C|t JUflflna Cri hm ALTOONA, PA. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1860. ,18k Where parties are unknown to ae,oar rnlefot adver fa to require payment in advance, or aguaran tee from known peraona. It U therefore useless for all anchto eend «j adrerttsemente offering to pay at, the end of three or six jMhitbit, Where adTertisemenU are Accompanied with, the ’■W way, whether one, five or ten dollars, we will give the •wtarthwr the full benefit of eaab ntee. 8* M. PEITEWCaDLI. A CO., Advertising Agents, 119 Naaaan street, New York, and; instate street, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona Mhttae, aa<fthe moat influential and largeet eircnlatißg Nawapapera In the United States and the Canadas. They . •nauthorixed to contraetlhr us at our lowest.rate*. “Seduction of Employees.*’ The Juniata True Democrat, of the 28th ult., has an editorial under the above caption at which we. are astonished,' and deeply, regret. Our old iriend had cer tainly, at the time of penning the article .alluded to,, lost his accustomed equanimi ty; for it was evidently written in a bad temper and in a wrong spirit. The spirit is .bad—the motive we can not divine. To the individual referred to, the bad temper —not to say bitterness—of the Democrat, is, we presume, a matter of indifference. But it is due to the pause of truth, and justice to the employees of the Penn’a Rail Road Company, to expose the unfounded charges of the Democrat's .editorial.' The first is that the number of brakemen on the large freight trains have been reduced to two. This is a mistake; fur there are three brakemen to each train.— FoHqwing this it is said, “ this is consis- 1 tent with the grinding process inaugura -ted by the advent of the illustrious Vice; President as General Superintendent.’*— Now it must have been known to the author of that sentence, ; that the reduc tion of wages alluded to was before the administration of Thos. A Scott, and du ring the incumbency of H‘. J. Lombaert; and by the positive direction of the Board of Directors. It was after the promotion r-: . • t of the present Vice President to the posi tion of General Superintendent, and at his suggestion, that the wages were advanced. His superintendency was proverbial for its alemency,. except where employees were unfaithful, or where involved in the insub- ordination and conspiracy of a general -strike. He is known to bo kind-hearted, particularly to the poor, benevolent, and liberal almost to a fault. 1 Did it occur to the editor of the Demo crat, that his objection fo the reduction of needless force op trains, implies that the Vice President is more bound to retain employees, than to consult the interest' of the Company of which he is an officer?— H Beautiful rule indeed, for officials ! Alas ! the One which now .weighs down our Com monwealth under imUions of debt. What corporation wants for one of its highiaK officers, a man, who, Regardless of its^ terests, andfor Ms oven popularity, or In fluence, would employ needless laborers ? Yet this is just what he would be bound to do, according.to the reasoning of the Democrat. No, if the Vico President of the Penn’a R. B. Go., believes it to be consistent with the interests of the Com pany to reduce the number of the brake men from four to three, it is not only right ( fcfc him,to suggest it, but he is bound to see it enforced. If hb does is not fit for the position ho occupies, f iChe charge of .an “ extorted reward” is as/ unfounded as Jit is ungenerous. So far aS Mr. Scott is concerned, nothing was known of the intended 1 testimonial until after the funds for it had been raised j and we do not believe that he knows to a cer- . tainty the name of one individual who did" or who .did not contribute to the fund.— As to J&e employees, the charge contains an insinuation which outrages their inde ; pendence and manliness] it implies *hat they gave .towards the intended testimoni al >as a matter of constraint ; from the dtedd of official displeasure—not -volunta rily; and, consequently, that their condi tlen is but little better than servitude or vassalage; that, therefore, they dare not or have not the courage to resist what they considered unjust or oppressive! Axneri • can freemen be so low, so mean? No they know no such oppression, nor wouh they endure it. It is a slander to inti mate sueh a thing; and Thos. A. Scott is , one of the last men to ask or exp’ect such from his fellows. He is regarded • -by all who know him well,' as one of the most affable, yet magnanimous, men to be ' found. Again we say it is strange that our friend of the True Democrat sboulc haye suffered himself to betray so much and personality—especially with such recklessness in regard to facts—to : one through whom' .the courtesies of the Rail Road Company have been ex tended to him. Ought you not, friend (J to put yourself right on this apb -1 jepfc-F' IJave you not done yourself injns- hyycmr editorial ? All the good you • cpin*Sy bf fien. Roumfoct we most cor diaUyebdowe. The Great Eastern. This greht long-talkcdofship, which surpasses ini size and splendor anything of the kind that has ever came across the ocean, sailed upon water, or been thought of, has anchored at Hew York harbor and thousands are now flocking to the city and crowding the wharves in the vicinity of where she is tying to get a sight of To build hsr cost a,fabulous snm, and her daily expenses are appallingly large. She can carry 4,000 passengers, but she brought only forty. She can cany thou* sands of tons of freight, but she brought none. It is said she could not have got into Hew York harbor if she had been ladened. Por this reason she cannot take freight when she departs. The question arrises, why was she sent to America.-?- Her errand is hot one of profit from ooni merceor travel; and as to whether the matter of exhibiting hen will pay remams to be seem She is certainty worth going to see, if it coats but little more, than the admission fee. Her trip to this country, like her previous ones, demonstrates the fact that she cannot compete with the smaller steamers in speed. That she will be&grand sinking fund tohef owners certainly probable, unless something other than we have yet seen Noticed be hit upon to make her pay. j&pThe Republican papers are calling upon their Democratic ootemporaries to define the position of their candidate, Henry D. Foster, on the Presidential question, and the/ papers are calling on thcir/ omMHifcts to give the views of Andy same ques tion. This we take it is a useless piece of business. The defining of the positions of the candidates would not help either of them, and they exhibit wisdom by beeping mum. They were nominated and placed upon State platforms and they shouldstiy there. They have nothing to do with the Presidential question, so far .as relates to their State policy, and men who pretend to be politicians should certainly be abje to see far enough ahead to know that what they ask for will not be granted un less they concede as much, and wherein would be the gain. Enough of this gen tlemen', ask something else. New Daily. —The proprietors of the State Journal have commenced the pub lication of a daily paper, ’several the first numbers of which are on our table. — It is a spirited little sheet, and intensely devoted to the cause of Lincoln. Wheth er another penny paper will pay in Phila delphia, remains to he seen. PEN AND SCISSOES. 49* The latest invention announced is a machine for tkinning^elt. Can’t we moke your lover jealous, miss!” “,oh, yea, sir, I think we can, if jve put our heads together.” ■ 49~ Fact—fortunes made in no.time are like shirts made in no time; it’s ten to one if they hong long together. 43* The Huntingdon Union says that Sr. H. F. Conrad, of Coalmoht, in that county, to locate in thisplace. 43* Every plain girl has one consolation—though hot a pretty young lady, she will, if she UVes, be a pretty old one. 43. A man died a few days ago at Norfolk, Va~, and his physicians ascribed his disease to the habit of wearing tight boots. 43* Hon. Erastis Fairbanks, great scale manufac turer, has been for Governor by the Republicans of Vermont. '-HBI : 43* “Big man, tl^shoot.”—The Fetyee Islanders put charges into their guns according to the size of the person they intend to shoot at. The coinage of pennies is to.be stopped, because they have become too plenty. We’ll take a cartload or two in payment from delinquent subscribers. 43. ,W. C." Nelson, of Monroe county, Tennessee, recov ered $21,000 damages of the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad, for detaining his wheat in their depots, to his Injury. ■ 43. We have received the first number of a new paper styled thoJßlairivQle Journal, published by J. Wistar Get tys, at Rlairsyille, Indiana county. Fa. It is a large sheet ahd is well edited. . ' 43. John W. Forney apposes a fusion electoral ticket for Rreckenridge and Douglas, and says all they want is "clear decks, a bold fight and ho masked batteries, and will neither ask nor give quarter. 43. From official statistics recently submitted to the Oeneraj Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Buffalo, New York, it appears that the total membership of the Church ip the world is 2,743^85. 43* Adjutant General B. C. Wilson has ordered a. State Military Eucampment to beheld at York, in York county, commencing on the 3d«nd closing on the Bth of September next. It is to be styled “Camp Patterson.” 43. Two hundred ladies in Syracuse are regular patrons of a billiard saloon there, kept by the late sergeant-at arms of the State Senate, who devotes to them two after noons in the week. 49>2be Cleveland Democrat says“ From the retains slnashnn. it in frsmfl that the population of Ohio* baa slightly decreased within thelast ten years Immigration or otherwise. ; Mg' Over four hundred clergymen of thsEplscopal Churches of England are in very great' pecuniary distress, and the Secretary of the Poor Clergy Belief Pond has put forth a circular containing some eery sorrowful statements. A physician of New York is of the opinion that cal cined charcoal,in doses of one tablespoonfol morning and evening, is onexcellent remedy against the disease now prevalent among the cattle, May not pur agriculturists give it a fair trial. ..... . ..$■ jfg- Aman named John C. Heylman has been arrested andbouhd over to appear at the August sessions of the Dauphin county courtto answer the charge of purloining rateable bodes, deeds and other documents from theXand Office at Harrisburg. ' The fanners whose tends are located in the vicinity of cities and Tillages are ctrinplalning bitterly over fits loss of their rail fences. In sbmeiocalltiesthe fields hare been literally strlppedof every rail upon then. .The raihrare used by wideawake dobs as emblems for Lincoln. ; JOS' Down to 1828, every President had been taken from the old thirteen States. Now, of the nine rival for President or 'Vice-President, but one (Ur. Bvewitt, of Usasachosetts,) is a citizen of an AU ite* of the rsndidstss for President Bail* Breckipridge, and Houston,—lits in the UlssfaippiVsUv, or *e«r'lts borders, ”■ , 4A mw pink has lately been Imported from'China, ■with flower* three inchee in diameter, color rich crimson,' •potted and edged with white, with a velvety appearance and very prolific floweia. Doo.’t forget the name. - Wo ra ther think you won’t, when we tell you that it is Dtanthus BoddrwigU. : 49r Denver (Sty, In Kanaaa Territory, is a fiat plaeA— About a year ago, it contained about a doaen log cabins and there were not over 20 mien in the place; now there are over 6,000 people there, line blocks of bnQdings tee going up in all directions, and the sound of the hammer and saw is heard from dawn to sunset. The aggregate wealth of the CnitedlJtateaamounta to toefee thouiand außton deHart, and.the is tools. The wealth divided by .the poptdatlon girasto each person $6OO, young and old, andcoonting Are persons to each fcmllyit would give ths handsome little fortune of s2£oo to every finally of the republic. i3.lt is asserted that tiw seventeen yearloensts haVe lately stung fotailly, several persons la, Warren county, .New Jersey, and Monroe county, Pa. In the latter county 'a little girl met her death ln that manner, and a man who wat stung is not expected to live. A number of hogs had alab died after betngsthhg. ' JKp-Theßev.Dr. Woods, ot Andover, was once giving hie darn some good instructions about preaching; ao iaa to obtain attention and gain applause. “ Young gentleman,” saM be, “it Is all contained in a nutshell; when you go to preach in the city put on your best coat, but when you gopnt into the take your best sermon.” AST A colored man, named Carter, entered the office of Dri Graham, at PenysriUo, Juulata since, to get hiorphlne, which he was In the hfdjifefif using. The Dr. being ,ph£-|Jie concluded to help in stead of lie got 1 strychnine; dose of:it helpcd,h£'-mo the next world pretty Suddenly. Jfg- On Wednesday of last week, two men, named Thoe. Granger and Henry W. Hall, were fighting op .the Hudson River Railroad truck, 'near Poekskill, and as the express train approached, another man inamed Geo. Rawcliffc, attempted to pull them off the track, but was bold by one of them until' the train approached, and all throewero run over and killed. '■fßf A New Yorkjiaper states ‘•on authority” thatthe whole expense of entertaining the Japanese in Philadel phia was pnly $B,OO0 —but that in that city the expenses have already reached to $40,000. The bouquets used at the ball of Monday night cost over $l,lOO. The winehillalone will not be less than $15,0001 If New York gets off with $lOO,OOO her tax-payers may congratulate themselves. Bhebift’6 Salks.—Sheriff Funk will sell the following de scribed properties at pnblic sale, at the Court House, in BQUldaysburg, on Monday, July 23d, I860: {A house and lot of ground on Allegheny street, Holli daysburg—a tract of land containing 433 acres, situate in Atates township—a tract of land* in Blair township, con taining 100 acres—the life estate of James A. McCahan in a tract of two hnhdredracres of land in Blair township, on which there is a large two-story brick house, a {tome barn, two tenant bouses and a grist mill —a lot of ground on Wal nut street, Hollidaysburg, having a two-story dwelling house thereon—all to be sold ns the property of James A. McCahan. |khe interest of Jeoo B. Crawford in a tract' of 107 acres ofland in Blair township, having a two-story frame dwel ling house and frame barn thereon. The interest of John Adam Rock in a lot of ground in Hellidaysbnrg, on which there Is a two-story frame house and frame stable. ■ The interest of ' T lchacl Cassiday in a tract of 106 acres of land in Logan township, on which there is a log dwel ling bouse and other improvements. The interest of James Hemphill, Trustee of Martha JC. Moran, in a lot of ground in the borough of Martinsbnrg, on which there is a two-story dwelling and other buildings. : The interest of William Barr, dcc’d., in a lot of ground Qaysport, on which there is a two-story frame dwelling house and frame stable. i 'The interest of Mary Cohoo in a lot of ground in the borough of Hollidaysburg, on which there is a two-story {tome dwelling and two small frame buildings. , : The Interest of Augustus McClain in a lot of ground in tlio village of Ironsville, in Snyder township, on which there is a two-story frame dwelling. '"■A two-story house and lot of ground in Tipton, thopro perty- of Thomas Adams. ■ The interest of J. Q. Ritter in a lot of ground adjoining the station hduio of the Penn’a B. B. Co, at Tyrone, hav ing thereon erected a partly finished four-story and three story building. The interest of Thomas Vanscoyoc in a tract of land in Shyder township. containlng 150 acres, havinga one-and-a hklf story house and log bam thereon. Also the interest of the some in a lot of ground in Antis township, contain ing fopr acres and having a two-story frame house and frame stable thereon. - a lot of wound'contain ing 9 acres, situate in Blair tp, J-the property of Mrs. Hart (widow,) add Joseph Hurt. last of Jurors for July Term, 1860. GRAND JURORS. Acker, Henry, (of Henry,) Huston. Bell, Samnel H, Antis. Black, Michael, Greenfield. Brumbaugh, Christian, Huston.' Barnhart, Jacob, Greenfield. Brooke, William H., Blair. Cunningham, John ff, Altoona. Cyphers, Moses A., Altoona. Dolan, Thomas, Snyder. Ettiuger, G. 8., Snyder. Eaton, Bird.Q., Uollidaysbnrg. Fleck, Gabriel, Tyrone tp. Uewit, James M. HoUidaysburg. Hnnter, Thomas, Antis. Ilorrell, Robert L.,’ Gaysport. Jckes, John L., Altoona. Knptt, Miller 8., Altoona. : ' Lower, Henry C., Taylor. Mclntosh, Michael, Juniata. McFarland. Alexander Jr, Antis. j. Prinkle, Philip, Greenfield,' Smith, WilUam,lAllcßheny. Sorrick, Jacob, Woodberry. . Williams, James, Hollfdaysburg. ' TRAVERSE JURORS-FIRST WEEK. Bell, Francis M, Tyrone borough. Buchanan, Alexander, Allegheny. Buck, Jacob, Logan. Bridentwngh, Philip W.; Tyrone tp. Bell, James H, HolUdaysburg. Biller, David, Frankstown. Borget, Adam, Jr, North Woodborry. Baum, Henry C, HolUdaysburg. Bnrley, Caleb R, Tyrone borough. Condron, James, HolUdaysburg. Cully, James, Hollidaysbnrg. DUI, Matthew P, Altoona. Dysart, Alexandcr. Tyrone tp. Dibert, Henry, Greenfield. Fleck, David, Tyrone tp. : Farrell, Thomas, Logon. Halfpenny, John, Antis. Hunter, David G, Antis. i. Henshey, David, Antis. Hammond, Henry K, Woodberrj. ' i Irvine, John E, Antis. Imler, Michael, Greenfield. Koos, Abraham, Allegheny. Lowtner, James, Altoona. Long, Henry, Altoona. Motzker, Isaac, North Woodborry. ' McFarlone, Thomas, HolUdaysburg. McKlm, James, Allegheny; Patterson, James H 4 Catharine. \ Patton, James R, HolUdaysburg. Bigg, James, Altoona. Shutter, Peter, Altoona, : Sturtsman, Henry, HoUidaysburg.. r Snyder, Christian, HolUdaysburg. Stiffler, John M., Allegheny. ; singer, Absalom, Altoona. , Trough, 0. A, Hollidaysbnrg. Wlke, Michael, Huston. SECOND WEEK. > Acker, John,(bJ John,) Huston. Binghkm,-J<p^’Bnyder. Burget, Hehiy, North WoOdberry. Bridenbangh, Philip,Tyrone tpi , Baker, Sylvester. C., Logan. Crawford, Armstrong, Tyrone tp. Clossen, Thomas* Antis. Clabough, Michael, Altoona. Crowell) Daniel Antis. Carothers, Alexander, Catharine. • Dibert, Henry, Grebnfleld- i; i Homer, David H-, Antis. ' Douglas W m-Qaysport, DeArmit, James, Juniata. Fortna, Mathias, Snjjier. Freeman, James A., Hollidaysbnrg. j Green,' John, Logan. I s, Glasgow, TaylorW•, Antis. Gwln, James L, Logon. Hamilton, Smith K., Allegheny. Hoover, Daniel, Huston. Luther, Joseph, Lofi*n. \ Lelghty,Jacob,Juniata. , London, Abraham, Logan. McDowell. Isaac, Logan. Morrow, Samuel, Tyrone tp. Noel, Henry.Altoona. Rankln.’Archlbald, Catharine. BltvJf#Wh,Dl»£ BobisoßjMpos, onyuer. Stewart, RaberLTyroneip. Bidets; James, Altoona, r Btltner, Samuel, Altoona. ■', , 1 WttVPeter, Logaa. ' * Trial laiiat for July Term, 1860. 8. G. Rhode* vs, W. A. Dean 4 00. et *l. J. J. Dull vs. Margery OTrhl, Jr. ' : G. W. Patterson's adm’r. n. John' Atrudu .-. Ann Bell vi. A. Patterson ct al. tf;-' H. H’Neal ts. A.D.* J.P. Moor®; C. Rauch ri. Lloyd * Hill. John Hiller vs. Shoenbergcr’sexrs. Same : ti. . Some. Mary Lowry t*. Same. SECOND WEEK. David Good vs. D. Watson ct al. 'W.McKiUip'* adtnr, ti. David UcKtlllp. ,0. Garber"* ezrB.vs.Bhoenberger'sexrs. Samevs. A.P. Wllaoh. 1 John Fox vi. Union Insurance Co. Jacob Ressler vs. Shoeaberger'aExrs. - J. O. Pomeroy vs. Allegheny Rail Road 00. J. W. Doncan a wife va. George Port. A. McDermott va. W. t M. Loekington. C. Hughe* n. Penn'a Rail Road Co. George Clapper’s exra. vs. Nancy Clapper. LouisPlack v*. W.W. Jackson. Henry Lloyd va. Nicbolaa apd Ann Walker. J. Brotherfino vs. A. Swiroe at al. ' MeParlane’s admx.vs, Shoenbergor’s exra. Daniel Beatty va. Lycoming Ins. Co. .Central Bank va. W. W. Jackson. Martha Royer.va. Directors of the Poor. James D. Ilea ts. Kemp A Last. Same va. O. Lost. J. Gillelandlbr use vs. D. C. McCormick. '■ O.K. * J,H. Shoenberger vs. E. P. Shoenberger, M. Hays ti. Samnel Boyer, WiP.DysartTß. J. K. Henry etal. Chaffeea, Stotjt i 00. Vi, A. PUterson. Thomss B. Harris vs. James Punk. A. L. Holliday ti, F. Rhodes. J. B. Manning vs. 8.0. Rhodes. Same ts. Same. Thomas UcCanley ti. James Taylor. Jaipes Hutchison va. A. Markey.. A. G. Pox ts. C. Merryman. x Samuel Lemon ts. James Gardner. David Reamey va Mary T. Raymond. ' Lorenz £ Learner va. J. L. Hemphill et ai. C. Poster vs. S. Brotherline. J. 8. Radebaoh vs. C. C. Campbell A Bro. July 12, 1860. JOS. BALDRIOE, Pro'i. SPECIAL NOTICES. MBS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physician, has a soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by aotening the gums, reducing all in flammation —will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and relief and health to your infants- Perfectly •ale in all cases. See advertisement in another column. THE OBEAT HOLLAND EEMEDY BCBRHATE’S HOLLAND BITTERS.—Persona subject to neivons or sick headache, will find in Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a sure, sale and pleasant remedy. It soothes the throbbing head, corrects acidity of the stomach, assists di gestion, and creates a healthy appetite. It Is, without doubt, a most delightful preparation, and on effectual re medy. The fact that it is now a very popular medicine throughout all the Holland settlements in Wisconsin, New York, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana, speaks muchJn its favor. See advertisement in another column. fig, COMMON SENSE rules the mass of the people, whatever the misnamed and misanthrope philosophers may say to the contrary, Show them a good thing; let its me rits bo clearly demonstrated, and they wilt not hesitate to give it their most cordial patronage. ThaJnosses have al ready ratified the Judgment of a physician, 'concerning the virtues of HOSTBTTEB’S BETTERS, as may be seen in the immense quantities of this medicine that are annually Bold in every section of the land. It is now recognized as great ly superior to all other remedies yet devised for diseases of the digestive organs, such os diarrhoea, dysentery, dyspep sia, and for the various fevers that arise from derangement, of those of the system. Hostetler’s name is ra pidly becoming a household word, from Maine to Texas, from tho shores of the Atlantic to the Pacific. Try the ar ticle and bi satisfied. SAVE TOTJB HOBSES. “ We take great pleasure in recommending the Mexican Mustang Liniment as a valuable and indispensable article* for Sprains, Sores, Scratches or Galds on Horses Onr men have used it for severe Bums, Bruises, Sores, Stiff Joints and Rheumatic Pains, and oil say it acts like magic. We use no other Liniment J. W. HEWITT, Foreman for American, Hamden’s and Well’s, Fargo & Co.’s Express. Gentlemen;—“ I had a negro man worth §1,200 who took cold from a bad hurt, and was useless for over one year; X bad used everything 1 could hear of without benefit, until I tried the Mustang Liniment. It has perfectly cored him and I can now take the above price for him. Respectfully Yours, JAS. DORRANCE. Every Planter, Teamster and Family should have , this Invaluable article. Sold by all respectable dealers every- where. MOTHERSi Read (ho following testimony to the success of Dr- Ea ton’s IntaniiibCobdiai.; — “ De. Eaton. Dear Sir; —l liavo much pleasure in cer tifying to the perfect barmlesencss and efficacy ofiyour In fantile Coedial, and cheerfully recommend it to those who have children teething. I have used it in my own family, and have sold over two hundred bottles the past year. AU those who have over used it Unite in its praise for all diseases for which you recommend it. Yours, &c. E. F. LATHROP. BLOOD FOOD ! BLOOD FOOD I ! ‘‘Db. Beonson. Sir: —It may not he valueless to you to know that I have used the different preparations of Blood Food in several cases, and uniformly wjK success ; and that I am convinced they are a nearer approximation to the means of a radical care of those Csßoaid Diseases for which they ore prepared, than any other Medicinal Agencies known to the the Pbanuacopuela. "1 recommend these Preparations, os I am naturally de sirous that they should be most widely tested and adopted. R. K. BROWN, M. D, 120 West Broadway, New York." Sept 18tb, 1859. See advertisement For sale by A. Roush, Altoona. INPECTINE. THE PERSIAN FEVER CHARM. For the prevention and enre of fiver and Ague and Bil ious Fivers. This wonderful remedy was brought to the knowledge of the present proprietors by a friend who has been a great traveller in Persia and the Holy Land. ■While going down the river Euphrates, he experienced a Severe attack of Fever and Ague. On discovering bis con dition, one of the Bbatmen took from his person an Annu let, saying, “ Wear this and no Fiver will touch you." Al though incredulous as to its virtues, he complied, and ex perienced immediate relief, and has since always found it an effectual protection from all malarious complaints. On further investigation ho found that the boatman attri buted to it miraculous powers, and said that it could only bo obtained from the Priests of the Son. Sometime after wards, the gentleman in conversing with a Priest obtained from him the secret of its preparation, and ascertained Where the medicinal herbs wire found, of which It was compounded. The wonderful virtues of this article have induced a fall belief in the minds of the natives 15 the mi raculous healing powers of their Priests. Since bis return to America, it has been tried with the happiest effect by several ladies' and gentlemen of high character, who have given it the most unqualified praise.— This .remedy having been a specific in Persia for hundreds of years, for the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague, and Jlillons Fevers—ls now offered to the American people. It will be sent by mail, prepaid, with Ihli directions for use, on receipt of one dollar. *\ sr Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188 MaSTSt, Rich mond, Va, Branch Office, Bonk of Commerce Bonding,' New York. Address JOHN WILCOX A 00. June 28, 1860.-ly. “Oh that thk skis of an innocent sheep ahoold be made Into parchment, and written on to the undoing of a, quoth Siukspeare. He might also hare Hvnining of meU’s forms by the uftcouth manner 1® ungracious taflofs butcher up the cloth made firom the wool grown by these same harmless sheep, to seetheperfoctionoflheart of working up cloth wisely and weQ, and so aa to set off to the beat advantage the forms of its wearers, call at the Brown Stone Clothing BaU offoockhUl Alfilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut St. above Sixth, Phdfo. aad examlne their 'stock of garments for gentlemen had youths. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. PR. CHKESEMAN’B PILLS. of ingredient* in those PHlstn tho w> suit of »long and extensive practice. They ate »nd in 1 thdt operettal, »nd certain in correcting all irregnlariliea removing all obstructions, whether from cold of otherwise, headache, pain in tho side, palpita tion of the heart, whites, alt nervous affection*, hysterics,- fatigue, pri'a in the hack ahd limbs, 4c., disturbed sleep,- which ftrlift from' Ifitetrnptlon of nature. - PR. CifBESRMAM'S PILLS was the Commencement of a new era in the treatment of those irregularities and obstructions which haveponsigued so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the be iored' to M pettdtfire gr*#e!. No female can eijoy good health unless she is regnlarjjand whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins te decline. PR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS are tho most effectual remedy eferWfownfof ail complaints peculiar to ftuwle*. To all classes they are in valuable, he dating, tciUi certainty, periodical regularity. They ace known to thousands, who hare used them at different pe riods, throughont the country, baring the sanction of some of tho most eintma* Ph&tetatu i* America. . direction*, Hating tahen, andtahtn they tkenid net with each'Bo*,-—tile Price One Dollar cock Box, containing 40 POU. ; A raiuable Pamphlet, to he had Dree, of the Agents.— Pflls tenthy mmVprwO* by enclosing price to the Gen eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally, r. b. hutchings, omnAi- aomt, 1 U Broadway. Now York. Sold in Altoona hyO. W. Kessler; in hy Geo. A. Jacobs. f®**'A 18»--ly- BARNES & PARK, Proprietors, New York. toothache. Thisdiaease can becured by Dr, Keytar 3 * toothache Re medy, prepared by him in Pittsburg, Pa>, which is put up iu bottle* and sold at 2$ cents eftch, It is an excellent medicine, when diluted,' for spongy and tender gums, and U> worth ton times Its price to all who need it. Sold here by O. W. fussier, Druggist. : Altoona. Jan. 12,1869.—-^m. I^TOTICE.—ON AND AFTER JULY JA( 15th, 1800, all monies dne tl»o Altoona Gas and Wa ter Company will be paid to the undersigned.at tiro lOfflco of the Gen’l Supt. Peuua. Kailroad. B. F. ROSE, Juno 28,1800. > Treat- * Sec y- IN THE COURT OF COMMON pleas in and fob the county of be air. In the matter of the incorporation of Wwxsbaqo Twm, No. 38, I. 0. B. M, of the Borough of Altoona. April Term,-A. And now to wit.: Juno 26, 18&), Notice / _T\ is hereby given that ah application for a I SEAIi 1 Charter of Incorporation of tlie “ Wi.vxr \ ' baqo Tube, No. 35, I. 0. B. M„” of the Borough of Altoona, wasSiadci at the last term of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said county, and filed in the office of the Prothonotary, as of the 'term aforesaid, in ac cordance with law, and if no sufficient, mason be shown to the contrary, said Charter will be granted at the next term of Court. W. B- BOYERS, June 28,1860.-3 L Attorney for Atsodation. Administration notice.— Notice is hereby given that letters of; Administration on the estate of CHARLES BOYER, late of Logan town ship, Blair county, decM, have been granted to the under signed, residing as aforesaid. Ail persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. Juno 21,1800,-tlt : CAROLINE BOYER, Adm’x. American'tiife Insurance and Trust Co. Capital Stock, $500,000. Company Building, Walnut Si., S. E. corner of Fourth Thila. B. F. ROSE. ; AGENT, ALTOONA, LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES, OR AT JOINT STOCK RATES, AT ABOUT 20 PER CENT. LESS, OK AT TOTAL ABSTINANCB RATESfTUB LOW EST IN THE WORLD. A. WHILLDIN, Pret't. J. C. SIMMS, Sec'y. [Oct. 27th, 1869-Iy. BAIL HOAD tANDS FOB SALE* OX LONG CREDIT, AND AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST rpilE HANIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH I RAILROAD COMPANY. having over 600,000 ACRES ofLAND lying in the State of Missouri, which was grant ed, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction ot tbeir I to; i)l, offer the principal portion thereof fur side, on the most liberal terms. TUo greater part of tlicso lands arc witbinsix, and all within fifteen miles of the Railroad, which is now comple ted, and open for use throughout its entire length (206 miles.) and runt through a country which is unsurpassed by any in the salubrity of its climate, fhe fertility of its soil, and the extent of its mineral resources. For further information, apply at the Land office of the Company, or address by letter, JOSIAII HUNT,’ Land Commissioner, IT. & St. Jo. K. R. Feb.2,’60.-ly* , Hannibal, Mo. r IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS.— The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of this place and the surrounding country that lie is manufac turing and patting up modern Improved Lightning Rods in Altoona, at the lowest prices. Executing the work him self, and employing no bands, he feels satisfied his work will please. The Rods are pnt up on correct scientific prin ciples, and cased with the celebrated McALLISTER PLA TINA POINT. The Points are warranted not to corrode, and will bear testing In any manner. Repairing and Poin ting done on low terms. The work is done in the most neat and workmanlike manner. Address all orders to June 31, 1860. JACOB H. MYERS. Magnificent engraving; of CHRISTOPHER COLD MBITS AND HIS CREW. This beautiful Engraving was designed -by Rcbess, one of the most celebrated Artists that ever lived ; the cost of the original design.and plate being over $BOOO, size 22 by 29 inches. Tho Philadelphia Daily Stivi says: “ The mere nominal sum for the Engraving, Isa sufficient Inducement for persona to purchase, without the additional Gift.” schedule of gifts To be given to the pnrcbftscrs. For full particulars, eend for a hill. 1 Cosh, $5,000 \ 5 Cash, $3OO Cash, Cosh, Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash, X Cash, $3OO 2000 Cash, $5OOO Together with a groat variety of other valuable Gifts, varying in value from (iO cents to $25. Any person enclosing in a letter $1 and five 3 cent Pos tage Stamps, (to pay for Roller and postage,) shall receive by return of mail, the magnificent Engraving of Christo pher Columbus, and one of those valuable Gifts as per bill. Address all orders for Bills or Engravings to P. 8. HEBLINE A CO., Jane 14,18C0. A NOTICE.— XJL Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of George Beatty, late of Altoona, Blair comity, dec’d„ have been granted to the undersigned, resi ding as aforesaid. Ail persons knowing indebt ed to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. A. McCORMICK, May 31,1860,-Ot. Administrator. House and lot at private SALE.—The Gate-House and Lot belonging to the ALTOONA AND HOL- I iMl — ■ LIDAYSBDRG PLANK ROAD CO., sit- MCsMT .S nate % mile from Altoona, is offered ' Private Sale. For terms and particulars inquire of JOSEPH DYBART, President of the Company. . [April 26,1860.-tf. J. Q. ADLUM, NOTARY PUBLIC. ALTOONA, BLAIR COL, PA. :Oai at all times be bund at the store of J. B. wiiom.r. rpctober 1,1887. f!OR SALE —A HOUSE AND LOT, desirably located in the Boronch of Altooua. Apply JOUN SHOEMAKER. Altoona, Feb. 9,1860.-tt SUGAR AND MOLASSES BY THE BBIu, and COFFKB BY THEBAG, tor «ale'miole&aa at Phils, prices, freight only added. Jan. 26,1880. CALL AT THE NEW FLOUR, PRO miON, FEED AOT VAJUJnnptORE, i„ the 01 Bust Office building, and examine the stock and prices. jFeb. 28,1860.41 - "" ■ ; t ' NIT ED STATES LIFE INSU- Compsny. Agency, Anns Street, Altoona, roh IT, 1859. j JOHN BHOEUAKJBB, Agent. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Pnlnt, Bash and Ternlah Bnuheaat V; KESSLER’S. /^.RdCBBIBS.^—A s LARGE AND V-*'. essottthehl of Groceries herd fast been re esmd at tin stors.ef \ J.B. HI«OUN. $3,000 110 Caibj $2,000 10 Cash, $l,OOO 10 Cash, $l,OOO 10 Cash, $5OO 10 Cash, $5OO 1000 Cosh, Box 1812, Philadelphia. 0. JAGGAKP. BCERH AYE’S HOLLAND BITTER THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND RXHXDT log ©TSPSPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS I.ITIB OOnPIiAIRT, ’ WEAKNESS OF ANY SIRL FEVER AND AGUE, ’ lad the various affections consequent upon t i STOMACH OR LITER Spch os Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach. Ootlek.n.i Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency. Blind and Bleeding Pile*, In all Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous Irnftmcia . highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided This is ft purely vegetable compound; prepared onaSvu. •ctentlfle principles, after the mannw ofths Holland professor, Boerhave. Iu repnUUonTt dated its introduction here, the demand three of the Fatherland mighty country, many of whom brought with «■-- ” handed down tho Uadition of its value; Hi, la the American public, knotting that iit truly — JjCTJ medicinal m'rtue* mud he acknowledged. '* It is particularly recommended to than persons - constitution* may have been impaired by t&A conthmooTnZ of ardent spirits, ox other forms of distbaHob, QeasiiSv instantaneous In effect, it finds its way directly to Uw nu of life, thrilling And quickening every nerve, ralsiag op (he drooping spirit, sad, In bet, infilling new heal thud Vico# to tbs system. - NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a havens* «, j bedisappolnted; hot to too sick, weak and low spirited, ft JMJww agmtrittl aromatic cordial, possessed of alnguto READ CAREFULLYI Tho Oennlne highly concentrated Botrhavt’s Bolhai Bitten is put up lu haltplnt bottles only, and retaSdm Oin ItoUJm per bottle, or six bottles fcrFrvtDotuas. The great demand for tide truly celebrated Medicine has tndwad which the public should guard agshS Jgf Beware of Imporitton. Bee that our nates la oa tw label of every bottle fun boy tXAftSSSiSSS?