TICES. 'EMALES, , PILLS. thiiso Pills Me the ro. They ore u'Ud.U tits all irn-gul*rttje« obstructions, whether a in the side, nal|ilf v affections, hysterics’ Ac , disturbed «jtep i !*•«•* .rr • • PILLS • in the treatment yf vhicb beautiful, ami thebe. male can enjoy.***' aerer au obstruction to decline, , • t'ILLS " i* ice all complaints •y are invaluable, in . barfly. them at different no. > tbe sanction ofjom* I erica. ’“ d when Viry ttumla rice. One Dollar toft ce, of the ii'S price to tlse Oen- Jiy, t’EKciUL Aaexr, *“»«.T, .Newy«s ' E. SR" CHABlti r and Ague and Bk~ was brought. to the* by a friend who hiss Holy Land. *'■»! lie experienced n discovering Uls con las person an Amu ■ciU touch poiu n Al !ie compiled, and n American popple, i full directions for 65 Slain St., Rich xnrm-rco Bidding, VVItCOX 4 CO. success of Dr- ,'Ea- . li pleasure in Cer -1 fliency of your Is urneud It to those l ~"d it in my own •d liottlea th'C past unite in its praise d it. YoiiTs, tee . K 1-ATUROP. D POOD I! <* valueless to you 1 nt pre]iarstions of ndy with success ; irer approximation Chronic- Diseases S' other, Medicinal lufei. I am natural lyde tested and adopted' lIOW.V. 31. ti. •Jiv, Ne w Vork.”’ u-!i, Altoona:. RSES. nding the iloXicurt ' i <1 i i i pcnanWe‘ffrticl» i IloraCs Ohr.theff Snrca, Stiff Joints t:< like m*giC. W* . W. HKtVITT, 1 Well’s,"Fargo k tli $1,200 who took >r over one jear; I hunt benefit, until •-■rfoctly curqd hitn ii.ii. Respectfully sk DORUAXCE. ■should have this ihle dealer* eyery- FS Jt PARK,, •- tors, New York. ) BEMEDY --Person* subject ; iTlmvc’s IXollafcd It soothe* tb» 'V • t. much, owinCSdl- ■. It is, without ui an effectual re- i popular nicdicino :i Wisconsin, Now leaks much in It* ,s of the Jicoplo, oUilosophoffinay thing; let it»in«- i.j not hesitate to ‘ c masses bar* al ii, concerning the iay be seen in the m o annually aold ignizod as great- - i J for disesae* of j -etiicryV djspep [Mai derangement t- r’s name is ra- Maine to Texas. :iflc. Try the ar- ; K heep should b* , the undoing of* ~ have deplored uuth manner in ~ ;hc cloth wad* ■ailess bhcep. To up cloth wisely it advantage th* m Etuiie Clothing Cuo Chestnut fit ted; of garment* rV > ui, has a sootbißg 1 } faciliUit** s. reducing all I°' re to rebuilt* ti»« t; ire reel tojour ifaiits. Perfectly igther column* r * TaUhatXt B*- which if put OP , ii an «*c«li»n» oadcr gurof, *** !e JIt. Sold h«» Cnbm ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE.* ■MAILS CLOSE, nollidayaburg, Vfrf er “ Tbro ogli #«f> UollldiiyHbnrg, s " ol ThrongliMaH ;■ Throng MAILS OPKN. Stirß Throngh Mail, • 6 55 P.M. , for the transactlon'of business from 6.30 A M °%‘r during' the week, and from 7.60 to 8.50 o’ : Juue»i II J railroad schedule. Knit arrives 8,10 P. M., leaves $25 P. M. M*-*""" w « t “ 7,40 A.M. -8,60 A.M. ", » East “ 1,13 A.M. “ 1,20 A.M. >‘‘ l .. Went “ 8,25 P. M., “ 8,40 P. M. ’ <■ East “ 7,15 A. M. “ 7,30 A. M. X* 11 ... IVint “ 6,55 P.M., “ 7,10 P.M.- " hoLLIDAYSJIURG BRAN CU connects with Express aud W«sL «'iasslng a few weeks in New York, will take his flnhl departure for Paris, which he ih fends to make his pennaoeiit home. • young lady in Balls county captured a beater lately, end also the mail wijq wascarrying it abont on his head. Young ladles ata. given to such tricks. 49* Many women are loved without knowing it, and many fancy they arc loved when they are hot. They gen erally find out their mistake after marriage. ‘ “Porter,” asked a'lady of an Irish BaQway porter,— “ when does the nfne o'clock train leave I” “ Sixty min utes pest eight, mum,” was jffike’s reply. 49“IUcbard H. Fennergast,_ of Ncw Oricans, offers a very fine horse and buggy'for sale, price £750, payable when Douglas is elected Prudent of the United S&tea. 49- A meeting has lately been held at th CARDERS WANTED.—A few more young men can be accommodated with board ing, if application be made soon, to Dr.'Vickrey, on Em ma street,’ near the Methodist Church. ■ "No expense has been spared to make the house comfortable for a first class boarding house. Boarders occupying the attic, which is well finished, will be charged less tlum usual rates. July 26Ui, 1860. 