LYON’S Jtee OMo Catawba Brandy. UNIVERSAL PREFERENCE ■ • which is given to this brand chows that it Is the only PURE BRANDY for MEDICINAL PURPOSES known, which Is fully corroborated by all practicing phy SicJans'who have used it in their practice. For Summer Complaints with Children, A guarantied or the money will be re • funded, nrit will effectually relieve that affliction, as well as BlarTb«ea & Bowel Complaint, AS A BEVERAGE, The pure article Is altogether superior, and a sovereign and. SURE REMEDY for Ditpeptia, Flatulency, Cramp, Colic, Languor, Lop Spirits, Omeral Debility, Nervous t nets, Liver Complaint, etc.- Physicians, who havo used It in their practice, speak of If intbe moet flattering terms, os will bo seen by reference to the numerous letters and certificates. ■ ' A. HART & CO., Proprietors, Cincinnati. A. ROUSH, Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Blair coonty. Kov.lo, 1869. fIIHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD J reepoctfullj inform his old cu»- *wmsn and th< ' public generally tint be hM Jtul *ndi hasdsoxx a«- CLOTHS, AND which ho is now and Is prepared to the latest stylo k ner, as none but are employed, am be warranted to He has also a good FDBNIBHXNG such as Saiarr »m»Tg, Drawers, Pocket Handkerchief, Nock Ti«, Stocks, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac., Acu also a large assortment of BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, nil of which hois determined to sell as cheap as they can he bought this side of Phila-T delphia. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock, as I shall take pleasure in showing them,: Doors open at all times from 6A. M. until 9P. M. Admittance free. May i‘ 1859-tf THOMAS ELWAY, GREAT OPENING OF ' V SPRING AND SUMMER CE> CE> £E) §§3 « T . Bi MILESIAN HAS JUST BE - m " ccived and opened at his old stand, on TMnlsit, »large and attractive assortment of seasonable goods, com prising alt the novelties in £JtXOSS, DVCALS, LA WHS, GINGHAMS, EMBROI DERIES, LACES BOSIER7 it GLOVES, and all varie ties andtexturca of LADJES DRESS QOODS, together with a full assortment of goods for gentlemen’s ♦ear.audios Cloths, Casslmcreannd Vestings. Also a full stock of Hardware, Qneensware and : v " GROCERIES, ttdAii assortment of ; , JpOOTS, SHOES, GAITORS, &C,, of all sizes and styles, which 1 ; equal to any the market, ipd will ho sold at foir prices. - Having recently enlarged my. store-room, I catryiow display my largely increased stock to hotter advantage ajut would respectfully invite everybody to call. .fiday 12,1859. Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, A SPOUTING-, &C. TAS. TV. RIGG WOULD RE- M gpectfully inform the citizens of .siflyfcinity that he keeps constantly on bond bt-ge assortment of Cooking, Parlor, office otuf{*■■■. Shop Storm, of all stylos wot Sizes, to suit the wants of ell, which 'bo will soil at low prices, on reaapn- Ohio terms. ’ '■ •Ho alto keeps on hand a large stock of Tin .and Shea- Jron iVbre, consisting of ail articles for ciUluarypnrpoecs—• Coal IkuUlet, Stow Pipe, ote. \ Ho has also purchased the right of sole in Blair county, or B. V. JOSES’ J . IMPROVED SAUSAGE STAFFER, an which needs only to be seen io be spprecla and should be possessed by every fanned,-bUtchetor thoee inquiring sneb a machine. •• . ' Particular attention paid to patting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most reasonable terms. fapril 14,1869-1 y TTEENAN AND SAYERS ! JESSE SS£ITH, . / Wopld .respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona apd vicinity,tint he has just arrived froth the city with a forge ■ and spfoadid stock of . > HATS H OF AND ALE V'CAPS, ■ stalls; - For jSjNrljDi Summer Wear, oi every color and shape. Also, a good assortment of ‘ • Muses and Children’s Flats, MEKAND BOYS’ STRAW RATS, , * varieties, all of which will bo sold ■ im CASH. ■ ■ ' Jersons in want of anything ,4n the above line,will pfoase givome a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am detemlnedto sell at the very lowest possible prices. Store oh 'Virginia street, opposite the Lhtheran church. I _AlJpppa, Hay 3, ISBO-tf JESSE SMITH. aawusißWW. . wsl m.oqbmli. ww.cceet Ws M. CORMLY & CO., %J%OLESAIiEGBO€EB^ " 'dealers in" FLOUR* GRAIN, SEEDS. MESS PORK, DRIED BEEF, SUGAR-CURED HAMS, CHERSE, 1 ' IRON, v NAILS, GLASS, &0., &e. ' ' \ NO. 271 LIBERTY STREET, li ’ • • •••;. OPPOSITE EAGLE HOTEL, ; . ; ■ PITTSBURGH, PA; , *pHB GREAT QUESTION WHICH j »~ ' 'now agitates tho mind of every is;wlierecan I get the beat article for mondyf In regard to other matters, the scriber wonld not attempt to direct, bat it you want anything In the line of • BOOTS OR SHOES ,he invites an examination of his stock and work. 3e keeps constantly on hand on assortment ofßoota, Shoes, Qtqters, Slippers, Ac., which ho offers at fair prices. 'SpU|ill give special attention to custom work, all of vrliSflrwlH bo warranted to give satisbetion. None but the bott workmen are employed ■* Remember my shop is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store O, ’57-tf] AT THE OLD STAND!! riIHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN 1' FOB3I the public that ho has Just received ham the JSst# splendid assortment of OLOTES AND VESTINGS, FOR SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTHING, which he wilt make to order onshort notice and reasonable terms, and warrants to give satisfaction. Persons in want ofanyuting in his lino can rely upon being fairly dealt With* JOHN OHONNEL. 49" Shop on Main St., a few doors below the “ Red Lion HStel." [May 24,1860. TIITORE LIGHT! MORE LIGHT! JSyL Just arrived at the store of A. Roush, a splendid IptofaNoi 1, Carbon Oil, which be will sell at ill cts per quirt, also a lot of Carbon Oil Lamps of Jones Patent which are warranted to be superior to any other kind. Altoona, Roy. 24, ’69-tf. c >. 0 YES! 0 YES!—GENTLEMEN ■ draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT innoun cee to the pu-iic, that he is ready to discharge his duty daap Auctioneer whenever callsd upon. fjan.2 ’SB. SEL LIN G OFF—A LARGE As sortment of Boots and Shoes, Buffalo and Cali OWrfhoes, at H.TOCH’B Hoc. 9.1838. PAMPHENE' BURNING FLUID, \J/'Jdhseed.Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and Alcohol, fcr sale cheap at ’ A. ROUSH’S. QPEOTAOLES’AND EYE PRESER- Q -tert'rar sale at gjSSSLEK’S BxlO TO 20jc84, AND OUT \JT "to older by ; pEp- received, a LAM* sortmont of GOOD MEWS! The Train has Arrived! JB, HELEMAN HAS JUST RE • TUBNKDfrom thocitywitha large and carefully Selected stoch of I •. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which he ia determined to sell cheap, consisting in part of Black mid Fancy SILKS,' Bombazines, Detainee, Cali coes, Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White Goods, SHAWLS, 4c. Also, ijjtßN’S WEAK of all descriptions, each aa Cloths, Oasslmeres, '1 Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, -Cord Dril -1 lings. Testings, Ac, 4c. Bools, Shoes and Gaiters. A large assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, for Ladies, Qentsand Hisses, qf all prices, sizes and qualities. : 41*0,a large assortment of QOEKNBWARE and HARD*; WARE, Single aud Donblo Carpet Chain, Fleece Cotton, OARPKE^Ac; , } GROCERIES: This department is snpplled with the very choicest articles that can be had in market, and as cheap as can bo Bad anywhere, consisting in part of prime RIO , COFFEE, SOQA.R,aII kinds and prices; Syrup and Molasses, Black and Green Teas, Rice, ' Spices, Tobacco and Segars; Starch, Com Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Can dles, Mustard, Oils, Tutpeu ' tine, FISH, 4d, 4c. Thankful for past foyers; ho hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. \ 4U kinds pf Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. J. B. HILEMAN. April 2d, 1860. Cassimeres, VESTINGS, offering for sale, make them np in most durable man* the beet workmen all work made will give satisfaction. Stock of Germ’ , GOODS, Collars, Uxdke- JOHN H. ROBERTS. m |i® 'J _H ■ a'ill is o h—| S £ill|l if Uj S <> fa § < % ItS *1 ££ ■ Q rvl S gt|»ai 88 q hH £lll*ll : H g “ |ts S ft | „ CgHaJ is; 8 I 11§ ® |o§ O CH s ”||t|S| gg 18 O if! H**i , MS II 6 t MILtINERY AND TRIMMIMG STOBJB.—MISS JENNIE SCOTT respect nnonocesto the ladies of Altoona and vici- uTB nity that she Is how prepared to supply all their Msfr wants in the Millinery and Trimming tine, fihe-Sfc*- has on hand anexcelient assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS, STRAIT ASP LACE GOODS, FLOWERS & RUCHES, BIBBANBS AND CUMMINGS, to which she invites the attention of tho ladies. ' She has aslp one of Mrs. C. C. Dow’s patent ‘ Hir And bonnet pressing machine, and Is therefore enabled to do work in tuts line in asnpo rior maSjtoatvon short notice, and at reasonable prices. She invites a call. [AprU-12,1860.-tf. Exchange hotel —the sub-; SCBIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently ro- i/mCri fitted the above Hotel, arid is now pre- aBwwJU ' pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, andhe®ES|figjjsE ■ will spars no pains in making it an agreeable home for nil: sojourners. ' His Xablewill always be luxuriously supplied) from (he ioarkets of the country and cities, and his Bar' filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable asthose of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they cannot be complained of by those who fever him witb-thoir custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and folly intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to thc pobltc andtamtes a trial. I have Just received a stock of No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for mediainal pur poses, together with a lot of the .Best old Bye Whiskey to. be fbnnd in the country. ' ’ Altoona, May 27,186? r 1y] JOHN BOWMAN. TTOWARD ASSOCIATION, JX PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution ttipbUthedJty Special Endowment, for the Jteliefof the Sick and Distressed, affiicted with Virtdad and Epidemic Distant, and efpedmg for the Curt of Ditedtet'of the Sexual Organs. ’ ' , 1 Medical'Advicegivep gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, vtth a description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of Ufo, Ac,) and in cases of extreme poverty. Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, andbn the Hrw sexzuies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stomps for postage will boacceptahle. Address, DR. X SKILLON HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phii ‘ adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. : V. ' EZRA D. HEARTWELL. Pres't. GKO, FAIRCHILD, Sedg. [Jan. 19, *OO.-ly GLENN’S ?=. ONE PSICE HAT AND CAP STOB£ (OOROTR 07 THE FIVE STOUT BLOCK,) North Wat Corner j>f Eighth and Race Streets, f^t^fLADELPRIA. The public are respectful- to bear in mind that at this Store may lie found oif assortment of fashionable and handsome MoUtkin Dress Balt, Soft Halt, < High, Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Glazed . Caps, Plush .and Plush Trimmed Caps for Men and ; i ' Boys, Fancy Bits and Caps for Children, , r ' at Fair Prices. ■ 1 NO TWO PRICESEOR REGULAR GOODS."®* : Jim. 12,1860,-ly . ' T>BP lAON HOTEL, ■ ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNiTF, PA. This old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars in Altoo na, has passed into the.hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the .business .warrants me in assuring the travelling public that no painswill .be spared to render guests as comfortable as' possible' wh&e - sqfonrning under myroof. ■■ t \ . ■ The TABLE will constantly bo supplied with the very best the market affords. \ The BAR will be found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kihds, including, that choice herb nee LAOER BEER. The STABLE Is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. ; ' v i' The proprietor hopes, by his long experience in the bnsines andthe facilities at nis command, to make the Ltod Lion, in'all respects, a first class Hotel. The business of the Hotel will be under my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public patronage!* kindly solicited. 1 JOHN W. SOHWEIGERT, Proprietor, ' May 19, 1859,-tf , j: IVEW GROCERY FEED ANDPRO- Al VISION STORE. / The subscriber would respectfully Inform the citizens j»f Altoona and vicinity that he has opened astoreofthe abofe kind, near the comer of Adallne -and; Julia streets. East Altoona, whore-ho will keep constantly on hand a fail sup ply of everything in his line. His f GROGERIES are all fresh and win her sold at prices ah low as those bf any other establishment in town. His stock dfprovisions, consisting of ••• . •• • .■ • Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sides, dec. |i will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any where else. His Flour is obtained from the best mills pi the Western part of the State, and is warranted to be whit it +s represented. ji All kinds of Feed for horses, cows and hogs, always' oh 1 hand. . r I intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all times bo able to supply my customers with whatever they may need, and I intend also to Sell at prices which wRI moke it a saving to those who patronize my store. ■[" July 22,1858-3 m. HENRY BELL. Medicated fur chest pro tector, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affec tions of the Lugs, which arise from tho exposed state of the chest, according to fashion and the continual changes ofoht Climate, for sale at the Drug Store of 6. W. KESSLER.? - PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint,' also Chrome. Green, Yellow, Earls Green, dry n-ground oil at [l-tf.] KESSLER’S Blanks of all descriptions itrtitlyand expeditiously executed at this office. ; OREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, • NO- V“ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA; PA., ■ TTETHERE MAY BE HAD ALL THE fT popular Publications of the day, as follow*: Neu> Terk Ledger, ■Nero Fork Mercury, Jftw Fork H&tfy, - Scientific American, iVSw JWk HhneNg. v flag yf Ottr OuM*, . "■>;i ■ Trite Flag, \ •' ■ AsuriontPttoa, , _ BaSm Neumaper, Sunday Difpateh, Sunday Mercury, , pKaeriy JuuAm, Rank La&e’t Pictorial, Harper 1 * Wtetdg, , Ballou’i Pictorial, ■ ■ Prank Letlie’ilU. German Riper, i !Ae lUuttrattd ffbrli, {German,) p: The Neto York Clipper, National JVUee Gazette, Vniltd Stale*PMee Ornette, ; : Bottom POot, Jrith American, Some Journal , ■ Banner of light,. \ . SpiritualTrlegraph, Weekly Tribune, :■■■■ Porter 1 * Spirit, lift VbutraUd, Frank LetUe’i Budget of Pun, Yankee Notion*, Altoona Tribune. NixNax. DAILIES: Philadelphia Preu, Nem York Herald, Public Ledger, Beta York Tribune, Pittsburgh True Preu, Bern York Time*. -North American, Pitttburgh Chronicle, JScenittg Bulletin, Boating Argue, Penmytvanian. To whichwill be added the new publications as they appear. Magazines, Novels and Romances, Miscellaneous Books, School' Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Cap and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and ! Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in fact every ' thing in the Stationary, line. Toys, No tions and Gaines of every variety, Pic tures and Picture Frames, Ac. : g®, A choice tot of CONFECTIONERIES, of every vari ety. I Also, TOBACCO and SEGARS of the best quality, N.B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, for HORN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does pot- Uicety cure all sores to which it is applied. Try it. 7-tf.J ■ H. PETTING EE. Marriage guide—being a private instructor for married persons, or those about to be married both male female, in everything concerning the physiolo-^99B^V fy and relations of our system, and the pro action or prevention offspring, including all the now dis coveries never before-riven in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and inter estipgwork. It is written in plain language for the gene ral reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings.— All young married people, or those contemplating mar riage, and having the least impediment to married life, Should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one shotdd be acquainted- with; still it is a book that must bo locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent td any,cine on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or in postage stamps Address DB. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AND UNFORTUNATE—No matter what may be j’our disease, before you place yourself under the bare of any one of the notorious quacks—native or for eign—who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of either of Dr. Young’s Books, and read it carefhlly. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, ybur health andposslblyjour life. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases de scribed in his publications, at his Office, No. 416 Spruce St. above Fourth. * [Apr.12,’60.-lyeow. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy . Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call 'at the slore'of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wb pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning 3d. That they are rery easily trimmed. ■ 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or leas light. x 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. £Bi. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than imy other light now in common use. Thhse lamps are admirably adapted for the nse of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp Can be attached to oldsldc, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect Satisfaction iu all cases. Aug. 10, JB5B-tf.] 0. W. KESSLER. / CONSUMPTION AND ASTHMA /CUBED. » / I>R. H. JAMES, ■ Discovered, while in the West Indies, a certain cure for ■ Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was givfen bp to die. His child was cured, and is now alive and well. Desirous of benefit ting his fellow mortals', ha will send to those who wish it, the recipe containing full directions for making and suc cessfully using this remedy, free, on receipt of their names with stamp for return postage. When received, take it. to Q. W. Kessler, Druggist, Altoona. There is not a single symptom of Comsnmption; which it dues n.ot at once I take hold °f and dissipate. Night sweats, peevishness, I irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult e.v- I pectorotion, sharp pains in the lungs, sore throat, chilly / sensations, nausea at the stomach, inaction of the / bowels, wasting away of-the muscles. Addresso; P. / BROWN A CO., 32 and 34 John St., New York. March 8,1860.-6m.* * J)e Forest, Armstrong & Co., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 &82 Chambers St., N. Y., , WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE that they are opening Weekly, in now and beau tiful patterns, the WAMSUTTA PRINTS, ALSO THK AMOSKEAG, A Now Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors. Onr Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. , Orders promptly attended to. Feb’y 2,1860.-ly ; House, sign and ornament al PAINTING.—MESSES. KEYS A WALSH re spectfnlly announce to the public that they are prepared to do alt kinds of ' > . HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in a; workmanlike manner and at low prices. They also keep constantly on hand and for sole, at lowest prices, OIL, GLASS, PUTTY & PAINTERS’ TOOLS; ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED A ENGRAVED Window glass, looking glass & pictuee EE AMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, CARVED & ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES. All Orders left at X. Boush’s Drug Store, Altoona, will receive prompt attention. Shop on Montgomery street, HoUldaysborg, Pa. Aprils, 1860.-tf. - Bakery and. Grocery Store. tphe subscriber keeps CON- X STANTLT oh hand f Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c. Fresh Batter, Bacon, FLOTJB, GROCERIES, , Also, a choice lot Of SEGABS and TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Noy. 10. Virginia Street, below Annie Street. House and lot for sale.— The subscriber offers at Private Bale thoHOUSE and LOT no w occupied by her, off the corner of Adallne and Jolla streets, 1 f lUft East Altoona. TheHonse is a good Two- gH« mUK Btdry Frame Building, containing a HnIIXHUiUK Parlor, Dining-Boom and Kitchen on tIievBSSBSBBB first floor, four good sleeping rooms on the siecond floor, & a finished Attic. The lot is in good order. Person* wishing to view the premises and obtain further {information will call upon the subscriber. ' • MAEQT. M. McCRUM. Altoona, Ang. 11 th, 1869-tf. I 1 Ci mu nil For the INSTANT RELIEF 111 f H fl ji and PERMANENT CORE of iJIt this dtatresaing complaint use ll- " FENS T’S - BRONCHIAL CIfiiBETTES, SiaOe by C. 4 00,107 Nawau St, N. Y. Prieo,sTperbox; sent free bypost. : FOE SALE BY ALL DBUGQILTS. IJarch 29, 18(30.-6m. pREAM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO \j/ NATE of Soda, Salaratus, Washing Soda, Borkee’a Baking Powder, in store and for sale at Sept. 2,’&&-&] i A. ROUSH’S Brag Store. TF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN A the Provision or Variety line, call at the New Store, in the Olu Post Office building; on Vindnia street) and boy on reaaonablo terms. ■ '• {Feb. 23,1860-tf. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Point, Sain and Varnish Brashes at KESSLER’S. GROCERIES. —A BARGE. AND complete assortment of Orocerie* bite fnet been fa cetted at the etoioof ■ J. B. HILEMAN. ■- . ./• . ’ / - ‘ SAVING FUND. National TRUST Company. SAVING FUND —NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY.— Cbabteud bt thk Stack of PKnrsn.YAHXA. ■ l_ ‘ 1, Blonoy la received every day, and In any amonnt,large or email. • 2. Five per cent, interest i* paid for money from the day it is pot in. , ■ 8. The money is always paid beck in gold, whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Sxeeuton, Administrators, Guardians, and. others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it. 6. Tho' money received from depositors is invested in w».i. Estate, . Momoaoks, Oeoujoj REsm,ahd such other first clas* securities as the Charter directs. * 6. Office Honrs —Every day from 9 till 9 ofclock, and on MondaVa and Thursdays till, 8 o’clock iri'the evening. HON. H. L- BENNER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Tice President. W. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Hehbt L. Besher, Fbancis LmV'g Edwaed L. Cartes, F. CARSourißßj&vms, RODERT SELPRISOE, JOSEPH B^BaSRT, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph tehees, 0. LANDBSTB MUSSS, HENRY DIPPJOnJERPEE. Office: Walnut Street, S. W.,Corner ofThird Bt. Phila delphia. April 14th, >59-ly. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! AT THE PEOPLES’ SHOE STORE STEWART & THOMPSON TAKE pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Altoona that they have Just opened, on Annie street, two doors be low the Post Office, a BOOT & SHOE STORE, and will constantly keep on band a full assortment of Boots and Shoes, of all sizes, and kinds. They have just received from the Eastern cities a very extensive assortment of Boots, Shoes and Qaitors for Ladies, Gentlemen’s and Chil dren’s wear, all of neat finish and excellent .manufacture, which they will sell fOr cash only, at leat 2d PER CENT. CHEAPER than the same con bo purchased elsewhere— as will bo secn'by referring to the following price list:— Men’s fine Calf Bouts, $3 25 to $3 50. “ Kip “ 275 “ A 25. Boy’s “ “ 1 75 “ 2 00. Youth’s 4i 1 75, Men’s Calf Gaiters, 2 00. Men’s Oxford Ties) 1 62 “ 2 00. Men’s Brogans, 1 12 “ 1 60., Boys’ Brogans, ' 76 “ 1 20. Youth’s Shoes, 62 “ 87. Children’s Shoos, 25 “ 65. Ladies’. Congress Gaiters, 1 60 “ 1 55. Ladies’ lasting Gaiters with heels, 1 37 “ 1 50. Ladies’ Superior Lasting Qaiter, 1 85. Ladies’Morocco Boots with heels, 1 30 “ 1 55. Ladies’ Morocco Boots without heels, 1 25 “ 1 37. Ladies’ Goat Boots with heels, 1 25. Ladies’ Calf Bouts with heels, 1 20 “ 1 25. Misses’Calf Boots with heels, 75“ 1 00. Misses’ French Morocco Bouts, with heels, 1 25. Having bought our goods for cash, they were put at the lowest figure, and by doing an exclusively cash business customers are not made to pay for bad debts, hence bur LOW PRICES. FLOUR, FEED and BACON always on hand and for sale cheap. , We respectfully solicit a liberal shore of public patronage. April 12,M800.-3m Philadelphia watch and JEWELRY STORE. . O. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, JgVag No. 148 JJ, 2d St., comer of Quarry St. Theuudorsigned bos teased tbeabovo"*^*®**^^™ l premises, where be will keep a large assortment of Gold and SUver Watches, of American, English and Swiss man ufacture of the most celebrated makers, In addition to which will bo found always on band (and made to order) on extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated ware, together with a general assortment of such goods os are usually kept in a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store. The patrons of O. Conrad, and those of the subscriber, together with the public generally, are invited to call, and they will receive a good article for their money. . As 1 am determined to do a cash business, goods will be sold very low. “ Small Profits and Quick Sales” is the motto of this Establishment. LEWIS R. BROOM ALL, W Formerly O. Conrad, No. 148 N. Second St., cor. of Quarry; Philada. Juno 7,1860.-ly. ' pdSli^ Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of DK. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why ? because it never fads to aflord inslanlaneoiis re lief when given in time. It acts ns if by magic, and one trial atom will convince you that what we say is true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE^ of any kind, and therefore relieves by remitring the suffer of your child, instead of by deadening its sensibilities. For this reason, it commends itself as the only reliable prep aration now known for Cbildr£n Teething, Diarbhika, Dysentery, Griping is tub Bowels, Acidity or the Stom ach, Wind, Cold is the Head, and Croup, dlao, for soften ing the gums, reducing inflammation, regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, itlias no equal— being an anti-spasmodic it la used with unfailing tucczss In all cases of Convulsion on OTHER Firs. As you value the life and health if your children, and wish to save them from those sad and blighting consequences which are certain tq result from the use of nar cotics of which at! other remedies for Infantile Complaints are composed, take none but Dr. Baton's Infantile Cordial, this ypu can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and can not injure the most delicate' Infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHHECII & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New-York. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents ns with the same essential elements, and gives of course the True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scroihla, Ac., and we find in every instance cer- Hun deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The Blood Food Is is founded upon this Theory—henco its astonishing suc cess. There are ■ -i FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different dis eases. .For Cocans, Colds, BMwcmns, or any affection whatever of the Throat or Leans, inducing Consumption, use No. 1, which is also the No.' for Depression o? Spirits, Loss op Appetite, aod-for ail Chronic Complaints, arising, from Over-use, General Debility, and Nervous Peostra won. No. 2. for Liver Complaints, No. 3 for Dyspepsia.— Being already prepared far absorption it is taken by Drops and harried immediately into the circulation, so that What yen gain ypu retain. The No. 4is for Female Irreoulaw «SB, Hysteria, Weaknesses, Ac. See special directions for thiB;_F°r Sait Besom, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 6. In Ml cases the di rections must bo strictly followed. Price of the Blood hod |1 per bottle. Sold by CHJTBCH A DUPONT, ’ ' No. 409TJroadwav. New-York. T. W.DYOTT* SONS. Philadelphia, and# H. KEYSEB, Pittsburgh, Wholesale Agents.. ’ JhXxsb, Altoona; W. T. Murray, HoUldaysborg; druggists throughout the country. march e, 1800.-ly. ‘ PLANING MILL & SASH MANU FACTORY,—Tho subscriber would announce that be has removed Ms Planing 31111 and Saab Manufac tory, from Tipton to Altoona,, where he will continue to ill op. ders and attend to all work, entrusted to him, with des gahffi. The MW Is on tho lot adjoining Allison’a Steam Flooring MU. . <•> TUOS. McADLEZ ' Altoona, Not-17,1859.—tf 1 * Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY.—lpanrance' on Real or .personal property .will be effected on tho moat reaaonablo fc y ?F nt ? Altoona at his office'in Anna St. March 17,1859. ■■ JOBS SHOEMAKER, Agent? T EVTS PREPARATION FOR EX- Jsi te ™!SS ting J BATS t M ? CE ’ COACHES, ANTS, and danger in its use nnderacy drenmstan eee for sale at-the Brag Store of ■ . Jan. 24,’66-tfJ Q. W. KESSLER., (SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG KJ NESLM-a cooling Cathartic, ihlid"in. its deration Jnae 2*r«BB-tf ■ - - A. ROUSH; Dntgffist- SAFETY RULES. ■ >r. TUT ARIA E. BE PETKfBB MEMO ifJL Blit BOflOOtw-Thls Institution, whh* i« located a Altoona, Blair County, Penn’a, will be opened onthelst MONDAY in MAY. It Is Intended as a permanent Bduxd; and will connect wlthtt a Male A Female Deportment. In the Stale department, young ; men will be instructed with a view to their entering the advanced classes of our boat Colleges; or, if desired, their education completed. In the Female department, instruction will be given in any, or all ot the diffisrent brandies, either solid or ornamental, taught n our best Female Seminaries. • ; The year will be divided into two Sessions of five months -ffK the Summer Session to commence on the Ist Mon day of May, ending on the last Wednesday of September— the Winter Session to commence on Hie Ist Monday in No : vember, ending on the last Wednesday of March. The Sessions will be dividedinto two quarters of eleven weeks each; Terms, per quarter, as follows—vii.: SOLID BRANCHES. ~ Primary (including Reading, Writing. Ortho®, raphy. Arithmetic, Orammar. and Geography, Ac.) Jrl.OO Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences, Mathe matics, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, the I*n- . gouge* and Composition Ac.), e 3 » TO EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Music (Including na™t instrument) Drawing, . „ Painting (In water Colors) . Nofidlo vorkt Instructions In vocal music gratia. One half the above charges, to be paid Invariably in advance. ■ ernug™, « uvw .' SuptrintemUrU Able Dep’t. A. B. CLARK” “. . a Mr. Pnnapal of Male “ Miss C.M; CLARK, “ fimale March 10,1859Mf ■vTEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR y_v( STORE. —The undersigned would beg leave to an nounce to the citizens,of Blair county and vicinity that he hue opened hie new Store on Virginia street, three doors below the Superintendence Office, where he has just received from the East and West a largo assortment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, IH|fM consisting as follows: French Otard Brand}/, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Tft/ie, Old Port Htne, Jamaica Rum, , Holland Gins Old Rye Whiskey, Monongahela Whiskey, and Rhine Wine, which ho has.himself imported. Retailers of Liquors and Fanners will And it to their advantage to buy of him. as he will sell at CITY PRICER. • He will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of ' GRO C’E RIES, Such as Flour, Bacon, \ Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Se ■. gars. Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, s.c., sc., All of which will bo sold cheap for cdsh or Country Produce. Our friends and the public generally are respectfully in vited to give us a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. tOUIS PLAtK. Altoona, May 20,1889.-tf GREEN BOOK. JUST PUB | LI SUED, 150 PAGES, PRICE 25 ' Cents; On Sihgle and Married life; or, tho CT/Wi Institution of Marriage; its Intent, obli-,dSS35Bl| gallons,.?ud Physical and. Legal Disbuali wßlsllidr fications; tile rational treatment of uli private in botli sexes, tic. To which; {s added a poetical essay, enti tled “ CUUipaediae or the art of having and rearing beau tiful and healthy children, by the Jd/eUOBEfiI J. CvlteS well, Esq., M. D. - •, • *■ Sent free of postage, by 1 tho Publishers, Chas. Kuxe 4. Co., Box 4586, New York, of Dexter <£ Cb., Wholesale agents IX3 Nassau Street, Sew Ybrk. Agents wanted everywhere. Also, Gratis, an extract and sample of the above enti titlcd: Dr. CulverwcU'S~Lecture on tho rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generally, detailing the means by which invalids may effectually cure them selves without the use of dangerous medicines, and at but little expense to themselves. Sent free by mail In a secure envelope, on the receipt of ono stamp, to prepay postage, by addressing, CHAS.' KLINE 4 CO., Feb. 22,1809. Box 4586, New York City. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month J 1 would respectfully set forth my claim to public atten tion, as a Fashionable Tailor, as.follotvs: Because I keep an excellent assortment of Cloths, Cossi mcres, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined, always please. Because my work is made up in a manner that takes down the country and gives all my customers a city ap pearance. Because I am not inferior os a Cutter to the best to be found anywhere. \ Because long experience In my business gives me entire control over it, and I am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of the suds. Because X am still on thcannny side Of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter qud workman nnimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room’of tho “Brant House.” Give mo n trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 26-5 m JACOB SNYDER- AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, R. E. SEI/LEll3’ Imperial Cough Syrup, HaoJlancT s German Bitter*', peer have's Holland Bitters, Sand/ord’* Liver Inviyoratoir, " Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clarke's Female Pills, i; Duponco’s Golden Pills, Wright's, Ayer's, Wilson's and McLane’s Pills, ■ Merchant's Gargling OH,' Ferry Davis’ Fain Killer, Mateheti's FourfotdlAniment, Mexican, Arabian, Kqrve and Done Lenimenl, in store and for sale at Sept. 2,1858-tC] 5 A.ROUSH’S Dmg Store. T>LAIR COUNTY DAGUERREAN ROOMS.—Mr. G.. JS - . FISHER, the Hollidayaburg Artist, begs leave to inform our readers that he a prepared to tako ' .■ r r Pholographs 6/deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice' and on the racst reasonable terms., He has Just received a large stock of durable and neat cases.of all sizes and styles, including a new pattern of Family Case for four persons, and is nr©, pared to nil them with perfect likenesses. - AMBROTYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH Give him Rooms on the comer of Montgomery and Allegheny streets, Hoßidaystmrg, Pa. [JunelT-tf. G-W. KESSLER—PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces S»- to the citizens of Altoona and the pablfo erally, that he still continue the Drug on Virginia keeps constantly Bi on hand, for sale, Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS. SHi MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OIM, VARNISH MSH ES and v-anxusu- Jdfiness, and a desire to render sat _ 0 ■ P ?* rc B* r ds price and quality, ho hopes to mnit and receive a shore of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptlons carefully compounded. [X-tf. nONSTANTLX RECEIVING NEW s;—, Ready Made Clothing, of the latest Fashions, cheaper v H.lDcrf A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Undershirta andi Drawers, (Cotton; TToORen and H.TUCH’B, PINE AND LARD OILS, CA3I- Burning Wald, Carbon 6ai 4c.. at .pan. 3, *56-tf] < : „ KESSLER’S. r\N HAND AT McCORMICK’S Store fair anl^, PlenM£ KSUllY > M » m i . I ® * llvriti'i' : M g«- « > SI 4 5 3-awf ■ft s d'- t SS o 55 « S» Hl^fs -» P*_- 52 •*« ® H <15035 a a■« | W £3 S S o N as S gas | - sel^SS go®"3l WHS 51 O REAT IMPROVEMENT IN, COOK AT ING STOVES. CONSUMPTION OS SMOKE ANDiGAS AND SATISa ' . : . OS SUEL. , The subscriber takes pleasure In offering to the nubile „ V. QAS AND SMOKE COnWSNQ P Cooking Stove, recently patented, which tetfsi&e*to n percede all others, as it requires ' | ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other stoves and is more easily, quickly and rtcnUt ly heated. {No unpleasant smell otgae arises (tomtbb stove from the foot that it is all consumed ere it-can er cape. Thefe Is no trouble ftom smoke as that anpieusu,' and often annoying exhalation is also consantwl inside o} ' _ the stove Neither is there any of Ours orebimi beys becoming clogged with soof or the mortar looseued lr the gas arising from coal fires. - T Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to CtUlt the store of the subscriber, in theMasonioTcmpi., aw j. amine the above stoves.' JOHN SHOWfAKKR, Sole Agent for BldCr Cbuniv N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor VCookin* an4K» - Stoves on haqd. 'Wag-12,18M** KESSLER’S. OR- HERSHEY’S CELEBRATED Worm Syrup. TO THE PUBLIC. National police gazette— This Great. Journal of Crime and Crimiaals it in its Twelfth Year, and, is widely circulated throughout tho country. It contains all the Great Trials,' Ctimionl Cases, and appropriate Editorials on tho some, together will information on Criminal Matters, not, to be foand in sni other newspaper. fi®,Subscriptionss2 per annum; |1 for six mouth*. i, bo remitted by subscribers, (who should writs their naan and the town, county dud State where they reside phial*j To G. W. MATSELt 4 00, U Editor 4 Prop'r. of New York Police Oaten*,- 15-tf] I ■ : New Tori City. /CONCENTRATED LYE, FOR *U \J KINO Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for Washing, oee pound.equal to six of common Soap; Castile, Soap, Ndm Soap, Chemical Soap, etc., on hand and fur sale st Jnnelo;iBsB.-tfl. A. ROUSH'S, CAN! BE BOUGHT AT H. TUCH’S, Winchester 4 Co’s Patent Shoulder Seam Flat Shiru Dec. 0.1868. ! HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, It is it fact that, nt some period, every mem* her of the human family is subject to tils east or disturbance ‘of the bodily functions; but, with the aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain common sense, they may he able M to. regulate the system as to secure permanent health. ' In .'oracat to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural: state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this jmrpose, Dr. Hostetter has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new iqcdicine, hut one that'Has been tried, for years., giving satisfac tion to all who have used ' it. The Bitten operate powerfully upon the stomach, boweli, and liver, restoring them' to a healthy ana vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the lyi triumph over disease. , For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious - Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these Bittersjliavc no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery of flux, so generally can-, tracted by new settlers, and caused, principally by the change of water and diet, will bejspcedily regulated by ft brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably .more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other,Jand the cause of which may always be to derangement? of the digestm organs. can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, as pot directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician irill recommendißiUers of some kind; then why not use an article known to be infal lible ? ! All nations have their Bitters, as a pre 'ventive of disease and strengthen of the »y*- - tem in general; and among them all there u not to |be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiment which have pleaded to prove .the value of this great preparation in the mescal science. Peter and Ague.— This trying aqd prom* ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp oa the body of man, reducing him to a mere sna dovt in a short'time, and rendering him phy sicollyl and mentally useless, can be onven from the body by the use of HOSTETTER 8 RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the diseases can be contracted, even in expjosed situations, if the Bitters are use* as per directions. Apd os they neither create nausea nor offend the palate,, and render necessary any change of diet of intenuptioo of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound weep and healthy, digestion, the complaint_ia re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure- ; For I Persons in Advanced Years, Who a Suffering from an enfeebled constitution » infirm body, these Bitters arc invaluable M restorative of strength and vigor, and * only b|c tried to be appreciated. Ana » mother while nursing these Bitters are m . pensahle, especially where the mother s no ishment is inadequate to the demands or child, consequently her strength mu» 3? and here it is where a good tonic, 6l *. Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters', is needed toi P temporary strength and vigor to the sy Ladies should by all means try this re J . for all cases of debility, and, before so d w should! ask their physician, who. it acquainted with the virtue of the BiUer*, recommend their use in all cases of weasa CAUTION —Wo caution the public finy of tho many imitations of counterfeits; a for Hostetter’s Celebrated Stomach and see that each bottlo. has tho words r - Hoatetter’s Stomach Bitters” blown on’the • of the bottle, and stamped on the covering tho cork, and observe that our au gr»p* signature is on tho labels a «■ Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER* SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa-, and druggists, grocers, and dealers throughout the United States. Canada. Boui* America, and Germany. . .j j 49-Sold by G W KecsUr and A Jacobs, J K Patton andWQ Mnnay, 8. Berlin Tyrone, . - t*. k r ■mM: 'iv* . ifi. ■M 1 i- 4 - fUlii 1 • r r JO l-\ ; Market, July 1 is ■ Hec jT.J Mil prai ATaatW i Also In t /Collect -the late o kulnese \ Hon. 1 t«rfh; I Judicial •Jftmllen CtMDOn 4targe I S? '4 Ligh i Also, a r . BOOKS Wntti, u M tl HI ,?Sujf m *»-aI m MfTjCW tl oinhjg co] Ho ma J copied byl Altoona “M taken voice, on pared to MEN’S g •Banner. r>oo JJ ST l occu JfSw.l nimself re SooO *\ riAu \y here k *gs with ?V« eucl the 1 no claimcc of the hre _Jnlyg8 t B. Altoona Thef d Office :tc •oorsnhov gnaii «fO