The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 07, 1860, Image 3
11 'IvCIJJS OP Exter-iv raiinator. Powder,&c. 1 M icc—-liort.fon jp . <>?» I’laiits—.Jjj/* cl 'i' " jr f M and specif ty—uscl by the City n Uuiisua—thttCUy , “Amor," “St. Nj. private Cunillta. . 0 nil them. v ilk 1" >w.i, bottles, flaskg.' ■ tiXamluo eud| hut “Costar’g.” fotels, express • ■ Dealers" to H. COHTAH, . , IIIIOAUWAY, N. ,Y V OB POOD! ihc .ulvcctisement of her, coinmu;. bat 'wo ■ though wo regret-tn id. even An .appear* that is, by rcaarUlig "oi also in knowing* ■u before the poopla ..e e—Cimaa wpOon, iilic:»l Colleges, ajui <) wonikTftil thnt.ho ■ j .rojuiliivd of orery it, ili he Li Jolngj fbr . r. ti Arm whoso re ■ paratioiia from all lJurosT aro hla solo 1 l invaluable of pro- iual. If mothers lUiug up this article • >’ comparison' of Jt wpuhl prefer It to '•• ?'■ for our own i hM ia,t hesitate itjk ' that such careful ■■■/ that was nut per.: :<iU. . '' ' lE’S- r T E£s. ■ri/iting Ihe Unml. tio • anil for cor- —such lis £TXXE, :;L.usT» r ■tM-AIST, AC. -ie MUctiolia U lws ; i;nl success. •• (l.'licted of itsßalu* i. ;;:iin itsstrength, ;'n l ■ quick result. fills is now admitted iiim-ntiil principle of : y the human econ <: in the luiuian Bji . brought to 'bear to i -tare, is U\ strength*, i kept in view, by the I ITTKU’R BITTKUS, ■ -ill the organs oftho i on tin- stomach, the decisive. Tbe patient ami tiy the Bitriaxs, - iif life, i rjoywl to flx»d (be is frame.' Lot all from liarUsl, give Dr. Jf. li and dealers, .lUimn. limit ibcep Bbonlilba i iii tlic nudolitg ufa t :ilso have deplored uncouth manner lu in- up the cloth harmless sheep. To ;iu r ; up cloth wisely )■- ,t advantage the h. Stone Clothing i. CO5 Chestnut gt. ir stock of garments 'iy.n:r's TooUkdehe Ee -1 ,i., which is pnt op . It is aa excellent in ! ti nder gnmyand > need ft. Sold here i)! .■it is being circulated VSTNESSin AltooM, ,M cu"turners and tlw n;; ou business »t JW. i vi' one and all with A.JKS. PUDDINGS, iii - market. -1 k nv ® . verv best of stock , abundant supply "! •ni "t the wants of ;; : •, H the meat way v.’! I^'hBONARD. V A III)'.-—THE , i.i iieve tlutt certain i. him on his “Cny*_ I will prosecute I” -n doing; a“J,V*£ i n- any information , .x-rsuns. _ _ 1 £. C. BAKER- . .NOTICE.--. , iu'M of ~,. of Altoona, BIW tbvrosclvo taM* . immolate I bum McCOUSnCK, Administrat 0^ PRIVATE : (JIVES, ow i,. slri. lly cirorOTj a;;u i> ort * n J f ot - firo tJtSt&f , ■ i.lcnt. 1, - j 1 v ; ..... i .imif ,V s own**- ' ►■-waasefc! piwma Critenc. ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE, . ; MAILS CLOSB. v T OO ASM. 7‘oo A.M. 0 30 P, SI. 740 > fA . r rn nollWaysburg, Through “ uJ UuUldajsburg, Ttuoagl' M& y OPEN." l,lJl !enfp"™ u K h ,. !"t!ruTl' r,m S l 1 MaU ’ ** --vßbunr. 1 SIOP.M. CfiSP. SL ti‘ trr " f„ r tlio transaction of Imsinoasfroni C5O AM 1’ M-. during tlio wook, anil from 7.50 to 850 o’. : JOHN SHOEMAKER, PM, RAILROAD SCHEDULE. • Train East arrives 8,10 P.M... Above* 8,25 P. M. t»! ,rtiS .. West “ 7,40 A.M. ' 8,60 A. M. .. Kiut “ 1.15 A. M. - “ 1,20 A. M. I* 1 .< West “ 8,251VM, “ 8,40 P. M. » Hast 1“ , 7.15 A. M. « 7,30 A. M. a West i“ . C. 65 P. M., « 7,10 P. M, " imiXIDAYSBIJIUI BUANCllcounects with Express ami West, And Mail Train East mid \Ve*t. • 'VvIuaNA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown l ililsllon Train Eiist Way ' wnr.l and Express Train Westward. 1 April l" JSNOCtt CEWIB, Gen'l Supt. LOCAL ITEMS. Upbovemems. —Wc have sometimes thought limt wc would publish a list of the impro vements hein* made in this place, in the way of new buildings. &° > and have taken an observation ,ftbs town for the purpose; but each time ire bjrc observed a number of buildings in course direction, and thought wc would defer our coticc until they were completed. ‘ By the time jijfy were finished, however, as many more would bd about as far advanced, as the-others were when wo were around before, and conse quently wc would defer our notice again. We isto now came to the conclusion that wo can not keep up with the improvements in building, jaJ notice each one separately, as houses are p,ing up all around us every day, there has b«n wore houses put up this spring than any previous one. Some of opr citizens will hardly believe this, but if they do not, all wo ask of jucm is to take a walk around town and count- H (he bouses, and if they do not find it so, wo’ll stand treat. The best part of the matter is that nearly all of the houses pat Up are of a good tiro, well finished, and ornaments to the town, should this state of prosperity continue, Altoo- C n will be a city in five years. Notwithstanding the number of buildings that have been erected, it is harder for renters to obtain a bouse to-day than it was five years ago, and then it was considered next to impossible.. Tight Rope Performance —On ’Saturday evening last, a tight-rope walker named Nagle, gave the citizens of this place an exhibition-of his agility and daring. His rope was stretched from the attic window of Shultz’s Hall to the top of a house 100 feet distant At the ed time, between six and seven o’clock, be ap- peared on the top of the house, dressed like a circus performer, and went through a number of daring feats, much to the satisfaction of the large crowd which had collected to witness them. A rather amusing; incident occurred just as the professor emerged from the trap door in thereof. A number of the ladles who weie standing on (the vacant lots and ahont the doors of the houses on Virginia street, which was tp the eastward of the rope, let ont a little shriek and palled their bonnets over their eyes.— Of coarse we attributed their seeming agita tion to nervousness, but we afterwords found out our mistake. The ladies had never before seen a man dressed in “tights,” a la circus, nod thought he Was naked. We then appre ciated their situation and the cause of their trepidation. On being informed that they were in error-they consented to look up again. New Invention.-— A few evenings since wc tod shown an invention got up by our towns man,, James Widney, styled a self-adjusting car coupling, which is designed to avoid the neces sity of gomg between the cars to conple them when they are rap. together, the dangerous na ture of which is wdll known to all acquainted with the business. The demand for an inven tion of this kind is certainly great, as the maim ed hands of many persons who are now, orhave been, employed on; railroads will attest. The invention of Mr. W., if it isfonnd to work, and wc don’t see why it should not, will entirely do ■iwny with this dangerous part of the business of railroading, as by it trhe coupling adjusts it self immediately upon the cars coming together. 'Ve will not pretend to give a description of the invention, although it is a very simple one, and can bo applied to all couplings as they are now made, at a cost of from 37$ to 75 cents (at the ontside) per car. AYp ’understand that it is to ° have a trial, when, if it meets common expecta tion, Mr. W. must make something handsome ont of it. At all events it reflects credit upon bis inventive genius. Misses Pic NxC.—We learn that a. party of the misses of this place had quite a nice little picnic, all by themselves, in the grove west of town, on Monday lost. That was once the noses of the joudg would-be-gallants were too tbo-t to “ come in.” We think the young ladies much modesty inconclu |bng not the printers a nice, pound cake fnrfear they would i notice their party. Come, misses, you must pat away all such foolish no hens, and when you have anything good or nice Wyoar little gatherings, always remember the printers and .they will .say something nice about yon. We excuse you this time as it is your fet offence. * Fisauy Committed.— Hamilton and Hei ght, whom we noticed lust week, as having arrested on the Charge of being the per - s°as who broke into the store of Gen. R. F. at Sell’s Mills, lest winter, were brought “® fore Esquire Cherry on Shnrsday Inst, fop a ‘econd hearing. One of the railiinad tickets traced to and on the strength of ' is he and who is oonsidcred his nQer . were remanded ,to jail to await their **i at the Julj term., . School 'wideretand that 6 teachers and; scholars connected withltho P u Wic schools in this placoace preparing to give * xb kitson about »-iV°^ n ® schools. We have no donbt It Ul ' b »* creditable affair. N 1 following section of the.kew Penal Code, passed by the Legislature last winter, is of great importance to those who deal la drugs of any kind which are used ns poisons; , “No apothecary, druggist, or other person .shall Sell or dispose of .by retail; any morphia, strychnia, arsenic, prussic adiil, or .corrosivc sublimalc, except upop the prescription of a physician, or on the persixnol application of some respectable full of the town or place in which such sale shall be made. In all cases of saoh sale tke/word 1 poison shall bo carefully and legibly marked or placed upon the label, package, bottle, or. other vessel or thing in which such poison is contained ; and when sold ordisposed of otherwise than nnder the prescription Of a physician, the apothecary, druggist, or .other ■person iseliing dr disposing of the same, 'shall note in ,a /register, kept for that purpose, the name and residence of the person to whom such was mode, t}ic quantity sold, and date of such sale. 7 10 A. M. 7 16 .7'40 “ 6: 60 P. M. Any person offending heroin shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, oh conviction, besen tenced- to pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.” It will be seen that' no sale can be mode ex cept upon the prescription of tfrpbysician or to an inhabitant of full age, of the town or place in which such sale shall be made; in which lat ter case thohame and residence of tho purchas er, the date of the sale, and quantity sbld must be kept. TBAcnsns’ Association.—The Teachers’ As sociation of this county ’ met in, this place on Friday last, and wc are sorry that we did not attend, os we learn the proceedings were very interesting. We hear an essay read by Prof. Mitchell complimented veiy highly, os also that of Mr. Whitington. Their essays, wo understand, were requested for publication, but their own ers declined giving them, off the ground that so long as they held them they were private pro perty and oonld be used again, but If given to the public through the newspapers they became public property and were afterwards useless about home. While we are anxious to get hold of good compositions to publish, wo are, never theless inclined to think that it is sometimes wise and right for persons to withhold essays, &o., as the authors are thereby saved the time and labor of preparing another should they be.suddenly called upon for something of the kind; and many persons.excuse themselves from attending meetings where saoh essays arc read, by saying that of coursodncy will be pub lished and we can read them in the paper. Destructive Land Slide.—A very destruc tive land slide occurred near Sewioklcy, yester day, through which the beautiful residence of Mr. R. H. Davis was rendered almost a total loss.- The slide commenced early on Sunday morning, and moving at the rate of four inches an hour, the house was soon effected, and be fore anything could be done to save it was-nl most destroyed. Some three hundredmen were at work all day on the premises, and but for their efforts the damage would have been much more serious. The building cost some §lO,OOO, and-was one of the most elegant structures in that section of the country. It is now unten antable, and so shaken that it cannot here paired.—Pitts. Chronicle, 4th inst. Bronchitis.— This disease consists in an in flamed condition of the lining membrane of the bronjjual tubes, and is generally attended with cough, increased discharge from the throat and air tubes, blueness of the lips and coldness of the extremities from want of a proper circula tion of the Hood. One of the be"st remedies for its radical cure is Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Cough Syrup, a remedy prepared by that gentleman at his wholesale drug store. No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. It is put up in bottles at 60 cents and $1 each, and may be had at G. W. Kessler’s. . Prof. J. C. .Smith, A M.; Dear Sir— After a thorough practical test in the counting room of the knowledge acquired at your hands I am perfectly convinced that there is no similai: Institution in the United States, that combines so many and such superior advantages as the Iron City College; and I do most heartily com mend it ns an Institution justly entitled to all the credit it has so universally scoured. Respectfully yours, S. M. HEBRON, of theflrm of Jajnet Hebron c£- Son. Millersbmjg, May 12,1860. Surx. Gas and Water Works. —On Friday last, the Board of Managers of the Altoona Gas and Water Works met to examine the proposals for superintending and operating the Works for one year from the Ist of July next, when it was foumi. that ths proposal of R. Beachan, of Har risburg, now connected with the Gas Works in that place, was. the most satisfactory and was accepted. Mr. B. comes highly recommended by the Superintendent,of the Harrisburg works, as a man fully qualified for the position. The attention of .merchants is directed to the advertisement of W. M. Gormley & Co., Which will he found in another column.. They are straight-forward, upright, thorough-going business men, prompt in all their transactions and keep a good.' supply of everything in the groceiy and'profiricn lino. All orders entrus ted to thepr by <fur merchants will be filled to their satisfaction at prices os reasonable as those of any other estabUshment in Pittsburgh. Give them a trial. - ‘ “ S, S. Association.—The Sabbath School As sociation of Altoona will meet : in the Lecture Room-of the Lutheran Church to-morrow, (Fri day) evening, at 7$ o’clock. A full attendance of the members is desired* as important hnsi- ness will come before the meeting. ( Addresses will be Rev. A. B. Ckrkand'others. VmTOß.—Within; tho last oonple of weeks we have hod the pleasure of making the acquain tance of H; K. Moore, Esq., editor qf the Fair- who was on a visitto his/riendi in tins eeotion. He looks; like a frontier editor, is a very clever fellow.and rep resents loira as sonnd for Douglas. Celsbeaiiqe.—-T he members of the Catholic Church Ip this place intoixd holding a celebra tion in Reales’ tfooda, qn |hb 4th ?? July!'. An |eiypd op en the, occa sion, tickets tec which optynr put." Hew Gompast:— that a new military; company was organized in this place on last 8 Uurday evenings Jig name, “ Dnited States Pr electors;” was unanimously selected,. It bps on its roll soma 80 or 90 yoimg men. We are: unable to give jonr leaders any information concerningthe style of uniform to be adopted, ‘btft ate! assured .thdt it. will be plea sing to all, Ai an Heclioa for officers, held the evening mentioned,;the following militaiy gen tlemen were elected' ' Captaip-iffoseph Pint*. ; ;-v , ~Ist Lient.;t-Jeaomiah Bloomfield. 2d “ -f-r Timothy Dutton, Sr. Sd “ —James Blnff. ■ Corporal—rfabSok Tucker, Jr, Serg’t—John Monroe, The company intends making its first dress pa rade on the morning of the glorious Fourth, when our. citizens yrill have an opportunity of witnessing their sipldler-like bearing and the admirable military | precision with which they will perform all their manoeuvres under the di rection of the well-drilled and disciplined Pluck. :i —■■ ) i Holudatsberg.-— A shaft for the nCw Bolling Mill Was cast at the flollidaysbnrg Foundry, a few days ago, that weighed 9,660 lbs. It was 15 feet long and. 15j r inches in diameter. The roof of the Gftysport Foundry was slight ly damaged by, fire on Monday night A young man named Dougherty, of Gaysport, had hie leg baidly crushed by being caught be.- tween the bumpers bf the cars on the Penn’a R. on Wednesday last, fiST The election for delegates to the People’s County Convention will be held on Saturday next, and the Convention on Tuesday next, 12th inst. There are quite a number, of aspirants for all the offices to; be filled, all of whom are good men. What effect the diversity of opinion entertained by the different wings of the party, in relation to the, presidential candidates, will have upon the . nominations, we can not conjec ture. Concessions! for the sake of harmony should be the order, if success is desired. The Latest: Ntftfs.—H. Fcttinger has made arrangements whereby he will hereafter receive the Philadelphia Dqily Inquirer, a morning pa per, by the Express: Train in the morning, thus having it in circulation here as early as it is in the city where it is [printed. The Inquirer will contain the neWs up to as late an hour as the papers heretofore received by the evening mail, thus putting oiir citizens on an equal footing with the pity folks, jin reference to late news. Desirous of closing out my present busi 7 ness for the purpose of engaging 3u professional pursuits, I now offer my entire stock of Books, Music, i&c., for ealej at post. Any one wishing to take ray situation and continue the trade will receive liberal offers by making an early appli cation. :i H. SMITH. Altoona,' May 20th, 1860. P4IDRIED. In this place, on Tuesday, tbo 6tb insL, by Bov. A. Bi Clark, Mr. JOHN 11. WALLAOE.of this county, to Mies SUSAN STAUFFER, of Huntingdon county. At the LuthcromParstmgg hi Williamsburg. oo tbo 24tb of Moy, by Bov. A. H.Atjghe, Mr. DAVID BISK of Blair Co, and Mias ELIZABETH PROCHT of Huntingdon Co. At tbo bouse of Anthony Burford In Hollidaysburg', Pa., on tlu> 3rd inst., by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. JOSEPH STAGY of Frankstbwh ib-iNto Miss ESTHER SELLICK, - FARMS ON MILL . RUN A T PUB LI C SALE. rPHE SUBSCRIBER OFFEiFFOR I sale at public outcry on SATDBDAY, the 23d at the White Hall, in toniensviUe, kept by Smta’J Uilcman, at 2o’clock, P. itl., 18 Lots Of Ground, each containing 60 acres, situate near Baker's old Mill, on the stream that runs Baker’s Fdrnacc,. about ilwbtulips west of Altoomu TERMSOno-tbird of the purchase money in hand, and the balance to suit the parties, with Interest. „ . JOHN BBOTHEULINE. Hollidaysburg, June 7, ISGO.-ts.* Philadelphia watch and JEWELRY STORE, ' 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, No. ITS N, 2d 6t.,' Corner of Quarry at- The underaignodhaalenacd the abovo*BßS(pßaßHM»a promises, where he will? keep a large assbrfment“of Gold and SHver Watches, of American, English and Swiss man ufacture ‘of the tpost-celebrated makers. In addition to which will he found always on hand (andmado to order) ah extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated ware, together With a general assortment of such poods os are usually kept in a first-class Watch aud Jewelry Store. The patrons of p- Conrad, and' those of the subscriber, together with the public generally, are invited to call, aud they will receive a good article for their money. As I am detqrmlhcd to do a cash .business, goods will be sold very low. k Small Profits and Quick Safes” is the motto of this Establishment. LEWIS R. BROO-UALL, f Formerly 0. Couriid, No. XiB N. Second St., cor. of Quarry, Philada. June 7,1800.-ly. . . A “BOOK; FOII PIONEERS.—THE XV CENTRALiGOLD REGION. The Grain, Pastoral, mid Gold Regions of North America, with some New Views" of'.lts I’hyslcal Geography, and Observations on ; the Pacific Railroad. illy William Uilpix, lute of O.'S. Army. Illustrated by'numerous maps. ' It proves that' itho immense region lying between the Eastern Cordilleras and the Mississippi River has a climate and soil capable of supporting and enriching ihe most dense population in the' world; ■ ' 1 . It points, out tlie existence of GOLD and PRECIOUS METALS in mass, in locutions yet unoccupied, and in quan tities for beyond the most sanguine anticipations of those seeking for it, capable of yielding a million of dollars per day. One vol. Svd, $1 25. Liberal ternis to agents and the trade. 80WEIS, KARNES & CO- Publishers, N 0.37 North Third St., Phila. JSS~ Newspapers giving this four insertions wjll be enti tled to a copy ofthe wapk. Julie 7, 1860.-U; DISSOLUTION.— NOTICE is hereby given that 'the partnership heretofore exiflting'bo tween the undersigned, trading under the firm of J. Berko witz A Co., was dissolved; by mutual consent, on the 20th of Slay, 1860. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to sold firm, and all hating claims agaiost thb 'same, are requestodto makesettlogicnt immediately to J.Berkowitz, in whosehamlsthobookßrcmaln. > •' J. BERKOWTTZ, 1 ; A. MILLIRON. Altoona, June 7,1860.-St. ' The undersigned would in form the public jthat lio hos purchased the interest of A. MJLLIRONin the ■ \ . GROCERY. HNE» PROVISION STORE, heretofore kept by them) arid will continue tlie business at the old stand on Virginia street, where ho will keep con-' spratly on hand a'Jargo Supply of \ FLOUR, iHAMB, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, ’ SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTI ON ARIES, and everything nsnaßy kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, nil of which hd receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at tho most reasonahle piiccs. Ho respectfully'-invites the public fo call and give his stock a trial. i - J. BEEKQWITZ. Altoona', J wne'7, 1860. ~ * ' T IST OP LETTERS REMAINING l i tn the Post *t Attoona, Junoßth, 1860'h-, i A4auu,J.O. 1 ' Kooken, John ■ Alhcaht, Kalins s Knoll, Catharine A- Satiate, J.&. ! . Koaigeberry, D. 3' ’ Parties, A. T. lAretuee, Bernwrd - i Ann < Bogin, MlUlyaa i ? Barnes, Alexander I/eeAWalkor, . i Moores, J. IT. . Beam, Theodora M., ; Mardlck, Scrags Brown,HiomaO a Myera,MlsB,Sarah jB, ■ Crawford, James • , 1 : Maine*. Isaac ■■ Clifford, 8. It. MeCerncnhen, James Conrad, J. A. .i lJanlel ;• Clonser, Simon r. - I Owtoa,BamnolM;' Dorwood, MrsoA.P. - Palnjer,B6v, Joseph. 3 . . Klirenfcld, John .2 . Plottb, Christian »me»jr,T.B. Bn^fcMlwßcab Pocbt, Jonathan Kniw, : MaryAnii Fullerton. Miss Mary Stewart, BdWard 2 . Grave,John Smith,'Tsaad • O'nuly. Patrick Smith, Martin . : Goff, Miss Jane > Sbary, Hiss Julia V. Harkin, Pntt Bhnffer, W. t.- Holt, Miss Mary. Ellen; Taylor, WH. JamcB,Thomas Talbott, John Johnston, David ~ i. Whitney, MisaMary N. 4 Julian, Geo. P. B. 1 WeUs* Georgs tt.' Jenkins, Miles S. Ward, Mr*. Mary. .Knox* Mrs. Polly - Powobs call Ingfor letters ontbis list will please «*y .they are advertised, -, S"JOMff SHOBMABIwK M ,;/ 1 - ‘ ONLY PREPARATION Having Proofs so strong and direct ns to EXP E L TH E .DO U B OLS OF ALL. - . For Statesmen, Judged, Editors, Physicians of the oldest schools as well as .new, giro it-their .unqualified sanction, and i ecominend it for all cases of eruptions, and diseases of the scalp and brain; hot all who hare nsod It, unite in testifying that tt will praserre the hair from being gray, and frwm falling to any age, as well as restore. Head the following:— . v OakGrovc.S. C. Jane 34th, TSS3. Peoj.’O. J. Wood: Sear Sir: —Tour Hair Restorative In rapidly gaining popularity in tills community. J have had occasion to lay prejudice aside, ami give'yonr Hair Res torative a perfect test:— Daring the year 1854, I was so unfortunate as tb bo tlirowu from my sulky against a rock near the road-side, from which my head received a most terrible blow; cau sing a gpoat deal of irritation, which communicated to the brain and external surface of the head, from the effects of which iny hair was finally destroyed ovcp the entire sur face of the head. From the time I first discovered its dropping, however, up to the time of its total disappear ance, I employed everything I could think of, being a pro fessional man myself, and, as 1-thought. understanding the nature of the disease, but was finally defeated in every pro scription advanced. These and no other circumstances induced mu to resort to yonr worthy Hair Restorative, which I have every rea son to believe, produced a very happy result; two ninths after the first application, I had as beamitnl a head of young hair os I ever saw, for which I certainly owe you my most sincere thanks, Rest assured, dear sir, I shall recommend your remedy to nil inquirers; moreover, I shall use my iufiuence, which I flatter myself; to say, is not a little. You can publish this if you think proper. Yours, very respectfully, M. J. WRIGHT, M. D. Office of the Jeffersonian, Philippi, Vo„ Dec. 13th, 1858. Dear sir.—l feel it my duty (as well as my pleasure, to state, to you the following circumstance, which you can use us yon think proper, AgentLeman ot this place, (a law yer,) has been bald over siuce.his early youth; so much so, that he was cqpipelled to wear a wig. Ho was induced to use a bottle of your “Hair Restorative,” which bo liked very much; and after using some two dr three bottles ins bair grew out quite luxuriantly, and ho now has a hand some bend of hair. The gentleman’s uauie is Bradford, and ns lie nr very well knowuinour adjoining counties, many persons con testify to the truth of this statement; I give it to you at the request of Mr. Bradford. Y'ou can sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative in this and the adjoin ing counties if you have the proper agents. Yours, Ac., THOMPSON SURGIINOR. Dk. Wood: Dear Sir: Permit me to express the obliga tions fam under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about the time of my arrival in the United-Status it wusrapidly becoming gray, but upon tire application of your “ Hair Restorative” it soon recovered "its original-hue. I consider your Restorative us a very wonderful inveution, quite efficacious as well us agreeable. The Restorative is put up iu bottles of three sizes, viz; large, medium. a,ud small: the small bolds '/, a pint, mid rytails for one dollar per bottle; the medium bolds at least twenty j>etceut. more in proportion than tbo small.retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a .juart. iO per cent, more in proportion, and retails for $3. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 414 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street St. Louis, Mo. For sale by <4. W. Kessler, Altoona, and by all good Druggists and Faucy Goods Dealers. March 1, 'GO—ly SECOND GREAT ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER AT THH “MODEL.” WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity to our SECOND SUPPLY OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Which comprises all the NEWEST STYLES of , Prints, Delaines, Lawns, Challies, , Bereges, Balzarines, French Poplins, Satin Challies, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, BLACK SILK MANTLES, LACE POINTS, MANTILLAS, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, &c. Also, a FRESH STOCK of BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Wooden and Willow-Ware, FANCY GIGS, &C., All of which have been bought VERY LOW, and will bo offered at a SMALL ADVANCE. We particularly invito the Ladies to call and examine our new stock, as wo have many new and beautiful styles of GOODS that were not in the market early in the season. J. & J. LOWTHER. Altoona, May 21th, 1860.-St Notice to builders, mer- CHANTS AND OTHERS. ORDINANCE NO. 15, , Wheeeas, great inconvenience and serious trouble fre quently occur to the citizens of the Borough of Altoona, often ending in vexatious litigation, and in mapy cases en croachments are mndo on the streets, lanes and alleys, by those building houses and putting up other improvements. Andwhereas, complaints have been made to tho Town Council by a nnmbor ofthe citizens of sold Borough, that obstructions arc permitted to exist on the side walks and pavements interfering with pedestrians, and trespassing upon tho private rights of individuals, greatly detrimental to their comfort and busines operations, by Merchants and othocdealers, and tho keepers of Clothing stores, by an im proper exposure of their good,, Wares and merchandise,: in front of their stores, andby putting up signs and awnings too low, across the sidewidks and pavements*. ’ Therefore, Be it orebintd fiy the fovm 'Council of the Borough of Altoona, aha it U hereby ordained by the a idhuri ty of the same,. That hereafter all pec-ion's, owners ot, or agents for, lots of ground within the limits of said Borough, wishing to pat upbuildings’or improvements of any kind, intending to erect tho same up to tho line of the sidewalk, pavements or alloys, desiring an outlet for water from cel lars, stables, sowers, pumps or hydrants, shall, before breaking ground)apply to the Supervisor, or president of Council, for a regular permit for whatever privileges may bo necessary thereto. And in default there of,, the Super visor is hereby instructed, and required, to report tlie safoo immediately to the Counciß who shall proseento thbperaon or persons so offending, and on conviction thereof, before the Chief Bnrgcss.or a Justice of the Peace, the person or persons found guilty shall forfeit and pay a fine not ex ceeding Ten Dollars for each offence, to be collected as sums Of like amount are by' law recoverable,. for the use ofthe said Borough. /■ i / - : And further, It is hereby ordained by the authority aforo sald, that hereafter, all persons Uesiring W erect awnings or.put up sign boards; across any ofthe sidewalks or pavo mentsof said Borough, shall; previously to tho erecting or putting up, apply to the proper officer for a permit; and no awning ondgn board, so put up, shall bo lower titan 10 fect frem Uie snrfooo or level of tho sidewalk or paVoment, andshail leave the gable ends of aU awnings open. And also, the ewers and occupants .of all awnings or sighs hoW erected or putup,extondlng acroai the. pavements or side walks of said Rorough, are hereby required to have the; same altered so as to fully meet tile roquifements of this Ordinonco by raising them to the proper height. And also',.any person or persons, company, or society, trading, marketing, or merchandising, or nslugany of the qldewalkaor pavements within the limits of the' said. Bor ough, for exhibiting theirs ware's. and*morcbandise or Otherwise, shall ot no time occupy more than .five feet of tho sidowalk or. pavement, and in all cases that portion of the pavement or sidewalk next to their own houses; and poison offending against the jiroivsions of this Ordl , napoc foc tho space of ton days after being duly notified by tho Supervisor, Shall, upon conviction thereof before tho ChfofßurgCSS or a Justice of tho Peace, lie fined In a sum Ten Dollars for every such offence, for tho useof the said Borough, to be recovered os debts of alike umotuiare by law recoverable. Passed May Iffth, IB6o—to take cflcct June 10th, 1860. 1 . A. A. SMYTH, /Vept qf Cbuncii. : IVM.C. McCORMICK,, Chitf. Burgess. AttestJNO. MCCLELLAND, <Ssc’« qTUbvrn Cbii»ciz, ; Aj,JpOSA,.May 29th; 1660. . v -V TXARDWAEE OF ALL DESCKIP ' y-y- iioMluat toceived and for «al» Ky ' : ■ V THE S. THALBERG. OF Cheapest! Beat! largestsl $-35.0 0 Pays for Tuition in Single and Ddubfe Entry feok-Kwa . ing, Writing, Commercial Arithmetic and tqcturcs; ■Board 8 20, Sationery ST, Tuition S3Venfu-s.Ec peases $O2. Usual time to complete a ftili course, from G told weeks Every Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed to be com petent to manage tiro Books of any Business utd qualified to earn a salary of from $5OO to. $l,OOO. Students tutor at any time—No VacationT-Revlaw at pleasure. Vi- First Premiums for Best Business Writing- pi 1869 re ceived at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at tire principal' Fairs of the Union for the post four years. Ministers Sons received at half price; For fnli information. Circular, Spcclmensofßnsinessand Ornamental Writing apd .Embellished View of the College, enclose five letter stamps to - F. W.JHNJQNB. Sept. 22,1859. —ly Pittsburgh, Pry- Cheap Goods! Cheap Goods!! AT MeCORMICK’S STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE ff ING OPENED, a inr™. stock of SPUINqJtSD SUM MKU G00Q3,, of all thqMtu- styles and qurjliUes in the Eastern market. In the line of . ! > LADIES’ DRESS AND DOMESTIC QOODB, wo cannot bo surpassed by any house in the place. Our stock of GEOCUans, such ns '[ [ v COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA-, SYRUPS, 4<k, arc of the best kind, and all flesh. HARDWARE, QUEEN SWA RE, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, FLATS FOR LADIES AND- MISSES, together with os fall assortment of GENTLEMEN & BOYS’ DRESS BOOTS, BOOTEES AND GAITERS. In the Ladies’ Dopartmeut.are all the different and latest styles of GAITERS, BOOTS, BUSKIN -AND SLIPPEBB, - together with a general assortment for Children & Missis, and a good and full-stock of ‘ GENTLEMENS’, BOYS’ AND .CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, for Spring and Summer. The largest assortment of WA LL PAPER ever brought to the place, and being unprodontly'low, from 0)4 up to 25 cents per roll, with Botomaixo to match. Ami as we.purpose henceforth to give tire business our .especial attention, tvo will sell very low for cash or Country produce, and will take in exchange, as usual, Uuttcr, Egg*, Lard, Tallow, iWutoes, Jkeswax, tfc TlmUkfr.l for post patronage, we hope, by a strict adherence to business, to uur old motto, ‘'Small profits and quick tales/* to retain onr customers old and gain may new ones. May 3,18G1>. GOODS! NEW GOODS!! R. A. 0. KERR’S. •,R. A. 0. Kerr baa just received the largest, most fashion able and beat selected stock of Goods in the market, consis ting of an endless variety of goods for men and bbys' Wear. Thu largest and best assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods in town, consisting of black and fancy Silks, all Wool De laines, Alpacas, Cballie DoUdncs, plain and dguired Draizc, Lit wits. Ginghams, Dncals, Lavella Cloths, Do Barge, Trav eling Dress Goods, and a beautiful assortment ofPrints, Ac. Also. Tickings, Checks, Muslins—Block and Unbleached, Cotton aud Linen Table Diaper, Crush, Nankeen, Ac. ' Also, a large assortment ol Ladies’ Collars, Dress Trim mings, Ribbons. Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and .Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils,, Barred ; bud Plain Jaconet, Swiss Muslins. Victoria Lawns, MIU' Muslins, Swiss and Cambric Bilging, Dimity Bunds,.Velvet Ribbons, 4c. Also, a flue assortment of ■ SPRING SHAWL?, AND ladies’ Black - Silk Summer Cloaks, Neat and Beautiful, ’(a Boots and Shoes, Hats and Gaps, Hardware, Queonsware, Wood and Willow Ware, Groce ries, Salt and Fish. Also,,the Largest and Best Assortment of Abney CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS in town, which will be sold cheap. Call and examine my goods, aud you will bo convinced that I have the best assortment and cheapest goods in the market. #Xr Country produce taken iu exchange for goods, at the highest market price. B. A. 0. KERR. April 20, •"GO. The Latest from the East !! rjiHE PROPRIETORS OF THE i “ MODEL STORE,” corner of Annie' and Virginia Streets, take pleasure in informing the citizens of Altoona aud vicinity that they have received their first stock Of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which they respectfully invite tho attention Of all, and particularly tlie holies, feeling confident that otir present Stock of Goods is well worth "an examination, and be lieving also that we have bought them op sack terms as will enable ns to offer inducements to purchasers. Onr stock of Dry Goods is large and varied, comprising dll the newest styles of Prints, Delaines, Debears, Lavellas, Poil de Cheeses, Ging hams, TUnjores, Chatties, Travelling Mixtures, Black and jßinc y Silks J together with a full line of Domestics. Mi have a large assort ment of Notions and flue cy articles, such - as Gloves , itc. Our stock of ' BOOTS AND SHOES is unusually largo and very cheap. In these goods we cjun not lie beat by any one-cither in quality or price, for pnfof of which please call and sec goods and prices."' We would Invito attention to our largo stock of CAR PETS, OILCLOTHS, WALL PAPER AND DMRDER, which wo are able to sell at greatly 'reduced pricer. We have also a good assortment of UARD)VARK, -QUEENS WAUE, WOODEN AND WILLOW-WARE, GROCERIES. Being truly thankfnl for the patronage heretofore recei ved from the public, wq cordially invitrour fricUda to call and see us again, hoping that the benefftmay bc'mntual. J. & J. LOWTHER. Altoona, April 12th, 1800. GREAT EXCITEMENT I AT THE PEOPLES’ SHOE STORE STEWART & THOMPSON TAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens if Altoonjt that they have just opened, on Annie street, two doors be low tho Post Office, a BOOT & SHOE STORE,: and wi 11 constancy keep on band a fnR assortment of Roots and Shoes, of all sizes and kinds. They have just received from the Eastern cities a very extensive, assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters for Ladies,,QehUdmon’$ J and Chil dren’s wear, all of neat finish and excellent manufacture, which they will sell for cash'only, at leat 23 .PER- CENT. CHEAPER than the same can be purchased elsewhere as will Ro seen by referring tb tho following price list; Men’s fine Calf Boots, S 3 "A to 43 60. ‘ Kip « 275 “; 3 26. Boy’s “ “ 17&“ ! ;2 00. Youth’s “ t S I 75. Men’s Calf Gaiters, ■: > 2 00. ' Men’s Oxford Tics; X‘62 << ' 2 00.' Men’s Brogans, ' 1 13 “HI 65. Boys’ Brogans, . * 75 “ A 20. Youth’s Shoes, x 62 87. Children’s Shoes,. '26 “ d 65. Ladies’ Congress Gaiters, 160 “ ; j l 65. ■ Ladies’ Lasting Gaiters with heels, 1 87TV 50r -' Ladies’ Superior Lasting Gaiter, •; Ml 85.- j - Ladies’ Morocco Boots with heels, 180 “l-l 85. , Ladles’ Morocco Beets without heels, I'2S “ 1 S 7„ " Ladies’ Goat Boots with heels, j ' 'j 25, Ladies’ Calf Boots with heels, 12® w - 1 26. MtssoaVCalf Boots with heels, 75 ?’ 1 00 Misscß’ Frcneh Morocco Boots, with l 1 25. Having bought our goods for cashV timy were pnlat the lowcst flgnns- and. by doing gb exclnsivcly caiih bnsfneaS customert are not made, to pay for bad dobte, : -bcnbe our MW PSI CZS. 1 . y, FLOUR, FEED and BACON always on hand and for sole'cheap. '■ ' \ -- 1 r wlicit a liberal sharerof publiepatronage. AT THE OliD SfJJQII ' ■ The subscriber would in- FOBM tho pnbllcthatho bwjust recdrtslfrGni the a apTehuid assortment ‘ T gl oms s Am y&sTitf&s, ■ FOB SPBING ANG SUMM|SB GIGGING, which Ke'-wOl makoto'order on short notlooand riswonnhla teraw, and warrant* to tfvo satb&cUoh. Borgons in want of wjythinif ’lnhl* Uno -can rely np(m beingthirty dealt With. - ~ ! ,'Jte-ahouon Main Sh> a fawdoore' Below theVJlcd Lion ttotel. ,, ‘!''- 'l.?'''’- ‘ ■ ■ ‘•' 1May.21.«». ■ ■pOR SALE.—A HOUSE AlfD LOT, F desirably located In thaßorouch of Altoona. Apply iO~ - \ JOHN SHOKtfAKBR. Altoona, Beb. O,lBOMt ~ 'v. T7LOCK BELIVEESO /St : “■' ■ ” ■ '■ZxSMMVzt'' iPj - ■ v.. >ff m + -.1 BCERHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS. IHK CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR : ©TiPSPSIA, disease of the kidneys. XITBR OODIPLAINT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the rarions affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LITER, ■ Such m Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Faina, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Co&tlTenMs, ■ DUnd and Bleeding Pile*. Ijn all Nervous, Rhcndiatic, and '• Houralgio Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highlybeneflctai, and in others effected a decided cure,, This'ls sparely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly • scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Proftasor, Boerhave. Its reputation at. home pro-. ducedlts introduction heio, the demand commencing yith those of the Fatherland scattered ever the face of till, mighty country, many of whom brought with'tlicm and handed down the tradition of its value. ■ It is now offend to ftc American jmtHc, knotting that its truly wonderfsd medicinal virtues must he acknouileilgtd. It is particularly recommended to those persons whoso ' constitutions may have been Impaired by the contlnaoae use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the MX - of lifo, thrilling And quickening every nerve, raising up tit* drooping spirit, and, In foe t, infusing now health and vigor In ttW ORBIBs NOTICE.—-WhoeTer expects to find thla a beverage vrij he disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, Ik wIU prove a gratefolaromotlc cordial, possessed iff singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLYI Tbs Genuine highly concentrated Jfcerhavo’a Holland Bitters la put up hr haltpint bottles only, and rotailadak bottia»fbr FtviDaiiAßa. Thar great demand fcr this truly eulebrated Medicine has Induced which the public should guardagtlnsl 49* Beware of Imposition. See that our name is oaths label of every bottle yon buy. . Sold by Druggista generally. It ean .be forwarded by Sxprass to most polnts. ■ v SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PA(?E, JB. & Ca XJtacTscruaiHO PITTSBURGH, PA. Fur sale by A. ROUSH, Altoona. AprlMD, ISOO-lamly; .J rpHE ROOT AND HERB DOCTOR, • I from Philadelphia, whoso rooties were’ bo denaely crowded on the 13th of April, at the Logan House, eon bo” consulted at tile samo place one day breach mouth, liotico of wliich will bo given in this paper. Ifo will be In Altoo na on the ISth day of May. also on tbo 15th of Juno. treats all diseases Hush is hairdo. A ntctlioscoplc examina tion of the Heart, Lungs and Throat free of charge, 'thou sand! upon thousands have testified to the correctness of his testing diseases uritiioat askhtg any questions. Unites' had thirty years’ constant practice among diseases of every nature. All diseases of a private nature strictly eonSdcu tiol. Vfi,Soe hand-bills. Dr.W. LETINGSTON. NEW GOODS, JTTST RECEIVED,. ' / A2o> FOB SAUE VSRT CBSAP BY C. JAQQARD. Jan. 20,1800. GOODS f ▼ WILL BE f^OLDAT R.EDUG ED PR I C ES, '■ To make rohm lor an ; EARLY SPRING- STOOIf* i AT tlfß • IRON FRONT. \- . Jan. 20,1800.. ’ ; ; i . FULL STOCK OP • , Hardwarl, ; ■ q^eeQware. ' Oils, ■ : Paints, 1 Etc.,-etc., . : ;/"- Caustantly for Kilo by . Jan. 2fi, ISKO.' C. JAQqIED. /f&Ssgikf, §3$S3- FOR SALIfcBY A. ROtfSH, ALTOONA. PEM&>A.“ ' May 3,180 Q. , ■ The champion t \ ■ OF ALTOONA. • ■ . i; The,undersigned bogs leave to inform tho bttdbcaa com* nmnity that he has Bttcd np ft shop'- On AltigUmy Strieti Rreeniburg, : ,' where he la. prepared tocarrf on. His business morebxtcn*'. slveiy than heretofore. ’ '. ■ -• • ' j WAQDIt AED COAC^-llAKIlfq) being his- trade.-cniftbmbrs'can rely upon luring -WoA done in achcap, substantial and workmanlike mannct£— Wagons, Carriages 4 Rnggics, Ac., Ac, repaired and painted on tbe shortest notice anti upon the most reasonable tends. Patronage is respectfully'solicited.'" . Altoona, May IT, ’oo.lm. WM. A. MONTGOMERY.- . TT'UIINITURE WARE^RQOSL-^TBfB 1? undersigned informs tbe public tbath* has-taken tbo ware-room twit doors from tbe Branch' Braid, where be will keep on hand all kinds of - G ABIN ET-WARE, •• ; and attend’to tlic tlutles of;an UNDERTAKER. ’ ' ' ■ Two good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice wanted. ' '■ Altoona, Apr. 1,2, iB6O. ■ J JAB. T- MOOJIEi ", .- . . ... _ ' "i V t LAHTDRETH & EQIPB\-•, Philadelphia (jardcn SeMsM '* ... . FRESH AND GENUINE, .’ ; UV-y at Ak ROUSH’S Drug Store. One paperof thcaoSceda’ Contains as ihueh as tlirco papers of Parker’s Seeds. ' .April 12,1860. v . _ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. FOjt*: T ' BAMS.—Tho undersigned purposing tlmhging' bls locatton/offers lor sale his Real Kstato in tho Bortngnnjjrv; Dancansville, Ac, including Wa prin&|.> residence*'which Is onoof the - first class properties in county. For forth it particulars inquire of tke subscriber •- .either at nollidajHbnrg'or Altoona. Jan. J 2, XBOO.-tf T EYI’S PREPARATION FOR EX^ JU terminating RATS, MICE,' ROACHES, AETS,aiut pM-lmgarrilhont danger to its two under ary dremnato*' > ccs for patent the Drug Stem of Jam W,*s£-tf] T7LOUR—THE BEST QUALITY OF X* FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale Apply to J. SHOEMAKER, Dec.11,1856-tf.-- . Masonic Temple. , LUMBER FOR SALE. / 60,000 SHINGLES, 60,000 LATHES, ndd all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, lowerttian the lowest, for Cash. Apply to ■ JOHN SHOEMAKER- SUGAR AND MOLASSES BY THE BBL., and COFFEE Btf THE BAG, for saleWhhlesalA. at Phlla. prices, freight only added. - • " •'?*• Jan. 26,1860. 1 C. JAGG ARP. .. GALL AT THE NEW FLOUR, pro vision, feed ANRTARiETT STORE; to too «4 Post Office buiWinc, and csamlne the stock aod-prirea,- ; Feb.53.1860.;tf7 -- * v ;•/. f 4. /3.LASS SxlO TQ 20x24;ANt^^ y .->.v 1 J. D. LEE®. G. W. KESSLER,