HEY’S ted yrup. ÜBLIO. f over TEN Jscriber is Droi»*JiT * p winch C bwu givon in nt and «Sectoa) “ BD(1 effectn.it-. . 'vli'—unlike, tothS',2: 'u^o P r e r PM *V°2^ or , r °nn!, taitk. •litlo pUTgtttiTM t K.» .. »t% where aoWonS m nine °? a i ition of the dl*«. o,,t#r awasSss »^iss^*ast iile* find Rgtiii L* •* O. HEKsiiay M n ma, l»o. m EXTIN COOK- ’D GASAKOMArmh offering to tha-MhUa CONSUMING * which is desCfcwd |fcs^ l FtTEL r, quickly aodngabr gat arises from this c.insnaied era it can «a okc at tiiat nnpHasaut •iso consumed maid* nger of flm.g otehia the mortar loosened by es arc invited to oali et hisonic Temple, and ex- IX .SUOEMAKEE/ [Afor Blair' Countg, . tor Cooking andßaw . [Aug. IiMMaT : GAZETTE.— : and Criminals Is fa < ; rCiliated throughout 'Jreat Trials, Crimisal ;!ic some, togstlier with ot to be found in »-j for six months, to gU! writ* tntir uum rk Police Gascttsb Asia XorlcC ßy. E, FOE MA .vder fur Washing, one >; Castile Soap, Palm nd for sola at •" A. KOUSH’B. /r H. TUOH'ST, ilder Seam Fin* Shirts R’S TIERS. I; io a healthy and I the simple pro 1, enable the sys- Indigestion, Nan* ite, or any Bilious morbid inaction •u ducing Cramps, orbus, &c., thpse . so generallycon* i-.useJ principally t. trill be speedily lb is preparation. 1. probably more i.pvins, than any idi may always ; of tiie digestive at fail -by using DiTIERS, as per bis disease every trsof some kind; a-iwn to be infal inters, as a pre i cner of The ays hem all there ia .thy people than : reparation etna ;])crimcnts which luo of this great ■ideal science, dr.n - and proTok lenTless grasp on r. to a mere sha* lering him phy can be driven UOSTETTEBS tiicr, none of the c iitractcd, even ]. piers arc used y neither create and render un* or interrupt?® note sound ompiaint, ia -W -sut with the pro maneut cure. Ytars, who ■** vmstitution ana invaluable M • i-i"or, and ■ od. • And to* itiers are mother’s nour demanda of tM 2 r.h must yiem. tonic, auch a* needed to impart • to the system try this remedy 1 ( fore so doing, who. if M “ the Biltcra, wiU e ; of weakness blio against using ur.tcrfoits, bat ask, ,rjM4cn Brttbo*. e words own on the ihu mctallio <*P La i our autograpk [OSTETTSB* nd sold by alers , Canada* 80“*® Erarij, Alto«B*;G4 t'-sssew? V * Altoona aM&s*. etibnnr MoORUM & BERN, VOL. 5. T IIS ALTOONA TRIBUNE. jj c CjujM & DKBN, Publishers sodProprkton. r , r .nuam, (p»y»ble InrarUbly.la adraucS.) . $1,50 All l*«P ers dlscoutmncd at the expiration of tbe time paid tjb«* or ASTXEtxsura. 1 1 insertion 2 do. 3 do. felines or Um, *25 $ 37}4 $6O £f s i n4 re, ( 8 Hue*,) 60 75 100 (10 “ ) 100 160 200 rhl " (2* “') , . V6O 200 260 X Over tlirc e weeks and less than three months, 25 cents per (or €ACIi insertion. S mooths. Smooths. 1 year, nil lint* or less, | 50 $ 3 00 $ o 00 SJ-oKe. 2 60 4 00 7 00 2?, •• tOO 6 00 10 00 rLt h 00 8 00 12 00 600 iooo uoo mif .1 column, 10 00 -14 00 20 00 Vat column. UOO 36 00 40 00 Administrators and Executors Notices, . 1 75 Mtrchants advertising by the year, three squares, ' with liberty to change, 10 00 frofowioual or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lincs-with paper, per year, 5 00 . Communications of a political character or individual in* lerert will be charged according to the above rates. Advertisements hot mjuited with the number ot insertions dHired. will be continued till forbid and charged according id the above tenths. Business notices fire cents per line for every insertion. ‘ Obituary notices exceeding ten linos, fifty cents a square. B.E 6005. U. D. J. MGRMMILL, X, D. EK S. GOOD & GEMMILL hav ing entered into Partnership in the Practice of ine. respectfully tender their services tp the Public is the several brunches of their Profession. Calls will be answered either day or night at their office —which i" the same as heretofore occupied by Dr*. Hirst A Good.—or at the Logon House. April 21st. ISiO 3m W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., POLLWA rSBUHG, PA., (Late “ Bell, Johiilon, Jack Cp.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections aide. Moneys received on deposite, payable oii demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. F«b. 3d. 1559. -i r ANDS ! LANDSI! LANDS!!! I i The undersigned is prepared to WAJ- I in the Omaha and Nebraska CHy Land Offices.