The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 02, 1860, Image 1

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ic 'period, every mem.
is subject to disease
)uuy functions; but
nic and t lie exercise
icy may be able so to
o sccuj-c permanent
omplxsh this desired
> pursue is certainly
a natural state of
of vital strength and
~r' Hostetler has i a .
preparation bearin*
icw meuicinc, but one
■ars, gr/ing satisfac
it. The Bitters
Hie stomach, bowels
n to a healthy and
. l-y the simple p ro .
lun -'. enable the ays-
na, Indigestion, Nau
-pctite, or any Bilious
1 a ra Prhid inaction
’ L ro ‘| uoin e , CrainpB,
. Morbus, &c., these
lur, so generally con
id caused principally >
i diet, will be speedily
of this preparation,
eh is probably more
■US forms,-than any'
: i v hicli may always
cuts Of the digestive
iihout fail by nsin» i
}l BITTERS, ns per
■or this disease every 1
fitters of some land; 1
lc known to bo Imfsl- \
icir Bitters, as ame- J
mgthener of thoaya-j
ig them all there is ]
healthy people than]
iis preparation a
c experiments wfeich
‘ value of this great 1
medical science. 1
trying and prbvok
relcutless grasp on
: him to a more sha- |
'•ndering him phy
cas, can bo driven I
Further, none of the j
be contracted, even]
ae Bitters are used |
t hey neither create I
ate, and render un-1
lot or interruption I
. remote sound sleep!
- complaint is! re-1
latent with the pro-|
permanent cure; I
■•I Tear*, who are I
il constitution on4|
n o invaluable as a I
>1 vigor, and need!
iutccl. And to a ]
■ Bitters are. indis- 1
■he mother's nour- j
he demands of the j
n ngth must* yield,
»d tonic, BUoh os]
. is needed ta&npart I
igor to the system. |
is try .this remedy I
ul, before so .doing,
ill. 'who, if ;to is I
of the Bitters, .will |
coses of weakness, j
■■ i/üblic against using j
r counterfeits, but ask I
o Sronken Dimas,]
the words’ “Dr. J.
blown on the side
mi the metallic, cop
c that oar autograph
y HQBTEmiE ft
, and sold by sD
.tes, Canada, South
A Bondi, Altoona; 0 Aj
r.iy, llullidayirtnirgr. ami
[Aug 25, BBW-lp
i tli*f praise of
j-jfurd instantaneous rt
• is'if by magic, nml nvt
■■■ hat we Buy ii tine. It
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cadtning its rentibiliUtsi
r. 1 1-! li e only reliable prcpj
s.!tY or inn Stomi
I O.'iri'. also, for ssjlcm
; . regulating the Jbnvelfi
- . in;; an anti-rpnemodii
a; I cu-ea of Co.NVtOBWH
: t-nd health of goto
i.: ! otad and llightini
• all from the use of nor
f .■ 'infantile Comptainb
t ;! v harmless, and can
. Price, 25 cents. Full
Prepared only by
;;ucn & DUPONT,
Ih-i.uilway, Ncw-Vork. ;
-ential element*, an
Analyze the Dloou (
r,:i„n. hirer Complain
, ' T:i it rry instance ce\
,;i;io<«I. <S"PP I F“*1
i 11. The itLOoc Food i
nee its astonislllng snf
[/■rays J
( Blood in different mj
■;;rris, or nny affectia
inducing Cossc*w»J
■ I)j.i>ELStlo.v OF SMB"
*',■ COMJ’UISTS, MlSin
■•ml Nervous woswj
No. 3 for Dtgl-EPSUH
it is takeshl DWJ
r, -illation, so that *“1
! .1 IN.MALE
!, . sp« uil directional
... In all case"
;iICU & DCPO v^k:
lia, iUidG. H.KE* cq
Ir.-rar. Hol!idajrd>Ul
u-hout tlio country
,„•• and Criminal" “ j
circulated throng^
i; real Tnul", Cri»™
i heroine, together'' 1 '
nut to be found in at
■ n for sis mouth") |
I'jitld write
u..- they restdo .plainly
rerkrolice Gazette,
y.w York
PTentlem^ 1
__^ MM^ ll_•<l';v'
VOIj- 5.
jlcCttUM ADKRN, Pdbllahertand Proprietors.
' ann nm, (payable invariably, in»dTaiiCo,),' $1,60
dioontiuueU at the. Mjimtion lof the, time
paid far.
teems of. ADYBEnnird.-
1 Insertion ' 2 do. . 3 do;
li n pi or leas, $ $ 60
{ «nare, fbliuea,) <6O - 4» 100
«**T% “) L i;oo : im 200
r*° „ (24 “ ) ' ‘ 1 60 , 2 00 2 60
ore three weeks and leas than three months, 26 cents per
i “1 for each insertion. *
K® 11 3 months. 6 months, lyear.
elr Hues or ifti) ' $1 60 $ 3 00 ■$ o 00
l..oSre, . #0 .4 00 . 7 00
4 00 8 00 10 00
£1 ' - 6 00 8 00 12 00
{“To '3 00 10 00 14 00
ffi.colomn, ■- M;00 , 14.00.,.,.. 20 00
£. C olnmu, WOO 25 00 40 00
iailDUtrstors land ExecuUrs Notices, '' ' ' 176
Merchants advertising by theyear, tbreesqoares,
*it)i liberty to clumge, 10 00
frefessiraal or nusinoas Cards, not exceeding 8
lines with paper, per year, • '6 00
Communications of a political character or individual in
ttre,c will be charged according to the shove rates.
AJvcrtiscmentanot marltod-With the number of insertions
dNireil- will bo continued tlllforbld and charged according
to the above, terms. I
Business notices five cents per line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten. lines, fifty cents a,square.
>l/ early homo—alas, alas I
What changes do I see?
I misa that ancient dwelling place,
And man; a favorite tree.
For sixty years-have rolledaway,
Since I around those fields did play.
The rocks and hills, appear, os when
My early walks I took,
And gathered acorns from the hills,
And pebbles from the brook.
The pond is there, with.rippling wavss,
While carly'friends are, id their graves.
And there they lie in silent Bleep,
With kindred dost and bonee, ' .
While grass and weeds.and hushes grow
Around mossy stones.
No sound is there, they heed me not,
By all arouni lorgot, forgot.
} *
0 ( cruel Time, to rob me thus,
Of what I held So dear;
My early homo and friends are gone,
There's none to greet here.
And prayers.aud tears afe sll In vain,
To call those loved once back again.
have helow the skies
To trust fot time to cornel -
To brighter worlds I turn my eyes
And find my long sought home.
My early friemja are gone before,
There may w* meet to part no more.
%lec{ |p&ellmi]|.
The Unsuccessful Wife-Tamer.
Mrs. Morton jfas a widow, a young, pretty,
rich widow, when. Dr. CharlesStrahaiunado her
acquaintance. She was a poor battery hand
some woman when Squire Morton married her,
and at his death Itwo years after, she being the
'Me heir, put on her widow’s weeds and
eted her gold af the same time.
Madam Rumor said that pjoor old Morton
never enjoyed a single hour after he married
her; bat how should Madam Burner know? Of
one thing, however, l ean give my readers reli
able information. Mrs. Morton had not-been a
vidow twelve months ere she received .with
seeming pleasure very decided r attentions from
hr. Stiohan. : ■'
Do you inquire who Dr; Strahan was t Well,
be studied medicine 1 and had the title of M. D.
conferred upon him, which ho took great pleaa
ire in attaching to the end of bis name with a
grand flourish. But itis asserted that be never
bad a half dozen jpatients. in, aft many, years.—
He was a young man. of prepossessing i appear
aDce; a ready talker upon any subject,* and
***• in fact, He played the
bate apd sang—was agood. dancer, ex
cellcnt partner at whist; besides be hud some
literary. reputation. He wrote poetry,and two
«lumn sketches for tho ‘‘ Weekly Leveller,”
»nd laaf, though .by no ©carpi Jeaat, be.dressed
“■good taste and in tho-height of faahiqn. How
odid U no one knew, but then it was no one’s
business. , ' \- i< ■■ '
But I must be allowedto contradict one rn
which gained considerable' prevalency, to
• 5 * ffect that he supported jxia Uter
*7 labors ; in! ordinary newspaper scribbler
«uld hardly afford Strahan’s .wardrobe.
01(3 Squire Morton had beon dead bat little
a year, when Ifc. despite all that
papers couldsay; married ttyrmdow and her
° rtune- The &ct ; waa, fee- wanted a rich wife.
to her, she was .anxious to leave her weeds
** lato society again > and she 'could devise
0 readier way to accomplish these purposes!
