The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 07, 1860, Image 2

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    jjT|t Jtona Crikne.
, Wl>ew parties no unknown to »Ayv.
Wring b to reqiaire payment Utadira»ee,or»g*iti«»teefi«>iii
taiijwtt'pewons. It b therefcronaelaw fi»ril«icbto*end
a» i»dTwrU«wnent«i offering, topny and ofthw® or rix
mont|u..Wbero ad-rertbementa nroncconuapfcd vltb the
ntOMtyj wrhetiier one. flvoor-ten,dollar*, W 6 will giro tho
odTertUerihe ofcoshratea. /
S. Mv rmTOSW* A«o.i
AdvertUing Agents, 110 Nund ri»wt, NeiyYotk, and
10 State (treet, Bo»ton,.arehtoAsentB ibr the AUoo&x
Tribmt, aqd tlya moat Influential pad brgeet circulating
Newspapers in the United States and tho Canadas. They
are anthorizedto contract br nalkloor lowert roi«.
A' Desperate Battle. —From St.
Joseph, Mo., we learn that a company of
105 men in the Washoe settlement, under
the command of Maj. Ormsby, wentin
pursuit of the Indians wl|) jiad
some whites gt. Miller’s' station. They
came upon the Indians, numbering 500,
and well armed, at a narrow pass T sixty
five miles from Virginia city. Ihe Indi
ans reopened a fire on the troops fsom
.behind; the rooks and bushes, doing dam
age without suffering much in return.r—
This lasted two hours, when the ammuni
tion of the Ormsby party gave out, and
the Indians closed upon them killing many
on the spot. The balance retreated in all
directions., The number of slain will pro-,
bably reach fifty. May. Ormsby was
among the slain. Only thirty-eight of the
patty reached Virginia city. The news
of the battle caused great excitement in
California, and companies Were leaving for
the country to chastise the In
, dians.
Gift Books. —We have just received
from G. G. Evans, the originator of the
Gift Book business, in Philadelphia,
copies of the “ Life and Adventures of
Gen.' Sam Houston,” and the “ Life of
the Empress Josephine.”. The books are
executed in excellent style, and can not
be sold at retail at less .than Mr. Evans
asks for them/ but with each he gives a
gift worth from 50 cents up to 8100.—
The books are, in themselves, worth much
mqrc than the price asked for them, being*
the biography of two persons of world
wide reputation, whose lives exhibit a
vicissitude of fortunes so|dsm met with,
and a heroism at all times truly praise
worthy. Price of the books £l,OO each,
with a gift. Address G. G. Evans, No.
489 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. We must
here bear testimony to the punctuality
and fair dealing of Mr. Evans in all his
business transactions with us; and we
believe he will be as punctual and fair
with all who deal with him in the book
line. ? *
The Cattle Disease. —A disease
known as pleuro-pneumonia, a lung dis
ease, which for the last year has proved
so fatal among the herds of Massachusetts,
has, we are sorry to say, broken out among
the cattle of New Jersey, and, the lower
counties of this State. One farmer in
Bucks county has lost all of his best stock
by ibis disease. The Commissioners of
Massachusetts have killed oyer 1000 head
of cattle, at .an appraisal of §20,000, to as
certain, if possible, the cause of tta disease
and discover a cure. Those who have care-
' folly studied' this distemper consider it
eoutagious but not infectious, that is to
say, that the disease is communicated by
actual contact, but not by any morbific
influence carried in the air. /
to .be. hoped that this destructive
maladymay not obtain a permanent fooi
holdin this State, as thc’reby the hopeis
aUdfortunfes of many of our most , thrifty
•formers wrould be blasted, it is said that
.the decease .|fas brought by cattle, from
Massachusetts sold in the New York mar
ket and purchased by Per
sons purchasing cattle should be careful
to know where they came from. avoid,
ad the part of the courUay wherethe
disease has broken out. r .
9& B .’lh,eLondon Quarterly Review
for Aprilhae been received. It contains
aii excellent target of reading master,
among the contents of which we note an
anicle <m f The Barof- 1 --
Washingtim’s Farewell Address/’ -M. Miss
r^gp^dngale ? B Notes 'on : parsing,” “^i?ox
interesting articles*
Reviews and Blaclmood's
9XQ republished by
Scott&Cfl, r^^
> .of£sso j^r
inj'Bffji of; the ;£or
Terrible Tornado.
A Jterable Storm passed
era part of lowa and the Northwest part of
lU., on Sunday evening last, entirely des
troying the towns o&Oamanohe, lowa, and
Albany, IH. The total amount of damage
done has not yet been fully .ascertained;
but is supposed to be beyond anything
ever heard of. In the town of Canianche
30 dead bodies have' been taken from the
ruins and there Is still a number that ean
not be got at. It is supposed that not
less than 60 lives have been lost The
storm occurred at 7£ ©’elect, in the eve
ning audited on y ?i minutes.
t&- u The Farmer and Gardener’ s
ibr June risen our table, and as usual, is j
filled to overflowing with choice matter’
and handsome illustrations. The publish-:
er announces important changes in the;
July number, The form will he changed
to a royal octavo of 32 pages; and the
.editorial charge of the Horticultural Der
paftment' will he assumed by Wffltawi
N«b»<fer«, the writer. In
addition to .this, a large number of the
ablest writers on Agriculture in tbe coun
try, have consented to contribute to the
pages of flic “Farmer and -Gardener ”-r
With these great attractions, it will be one
of the best, as it is now one of the hand
somest and cheapest, publications in the
country. Persons desirous of examining
the new work, pan procure a copy with
out charge, by addressing the Puolisher
States Union Hotel.— James -W..
Power, the popular proprietor of the above
Hotel, situate on Market sL, between 6th
and Tth'sts., Philadelphia, has associated
with him James Boon, of Lancaster, in the
proprietorship, and the patrons, of the
house vlill now receive more attention to
their coljmforts than it was possible for
one man to bestow. This Hotel is one of
the most eligibly located! in the city for
business men, being in the very heart of
the business portion. The terms have
been reduced t 051,25 per day without
any*diminution in accommodation. The
merchant, man of business, or pleasure,
who stops once at the States Union will
be sure to call again. Having tried the
house we can recommend it v to all as one
of the best managed and most comfortable
stopping places in the city. -4-
SSqST We beg pardon of Bennett for not
noticing the receipt of his Dollar Month
ly, for May, which arrived on time. As
an evidence of the prosperity of this neat
little work we are pleased to learn that it
has already attained a circulation of 10,-
000 copies, and it is destined to run much
higher. Bennett can get up a good Mag
azine and will do it. Price $l,OO per
annum. Bennett & Hamlin, Philadelphia.
BS&* Lincoln rails are said to be selling
at §5 each, in the West. If “ old Uncle
Abo” would go to work and split rails-for
a few months he would make more money
than by electioneering for President. ;
A horrible tragedy was enacted in
Franklin county, on Sunday night.. -,Anl ■
old man, named Mason, had a son, who,
for some time, has been taking such of; the
old man’s property as he desired, and could
get Hold’of. Only the last week- He took
a horse and some other articles, and .on
Sunday night demanded She bid main’s
money, and threatened to take his life if
it was not given to him. The old man
told him he was old, and needed all hehad
to support himself and wife, and ordered
him p go Way. It seems the son had
not been porbiitted to enter the house op
this occasion, but broke the door .to effect
an entrance, and as he entered was shot
down by his father and died in. a few'.mi •;
nutes. The old man, on Monday morn •
*ing, had gone to procure a. coffin for-hi i
eon, and to surrender himself to an office:’
of law. \
-,BBk. George Wilkes, in a letter to hiii
paper, the Spirit of the Times, gives|it as;
his decided opinion, thatHeenan can wtoJ
two such men as Sayers in one day,; hnttl
that the fact would have been uneqdiy.Or
cally demonstrated, but that Jack Mad*,
donald had bet two or three hundred dol-:
lars that the'fight’would last over an hour,'
and constantly checked the impetuosity Of
Heenan, add that when finally, at the re-:
monstrance of Mr. Wilkes himself, IHed
nan did (< let loose” upon him,- his supe-j
riority was at once put beyond all reason
able doubt. ■ j /
A Fhisonek. Shot. —On Monday last
three prisoners, confined in the jail ab
Borne, N. Y., made a rush upon the jaijdr
witha view to escape. The officer, ;hotf»
everj drew a revolver and shot a fellow;
named Brookway, a horse stealer, through
the body, whereupon the other two sw*
mitted to be put back to their cells. f ThC
woonded roan, it is thought, toU recover*
jl SriPf
riesponsibib' for
whopper,: A hailstone, the largest
'wlucn we have heard iij this section, was
yesterday picked up on Market street inji*
mediately after the storm of the forenoon.
Its precise weight we did not learp, but
its dimxtisions were such as to render pt
!hkrely possible to it: into the
head 'o/ a medium' iiztd beer task. "It
was of A »t«r shape. ■>•
' i 'J
| | Ja{»aiepe
I Although our Wa^Mngton, odirtopoib?
dent has. boon unable thus fw to obtoin
anycCpms of the" Japati&o dcspatohMt'to"
&Oit ! Govfflrnment, ■ a gentleman of tons
city hUs been fortunate enough to, obtain,
tlmsightofa fnendly letter of ouo of the.
Commissioners to an in -Ni
pbon, Under a : promise to conogat; t&e
name of-the. writer,; he has, been author
ized to publish it, andhas kindly placed it
ini dur hands. We insert it below.~2*Atfti.,
! Most Esteemed Hakodadi : —We have
been invited* to visit next in order the
great city of Phi-la-del-phia, or “the place
consecrated to fraternal affection/’ the ca
pitdl of the provin’ce which is the birth
place of the American Tycoon. Our re
ception, we are informed, will be attended
with themoat august ceremonies that the
city'ever offers to its most distinguished
ghosts. The Couneilmbn, after examin
ing our credentials; have decided to place
us:on a footing with “the most favored”
foreign Fire Companies,
j Ail the military of the Province, ordi
narily engaged in other avocations, will be*
in arms. This will enable us to report,
f]rOm our own observation, upon the ex
tent of toe military power of this vast
country. Do not fear that this large dis
play will induce us to act otherwise than
becomes the dignity of 1 our nation; for al
though we have in our whole empire but
480,000 soldiers, they are fully equal to
plain tain our security, armed with two
svtords and entire devotion. There will
also be a-great exhibition of “squirts” on
our arrival. These, it seems, are general-
Jy prominent on all such occasions, and
ijiave quite a notoriety here.
|* The details of our reception by the
American Tycoon you have in my former
letter. He is called, not Tycoon, but Pro
vident j sometimes, however, by a strange
analogy of language** “ old coon." At first
I, thought this an attempt to pronounce
bpr Japanese phrase, but am'assured that
it is Strictly idiomatic, and implies astute
ness and age. It certainly seemed appii
cable to the head of the nation who re
ceived us.
i We find it very difficult to comply with
the demands of our sovereign, forbidding
jus to touch the women of this country. —
Not from any disposition on our part to
,disobey, but from their desire to seize us
by our hands. They are apparently allow
ed here the greatest freedom,'but it is only
jin appearance. Every woman, married Or
jangle, is fastened in a cage of bamboo or
flexible steel, extending from the waist to
the feet. This seems to be so - arranged as
to give them no uneasiness, but they are
Very much ashamed of it, and conceal it
under so many coverings that it renders
their appearance quite ludicrous. - They
, are unrestricted as to the upper part of
their persons, which they are permitted to
expose, as much as they wish. This they
seem to avail themselves of, and on all oc
casions of high ceremony, wear very low
(Hesses. As in all barbarous nations, they
slit their ears and suspend from them of- j
naments of gold . and silver. They also
paint and, powder themselves, and after
1 greasing their hair, twist it into fantastic
I Shapes and fasten it up with long pins and
i Combs. Some of them would be fine-look
| ing, if they did not disfigure themselves
by the hideous and vulgar custom of wear
ing eyebrows and keeping their teeth
fwhite. Be assured, therefore, that.we arc
| in no danger of being captivated by their
! appearance; we feel nothing but, regret
i that the barbarous and absurd customs of
I man should thus destroy the charms which
cultivation and refinement would so much
Nothing strikes ps so much as the want
of respect these barbarians show even to
their highest dignitaries, j they never hes
itate to spit before them, and it requires
considerable activity to prevent being spat
upon at all times. The custom of wearing
one sword, it seems, originated from this
cause, as it enables you to avoid with
greater facility the saliva of your neigh
bor. Chewing tobacco is much prized, it
seems, from the saliva it produces, which
is preserved, when possible, in handsome
vases of .porcelain, and placed in promi
nent positions. None of the inhabitants
do reverence by crawling on their bellies,
except the election of a new Tycoon,
when those in search of office come to the
central city and perform that cercniony.
Those who are fortunate Enough to meet
with honor from the Tycoon seldom walk
uprightly during their whole term of of
fice. The unfortunate applicants become
.at once censors qr spies upon the others,
and their silence has to be bought at a
high price. All public servants haye
their price, vthich rises or falls . according
to the necessities of the Tycoon. But I
shall reserve my reflections on political
topics till I have another opportunity to
address you. Until then rest in peace.
A Witty Jail Birh. —A short time
ago a man named Crandall made his es
cape from the Angelica county, N. Y. jail.
For the information of the curious, he has
lately written back to Angelica, the fol
lowing account of his It must be
Very satisfactory to his late custodians.—
He says:—
“ I suppose it is a mystery to some how
I got away, consequently I will give you
a brief history of my departure. The mo
dus operandi was this-: —I got out of my
cell with ingenuity, rim up stairs with
agility, -.crawled out of the back’ window
ih secresy, slid down the lightning rod
with rapidity, walked out of the Angelic
town with-dignity, and am now basking
in tho sunshine of pleasurc and liberty.
B®t.T?lora Armstrong, a colored woman,
died at the County House, in Poughkeep
sie, N.Y., last week aged, XlO. She was
born im 1750. Last summer skeenjoyed
*md supported herself by
gathering herbs. : : v "
in Clarion County.
’An extra’ of : Clarion banner brings
ns the Intelligcticoof the terrible tornado
which sWcpt over at large district in that
county last, and a^brief no
tice of which we: liave already given' 6ur
reader. ' About noon, our cotempo
rary, a heavy, black olotid was seen advan
cing about thirty rods south of gt. Charles
Furnace. An aWfnl roaring sound accom
panied it, and passing-on to the farm of a
Mr. .Shoemaker, it burst with terrible fhry,
tearing his bouse and barn into fragments
attdWeaking one of bis legs ; the dwell
ing of Mr. Thomas Dougherty was next
struck, and which, was blown to pieces,
the furniture broken to atoms, and his
daughter killed; next the house of McCon
nel Henry was blown down and-his wife
seriously hurt. The barn of Jos. Smith
was completely wrecked. . The house of
Mr. Charles Stewart, three-quarters Of a
. mile north of New Bethlehem, was blown
down and bis wife killed, and other mem
bers of the family injured: The storm, in
passing through Hessville, destroyed the
tavern of Nathan Hane, and killed his
daughter. In passing north of Millville,
the storm destroyed the '■ barns of Jabot)
•Hartzell, John apd Samuel Shicb, the
house of John Mohney was blown to pie
ces and his wife carried away, and, up to
twelve o’clock that night, no traces of her
had been found.
In its course' the storm did not strike
either Millville or New Bethlehem, but
beyond the former place it struck the vil
lage of Hessville. In this place where a
number of dwellings, brick, frame and log,
and also a large grist mill, and a substan
tial bridge, spanning Redbank; every
house, barn, mill, bridge., and store of Ir
vin McFarland were destroyed and four
lives lost. Among the killed were the
wives of Irvin McFarland and Mr. Hess.
A terrible hail-stonu. passed through a
portion .of Porter and Redbank townships
which in its course did immense damage.
Besides destroying every fence in its
track, fields of grain were badly injured,
and as a matter of course, being left open,
the cattle got in and committed still fur
ther ravages. Taken altogether, an im
mense amount of damage has been sus
tained iu the townships of Porter pnd
Redbank, and the Banner thinks it will
take 8100,000 to cover the loss.
John Iverson was recently arrested
and imprisoned at the South for aggrava
ted polygamy ; he had thirteen wives.' —
The daughter of the jailor whose hospita
lity this insatiable polygamist was enjoy
ing while awaiting his trial, believed him
innocent, pitied him, loved him, opened
the prison doors, fled with him, and be
came his fourteenth wife. After eight
days of domestic bliss the husband disap
peared, and left neither trace nor money
behind. A reward was offered for his cap
ture ; a description of his fascinating per
son was circulated, he Was recognjzgd in a
village tavern by a man,who thought of
the reward offered, and set about prepa
ring his foils for the victim. In order to
instil confidence into his breast, he made
his acquaintance, invited him to his man
sion, and then went off to procure legal
assistance. When he returned, his home
was deserted alike of his intended prey
and his wife.
A desirable companion these days—an umbrella.
\y. xi. gewurd has again returned to Wash
£Sr The Kev. Theodore Parker, of Boston, is dead, hav
ing died at Florence.
4®“The service pipe for filling the gas receivers on the
passenger cars on the Peun’a 11. it., are now being laid at
the Gas Works in this place.
In France only one traveler is killed out of every
two nations of passengers on the railroads, and only one
wonnded en every 500,000.
Every pound of cochineal contains 70,000 insects,
botled to death; 700,000 pounds are annually used for scar
let and crimson dyes.
tES, The Petersburg (Va.) InteUiyniccr gays that the
debt of Virginia amounts to $48,000,000, with no prospect
of diminution.
The Baltimore Tumxdtung, the Central organ, of
the German Turner Band of the United States, has declared
in favor of Lincoln for President.
AUeghcnian, Ebensburg, says that game of all
kinds, and especially squirrels, arc very plenty in Cambria
county this season. This will bo good news to the sports
The following return was made by the Sheriff of a
county in Virginia, upon a capias :—“Was seen, hut not
arrested; was caught, but not held; was shot at, but not
hit.” ■
Strawberries promise to bo very plenty this season,
and it is thought they will be so'cheap that printers and
other people can buy them. This luscious fruit is selling
in Baltimore for four cents a box.
igcg, The Clarion papers are filled with details of the late
terrible tornado in that county. Ten lives altogether were
lost, some thirty people injured, and property to the
amount of $150,000 destroyed.
JBES“ The last Shirleysburg Herald says that a fight re
cently came off, ut the north-west base of Black Log moun
tain, between a fox and a raccoon, which resulted in the
death of both the combatants.
, The Lorctto Springs House, under the charge of
Major Brady, of Harrisburg, and, the Creadon House, under l
tho . charge of W. S. Campbell, of Philadelphia, will ho
opened lor visitors on tho 15th of the present month. "
t£g_, Gcrrit Smith writes a long letter to prove that his
recent aberration of mind was owing entirely to dyspepsia
and tho New York Democratic Vigilant Association! He
does not oven hint that he was afraid of Gov. Wise.
Wo notice tiro census taker dodging around with
his book on hia arm. Wo hope all of our citizens wUI give
Mac correct answers, os wo know, he will treat all in a
gentlemanly manner.
' US- A young lady of Lowell, Moss., recently left that
place in company with a sister to go ovor a thousand miles
to marry a man whom she had never seen, but with whom
she had become acquainted through tho medium of corres
CS, Are we going to have a Fourth of July?—Harris
burg Pat. and Union.
Most certainly, gentlemen. Wo have heard nothing to
the contrary. Wo Intend to have it up hero at tho proper
time, and should there ho any of it left, win send 'it down
to you by the Express Train in the evening.
US-Onr friend, J. Jt Dysart, the gentlemanly agonl'bf
tho P. R. 11. Co., at this place, and his lady, left town a
day or two siwje, on. a trip to the Wcstonj ■ country! Wo
wish (hem aright of all tho sights to ho seen, good health
and tail weather to enjoy them, and a tab return to their
home. . ‘
’ US»“A wbtpanj” ; asys an exohango, 11 should never, urn
das iay circumstances loseher Might
as 1 WeU toll the winds nut to blow bn a Match day, or tho
rain not to come down in Aprs. It,dees ,then> good to
“explode” occasionally. A *P K 0 fo » ftn^‘
thlng,musthOTOMinnchspies;and sparklevin her as »
botUe of champagne, and if; the cork come* n
wtoe with that
goods. , f , jfXi: 'i'\c ,
tj®,Tho Methodist Confermioo, now In session atJWffs
lo, N..Y,
be dissolved by a vtolaMon otthe Seventh commitment,
or by death,
party, while bot&Ara UvlngL : {t : contrary to the teachings
’of the Holy Scriptures.
jRg-Joseph H.- Simpson! “ The Village Blacksmith” of
Pleases, Jefferson county, it. J*, cicitoi to a
lation by the foot of a Troy blacksmith in making 210 horse
shoes in ten hoars, --turned out on Uie 12th Inst, Inj tho
short space of eight hoars,, two hundred and forty-three
medium sized horse shoes. : *
gpg- xt St. Clair, Michigan, :the other day, a dentist was
called to serve as a j ary man in a case ponding before a
Justice of the Pence. During; tho afternoon sbmd Indies
came over from Cnnsdato have their aching teeth palled.
Tho court very obligingly adjourned till.night, to allow the
dentist Jo wHov® Die tadiei i
llio id list decided tint he wUI not
spend any time daring thacomlng snmmer at hls toorito
resort, Bedford Springs. Hoto hcs&ttog*Uetb«
remain at the “ Soldier’s- or accept the invitation
'of Gov. Letcher, of * *W «#’•
tion at the White Snlpher springs, in that State.
«a.Tho Harper's hare hs»d wvena
meetings lately, with a vlowpf bringing th«lf laborsto a
close. They wiU prohohljt nO^ho&nmte innfiord*!*
that they have finished tim oxamiaation of wltiKWi»*-«t
least ail they can get before i them, and probably re
''commend that Hyatt, who i» sUU ihJ'db bo discharged. !
The Groat Eastern: stcanwiifp It to leave Kngtand
for New York on tho Oth of Anno, and will remain some
time in that port, to afford opportunities to visitors. Tho
people of Portland, Mo, nirc .very indignant at the chMgo
In her destination, as they had madji some costly ptepata
tlons for her proper accommodation'll that port.
B®, Drop in at Taylor’s Saloon, next door to tho Bank,
If you wish a fresh Pino Apple, a mcljow Orange, a sound
Lemon, a good drink of ipe-cool Sarsaparilla, Mineral War
ter. Mend, 4c., a stock oficholco Confectioneries, a superior
Segar or plug of Tobacco, an excellent cake, or pie, or ono
of the licet Saucers of Ice Cream to bo liad in tho State,
Mr. Nunomachcr, Senator from CorkSa> died at -his
residence in that county on Monday last. HU health was
feeble at tlib .conunencemjcnt of the last session, and ho was
obliged to return long before tho adjournment, Tho term
fur which he was electedjdooa not expire until aost year,
so his death creates a vacancy to bo filled at tho fall election.
Letters received fifom lleenau, by tho Arabia, state,
tliat himself, Wilkes, edifor of Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times,
and Hilly Mulligan, will arrive in New York in tho Africa,
duo on Wednesday or Tlrarsday of this week. 'He -makes
no allusion to tho reports tbit Sayers was to accompany
Tiim, for the purpose of {jiving exhibitions in thU country.
s 4®" A teamster nomal Thomas Dowling, on .Tuesday
hurt at Troy, N.Y., seized hold of the tongue of ouo ofhis
horses for tho purpose of; making him draw, ahd in the at
tempt pulled nearly the entire tongue out of the animal.—
The brutal act created; a general sensation of horror,
though tlm human was pennitted to escape nnpun
New mode of Preserving Apples.—Mr. E. & Bailey,
of Claremont, N. XI., took a keg full of apples, last fall,
which he securely hcadijd up, and sunk to the bottom of a
deep mill i>ond. On bringing them to the surface a few
days ago, every apple w^aI found to be quite free from speck
or rot, and as sound and unwrinkled as whoa taken from
the tree, ’ '
The Cincinnati Enquirer eayS that the storm which
recently swept through | the valley of the Ohio, was only
about two hours going! from Louisville to Portsmouth, n
distance by an air lino of ICOjiniles, When it fa borne in
mind that the storm pursued the sinuosities of the river, it
will be seen that its speed was greatly boyoud that of the
fastest locomotive ever run.
Tlic Washington; Star, of the 31st ultimo, says* —
“ The damage done to; Jndgo Douglas’• house by the
storm, on Satnrdsiy afternoon, was very great. The tin
roof having been'blown off, the rain, which was pouring
down in torrents, damaged nearly every room in the house
El.-gnnt carpets, furniture, painting, etc, were completely
ruined. The mutter was made worse, owing to the fact
that Judge Douglas is lying very ill with a throat disease.”
Putrid Sore Throat. —This singular and fatal disease
has desolated many households in various parts of the
State. In Couowngo township, York county, five persons
have died in one family ,\and two others are now down with
the disease. Another'family buried ten of its members
within a short time. The disease attacks adults and chil
dren alike, and is attended,with an alarming degree of fa
tality. Wo sincerely hope the terrible malady will not
make its appearance here.
-t £*■ X’oetry and Patriotism.—One editor, of a fancy turn
of mind, having remarked that “ Washington guided the
tottering stops of the infant Republic along the path of
Empire"-7-a cotemporary adds :
So he did. And more; he made the little codger too the
crack of progress; he cuffed him along the trail of safety;
he kicked him clear over the pools of peril; and by the
cuff of the neck dragged him howling up the hill of great
ness. It will bo seen that wo can talk in figures as well ;is
our neighbor.
feTV, At the battle of Buona Vista, one of the regiments
of General Joe Lane’s: brigade was exposed to a heavy fire
df cannon shot, and tho men wore observed to waver occa
sionally ns a ball whizzed by the column. The old General
seeing tins, called out, “ Indiana Regiment, no dodging!”
Just then a heavy shot Din? by, pending hot breath right
into Lane’s face, when ho involuntarily duckoJ his head,
at which his men began to titter. But tho old fellow in
stantly recovering hip composure, shouted ont, “ Ipdiana
Regiment, dodge tho big ones!”
The combination of Ingredients in these Pills are tho re
sult of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in
their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities
Painful Menstruations; removing all obstructions, whether
from cold oi, otherwise, headache, pain in tho side, palpita
tion of tho heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics,
fatigne, pain in tho buck and limbs, Ac., disturbed sleep,
which-arise of nature.
was tho commencement of a new era in the treatment of
those irregularities and obstructions which have consigned
so many thousands Of ; tho young, the boautifn! - , and the be
loved to a pro (nature grave. No female can enjoy good
health unless she is regular, an 3 whenever an obstruction
takes place tho general health begins to'decline.
are tbo most effectual remedy ever known for all complaints
peculiar to Fimalcs. \ To alt classes they are invaluable, in
ducing, with certaiyty,perioJical regularity. Thdy are
known to thousands; who have used them at different pe
riods, thronghdutttie country, having the sanction of some
o{ thv most eminentPhysiciaru in America.
Explicit directions, Hating when, and when they should
not. be used, with Box,— the -Price One Dollar each
Box, containing 40 Pills.
A valuable Pamphlet, to ha had. free, of the Agents.—
Pills tent by ntailyproMptiy, by enclosing price to the Gen
eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally,
, R. ]&. HUTCHINGS. IHwebal Actor, 5
■lt 14 Broadway, New York-
Sold In Altoona hjr.O. W. Kessler; Ih llollidayshnrg by
Geo. A. Jacobs. Ts, [Dec. 8,1859.-ly.
Mexican Mustang Idnimorit.
Intrinsic yiriae alone could insure the success wbicb'tbis
article has attained} Bor Rheumatism, Salt JUieum, Burns,
Bruises, Stiff- Joint;, Sprain, 801 l Evil-and Swcll
ings upon Horses, It boa no equal. Ko person \ritl bo
without who ha* onco torted Its value. “And with refer
ence to tiro general'cstlwdtfon of the Mustang Liniment, I.
can cheerfully say no article ever performed so many
cures in onr nelgblwrUood ‘ss this. L. W. SMITH, £ilgc~
field, Omn." S. LEJTCII, Esq., Hyde Park, IT., wfltre,
“that the.borso wi» considered worthless, (bis iasc' this
spavin,) bntaipce tjie free use of tbe Mustang tinlmenfl
£avesold blui’fcrTour Liniment is doing weinders
'up here?Suoit tcnOftonyis reaching ns every day J The'
'halfttiiolfold; ftiinllyshontdbar?it... Bewjrehf
imitations, -The genuine Mustang is sotd by dll rewpecta
-hie ~r ' "T
, v ‘- f :BASS&Si r PAßlv,’Proprle tdri,’NewTork.
I! I DEATH 111
:a- mm i w
Bat, Roach, &c., Extern.
Bed-Bug Exterminator.
t $ Electric Insect Bowder, &c.
•. • . manors t.vsTAs«*r-. , .
Rata— Roaches—Mice—Molea—Ground
Ants— MothA-Mosqnitdps—Fleas—insects on Phuito—l u .
sects on Animals, 4c., Ac.—fin slmrt every form and speck,
10 years established in Now York Ci ty—used by the (jity
Past Office—the City Prisonsand Station Houses— the City
Steamers, Ships, 4o.—tlm City Hotels, “Astor;* **Bt. yj.
chulas,” by mow than 20,000 privste fiunllics.
Druggists and retailers everywhere selljlhoni.
43-Wholesale Agents in alVtho large Cities.
jJSr-Reguinr sizes, 25c., and $1 boxes, bottles, fouh«.
Beware 11! of spurlous traitaUMis, Examine each
’ Box, Bottle and Flask, andtnkonothlng hot “CMtsr’s."
4®- SHK> ba*e*»ent by mnU. . j'
«4-$3 and |5 boxes for Plantations, Hotels, 4c,by expos'
4®- Address order*—or to Beaten" to
Pnfiraroa DXtvt, 410 Bxoaswat, ji. T.
Sold by O. W. Kessler, Altoona. '
Marcli 2D, . ■
Wo have vnrkd foriiugs in reading t^d T of
Br. Bboxsoa’b Btoon Poop, in another colnuo; bifi we
thiiik gratification pfcilomimeWs-; for, though weiegtA to
’seesacclchratcdaman coming forwanl, oven tu appeu
oncc,.under the same‘dug as quacks—l)iat is, resorting
to advertising—yet wa t ike satfafoctlon also in knowing
that there b now a reliable preparation before the-people
for that most melancholy and fatal disease—CuiuunipUou,’
and other organic comjdaiuta. ■ r ‘
Dr. Brosbox is a lecturer in oar Medical Colleges,
hts success in his speciality has been so wouderlhl that ho
has consented, at variance with prejudices of every
regular practitioner, to make it known, as ho is doing, far
the benefit of suffering humanity.
Ho lms secured fi>r Agents, however, a Arm whoso re
speetnbility separates ■ entirely his pfepanttons from s|(
tiugo of quackery. Messrs. Church A Dcrcni are his solo
managers, as they are also fbr thas most invaluable of pre
parations, Dr. Eatos’u IxvAsm* Connuii. If mutbeti
-could know tho great card taken In putting up this ankle
■_ —some idea of which they can form by comparison of it
wllli any other article of the kind—they would prefer It to
anything that lues ever been' offanal them, for our own
part, if w.c hud a child suflertug, wo weald not healtato to
administer this preparation, knowing that such careful
druggists would nut engage in anything that was,nut per
fectly safe and ineffectual. —Quebec Gazelle.
fttju Sec advertisement. .
lor sale-by A. KOI7BH, Altoona, Pa.
A Medicine of long tried elUctcy W pon/yihy Me N.«i, w
essential for the-foundation of good health, mid for cor
recting disorders of the stomach and bdwel— -such as
Tuts, j
In Nervous, HtiemuaUu and- Nourrtlgic affections it Ini.
frequently been administered with marked sitcccita.
Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of in Mili
tary effects —the stomach will speedily regain Its strength,
,n healthy nction of the liver, bowels and kidneys will tap
idly'take place, and renewed health bo the qhick result
Nature is the great physician. This Is new admitted
by the medical profession, ns a fundamental principle ef
healing science, v It is wisely provided by the human ecou
«uy. that whenever anything is wrong in the human sys
tem, the natural forces of tho body are brought to li-ar to
expel the disease. The groat aim, therefore, is to strength
en tho natural powers. !R>ia has been kept In view, bytho
skillful compounders of Dr. J. HOSTETTEtt’B BITTEUS,
which operate to give fresh vitality to all the organs of tho
hotly. Tho effects of this medicine upon the stomach, tho
liver and the kidneys, are prompt and decisive. The patient
who is wise enough to quit drugging, and try the litmus,
soons feels as if he bud token n new lease of life, and os lie
continues the use of the article, ho la*oveijoy«l to find' tiro
streams of health coursing through bis frame. Let all from
bloom of health has departed, give Dr. 1.
Hostetler's Bitters atrial. Sold by druggists ood dealers,
.'generally, everywhere.
■OS" Seo advertisement in another colomu.
“ Oh that the &£!Xot an Innocent sbepp ahooM Iw
made into parchment, itad written, on (a the undoing of a'
man!” quothßbakspearc. He, might also have dcplond
the ruining of men’s forms by tbo uncouth manner hi
which some migraclouH tuilors butchtfr up the'cloth nuJs,
from tlie wool grown by these same harmless sheep. To
see tho perfection of Uio art of working up cloth wisely
and well, and so as to set off to tho Ofeit'advauUgo the
forms of Us wearers, -1 : call at the Brown Stone Clothing
Hall of Rocklilll & Wilson,' Noa. flWaud 605 ChestnutB
- Sixth, Phlla. and examine their stock of sanaa-U
for gentlemen and youths. ;
This disease can tie cured by Dr, Keyser’s Tvolhaehc Mt
medy, prepared by him in Pittsburg, Pa., which ia pat op
in bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent
medicine, when dilated, for spongy and tender gmas on l '
Is worth ten times its price to all who need it. Sold here
by G. W. Kessler, Druggist.;
Altoona, Jau.13,1859.-^-6m-.
Having understood that tlie report h' hfjnPf
that I bad quit thoBUYCUERINO BUSINESS in
I take this method of informing my old cti-'tiimer»»»
public generally that lam stilhcarrjdnS °n « J
old stand, where 1 am prepared to servo one
Ac., cquhl, if not superior, to any in tho inatEij- k
made arrangements for procuring the vary best. “ , pf
with which to famish the market, an abundant «pPi pf
which avlll always W kept on hand to meet the
tho public. Those in want .of anything lu «» V 1
topaUat the w. k^lkonabd.
V_y undersigned has'good reason to believe t l
persons, arc in tins habit of using and conntc ' a?w
-“ BRAND* or TRADE,MARK,” used by him on nw •
tnl Spring Mills Flonr.” ' ... •„
This, therefore,!* to give notice tlmt I will■ P -j j,,.
the foil extent of the law,.all pe«op««> *»
their wiHpay are ward of five dollars for any .
that will lead to the conviction of such porsow. j,.
Crystal Sifting Mills, s - c ’ “
May 28i 1860.-3t> - -
J\ Ko.t!cq4* bejroby given Altoons. ® Sir
tion on tho estate of tleorgo Beatty, late psi
county, floc’iChJvvo beeii granted tq fto “ nl
ding as aforesaid. All jwrsons knowing tUemsw
odtosaitl estate are requested to malcoimmen
and those having claims vvi)l present them fo cK y
ented for settlement. ■ A ' U^Srtrt<^;
May 31,1860.%. Admins _
House and lotat^kivatb
. SALK.—XW Oato-Houso And Lot
UolondtWtotUo ALTOONA AND BOJj- A&LTjA .
uato M mile from Altoona,!" offered nt fIU|MSS&
Private Sale. For tcrnis and f»«' lL ' [ WcSfstii
particulars Innulro of JOSEPH DYSAKT. „ jjjo.-tt
Company.' . , ,Jlp
JIN tlio penalty of tho law will fcf
i^alnrt ..any person, oxcoptinssttcli
firo department! or under the 1 *" r "."° 1 - 1 “ wi*
purposes, who sliajl lm round opening or
dling with tho rinvl’luw*- • ... •
B, order oftl^^jc,^
Supi- Gat and Hu<<r
May 21,1860.
JjS( to tUT personss iioWingVr»i4c«tof>^
Altoona, V> pmont Ihrju to A- A 'rjnbl 1 i860,-** “Ji
or Uoßro lk».4Mk •*
Loss ok Asrrnx t,
Btuoos Com max is,
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