— fioud selections can uotr be inade near tin large streams sad lettlcnicnts. The Lands of this Territory, now in Market, are of tire best quality<- ts, Selections carefully niiule. Letters of inquiry re qaertej. N ALBX. F. McKINNKY, Osxapo ub, Cass County, N. Ter. July 11, 1559.-tf EEFEi'ER-CES; ' Rev. A. B.CuAk. Altoona, Pa. Wir. M. I.LOtn t Co- Bankers, Altoona, Pa. IfcCacK 4 DebS, Editors, “ Taos. A. Scott, Supt. P. R. R., *- P. McUcB.TaXB, Esq n Huntingdon, Pa. T D. LEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW *f . AUOONA, BUAIB.Co, Pa., v Will practice lav in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria, HnnliagJon, Clearfield, Centre and atfjoinfng counties. — Also in the District Count of the United States. Collections of claims promptly attended to. Agent for the sale of Real Instate, Bounty Loud Warrants, and alt badness pertaining to conveyancing, and the law. . EkeeresceS : lion. Wilson McCandles and Andrew Burke, Esq.. Pitta -I'qrgh; Hon.! Sam ael A: Gilmore, i’i¥s. Judge of Fayette Judicial' District; Hou.Chcnard Clemens, of Wheeling, Va.; Ho* Henry D. Foster, GreeusburgT Hon.,Tohu W. KUUnger, Lebanon: Hon, Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and lion. Oeorgo P. Ilamolton, Pittsburg. Juno 16,1855>-ly, THE ROOT AND HERB DOCTOR, jp from Philadelphia, whose been so dense ly crowded at thfe -Logan House, on former visits, can be consulted hereafter at Ahe Altoona Ilonae, one day in each rauutli. notice of ,which\ will be given In this paper, lie will be in Altoona on the IStb day of July, 17 th of August and 14th day of September, after wh(ch he will he absent two munth«, but will give Aiot ice through this paper when he will commence for the winter season again., lie treats »11 diseases flesh is, heir to. A stethoscopic examitm tkn of the lleajt. Lungs, and Throat free of charge. Thou sands upon thousands have testified to the correctness of hit testing diseases without asking any questions. He has had thirty years’ constant practice among disease* of every nature. All diseases of a private nature strictly confiden tial. WMoc hand-bills. , Hr. W. LEVINGSTON. Boots and shoes.—the un dersigned has now on hand and will .ell cheap at his store in the Masonic Tcm- J'h- a large and complete assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order, Overshoes, bailies' Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork Suit*, and everything in his line of business, of the bc-t quality and on the most reasonable terms. All custom work warranted. Jan. 2, ’66-tf.] LURNITTJRE WARE-ROOM.—THE 1 undersigned rcEjicctfuHy informs tho public that be ha. taken the ware-room two doors from the Branch Brad, where be will keep on hand all kinds of CABINET-WARE. »nd attend to the duties of an UNDERTAKER. Two good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice wanted. Altoona, Apr. 12. 1860. JAB. T. MOORE. Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned. Agent of the Blair Umnty Mutual Fire Insurance .Company, la at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire. Build '*S?- Mfrc!iandi!f, Furniture and Property, of every des- Jtiptton. in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack A “i „ D. 1. CALDWELL, figent. Jan. 27, ’59-tf ' WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST. (Iffice in the MASONIC TE&- VJ’, L £' [Dec. 23,’a8.-t£ A Student wanted. DR- WM. R FINLEY RE- g BPECTFUI.LY offers 'his professional ■wTices to the people of Altoonaand the Otticg country. *>e found at the office heretoloro oc «Pled by Dr. 0. D. Thomas. Altoona, Sept. 30, 1®58.-tf T) REMOVAL.—A M, KING, SiiOE -IC;£vUj£Es’ £ E s’ informs tbe public that he 22“*“ Boom next door to tbe a J™'®. on, Virginia Street, vhere be I 2?2ll &ctarB eyer y st J , « oI BHOB8 > M reasonable prices,attd in a substantial nner - v , Boot and moßMAKm—John CTEIILk hM taken a- portion of the ■ to? 2? n P? ed by A.iM. KINO, next 'a. Shi?• Ri &* Tin Shop, and I®?y b> get ttpJlen’s Boot* 4 ttyle and a t low ratee. [MarJS/W^t riAUTIO^.—AJJi PERSONS ARE ktn vfnf notified not fa jmrehase orsell any lager beer tbeAXTOONA BKEWJBBTIhere ■ never have been and nererwill.be lold Wrt.t~-5 rewer y - kegs contalngiDg said stamp wrfll of ,(“s*" «d ttien, wbeteyer found, by the proprietors k BRO. ROYER, M. D., fitooM profewlonal services to the citizens of vicinity, 1 Ofll«^S t £.s^ wce# 6411 be K* Tcn If required. j^wKrejiaafceo. He’s leAthere by—the belles; WhDe Jane,' tbebapplort Ofcoquette*. : Whose eyesno »anvwibaK 7^rt Meet piously employs her time ' In looking for—tAs Ainw. SWed Ijfletrg. I Frmn. ihA liouu JUvtUle. THE LORD'S PBAYEE. CHOICE OP HOME. Give me a home in the country. Far from the din and strife. The dust and the rattling commotion That torture the city life. Give me the fragrantlillies # -That grow in the forest old, Where the graceful fern and the wild-rose A volume of beantyunfold. Give me a.seat in the shadow Of a cool, vine-covered bower, When the parched earth is glowing With the beat of noon-tide hoar. 1 : 11 wander beside the water, ' Down by Hie ruined mill; I'll-stalk at the snnaet hour, Over tho breezy hill— And watch for the first appearing, - On high, of the maiden moon, When a smile of love is playing On the rosy face of Jans. Then firogrant winds will whisper A marvelous tale of mirth. And insects a lullaby murmur, Soft to the sleeping earth. I have sighed when the leaves were dropping, One by one from tho trees. And mourned when the willows were trembling In fear at the chilling breeze. I And shadows creep down at the hill-side, And told a mournful tale Of the Frost-King that came at the sunset. And lettered the stream in the vide. And a froop of white-robed fairies Come at the dead of hfeht, And hang upon allthe branches Garlands of jewels bright. Now alone in the quiet country, With nature face to face,. Walt 1, till merry spring-time Comes with a warm, embrace; To banish the wind and tempest That war in the winter eky— Bearing a loving message* To Earth, from the Baler on high. THE DIEFEEENCE. ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1860. Hdcd IJfallang. A NIQH? IN NEW ORLEANS. Printers tell many queer, quaint, quiz-' zical, and sometimes startling stories; and while they do a great deal in that way for the mere fun of the thing, it is not to be supposed that they are always joking—al ways fibbing it, merely for the sake of ■raising a laugh, or creating- wonder. In their numerous flittings, they mingle with many strange sights, and often encounter perils whibh to many would appear in credible. We wilj relate a little story which we heard from the lips of a poor young fel low now dead and gone. Ip the year 18—, we were assisting in the editorial department of a doily paper which was published in one of the small cities of York ; one night—or rather morning, (for editors, reporters and prin ters are compelled to keep all sorts of hou,rs) —after the “ forms” were “ locked up,” and everything was ready for a final adjournment to our respective boarding honsesj a proposition was made to visit a restaurant near by for the double purpose of having a smoke and refreshing the in ner man with a little something good and pleasant to the palate. Accordingly we repaired to the eating saloon, and while discussing the good things before us, we entertained each other.by relating our adventures by sea and land. “ Did I ever: tell you of that adventure I had iu New ; Orleans ?” asked Charley Hodman, a gay, dashing, good-looking, and really gifted young man. . u Guess not/' was the response. “Well, will you hear it now?" “ Certainly," fell from a half dozen lips. “ Veil, then,; I was working on a morn ing paper in NeW Orleans, during the winter of 18 —, and as I was going from the office to my boarding-house, twelve o’clock one night, I was suddenly startled by the abrupt appearance of a fe male, who rushed before me and threw herself down in my path. I was just in the light of the street lamp, and she turn ed her face up to mine, I noticed that she was both young and beautiful. “Save me, sir! save me!” she cried, clasping my kgs frantically. “ Save you from what ?” I demanded, as I raised.her to. her feet. “I don’t see anything." . “Oh ! sir, a brutal looking man was pursuing me, threatening my life and honor I”was the trembling, agitated reply. “ Mother was: taken sick, and I was forced to go out for medicine, and that’s the way I came In the streets at so late an hour.— It couldn’t be helped sir; though I never was out so late without company “Where do. you live?" I inquired fairly facinated by the girl’s beautiful face and soft voice.; “Not far from here, sir, only around the. street,” said the girl; “ but lam afraid I shall meet that man again. Ob, sir, if you will only see me safe at home I shall be deeply indebted to you.” “ Certainly I will,”, was the response; “ but still there don’t appear to be' any person in pursuit of you.” At that moment 1 heard the clatter of feet down the street, and turning my face in that direction, ! saw a man approach ing the spot where we were Standing at a rapid run. J The girl looked in the same direction and at the same time 1 did; “There he Comes now!” she exclaimed in a deep fearful whisper, at the same time tightly clutching me by the arm. Suddenly turning away from me, the girl darted up the street. “ Stop, young lady !” I cried. “ I will protect you—you need not fear.” This was rather aloud promise. under the circumstances, but I did not .stop then to consider what I had said. The girl; did pot heed me, but dashed op, and"" involuntarily I followed in her steps. After fanning a couple of blocks, she stopped an| looked back at me In a few moments I reached her side, and by that time the man was not far behind. “ You had fetter come into the house,” she said, nervously, “ for I am sure that man is very evil designing, and may do you some hiring v As she spoke she mounted the steps of a very ancient looking dwelling, and vio lently rang therbell. I followed her, hot exactly fromprudential motives, bat he cause I wanted .to see more of her and he cause I -w«f fonq of adventure of any kind. Almost issimatly the door was opened, when I followed tie young womamnside. An did hideous-looking negro woman stood in the hall just beyond the door, holding a lamp in her hand. i ' “ Why, what’s the matter Caroline ?” demanded the hag. " 1 ~ " Shut the door quick, I’ve been way htid by a ruffian I” responded she excited ly'.* u This way, sir,” she added, addres mng me, at the same time opening the par lor d(K>r, and pointing into the room. I. bowed and passed in, and at the same t|iae X heard the front door closecf and mm*. f "Excuse mesibr a moment, sir, while I [independent in everything.] speak to my mother !” pursued the young girl The next moment, before Ihad time to reply, the door was closed and, I was left alone. I walked to a sofa, a Hgbt was burning in the room, and sat down. Then I took a survey of the apartment. The furniture had been good in its day, but then much worn and battered. A few minutes afterwards, the satanic looking negress opened the parlor door, and poked her face into the room. “ Miss Carline quests the gentleman to walk up stairs." I began to think the proceedings rather Strange, but still reckless spirit induceff me to follow the negress. ; Up tw9 pair of stairs and to the door of a back apartment she led me. She knocked and the door opened. “ Walk, in sir, if you please,” she said, very defferentially. I stepped into an apartment that had no windows in it, and was confronted by a huge burly negro man. At the same mo ment I heard the door closed and locked, a&d for the first time began to think seri ously of danger. “ Fork ober sar !” exclaimed the negro abruptly and threateningly. I carried quite a valuable watch, and had a considerable amount of money about me, for that night I had been paid off at the office and a really clever sum was standing to my account. I xnew I had been drawn into a den of thieves, but in ternally resolved not to lose my property without making an effort to save it, let the consequences be what they might. • “Do you mean to rob me ?” I deman ded resolutely. “ Spect I do ?” was the unmistakeablc reply. “ I warn you !” said I, my blood boiling up, “ that I shall not patiently submit to any such an outrage/' “ Don’t ’spect you will, sar,” responded the negro, as be displayed a murderous looking knife, “ but we neber do anything by halves. We neber lets any one that comes here go way again—'cause they might tell sales.” “ Would you murder me, you black thief?” I cried, passionately. “ 'Spect I would,” replied the cut-throat with a broad grin. “ I’se used to that sort of business, and don’t mind it a bit.” I was now fully alive to the fact that I was in a very dangerous situation, and, to tell the truth, I felt dreadful nervous about it. What to do I knew not. That the girl I had encountered was probably a quadroon, and certainly a decoy, and that I had been led to the house to be plunder ed, and perhaps murdered, I had every reason to believe. “ Come, sir, fork ober, den jump down dar!” The rascal must have touched a spring somewhere, for, as he spoke, a trap-door flew open in the centre of the floor. ' I looked at the the trap and then at the negro,’in doubt as to whether I had heard aright. “ If yer jump down, sar, ye’ll sabe me de trouble of frowin’ yer down!” he added fiendishlv. “ You bloody rascal!” I cried madly, “ do you think I’ll deprive myself of life just to gratify you ?” ? “ You won't do nuffin, hey !” cried the negro, springing at me like a wild beast; “ den take dat,!” The villain made a slashing cut at me, bPt with a single bound I sprang clear to the other side of the trap and escaped the deadly blow. Boiling over with diabolical rage, the accursed cut-throat again sprang at me, bounding across the pit with the spring of madness. As his feet touched the edge, upon which I was standing, I involuntari ly put out my hands towards him, and shoved him back. I hardly intended to throw him down the pit, but down he went, in a moment disappearing out of my sight. I did not stop to learn the villain’s fate, for I judged that I should have more such work on my hands before I got out of the house* if indeed, I ever succeeded in ma king my escape from this den of infamy. Instantly after the fall of the negro, I ran around the pit, pod sprang towards the door. Just as I reached the door, how ever, and was-taking hold of the knob, some one turned it on the other side. I sprang up against the wall, and in a way that would keep me put of sight of any one that might enter. The next moment the door opened, and a head'''was thrust in the room. Without who it was, and taking it for grantcduiat all in the house were arrayed against me, I dou bled my fist and with all my strength in stantly dealt a bbw at the head, that bru’t the person at full length on the floor; The £sme moment showed me that it was the' negress. • , The hag was entirely insensible, and I forthwith dragged heir into the room and shut the door.: At length my attentive ear caught the sound of light footsteps, outside, and a moment afterwards the door was opened. This time it wss my heauti fed deceiver who appeared. The first ob ject her eyes seemed to encounter was the prostrate form of thenegress, and with an bxoltunation Of astonishment shedarted into the room." ’ Quick as lightning 1 placed my back against the door. The movement at once attracted the girl’s attention to me. “Now, my lady!” I hissed bat—fhr I was excited —“you and I most have an understanding. You led me into this in fernal den by your tricks; and you have got to show me the way out of it, or by all my hopes, yonder black pit shall be your grave. Any way I may lose my life, and I am as deperate as a man; can be.— You see the old hag cannot help you just now !” I added,, pointing to the still in sensible negress ; “ and the villain who was here, and would have taken my life, lies at the bottom of the pit.”. The girl looked bewildered and ex claimed : i “ 1 could not help it, sir. Indeed lam forced to do so,” - “ That matters not to me,” I added, in credulously, “ can you conduct me out of this house ?” “ Yes, sir,” was the eager reply! “ Then lead on,” I added, pointing to the door. “ But mark you, if I see a sign of treachery, or notice the least effort to create an alarm, I’ll tear you limb from limb!” I was strong and wild, and meant what I said, and the girl saw it. “ There is no one else in the house, I assure you,” she responded. “ Lead the way," I said, hardly credit ing what she said. 1 The girl passed from the room, when I locked the door, put the key in my pock et, and followed close behind ;her. No lights were visible anywhere except in the room we had just left] but keeping her in front of me, and within reach of my band, I stepped along. In a few moments we reached the front door. The girl stopped a moment and got a key from some, hiding place, the next moment, however, she opened the door, and I sprang outside— thanking God for my preservation. Without a word, even without a look behind me, I started away, hardly con scious of the direction I pursued. I'found my way to my boarding house, however, and at the earliest hour practicable, laid the whole matter before the authorities.- Finally I led a party of police to the den. Not being able to obtain admittance in the usual manner, the doors were forced.— Everything in the house remained undis turbed, but not a soul was to be found high or low. The traps, however, were soon discovered, and it was upon exam ination, that there was a succession of traps, which conducted to a deep murky pit, in the cellar. The house : had evi dently been the haunt of robbers for a long time. At the bottom of the pit we found the mangled and mutilated remains ne gro, and a heap of fiesfalessbones, {shud dered to think what might have been my fate, and congratulated myself On my for tunate escape. I bad evidently been more favored than many others. That is all, gentlemen." “ A very good story, very, well told," said I, as Rodman concluded. “ And true, gentlemen, whether you be lieve it or not.” Carrying the Turkey Home. Chief Justice Marshall was a greatman —but great men are never proud. He was not too proud to wait upon himself. He was in the habit of going to market him self and carrying home Ins purchases. Of ten he would be seen going home at sun rise with poultry in one hind and vegeta bles in the other. 6 * On one of these occa sions, a fashionable young mami from the Northj who had removed to Richmond, was swearing violently because Jhe could find no one to carry home his turkey.— Judge Marshall stepped up tted asked where he lived. When he heard he said, “ That is my way; I will take your turkey home for you.”. When they came to the house, the young man asked, “ What shall I pay you ?” “ Oh, said the Judge,.“ you are welcome; it was all in my way, and it was no trouble to me.” . “Who is that polite old who has brought home my turkey for me ?”'asked the young man of a bystander! “ Oh,*’ said he, “that was Judge Justice of the United States.” ’ “ Why did he bring home my turkey?” “ I suppose he did it,” said tile bystan der, “ to teach you not to feel above at tending to your own business.” t&F Eternity has no grey _ hairs. The flowefs fade, the heart withers, man grows old and dies j the world lies down in the sepulchre of ages j but time writes no pinkies on; eternity I Stupendous thp’t I The ever-present, unborn, undecaying, and undying T--the endless chain, encom passing the Hfe of God~thegolden thread Sntwiiiihg the destinies of the universe. Earth has its beauties, hut time shrouds them for the grave; its honors are but the sunshine of an hous; its palaces—they are but gilded sepulchres; its pleasures— they arc bdt as bursgpg bubbles. Not so in me .untried bourne. In the dwelling of the Almighty can come no footsteps of dccayL Its way will know nq darkening iiptondor forbids the of night. . . I ■ EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS • t' V Blue Monday— A Sketch ibr Honue keepers. . Clouds just as gray as lead. I warrant it. wi|l ram~-it always rains on Monday— I wi& there was’nt any such dajr in the calendar. I believe it was only invented to punish Eve for eating that miserable apple ! Nowj bera ana those trowsers to be mended—a good half hour’s work, and Mr. Sage hurrying me the whole. time, tillj'm so nervous X don’t know whether I have got a needle or a crow-bar. He never'finds out that anything wants mend-, ed Accept on Monday mornings—the very day I’m hurried and worried to death.— He don’t see why Monday is .worse than the rest of the week, he says—^-I wish he had to stay at home and superintend the washing for onoe! “ Staroh is gone, men !” Of course it is, that’s just Irish calculation. : Why couldn’t you have told me of it on Satur day, Biddy ? Now I wonder whatl’mta do ! For mercy’s sake what is all that screaming ? Tommy fallen do\m stairs and bumped his head? My children al ways select Monday mornings totumble down stains in! Where’s the chamblior bottle? Who’s that knocking aa-if die meant to burst the basement doors-in f The ice man ? Tell him I’m busy; I’ll *pay him to morrow. He won’t'wait. Q r dear me, now there’s got to' be a scratch fot my portemonnaie. Does anybody' know where it is ? What’s that Tommy f The last you saw it, the baby was trying toswollowit? 0, here it is, under.the cradle. “ will I plaze to order Tor dinner ?” Goodness graoions 1 I believe I shall go distracted! 1 don’t care if we never have any dinner Beef apd greens I suppose, they’re the least trouble of apy- 1 thing. What does make the baby so fret ful? It seems as if he knew it was blue Monday.” 11 There isn’t any bread, mdn, and the baker hasn’t been here this morn ing 1” I declare, I will discharge that man; he’s ho business to fail os on Mcn day morning. What’s the trouble now ? Biddy and Norab have. quarreled aboftt the soap down stairs, and/Biddy says she' won’t stay in the house another jninnte. Was ever a poor creature so beset with ’ troubles oeforo ? Now I’ve just got in lay everything aside, and go down tq play cook myself, while baby swallows btmdns and needles and such things, and-Thomas raises Bedlam generally.' Perhaps I Out keep him quiet for a few -minutes, with a ' bowl of bread and milk. The catban knocked the milk pitcher over? Well*, that corresponds-with the rest of the day charmingly. Raining hard; I might have prophesied it, and all the fine clothes out on the line, Mercy on us, two* o’clock I why, where has the day ? Mr. Sage will be home in fifteen minutes, clamoring for his dinner, and everything behind time 1 j i There, that’s -just like you, Sage I 1 suppose you think its manly and generotiu ■ to snarl like a cross dog, because there's nothing hut beef and greens for dinner.— You never did like 'em ? Sage 1 don’t be lieve you know, what yon do like .on Mon days. You wish Mondays were abolish ed ? So do I Sage: and 1 wish cross hus bands were too I you seen* to suppose 1 have no trials! There he's gone | and I know I have been pertish and Jeet my temper —but who could help it I'q like to know. I am always half crazy on Mon days Poor, dear Sage; X know he can't eat greens—he shall have soijrething hot for supper, if I have to cook it myself.— If there’s any one thing that tries a Wo man’s, temper more than another, it is blue Monday. r A City Lass,—Two young ladies of thfe city were lately spending the summer in northeastern Now York. During their visit they took several long rides with the daughter of their host about the country. On one of those occasions—as they had been travelling some distance, and. the day was warm; and a trough of running water stood invitingly by the road-side—they concluded to give the pbny a drink. One of the city ladies agreed to get out and arrange matters for this purpose. The oth ers remaining in the carriage and deeply engaged in 4 conversation, fbr some tune paid no attention to the proceedings of their companion. When, at length, sur prised by the long delay, they turned to ascertain the cause, they discovered her endeavoring to unbuckle the crupper, (the name of the strap which passes round the horse’s tail.) In amazement they inquir ed, “ What in the world arc you doing that for ?" She naively replied, “Why, I ? m unbuckling this strap to let the horse’e. head down so he can drink I” Growth of Young AMEBidA.-~Jsye ry day we see proofs of this encouraging fact. Here is one of the latest iaMftiees of rapid developments v “Have you been to the public libra ry ?” asked a youth of his &thw the oth er day. “ No I have not,” said the father. “You had better call and fhe youth continued. “Jnstmentibn mvAftmo to the librarian, and he will show wmlTt eiy attention.” • #»af would a window -eiy ? VA.V MM v■ . “ Ik'- NO. 25.