9 PARTICULAR NOTlCE.—Particu , lar notice is hereby giVeh that hereafter all gas and water rent bills that ate not paid within FIVE DAYS af ter said hills 1 are presented, the 10 per cent authorized will positively be charged and collected, and if not paid within TEN DAYS the gas or water will positively be,ahnt oif. Altoona, July 26, "60. ' BENJ. If. BOSE, Sec'y. ItfOf ICE.—AN EXAMINATION OF Teachers for Altoona School District Will beheld ln the East Ward School Houso, oh Saturday, the'devditK'day «!f Avout, W», commencing at9o’clock, M. "■ ■ By Order of the Board of Dirtctort. H. C. JWSBN, Sedy. ] July 19,1860.-3 t. Literary emporium, news DEPOT, CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, TOBACCO 1 A ■ OENEKAIi VARIETY STORE.—The subscriber continues 'to keep constantly on hand all the best literary papers and periodicals, daily papers from Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All the Sehool Books used in this place and vicinity always on hand. Also, a; choice lot'of Confectionaries, and knick knacks of all kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco A Seeon to be hadiin town, together with a fine assortment of Gold andßUyet Pencils, Gold Rings and other articles of Jewel ry. Ully s Percussion Caps, Trimmings of all kinds at unpra- - . codented low prices. Cop- ; per and brass Pre serving Kettles, Brass and Tin Wash Pans. For sale by F.O. FRANCISCOS;' C'JILT Window Paper Shades of every E price and style, fromßJ/J per window up ft $1,50, for saieb y p;q.francimSs!T The best green and buff window curtain stuff,-24,85, 40,44 Inches wide. Just received and for “ leu y . F.Q. FRANCISCOS. Blind trimmings of all T kinds and qualities for sale by F I Q. FRANCISCOS. TINMEN’S tools for sale here at Phila delphia prices by F. G. FRANCISCOS.* TIN plates, Ic at 89,75, tin plates, lx at $11,50. Box tin, solder, sheet-lion, Ac., at tho very lowest prices, by F. O, FRANCISCOS. WRAPPING! paper—so bundles of all sizes and quality, for sole by IV/TlittOHANrS supplied with all kinds J-V-L of tin and sheet iron ware, at very low rates—made aud for sale by F. q. FRANCISCOS. WALL-PAPER, Window paper, &c. Wishing to close up our wall paper business, wo will sell our present largo and beautiful assortment of wall and window paper at cost. F. 0. FRANCISCOS. GHEAT REDUCTION in the prices of cooking stoves! From this date our prices for cooking stores will he, for cash. For No. 6—sl4 00 “ 7 16 00. “ 8— 18 00. ... w 0— 22 00, complete with hollow ware, Uu ware, pipe and bake pans. Our assortment is large embracing the Globe, Sea Shell, Royal Cook, Pennsylvania, Hope, National, Daylight and William Penn Gas Burners. All kinds of stove, tin and sheet iron ware, iron and tin tea kettles, round pans, roue pans, tin wash boilers, tin or copper bottoms, Ac,, for bale by .„ _ , . F. G. FRANCISCOS. Altoona, July 26, 1860. SHOE-FINDINGS.— JUST TU2GEI ved a good assortment of Shoe-Findings, of all de scriptions, which wo will sell at low prices for July 19,1800. STEWART A THOMPSON. SHOE LEATHER.—-We have just received a good stock of the best Red and Oak Soie Leather. We have, also a good assortment of Goat Ttnd French Moroccos, French and Country Calf Skins, Uppers, Kips, Linings, Bindings, Ac., all of which wo will at low prices and warrant to give satisfaction. - - Please call aud examine our stuck before pnrchaslngelso where. Don’t forget place— two doors below tho Post Office. Jnl Y 1!) . 18(30. STEWART A THOMPSON. STILL IN THE FIELD I Having understood that the report is being circulated that I had quit the BUTCHERING BUSINESS in Altoona, I take this method of informing my old customer? and the public generally that I am still carrying on business dt liiy 'yl lere 1 lim prepared to serve one and dll with BEEF, \ LAL, PORK, MUTTON, SAUSAGES,PUDDINGS, ac, equal, if not superior, to any in the market.' I have made arrangements for procuring the very best of stock with which to furnish tho market, au abundant supply of winch will always be kept on hand toAect the wants of tho public. Those in wont of anything in the meat way are respectfully invited to call at tho old stand. MaylO,’CO.