The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 16, 1860, Image 3

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intile- Cordial.
attentive person tliat tho
cfly from tJie bowels, anil it»
iciliciue which can bo relied
in all infantile complaints
We speak of Dr Eaton’,
no opiate of any kind— to
rerings of Infants oa m«
try this-cven if nil otter
advertisement In another '
spoilt. Druggists, New V«rk
1,1 nlso B °lc ngents of tbe
SON’S BU>O D Foov , j
•■‘H complain tsnrieingf rom j
1 Imtever causes such deflei
lbout exception the mo#t
Did could take; os tt 1* in. j
Hand os blood is the Uf« o f j
■and producing it, i t \
cren who hare been suffer I
I al^T 0 ‘wo Preporstions 1
1_ offered to th. I
co advertisement. 1
for Females j
"' n ‘nvented,,mdsold.pur
inns disensee and derange
m M woman reader her
iniulants has been to ini
nervous nyxian, and &]«•
lief has been succeeded by
cater thaw before; and the
5 DniW themselves up by
r ended in destroying what
Dot in using “ Ikcrhart's
5o such disastrous result
, iHxpaml on strictly sclen
’ of the celebrated UoUnnd’
iuliuenoo trery nerve nnd<
d vigor, appetite and sleep,
tii. See advertisement in
f i’uvcr ami Ague should j
expense, to procure Dr. 1
whose beneficent effects. 1
?n clearly proved to those- 1
1 i short space of time by I
are wan nml meagre, and ]
■Hess, nml whose eyes are 1
Iliom in the face, this I
¥: snatching them as it 1
-• grave. None can know I
twl it. 'When all other* I
t eroil the sufferer* to prl*. I
all the Western' and I
iliom to all fiuhllies.' I
. uonilly, everywhere. I column. I
* pills; • ' {
in the: <o Pills aid the re
lien. They ara mild h,
■recticg all Irregularities
ill obstructions, whether
l‘ iiu in the side, palpß*.
nu; affections, hysterics,
■i n, Ac., disturbed sleep,
s pills
< r.i iii the treatment of
■ns which liave consigned
tlie beautiful, and the be*
•i female caueojoy good
'■ hi'ncver an obstruction
tins t<> declino.
i-.S PILLS ' ,
known for allcomplaiiits
s they are invaluable, ia
l rryularUy. They are
tit them at different pa
ving the sanction of soma
» America.
and when they thou fet
• /Vice One Dollar taeh
•i free, of the Agents.—
nclusing price to the Gen*
■ncrally, '
US, Oenebai Aowt,
Dread way,'jfcw York.
it ; in Holliday sburg liy
. [Doc. 8, IS».-ly.
/■orcr and jtyuc and jKf
;riiy was brought to Hi®
dors by a friend who baa
1 the Holy Land. .
[ilirates, he experienced a
On discovering his con
rum bis person an Amu-
Trr will touch you," Al*
us. lie complied; and «x
-as since always found it
aim ions complaints,
id that tlio boatman ottrl
i said that it could only
e cun. Sometime after
i " with a Priest obtained
nation, and ascertained
t mud, of which it was
:cm of thin article have
of tiio natives in the ml-,
Ins boon tried with the'
end gentlemen of high
:.- t unqualified praise.—,
. in Persia for hundreds
■x:v of Fever and Agne>
r i the American people.
1 ■> itli full dlrections for
ny, IRS Main St., Bfch
'•{ Commerce Building,
inoccnt sheep should bo
on to the undoing of »
giit also have deplored
u uncouth manner in
toiler up the cloth mad*
me harmless sheep. To
irking np cloth wisely
I, .- best advantage the
Drown Stone Clothing
Ij;; and 005 Chestnut St.
l oir slock of garment*
hvsician, lias a aoothlng
, greatly facilitate* th*
- gums, reducing *U i»*
.i is euro to regulate th*
u will give rest to your-
r .jur infants. Perfectly
it in another column.
Iv offers his pro^»«»J
vicinity. Offl«on
- Itvd Lion Hotel,
. -cert when proton
jy 20,1800, tl.
te or fell onyl«perhe«
tiikl never will b* * ..j
linking Bnid ■twnß
„:nd. by the proprietor*
u n ILILELM 4 vap.
r\ ices to tho citixea* 0
run if required. ■
cet, Last thr«»
A nril 28 ’6B-lT^,
v. Anne Sweet, 4lt®° n *‘
|tttflflna Cribm
w«Krn “ 7 «Bd HoUldaysbnrg,
•Micro ttrongh aod UoUldavsbwt,
"7,ra Through Mail ■
ian.«B MAIL j OPEN.
ff,IW»T» tor 6 , 7 10 A.M.
•Wtern Through 718 «
Ln Through; Muff. 7v40 “■
0 60 P. SI.
ff«itern Way, -8 10 P.M.
EMfcm “ t ,8 66 P. M.
Odlcs opsa for the transaction of business from 680 A M
09.00r.M-, during the week, and from 7.60 to 8.60 o’,
tlock, «» Sunday. '
J juaet, ’57-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, P, M.
railrc?Xd schedule.
KrnrMi Train Hast arrives 8,10 P. M., leaves 3,25 P.M.
« “ West “ 7,40 A. M. “ 8,60 A. M.
fwt “ E* B * “ i .1,16 A. M. ,« 1,20 A.M.
* » West “ 8,25 P.M., « &0 P.M.
Mail “ Kaßt “ 7,13 A. M. « A. M.
« “ West “ A 66 P. M, «. 7,10 K m
The lIOUiIDA YSBUBG BRANCH connects with Express
Train Bast and West, and Mail Train Bast and West. ‘
INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with. Johnstown
A ceommodation Train Bast and-'West, Johnstown Way
Train Ksrtwsni and Express Train Westward.
April 12, 1860. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen'l Supt.
A New Featuekin Railroad Accommoda
tions.—The Harrisburg Telegraph says Every
day brings something new m the way of accom
modations for Railroad travelers. First came
the smoking car, then the sleeping car'; and now
we Lave the restaurant car introduced by .the
Lebanon Valley Railroad Company, which, dike
the others, is bound to become a popular institu
tion. This car, supplied with every -variety of
refreshments in the eating and drinking lino, is
attached to the through train between Harris
burg and New York city, affording passengers
ample opportunity for appeasing their thirst and
hunger without leaving the cars for that pur
pose. The restaurant car, now in charge of Mr.