*- “ BOLB PROPBIBTOBB, BENJAMIN PAdE, J&&(XX ghamaceutisla ani (Klumhii, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale by A. BOXJSH, Altoona. April 18. isep-lamly. , . . Cheapest! Best! LargestM SB 5.G0 Pays for Tuition in Single and Double Entry Book-Key ing, Writing, Commercial Arithmetic and Lecture. Board S TRcfc* $2O, Stationer}/ $7, Tuition $35, entire £> peases $O2. Usual time, to complete a (till course, Item 6 to 10 weeks Every Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed to be com petent to manage the Book* of any Busloeu and qualified to earn a salary of from ssoota $l,OOO. Students entet at any time—No Vacation—Usrlew at pleasure. _ First Premiums for Best Business Writing f>r 1850 re ceived at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Ohio State Fain. Also,.at the principal Fairs of the Union for the palt four years. Ministers Son* received at half price. For full information. Circular. Specimens df BUsinesetai OrriKmimtaV Writing and Embellished View, of the College, enclose five letter stamps, to F. TV. JENKINS, Sept. 22,1859.—1 y , Pittsburgh, P». Cheap Goods! Cheap Goods!! McCORMICKS STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE ING OPENED, a large stock of SPRING AND SUM MER GOODS, of all the late styles and qualities In On Eastern market. la the lino of LADIES’ DRESS AND DOMESTIC GOODS, wo cannot be surpassed by any house In the place. Oar stuck of Gnocmua, suili as y COFFEE, SDOAB, TEA, STROPS, Ac, are of the boot kind; and all fresh. HARDWARE, QOEEtfSWARE, HATS, CAPS. BONKtTJ, FLATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES, together with as fall assortment of ' - GENTLEMEN A DOTS’ DRESS BOOTS, BOOTEES GAITERS. In the Ladies’ Department, are all the different sad Utiit styles of v GAITERS, BOOTS, BUSKIN AND SLIPPERS, together with'a' general assortment for Children A SUb*l and a good and' fill stock of ■ , GENTLEMENS’, DOTS’ AND CHILDREN’S CWIKKO. tor Spring and. Summer. The largest assortment ef WALL PAPER ever brought to the place, and tatagnnprtdenUy Qi up to 25 cents per roll, with Bounno *° And ns we purpose henceforth to give the especiql attehttah»« will sell very low for SftStor Jfcn produce, and will take in exchange, as usual, Lard, TaOcw, Ftitotoet, SUtwax, de ThanTOj w past patronage, we hope, by a atrtet adherence >( to our old motto, ptqjUt tmd quick soU* t our customers old and gsdn tnoy new one*. Slay 3,1880. , - $3OO $350 $2OO $lOO $5O $5OOO GOODS! GOODS!! E. A. o/kERR’S. R. A. O. Kerr has just received the large*, '| able and best selected stock of Goods in the mwket, ting of an endless variety of goods for mto andbejs • The largest and best assortment of .UM* Dt« in town, consisting of black and fiincy Sflkn, laines. Alpacas, Challio Delaines, plain and figured tox Laww, QlnAwns, Dncals, Lavella Cloth* ellng DreftGood* and a beautiful atsorttnent Also, Tickings, Chdeks, Cotton and Linen Table Diaper, Nankeen, Also, a Urgeassortment of ladles* Dn*i„ mings, Rlb'bons, l GiOTee, Gauntlets, Mitts, HoderJ*® Linen Uahdkerchteß, Neck Tics, Veils, Ban*d • Jaconet, Swiss-Muslins, Victoria Lawns, MJR Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Bands, Velvet Bibw”- Ac. Also, a line assortment of SPRING- SHAWLSt AND ladies’ Black Silk Sommer Cloett Jfeat nnd BeautHW, Boots and Shoes, Bats and Cap*’ Hardware, Qoeeiuware, Wood and nnd Hah. Also; tiie Largest end Bert * CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS in town, which will be sold cheep? ... . Call end examlnomj goods, end iron w " J'Vj, i» tb* that I here the best essortment end cheapest S 0 0” market. _„*haiil -Ifhe Celebrated Bereee Grind Stones, el«J* « Hems, Shoulders, Dried Beet Ac. , __ .. _**},, U , 49h0oStry produce taken in exchange the highest market price, jes April 26, ’6O. w:-.' STILL IN THE HELD I _ ' 'Having understood that tho report to A ] to0 j», that I bad quit tho BUTCHERING I take this method of Informing tny old en«t<» t , or public generally that lam still tarrying on o . old stand, where lam prepared £ on pnDDl^ fl? ’ BKEP, VEAL, PORK. MUTTON, SAUSAOK3, VUU j *e-, equal, If not superior, to anv in the o( made arrangements for pirocnrmg ol with which to furnish the market, an abun cl which will always bo kept on Rand to mee t «»J the public. Those in want of earthing in tno» areres|»ctfoUy Invited to call at the oU rVUEENSWARE, JCSTBBCg® A targa and fiuUonaMa A LL THE STAN^BP KAKWAbtOAtia ATf I* j U .mtiSi - t .' m Q ■mm T- qfcloek ( «!*** Allot ■ -vd#** volley* ' tk*?B*l '■ *4 ** v ym * * vPife foisttiUi i|AVa ATB company put of th . plf » fiOQllatetl •sppwy i lnjwd yttu rooster w Wethers, hiebettci hoopsfiei or three couple of ; which we tuecy tbi fach « si, . ♦hoditH , •■lprpup thalc first few, AtlOt Catholic Bawl. 1 s . Wood! to tlftw. {Mifyd tc iono. k«l ■ iavo.deli Mw* toxlMiet ev of them SOLO loathiom be called •ight of < the effect x few au< Wtisfy ui come. IQL.T cbcen” o c mm* wS?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers