irgest!! . ic and /toßinre, ~ iou $35, entire Sth ■ from C 1010 wtsfc* nuanteed iiiiaaas and qtUfijlJJj acat || nting f.r m» Oliio Stntq jn for the pa«t to',r •rice, iu'iib of BunineiaiAij ' iew of the Coll**, W. jknkinsT’ .Pittsburgh, p r . i ?ORE. GOODS!! lA.VE JUST >t-i a large gtnek of Cr GOODS , 1 persons la nood if KING, f bad a better n**ptj. consequsDtlyytJMsr i wnnu of thilr cns. jimeuu have bs3f il<oro6» basinets,— d all. Don’t tofgVt N’S OHITJM. —but dtm'tullcoim iuip wid have jour irsdte* in our. owp '■a are enabled'tS llicr citaUUihtnent nr for whole Unite, iLshcd on abort ne- Ult & VLUfXtI: X iW»AWi-i lifts,’ 'love Arch , TS ivLpmx, ■o call and ex- i SOLD BY heir own personal antec their roods House estaiilUhed ILLMORE,- ilicy flatter thein " ith lhaiy-iliitle, au can ho got clso [April 38, ’flO. ' J I > 1 iS 1 H, . i i of Altoona and o citywith.e Urge OF ALL PYLES, er Wear, rxl assortment, of flats, AW HATS, i will bo sold SIT. ir- above line, wilt cl-c where; as lath '-•itilc price*, r.iitbcrnn rlmrrli. JKSSK SMITH. tore. * LATELY /■Mm ftp VnhUealion ,t ml Staple and varieties. :t music, music s. Tlio citiw«n»,of itiu «■! and tlii" patch. It. SMITH. tvm. cccnr 3l CQi) >€ER$, SEEDS, >ORK, CHEESE, OiC., &c. STREEY, r a . ■tit HEM ! OF >E R ! rrcii. . aper fob (iicnsandsO, 8 W>d ■•tiM. Ceiling*/^®? aiisiiaU, o;j> STAMP, ,war Fourtlh ) .'‘iuihurgh. r»- AALK.—BY Court of Blair ■ j!i! i>y i' ubli ®°“h ..n. in the borough .f JUNE, next, »t tiactwrianddltiwW u a mile from «i;j. ■, r-UagirtyJ»rm» the north brands •; on tl.o south by t t,v lands of Job* m rind .Med lather*. >:t sale. ’ L-UKIIOhTIKri. ,-.. j .lAwe, a< c "• 0% ONA. PB-VK’A. ktiolK of wietown mil**** and got» ■•JJKJ* *'33S& |iiP r: ■ :r: , .-jwjj“" BA I ■ ...rai Tr»in Eaut haverS^S p;St « Weat “ 7.40 A. M. “ A. 31. ' » But ■“ VHb M * “ I*2o A. M. (f ■■ West '« “ B*4o P. M. „„ » Sot “ 7,16 A.M.. « 7-SOA,;M. T « West “ “ ,7*lo JP. M. notUDATSBDRO BIIANCU connects with Kxpreu ’cfiw nod West, Matt TnOn'Bwt aodWeat. ivMANA BitAKCH TltAlN&Conoeet with John*town i«wnmpdatio lr i.Trein Way ffl&Sirt apd^t^Tf^Tl^rd. Gen'l • Supt. *“ . - ■ • • . ' ' ' V! ' -■■"!•■ ■ LOCAL LfsBMS. I MwmW* or fBZ community I ii hardened With -a u|[iTidanls who I feo'ii their espial I (Tithing originate, and with I irtrjbody who will notthjnk as they do. No I iie| finds, out ; this cluss>of bemgasooner than I ||(''local reporter of -On this I point our oo’.emporary of the Cleveland Plain-: I iuitr gives some “ homethrusts,” which we I W pr entire. He says:—“ Those who are most I ictili to give reporters items -we the first to I growl at “mistakes.” Those who. having items I rf interest, take special pains, to avoid reporters H this class is by no means small—swear ■ loudest at whot they are.pleased to, call the I sapidity of “ the papers*” Reporter# mean to I bjitr. They have no object in being other- I fise. They seek the trath. Like &|r. Thomas I Bredgriud, what they'want Is—“facts.” And I if persons withhold, facts from reporters, can I dog them to write items on the 'strength of fly- I ugramor; they have no right to complain of I (irors. The best way, gents, when youhavenn I atm is to unbosom yourself to the reporter at I DBCfl. But if you won't do this, don’t "flatter I yonrsclf that you can trouble thorn by swearing I itihem. They have skins like rhinoceroses, I udean great deal.” That’s a fact, Kr- I mans, they can stand a great deal; and if they I ualdn’t, they wouldn’ local reporter very I long- We have been compelled to call items of: I local interest from paragraphs published abroad I -iaaccuratc, of course—while we.met and con- I ftrsed with, persons almost daily who could I lire informed us correctly, but did not, -and, I (rue to the letter, ibose persons were the very I Sat to growl about our mistakes, Cut-some I limes it is too much of a condescension for peo- I pie to furaiahajreporfer tbc particalara of lin item; ho would not carnjjis money ,if hodid I tot run around and hunt it- up himself. Com - I fortable consolation] truly. Such persons should Ibe the last to swear .about lack of interest in I item columns Although expected to be, repor- I law are not.-omnipresent. But one tiling is sure I do hot expect to please everybody.— i [ ' o i&oth,er chip’Vfrath fully says thatdbe one | alio undertakes to do so “is an eminently eli- ! plble candidate for some quiet asylurii for tjic I hapelesalyimhecUe. The best way for reporters I it to to perform tbp duties of their calling.are)], and pay no more attention to tie growling of . the thick-skinned nhd thick bhded than the whistling of the winds.” Visiting.— . While on a riisit to the scenes of our boyhood, in Mifflintown, on Monday last, we dropped into the sahetnm of Bro. Davis, of the Smtind, and fonndhiin justwhere we would ex.- p«i tp find every country editor who makes his money honorably,'by the sweat of hisbtow. i,e.: it case, sticking type. There’s no use " going roand the bush” ibout it, and we odinitand pro clsim the fact, that .the country editorwho ex- P«ct* to make a living-by publishing a' news paper, must work himself Things looked .na tural around ths Sentinel .office, as it was in it itstHc first played the part of a " printer’s de »il,” and acquired a knowledge of the "art pre •emtive of all arte,” passed from the position of devil tojonr, from Jour to foreman,, and final lj landed in the editorial chair. But that which boded most to mhke old things appear new *S»tn, and called up scenes and circamstonces long since forgotten, was to meet in the same, place, our old “boss,” Col. Ai K. McClure, who *“ alw there, on a visjt. Although he had “Midernbly the start of ua in this wprld and *ould of course be expected to keep nhead, yet ai have little hopes-of ever attaining to the po ||tionh« how occupies before the people of the ! sUte. The Col. isjbojind to be an M- C., or i or something else, some of these days, j f nish him both, and something else into the | ; We found Davis “ all our fancy pain- j iim.”—agoqd-natured, easy-going fellow, i looking, and popular among tho ladies, as •?i, editors are. ‘ Jfe also dropped intone sanctum of friend ■mail, of the Remitter,' and found him at case, iflug the three-fold part of editor, foreman, jour. He appears ,tp take times aboat ifl M an y editor we know, prints a sound ad- paper, and iswell supported by bis ihe street we met our old partner, A ji tt, %i who is idoWibttsUp engaged in ar for the jtnbjieaiioii gf a new paper in _ town, ; to be ttyled funi<*ta True Dmo • From the apcpnetlie ; gflve up of thecon *e judge ,H will fee the handsomest paper 8 ’tooiata Valley. Ad is a tasty workman, gw up a neat *****wcMsforihe sake of “nuld long ' : : L . W Apqvp he^<n| Wylf«toiA®ailife* i d ,||p Af’ at Harrisburg,- 310. feet; atLewib* w^«Bfeet ; at Huntingdon, 010 feet; at Jn; ’ 885 feet; at Altoona, 1,108 feet; at .?( ,lnQn i“ tf t >H tanned— tig, i ° ~at Johnstown, at Jpctien, I,!!:, ttr ** feet • -at the canal .bridge W*«* A* ‘ . IKEB, P. M. 1 ■ * TOiHtary; friend, .MsjH. Wayiie,mmwithapac. CMpnt im Prfday eyeninglsst, ih.tfae yard of the Company, by which hie -right forearm We bro ■i&a.: • It appears that he, had stepped between irere standing a short distance apart,nndplaced his ams against the hamper *f-ORe of-them for the purpose of mating .(tr— sU|6 so doing, -the car behind him was otfn9 *J> suddenly and caught htealbo*, ahnsbwak ing bis arm between them. • Hew&s also brais ed a little about the body, bat aot seriously.— Hfa arm wosdressed by Bn, Send ■&. Gemmill, ind ite is dpiugas well as the ouronmatances bf the oasewillodmit.. J ' '*V Ahothmu—A littleoon of Mr. Samuel Pdl- ?of this place, was severely stunned, on Monday lost, by a fall of 20 or 25 feet from S tree ip the yard attached to "West Ward school house. Jfte .was picked up and Car ried home-in -an almost insensible state A physician was summoned who-cxaininetl him but found no ’bones hroben Boys should, be careful how they'pertbrth Teats of agility among the branches, pputll maynot-sscape so easily,as this little an case they como down before-they**e^»i^>^:;_v Asdxßpp^^-at this pJaoej,i bad three of bis fingers badly .day last week, hybeing caught in -the belting of a planing machine! We one of them amputated. Asotbbb—A named Spayd, resi ding with his father,, on tbe farm of Capt. Ba rney* near thie ,met with a singular and severe accident .on Wednesday last. Be was sitting on theffenpe, when his feet on which they were resting, apd hepras precipitated forward. He instinctively threw his hands forward to save himself from falling npbpihis face, which he succeeded in .doing, -but at the expense of bis left-forearm, both bones of which were broken off oiose to the wrist. The fracture, which wag: a most severe one, was reduced by Dr. Leisen ring, but it will probably be some time before the young man will have the use of his arm.— Standard. An6tbbb. — A Germanbutcher, residing in Tyrone, had his leg boke, between the knee and ankle, on Friday Inst, whilst engaged in a gpod nntured tassel with , a friend.— lb. rioRBiBLK AcOidest. —lt becomes our painful duty this week,to chronicle another fatal acci dent, resulting in the instant death of a little son of Mr. Joseph. Bush, of this place, which occurred at noon on Monday last. It appears that a train of .cars had been cat at the crossing on* Annie street, and the boy, in company with another, was passing between them, when a lo comotive struck the cars, causing them to come together and knocking the boy under them. He fell upon the track and two wheels passed over his breast and right sfapnldeft qrushiusr h|s bones, and yet, strange to say, not cutting the skirt. How this could occur, we cannot under stand, although we have no doubt of the truth of it, ns we bare it from reliable witnesses who were on the spot at the time. The boy was im mediately picked op and medical aid summon ed but all to no piprpose. as the vital spark had fled. We sympathize with the parents of the little boy in their sod bereavement; and would again caution parents to keep their chil dren away from the yard in this place, It has made our blood run cold to witness the reckless ness and fOol-hardy daring of some of the boys about the yard* in, jumping off and' on to mov ing trains. Be assured, boys. If yon persist in thus showing your agility, your lives will pay the forfeit sooner or later. Result or a Joke.—tOq Friday afternoon last, as one of our German citizens, who. is some thing of a wag, was paSsing the store of a Jew clothier, on Main street, he observed it was looked up, and wisbingto have afittle sport, ho procured a piece of crape and attached it to the : handle of the olothjer’s store door. On the re turn of the clothier, ft is said there was some toll swearing doneT os he was not inclined to treat the matter as a j jpke. The consequence was that as soon as he met the person who had I played the joke, hebegpn to pile up the invec tives-pretty steep. The joker not feeling incli ned to take, all that the olotfiier bad to say, reached out with his right " mawley” and suc ceeded in "getting in” a stunning blow above the clothier’s " peepers.” The clothier return ed but was short. They then closed for a hug and.the fall, but a number of bystanders inter fered and the edntest was declared drawn. So touch for that joke. • Resignation' and Appowtmkst.—Can. A. J». Roumfort, who has so ably conducted the trans* portotion business on the Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, for the last ten years, resigned' his positon, as. Superintendent of the Division, on Monday week. To fill this vacancy, the company has selected Samuel J). Young, Rhg., who was but recently appointed to the Superintendence of the Middle Division. This will of oonrec involve the re* of Mr. Ypnng to Hariisbnrg, and odds* the catalogue of Temovals from ony. t®wp» -incident to railroad life, which we regret. Mr. came heye a stranger, about three ninths sincp, but hip .affably (Uspositionsqpey ipduced acquaintanceship and' made friends of »U who* W mat He is folly competent to fte position aringaed Wni, and wißheaTiJimlaraffioer. - Bap- —tpu Brijifcy evening Iwst, ar the Express Train coming East was rounding ’ the cure on the West side of Idyalhnnnacreeh, • distance from Lrtrolie, a rail gave way nn(l precipitated the second passenger car dosha an embankment some 25 or 80 feet high and thS third almost half wav down, . sel oqnd oar is.said to have turned entirely over and landed on the bottom at the foot of the embank- jet strange to say, no one, was danger* ously injured, although some seven or eight persons were more or less bruised, and one lady had her arm broken. The only way in which we can account for the escape of passengers,- in aides of accidents like .the above, on the I’en&’a 8 8., is from that the ypajisenger card • of thecompsoysre lt* is "•' 3 >,j- v'v'- j'm .''•. ;r- ~ r” -U Tin i.rii., - t • ■■-■_ ■■■■■■■■ Cotroantu n Cntratm.— Hundreds of persons destroy of'awbolo ’congregaiion, by ; a sneering, ivibpn i n a ! in terrupt ; by asuhbeocmrogaeit is dangerous tothebcultL of the person. .This neednot be. Dr; .kpjscr, of Pittabtugit, has pocket, if you will take aldose •bdfic# going to ebuhih, willullay alltiokling and irritation of the fungi, and apeiaove- Tanoe In its ose fir wiU Antirely onre tbe disease. So,? don ’t cough any more in church; think, of j)r. Eeyserand his Pectoral; open yofar heart strings and purse strings, and you will be a better atid happier man, and not be looked upon - aso ueW h o annoys your neigh bors. Ton con getit at G. W. £essler’e. A Pic.NiC.-—A pl<s:oic I a picnic ! are we pot to bare a pio nio djuring this fine weather? Almost every paper rjrppick up contains an ac count of a pleasant picnic to this dr that grove, and details tbe pleasure enjoyed by the partici pants. Can not tjhe the middle aged folks or the old folks of Altoona get bp an ex cursion to some of the neighboring groves or mountain retreats'? What say the pleasure seekers about a trip fiji to Wopsononock Now, while tbe atmosphere is clear, is the very time to enjoy the sights- from that point, and grand sights they are. •.•Sfho will move in the matter? We wish, to be -countediin for anything of the kind. i Two Men Killed—Two men,\named Shep hard Grownover and. iGeorge Hampton, were ran oyer and-kl Hedi near Mill Creek elation, by the ExpreasTtnin going east, on Monday-wight last- They were seen ;to leave Huntingdon in the evening, in a state of intoxicntio i, Crown over woe horribly ipnngled and cut up and was doubtlessly killed : instantly. Hampson lived some three.hours after '.being picked up. They were not found until Tuesday morning. Crown over leaves a wife and; five children in destitute circumstances. Hnmpson leaves a wife and fam ily in the west, with ifhom, however, he has not lived for some time. Mobs Ice OseaM. —'John Alexander requests - ,ns to inform the lads aid lassfes of Altoona, and all others who wishf a saucer of good ice cream wherewith to cool tfie inner person, that he trill keep the article oh howl at all times during the. coming summer, at his; saloon, on Main street, two doors above Kerr’s store. We know John to be one of the cleverest colored gentlemen in the town, and can assure all who may call at bis ; saloon that tfiey will he politely waited up on; He will also keep|on hand a prime article of spiced oysters, dqriiig the summer. Peram bulate around that way and slide in. ' Democbatio Cnnh —At a meeting of the Democratic Club, of this place) held on the 17th inst, resolutions were passed heartily approv ing of the notion of i the Charleston Convention in adopting the minority platform, and the course of G N. Smith..and A. U Coffroth., Esqs.. the delegates fthm this district, and also condemning the attempt to sectioualize the Democratic party. ;Goj. John -Woods, “ min* host” of the Altoona House, is presideul of the club, and Either E. Epler secretary. aar What practicalgTeachers any of the me rits of the Iron City College.—“ I domost un hesitatingly any thatitha Iron City College stands pre-eminently superior to any similar school in the country. It ia unquestionably the business man’s “Alma Mater ;”;4herc is to be obtained the pare, keen yi thoutthehask or chaff. I speak f*6in experience w ?. TOTTEN, Teacher of Book keeping in lluinsburg Acnde’y, May 1, 1860. Bedford Co., Pa. Appointed. —We areplenaed to note that our excellent constable, J. K. Ely, has been appoin ted. by the Commissioners, collector of State and County tax, for' this place. We have no authority for saying so* but we presumehe will also, bo appointed collector of School tax for the boro Ugh. Of one thing we feel sure," and that is, the .Commissioners could not have se lected a better man for the cffioe. Joe under stands his business and will htiend to it in time. Dyeing Establishment. —Mr. W. B. Tarr, ■ has permanently located his dyeing establish ment in this place, and has secured the services of one of the best French dyers in the country. He is now making arrangements to receive and return work, on certain days, in the various towns around this place. All work entrusted te aistyle not sut passedouteide ,pf,thelcifUs, if ft oop-.beintbem Call ,wprjt. f > Abuebted on Suspicion. —On Wednesday morning lost, two med, named Helfcight and Hamilton, wcye arrested on suspicion of being the persons „wlio entered the store of H. J'et tinger, a short time since, and carried away a lot of jewelry,- portmopaics, etc. They were brought before Esquire Cherry ppd had a facor ing, but for want of sufficient evidence were discharged. Poe the PnosTiKE — -On Thursday and Fri day last, three cor loads Of Uncle Sam’s boys passed through Ibis place, on their way to. the westero'frontier. To’ what particular locality they were destined we did not learn, and from the appearance of the boys, we presume ititandir little difference to them,! ns they were about as hard a party as we haVebeen lately. ; v V'i ' .-.i |j- ' v J' . • 80»dn Saturday last we Ihal the,pleasure; of aVisit from pf the Jobnstowp; Tribwie. Jim is a genial, wbolesouled fellow, an honor to the croft, a decided lady's than, and a welcpme.Tisitor to oqr popetum whenprer be may find it pohyetdent to call. SSr We are glsd to leatn that the '‘model .conductor** experts to’bd able resume bis on tbe Braneh'’Ttavn, pniMohday next. Jim ix| longs to that institutionnndit dod'tlook: natur al with«utblm.>- ' f " :■ ShAX& CWCWT .TMeRfSS.’ A9^oCl\tWK.—^H : s A*»ociatiwiTMl]i»; Orf-A Ljfteg AS- |IT TOP 'A*'- ' \' ' * t DIEP yin thwptaws, on thaUth test, Hi*. AKKHS, wile of Cot ,d:<j#tofijsen. y' ; ■ ’ Tho ehbjrct of this notice li ad always hern delicate ia health, and-for y&fi past a ahffiw. Latter ly_dl*e«e iwmed ia h.tTe fiisti>n.'d. and fcoiK-en trac'd, upon. the inags.froßi whichabo sank raplffly. She dad patlent ln hy eoiteiaas, anb *=*r J yTVl^npraii^iif' £B>ehas dodbtloa eichangpiajile of a“stata of eternal Ideasedneae. . OTIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ilte penalty of the taw will be itrfctly enlhrord agahwt Anypetson, excepting *ucha» areppting for the fire department, or under the Borough authorities. for fire purpose*, who shall be found opening orin shr wise med dllng with the Ifir&Plng*. Bj order of the Prceldent. T'lOS. Si FRASCtS. Supt. Gat and Tioter whrfct. May 24,1860, AlipHE Otß STAXIf !! ’ HHHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN- I FORM the ptiulic thuthe has jafit recoirad from the Sait a splendid asaortment of (;LO TBS AND VESTINGS, FOR SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTHING. which he will make to order on short notice and reasonable terms, and warrants to grre satisfaction. Persons jn'want of anyth! ig in his line can rely upon Kplng drirly dealt with. JOIIVO’DON NEL. ftw“ Shop on Main St., a few doors below the •• Bed Lion Hotel.” _ [May 24,1860. SECOND GREAT ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER AT TH3 "MOUEI.” WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of .the Citizens of ATioona and vicinity onr SECOND SUPPLY OF SPRING a BVNMGR GOODS, - Which comprises oil the NEWEST STYLUS of Prints, Delaines, Lawns, CLaUies, Bareges, Balzarines, French Poulins, Satin Challies, SLACK AND FAWY SILKS, BLACK SILK MANTLES, LACE POINTS, MANTILLAS, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, &c. Also, a iTIfiSU STOCK of BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCER LET'S, Q UEEtfS WARE, Wooden and Willow-Ware, FANCY GIGS, AC., All of which have been bought VERY LOW, and will be offered at a SMALL ADVANCE. Wo particularly invite the Ladies to call and examine our new stock, ns we have matiy new and, beautiful styles of GOODS that were not in the market early in the season. J. & J. LOWTj-i er. Altoona. Mav 2ith IB6o.—‘lt 'I'IHE I! II AM MON JL OF ALTOONA T* o £8 leave to iufuria tlie'business com munity that he has fitted up a shop > On Allegheny Strut , Greensburg, when- he is prepared touirry ou his business more exten shvly tlmu heretofore. WAGON AND COACH-MAKING Mug his trade, -natotnen can rely upon having their work June in a cheap, -.ubstanti d ami wurkluan ike manner. Wagon*, CirrlagesqDnggies, Ac.. Ac* ! epaii d and oaiuted on the shortest notice ami ujKjir the m >.t reasonable term*. Patronage is respectfully solicit-d. Altoona, May IV. ’do.lm. WM. A. MONTGOMERY. <JTILL IN THE FIELD ! Haring uudersloi >d chat the report is being circulated that 1 mid! quit the UIfTCHEIUNG iIUSINESSin Alt sjna, 1 lake this method of iu.'omiiir; fuy old customers and the public generally that 1 am still carrying on business at "toy old stand, where I am prepared to serve one an# ail with BKEP, VEAL. PuRK. MUTTON. SAUSAGES. PUDDINGS, Ac., equal.lf not superior, to any in the market. I have made arrange meats for procuring the very best of stock with which to furnish the market, an abundant supply of which will always he k-pt on hand to meet the wants of the public. Those it want'of.ahything in the meat way are respectfully iirvlled to call at the old stand. .Maylo.’6u 3in. W. H. LEONARD. . A LTUONA IUKOH ANICS’ LIBLIA- X > Kv f|JD BBADIiiO-BOOM ASSOCIATION.—Notice is hereby given that tjie, following named persons. to wit: Thomas P. Sargent, C, It. MqCrea. B. K. Custer. D. T.’ Cald well, David Galbraith* A< t>. Cherry, C. B. Kennedy, Wm. C. McCormick Ambrose Ward, C. J. Maun, And Bichurd Gill, hftTO applied to the late AprH term of the Court of Common Pleas of B.loir comity •to be incorporated os a Library and Beading-Boom association, under the title Of of • The Altoo ia Mechanics 1 Library and Beading-Boom Association,” and to have.perpetual succession as snob. THOMAS I*. SABGKNT, /Wf: B. F. Custiß, Skc'y. V ALL ABLE PROPERTY AT PRI VATE > AJuK.—The* subscriber, inu-nding to more to tlie West, offers for sale his House, situate on-Main street, adjoining-the •*ModLion Hofei,” Altoona. Ulsoneofthe moat.desirable Situation* for business hi Altoona, as it is only a ffew yariU from the Fenu’u Railroad l%ot. The building is 2-1 by -'-Jo -feet. with three rooms on the first floor and lour oh thd second/ Oho of thc robins on the first flooi is fitted up fur a The above property will be sold low and obi reasonable terms, if application bo made soon. Any information res pec ting the -above property can be bad by calling onthusuUScnbt-r, residi ne on' the pre mises. ’ • BfrACK. May XT. * II OUSE A Si) xjO 1 R)R SAUE.-i- Thesnbscrlbcr ciffera'for.'ialeXus House and Lot slt uate onHighstreet, North Ward. Altoona. ■ I*_ The House is a ouo story' andh/haif pin nkdcMMuUk, frame, 18 feet frshtffv as feet deep. There .MBBga | ;{fi| is n goodwill "lit water near the door. 'sgN 8. i jjjK good celhir-tmder thV housel'a coal house and other tfrceS&iry out-buildings hh premises! ‘ i&udferiiter ' ’ »jty^7,lB*;-3t. WM. A. B. LADB. SY £' HESOTsTJTION lOF TRf Messrs. 0/ B. Cramß, ynhn Allison, ad ChwiSSf.' Mann we»;appointed', a; BoArd^otHealth the JBorhtwh of for oho y«fr - from the loth 6t - ■] • ■ [Mayl7,’ao. Motion HUjHi-fiY GIVEN >0 to all petnoofi bolding claims nmlnat the Uoroagh of Altoona, to areaettt them to A. A.SSJTTH. Prcsidentof the Conncili on or before the loth of .Jnwe, ,186ii v for settle ment. iy drtfcr qjf OoutieiU J. McCunuxi, Ste'y. Ti pi Sifi AT P&tVATB T JL BAli£.—Tbe Gato-Uotiso and tat I \ T' belonging to the ALTOONA AND HOt- k UDAYSBUKU PDA»K HOAD CO- ait- oatu }£mile from Altoona. is Prime Sale. 7or terms (tad WtttlCUlort ol JOSEPH DiBAßT;Praltfcht oi lhe WtoißUiy; ;’• •' • [-April 26; If P . IGHI'! ftfOHE LIG|IT! if I Just krrlTcd at the storc of A Qoaah,a splendid lotaf a No.l, Cerbon OU. which he will sell «t3l cteper qnart, also a krt of Carbon oil Lamp* of-Jnbe*. Patent WjWdi are warranted tobaauperhA toitojottoirAinA' O, yesi ■ distw- nh-h tuidlieaß Jo3BPAwfe • the po-.ic, that he ta ; Tej s# : ta, ‘djlsqmga&rcdttto •sanAnctiopopr whenever callednpon. ■ _ OF fMayi7,’eo.-3t. fMayW.’flO.-lm 't, ~ • ■j ! T H V K ONLY 1 PREPARATION WOR* - ’C CTWDT? v .'•UHTWjfERAI, OONFIDBNCB AND PATRONA**.- STOBJJ. . jfcr StafMnmante. CterwihM,. I^ieeanddentleua* Jwfru^ A Nl> NOW BE- 1 YFoodV Hair lleatoratWa, ahrt^ntlenKa'^rth* Jas*P *MHO ASJD S 0- onaniniona in its pr«i«K. A few tcatlmouiala oaltcibli ij&J&Si' DBSSS .and DOMESTIC GOODS. ~ 47 frail Street, New York, Dec. aoih. 18M. m ftotHrt faegurpMfed by anyhow* in ..‘Owtimw:" Your note of the 18th in*t, Wbrnte. . stock of Q»oC£St*s, Bocl> as * “«p* w tbo iwk Our odved saying that yon heard that I had bw, benefited by OOFPEB, fiIJOAR. Tl»* an-ntii. . ‘ ‘ the use of Wood’s Hair Restorative, and reouMOa* ut :,.■;. . certificate of the fkct ifl had do objection to rfreuT* 1 •re of the beat kind, and all Dealt.._ . , I award it to Jon cheerfully, because I think it du». My about 50 yoara; (ho color of my hair U auburn. Ml PLAYS FOR LADIKSAKrtv inclined to curt. Some fire or air yeara since U bepaa ta together fri& W fbha«orti™nt«f 1 -. tnr» gray, and the scalp on the crown of my headtoloaa y.- - :■■ ... j,;; lot sensibility and dandruff to f irnt upon it. EaclruftikMa QKNTIiEMRN 4867 y pßggß BOOTS, BOffHßt lwo dtagreeabilitk»increased with time. and about four moutha GAlfcBS: ■■ einco a fourth was adder! to them, by hair felting Jf % BOQ3B ’ BD W A^aw«*Ra undo good ami fußstock of 1 ** w,a * i-StSIISS, GENTLEMENS’, BOYS’ AND for Spring and Summer. Tbeiargest assortment]?f «ror brought to the place, anibeing from 6W up to J 5 cent* pier MO,' withßoimoiDm romatch. Aud as we pnrposebenceforth to giro the business out especial attention, we will sell very low for canhucountir produce, rod wilt take in exchange, aa usual, Stmtr. £aoL Lard, Ibllouf, Dttataa, SttntMz, <fe .TSsSkftltsir pant patronage, we hope, by a strict adherence robustness, to our old motto, ‘vShroW profit* aadgu‘ektalei, n to retain our onatomers aid and gain may new onea. May 3,1860. \ r EW GOODS! NEW 000118! I E. A. ft KERR’S, i R. A. O. Kerr has-Jitst received the largest, roost feshtdn able and best selected stock of Good* in the market, cOntis tine of an endless variety of goods fcrmen and boys’wear Tlie largest and best assortment of Ladies’ DrSaQ' odt 'in town, consisting of black and fence Silks; all Wool De laines; Alpacas, Cliajlie Delaines, plain And figured Braise ■•awns, Ginghams, Ducals. Lavella Cloths. Oe Barge, Trav eliug Dress Goods, anda beautiful assortment of Prints, Ac. Also. Tickings, Check#, Muslins—Black and CnUfeached. Cotton and Linen Table Diaper Crash, Nankeen, Ac. Also, a Urge assortment ot.Ladies’ Collars. Dress.Triro mings. Ribbons. Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, Hosiery. SUkand Linen Handkerchiefe, Neck. Ties, Veils, Barred addl’lain Jaconet. Swiss Muslins. Victoria Lawns, Mill Muslins, Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Bands, Velvet Ribbons, «tc. Also, a fine assortment of •. . SPUING SHAWLS, AND ! , Ladies* Black Silk Summer Cloaks, Neat and Bcautifdl, | Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, Hardware, Queenswaro, Wood and Willow Ware, Groco nes, Salt and Fish. Also, the Largest and Best Assortment of Fancy CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS in town, which will be sold cheap. “d examine mj yon Wilfbe convinced that I have the best assortment and cheapest goods in. the market. . ,!??''P oUntr y P r °d u co taken in exchange for goods, at th A^fl h^, t ’af rketpfiC °' R. A. O.KKBR. GOOD NEWS! i T. e Train ha a Amviefl! T B. Hi LEMAN HAS JUS j RE fj • TURNED from the city wfih a large andcarcfmllv selected stuck of ” SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which ho is determined to sell cheap, consisting in part of black and Fancy SlLKS.\Bombazihea. Delainrs, iCali coes, Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White Goods, SHAWLS, 4c. Also. MEN’S WEAK of all descriptions, such as Cloths, A&ssimerca, Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans,' Cord Dili- J lings, Vestings, 4c., 4fc.; Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. A largo assortment pf Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, foil Ladles, Gents and- Misses, of all prices, sizes ail'd qualities. Also, a targe assortment of WARK, Single and Double Carpet Chain, Fleece Cotton, CARPETS, 4c. • , GROCERIES: This department is supplied with the very choicest articles that can be had in market, and as cheap as can be hud any where, consisting in part of prime RlO COFFEE, SUGAR, all kinds and prices; Syrup and Molasses, Black and Green Teas* Klee, r Spices, Tobacco and Segars; Starch, „ i Corn Starch. Cheese. Ginger, Can , dies, Mustard. Oils, Turpen tine. FISH, 4c., 4c. r Thankful for past favors, he hopes to receive a liberal sluir- of public patronage, tta. All kmds of Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. ' j. b. Milkman. April liti, 1860. The Latest from the Last !! r T' , HE PROPRIETORS OF jHE A ’’ MODEL STORK,” corner of Annie and Virginia Streets, take pleasure in informing the citizen* if Altoona and vicinity that th-y have received their first at>«K'Of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODU, to which they respectfully invite the attention of till, and particularly the ladies, feeling confident that our present Stock of Goods is well worth ah examination.' rtnd I>c lioving iilso that wc have bought them on such terms an will enable ns to offer inducements to purchased, Onr styles* 3 f*** 18180 an(l Taii(i<1 > comprialuglall the Print*. Detain™. Dehegcs. LnveUas. Bill de Chevrcsi Gina ham!. T wwrw, Chatties, Travelling Mixtures. Black - ana Fancy Silks, together with afull line of i" Domestics, tfe hare a large assort ment nf M,tinns and Fan cy articles, such | - as Ctloves, ifc. Our stock of i BOOTS AND SHOES 18 unusually large and very cheap. Xu these goods wo can not be beat by any one either in qualify or hrtco, foh proof of wlitcli please call aud sec goods and pHces* 4 'I, We would Invite attention to our largo stock of GAS* PKTS, OIK CLOTHS, WALL which wo are able to sell at greatly reduced price* We S°ofi assortment of HARDWARE, QCKENS 'V WOODKN JuND Being truly tbaukfttl for the patronage heretofore recht vc<l from tlie public, we cordially invite our frien'dsfr} call and see ns again, hoping that the benefit may be mnhtai: ' J.i J.LOWXttiJB Altoona, April 12th. 1800. -. ' r^‘ GKtiEAT EXCITEMENT ! PEOPLES’ SHOE StOflE wTEWART & !CHOAiRSDi!I 1 A. . P !cas , ur< ' in annonaCJpg Ur tire djtAltomii' tlmt ttey bay a WtoponciroAnnie IoW Office, a -fipShC SUOfe constantly, keep on iiand atuU assdftmofit tff?BdbSaha I Shoes, of all sizes and kinds, 1 They j from feMcittw> 1 Boots, Shoes and Gaiters for Ladiea. Ot-htlemeu’s atldChll i Dett'fiofth and cxcellont: L Jf}™ 5 * 1 willjidl for caMh oaly j: Bt Icat 26 PKK fiJfiN'T the saiue bei-urebaaed ctscw|i«re— as wiH be seen by referring to tlm folio wingTndee 1 tgfL- Keu’sflue Calf Boots, ■- “ Hip “ ’ a 76““|s:. - " “ 1 76 « S-». . South’s “ ‘ :; -i •: HeteQUf , ■- I ’ , i \ Men’s Oxford lies, , .. l'62 w SOB ■ Men’s Brogans, ' T ib u * H* ‘ • Boys'Brognhs, 78“15b’ ! Wwth’sSEoS? « - IV Children’s Shoos, 25 “ ■ - M . i Ladles’Oongrcss Gaitora, . . J AO “ l afe" XAdics’ liasting Oaftora with hecli, |- 37 “ t sK’ ’ Ladies’ Superior liwling f 1 »■' ladles’ Morocco Bbnta wlthhedi . lm <c, .1 S’ ~ . LaiHiw'Morocco Boots wlthout heels. 1 SS “ Ladles’ Goat Boott with Shda, GaXf Bodtf With''hoSfi, / v tg\ , u 1. * - Misses’ Calf Boots wßhheetai . n «. 1 S‘ - MJa«a» French t,>y|. r Having bou(®t ourgoods loweB£teore, and by doing an exdmlveiyn^ P ettsimfets^art nsradfidW^#:*# 1 umnutt*: * *T '■ SuPfi. ijrT fofertos DloJwhUc.lhatbg * o „.? Mm ®'* !t ? r ® style uf MKH..S BH(JK3, atmtonShla prices,andlnTsabaulotM [>rar.l6,'6o.-tf. Boot and shoemaker—john BTBHLB lias tafei tf a pOrtiori of the n>qm occupied br\A. M.KINGK next to J. Wv Illgg-'a Tin Shop, and himself ready to get ttp Men'a Boots A ib-godd style Sad at low rate*. [, oiwtf. AT THE l>y °f®l bead and thrcatnlnit b make m» 1*14,. to thfa_ODpl*asant predicament,- I was indacsd to nuiinli to lirreet the faHi tomvSt 5SJ^"“\* 5r * had really no expectation that gray salt could ever be restored to its original color except from S^ri»>!^.« 0 !r eve , r ' e I eatl y “Utpnwd ta find after tbo Bteof two bottles only, that not only was the felling off «l c w^ r was restored to the gray halisaael sensibility to the icalp, and dandruff ceased on u Tety much to the gratification of my wife, at wbSa solicitation I was Indnced to try it. 1 ■ ■ . ** wno ** Pot this, among the many obligation* I owe to her ml I strongly recommend all husband* who value the admiral Won of their wives to profit by my example, and um it If growing gray or getting bald. ■ _ _ -1 Jfery reapcct fully, BEX; A. LAVENDER To O J. Wood 4 Co., 444 Broadway, Now York. ■ .tsirrx&Srfe tfromUie V Siamaston, Ain., July 20th*lM#. -J - woon: Dear Sir: Your “ Hair Reeton- KM hair»° much good since I commenced 1 1 v * Wl 10 make known to the PUBLIC of its effect* on the hair, which are great. A. man or, wo> a *t >rlTcJ °fhair, and by a resort to your •‘Hairßestorative,” the hair wlll return more beau tjfu thsmerer; at least this is my experience. Sellers it Yours truly. \VM. H. EBNkDY. ■ c S ni m»S «bove if you like. By pub- SW Southern papers yon will get mors prtW ace south. I see several of your certificates in the ifeMa afenwjf. a strong Southern paper. • Jf, H. Kenedy. V WOOB?S HAIR RESTORATIVE. PlQStCvj. Woohi!Dear Sir: Having had the misfortnna my hair, from the effects of tha yellowforer. in New Orleans in 1851. I was inducts) to make atrial ofyoUr preparation, and found it to answer ns the yery thing needed. .My hair is now thicYaod gba* 8 -t “ml “o words express my obligations to you ha giving to tbe afflicted such a treasure. ■ ' FINLEY JOHNSON. < Tho BeatoratiTe iaput up in bottles of three sixes, rlts large, medium, andpnsll; the small hold* }da pint, gad retalUfor ouedoliac per bottle; the medium hold* at least twenty percent tnbjv) In proportion than the tmaU, retails for two dollar* per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more lo proportion, and retail* *>r $3. . , ■ v 444 Broadway, N«w York, snd 114 Market Street St Louis, Mo. • For able by G. W: Kessler.' Altoona, and br aU <M Druggist* and Fkucj Goods Dealers. '' ' ’ - ,u ■March 1, W—ly \| IULINEKY AND tRIMMIMG ifity that noW prepared to supply' all their .JS^ mot* in tbs MlOinory and Trimnu nyline. has on lioiid an oweUent assortment oli SPRING AND SOMMER STRAW ARB L)l€E GOODS, FLOWEBS & UtrOHES, RIBBAND3 ■ AN 1> TBIHUINHS, * nT >t®s Ot® attention of ths ladies. : _ one has aalo one of tits. C. C. D sir's patent . ' HAT ANp BONNET HtBSSWfS MACHINE, . “ du therefore enabled to do work la tuisiins tog mm, rfor manim, on short noth*, and atteasonable pricesTshe invitee a mil. fcAprtl Uim-tfc The koqt and herb doctor, ftonl Pliiladeiphk, whose rooms Were so dense!r cnmUed iSthof April. „l the Logan House, canbj consulted »t the same place one day in each mouth, notice of which will be giten in this paper. Uo wUI be In Altco ua 011 tbo 18th day of Mav, also on the 16th of June. Us treats idbdiseases flesh isnoir br. A stethoiicopic ezamtnv tlon >f the Heart, hangs and Throat free-of charge. Intro* sands upon thuusnoda hare testified to the correctness of his testingdiseases Without asking anyquestlonj He lias constant practice among diseases oferery NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, ATfP FOB SALE KEJSjT CHEAP BT CL jAGGARD. Jan. 2C, Isoo. _ WINTER GOODS ifiU' BB SOLB AT . RED U& ED PRI C ES, To make room for an I \ EARLY SPRING- STOCK* ■ AT THE , . > ■ iron f'itoijr'r, Jan. 2a 1800. L' CRNITURE WARE-ROOM —TB E 1 undersigned respectfally Inform* the puMio that ti# arts taken the T*aiT-rc*pta two doora Ihnuitbe Stid* where he will koop oil hand *ll tindi of * CABINET-WARE, and attend to the dotioe of anONDBRTAKEU. Two good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice wanted. Altoona, Apr. 12. |BW. . - JAS. T MOOBK. LANDBETH & SON’S Philadelphia Carden Seeds!! FBBSH AND GENUINE,. Store; (tap paper of th««. Seed* Akins' moo’ “ tblee paE ®” ° r ™ rter ’* S** l ** A DMINISfRATORS* NOTICE—No -1% Vty that letters .of administration. halier C. Roe, late of AltoonsiUMratni ty, dec d., h*vn & the undetstgned, residion “* ijkhbted to said estate atr*s qnMted tn-niabe.imiucdiAU paynient. and those bavin* ss**2* Ibem dulyauthentfoated fori*>tUamanf April 19.lft(V«t. • ~ TTAUJABiiiK REAL ESTATE FOR «^l^SpSK«^tas!t!S St of fte Jan . 13. lBBJ. T tf | i AULiON,—W HERE ASM Y WI g]ft by feftmy board without any just candor, j?-?? W” S?>: persons not to harbor ct : “ is “ l ?-.»«& T PREPARATION r’Oll EX-' RATS, MICE, ROACHES-AST*. •«» ’ wa*#»withont danger in its n*o under air ciienmeten' «Aibr«it>at the Drug. Store of iTan.Zl.’sB-tf] Xj'IiQpR.—THE BEST QUALITY OP A t ILOUE for wle, TTholwate AndEeML— J. SHOEMAbSeT^ -Qec. l 1 v Masonic Temple. T U&BER FOR SALE. JL4i?^^? HlNal ‘ ES ' ' 50.000 LATHES, i. ppMI kind* of BUILDING MATERIALS. lower thaatW lOWraf: ..r Cash. Apply to JOHN SHQEMAS *R* ' ffIT&AR AN D MOLASSES BY THB IcTBBIi., and COFHEE BY THE BAG, for sale Wheltwto at PhOk. prices, freight only added. Jail., 26,18(30 AT THE NEW FLOUR, PRO- And variety store, m t».e \4d x Poet Offlct' bolMiag, and examine the stock and prices. . feb. 23,1860.-tf. ' ' OR SAI E A HOUSE AND lOT, desirably located in the Borough of Altoona. ' lw*r to ; JOHN SHOEMAKER^* Altoonn. Feb. 9.1860.-tjf. L LOUR DELIVERED ' / t ROCKRiES. A LARGE AND Hardware of all descrip thffla jnst reeeiVed and for sale by ' ; u «- ls - tf ] J. B. HIERHAIT. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving. J. D. tEET. Q. W. KF.SSLKBL O. JAGGABI).
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers