The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 31, 1860, Image 3

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    led Liver.
>ufflciei)tiy Bnggwtiro
»tlon that (ifseasßg of
fcßTj* frequent in tho
7 fonnhJablo
in dcraiigcd «tate of
! cwnplaiuts aiually
on, have their
mld Insure regularity
mid be a hl«#g| n g
1 3Ur '-'-
r been kuowh to
: H° Uvcr . or diteait)
‘tic durangetaoat t
'* Dr - M-Unrt
’bnrgli, Pa,
onli- rem«jy yet ii*.
niay be placed.
for DK. M’LANB'g
ufacturod by j
• are other PUU Pttr .
tile public. Dr jj.' ■ i
ri-In ated VennifQg,' ’ . |
g. »torc*. Koncf/J, Vj
l! to Dr > Eaton'* Ijfc
>l. v recomjnemled fgr
• uch " DywiUery,
I; g,a» ita &ame*u£t
discovery dUEofing
‘by the attention iit
deficiency of Wood. 1
i. author of iereeti
‘c<>. Ac., and t*highly
a of those who h» T o
;I *e General Ag«nU
A. Rough, Alfpon*./
at tUa game tlou
l attorn! tho bouun !
n« time the medical
fui th numerous sj*, |
thout effect. fir-jli' C
l, cd phy.lclan, hai
itli n Valuable pro; f
:f “- The steidy aq^
“ Bitters,” and Out
* made for itarepu
t!,u bind. Tor tile
tdehratod Stomach
jrity over any other
l!y, everywhere,
ut slieep should be
■° the undoing of*
-l ;a have deplored
:icouth manner In
Up the cloth rnaA*
••unless sheep. Xo
h up doth wisely
'•st advantage the
wn Stone Clothing
■i Cu 3 Chestnut Bt.
eiock of garments
''r's Tholkatke St
which it put op
li h in cxMllent
tender gum*, and
•'-d it. Sold hero
iduity to our
OVT, and b«
examine ow
amiful rtyU* of
in thearuoa
'■ON A.
; u biwißM* com-
ness more oxUn"
living tUeir work
1:1 iiko mannor.--
irtd and painty
vitsonablo terms.
e being circulated
corner* and tK»
,i business* 1
cue nn>l *J>
(E?, PCDDK' 08 ’
.■mrket. Ihg
y bust Of BtOCK
n.dant supp'J
..... the vruuU oi
:i (.ho Bicut wsy
H llio lUirougbOl
, i’rcsMcntof tbp
3 -un. for settle
fl.l.'Hf*'- .
pMBS CribMf.
jW rn W*y^ H oUJd*y»bntfc, .
and Hoaid«j»bnrfc
■• ’ ■ !T.«' “■
*sa*ys hurfe «»r.M.
**X: open tor M»* traMoetWa oflmslns isfrom 630 A M
fuor.M-. dating thaweefc, andlhuii7.fiotoB.6oo’.
‘Hm?vsSj ■ x
I >. . ■■■ -1; >
rAixroad schedule.
tr mts Train Esst arrives 8,10 P.M., leaves P. M.
If 04 ’.- -West “ 7,40 A.M. v “ AWA.M.
, . •* East « WSA,iL X “ L2OA. M.
f “‘ « Wqst « t.M; : “ MOP.M.
“ « Bait « J.BA.M. « ;?3oA.m:
« West “ 6,65 P. It, « 7,x0 p. m.
lIOIxrDAVSmjJIO connects wlthEiprsas
ftiiafcKt »od West, and MWlrTwiltßakitnd Wert.
INDIANA BUANCllTKAlHSconnectiwlth Johnstown
imjianodatioD Train East. and West, (Johnstown Way
JSnK»rt»»rd!aml Express Train Wwtiwd.
l2, IS*-'
eotMEtt — Th« evening thomutning toilet of
lamatr will be completed, apd torpiorrowmorn
ingsbe will trip forth to view thojh&ndiwork of
i,cr beautiful sister May, (who now retires for
s season) whose dewy &fprshave unfolded the
ksf.buda, and whose genial breath lias swelled
almost to maturity the obenies «(ad str&wber
ries, which will acknowledge, with a blush, the
ibe kiss of summer. Beautiful is the renewed
joulh of Nature! On the carpet of Velvet
i«>rd, spread by the fairy spring in the woodi
Isod glades, for the shadows of (bel young leaves
m iluce on, the Elves of snnuner, with sun
beams, for their needle#, have already commen
ced their floral broidery. White and blue flW
(rets, too pretty to be called by the hard names
liit botany has assigned to then#, are “ cropping
oat,” like vegetable gems, fromi;among the
grass; the dogwood blooms, shortest lived of
the sylvan ephemerals, are fluttering in the for
est aisles, and the maples aroi exchanging their
purple robes for suits of “ Lincoln green.’’
young ladies who believe in the ancient recipe
of morning-gathered May dew, a# a beautifier
of the complexion, have so doubt secured a
stock of tho cosmetic for tire tab and freckle
season. And we can assure them there is more.
tScacy in, the prescription sban they may sup
pose. The belle who leave# her couch before
sunrise, to bottle the dew of May, is sspe to be
tic rosier for her pains. Wo may mention,
however, for the consolation of tho. lovely He-a
foda who have neglected this hygeian duty dur
ig thv present month, t|iat Juno will do just
as well: and if they should continue the ppera
liou every flue morning until November, so
auch the better for the trajwparehcv of their
' f .
Teat Boqwet.— On Saturday last a little
urchin popped into our sadclnm and deposited
upon our table boqnot accompanied
ti/ a note from the fair donior,' tbechirography!
«f which wo exceedingly regfet we ton not folly
decipher,. to,we should• Hk«t to lay ft before t|je
rcw,^s?<Sl^ e Tribune, hoping that othetonugbt
be rpdncetl jo follow theto*&p)e of Our
fur friend incognito. She commenccs-her note
by saying that she would jike to be a phflw*
throphiat. ji’c; assure her she is pn the right
read to become one. Like nil other true phi.
lantbrophietsshe first thought of;the “poor
printer.” She asks, “do you lotlb flowers
Vea we do, depr-(hold. hold, weW married,
don’t tell car wires)—philaotfcrophUt. €opy.
iog jour own expression, wesay, 4who«i de
graded, so lost to .ali'sense of the beantifhl as
not to cherish in their heart of hearts a deep
lure for those pure emblems of Gbd’s loving
Madness to man.” She then adds “ hero are
tome for you, fresh from Bis Majesty’s,work
top 1 wllos e foreman,-is -Nature.” ’
expression,—the: world 'a work-shop and Nature
the foreman. She the floweni “have a
fragrant smile for all of yon, from the dignified
fieuior editor down to the little impe in tbe cor
*"•” True; fair friend, (all-but the dignified)
and we have enjoyed thpse smiles. ; Yon may
call ua benedicts, and talk about onr roast beef
sad onions as much os; 1 you please, If yqn keep
the promise made in your postscript; aqd wc
>till agree to buy .all the batter and eggs yqn
I’riagto town, if yon will dispense withthe
toricesof yonr little brother / J ake, and bring [
them to the office yourself. f
Agais AaBE£TED.-,lhe two men, Hamilton
Helfright, whom we noticed last
“ T ‘og been arrested on snajueion oJT boii|g wi
«med in tke robbery of Fettinger’s Wd& and
**" dis for want ot sufficient
»tre agnin arrested on Monday last, atibe in-
I " ttce of Qjai . F. Bell,, of Bell’s on
of being the persons who entered the
btket office at that station, w?mc time since, ami
a number of railroad tickets and other ar-
The evince adduced was not sufficient
11 convict them, bat the Commonvealth deman-
that they, should be held fora
“g to-day. In ifcfault of bail they were taken
J»il, at HoUidaysbarg, for safe keeping. :
AcciDExx.-Wff. Gable; of this place, a
p ! es “ aa oc pf the freight trains oa the
. ■> bad one of hie bands severely ernah-
coupling e*n»
. .n station. Ihe .first and second fingers
•« ouch injured that they'required ampu
tiLn" oo Jhs back and palm of
, • Was ; ®Boh cut and tom. His fingers
'hand dressed by Dr.
°.of Mifflin, rafter irbiofa he returned to
in the evening train.
aJjJ I T IIO m m of
of Mum*, Jwidln Beales'
-on Saturday j nn * *s«* Tickets for the
Me n °w onti and we would like to see
, g 0 off cakes” before apart; of
it nam° Pf, » rB ' 1 ® # B * of managers contains
6 i and make St & recherche pic nio.
fis* 0? boor for conunea-
°v & the
OJ Ch £*fc > tw» &rn i-W M
7 00 AM.
-7' 00 A.Mi.
■ I
■ f
TAZCoumcroKS.—The County Commission
er lu^e'appointed the following Collectors of
SfrlteandCounty tax.foi t Hhe present y—r, for
the- several Townships -and Boroughs "f the
Prankstown—Albert Wilson.
Catharine—Cyrus Mateer.
Altoona—Jos. K. Ely.
Tyrone bor—John H. Patterson.
Woodberry—llobert Alexander.
- Huston—Jacob C. Hoover.
North Woodberry— Henry Burget.
Martinsburg— A. S Morrow. ’
Taylor—Samuel H. Sbiffler. . v
Greenfield— Samuel Dodson.
Freedom—Jobnß. EepharL
Juniata—James Stephens.
Blair—-Peter Emeigh.
Logan—James Coleman, .
Allegheny—Peter H. Wilt
Gaysport—H. L. Patterson.
Hollidaysburg— Q. W. Buss.
Antes—James MbPJhextion.
Snyder—James S. Plummer. -
Tyrone tp—Edward Tate.
‘ Ah lmpobtakt Bitop Leoielaotos—Aider
men and Justices of the Peace, who have not
posted themselves in the Revised Penal Code of
■the laws of Pennsylvania, Adopted at the late
session, have a fact to leant. By that code
their powers have been materially circumscri
bed. |h fataree list of-crimmal offences, hith
erto bailable by them, can only be madb baila
ble by the courts. The list of offenses whose
adjadicatioh. is. xmoved from the power of the
aldArman, comprises arsod, rape, mayhem, ;rob
bery. or burglary ; and in all such eases bail oan
only be received bjr dio Supreme Court,, the
Court of Common Pleas, or one pf its J udges,
and the Mayor or Beisorder of a- city. As this
is the letter of the code, section 7, page 58, of
the Penal Laws of Pennsylvania, parties inter
ested should remember the ftet .
To CoNsnjiPTfVEs.-T-Peraons a consumptive
tendenpy have-nped, to he very careful ip the
outset of a cough, ahd betake themselves in
time; to a properiremedy> A oough is always
evidence of-imtation ia' the throat and lungs,
resulting from some obstruction of the skin;—
In order to jwevent the attacks, wear flannel
next the skin, guard the" feet from damp and
wet, antf above all, take Dk. Ketseu’s Pxcto
bai. Comm Smtxp upon the first approach of a
cough or sore throat, and check the disease
thereby in its infancy. There is nothing like
attacking disease on first approach. By due
attention to tbis.advice you will save much suf
fering mid sometimes prolong life. Even when
consumption has become seated, this medicine
Will mitigate the xsnffering and has cured some
very bad cases. Sold by G. W. Kessler.
Lso Bso'eek.—Mr. r Johnston Moore of Scotch
Valley, went out to one of his pasture fiolds on
Thursday evening last, to salt his colts, and
whilst among them. reebiveda hick on'his leg
from one of them which broke it about half way
between the knee and ancle, and so disabled
him that he couldn’t gat to bio house. And
being at some distance from it bis cries for as
sistance were not heard until some three boors
after, about 9 o'clock. Dr. Smith was called,
and the fracture and every possible
relief afforded, and we are pleased to say he is
doing well and promises q speedy recovery,—
09* Inanother column will he found an ad
vertisement by 8. C. Baker, of Crystal Spring
Mills, headed “Caution and Reward.” It
i* qerttthxly a small, .piece,of business for flour
manufacturers or dealers to steal the •* trade
mark” of others, but the fact that the flour
from the OtyqUl Spring Mills is a par article
iu this community,' -may account for the desire
tp counterfeit, as anything hearing the brand
named is hound to sell.
Look Onr.—Builders, merchants and others
will find something to their advantage (or dis
advantage, if they don’t heed it,) by referring
to,an Ordinance recently. passed by the Town
Council, which wrill he found in another column.
The ne w Board of CbunoUmen appear determin
ed to have things done up systematically, and
we Say “drive on.” r '
IBP 0» our outside will be found a letter
from a former resident oftbis place, who is no*
in the employ of “ (Jnole Sam,” add has, been
sent on-a cruise around Cape Son end other
delectable localities. The letter is rather inter
esting and should be reaid by all. The author
. promises to send more of the jsaihe kind* and we
hope he will keep his word.
- ' • ' i ... / iisr
FisHtso Tackle.—H. Fettjnger has now on
hand the largest assortment of fishing tackle to
be fotind In any establishment bataide the cities,
consisting of everything from a hook up to a
basket. It almost makes a man feel like going
a fishing to step in end take a bis slock.
Those ftho contemplate going on fishing arour
sions should first go. to Fet’s and get a rig.
KL. The regular monthly meeting of the
Altoona Sabbath School Association will-be held
In the Z<eotare Boom of the Lutheran Church
tin to-morrow (Friday) evening. A general at
tendance is requested as business of importance
will come before the Association. Addresses
V Bev. A. Jl. Clark and others are expected.‘
j Democratic County Convention.— -The Dem
ocratic County Committee met in HoUidaysbnig
on the 3d inst., and passed a resolution fixing
the IStn of August as the day for holding the
County Convention. The primary meetings for
the election of delegates will be held on Satur
day, August 11th.
.Quarterly Meeting of the
1L £. Church,, of this place, will be held on
gabbath week, June 10th. ;
Desirous of dosing out my present busi
nest for the purpose of engaging in professional
pursuits, I now offer roy entire stOek-'of Books,
Music, &c, for sale at cost. Anyone wishing
to take iny situation and continue the trade will
woeive liberal offers by making an early appll
cation, H. SMITH.
Altoona, May 29th, 1860.
Bmu* County Teachers’ Association An
Romped meeting of this Aswmation will be
b# b yWtoow, on Frida; and Saturday, June
3d,lBio. AUaro Invited to attend.
*. iJUooQBr 3foy M, 1890. : : •
I —■
Messes. EpfroHjs-I
ETeryschemo nroposed. whereby the hiffbent- in. Ohtbe 24th br Rev- Woyd Kntght,Mr. oosead
.■■■: ... i. in* OITj CtoctonrtV Ohio, to Mlm CATHARINE SETTER
wrww may be promoted,, meets of Priuik»town township. ■ j:
'With a; 'heartir anbrobaUon and. «r the*#®?, Mr. Michael qist
- iiv T J ”7.7 *““» «ar as pos- NSR. of t hte piece, to Mrs. ELIZABETH SHIRK,of MW
aiOta, TeWITtS my undivided support. - 'Evejy <Ue Woodbury township, Bedford cowty. ...t';
SaggegtioD, Ottered by tho nnblic’a honnfW**A* , On the 24th iMt„ by Rev. A. H. S embower, Mr.AOHR
utoiw uy inn paimc S Dcnefactor, . h. TIKKER to Hiss ELIZABETH COX, both oTtUspiMeC
recommending; any. improvement ia morals,
manners or maxims, finds in me an advocate
weak,,perhaps, bfitsare and firm.
Although no; office-holder or seeker, I dearly
lovetbe public—its interests qnd its welfare,—
and-more especially that part which constitutes
'.my awn community. That is nearest my heart,
land I rtgoiee when; I see public-spirited ipdnri
doals striving to giro the proper tone to |onr
sentiments and characters, and pointing oat the
way by which we jjiay avoid the ahoalsand the
qaioksands,tht troubles .and dangers of
a though tless life, | No doubtwe have in our
-midst each J know, we hare, who
has done muchforirar community by directing
our xpinds in a practical way to such things as
tend to onr temporal and spiritual improvement.
Irefer to thatableaerpespondent of your paper,
who* by his “ Letters to the Young Mep .of Al
toona,was -the means,-..0f inaugurating, the
movement for the pstablaihment of an institu
tion which is destined to tell favorably upon the'
minds and heartsfjof our youth, and who has
sought every opj ity in public and private
to produce still:. ;er improvements. '
Knowing that
that spirit which w<
by one is hoidbje '
has the ability to
fer this one;—t?
the author of those
tff the yonng men
in the same proof
young women ot ,
of it ? and, Meta,
of it?
v ■ I . ;!■
Altoona, May 29^
Messrs. £dii<
ca of oar town
rations and intend
(he sth of June.’
ed to all the
they oil be
for beHering thi
generally.'’ Oi
by Messrs. Sd;
Burchinell, Stifle;
On Friday even* of last week the colored
Wesleyan MeUiodii of Uds an ex
hibition in-their ohi the proceeds of which
ore to be applied to ie purchase of s library for
their Sunday SchoolJ ' The attendance, was quite
large, but it is with regret that I add, the exer
cises were very teach disturbed by our young
hopefuls, who went .here, it is presumed, for no
other purpose. It h ould hare served the young,
rascals right had they been locked up for the
night in Sheriff Funk’s boarding-house.
A man named Fisher, an employee in the
Frankstjow ore-bank, had in his possession, thir
ty dollars worth of Counterfeit scrip, on the firm
of Watson, Denis ton & Co , which he succeeded
in trading'to Mr, John O’Neal, of this place, for
a silver lever watol and two dollars and fifty
dents in money. The watch and .- money were
recovered, but the scoundrel who forged the
scrip was permitted toruu at large, which is
encouragement suffisient for Fisher to try his
hand again, j ;
Our town-is very ■; dull atthe present time, —
there appears to be i. perfect cessation inbusi
neas. Local items are very scarce. I hope that
yon will excuse the shortness of this letter, and
J will endeavor to be more interestaig in the fu
tor?. -•. j : ,t : ‘ W.
Mgf* The scarlet fever is prevailing to aconstdciable ox
tent in Johnstown.' ;
O' The,census marshy la Trill commence operations to
morrow morning. Look tint for them.
«3- A .train on thoOrapgo and Alexandria Bailroadran
109/uiicsin-one hour |and fifty-five minutes, on Tuesday.
• A young lady id tb is town is so refined In her lan
guage that she never usei; tho word “ blackguaid,’ > bnt sub
stitutes “ African sentinel! ’ ‘
Or A lady of nppetten dom was greatly shocked, a few
day* since, on reading tint male and female strawberry
plants are Ibond occnpyiot j the same bed..
49*Two enrions follows—Tarr, the chemist up street,
’ and. our devil. The one dres for a living and the other
stands when he sets, j
O-Xhe editor of ttie . Indiana, Independent announced
in his issue of Friday Wee r, that that paper wouid hence
forth be discontinued• ' i ' ~
*9- ®h®‘ iegWatuiu o: ’ Tennessee, has passed a very
stringent Uw against the jadulteration of liquors. Uliing gradients is declared a felony. .y'? ■
All kinds of vegetables have come forward, within
thopastweek.withatapidltyunparaleiled. Theearthls
clad m a garnlturo aa gay’and beautiful mid summer.
g®»tVby do you always beat mo down in my prices 1”
Said a store-keeper to a customer. u Jßecanseyon araavol
gar fraction of humanity, and a vulgar inaction should be
redneed to its lowest t^rms.”
OUlhe London Ttmer, {n a loader, says that if the exo
dns'from Ireland continues she wn 1 soon become English,
and the United States Irish; and that the NewWorldk the
me home of the Celtic ratje.
frSu It had been said that ,“it l» better to give than id
recaiTe,” and.we .suppose that Sayers and Heenan frilly ap
preciated this truth when they Were Interchanging blows
withta the rope?; A K,'|-
H9.,10m ftcMted pugflistwas one of the Re
publican delegates Wchicajjo. He is an' active Lincoln
men, end was the loader of* grand procession at Chicago,
on the night following the rumination. , ' '
49*33)0 Standard says itiscurrently reported in polit
c*l circles that the Tyrone Ater establishment is to be re
moved to Holiidaysburg, for the purpose of publishing a
straight-out American paper*. We shall see. ■'
4S* Thomas Brochy was recently arrested in Adrian,
Michigan, for having married six wives, one of Whom was
a negress, and two squaws. If all were collected, what a
pictorial menagerie they woild make! is Just sixteen years since Professor Morse put up
the first electric telegraph in America. The first piece of
news sent over ft was .the nomination of James E, Potk
for President, made at Baltimore, and announced, in Wash*
ington two boors in advance! of the mail.
A?* A famous dividing lino—XUo little “ Rubicon,” im
mortalized, in history by its connection with Caesar's for
tunes, now separates the dominions of the Pope from those
of the King of Sardinia. Which of these two potentates
will first “cross the Rnbioont”'
dSr A little excited—epmcj'gents oh Main street. In eon*
sequence of the notice wo took, of the ‘scrimmage around
there laat woet. If one of the gent* had saved his paper,
(mvalopo and postage stwpp he would hawsavedhi# credit
It certainly »^ ; grief p*rt wUb
1 v " i:
at gentleman possesses not
laid Spurns suggestion made
fe, and feeling, too,.that be
iprove it, t beg leave to of*
' it not bo a good idea for
msetvedly popular letters
Altoona, to write a series
and earnest manner to the
dace? What does he think
Editors, wfaat do yon think
o, May 29, 1860.*
ohior Sons of Ameri-
thenecesaiy prepa
a grand exhibition on
have been extend-
county, and, should
we hare every reason
have a “good time
jes 'riH hi delivered
H, Mitchell, Leet,
In this place,.on the 24th inst., Mra'CATBARINE, cott- 1 :
sort b£ Joshua Hacker, la the 62nd year of herage.. 1,
The subject of, the aborenbtice snffcredlong and pain
fully from Pneumonia, which terminated fiOalty in tin.
complete exhaustion of the bodily functions. She died as
she had live«t—an affectionate wife and mother, asylfdcny
ing Christian. Never have we witnessed more patient suf
fering, greater resignation to-the will ,of God,or a more ar
dent desire to depart and be. with Christ. During her ill
ness, with a smile of peace npon hor countenance, she could
thank Sod far the hope Of eternal glory; and never did her
assurance, of future happiness oncofbraake her; but her
last-words, so expressive of Joyful feelings, bore abundant
testimony to all around of her triumphantandhappy death.
In the death of this “ mother,in Israel,” we aco at least
one of the greatly-to-btedesiredfruits of ourholy religion—lt
‘-can xnahe a dying bed
Feel soft downy pillows are,”
which, of itself, is no small matter to the pain-tortured
mortal. ■
.The deceased has left'-behind her a .wide circle of weep
ing friends, on aged husband, and a numbed of children
grown toman and womanhood, ’ who will ever, cherish in
their heart of hearts her Bacred. m«mory whick shall al
ways abide as grateful incense on the altar of fillial affection.
"Then case, fond nature) cease thy tears,
Relijgion points on high;
There everlastlngspring appears,
And joys that cannot 1 die.”
-XJI. Kotice ia hereby given that letters ofadmlnistra
nun on the estate of George Beatty, late of Altoona, Blair
county, dec’d, have been granted to the undersigned, rest
ding w aforesaid. persons knowing, themsolve fndebt?
ed to said estate are requested to make immediate payment
and those bating claims will present them duly authenti
caiSd f °o r , s^ mont - A. McCOKMICK,
May 31,1560.-61. Adsunuf rotor.
nndcrsigne<l ha« good reason to believe that certain
persons are in the habit of using and counterfeiting his
44 BRAND orTR-tDE MARK,” used by him on btn a Crys
tal Spring Mills Flpnr.”
This, therefore, h to give notice that I will prosecptc to
the full extent of the law, all persons so doing; and fur
ther will pay a reward ot five dollars for any information
that will lead to the conviction’ of sndbi persons.
Crystal Spring Mills, S. 0. BAKER.
May 29,1860.-3t>
It chants and others.
Wheeeas, great , inconvenience and serious trouble fre
quently «:cur to the citizens of the Borough of Altoona,
often ending in vexations litigation, and in many cases en
croachments are made on the streets) lanes and aHeys,"br
those paudiog houses and patting up. other improvements.
And whereas, complaints have been made to the Town
CoulcU by a number of the citizens of said Borough, that
obstructions are permitted to exist on the side walks and
pavements interfering with pedestrians, and trespassing
upon the private rights of individuals, greatly detrimental
to then- comlort and busines operations, by Merchants aud
other dealers, and the keepers 5f Clothing stores, by an im
proper exposure of their dbods, ware* and merchandise, in
{ront of their stores, and oy potting np signs and awnhizs
too low, across the sidewalks and,pavements, "*
Be it ordained by the Town Cowled of the
f? ™ u g h °J Attoroa, audit is hereby ordained by theauthori
ty of Vie tame. That hereafter all per oas, owners of, or
agents for, lots of ground within the limits of said Borough,
wishing to put up buildings or improvements of any kind,
intending to erect the same up to the line of the sidewalk
lavements or alleys, desiring an outlet for water from cel
lars, stables, sewers, putdps or hydrants, "shall, before
breaking ground, apply tolhe Supervisor, or President of
Council, for a regular permit for whatever.privilegas may
be necessary thereto. And in default there of. the Snper-
is hereby instructed, and required, to report the same
immediately to who shall prosecute the person
°F P £ifSr*rf° offen ' ltll 8) “d on conviction thcreot before
the Chief Burgess or it Justice of the Peace, the person or
ahaU forfeit and pay aflneuotex
ceeMng Ten Dollars for each offence, toho coUectod as sums
* *** recoTora bfo,.for the use of the
.n^?w^, er ’ he ,? eby ° rd#i - ned by the authority afore
smd, hereafter, all persons desiring to erect awnings
or put up signboards, across «ny of the sidewalks or pave
ments of said Borough, shall, previously to the erecting or
putting up, apply to the proper officer for a permit; and
noawniug or sign board, so put up, shall bo lower than 10
feet from tii© surfac© or level of the sidewalk or pavement,
and shall leave the gable ends of all awnings open. And
ohlo, the were and occupants of all awning? or signs now
erected or put up, extending across the pavements or side
walks of said Borough, are hereby required to have! the
Mine alters-so-aa to fully ipeet the requirements of this
Ordmanco by raising them to the proper height.
“so, any person or persons, company, or- society,
trading, marketing, or merchandising, or using any of the
sidewalks or pavements wULfo the limits of the said Bar
otifwu-W , t . lleir ' i ttre3 an<l merchaudfso ur
at u ° tune rccupy more than five feet of
Uie ado walk or pavement, And in all cases that portion of
l vL PaV< "S eUt next to theft own/ houses; and
every person offending against the prolvsioni of this Ordi
tea after duly notified by
theßmerrisor, slrnU, npon; conviction thereof before the
Chief Burgess or n Justice of thq Peace, be fined ii. h »nm
f °£ oTerjr offence, for the
Iw IV? “J? Bprengh, to be recovered as debts of a like
amount at© by law recoverable.
Passed klay 1360— t0 take efiect June 10th, 1860.
WM.‘ C^^mi/^K^^efa^ryest.
The subscriber would in-
FOIUT&e public tlmt ho has Jtwt received from the
isaac.a splendid assortment of
which ho wlii make to order onshort notice and reasonable
tmns, and jvarrants to giro satisfaction. Persons in, want
of anything in his line can roly upon being fiilrly dealt
vri *Ls_. . „ > JOHN O’DO.YNEL.
on Mom St., a few doors below the “ Red Lion
Hotcl - * [May. 21,1860.
Altoona mechanics’ libra.
is hereby given that the following named persons, to wit •
. Thomas P. Sargent, C. R. McCrea, B. P. Custer, D. T. Cald
woll. Bavid Galbraith, A. D.Cheny, C. B.lKenncdy, Win.
C-McCormick,. Ambroeb Ward, C. J. Maud, and lUcliard
Gill, have applied to the late April term of the Court of
Common ■ Plwa : of Blair, county, to be incorporated aa a
Library andHoadlng-Rbom assdciatioh, under the title of
of ‘-Iho Altoona Mechanics’ Library, and Heading-Boom
Association,” and to have perpetual succession as such.
_. ' „ ■ „ THOMAS P. SARGENT, flw't
fi. F. CpsTEB, Sec'y, [Msyl7.’6o.-8t
. J VATE SALE—The subscriber, intending to more to
rj® JVMtj Oflert for sale hlsHbu»e,eltnato on Main street,
Uon Hotel," Altoona. Jt ia ooooCihe
nM *» d««rablo situations lor bosinessln Altoona, aa It is
the iPennV Eafiroad Depot. The
hnfldtog IsSiby 30 feet, with three rooms'onthefirst
2°°r ana wnr oa the seconds One ofthorooms on the first
fitted Up for a storeroom.. The above property *lll
be sold Jour and on reasonable terms, if application bo made
respecting the aboropropertT can
be had by calling on the subscriber, pr
o“*«»• . : SAMUEL BLACK.
M»yl7, 1560.-3 t,
House and lot for sale—
The subscriber offers for sale his House and tot ait
u«te on High street, Korth Ward, Altoona. «-
The House is a one story and a half plank
frame, 18 feet frbnt by 28 feet deep. There HI I
is a good well of water near'the door, a Ijßfl §XI aE
good cellar under the house, a coal house
and other necessary out-buildings on the**S9sE9Bß
premises. 457-Terms moderate.
House and lot at private Tvrpft a w ~ -
SA.LE.—The Gatc-Honso and Lot 1I . , ANS COURT SALE.—BY
belonging to the ALTOONA AND HOL- A . vu J«e ofan order of the Orphans’ Court nf m»tr
PLANK ROAD will c Sp(^S 0 o^t
nale mile from Altoona, is offered at JBSMMET?'B>- ‘ PjpLV t * le P of John Bowman, in' tire burooch.
DriTato Sale. for terms and ’ , on TUESDAY, tho i >th day of JUNE, next, at
particulars inquire OIJDSEPII DYSARtT Projideo t StL
Company; fAnnl 26 18m tf ° i ° ono J® l undivided pai iof a tract of land eittxate
lApril «6, ISGO.-tf i Blair county, about » mile from the
borough of Altoona, known aa the ilaiferty Farm ”
contaiuinß about iSO acres: bounded on the north by lands
of Peter JjnffioM and Daniel McCauley; on Uio south hr
lands of Samuel ilcGlathcry; on the cast by lands of Joav
Uian Hamilton,; on tho west by Hamilton and McGlatbenr
louts oy Sale— Cash on confirmation of sale •
Adm’r of James Moore, dte'd.
■*“ » penalty of the law will be strictly • enforced
ssrassr 6 ii“” j -s
By order of the President.
May Si, 1860.
By a resolution of the
*<""» Oopndl, Messrs, O. R Cramer, John Allison
a Board of I&
Supt< Gas and Hater Works.
Cheapest ! Bost 1 Largest! ?
08 5.00
Faya for Tdtte in Single and Double Entry Book-Keen
ing. Writing;, Commercial Arithmetic ami Lectures.
Jtaord BRhefaiao,Sah<mery|J, Ihftfon tSi-trUirt Sat
penscasSi. ■
1 _ Usual timatacomplete a fall course, from a tola weeks
\ Every; Student, upon graduating, .is guaranteed to be com
ipeteat to manage the Books of any Business and qualified
to earn a salary of from ■
: ; $5OO t» si,ooo. ;
Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Beview at
pleasure-. ' , ~ .
First Premiums finr Bestßusiness Writing, far :1859 re
ceived at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Ohio State Fairs.
Also, at the principal Fairs of the Union Ibr tbe past four
years. • ' . > " '
fiS.Hln|sters Sons received at half price. .
For frill information. Circular, Spechnensof BnMnessand
Ornamental Writing and Embellished View of thb College,
enclose five letter stamps to : • ' , F-W. JENKINS.
Sept. 22,1850. —ly ; r - Pittsburgh, Po.
Cheap Goods! Cheap Go
fl INC OPENED, a large stock of SPBXNGAnD SUM
MER OOOBS, of all the late styles and qualities in'the
Eastern market. In the lino of TT;
we cannot be.surpassed by any house In the place. Our
stock of Geooejues, such as ,
are of the best kind, and aU fnah. ,
together with as full assortment of j
In the Ladies'Deportment, are all the differen t and latest
styles-of -.H, >.
togethdr with a general assortment for Children 4 Misses,
andagood and full stock of
.for Spring and Snmtncr. The largest assortmenll of
ever brought to the place, and being unpredeutlyj low, from
np to 25 cents per roll, with Boanaauia to mafoh.
And as we purpose henceforth to give the bufioeas our
dapocial attention, we will sell very low for cash or country
produce, and will take in exchange, as usual, Blitter, Eggs,
Zard, JUUoto, Potatoes, Beeswax, do IThapkfUl ibr
past patronage, wo hope, by a strict odhcrencMq. business,
to our old motto, l 'SmaU profit* and quick sales," to retain
our customers old and gain may new ones. : !
May 3, I 860; ; !
R. A: 0. KERR’S, j
, ®- A. O. Kerr hasjust received.thelargest, xnorttwhion
able and best selected stock of Goods in the market, consis
ting of on endless variety of goods for men and bpys’ wear.
The largest and best assortment of Ladies’ Dliras Quods
in town, consisting of black and fancy Silks, *UI Wool De
laines, Alpacas, Cballle DelMnesi plain ann figured Braize,
Lawns, Gingliams, Ducals, Lavclla Cloths, De Bafe, Trav
eling Dress Goods,and aljeautifnl assortment of Prints, 4c
Also, Tickings, Cliocks, MusUns-rßlaek and Unbleached
Cotton and Linen Table Di.per, Craah, Nankeeh,|4c.
Also, a large assortment of Ladies* Collars, Dress Triih
mings. Ribbons, Gloves, Gauntlets,Mitts, Silk and
Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils, Barred hiid Plain
Jaconet, Swiss Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Mini Muslins,
Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Bands, Velvet Ribbons.
4c. Also; a flue assortment of : j
Ladies’ Black Silk Summer (Cloaks,
Neat and Beautiful, .{
Boots and Shoes,. Hats and Gips,
Hardware, Queenaware, Wood and. Willow Wei e,' Greed
rira, Salt and Fish. Also, the Largest and Best A -Swrtment
ot jrancy :
in toftn, which will be sold cheap. .
~ “a* examine mj goods; and you will bo louvideed
mwket V > ' “ est a “ s< ? rtnie “ t a nd cheapest godds in the
,i.'*?r? OUntry f )rod,:co token in exchange fotljgooda, at
lS m et pnce - . a. Kerr.
The Latest front the East! i
The proprietors ofTteie
“ MODEL STORE,” comer of Annie and Virginia
Htrcots, take pleasure in inforpiiDg the citizens d ‘Altoona
and vicinity that they have reccitetf their first su ok Of
to which they respectfidly-liuite the attention d ’ ail, and
particularly the ladies, feeling confident that on: present
Stock of Goods is well worth an exaininntlonl and be
liovmg algo that we have bought them on sucMtemis ar
will enable us to offer inducements to- purebamre. Our
stock of Dry Goods Is large and varied, Comprialnk all the
newest styles of 1 T 4 4
Prinit, Delaines,Dehtgtt. LaveUas, Pad de Cheats, Glwh.
hamti Jhiridre*, Chailies, Travelling Mixtureth Stock
and fUneySilkt, together ecUh a full line oj ' ‘
Domestics. U« /m« a large assort
meiU qffintiont aadPxn
• cy articles , such ■ ,
Our stock of ‘ ' ;
and very cheap. In these mwj swe can
liy any one either in quality or ndeti (dr pnfof
please call and see goods and prices,- -t ‘ ■- V ’
w^^ J i2 Tlte Attention tp oar large stock of-OAll-
t 0 fi u at S«!atly reduced prices.
“*'o “*9?S°od assortment of HARDWARE, OUEENS
_JBEing truly thankfdi for the patronage beretiifore reed-
Vod from the public, we cordially invite our friends
ana act* ua again, hoping that the benefit may bo iri ntnal.
Altoona, April 12th, 18f0.' J -
peoples* sh oe store
KJ pleasnro to anaeuncing to the citizens of’Altoona
that Acy have Just opened, ou Annie street, two doors be
mn.S I n.I PO t t offlCe, ? B ? OT * SHOE STOIUB, ItodwiU
0U h “ J , a fnU of Boots and
®“ oca > “J 1 Sizes ’ and kinds. They hhvo Just received
BodL-^h^lmsioMg® B r“ r Cr s’ assortment of
Boots, dhoes and Gaiters for Ladies, Gentlemen’s and Chil
li!??,* S^ r » finish and excellent mami&cture
cbbaphr \han^L for 0386 81 loat 25:Tek Cent!
vpitKA «r£Jt ibao the tamo. enn bo pirrhHni l^
Men’s'Qjdf Gaiters, *
Mwi’s Oxford Ties, 1 62 » 200
Men's jfrogans, llS“rfe
Boytf Brogans; Js « Ten
Youth’s aoS; S «
Children’sShU, , : %U'l *£
Xadletf Congress Gaiters, i »«■ r S
Indies lastlug Qaltort with beelf, 1 $7 « t-W
Snperfor Lasting Gaiter,? irgs’
, fedics* Morocco Boots rrtth heels, 1 30 « i *s*
Ladies Morocco Boots without bools. 1 25 “ 1 *n‘
ladloa’ Goat Boots with heels,
with he6lsr 120 “ 1#
OUf Boots with heels, TO « 1 ®
Mfasos French Morocco Boots, with heels, 125.
Haring bought onr goods for cash, thev were nnt .t *t.„
lowest figure, and by* doing mi
SwSs“ r ° notmado ** % dV hwom
A*^* BEDand BACON always.on h*nd aad
SSt KC^ n 1 r y^ fe,y li,w > crfl at the Now store, la
tn* Old Post Office building, on Virginia street, and ho? on
reasonable terms. . [Peb. 23,1880-tt
Patai, 8m& and Tairhiab Brahes at . <■■*.
v ' A
The only preparation Wbß
tbyof •
For Statesmen, Judges, Clergymen. Lpdles and Gentleman,
in all part# of the world testify to the efficacy of Prof. O. J.
Wood's Hair Restorative, and gentlemen of thu Press am
unanimous la its praise. A few- testimonials only ran ba
hero given; we circular for more, and it win be
for you to doubt
W VTafl. Street, New York, Dec. 36th, 16S&
OetmxMCTl: Your note of the 10th ln«t,, has been r*-
cclved saying, that you heard that I had been bonefltotih*
the use of wood’* Rair Restorative, and requoetijigTjjS
certificate of (Uefoct if X had no objection to give it, .
I award It to you cheerfully, because I think It due. My
age Is shout IV} years; the color of my hair Is auburn, and
inclined to curl, - Home’ Cvo or sis years since it began to
torn gray, and (ho scalp on the crown of my head to tow
its sensibility and dandruff to form upon it. Each of these
disagreeabiltt ios increased wi th time, , and about four months
since a fourth was added to them, by hair falling off .tha
topof my head and tlircatninir to make me bald.
_™ihlgunpleasant predicament, I wns induced to;try
t i Restorative. mainly to arrest the tailing off
0 ,? hair, for I had really no expectation that gray hair
could ever be restored to its original color except (bom
nJTAffiXJiT' T’ exptly surprised to ttnd after tfc».
lbat uot ollJ y was tha fiUiitot Off
arreted, but the color pas restored tu Uio gray mml
sensibility to Uie scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on-mr
head, very,-much to the jcrati sication of my wife, at
solicitation I tvaS induced to try It. * '
For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sax
I strongly recommend all husbands who value the admiral
tion of their wives to profit by my example, and’ use- Ulf
growing gray er getting bald. -
_ . ■ Jtoy respcctfttllt,’ LAVENDER.
,Io O. J. W00d & C0.,'144 Broadway, Sew York.
My-family are absent from tho city, and I am no kani
at No. U Carrol Place.
_ - Siamaston, Ate., 7nl.v 50Ut.1869.
To J*o*» ?• •*- Wood : Dear Sir: Vo«r •• Hair Kestasa
tivr’ n*» done my heir so much good since T commenced
the use of It, that I wish to moke known, tothe PUBLIC
of Its effects on the hair, which tiro great Jt mao orj wo.
man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort t»
yonr “flair Restorative.” the luir will return more htaa
tlfnl than ever; at least this Is toy experience. Believe It
M l a „■' Yours truly. Wjtt- U. KKSETDY.
„f- S,—Toucan p-nbllsh the above if you like. By pub
lishing In our Southern papers yon will get more patron
age south. >1 see several of your certificates in the MoMtt
Mcrettry, a strong Southern paper. . \V. H. Kenixly
ROOD'S n.vm iiestouative.
0. J, W°odr Dear Sir: Having had tha misfortau
«» ®*“ B ***** portion of my hair, from tho effect* of tha
yellow fever, la New ■ Orleans iu ISol. I was tod need to
make atrial of your preparation, and found it to answer
as the very thing needed. My hair fa now thick and rito
»y, words can express my obligations to yon to
giving to tba afflicted such a treasure,
v ■ - iINLEY JOnSSOIf. /
This Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, vizt
large, medium, and small; the small holds U a pint,
retails ft*- one dollar per bottle; the medium hoi* at least
twenty percent, more in proportion than the small,retaiU
for two dollars pm; bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 Mr
cent, more in proportion, and retails for §3. ' .
, 0- J. WOOD t CO., Proprietors, 4-U Broadway, Raw
Vojrk, and 114 Market Street St Louis, Mo,
Jfor »le by G, W. Kosaleiv Altoona, and by all emcK
Druggists and. fancy Goods Dealers. 1 - * '
March 1, ’(10—ly
The root and herb doctor,
Philadelphia, whosorooms were so densely
crowded on the 13th of April, at tho Logan. House, can be
p . ,ac °.? n<; day in each month, notica
of which wQXho gnrenru this paper. He wIU be In AlfoA.
na on tho ISUi day of May, also on the Bth of Juno. Ifa
treats alPd [senses flesh is heir to. A stcthascopic examine* 1
tlon of the Heart, Lungs and Throat free of charge. Thru*
saads upon thousands have testified to the correctness of
his tottne dlscascs withont asking any questions. ‘Ha has'
had thirty years’' constant practice among diseases ofbTprr
“ 4 * ur “- A W diseases of a private nature strictly eonfldru
trah ' Dr, W. LBVINQSTOJI.
, *_ * o. JAGGARD.
Jan. 3fl, 1860. *
To mako room for an - ; , .
• AT TUB . • V, . "
Jan. 26, 1860. ' ’ : V' :
' • <*ueen*Ware,
Oils, *
Paints, '*
Etc., etc., ' • -
1 J
m&v -
by A «ooan, aitooka, pbsk-4.
fiS: r ®»JP««*rui|y informs tUe-pSWIc
and attend to the duties of an UNDERTAKER
Philadelphia garden Seeds! !
*tA- RQCSITS Hrtig Store. One pipot of thru* <Wri>
»■*»« papers of
l ' ni J>cdi»tc payment, and thowTiaThur.
jjw, sa ib ”sgr^sas"^
valuable real estate for
I A»,, M l!KSrLKlL‘tel,‘s
- *,«“«£■
j, Jan. 12.1880,-tf
ccs C>r sale at the D™| Store ef U “' fcr alycbsnffl ■
Jan. 24,’56-tf] Q. W. K.ESSLKE. ;
Apply iioUßfor trbolwua, andßatasl,
Ifoln isr.fi_tr J. SHOEMAKKB,
aec.n,lBo6-tf. Masonic TompU.
Lumber for sale.
w,ooo shingles, 50,000 lathes.
!MUli»n kinds o£BUILDING ttw
lowest, for Cash. Apply to .JOHN
at PhiJa. price*, freight oulj added" ' 8 " 8
Jan. 20,1860 '
1 J- E£D ANI) tariett storb, io 'tii* cf :
i“c aa - e “? taw,ho #tock *“4
For sale.—a house and lot
desirably located In th.Boronabof f
Altoona, feb. 9,1860,-tC JOHJI SIJOBStUCeg. ..
- ' without csAsar.
Ml ufQroc « r^
Hardware of all desgrep- /
Wom jasi reoeived andlbr wlaby A ; S.B.mUOIAK.
,VJ to order br ; ' G. W.lUBB£Bic.-
' t
•T. D.