The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 19, 1860, Image 3

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amending the Mexieju,
»I indispensable article
Ihon Horses Onrm*n
i«s, foresASUff Jo| nu
acts like magic. Wo
worth to*
* for over onoyear; j
without benefit,
as perfectly cured him
r ‘ 1 I r . , ‘ i “-
dly should have thj,
ectable dealers every.
irictors, New York.
—Pcnwns subject
oißrnrhavc’s irou an d
" c ' ,ly - 11 «>othee the
10 stomach, aaaiitadl
oti“- without
• and an effectual re _
O’ popular medjdao
its in Wisconsin, New
b speaks much In it*
mass of the people,
■ ope philosophers may
-od thing; let lUme
y "ill not,
The masses lutTS at
ician, concerning
as may bo seeulnfK,
hat are annually sold' ’
'■ recognized as great
levised for dlseasehtuf
i, dysentery, fiyspep.
ise from derangement
>-.t otter's came is ta
;oui Maine to Texas,
Pacific. Try Uiag^
cent sheep should;),*
i to the Undoing of*
: also have deplored
uncouth manner'lh
f dp the cloth made
luimleaa iheep. To
!ug up cloth wlaely
best advantage .the
town Stone Clothing
■id 005 Oheetnut St.
1 stock of garment*
■c iiin. ha* a soothing
jatljr facilitate*, tbe
urns, reducing all In
?ure regulate tbe
■ill Rive rest to your
• infant*. Perfectly '
another column.
Mr'i 3bolf,athe S*
‘u„ which is put up
it hi an cZctlleut
nl tender gams, and
need it. Sold hero
*. 'T~~
• KZS~-’ !
f Entry Book-K«p
;ic and Lecture*.
'.ion $35, entire Ex*
\ from G tulU week*
uurnntced to be com
iiniucbß and qualified'
’aeatlon—Review at
"riling f>r 1859, re
<iluo State Fain,
on for the put four
rnemof Otuioeißand
View of the College,
Pittdlmrgh, Pc.
mcr 000,000 ACHES
i. which was grant
uia’.riK-tlou ol tiielr
for gain, on the
within six, and all
■lii 'li is now eomple
i Mitiro length (200
hich is unsurpassed
f. the fertility of it*
• ■ Lind office of the
k.-lAH HUNT. :
JI. & St. Jo. B. B.
Fob. 2, ’CO.-ly.*
•y of Administration
! ito of Logan town*
mled to tho under
:m knowing them
to make im
luirns will present
iioYEU, AdnCx.
,ud Trust Co.
S. E- corner of
;t. altooNA,
mutual bates,
■ 27ib, 1869-ly-
; j, r il 26, 1860.-tf.
vf J. B. Hllem»n.
l*.cona tins and «»'
i; at the o® c
i>. i*. rose, ■
Treat . dSecy-
e and dot,
~ for sale Wholes*
.‘-tore, in tile ol
Kock and ;
' : MAILS ‘ CLOABi '' - ■
Through and UoUlday sburg,
Intern Through o p aj(>
*dern Through Mail, 740 “
gge? * . - «?:K
J2S? *< 0 65 P.M.
for the transaction of business from 0.30 A M-
during tlio and from 7.60 to. 5.50 o’.
•'"ft* V57-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKiEK.'r. 51.
railroad schedule.
. Train baft arrives 8,10 P. M.. leaves 5,25 P. 51.
W* ‘. West “ ,7,40 A. 51. “ 8,60 A. 51.
.. East “ 1,15 A. 51. “ 1,30 A. 51.
f* ll » West “ 8.26 P. 51., “ 8,40 P. 51.
« bast “ 7,16 A.M.. « 7.30 A, 51.
N „ « West “ 0,(15 P.5f., « 7,10 P. 51.
The UOLLTDAYSBDItO BRANCH connects with Express
f >[ and West, and Mall Train Bast and West.
lSPf.'s' t BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown
' ram odtttion Train East and West, Johnstown Way
if in Eastward and Express Train .Westward.
ipTlilSW- ENOCH EEWIS, UaiH S<ipt.
local items.
proceedings of the Town Council.
I Altoona, July 12th, 1860,
jn adjourned meeting,of Council hold July,
22th, 1860. Members present, A. A. Smyth,
D. F. Laughmnn, R? Greenwood, J. A. McDow-
I e fl *nd Wm. C. McCormick, Chief Burgess.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Committee appointed, on the subject of Weigh
I -gales, and weighty (mdjmeasures, reportedpro-
I gross, and wefe Continued. 1
I Chief Burgess reported that ho had. seen a
majority of the members of the board of health
personally, and was informed' that they all.had
accepted the appointment, and would endeavor
. to discharge their duties faithfully and prompt
[ lj, and would report to Council from time to
time. \
Committee appointed to issue proposals for
building a Sewer, and prepare plans and speci
fications, reported that they had attended to
their duties, and laid before Council, plans and
specifications for their approval. Report accep
ted aiid committee continued.
On motion, Resolved, That the committee on
Sorer he hereby authorized to contract for the
building of said Sewer, in accordance "with the
' plans and specifications agreed upon, and to pay
one third part of the cost thereof when one half
of the work is done, ono third part thereof
jhe contract is completed and taken off the cdh
iractors hacds, and the remaining onq third
part or balance in full, in sixty days thereafter.
Bills were presented from C. B. Sink, McCrum
r k Dorn, Philip Dempsey,James Kanis, J. A.
McDowell and John Smith, for material furnish
ed, hauling stone and other materials, and prin
ting for the use of the Borftugh, 'which were read,
and orders granted; for each respectively.
Orders were also granted to eoqh of thetol
luning named persons forVork done, And labor
performed in repairing streets for the month of
- ■'ehe last, viz ; Joun McClelland late Supervi
sor, Jesse Groves, Peter Smith, Thomas Rice,
Daniel Coyle, John Mavis, Wm. McLaughlin,
and Wm. FergusouL •
On motion, Resolved, That all persons, or lot
owners upon whom an assessment was laid for,
the opening and extension of Catharine street,
be notified to pay ,the several amounts so asses
«d to Wm. C. McCormickf' Chief Burgess,, on
or before the 15th day,. of August nextpafter
which time thoy will .be left in hands of a
proper officer for collection according to law. •
On motion, Resolved, Jhat the “ Borough
Council” are willing to pay-, to the “ Altoona
Gas & Water Co,’ the amount of the original
cost of the fire plugs now put in, or which they
may hereafter order to be put iu for .the use of
the Borough, in three equal annual payments as
proposed to said “Gas*and Water G 0.,” at a late
meeting, but positively decline the payment of
any charges noy or hereafter for the use of wa
ter in case of fire, and that the Chief Burgess
be requested to send a copy of this resolhtion to
the President of said Gas and Water Co.
On That A. A. Smyth and R.
-Greenwood, be a committee for tho purpose of
baving Gas introduced into the Council room,
and to procure Suitable blinds for the windows
On motion Council adjourned to moot onthe
first Thursday evening in August next (it 7
«clock, P. M ’—Extract from the minutes. ,
Aso"Tiit:n “Mysterious Disappearance.”—
Mr. J. W. Dutcher, formerly of this place, but
* ias latterly been residing in
Westmoreland Co., left bis home, on the 2(ith of
,!ttne > lor purpose of going into Clearfield
county, to look for a place whore ho might es-
as a jeweler. His wife, not
bearing from him for some days; becamealartn
and, on making inquiries, learned that her
faithless husband had left Clearfield, on the
gening ol tho Ist of July, in the direction of
foonulje, in company with a woman named
• artfaa I oits, who had formerly resided in bis
amily os a domestic, and who is welLknown in
■s neighborhood. She also learned that, pre- to leaving Clearfield,. Dutcher had bought
‘ is woman a handsome bonnet and a silje dress,
ma de her many other^j)resents. Mrs.,
uicher is now in this place, and in the deepest
stress. Rer heartless husband had left her
hrely destitute, with a young child, and a
f °'Pect of sooii becoming again a mother, ..A,!
should be placed upon him wherever ho j
and editors will confer a favor'upon his i
t’f h- miC ' IUS article. Dutcher is a jew
‘W tra<ie ’ drcsaes is* rather pre
-scssing in his appearance. He has jewelry,
sith Ki* m Ba * e ’ 8‘ r * “ rather stout,
eck hair, andlargoblackeyes. Auy .in*
jsiation of her husband’s .whereabouts will be
„j!** received by Mrs. Dutcher, and, if he
ilin rCtUrn ’ 8,10 ‘ s willing to RJrgive him every-,
l-Tjrone Star, lUhinst. \ .1.; V': ■/ j
Protestant Church erected at Gal
on the summit of the Allegheny Moun
tji I **® dedicated., to the TbrslupofAl-
J God > on Saturday, July 28th. Services
c°® mence a t ioj b’bjock Ai M., A camber
‘maters, of different Aenominationß will be
‘ On behalf of the Committee,
°ur people who desire to attend .the
E Xpr a ho ? e .church can go tip In the
tie ra “*. |. n aoming and return Jby
Wb ,T e tra * n ‘ :
T 4,1
7 00 A.M.
6 30 3P.M.
740 “ ‘
Of ihO flairriaburg Unionsapß
: Altopna-fc growing. Not so rapidly as it
did afowycnrs ago, tut the improvements ma
lung now are more substantial than heretofore
*>“6 census marshal has concluded taking the
census, butj under a mistaken idea that it would
■be a violation of law, refuses to make a state
ment We were given to understand/however,
that the population does not quite reach 5,000.
• 88 , t * ian people of the place claimed
-—still it is large for a town only a little over
ten years old;”
Yes, Altoona is growing, and that tod as rap
idly as ever it did, and the buildings are more
substantial, the population, we have not
made inquiry of the Marshal in relation thereto,
but think it does not lack much, if any, of 5,000,
in, Altoomyjroper, and if we take in the ad
joining village of Loudonsvillc, and other pla
ces outside the borough limits; which, go to
make up the town, together,- with our floating
population, which is larger than that of any
other town in the country, we have,- as we here
tofore claimed, a population of 6,000. This is
-certainly doing well for a town only a little over
ten years old. j
Important Surgical Operation. —Dangers of
Administering Chloroform—Supposed Death of the
Patsent—The Galvanic Battery as a Last resort —
The Battery has the desired effect and the Valient
slotcly recovers—Happy finality of the whole affair.
—One of the most dangerous surgical operations
known in the *■ vocabulary of mdteria medico.'’ or
.the practice of a “ regular physician,” was per
formed upon an athletic specimen of o.ur moun
tain rangers, on Friday afternoon last, by Dr.
D. R. Good and W: S. Bittner, D. S., which
resulted inn manner highly satisfactory to the
professional gentleman, and fully sustained
their high reputation ns skilful surgeons. The
whole time occupied in the dangerous underta
king was not oyer five minutes, although it re
quired some length of time to revive the patient, f
To get to the “ switch tail” of the affair at once, i
the operation consisted in administering chloro
form to a rattlesnake, Which measured over four
feet,'and relieving him of his fangs while under
its influence. Having administered a little too
heavy a dose, he straightened out, and only
came to in answer to an application of the gal
vanic battery.
How to ,do up Shiet Bosoms. —With our co
temporary of the Harrisburg Telegraph we have
often been asked by ladies to state by what pro
cess the gloss on new linens, shirt bosoms, &c.,
is produced. Our cotemporary gives' the fol
lowing' recipe, which is not 'expensive, or the
ingredients Wd to obtain, therefore ladies can
try it;—Take two .ounces of fine white gum
arabic powder—put it in a pitcher, and pour on
a pint or more of boiling water, according to
the degree of strength you desire—and then
having covered it, let it stand sill night—in the
morning pour it carefully from the dregs into a
clean bottle, cork it, and keep it for use. A
tableapoonful of gum water stirred in a pint of
starch, made in the usual manner, will give to
lawn, either whit«t.or printed,a look of newness,
when nothing else can restore thetpi, after being
washed. *
Lviicmax. —On Monday afternoon last, which,
j it will be remembered, was oppressively warm,
j we observed an inhuman chunk of humanity,
about 16 years old, driving at a. smart ohnter,
| up Virgiiiia street, a team of three horses at
tached to ,a wagon on which there was a large
load of hny. To have driven the horses at a
slow walk would have' been sufficient, os they
looked somewhat Jaded, ,hut the idea pf “ pit
ting them thro ugh” at a gallop was, inhuman—
not to say anything worse—and the boy who
did it deserved an effectual application of the
article which he so brutally applied to his
horses, and should afterwards have been chain
ed to a hand-cart and made to perform a task
equal to that ihiposed upon them. A boy who
would thus wantonly abuse dumb brutes under
his charge would do worse.
i Don’t Neoubct a Cobqh. —Of all the' dis
eases to which we are exposed, there is none
more deserving of our immediate attention, than
What is usually termed a “cough er cold,” jfor
the reason that if not arrested, they are apt to
run into some fixed disease of some i of the air
passages, or pulmonary tissues, ending in con
sumption, or incurable bronchitis. The way to
prevent this, is to get a bottle of Dr. Keyset's
Pectoral Cough Syrup, made by' that gentle
man, at his great drug aad medicine slot®,
Pittsburgh, Pa. The preparation of Dr. Key
set has received the recommendation of hosts of
respectable persons ip Pittsburgh, where it is
made, and will not fail to cure most incipient
cases of pulmonary disease; Sold hero by G.
W; Kessler.
Praise from high Authority. —ln
a recent Lecture before the Studens of the Iron
CityJJollege, of Pittsburgh, Pa., by therdistio?
guished capitalist and financier,' J. M. Scher
merhorn, .£sq., President of the Syracuse and
Binghampton R. R., the lecturer said “that he
know of no place in the country that afforded
such advantages to young men as the Iron City
College; and that a course of training in that
Institution was worth at least §5,000 to every
one of its graduates. ”
Pittsburgh Gazette, June 22, 18(10. "
Good WheatN—On Saturday evening Iqpt,
Mr. Samuel McGlatheiy .placed upon our table
one dozen beads of wheat, which he had taken
from one of bis fields, which we think are hagd
dred and two grains. ' The other beads, though
f not so large, are well filled.' Twenty
such grain would be sufficient to.keep a family
over winter. Wo have seen- several notices of
good wheat lately, bat none tint .will beat this.
Can it be done ? '
Dime Novels.— Fcttinger, at ..the Literary
Emporium, No. 1, Altoona House, is in regular
reoeiptpf the Lime Novelet issued semi-monthly
by J. R. Beadle & Co., New York. Good novels
are seleited and put up in convenient form for
carrying with you and reading upon the oars, or
while travelling in any conveyance. Their
cheapness them within the reach of every
one who of
cents each, arid each Complete ih ((juft, .
•• •; v . u ;
sent from home,ayoinn£ |wy4alled at old (the
Senior’ftlreaidence madhandedto capbetter-half
a neat and iqyeterlons looking Utile package,
with the request to hand over to ns..Chriosity
“ they eay/Ma one. of the chief characteristics
of gentlOr .Oes, and our 'M hotter-half ’’ did
not prove an exception to. the race, in this in
stance. And is it ;tp be wondered at that she
did not, considering; the source from whence the
, package came. ; Well, In a short space Of. time
she had solved thc oonlcnts of the package, but
whence it came remained a mystery, only to be
solved by us, if at all. Neatly (putting it all ttf
rights again, she patiently (if a woman could
be patient under such circumstances) awaited
our, coming. We came in due time, bat had on
time to get seated ere we were plied with a num
ber of vague questions in relation to our young
'lady acquaintances, the meaning of which we
could net divine. We thought there was “ a cat
in the bag,” and fearing it might jump out when
we were not lookingfor it, we ventured to ask
an explanation of this close chateohising, when
the .mysterious package was handed us, the
circumstances, connected with its presentation
detailed, and wc in tarn asked to explain. Now
here was a dilemma. What should wc do.? Should
w.e say that we knew all about it, but refuse to j
give the name of the donor? or, should we deny
all knowledge of the affair?-. Either horn was
sharp, but one of them ,wc must ride; and just
then we remembered! that
• “Trifles light as air
Are to the Jealous continuations stroug
■ - ■ As proofs Of Holy Writ;"
therefore something must bo done soon, as delay
was dangerous in this case, consequently we
chose* the latter, tfrhich was the true ope.—
Whether this proved satisfactory or not is enough
for us to know, suffice it to say that the package
contained a neat silk neck-tie, for which the un
known donor has our thanks, although she did
get us into rather an unpleasant predicament.
JBQp’ Among the visitors who have recently
favored our town with their presence, we are
happy to notice Mr. 3. F. Coonley, attached to
the well known photographic establishment
of E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, Sew York city.
Mr. Coonley has be<ia for several days past en
gaged in taking some of the remarkable views
immediately on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and
has extended hiS visits to localities of old time
interest, off, but still an the immediate vicinity
of, the Road. Among other interesting locali
ties he has taken pictures of Logan Spring,
Sinking Valley, anil; “the old Lead Mines,’’
which pictures will, eventually, form illustra
tions for one of Harper’s Monthly Magazine ar
ticles. It is by. this great attention to truth,
and perfect disregard :of trouble, that the Har
pers have so successfully maintained their Mag
azine Nabove all competition. We must also con
gratulate E. Abtbohy upon the addition to his
splendid collection landscapes,
somd of the finest in' the Juniata Valiev.
The Tomato as Food. —Dr. Bennett, a pro
fessor of some celebrity, considers the tomato
an invaluable-article; of diet, and ascribes to it
various important najodical properties. First:
That the tomato is one of the most powerful
aperients to the liver and other organs, where
calomel is indicated ; it is probably one of the
most effective and least harmful remedial agents.
known to the profession. : That a
chemical extract will he obtained frag it t>at
will the use of calomel in the cure of
disease. Third: That he has successfully
treated diarrhoea with this article alone.—
Fourth ; That when used as an article of diet
it is an almost sovereign remedy for dyspepsia
and indigestion. Fifth: That it should be con
stantly used for daily food, either cooked or
raw, or in the form of catsup ; it is the most
healthy article now in; use.
The Beret Season,— We are now fairly in
the midst of the berry season. Dozens of bush
els of whortleberries and raspberries are brought
into town every’ day, jfcUe former gathered on the
mountains and hills ground town, and the latter
brought over from “ Camberry” on the freight
trains. They are all readily disposed of at 5
cents per quart. This; blackberries are now
ripe, and we shall sqon have them in abundance
as we*jmderstand thoi .crop is unusually large
this season. : i
Political Meetings.—A mass meeting of the
Peoples’ Party, of thisico.unty, will be held in
the Court House* m Hollidaysburg, on Tuesday
evening next Hon. |V|. G; Curtin and Hon. S.
S. Blair,will,address the meeting.
The Tyrone Star announces a Bell and Ever
ett meeting to bo held |at the same* place oh
Wednesday evening; 'i r .
Mr. B* Beaoham, the new Superinten
dent of the Gas apd Waited Works, took charge
of the works on the Ifith inst. Mr. Thos. S.
Francis, the retitipg | Superintendent, carries
with him the best wishes of all who made his
acquaintance, for his : future success. In his
line of business lie no superiors and few
equals, as the works ip this place, constructed
under his direction, fully attest.
r M ■
No Stodat Traiss.U-Wo are pleased to ob
serve that the PCnn’a jEfcail Road Company have
suspended the running of Freight Trains on
Sunday. This arrangement will no doubt bo
welcomed by those who were employed 1 upon
the trains which fun on Sunday, as they will
now have that day for rest.
The letter of opr Ilollidaysburg corres
pondent arrived too late for insertion in our
la?t issue ; and as it refers mainly to the man
ne;r in which the Fourth was spent in thatplaee,
its publication at this late -day would not prove
interesting. } Hope we. may hear from him of
ten, but a liitle earlier in the week.
silver ware
intended to be presented to Thos. A. Scotty
Esq., can be Beep;at ti}e Logan House, jiV any
time to-morrow,: (Friday,) 29th fast.. Thpao
who wish to get a sight ;of it can do so by pal
ling as above on that as the exhibition is:
free .to all. ' 0
and fat, win„b.e
had tijno at 9ftlopn t
to the JtaJt, toother tritlv all kinds of ipg cool
■v ■; .. J \■ M ■■■ -' ''■
■ A< Bailboad Ihcidsht.—-The Chambersburg
sJpo«f()fy, ia speaking of Col. Tfaos. Ai Scott,
JSco 'President of tbePepnsylvania Railroad,
iqcidentaliy gives'the following:
gentleman from Mercersburg, land* his
wife, in Very feeble healthy werevisiting friends
in Philadelphia, when, a few weeks since, th|
lady. Whom all her relatives supposed conb|
scarcely withstand the fatigues of the trip, de
sired to he brought home to die. The opinion
of eminent physicians was, that if her home
was on the line of the Pennsylvania or some
other railroad' leading out of Philadelphia, so
that she would not be compelled to change from
car to car, and if a bed could be placed in a car
she mighTlive to reach her place of destination;
but if she were to be obliged to be removed as
often'as there were different trains of cars be--
tween the two points, she could not survive the
fatigue of the journey.
“ These facts were communicated to ( Col. T.
A. Scott, when, without the least begging, coax
ing, or solicitation, he had a first-class car pre
pared, hauled to within one square of where the
lady was staying, and she taken to the car, pla
ced comfortably in a bed, and, without the mo
lestation of strangers, with the whole given up
to the accommodation of the sick lady, and her
husband and mother, had her conveyed from
Philadelphia to Greencastle, without having to
leave her bed in the car once.”
Examination - of Teachers.—By reference to
an advertisement in another column, it will be
seen that an examination for teachers of the
public schools in this place will take place on
Saturday, August 11th, in East Ward School
house. Teachers interested should make a note
of this.
• R ?? 0(l assortment of Shoe-Findings, of all de
scriptions, which we will sell at hut prices for cash.
July 19,1860, STEWART & THOMPSON.
JL \ Teachers for Altoona School District will be held in
the Last Ward School House, oU...S 'aiuvday, the eleventh day
of August , IbOO, commencing at 9 o’clock, A. M.
\ Ey Order of the Board of Directors.
T , „ D. GALBRAITH, Secy.
July 19, 1800,-St.
SHOE ' LEATHER.—We Lave just
received a good stock of the best Red and Oak Sole
Leather. Mo have also a good assortment of Goat and
French Moroccos, French and Country Calf. Skins. Uppers.
Kips, Linings. Bindings, &c., all of which wo will at low
prices and warrant to give satisfaction.
Please cr.h and examine our stock before purchasing else*
where. Don’t forget place— two doors below the Post Office
An aperient anil stomachic preparation of Iron purified
of Oxygon and Carlson t<y combustion in Hydrogen. Sanc
tioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe
and the United States, aud prescribed in their practice.
The experience of thousands daily proves that no prepa
ration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the
blood, depression of vital energy, pale aud otherwise sickly
complexions indicate its necessity in almost every concei
vable ease.
I 7/i Debility, Xenons Affections, Emaciation, Dyspi'psia,
| Caistipalion, Diarrhaa, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption,
Scrofulous J ulnradosis, Silt Hheutn. Mismenstruntion.
Whites, Chlorosis. Liver Complaints. Chronic Headaches,
Hheumalism, Intermittent ferers. Dimples on the Fare, dx'.
In cases 'of General Debility, whether the result of acute
disease, or of thecontinucd diminution of nervous and mus
cular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this re
storative has proved successful to an extent which no de
scription nor tyritten attestation would render credible.—
Invalids so long bed ridden ns to have become forgotten in
their owni neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the
busy world as if just returned from a protracted travel in
a distant laud. Some very signal instances of this kind are
attested by Female sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent
marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and
the complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air
and exercise, for which the physician has no name.
In Nervous Afflictions of oil kinds, and for reasons fa
miliar .to medical men, the operation of this preparation of
iron must necessarily bo salutary, for, uuliko the old ox
ides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and
oyerbeating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the
most obstinate cases of costiveness without ever being a
gastric purgativej'or inflicting a disagreeable sensation.
It is this-latter properly, among others, which makes it
so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Files
upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific
action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms tlu ni
In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes, asin-Ie box
of these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the mos’t
habitual cases, including the attendant Cbstivencss.
In unchecked Diairloea, even when advanced to Dyscn
tcry, conliniß'd, emaciating, and apparently malignant,
the (uTccts have been equally decisive and astonishing
Imho local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating
cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indicate 1m
cipient Consumption, this remedy has allayed the alarm
of friends aud physicians, in several very gratifying and
interesting instances. * J b
In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had
far more the good effect of the modi cautiously bal
anced preparations of iodine,' without any of their well
kuqwn liabilities.
ThoiUtcnlionof females cannot bo too confidently invi
tod to this r«7i«/y and restorative, in tbc cases peculiarly
afllicthig them. J
In Rheumatism. both chronic and inflammatory—in the
latter, however, mbre decidedly-it has been invariably
well reported, both as alleviating the pain and reducing the
swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles.
In intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a»reat re
medy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the now
settlements of the West, will probaby be one of high re
nown and usefulness.
No remedy has been discovered in the whole history of
medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully re
storative effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid
acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for
active and cheeffnl exercise, immediately follow its use.
X’ut np in flat metal boxes containing SO pills, price 50
cents per box; for sale by dAiggists pnd dealers. Will be
sent free to any address oil receipt of the price, All letters
orders, etc.,should be addressed to r
* F. LOCKE A CO., General Aoests,
July 19,18fi0.-ly. ' N 20 Cedar St./ New York.
In the matter of the incorporation of Wivneiuoo Tnrnr,
Xo. 35, 1. 0. R. M., of the Borough of Altoofla. April
Term, A. D. iB6O. 1
, And now to wit.: Juno 2d, 18G0, Xotice
■ S'E' Alf Bir hereby given tliat an application ’ for a
i ojj.uxi • Clmrter of Incorporation of the “■ Wtx.v-
Tjube, Xo. 35. I. 0. R. M., - ’ of the
Borough of Altoona, was made at the last term of the Court
in nndfur county, and filed in the
Office of tlie 1 rothonotary, os of the term iiforcsaid, in ac
cordance with law, and if no sufllclent reason be shown to
the contrary, said Clmrter will be granted at the nest
term of Court. w u h/iyfiiq
June 28,18e0.-3t. Attorney for Association.,
t understood that tho report is being circulated
T Ski H 0 Altoona,
IS ~ method of in.orming ray old customers and the
I »nv stm carrying.on business at my
to serve ono Rml aII
ac„ equal, if not. superior, to any in tho market. I have
P r <>cnringthe very best of stock
with Tehich to furnish the market, iinWbundant supply of
which will always ho kept on hand to meet the wants of
the public. Those in Want of anything In tho meat Way
are vcapectfnlly invited to call at the old stand.
■ ... yr. K. LEONARD.
X x Tho undendgned begs leave to inform the citizens of
this place and the surrounding country that he is manufac
turing and putting up modern Improved Lightning Rods
in Altoona, at the lowest prices. Executing the work hini
wlf, and emptoying no hands, ho feels satisfied his work
will please. The Rods are put np on correct scientific prin
mTw!' tho csfehrated McALLISTEH PLA-
I? 6 * >oint& OTe warratltfld - not to corrode,
and will bear tcsflngln any manner. Repairing and Poin-
Hng done on low terms: ■ Tho work is dono in the most
neat and workmanlike manner. - Address an orders to
Jnne gj.lSeo. . JACOB U. MYJSRS.
complete assortment ofGpoOerleshavo just hcenre
ceivedat the store of J.R. 11l LEM AN; 1
BrtuWat. fc ‘ •
'■ *
The Latest from the East!!
The proprietors of the
.** STpBE,” Conner of Xhhio aha Virginia
i J* inlbrn ' in « the*US»en»of Altoona
andTleinlfr that they have TroceiTed thrlr ftm stoek of ,
*% *tt*t»tloa'or alii and
xt^'^rwu 1 !^ | i:ellu K CQnfl(lent that omr present
4tock of Goods to well worth; on examination. and be
liortng olso that wo hare bought them on *ma oa
will enable tu to offer tsdncsncnb to. purchasers. Our
stock of Dry Good* is large andvaried, roSSI tS
newest styles af - • '
Printt, Vdainrt, Vebfgtt, XaveOat, FMde Qtmru. Giiui
hamt, TAyara, CtutOUt, TractOing Xxturei, Slack - ■
and fhncy Silk*;together viithafulitintof •
Domestics. He have a large assort'. : .
mentof XottonsarulfbH- , ■ '
- - eg artickiy tuch
a* Glares, Hosiery, Mitts, 4c.
Our.stock of i
1* unusually large and ver/, cheap. In Kese goods we can
not be boat by any one either Jn quality or price, fop proof
of whicli please call ar.d see goods and prices. 1
We , would invite attention to our largo stock of CAR
which wo are able to soil at greatly reduced prices^' We
hi»To also a good assortment of HARDWARE,* QUKENS
Being truly thankful for the patronage heretofore Mcri
ved from the public, we cordially invite our friends to call
and see us again, hoping that the benefit may bftmntual. ;
Apr. 12,1860. J. A J. LOWTHER.
Cheap Goods! Cheap Goods!!
ff INO OPENED, a large stock of SPRING AND SUM
MER GOODS, of all the late styles and qualities in the
Eastern market. In the lino of
we cannot be surpassed bv any house in the place. Our
stock of Groceries, snch as
are of the bcstkind, and all fresh.
together -with as full assortment of,
. In the Ladies’ Department, are all the different and latest
styles of '
together with a general assortment for Children 4 Misses,
and n goad and full stock of
for Spring and,Summer. The largest assortment of
ever brought to the place, and being uupnjtlently-low, from
O'A U P t,J -o cents per roll, with Bordering to match.
And as wc purpose henceforth to give the business our
especial attention, wo will sell very low for cash or country
produce, and, will take in exchange, as usual, Sutler. Eggs,
Lard, Tallow, Potatoes, Beeswax, etc J hankful for
past patronage, we hope.' by a strict adherence to business,
to our old motto, '-Snail profits and sates,” to retain
our customers old and gain may new ones.
May 3, 18UU.
R. A. 0. KERR’S.
, 11. A. O. Kerr has just received the largest, most fashion
able and best selected stock of Goods in tnq market, const*-
ting of an endless variety of gdods for men! and hoys’ wear.
Tho largest and best assortment of Ladies’Dfess.Qoods
in town, consisting of black and fancy Silks, all - Wool De
laines, Alpacas, Challio Delaines, plain and figured Braize?
Lawns, Ginghams. Dueals, Lavella Cloths, De Barge, Trav
eling Dress Goods, and a beautiful assortment Of Prints, ic
Also. Tickings. Checks.: Muslins— Black and Unbleached,
Cotton aud Linen Table Diaper, Crash, Nankeen. Ac.
Also, a large assortment of Ladies’ Collars. Dress Trim
mings, Ribbons. Gloves. Gauntlets. Mitt's, Hosiery, Silk and
Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils. Barred and Plain
Jaconet. Swiss Muslins. Victoria Lawns. Mill Muslins
Swu-s and Cambric Edging. Dimity Bauds, Velvet Ribbons,
ic. Also, a fiuc of
Ladies’ Black Silk Simmer Cloaks,
Neat and Beautiful,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Hardware, Qucensware. Wood and Willow Ware, Groce
ties, Salt aud Fish. Also, the Largest and Best Assortment
of Fancy i
in town, which will ho gold cheap.
Call ami examine my good*, ami j*ou will be convinced
llmt l huvc the boat assortment and cheapest go<)da in the
Iho Celebrated Bcreea Grind Stones, always on hand,
lliibis. Shoulders, Dried Beef, &c.
Country produce taken in- exchange for goods, ut
the highest market price. Jt. \ q KERR
April 2G, , GO. *
Agents wanted.—
100.000 WILL BE SOLD.
and Map of the United States, containing Accurate Por
traits, from life, of tho Candidates of each Party for Presi
dent and Vice-Pr ( c3iderltv with their letters of acceptance,
I lafforrns of their respective Parties, with a vast amount
of Statistical matter. Results of tho Presidential Elec
tions of the United States from 179(5 ftf 1856 ; names of the
Speaker* of the liquso of Representatives from 1759 to
The Map is beautifully colored, and printed on heavy
calendered paper, size 32 by 40. showing the exact honn
uarie* of all the States and Territories, extending through
to the Pacific. • °
Politicians of all parties, and others, wishing to have be
fore them material for being fnlly posted at a single irlance
should possess a copy of this Slap.
Retail price, only 25 cents. Sent, post paid, on receipt
For terms. Address DUANE RULISON,
Quaker City Publishing House, No. 33 x Sonth Third St-r •,
- Philadelphia, Pa. -
AT the U
Corner of Caroline and Virginia Streets, Figart’s fcoildinir
Altoona, July ijf, JBGO.-3m. “ panning,
and ■'■‘ v V
ho Pnrcbosbd ihfiateieA
o» a. MILLIHON m and Prarisiob Store here
tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St.
where ho will continue the business, and will k»ep coS
stantly on hand a largo supply of
and evcryUiing usually kept jo Grocery add Brbvision
tores, all of which he receives fresh from thoeastornaud
‘western cities, and will sell at the moat reasonable prices
Having recently obtained license to seU liqdorljy whole-'
sale, I edll ke<2> constantly on band a large assortment of
hqnors of the best qualities to bo had. 6 ' 01
in'lvrtrlf ”f cit asUaro custom. . • ■
Jnly I-, 18U0.-3ni. J. BERKOWITZ. >
Jnly Term, 18C0, Court of Com then Pleas >fßlair Co
. A “ d now, to wit: Juno 26, iB6O, the Court having po
<“•<*« that the charter n£y
be »o chaurod that the Council be composed of *ix raem
?J p ’ and that two be elected.annually in
,^ u J all . y; ? nd i h »t the Chief Burgess bo elected
biennially ipiteadofannually And that ifno sufficient
re s® ( ?“ ™ shown to the contrary, said Court will grant the N
thu next term. W. K. BOYBRS,
, duly 12, IStiO. gt. AUomey for Borough. ■
Boarding.— a few genteel
Boarders will find comfortable accommodations at
the new House, corner of Virginia and Clara Streets, West
Altoona, if application be made soon. •’ M. J. MOORE
Altoona, duly 12th, 1860. ”
JLJL ados, Sharing Cream, TOPrSoaj*, *e. for sate by
„ O.W.KBSStBR. 7
VS6> a ?6* a» d fWtioaabje jsjortjnent at thestoreof
7, ' J. B HIMWTAjf. '
sente to the attention of mother* her
which greatly fecilitatos the process of teething,by soflwi
log the gums reducing all inflammation will allay pain urf
spasmodic action, and la turt to rtgulale the
Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves,
and Relief and Health to your Infantt.
We have put up and sold this article for over ten yearly
and can aay, in.confidence and truth of it, what we bail*
SsT®f kf* n able to say of any other medicine—never haa It
ipiled, in a single instance, to effect a care, when timely
used. Never did-.we know an instanceof dissatiiflkctlon by
any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted
With itl oporations, and speak In terms of highest comman
dation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We iMSIt
in this matter “ what wo do know,” after ten rear*’ e zn*>, and pledge our reputation for the ftilfilmrnt of what
we here declare. In almost every Instance where tbs in
frht is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will ba
found in fifteen dr twenty minutes after the svrun to-ad.
Tine valpablepteporation is the prescription of one ef
the most experienced and skillful nurses in Now England, .
and has been used with never-failing success in thoutmda.
tf cattt.
It not only relieves(he child from pain, but invigorates
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tons
and energy to the whole'system. It will almost instantly
raliovo Griping «• BovOs and Wind Volte, and over
come convusoins, which* if not tpeedily remedied, end In
death. We bellevo'-lt the be»t and rural remedy in the
world. In all cases Of Dysentery and Diarrhoea ip children,
whethfr it arisOsfrom teething or from tiny other came,—.
We would say toererymother who. has u child suffering
from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let your pre
judice*, nor the prejudices-of others, stand between year
suffering child said tho relief that will bo sure—yes, abso
lutely sure—to follow tipi use of this medicine,' if timely
used. Full directions fur using will accompany each bat*
tie. -None genuine unless tlm facsimile of CDBTI3 *1
PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. f
Sold by Druggists throughout tho world, and by 0. W. 1
Kessler and A. Ilouali, druggists, Altoona. Prior cants,
per bottle. : ■
AS- Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar street, K. Y,
July 12, ISfe-lyl
Having Prbo& sdstrong anddirect M
Fur Statesmen, Judges. Editors, Physician*of Iho Oldest
scliouls us wull us now, givu it their uitqualided sanctieO'
and lecommend it fur ail ruses of eruptions, and dtocMekoT
the sculp and brain; bat all who bare used it, aolta la'
testifying that it will preserve' the hair ifrout beingStay;'
and from falling to any age, as welt as restore. ReSatha.
following:— , ■ ; ;
r ' Oak Grove, S. C. June 24th,183fit'
Prop. 0. J. Wood:. Dear Sir:—Your IFair Restorative to
rapidly gaining impularity in tbfs community. I have had
occasion to lay prejudice aside, and glvo;your Hair Res
torative a perfect test:— • ■ , *
During tlie ycdr 1834, I was so unfortunate as to W
thrown from my sulky against a rock, near the raad-SBto,
from which my head received a most terrible WowitaS
sing a great deal of irritation, which communlcated-tothe
brain and external surface of the bead, from the effects Of
which my hair was finally destroyed over ‘the
face of the head. From the, timer' I first' discovered-iO
dropping, however, up to the timo of its total, disappoir
nnce, I employed everything I'could think of; beingafifo
fessloual-mau myself, ami, as I thought, understaodlogtil*
nature of the disease, but was finally delcated in every nre-'
scription advanced. - . r
Theao and no otiicr circmnKfanccs induced me to resort
-to your worthy Hair Resforatluv which I have.evnY**-
son to hoi ievc, produced, a very happy result; two muti ths
after tho first application..! had as beautiful a htiidof
young hair as I ever saw, for which I certainly owe you
my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear sir,
recommend your remedy to all inquirers; moreover,l slraU
Hseray infinence, which I flatter myself to say ; is db( a
ion can puljish this if you think proper. - . ..
Yours, very respectfully, : £ J.. WRIGHT, M.D, “
Office of tho Jeffersonian, Philippi,’ Yju, Dec,: 12th,-1848.
Dear sir .—I feel it my duty os well as m.Vpleaaure, to
state to.’you the following clmunstabce,'which you can use
os you think proper. A gcnUehian hi this place, (» law- .
yor.) lias been bald over since ilia early youthso mnclfsot
that he was compelled to wear a wig. no Was induced to
use a bottle of your “ Hair Restorative,” which he liked
very mnch; and after using some two or three botttarhto
hair grew out quite luxuriantly, and he now has a
somc head of hair. The gentleman’s name la BradfbrdiauA
as ho is very well known in onr adjoining counties, sissy
persons can testify to the truth of this statement; Igtttt
it to yoh at tho request of Mr. Bradford. You Ckn selili,
great deal of your Hair Restorative (a this and the adjoin*
ing counties yon hdvo tho proper agents. Yours, fa.
Dr. Woonr Dear Sir: to express theOhltans
tions I tun under fer the entire restoration of myhalrtd
Rs jrigmal color: about the .time of my arrlVal lfa tho
united States it was rapidly becoming gray,'hut upon the
applicatjon of yonr « Hair Restorative” it'srwflVrtieotWnd
its or.giuaj hue. I consider your Restorative as'a very
wonderful invention, quite efficacious as welfas agreeable.
Bw TlfiiSiititov
the Restorative is pnt up In bottles' of three slies, ri*i
lol?!c, medium, and small; the small hold! ami
rotaus for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds atleast
twenty percent, more in proportion than tho smalt retail*
for two dollars per bottle ;.the large holds a quant dO Usd*
cent, more in proportion, and retails for ia. '
°. J. WOOD 4 00, Proprietors, 444 Broadway, Now
York, and 114 Market Street St. Louis, Mo. . '
For sale hyQ. vW.' Kessler, Altoona, and hy all aoml
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ~
March I,’o0 —ly,- owe ’ ■
, P£\' O, JAOBAttX}, /;
Jan. 26,18G0. ,-v k -■. . • ■
• ■ . - kStO. :■ ' - C
GOODS / , ■ •
To maKo rofan for an ;
X. ' ” AT ttt% . - • ;
IRQS FRO®?,. ; ‘
. Jan 120,1800. ., ■ ■
: Hard writ'©,- "
- oils; ■■-•-' .••*■ v m
■ ■ >vv'; Paints;,^
Etc., etc.* • v>:
Ja.y26.186e. .
JPKsalk by a. rocsh, altooxa,
May 3,i860.
Valuable real estate poe ;^
. * undersigned purposing changing jSli
lotion, offers for sale hiaKealEstale dfojEo BOw^W
u n . d Dnnca , n f ril ’ c >Including hiTprtr**.
residence, which is one of the first clan properties in Blair'•
county. For further particahirti inquire nfthe enbeeriher
either at Uoilidayßbutg or Altoona. ‘ onno^f
, Jan. 12,1860,-tf ; J. D. IBKT.
Ly coming county mutual
Mutpnl Fire Insurance Company, tak
Mall times ready to insure against loss ordamage hr fe*.
Btdldinns, Merchandise, Furniture and PrmertiaT aw*
) descript ion,in town or country,
State. Oteco in the Masonic Temple.
, Jon- 3, 56-,tf] ; Joan SHOEMAKER. Jge*C
•piy^T-^ 1 •*» Wtolesal, endßetiGJ.—,
~‘me' II 1856-tf X, SHOEMAKER,
i>ec. it, less-tf. MasouioTetnple.
Lumber for sale.
W? !? £?£ 6rBtI?LI> J NO MATERlALS,fcwa’ttentfo
lowest, for Gasb. Apply to JOHN SHOBSCAKIB*^
received and forialeiy
y&iSrtn ■ ' ■ ■■; ■
v S,