-3m., W. K. LEONARD. TM PROVED LIGHTNING RODS L The undersigned liege leave to inform the citizens of this place and the surrounding country that ho is manufac turing and putting up modern Improved Lightning Rods in Altoona, at the lowest prices. Executing tile work him seJf. and employing no hands, he feels satisfied his work will please. The Rods are put up on correct scientific prin ciples, and cased with the celebrated McALLISTER PLA- A POINT. The Points arc warranted jmt to corrode, and will bear testing in any manner. Repairing and Poin ting done on low terms. The work is done in the most ncut mid workmanlike manner. Address all orders to June 21, 1860. JACOB U. MYERS. BAIL BOAD LANDS FG*B SALE, ON LONG CREDIT, AND AT LOW RATES OP INTEREST npHK HANIBAL AND 6T. JOSEPH -A RAI . LROAD COMPANY, having over 000,000 ACRES of LAND lying in the State of Missouri, which was grant cd, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction of their Road, offer the principal portion thereof for sate, on the most liberal terms. - The greater part of these lands are within six, and all within fifteen miles of the Railroad, which is now domplo ted. and open for use throughout its entire length (206 miles.) and runs through a conptry which is unsurpassed by any in the salubrity of Its climate, the fertility of its soil, and the extent of Us mineral resources. 1 r For further information, apply at the Land office of the Company, or address by letter, JOSIAH HUNT, tt „, „ - Laud Commissioner, H. 4 St. Jo'.R. K. Hannibal, 310. Feb. A NOTICE.— T* NoUce Isi hereby given thatletters of Administration ’ on the estate of CHARLES BOYER, late ofLogan town-l ship, Blair cbnnty, dec’d, have been granted to the under signed, residing as aforesaid. All personskno wing thW selves indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims will present Jhem dnly authenticated for settlement. . June 21, ISOO.-Ct CAROLINE BOYER, Mm’*. American Life Insurance and Trust Co. Capital Stock, $500,000. Company Building, Walnut Si., S. E. corner of Fourth Vhild. B. F. ROSE. AGENT, - ALTOONA, LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL S ATES. OR AT JOIST STOCK RATES, AT ABOUT 20 PERCENT LESS, OR AT TOTAL raßMw'. THE WORLD. A. WIISiN^ W J. C. SIMMS, Sw’y. [Oct. 27th, 1869-ly. House and lot at private SALE.—The Gate-House and Lot belonging to the ALTOONA AND HOE LIDAYSBURC PLANK ROAD CQ_ sit. JfcSakr.L note ]/ 2 mile from Altoona, is offered Private Sale.-j For terms and particulars inquire of JOSEPH Company. [April 26,1860.-tf. /J. G. AX>LtJM, notary public. ALTOONA, BLAIR OOi, PA. • Stober “ M 67? fonl ? dat0 ‘« *toro of J. B. Hfleman. HOUSE ANDLOT, J. desirably locafod Apply to Altoona, Feb. 9, IgfiO.-tf. . SHO CjUGAR;ANR MOLASSES BY THE an»hiftrw2 BAG, for sale Wholesale Jan. 2% 1860. ( C^AGGABD. ALL AT THE NEW FLOUR, PRO wK -W® VARIETY STORE, In the ol Feb aud ; examine the stockand prices. Boarding.— a few genteel Boarders will find comfortable accommodations at the new House, corner of Virginia and Clara Streets, West Altoona, If application be made soon.’’' SI. J. MOORE. Altoona, July 12th, 1860. TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM- O adas, Sharing Cream, Toilet Soaps, Ac, far sale by T-tf-1 G.W.KEBBJJSR. riROCERIRS.-—-A LARGE AND A J of Grocerlsa hare tost haeo re *«r*da ' , f •of 9.3.' gttgjSw: F. G. FRANCISCOS. Those and no other circumstances induced me toiesbrt to your worthy Hair Restorative. which I have produced a very happy result; two months after the Jirst application,,l had ns beautiful a'head of young hair as X ever saw, for which I certainly oWe yon • my most sincere thanks. Itest assured,, dear sir, I shall recommend yonr remedy to nil inquirers: moreover, X shall -n.y influence, whicli I flatter myself. to say, is not a You can publish this if you thinlLpropcr, ' Yours; very reapectfriily, M. J. WRIGHT, 11. XL °SL e , I,hlli PPti Va - 12th, 186 k. Dear sir .4-1 feol it my duty as well as. my nleashre. to state to you thp following circumstance, which you can its “ I?? think proper. A gentleman ol this place; (a'law yer,) has been bald ever since his early youth; so ranch so. that be was compelled to wear a wig. He was induced to nso a bottle of yonr « Hair itestorative,” which fac.UKnd very ranch; and after using some two or three bottltolu hair grewont quite luxuriantly, and he now bos a haafe some beiidof hair. The gentleman’s name is BrndfonLraC as ho is very well known in onr adjoining conaties. many persons can testify to tho truth of this statement -I give it to yon at the request of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative in tide and the adjoin, ing counties tf yon have the proper agents. Yours, Ac- „ THOMPSON SXJRGnNOR. ' Dm Woon: Dear Sir: Permit me to express the oblige tions lam under for the entire restoration -of my hair to Us origtaal color; about the finis of my ofrlValln the United States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of yonr “Ha if Reiterative” it soon - recovered its original hue. I consider 1 fyonr Restorative-ns e very wonderful invention, quite efficacious os well as ogreenbls. _ S. TUALBERG. The Restorative is put up in bottles, of three sixes, vhi: ■ medium, andsmall; thes»mnll holds pint and retails for ono foliar per tattle; tho medium holds atletat twenty per cent, more In proportion than the small, reUßs for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart. 40 per cent, moro in proportion, anid)retails for A 3. ■ • .0. J. WOOD A CO., Propslutors, 444 Broadway, Hew York, and 114 Market Street Bt. Louis, Mo. 7 „ For eale by Q: W. Messier, Altoona, and by all mod Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. • March 1, ’6o—ly Stroet8 ’ GROCERY, PROVISION .''Alin' /■' ' : \ WHOLESALE LIQXJOB STOSB The undersigned would in l£,at he ha * purchased' the fttenrt to th -?r22 )C -' rj ' and Provision StonteS* ; kejrt by them pu A irginie street, below Caroline St;, where ho will continue the business, and will fcei-u coii? stantly on hand a large supply of • ' . FtODK, RAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEFjFISII, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TBs • „ SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTION AWES, SliJ Ve T?S in ?. u l u J ~y kept in Grocery and Provision ■*?)?* wl'ich he receives fresh from the eastern and w ? r te ™ crt !e», Mid will sell at the meat reasonable priSi. obtaiuod license to sell liquor by whole. M!e, I wUI keep constantly on hand a large assortment®? Uquott of the best qualities to be had. w , 4 solicit a share of public custom. -Jnly 12,186Q.-3m. ■ J. BBKKOWTTE, XTALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR T SALE.—The undersigned purposing changing KU' location, offers for sale his Real Estate in the Borough* in Qultidavsburg and Dnncansvillc, its including hk nmaM residence; which Is one of the first class propertiesin Bbre county./ For further particulars inquire ofthe subesrib**.. .either at HolUdaysburg or Altoona. \ Jan. 13, ISCO.-tf J. x>. T.yspf . _ - Lycoming county mutual . INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undsnlnui .. a B e nt of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance CompattiKfe at all times ready tdinsure against loss or damsgeLyflr*. Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and Property of ever? description, in.town or country, at as reasonable rates** • any comwmy in the State. Office in the Masonic Tempi* Jan. 3, *56-tf] JOHN - Flour.— the best quality oi FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale andßetafljl J. Dec. 11,1856-tf. Masonic Temple- Lumber for sale. 60,000 SHIXGLES, 50 000 TaATITM. : w«| l W ? L ® ura MATERIALS, lowert&iMb* lowest, lor Cash. Apply to . JOHN BHOEMAKBBV Queenswarb, justregei ■ A large and ftihioaabl* assortalniat the wWclr greatly Ike ill totes the process of teething,,by Softest ‘“8 the Hums reducing all inflammation will allay pain awl tpeniodle action, and la sure (a rrgxdiUt the Hum*h, “Others, it will give rest to youmUsa, aadJ&Hgf anti UcaJUh to your Infant *. , - i •■j? 1 9 “ av * pot «p and sold this articlo for over ten rears? i ! . n < - onftdl>r>co »nd troth of it, what we hoys ? 6 ,y®r b f*^ a^' e *° “y of any other medicine—never- hast* "£s"’ Hoi » to w nco ’ t» e ®*t a cure, when timely J* *“* did we know an instance of dissatiitketfoahv any one who used it. On the contrary, all are dolightoi wMI ItsopcraUons, and speak in terms of highest mmSS. datlon of ita magical effects and medical virtue* WeintSu In this matter “what wo do know.” after tea yem* m»T rieace, and pledge our reputation for the tolfllnvent of wfisL we here declare. In almost every Instance where the la feat Is suffering from paiir ami exhaustion, relief will to found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the eyruo is ad, ministered. ' Thi* yalnahle preparation is the prescription of one of the most experienced and skillful norm* iu Nsw kazlaad. andhai Wen 1 used vlth Dovar* foiling huccohs 1b 6Ao#w»d# of cose s. It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invigorate* the stomach and bowela, corrects acidity, and give* toae and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve. Griping i» the Bototls and Wind Colic, audove£ come convalMins, which, if not speedily rcmedlsd, end 1« Wo be\i«T6 it tiro best anO wrest rtmcdv in tht world. In all cast* of Dysentery and Diarrhoea iu children.' Whether ifarteesftom teething or irom any other >-<'n Vre would say to every mother who has a child suffering Irpm any'of the foregoing complaints—do not let TOOT pie indices, nor the pndudices of others, stand between vote suffering child and the relief that will be sure—yea, stab-’ lately sure—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used, lull directions for using will accompany each hot- B4aut ? e un, «*» the foe-simile of CUUTI3 * New Vork, is on the outside wrapper. , „ Sold by Druggists throughout the world, and by O. W. Kessler and A. Housli, druggists, Altoona. Prise 26 -per bottle* frlndpal Office, No. 13 Cedar street N' I. V July 12,1500.-ly. THE ONLY PREPARATION Having Proofs so strong and direct aa to EXPEL THE DOUBTS 4 QF ALL. , ■ For Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Physicians of the oldeet uchools m well as now, give it their unqualified sanction, and lecommend It for all caaea of eruptions, and iiimiaiiif the scalp and brain{'but all who have used t testifying that It will prescne the hair from bains dm. and from foiling to any ago, as well os restore. Baoathe following;— , " ~ ■ _ •- : Oak Grove. 3. C. Jnne aitb,lB6ft. Pbof. 0. J. Wood;.'Dear Sir Your Hair RettaaUve la rapidly gaining popularity In this community. I hare had occasion to lay prejudice aside, an I give your Hair . Has* toratlre a perfect test;— <•' .? During the year 1864, I was so unfortunate as to ha thrown from ray sulky against n rock near the road-side, from which my head received a most terrible blow; n» sing a great deal of irritation, which coramnutcated to tin - brain and external surfece of the head, from the elfeets of wl{ichi my badr wis finally destroyed over the lent Ice sniw face of the head. From the. time X first discovered it* dropping, however; up to tbo time of Its total disanocar anco, I employed everything X could think ofo beta* a pro feasional roan myself, and, as I thought, 'understanding the nature of the disease, but was finally defeated in evenrpre scriptipn advanced. . J ■ PICTURES FOR TWENTY-FIVE GEN& j ' PICTURES FOR TWENTY-FlyE CENTS! PICTURES FOR TWESTY-FiIVE CENTO J PICTURES FOR TWESTY-FTFE ! v: PICTURES FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! PICTURES FOR TWENTT-FtFE CESTS ? ) AT THE PEOPLE’S GALLERY, PjBOFLpg GALLERY, GALLRRY, GALLERY, PEOPLE’S GALLERY, SARDWARE OF ALL DBSOMR Hons jnst received and for sale by " ' oct. 15-tf] / B. munsABT