The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 26, 1860, Image 3

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thiiso Pills Me the ro.
They ore u'Ud.U
tits all irn-gul*rttje«
obstructions, whether
a in the side, nal|ilf v
affections, hysterics’
Ac , disturbed «jtep
i !*•«•* .rr • •
• in the treatment yf
beautiful, ami thebe.
male can enjoy.***'
aerer au obstruction
to decline, , •
" i* ice all complaints
•y are invaluable, in .
them at different no.
> tbe sanction ofjom*
I erica.
’“ d when Viry ttumla
rice. One Dollar toft
ce, of the
ii'S price to tlse Oen-
t’EKciUL Aaexr,
*“»«.T, .Newy«s '
r and Ague and Bk~
was brought. to the*
by a friend who hiss
Holy Land.
*'■»! lie experienced n
discovering Uls con
las person an Amu
■ciU touch poiu n Al
!ie compiled, and
n<re aln-ayg found a
ous complaints.
ot the boatman attrl
-1 tbut it could only
"■ Sometime, after*
; !i a Priest obtained
lil , nnd ascertained
d. of which it was
■i this article have
o natire# in the ini
■on tried with,tl|„
-• ■irtlemen of high
■ersia forliutvlred*
1,1 fever aud'Ague.
> American popple,
i full directions for
65 Slain St., Rich
xnrm-rco Bidding,
success of Dr- ,'Ea-
. li pleasure in Cer
-1 fliency of your Is
urneud It to those
l ~"d it in my own
•d liottlea th'C past
unite in its praise
d it. YoiiTs, tee
<* valueless to you 1
nt pre]iarstions of
ndy with success ;
irer approximation
Chronic- Diseases
S' other, Medicinal
I am natural lyde
tested and adopted'
lIOW.V. 31. ti.
•Jiv, Ne w Vork.”’
u-!i, Altoona:.
nding the iloXicurt '
i <1 i i i pcnanWe‘ffrticl»
i IloraCs Ohr.theff
Snrca, Stiff Joints
t:< like m*giC. W* .
1 Well’s,"Fargo k
tli $1,200 who took
>r over one jear; I
hunt benefit, until
•-■rfoctly curqd hitn
ii.ii. Respectfully
■should have this
ihle dealer* eyery-
FS Jt PARK,, •-
tors, New York.
--Person* subject
; iTlmvc’s IXollafcd
It soothe* tb»
'V •
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■. It is, without
ui an effectual re- i
popular nicdicino
:i Wisconsin, Now
leaks much in It*
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thing; let it»in«-
i.j not hesitate to ‘
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iay be seen in the
m o annually aold
ignizod as great- -
i J for disesae* of
j -etiicryV djspep
[Mai derangement
t- r’s name is ra-
Maine to Texas.
:iflc. Try the ar-
; K heep should b*
, the undoing of*
~ have deplored
uuth manner in
~ ;hc cloth wad*
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up cloth wisely
it advantage th*
m Etuiie Clothing
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which if put OP
, ii an «*c«li»n»
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!e JIt. Sold h«»
Vfrf er “ Tbro ogli #«f> UollldiiyHbnrg, s
" ol ThrongliMaH ;■
Stirß Throngh Mail,
• 6 55 P.M.
, for the transactlon'of business from 6.30 A M
°%‘r during' the week, and from 7.60 to 8.50 o’
Juue»i II J
railroad schedule.
Knit arrives 8,10 P. M., leaves $25 P. M.
M*-*""" w « t “ 7,40 A.M. -8,60 A.M.
", » East “ 1,13 A.M. “ 1,20 A.M.
>‘‘ l .. Went “ 8,25 P. M., “ 8,40 P. M.
’ <■ East “ 7,15 A. M. “ 7,30 A. M.
X* 11 ... IVint “ 6,55 P.M., “ 7,10 P.M.-
" hoLLIDAYSJIURG BRAN CU connects with Express
aud W«sL «'i<i Jlall Train East and West.
vNA Bit A.VGII TRAINS connect with Johnstown
Ainodatwii Train East and West, Johnstown Way
and Express Train Westward.
local items.
Tue Scott Testimonial. — On Friday last,* the
beantifol service of silver ware intended to be
■ j,resented Co Thos. A. Scott, Esq., lato Gen’l
<apt , i qOW '* ce President) of the Ponn’a R.
R. Co , "was opened at the Logan House, to: af
ftirJ those who had contributed to it an oppor
lonitj of seeing and inspecting it. There are
J; eK n pieces, consisting of a waiter, coffee urn,
its pot, water pot, sugar dish, slop bowl, cream
pit, soup tureen, fruit bowl, cake bosket and
pitcher. The waiter and coffee urn have the
following inscription engraved thereon ;
ThC .
April Itt, 1860.
I Each of the other pieces have the name of
Thus. A-Scott engraved thereon. The entire
tost of the service was $1,252. It was manu-
I fsttured by Wm. Wilson &' Son, S. W. corner
Fifth and Cherry sts., Philadelphia, and is a
I credit lo their establishment. The workman-
I ship is without a flaw nnd the material the best
to b« obtained. To say that this is a fitting
testimonial fo a deserving man', is nothing more
[ than all who are acquainted with the recipient
i tell knows. It evinces the high pldce which
be occupies in the affections of those with whom
lie has been associated, their appreciation of
iim as an efficient and impartial officer, and is
ircbuke more expressive than words, to those
iho envy that which they cannot emulate.
Candidates for the Penitentiary and Gal-
.otrs.—On Saturday evening last, a crowd of
[bya about half- in their teens, accom-
Mnied J by a few; who have probably reached
their majority, but who, out of respect to the
imiuaurace. wc not call men, collected in
lie vicinity of-the Methodist Church and indul
ged in a breach of the peace, such as would j
live been a disgrace to the dcnizcqs of the Five *
Points in New York City, in its worst days.— ;
Such blasphemous oaths and obscene exprea- ■
tints as came from the lips of the beings there
•oliected,. we never heard before and hope we I
L: v never hear again. The inciting cause of
•.bisUispheniy was a ring fight between a little
.’irkey named “Charley,” who hits been in this
[lace for some time past, and a couple of white
boys who are a disgrace to their color, their pa
rents and the town, and who, if dq not al
ter their course in life, will laud in the peniten
tiary or on the gallows ere they are five years
i.ler. Had a police officer been in the vicinity,
the whole party would have been treated to a
night in the “Lock Up,” which they richly de
arved. ’ •
How to Treat,the Bite of a Uuo.— Dr. Ste
i Lru \\ me, of Boston, in his testimony in a re
'-■-Ht case, which grew out of injuries from the
dte of a dog, furniphed the following valuable
tilrice: *• In the case of the bite of a dog where
toe teeth of the animal penetrate the flesh,-
'tbethiT the dog was known to be mad or not,
be should use the same precautions. He would
the wound with warm water,'extract all
iiic virus possible by sucking * the wound with
bis lips, and then cauterize it deeply with Che
caustic most readily obtainedbut should use
potash if it could be procured at once. The
time in which the effects of the bite of a rabid
dag would be seen varied from two to three days
to as many years; but if no effects were felt af
ter two or three months, as a general thing the
patient might feel hungelf safe. Bites made
through clothing are seldom productive of much
bann, even if the dog is mad; the clothing ab
-•rtis the virus before the tee thT reach the flesh,
ost of all the fatal cases occurred where the
person was bitten on some naked part.”t Coh
cctning the possibility of a cuife in a real case
‘pediophobia nothing was said.
Capitoi^.—J'his is the name of the
.aunty, saucy little hat and feather worn,by the
Ptk- It is decidedly the most becoming fosh
lately bit appm It is juvenile, and, howev
tr beautiful lookson the young, the effect is
the contrary when worn by ladies who
r ‘ Te the tra <»s of -forty summers on their brows,
girls—married women and’ mi<|-
* a ged ladies—it is the prettiest and most
t J * ful tbin g we have ever seen on their pretty
, ,s ‘ or all girls with passably regular fea-
tolerable complexions, it is the very
a II °bght not, however, to be worn too
I on the face, which gives the wearer a bold
The idea is to droop the hat and feather
withrinf !c ’,? B , not lose sight of that modesty
TffE Ecixpsb. —Agreeable to astronomical cal
* 0D8 ’ ihe nothern linib of the disc of the
t j of this '.’sublunary sphere was
#2 rtn fr ° m Thiioh on Wednesday morn-
I M 1/ wee hi between the hours of 7 and 9
If&n 1* 7 tlie eea of night interposing her
»ed° r' m{) hed glass waa in demand and
®°®e places made
f of ; M ‘h®, sale of it. Many old
the why and where
tie (_, e m ° 011 -getting between the sun and
hpw ’ here not time or worn to
• tbe' ; caee on the day mentioned,;
- 7 00 AiM,
7 00 A.M.
6 SO P. 'M.
7 40 . “
1 7 Ip. A. M.
i 715 “.
!7 40 «
.1-ft SOP. 51.
‘ 8 10.P.M.
To PiAoraa.—The peach ertipi of
this promises to belarger (ban it has bean
for sis yens past, consequently every igty ig
makingpreparstieiw and calcnlationa, for pre
serving this delicious’ fruit in cans. Some. of
oar lady readers know* Bp' well how to preseri*o
fruits; that any advice from os would be con
sidered gravitons, if not positively impertinent;
but there niay be those who will be benefits
by the following directionsTo preserve
peaches in cans, take the ripe fruit, pare them,
and throw them into cold water, which will
keep them from losing thfcir color, Whenrfeady
put them in cans, adding an much sugar to theta
as would make them palatable. Then set the
cans in a Vessel of boiling waiter, allowing them
to remain until heated, through. A quart can
will require at least twenty minutes to heat pro
perly. Seal at onco, taking care to keep the
lid pressed down until the pement hardens—
This is said to be the best plan for preserving
peaches. ,
Infernal Machine—Not Quite. A few
dajs since, our townsman, Col. L. W. Hall, re
ceived a box,, by Adams’ Express, froni Chicago,
or some point West of that city. Not having
ordered, anything from that part of the country,
and the size aud weight of . the box being rather
suspicious, ho imagined it was either a hoax, or
an * Infernal Machine,” and declined opening
it for some days. At last he lifted it and de
termined on solving its contents. After open
ing the box and unrolling an indefinite number
of papers, ho turned out, wha: ?—why an excel
lent Plaster of Paris -bust of the Peoples’ candi
date for President “Old Uncle Abe,” which had
been sent to him by a friend.
The bust now occupies a conspicuous position
in the office of the Logan House, where it can
ho seen by all who desire to look npon the coun
tenance of the “honest old rail-splitter.”
Regular Habits.—The health of the human
body depends in a great measure on habits of
regularity and careful protection from the sud
den changes pf temperature incident to oar cli
mate. Wet feet or a sadden blast of cold, has
produced an obstruction that has frequently laid
the system under a contribution from which it
has never recovered. ' These are the seeds which
bring around a cough or cold, which, unless
early and carefully attended to, end in consump
tion, from which few recover. The cough or
cold is_. always icurcd by a bottle or two of Dr.
Keyser s Pectoral Cough Syrup- and sometimes
even the latter disease, but very rarely by any
thing. It will always ease the complaint/how
ever, and as it costs a mere trifle, it should be I
tried. It will surely never do any harm. Sold ,
by G. tv. Kessler, Altoona. I
More Improvements.— We are pleased to
note that bur enterprising townsman, Richard
McClain, has removed the unsightly old stable
which stood bn the alley in the rear of the Al
toona House, preparatory to erecting a good
brick building upon its* cite. This is an im
provement that has long been needed in that lo
cality. The new brick building is to adjoin the
Hotel building, and the first. floor to be fitted
up fot a store room and the second story for
sleeping rbpms, the present bed accommodations
ol the Altoona House being entirely too limited
for the increase of custom flowing in upon Col.
Woods, the accommodating host.
Esquire good is also putting up a large buil
ding, with brick front, on Virginia street, oppo
site Hileman’s store. When finished it will add
much to the appearance of the block.
Celestial PnEXOM'ENOs.-fA meteor of unu
sual brilliancy illuminated tiis place on Friday
evening last, but unluckily, we did not get a
sight of it. A coteraporary in speaking of it
says:—“ About half-past nine o’clock, one of
the most beautiful-meteors wc have ever beheld
passed through the heavens. Its course was
from the northwest to the southeast, and its mo
tion was, apparently, hot swifter than that of a
rocket. It had much the appearance of a,comet,
though the tail appeared to be broken into small
portions. It Was' preceded by an aurora: and,
after its disappearance, a small cloud in the
southeastern horizon continued to emit flakes of
light for several hpurs.
Shout Crop of Potatoes.— Wo bear a num
ber of persons complaining of the short crop of
early potatoes, there being only three or four
potatoes to the stock, and these not very large.
For some time past the ground has been too dry
for these esculents, and unless we have plenty
of rain hereafter, the late crop may also be
short. There is now no moisture in the hills,
consequently nothing to help them along. Con-,
sidcring the heavy crop of wheat our farmers
have just housed, they should not complain if!
they are a little short in “praties.”
BgL-llev. Thoa. Mitchell, President of Dick
inson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., preached in
the Methodist Church, in this place,' on Sunday
morning last, and at Qollidaysburg in the even
ing. llis sermon, from the text, “ißehold the
lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the
world, ’ —John I,29—was satisfactorily received.
He explained and applied the text in a clear and
forcible manner, and mode a very favorable im
pression upon-the large audience.
Oh Saturday evening last, the German
Band of Hollidaysburg paid our town a yisit
and treated oar citizens to a serenade, and were
treated, in return, to several glasses of lager By
our saloon keepers. Considering that the band
has been but lately organized, the music was
very good,-and our citizens have no objections
to a repetition of the treat whenever the Bond
may find it convenient. n
Pic Nic.—The teachers, scholars and friends
of the Maria L. Bo Peyster Memorial School, or
Altoona Academy, held a pic nio in Beale’s
Woods, on Friday last. The day was fine end
the out quite large. Everything passed off
pleasantly. , The .lady „who remembered the
printers with a fine fruit cake has the thanks of
all who partook of it, as all pronounced it ex
cellent. / • •
8&~ The Secretary of the Altoona Gas and
Water Compajiy publishes a notioe in another
column which it would be well fhr who
have heretofore-been leniently - deadt with by
the collector to read and remember.
Renounced that the rumor of the
new \ motive power in Paris is
tra% mid it has beebinade ptoblie; It is hydro
motive, oold watpr alone being the agent of pro*
polsion. The benefit to navigation is anticipa
te M being immense doing away at once with
the necessity of coal and steam, which wonld
enable vessels tb perfonn the longest voyage in
an incredibly short space of time. The system
was submitted to the Emperor; so says the re
port, during his sojourn in Italy, by tne inven
tor, M. Cavanna, and is bat just completed in a*
manner satisfactory ienough to be brought to Pa
ris, where it is about to be examined and criti
cised by the first engineers of the day, and ex
periments are to be made at the expense of the,
Government. The savans and practical men of
every branch of science, are waiting with the
greatest impatience to learn the result of the
first experiment, which is to be made as private
ly as possible. The success of this entirely new
machine will determine at once the fate of the
long-established sovereignty of steam in naviga
tion, and the movement is felt to be one of in
tense interest. : '
People’s Party Meeting. —A mass meeting
of the People's Party was held at Hollidnysburg
on Tuesday evening, ut which addresses were de
livered by Hon. S, S. Blair, Col. A. G. Curtin,
and Hon, Henry D. Moore. The crowd of peo
pie in attendance was acknowledged to be the
largest that has attended an evening political
meeting in that place for many years, A dele
gation of over one hundred, accompanied by the
Altoona Brass Band/ went out from this place.
Van Tries Cornet Band was also in attendance.
The speeches were well received by the audi
ence, .especially that ;df Col. Curtin.
-We noticed quite a iaumber of transparencies,
containing appropriate inscriptions, carried thro’
the crowd, and also an emblem of Lincoln in the
shape of an nxe, maul and wedge carried on the
end of a “ Lincoln rail.”
While Mr. Blair was speaking, a large balloon
manufactured of red, white and blue paper, was
sent up, which mounted the air rapidly until
above the houses, when it sailed slowly away
over the hills
A meeting of People’s Party will be held in
this place, this (Wednesday) evening, which will
be addressed by Hon. Henry D. Moore, Coh L.
W. Hall and Hon. S. Galvin.
A meeting of the friends of Bell and Everett
will be held in Hollidaysburg, this (Wednesday)
evening, to be addressed by Hon. Henry M.
Fuller, Col. W. C. Seymour, and Edmund C.
Pechin, Esq.
“ A mcroifuli man is merciful to his
beast,” is our reply to “ Hay Hauler,” who at
tempts to be witty at cur expense in the last
number of the Register. If he instructed the
boy to drive the horses as he did, then we take
back all wo said about the boy and apply it to
“Hoy Hauler,” who, however, we will not call
a man. If he don’t like it, he can write anoth
er communication for the Register.
lII.—Wo are sorry to learn that Rev. A.
B. Clark, Pastor of the| Presbyterian Church in
this place, has been confined to his bed for a
week past, by an attack of billions reraittert
fever, in consequences of which there were no
services in the church on last Sabbath. We are
pleased to learn from his physician that the at
tack is not violent an cl that he is now recover
Independent Casdidatk. —ln the last num
ber of.tlie Tyrone Slur, M. 11. Jolly, Esq., offers
himself as an independent candiiate for District
Attorney. This is the bes/ way we know offer
a man to find out his popularity.
Messes. Editobs.— Gnu not the nuisance in
the shape of a Hog pen, at the corner of Vir
ginia and Julia bo abated T Where is the
Board of Health and Town Council ? X.
Altoona, July 25th,. iB6O.
4S“ Within tiie last eight years Ireland has‘lost nearly
ouc-tcnth of its population by emigration.
KB- The Chicago Tinia of late date says the small-pox
is spreading rapidly in the iycry heart of the city.
KB. It is stated that Minnesota will export more grain
this year than the total yield for four years past.
KB- A grand picnic and harvest home celebration is to
come off at Newry, on Saturday week,
49“ A camp meeting wiU be held at Bell’s Mills, in this
county, commencing On the 24th of August.
K3_ Some land was recently sold in the city of London
at the rate of nine hundred ’thousand dollars per acre.
A®- We take back ouir advice tendered to friend Mullen,
of the Alleghenian. Wo were wrongly informed in delation
to his case. : ‘ ,
.®S* The age of a young lady is now expressed according
to the present style of skirts, by saying that “ eighteen
springs.have passed oyer her head.”
83. The Annual Meeting of the State Teachers Associa
tion will be held at Grecnstmrg, Westmoreland county,
on the 7th, Bth and 9tjU of August.
42“ Somebody fond of statistics computes the number
of lost children in the .United States, during one year to bo
not loss than 1,000,000. :
43“ A copperhead snnhei measuring six feet in length,
wtjs killed on the farm of Mr. Thomas Adame, near Blaira
ville, a few days since. : i ■ '
£5- A halibut weighing 2fS pounds was taken last week
by a Gloucester la said to be the largest
haUbut known to have bees taken.
JSCS' We notice tliatour former pa rtnor In the Tribunt,
W. M. Allison, Esq., isnowi stumping it for Lincoln. In
1858 he made speecllre for the Democracy.
49"|Paul Morphy,j%ftei» i>asslng a few weeks in New
York, will take his flnhl departure for Paris, which he ih
fends to make his pennaoeiit home.
• young lady in Balls county captured a beater
lately, end also the mail wijq wascarrying it abont on his
head. Young ladles ata. given to such tricks.
49* Many women are loved without knowing it, and
many fancy they arc loved when they are hot. They gen
erally find out their mistake after marriage. ‘
“Porter,” asked a'lady of an Irish BaQway porter,—
“ when does the nfne o'clock train leave I” “ Sixty min
utes pest eight, mum,” was jffike’s reply.
49“IUcbard H. Fennergast,_ of Ncw Oricans, offers a
very fine horse and buggy'for sale, price £750, payable
when Douglas is elected Prudent of the United S&tea.
49- A meeting has lately been held at th<Ha«i»nit« ( to
consider the questkm Of the ilarming increase inthennm
her of positively vicious or good-for-nothing young menu
Charlottesville Bctiem says the'women “an
the frieze odd carvings liohnd the temple of
,iho sauce'which ghres iUj its l swefetneae to thq dimpling of
lift* ■ " ■
W. Benedict, Esq.; is spoken of as the ca»utt*.*a
of the people’s Party in the Huntingdon and.
■ HoUteuld be the mu, and, if’
would make a worklß^Pcnitor.
I®. The census retains already received at Washington
from Illinois, clearly indicate the total population of that
State to be IAOO,QOO, agalnit 851,000 in 1850.
AST- Jty thegensns, say* the Hartford Tima, Hartford
and New Haven WQI exhibit an increase of About forty
thousand elver their population ef 1860. Thoyhave nearly
doubled daring the last decade.
£3. The real estate and persoaaTpiopertyorMr. Long
worth, of Cincinnati, has been ascertained, within a fow
days part, ft bo as follows Beal estate, per
sonal .property, $l/500,000; total, $3,500,000.
6F9-In England the keepertof packs of hounds Inraria
bly mix pounded sulphur with the water their dogs drink
during the Spring, which they.believe will prevent hydro
phobia. It is certainly worth a trial.
■OS' We learn from the HoUldaysburg papers that the
military of this connty have decided oa having a grand
parade on thelTth'of September. The place has not yet
been decided upon.
699- Mr. William Caldwell, the nominee of the Peoples’
Party for Director of the Poor, declines the nomination'.—
His place on the ticket will be supplied by the County
Oi* An old man in' Sod us, N. J. who is owing .a physr :
cian a bill of $3O, and unable to pay it, baa deeded to the
doctor his body, tor dissection, alter his demise. The deed
has been accepted and a receipt given by the doctor.
63b. Mr. Ten Brocck’s horse “Satellite,’' won tho “Stam
ford plate,” at a late contest on the English turf. Mr. T.
B. bad backed bis horse heavily, and it was supposed that
ho recovered sufficient in this Instance to remunerate him
for previous losses.
6S, The Texas Journals are calling attention to the ex
tensive live oak forests of that State, into which their
railroads are penetrating. It is said that Texas contains a
larger quantity of live oak than all the balance of the
63b. Mr. Solomon Pangborn, residing at Rising Sun, In-'
diana, is probably the oldest man in the United States. Ho'
was born in the city of New York, then a small town of
five or six hundred houses, in 1726. Ho is, consequently,
135 years old.
Would it not bo well to have a constable or police
officer elected or appointed for West Ward. There are a
number of persons in said ward who are sadly in want in
each a personage to take charge of them after 10 o’clock
at night.
t£*t»On the form of Mr. McLaughey, near Monticello,
New York, may be seen a rock, weighing at least twenty
tons, so nicely balanced on another rock; that a child can
move it, yet twenty men cannot remove it from its foun
4®- Mr, Spurgeon preaches from nine to twelve sermons
a week, conducts two Bible classes aud conference meet
ings, oversees the studies of several young men for the min
istry, aud writes continually for tho public. He enjoys in
creasing health withal.
4®* The Johnstown Echo notices that a party of four
fishermen, of that place, caught over eight hundred trout
in a creek in that county, week beforo last. That was a
good haul, but was not the fishing done out of season? If
we are not mistaken, the season ends on tho 4th of July.
The thefmomotrick records mode during the progress of
of thelate eclipse exhibit tho interesting fact that during
‘.ho first half of the eclipse the mercury rose about one de
grec | during the lust half, four degrees, and during tho
nineteen minutes succeeding, one degree.
Considerable excitement has been caused at Ogdon,
near Rochester, by finding several cattle killed near a
swamp noted for snakes, principally large block snakes
with yellow rings ordund their necks. The appearance of
the cattle denote that the snakes fasten themselves around
the necks of the cattle, and strangle them to death.
#3* Give a man the necessaries of life and he wants the
conveniences. Give him the conveniences and ho craves
the luxuries. Grant him the luxuries and he sighs for the
elegance's. Let him have the elegances and he yearns for
the lollies. Give him altogether and he complains ho has
been cheated both hi the price aud quality of the articles.
*3" The lion. Lewis 1). Campbell, an eminent Republi
can, of Ohio, has notified the Republicans of the District he
formerly represented in Congress, that ho shall not solicit
their suffrages this Fall. Reason assigned—he doesn't like
llto anti-Know-Nothiug plank in the Chicago’lTatform. Uo
says he’‘spits upon it. - ’
tljf' The Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegraph says that a race
came off on Saturday evening, on the Park Course, between
a Mr. Adams iud the celebrated trotter, “Black Dick’’
the man to walk half a mile while the horse trotted one
mile and two hundred yards. The man won in three
straight heats: Ist heat, 2 min. 20 sec.; 2d, 2 min. 18 sec.;
3d, 2 min. 2d sec.
KS-On Friday week, the Cth inSt., Mr. Ilcinhard Keeler,
of Zeiglersville, Montgomery county, Pa., killed a horned
snake tbreejteet long, in a meadow on his premises. Ten
years ago Mf. Keeler killed one of the same kind. These
snakes are very rare in this section of the country. They
have perfect horns on or near the tail, and arc very poison
43“ The Chicago Zouaves, the best drilled,,company in
the United States, to inure them to the hardships of war,
are drilled with bricks in their knapsacks ; but under ne
pretence whatever are they allowed to partake of liquor.
Herein their practice greatly differs from that of most other
companies. The generality of militiamen are drilled with
brick in their hats.
At Altoona, on the 2d inst, by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr.
dayshurg, Pa.
On the 4th inst, by the same, Mr. FREDERICK FOGLE
to Miss ANNA MARY SMITH, both of HoiUdayaburg.
In this {Race, on the 15th inst, by Rev. 8. Creighton,
both of Hollidaysburg.
On the evening of the 3rd Inst, at the Presbyterian
Manslßn in this place, by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. JOHN
On Tuesday morning, July 17, 1860. by the Rev. Jacob
BROWN, both of Martinsbprg, Pa.
On the 10th inst. by Gco.L. Co wen; Esq, Mr. WILLIAM
CARTWRIGHT of Bloomfield Furnace, to Miss MARGA
RET LINN or.Frankstown.
On the 22nd inst, by the same, Mr. WILLIAM SHAF
township. I
In Hollidnysbuag, on the morning of the 2lst instant,
after a long and painful illness. Mrs. JANE COOPER, wife
of Mr. John Cooper, Esq, aged 68 years.
• Respectfully offers his professional
services to the.citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on
Rail road street, two doors castof the Red Lion Hotel, where
ho may bo consulted at all hours, except when profession
ally engaged. Jy 26,1860, tf. •
more young men can be accommodated with board
ing, if application be made soon, to Dr.'Vickrey, on Em
ma street,’ near the Methodist Church. ■ "No expense has
been spared to make the house comfortable for a first class
boarding house. Boarders occupying the attic, which is
well finished, will be charged less tlum usual rates.
July 26Ui, 1860. 9
, lar notice is hereby giVeh that hereafter all gas and
water rent bills that ate not paid within FIVE DAYS af
ter said hills 1 are presented, the 10 per cent authorized will
positively be charged and collected, and if not paid within
TEN DAYS the gas or water will positively be,ahnt oif.
Altoona, July 26, "60. ' BENJ. If. BOSE, Sec'y.
Teachers for Altoona School District Will beheld ln
the East Ward School Houso, oh Saturday, the'devditK'day
«!f Avout, W», commencing at9o’clock, M. "■ ■
By Order of the Board of Dirtctort.
H. C. JWSBN, Sedy. ]
July 19,1860.-3 t.
Literary emporium, news
■ OENEKAIi VARIETY STORE.—The subscriber continues
'to keep constantly on hand all the best literary papers and
periodicals, daily papers from Philadelphia, New York and
Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All
the Sehool Books used in this place and vicinity always on
Also, a; choice lot'of Confectionaries, and knick knacks
of all kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco A Seeon
to be hadiin town, together with a fine assortment of Gold
andßUyet Pencils, Gold Rings and other articles of Jewel
ry. <Wlknd eiuimine. U. PETTCfOBB.
Plated <
Brass and Japanned Shutter Bant Brass n»t t
Bolts, Barn door Rolten|B^
Bitts, Files, Yicqs, Bellows, Borax, Steel, *** ‘•-
Ac-all of the beet makers. 100 -
Biflp Barrels—singli, from t
, $1,75 to $5,00 each.
V , .21 Blotch '
Barrels, singleand
double Breacbers, Break
:httiee”»R<MUn ** Cocka ;rongh,
* n Kr“ Twi ’ Springs of all kinds
. i Ua ™b? nd Bolt pieces, German hiiver Ornaments.
®°' R< £beam; brass
and bon Siehta, Brass Boxes, new pattern C Bullet
“•> Ully s Percussion Caps,
Trimmings of all kinds at unpra- -
. codented low prices. Cop- ;
per and brass Pre
serving Kettles,
Brass and Tin Wash Pans.
For sale by F.O. FRANCISCOS;'
C'JILT Window Paper Shades of every
E price and style, fromßJ/J per window up ft $1,50, for
saieb y p;q.francimSs!T
The best green and buff window curtain
stuff,-24,85, 40,44 Inches wide. Just received and for
“ leu y . F.Q. FRANCISCOS.
Blind trimmings of all
T kinds and qualities for sale by
TINMEN’S tools for sale here at Phila
delphia prices by F. G. FRANCISCOS.*
TIN plates, Ic at 89,75, tin plates, lx at
$11,50. Box tin, solder, sheet-lion, Ac., at tho very
lowest prices, by F. O, FRANCISCOS.
WRAPPING! paper—so bundles of all
sizes and quality, for sole by
IV/TlittOHANrS supplied with all kinds
J-V-L of tin and sheet iron ware, at very low rates—made
aud for sale by F. q. FRANCISCOS.
WALL-PAPER, Window paper, &c.
Wishing to close up our wall paper business, wo
will sell our present largo and beautiful assortment of wall
and window paper at cost. F. 0. FRANCISCOS.
GHEAT REDUCTION in the prices
of cooking stoves! From this date our prices for
cooking stores will he, for cash.
For No. 6—sl4 00
“ 7 16 00.
“ 8— 18 00.
... w 0— 22 00,
complete with hollow ware, Uu ware, pipe and bake pans.
Our assortment is large embracing the Globe, Sea Shell,
Royal Cook, Pennsylvania, Hope, National, Daylight and
William Penn Gas Burners. All kinds of stove, tin and
sheet iron ware, iron and tin tea kettles, round pans, roue
pans, tin wash boilers, tin or copper bottoms, Ac,, for bale
by .„ _ , . F. G. FRANCISCOS.
Altoona, July 26, 1860.
ved a good assortment of Shoe-Findings, of all de
scriptions, which wo will sell at low prices for
SHOE LEATHER.—-We have just
received a good stock of the best Red and Oak Soie
Leather. We have, also a good assortment of Goat Ttnd
French Moroccos, French and Country Calf Skins, Uppers,
Kips, Linings, Bindings, Ac., all of which wo will at low
prices and warrant to give satisfaction. - -
Please call aud examine our stuck before pnrchaslngelso
where. Don’t forget place— two doors below tho Post Office.
Jnl Y 1!) . 18(30. STEWART A THOMPSON.
Having understood that the report is being circulated
that I had quit the BUTCHERING BUSINESS in Altoona,
I take this method of informing my old customer? and the
public generally that I am still carrying on business dt liiy
'yl lere 1 lim prepared to serve one and dll with
ac, equal, if not superior, to any in the market.' I have
made arrangements for procuring the very best of stock
with which to furnish tho market, au abundant supply of
winch will always be kept on hand toAect the wants of
tho public. Those in wont of anything in the meat way
are respectfully invited to call at tho old stand.
MaylO,’CO.-3m., W. K. LEONARD.
L The undersigned liege leave to inform the citizens of
this place and the surrounding country that ho is manufac
turing and putting up modern Improved Lightning Rods
in Altoona, at the lowest prices. Executing tile work him
seJf. and employing no hands, he feels satisfied his work
will please. The Rods are put up on correct scientific prin
ciples, and cased with the celebrated McALLISTER PLA-
A POINT. The Points arc warranted jmt to corrode,
and will bear testing in any manner. Repairing and Poin
ting done on low terms. The work is done in the most
ncut mid workmanlike manner. Address all orders to
June 21, 1860. JACOB U. MYERS.
-A RAI . LROAD COMPANY, having over 000,000 ACRES
of LAND lying in the State of Missouri, which was grant
cd, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction of their
Road, offer the principal portion thereof for sate, on the
most liberal terms. -
The greater part of these lands are within six, and all
within fifteen miles of the Railroad, which is now domplo
ted. and open for use throughout its entire length (206
miles.) and runs through a conptry which is unsurpassed
by any in the salubrity of Its climate, the fertility of its
soil, and the extent of Us mineral resources. 1 r
For further information, apply at the Land office of the
Company, or address by letter, JOSIAH HUNT,
tt „, „ - Laud Commissioner, H. 4 St. Jo'.R. K.
Hannibal, 310. Feb.
T* NoUce Isi hereby given thatletters of Administration ’
on the estate of CHARLES BOYER, late ofLogan town-l
ship, Blair cbnnty, dec’d, have been granted to the under
signed, residing as aforesaid. All personskno wing thW
selves indebted to said estate are requested to make Im
mediate payment, and those having claims will present
Jhem dnly authenticated for settlement. .
American Life Insurance and Trust Co.
Capital Stock, $500,000.
Company Building, Walnut Si., S. E. corner of
Fourth Vhild.
J. C. SIMMS, Sw’y. [Oct. 27th, 1869-ly.
House and lot at private
SALE.—The Gate-House and Lot
belonging to the ALTOONA AND HOE
note ]/ 2 mile from Altoona, is offered
Private Sale.-j For terms and
particulars inquire of JOSEPH
Company. [April 26,1860.-tf.
/J. G. AX>LtJM,
notary public.
Stober “ M 67? fonl ? dat0 ‘« *toro of J. B. Hfleman.
J. desirably locafod Apply
to Altoona, Feb. 9, IgfiO.-tf. . SHO
an»hiftrw2 BAG, for sale Wholesale
Jan. 2% 1860. ( C^AGGABD.
wK -W® VARIETY STORE, In the ol
Feb aud ; examine the stockand prices.
Boarding.— a few genteel
Boarders will find comfortable accommodations at
the new House, corner of Virginia and Clara Streets, West
Altoona, If application be made soon.’’' SI. J. MOORE.
Altoona, July 12th, 1860.
O adas, Sharing Cream, Toilet Soaps, Ac, far sale by
A J of Grocerlsa hare tost haeo re
*«r*da ' , f •of 9.3.' gttgjSw:
Those and no other circumstances induced me toiesbrt
to your worthy Hair Restorative. which I have
produced a very happy result; two months
after the Jirst application,,l had ns beautiful a'head of
young hair as X ever saw, for which I certainly oWe yon •
my most sincere thanks. Itest assured,, dear sir, I shall
recommend yonr remedy to nil inquirers: moreover, X shall
-n.y influence, whicli I flatter myself. to say, is not a
You can publish this if you thinlLpropcr, '
Yours; very reapectfriily, M. J. WRIGHT, 11. XL
°SL e , I,hlli PPti Va - 12th, 186 k.
Dear sir .4-1 feol it my duty as well as. my nleashre. to
state to you thp following circumstance, which you can its
“ I?? think proper. A gentleman ol this place; (a'law
yer,) has been bald ever since his early youth; so ranch so.
that be was compelled to wear a wig. He was induced to
nso a bottle of yonr « Hair itestorative,” which fac.UKnd
very ranch; and after using some two or three bottltolu
hair grewont quite luxuriantly, and he now bos a haafe
some beiidof hair. The gentleman’s name is BrndfonLraC
as ho is very well known in onr adjoining conaties. many
persons can testify to tho truth of this statement -I give
it to yon at the request of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a
great deal of your Hair Restorative in tide and the adjoin,
ing counties tf yon have the proper agents. Yours, Ac-
Dm Woon: Dear Sir: Permit me to express the oblige
tions lam under for the entire restoration -of my hair to
Us origtaal color; about the finis of my ofrlValln the
United States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the
application of yonr “Ha if Reiterative” it soon - recovered
its original hue. I consider 1 fyonr Restorative-ns e very
wonderful invention, quite efficacious os well as ogreenbls.
The Restorative is put up in bottles, of three sixes, vhi: ■
medium, andsmall; thes»mnll holds pint and
retails for ono foliar per tattle; tho medium holds atletat
twenty per cent, more In proportion than the small, reUßs
for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart. 40 per
cent, moro in proportion, anid)retails for A 3. ■ •
.0. J. WOOD A CO., Propslutors, 444 Broadway, Hew
York, and 114 Market Street Bt. Louis, Mo. 7
„ For eale by Q: W. Messier, Altoona, and by all mod
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. •
March 1, ’6o—ly
Stroet8 ’
.''Alin' /■' ' : \
The undersigned would in
l£,at he ha * purchased' the fttenrt
to th -?r22 )C -' rj ' and Provision StonteS* ;
kejrt by them pu A irginie street, below Caroline St;,
where ho will continue the business, and will fcei-u coii?
stantly on hand a large supply of •
SliJ Ve T?S in ?. u l u J ~y kept in Grocery and Provision
■*?)?* wl'ich he receives fresh from the eastern and
w ? r te ™ crt !e», Mid will sell at the meat reasonable priSi.
obtaiuod license to sell liquor by whole.
M!e, I wUI keep constantly on hand a large assortment®?
Uquott of the best qualities to be had. w ,
4 solicit a share of public custom.
-Jnly 12,186Q.-3m. ■ J. BBKKOWTTE,
T SALE.—The undersigned purposing changing KU'
location, offers for sale his Real Estate in the Borough* in
Qultidavsburg and Dnncansvillc, its including hk nmaM
residence; which Is one of the first class propertiesin Bbre
county./ For further particulars inquire ofthe subesrib**..
.either at HolUdaysburg or Altoona. \
Jan. 13, ISCO.-tf J. x>. T.yspf . _ -
Lycoming county mutual
. INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undsnlnui ..
a B e nt of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance CompattiKfe
at all times ready tdinsure against loss or damsgeLyflr*.
Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and Property of ever?
description, or country, at as reasonable rates** •
any comwmy in the State. Office in the Masonic Tempi*
Jan. 3, *56-tf] JOHN -
Flour.— the best quality oi
FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale andßetafljl
Dec. 11,1856-tf. Masonic Temple-
Lumber for sale.
60,000 SHIXGLES, 50 000 TaATITM. :
w«| l W ? L ® ura MATERIALS, lowert&iMb*
lowest, lor Cash. Apply to . JOHN BHOEMAKBBV
Queenswarb, justregei
■ A large and ftihioaabl* assortalniat the
wWclr greatly Ike ill totes the process of teething,,by Softest
‘“8 the Hums reducing all inflammation will allay pain awl
tpeniodle action, and la sure (a rrgxdiUt the Hum*h,
“Others, it will give rest to youmUsa,
aadJ&Hgf anti UcaJUh to your Infant *. , - i
•■j? 1 9 “ av * pot «p and sold this articlo for over ten rears?
i ! . n < - onftdl>r>co »nd troth of it, what we hoys
? 6 ,y®r b f*^ a^' e *° “y of any other medicine—never- hast*
"£s"’ Hoi » to w nco ’ t» e ®*t a cure, when timely
J* *“* did we know an instance of dissatiitketfoahv
any one who used it. On the contrary, all are dolightoi
wMI ItsopcraUons, and speak in terms of highest mmSS.
datlon of ita magical effects and medical virtue* WeintSu
In this matter “what wo do know.” after tea yem* m»T
rieace, and pledge our reputation for the tolfllnvent of wfisL
we here declare. In almost every Instance where the la
feat Is suffering from paiir ami exhaustion, relief will to
found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the eyruo is ad,
ministered. '
Thi* yalnahle preparation is the prescription of one of
the most experienced and skillful norm* iu Nsw kazlaad.
andhai Wen 1 used vlth Dovar* foiling huccohs 1b 6Ao#w»d#
of cose s.
It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invigorate*
the stomach and bowela, corrects acidity, and give* toae
and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly
relieve. Griping i» the Bototls and Wind Colic, audove£
come convalMins, which, if not speedily rcmedlsd, end 1«
Wo be\i«T6 it tiro best anO wrest rtmcdv in tht
world. In all cast* of Dysentery and Diarrhoea iu children.'
Whether ifarteesftom teething or irom any other >-<'n
Vre would say to every mother who has a child suffering
Irpm any'of the foregoing complaints—do not let TOOT pie
indices, nor the pndudices of others, stand between vote
suffering child and the relief that will be sure—yea, stab-’
lately sure—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely
used, lull directions for using will accompany each hot-
B4aut ? e un, «*» the foe-simile of CUUTI3 *
New Vork, is on the outside wrapper. ,
„ Sold by Druggists throughout the world, and by O. W.
Kessler and A. Housli, druggists, Altoona. Prise 26
-per bottle*
frlndpal Office, No. 13 Cedar street N' I. V
July 12,1500.-ly.
Having Proofs so strong and direct aa to
4 QF ALL. , ■
For Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Physicians of the oldeet
uchools m well as now, give it their unqualified sanction,
and lecommend It for all caaea of eruptions, and iiimiaiiif
the scalp and brain{'but all who have used t
testifying that It will prescne the hair from bains dm.
and from foiling to any ago, as well os restore. Baoathe
following;— , "
~ ■ _ •- : Oak Grove. 3. C. Jnne aitb,lB6ft.
Pbof. 0. J. Wood;.'Dear Sir Your Hair RettaaUve la
rapidly gaining popularity In this community. I hare had
occasion to lay prejudice aside, an I give your Hair . Has*
toratlre a perfect test;— <•' .?
During the year 1864, I was so unfortunate as to ha
thrown from ray sulky against n rock near the road-side,
from which my head received a most terrible blow; n»
sing a great deal of irritation, which coramnutcated to tin -
brain and external surfece of the head, from the elfeets of
wl{ichi my badr wis finally destroyed over the lent Ice sniw
face of the head. From the. time X first discovered it*
dropping, however; up to tbo time of Its total disanocar
anco, I employed everything X could think ofo beta* a pro
feasional roan myself, and, as I thought, 'understanding the
nature of the disease, but was finally defeated in evenrpre
scriptipn advanced. . J ■
Hons jnst received and for sale by " '
oct. 15-tf] / B. munsABT<i