“by marrying. ! .Wh(Bn any one spoke to the"
J* r her slums, hd merely
*ihr * ®k°nld greatpleasuro'in tanking
i? t " FOe they li<ed ; d»appUy together
WM *^ e height of tie Beasoh/and .between
M>e May, Newport, Saratoga and the White
Qntaiuß, they wiere alone with each other
ttfiQ 6 tlir£e boars of the,twenty-/onr; cpn-
g ot « ** * as hoposalble for .them to disagree,
loth •* Beason wosßoonpTerand they returned
of all pthera to
f tcit* a W^e -° r hu *««wJ. there ia no unataral
to om'fl* 111 ’ - n ° hire, A. to n'ndress,
tonev •' 6ate r ‘ ottt do in squandering
iaif. ’ n ° oae *° lo ploase hflt the .’tother
% «„.-■■ j *ni
,Mr. attdMrs. Strahan wore both of themremar
“bfr ; ftnd as a.mat ter of course both pre
ferred being pleased to (attempting to please;
aad of course both-were greatly displeased.
It was their third day at home, upon Which
their first quarrel commenced. Hoyr it began
neither coaldclearly:tell. It is Only known
that Strahan expressed a desire to dine on roast
beef, upon which Ji«: 8; iaid that she abomi
nated beef and- stated , der preference to roast
turkey with: oyster aause—Strahan considered
turkey aft child’s food, “hc’dhave beef or noth
ing. ” She’d have. turkey;. and thus commenced
the war of Straban’s. Oneordered the butcher
not to hare fowl; the other gave striok injunc
tions not to bare beef brought into the house;
between them they were both likely to starve if
thejr remained at homo; so the doctor went to
the village tavern and dined on beef, while Mrs.
S. visited some of her friends' and partook of
After dinner I}r, S. gave a wine supper in the
room which be dignified by the name of study,
a sort of variety store, in which he kept his li
brary, a writing desk and spittoon. Here were;
also two ,glass-cases;' one of which contained a
giant’s skeleton, hung on wires, in the other
was an Egyptian Mummy. The walls were
hung with curiosities of all descriptions; among
them a cane from a tree which grew over the
grave, of Wasiungtqp, ,a snuff box from wood of
the Charter OaJt»St<obip from the United States
frigate Constitution ; minerals, shells, fossils of
all kinds, specimen ears of corn, .enormous sized
fruit and vegetables, oases of dried insects, and
jars of pickled reptiles. Stuffed birds were
perched about the apartment, and voluptuous
Frdpch lithographs and portraits of distinguish
ed personages were, hung promiscuously on the
walls; a long reading table, arm-ohairs, a pre
scription case, a mammoth bell-metal pestle and
mortar, completed the furniture of the “Study.”
During the kune evening, Mrs. S. had a whist
party in the parlor.
• - \
Wine held her votaries in bondage longer
than cards, and. Mrs, S. bad dismissed her par
ty and retired, hours before her liege lord came
to his chamber; and when he did come, he
foupd the door locked, .himself without and his
wife within.. In .vain .he called to,her, she could
not, and would not hear; and .he was compelled
to find a bed elswhere, which he did muttering
to himself, “ I’ll tamo her yet.” And he laid
all night forming plans to bring her to submis
sion. In the morning he asked her to walk into
his stndy.; and there in an arm chair,
they renewed their fierce worded quarrel, da
ring, which Mrs. S. called her husband a heart
less, brainless fellow, who married her for her
money. To which .the doctor, replied by calling
her a low, vulgar woman, who was only glad to
marry a professibnal gentleman and author, to
enable her to enter better society. After which
she toyed with .her fan, and finally pulled the
bell-cord, to bring her carriage to the door.
.< i •;
“ Where are you going ?” demanded the doc-
“ -To ride,” replied the amiable Mrs.Stratan.
“IKirill go with you, please.”
“ But I do not please,”
“ Then I choose to go.”
“ Very well, then, you will go alone; for you
cannot go with me." ,
“Ton cannot go unless I go with;”
“We will see.” "
. “Well, we>wiU see,”’and the gentleman walk
ed out of the room, looked! the door, put the key
into his pocket and left the, house.
s Mrs. S. did not set down and ; burst into a
flood of tears, but waited ■patiently for the ser
vant to .return whom she had sent for the car
riage. When he arrived, she told him, through
the keyhole,, to return ' the horsel to the stable,
and place, a ladder up against the study .win-;
dowi The ladderwas placed , according to di
rections and a turkey, with oysters and pastry,
was taken up to her, The ladder : wos then re
moved, and everything prepared for the re-ap
pearance of her’husbanfi.’ ■ f
; About the middle of the. afternoon,, the doc
tor returned home, stepped softly through the
hall tpwaid the study door, and peeped through
the keyhole, expecting ,to see a picture
of humility and : contrition..
s Judge of his surprise, then, when he saw Mrs;
S. sitting before his Jong on ker
right his he^metal
,and a grate over it, on which she was roasting
his mammoth specimens of apples;' sweet pota
toes, and her turkey. NextJum stood his water
hath, in which she wa 9 cooking .oysters, .fmd ahe
occarionally stirred them with his silver
10; oh the table stood one of the bottles of wifie
which had been left from a previous nigh Vs rev
'dry, .which .t% iady, N iOr want of a campagne
opener, hpd .deprived of ita neck with a wedge*'
wood pestle, and using a four ounce graduate
for a; wine glass; she had cut up a campagne
basket /or fiiei-y?od with 'an-Indian tomahawk.
On .the left haodl stood -the doctor’? writing desk
which she had broken ? open, and scattered on
the desk were tender missives of his earlier
ffienhscript pages'of tMes and sketches,
unpublished odes, poems, and unpaid tailors’
bills, all in a huge pile, while the lady sat read
ing, first a sweet love letter, then an ode on
Napoleon, and s.o on,. throwing them, ‘page.after
page into the fire. Thus, the hnsdand’s; fi|«ia
work and wooden -cariosities were mad to cook
her dinner.
The doctor looked fulenily pp as Jong a? he
could; theutaking thekeyfromhis pocket ie
unlookefi the dew, afid’-r-tt bcWed itpon the j
Inside. ' , ' ' '
' J -T
f. , f
\ .(•
*‘. Mra. S.” he scouted. i : •
, “ Well, sir,” f
' “ Opeh the door.”
■‘■‘■jfm busy now v and can’t be disturbed!”
'“Open the dooc or I’ll buret it in.”
■“ Do as yofl pledge, sir, but your mummy and
giant skeleton are; placed against the door, to
be careful anji do pot break them.”
The was Toiled. For a few minutes he
stood and thought j| what course it was best to
pursue. Suddenly recollecting the ladder, he
hastened down tbe;;stairs and .through the hall,
out doors, leaiying jthe door unlocked and the
key in-it. His‘footsteps had scarce died on the
stairway, before his wife had removed both
coses from thp door, and drawn the bolt and
stood in the entry. It was but the workofa"
moment to throw the remaining letters, poems
and manuscripts hr the fire, remove the wine
and eatables, locktjhe door upon the outside and
place thekey |in hejr pocket.
hlpanwhile |the doctor was raising the ladder
to the window, and by the time he had placed
it and ascended half its' length, his wife with
her favorite man Servant were watching him
from a lower window. 1
The doctor pushed up the windLw and jump
ed in, the servant jumped out of the lower
window and pulled down the ladder. In an in
stant Strahan saw that his bird had flown, and
jhe rushed back to the window just as the lad
der reached the ground.
‘‘Pat the ladder tip here again,” roared the
doctor from the upper window.
“Let it stay where it is,” cried the wife from
the lower window. '
“Put it up here instantly, or 111 lI l ll discharge
you,” the upper window.
“ Let it alone and'l’ll double your wages,”
chimed in lower window.
“ Do as I .tell you, blockhead,” yelled the
doctor with rage.
“ Come in the house, John,” said Mrs. S.,
very coolly..
And John went into the house leaving the
medical gentleman heapingi curses upon every
body including his wife and servant John.
All night long the doctor was kept a prison
er. 1 Just before she-retired his wife put her lips
to the keyhole and whispered:
'• What success in taming a shrew, doctor ?”
The next morning she came to the door and
“Doctor!” ;
“ Madam,” replied that gentleman.
“Should you like Some breakfast ?”
“ I’m nfft particular.”
“ There is cold turkey left if you would like
The doctor deigned no reply, and the lady
again left him alone;'
[ During the afternoon she again tapped at his
door, and called,
“Doctor!” } •]
“ Well, my Very humbly.
“Would yod like pome dinner?"
“ I should.’’ i
“ Will cold turkey-do for yen?”
“Anything,;my dear.”
“If X will let you out will you promise never
to look me .up again?”, .
“I will.”
“ An'd neyer object to my eating turkey again ?”
“Never,” .
“ And attempt to 'f tame a shrew’ again ?”
“ Never.” i v : ;f
“ Then—you— may—c6me— out.”
And the lady unlocked'and threw open the
door. --i ...
To pus day Dr. S. has not attempted ito dic
tate to his wife in wHat she shall eat, or when
sbe. shaU ride, jjpid has never been heard to boast
again of “ tajmng a phrew.”
oy thh —C,ol. William
Williams, a delegate |n Congress from Connec
tiwt, after paying signed the Declaration of In
dependence! said to obe ef his companions ;
“If we are defeated in our druggie for Inde
pendence, .this day’s'prdrk will moke bad work
for the I hare held a commission in the rebel
armj!; I have writteh for rebel newspapers ;l
am the of d rebel Governor, and now
I dSx mxnawp to thh rebel declaration/ Sfy
sins are too- groat to-, be pardoned by our royal
Blaster; I must then be hanged. 0 i
■ The other gentleman angered 4 '
citeois not so desperate> for I
hkye Jiad. no connection with the army, nor can
if be proved that heretofore I have' written or
aohe anything pbnc&ifud th the mother couhtry
Tbe imnmamteandpromp repiy wns,
“•Ihen, si/, let me tell you, you deserve to
jbe hung.” j .- : r -
No Dabqbb b? a Moss;'—•“ Obme here;' Pom-'
pey,” said a~ darkey tb a .similar specimen cfah
imatf>S the other day, /*,, f. wantspro,
pofe you aqucstion which hab lately disoolated
my understanding. Spose I marries a yalier
gal, and lubs her bery much; and some day I
gets sick and’dies.and goes to beaben, amd alter
a while anoder nigger cums’long and marries
my old woman, and labs her too; now I wants
to know, arter dey both die, and cometpheab-.
enj which of us is to have my wench!” Poqipy
stood thoughtfully for a then .looking
Snowball in the face, and reverently shaking his
he ( ad, replied, ’• ■ “ v:;
“My frien’, if ypuryvife and her. puip go, , jtp
de good land, you heed hab no fears, for you
won’t be dar to pick ujp no muss.”
I <6 l&tVloh#
[independent in everything .J
Blondin Crossing Niagara.
Mr. Willis in the Home Journal thus describes
M. Blondin’s passage oyer the Niagara river in
the character of an Indian Chief:
“After being dressed in his flesh-colored
tights, wampum apron, bead necklace, and
moccasins,' he came out (with his particularly
uncombed sandy hair uncovered as yet by its
crown of feathers,) to look a little into the ar
rangements for his performance. For fifteen 'or
twenty minutes the little Tecumseh was hop
ping about, trying the cords which held the
ropes to the" stanchions, cocking the pistol which
•was to be fired to announce bis return, giving
directions for the music, binding, the ligatures
of his balance pole, and answering very merrily
all tne jokes and questions of the lookers-en.—
In his motions, back and forward, he took no
regular step; he simply bounded. Like a child’s
soap bubble, the difficulty seemed to be to get
to the ground—to keep from floating away.—
During all this time, of course, I had the de
sired, opportunity for the study of his face. It
was one which nineteen ; people out of twenty, on
seeing it in a crowd, would pass over as wholly
uninteresting—the twentieth and more obser
vant man giving him a good look, as one of the
most coolly determined and honestly spunky lit
tle fellows he bad ever seen. The top of his
skull, of course, is very high with his bump of
firmness. His cheek-bones are prominent, bis
nose straight and with thin expanded nostrils,
bis lips thin and firm, his cheeks hollow and
pale, and he wears a. sandy moustache and im
perial—-ala Louis Napoleon. Though anything
but a beauty, be is a man it is impossible not to
take to. ( Retiring to his shanty for a
minute -or two, after all was arranged, his re
appearance was announced by a grand utmost
iana from the band, and forward came Tecum
eeh, with a high crown of many colored feath
ers oh his head—not with a slow pace as would
be expected from an Indian Chief, but dancing
a jig all the way to the precipice. It was curi
ous, however, that the smile on his lip : and his
other signs of merriment for the many were al
together mechanical and artificial, while the
closely pressed eyelid, through which his keen
blue eye was hardly visible, showed the inper
mind’s utter absorption,and concentration in the
work he had to do.
The rope Was drawn from shore to shore,
eight hundred feet across, and two hundred and
fifty feet high over the Niagara rapids—a peri
lous bridge for human feet to walk! I took
hold of his arm as be stood trying the rope for
a moment with the ball of hisfoot. It was like
a bunch of iron-wire, wholly uhimpressible.—
And away he went—his moccasined' feet hug
ging the two sides of the swaying cable, his bal
ance-pole playing up and doenC and his little
figure gradually diminishing as he walked stead
ily on and reached the middle of the chasm
Where he proceeded to stand upon one leg and
hold the other out at right angles.. The specta
tors, of . course, were all breathlessly 1 silent;
though I found it much more breathless to think
of afterwards than to. spe done. He did it with
such apparent ease and certainty, that it was
like seeing a bird fly or a spider walk the ceil
ing—not to be wondered at for that kind of
creature. lam inclined to think it would be
more startling (better enabling one to imagine
himself in the performer’s place), if he were to
do it in common (Slothes. ■ Looking scarcely lar
ger than a butterfly as he reached the opposite
Shore, Blondin remained fifteen or twenty min
utes out of sight, and then the pistol was fired
to announce his return. He came quickly onto
the centre where he stopped to lie down at full
length on the rope, and execute various pos
tures and gymnastics ; and, between this and
Ms reaching our shore again, he made several
pretended trips, as if losing bis balance—the
•creams of the affrighted ladies at this, very
comically varying the’ tuno which was. being en
deayored by the hand. As he came up the slant
of the rope again, I'saw that his lips were tight
ly drawn together and his features -were rigidly
set with the mental exertion, and it was ah ei- -
preasiott of ' face that would be worth painting
as a type of determined will. Through all the
anxiety ot ; a spectator's suspense, 1 canid not
help the little man exceedingly, and I
was the fimt to give him a hand as he stepped
®a the cliff- It was a cold jplpmroy grip fbat-he
raif .ih return,.and/Mjs fingers felt icy an!
, Wet,. Everybody who could reach Mm gate Mm
a shake of the hand on 1 to the shanty,
and the enthusiasm for Mm seemed universal, —
And so ended “ &e show’’ of a humqn being put
foully peril! *aaaser
*ards told, has a wife and several children, and
faaidek; W- Niggard,as riia
Tie following recently appeared . jj» a
Wbconinn paper:'“ Wanted, by a yonng lady,
aged nineteen, of pleasing bdnntenahce,; good
figbre. agreeabli phnners, general inforpatipa
And varibus accomplishments, wlio has studied
eveiy the creation to a crotchet,* sit
aatiop in the family of a gentleman. She will
take tfie head of his table, manage his : house
bold, scold his servants, nurse his
they arrive—eheclt his tradesmen’s' bills,
E?oy bi® to the theatre, or in walking* or
opt the leayes of his new books, sew bn his but
tons, warm his slippers, and generally make his
miserable life happy; Apply, in. the first in
wes.l N. B. The wedding ring is No. 4 (small.)
Curious Story of a Lost ißauk-Note,
■ In the year 1740; one of the ihe
Bank of Rngiand, a very rich mas,- hut ooebsion
for £BO,OOO, which he was to pay is theprico
of an estate he had just bought—to facilitate the
matter, he carried the sum with him to the
bank and obtained for it a bahkfbiil. On his re
turn home,.he was suddenly called dot on par
ticular business; he threw the noteoarleaslyon
the chimney, but came back'd few mi
nutes afterwards to lock it it was not to be
found. " *Wo one had entered ibe room-ihe opdld
notj therefore, suspect any person. At last, af
: ter much ineffectual search, he whs persuaded
that it had fallen from the chimney into the fire.
The director went to acquaint hiscdllOagnea
with this misfortune; and as he : was known to
bo a perfectly honest man, he whs readily" be
lieved. It was only about four-and-twen’ty hours
from the time be bad deposited his money ; they
thought therefore, that it Would behStti to rC
fuse bis request for a second bill. Ho received
it upon giving an obligation to restore: the 'first
bill if it should ever be found, or pay the mon
ey himself if it should ever be presented by buy
stranger. About thirty years afterwards (the
director having been long dead, and his heirs in
possession of his fortune,) an unknown person
presented the bill at the bank and demanded
payment. It was in vain that they mentioned
to this individual the transaction by which..that
bill was annulled; he would not listen;toit; he
maintained that it had come to him from abroad
and insisted upon immediate payment. The
note was payable to bearer, and the thirtythou
sand pounds were paid him. The heirs of the
director refused restitution,’ and the bankwas
obliged to sustain the loss. It was discovered
afterwards that an architect, having purchased
the directors bouse, had taken it down] in order
to build another upon the same spot, had found
the note in a crevice of the chimney, And made
his discovery an engine for robbing the bank.
