The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 28, 1860, Image 1

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id- ;
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vet TEN years
bcriis prepared to of.
nch has never fkilcd
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Dd effectual Krap*^
ft “nd efTectuallr-
|—nullkc, in™s«2:
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■ ,D nine cases out of
1 ° f . the digestive or
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oml Tlotail at N w
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pro invited to «aU%t
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/or Blair County,
Cooking and V.aa
[Ang. 12,1858.
■ml Criminals is In
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n mii*. together with
■ to be found in any
• f " r ”'1 month*, to
1 « rite tlieir names
I‘ojice Gazette,
iVc iu J o/7; Oily.
r far Washing, on*
''"stile Soap, P«lm
fn- sale at '
ii. Tueirs,
tr Seam Fine Shirts
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anition bearing
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The Bitten
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a healthy amt
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L sold by «*
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‘ ' ."V1- *■£■: J -■ . -.I:. ■■ .1 .V -Vs. * t ; : - V.'jj.t; - > . .f.‘, ■. J- -M«.. - ■ . ' ” ■' v ''■ v . ’ \* ' o' f ■ | ‘ -
ffttmiMßai IHbSiiT
VOL. 5.
IjcCBUM * DBENj pftbllihm and Proprietor!.
M %,80
All pope" aUcontinned at ; the. expiration Of . the time
pld for.
nuts or iumruna.
, v :1 Insertion 2 do. s do.
yourllßM°rl«, > -26 * $ 40
Oas iqusre, (8 lines,) SO "TV 100
Tio “ (W “ ) 100 140 200
IhrM " (2*. “ ),,, 1»0 200 240
Over three week* end leu then three months. 25 cents per
l q a ue for escb insertion.
. Smooths. 6 months. , 1 year,
gix lines or lass, $4 80 $3 00 J s£oo
Om square," r SOO • ,4 00 ; tfiQO
Two “ *OO 600 ' 10 00
Three - ; SOO ’ 8 00« a 1200
iw;“ r; 000 .10 oo uoo
Half a celamn, 10 00 14 00 . 20 00
One column,. 14 00. .25 00 '4O 00
Administrators and KxecutersNotice*,- 175
Merchants advertising by the /ear,- three squares,
with liberty to change, - ■ 1 . : -10 00
Professional or Business ■ Cards, not exceeding 8
lines with paper, per year, .5 00
Communications of a political character or individual in
terest will be charged according to thoabove rates. :■
Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions
desired, will be continued till forbid and charged according
to llio above terms. - '■
Business notices five cants par line tor every.insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding tea lines, fifty centa-asquare
M.«oop,M.n. J.MonnpiLjX. n.
IXG entered into Partnership in the Practice of
ine, respectfully tender their services to the Public
(a the several branches of theirProfessiou.
Calls will be answered either yhiy or night at their oflioo
—which is the some as heretofore occupied by Dra liiist
A Good,—or at the Logan Bouse.
April 21st, 1859-3 m
W. M. LLOYD & CO.,
{Late ‘ ‘ Bell, Johnston, Jack £ Co.?’) ,
Drafts on the principal
Cities, and 1 Silver and Gold for sale. Collections
made. Honeys received on Joposite, payable oii demand,
without interest, or upon time, with interest' at liiir rates.
F5b.3d.1859. j - :
1 1 The undersigned t* prepared to locate LAND WAH-
JtANTS in the Omaha,and Nebraska City Landi Offices.—
Good selections can now tie made near the large streams
ami settlements., -The Lands of this Tetritory, now in
Market, are of thoihest duality.
' OB- Selections carefully mode. Letters of ihquiryre-
Oeeapous, Cass County,' N. Ter.
July It, lSS9.rtf ...
Rev. A. B. Clark, AJtoona,Pa.
Wx. M. LiorUj t Co-Hankers, Altoona, Pa.
HeCahwA;Batir, Editors,' ' .** -
Titos. A.Scws.'Snpt.P. R. 8., “
D. McMtjKidtß, -Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. {.
Wilt practice law In the several Court* of Blair 1 , Cambria,
Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centro and adjoining counties.—
Alto intheDlstrict Count of the United States.
Collection* of claims promptly attended to. [Agent for
IhejSale.of Real Estate, Bounty Land Warrants, and'all
huiines* pertaining, to conveyancing and the law. ,■
•' • | Rkkkxrces :
lion. WUson.MoCandles.and Andrew Burko, Esq., Pitts
burgh; Hop. Samuel A. Gilmore, Pres. Judge of Fayette
Judicial District; Him. ChcnardClcmeps.ofWheiUug, Vag
Hoa Ueury B. Foster, Ureensborg; Hon. John W. Kilt inner,
Lebanon; Hon.Wni. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hon.
George P. Uameltoh, Pittsburg. Jime 16,1859-ly.
Reio Itook gjtorc.
I opened aBOOK STORK nextdoorto fmt—
the corner of Virginia end Annie ttrccU, ftSfmKKL
where may be found
Old pud Standard Authors, New P ublication,s
Light Literature, Periodicals and Staple and
Fancy Stationery in large varieties'.
Also, a new and very select lot of SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC
Altoona are respectfully Invited to call.
’®5—AH orders attended to with promptness and dispatch.
Altoona, Nov. 3,1869-tf H. SMITH.
JL hom Philadelphia, whose.roonubave becnao dense*
ly crowded at the Logan House, on former 'visits, can lie
consulted hereafter at the Altoona House, otic ddjt id each
moutli, notice of which, will he given In this paper. He
will be in Altoona on the 13th dayof JWy,l7th pfiAnznst
end 14th day of Bepteinber, after which ho will be absent
two months, but will give notice tbrongh tlils paper when
uc will commence for the whiter season again., lie treats
diseases flesh Ik heir to. A stethoscopic exambta
llon of the Heart, .Lungs and Throat free of charge. Thro*
®>sds upoa thousands have testified to the correctness of
"“‘fmeg diseases without asking any questions, lie lias
, ,h| rty years’ constant practice among diseased of every
iisture. All diseases of a private nature strictly conflden
,ial - UJUSee hand-bills. Dr. W. LEVINQSTON.
Boots v and shoes.—the un
demigncd' hag now on* hand unci will
store In the MaAmlc Tcin- M
ASD SHOES, ready made, or made to order,
vnriijioei), Indies' Saodals, Gum Shoes, Cork
nnU ercrytlilnp In hU Hue of business, of
™L bestfltuOUyand on the most reasonable tennis. All
'Worn work warranted.
J«n. 2,’66-f f.]
\y,M. Si BItTNER,
Dll WM. R. FlNpiy RE- M
s l-ECTFCntr offers iife
wjKes to the peojile or Altoona and tbead-^^^V
. omii«- couut|nr.
.ty r\ a y be ™und atthe office heretofore oc
«p ed by Dr. O.D. Thomas. JL Jft
Altoona, Sept. SO, JBsBv-tf •
R m. king, shoe
the public that ho
S V? sfW noxtdoortothc
P*rM In" ir s , j! a -Strict, "Where ho |g
■Mailer at reWoM *' lo prices, ami In a substantial
Wr ‘ ',’lXl.-tf.
iw, « portion of tbo
ta l ? w,? b Z A - M-' KING, next
WjdfiJrc®! , * in an<l
i« to get up Men’a Boots & ShocTs^BßP
k Jr” et)lo an j at low rates. [MuiUS.’ttTtf.
.? “ottflod not to purchase or Bell any lager beer
of tho ALTOONA BREWERY there
fr omtii(. ii, ® 8 nor ? r ■* lnTe * )cen end Merer will bo sold
be All kogs containgiug said stamp will
of the lin. J* n<l wherever fonnd, by the proprietor
the y btlon p- -
J M,D.,
l! ' «*^vicimtr° fefl “ ional Bervlcea to t * ie citizens of
, Offi M rtt r^!!u^ n “V* n 1,0 & rea lt required,
<oot n above °B Branch street, East Altoona, three
*e Umrad* Store. > April2B'6fr-ly.
u theg (w phii® fit* celebrated.Lewistowu mills.kent
“• C&r 1 %«• l C»n and get a^pl^of :
.p- the lowest: ■ * TTeb.23 'fc£tt
Ja# -28,1800.
Fn»n the Mobile StotdayJieQicier,
Has b«U?
You ImtoT dear me, I know Ml mD
X’UjttWr drMMLIn tlnw,
For.merejr’s •ake.eooMJhelp mo, *ne;
i:« malm mjr *oi|(t wife plain.
(This la fortbcmkcofrltyiDe,)
Here, lace this gaiter for mo—<Jo;
“A lwle>”>youaaj*» plogne take the ghoe!
Please, Janey, try aml hidett.
1 know it’e Sunday—but, my aoul,
I cannot wear (t with a hole 1
TUe men will gpy it
.They’re always peeping at our feet,
* (Tho* to be sure they needn’t peep '
. The way we hold our dresses.) ‘
Firhisappdfnt themtho’ today,
V “ An(i cross myself, 1 " pray.dld yon say*
Don’tlaugh at mydistreas..
How beautifully thin silkiwiUnwUel'
(Please hand my “selfadjustiug busUe,”
My corset and my.hoop./ A
There now, Tni take five skirts; or sfct;
Do huny, Jane, and help me'flx—
You know I cannot stoop!
B Bow shaUl prayers today ?” ’
As if girls went to church to pray!
How can yon bo so foolish? .
Bere, damp this ribbon in cologne ;
“ What for?” to pftint, yon' jiUy one— 'S
Now, Janey, don’t lib njidfsh! ‘
i t’s no more harm than “iiily white”—
(Please see if this cheek’s painted right,
Andhandmyhoi of chalk,)
Now,daiup the towel,. Janey, dear, »
And wipethiseyehrowT-much Ifcar
I shall he late to walk.
Now, my bonnet. If you please—
Xhat’sas big osallopt,doors,
The awfulsugar-Bcoopl .' •; '
Then, my mantle’s handsome, tho’
,It cost enough to be, Jinow.
(Straighten this- horrid hoop!)
My handkcrclyof and gloves you’ll find '
Just In that drawer—you’re very kind;
(Does my dress trail ?)
It’s all the fashion now, yon know,
(Pray does the paint and powder show
Thro’this lace veil?)
Thank you, my dear! I believe Fm dreaswl,
The saints be praised) the day of rest
Comes only one ini seven; >
For if on all the other she 3
This trouble I should have to fix,
Fd never get to Heaven. ' 1 '
The hats vjgix wx wEsx Giwetiso.”
Oh! the days we worehocrinolino,
A long time ago : ' ‘ ,
When we along the streets could walk
In comfort with each beau.
Ere hoops and springs, and such like things,
On ladle’s forms were seen:
Ere fathers’s roved and husbands stormed
Aboutthe crinoline. . ■ N >
Ere wicked,wags, with crnel Jokes,
Could canse us care and woo;
In the days we wore no crinoline,
A long time ago.
Onr hearts were light, we felt no fright I
Through crowds to wend pur way;
Bot now Wrejammed,an4 knocked about
Where’er wecbancetd'etray.
With friends we then conld sail in heats,
On atteatnlets bright and fafri
But now our dresses are so large
There isnotime to spore.
And then we hear the rascals say,
“Jfrwns not al way »so,
In thedoysweworeno crinoline,
: Along timeago.’’ j -
We then conld pass each conntrylass
Without a Blngle Sneer; '
But now hy feshion we’re compelled
Theee h<srid £efap to wear.'
Onr cavaliers to be; --• •
Todead us up and down the town,
The things and lights to see. ' ;
Bat nov they laagfa and rnn away—
It wasnot alwaysao, .r : -~ ■■
In thedays we woreno crinoline,
■ •'./ A longtime ago.
W «w common sense should reign
/O’er feshion’s changing scene, f '
When We may dress as once we did,
Korlmltate a queen.
The men, also, they must adopt .
X moro.becoming mien; -•
• A - ! f j5-1’;:' *■ .iv
!Thon We no moro shall woep and
It \raa not always so, .. '
i 1,1 da?* wore no crinoline,
. .. Ajong.timo agoi '
THE AM) >THE wyviak
Somotedjr writtcu the following about the girUand
sot it afloat.— ’T ' ' - •
Whose golden curls >
~ Bl«^wlQi©Teningdr«mB;
par liw
V:l, ■ ...-V;,
Qr—iatho hsiadi) hsnatthe stream*.
,- they soothe oar jmios,
they fiUourbrtfps ' '
dyefUMbf (manner hbrirs; ‘
Godblesstho girls, '
V God bless their carte, ‘
Mess our human Sobers.
Tlie wires, wo,think, are as deserving of a blessing as
■ftp girls;,there fore; we-sobmit the following^—" ! ’
Qod bless the wives,
. they till oorhivss
■ IRft Uttk bew sad honoj ;
" lh«y ease Ufa’s shocks,
■ Uwy mend oar socks, ' '■
But don't they spend the money!
Ofrqgaith girls, '
■ V i. -Witt jpnny curfew
v W« .inajr In fancy dreanij ..
fint wives—true wh#e«-. r
- v Throughout our Ilytß, /
Are jTieiythtog they seem..
Irregular Practice of a Regular Prac
/VU;tftionerv • ‘
In the summer of ’4B, about the period
of the close Of the Mexican war, one of
: 6 ?®Cers of our army-—armmnr^nr—re
honaei from the scenes of his per*
us and bis glory, brought with him a num
ber of rare insects and animals indigenous
toMoxido. He put up for some time at
the St. jOharles Hotel, where his cabinet
°f Datuiul cunosities'attracted much at
tention j r Among them was a Jiving ich
neumon fly, a rej>ulsive looking animal, of
the mostidestrnctive instincts/ that would
' destroy apd devour ants and other insects
with a mpst sanguinary rapacity. A gen
tjcman/. Whom for noiice we ’ shall- call
Jones, wps at the time stopping at the St.
Uharles, add. he formed for the ichneumon,
a strong dislike; indeed, having once seen
it, he could hot bear again, to look .at it.
* mam of kindly nature and gen-
His mind was genial and
sociable tp a fault, and this, sometimes led
him into convivial excesses, which tended
to. cloud ia mihd and confuse an under
standing ivAich were otherwise strong,
clear, and comprehensive.
, AboutJhc time we speak of/ he indulg
ed to ,suph an- extent in a dcoauch that
a ]potu followed. He was no sooner
seized witjh this disease than the'ichheu
: mou seized upon his distempered imagina
tion. This single obnoxious animal mul
tiplied into ten thousand. They covered
his he thought, and, like so many
Vampires; ; yrerp sucking his life’s blood
from himi He looked but in the room
and saw them in most deadly conflict with
grotesque red and blue monkeys j and they
were drawn up in solid column all around
the -mosquitobar to prevent his escape.-^—'
Hs neryies were unstrung, his brain was
fevered> and his distress of mind could not
have beeni greater if his apprehensions had
been foupded on reality, instead of being,
as they Wore, the emanations of a disor
dered Under the circumstan-1
cos, his fnen ds| concluded to send for Dr.
•77-> onejof opr most eminent city phy
sicians/ with the view of his prescribing
something to allay the nervous irritability
of the patient.; They did send for him,
and soon after the doctor arrived, smoking
his cigjtf/earing nothing about the antics
of the ichneumons, or the pranks of the
red monkpvs. ; ,As he entered the room,
he founditnc patient - engaged in a vigor
ous conflict with some imaginary enemy
beneath the mosquito bar, acting more,
however, it would seem, on the defensive
than on the offensive. Now he would slap
his hand across his face as if some
thing off his nose; now he would draw up
his knee, and a spasmodic kick to
wards the foot of the bed; now he would
make his Open Ixand resound on his shonl
d^<: aud ;; on his thigh. The
odaeagainat bins seemed to be overpower
ing* jet hp batded manfully. The doctor
saw at onoe what disease was, and re
solved to fesort to a quick remedy for its
cure. ' i!
, ‘VDon’tyou think, doctor, '’ said a friend
of the by the way, was a
regular practitioner, to<>—“don’t you
thinh phlebotomy would have an excellent
e&ct in hfs .caae ?” '
“ Don tthinkifc would,” said the doctor.
. “ I m 4urs,’? said the nurse, , who be
lioved that hydropathy was a cure for all
diseases, “(I'm bare that if he got a cold
bath, apd ; temples bathe with fee, it
would afford him great relief.”
“ Fiddlesticks!” said the doctor, puff
ing his as unconcernedly as before.
“ I have! seen ?a man laboring under a
similar milady,” said the bar-keeper of
the establi|hmep t, who felt a strong friend
ship for the patient at this quasi-medical
consultation, u and gentle purgatives gave
him immediate rblief.”
“You did, did ypu ?” said the doctor.,
“ I did,”saidthe bar-keeper*
“What f pity,’? said the doctor,/‘.that
you did not publish the fact in the col
umns of the * Medical Journal!’ ”
While this conversation was going on,
poor J6nes| who had jtakeh lessons in box
ing from Roper,, was availing himself of
:the art of self-defence to beat off the hi
'dcous enemy. The doctor approached the
bed, saying, when he got there, Hallo,
Jbaes 1”-—d»ey were on friendly terms of
intimacy with one another—“ Hallo, Jones
what are you about—-what are you driving
“Qh, doctor said poor Jones, th'e
running down his face, and
fear seated in his eyes—“ Oh, doctor, can’t
joy .drive off these ichneumons ? There,
jtherol’’ (pero he gave his ear a crack,)
That fellow was striving to get into my
ear!” I ' ■ '<;• ‘ i '■
“So youare troubled with the ichneu
mons, are you ?” said the dobitof. * '
;f with them!” said Jones; “I
jMaltottgred; I’m maddened to death with
them." ! ■
Vv-Ha' ?
v J must see and relieve ypn,”
JBaidihe doctor, and laying his. segar on
the table, he took up a boot-jack that lay
before and just as Jones Had turned
dver :td-have a tussle with to
ichneumon,; the doctor gave him a lusty
X ■ , W 1 ; - V
_ j' ~ • =
smM P^kddang.
the boot-jack on tibe posteriors
that made him bounceiuthobed, which
bounce made the bed'shake.
“ Hallo, doctor/’ said Jones. “what ate
yon about ?” ' ? ;;
' "Just chasing off the ichneumons,”
said, the doctor, and he gave Jones another
lick with the boot-jack, striking him in
the same place.”'
"Murder, murder !” said Jones, "you
will kill me.”
"No,” said the Doctor, repeating the
b10w,.“ but Pll kill the ichneumons,” and
poor Jones received another lick with the
boot-jack well laid on. ,
" Murder, murder! save me! save mdl”
smd Jones, jumping out of the bed, run
ning round the room, followed by the doc
tor, plying the. boot-jack alf the time.
“ Oh, enough, enough, doctor, I” said
Jones, getting behind a rocking-chair to
shield himself from the boot-jack.
"Then you cry enough, do you ?” said
the doctor. '
Too muchr—altogether too * much,”
said Jones.
"Dp you see any ichneumons now?”
said the doctor.
“Not one said Jones.
" I thought not,” said the doctor;/'get
to bed now and Jones, his thighs cov
ered .over with red blotches, the imprints
Of the boot-jack, quietly went to bed.
“Now take this,” said the doctor, filling
out a pint bottle of London porter, in
which he put an opiate, and Jones, as sub
missive as a child, swallowed it as ordered.
Bo soon fell asleep, and,, after a long and
refreshing one, awoke well. Poor fellow!
he is since dead, but as long as he lived
he never again saw an ichneumon. 1 »
> r.;-v. ■-' *• •
. I have said that James S. King was a
great friend of Daniel Webster. So he was
of Nicholas Biddle. At one time such
was the influence of Mr. King that he held
Wall street in his hand, and some profane
persons 4pmed him the "Almighty of
Wall street.” He was fond of a little fun
occasionally, and like a good joke ot a good
story. He held a share in the celebrated
“ Tontine Stock ” (By the way I mean
to give you a list of ail the original mem
bers’ of the Tontine, and of such as are
now living. I think all the Oracle family
qnd all the King family had stock in the
Mr. King had a horror of the three and
four per cent, a month operations. On one
occasion a merchant who was doing a very
extensive business,. and for whom Mr.
King felt a sincere friendship, came to
him and said : '
" Mr. King, I keep four large bank ac
counts, and I have offered heavily the best
paper for discount. I shall have to go on
the street and’ do as others do—get hea
vily shaved. Money is worth now three
POP cent, a month. ’ I have got tp pay it.
I do not sec why I should not pay that to
your house as well as on the street. I
know you object to such transactions, but
I cannot help myself. I will bring down
my portfolio. It contains "Bills Recei
vable” over $200,000 of A No. 1 business
paper; You can take your selection. I
must have $lOO,OOO in cash before another
week/’, t ■ -.v-'3|£r ■-'
" No business can stand such a premium
for money any length of time; It will
use up a million of capital very speedily,”
smd Mr. King.
Y “ Oh, not at all. My business will jus
tify my paying any amount of interest,
however exorbitant.”
“Why discount for a short time ? Why
not make it for two or three years ? X
will not discount your good business pa
pefc Pay your debts with it. I wiH dis
count your note for a hundred thousand
if you will make it three years.”
<f Thank you, Mr, King, I wiH draw it
at on ce. It is very kind in you, but don’t
you want if collateral ?” -
“No sir. Mr. Miller, (turning to his
accountant,) take off tpe discount at three
per cent a month, on $lOO,OOO for three
yews, and draw a check for the balance
for My. 2). Wait a moment, D., give me
your note for $100*000.” The conversa
tion. general, both were seated,
when. Miller, .the .accountant; handed
the following memorandum to Mr. King;
Noteof Mr. D for : ■ ■ *1 nn fwv
payable three years afterdate. ** J ■
Discount at three per ettt. amonth tethirty-dx
a year, and for threeyoatg 108 percent, or SIOB,QQO
ifiancc duoto Prime, Ward AKlng, ■ $B,OOO
“I)., have you a blank checkjrith you?”
pleasantly asked Mr. King. ’
/‘ A check. What for : x i '
»W v hy. Miller has handed me a statement
and I find that if we discount or shave
your note for three years 1 for $lOO,OOO at
three per cent, a month you have to bav
us SSiuOO.’* ; ■ J i
" Why this is absurd. I give you iny
note for $lOO,OOO and'get no cash In re
turn, but have to give you |BjOoo cash.-
“Be cool, J)., and listen; I have done
this purposely to give you a lesson, and
to show you where your mercantile career
will end, if you submit to such extortion.
.Now, if you will pledge me your word of
“°nor that .you will curtail yojar'busihcss
and never pay more than seven per cent!
interest, to carry oh your trade,T will fell
you what I will do.' You want $100,000.'
Draw your note . forpthat- sum at ninety
days, leave'with me $lOO,OOO of your best
notes receivable, and I will give you the
money* less the ordinary discount of seven
percent..' . ' .
. Mxv D. was grated. He; appreciated
the lesson taught by Hr. King, and he is
at the present moment one of me wealthi
est men in the oity of Hew Ypirk,
The Japanese and Bobhrt Heller.
Jn Baltimore, Mr. Heller,] celebra
ted magician, became very fainiliar with
many of the Japanese, and remarka
ble skillful feat, performed fbt the express
benefit of Tommy, obtained the good will
of that distinguished Oriental to an un
precedented extent! It appears that some
one gave Tommy an engraving of the
Gilmore House which : he appeared to val
ue a great deal; By some accident the
picture got ; tom, and, Tommy ; was much
grieved. The Wizard, standing near him,
asked for the picture, and rolling it up,
bade Tommy hold it in his - hand. He
then rolled up the torn, piece also, and
pushed it gently into the hollow of the
roll in the hand of Tommy. jffihen direc
ting the attention of the ouric^Tcrowd to
the simplicity of his operations, he hade
Tommy unroll the picture, an|'marvelous
as it may appear, it was completely re
stored, and as smooth and creaseless as
though it had just come from ithe hands
of the printer. The Japanese; involunta
rily recoiled for a moment, but seeing
several gentlemen shake hands; with Mr.
Heller, to convey their appreciation of the
extraordinary skill Just displayed, they
soon recovered themselves, and requested
to see more or his power. Tte Wizard
complied immediately by directing their
attention-to a small tobacco pouch, which,
one of them had laid down in |he centre
of a marble slabbed table. He struck
it a blow with his hand,land in an instant
the poiich was on the floor, breath the
table, having apparently pass 64 through
the marble. I ; '
The table iras scratinouslyilxaminedj
n °t only by the Japanese, f but by others
standing by, but without arriving at any
satisfactory conclusion as to the manner
in which the feat was performed, inaA
much as the marble was as firmfand solid
as eyer. Another very fine sample of his
remarkable ability was ezhibitecTimmedi
ately afterwards with the aforesaid pouch.
Directing that it might be placed in the
cep ter of the table, he struck the underside
of the marble a blow sufficient to cause
the pouch to rebound from the surface.—
The first blow drove up the pouch about
an inch, a second blow doubled the height
of the rebound and so forth until by a
succession of blows it rose to about a foot.
Suddenly'the Wizzard struck a blow har
der than the rest, and the pouch flew up
wards, Heaven knows” where, for it did
not again descend to the. table, f All saw
it rise • it appeared to vanish ip the air at
about three feet from the Surface of the
marble. The exclamations of astonish
inent were unanimous, Faces tiirned* up
wards as though the pouch might'be found
above. Suddenly Mr. Heller 'requested
the almost horror-stricken multitude to
watch for the reappearance of the lost
pouch upon the table.
All waited for the event. Xf dame, ap
pearing tp fall from the air into whiph it
bad and falling upon-the very
spot from which it had started. ‘.The Ja
panese were nearly aghast at this feat, and
some one asserted that their very pigtails
assumed an elevated position front the in
tensity of their astonishment. Bat the
necromancer had not finished, for opening
the pouch, (quite a small one,) he produ
ced tobacco enough from it to supply the
whole Embassy. Where all this tobacco
came from is p question, for the article
used by the Japanese is very peculiar and
not to be obtained in this country, never
theless, the tobacco produced from the
pouch was pronounced to be thAgenuinc
Japanese tobacco. The pouch itsielf would
hold possibly four ounces, but omitted on
this occasion nearer foprjaqunds,- These
and many dthef matters ijf interest to all
present Mr. Heller amu&d himself with,
exhibiting an amount of skill and adroit-
ness throughout that may assuredly rank
him as the Jrst, illusionist living.
■» ■ Obeedv,—A scene' Occurred
at our depot, writes a Missouri friend, the
■"other day which -for cool impudence, I
have seldom seen paralleled.
I yas standing there on the arrival of
St.. Louis packet, when a gentleman
comes up and addressed a man standing
®l®se by itte, evidently a stranger to him,
With the common .Western question:
“ Bo you use tobacco ?”
. Yes, sir,” he graciously replied and
produced a plug of the highest dimension,
ho handed it to the applicant, who taking
oqt his knife, cat off about, one fifth of it,
with the common observation—
“ There’s tobacco enough for any man,
ain’t there ?*’ * i ;
“ Well ! should think there was.”
“ Very well you take it then/’ he cool
ly replied, and handing J;he small piece to
him, he put the plug into his pocket,' and
walkedawayl ijA J >.. sf:
S&? There ate. thlfteeiT thousand uni
formed volunteers in Pennsylvania.
Faults Pompey Couldn’t Bemerobor.
A good clergyman wishing to be rid of
bis horse, and to try for a bettor oge, di
rected the old negromatr to sell his beast
for what ho would fetch, or to exchange
him for another, adding at the same time,
an anxious caution not to deceive the
purchaser, and even enumerating the
faults of the animal, lest one should be
overlooked. “ Remember Pompey, he
has four faults/' u Oh yes, massa, I re
member." . h
Pompey, jogging along the road, and
counting over the list to himself, as the
old lady over her luggage, “ Big box little
box, band-box bundle," was overtaken by
aman on horseback, wbo entered into con
versation, and among other topics, made
spme inquiries about the horse.
Tomney 'told his'story, and that his
master had charged him to tell the home's
faults to the purchaser with reservation.
“ Well, what are they?” said the stranger,
who hadV mind to swap. “ Dere is four
massa," said Pompey, “and I don’t re
member them all very well lost how,
bub--" =
“ Well, tell me those you dor remem
ber.” “ Well, sor, one is dat the is
white, and de white hairs get on inassa’s
coat/ and dat don’t look well for a 61
man/' ; <( And the next?” '« Why,when ■
he comes tea brook he will put humofte
down and blow in de water, and massn
don’t %o dat.? «What next?" «I
don’t anyhow remember de oders,’* said
Pompey; * peering into the clouds with one
eye refleotingly. - ;
.Tho strange* concluded to, strike a har
pin, end exchange: his own horse, which
tad not quite so gentle an as the par-*
won’s for this nearly unexccptable animah
It was not long before the clerical steed
Stumbled and threw his rider into a ditch
himself up as well as he could,'
he examined his new purchase a little
more closely, and discovered that the
horsewas entirely blind. Finding Pom
pey again without much difficulty, his
wrath burst forth in a torrent of reproach
es. “ You black raScal ? what does this
mean? This horse is broken kneed, and
as blind as'a' mole !” t{ Oh, yes, massif”
said Pompey,; blandly, “ dem’s de odder
two faults dat 1 couldn’t remember
Whpu the world was created we find .
there was land, water and sky ; sun,mPmit,
and stars. ; Noah had but three sons; Jp*
ffah wm three days in the whale's belly.;
our Saviour passed three days in the tomb.
P*eter denied his Saviour thrice, ‘Tbetd
were three patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac
a,nd Jacob... Abraham entertained three
Samuel was called three timed.
“Simon; lovest- thou me ?” was repeated
tbreo times. Daniel was 1 thrown inio a
den with three-lions, for praying three
times a day. Shadraoh, Meshech and
Abednego were secured from the flames
of the oven.- The Ten Commandments
were delivered on the third day. Job had
three friends/ St. Paul speaks of faith,
hope and charity—those three. Those ft*
mpus dreams of the baker and butler were
to come to pass in three days; and Eli
jah prostrated himself three times on the
body of the dead child. Samson deceived
Delilah three times before she discovered
the secret, of his strength. The sacred
letters on the cross are I H. S.; soalso
the Roman motto was composed of three
*bt&, In 7u>c tignb. There are three eon*
ditions for man—the earth, heaven and
hel|. ; There is also a Holy Trinity.. In
mythology, three Graces; Cerebus,
J&tee hands; Neptune holding his three
[ toothed staff ; the Oracle of Delphi cher
ished with veneration the tripod; and the.
nine Muses sprang from three. In nature,
we have morning, noon, and night. Trees
grow their leaves in three; there is the
three leaved clover. Every ninth wave ia
a ground swell. We have fish, flesh and
fowl. The majority of mankind die at
thirty. What could be done in ' mathe
matics without the aid of the triangle f
Witness the power of the wedge and in
logic three promises are indispensable.
Pretty Hard Ice.— -Beacon Johnson
•is a great temperance man, and sots a good
.example of total abstinence, as far aa hods
seen. Not long since he employed a car
penter to make some alterations in his par
lor, and, in repairing the corner near the
fire-place, it was found necessary to remove
the wainscoting, when lo 1 a discovery watt
made that astonished everybody. A decan
ter,' a tumbler, and a pitcher were oozilj
reposing there as if they had stood there
from the beginning. The Beacon
summoned, and as he beheld the blushing <
bottles, he exclaimed : . ' ■
“ Well, I declare that 'is curious, sum
enough. It must have been old Bains left
them when he went out of this house
thirty years ago.”
“Perhaps ho did/- returned the carpoit
ter, “ hut,. Beacon, the ice in the pitched -
musthave friz mighty hard to stay all this
WSuGlear as mud.—“My German friend
bQtf Jong have you been untried ?” ffVTel*
dis am a ting 1 seldom don’t like to talk
about; hut vehT dns, it seeing tome about
so long as it never was.”
- ,^
NO. 22.