Mr. John Bhriver,
of this, County, went to Janesville, in Clearfield
county, for the purpose of purchasing a farm.
He had a large amount of money in his posses
sion, which he carried in a belt upon his pei
son. He-stayed all night at the hotel of Mr.
Jordan. The next day he made arrangements
with Mr. Wesley Nevling for - the purchase' of
Ins farm, and after dinner, whilst an article of
agreement was being drawn up, he said he
woald.go into a piece of woods, which is upon
the place, for the purpose of examining the
timber. He went into the woods alone, and
from that time nothing baa ’been, heard of him.
. The community in the neighborhood of Jsnes
ville is in a great state of excitement. It is
believed that he has been foully dealt with, but
we have not learned that any one in that neigh
borhood is. suspected. 'V
7 00 A.M.
«ao i*. m.
7 40
7 10 A.M.
t .7?16 “
740 f
0 60 P.M.
8 10 P.M.
Little Jimmy Cats, an .orphan boy whom Mr.
Robert Waring is raising, a few days since was
bitten upon the leg by a spotted snake. He
was alone in the field at the time, .but instantly,
cat oat with his pocket knife the place that was
bitten, A few ulcerated sores have mode their
appearance in the neighborhood of the wound,
but beyond this he has sustained, no inconve
nience from the poison. He is not ten years
old, and for his age certainly displayed n great
deal of courage and presence of mind, Mr.
Waring’s farm adjoins Tyrone.
On Saturday last a meeting of the bar of this
Judicial District was held at the Logan House,
Altoona, for the purpose of adopting a uniform
set of rules of court for the District. Hon.
George Taylor presided, and the bar of the va
rious counties was largely represented.
On Friday last, a son. of Mr. James McFar
land, of this place, whilst engaged in gathering
plums for bis bapther, fell from the tree, a dis
tance of some ten feet, injuring himself quite
seriously. Fortunately; however no bones were
broken. :
_ The child of Biddy Creely (whose arrest wc
noticed last week) died in the Poor House on
Thursday last.
People’s Party Meeting.— A meeting of the
People’s Party was held in this place on Mon
day evening last, which attracted a pretty large
crowd. The Altoona “ Wide Awake” Club turn
ed out between,.sixty and seventy torches. For
ty of the Club wore attired in caps and capes.—
They were preceded by the Altoona Brass Band.
The “ Wide Awake” Club of Hollidayaburg,
numbering 50, attired in the dub uniform,
came out on a special train, accompanied by a
large crowd. . They 1 were met at the depot by
the Altoona C}ub and escorted to the vacant
lots in the rear of the Post Office, where the
meeting was hold. Addresses were delivered
by Hon. Daniel Ullman, of New York, and
George Cowen, of Westmoreland.
9 42
5 20
Another Store.— Wo notice that our friend,
And. Clabaugh, has fitted up a store room
in the corner of the “ Brant House,” where he
has just opened a.lot of choice confectionaries,
npts, fruits, cigars, tobacco, &0., to which he
invites the attenUon of the good citizens of Al
toona who .wish anything in his line. He also
intends opening the newspaper and periodical
business, and will supply papers and periodi
cals regularly to all Who will leave their names
with him. He wishes those who intend patron
izing him to leave their nam cs previous to the
10th inst.
Fall op a Bridge. —The bridge which crosses
the Juniata between Hollidaysbarg and Gays
port, gavp; way, on Wednesday of last week,
whilst r drove; of cattle, belonging to Messrs.
Berry, Irvin & Co., were passing over it. About
thirty of tho cattle fell headlong into the river
■below, and many were more or less injured.—
The bridge has been in,a very bad condition for
a year pr two back, and it is hoped the Commis
sioners will proceed immediately to erect a more
substantial structure.
Opening of the Schools.—A ten months
session of the public schools in this place,
opened on Monday lost, much to the satisfac
tion of parents, but not so satisfactory, we pre
sume, to those juveniles who have an antipathy
“ classic.halls, ’’ and whoso backs, owing to a
mischievous disposition, come in for frequent
applications .of “ hickory oil.” All the advice
and consolation we can give them is to keep an
eye on the “ knight of the birch,” when at their
pranks, and when caught “ grin and bear it.”
A. S. S. A.—The Altoona Sabbath School As
sociation will meet in the basement of the Pres
byterian Church, on Friday evening, Sept. 7tb,
1860,tat 7J .o’clock. The following questions
will come before the Association for discussion:
Ist Is there any advantage to be derived
from the use of Question Books in imparting
Biblical instruction to a Sunday School Glass?
' 2d. Is it expedient under the present circum
stances, to continue longer the Altoona Union
Sabbath Association ?
Wanted I—Competent Business Men.— The
demand for qkillful and accomplished accoun
tants : is perpetual, and constantly increasing
.with the increase of production and trade.—
Young men wishing to prepare, themselves for
commercial pnrsuUs wUI find no Institutionin
this oonntry possessing advantages oqualto
those afforded bythe Iron City College, of Pitts
burgh, Pa., which ,is aoy .patronised by every
State in thVUnion. ‘ ' :
Hoax.-—As the “ Wide-Awakes*’ werepassing
out of town r Q n - the road which leads from Branch
street, to the Plapk' Boad, on their way to the
People's 1 Party Meeting, :at Allegheny Furnace,
on Thursday evening last, some malicious indi
vidual threw a stone at one of the transparen
cies, which missed its aim dud; sfruck a little
girl on the bead knocking her down and cutting
a severe gash.
We intend going East in a few days, to
purchase out Fall Stock—and we deem it only
necessary to inform our customers of the fact,
feeling .confident that they wili be on hands, to
square up their accounts. ‘
J. & J. BOWTflpt.
Sept. 6, 1860. v 1;: ■: ? c'
Pio Nio.~The Presbyterian Sunday Sohool of
jptepd.hwipg a plfi. hie' .to-day in
'fM c■; j - ,
j, £
In Tyrone, on theitith nit, by Sami Jones, Esq, Mr,
PETER DBUKY, of Tyrone, and Mite CATHARINE A;
POWEEL, oTEewistown, Mifflin co.
■On the 16th nit, at the residence of the bride’s father,!#
Her. Samuel T- Lowrlo, GEO. M. BRISKIN', Esq, of New
Orleans, to Mias HANNAH E, eldest daughter of Dr. D.
Hontz Oi Alexandria, Huntingdon County, Bn.
At Manor Hill, Huntingdon County, on Ttmrsday, Aug,
80 th, after a brief illness. Miss EMILY JANELOYJS, aged i Cuts.
22 years, 6 months and 10 days. | Having ptedhaaed the spacious Iron Bonding, No. 439
At Clayebnrg, on the 19 th ult, Mrs. SOPHIA, wife of , ChWnut Btr»e<and fitted Hup with every conrenionce to
Maj. Jacob Zeth, aged 47 years, 8 months and 7 days. ' j facilitate ay business, particularly that branch devoted to
COUNTRY ORDERS; .and having a larger capital than any
other party Invested in the business,.! tun now prepared to
offer greater advantages and better gifts than ever to my
1 will furnish any book (of a moral character) published
in the United States, the regular price of which is One
Duller or upwards, and give a present worth from 60 cents
to $lOO with each book, and guarantee to give perfect sat
isfaction, as I am determined to maintain the reputation
already bestowed upon my establishment.
Strangers visiting Philadelphia are invited locally and
judge for themselves. G. G. KVANS.
In West Point, Lee;County, lowa, May 23d, 18(50, Mrs.
WILLAMINA; BCOTX, wiloof Alexander Barnes, and for
merly of this place. ;
The deceased hod J6ng been a consistent member of the
Presbyterian church, first in this place, and then in West
Point, but for a considerable period'preceding her-death ,
the constant alternations between the hope of life and the
tear of death, occasioned by the deceitfolness of her deseasr,
consumption, soemodnxifavorable to her peace of mind and
her assurance of faith in Christ, aud toher hop oof salva
tion through bun. But when she came to know the cer
tainty of speedy though the straggle for resignation
to die and leave her family in her heavenly Father’s bands
was a hard one, yet she did become not ..Only resigned to
this, but was in a Joyful and triumphan t frame of eonl for
several days before her death; and when the expected sum
mons come, she thrice exclaimed, “ Welcome, death, 1 ' and
gave up her spirit into her Saviour’s care. One'week after,
her youngest horn was laid in the same grave with his
mother, and whs thus quickly restored to a mother’s society
and love.
m HAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon
counties. : ‘ .
Having had sovendyears’ experience in. tbc practice of
the Law, be expects to merit public patronage.
Office on Virginia Street, in the room lately occupied by
Maj. Loot, Hag. [Sept. 0,1860.-tf.
SPKCTFUIiLY offer their professional services to the
citizens of AlifoqUa and vicinity. - Office on Kail road street,
two doors east of the Red Lion Hotel, where they may be
consulted at a|l hours, except when professionally engaged.
Sept. 0,18«).-tf.
List of letters remaining.
in the Post Office at Altoona, Sept. 4, 1860.
Anderson, John lek, David
Adams, Ady ’ Kane, Henry
Adams, Thos.'M. Kennedy, John
Armstrong", Wm. Keller, Michael
Ainsworth, Jphn H. ' Luther, Elizabeth
Andrew, Mr.!; Lincoln, Daniel
Anderson, George Larcurm, J. H.
Brannon, Mary J. Mitchell, Wm,
Bower, Hy. Mackenzie, J. P.
Brannon, E. Moor, Johanna
Beam, Tlieo. M. Merdick, Scroggs
Barron, Honoro Mnioy, Mary M. ‘
Bunker, Thosi - Moloney, Peter
Brand, Wm. ; McClintqck, W. K. 2
Baker, W. S. G. McCabe, G. F. 2
Christian, Mufy M. Nagele, 0. C. 3
Curren. Jano . : , Pleasant, Samuel
Dope, U. E. Price, A. j..
Conway, Pafk Kanstead, Charles
Cox, Harrison . It., Elizabeth
Corberane, James Rogers, Wm.
Cunningham;! J. R. Richardson, Jos.
Davis,, Wm, SI. Smith, R.iH.
Drummond, Robert ! ’ Sipes, E.
Ecensielj Emlio Stincbriser, Joseph
Francis, ffmi 2 • Saterfield, Alex. 2
Foster, W. B. Smith, George
Fugate. Mary Shlngler,' Jacob
Flynn k Bro. Stitler, Elizabeth 2
Fiske, Asa Hi . Shank, James
Fox, Harrison T. 3 Smith. A. W. 2
Grubb, Aaviopa G. Shoughnessy, Susan
G admit, Elizabeth Swanger,'Rcbecca
Gntmonn, G. Towne, J. Henry 1
Gragg, Andrew Thompson, Sami.
Gant, J. R. Tarr, Wm. B. 2 -
UolHngcr, Ell Waltz, George
Heathgr, U. Wire, Mnrg’t
Hammond, If. P. Wingard, J. O.
Houseman. Jona ; Washington, Geo.
Houston, Lewis , Weak'nnd, A. J.
Houston, Wm. Werner, Clms. J.
Henderson, j. B. Zeigler, Geo. W.
James, Thos.
Persons ciUlng for letters bn this list will say they are
advertised. . JOHN SHOEMAKER,'P. M.
Sept. 6, 1860, s ’-
And testimonials,mew and almost withoutnumberniight
be given froih'ladies and gentlemen in all grades o/Hocie
ty, whose united testimony pone could resist, that Professor
Wood’s Hair Restorative will restore tho bald, and gray,
, and preserve the hiilr of tho youth to old ago, in dll its
youthful beauty.
Battle Creek, Mich.. Dec. 21st, 1859.
- Prop.-Wood: —Thee wHt please accept a line to inform
thee that the hair oil my head all fell off over twenty years
ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended with
ai) eruption on tho head. A continual course of suffering
through life having .reduced me to a state of dependence, I
have not been able fo obtain stuff for caps, neither have I
been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head
has suffered extremely from cold. This induced mo to pay
Briggs A Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two
dollar bottle Jof thy Hair Restorative about the first of Au
gust last. Ijhave faithfully followed the directions and the
bald spot Is now covered with’hair thick and block, though
short, It Is coming in all over my head. Fooling Confident
that another largs bottle would restore it entirely and per
manently,! feel anxious to persevere iu ita use, and bcifig
destitute of-means to purchase any more. I would ask thee
If thee wonldst not bo willing to send me an order oh thine
agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself th scripture de
claration—“ the reward is to those that arc kind to tho wi
dow and the fatherless.” ’ Thy friend,
, Lzcosier} Noble Co., Ind., Feb. sth, 1859.
Prof. 0. J. Woon ;—Dear Sir :—ln the latter part of tho
year 1852, while attending the State and National Law
School of the State ;of New York, ray hair, from a cause
unknown to tne, commenocd falling off very rapidly, so that
In tho short £pnce of sis months, the whole upper part- of
my scalp was almost entirely bereft of Its covering, and
much of the iremaintng portion upon the side and back part
of my bead shortly after became gray, so that you will not
be surprised Itvbpn I tell you that upon my return to tho
State of Indiana, my more casnal acquaintances were not
so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my
appearance, as my. more intimate acquaintances were to
recognize me at all.
lat once made application to the moat skillful physi
cian a in . the conn try, but, rsceiring Irom them no assurance
that my hair conid again ho restored, I was forced to be
come reconciled to thy Cite, until, fortunately, In the latter
part of the Veai 1857, your Restorative wasrccommeiced
to me by ft druggist; as being: the most reliable Hair B'
rative in use; I tried one bottle, and found to my great
satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since
that time I hare uSedsevon dollars’ worth of yonr Restor
ative, and asa result, have a rich coat of very soft black
hair, which tip money can buy.
As a tnark:qf my gratitude for your labor and skill in
the production of so wonderful an article, 1 have recoin
mendeddtsuse to many of my friends and acquaintances,
who, lam happy to inform youj are using it with like ef
fect. ■ Very respectfully, yours,-
;i . " A.M.LATTA,
... Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Depot, 444 Broadway, and sohl by all dealers throughout
the world. ; / -
, The Restorative Is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz:
iarge, medium, and small; the small holds ]A a pint, and
retails for one dollar pcr bottlo; themedinm -holds at least
twenty per cent, moire in proportion than the small, retails
for two dollars abotllo; the large holds a quart, 40 per
cent.moro in-proportion andrctalls foss3a bottle.
O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 444 .Broadway, New
[York, and U4‘Market Street, Bt. Louis,'Mo.. *
Sold by oil good Druggistsand Fhncy Goods Dealers.
Sept. 6,186 p.
the Eastwlth alarge assortment of.-the following ar
ticles, bought for cash, which 1 offer to the citizens of Blair
and aborning counties, at the I
Blair County Booh and Music Store,
opposite the Tribune Office, Virginia street, Altoona, Pa.,
at tho very lowest rates s • “
of aliVklnds,; Albums, Blank Books, Boss ■i'wlitT-mi
BooUh, kc~, Ac. Also all the different
[i ■ used in Altoona or tho township schools.
- , " FLUTES, Fli'ES, Ac. Ac.,
and an endless variety of Violin, Guitar ami other strings,
pf thb finest quality. 1 have paid particular attention to
selecting a large quantity of PIANO MUSIC, the latest
gublishcd, to wbich l invito the attention of tho ladies. I
avo MUSICAL INSTRUCTORS.for almost every instru
ment. .
/ Also, a superior lot of CIGARS, TOYS, and small Musi
cal Instruments, Taber’s and other celebrated Pencils,
Uold Pens, perfumery Extracts, Fancy Soaps, Teeth and
iHalr: Bjrtuhes,',Combs, Pocket Books, Radies’ Shopping
Parses, &,4c. . CHARLES CAUQHUNO, 3S.T
ATig.W%2t, v ■ ■ ■ - -
' I ■:
Original Gift Book Enterprise.
The largest in located at 439 Chest-
hut Street, PMtaddphia.
sin) TO
where all books are sold at the Publisher’s prices, anil you
have the
Of receiving
GEO. G.EVANS! Original Gift Book Enterprise has been
- endorsed by the Book Trade and all the
leading city and country papers iu the
United States.
GEO. Q. EVANS’ Punctual business transactions have re
ceived the Approbation of over 6,000,DU0
citizens of the United States, each of
whom have received substantial evidence
t, of the advantages derived by purchasing
books at this establishment.
GEO. G. EVANS Has done more than any other publisher
or .bookseller in the United Suites to
wards diffusing knowledge to the people.
By this system many hooks are read that
otherwise would not have found their
way into the hands of readers. —Frank
Leslie's Newspaper,
GEO. G. EVANS. Keeps constantly on hand the most ex
- tensive stock, the greatest assortment of
Books, and circulates free to all who may
apply, tlie most must complete catalogue
of Books and Gifts in the United States.
GEO. Q. EVANS Has advantages offered by other pub
< lishers and manufacturers which enable
’ him to furnish his patrons witli a liner
quality and better assortment of gifts
than any other establishment.
GEO. Q. EVANS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popular
and interesting Books, therefore, as a
publisher, he is bettor able to offer extra
premiums and commissions.
Q£o. G. EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to al 1 who
may send for books.
GEO. Q. EVANS’ Now classified catalogue of books em
brace the writings of every standard au
thor in every department of literature,
and gives all the information relative to
the purchasing and forwarding by Mail
or Express of hooks ordered from Ids ea-
S tablislimeut, together with full direc
' tiuns how to remit money.
QRO. G. EVANS’ Catalogue of Boooks will bo scut gratis
and free of exponso to any address in
the United States.
GEO. 0. EVANS’ Inducements to Agents cannot he sur
passed. The most, liberal commissions
are offered, and by soliciting subscrip
tions to books in the manner proposed,
20 books can be sold in the siuno time
that it would take to sell one on the old
fashioned subscription plan. Send for a
# classified Catalogue, and cfery iufornia-,
tiou will be given in reference to agen
cies. Select your books, enclose the
amount of money required, and one trial
Will satLfy you that the best place iu the
country to purchase books is at
No. 439 Chestnut Street, Phila.
Books of Fact I <
Books of Fiction!
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Books for the Old Folks!
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Books for Husbands 1
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Books fur Lovers I
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Books for Farmers 1
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Albums, etc., etc.
CECIL B. HARTLEY’S Interesting Biographies!
REV. J. INGRAHAM’S Scriptural Romances!
SMUCKER’S Lives of Patriots and Statesmen 1
J. T. LAUREN’S Revolutionary Stories!
T. 8. ARTHUR’S Popular Tales!
DR, ALCOTT’S Family Doctor 1
MRS. HENTZ’o'Novols!
IRVING’S Works 1
All the writings of every standard author in every de
partment of literature, in every style of binding, at the
publisher’s lowest prices, and remember that you pay no
more then yon would at any other establishment,and yon
have the advantage of receiving an elegant Present, which
oftentimes is worth a hundred fold more than tho amount
paid for the book.
Order any book that you may want, remit tho retail price,
together with the amount required for postage, and One
trial will assure you thattho best place in tho country to
'purchase books is at the Gift Book Establishment of
\ " George o. evanS,
Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise,
. i No. 439 Ciiesthci Sthext,
• Philadelphia.
. To whom greater inducements than ever are offered.
Any person, either male or female, who is desirous of en
gaging in an ■. '■■■-
|taqniring bat litUo timo and no ontiy of money, and by
which they din obtain gratia
A Valuable Library,
A Fine Gold Watch and Chain,
A Handsome Service of Plate,
An Elegant Silk Dress Pattern,
A Splendid Sett of -Jewelry,
Or any other choice articles enumerated in the List of Gifts
can do so by acting as an Agont TOr this establishment.
Anyperson, in any part of the country,-can he an Agent
simply by forming a club, sending a-llst of Books, and re
.mittinglme'ainonnt of money required for the same.
Send ibr a catalogue, which contains ail the desired In
formation relative to agencies and the formation "sf clubs?
and to insure prompt and, honorable dealings, address all
orders to i v
ms:Head quarters of
GE.OR&E eyAns,
REomsioa o* tHB Otnrar and
» wont®, : .- . '
Permanently located at Ho. 439 Chestnut Street, Phllada.
desirably located lit the Borough of Altoona. Apiilr
to . / . ■*: JOHN SHOEMAKER. J
Altoona, Fab. 9,1860,-tL -
Lumber for sale. :> --vr
60,000 SHINGLES, 60,000 JLATHES,
ndd all kinds ofBUILDING MATEKTALSiIowMr than the
loitot, fop Caab. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKBB*-
i i ’ '
cents to the attention of motile taker . ; <f
SOOTH In q syrup,
which greatly facilitate* the process of teclhiiixi by soften
ing the gnms reducing all intbunmation wUlillay path and I
spasmodic action, andia sure to regulate the O&icU.
Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest,to yourselves,
and BcUrf and Health to your Infants. '
Wo have put-up and sold this article for over ten yean,
and can say, in confidence and trnth of it, we have
never been able to any of any other medictnori-never has it
failed,' in a single instance, fo efftet a curef when timely
used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfoctiouby
any one who used 1L On the contrary, alb are. delighted
with its ojwrations, and speak iu terms of highest Commen
dation of its magical effects andmeditai virtues. Wo speak
in this matter “ what wo do know.” after tdaj years’ expe
rieace, and pledge dur reputation for the fhliiljneut of what
we here declare. In almost every instance :Where the in
fant is suffering from pain and relief will ;bo
found in fifteen or twenty minutes after theeyrup is ad
ministered. ■
This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of
the most experienced and skillful nurses in New England,
and lias been used with never-toiling success in thousands
of cases. ;
It not Only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity,- And gives tone
aud energy to the whole system. It will allhost instantly
relievo Griping in the Bunds and JHad Cbjic. aud over,
come convulsofns, which, if not jpecdify ropicdied, end id
death. We believe it the but and surest remedy in the
world. In all cases of Dysentery and Diurrhom in chjldren,
whether it arises from teething or from aiiyiplher cause.—
We would say to every mother who ha* a child suffering
from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let yojurpro-
Judices, nor the prejudices,ofmthers. stand between your
suffering child ami the relief that will bo snre—yes, abso
lutely sure—tor follow the use of this medicine, if timely
used. Full directions for using will accompany each bot
tle; None genuine unless tho fac-siuille pf CURTIS A
PKRKINS. New York, is on the outside wrapper,
Sold by Druggists throughout tho World, and by Q. W.
Kessler and A. Roush, druggists, Altoona, .Price 25 cents
per bottlo. • * u
A®* Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar street, : N. Y.
July 12, ISOO.-ly. i. i
FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to it 4 original color
without dyeing, aud preventing the hair from turning
gray. ' ,;i .
FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, ami caring It, when
there is thv least particle of vitality or rtcupevntive ou
ergy remaining. i >
cutaneous affections at the Scalp.
FOR REA VTIFYINQ THE If A JR, imparling toit an un
equalled gloss and brilliancymaking it soft aud silky iu
its texture and causing it to curl readily. ;
The great celebrity aud the .increasing demand lor this
unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one
trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning’ public of its
superior qualities over any other preparntidp at present in
use. It cleanses tho head nnd scalp from, dandruff and
other cutaneous diseases, causes the hair to grow luxurient
ly, and gives it a rich, soil, glossy flexible appearance,
and also where the hair is loosening and tbining, it will
give strength and vigordo tho roots, ind restore tho growth
to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield
a fresh covering of hair.
There arc hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New
York wliu have had their hair restored by tho uso of this
Invigorator, when ail other preparations had failed. L.M.
lias in tiis possession letters imiumerabio testifying to the
above facts, from persons of the highest respectability'. It
w ill effectually prevent the hair from, turning grag until
the latest period of life; aud iu coses where the hair has al
ready changed its color, the use of the lijvigoratoi wiii
with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving ita dark,
glossy appearance. As a perfume for the tojlct and a Hair
Restorative it is particularly recommended, liaVlng an
agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it affords in
dressing the hair, which, when moist with ,11m Invigorator
can he dressed in any required form so ns do preserve its
place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand
for it hy the ladies os a standard ioilt I article which none
ought to be without, as the price places it within tho reach
of all, being. I
per bottle, to bo had at all respectable druggists and perfu
mers. 1
L. MILLER would onl! tho attention of Parents and
Guardians to the use of the Invigorator, in cases where the
childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak. The trie of it lays tiioV
foundation for a good head of hair, as it reinbves any impu
rities that may have bccqjine connected with! the scalp, the
removal of which is necessary both for thp health of tho
child, and tho future appearance of its Hair.
CAUTION.—None genuine without, tho fab simile LOUIS
MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also-,'L. MILLER’S
HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y. blown in tlieglass. ’
Wholesale Depot, 60 Dev St., and sold by all the princi
pal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world.
Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity.
I also desire to present to the American public my
New and Improved Instantaneous
which after years of scientific cxperimentinglhavo brought
to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without
injury to theHniror Skin, warranted tho best article of the
kind in existence. '
Price, Only 50 Cents.
Aug. 23, ’GO-ly. Depot, 56 Dey St-, New York.
Corner of Caroline and Virginia Streets, Flgart’s building.
Altoona, July 12,1860.-3UI, |j ;;
The Boot and Herb Doctor!
* T the Altoona House, on tlio 14th day of September.
Ail patients who wish to continue their treatment, must
prepare themselves to get two'months treatment in Sep
tember , os the Doctor will then leave for the for West, to
get a now supply of roots, fort which ho goes every fan
consequently he will pot bo at' Altoona again until the
middle of November, the exact-time of which notice wiU be
given through this paper. ■: v :
ri s c . office lk >“ 7 > North'2nd Street, below Mak
I Philadelphia. - . 'i ■•. v.™
He wiU visit Altoona monthly, after his,return from the
Wc, rt- ' W. LIVINGSTON.’
Altoona, Aug. 23,1860. •<
J. G. ADLllil*
Cctoberl 1857* f ° Und at - ® B.Hllenmn.
TT F. CONRAD, M. b.,i
ally engaged. ; V ■*’ ae^geo^t
V-r hereby notified not to pnrcbftee or sell env Wap hrfr
***** of }** aito«a bWmtw
£m tu»» eSl nover havo been and navcr will bo sold
AU contalnging; said stamp will
“2 w whßre v“‘ found, by the proprietor*
of , th . e ®*5 wer 7 foghorn they belong ■
' *s7 28 ]°‘ *SW-tt WILRELM A 880.
E F. ROYER, M. D., (
• Offers his profess! onai services to .the citizens of
'Altoona and vicinity. “
■ 3-jj* *<*t of references can be given if required.
Office at residence bn Branch street. East Altoona, thres
doom above Conrad’s Store. April 28 fSO-ly.
JL FAMILY FLOOR for sale, Wholesale andßetall.
Apply to. ; J. SHOEMAKER,
Dec. 11,1800-tf. Masonic Temple.
W' A large and foshionable assortment at tho store of
-•- • J. B HILEMAN. -
Shiviiifc Oman, MMt: Bm^
ill fee Tatiana affwtlMia eonaequent upon a afoot dmai
took a* Indlgeetlon, Acidity of the Stomach, Oollcky hk*
Heartburn, Low of Appetite, Despondency, Oostlrsasau
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Karroo*, Rhenmatlo, ana
Xeunlgio Affections, It haa In nnmeroos Imtancea proved -
highly pansflaial, and in others effected a decided tore.
This is a purely rego table compound, prepared on strfotto
■sfontifle principle*, after the manner of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Bcerhave. IU reputation at home pro
dooad Ita Introduction hero, the demand commencing with'
thoae of the fatherland ecattered over the fee* of thle
nighty country, many of whom brought with then end
handed down the tradition of its Talus. 71 u note odkred.
t» <l* Ammean ynWtc, knowing that iU Italy
waekaindl virtuet start bt adcnouiltdged.
■ It 1* particularly recommended to those persona whoa*
matltutiona may hare been Impaired by the continuous an '
of ardent-spirits, or other form* of dissipation. - Osnsraliy
instantaneous In effect, it finds its way directly to the ssel -
of Ufo, thrilling ind quickening srsry none, raising np.tha
drooping spirit, and, In feet, inftulng new health and tign
to the nrttam.
» NOXlCSj—Whoerer expect* to find this a be rents wtt
be disappointed; but to ut* tick, weak and low spirited. It
wfllprors a gratsfol aromatic cordial, possessed of singular
remedial properties. • I
A* Genuine highly concentrated Barbara’* Holland !
- Bittersla put up in half-pint bottle* only, and retaUedat
: On'DoUJL* per boitla or six bottle* for Tin Doi.uaa. tti
great for this truly celebrated Medicine has induoad
many , "***** <rt "*, which the public should guard sgainst '
Beware of Imposition. Be* that oar name 1* oath*
label of erery boUI# you buy.
lold by DrnnUU f*n«»Uy. Zt Mm ha fcwwM
Vy Izpw to mart pants.
KAiviAOtomißa ' , :
an# 1
Tor male by A. ItOUSH. Altoona. -
April 19. ISCO-lmuly.
Lands i landsh lands!n
The uuderaigncdls prepared to locate LAND IVA*-
ItANTS id tbo Omaha and Nebraska City Land Office*.— .
Good selection* can now be made near tin largo stream*,
and settlements. Tim Lands of this Teirltory, now la
Market, aru.of (be beat quality. ! a
fl3L.Selectious carefully wade. Letters of tnqulnr
quested. ALHX..F. McKINNBY,
~ ' - ■ Oadiwus, CaMCyuuiy, N.T«r.'- :
July 14,1859.-U ' • •
Rot. A. B. CtAtiK, Altoona, Pa.
Wm. M. Liotd & Co., Bankers, Altoona, JPtr.
JTcCeum A Dies, Editors.
Taos. A. Scott, Snpt. P. R. R., «
P. McMuaißiE, Eaq., Huntingdon, TS.
fl « ALTOOXA, BLAIft Co, Pa, "
"’ill practice law In tlic several Courts , of Blair, Cambria.'
Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centro and limoiniog counties^— ’
Also in the District Count of the tlnlfed States.
Collections of claims promptly attended to. Agent fori
the sate of Beal Estate, Bounty Land Warrants, and all’
busiucds pertaining to conveyancing and tho latf. v
. EiFEaEjross; ;■ \
Hod. WijWoh McCnndles and Andrew Bnrlce,Esq,Pltts.
Imrch; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, p«». Judgo of FAyette'
Judicial Histrict; Hon. Clienard Clemens, ofW heel lug, Va.;’
lion Henry D. Foster,, Greunsburg; Hon. Jobn W.Knilnirsr.
Lebanon; Hon. Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hon.
George P. Hamolton, Pittsburg. Jane 10,1853-ly.
W. M. LLOYD & CO.i
(Late “ Bell , Johnston; Jack *s* Co.*’) ,
Drafts on the principal;
Cities,' and Silver and Gold for solo. Collections
made. Moneys received on depositc,payable on demand,
.without interest, or upon time, With interest at lair rates.
Feb. 3d, I£fe9. - - - .
P. R. QOOJ>, 51. D. i V i. it if, y
Xj INO entered into Partnership in the Practice of
Medicine, respectfully tesder their services to the Pttblld
in the several branches of their Profession.
Calls will bo answered either day or night at their office'
—which is the same as heretofore occnpicd by Drs.- Uirst
4 Good,—or at the Logan llbose. '
April 21st, 1859 3m • '
Boots and un-*
dcrsignqd has now on hand and will -vA
sell cheap at his store id the Masonic Tent- lafl|
pie, a large and complete assortmentofßOOlS
AND SHOES, ready made, or made tb order, *
Overshoes. Ladies’Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork
Soles, and everything In his line of business, of
the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. All
custom work warranted. .
Jan. 2, *sB^tt]
JL undersigned respectfully informs tlio public that h. '
Juw token tbe ware-room two doors from the Branch Bead. '
where he will keep on hand all kinds of '
and attend to the duties of an UNDERTAKER.
V ? wO'good Cablnet-Mnkcra and one apprentice, wanted.
Altoona, Agr.12,1860. • JAS. T.3JOORB. '
Blair county insurance
undersigned, Agent of the Blair
uonnty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all
times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire. ftriM
vwty Merdiandite, Furniture and Property, of every des
cription, imtown or country,-at as reasonable rates as any
Company In the State. Office with.Bcll, Johnston, Jack *
kJ ved a good assortment of Shoe-Plndlngs, of all de
scriptions, which wo will seU at low prices for «sb. • r
, Jn !y 19 i 1860. STEWART A THOMPSON. -
OBOE LEATHER.—We have jusfc
a good stock of the .best Red and Oak Solo
Laithcr. We have also a good assortment bf Ooat and
t ench Country Calf Skins, Uppers,.
Kips, Linings, Bindings, Ac, all of which wo will at low
price* an# warrant to give satisfcction.
examine our stock before purchasing else
where. Don’t forget place— two doors below thn Post Office.
House and lot at Private*
SALE.—ThoGnto-Ilouse and Lot . ..
belonging to tho ALTOONA AND IlOlr i
nato J,£milo from Altoona, is offered
Private Sale. For terms and
ritrticnlare inquire of JOSEPH DY3
Company. [April 26,1860.-tt
I I; MAKER, informs the public th&tUe
has taken the Room next door totho ~
Office, on Virginia Street, where he Is
Sared to manufacture every style of
CRN’S SHOES, at reasonable prices, and in a substantial'
manner - [Mar.16,’60.-tf.
Boot and shoemaker—john
STEHLT? Los taken a portion of the
room occupied by A. M. K3NG, neit
to J. W. Ring's Tin Shop, and
himself ready to get up Men's Boots X
In good-style aud at low rates. * rßlar.ld/STtC
<“ —-
complete assortment of Groceries liavo Just been »•
coked at the store of j. 5. UItEMAN.
Hardware of all deso 7 * -
tions juat received and fpr sale by -'XtIP
OCtf 16-tf j ; X
. Kistaußv.