Carelessness, equal to that here recorded, is not
at all uncommon, and gives , the bank enormous
profit, against which the loss of a mere thirty
thousand pounds is but a trifle. But notes have
been known to light pipes, to wrap up snuff, to
be used as, curl-papers ; and British tors, pad
with rum and money, have not unfrequent
ly, in time of war, eaten them as sandwiches
between bread and butter. In the forty years
between the years 1792 and 1832 there were oat- ,
standing notes (presumed to have been lost or
destroyed) amounting to one million three hun
dred and thirty odd thousand pounds; every
shilling of which was clear profit to the bank
Household Words. '
Cask op Accidental HANaiNa.-rOn Wednes
day, at about seven o’clock in the evening, a
little child, three years of age, son of ‘ Patrick
Riley, Norristown, was found suspended b/ the
neck in the back yard of its father'sdwelling,
in “ McCredy’s Row.” The Republican says
that “ the house occupied by Mr; Riley has a
cellar, kitchen and back yard, from which a door
opens to. a small yard in the rear. Beside this
door is a stone wall a foot or so high; hnd near
ly over the wall, and at the upper cornet ofthe
door, a spike had been driven, from which was
suspended an old rope, which had beenpaed by
a former occupant as a clothes-line. This rope
had been loosened from its . opposite fastening
on the fence, and the whole of it left hanging
in loops from the nail, and falling'' withjn about
three feet of the ground. While the ipother
was preparing supper above, the phild wps sup
posed to be playing below, and while the fami
ly were at supper, a neighbor bad -occasion to ■
enter the kitchen, when she saw tfco c&ii(d sds
pended by the neck.outside the kichen door,
dead. The alarm was given, and the mother
rushing down found, her ' child’ a 'corpWf'.Her
anguish at the sight may be imagined !
\ Vlt is supposed- that the little boy was stand
ing on the'wall playing- with the rope/apd as
one pf these loops’ pass around the it
stumbled and fell, strangling iteelf aa ia aicase
Mf intentional hanging. The- chiktts feet wbsU
found were touching the ground,.and UWas en-
dead. Coroner
and ft,verdict of.-accidental
Kb*n Saties.—At*ir ball- one evening, a plain
country genUeman had engag^'^pVe^ho.
next dance,
coping along the liidy toabandon her
previous engagement in favor of himself. The
all that had passed,
Ibe Qaptain, in a few-minutes afterwards, step
ped up id the lady ,to excuse himself, as he was
quette, much bfiogrined, approached ihe whist
table, in hope? to sepqre her first partner, and
-f Mr. 8., it is time Jo take our
positions.?!,.;. The old-fashioned 'suitor, in the
* P*ck for the next dealer,
V No, madam, I mean ip keep
W when ladies shuffle, I cut.”.
XJIJWitiiOOMB Advice.— The editor ofaCali
paper thus advises a gambling correspon
dent of his journal: ,-, ; : '
“ Find a three warehouse, climb along
discover a flatrock pn a divot
line froth the terminatipn, turn your , moccasins
up to the snn, aridlet yoarselfgo—the discov
ery of your brains on the ropk -will
conclusive and. gratifying eyidgjW that a nul*
sance has been abated.”
?V- ■ *•
What Decision Did.
i'jt. r v
t . In the West lived a very proud, wealthy tail*
del.'andirreligious father, who, having one day
caljfed h|a family together, told them if they
went to the prayer-meeting and “get religion,'*
an he called it,-he would disinherit them, and
banilh them from Uie hoase. The wife and chil
dren were indnded in the threat
The daughter, however, continued to go to the
ptnyer-neetings, and soon found peace in be*
lieving in Jesue. When an opportunity was af*
Yordei tomake » profession, she meekly arose,
and spoke of the “ great change” in her heart,
and of her faith in the Saviour. •
Thenewawaa immediately carried to tblfc
ther M the young lady. Having come borne
that night, she was met afthe door bybcr fctber,
standing with the Bible in hie ' " v v
“Maria," said he,-"! baVe been told thatyou
have publicly professed that yon
religion. la that so t" i i ;
Fwh “'’’ Bald fte giri, ««i loTC'yon. iujd l
think I love t&e Saviour tool"' •••
Opebingbis Bibloto a blank leaf, and point
ing with his finger,' he said: -
u Maria, whose name is that?” ■
41 It Is mj pame, Bir." ‘ '• '* '
“Did I not tell you that I irooia ffijgriu&t
you if you got religion ?” ; . ;
44 Yes. air.’ 1
“ Well, I mast do it. { Yon ioto
my house." And tearing theiWodi of the
Blbl «. “ There,” said he, “sodo 1 jaiir
name from among my children You'can goJ'
She went to the boose of a pious widovtintha
neighborhood, and heard no
tbe ?^‘A br 39 tteeks. But. onq O)oniog
her father’s, carriage driving up:to.the door, she
ran out and said to the driver
“ What is the matter, James ?”' ? 1
“ Your father is very sick, mid thinks he is
going to die; and he is afraid ho shaU go> hell
for his wickedness, and the grievous ttnmg he
has done you, in taming yon from Jiis houae,’-?
He wants you to jump into the carriage, and
come home as quickly os possible. / : 5 .. ’V
She found her father sick surepnppghf op
ing home; but she soon saw; that- hO: fau pnly
sin-sick. She talked vtith bim t prayedwitb
him, and endeavored to lead hhp .<« Qbtiah In
three days, the father,.mothCT.
a sister, inalpng the whole family. vterf'aUtxe-
Johsing in hope. ' v
A Strabos Story,— The Eensacpla" IVitome
tells the following story :— ;
circulation here a? to the canae of
tality ameng the captured kejy West*
The nows is said to have been brought hjf £he
Magnolia,' on Sunday, but vrc are incited to
think that it priginatedin our community. It ; ia
said that a gentleman, passed through (% route '
for Key Wostj on the outward 'trip pf
nolia, with a large amount of money, and font
on his arrival there distributed presents and
money among them. Couseqimnilyathpj|wew
adverse to returning to Africa. -He mfc
ceeded in fining the confidence of. some' o* the
guard,-and administered ohiorofimn-to '
the darkies, They being conridered deadv wria
removed immediately forinterment,.anda boat
being ready at the beach, they wereoonveyed to ■
the main shore—the negroes in the meantime
recovering.-. ' u -i.""'
*®U. Daring the itevolatiopaiy wor, General
Layfayette, being in was invitedttra
ha 11..: He . went as requested, iWethadot*
joining the amosemnet, as ihight be expected of *
a oftwenty-ttro,hoaddreea>
cd the.ladies thus:. ,*y. v.-i vi? •
“ La4ies, you are yery handsome j yoadapce
very .prettily ; yopr ball ‘is y^fine-^rmy
toldien have nq shirtt/’ * ■> ,
. Tl | e irreaialable. The baU Called
aa d went. to v work*
? lar go number" of shirts were pre
pared by the fairest hands
gallant defenders of their country. ’ ' "
.. f&T'&■ darkey preacher arose to anndunde
his text aa follows 1
*' in de fast pistol of Clover, !
and- two hundred and ninety-fujrt:wer«e’’ < --A)&
: ; “ Hold up, Doctor!’? cried we of bUfcwurersi
-JJW-ye got in de wrong book, yonmeaadeplf*
tOlof Timothy, Lsposel’’ ■ /,
The preacher hesitated a moment, vithafthy
profound look, and said: : w 1 ■*£*>■
Well, I mqst cave la die time,. fluratbM
know’d • dat d© let was somewhar'anroog.'ifo
grouts V'.
I@U When John Hancock.came
phia as President of the first Congress, life w«W
a richly laced scarlet coat, a cocked hat with a
black cockade, silver shoe buckles, and white
silk clock hose; His bold signature, as affikro
to the immortal Declaration, shows that bia hafiil
was firin fes his heart and as he factiouslj’ r*-
marked, "the British Ministry could read that
name without spectacles.”
Yankee paper thua pathetically
scribes the fainting of a young lady:
, Down fell the lovely maiden, ; ' .
Jn'st like a slaughtered lamb, I®-®'
Her haii' hufig round her pallid
; lake sea-weeds round a dam.
:, you to »n»bp a pafrdf bpota l^
four years, melt and mix four, ocmoee pf ;
and mutton tallow; apply the mixture srwSS
warm ; rnb ip well; then pat
closet, and-yp bare-faotei.
•'v -!l
NO. 2&
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