The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 30, 1860, Image 3

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    itile Cordial.
attentive person that thr
Lv from the bowels, and la
dlclne which can berelietf
nil infantile complatnta '
We speak of Dr. EatpnV
o opiate of any kind—ng.
rings of infanta as If h*
try, this—even if nil other i
ulvcrt lament in another J
■out, Brnpgiita, New York,
I niso sole agents of thr
dn s Blood Food,? which
II complaint* arising frow
jiitcycr causes BUchAfflci
lout exception the
id could take, as it is ia.
ri without having 'to go
and os Wood ia
and producing it, jit •o OB
von who havebwn
above two Preparations
offered to the pnbUc.—
» advertisement.
for Females J
m invented ahdßWd ( p«uw
>us diseases, and denioga.
n of woman render her
mutants has been to im
crtvdu system, and . falsa
ief lias been encceeded bjr
iter than before;and:tha
build tbeoselvee
ended- In destroying wh»t
but in using
!'■ such disastrous results,
prepared op strictly eefan
of the helebratedHolland
inliucnce every nerve and
J vigor, appetite and sleep
■b. See advertisement .'in
i! Fev*r and Ageeaheel*
r exponte, to procijij pr,
whoso beneficent tf’tllls
n clearly proved to thet*
a abort apace oftfinWb j ■
are wan «ndmeagre,a&4
tiles*. and whoeeeyeware
!, K them lo the faca, thl» -
; snatching them aa {a
Rrave. Nona cob know
;i-U it. When all others '
torcd the sufferer* toprls- ,
n all the Western aud
horn to aU famßlaa.
lie rally, everywhere.
ier column. • ' , "
nnocent.sheep should h#
• on to the.ondoingof a
light also have dsploted
lie uncouth manner .in
: teller up the cloth mad*
ime hannleaa aheap. Te
orking up cloth wisely
ilie beat advantage the
o Brown Stone Clothing
03 and 606 Chestnut At.'
-ksir Stock, of ganuanta
Ut to its orfglngt color
the hair from turning
ISS, and curing it, whan
ulity or rpouperativaaur-
DAXDRVFF, and alf
I i-; '
Ui\ an un
liking it soft and silty in
rl readily.
Teasing demand lor this
the proprietor that one
. iliriterning public of Its
preparation at present In
cnlp from dandruff and
e hair to grow luxuriant
ly flexible appearance,
ling ami thiuing, it will
it-S md restore the growth
s bald, causing It to yield
ami gentlemen in New'
hired by the use of this
irations had failed.- L.M.
■niTablu testifying to tl»*
foliost respectability. It
j'nim lurniiuj gray until
£e.s where t/io hair hosal
mT the Invigoratoi will
' k nt, giving it a dark,
for the toilet and a Hair
rc jinmemleil, having an
at labilities it affords in
jist witii the Invigorntor
jfm so us to preserve it#
hence the great demand
tniltl nrtMf which non*
places it within thstMCh
able druggist* and perfn*
Mention of Parents and
irator, in cases where tbs
k. The use of it lays tbs
, as it removes any impa
ct-ted with the scalp, th»
tli for the health of lbs
>fits Hair., '
lout the fac simile LOUIS
iper ; also, L. MILLEK'S
a in Iho glass,
i.i sold by all the princi
ngliuut the world.
•y the quantity, ,
m’rican Public by ~
n nientiiigl have brought
!i ntn Instantly without
ued tho host article of th*
>0 Cents.
On Dcy St, Now York.
erb Doctor !
e 14 tli day of September.
.< their treatment, mart
I nth? treatment in S*P
r;.ve for the far West, to
liiirim goes every »«.
tltoomi again until the
re of which notice Will «•
2nd Street, below Pin**
i. Iter hi* return froo l * 1 **
Iv offer* hi* profewionf*
and vicinity. OfflMon
he Bed Lion Hotel, _when»
except when
jy 26,1800, tf.
a™ or sell nn >'
lONA BHEWEBY th fr .^r
1 luul never win IweoW
ifiingini; said Bt * n, P , nrt
■ ~md, by the proprietor*
l ’" VFILUEUI A 880.
1).,. .
services to the citiren*
iven if required
reel, East
Anril 28
oiirU of Altoona. APW
IjFj. ' . ■
50,000 BATHES.
rr.BIALS, lower tiwnAh
jcv.Anna AU^pT
p00«a Cnlrant
t.iwW* ' JOO A.M.
« and noJUdsysbnrg, ? 00.A.M.
SSaa Through and HoUldajebßlg, 6 80 P. U.
"*J. rn Through Mail , 740
S***"® 1 MAILS OPEN.
t 7 -10 A. M.
WMtem Through u 715 “
SJtrn Through Mail, 740 “
SoiUdsysborg. B 60 P.M.
ffeiteraWsy, * 10 P.M.
open for the transaction of business from 6.30 A M
,O oo P.SL, daring the weßk,;and ftro'm 7AO t 08.60 o’,
Jobs i, ’»7-tf] JOHIf SHOEMAKER, P.M.
PioreM Train East arrives 8,10 P.M., leaves mp. M.
*7 “ West “ 7,40 A.M. “ Sfiff.A.Si
tu t “ Eaat “ 1,15 A. M. « 1,20-A. M.
1 « . West “ 8,25 P.M., “ B*4o P.M.
u , n “ 4 Bast “ p 7,15 A. M. 7,30 A.M.
"H “ ■ West « M«5 . « 7,10 P.M.
Du nOLhIDAYSBOEQ BRANCH connects with Express
Trtin and West and Mail Train East and West.
INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown
iecommeiistlaD Train East and West, Johnetown Way
TrtJn Eastward and Express Train Westward.
April 12, 1860. ENOCH LEWIS, Gai'l Supt.
Rwon Fox.—One day last week, “Black
Charley” went into Wolf & Bro’s clothing store,
on Main steet, and commenced sparring with
the clerk of the store. The it appears,
bad a knife in his hand at the time, and during
the scuffling it penetrated the side of the darkey
to the depth of an inch and a half. Fortunate
ly the blade struck a rib, else, in the opinion of
the attending physician, it wonld have proved
fatal. Whether the stab was occidental or in
tentional it is bari to determine, as there were
no witnesses present. Charley made informa
tion against the clerk before Esquire Cherry.
The clerk gave himself up wjthont trouble, but
protests that the stabbing Was accidental He
jays that Charley attempted to tip offUishat,
and that he 1 threw up his arm to defend himself
and Charley pan against the knife. Not know
ing which side of the story to believe, the Squire
thought best, to hold the clerk, and bound him
over td appear at the next ternijof Court.
N. B. Since writing tlie above, we learn that
the parties have compromised matters by the
clerk gives “ Charley'’ , a new suit of clothes,
paying the doctor bill and coats of the suit, and
$5,00 in money, she last item with the pro
viso that “ Charly” leaves itowa immediately.
We do hope that be will accept the proviso, take
the money and leave instanter/’ as we are
very sure he is not wanted here. '
Thisob Up Bees.— The Harrisburg Telegraph
and Patriot and -Union have lately been commen
ting on political affairs in Altoona, in a style
which would indicate that one docs not believe
what the other says. In order to set them right,
*o far as we can, we give them the following in
formation on the disputed topic The Peoples’
I’arty Club numbers exactly 151, at this date,
and there is a » Wide Awake” Club connected
with it which numbers 50. The National Union
Association (Bell and Everett) numbers 156
There arc a number of men of both parties
named who,arc not connected with either of
the clubs. The opposition vote to the Democra
cy in this place, at the Presidential election,
will be-in tlie neighborhood of 850, unless a
change be made between this and that time.—
Both wings of the opposition are enthusiastic,
’and they will stand about neck and neck pn the
Presidential vote. The Democracy have been
lying quiet, , until within the last, couple of
weeks. Their Club now meets! every Thursday
evening and they are preparing for a grand ral
ly at the Gubernatorial election. The Presi
dential question is not discussed by them.
Exctmsiox Tickets to State Fair.—Excur
tion tickets bill be issued from all stations on
thePenn’a Rail Road, toLfarriaburg, Septem
ber 23d to 27th inclusive, good fop i;elnm trip
Dntil September 30th, to persons attending the
State Fair to be held on Wyoming Battle Ground,
near Scranton, Luzerne cdnnty. At Harrisburg
excursionists can take either of the following
routes, the length of which are about the same.
let. Take the Northern Central Rail Rood,
from Harrisburg to Milton ; the Catawissa, Wil
liamsport and Erie Rail Road, from Milton to
Hcpert; the Lackawanna and Bloomabnrg Rail
Road from Rupert to Scranton,
2nd. Take the Lebanon Valley R. -R. from
Harrisburg to Reaifing ; the Little! Schuylkill
lnd tne Catawba, Wiliiamsport and Erie R. R.
from Reading to Rupert; and the Lackawanna
nud Bloomsburg Rail Road from Rupert to
Scranton. <
Democratic Club Meeting— The Democrat-
pLce held, a spirited.meeting in
ultz’s Hall, on Thursday evening last. We
?tre not in attendance, bnt .were > close enough
hear 1116 Wlanse with which ithp speech of
oine host” of the Altopna HouBe, Goi. Woods,
* o was the principal speaker, wasigreeted.—
Jthe way, the Col. is a candidate Tor Assoei
ite Judge in this county, and should he be
elected would make a portly and dignified dia-
J* o*® 0 *® of laiy and equity. If services to party
tstrTe r ®weW, the Col. should receive a hand
l°^eTote - The political complexion of the
ronnty is rather unfavorable to his election,
n ®ertheleas doubtful .things are mighty un'-
jwam" this.fall, and the Gol. might faU on the
lB «y side of the fence. ' i
The Democratic Club will meet regularly every
evening hereafter, at Shultz's w«n
Piopies’ Paett Mextiso.— A miles meeting
y Pe°pUs’ Party will be held in this place
■Monday evening next, September Sd, to be
Jr by ffon * Daniel CUman, of (New York,
g D ‘ ‘ Palmer, of Schuylkill county, and
cf « • s> Blair. The “ Wide Awake” clubs
.Jr and Hollidaysbarg/the Utter.aocom
ith.*? bjf Van TrieB ’ Cornet Band, will be in
tlub* f C *’ togetber tke Wicle Awake”
accompanied by the Altoona
C o m' m . ’ "Chairman of : the
toon. w® e oti “Odels and minerals, of the Al-
Atsoci r*— Dihwry and Beading Room
feaireji the members of |tbat Com
ew m oet-ia the (Library Boom; on Friday
tf n, n g l®i» a S q'dock. Thetnembers
i Tyrone
<l r i C^ , *;|»b t W ia horrible oaie
sea. >On Tuesday evening last, a scene occurred the part Of a I woman in lrrni«wii» t
in Allegheny township, which puts to the blush ty. end her consequent neglect of her child some
all others that we have heard of in Blalrceunty tbree wUkc dld A - ?
A Mra. Filer anAher little son had been on the was lying on Ihe porch in frontof Ur house in
!*!T ' 7 hnn « n B »*«• «4 of intoxication, some neighbors
nL hTJI dOWn t 0 tbe 'l were attracted by the cries of the infant and on
Lm A * e ” “ et b y a beast in human shape, going into the house found it lying on the floor
*T 0e8 * ® oTer *^i^ r and so emaciated Mto scarce
- her The wo- ly hare the semblance of a human being. Its
' h ! D he determined limbB wer « not thicker than the finger ofn man,
hL rfher^r P ** takiDg “ dite^t nad hands resembled die claws of
0 . f whe a a «galar resistance occurred an animal, whilst its face was fairly distorted
i tetTir? 8 " • kiDg 80me ° f * ith th * of hunger it was suffering. The
head lmd mah t T™? I hW ° hild tek ® n U P “ d cftred *>rby some of the
m ° " Waja - Th 6 h umane neighbors, and a physician summoned,
!e son assisted his mother as much as possi- who was of the opinion that it was so far re-
BC . ra ‘ Ckmg 1116 faCO of Corcon and pull, duoed by actual starvation as to leave little hope
colii “• '** in ae " Tlie inhuman mother, whose
compbshinghis helhsh designs. As soon as name is Biddy Greeley, (her husband. Dennis
Mrs. Filer could reach her home, and relate the Greeley, Us now in jail on the charge of threaten-
Circumstances, she made information before a ing the lives of his neighbors,) was arrested im-
Justice, which resulted in his arrest near Clays- mediately! and committed to jail on the charge
burg, in this county, some ten miles from the of wilfully qpd cruelly neglecting and aban
place of the commission of the fou! deed. He is doning her child. She richly deserves a term
now in jail, and will no doubt be tried at the Oc- in the penitentiary,
tober Sessions Whig,
Fettinger announces -to his friends
and customers that on and after the Ist of Sep
tember he will concentrate his business in bis
old stand,, No.'l, Altoona House, for the reason
that the receipts of No. 2, near the Post Office,
are not sufficient to justify him in beeping it
open. His customers will therefore call for their
papers at the old stand, No. 1. All who cannot
call , for their daily papers in the evening, will
have' them delivered at. their residences in the
morning, during the winter season, and in the
evening daring the summer season, by leaving
their names at No. 1.
P. B.—Fet has just received a large lot of
campaign flags, badges, cards and medals, to
suit all parties.
Arrested.— Oh Tuesday morning last, a son
of John-Stahl, of this place, was arrested und
brought before Esquire Cherry, for selling liquor
on the camp ground at Bell’s Mills, contrary to
law. It appears that he had some five or six
bottles of whiskey and two or three tumblers in
a carpet bag, which he carried about with him,
and dealt out portions to those who wanted a
“ nip.” When arrested, two of the bottles were
full, one partly full, and the others empty.
When before the squire, Mr. Stahl denied all
knowledge of the doings of his son, and appear
ed much mortified at his conduct and the result.
The boy was bound over to appear at the next
term of Court.
Peoples’ Party Club Meetibo— The Club
room of the Peoples’ Party of this place, was
well filled on, Friday evening last, to hear the
address advertised to be delivered by Col. L. W.
Hi\ll. At a little after eight o’clock, Mr. Hall
made his bow to the audience and proceeded to
deliver one of the most reasonable political
speeches we have listened to for some time. As
we predicted, it was free from all harsh lan
guage and was addressed to the judgement and
not the prejudices of his audience. Although
delivered extempore it gave evidence of having
been well Mr. H. is a pleasant
speaker, and was listened to with close atten
tion. His address undoubtedly had good effect
so far as the cause he advocated is concerned.
Foot Suasiied.— On Wednesday afternoon
last, George Bolinger, a brakesman on the Local
Freight train between this place and Mifflin,
had one of bis feet severely injured by being
caught between the “ bull-nose” of a freight
car and a piece of iron, Y shaped, which holds
the coupling of a market cAr. One part of the
Y shaped iron was driven completely through
the instep of his foot. Other parts of his foot
were somewhat bauised. He was brought to
this place and placed under the care of Dr
Oemmill, who thinks that he can save the foot.
Iron City College, Pittsburgh, B Pa.— The
superior excellency of the system of instruction
adopted in this school, and the uniform success
of its graduates as Book-keepers and business
men, have,made its reputation co-extensive with
the Union. There are at present in attendance
students from eight different States. This is
the result of careful attention on tile part of the
Principals, who are experienced teachers, giv
ing their constant attention to their students.—
No school can long survive in which the instruc
tion is imparted by subordinates.
Zouave String Band —Under the above
name, a number of young men in this place, have
organized a String Rand, and are now engaged
in practising two or three evenings in each week.
They made their debut on Thursday evening last,
and honored several of our citizens with .a sere
nade, the writer hereof among the number, fir
which they will consider our best bow made.—
Considering the short time they have been prac
tising, their 'music was creditable. We have
long needpd a band of this kind, and we hope
this one may not fall Uirongh.
More Plums.— One day last week, onr friend,
D. M. Greene, left with ns a small branch of a
plain tree, taken from his , lot, on which there
weYe about 70 plums, in a space of less than 10
laches. JEhey were of the common blue plum
and remarkably sound to be so closely packed
together. Mr. O. has taken great care of his
trees, promptly removing everything that would
injure them, and has thus .obtained a large crop.
All that is required to have good crops of plums
iste take care of,the trees. ; : V
.solicitous. ; j i,
W. , A ~r*f • '.. ' f Plen« Pncunwnla hat broke out among the bones
■ nond UT6P, of the Bedford InjJUtfet, ;in V>Mubn«|t<{ sof, The courier says that several hare
dropped into our sanctum, on Monday morning . died of that ut Natick. '
last. by acoident, nevertheless yre. were glad to j I®, When at Rutland, and just as Mr. Douglas was en
meet one of the craft whom we never bod met Uw Bunlw^u liotiae, alarge Irish woman rushed up,
before. Like all about -
time, he exhibiteda little excitement On noli- , W- AUbMna itar that thousands of poor people
♦ TJ* o .** fa that State «1U starre thlskl, the drought haa been so
ticaljjueationp, and appeared sanguine of the fatal to the crop. !;
success Of hia' candidates. He talks like » book *#, lion. Rdwardf- McPherson has been nominated for
and looks like a oleTer , fellow- toCougrett bjr tho Peoiilo’e Party Coo&reDce of
• • . ' ■■ V: ■; tiie XVIJtli Congressional District.
;Cohc*JlT.—The concert by y»f. Henry ■ »a. Why is a youiig lady preparatory to dressing in her
and company, in the Altoona Academy on Than* crinoline, like i floor, barrel ? Demote the boopsbare to
day evening la«t, vu rather slimly attended.— ; ** "d*** l before tiie head wui go in.
Other engagements prevented ua from attending , •9r?°W e . b*ro been organised to Dewittown
—consequently we odd not speak of the merit* i** 6 ? h *T° * dc P? e * tte wWetiow
D>a -v , vrhich govern the Chicago company In regard to contact
Of,the r; , •?. - • ! and tetwJmttogdk*. “ •
Cdbe foe In-Geo wing Nails. —lt is stated,
by a correspondent, that cauterization by hot
tallow isjan immediate pure for in-growing nails.
He says;—1 put a small piece of tallow in a
spoon, and. heated it over a lamp until it be
came very hot, and dropped two or three drops
between pail and granulations. The effect is
almost magical. Pain and tenderness are at
once relieved, and in a few days the granula
tions all go, leaving the diseased parts dry, and
destitute jof alt-feeling, and the edge of the nail
exposed so ns to admit of being pared away
without any inconvenience. I have tried the
plan repeatedly since, with the most satisfactory
results. The operation causes little if any pain,
if the taUow is properly heated.
Caxp Meeting. —Tbc camp meeting now in
progress at Bell’s Mills is said to be the largest
held in tipis vicinity for several years. There
are twenty-seven tents on the ground and a large
force of ministers. The excursion train from
this place, on Sunday morning, contained twenty
cars, all of which were filled by the time the
train reaqhed the camp ground. The crowd on
the ground on; Sunday was very large, and is
variously estimated from two to three thousand,
nevertheless, good order was maintained through
out. It is to be hoped that the meeting may re
sult in mpch good.
A. S. S. A.,-—The Altoona Sabbath School
Association will meet in the basement of the
Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening. Sept.
7th 18G0, ;at 7J o’clock. The following ques
tions will come before the Association for dis
Ist. Is there; any advantage to be derived
from the pse of the “ Union Question,Book” in
imparting Biblical instruction to a Sunday
School Class ? J
2d. Is it expedient, under the present circum
stances, to continue longer the Altoona Union
Sabbath School Association ?
White Hall Meeting. —A meeting of the
People s Party Club of Logan Township was
held at White Hall Hotel, on Saturday evening
last, which was addressed by Hon. S. S. Blair,
the People’s Party candidate for Congress. The
‘‘Wide Awake” Club of this place was out on
parade, and made a creditable appearance. They
carried some fifty torches and were preceded by
the Altoona Brass Band.
®>&- The Bell-Everett party bold a meeting nt
Allegheny Furnace on Tuesday evening last, and
the People's Party hold one there this(Thursday)
evening The National Union Club of this place,
attendedtbe meeting last evening, proceeded by a
martial bandy and four men carrying a bell, which
they tolled as they walked. We understand
that the “ Wide Awake” Club yrill go out to the
meeting to-night.
Leo Beokes.— Wm. Ball, the proprietor of
the barber shop under the Altoona House, had
his leg broken immediately above the ankle, by
afall on the board walk in front of the Exchange
Hotel, on Wednesday last, while attempting to
separate two dog* that were fighting. The frac
ture was adjusted by Dr. J. T. Christy, and the
man is now: getting wel]i as fast as could be ex
Ripe Fruit Wholesome.— Doctors say that
npe fruit is wholesome and we are sure it is
palatable, and we are likewise sure that the
peaches, pears, apples &c,. that can be,had at
Taylor’s saloon are ripe and palatable. The
boys don’t keep; unripe fruit for sale. Every
thing you get there is worth the money. If you
have never been M Taylor’s just drop in and see.
The Altoona Academy.— The female depart
ment of the above institution, will re-open on
the Ist Monday of October. For further par
ticulars apply to the subscriber.
I®,London, says (the Registrar General, now coven 121
square mile*. ' ‘ <
O- Miss Betsy Prim thinks that tegs should be called
“ abdominal supporters,” by all genteel people.
A new paper to about being started at Iluntlcgdon
to support the cause'of Bell and Everett.
tA- Accounts from Japan state that a city of ten thou
sand inhabitants was> swallowed up by an earthquake in
dune last. '■ i ' '
The Boston “The Empress Eugenie is
■” Tea, so the; ss;;and Louis feels delighted and
K-7 XWldi -nce of the subscriber, at Blair 'Furnace. Blair
connty.cin orahont the first of July, 186 U, a block mooly
COl a;pleco cutoff rite right ear,'! The" owner is ri
Pee.xX)lBS«-tf, ■... js^d*
Mg}. ProdertckShlhdlo, late a resident of Tyrone,
waa found dead on tha turnpike, between that place and
Clearfield, on Friday last Hewas a man of Intemperate
habit*. v
OU Capt. Cramer, of the Branch train, has obtained a
month’* leave of abeendh, and gone to Atlantic City and
other seaport towns, for the benefit of hU health. Hope
he may have a good time of it. ;
*a_The Tyrone and Clearfield R. R. Co. recently for
warded a keg containing 67,000 coppers to a firm of con
tractors on the road, as payment for an estimate that was
doe. Tbe contractors refused to receive it.
Mississippi paper says that "Mississippi pledges
her word not to snbmit to the rnle of a Black Republican
President” We wonder, says Prentice, if her “ word” is
as good as her bonds f .1
A®“B. S. Wharton. Esq., has received the nomination of
the People’s Party for Senator, in the district' composed of
Somerset. Bedford and Huntingdon, now represented by
Wm. P. Schell, Democrat.
AS* 4 * Julius, why didn’t you oblong your stay at de sea
side f”—“ Kase, Mr. Snow, dey charge too much."— *• How
so, Julius ?”—“ Why, de landlord charge dis iudiwidual
wid stealiq' de spoons.”
AS* An elderly Pennsylvania woman, with her daughter,
looking at the marble statue of Girard, in the College build
ing, the other day. startled the by-standers hy exclaiming,
“ La, Sully, how white lie was.”
Col J. J. Patterson, of Juniata county, and Thomas
Hays, of Union county, have been nominated by the peo
ples Party of Jnniata, Union apd Spydehcounties,as their
candidates for Assembly.
The Erie Dispatch says that 2500 imsheis of plums
have been shipped from that city this season, and that at
least 2000 bushels remain unpicked in that vicinity. Pri
cos range from 26 to 78 cents per bushel. S
If yon have a friend whom yon desire to remain a
friend, get in debt to him. He’ll never leave yon be will
haunt yon ; and “ in fond remembrance," ever cherish your
virtues and the amount of your indebtedness.
The Pittsburgh Chronicle says that a respectable
citizen of Washington county recently fell into the hands
of the “ Pbilistiues” of that city, who robbed him of $5O
in money and a set of teeth which were set on a gold plate.
*9“Gen.Geo.F.Bickloy has ordered a large quantity
of arms of a manufacturer in Massachusetts. They are to
be delivered at Matamorus, Texas, by October Ist, 1860 -
He promises to pay for them in cash at that timeand place
lom tbe South, we hear of terrible storms in Lou
isiana and Alabama. The Mobile and New Orleans papers
are burdened with the details. In Mobile, especially, the
loss of life was great, and the amount of damage done very
A Mrs. John Brown, says the Portsmouth (N. II.)
Chronicle, during a thunder storm, was killed by lightning
while on her knees at prayer. She had just made the re
mark that If the Lord wished to take them, she knew of
nothing better to be doing than to be al prayer.
£S.Ouo of the census takers, in Philadelphia, last week
came across an old lady who ,1108 tseuty-tbur daughters
living, twenty-three of whom are married and have fami
lies, She has certainly dune her share towards increasing
the population of the Quaker City, and deserves a premium.
B®*The Louisville Journal has the following short and
decisive hit at an over hasty opponent: “ Nobody denies
the patriotism of John Bell,”— Louisville Journal, lie de
ny it.”— lf. C. I’utriol. “We know you do; we meant you
when we said that nobody denied it.”— Louisville Journal.
Small boy on tip-toe to companions —“ Sh—oh— stop
your noise, ul 1 of you ”
Companions■ Hello. Tommy, what’s up now?”
Small—- We’ve got a new baby—very weak ami tired—
walked all the tray from heaven last night—mUsu’t go
kickin’ up a row around here.”
A veritable •• one-horse shay”—once the property of
Stephen Girard, was sold in Philadelphia recently for the
sum of $16.50. Some dealer in old iron, or it may lime
been an active admirer of tin- formerijwucr of the vehicle,
immediately offered the purchaser $3.50 for his bargain.—
He was at once taken up
Bjf.Very Pressing.—A young girlwhohad become tired
of single hlcssedne-e. wrote fo her true swain as follows:
“ Beer Gim, dime rite off. ef you air cummin at awl. Ed
Ceilings Is insisting that 1 shall hev him. 4 kisses me so
kontiuerally that I kau't holed out mutch longer, but will
have 2 kave in. Betzv.”
t®. A man named Patrick, llenesy died from excessive
joy, at Johnstown, on Saturday. The father of the deceas
ed suddenly arrived in Johnstown from Ireland, and his
son was ro overcome by the intelligence that ere he met
his parent he fell down and expired. He was a worthy
young man, and his death is deeply regretted by all who
knew him.
Ah an illustration cf the punctuality with which the
Adriatic makes her trips, it is said that some days previous
*t° ber last arrival nt New York, a dinner was ordered at
the New York Hotel, f,.ra certain hour of the 11th. for the
family of Brown, Bios. A Co., who were cxjieeted among
the passengers; and that the good ship came in just In time
to enable the party to dress before the soup had time to
ky Rov Thomas Barnhart. Mr. ED
both of Springfield Furnace, Blair county.
Attention! Wide Awakes.
American Candidate fur Gwemnr in ,Vci o York in 1554
and a leading FILLMORE man in 1850, ’
Monday Evening, Sept, 3rd, 1860.
By order of Executive Committee.
r , a large Assortment of the following ar
ticles, bought for cash, which 1 offer tothocitizenaof Blair
and adjoining counties, at the
Blair County Book and Music S'ort,
opposite the Tribune Office, Virginia street, Altoona, Pa ,
at the very lowest rates: ’
?PvS K a S * stationery
of all kinds. Albums, Blank Books. Pass rarw _
Books, Ac., Ac. Also all the different B
~ n , i? Altoona or the township schools.
. ' FLU7ES, FIFES, Ac. Ac.,
and an endless variety of Violin, Guitar and other
•ii l uea * Vwlity. I have paid particular attention to
eeM lo a£.' l . nrf r, of PIANO MUSIC, the latest
published, to which I invite the attention of the ladles. I
JumHOSICAZ, INSTRUCTORS for almost every lustra
lWh^npeli ° r i2i of , felaAßS ’ TOYS - and sronll Musi
n i.rff- m e Tabert and other celebrated Pencils,
„l a V Perf " mcr - v tracts, Fancy Soups, Teeth and
tttlr Brashes. Combs, Pocket Books, Ladles’ Shopping
wsSSS7;^?.° rilu “'-' aind News Depot
The subscribe r continues to
keep Constantly on hand at! the be*t literary papers and
periodical*,: doily papers from Philadelphia, New York and
Plttapargh.’together with a good assortment of Hooks. aJi
band' h^ Ql B ° l,k * n * t ‘ d ln thi!l P lac ci.aud vicinity always on
l 0 L of Confectionaries, and knick knacks
r Alw the brat TobAcoi) £’Beein
•£)ruttS?'S io *'t n ' wltll ft fine ftwortiuentbf Gold
5!! d vJiT, Er p f nc tiih Gold Rings and other articles of Jewel
ry. Call and ’ H. PETTING ISR.
Altoona, July Sft’ftMy, ; yn.lAUootwHmie.
scuts to the attention of mothers her ; ’ pr *
whlch-greatly taciUtates the process of teething, by soften
ing the gums reducing all inflammation!*!!! allay pain and
spasmodicoction, and Is ture to regntateithe Bo ml*.
Depend upon it mothers, it will give: rest to yourselves,
nniltrUef and Health to pour Infant*, n
We have put up and sold this article jftr over ten yean,
andcan say, in confidence-and truth of lt, What we have
never been aide to say of any other medicine—never has it
failed, in a single Instance, to effect acore, when timely
used. Never did we'knuw an insJtancedCdiaaatisfiiction by
any one who used it. On the sli are delighted
with its operations, and speak in terms bf highest commen
dation of its lungicnl effects -and medicafyirtues. We speak
In this matter “what we do know.” after ten years’ expe
rience. and pledge our reputation Kir ths fhl9lm*-nt of what
we here declare. In almost every instance where the in
fant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief trill be
found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is ad
ministered. ! f-
This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of
the most experienced and skillful nurses in New England,
and has been used with'never-failing success in thousands
of one*. _ L , |.; ,
It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates’
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. It wifi almost instantly
relievo Griping in the Bowels and I Find Colic, and over
come convulsoius, which, if not speedily -remedird, end in
death. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the
world, iu all cases of Dysentery nbd Diarrhoea in children,
whether it arises from teething or IrOia guy other cause.
We would kay to every mother who hat’a child suffering
from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let your pre
judices, nor the prejudices of others, stmid between your
suffering child and the relief that will lie' abso
lutely sure—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely 1
used. Full directions for using will acootnpany each bot
tle, None genuine unless the fac-sjmjlo of CURTIS A
PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper.
_ Sold by Druggists throughout the world, and by Q. W.
Kessler and A. lluusb, druggists, Altoona, Price 25 coots
per bottle.
Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar atrdet. N. Y.
July 12, XBOO.-ly.
Corner of Caroline and Virginia Streets, Pigart’a building,
Altoona, July 12, 1860.-3 m. ■- ■
AND. • '
J FORM the public that he has purchased the interest
of A. Ml LLIItON in the Grocery and Provision Store here
tofun- kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St.,
where he will continue the business, anil will keep con
stantly on band a large supply of
ami everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision
Mores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and
western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices
Haying recently obtained fi.-enso to sell liquor by whole
sale, 1 will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ol
liquors of the best qualities to be had,
l respectfully solicit a share of public custom.
Julyli 18iii).-3m, j. BERKOWITZ.
ei COMPANY, haying over 000,000 ACRES
of LAND lyilig in the State of Missouri, which was grant
by Act of Congress, to aid In the construction o! their'
Koad offor the principal jxirtion thereof, for sale, on the
most liberal terms, >•
”T^ ntL ' r i’ lr* of t,lese lands are within six, and all
Mitliin fifteen miles of the UstilroAil. whi(3iis now comply
ti-d. and open for use throughout its eiftjre length (206
mil-s.) and runs through a country which is unsurpassed
by any in the salubrity of its climate, t|i? fertility of its
soil, and the extent of it* mineral re»oiircc4«
For further information, apply at the Land office of the
Company, or address by letter, , JOSIAII HUNT,
„ „, „ Land Commissioner, 11. & gt. Jo. K. R.
Hannibal. Mo. pel,. 2, ’60.-ly.*
SCRIBER (having taken the esmbtishinentheretofore
owned by -ninnel I. Fries,) would respectfully an mt
nomice to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, -fcraa
that ho bus removed his
to Gie new building on Annie street, between Harriet and
Adeline streets. Fast Altoona, where he will keep constant
ly on hand a largo assortment of everything |u his line,
which he will dispose of On r asonahlo terms. N
f" 1 "5 0,, . F,1nrt "»'lce. He also manufactures Leaded
,K ") bpoptini:. wliich is said to bo much!superior to gal
\aiiiziHl slieot»ir<>n or tin.- - . ’
Me bus also attached trcopper-smilhlng i-oora to his es
tablishment and will keep on band an assortment of coo
per and brass kettles. Ac. ; ; c
All kinds of j..bwdik promptly attended to. -
A snare of public patronage is respectfully solirited.
Altoona. Aug. ,Ct„. ftflO. ST^Pf ! W^XEKS -
b, A 4 a P? 1 as, ' ,rtme nt of Shoo-Fiudings, of all de,
JnW°lo l«im h " C wUI BeU n{ ,ow Prices, iblrcssh _ /
a . ,!00<1 8 . ,0ck of tho »nd Oak Bo.e
Leather. We have also a rood assortment of Goat and
K i!, *™ ch H Counlr y Oilf Skins, Uppers/
Kips, Linings. bindings, 4c, all of which we mill at low
prices and warrant to give satisfaction.' !.• ■ - -
Please calland examine onr stock before pkrchasinirelse
where. Don-tforgetpUce-twodoorsbelow P thep“tffi:
Jnly 19, 1860. STEWART 4 IHOMPSO^T
erican Life Insurance and Trust Co.
Capital Stock, $500,000,
Company Building, Walnut. SC, St & comer of
Fourth Vhila.
J. 0, SIMMS, ■Sfec’y. [Oct. 27ih, 18S9-Jy.
Lycoming county: mutual
I H?®?, 4 ?/ F* 0 Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, ia
•Bltihst loss or damage by ere,
BaOdmgt, Marctondtte, PtmUtire and Property of ererv
description, in town or country-, at at reaSjmMe rates ns
“XS"?3K£ Btoto -, rt offlco ih theStasonicTemple.
Jan. 3, 6C-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent.
BALE.—The Gate-House and Lot ; '
Altoona and hol- l
FF 1 !® road co n sit-
K mile from Altoona. i» offered
Private Bala For terms and farther
particulars Inquire of JOSEPH D7SART, President o’ the
Company. [AprilfC, ISGO.-tf.
4 J. Gv ADLUM,
not ary p u b Llc.
Cnn at all times be found it the stare of j.;B. Hilemaa.
October 1,1867. ' , . V
Haro ware of all pEscitip.
rtionisjost received and for sale by ■’ i ‘
; , ‘test. JB-tTI .• - J.B.BILEMAN '
\3f, A largs and fashionable assortment it the store of
’ . . r... * J. B HILEMAN.
, fc- ■*>
* * »(
Hiving Prooft n strong and diroot as to
For Statesmen, !udges,Edltow, Physicians of thebldwt
■cbnoU us well HA new. give it their unqualified sanction,
and loeoenm-ml It for nil cnaoe of eruptions,and -ilirsns of
thewalpandbrain-.faut all who lure n«sd it, unite la
testifying that it will preserve the hair from being gray,
and front falling to any age, ae well as rostorei Read the
■ tw—. ■ Oak Orove, S. C. Jnbe 24tb, 1809.
—’SiS*’ D: O®® l Sir:—Your ttoir Restorative is
™£J“*y gaining popularity In this community. X have bad
occasion to lay prejudice aside, anJ giro your n«jr Res
thrOwn*frnn? 2,*** 1 , WM 80 unfortunate as to be
against a rock near the ruad-etde.
.Si, 1 ”?? r ? c “‘' red ® moBt terrible blow; can
nU igNM ml 01 irruatwn, whicli con)ujuuicalcd to tbf
, Whiekmy hair was finally destroyed over the entire sur
face of the head. From the time X first discovered • ita
dropping, however, up to the time of its total dlsannea£
ance, X employed everything J could think of, briugapTO
feesionalman myself, and, as I thought, undentandfawthe
nature of the disease, hut was-BaaDy defeated in evervnre.
scrlntlon advanced. very pro
;■ and no other circumstances induced me to resort ■,
to your-worthy Iluir Restorative, which X have every rea
•on to believe, produced a very happy result; two months
after tbo first application, X hod os beautiful a header
youpg hair as I over saw, far which X certainly owe run
my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear sir, I shall
recommend your, remedy to alt inquirers; moreover, X shall
use my influence; which! flatter myself to say, fa not a
little. v"
You can publish thislfyon thtnk proper.
Xo«w. very respectfully, M. J. WRIGHT, M.D.
o«tee t of tbe Jeffersonfan, PhUippl, Va, Deo. 12th, ISM.
Dear eiT.—l feel it my duty as well as my pleasure, tS
state to yon the following circumstance, which you can use
as you tbittk proper. A gentleman ot this place, (a law*
been bald over since his early youth; so much so,
tnat he was compelled to weara wig. XXe was induced to
use a bottle of vour “Hair Restorative,” which he liked
very much; and after nslpg some two or three bottles hit
hair grew ont quite luxuriantly, and he now has a hand
some head of hair. The gentleman’s name is Bradford, and
u lit* w very veil known in our uctyoining counties, muir
persons can testify to the truth of this statement; I give
it to .you. at the request of Mt. Bradford. You can sell d
peat deal ofyour Hair Restorative in this mid the adjoin
fog counties ifyon have the proper agents. Yours, Ac.,
D*. woon: Dear Sir ; permit me to express tbo obliga
tionslain.underfortho entire restoration of my hair to
“* * bout ‘. he “ mo * hiy arrival in the
United States It was rapidly becoming gray, hut upon the
application Of your “ Hair Restorative 5, it soon recovered
itsorigJnal bne. I consider your Restorative as a very
wonderful invention, quite efficacious us well as agreeable:
The Restorative fa. put up in bottles of three sizes, -via i
largo, medium, nml email; fho small holds U a pint, uui
retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least
twenty percent, wore in proportion than the small,retails
for two dollars per bottle; the largo holds a quart, 4d tJsr
cent, more in proportion. and retails for *3. ■ - ■
O.J. WOOD A CO., PKiprietors, 444 Broadway. Kaw
York, and IX4 Market Street St. Louis, Mo.' . ■ *
ror salp by Q. W. Kessler, Altoona, and by all coed
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. * ■ Bo *
March 1, ’CO—ly '
Lands i lands i Tlands ! 11
T^ U, !? er « U Prep T t° locate LAND Wll
the Omaha and Nebraska City Dana
Good selections ?ap now ho made near th< larko streams
and aettlemonts. The Lands of this Territory, how la
Market, are of the beat quality. ■
„„*^r„. Solectioll3 caTolUlly made, tetters tf iainiry »»
quested. ; ALEX. P. McKINNEY*
July 11,1859.-tf| 0k “ FOU8 » °M» County,
Rcr. A. B. Curk, Altoona, Pa.
tbofn !i Co.,.Bankers, Altoona, Pat
McCecm A Dem, Editors, » "
•A. Scott, Supt. P. R, A,- «
D. McMtotuie, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa.
T !>• deet, attorney at law
Will practice law in the several Courts of Blair, Cambriat
C<;fati-0 “S' l
A A ft" Dlatricl Count of the Called States.
Collections of claims promptly attended to. Agent tor
the sale of Beal Estate, Bounty Land Warrants, mad all
business pertaining to audthe law. ' •
v RefeAescks :
. Uo “- S'* 1 * 0 " SlcCandles and Andrew Burke, Esq.. Pitts -
burgh; Don. Samuel A. Gilmore, Prts, JudgeofPayotto
Judicial District; Uon. ClienarddleraSnspfWheel
Uonllcnryp.Fostor.Oreensbnrg; Hon. John TIT. KiHingsr,
: ir° n ’ r n ‘-1 Port ’ r * Philadelphia; aud Hon’
George P. Unmelton, Pittsburg. June 16,1860-Iy.
THE ROOT and herd doctor.
1 vernal ft h l U * d « , P hto ' S 1 * 080 n^V H a haTO '
iLH r .°w i i ttt **i u *' o 6°. n House, on former visits, can lx
consulted hereafter at the Altoona House, one toy in each
not ice °f which will be given in thispnoer -uS
» W n ibh“/ U 7c a 011 tlle 13tb August
two of September, after which he will bo absent
two months, but ill give notice through this paper when /
ho will commence for. the winter season again., life treats / :
?H' I 'fJf e 8„ *® hcir to - A, Btethoscoplc ■ /
tion ..f the Heart, Lungs and Throat free of charge. Thru, / ’
wnds upon thousands have testified to the correctness of /
his testing diseases wtthont asking any questions. He ha/
dUc * , fV 9 „‘. ,f nature strictly
ttal. Uaud-bllla. Dr. IV. LEVINQ3TOi(
W. M. LLOYD & CO., "
" AziVOitA, Pi,
2A3^XX3 l^.^mss3 a r
(LaU “Bell, Johnston, Jack £ Co.*’)
Drafts on the principal
Cities, and Silver, and Gold for saie.- Collections
,^°° e y" received on deposite, payable on demand,
Feb Id, mo*’ tfr 01,0,1 tUne ’interest at fiOrratw!
ooox>, tc.», J.K(mnau,ir.»
JLJ ISQ entered into Partnership 'in thV Practice of
Medicine, rrapectfully tender their'service* to the Puhßs
tndhe several branches of their Profession; “
—StliM.” 1 ! 1 *’® niwwer « d either day or night atdbetr offles
w hich Is the sameas heretofore occupied hy Dra. Hirst
& Good.—or at the Eogan House. “ 3
April 21st, 18595,«
Boots and shoes.—the UN
derslgQed bos now on'bond and will '
sen cheap at hU store In the Masonic Tem- llfli
ivn a?Kt.2 n<l cc l m P let P assortment ofBOOTS
ready made, or made to order,
Overshoes, Uicjfog Sandnte, Gum Shoes. ft.A' BLi,
fs 6 ? sev «»TtWng ln l.i s Ifce of bMinew, of
Jon. 2, ’56-tf.] r
lvdrniture ware-room-the
1* inft public that ha
t^zstsssshssss "" •■“*»>’*
W jhodntJai of ah'UNDERTAKER/
T£” Cablnei-Makara and one apprentice wanfcd.
Altoona, Apr. 12.18 W. JAB.T. MOORE.
t '!i aaU^. a * a i nst Ims ot danutge by flrej SteSt*.
urnitu ’ re and Property, oferery des
cription, in town or country, at as feasible rateru tnr
Company in the State, Office with 8011, Johnston, JacSrJ
27, *6B-tf, D• CAIOWEDL, *«t ,
A Itudent wanted. '
Dll. WM. 11. FINLEY RE- M
SFECTFDUiT offers his-
services to the people of Altoona and the
oinieg country.
®.® J n 1 # y J*- *2 n 5? Rt office heretofore oc- “
copied by Dr. 0. D. Thomas.
Altoona, Sept. 30,1858.-tf fPBPk
’ MAKER, informs the public that he
l»aa taken the Room next door to the TWnm» -
Office, on Virginia Street, where he is nrePM&__
pared to maunfnetare overt style of
manner BHO£3 ’ “* reasonttble P riccs ) end in a substantiat
‘ ~ ~ . . : . [MarJS.’CO.-tf. '
S°J W R P i M - % 0^ :
to J. Vf. Rigg s Tin Shop, and
in good style and at Jow rates. [Mar-IS/Stt
V-*. complete assortment of Groceries have justbeenre
ceiyed at the store of ■ J. B. Mt-wsia-
I-tC , KKSUB^.