The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 24, 1860, Image 2

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    Ckjftnnt Crite<
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THCBSDAT, MAY 24, 1860.
HP-Where partial are unknown to naionr ralefor
inadrai^«^*g9|^#wfr«a ;
BiadrektlMmenU offering to pay at ot ttae? «#•#■
%b«re aarertlaemente
mm»j, one. ftve or
adtertiaer the foilbene«tol«ih mm. _v-\ ,
moat inflnential «jid .largest eircnUUag
kewjjpapefaln.the United- SUteaand.tlie OanaiUa. TOtey
a**aaUioriaed to contraet'for M at Ottr lateetf raitx.
Giupftgp Convention. ■
: Tfie Convention which met
atfCbicago op Ifche 16tb inst., Dominated
Hon. Abram Lincoln, oflllinois, for Pre
flident, and Hot). 'Hannibal Hamlin, of
Mdine, fbr Vice the former on
the third and tbe latter .on the second bal
lot.. Gen, Cameron, of this State, was
withdrawn after the first ballot. The Penn
sylvania delegation did not give him an unir
ted vote on first ballot as it was said that
it would. There were men in that dele
gation against whom Canaeron had array
ed himself on previous occasions* and com
passed their defeat, and now, when they
had the opportunity, they paid him back
in ; his own coin. Judging irom the pub
lished speeches of Lincoln, he is as much
Of f an “ irrepressible conflict” man as
Seward, and must of course be equally ac
ceptable to the party. Hamlin, the can
didate for Vice President, is, we doubt
not, -the better man of the two. What ef
fect ithis nomination will have upon that
made at Baltimore some two weeks since,
we can not tell, , but wc suppose the Union
party will insist upon -Sell staying in the
field. In this pvent, the result is* easily
The nomination of Lincoln and Hamlin
is received yyitb muoh.enthusiasm through
outall parts of tbe North, and especially
in the North-west, where Lincoln is very
papular, and where Douglas alone could
hope to make a contest against blip.
On Monday evening last, the mqst de
structive tornado ever known visited
Cincinnati. The storm came, from the
north west, and appeared to be a cloud,
densely black, extending two miles in
breadth, and rushing, forward with fear
ful rapidity, accompanied by thunder and
lightning and torrents of rain. The dam
age-done in the city by the blowing down
and uurpofipg of houses was immense,
and the loss .will probably reqoh 8500,-
OQO. *k large number of persons were
iijored, and as “far as heard from six
persons were killed. The steeples aid
roofs oi almoat every church and public
Building in the cfty besides .thofe fif a
number of dwellings were blown down or
damaged. Walls were blown down and
fell, upon occupied houses, injuring pnd
killing the inmates. The telegraph
ipT eycay, direction were prostrated;
quently but little is known ofthe damage
in the-oountry. The railroads leading to
Cincinnati were covered with trees which
: Thetailxoad £opot
: 4e»°lisbed.
gardepH wate deatroyed. «dong
theriv,enraged with fearful violdndej *nd
great fears are entertained Tor'the* steam
. Boats auad which werp. .on sb«
Wqft boat were aaveduud ;3fcoof
the United States* -The original was
bwnt in the great fire at 1 Jeddo two
y<to6 ago. The copy in Japanese was
°This they with them, and
a/bdpy of itj (hot signed.} and a letter
fromJfe?JCycpon to the President of the
Uxut4dsfetes. = •
Atlantic Monthly for June is
replete, as usual, with- substantial reading
Saving a continuation of the series
which have made it so deser
jppular. To all who wish a month
ly containing really valuable matter, cal-1
instruct os well as amuse, we j
for the Atlantic
j Phblished • at%os-:
vSiif me ȣ '' '' "
Pennsylvania Bailroad Burnings.
•'Tl^folloi^g ; i^/->. II! . *
of the Pennsylvania i inn i• i |i '-iii * i|Tipjifrm , - species os'; t
months of Jt»t « oMba%': R o Sj;i„k Jfoi ‘Rsr.W>
an.'the.bnsumssof rfffliiiinliiiilfilm ?**»-*• “CMnr’s.” «*S>
..*V'‘ -of* steamboat, and oh
year: Powder, &c,
146,877 "WV>»V v» ‘'a»Si^»*'BßB»-'
«maoM Parker, Ants—Moths—Mos^ultoes^Pleas— lnsectson Plante—lur j
,«r-secfonn Animals, 4ic,^4fc- UifiAwSy form >W species
• ■'Tf jj,: ■r, / " . persons traveling'from the Eastern 0 j- \r;gjonN.
February, 87.746 «H. 438 10,612 40#,7«fi , Mississippi to inquire for the steamer Canada, Capt. J. W. Vost office—the City Prison* and SUtion Booses—the City
““£*» ass!*!? tO«ff Ml*-**- ' ; Steaniert. Ship*. 4c-lthe City Hotels, “Astor,” "St. Ni-‘
ipru, ag * s ” _____ J,T ___ I : Aftw passing, several importanttowps end points of, ;j dfolamr-ke;—gndijby
Total, _ $472027 sMB6,auO 51,870,631 trade down the riter, weOrrivediei* pviningwta Druggists'and eWrytrtioro sett them.
from January lot to May Ist, buque, 166 milesbefow Lacrosse. Donleith is on the east- 1 gg-Wholeaaie Apmtsin aU the large Cities.
thfoplaoaiiußlls4l»ewe*t- -t 2Sc.,"6oc_ and $1 boxes, bottle*, flasks. ‘
"®yj WBlparOT:‘Wini MW? jenoa ID . 0».: . Illinois Central B. B. Jt bears the ! jj ffewsrelMof spurious Imitations. Examine each
Sundries. **o. ! appearanceoflfoViurbewaptaceofoomWerabfe business, •■, .Box. Bottle and Flask, and take nothing but "CostarV'
1 fra*.** jwr *t4m* >»r6i*: nolmvie, , s»*su» n*«t
*•' ifflf ■ .. ,
—V ‘ V--- ■;■; . •:.* ggp-Addrcss orders—or for •‘circnlsr to Dealers" to
"■■' i* 8 *^ 77 i A«m «twUliw tbrongh this dilspidsied for a UENRY E. COSTAft,
’ 1 for MftrdQ, (ss§l- 1 eonple ofhunts, 1 proceeded to the ticket office at the 111; PiuncieaL Depot, 410 Dsoadwat, N. T
0eBt !“ »• ****** *&s*' *' ** w fowby o. w. K^er..Aituooa.
i : %Pr> t t *'%•■ r seHeisotmty.llUjuriiß-afow minutm.ire wereapeedlog March 29, ISOO.-Sm.
mnglD ’XUODtb hetore in the QJ the onr wayow the Tart ptßirio. landa,a grelß parrof whk-h __
rpad,.except Anril, 1856,4 ll« earnings of is in a state of oulUration. This is a first Class Kail
*iuoh exoeeM SeMiOOO. ' The earning,
of ihe months of. JB6O exceed i At Men<tota flcrenil tcilns trriro and depart at tbo mme
'it *• ••W-' •j« • a time And a wel) posted in Railroading* will
those, of the .same period in anj previous Btand B prutty of either taking the wrong trrin
yOftT .siuoe .the opooing of the road to or being left to take the next. Being well skilled in rail
hnnitiAaa ‘ ’ S' roadtug, I proceeded at opco to the ticket ofl)Ce, as all
DUSIUeSBi ,1" railroad travelers should do, to get information' in regard
: |o the departure of trains, but 10, when 1 came there, 1, for
the first time in my life, could not get . the information
sought for at a : railroad ticket office, if the railroad com
panies centering here employ their men for the purpose
of insulting gentlemen or treating them with silent con'
tempt, and refusing to take Illinois rags for tickets at
their offices, without giving their reasons for so doing, then
I would consider them faithful employees. But 1 don’t
think it is desire of the officers of those companies to
hare them thus treated, and therefore I would advise them would be considerable to their interest to keep an
eye to that point. After thus rebuffed by the em
ployees about this depot! I groped my way in the dark to
; the train which I presurped was going the way I wished
I! to travel, entered the car and obtained the desired informa
tion from a passenger. In.a few minutes we were on our
(“wny;aeain, roiling over the vast prairies towards Arlington
! where lam at present I shall spend a few days here and
tbefi proceed to Chicago, where some of the great men of
the nation-are now assembling to put in nonination a can
didate for the Presidency to represent the' Peoples’- Party
of this Union at the next election.
lucre*** in 1860,
Gen. La Veg a Shot. —It is stated that
Geo. La Tega, recently taken prisoner at
San Luis Potosi by tbn has
been shot. It will beremembered that
he was captured by Gapt. May at Rcsaca
de laPalma, and subsequently at Cvrrp
Gordo. All prisoners taken with Gen.
La Vega at San Luis were shot. ■
tSf* Arthur's Ladies' Home Magazine
for June has been received. "It contains
a neat steel engraving entitled “ The Wri
ting Lesson,” and a beautiful fashion
plate, together with Arthur’s usual good
'selection of reading matter. Price $2 per
annum. T. S. Arthur & Co., Philad?.
-o®, During the six days preceding Monday week,
inches,ofratu fell.
J#®-There is now seventy-throe miles. of passenger rail
way in Philadelphia.;
Oft. The seventeen year locusts have appeared in the vi
cinity of FrndeHoksfturg, Va.
J)®-AII the rage—Straw and chip tyles with a piece Of
twine around them. Only 10 cents a grab.
ft®, Mrs. Herr lias retired from Heir’s Hotel, Harris
burg, and is succeeded by llr.Brenford of Somersetcounty.
a®. It generally follows that a man gets mad. when bit
ten by. a dug, whether raid dog bos the hydrophobia or not.
S®- The admirers of-Keenan ore raising a testimonial
fund for him, which they expect to raise to $25,000 or
$30,000. r’
A meeting of the Blair coanty Medical Society will
be held at Springfield Furnace on Wednesday nest, the
30th last.
ft®. The grain crops are said never to have presented a
more promising appearance than at present, at this season;
of.the year.
«£-A hew temperance society has been organized In
Bedford styled-the Bedford Temperance 1 Society. It takes
the place of the Washingtonian Society.
ft®. In trouble again—Campbell of the Bloirsville He
cord. He has been sued fur libel by the editor of the In
diana, True American.
young lady of Cincinnati, Jnst.retorned from Eu*
rope, says that an aristocratic Englishman asked Jier if
Cincinnati was a slave State.
JI&- fashionable—pngil ist ic encounters’ between (he
youngsters, since the great international “mill.’' Occa»
sionaily they result ip flattened probosis or draped eyo-
Uds. '
'IJJuThe Indiana American says that a pike nearly three
feet long and weighing 18 lbs, was caught in the Blairs
ville dam, a short time Since. What a whopper—of a fib,
or a pike.
O'The Union Club, of Lancaster city, testified their
approbation, of,the nomination of Don. John Bell, by ring
toft a large number of belli, for an honr or two, at their
of NAPOLEON 1. by Cecil B. Haktut, author of Life of
1 .'O* The BegHter hoists the names of Lincoln and Ham* :<> Colonel David Crockett,” “Colonel Daniel Boone,”etc.,
Hh to its mast-head. How about the 14th plank in the etc., with a splendid port ait engravedoh steel, -no vol.
XT, ~ . ... _.. . , ume, 12mo„ cloth. 377 pages. Price $1.50. And upon
««»■ rmt *m- f* receipt of the price, witfc Mceuts additional for postage.
Ajmertcanfaim, Judge? - n copy of thc Boob. together with a handsome present,
■ ; ' . . _ , T „ , . worth from 60 cents to $lOO, Will be sent to any address
- *9*. - <* SjjCte. in the United Statie.
Newton Hamilton, was drowned in aj-un at that place, on ' FROM THE PREFACE
Friday wbeJL - The body was swept dht Into the river add Tho Emprew Josephine was one of the moet remarkable
has ; not : h9en recovered. ' ' % of all the extraordinary characters who rose into conspicu
49T.Frpm the accounts given in the papers published out* public position* la consequence of the French Reyolu-
Jnniata,we learn that .the damage done to the t( on . Wonderful were the events of her life. With the
catted, antUmllyldnal property by tbo late rain ' kindest and most affectionate of human hearts. She united
Uta is peaier Htan that of any prpyi -us Apod- , j the sternest principles of rectitude anil a comprehensive
'■gautho.editorof oneofthe Maine pupera gays hebas genius. |
hwi* pliir ofbodtsgiven him, were' so tighttHM now
tl»y oamfrvdty of ateontthme
>e Motived his pnniahmAt • r j his'empire have heep/wreridd- If is wpr-.hy ofno
ehi. «w AJ .• iice thial tWSppUtfcil futres^Nbm»d abitttytaf be^aJnher-
thit onr old iriend wd partoer, A. J- Napoleon Hland
Oryw.iskboutto commencethe publication of anew pa- ■J™ ?■'■■■ r ivm.-™, Ir c „„, n uril
C&n j f f”*' DOW ,
, d^ , ;ls6^I r »d r^in * r y Suicide.—A ipan pamedßrattt , w bich.ahe displayed amidst the most amazing
j notonlyanexceedihgly inter
caine 'days ago. froth a most extraordl- bnt aLhigihly insiieueUvd lessonUoallwho read her
: Sp fclwlfo j
partaken of twenty-one boiled eggs at ojm j&f* ■ c h»Uenge otOTpairikpn with J4p»t of any other historical ;
' r . ,
villaii kicktd the bucket, and wiU eat no tnore eggathw . ‘ jo^yhe f copstalitly looked fothegldry_of Prance and !
•itfo ofJbrdon. - : . - - - ■ ■ | tho'fomedf her husbftndaa the two mbst desirable objects.
49” A Flare Up —Sehnableand Blackhavo hadavfcry Whwi Napoleon deaircdw;perp«t‘uato Lis dynasty,by a see- .
aUercatiob Odvoie t>mmifiee.' Jnilge ; o pd iiiarriage wfakb yield him a male heir to his
Black: Fee present at te*tigu>nyr iy4iiBt>wn irqn^l,:
and put Jlnlkis 'Hiis trim woman Sfrgot all but their
waa, whleh yemsof li^ed-tw^wni^b^ Iwt ttet sfe had been, ls w.U «t«tJo|or T AS. W. RIBG W GOLD
noimeed him In the most offensive term* tidying those ; : ; , H&gSS™* b J “ b< ? ; »•«<»* of Sow** 3<cOtoamry;«iiJly ht to?.
t jTOMIS A* *^S-'Ssi-CMfi on^rl^U^of^e.
freedom. Judge Block left the room, and Was ftUowediy K& With o*'i&der JW 0 " '«««?**? T* 0 £“?* ww»faW««v' wfcfth*« #fll settatUMr prlcSs/on reawm- f " 8s«-Caeb °n ““0™» MB?WU>% A
Ur.Schnftble, who continued .to stigmatiae fuii ! yatM^j' l j .v faeneral Aaents &*&a large of K» | M*'r V %*» **"'
corridors, and In the presence of astonished qwetatort,— sln^J car*, and it ii hopdd that thobook will be found re- :<J3pW«fc# T«s> V» .■*»» UeneraJ , Agent* jjfcfc *«**. edtaK(|i«Srki) wfeieflbr ! ■ —r—
Both i>4rU«i threaten criminal prosecution. “ ' S i Ufdteas-wellas entertaining. Fulloftrnth, yet itis the for both.—iaiorence. Jf<m., Sentinel. j M
"HI Pittsburgh, who has just Wstumed of jliography., .[ -, V -' *# •-* ** **»* nil
*_,*<*. A*>' (BAPSAGB STW^R,
the first i
. • Ken 1 , Si<&ir- 'topay postage, by addressing the publisher, whotsdesir- -»nr»«o^^n*-«h^jnM^i. ' l
,s#«*•« -m ■: «r- ; sSk«SSSSS.® ? SS' s
ptjmpod thirty4wobarrdt, which were “T A cejtU * ! 'j' ■£ ■}■' ’
to Pittsburgh. On the same day _ . The Presents are of good quality and of OiebMt Manu- p^„^^^ r :the onrsof Fever and Ague. Bio steady and /V |
to the Franklin Oil Company commenced to Ifcw.Wj factnre. and comprise adarge iDO rIm made tor thV“ blttrrtu«andthO + I
the top of Oio conductor, ~
flowed into the Allegheny river. era * 1 -SaaMa Obutljiii JW W,«•*•« jr^Wi^^fjgr'iih*
operation, and tubs, tjonrela were , :;, mailed to you free of expense, an<tone ttiiu wffl mtGiinf Firmy and dgnn, T>r rnTntniiftriilntonittrb v*
to save the trcaiure. Hund«ds of people «o» tot&t plabe jo
gregated 4d»ut the Well, afid tHol book r’
'. p ° hU^ieTi luld |*o^
Western Corregpomlfaapoet
: ■’ : u
Hunter, Warrior, Patriot and Texan Hero. The only au
thentic memoir of him ever published. One volume.
12m0.. cloth; 402 pages, with illustiations. Price $l.OO. '
And -upon receipt of the price and 21 cents additional for
postage, a copy of the book, together with a handsome
present, worth front 50 cents to $lOO, will be sent to any
address in tho United Stutcs. G. 6. Evans. Philadelphia. ;
“ There is no campaign in modern military history which
for its extent, although attended with such disastrous re- ,
suits, although eventually eliding in the liberty of the Re- |
public, than that conducted-by General Samuel Houston, '
during the year 1830-37 in the defence of Americana then
settled upon tl» frontiers of Mexico. In a brief period,
with a small band of Heroes hastily raised en masse, and
illy armed and accoutred, the brilliant defence of the Alamo,
was made forever glorious by the Woody massgere, perpe
trated by the Mexicans. This unfrtunate event which
showed valuable lessons and glorious illustrations of the va
[ lor of our citizen soldier®, aud of the genius of the Great
Chief and Hero, ought not to be forgotten or hastily glan
! cod over. It is believed that the campaign during the Tex
an war has not received folljustice in the narratives which
' were published, the numerous merits of which were mar
i red by serious errors. By comporiu g these various versious
{'■and by consultation with those who played prominent parts
1 in this event of iour history, it is believed that the Biogra
i phy of the Texan Hero, which is divested of cumbrous de
) tails of military technicalities, Is as faithful and exact os it
| 1s practicable to render a narrative of this description.
1 The sole desire ol the author has been to do full justice
j to American valor and patriotism, and to present truthful
and vivid pictures of Unit memorable war, and of the con
duct of the Great Chief, who, springing from the people, a
frontier warrior, without science, hrt or experience in mil
itary affaire, was enabled through tin- smiles of Providence,
by his stout heart, his sagacious ino-llect. and ardent pa
triotism. to repel, punish and nearly destroy some of the
most mercenary soldiers that ' were over sent forth bjt any
power on earth. Ought such deeds bo permitted to fade
from the memories of a patriotic people ? No: it is a ro
proach to the present generation. is not mere
spirit ezeicised by our government in deluding the rights
of onr citizens and extending that protection to them which
has ever been sanctioned by every true son of liberty
V\ GEOBGEU. iiVANS, Publisher,
No. 139 Chestnut Street Philadelphia.
The combination of Ingredient* in these Pills are the re
sult of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in
their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities
Paipfui Menstruations. removing all obstructions,' whether
from cold oi otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpita
tion of the heart, whites, all nenrons affections, hysterics,
iatigue, pain in the back and limbs. Ac,, disturbed sleep,
which arise from interruption of nature.
was the commencement j>\ a new era in the tree line it of
those irregularities and obstructions which bare consigned I
so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the be- j
loved to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good
health unless she Wweguiar. and whenever an obstruction
takes place the general health begins to decline.
are the most effectual remedy ever known for all complaints
peculiar to EcmaUs, To all classes they are invaluable, in
ducing, -with certainly, periodical regularity. They are
known to thousands, who have used them at different pe
riods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some
of the most eminent Physicians in America.
Explicit directions, stating when, and-when they should
not be used, with each Box,— the Price One Dollar each
Box, containing 40 Pitts.
.A valuable Pamphlet- to be had free, of the Agents.—
Pills sent l(y mait.pmmptly. hy enclosing price to the Gen
eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally,
It. B. HUTCHINGS, General Aoekt,
14 Broadway, New York.
*old in Altoona by G. W. Kessler; in Hpllidaysburg hy
Geo. A. Jacobs. (Dec. 8, 1859.-ly.
Have You a Diseased Liver.
The question, though startling, is sufficiently suggestive
when the fact is taken into consideration that diseases of
the Liver harp become most alarmingly frequent ih the ■
United States. Indeed, there are few formidable diseases
that ore notin some way traceable to a deranged state of
thkt important organ. Many of the complaints usually
clashed under the head of Consumption, have their origin
in (he Liver. ‘•'Any remedy that would insure regularity
and healthful action in the Liver, would bo a blessing to
mankind!” has been the exclamation of thousands. That
remedy has been founds it is safe and sure. When a fair
trial has been afforded it. it has never been known to fail.
Header, have you any disease of the Liver, or disease
which you believe proceeds from hepatic. derangement?—
Lose not a moment, but purchase a box • f Dr. M’Lane’s
Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros- Pittsburgh. Pa_ gpd they
will restore yon to health. It is the only remedy yet dis
covered. in whifeh implicit confidence may be placed
Purchasers will be careful to ask for DU. M’LANE'S
ING BUOa ,of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills pur
porting to be Liver Pills, now the public. Dr. M'-
Lane’s genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge,
can now bo bad at all respectable drug stores. None gen
uine without the signature of FLEMING BROS.
Wonderful, but True.
■ A few days since, Mr. Jas. 11. Beadle. of Huntsville, Ala
bama, culled on us uud gave us permi'skm to publish for
, the benefit of 'Offering humanity, the astonishing cure
\ which had been effected io the case of his wife by the use
i of Dr. llance’a Vegetable Epileptic Pills. lie luformedua,
, that at the time 11 is tjife commenc' d using the medicine,
| her system was s 6 entirely prostrated, by the number of
j spasms she had undergone, as to reduce her weight to 100
lbs. Since she has been taking the pills, she has entirely
g >t over the spasms and ha« gained In weight and bod,iy
health, She now weighs at least 200 lbs., and declares she
is in better enjoyment of health than ever before in Iter
life. Mr. Beadle also (elated the case of Mr. Harrison
Lightfootofthe same town, who has been entirely cured
of the worst form of Epilepsy by these same pills. Mr
Lightfoot’s case was so bad thnl ho never passed a week
without having an attack, often falling down in the street,
lie has noth ml an attack fur more than a year. Mr.
Beadle thinks that if the pills ever fail in curing n case, it
is for the want of a prop r perseverance on the part of the
person in taking them, as he feels assured from observation
in of his wife, that if they are taken for a suffi-
cient length of time, they will cure any case. Sent to any
part of the country by mail, on the receipt ofa remittance.
Address Snrn S. Hinge, 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore,
aid. Brice, one box,s3; two, $5;. twelve, $24.
The Mustang Liniment cures Rheumatism;
The Mustang Liniment cures Stiff Joints ; I
The Mustang Liniment cur a Burns and Wounds; | OI M A
T/fe Mustang' Liniment cures Seres, Ulcers, Cided O « A•|» U
Breasts and sore Higgles; Heurdlgia, Corns and JFarts,<ti>d | c&± CE>l
1,000,000 DOLLABS PBB ANNUM ‘ J.
To thcCnitud States, as the preprver and restorer of ynl-. a large anil attract Ivo■
liable Horses Cattle. ;Hcnres;all Spraip,Gntds, prising all the novsth
Wonnds,' Stlff Jolnts,4c. Bid jwuveZcr hcarofanyortU- nERIR&
narySorc, Swelling. Sprain or Stiffness, either on man or : , , andtrtttnrea
besst, which the Mustang Liniment would not cure? Dj3 together witli a fttlll
you over visit any respectable Druggist in any part of the
world—in Europe, Asia ot Amotica—who aid say “it was
the greatest discovery of Oie agef” Sold everywhere.— (xKi
Every family should haveit; there sizes. and an assortment of
BAUXEa Vropriotora, New-York. ... BQOTS. !3t
— ■ -. » - — ! —— — , of all slips and stylos,
_ , * and wIU be sold at fei
v Jlomers l Having recently et
The attention of mother is directed to Dr. Eaton’s IX- dispiayiny targeiyjii
F ANTILB CORDIAL, which is highly recommended ter 1
all Complaints attending Teething, such as' Dysentery, ; " tJ. JM:.
Colic, Cronp, 4c. ' jjtSviPS. T||jL;
BLOODFOOD—This medicine, being, as its name sug- **.
gef6£?^'‘«ad a differing
«»»* O*«UX « KOtOf M InMMBt •»««•» ****
made(BtopwrelnaMt,andon toth*«nd*tog«*»
quoth Shatopeaio.
tV enintngnf men’a fan— thf the nnconth muaer in
sad well, *4Sp"*' **» ,
foraus of emD ftih« Wrown SJrtne Chrthing
Hall of
Wo •Mtf M* »W^:|gii»ent»
tor , !*
Wm In W ft,' whUh Is put np
i in bottles and soldat 35 cenks each. It is an excellent
medicine, when diluted, for spongy and tender gams, and
. li wcath pricOtosJil who,, Jdd hero,
by G. Wi Heeshr, Druggist. I
Jan. 12,1859. —hj-
l mm* w *
YY popular WblicatkW^SSWtfi
JVeto York Wttklg,
Scientific A«£r
• JHcmYcfi
S?' Jlj
BaUnu l e T P(dortat - «
Knott LetUt’t lU. German Ptper,
JJle iU tut rated Vltorid, {Gentian,)
The JfewTori CHtfer,
United States PUict Gazette, '
Beaton Piled, ; ,
//am JottmoK ■ •■••,' Atnner X*yht%
Spiritual Telegraph, j UWf-ty JWbnnt,
Porter 3 ) Spirit, | I l’ bi f trat^l
Frank UOiF t Budget <>f Fun, iankeeNotumt,
Altexma Tribmi. iVi* A«*.
Philadelphia Preu, * i
Puma Ledger, iVew Kw* IW£»n<%
Jhttdmrgh True Preu,' -Mnbjfeffc ....
Korih American, i ' /VftifrurflA CkruntcU,
Evening Bulletin, Eeenind Argue, "rtniwylratunn.
To which will be addedthe mw publications a* they appear.
MaeaiiuM. Novels and Romance*, Miscellaneous Books,
School Books. Copy Books’, Slates, Ren*. Pencils, Inks,
Cap and Letter Roperj. ■ nvclopcs, Drawing and
Tissue Paper, Blank jßobks altd In fcfct every
thing in ttie Stationary line. Toys, No
tions and GgnwSJafovery Variety. Pic
tmes and PScture Pram**, Aft;
«a_ A choice lot of COS R KCTION BRIBB, of every; tari
etfJUso. TOBACCO anfISKOARB of the best quality.
\j b We are sole Wbd|(<aule and RotaH Agent, isi uift
county, for KOUN'S OKLKBKATKD BALTE. ltdoe* pos
itively cure all sores to which it is Try B.
7_ t f | f H. FETTINOEB.
" i I § I
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H o It's I*l W
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/‘"‘S ifi I g i*- |
L J B-3 2 M s*• V
rirc it- s‘j
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lJ L | gs- I
Pure OM C
§_ which is given to.
known, which 16 fully C(
siclana \Vhohave used
For Summer Goi
f A Cure is g\iaran
as it will effectually:
Diarrhoea &
AS A t
TUe pure qjticle U
and St
Dispepsia, Ftatulm
Low Spirits, G
! ness, Lii
Physician#, who ban
it in, the most flutterinj
to the numerous letter
Solo lYholesale a
Not. 10, 1859.
■-lot« U-b- - - --- —•>- -'
| n ; im --iaV; ,^;l;
, • --tc K*
it awba Brandy.
his brand shows that it is the
rrohorated by all practicing phy
t In their practice,
iplaints with Children,
ted or the money will be re
etjevo that eviction, ns well »'
Ppwel Complaint,
vgetlier superior, ami a sovereign
cy, Grimy. Colie, Languor,
miral Debility, Nervo us
er Complaint, etc.'.
tuied it fn their practice,, speak of
terms, as will bo seen by reference
Sod certificates. '
! A CO., Projirietprs, Cincinnati.
id Retail Agent for Blair county.
C£) « -
ed athis old stand, on Virginia at*
ssbrtment of seasonable goqjds, com
s. Ini "
lawks, cmeuAus, exbrot-
OSLEKF d'GLOms. an* all Tarie
/eortraent of goods for gentlemen's
and Vesting*. '
Hardware, Qneenawfre and"
which equal to any in the ipsrkat,
Wged mj store-room, I canqiw
creased stock to better ■ adran t*ge
r InTlte eTerybody to call. ,
jRV -? . ’’i f .. i • •■ ■:
tin <>, &a.
I' I '
SlMtfLtil Poaffijsntw6lß
Board 8 HixfcxfSO, SbtUontry Tuition $33, «*&, g^
Vsual time to complete a tall course, from 0 tnio
, . Student* entur *t H| tlmo-rSo Vacation-Review,,
! pleasure. .' 1
Tint Premium* Ibr Beet Business Writ in* t.r isjs .
o»tvedat Pittsburgh. Phlladsiphta and Ohio .ttate Pairs *
Also, .t the principal Wire of the.Cnion t>r the pest f o >r
.years. - .. ,
OrnsmenStri'Writing andKmbsilisbedVW w ef the CouJl*
enclose flee letter stamp* to I. W. JRSKINS/*^
Sepk.B% Pittsburgh,
i'Jfc received at tbeli.Stw*. on Main SL, a largu stock of
to which tliey hrrlte'the persons in needof
■; They flatter themseros tltey never had a. betterusott
men* than that,now on ha ml. and that consequently they
never were better prepared to meet the wants of their cus.
towers and friends. All-their arrangements have i*,.
made with a View large and prosperous butiotH.—
Therefore we invite a call from one amjisU. Don’t fornt
the place. , •
If you. would be suited, come quickly—hat donTsllconw
just at the same time.! At all events coma and hats tuur
want# supplied. „i . '
Our goods are all maaufectuted hr ourselves in out ora
manufactory iu the city, consoquantly we nro enabled to
sell prices lover than thoao.yf.any olher LesUtiUthoieot
in the placed ' .
■ Muwdfes fbr any artfcle'ofclothing, or fbr whole unit*,
taken ot the store and the articles furnished uh. short na
April 5,1880.
2ft) 107 Itorih ■’Pkird St. above Arch ,
Will find it to their advantage to call and ex
< '' amine their stock.
/~\ this flrtais manaEßStnred under their own personal
aupervbion. and thsy can therefore guarantee their goods
to all who purchase from them.
They have BRANCHES of tbetr; House establiahed
At ' '
For the retailing Of their Goods, and they flatter (hom
bclvcs that they oan furnish’the public with
tivthing better and at lower price than can be get else
whore. [April 26,’9).-
Would respectfully inform the citiaona of Altoona end
vicinity that he has just arrived (Tom the oily with a Urge
and splendid stock of
For Spring and Wear,
oi every'color and shape. Also, a good assortment of
Hisses and Children’* Plate,
of different varieties, all of which will bo' sold
Persons in Want of anything in the above line, will
please give me n cull before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 ain
determined to sell at the very lowest possible prices.
Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church.
Altoona, Mav 3, 1860-tC. JESSE SMITH.
Beto Boofc &to«.
1 o pcnod a BOOK STORK next door to n'm/gtm
the corner utVirgmai and Awiic ttruii,
where way be found dMmSW
Old and Standard Authors, New Vttbliealm,t
Light, Literature, Periodicals <ind Staple and
Fancy Stationery in large varieties.
Also, a new and very select lot of SHEET UCBIC JIBSIO
BOOKS and "MUSICAL nfSTUCHESTS. The citwn* rf
Altoofaa art respectfully invited to coll.
fcVLjUI orders attended to with promptness and mjpattH
• Altoona. 'Stir. 3, 1 1859-tf It. SMITH.
FIjOUR, grain, seeds,
tmi&y beef,
tRONi, HAIEB, GLASS, So-, to.
its*W'Vk on, pa.
! QHI OH!l OHM! r
150,000 ROLLS «F
W A t I- P A P ER •
'%:■ T OI MATCH. •
iJslm TdtM’mid Gol<t
rt&Smfae Wiill and Chamber patterns. , ,
of roll* at JsEt|*ni*n«,«>ilthon»iin<l«*.
WSP Look far tke Stnptd Frpnt.
Slash's; 18flO.-2m .
S' ?■
• COURT- salb.^2
V / virtue of on order of the
counts, tho nuderticne4 will expose to sol*, Iw*^ l
»rim6sbtfctfW oTJohnßowm**
of AUooiui, on XJ7EBDAT. the 12th day of JO>b. » >
oto o’clock In th? Afternoon-;-- .—..nflmdrit®* 18
The one-eljjhtleth undivided pm t of a fl»
|d logon township. Blelr courtly, obout foie,'
2LSrv A**'*
May 8, iB6O.
1 -FiOUft. from the cekbroUd UK*?
•TOfeMnw-Flottr and Feedwre. rT i rsS.* '*^ t
• '•HiiM'to# ■•-llwleeek'K-' ’ *■ l?!r..= -as--
• oobmlt. ;
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fot!*bl« co
bit' iko las
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total i
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