! I pr LYON'S Jtoe Ohio Catawba Brandy, *T«E UNIVERSAL PREFERENCE JL which Is glTcn to this brand show, that It ia the <soy PURE BRANDY for PURPOSES 'haown t which U folly corroborated by all practicing phy tUSatm ’W have used it in their practice. for Summer Complaints with Children, ji^LOur«4s guarantied or the money wilt be re ' -r : t- v ' funded, , . ltwlll effectnally relioro that affliction, as weilar WaMnea & Bowel Complaint, : AS A BEVERAGE, 'Shapiro Article .$* altogether superior.. and nsoyerelm [ . and SDBE KEMKDY for . JHipqma, FlaUileney, C ramp, Colic, Languor, Low Spirits, Gineral Debility, Nervous .ntssi Liver Complaint, etc. 'PhjWdaßS, who havo used It in their practice, spoai of : It mtft® jnoet flatterlng terms, as will bo seen- by reference jnntterons letters and certificates. > ' A. HAiIT & CO., Proprietors, Cjnciimatt. ; '•■-■■-viS ‘ : a. roush, | -' ;8ol« yfboleBala and Retail Agent fer Stair county.. Utrr.lO, 1869. fr«HJ3 UtfBEBSIGrNED WOULD •Jt informhlaold cu»- ton»«w aud tho public generally wit ’be bps just received a laeoe and Bistsoxi as- eortmeut of > CLOTHS, Cassimeres, *ND VBSTINQS, 1 which he is now offering for nolo, and is prepared to make them up In the latest style & uiontdorahle man ner, as none but the best workmen aro employed, and all work mode will be .warranted to give satisfaction. He has also a good Block of Gists' IDBKISUINO GOODS, ■neb' «» Shirts-, Coixahs, ■ tlsnEa , «Hnws,, Drawers. Pocket Handkerchiefs, Neck Ti «,S (jocks, Eflsponders, Hosiery, ic., <tc.; also a large assortment of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, all of which hale determined to Bell os cheap ns they am be bought this side ofPhßa delphio. The public are respectfully, invited to call and examine my stock, as I shall takopleasnro Inshowiog them. Doors open at all times from bA. il. nntil BP. M, Admittance free. ; May bf J869-tf ~ GREAT OPENING OF ' SPRING AIMD SUMMER T B. HILEMAN HAS JUST RE- Cf m eciyed and opened at his obi stand, on Virginia st., * large and attractive Assortment of seasonable good*, com prising all the novelties in, .EREQES DUCALS LA WNSjGTNBHAStS, EMBROI DERIES, LACES JIOSIKRr <t GLOVES txad all varie ties and textures of LADIES DRESS GOODS together with a fall assortment „of goods for gentlemen’s wear, such as Clothe, Cassimercs and Vestings. . Also a full stock of Hardware, Queenawara and GROCERIES, | and an assortnjeut of . i . BOOTS, SHOES, GAITORS, &C., of all sizes and styles, which equal to any inthomarket, and .will bo sold at .fair prices. ' Havingrecently enlarged my store-room, I can now display,my largely increased,stock to-bottcr advantage and wohld respectfully Invite everybody to call." • May 12,1859. Stoves, Tin & Sbeet Iron Ware, SPOUTING, &G. „ TAS. W. BIGG WOULD fj epcctfully inform the citizens of Altoona Bk3|L and vicinity keeps constantly on hand nWEBtS large assortment of Cooidng, Eurlor, Offist ami BBbBB Shop Slovet, of all styles and sizes, to suit tho ■" wants of all, which ho will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. He also keeps on haiid a largo stock of Tin and Shett- Iron Wart, consisting of all articles for culinary purposes:— Choi Scuffles, Store fij)e,,dSe. Hb has also.purchased the rght of sale in Blair connty, of it. V. JONES’ . .... IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUMPER, an invention which needs to be seen to and should, bo possessed by every former, butcher or those requiring such a machine. V , ■ ' ■ r ’K&- Particular attention paid to putting up BPOCTINQ, either in town or country. Spoiling painted and put up on the most reasonable terms.' fapril 14,1859-ly TTEENAaS AND SAYERS! JESSE SMITH, TVonld respectfully inform the . citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has Just arrived from the city with a large and Splendid stock of ' 1 "hat's BBS of AND Hi ALL CAPS, ■ . YLES, For Spring and Summer Wear, of every color and abape. Also, a good assortment of - Misses and Children’s Flats, MEN AND. BOYS’ STB AW HATS, of different varieties, all of rvhiAwill ifre sold CHEAP FOR CASH. ' Persons in want of anything in the above line, will please give mo a call before .purchasingelsewhere, its I am determined to sell iit the very lowest possible prices. ; Store on Virginia street, opposite .the Lutheran chnrch. Altoona, May‘3, ISGO-tf. J£SSR SMITH. BAXOCL BWABT. •' WM. M. OOHMpr. '-’ r WMi CCBKT W. M CORMLY & CO., WIIOLESALE GROCEB^ BEALER6 IN FLOUR* ORA IN, SEBP>S. BACON, MESS PORK, E>R.lEr> BEEF, SUGAR-CUBED' HAMS, CHEESE, IKON. RAILS,' &LASS, &p., &c. m 271 liberty street, - : OPPOSITE EAGLE HOTEL, ; PITTSBU RGU, P A . - May 10,1880.6 m. np 0 TH E PUBLIC .—THE SUB JL BCRIBER would respectfully announce jm " x to 4he citizens of Altopna and vicinity, that be - has opened« n ; .""HBfe'. IrTHGLESALE AND RETAIL HhL : on Helen street, between Annie and Julia streets, Rast Al toona, where keep constantly oh .hand a large As sortment of. everything in his lino, which he willhlniboise: of on reasonable terms. " ! - ROOFING & SPOUTING; Phi , D P on snort notice. Ho also manufactures J&iptb l*0!f Spouting, which is said to be much Superior to gal vanizedgheet-trop or tin; - ’ ■ • r- - ' •AU kinds of Jobi work promptly attended toi A share lof public patronage (a solicited. SAMUEL T imvs’.a •Oct 27th, *59-tf. .• ■\ ■■■■' ■' ; 1 ' ' ' ' : '• I?HE GREAT QUESTION WHICH nowagitatce the'mind of every penson^a^* U, where con I* get the best article forlnyllHl money? In regard to other matters, the scriberwonldimt attempt if •want anything in ithe line of BOQTS OR SHOES he invites an' examination of bis stock and work. 3e keeps constantly On hand an assortment of Boots, Shoos, eSlteys, Slippers, ic., which he offers at fiu'r prices. ■ - ' He'will give special attention to, custom work, ail of whteh'will be warranted to give satisfaction. Eonebut the belt workmen are employed Jftemembcr my shop fa on Virginia street, immediately cpposite Kesiler’s Drug Store. . ■ September a ’67-tf] JOHN 11. ROBERTS; Moke light i more light! Just arrived at the store of A. Roush, a splendid a No. 1, Carbon Oil, which he will sell at 31 cts per quart, also a lot of Carbon Oil Lamps Of Jones Patent which are warranted to be superior to any other kind. Altoona.; Nov. 24. ’nO-tf. O YES! |0 YES!—GENTLEMEN draw ni<:h and hear. JOSEPH P. TRQOT tnnonn cse.to the public, that he is ready to discharge his duty assn Anetiuneereihenerfcr called upon, •> flan. 2 ’66. • SELLING, OFF—A LARGE AS SORTiIENT; of Boots and Shoes, Buffalo and Call Overshoes, at 1 U. TDOH’S Dec. ,0.1838. '- 1 , riAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, V_y Linseed Oil, Spirits of Ttroentlne, White Lead -and Alenhol. for title chesp at ' A. BOO3IFB. QPECTACLES AND EYE PRBSER -- reri for sal. kti'' : lWG : 7 11880BV8 THOMAS ELWAY. GROCERIES: j This’department is supplied with.the very clioicest artlcl -s that can be bad in market, and as cheap os can .be I :had anywhere, consisting in part ,of prime 810 COFFEE, 800AFl.allkinds and prices; Syrup : and Molasses, Black and Green Teas, Rico, Spices, Tobacco and Scgars; Starch; Corn Stai cfa, Cheese. Ginger, Can dles, Mustard, OilSj Tnrpou dine. FISH, Ac., Ac. : Thankful for past favors, {he hopes to receive a Ifborjd share of public patronage. tS, All kinds of Country Prodnce taken in Exchange for Goods. J. B. HILEMAN. April 26, 1860. nity that she is now prepared to supply all their wants in the Millinery and Trimming line. She lias on band anexcellent assbrtdient of Bhe lias aslo one of .Mrs. C. C. Dow's patent ' i HAT AND BONNET PRESSING MACHINE, !j: and is therefore enabled to .do workin mis line inaeurja ripr hahner, on short notice,and at reasonable prices/ She invites a call.; [April 12, 1860,-tf. Exchange hotel.—the sue SCRIBER would respectfully In form the public that he has recently re fitted tho abovo Hotel, and is now pre pared to accommodate bis friends midi patrons in a coni far table manner, and he! will spars no pains in making it an agreeable home for nil sqjQUrnbrs. Uis Tabid will always bo hiVuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his' Bar filled with liquors of choice .brands. Ills charges are as reasonable as. those of auyothor Hotel in the place, anil he feels satisfied they can not he complained of by those-who favor him with their custom, Expecting to receive a s}m re pf public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, ho throws open his house to the public' and invites a trial; I have just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brand y; for medicinal purposes. '1 Also a large Stock of excellent Wines, for meriimnalpur-! posbs, together, with a lot of the best old Uye Whiskey to be found in the Country. Altoona, May 27,1809.-ly] Howard association. , - ■ i uh.adei.puia; Jl Benevolent Institution established by Special Ei>d/mme.nt\ for the Belief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with'- ' Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the ; Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. . j Medical Advice givcn<gratis. by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their oqndi; tion, (age, occupation, habita of life. Ac.,) and incases pf • extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. | ; VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new bem ranks employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge. Two or .three Stomps fir postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLOS HOUGHTON, Acting Stfr gcon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, I’a. By order of the Directors. , BZRA D. HEARTD’ELL. Brest. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. . (Jan. 19, ’60.-ly THE PUBLIC ABE RESPECTFUL. LY invited'to hear in mind 'hat at this Store mnjvJid found an assortment of fashionable and hapdsoma MoUskiti Dress llats, Soft Halt., High, Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Gla»4 .Caps, Plush and plush Trimmed Caps for Men and s Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, at Fair Prices. . NO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS.-®* i I Jan.'l'i, ISgO.rly . . : .: I>ED LIONn HOTEL, TV) ; AtTOOIfA. BLAUt COVXTT,.jPA. . ' This bid established acid popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping, the passenger cars na,has passed into the bands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants me in apshrii.p ‘the travelling public tlmt no pains will b^spared to rend r guests os comfortable os possible while sojourning nhd* my roof. v'■! The TABLE will constantly be supplied with the rei best the market affords. : The BAR bt The: proprietor hopes, by his long experience in-1' brollies ana the faculties at.nig command, to mako.tho:Ri lion. In aU respects, a first class Hotel. The business the Hotel will be under my own-personal supervision, liberal ghare of public patronage is. kindly solicited. . JOHN TT. .SCHWEIOERT, Prtprittok. MayW, 1850-tf .r, 'Or,' :k ■ Medicated fur chest pro TECTOR, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOJ fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affoi tions of tho Lugs, which arise from the exposed state dftii chest, according tofathim and the continual changes ttf oii Climate, for.sale at the Drug Store of Q. W. KESSLER. Blanks of all description fcMtty art ,f*pedhllouily mraouted at this office. rvi Fi s -R 3 % 50 W .lllg ! |«* g HH g Bi|§|'S if J u fc w ‘s -■€& m a ®4a H 5 w = l o S- 8 fi; ' *P-i-£eii'£i Hi • S §;|- r' f, q sflSas 88- H “ o ff g P 3 § «8«8 By • g § wl VK g ti s ? -l bit §§ I f I 'grgNs I £ g« dol , 6 ei P S}OOS r 3 s'c g- : ?|fcN . : VV I J »B|I»S Si 19 w' c, J|-g e * jf l - 4:8 o.b ■ ;? GOOD NEWS! Tile Train lias Arrived! T B. HILEMAN HAS JUST EII - • TURNED from the pity with a Urge and careful y selected‘stock of j SPRING & SUMMER GQODS, which hois determined to sell cheap; consisting ijj part of Black and Fancy SILKS, Bombazines. Dolaint-s.CiUi- !. - coea, Ph»«nelB, Ginghams, Muslins,'White Goods; SHAWLS, Sc. Also, MEN’S WBaU of all descriptions, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sdtinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cord Dril- : ; ' lings, Vestings, Ac., Ac. y Boots, Siioes and Gaiters. A largo assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, for Lada ..Gents and Misses, of all pri cs, sizes and qualities, ' Also, a largo assortment ofOUEENSWAJIK and HARi WAKE,; Single and Double Carpet Chain, Pleece Cotto CARPETS, Ac. . , . I\;| ILLINEHY AND TRIMMIM Itl STOKE.—MISS JENNIE SCOTT respect fully announces to the ladies of Altoona and vici- SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS, STRAW AND. L.4CE GOODS, FLOWERS & RUCHESj RIBBANDS AND TRIMMINGS, ,to which she invites the attention of tho ladies. OrLENN’S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (COESEE OF THE FIVE STOEY BLOCK,) North IFea! Comer of Eighth and Race Street 5, PHILADELPHIA The BAR wUI ho fcrund to contain an excellent aadoi meot of I,IQUORB\of all kinds, Including that choice bov rage tiAGJSß BEJSB. . , ; j The STABLE is.in charge of an excellent and cxpei ended Ostler. New grocery feed and pro VISION STORE.' ■ : "> ! i The subscriber wonld respectfully inform the citizens Altoona and vicinity that he has opened astoreoftheabo kind, near the corner of Adeline'and Julia streets, Ea Altoona, where he will keep constantly-on band aroUisn ply of everything in his line. His 'i ; ’ GR 0 OERIBS f are allfreah and will bo sold at prices allow as those' any other establishment in town. Uisitock of prosdstoi consisting of t-.* '•*• * : •;; -.b ■> Flour, Earns, Shoulders, Sides, <&c r will be sold a little cheaper ; than they can be.boughtai where else. His Flour is ’ obtained from the best mitu the Western part of. tho Static and is Warranted to be Wh it is represented.’.. ; i '- Alt kinds of Bead for horses, .cows and hogs, always i hand. ' ■■ ■ ■ "/- I intend to keep snch an assortment that I shall at f times be able to supply my customers with whatever thi may ncedi nndl intend aUo to sell at prices which 1 wi make It a Saving to those who patronize my store. : July 22,1858 3m. UIBNRY BELL. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green, Tellew, Paris Green; dG n ground oil at fl-tf.] , KESSLER’S ;i OREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, - NO. l r “AVTOON AHOU5E*'' ALTOONA; PAW TITHERB MAY ALLYHB "iiiS* - da&MfijUoW*! ' . Sim YorkStenury, ~ uY . Wheats, ..„■•■•••' ' Ptqg gf Our UMon, ' . , . TruePUrg, : - v T*nl, \'Surtday Dispatch, . PrtcnJc Leslie’s Pictorial, , Barper’t Welly, Ballou’s Pictorial, ■ Prank Leit&c m. German Paver, Ihe Jlhutrated World, {German,) •i The Sew York. Clipper, National mice Gcaette, United States Police Gacette, Boston Pilot, ■ ■ Irish American,. Borne Jaunted, Banner of light, Spiritual Telegraph, Weekly Tribune, Porter’s Spirit, “life Illustrated, ! Panic Leslie's Budget of Pat, Yank ee Notions, J Mtoona Tribune. Nix Nax, DAILIES: - Philadelphia Press, New Tori Herald, Public ledger, New York Tribune, Pittsburgh True Press, New York Times. North American, Pittsburgh Chronicle, Burning Bulletin,' Evening Argus, Pennsylvanian. To which will be added the new publications as they appear. Magazines, Novels and, Romances, Miscellaneous Books, School Books. Copy Books, Slates, Pens; Pencils, Inks, • Cap and Letter, Paper, I nvelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in fact every thing in, the Stationary line. Toys, No tions and Games of every variety, Pic tures and Picture Frames, Ac, «3_ A choice lot of CONFECTIONERIES, of every vari ety. Also. TOBACCO and SEGAKS of the best quality, N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, for ROUN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does pos itively cure all sores to which it is applied. Try it. 7-tf.J n.FETTINGER. Marriage guide-being a private instructor for married persona. or those about to be married both male female, in everything concerning the pbysiolo gy and relations of our system, and the pro- Suction or prevention offspring, including ail the new dis coveries never before given in tlio English language, by WM. YODNQ, M. D. This is really a valuable and inter esting work. It is written in plain language for the gene ral reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings.— All young married people, or those contemplating. mar riage, and having the least impediment to married life, should road this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with; still itjs a book that must bo locked up, and not lie about the bouse It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or in poHtago'sttfmpJ Address DR. IVM.YOONG, No.4l6Sprucc Street, Philadelphia; Pa. A®-AFPLICTKD AND ONFOBTUN XT&i-No matter whit may bevonr disease, before you place yourself under the care of any one of the notorious quacks—native or for eign—who advertise in this or any other paper, get'a copy of cither of Dr. Young’s Rooks, and road It carefully.. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health and possibly your life. DU. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases de "scribad in bis publications, at his Office, No. 4W Spruce St. above Fourth. [Apr.li’fiO.-lyeow. P ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safely or Economy. person desiring to obtain the very best and ciieap cstp... tabic light within their reach, should call at the store jf the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate •my other light now lu common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics,'Scamstresses. Factories, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Cal-bon Oil Lamp can be attached to old sides hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at.a small expense, and will answer every purpos" of: a new lunp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. . Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. A ./ CONSUMPTION AND ASTHMA /CURED. / DTI. H. JAMES, M Discovered, while in the West Indies, a certain cure Tor | Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him-when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. His child was cured, and is now alive; and well. Desirous of benefit ting his fellow mortals, he [will send to those who wish it. the recipe containing full/directions for making and suc cessfully using this reniadj-. free, on receipt of their names with stamp for return postage. When received, take it to 0. W. Kessler, Druggist, Altoona. There is not a single symptom of Consumption which it does not at once ‘ I take hold of and dissipate. Night sweats, peevishness. I irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult ex- / pectorntion, sharp paiisin the lungs, sure* throat, chilly / sensations, nausea at the stomach, inaction of the / bowels, wasting away of the muscles. • Address 0. P. / BROWN & CO., 3*2 and 34 John St., Now York. March 8, lBCn.-(im.* 1 JOHN BOWMAN.j De Forest, Armstrong & Co., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 & 82 Chambers St., N; Y., WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADE tlmt they are opening Weekly, in new and beau tiful patterns, the , '? WAMSUTTA PRINTS, ALSO THE AMOSKEAGr, A Now Print, which excels every Print in the Country for Serfection of execution and design in full MaddbaCulors. ur Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive rale. Orders promptly attended to. Peb’y 2. 18fiO.-ly • HUUKE, SIGN AND ORNAMENT AL PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS & WALSH re snt-ctfully announce to the public that they aro prepared to do idll kinds of HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in a workmanlike manner andat low prices. They also keep constantly on hand apt! for sale at lowest prices, Oil* GLASS, puffy & PAINTERS’ TOOLS'; ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED 4 ENGRAVED WINDOW GLASS, LOOKING GLASS & PICTURE FRAMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, carver. & Ornamental gilt frames. tKS- All Order?! left at A. Roush's Drug Store, Altoona, will receive prompt attention. :Shop on Montgomery street, Ilollidayaburg. Pa. April 5. 1560.-tf, Bakery and Grocery Store. THE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS con stantly on hand Fresh-Baked Bread,' Cakes, &c. Fresh Butter, Bacon, PLOUB, ' GROCERIES, Also, a choice lot of SUGARS and TOBACCO. JACOB RINk, "Npv. 10. Viiginia Street, below Annie Street. House and lot for sale.— The subscriber offers at Private Sale f ...n the HOUSE'and I<OT now occupied by her, on the corner of Adeline and 3 ttl.la streets, Sjn| | « iIA East'Altoona. The House is a good Two-e. 5 ejK Story Frame Building, containing a UaJtjMwaaracS Parlor. Dining-Room; and .Kitchen' on first floor.Pdur good sleeping 'rooms oh the second floor, 4 a finished Attic. . The lot is in good order. Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain further information will call upon the subscriber. ' MAROT. M. McCRDM. Altoona. Ang. lltb, 185!Mf. - BUI WALTER DE RUSE’S GREAT .BOOK.— Ertry married and single woman should have tms valuable and Instructive work. It will save them many sleepless nights and days of sorrow. Every young man and woman contemplating holy Wedlock, should have: this highly instructive book. It will save o .those who-read it ■Boußands of dollars, and many after chagrins and regrets, prpthefe. fathers, sisters, brothers,' send for it and read its instructive pages. , You will never regret it. ' Sent frrt to any address, by enclosing four alamrißtoW. DB RUSE, M. D.; Bos 84, Philadelphia Port Office. Feb. 9. ISOO.-ly. , , A tl m If Hit A For fl e INSTANT BELIEF A X I If ft 1 and PERMANENT CURE of ** ” *. ■E.E. l'B. lE* this distressing complaint 096 . FEHDT’S '■ . : BRONCHIAL eiGARETTGg, Made by C. B. SEYMOCII & CO., 107 Nassau St, N. Y. Brice, $1 per box; sent free by post - - FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGQILTS. March 29, 1860.-om. ’ ' - • * ) pBEAM TARTER, SUPER.CARBQ- Sodai'rialariitni, .Washing Soda, Dntkot’a «tw»«idiBr wleifcT ; aeFt.T,*6W£l A. BOVB&’S Drag Store. Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning, Sd. That they are very cosily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. Thaftlie light is at Icast'6o per cent, cheaper than SEND FOE i .■ .iniiiNin ' • - Una remedy is offered as affording a mean of speedy cun for the large number that die annually m our land of that fell scourge, Consumption, fo which, unfortu nately, so many predisposing causes exist Youth and age are alike subject to its ravages. can name one or shore of his acquaintances who is sub ject, to some form of lung or throat complaint, which, - if not attended to in season, inevitably consigns tbc suf ferer to a premature grave. To such; help is at band if they'will but avail themselves of it, and hope,—the har binger of brighter days,—may be awakened without fear of chitlings disappointment. Dr. O. Pastes Brown’s Acicua Balsa* does just what is claimed for it. and may be relied upon by the sick as being the most success ful in curing lung and throat disorders, of any remedy known at the present day. The many phases assumed by Consumption justifies,the apprehension of those who have reason to fear its approach, cither from constitu tional or hereditary tendency. While the discoverer of this remedy does not believe that people should be constantly dosing themselves with tpediciues there arp: many eases where disease is too long allowed to remain unchecked in the system ; andia slight cough, regarded at first as simply an annoyance, ceases only with the life of the patient. An impart state of the blood, through debilitation of the lungs. Oils the system with morbid humors, and pulsation becomes feeble or acceler ated to a feverish intensity—the heart, liver, and' kid neys, separately performing functions of vital necessity to our well-being, are impeded in their regular attion— the digestive organs falter in their, task, and refuse to perform the process of separating the nutritious elements from food, and the whole mental being is well-nigh ready to sink under the burden of life. The patient so afflicted, accounts his case a complication of disorders, and often refuses to resort to medication, from his thorough dis , belief in any prospect of cure. To such of ttye ACACUX B a I.Bam, as thoroughly worthy the confi dence of'all. Every symptom of Consumption is surely and permanently eradicated by its, use. Its effects are none other but strengthening and renovating to the'en tiro system. Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds,, toi General Debility, are effectually cured by its use. Night Sweats, tass'of Flesh, dud Wasting away of the Muscles, lasts of Appetite, Soreness of the Throat, Chest, ami Luufes. Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, DUE culty of Brejtbing—all these, affections disappear in an Incredibly short time after using Dr. O. Phelps Brown’s Acactan Balsam. It nourishes and strengthens the patient who in ■•ton much reduced to partake of ordinary food. It beats all internal sores, tubercles. and inflammation. It strength cas, braces, and revitalizes the brain, and Is without a rival as a tonic, supplying' electricity or magnetic force to every part of Uio enfeebled and prostrate bjody. 1* needs no lengthy trial to convince any that the .Acacia.v Balsam is truly the greatest remedy of the day. as it* beneficial qualities are fully apparent in oight**nd-fori\ ’ longer delay, but ksuU will surely bo A •aclcr. S prepared with the 4/ •«t materials. No QH »d to make it what tw ledy of the age. It JR* »x’of all ages* and safely’; and it is tl*j >nquer»ug those dU- \fi .dalign and destroy » udst. Every family vM it as a household \sk For sale by A. Kouah. Altouua, Blair county, March 15, ISUO. In presenting you with PH. BATON'S TNPANTILB COIIDIAL, we desire t«i state itb>uperlonty over every nos trum that nurse ur ijiuick has heretofore offered you. First. It is the preparation of a regular physician, who is well qualified from much experience in infantile com plaints tv prescrib • for lht)m. Secondly—lt is entirely free trvm paregoric .or opiate of any kind.and consequently! ro* heves hy removing the sutfuring of your child, instead of deadening its Thirdl y—lt is put np withgreat os a companion of it with any other article for infan will show; the very roots from which it U distilled being dug from the forests un er the direction of Dr. Baton, many of them by his uwn hands. Fourthly It is. perfectly harmless and cannot injure the most delicate infant, and is a certain cure and relief in all the following cases, V'hich is its chiefmerit over every othbr preparation, FOU ALL COMPLAINTS ATTEDIKO TEETHING; such as pvsESTKHY, Colic. Ac . also. fur Hoftouiug the gums and relieving |>aiu. For regulating the Ihrwfrls it is une .^or in the IL-Kti it is a sure relief. For the i* t * * . fatal and trying of all diseases. It can be relied on .with perfect confidence?'and being a powerful au ti sjiasmodic in all cases of convulsioos 6r fits, we earnest ly recommend yon to lose no time in procuring it. Lastly It coats so much more than other preparations of the kind that we cannot afford such long advertisements ns can those whose whole expend is their ad vertisiug; for Ute same rea son it commends itself a the most reliable to all mothers. In all castjs, the directions wrapped around each bottle must bo strictly followed. Price, 25 cents per bottle. ‘ Dr. Bronson, having been so for reduced by consumption as tohe considered beyond all hope Of r'ecore.-y by the most eminent of , the medical profession, and also by himself— a repnlar physician of twenty years practice—or a last resort conceived the idea of ANALYZING THE BLOOD. iind nj>- plying’ the subject of Physiology to the more immediate connection, hhd effect of the 'state of the Blood upon the. health and system. The result has been the production of this •* BLOOD - FOOD," from the use of which, Dr. Bronson was restored to perfect health. Within six months after its inlrwinctiun. over, two thousand consumptives wereeffectu ally cured by it. If you liave any complaints of acorn sumptive tendency. Gough. Cold. Headache; Palpitation hf the Uoait, Loss of Appetite or painln the side, lose no time in procnrinjg a bottle of the “ BLOOD POOD.” If you are" suffering ftfom Nervous Debility, or your Sleep is Broken and disturbed. ij' your. Spirits are Depressed,- or yonr Or-, gans relaxed, ybu will find tills an unfailing reined V, by commencing with ten drops; if your Liver is torpid or dis eased in any mnhner whatever, one or two will be sure to Invigorate and bring it info lively and healthy ac tion. in the most inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient ovn here find the most rtliciem anti grateful relief Abene f always esiierientcd after taking only one bottle. In or teunilo Complaints or Weakness,, the sufferer, after trying other remedies In vain, may rest assured, that ?, cer '— 1 W *i-. re . su^l ftmp Die use of two or three hot tles. The • BLOOD FOOD” is cffvclualinnUeaacsof Enin tfpiis. Salt Ithennr; Scrofulas atiffothel- like eAni'pttfihfc.i. rate and emaciated children and. minlLs ore immediately benefit ted by itsuse. It givosstrength to the'body and color and brtuty to the'sfcin. Physicians ofall schools art usuig it with wonderful success. For full* directibm. art circulars. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by ■ 'i, CHURCH & DUPONT, _li No. 36 Malden Lane. New York. SONS. Philadelphia, andO. jl. KBYSEB, Pittsburgh, Wholesale Agents. . , r v ■.. T. Murray, Hollidaysburg: Maroh 8 'l|eu C^ lle drflggwto thwn 6hout the country ■ T>LANING MILL & SASIt ftiaxttf W9UM Planing aiiii amlSasb Bfanufac , lory, w from Tlptoa to Altoona, where howiHeontinua lo ILU or de»nn4 attend to aU wprk eßtrtf^WWn? toi a 'M° i, ‘WE Alllso#* Steatn, SOLUTION OP CITRATE OF MAG * «t» Jo»24,MCMf A. BOE&H, Dnagi*. •en to all who apply ,R BOTTLE | *|mu .(GRAND ST.j| TIT ARIA L' BE PETSTER ME>IO JJX RIAL SCHdOt.—This Institution, Which is located n Altoona, Blair County, Penn’a; will be opened on thslst MONDAY in Mat. ' Itto intendeds* a permanent School; Mid wltt boniiect with it a Male * Female Department. -In the Mole department, young men will be instructed with a view 'to their entering the advanced classes of odr beet Colleges; or. If desired, their education completed. In the Female department, Instruction will be given in any., or all of the different branches, cither solid or ornamru/dij taught n on! best Female Seminaries. Tbo-year will bo divided into two Sessions of five months each—the Summer;; Session to commence on the Ist Mon day of May, ending bn the last Wednesday of September— [the Winter Session to commence on the Ist Monday la No vember, ending ion: the last Wednesday of March.. The . Sessions wilt be divided into two quarters of eleven weeks each. Terms, per quarter, as follows—viz.: SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (Including Rending, Writing. Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, '.Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) §4,00 Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences, Mothe- ■ mattes. Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, the Lan guages and Composition he.) §5,00 EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Music (Including uso of initrutuent) $lO,OO Drawing, SS.OO Painting (In watsr Colors) ■ ■- ! ; 3,00 Needle work, 'i> i . 2,00 Instructions In Vccalmuaksgratis. Ons half the above cbareeSj to be pald lhvariably in ailvahee- :" ' ,' . - ’ R. W. OLTVKR, Supcrini&idtnt Mile fit&t. A.B.QLARK, “ Ramie “ Mr.————— —, Principal of Malt “ . MissOtiUi CLARK, ■ “•■•■v.-V.RiMafe “ March 10,1859.-0 C ; . .yV'Vv- "VTEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR X * STOIUS.--Tlie nndcr»igned;wonld beg-leave to' an nounce to the citizens of Blair county and vicinity that he lias opened his nmir'Store on Tir/flnia street, three doors below the SuperintendeiU’s Office, ys here hohasjust received from the East and Vfest a large assortment of > . . Foreign and; Domestic Liquors, consistjng as follows: ■MKKi* ' French . Otqrd Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Bid Burgundy. Withe, Old Port Wine, Jamaica Bum, Holland Gins Old Rye Monoygahela Whiskey, and, i /thine Wine, which he has himself imported. Retailers of liquors and Farmers, will find it to their advantage to buy of him. as he will sell at CITY PRICES. 1 He will also keep; constantly on hand an assortment ot GROCERIES, Such as Flour. Bacon. Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Be gan, Syruj), Sugar, Coffee, se\ ■ All of which vill be sold cheap for cash or Country Produce. Our friends and the public generally are respectfully in vited to give us a be lore purchasing elsewhere. ... „ „!■:.! BOUrS BLACK. Altoona. Slay 28,|185f1.-tf ' r I A 11E UKEEaN’ HOOK. JUTS EUR | LI SHED, ISO PAGES, PRICE 25 Cents; On Single aind Married life; or, the jrJS/WfS Institution of Marjriage; its Intent gallons, rnd Physical and Legal DisbaaU.wtE«iS9r Ccationa; the rafiohal treatment of U private diseases in both sexes, ic. To which is added a poetical essay, enti tled OMipaediae ?’ or‘ the art of havingand rearing beau tiful and healthy children, hy. the late RonEnt J. Cclveß- WEtL, Esq, 51. U. f' Scut free of postage, by the Publishers, Citas. Kiras 4 Co.. Box 45SC, New York, or Dexter & Wholesale agents 113 Nassau Street, |New York. Agents wanted everywhere. Also, Gratis, an extract and sample of the above enti titled: i>r. ('uhcrieeU's Lecture on the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoeafiihd private diseases generally, detailing the moans by whlcjlu invalids may effectunlly cure thepi selves without tliu use of dangerous medicines, and at bnt little expense to thf-mselvea. Sent free by mail in a secure envelope, on the receipt of one stomp, to prepay postage, by addressing, ’ CHAS-KLINE 4 CO.. Feb. 22,1859. Box 15SC. New York City. TxVCOB SNYDER, TAILOR, tf The Hero of One Hundred Fits -per Month ! I would respectfully set forth my claim to public atten tion, as a Fashionable Tailor os follows: Because I keep uii excellent assortment of Cloths. Cassl meres, Vestings and Trimmings,- which, when examined, always please. f ' Because my work is made up in a manney that takes down the country and gives all my customers a city ap pearance. , ' Because I am not Inferior ns a Cutter to the best to ho found anywhere, t ; Because long experience in my business gives roe entire control over it and 1 am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of the sbils. Because I am still on the’snnny side of forty, and there fore my taste m a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the u Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 2Ci&m . • JACOB SNYDER. AYER’S CII&URY PECTORAL, B- E. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup, UooJlaniTs Gentian Bitten, j Beer have's Holland Bitters, Sand/ortTs Livejr Invigorator, * Lindsey’s Blood Searcher, Clarke's Female\ Pills, -' ’ ' * , Duponco's Golden Pills , Ayer's, ,T£t{son’« and McLahe's Pills, -ti;' Merchant's Gargling Oil, Perry Davis* P<jm Killer, . ' Matchett’s Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Arabian f Nerve and Bone Lenimcnt, in store ami for Bale at . - ’ ; Sept. 2,1 SOS-til]: ; A. ROUSH’S Drug store. BLATH CpUi\TY DAGUEKRKAN ROOMS.—Mr. G; W. FISHER, the IloUidftynbursf Artlsn pegs leave to Inform our readers that be ta prepared to take r • * ■ ' Photographs o/ deceased persons, from Dagiiorreotypi'a, at the shortest notice and 1 on the reasonable terms.. He lms jnst received a large stock i of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styles, including a new pattern of Family Case'for four persons, amlis pre pared to fill them with'perfect likenesses,'. I AMBROTYPK, OiGOERKEOTypE OK PHOTOGRAPH. Wot a call. ; Kooms pn the comer of Montgomery ■»«* Allegheny stnjfo.HJlidkysburg. Pa. fJune 17-tf. G W. KESSLEII—-Pit AGTIC AL pB-UQGIST, respectftilly announces. ft. to the cituohs of Jlltoolna and the public gcn-tfSßKfei orally, that ho Rtilljcontmues tlio Drug business, oh Virginia street, Nehcre he keeps coustuntly hkTjT on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail, DR COS. BP*a 4O . strict attentian to business. and a desire to render pat- J 9 as ncffurdfl price and quality, be hopes to “«^ t !!i n ?^ ei L e 3 ai * re of P ublic Patronage. j j ® ■ merchaute supplied on reasonable tertos, fronM a distance promptly attended,to. \ Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. f IONSTANiTLY ItEGEIV ING NEW Ready Made Clothing, bf the latest Fashions, cheaper S.S:' D e ; A SPLENBID ASSORTMENT OF XJL iUndcrdiirta and Drawer*, Cotton, Woollen and .t>INE AND' OILS, GAM- V °S Carbon Oil, Am. «t Jan. 3. 56-tf], . -KESStEIVS. " jff iflpl' 4T McCOIIM IGK f S Store Wteadfc ;*seortnujnt of Boady-Mad«i clotliing. Call tfuiw*. ■ y. ;■ ■-■ Xov. 25,-tt A SUPPORTERS, Trus- ••• '■ / Braces for wle at *-?* ' • ■ KBSSt.y.R’B. fiAEPET Jbags, trunks, um- B BELLAS, ic* ean be bought cheaMrat H. TCCITS tbyt** aby.ether place inthe country.' [Dee.'9.lB.VJ r rfiß HIG BEST PRIGS IN GASH X pW4 (fat Sea rHttM, by 3.%, ICKEB. • » . I DR. HERSHEY’S . CKIsEBRAteo- Worm Syrun ■ TO THE PUBLIC A ETER A TRIAL of over TEV C\ jin private practice, the subscriber I, for tolhu public a WORM SYRUP whfch h™ r * n ' d to,, to perform cures where others Lave t wn)a v “ B,tr tiilj is beyond dispute the most pleasant and SSL 1 ® p tion of the kind ever offered 'for sale “ ec tu»j pj, It performs it* cures safely, speedily ant » ' Juring the nervous system in no wis pect. tothe Pink Root and Turpentine r„ does It Contain mercury many shui* purely vegetableproduction, and so harmle« that the most delicate mfont m»v tako ii Jt * lts kv-» It is quo of the beat and most s,. n tl« nnro.,- be administered to cliihlren, iu ca.se, ; exist, and is all that may ho required ,n',o rtc °' tan. to restore the deranged condition of tu ,?*» ott*J g»ns, so frequently met during childhood. S'tWUt- and Sold Wholesale and-u ** Corner Fourth and George St., Philadel^htafp^ l * tsi R F<a* igale by A.RoPBn.‘ *ltoon°~. pf RSUEy > T. Q QQ £ .. M.S I 1“ I S'S | 3 a= •“ b-i » <S a 3 PQ p <1 O .j S’-g § Oo 55 « P3“Ts 2 ‘So 0 532 pa 55 j a bn | lv Ui *k § g [ p « P. S* QSJ |g.;» «■ • t-i IB gO : 2131 1i .Hw-W* *S i OO a |5 G R sr wB ® iis “os. cßiraaraw fjsJm ure , t The au^"il>ert^»»pi ea * U rqin' oUbt-lngtotheiinM.,. „ .. NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONNING Caoktag Stove, recently ■ patented, «bh& la dtatin^i. pekede all others, as It require*.'* ■'■. ■ U iv „ 4V _ ONK-TIHRU ÜBBB TtTKL than other stove* end la more easily, oulcklr _ , ly heated. No unpleasant stove &wnthofiwt that It is all weremri™ cape. There »no trouble from smoke as that * and often annoying: exhalation b also reiuumedil»f£ M , the stove .Nelthrir> there any danger * neys becotoing clogged with soot ortho morurloowuk the gaa arlsinct from coal fires. - Betsons wishing to purchase stoves are Invited to «u.. the store of the subscriber, Inthe above stoves. JOIIS anoKMAKjut *4ffciit /hr Writ. Aui N.?. dll kind, of Air-tight, Plrlor cS Stoves on hand. ■ fAng.kisJ** ■vtatioKal police qlzetE LX This Great-Journal of Crime, Wid Crimlmi. i J its Twelfth Year, and la widely cia-ulakd thrvariel! tlie country. It contain* all the Great Trial!. Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, to«iW«wl information on Criminal Matter*, not to be ftmud u... other newspaper. . ■■ ™ »»-Smjscrfptlom. & per annum; $1 for rttaoitku be remitted by subscribers, (w)io should write tUdranM and th* town, county and Stale where they reside rhwJj ’ - To 6, W. MAT3EU. i CO, ' Editor 4 Prop'r. of New York polite Psietta . M-tf] 'Xew IVUtt,. - / CONCENTRATED LYE, FOR ML KINO Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for WuMm, c*, pound equal toaix of common Soap; Castile SqulPil* .Soap, Chemical-Soap, etc., on hand and for sale at Juue 10. ISSH.-tf] ■ ■ ;; A. ROCSHI, pAN BE BOUGHT AT H. TUCH’S, \J Winchester JtCo’sPateaS ’ShoaUer Scam Pins Skim Pee. 9. . It is a fact that t at soma period, every mem ber of the human family is subject to disease or disturbance of the bodily functions; but, with the aid of a good tonic, and the exercise of plain common sense, they maybe able so to regulate the'system as to secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursued certainly that Which will produce a patufal state e( things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Hostetler has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but me that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. llie BiUen operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy isi vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pm* cess of strengthening nature, eaabld the iji- I tem to triumph oyer disease. I For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Fan- I sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, orauyßilioui I Complaints, arising from a morbid inactica I of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramp, I Dysentery,! Colic, Cholera Morbua; ic., these I Bitters have no equaL I Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally «a- I tracted by now settlers, and caused principally I by the cjiangd'of water and diet, Will bo speedily I regulated by a brief use of this preparation. 1 Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably mc:» prevalent, in all-its various forms, than say other, and the -cause of which may always bo attributed to derangements of the dTgcsuv* organs, can bo cured without fail byusisj HOSTETTEU’S 'STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some tin'll then why not use an article known to be infal lible ? AU hations have" their Bitters, as » pre ventive of disbaso and strengtkener of the sys tem in general; anti among thein all there u not to be found a more healjthy people thia the Germans, from whom Ibis preparation w* ■ nated, based upon scientific experiments vnica haye .tended to prove thfie this p# preparation in the scale of-medical science. - 1 Pevbe and Ague.— This frying and promt* ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a tJ* dow in a short .time, arid rendering sically ,and mentally useless, cab from the body by the use of HOSTKETER* RBNOWSED BITTERS. Further, nont «f above-stated diseases can bo contracted, et® in exposed situations, if the Bitters are as per directions. And as they neilher ere _ nausea nor offend .the palate, and render necessary any change of die*- or inten ?^ WD of ordinary pursuits, but promote soupd t anc( healthy digestion, the complaint a moved as speedily as is consistent with tnep Auction of a thorough and permanent cure- For Persons in Advanced TmM. *“* suffering front ah enfeebled constitution _ infirm body, these Bitters are invaluan . restorative of strength .vigor, only be tried to be appreciated. hn . ... mother while nursing these Bitten art pensable, especially where the mother ishment is inadequate to the demands , child, consequently her strength nm* J and here it is whore a good Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters, is needed to temporary strength and vigor to tins y Ladiet should by all means fry for all cases of debility, and, before - should ask their, physician, vlxo. . . v i 3 acquainted with tho virtue of the «>t w,,. recommend their use in all cases ox u - CAUTION.—Wo caution tho public a S» l8! j any of the many imitations or counterfeits, for Hostbtier's ChxmiiatjU) Siokacb • and see that each .bottle has the wo Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters” blown «f the bottle, and stampod on tho covering tho cork, and obacrvtf that our signateTois on tho iabeL JE9- Prepared and sold by HOS by SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa,' 1101 - eBe n» druggists, gtocers,' And doale the United State*. Canada, America, and Germany. , S®* Sold by GW KeMfor and, Jsoobc, JK Pa«on»»S WG MrirtSf) iM* 4 * 1 -* S. Berlin. Tyrone, - t"® ' HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTEBS. • -If% Jf W •i • - • * *7£ . : ’3 r- ■ 4 *Bl IWI ..A' tali toil eßt eit: w J wltllp Eeb and • Mktkt 4Mat< fall V*«| ■■-w Me Tb D. Unotin Alio in ?Oollc< the ule hiuiaee ' Hon. Jn»«h; 3ndkla Sf , Qeorgo wni 'fcwti And pr> Has ybalte Alto< rpri tnecori \»Uew i Old J Lig Also,a BOOKS Altnon wUebei l«K » 1* and 81 o»er«ht *W*%a inobftt tostow Jan. 5 St 03 i D 3 •orvicjs •}inine J Ho m cupio,) Ij AllooJ tTh Ja/3 “<w tnkil Office,' <1 ,S?M manned B°. room oc J.W himself in good ftAl }U he *'-•«» wit ■®u, U Kt worn Uu claim the It ■July % P. A, tOOOil The be Office i •ooraab. rpm AA **• n 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers