The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 14, 1860, Image 3

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In thcM Pills arc tho r.
tloe. They are mild jj
meting all irregularitfe
all obstructions, whethe
pain iu the aide, palpitd
aus offaettona..
ibs. Ac., iliaturbed ajjp’
JMuro. v' , - . V 7;
a pills . :
cm In the treatnieniof
ns which have conaignj
1,10 beautiful, and tho V
-1 female can enjoy goj
tLcnever an obstrnctki
ins'te decline.
'S PILLS - : "
inown for all complaint)
•they Mo InTß
1 re frtarity- They are
■ HI the «u at dlflercnt pc
r,ng thosanodonofaoniß
A in o-ica.
i, amiwhen t/uy tjfould
■l’nce One Dollar atch
; free, of-the Agent*.—
:loaing price to tho-fUn.
i orally,
IS, G jauiiui 4(um7, ;
ilroiuhvay, Sew Ymk,
{Leo. 8.
:! 1 !
fee., ExtorV;
?A Powder, & c . *
silt \ '■'.
uud Mlc»-*B#d.Bnjp_
-Insoctsoh Plants—ln
' »na andirpecie.
: City— u *eU by the City
tat lob Hqusey—(Ce city
’tpla, “Aatur," “St. Ni
,ooo private families,
hero (ioll tliera.
rgc Citlee..
1 boxes, bottle*, flasks,
rations. Kxamine eticLi
settling but '‘Costar - *;’
~ UoteLs, 4c, by express
■.r toDcaleri*’ to
no fittOAßyxT, x. y.
ip tbo adyartbenient of
itlier column; but w«
l-r, 1 1 hough 'We regret to
rv'tvrd, even in apppar
.l—that Is, by reporting
action also in knowing
atiou before tbo people
! disease —Consumption,
• Medical Colleges, and
•n BO woudstfld -that ho
tlie prejudice* of every
own, os be la doing, for
ever, a firm whose re
i preparations,from alt
:a A Dcroui arc hlajwlaj
; most invaluable, ofpre-j
k Coi-.dial If moth-rJ
n puv<>>g up thie artlclul
rm by of it]
—they would prefer it to]
cd For onr bwt»
re would not hesjtate to
owing that guch jcarefulj
f thing that was not per-1
a Gazette. , I
'm puii/ying the blood, in
<ni and fervor
p-1 bowel—such as -
GoJiPL.uvr, Ac.
urnlgic affections it ha:
i marked success.
the afflicted of itteal
regain 1U strength,
els -and kidneys trill r»jr
h bo’tho quick remit. -
; Liniment. ]
rc- the sncccsa which this
[?tn, Salt
S jn, PoU Evil awCgwclH
j.i!. No renmii will be
kluo. “And with refeH
ho Mustang Liniment, I
-1 r performed sc m an yj
u W. SMITH, ihVtyf j Park-, n., writesj
-orthloss, (his case wad
t, Mustang Liniment 1
iinent is doing wunderi
iing ns every day. The
Tiid have it. Beware «l
„ bold by all respccia-
.qirietors, N ew Tort-
Tii is is now admidc;*]
udmueutal principle
led by tl‘« human won:
■rmg in the human »I«j
arc brought tobeir Jri
Jicreforeji* to strength j
ten kept i“* low *{.‘ h ;i
1-, all the organ" ofthoi
upon the stomach, the
fcj decisive.' Ihepatieat
and try the
, i.iis-; cf life, ami H
i- overjoyed to find
,!,U frame. Let all tea.|
a, depart^,
r .Irufeista and d»al«r
column. ®
recent sheep J;
, ;n to the undmne o
E bt also ji
icbcr up th« cl ° T
rue harmless
«p **?&■
h„ best ml vant ff
jtrown Stone C
13 and.606Ch«^ t|
heir stock of g**®
L, wbicb « J
Ih. a*
l awl tfcodtr ,
U n«ai*-. 6911 S '
' ’ —ra
■ ; i. - . *
' , 7 OOA.M. '
7 00 A.M.
6 30 '
740 u ■
j HoUidayrtmrg,
aMjiyt batS 7 10 A.’M.
: - JS*-; '
<’6o P.M.
*«SS epsn for the transaction ofbarinewfrom &S 0 A M
„3W P. «., daring the week, and froteTTAO to&AO o’.
.i«k, Sunday.
Juaety’W-tf] JOHN BHOEMAKEB, 1?. M.
railroad schedule.
rinM Train Bast arrives 8,10 P.M., ; leave* P. M.
“ Weet “ 7,40 A. M. B*o AM
rut “ Em* “ 1,15A.M. « lyaO Ai M.
« West « -8.85 P.M, « MOP.*,
ma “ »irt‘ “ :7.ifi A,M. “ 7yßo A. M.
*T <• West “ 6A6P.M., 7so*.My
The HOLLIDAYSBDKO BEANGH connects viuTßsprsu
Trsln East end West. and Mail Tnia Beat and West.
INDIANA BRANCH CHAINS conuect with Johhstn'wn
Accommodatinp Tiaio Eaetiand Weat, Johnstown Way
Train Eastward and Express Train Westward.
April 12, 1860. ENOCH;LEWIS, Gen'l Supt.
\ • ’«?' ..., .' .
\ Proceedings oif' Ppunoil.
Eitcitk* rsperaaiT ron,. Ann publish*!) by aothowit im
Ariatcd meetiqg of the Council was held
Jane 7th, 1860. Pre«pt, A. A. Smyth, Ralph
Oreenwpod, J, A. McDowell and Dan’l F. Laugh
m&u. and ffm. C. McCormick, Chief
Minutes of last nesting read and approved.
The Secretory presented of the
amounts due each of the laborers for worjk per
formed repairing streets for the month; of Itiay,
vtick was read—whereupon, on motion,
Rttolved, That the Secretory is'hereby direc
ted to make out orders for the respective sums
doe each. *
Orders were then made out for the following
persons, to wit: John McClelland, Jesse Groves,
Daniel'Coyle, Peter Smith, Thomas Price and
Jno. Davis.
A bill was presented by John Gunhiugham for
lumber, amounting to $4 OTrwhiqh was read,
and an order for tho same granted. ■ •
A bill was laid before (be Council by the Sec
retary, from James Hooper, blacksmith, forma
king and repairing .tools for the use of the Bor
c-ugb, amounting-to $B 80,'Whiob was rend And
an order gran ted;’"
A bill was presented by Messrs. MoCrum &
Dern, for sundry printing done for the Town
Council from March, 1859, to this date,'amoun
ting to $44, which was goad, and, ' %
On motion, an order Was for that por
tion of said bill contracted dbrby the late
Council, amounting to $B6 00.
A proposition ,wo» received from MoCrum £
Dern for publishing .the .minutes of the Council
in the “ Altoona" which. .Was read and
accepted. .' Li ' I'* ’’ .
On of |l. Greenwood and seconded by
J. A. McDowell,iit waa ■ '
Ruolctd, That acommittee of two be appoin
ted to confer with the ‘' Altoona Gas
CompitoV,'** m nladoa-to abill presented to
CoodWjilTor Water tpnt and rent, of fire-plugs,
' at meeting. '
W. ,C. McCormick and A. A.
Smyth ;»rere dii\y appointed said Committee
An article pf agreement was presented and
read between the Pena’# Railroad Conipany and
the Town Council of Altoona Borough, for the
construction of a culvert by said Company
along the old iloUrdayB|mrg Branch Railroad,
commencing at a point where Allegheny street
crosses said Branch track, and along the south
east Bide of said track to a point at the junction'
of. Caroline street, ; ■-/
Qn motiop, Beiqlctd, That whoncertShiother
edditicnai specifications are added ahdr &frlT
understood, that the said
VWm. C. McCoShf^;. Chief MrA.
A Smjth, PreaidehtTof the Council.™ ' r - '
, u’ouon, Received,. That i|go Secretary be
directed to .make outa duplicate of
oorongh teres for the present year, and to lay
the legally authorised tax on all dogs and slats,
pwned, kept, or harbored within the limits of
toe Borough, in accordance with .Ordinance No.
3 of said -Borough, And that the Borough Con
stable be authorized*© collect the same,
\And it was,farther, onrhotion, Saolved, That
from and after thh 16th day 6f June Inst* Or
dinance No. 4 —-an ordinance relative to horsed,
cattle and swine' Borough—be strictly
enforced, and that tije Borough Constable • pro-
Y! '; 9 a convenient enilpsure of ppbnd for the
safe keeping of all strays found . running at
. S e * until the requteeirfchtsifßaid OrdJhaoco
! n relation thereto is flilly complied with.
And farther, for the Information oif the oiti-
T 8 . ge l n ? ra J , f» M® Chief Borgew is hereby re
quested to have the.two Ordinances; Nos.-8 and
i printed in hand-bill form,’ and posted up in
the most public places in stud Boroughas soon
as they cjin be procured.
Oa motion. Council adjourned to pallet again
oa Thursday evening; Jone 21st, 186t>, at 7
* tAe J(inuUt. j:
A Market H9OBE.—We have frequentlyre
ferred to the subject of a House in this
place, butty littlh httshiiohj baa been gifty*©
the matter that wo had determined to poy).
ingmore about it mUQ spine action had tyen
taken in reference thereto by some of ourpti
,ens - A day since, however, we were re
quested to cUI tip the subject again and endea
vor to get the pebple of this place interested in
k. Now we can; say nothing more than we have
to interest the people. We have
to their pockete, ;(»upp(Sted to be the tendercst
andto iote of luxuries, (supposed
4 he the next tenderest,) and yet they won’t
up. Undoubtedly the Market House would
us an opportunity of getting much better
« eting at a much more reasonable rate
we n °w PSjrfof it, and those who have
wherethere were market houses know this,
up and to get one in ■
:^f ak<S * vafee U P ! gentlemen ;
the -M® l®t us have a meeting and
it oyer - Some of you may laugh
wL -did .when we talked about the gas and
We s » w® make up our minds to
u We a° u s® we’ll have it, just as sure
hetjn and waterworks. Now don’t
We will _ an Bh t before the laugh comes in, for if
we will, and if we won’t we won’t.
tthol IC ‘ —teachers and
fichtlT- ® onnec^ €d *** the Methodisi? Sabbath
aj. “• ® displace hate determined upon hav-
P<*eg > in,f« C 0n next, in one of the
o *?‘ We hope they may
ciear day and a pleasant time. -
WhXtShotou bbDoh*.— ln townslike
which hare been built up ina few years, many
improvements aro needed and these cost money.
It ever has been, and probably ever will be the
case, that in making any considerable improve
ments, and in throwing off the influence of old
fogyism, there are great differences of opinion.
So for as this is concerned, we, presume it is
right for men to differ, and a little argument on
mooted points ofte bring out that which is new
-tp both parties, but that these differences should
be kept up and urged until 1 nothing for the good
of the done, is certainly wrong. Every
man should remember that his neighbor is as
justly entitled ti/hia opinion as any man, and
every one should be' to be governed by
what the: majority , says. The growth and im
portance,, as well as the healthand convenience
of our town, greatly depends upon ;the way we
toove in matters "of public importance, hence
the great necessity of unity.
■ An effective and thoroughly working corpora
tion will do much for our. good, if they are not
opposed at Cvcry strest corner by some advocate
of old fogyism, or some penurious individual
who intimates that such and,such improvements
will cdst too much and run up the tuxes. We
do not advocate a corporation that will levy a
burdensome tax for its support, but one that
will ask sufficient to meet the real wants, and
continue a steady improvident ofour streets from
year to year, just as we can stand it. We know
our streets need much .repairing to keep them
even in passable order, and ! the money thus
spent is almost thrown away. The improve
ments made should be permanent, even though
they cost double or thribble. ;
Our present borough officers are disposed to
do their whole duty, and we hope they may not
be mel by such opposition os will deter-them
from doing it. We, can not have all parts of the
town improved at the same time, unless our ci
tizens will submit to a grevioua tax, conse
quently the,Council should be allowed to make
the improvements where it is .deemed most
necessary and where they will contribute the
greatest good to (he greatest number.
Tub Cheapest Pbiniuiq.—Oar cotemporary
of the Independent Phoenix, says that the saga
cious business man isos particular about the
Style and quality of ids printing as he is respec
ting Ide person, and would no more permit his
Bill-head orjds card to be done on the poorest
paper with out type and muddy ink, than
he woulditijpw his clerks to insolt hisfcuato
mers, or sell them damaged goods for perfect.
The enterprising merchant, who prides hjmself
upon the neatness of hisj store and the quality
pf hia-atock,. cwmoti tolerate a'botohed job, and
reasons truly thathc is responsible for the ap
pearance of everything bearing his name* The
cheapest kind of printing is that which is clear
neat and upon.tbe best cards or
paperi with the best ink. Such printing al
.ways gives satisfaction, and If it- costa double
that of the inferior kind, it is by far the cheap
er. You con band a customer your card or pre
sent him wUh yoarJgjll, without a feeling that
your name and business are disgraced; and this
feeling will pay you a ; hundred times over for
the original outlay. Such printing can always
bc had at Short notice at the office of the Altoo
na Tribune.
That's So.—Heaven help the man who im
agines that ho cun dodge “ enemies*’ by trying
to please everybody. If such an individual
ever succeeded wo shjmld be glad to know it.—
Not that wo believe in a man’s going through
the world trying to find a beam to knock his
-Kead against; disputing every man’s ojpinion;
.fighting and .elbowing and crowding all "who
idßfer from him. That is only another extreme.
Other people have a right to their opinions, so
have you to yours; don’t fall Wo the error of
supposing that'tit&y will respdet you more for
tnriiing your coal every day to match theirs.—
-Wear your own colors; spite of wind and weath
er, storm and sunshine. It costs the vacillating
and irresolute ten times the trouble to wind and
shuffle and twist, that it does honest, manly in
dependence to sland his ground. ... <
FUic Cattle.r-One day last week, we noticed
M. Runyan, butcher in this place, driving past
our office a lot of some .eighteen of the finest
cattle, token ail together, thatjwe haveseen In
tius ptoce. They werercaredm the r lower end
Of Sinking; Valley and Canoe Valley, in this
county, and would eomparo faroridily with the
best.cftttio ever.brought from the "east or west.
They will all drws from; 806 to 1,0150 ibft clean
toeel- Mr* is po# serving them out in
slides to his custdmei* every Tuesday and Satur
day morning. We have tried a few cats of the
jtieaks and roasts they furnish and- consider
them the sweetest and richest we have ever
tasted- : "
The LtTEst Ijitaarioy—Soms “cuto’VYan
keehas invented what he calls the “Patent
Never-fsiUng pardea Preserver, or HenrWalk
cr.” The invention consists of a small instru
ment, something like a spur, only considerably
longer, which is attached to the hind part of
the hen’s legs, pointing to an angle of forty
five degrees towkvd the ground. When the hen,
with (his instrument on her legs, enters the
garden in the Spring after seeds, and puts her
to scratch, the “ walkeri’ eatphes
in the ground and .forces her forward; and thus
she is walked, in her efforts to scratch, entirely
oat of the garden. He has applied for a patent.
- B®, We often hear the expression, “ keep
cool,” butso -variously is it applied that we
doubt whether the Japanese would be fairly able
to comprehend it were they to protract their
stay several-months. The best way we have
yet found to arrive at a conclusion as to what
it really does mean, was to drop in at Taylor’s
saloon, next door to the Bank, and partake of
a saucer of the delicious ice cream there serVed
.up. Try it on, neighbor, and you will find the
real definition of the term.
S&“ The reason why the number of students
attending the Iron City College, is so much lar
ger than in other schools, their work is so com
plete in style and finish, and their success in
business so uniform and. complete, is because
each student Teoeires the direct personal atton
tention of the Principals throughout the entire
course of sittdy.—JDot/y True Prut!
Wobbl-W* adoptthbfol
loiria* “bint,” whfch we fiad uoQnd
at random on the sea of newspaperddin, as a
gwttfine "home item,” aad we wish ill our
wa4jta may suffer them to .be ever present In
their memories. We have probably, all of us
mot with instances in whieh a wort heedlessly
spoken against the reputation of a female, has
been circulated by malicious minds until the
clouds enough to overshadow
her whole mtisttpce. To those who are accus
tomed—not necessarily from bad motives, but
Worn thoughtlessness— to speak lightly about
females, we recommend this •• hint” as worthy
of consideration: -
Nerer ustra jlady’js name at an improper
tune, or in mixed company, Never make as*
sertiona about her that you think are untrue,
allusions thatyou feel she herself would blush
to hear. When yon meet with men who do not
scruple to make |use of a woman’s name in a
reckless and unprincipled manner, shun them,
for they are the worst members of a common!-
ty-—men lost !to svexy sens? of hotior—eveir
feeling of humanity. Many a good and worthy,
woman’s, character has. been forever rained,
and her heart broken, by a lie mannCactored by
some villian, and repeated where it should not
i'»« 8 . ® n » * n - the presence of those whose
little judgement could not deter them from cir
culating the foul and bragging report. A slan
dcr is soon propagated, and the smallest thing
derogatory to; a woman's character will fly on
tho wings -of the wind, and magnify as it oirca
lates, until enprmous Weight crushes the un
conscious victim. : j Respect the name of woman;
for your mother Mid maters are women, and as
you would baye thebe fair names untarnished
and their fair lives nnemhittered by slander’s
bitter tongue,; heed the ill that yOur own words
may bring upon the mother, sister or wife of
scnie other fellowfereature,”
Cumotß AKp IsaxKDcirve.—On Tuesday eve
ning lost we Visited Shultz’s Hall to witness the
skill of Mr. Porzel in the art of glass Wowing,
and we must say that we have not witnessed
anything so deeply, interesting, in many years.
In Mr. P.’s hands the glass takes any shape he
imagines, forming; birds, trees, globes, &0., in
a short tune; ; and ;the .blending together of dif
ferent colored‘glass makes his productions the
most beautiful of tsantnl ornaments. To those
who desire to witness a truly interesting exhi
bition, and can appreciate tlyj beautiful and ar
tistic combined combined, we say go to Shultz’s
Hall any afternoon or evening this week, and
witness the performances of Mr. P. in glass
blowing. Most persons- have seen intricate
pieces of workmanship in glass, and have won
dered how they wore made. The whole will be
made plain by calling at the Hall and witness
ing the performance of Mr. P., who is a skill
ful workman And fully understands the art.—
To the ladies this yjrork is particularly interest
ing, end attention will be shown those
who attend the exhibitions.
Down on tbs Dogs.—Prom post
ed up about town, our citizens will observe that
the Town Council and Chief Burgess intend, to
enforce the Ordinances heretofore passed in re
lation to the taxation of dogs, and also to take
up all eatray horsey mules, oxen, hogs, &c.,
found running pt laVge< This is right. There
are a few too many hogs running about our
streets. As to the. dogs, we could dispense
with aWut every cither
** Mongrel, poppy, whelp anJ hound, ■
. And i ur of low degree,”
without our citizens, being in the least discom
moded. We love a good dog,'but the miserable,
mangy curs that are suffered to run at large,
£ould all be made a head shorter, and no loss
be experienced.. We know that some of, them
will soon be minus • their heads if-Joe Ely gets
after them, and there be no one to “sock up”
for them.
Accinfisr.—miner, named Thomas Ed
wards, was serjously ’ injured on Monday after
noon in Wood,[ Morrell &Co’s ore bank, near
this place, by the premature explosion of a
blast. In addition to being, severely
about theface,. breast and arms, he suffered a
compound fracture of the right fore arm, and
onp of his legs! was severely cat and the bone
. somewhat injured. -He also sustained several
lesser outs anjd bruises. - His wounds were'
dressed by Dr. ILeiaenring, and he is recovering
as rapidly as them nature will permit. He had
been in the employ of W., M. & Co. only a day
or two, and had but recently arrived in this
ooontty.— Standard. ' '
Mechanics’ 3?ic Sic.—The arrange menta for
•tMs affair, heretofore noticed, Sire progressing
finely, and it WjiU nocloubt be a pheasant day to
those who participate. It comes off on Satur
day next, in Beales’i woods, about half a mile
south of town.; Wq like to see people enjoy
themsoltes, andhatS no doubt that thispio nic
win hie weU Good music has been se-
and those who desire to
41 trip the light; fanti#.tio toe” on nature’s car
pet. can hare ah opportunity, to The din
ner will 1» 'by Sfy. Hijeman, of the
ifchileHsll Hotel, and whl ho w»U worth parta
king of.
Acoitasi;—p|h week, Michael Triu
yert, a laborer bn She Pennsylvania Railroad,,
in attempUbgto jtbap apod an engine whibh
Tfaa ; in motion, new- Bame station, fdl with
one of hie legs hoross the raii, and was canght
jest at the ankle by the wheels of the. tender.
His ankle was badly, crushed. He was brought
to this place otf the Mail train, oh the evening
of the same day, and placed under the care of
Dr. J. T. Christy. The Dr. think? he wilf be
able to save the foot and avoid the necessity of
S&* George- M. Smithhas just received at
his confectionary afd frait store, on the cwpner
of Main amf Caroline streets, a of
candies, fruits, nuts, ifiro-works, Ac., for the glo
rious Fourth. George has now the finest estab
lishment of tho kind in town. He is prepared
to furnish any amount ef confeothnariea at
wholesale at reasonable prices. Give him a call
and yon will be sure to Select something from
bis stock! *
J. S. Pic Nk?. —The old camp of Junior Sons
of America, in this place,- held a pio nio in the
grove at SI Dorado station, on the Branch road,
on Alpnday last. They two accompanied by
thedaywas deDgbtroUy
fine, we douht pok they had a pleaßaot tlmi --
Go it while yotfre young, boys. ;
~ ' \
■ Dfc. - Kkrssft’s Stou^-Tsuii
• of my children wort very bad with 1 whoqping
; -cough, for which'we tried' several -remedies for
it without relief. The first few doses of Pecto
ral Syrup gaVe relief, and cured the urgmff
symptoms. I Used but one which cured
them so fa? as to relievc the whooping cough
entirely. -•- : ''
AwMßStt CuEB op MrsEtr.—l took the Pee
ton!atthesametime fora cougb, two doses
of which cured me'entirely. This is all the re*
suit of <me bottle;
’’ JOHN QRANEN, Seventh Ward.
April. 29, 1858.
Sold by G. n. Kessler. .
Goss East. — H. Fettinger, of the Literary
Emporium, intends leaving for the city in a few
days, to lay in his supplies of knick knacks for
the coming fourth of July!, He will brings
little of everything worth mentioning, or that
may be called for. He. understands the wants
and patriotic proclivities of the people of this
section. Look out for Fet and bis kniek knacks,
P. S. Fet is now selling his present slock of
goods at cost, and bargains may be had by call
ing this week.
Aeeebted.— A young man named Jesse Koo
ken has been arrested at Johnstown, charged
with being the person who has been doing the
cellar robbing in that place' for some time past.
Probably be is the same person who carried on
a like business here* some time since, under the
name of Jesse Cogen.
AST’ Desirous of closing out my present busi
ness for the parpbse of engaging in professional
pursuits, I now offer my entire stock of Books,
Music, &c., for sale at cost. Any one wishing
to take my situation and continue the trade will
receive liberal offers by making an early appli
cation, H. SMITH.
Altoona, May 29th, 1860.
On Mondayvcnihg, May 14th, near Davenport, Scott
Co., lowa, MSs NANNIE B. WATSON, m the 24th year
of her age, formerly of Blair county, Pa.
vi n r ?i ,l H a^ bur ‘r on Thowday morning, Jnne 7th, MA-
Kx ELLEN, daughter of David and Pheho Pope, aged 10
months and 21 days. b
In Pleasant Valley, on the 6th inst., WIIjJAM son of
John TV estley, aged 6 yours.
This beautiful Engraving was designed by Hurkns, one
of the moat celebrated Artists that ever lived ; the coat of
Hie original design and plate being over $BOOO, size 22 by
29 Inches. J
The Philadelphia Daily News says; “The mere nominal
sum asked for the Engraving, is a sufficient inducement for
persona to purchase, without the additional Gift.”
To be given to the purchasers. For full particulars, send
fora MIL . • ’
1 Cash, $5,000 6 Cash, $3OO
1 Cash, 33,000 10 Cash, ; fsoo
i 5 a8 u’ teOOO 10 Cash, $B5O
1 Cash, *l,OOO 10 Cash, $2OO
J SSI’ SIjOOO 10 Cash, $lOO
* gash, ISOQ 10 Cash, $5O
i » ' |MO 1000 Cash, $6OOO
1 s3oo 2000 Cash, $5OOO
Together with a great Variety of other valuable Gifts
varying in value from 50 cents to $25.
Any person enclosing in a letter $1 and five 3 cent Pos
tage Stamps, (to pay for Boiler and postage,) shall receive
by return of mall, the magnificent Engraving of Christo
pher Columbus, and one of those valuable Gifts as per bill.
Address all orders for Bills or Engravings to
t ~ p - s- hekiJne A CO.,
Jnne 14,1800. Box 1312, Philadelphia.
Notice to builders, her.
WitniKAS, great in.convenience and serious trouble fre
quently occur to the citizens of the Borough of Altoona,
often ending ui vexatious litigation, and in many cases en
croacumeats are made on the streets, lanes and alleys, by
those building houses and putting up other improvements.
And whereas, complaints have been made, to the Town
Council by a number of the citizens of said Borough, that
obstructions are permitted to exist on the side walks and
pavements interfering with pedestrians, and trespassing
upon the private rights of individuals, greatly detrimental
to their comfort and businoa operations, by Merchants and
other dealers, and the keepers of Clothing stores. Is an im
proper exposure of their goods,' wares and merchandise, in
ajsaassgss -1 "^
_ Therefore, Be it ordained by the Jbtm Cbuadl of the
to 1116 the sidewalk,
pavements or alleys, desiringan ontlet for water from cel
tenv stables, sewers, pumps or hjdtaufc?, shall, before
Ptmud, apply to the Supervisor, or
Council, for a regular permit for whatever privJleges may
defenlt thereof,
visor thereby instructed, and required, to report the aSma
immediately to
offondin &» n 'l on conviction
the Chief Bor cessor a Justice of the Peace, theporsou or
. P«W?“ fonnd'guiity shaU forfeit a fine notex
or put up sign boards, across any of the sidewalks or paro
ments of said Borough, shall, previously to the erecting or
putting up, apply tp the proper officer for a permit: and
no awning or sign board, so pdiup, shaU be lower than 10
st f? ce o J'. ,OTe ' of'Jhe sidewalk:or pavement,
and shall Imre the gable ends of all awnings open. • And
■“Oj the pwera and occupants of all awnings or-emus now
V?n np ’ “tonding across the pavements or elde-
Botongh. ara required to have the
vS2i 0 Oi ter^L BO ff, t 0 requirements of this
Ordinance bry raising them to- thd proper height
And also, ray person or persons, company; ;or society,
tromngv marketing or merchandising, or using any of the
sidewato or aivements within the. limits of the said Bor
ougfa’ ior theirs wares and merchandise or
SSSS*“.«» ptoo occupy more than fire feet of
thesidewalk or pavement, and wall cases that portion of
the pavement or sidewalk next to their own bouses; and
over y powmr offending against the proivsiona of this Ordi
ton da J s after beln g duly notified by
upon conviction thereof boforetilo
r Oio Peace, bo fined in'atraia
Dol ]j rB fcr such. offemfc, for the
“i' 1 ® orOTl Bto 10 be recovered as debts of a like
amount are by law recoverable.
PaasqdMay 10th,1860—to toko cfloct Jane 10th, iB6O.
A. A. SMYTH, Pru'i of CbuncU.
■ WM. C, McOORMKIK, Chief Barytes*
Attest:—JNO. MCCLELLAND, &c>y o/Town CbudcO.
Aiwhwa, May 29th, 1800.
0 v 0n SATURDAY, the 23d INBY,
“* JBm, to LpudonsvlUe, kept by Sam’l HUeman,
at 2 o clock, P. 18 Lots of Ground, each contaihing fiO
acres, situate near Baker’sold Mill, on thostrcnm thatnms
fbtoft two miles west of Altoona. "
. i—One-third of the purchase money fn band, and
the balance toanittho parties, with interest.
’ JOHN brothErlinb.
Hollidaysburg, June 7,1860.-ts.*
lnsurance and. TmstrGo.
Capital stock, $500,000.
Cotnpany £uilding, Walnut St., S. S. corner of
Fourth Fhila.
w. B. BOYERS, AG’T. alxoona,
S9>d AI * abstisancb RATES. THE BOW-
J- C. SIMMS, Se&'j. [Oct. 27th, ISSflOy,
Eor sale.—a house and lot,
desirably located in the Borough of Altoona. AdiiJt
Altoona, Feb_9, J860.-tf.
and COFFEE B? THE BAG, for Bale Wholesale
; at Phlla.prlces, freight only added, "noiesaie
Jw. 20. 1860. C. JAGOiII).
ItSto* 8 * 04 **•“&(•«»rtoe*•*< prfrsa.
■. 585.00 ; .
Pa3 2‘"J^V on i i l S** l ® Double Rntryßook-Kw*.
tag, Writing, Commercial Arithmetla an?
a*m|f «&*»**>,Stationary *7, enUrtSa.
paut»sez i
Usual time to complete a tall comae, from «tolOWmb
Every Student, npon graduating, is guaranteed to be com
petent to manage the Books of. any Business sad qualified
to earn s salary of from.
SWdente enter at any time—No- VacaUon-RevlSwat
pleasure. •,
for Beet Bosiness Writing fiir 1859. ro-
Also, at the prinSpai Faltaof^tha
*9-Ministers Bona received at half price.!
Bor fdOtafarmatton, Circular, Specimeasofßtisiaett and
Ornamental Writing aud Embellished View of the College,
enclose five letter stamps to > F. W. JENKINS.
5ept.92,1859.—1y Klt^urgh,-*..
Cheap Goods ! Cheap Goods!!
INQ OPENED, a large stock of SPRING AND SUM
MER GOODS, of alt the late styles and qualities in the
Eastern market, In-the line of
wo cannot be surpassed by any house in the place.' Our
stock of Qrocxmes, such as
are of the best kind, and all fresh.
together with As full as&rtmeut of
In the Ladles’Department, are Ml the different and latest
styles of
together with ageneral assortment for Children. 4 Misses,
and a good and (ml stock of *
for Spring and Summer. The largest assortment of'
ever brought to the place, and being uupredently low, from
6Kd ®P to 'A") cents per roll, with Bordering to match.
And as vro purpose henceforth to give the business our
especial attention, we will sell very low for cash or country
produce, and Will take in exchange, as usooi, 'Butter, 'Eggs,
Lard, Thllcw, Patalna, Beetwax, cfc Thankful ibr
post patronage, wo hope, by a strict adherence to business,
to our old motto, ‘'Saudi profits and quxdc tales,” to retain
our customers eld and gain may new once.
Mays, 18C0. ,
E. A. O. KERB’S;
R. A. 0. Kerr has just received the largest, most Ashton
able and best .selected stock of Goods in the market, cohala
ting of on endless variety of goods for men and boys’ weir.
Thu largest and best assortment of Ladies’ Drew Goods
in town, consisting of black and fancy Silks, all Wool De
laines, Alpacas, Challle Delaines, plain and figure*Braise,
Lawiu, Ginghams, DucaU, Lavolla Cloths, Ttoßarge, Troy,
elihg Dress Goods, and a lieautifhlassortmeht of Prints, Ac.
Also,Tlckiiigß, Checks, Mnslins-BUck andJtefiliMied,
Cotton and Linen Table Diaper, Crash, Nankeen, 4c.!\ ;
Also, a large assortment oi Ladies’ Collars, Drew Trim
mings, Ribbons, Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, Hosiery. SOkond
Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils, Barred and Plain
Jaconet, Swiss Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Milt Muslins.
Swiss and Cambric Edging. Dimity Bands, Velvet Ribbons.
«c. Also, a fine assortment of r ’ •
Ladies’ Black Silk Sommer Cloaks,
Neat and Btautifol,
Sdots and Shoes, Sats and Gaps,'
Hardware,'Queens ware. Wood and Willow Ware, Groce
tra. Salt and fish. Also, the Largest uud Best Asaurtiucut
of Fancy
in town, which will be sold.chcap. •
.1 ? nd ex , ani * llo my goods, and you will bo convinced
market 0 ae1,061 MBortmenl a ?“ cheapest goods lu the
.1 Country produce token in exchange for goods, at
the highest market price. H. A. O. KERB..
April 28, ’6O.
— . • • \
The Latest from the East! I
The proprietors of the
“MODEL STOKE,” corner of Annie and Virginia
streets, take pleasure in Informingtbo citlzeni of Altoona
and vicinity that they have received their first stoekof
to which they respectfully invite the attention of allJand
particularly the ladies, feeling confident that our present
Stock of Goods Is well worth an examination, and bc
lievmgahwthat we have bought them bn Brack terids as
will enable us to offer inducements to purchasers. Xlur
of*^ and Vttried » comprising all the
Prints, Driafnes, Debege», Lawßat, Btil <ie Cheeret, Gina
lataui Ttotojoret, Chnlhet, Truyellinff Mixtures* Blade
and Mwcy SUkt, (ogeUiermOiafiiUlmeof
■Domestics*. Itfc
vKiUof jVofiontandJhn- ’
, cy articles, such
■ a i Closet, dc.
Our.stock of
isunusually largo and very cheap. In these good* ww«an
not be beat by any one cjthorin qualify or pricbT&r proof
of which please call and see goods and prices. vr r ** -
„ y^ e w ?®id Invito attention to our huge’ stock bf CAR
are able to sell at greatly roduced prices. We
assortment of
. frjfiy thaakfW for the patrqhage herctpfare’recct
ved from the public, wo cordially invite our
and see us again, hoping that the benefitmay bb/nwtual.
Altoona, April 12th, 1860. J ' * J "
raven Oat heretbfqroreilsting ht
Fwe?n tto undersigned, trading under the firm of J. Barko
by mutual oduwnt mithe ?oth
♦ .a^ A ll P® nK,n3 knowing ibcmseWeh Indebted
requested to inake .tottloment immediately; toJ.Kfrkowltz.
ui whose hands the books remain. •: •
Altoona, June T, 1560.-3 t. A. MILUBOX:
TTHE undersigned WOULD IN
oA. fetorest
bcretofbro kept by them, and will continue tbe trainess at
the old stand on Virginia street, where be wlllVlteep con
sjantly on hsdd a large supply of ' r; - p ,
kept to Grocery and Provision
Storos, slluf which he receives fresh from tho eastorn and
wwtem clties, and will sell at the mbat reasonable prices.
He respectfully invitee the public to call and give his
stock»trial. - » j. BBRKOwT’rz
Altoona, done 7,1860. wiSKROWXTZ.
REGION. The Grain, Pastoral
North v Aroer,ca ’ with *°n>«> New
®i’°S r< ‘P h y> “d Observations on the'
By WiujAm Glim, lato of V. S. Army.
Iltaatratcd by numofous mays. •
fiwV^r^im* 1 tho tonienao region lying bet vcen the
SflßSn ‘Be Mississippi Hirer has a climate
•OTTWeawWc of supporting and enriching the most dense
population la tho world. .
' xiiw.F?££ ont th - 9 ol GOLD and PRECIOUS
fjr™”* ll mass, in locations yet unoccupied, and in qnan
”"?? “T beyond tho most sanguine anticipations of those
wennjrfor it, capable ofyislding a million of dollars per
dgy. OnotTol, 8»o.,$l 25, Liberal terms to agents and tho
trade. SOWER, BARNES A CO., Publishers,
/ ' Jf0.37 North Third St., Phlla.
~ «•" Newspapers giving this four insertions will he enti
re** to a copy of tho wort. -
June 7, X860.-4t, .
_L. * tho penally of the . lav will be strictly enforced
against any person, excepting each ae are acting for the
fire department, or under the Borough authorities, for fire
purposes, who. shall be found opening or in any vise med
dling with the Fire-Plug*. ‘
By older of the President;
Supt. Goa and Wafer Workt.
May 31,1860.
L l tojOJ parsons bolding claims again** the Borotutb of
AUtxma, topnaant themto A. A.SafYTH, Praedeniofthe
OaaDdl, ooofbafctethe Mtb
x •*•■ •» ■
J.TfcCuiuro, sSt> .
Hftring Proofs so strong-«nd direct wto '
For Statesmen, Judges, Editor#, Physician# of the
schoOlbaaweUai new, give it-their unqUailfledsanetfoo
•ad lecommend it (br ail case# of eruption#, and dlaMMoof
Ujo scaipand brain; but ail who havo used it, unite in
twtityiug thatlt will preserve tho hair ftom being grar.
•ad Drum falling to any ago, as well as restor*. Bead the
■ j • Oat Grove, 3, C. June S4th, 188B.'
Paor.O. J. Wood; Dear Sir:—Year Hair Boatoretmia
rapidly gaining popularity in this community. I havehad
s™°" *° iay prejudice aakte, eml giro your Bair Rao*
• Perfect t«t >-
thrown Iwf 7 ** 1 I so unfortunate a# to bo
f^^»2!KU- T v sn i? trftgaini * ta «** near theromtotoo,
■S^^Ki h< ?i*? cc^ e<la mo9t terrible WowrcS?;
s"^* Breat deal of irritation, which cotomonlcatod tothn
h<ad > fr3m effect#of
wWch njy oaJrwaa finally destroved cvrr tho entir* §nr
face of the head. From tho time I fl»t
toopVb>Bf however, up to tho time of Us toud dha™#*?
\V£! d i hink of > h-n f Vpto.
fessfonal nan myself, and, as I thought, undentandlaathe
oatnre of tho disease, but was tin all v defeated in evenrura,
scriptlon advanced. 7 "
Tltece and no other circumstances Induced me to re»ort
to your worthy Hair Restorative, which I have everyrea
■** to boUeve, produced a very happy result; two month*
alter, the tint application, I had as beautiful a head of
young hair aa 1 ever saw, (or which I certainly owe you
my most npoere thunks. Rest assured, dear sir, I snail
recommend your remedy to all inquirers; moreover, I «>>«<!
influence, which I flatter myself to say, is not a>
- You am publish this if you think proper. ■
Tour#, very re»pectfo«y, M. J. WRIGHT, Sl.’ D.
o®°® cUhe Jeffersonian, Philippi, Ya., Dec. 12th, 1358.
.-'“f 6l * « m 7 duly a a well ss my pleasure, to
- w ypa-tne following circumstance, which yon cuw
A gentleman ot this place, (a law
has been bald ever since his early youth; so much so,
3 compelled to wear a wig. Ho was Induced to ‘
« bottle of your “Hair Restorative," which hehkeit
very mnch; and after using some two or three bottles his
hair grow out quite luxuriantly, and ho now ha# a hand
i some head of hair. Tho gentleman’s name is Bradford, and
ln our adjoining counties, many
person# can testify to the truth of this statement; 1 give
It to you at the request of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a
great deal of yoor Hair Restorative In this and the adjoin
ing counties If yon-hare the proper agents. Yours, 4c.,
Db. TFooP : Dear Sir; Permit ms to express the ohliga
ft*.the entire restoration of my hairto
•*»*. «>» ttem of my arrival In tho'
Dnlted States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon tho
“Half Scstorattve ” it soon recovered
Its Original Info. I consider your Restorative na a very
wonderful invention, quit? efficacious as well as agreeable.
TheßsstoratKo fapufrtp iii bottles of three sizes; rfe;
large, metUttm, aud small j, the small holds y, a pint, and
rotads for one dollar per buttle; the medium holds at least
twenty bit cent, more to proportion than tho small, retails
for two dollars per bottle; tho large hold* a quart, to i*r
cent, mode to proportion, and retails for $3. ~
vV- ?9??„* CO., Proprietors, Ut Broadway, N«w‘
York, and Street St. honls, Mo.
ivJ 0 152® b *.?; Ifosslcr, Altoona, and by all good-
3«m. ac; iwo.
*■* ; WIW.BB SOU). AT
Tomake rtAnfcr an ; ' 1
v .majf
Jan. 20, 1860. ; -
full stock; OR;
. *u*M* -
Ete., etc* T. . . , :rft
May B,’lSito.
i i • ftt Allegheny Street, Greauteerg,
WAQOIir AND COAGHvy a trtiffft,
bemg rt trade, customers can rely nwatfflmhg their work
done substantial and vvorkmhnluca -mantuhr
™ l^?2. C, li r,^ Sca . , Bugg ; M » **•> *>•> renaire*} and paints
t£Jwl?* or . not *P? ?. nd thumost reisonabletena*.
Patronage la respectfully solicited.
Aitontm, HAy IT, ’oo.lm. WAX. A. MONTGOMERY, 7
vy. undersigned has good reason to believe that certain
Stmt?*??® cf TW ' UK acd cuav.torfeitiiw hat
" UofiJ bl ' t,im ° a , “??&#►
It n l? io ° tha ** will prosecute U>
thnndl thu Ihw. all persons so doide; and ftw.
Ini tl£a » "I*" 1 dvo dollars for any information
thatwfllJuaffto thocouvicUnn of sucb persons..
May I '’ S-C. BAKES.
AX Notice 3« hereby giren that letters of aihnlnietra-
Uon on Cj° estate of George- Beatty, late of Altoona/Blair
■S?^2? : Sb® d ’£. av ®. b .? cn Sauted to the nmlersiftred, real
ms MJ«brc»ald. All persons knowing thomSelraindeht
#r? c d cost<:d 10 mako immediate payment
And those haring elaimswiU present them duA anient!-
■tembs *«ajhs£
SALE.—'Die Gate-Houao and Lot 1 s
ingto the ALTOONA AND HOL- A
nsto % mile from Altoona, 49 offered dtMHSBSB'
Private Sale. Fur terms nml further
porttoloiv inquire o( JOSEPH
Company. [April as, l«60.-tt '
anderbigned respectfully informs tfco put Ho that ha
naa taxon the ware-room two doors from tiro Branch Bcm.
where ho will keep on baud all kinds of
and attend to the duties of an UNDERTAKER.
Two good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice wantod/-
Altoona, Apr, lit, 1860. .?<tS. T. MOORE,'
Philadelphia Garden Seeds!! ;
at A. ROUSH S Drim Store. One paper of tboM StMta
much oa three papers of Seeds.
T SALE.—Tha undersigned purposing changingtit,
location, offers {or sale his Real Estate in tho Barongtia "4f
Hollidaysburg anil Duncansville, Ad., including hia print*
residence, which is oco of tho first class properties in EUir
county. For farther particulars inquire of the subseribsr
either at llollidayEbnrq or-Altoona.
Jan. 12,1860.-tf
Flour.— the rest quality of
FAIULY. KLOUB for sale, Wholesale andßetail.A
* Ite? g 18M , f J- SHOEMAKER. ■ ,
Deo. il, 18S6-tf. Makonle TOTnyla.
Lumber for sale.
paa all kinds orBUUDINQ MAIEBXAIS, lower than the
lowest, for Casn. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKBIk
Hardware of all desckip
tions jdst received and for sale by '
Oct, Ifrtfj J. B. HILEMAI^.
BiiTicf Cmm, loiltt So*;*,
* A- »OUSH, AMOOftfA,-