Mann, was put. upon the road as. a simple exper
iment; and we have no doubt it will ultimately
succeed and prOve a source d| great pecuniary
profit to the originator of the novel idea. There
is great danger in passengers leaving a train, at
stations where brief stops are made, to obtain
refreshments. Accidents may occur, or they
may miss the train and he left, behind. The res
taurant car obviates all danger and difficulty,
and is, therefore, n desideratum in railroading.
Pic Nics.—The Odd Fellows’Pic Nio, noticed
some weeks since, will bo' held in the grove west
of town, near Millet’s school-house. Those who
intend participating in the festivities of the day
will meet at Veranda Lodge room, in Patton’s
building, at 8 o’clock. Persons attending from
East Altoona, will have Ihclir baskets of .provi
sions at Hamilton’s 1 store, at half past seven
o’clock. Those of West and North Wards will
haye their baskets at the Lodge at the same
time. We hope our friends may have a pleasant
day for their picnic.
Altoona Division, S. of T., holds a picnic in
Beale’s woods, to-day (Thursday). The arrange
ments for this affair have been quite extensive,
and a good time generally is expected. They
start from the' Hall at 8 o’clock.
v Examination of Tkacuees, ac.— -On Satur
daj last, bupt. Mitchell held on examination
in one of the East Ward school-rooms, of teach
ers who were applicants for the public schools
place. Some 16 teachers were examined,
most of whom receivecj drcditablc certificates'.
lathe evening the School Directors met and
made the following selection of teachers for the
session commencing the first Monday of Septem
ber:— -
West Ward—High School—J. G. Counsmnn.
“ “ 2nd Grade—Miss E. J McCormick
“ “ I’rimary Dep—Wm. Kinsloe.
* ■ “ Assistant—-Mias M. B. McGrum.
East Ward—High School—A. H. Sembower.
“ “ 2nd Grade— Miss P-M. McCrum.
“ “ Primary Dep* -E.
“ “ Assistant—Miss E. J. Homes.
Swedish Motheu’s llriis.—Mary Ilowitt
(geatle Mary Ilowitt, as she is sometimes called)
lias translated from a favorite Swedish author
the following beautiful hymn, sung by the mo
ther to her children just before the “good night”
There sittetb a dove so white and fair, ,
All oa the UIIj spray,
And she listeneth how to Jesus Christ
The little children privy.
Lightly she spreads her friendly wings
And to Heaven’s gate hath sped.
And unto the. Father in Heaven she Tteain
The prayers which t,ho children harp said.
And hack she comes from Heaven's gate.
Ana brings—that dove so mild—.
from her Father in Heaven,Who heard her speak,
A blessing on every - child. . :
Then children lift up your pious prayer,
It hears whatever your say, '
That Heavenly doyo so white and fair,
..All on the lilly spray. ■ : ■
Ekoise House.— are now engaged
io preparing the foundation .for a new building
to be erected on.the site of the old Branch road,
to East Altoona) immediately opposite Ickes’
««re. The building is to be. frame, 25 feet
* le b y 50 deep, and two stones 'high. \ The
Rt floor room U intended for the engine of the
°°d Company, and the second story
° r & ball W meetings, concerts, &o. The buil-
S wilLbe finished in a style which will mak e
,tan ornament to the place. v, .
Pcblic iMPEovEMBHT.-i-We leaTn from the
0 iflayaburg papersthatworkmenarenow en
,«»ged in putting in vaults in the Court House at
ti place, ftp the better securing of the books
16(1 papers 'of the comity. This measure of
Rcaution is taken by the Commissioners, at
? soggestion of the (Hand Jnry, and with the
PPmval of the Court. •. Although it may prove
J J now, it vrill gnardagainat a loss far
than the cost, should ,thc building ever
ieh!t° AMPM^NT '~'^ has or
the several military companies, staff ofii
r". and all members of tho 4th Brigade, 16th
>t Wmv’ V ’’
y, ,in this .county, commencing on
Siren * ® e P* e * n ! >er * A cordial invitation is
. to n «ighhoring military companies to
JBai « the encampment.
t *acheb.» a : Deawino a Lion’s Tooth.— Doctor F. New*
tf th* r, i ABBooi A ti on.—A regular meeting burry Clark, on Saturday lust extracted a tooth
j., ~. Teachers’ Association will A° m Bohison & Co.’s celebrated performing
is,,. ": ln 006 4* the Bus'll Ward school-rooms, lio “’ Bac ¥“ nnon .» • V "? inia - The operation
““in place * n .™ was witnessed by some thirty or forty persons,
sad continniL . m ! 8 to ' morrow » (Friday) and proved highly satisfactory to his lion high
ivovad to b m >T ro -®^ B *' These meetings have nessnsiwell as the spectators. Doctor C has
»h° jjj va * n ® to teachers, and'all the tooth preserved, which is quite a Hon itself,
ftould v,. 1® Bils honorable occupation j from the fact that it has assisted in masticatine
e lf possible. ’■ j three-hundred thousand pounds-of beef
D*Hooeatic Meetiko.—Ou the return of the
members of the State Committee and others,
from the meeting at Cresson, on Thursday even
ing lfst. o meeting was held in front of the Lo
gan House, and addresses were delivered by W.
H. rWelsh, Esq., Chairman of the State Commit
tee, and others. No notice had been given of.
the, meeting, consequently it was small. The
AUoona'Brass Band was out and played a cou
ple of tunes.
7 00. A.M.
7 00 A.M.
'« 80 P. 11.
T 40 ■ “ •
[ Bookasd Music Stone—Our young friend
Caughlin, across-the-way, has justreturned froin
the east vtith a large assortment of books of Ml
kinds, embracing aU the hooks used in the schools
in this place and vioinlty, together with a good
assortment of musical instruments, and notions
of different kinds. See his advertisement in
another column.
Ojm Book Stoee.— Mr. M. A. Hunter has
returned to this place, and opetoed his Gift Book
Store next .door to O’Donnellls Tailor shop, on
Mam st: Mr. H. has on hand an excellent as
sortment of books, among which are large and
handsome family Bible?# and most of the stand
ard works, historical and literary. Call soon
as ho will remain butafowdays.
855 L. Since our last issue, we have had a fine
rain, not a heavy, dashing, washing rain, but
slow and steady, just fast j enough to allow 'the
ground to absorb it as it fell, consequently the
corn, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, &c v , have re
ceived ttfrcsh impetus, and with a littfi more of
the same sort at intervals, will yield an average
TLe Democratic Delegate election held in
this place on Saturday evening last, resulted in
the election of Douglas delegates from all the
Wards. In Logan township the Douglas party
also triumphed. .The county convention meets
at Holliduysburg to-day, (Wednesday.)
Postponement. —The concert to be given by
Prof. Henry, this (Thursday) evening, has been
postponed in consequence of the illness of one
of the ladies who: wa6 to take part therein.
Exhibition.— The scholars and teachers con
nected with the Methodist Sunday-School in this
place, are preparing to give an exhibition some
time in the early part of September.
The Methodist Camp Meeting, at Bell’s Mlljs, will
commence on Friday week, "Stth Inst. The Pcnn’a lb lb
have tendered the use pf their core, free of charge, for
convoying tents, Ac., toitho ground. Excursion tickets, wo
presume, will be issued' from all stations on tho lino of the
road, in tho county,:to tho camp. Quito a number of per
sons, from this place will be in attendance, should the wea
ther prove favorable.
a®. Wo are not vain enough to Imagine that the raising
of any ticket to our mast head would have much effect
upon tho result of tho election; but our reasons for think
ing our neighbor oycr-the-hill would like to sec tho Repub
lican ticket at our mast head is, that he lias so long styled
the Tribune an opposition paper, without being able to
prove it, that his readers will heginhu think as Wo do, that
ho has been “ fibbing.”
GS- Mrs. Mary A. Ward, of the National Hotel, Tvrone,
has purchased the unfinished h'.tel building at the depot of
that place, and intends haying it completed with the view
of fitting it far a hotel, and taking charge of it herself.
J. C. McLapahan, Esq., of HoJlidnysbnrg, announ
ces himself, through the HoUidnysburg papers, as an inde
pendent candidate for'Associate Judge.
IS®- Rev. David J. Terkcs, of Pittsburgh, (formerly of
IlolliJaysburg,) has accepted the nuanimons call oftlicFiret
Baptist, Church, Brooklyn, to become their pastor.
X®*The Peoples’ Party Club in this place now numbers
132 members. 'Tho Constitutional Union Party Club num
bers about the same.
S®»Qnitd comfortable—A scat along side of a warm
cook stove these mornings.
The People’s Party Congressional Conference meets
at Cresson to-day (Thursday).
A Widow’s Pbaxer— One of our exchanges
states that recently a violent storm passed alono
uia valleji °f \ allow Crfeok, in Indiana county.
The wind was terrific and devastating, and em
braced a belt of land about a mile wide. Hou
ses and fences were prostrated, and large forest
trees were unrooted. In the severest of the
tornado stood a small cabin, occupied by an
aged widow and her son. A very large tree" in
front of her little cabin was so twisted and beat
en by the gale that she feared it would fall and
* a J her hut in ruins, and perjiaps bring death
as well ns desolation. Wtbile the storm was ra*'
ging, and timber fulling in every direction, the
old lady knelt and prayed fervently that the
tree might be spared. A writer, who after
wards visited the spot, narrates the incident
and adds.* “ The tree was scared—and, strange;
as it may seem, it was the only, tree within a
considerable distance of the widow’s cabin.’'
Sha£e Chahmisu,— The Eochester (N. Y.)
Union mentions a case of shake A
little girl has become so fond of a brown snake,
and the snake So fond of her that when they
meet in the yard they run to each other with all
the apparent emotions of friendship and attach
ment that can exist between living beings.
The little girl is growing thin on it and the
snake fat,- .The parents feel much alarmed, and
desire to remove their little girl from the fasci
naiing influence 1 of the snake without prejudice
to her health and her existence. They have
been-told that it is dangerous to take any Sudden
-step in the matter, And have jnot yet done any
thing to avert the consequences they fear.
Pemssylvania.State Debt.— The fourth in
stalment of .the interest due and payable on the
fubded debt of Pennsylvania, and which, on the
first.of December, *1859, amounted to $38,638,-
961 07, was punctually paid, as usual. The
balance in jthe treasury, on the Ist of July, after
providing for the interest, - amounted to $362,
402 27, so that the balance left in hand; upon a
moderate; calculation of the" incoming receipts,
will amount to about $1,000,0001 This is a
very handsome exhibit of the financial affairs of
this State, and certainly the most flattering one
since ape disposed of her public works.
Air Incidhnt. —During the performance at the
Pittsburgh theatre, ou Thursday evening, one of
the ushers was seen carrying a huge cake through
the audience, and upon reaching the stage, he
placed the offering in front of the loader of the
bond, Mr. Sanford. Sam seemed taken all aback;
but a note, accompanying the cake, explained
the matter, and brought down tho house. The'
troupe had visited the pic nip, on the previous
day, held at Iron City 'Park, for the benefit of
the poor, and as they had patronized the stands
with becoming liberality, the lady managers tools
this method of acknowledging the favor. '
Observably scarce—local Items.
riJJJJJ"?* *ff** «BM»teed-. « Wid^Awake” dab in
mybollew thepoliti-
« “• A*--
WntaiM «* "Ten
„**: * f^r* *** “Wthat squltxils are
ally plenty in tjbot region this season* ■
. *®- A <*® Teß * ion of Railroad Conductors isto be held
in Cincinnati. inßeptomber. ’
" **"** wo “^ e « »*«t crop of
that Statoiat 9,000,000 bushels.
the day on which lazy people work
and fools fefbnq; - .
*®? Hop. Jd|h Corode has been re-nominated for Con
grees in the Westmoreland district.
*Mtohahßtrmer estimates the wheat crop of
tnat State this year at 9,000,000 bushels.
S - Beady m6de of determining Horso-power.— Stand
behind a hprse aijd ockle him with a briar.
MS' Unusuallyplenty— blackberries this season. They
hare been 4 cents per quart for some days past.
«&. Mi 4 Panbjpiing says, if she ain’t dead, she has lost
her vital * man who used to sit up with her.
t®-Taylors a H II continue tomannfocture the beat of
ice cream at their saloon, next door to the Bank. Water
melons, canlelopps, &c, always on hand.
; nforkeb—We met Rutherford, the gardener, orer
the-hHI, With a load of ripe tomatoes, from bis own garden.
In town yesterday.
The Camden (Del.) camp-meeting Is said to hare
boon attended last, Sunday by from 12,000 to 15,000 per
An Wakmnn tells of a fight in which there was only
one whole pose left in the crowd, “and that belonged to
the tea-kettle.”
ttS- Tlw Secretary of the Treasury has authorized the
recoinage of $2,000,000 gold dollars, now la'Now York, into
$2O gold pieces.
Xl®. “It |s welj to leave something for those who come
after us,” os the gpntleman said who threw a barrel in the
way of a constahle who was chasing him. V
EBi Out of onelfamily in Walworth cennty, Wls, with
in a few years, fonr of to brothers and two of the sisters
committed suicide.;
tS. One-of the;census-takers in New Haven county.
Conn., reports having found eleven pairs of twins in a pop
ulation ot about 3,000. *
Judgb Terry, of California, has been acquitted of
to murder-in a duel—of Senator Broderick. Verily,
justice does not preside in some of the Courts of that State!
.«®> A map named Bernard McNeills, of Newton Hamil
ton, was killed at Marietta, on Wednesday afternoon last
by being run, over by the local freight train on the P. K. K.’
The Pekin Visitor says: “Coming home a few mor
niugs since, we met'a man attempting to walk on both
Sides of the street. By a skillful manoeuvre wo passed be
tween him.” i
OES- A correspondent writing to the Washington States
and Union, fmm the West, says: “We are all for Douglas
here, except the LifiColuites, and they are nil for Breckin
ridge.” - .
03- Compliments .carried to an extravagant extent be
come rude offenses,!; There is a material difference between
prettily asking for a lock of hair, and taking the whole
scalp. j ; '
Gen. Dick White is writing live letters tnthc editor
of the Ebeuaburg Mountaineer. They are not of the stylo
that captivates, however, having a little of the “ worm
wood and gol(” about them.
The laborers on the Ebenabnrg Branch It. it., on
Saturday week, discovered Uie remains of some animal of
immense size, the species of which is unknown in this
A woman named Clark, residing in Westmoreland
county, was recently bitten on the hand hy,a rattlesnake,
which eke was attempting to kilf, from the effects of which
it is thought «Uo will not recover.
*5“ The rapdern Samson, D. Winship, of Boston, has re
cently astonished life friends and admirers by lifting adeud
weight of eleven hundred and sixty pounds. Muscle and
mind are uppermost now-a days.
The UoUidayshurg Register appears in tt now dress
Oils week, and under a now head. Friend Jones has now
an exceedingly n eat paper. Dope his outlay may be fully
made up to him.
Look ont.—A gang of gypsies have liocn hovering
around this place for the last week, and unless our citi
zens keep an eye on them they will take away more Oian
they brought with them.
Hr. Obod Hussey, of Baltimore, well known ns the
inventor of the reaping rancidne, met his death on Satur
day. Ho fell from a railroad train at Exeter, whilst on his
way from Boston to Portland, Maine, and was killed.
4£9“ An early Texan Judge gave os a reason for ordering
a man to be hanged the same day he was sentenced, that
the jail was very unsafe and so very uncomfortable that ho
did not think any man ought to be kept there longer than
was necessary, l
Wealth in Pennsylvania .—The capital invested in
the coal lands of Pennsylvaniais l said to bo nearly $824,-
000,000. The canals npd slack-water connected with the
anthracite coal trade treasure 815 miles in length, and cost
$40,000,000. I <
OS, If yon wan.t a fcvor of a man laugh at his Jokes. If
there Is anything the whole liuman -fanjily hasa
weakness lor, it Is to pass for wits, when in reality there is
not one in ten that can see the point of a joke unless it is
as broad as a ten acre field.
s Tl,e Ben »nd Eye rett men of the second Phfladel
phla Congressional District' have nominated Him Henry
M. l uller as their candidate for Congress. John Bell
Robison has bepn nominated by the pune party, as their
candidate, in the fourth District.
-*s““Wcll, Charley; what have yon been learning; to
day ?’> “ BheumaUcs. gian’ma; nfad I can tell you such a
dodge!- If I was topuj you under a glass receiver, and
exhaust the air, all jfcur wrinkles would come out as
smootjhas grand paV'caullflower wig ”
A pf Jdhtt M’Glanghlan, of Clinton town
ship, Butler county, wjts bitten by a snake, from the effects
of which she died a few days aflerwards. Jler age was
about 12 years. Another girl in the same' neighborhood,
was Piiake-hittcn a short time ago, hut she has recovered,,
. BS-Bathing fn Xlberla, may bevety pleasant, but must
jbo oliftle risky}: Arecent paper from the colony states
jtliat a negyo wofoan, who wont into the water for a hath,
was suddenly “faken in out of the wet” l>y an alligator.—
The voracious monster devoured the ’colored lady without
! commend to our lady readers the following ob
jection to a late fashion: “Tonhg girla wearing- straw
hatB, with lUtlo belUpenaaiit from the brim will, in i)p
abort space of two mbnihs, become cross-eyed. Instances
bare oecorred of of the eyes caused by the
wearing of these little bells.’*
tau A man named Waits was recently arrested near
Sacramento, Cat, for ipnrdor, and after being handcuffed
was placed on aiwagonand accompanied by. three men to
Jail. Whiie on way ho slipped his cuffs and stealing a
revolver from oije shotohd killed the
three men who had charge of him.
An invincible wit and punster asked the captain of
a craft, loaded with boards, bow he managed to'get din
ner on the passage f v “ Why,” replied the skipper, “ vve al
ways cook aboard,” . “ Cook a board, do you I” rejoined the
; “thenl sepyon have beep well supplied *Hh provfc
sion* this trip, at aU events.”
*3“Tom, during his last tour to Niagara,' In company
will* Smash, hewing a gniall pieoo of tlm
ber, with a viewJto nutf|canes. “Pray. sir” ■«
“to what tribe db yon 'fiielbiigf’* tribe,”
replied the Indian, witlijmt looking up to give his interrog
ator one smile. : 'h
*a_ We have beard, says tho Johnstown Beho, of three
poraoiw having died this week from the efltete nf imey*.
bites In the immediate vicinity of this place. Old formers
tell ns that rattlesnakes and copperheads are more numer
ous this season than th(jy hare been for years. Itlarealiy
%*t»- ahhckioborry patch
naanfqnrtmmntalns.fromfatrof ~ ’•.
A the East with a largo assortment of the following ar
ticles, bought for cash, which I offer to the citizens i>f Blair
and adjoining counties, at the
Blair County Book and Music Store,
ffivery'lowitrat^f 6 ’ V^ inia A,toona ’ ?n ”
of all kinds Albums, Blank Books. Pass
iiooks, &c., &c. Also all tho different J^fSjSj mL
selecHi qu<ll,ty - I .]* ave P' particular attention to
, * uailtit y of PIANO MUSIC, the latest
published to which I invite tho attention 1 of the ladies I
have MUSICAL INSTRUCTORS for almost every iustru-
Also, a superior lot of CIGARS, TOTS; and small Musi,/1 U . Btn,n : ent *- Taber’s and other celebrated Pencils
l>er f “m o* 2r Extracts, Fancy Soups, Teeth and
Comb ?’ Socket . Books} had es’ Shopping
lt"4 C : 2 t. CHARLES CAUGHLINa^r 5
X. BCRIBER (having taken tho establishment heretofore
owned by eainnel 1. Pries,) would respectfully an- m,
ponneb to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, -fcgta
■ that lie has removed his J
to tbe new building on Annie street, between Harriet and
ho n l/ ^ l?’ Altoona > wl > er « he will keep constant
ly on hand a Aargch assortment of everything in his line
which he will dispose of on'reasonable terms. “ ’
Tene o„° a .! Bllort F° a,io manufactures Leadsd
' vIlIc!l is eaW to ho much snperior to gal
vanized sheet-iron or tin. '
taMtehment nnS t^!i h t d a c<> PPf r 'pithing rpom to his es-
and ketUe” Am P * “ MBortmeDt of™P
AII kinds of job work promptly attended to.
A Share of public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Altoona, Ang. 16th; 1860.
the Blair Bounty Teachers Association,- will be held
wi.t ito °^ on , Fri^ y ’ A ”S™ t 17th . 1880- The sessions
will cpntjnnc two days. Addresses wiJI be delivered by
some of the members. JOSEPH K. FINLEY, Pres’t
Aug. 17,2 t. ; ‘
Dissolution notice,—notice
Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore ex
isting between the undersigned, trading under the name of
Lnw * Fox, waa dissolved by mutual consent, on Wcdnes
day .August 1, 1860, Allbooks of the firm remain i n the
bands of Mr. Law, wimwill make settlement of the same
and. pay oil debts of the firm, a JOSEPH LAW.
Altoona, Ang. 9, '6O-3t*. . STEWART>POX.
and KWs’Depot
confeotiosary, segar, tobacco
•X keep Constantly onhand alt ihebeitlUerary papers and
gerlodlcalg, dally papers from Philadelphia, New Fork and
Ptttsbnrgh, together with a good assortment Of Books. AU
roe School Books used in this place and vicinity always on
Also, a choice lot of Confectionaries, and thick knacks
of All kinds for children. Also the beet Tobacco * Segaw
to ksd in town, together with a fine assortment of Gold
and Silver Pencils, Gold Bings and other articles of Jewel
ry. Call and examine. H. FBTTINQER.
Alcona, J u]y 28, ’6O-ly. iVo.l Altoona Ornte.
-j'.-'t? : '.'.I 4
FOR RENT.—THE subscriber,
about to-remove into his new. store' room, offers for
rent the one now occupied by him. Q. W. KT&htvrp
August, 2-3 1. ‘
3?or sale.—a house and lot,
. desirably.located in the Borougb of Altoona. Amdv
Feb. 0,1880.-tf.
' , ■ i--
«S*A gentleman praising the generosity of his ftiend,
observed, “He spends his money like water.” “ Then of
course, he liquidates his debts,” mJolned a wag.
MST Os Blairsvilla Rtcori says that a man named John
Bogner, of Indiana borough, was lately relieved of a tape
worm, 45 taet in length, by the use of “iagefWr," which
'although not taken for the purpose, produced the result—
We shouldn’t be astonished tp flnd a great' many persons
possessed of tape worms in a short time, and all trying the
same cure;:; v ' .>■ . .i f -
“ Madam,” tali' a doctor one day to the mother of a
sweet, healthy babe, “ the ladies have deputed me to in
quire what you do to have such, a lovely, happy, uniformly
good child ?” The mother mused for d moment over the
strangeness of the question, and then replied simply and
beautifdlly: “ Why, Ood has given me a healthy child,
and ! lot it alone.”
*S_ The editors and proprietors of tho La Crosse (Wis.)
Republican and tho Democrat have bet their offices, papers
and everything (value $1,000) on the result of the election
in Illinois and Wisconsin. If Douglas carries both States
the editor 6f the Democrat is to take both concerns* If
Douglas docs, not carry both ■ States then the editor of the
Republican is the winner.
IS|. Riot on the Great Eastern.—There was a very seri
ous riot on the Groat Eastern on Friday. The officers un
dertook to insult some of the ladies visiting the ship, and
were called to account for their conduct by some Balthno
reansbn board at the time, A riot ensued, In which sera,
ral of the ship’s company took part; but the Baltimore
boys wore -too many for them, and they received us they
deserved, a most unmerciful drubbing.
MS' Early Vico.—Lord Shaftshury stated, as the result
of his personal Investigation, that “of all the adult male
criminals in London, not two in a hundred who had lived
an honest life up to the ago of twenty,, afterwards enter
upon a course of crime,”and that almost all who enter
upon such a course, do so between the ages of eight and
sixteen.” Oh 1 the necessity of fondly discipline 1 Oh! the
blessedness of early instruction I
The Brownsville, Texas, Flag professes to have news
from Mexico, which may be classed under the head of
“important if true.” Gen. Miromou, it appears, had boon
summoned to a conference with the French and English
Embassadors. The result of their interview had not trans
pired. It was, however, well understood that the views of
the Embassadors were hostile to the designs of the Juarez
faction, and that toy would do ail iu their power to
thwart it. The prevailing belief was that Miramon would
be proclaimed Emperor of Mexico,' under a French and
English Protectorate.
«5* A negro slave in Smith county, Va., was recently
killed while attempting to stop a train of cars on the Vir
ginia and Tcnnossco road. Some dies had been placed
across the road about ten miles above thp town, and the
negro, having discovered them, procured a firebrand, it
being, very dark, to give the alarm: He stood uppn the
track, and, ns the train approached, waved"the brand as a
signal; the engineer saw to light, but could not reverse
the engine in time to prevent the train from running over
the negro, who was killed.
In dancing, if is said, the Princeof Wales only gives
the lady his left, hand, end she is not permitted to take his
right, it being contrary to the etiquette due from a subject
l ° *ke heir apparent to the throne, the next in rank to the
reigning sovereign. This may do in the British Colonies,
where all are “ subjects,” but here, where the ladies are
sovereign, os well as their lords, such etiquette will not an
swer. It was contrary to etiquette for the Japanese
Pyinoo to give either hand to a lady, bat the 1 colics did net
mind etiquette, and seized his dexter hand whenever toy
had au opportunity.
At to Lutheran-Parsonage, July 14th, by the Rev.
t 0 SARAHI '
Bcrks conllt .v, Pa., on 'the mornimr of
April Ist, SALLIK AMANDA, and on the evenin'- of Jnnn
StIIAKRIE TOBIAS, children of H. l!
krs, formerly of thu place.
Ar l nenv Udayßl T?’ the lUh inBtant - WILLIAM DOX
ton°t^oftfease deSt " Si ' J " UtB Of “ oll^Aur S-‘“
residence of the subscriber,, at Blair Furnace.’ Blair
county, on or about to first of July, 1860, a black mooiv
cow .with a piece cut off the right car. The owner hrL
quested to come forward prove property, pay charges, and
take her away, otherwise she wiU bo disposed ofaccerdiue
to law. PKTvr* t t,»i? °
Altoona, Aug. XG, ’CO-3t.
Mrs. winslow, an EXPERI
ENCED sou* and female pn« !i
■sent* to the attention of moUiera her ■ uxsrclA * , > P 1 0"
which greatly tkeilitates the process of tecthlne. hr soften,
ing the gums reducing all inflammation Will aluV
spasmodic action, and is sure to regulate the Bonds
Dependjipon it mothers. It will give rest to yoiirseivss.
and Belief arnUtiam to your MfimU. J T **>
We hare put up and sold this article! (bp over ten rears,
and can say, In confidence and tr uth (it! it, what we’ hare
never been able to say of any other medicilio—never has It
railed, in a single instance, to effect acure, when timely
used. Is ever did *e know an instance dfesatis&ctton by
any one who used it.. Gn tjia contrail, ; all are delfehted
S atio ®*’ interna of highest commen
datlon of its magical efll-ct*«nd medical virtues. Wo speak
in this matter “ what wo di> know,” after ten years'aroe
rieace, and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what
wfrhwe declare, In almost every instance where the in-
Cmt ia suffenng from pain and exhaustion, relief will he
ministered^ 16 * 111 ° r tW<?nt * miuut «* the syrup is ad-
I Thia valuable preparation ia the prescription of one of
the most experienced and skillhil nnrseeSn New England,
ananas been used with never-falling auCcesa in thousand*
of case*. • ; . ,
It not only relievos the child; from pain, but invigorates
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. It will instantly
relieve Gnprng in the Dowds and llTi)ii CWto, and over
come comrnlsonw, which, if not sptaiUy remedied, end in
i W n beUeve , l n the -fcwf and surest remedy in the
world, hi all ciises of Dysentery and Diarrhoea ia children,
whether It arises from teething or from any other cause.—
We would say to every mother who has a child suffering
from any of tho foregoing complaint*—do not let
judiew, nor the prejudices of others, stand between your
suffering child and the relief that will be sure—yea.
lijtcly suri—to follow tho use of this medicine, Irtimoly
used. Full directions for using will accompany each bob
e? uuin .° tho thoairaile or CURTIS A
1 AitKiA S. New York, is on tho outside'wrapper.
Sold by Druggists throughout the world* and by G W
Kcsslrraiid A. Roush, druggists, Price 25 cents
per bottle.
Principal Office, No. X 3 Cedar street. N. V
J uly 12, 18fi0.-ly. ,
S ‘ reetbuaJins ’
. ? 'AND
inm h 0 pnrctittted the interest
'tolie Grocery and Provision Storehere
in .~^ P ' n ,hfcm . oll ' agtnia street, below Caroline St
where he will ooniuuc ilie b<Hiaess, and will keen con
stantly on hand a huge supply of **
and cverytl.insnjiiaMy fcapr in Urtory And Provision
Stoics, all o. he rrcc.ccs toll .VoinVl.o cas.cni and
wwrer„.:.. l ev,al.dwill > cllnt to mo-, enable pri“c£
Having recently ob.«:n.-,i license i.. -II I .qnor bv whole
linnet of c . unsi:l ’ l ' l '' 7'* " k.igt" assortment of
liquors or Nie qn.iliiu-s lo dp had
i respectrmlv solicit a shore of public custom.
•tovjj, I bt3o.-Sm. j. BFjRKOWXTZ.
The hanibal and st. Joseph
. vn I | LTiOAI) COMPANY, having over 600,000 ACHES
of l^n 0 ' Jll T'' uri ' wliteb was grant
». y loaid id coustrubtion oJ their
tcrm" ,r ' ~a' Pmi ° a fhcMTof > » r 3ala - the
.i,' I }' Plater put of these lands are within six, and all
n ‘ n " ° r ” I '' 'h'ilroitd, Which, is now ehmplo
n,iiJv7 7 1 -fhioiigliout its entire length (206
mil.-s.) and rune tin mi.ft a cunniry which is unsurpassed
by any in the s-dnhniy of iisj climnte. tho fertility of Its
sod, and the extent of its mineral j
htfomiHifon.-apply at the Lahti oflice'of the
Company, or address by letter, JOSIAu HUNT
„ „ .. , „ Lan(l Commissroncr, H. A St. Jo. R. R.
Hannibal, Mo. Feb; 2, ’OO.-ly.»
,i-< , Hayinguiideij-iood that i be report is being circulated
r t a-« i fi r rr 9 ll B,:l s,: «CSlNßJssfn Altoona,
I take this method of ui.oiinm-.i- ray old .customers and the
public gmu-rally ~hat 1 am s- iJI c.iri ving on bnsiuess at mv
P«pwd to ee, Cno’amUll wUh
c '’ c 'l u ' vl - hi not «ifp«;ior. to nnv in the market. I have
imule arrangeracni -lor prociu iiig the veiV best of stock
which**- j?| U 7 fa* o * s ’ ll fhe mtivk-t. un abnVhlarit supply of
lira iinhri a !pj ay * I?,pi OTI ' hand to meet the wnnla of
the public. Those m want of anytliing in flie meiit wav
ate n-sp.-cilully invited to call at the old stand. W
May 10, 60.-3ui. W. K. IiEOXARD.
yed a good assortment of Shoe Fradin'is, of all tie-
We Wlll 6el ' nt,oW P ,ice » foPcash. * ‘
July 19,1860. STEWART k THOMPSON.
QHOE LEATHER:-We bavo just
a i SO ° J 6 . ,0ck 0r,1,c Bed ahd Oak Sole
W Ul 7’ al, ,° a Snod assortment Of Goat and
French Moroccos, French and Country Calf Skins. UnDers,
Kips, Linings, bindings, Ac., »R 0 f which we; will at l ?^
prices and warrant to give satis&ction. ' i,
r d al ’? ine o|,p stock before purchasing else-
JuTv IoTsW) 0 ' 5 P lace - r "? thfe Post Office.
duly 10. 1860. , STEWART A THOMPSON.
American life Insurance and Tmst Co.
Cajiilal Slock, $5OO,QOjO.
Company Building, Walnut Si., S. R corner of
Fourth PAUa. ‘ ;
s. u. SIMMS. SeCg. [Oct. 27tb; 1869-Iy.
-Li hXXUS INSOBAXCE. AGENCY. The undonrfi-n«i
agent of the Lycoming Mutnal Fire Inirarance
a ‘ al ‘ times.roady to insure against loss or
BmMings, 3/erchandsse, Famiiare and
description; in town or country, at as ratesll
th<> State ‘ T in« oein 0 e in 4110 Masdnio Temple
Jan. 3, »S6-tf] JQHN SHOEMAKER, Agent.-
House and lot at private
: SALE.—The Gate-House and Lot
t 0 ,he ALTOONA AND HOL- 1 ~
nato. y t mile trom Altoona, is offered atASKBnt
Private Sale. Pot terms and fnrtherfl^^H^^K
tiSST inquile ° f JOSEPH DySAß^^nt'S^e
company. [April 1860.-tf.
_ J- <*. ADLTJM,
notary pubLic
be found at the store of j. pi Hllcman.
AmWln ■ ■ MOHR for sale, Wholesale 'andßelall,
R - J. shoemaker,
itec. U, 1556-tL . Masohic Temple.
JM .W 0 ® SHINGLES, . 50.000 LATHES,
ndd aU kinds of BPILDINQ MATERIALS, loivw than the
lowest, for Oash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER-
Hardware of all descrip.
tions just received and for sale by ' i
Oct. 15-tf] J. B. HItEMAN.
Queensware, just received.
A large and fashionable. assortment at the store of
Haring Proofs so strong and direct a» to
o OF all.
For Statesmen, Judge* Editor*, Physicians ofths oldest
““ lecommend it for all cases of eruptions, and Jl -1
too scalp am* brain ; but all who have uStTlu
te«U£ing that It will preserve the hair from bain* mv
Ml^lngSl Un? to 803 «■ rwtowu bJmTS
__ > . _ Oak Grom, S. C. June 31th, IB6o'
O.J. Wood: Dear Sir;—Your Hair Restorative la
rapidly gaining popularity in this Community. I havehad
ocgaalon to lay prejudice aside, and give your Hair Km*
torativa a perfect test :
ths^! D L“ e year * SS4 ’ 1 '' Tas s° unfortunate as to be
-\!n m my sulky against a rock near the road-side,
°‘* ho!Mi received a most torriblo blow; can*
bndn «w'' al lrr,mtion > which communicated to the
wMch h.^T 1 TT ° rthfl ht ’ ad > from the effects of
k destroyed over Urn entire snr
These and no of her circumstances induced me to resort
r KJ! >rthy Uft . i ‘ ,R r sft,rat,ve - whlch I e^T^
pr< l duc ?? l a happy result; two months
after the first application, I had - as beautiful a head of
young hair as I ever saw, for which, I certainly o*£yo«
my most sincere thunks. Best assured, dear sir, I shall
recommend your remedy to all inquirers .-moreover, I (halt
usomy influence, which! flatter myself to soy. Is not»
You rain publish this if yon think proper.
Yours, very respectfully, M. J, WBIQIIT, M. D.
Office of the Jeffersonian, Philippi, Va„ Deo. 12th, 1868,
stite’lto vnn'7hA f< £ i lt ‘? y - <1 “ tjr M Wel > mi my pleasure, to
I. V* ft,,towiD e circumstance, which you canns*
proper. A gentleman ot this place, (a law
k*°n haW since his early youth; so much so,
c ? mpolled to wear » wi S- Ho was induced to
use a bottie of your “Hair Bestorativo,” which ho liked
hal?mwnOt ® sing *' )mo two or three bottles his
rl <1 . ,llt6 l'J. XQrl,,nt ' y ’ a,HI 1,0 uow has shand-
Mhe gentleman’s name is Bradford, and
ncrton2raiwf«>!r» k J ,0 7U 1 ? ou , 1 ' counties, many
}? stif y 10 th “ truth of this statement ; I giro
!n^t 5 2? ? k J hero S? tBt of Mr - Bradford. You can sell a
V air Bestoiatlvo in this and the adjoin
ing countleslf you have the proper agents. Yours. 4c .
Da.wooo. iwoi Thompson' sukounok!
w S, f. : crmlt me to express the Obllgar .
I J Ul \ nn . d * r 4116 entire restoration of my hair to
its original color; about the time of mr arrival in the
United States It was rapldfy becoming gray but uoon th„
applicaflun of your “ Hair
con ’: l ' ,Pr yoMr Bestorativo-as a very
wonderful invention, qmte efficacious as well as ngrocabl^
pn ‘"P. in bottles of
Inm, »nd6ma II; the small holds J/. apint, and
one dollar Por bottle; tho medium hohU at least
Ti y more in proportion than the small, retails
for two dollars per bottle; the largo holds a quart*) w
cent, moro in proportion, ami retails for S 3. *"
V; WOOD 4 CO., Proprietors, 411 Broadway New
York, and HI Market Street
rOTsale brO. W- Keiwler,! Altooua, urn} by all good
Druggists and.Yaucy Goods Dealers. y gaoo
March 1, ’Oft—ly .
f^rvT^ h ?,. U^? e ”A ?p P^P to locate tAND WAB
the omall * and Nebraska City land Offices.-:
S?w?m CUon *. can JJ ow bo mado ne «r tb«, largo streaine
and settlement*. Tbo Lands of tilts. Territory. now ia
Market, aru of the best quality. • »»» “
a.^i Btle<:tion ' i carefuU J- «““«»"• Letters tf tnqnlty rs*
quo3tcJ - albx. ¥. mckinney;
Ju1yU.1869.-lf Oueapoiß*. OassCouuty.N.Xsr,
Ber. A. B. Cmm, Altoona, Pa.
Tijos. A. Boon, Supt. P. K.K, « ~ ,
D. McMurtrie, Esq., Uimtlngdoo, Pa.
AWOOJa, BLAIR Co. ft, /
Will prurttco Liw In the sororal Court* of Blair. Cambria
) n ’ Ce “ tr « *na adjoining conaSe*
Dl8 r tri , ct , Count °f tUe UuitedStatm,.
Collection* of claim* promptly attandeiT in : i~. n *
the sale of Seal Estate*BoTty all
business pertaining to conrvoyandng ami the taw* '
„ References: ' '
~ 5 McCjmße* and Andrew Darke, ’Em.. Pltte*
- ® ftmuc ? A - GUmoco, Pro*, Judge of Fevelt®
Judicial District; Hon. ChenardCleoioos ofWhMffMp^Tn,
lv rmuS lad , olrUia ’ ~ rooms -have boen sodenM-
W crou Jea Rt tho Logan House, on former visits can l»
nd°n}h ted orc;l ? er , at tlle Altoona House, ope day lu each
wUicl ‘ will I* given In tI.U mpcr. H» *
' Alti’ona on tlie IDth day of July, ITtli of tmnut
and I4th day of .September,' after which £o will to absent
f,n°Jm!! tU3 ’ bnt > UI K , ive notice through this paper wto£
nil ""“ e " c . e or f ha writer soasoh again.. He treats
ea TT flB tl“ r 3 bcir to - A stcthoscopio examina
tlon of the Heart, Lungs and Throat free of charge. Thru
wvuda upon thousands have testified to the correctness of
without asking any questions. Ho lias,
nafotn !? conBta i u among diseases of every
ttai r^» A Q l L “ Private nature strictly ionfldciw
tfal. hand-pills. Dr. A 7. LEVINGSTOX.
W. M. LLOYD & GO.,
{Late “ Bell, Johnston, Jack $ Co ”)
Otjoi, and Silver and Gold tor site. Collection*
Moneys received on deposits, payable on demand!
3d n iB^9 t, 0r npon tlmc » wlth interest at /Mr rat?*!
G^ D ’“• D ‘ J.Monanu.M.n
JLJ I*o entered Into Partnership ift; ffie Practice of
Medicine, respectfully tender their service* to the Public
In the several branches of their
% ftnswerod ,'i‘Uer day or nisht at their office
April ~21 st, 185»-3m
Boots and shoes.—the un
dcwlgned has now on. hand and will : .-w
sett cheap at his store In. the Masonic Tern- tIA
co , mplo _ t f “swrtn'pntofßOOTS V
*s® SHOES, ready mads, or made to order,
Orershow, ladles’SaudalvGum Shoes, Cork
Solo, and everything Ip his line of business, of
Jan. 2, ’66-tf.]
,4; ,respectfully inform* tiie public that he
U'?5 e ' roo ? 1 two d“>w Cmm tbeHranchiEiaiL
where ha will on hand alt kind* of’ ; "“’s
hn T*o t^i t ?Jmifx, e 9 J >f “ TOMBKAMB.' ;
Two good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice wanted.
Altoona, Apr.l2. 1860. ’ .TOTmSS*.
Blair county insurance
tr G Agent of the B|ait
Mutual Fire Insurance Company.. • st^aM
times ready to insure against loss or dataamby fire wLSI
Furniture and P^rty, of e
cription, In town or country, at as reasonable ratesu »>
Company in the State. Office with Bell, k l
%.»,’6*-tf D-t.CALDWBIL,^
SS-Aftndantw.J.d. 'V
BPBCTKtfT.LT'' offers his
services to the people of Altoona and the
oinleg country. ■,
He may be fonnd at the office heretofore oc- ~
copied by Dr. a. D. Thomas.
Altoona, Sept. 30,1858.-tf
Xi) MAKER, informs the public that bo
has taken the Room next door to the ~
Office, on Virginia Street, where he Is
S^>e tO an(?p« lfH< ; taro eTe ?T Btyl ° °f
Ser. 8 “° ’" reaSonabl ° ¥*«■, and jnbSStai
to Shop, and
Jtoawlf to B«t npMen’s Boots* Shoee^Pi^Hl^
la good style and at low rates.
° f ■
jPU 3^ssjmsat•••: •• ■■