Y f S D rup. 3 LIC. 11 SSffSSSjgfe >■ -iy-u in vaiJr?*, >1 ‘Uoctual pr^riT '‘iMtefTocfugji I ■'■ r . lor "‘; hiTtH :»iri)rn«vo» that «•» lilijA cnsca out i,r o,l un«J Bhre 0! ."’>‘ v u!siona T .' ~; ,’f (- L lly deiight- "iJ Retail at’.y w !•»>.«. TV W IWSHky.ii n i\. * ** r.* f .y a i>-i1 I«tKTW ft TIN COOK. !■? axd s Antra - 1 “ to SH" .l A ! -**ly sad,regular 3 a ' 1 i, t 6 from thU Ore It c in «*- :i “‘Lot unpleasant mumcd inside „f of duet or chins- tuvited '■• rumple. and ei- ItUIVMAK£B, ■ UlaSr (Xunty. ' ookiiiE ami £•<•> lAug.fl2,l£3tJ. AZJ#Ti“ ; Criminals ji iu »i IUII throughout Trials. Crliniaai logethorwltr ■ '»i found In fc/y> i six months, ts >'*'!« their /unlit* y rfdde plain; T.i I LL A CO., ■ lice m Tr*ii Citv. FOR MA i. r Washing,'w-» 'ti!o Soap, Palu, • .-ale at. ■MtOflSp'S U-CARBO , Soda, DmkoV* i'S P.'ng Storo je’s. JOE LS. rheVtten- aud more * s of the iiost popu- Jic public. eilrsled Pills. '.d them.as imply for fL from, the sho been . ost satis* ;s Animate nis, y. PLAINTS, i vts. Sick. :. zes of UE, iking. Qui r.bly make cure. bovc men- Un rivaled, ] when ad v with the popularity ERS, 3 business,. ;; success -Twenty ■ crlvc their rention to being dc ; tie’s Cele- _,ivcr Pdl* V the high onongthc day, they . ither time o the Best and com* t thorough rders to uargh, Pfl* ‘ rom , ot rfdU*£ %&&&£ vc tin-dti-eeatj^S !;■ fourteaM^K .attai t |£ll O' ' MeCKUM & JL'iiRN, VOL 5 TUB ALTOONA TRIBUNE. UcCRUJI i DEIIN, Publishers and (Proprietors. » D nuin. (payable iuvaVmWy in *dTHnce,) *1,50 111 paper" aixcuiilinued at tlw expiration of the time I* 1 ” 1 lo! ‘ toon or unKhauii,.. l iiuertion 2 \S6. Bdo , sar lipe«orle... *24 $ *Jj JSO 0o» s4U» r ''< 1 S 100 f* •• (16 « ) 100 160 200 Si, ) I*o 200 260 over ibre* weeks And leas than three months, 25cents per for each insertion 3 months. 3 months. 1 year, far linesl*?*** S 4 30 3 3 $ 6 00 p,,, «.|U:ire, 2 50 4 00 7 00 r,ro •• < 00 6 00 10 00 Hum 6 00 8 00 12 00 fcur 6 00 10 00 14 00 gjf 3 column, 10 00 14 00 20 00 Ott column. 1* 00 26 00 40 00 tJmiuwtralors and Execnten Notices, 1 76 Uortiniitx aiUehisiiiK by tl>e year, three square!, ,!tlr lil'i ity to change, 10 00 Professional or Uuainen Cards, not exceeding 8 lines with paper, per year, 5 00 Cutnmnmc.itions of a political character or individual in tP(ei u ill lie charged according to the above rates. Adiertieements nut marked with Mm number of insertions Uiairel. will lie continued till forbid and charged according Mtlie stove terms. Business nut levs five cents per line for every Insertion. Obituary uuticcs exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square. >. 1 soon, M. D. fT J. M OEMMILL, *. V. T\KS. GOOD & GEMMIIsL HAV | f lN(I entered into Partnership in the Practice of Jlfiitiue. respectfully tender their services to the Public a the neversl branches of their Profession. Cell- will be answered either day or night at their office —wLi.ii is tin- same as heretofore occupied by Ors. Hirst t 0.1, .1.—0r «: the I. igan House. . April -Ist. lob'J 3m \V. M. IJLO YJD & CO-, ALTOOXAi PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., HOLLIDA I'SB I ’liG, P£. (Late “Util, Jo/tntlon, Jack ,j- Co.”) DK A FTB ON THE PRINCIPAL Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. .Collections naif. Mt.uejH cm dcpo»it«, payable ou demand, vithutit iUtoi-oL ui upon time, with iutereat at hur rates. iVb. 3d. l&a«. r a ms! lands :: lands :: i I J Tlw undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAH- Sants hi the Omaha and Nebraska City uail Offiroi. — (1! * Onions can now be mode near tin large stream* and i'ii 1' iuents. The Lands of this Tei itory, now in U»jk«i a;.- ..f rlie .beat quality. Selections carefully made. Letters ■ t Inquiry re- Aimte-i. ALEX. F. McKUNNKY. Oieapous, Cass County, N. Ter. Jaiy li. ISiO.-lf REVERE.VCESt F.e». a. B. Cure. Alteon*. Pa. "» M. Ulotd i Co.. Bankers, Altoona, Pa. UrCacx i Hern, Editors. “ Taos. A. . Scott, Snpt. P. K. R„ “ D. McMcrtrix. ijsq., Huntingdon, Pa. T l>. LK'BT, ATTORNEY AT LAW f) ALTOONA, BE A IP. Co, Pa„ tTill practice law in the several Court l ! of Blair. Cambria. Huntingdon, ClearlWld, Centro and adjoining counti s.— Alsu in Ihe Diitricl Count of the United Slates. Collections of claims promptly attended to Agent for the sale of Ileal Estate, Bounty Laud IV nr routs, and all into pertaining to conveyancing and the law. lUpekknccs lion. Wileon McCanUJt'fr and Andrew Bnrkc, Esq.. Pitt-* With; Hon. d.imurl A. Gilmore, Pres. Judue uf .Fayette ’niiidal District; Hon. Chenard Clemens, o f Wheeling, Va.; II lloury D Foster,Oreensburif*. Honl’Job'i W. Killinger l*hnn m: Hon. Wm. A Porter. Philadelphia; and Hon. P. Hamel ton. Pittsburg. Jun»* in, ISSB-Iy. \V R. BOYERS, T T • ATTOHXEr mce, for this present, with J. M. Cherry, Esq., op psi'e Kessler’s Drng Store. Ail....in, August 4. 1869.—tf VOW FOR FITS!—THE SUB- 1 d*rjhcr d**»ircf» m inform the citizen* of Altoona iti! bn* juM received bin st«tck of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHS. f lildi he is prepared to make up to order on short notice »r! on n reasonable terms as anv other Tailor in the 1 - - 4011 -V O’DOSKEUL. Ali ~ma. Not. 17th.' 1859 poors and shoes.—the u.n --l-r itmipiwi has now on liand and will tti' nt Ids slorf* in the Masonic Tem- WjHI , I--. 11 hirp ami complete assortment of BOOTS 1 AMj SHOKS. ready made, or made to order, 'hiTilioes. iJulies’ Sandals. Oum Shoes, Cork ■’••liy. and everything in his line or business, of !! >’ -m ijuulity ami on the moat reasonable terms. All ra “ ! m work warranted. ■Ve-tf.! Juj 2. WM. S. BITTNER, DENTIST. (V'FICE in the masonic TEM VJH" ' [Dec. 20, ’M.-tf. »4f* A Student wanted. ]\H. WM. R. FINLEY HE- * D SPECTFDT.LT offer* hi* ' to the people of Altoona and the ad-^^^V “nitifr country. . wSHv H- may be found at the office heretotore oc ,5D-'l by Dr. U. D. Thomas. Altoona. Sept. 30,1858.-tf ('ACTION.— ALL PERSONS ARE , hereby notified not to purchase or sell any lager b.Mjr •D with the Stamp Of the ALTOONA BREWERY there “'uc'' k ‘ , g" never hare been ami never will be sold the Brewery. All kegs containing said stamp will tisinwsl and taken, wherever found, by the proprietors ie llr-wcry t«, »hom they belong. 1859-tf. WILHELM t BRO. ]\ F. ROYER, $l. I)., *** 6f teJ.?,* uf .? r, ‘ r,,nc-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKEIUI Agent. / ireat western insurance „ A , ND TB ®ST COM PAN Y.—lnsurance oil! Real or fern’s i I ~ r °l ' P r,- V Wi !' b( ‘, pffec t ccl on the most reasonable ' w "' - tl"--;c la Altoona at his office in Anna St. March 17.1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER. Agent. TTNTTEt) STATES LIFE INSU- Jn 9f .5 ompany V A R cnc y- Anna Street, Altoona. Mardh 1,. 1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. J. O. ADLUM, NOT A R Y PUB LI C . ALTOONA. BLAUI CO, PA. Can at alt times be found at the store of J. B. Hileman. CctOw’r li inoii KOAD BANDS FOB SABE, ~ ON LOStU CREDIT, AND AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST The hanjbab and kt, Joseph COMRANTT. hating over 800,000 ACHES ”• ,n the State of Missouri, which was grant ed t by -Act of Cotigrwfc* to Bid In - the coiwlrnctlon of tlt«lr CiIKU 110,110,1 them, £ forsnle.on the JSsy&? t * r *2* of •» within six, mid nil .trithln flftecß miles of thelUllroad, which J* how eomplo- Vt and open for. use throughout its entire length {2OB ■ ,™ nf ft coantrywhlch ia nnsnrpasscd ofittclimaite, tbefej^tyoTlU the extent, of its mioenit reponrees.' / ; n l r t ft rttu ? t . • oplrf y ftt thojUnd office of the Company, or address by letter, JOSIAR UUNT. VTnnnihAt u. GawoWonw, B. * St, do. «. B. Hannibal, Mo. Peb. 2. *60.-1 yi* R-SilJ¥ >UIl ~ A V EBY SU JL,>™®w ft It | i Barrels and Sachs, for sale at the <*.£#s<' ■ ■ [»eb.23r^L KD. A large and fashionable assortment at tbestore of THE STAtfDAKD TATKNT xmamm at. j-* insures. SAVING Gompany. CAVING FUND, —NATIONAL Ikl SAFKTY TRUST COMPANY.—Chabtebed bt in* State or J>kn»stxtajha. , „ RULES. 1. Money Is Received every day, and in any amount, large o small. 2. Five pee cesi. interest is paid for money from the dav it is put in. 3. The money is always paid back in COLD, whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money a received front Exfeutars, Administrators, OuanUam, and others who desire to havo'it in n place of perfect safety, ami where interest can ho obtained for it. 0.-lUe money received" from depositors is invested in Reil Estate, Mortgages, Ground rents, and such other first class securities as the Charter directs. 6. Office Hours—Every day from 5 till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the evening. HON. H. L. BEXXER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. W. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Henrt L. Benner, Francis Lee, Kpwakd 1,. Carter, F. Caeroil Brewster, KoBERT SeUTUIDOE, JOSEPH B. BaRRT, Samdej. K. Ashton, Joseph Verses. C. I, AN BRET H .>IDNNS, HENRY DIFPENBERPKR. Offii-s : Walnut Street, 8. W. Corner of Third St. I'liila rieljiliia. April 14t!i. urt-ly. FUND. ( National SAFETY TRUST jjTHK P( BlilO AKK RESPECTFUL sf bV invited to bear in mind that at this Spire may be found an assortment of fashionable and handsome Moleskin Dreis lids. Soft Hats, RED LION -HOTEL. ALTOOXA. HLAIP COPXTY. PA. This old established and popular II l'J Kb. located nearly opposite the place of stopping the pa.-e-euger cars in Altoo na lias passed into the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience In the business warrants me in assuring the travelling public Chat no pains will he spared to render guests as comfortable as possible while sojourning under tny roof. The TAItLE will constantly ho supplied with the very best the market affords. The BAR will he found t(< contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice beve rage EAGER PEEK. The STABLE is in charge if an excellent and expert enced Ostler. The proprietor hopes, liy his long experience in the busiues and the facilities at his command, to make the Red Lion, in all resects, a first class Hotel. The business of the Hotel will he under my;own personal supervision. A liberal share of public patronage Is kindly solic ted. JOHN W. SCHWEIOERT, Proprietor. May 19. 1859,-tf x t ew grocery feed and PRO VISION STORE. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona anil vicinity that its has- opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adaline and Julia streets. East Altoona. where he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of eveiything in his line. His (r R 0 V E RJES are ail fresh and will be sold at prices as low as those of any other establishment in town. His stock of provisions, consisting of Flour, Hams , Shouktcrs , Sides, &c. will be gold a little cheaper than they enn be bought any where else. Uis Flour is obtained from tbe best mills in tlie Western part of the State, and is warranted to be what it is represented. All kinds of Feed fur horses, cows and hugs, always on hand. 1 intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all times be able to supply my customers with whatever they may need, and I intend also, to sell at prices which will make it a saving to those who patronize my store. July 22.1858-3IU. HENRY BELL. r I’HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD respectfully inform his old eus tOmeni ; