LYON*S i tPttre Ohio Catawba Brandy. f HB UNIVERSAL PREFERENCE PO^BB^NDYfor U * ht>V " tbat H,a tb ° MEmeiNAL purpose; known, which is folly corroborated by all practicing pby nclaiu who have used It in their practice. Fof Summer Complaints with GhlWreu, AfCvre it, guarantied or the money mU be re' ycj'f'j':' funded, U&irill cffvctnally relievo that affliction, ag wcll at Dtuvlicea & Bowel Complaint, A BEyERAGE, : "' iSie.pnte. article is altogether superior, and aeoTereira and SUBE BKMKDY for ~ ■ ri JHtpepsia, Flatulentn/, Cramp, Colie, Languor, Low Spiritt, Qineral Debility, Jfervous ntu, Liver Complaint, etc. i ' ®tortclaii«| WholiAve n»ed it iii-tlWir practice; spcai of ?rsji“? * oort Haltering terms, as will be seen by reference •> tbeomncroas letters ana certificates. 3 A. lIAUT A CO., I‘roprletbrs, Cincinnati. • A. ROUSH, i ***► Wholesale and Retail Agent for Blair cooaty. 1869. UNDERSIGNED WOUIiD :M«>eetfully inform his old cua * poBHc generally TO'ne ba« ju«t received a lajuub «ld tutrnsoju; os- sortment of CLOTHS, Cassimereß, and vestings. he is now offering for sale, and is prepared to make tbsm .up in the latest, stylo & most durable man- W, *s none hut the best .Workmen are employed, and all work made will be warranted to giro satisfaction. He has also a good Stock of GturS' FUUNISHINO GOODS, tetch as Shuts, Cornua. t'HDEt shuts. Drawers. Pocket Handkerchiefs, Neck Ti«, Stocks, Suspenders, Hosiery, &c„ 4c.; also a largo assortment of RfcADY-JIADK CI.OTIIINO, all of which he is determined to.seU as cheap asthey-can 'be bought this side of Phila delphia, The public arc respectfully call and examine my stock, as I shall take pleasure in showing them. Doors open at all times from 6A. M. anti} 9P. M Admittance free. May 6‘ ISSSitf GREAT OPENING SPfU N G AN P S UMMEA CE> C£>: 68-«» - T B. HILEMAN HAS JUST RE ll • , oeivod and opened athla old gland, on Virginia'st., alargeand attractive assortment of seasonable goals, com prUingotl4licsipvrltics:in . EREGES, DUVALS, LA WNS, GIXGHA.V& EMBROI DERIES, LACES. HOSIERS d-GLOVES, and nil varie thw and textures of LADIES DRESS GOODS,. togethor witha full assortment of goods' for gentlemen’s weur.suchas Cloths; Cassimeres and Vestings.' Also a full stock of Hardware, and GROCERIES, and an assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, &C., of .all sizes and styles,, which equal to any in the market, and. will be sold at fair prices. 'Uavlng recently enlarged my stord-foom, ,X can now display oiy largely Increased stock to better advantage and wouW.respectfully invito everybody to call. May. 12,1850., Stoves, Tin & Sbeet Ironware, SPOUTING, &C. JAS. W. RIGG WOULD RE-A-*. spcctfully ipform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity'tbat iio keeps constantly ouliond agKw. largo assortment of Cooking. RUrhir. Office <*ndpßßpA Shop Stoves. of all styles and sizes, to suit the t-' - r ' wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. N lie also keeps on hapd a largo stock of 2Yn and Sheet- Iron Hhre. consisting of all articles for culinary purposes— Cued Scuttles, State Pipe, «fc. i Uo has also purchased the r : gbt of sale in Blair countv. of B.V. JONES’ ' ' " IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs only to be seen to be apprecia ted should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. \ A®- Particular attention paid to pnttihg up SPOUTING, cither In town or country. Spouting painted and put up od the most reasonable tends. fnpril 14,1869-\y JJEENAN AND SAYERS ! JESSE SMITH, Would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has Just arrived from the city with a large wid splendid’ stock of HATS OB OF AND B| ALL CAPS, STYLES, For Spring and Sommer Wear, of every \color and shape. Also, a gpod assortment of Misses and Children’s Flats, MEN’ AND BOYS’ STRAW HATS, Of different ‘varieties, all of which will be sold CHEAP PGR GASH. Persons In want of anything in the above line, will please rive the a call, before purchasing elsewhere, ns 1 am determmod.ta sell at the very lowest.possible prices. Store on Virginia street, opposite tho-Lutheran church. Altoona, May 3, 1800-tf. ■ ■ JESSE SMITH. BAMUEL JtWiET. W3I. M. QOEJJLT. WM. CURHI W. M CORMLY &, CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS’, DEALERS IN FLOUR. GRAIN, SEEDS, BACON, MESS FORK, DRIED BEEF, SUGAB-CUKED HAMS, CHEESE, IRON, KAILS. GLASS, &c., fcc. NO. 271 LIBERTY STREET, \ ' OPMJMM BAOte HOini PITTSBURGH, PA. ■ May,10,1860.-6m. HPO TH E PUBLIC—THE SUB ■ BCRIBEE vriuld respectfully annbnnca ' ' to .the citiiens of Altoona sad vicinity, thathn Jwa has.opened* Haig^ 4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BL: wr, shebt-ibok wjsjk d- stove stoh# oft Helen street, be tween Annie and Juliastreets, East Al-. toona, where be will keep constantly on band a l arge as sortment of everything in hi* tine, which he willdlsposo of .on reasonable terms. , . ’ : ■ - . HOOFING SPOUTING Out up on abort notice.' He n|M>mnn,ifHetnr t ‘« nan' sponting. which'ls saldtobemuefa superiortogal vonized sheet-iron or tin. \ • All kinds of Job work promptly attended to. A share of *tot # 'Sth SAHOEIi I. SHIES, rpHE GREAT QUESTION WHIGS ■ now agitates .the mind of every in, where can 1 get the test article for my money? Is regard to. other matters, the sub ecrlber would not attempt to direct, but if yon . wont anything in the line of. BOOTS OR SHOES he Invites an examination of bis stock and work. ’ He keeps constantly on hond'ar. assortment of Boots,Shoos, flatters, Slippers. &c.. which he offers at lair prices. He will give special attention to' custom work, all of Which will ne warranted to give satisfaction. None,hut the beet Workmen are employed , Remember my shop is on Virginia street, immediately Opposite Hessler’s Drug Store ; .September 3. *fi7-tf] Mo re light i more light i Just arrived at the store of A; 'Roush, a splendid it No. 1, Carbon Oil. which be will sell at ill eta per quart, also a lot of Carbon Oil Lamps of Jones Patent which are warranted to bo superior to an) other kind. Altoona. Nov. 24. ’59-tf. O -YES! 0 YES!—GENTLEMEN draw niqh and hear. JOSEPH P.TROCT in noun- Ctt to the that he ia ready to discharge his duty jion Auctioneer whenever called upon. fjan.2 *66. SELLING OFF—A LARGE AS SORTMENT of Boots and Shoes, Buffalo and Colt Overshoes, at JELTHCH’S Dec.fl.lBSB. CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID. Linseed Oil. Spirit* of luznentiue, White Lead and !tala cbeapat A. ROUSH’S. QPECTACLES AND EYE PREBER- U ▼*!» (by seleat \ ■ KKSWb’B THOMAS ELWAY, JOIINH. ROBERTS. '-±l* £ |■ • g ■ ZD J- f'.|- ' gift 8 .5 fVI gill Isl s n *, |Jid | :.|J. j « Cd l gll-sf| M t 0 rvr °° s g ■=*its a§i *« -it- H •_' gn|? § S | • *{* . Lmd § Sgl&gJ 99 « 8” if 5 A 6 ■'O v; t»l| : il ;li : . I|fi . If - °Lt j >-h ■:!: ;.4 i ;| :! Tie Train lias Arrived i J B. HI LEMAN HAS JUST RE4 • TDRNKD from the city with ft large and carefully] selected stuck of . : SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which be la determined to Rollcheap, consisting in port of Block and fancy SILKS, Bombazines, Delaines, Cali- i coea, flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White Goods, ; SHAWLS, Ac. Also, MEN’S WEAR of ail ! ; descriptions, shell os Glottis, Cosaimeres, ; Sathietts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cord Dril lings, Vestings, Ac., Ac. ■- Boots/Sboc* and Callers.: A large assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, foi ladies, Gents and Misses, of nil, sizes and qualities. Also, a large assortment of QUBENSWARE and HARD-: WARE, Single and Double Carpet Chain, fleece Cotton,’ CARPETS, Ac. Y GROCERIES: This department is supplied with the very choicest articles; that can be bad in - market, and as cheap os cap be hod anywhere, consisting in part of prime RIO COFFEE, SUGAR, aliiindsand prices ; Syrup | and Molasses,'.Block and Green Teas, Rice, Spices, Tobacco and Segors; Starch, Com Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Con- > - , dies. Mustard, Oils, Turpou- ' tine, FISH, Ac., Ac. Thankful for post 6vors, he hopes to .receive a liberal' share of.pubiic patronage. ftvr. All kinds of Country Produce taken in Exchange-, for Goods. J. B. HILEMAS. ‘ April 26,1860. ' - TIJ ILLINERY AND TRIM MIMG ; ItJL STORE.—MISS JENNIE SCOTT respect- ;; fully announces to the ladies of Altoona and vici- fcya nity that she is now prepared to supply all their ;; wants in the Millinery and Trimming line. ' has on hand an excellent assortment of : SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS, STRAW AND LtCE GOODS, FLOWERS & RUCHES, IUIiIIANUS AND TRIMMINGS, to which she invites the attention of the Indies. She has aslo one of Mrs. C. C. D. w’s patent , HAT AND BONNET PRESSING MACHINE, ,i and is therefore enabled to do work in tills line in a i>upo rior manner, on short notice, aud at reasonable prices! She .invites a call. [April 12, 1800.-tf. j! Exchange hotel.—the sub scriber would respectfully in form the public that he has recently fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre- -i pared to accommodate bis friends andi patrons in a comfortable manner, and holsl2SsSSi3flBE‘ will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all' sojourners. His liable will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and Cities, and his Bar; filled witlTliquorsof choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of anv other Hotel in the place, and hoi! feels satisfied they can not he complained of by those, who. favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a slmra of public jiatronage, and fully intending to deserve it, bd throws open bis house to the public and invites a trial. I bavejust received a stock of No. I Frepcb Brandy. 1 for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medieinaj pur poses, together with a lot of tho beat old Rye Whiskey to; be found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1859,-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. ■ Howard association, 5 1 , I'HILADELPUIA. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment, for. the He lief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent ana Epidemic Diseases, and especially' for the Care of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. ' Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to ; all who apply by letter, with u description of their cimdi- - ,tion, (age, occupation, habits of life. 4c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. ; VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and,other; diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new remedies i employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed; letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for; postage will be acceptable. ' < Address, DR. J. SKILLON HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon,Howard Association. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. . ’ EZRA D. UEARTWELL. Pres’t. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. [Jan. 19, ’6Ol-Iy - • . GLENN’S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (cokseh of the five stobt blocs,) -1 North West Comer of Eighth and Race \ ’ PHILADELPHIA. : HHHE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFUL-. jy LV invited to hear in mind 'hat at this Store may be. found an assortment of fashionable and handsome Mc/estan Dress Hats, Soft Halt, High, Low and Medium Depth Crown; Cloth and Glazed ' Caps. Plush and Flash Trimmed. Caps fcr Men and B .ys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, at Fair Prices. A©* NO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR 00003.*®* j(an. 12i MBO.-ly Red lion hotel, ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. - This old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly! oppoeiie the place of stopping the passenger cars in'. Altoo na, has passed into the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants me in assuring; the travelling public that ho pains .will be spared to render; guests as comfortable as' possible while sojourning under' my roof. 1 The TABLE will constantly bo supplied with the very; best the market affords. The .BAR will be found to contain an excellent assort- ; mont of LIQUORS of dll kinds, including that choice beve; - ; enced Ostler. The'proprietor hopes, by his long experience iq the; buslncs and the facilities at his command, to moke the Red ' Liott, in all respects, a first riass Hotel. The busing of; the Hotel wQI be under my own personal supervision. A; liberal share of public patronage Is kindly solicited. • JOHN W. SCHWEIGERT, Proprietor. ; ; I85?.-tf ' ... J, XfEW GROCERY FEED AND PRO ±^|' VISION STORE. .' The subscriber would respectfully iufonn .tho citizens of Altoona and vicinity that ha has opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adeline and Julia streets. {East' Altoona, where he wiil keep constantly on hand a ful{ sup ply of everything in his lino. His 1 i' • GROCERIES - i ! are all fresh and sold at prices as low as those op any other establishment in town.' Ills stock of provisions, consisting of vi Flour , Hama, Shoulders, Sides, <&c. : will ho sold a little cheaper than they can be bought anyi where else; His Hour Is obtained Dram the b«ot mills ini the Western part of the State, ondiswarnmted to be what iris represented. - r. - '■ , j:r -' ' All kinda of Feed for horsM, cowsandhogv always on hmidr • /J ‘ ~ ■"'< 1 intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all times be able to supply my customers with whatever they! may need, and I intend also to sell at prices which wifi; make it a saving td those who patronize my store. ■ : July 22,1838-3 m. HENRY BELL. ;; Medicated fur" chest pro- 5 TECTOR, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affec tions of the Lugs, which arise from the exposed state of the chest, according to fashion and the continual changes ofon; Climate, for sale at the Drug Store of 6. W. KESSLER. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green, Yeilow,Paris Green, dry a ground oil at [l-tt] KESSLER’S T>LANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS X> BtoOy on(l axpedicioptly executed et thieoffloe, GREAT CENTRAL L JEM PDAIUM, HOUSE." ALTOONA, PA., TETHEBE MAY BE HAD ALL THE T! popular Pnblkattons of the day, as follows: Nqf York Ledger, ' '&cw York Meratry, : x Jfew York Weridg, : Scientific American, New Turk Wacerlg. a. Piag qf-Oir Vmon, ■ True Flag, ■ American Union, • ■ ' • .ftoidov ■■■■■'■■v Hhwrriy Magazine, Pxmk LezUe's PidoriM, . SarpePs Weeklt, Ballou's Pictorial-, * ! . . Frank Lube's Ztt, German Paver, 7he Illustrated ’World, (German,) i TA< Am Tort Clipper, National Piiee Gazette, United Stales PAiee Gazette, > Boston Plpt, Irish American, Home Journal, ; Banner of Light, Spiritual Telegraph, Weekly Tribune, Barters ■Spirit. Life Illustrated, Prank Ledidsßadgetof Fun, Yankee Notions, Altoona Tribune. Nix Naz, DAILIES; , Philadelphia Press, New York Herald, PUlAie Ledger, ' v jctw York Tribune, : ' Pittsburgh True Press, ‘ New York Times. _ North American, ■ Pittsburgh Chronicle, Etening Bulletin, Evening Argus, Pennsylvanian. To which will be added the uew publication* as they appear. Magazines, Novels and Romances. Miscellaneous Books, School Books. Copy Books, Slates, Pens. Pencils, Inks, Cap and Letter Paper. : nvelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in (act every thing in theigtationnry line. Toys, No tions and Games of every variety, Plc i tures and I‘icture Frames, Ac. ■ A choice lot of CONFECTIONERIES, of every vari ety. Also. TOBACCO and SEQ AKB of the best quality, N. B.—We are solo Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, for BOHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE: It does pos . iticelg cure all sores to which it is applied. Try It. 7-tf.t H. FETTINGER. Marriage guide-being a private Instructor fpr married peraons. — or those about- to be married both male and female, lu everything concerning the physh In 'gy and relations of opr system, and the pro “ ' auction or prevention offspring., including all the new dis coveries never before given in the English language,’ by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and inter esting work. It is written in.plain language for the gene ral reader, and is Illustrated with numerous Knera rings.— All young married” people, .or those contemplating mar riage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses'sycrets that every one should be acquainted with; still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie about the house It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or in postage stomps Address DU. WM. YOUNG, No. iU Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE—No matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any one of the notorious quacks—native or for eign—who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of cither of Dr. Young's Books, and read it carefully. It will bo tlie means bf saving you many a dollar, your health and possibly your life. '■ DR. bb consulted on any of the diseases de scribed in Ills publications, ai his Office, No.-HG Spruce St above Fourth. [Apr.PA’OO.-lycow. P ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON GIL LAMPS! Unr waled in Jieauly, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Kv„.y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est pc. table light within their reach, should call at the store A the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur hy explosion. . 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. . 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. ' 6th. That the light is at letist *5O per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common, use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dent*. Mechanics, Seamstresses, factories. Halls,Churches, Stores, Hotels, and arc highly .recommended for family use. Tile burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every pur|M>s u of a new lanp. IVc guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. 19, 1868-tf.) 0. W. KESSLER. ' /CONSUMPTION AND ASTHMA / CURED. / DR. PT. JAMES, ■ Discovered, while in the West Indies.u certain cure for I Consumption. Asthma. Bronchitis. Coughs. Colds, and (jeneral Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up tu die. jlis child was cured, and is now alive nnd wi li. Desirous of hrnelit tlng bis fellow mortals, he will Send to those who wish it. the recipe containing'full directions for making and suc cessfully using this remedy, free, on receipt of their names with stamp for return postage. When received, take it to G. W', Kessler, Druggist. Altoona, There is not a single symptom of Comsumption which it does uot at once V take hold of and dissipate. Night sweats, peevishness. I irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult ex- I pectorotion,sharppaiisiu thelungs, sore throat,chilly / sensations, nausea at the stomach, inaction ofthc / bowels, wasting away of the muscles. Address 0. P. S BROWN & CO., 32 and 34 John St- New York., March 8.186n.-6m * De Forest, Armstrong & Co-, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 & 82 Chambers St., N. Y., WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE that they tiro opening Weekly, in new and beau tiful patterns, the WAMSUTTA .PRINTS, ALSO THE AMPSKEAGV A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. Feb’y •->. 1800.-1 y House, sign and ornament al PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS & WALSH re spectrally announce to the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in a workmanlike manner and at low prices. They also keep constantly on hand and for sale at lowest prices, OIL'! GLASS, PUTTY & POINTERS’ TOOLS; ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED & ENGRAVED WINDOW GLASS, LOOKING GLASS & PICTURE THAMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, CARVED & ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES. A2L. All Orders left at A. Roush’s Drug Store, Altoona, will receive prompt attention. Shop on Montgomery street, Hollid.iysburg, Pa. April 5,18G0.-tf. Bakery and Grocery Store. THE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON STANTLY on hand Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c. Fresh Butter, Bacon, TLOBB, GROCERIES, Also, a choice lot of SUGARS and TOBACCO. JACOB KINK, Nov, 10e Yliginia Street, btlow Aouic Strwt. N House and 'lot fob sa i;e The subscriber offerd at Private Sale .n the HOUSE and LOT now occupied by her, oh the corner of Adolinc and Jhliu streets, flrSjl § '| f\A East Altoona. The Hduso is a good Ttro-aßlll'l aIK Story frame Building, containing a HaIL£MUbaB Parlor. Dining-Room and Kitchen on four good steeping rooms On the second floor, A a finished Attic. The lot is in good order. - • Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain ftirther Imformation will call npon the subscriber. MAHGT. M. McCRUM. Altoona. Aug. 11th, 1869-tf. I CinrlVl Hit 1 For the instant relief W I H ll ft an rival as a tonic, supplying electricity or magnetic lorn to every part of the enfeebled- and prostrate body. 1 needs no lengthy trial to convince any that the Acacias Balsam is truly the greatest remedy of the day, as il beneficial qualities are fully apparent in eiglit-and-forty hoars after trial. Let the invalid, then, no longer delay, but A make the trial, and the result will surely be | of the most gratifying character. & The Acaciax Balsam is prepared with the S greatest care, and the best materials. No jjj pains or expense are spared to make it what W It is—the best known remedy of the ago. -It A taay be taken by either sex, of all ages, and nL at all seasons, with perfect safety; and ft is M none the less powerful in conquering those dis- V eases Which sap the foundation and destroy yMf the lives of so many in oiir midst. Every family ygOt should have it, and regard it as a household Mr treasure. I . PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE 1 S JjjgfSSmnd r.Dr.o|P“3Si| Descriptive pamphlets given to all who apply to my agents. •tor .**ll;' by A. Koiish, Altoona, Blair county'. March la, ISOO. In presenting you with DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL, we desire to state its superiority over every nos trum Unit nurse or quack has heretofore offered \ou. First. It Js the preparation of a r-cular physician, who is well qualified from much experience in infantile com plaints to prescribe for them. Secondly—lt is entirely free from paregoric or plate of any kind,and consequently re lieves by removing the suffering ot your child, of deadening its sensibilities. Thirdly—lt is pul tip win great care, as a comparison of it with any other article for Infan tile complaints will show; the very roots from which it is distilled being dug from the forests un er the direction of Dr. Eaton, many of them by his own hands. Font tbly It is perfectly harmless and cannot injure the most delicate infant, and is a certain cure and relief in all the fallowing cases, which is its chief merit over every other preparation, FOE ALL COMPLAINTS ATTEDING TEETHING ; such as Dtsestert, Colic. Ac . also, for soßeniug the gums and relieving pain. For regulating the Rowels it is une qualled. For Cold in the Head it is a sure relief. For the GROUP, the most fatal and trying of all diseases, it can be relied on with perfect confidence; and being a\powcrfui an ti spasmodic in all cases of convulsions or fits, we earnest ly recommend you to lose no time in procuring it. Lastly— It costs so much more than other"preparations of the tiud that we cannot afford such long advertisements as can those whose whole expense is their advertising; for the same rea son. it commends itself a the most reliable to all mothers In all cases, the directions wrapped around each bottle must be strictly followed, Price, 25 cents per bottle. Dr. Bronson, having been so far reduced by consumption os to ho considered beyond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of the medical profession, and also by^jirnself—a regular physician of twenty years practice—as a last resort conceived the Idea of ANALYZING THE BLOOD, and ap 'plying the subject of Physiology to the more immediate connection, and effect of the state of the Blood upon the health and system. The result has been the production of this •• BLOOD FOOD,” from-the use of which. Dr. Bronson was restored to perfect health. Within slic months afterits Introduction, over two thousand consumptiveswere effectu ally cured by it. If jam have any complaints of a con sumptive tendency. Cough. Cold, Headache. Palpitation of the Heair, Loss of, Appetite or pain in the side, lose ho time in procuring a bottle of the «■ BLOOD FOOD.” It yon arc suffering front NerVtms Debility, or your Sleep is Broken and disturbed, if yohr Spirits are Depressed, or your Or gans relaxed, yon will find this-an unfailing remedy, by commencing with ten drops. If yonr Liver is torpid or dis eased in any manner whatever, one or two bottlea will "bo sure to invigorate and bring it into lively and healthy ac tion. In the most Inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find thy most efficient and grateful relief. A bene fit is always experienced after taking only one bottle. In Male or - rViiialo Complaints dr Weakness, the sufferer, after trying other remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three hot l! 68- BLOOD i'OOD” is effectual In all cases of Erup tions. Salt Rhrura, Scrofulas and other like complaints:— Pale and emaciated children and adults are immediately beuefitted by Its use. It gives strength to (he body and color and beauty to the skin. 'Physicians of all schools are using it with wonderful success: For full directions, sec circulars. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH A DUPONT, No. 36 Maiden-Lane. New York T. W.DYOTT&SONS, Philadelphia. andG. H.EEYSEB. Pittsburgh, Wholesale Agents.: . . A. Roush, Altoona; W. T. Murray , riollidaysbnrg; and by all r«pectable druggists throughout the country Juftrcli e.*1860.-ly. J)LANING MILL & SABH MANU h V™ “«W«» that Planing Mm and Sash >lauufac .vC- • topy, / .•••. from Tipton to Altoona, where ho will continue to fill op dert ana-attend to all work entrusted to hint with At* Ro^inlJsuii^ 1 **= o ot KO AC^ M feIT.I8 6 9.-tf. TiWSi McADLBy. CITRATE OF MAG- Btfltf invito operation “•*> prepared and for sale ’ A. ROOOH, flwppirt. TUTARIA L iPB PEYSTER MEMO ifl BIAI SCHOOL.—This institution, which I* located n Altoona, Blair Oonity, Penn’s, will be opened on the let MONDAY in MAY. It is Intended ns ft permanent School; j and will connect with[it a Male A Female Department. In | the Male department! young men will bo instructed with i a view to .their entering the advanced classes of our best j Colleges; or. if desired, their education completed, in the Female depot tment, Instruction will be given in any, or all ol the different brunches, cither solid or ornamental, taught n ourbeet Female Seminaries. The year will bo divided into two Sessions of fire months each—the Summer Session to commence on the Ist Mon da; ofMay, ending ori the last Wodnesday of September— the Winter Session to ! comraenc« on the Ist Monday in No vember, ending on (he last Wednesday of March. The . Scsskmtrwill be divided into two quarters of eleven weeks each.'Terms, per quarter, as follows—visu ■ SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Beading, Writing. Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) $4,00 Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences, Mat he matics., Mental and MwalPhiiosolphy, logic* the lan guages and Oompoeitfon Ac.) ; $3,00 EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES V Music (Including two of instrument) -$lO,OO Drawing, :,Jl $3.00 Painting (InwaterColors) ' 3,00 Needle work, 3 2,00 Instructions in vocal music gratis. Ono half the above charges, to be paid Invariably in advance. N , R. W. OtIVER. Superintendent ifaje Dtp'U , ’A. B. CLARK, * J*mak u ". Mt. ■ Principal of Jfale u MUa C. M. CIARK, “ timale u March 10, MW.-tfl ’ IVTEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR ■i. 1 STORE.— would beg leave to an nounce to tlie citizens of Blah' count; and vicinity that ho lias opened his new Store on. Virginia street, three doors below the Superintendent’s Office, where ho bos just received from the East and West a large assortment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, ||||||| consisting as,follows: _ aHHBSj French Olard Btandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Wine; Old Port 0 me, Jamaica Bum , Holland Gins Old Rye Whiskey, Monongahela Whiskey, and ] hhine Wine, j which he lias himself'imported. Retailers of Liquors and Farmers l will find it to their advantage to buy of him. as he will sell at CITV PRICES. lie will also keep constantly on hand op assortment of GROG ERIES, Such as Flour , Bacon, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Su gars, Syrup, Sugar, Cofee, $c , se. r A U of which win be sold cheap for cash or Country Produce. Ourfrlenda and the public generally nre\ respectfully In vited to give its d ealt before purchasing elsewhere. LOUIS plack; Altoomi. May 2C, 1859.-tf r I'HE GREEN ROOK. JUTSPUB ' I HSIIICD, 150 ;I’A(JES. PRICK 25 Cents; Ou Single ami Married life; or, the fISiSfA Institution of Marriage; ita Intent, gut ions, vnd Physical and Legal Disbuall dfaliw hcatious ; the rational treatment of 11 private diseaseirin Imth sexes, ic. To which -is added a poetical essay, enti tled CuUipaediat pr the art of having and rearing beau tiful and healthy children, hy the tale Robert J. Cit-ter wr.u_ Esq M M. D. Sent free of postage, by tho Publishers, CHAB. Kuxk & Co-, Box 45SG, New York, or Dexter tf- Cb.,"Wholesale agents 112 Nassau Street, New York. Agents wanted AlBo,,OnATiB, an extract and sample of the aboveeuti died : Dr. CutvervxWs Lecture bn the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea ivpd private diseases generally, detailing the means by which,invalids may effectually enre them-e selves without tho use of dangerous medicines, and at but little expense to themselves. Sent free by mail in a secure envelope, on the receipt of one stamp, to prepay postage, hy addressing, CIIAS. KLINE & CO.. Feb. 22, 1559. 1 Box 45SS, New York City. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfulfy set forth my claim to public att'en-" tion, us a Fashionable Tailor os follows: Because 1 keep an excellent assortment of Cloths. Cassi mervs, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined, always please. , Because my work; is mode up in a manner that takes dovto the country and, gives all my "customers a city ap pearance. ; Because I tun not inferior as a Cutter to the best to be found anywhere. , ’ " Because long experience in my business gives mo entire control over it and Pam not dependant upon any one to lift me out of tho .suds. Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there fore my taste as'a Cutter and workman nnimiiaired. Call on me, in the corner room of tho ‘-Brant Uonae." Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona. May 26-sjn JACOB SNYDER. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, K. ;E. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrnp, Hoofland’s Gemdii Bitters, > ; Beer have's Holland Bitters, Sandford's Liver Jmiyorator, ■ ‘ Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Qlarke’s Female Fills, ' I Duponeo's Golden Pills, Wright's, Ayer's, . TTjfson’s and McLane's Pills, : Merchant's Gargling Oil, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, • Matehelt’s Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Arabia#, Nerve and Bone LenimcnC, in stoto an J for sale at Sept. 2,1858-tC] . • . A. RODSU’S Dfmg Store. Blair coHnty daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. iO, W. FISHER, the HoUldaysbure Artist, begs leave to inform our readers that ho Is prepared to take - ■■ r 1 Photographs of deceased persons, from Dognerreotypei, at the shortest hotice and on the meat reasonable tends. He has Just received a large stock of durable and neat dates, of all sires and styles. Including a new pattern of Family Casofor fonr persons, and is pre pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, AMBROTYPE, DAQTJEKREOTYPE OR PHOTOOBAPn. Give him a call. Booms on tho comer of Montgomerv and. Allegheny Hollldaysburp, Pa. f June 17-tf. ' G W. KESSLER-r —PRACTICAL • " DRUGGIST, regpectfolly announces- ■ m to the citirens of Altoona and the public erally, that he still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly "mE3r'- on bund, for sale. Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS. ; OILS > VAHNisn’-JCfi ES and ' ■ Brstrict nltentionjto business, and a desire to remler sat iafiiction to ali as price and quality, ho hopes to merit and rerelve.r*disff of public patronaw. Physicians qndntetehttnts supplied on reasonable terms, and all onlers froid promptly attended to. - 1 hysicians pfescriptiods carefolly compounded. [l-tf. f CONSTANTLY RECEIVING’ NEW \_S Ready Made Clothing, ot tKd latest Fashions, cheaper :i i . U.TVCW*. . A SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT OP Drawers, Cotton, Wobilen trad f 1 • . u-toch’s. I >INE AND LARD OILS, CAM- J v p .!“SS- OS™ I *** Ftri ll . OsAon.OU, 4cw at J»n.& sMf] ’ j K V* - ••K^a.EE’S, r\N HAND AT MCCORMICKS Store A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus ■*v*j Braces for salo at : ; KESSLER’S. pARPET bags, trunks, um n honght cheaper at % TUCITS toy other plyee in the country. ■ [Dee. 0,1858. ■ PRICE IN CASH X; j. i; iokks. ; . DR- HERSHEY’S CELEBRATED Worm Syrup TO THE PUBLIC^’ After a trial of over tev »• In private practice, tlie subscriber u Kr to thr public a WORM SYIttJP which to perform cures whore others hafo been rlrll T '' r &il«d i. beyond dispute the most pleasant and S' 1 } *“■>. it turn of the kind ever offered for sale. tUal Prepay. It performs its cures safely, speedily sn.i „«■ Jurlng tlio nervous system iu no wis^ n £®^ ,a, dly; i„, poet, to the and Turpentine °>« does it contain mercury m any shape or £ • purely vegetable production, barml™. • . bu < l» a that the most delicate Infant mnv take it 0 lt * Mian i It h one of the best and most jn-ntle nnr™.- i be administered to children, in caw, »f D £?*"*• »W- e,„ I exist, and Is all that may bo rcjnireTn 1 ten. to restore the deranged condition offl.»,£**°« nf 1 ® 80 fr'fftently met during childhood .Manufoctnred and Sold Wholestflo and It.*.-, Comer Fourth, andQeorgu St, « *’-W For Sole by A. ROPSH. HB UW, & p XJOt £ A m.s. : 2 g| I g* §2 s* *l I H -Ma - n j* E? b-d < ■ »«B p| P 3 f a S|l S :7 Perwma wishing to purchase stores , re cdl .t the store of the subscriber, m the Masonic Temple red amine the above stove#. JOHN 8110 KM AKER/** N.B. All" kinds of Airtight Stoves on hand. - ■'■ >Umr.l2. in? National police gazettell This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals U l« ita Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated thrornrhant tlie country. It contains all the Great Trials. CriniMi Cases, and appropriate Editorials ou the some, together wim information on Criminal Matters, not to bo found in , 5 ,' other newspaper. 1 ggi.Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six Bonth.,. bo remitted by subscribers, (who shonld write their moil and the town, county and State where they reeidetOmitt ToO.W.MATSELLiCO, W Editor £ Prbp'r. of New York Police Queue, io-ti] Net ft TorkCStf. /CONCENTRATED LYE, FORMA- V 7 KINO Soft fioapl and Soap Powder for Washing, om noundeijual tosix of common Soap: Castile. Sosp,fsla Soap, Chemical Soap, etc., on hand and for role at June 10.1855.-tfj ■ -■ A. ROUSH'S. pAN BE BOUGHT AT H. TDi'H’S, Vv' Winchester 4 oo> Patent Shoulder Seam Tine Shirt! Gee. 0. ISA*. ■ . , It is a fact that, at some-period, every mem ber of the human, family is subject to disrate or disturbance of the bodily functions; but, with the aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain common sense, they may be able so to regulate'the system as to secuyi permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state of* things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Dr. Hostettcr has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, Which is not a netjyncdicinc, but one ' that has been tried for years,, giving satisfac tion ,to all who have used it. The Bitten operate powerfully upon the stomach, hovels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy ami . vigorous action, and thus, by tho simple pro cess of strengthening .nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite; or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramp!, Dysentery, Colic,; Cholera Morbus, Sc., these Bitters have no equal. , ' Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted bynew settlers, and caused principally by the change of water diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably men prevalent, in all its various forms, than anj other, and thri cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can be cured without fail hy using HOSTETTEIFS STOMACH BITTERS, «p« directions on the bottle. For this disease erny physicHm will recommond Bitters of some rind; then why not use an article known to be infal lible ? All naiions.have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disease arid strengthener of the syi tern in general; and among them all there u not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emm ; nated, bmsed upon scientific experiments which have teridefl to prove the value of this gr«»| preparation iri the scale of medical science. Fevee asg Ague.—This trying and proton ingdiseose, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of iriari,' reducing him to a mere sna-_ dow in a short time, and rendering him P"J‘ sically and'mentally useless, can he dnr» from the body by the use of HOSTETTER S RENOWNED) BITTERS. Further, none oftM above-stated diseases can be contracted, tvffl in exposed situations, if the Bitters . as per directions. And as they neither'c«t nausea nor. offend' the palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interrupt of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy 'digestion; the complaint moved os speedily as is consistent with the P*® - duciion'of a thorough and pemaqaileore' ... Pbr Persons in Advanced YetjnKf- , suffering from an enfeebled corißnhtro 11 , iriflrm "body, these Bitters are invaluable restorative of strength and vigor. b»“ “ • only be tried to be appreciated. mother while nursing these Bitters aze u> , pcn&able, especially where the mother s m ishipent is iriridequase to the demands w child, conseqrieritly her strength must J* and here it is" where a good tonic, won . Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters, is needw tttriporary strength and vigor to the , Ladiez shonld by all means try this f fdr all cases of debility, and, before, so should ask their physician, whov » 5 acquainted with the virtue of ’the Bittern recommend their use in all cases of CAIJTIOH—We caution the pubUc aga any of the many imitations or counterfeit 5 . for Hostettxs's Celmrated Stohach i £ and see that each bottle has the words Hostetler's Stomach Bitters” blown on * - •f the bottle, and stamped on tee covering the cork, and observe that our sa signature is on tho label. Prepared and add by HOBTEJT SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa, and B °“ druggista, grocers, and dealer* IP throughout the United States, Cansd Airierloa, and Germany;* „ ' .®i 49-Sdd brQVT Kessler and A Joeota J K Patton and W Q MttiT*r. jrTI? l hv * ** - HOSTETTEE’S STOMACH BITTERS, rjBSP ,-ai I; "mm -•w I •1® m - i Btjfh II JU»U ■ Mec. ■V >«gos. I- D. U AL' upraetli amtgdoi Otntb* HonUenrj tsbanon; 1 •sorgo V. 1 M mm ■Mr °P* n t« corner -.virbCf*BUk; Old anti Light Atoo,»nwj BOOKBkq AItOQMS^ Jilte aft K$ Sll sill „sp m XJ 8P: •«vteo«t* u*a*T| p ••wpr. Bl m ptowUrd ‘° JOOd Btj pAlj] hern] s*B* wltb] JJ.MTOd •fomthol Vs elmmed °f the Bn Jriyss m 2? *>«4 4( x>Wal>oT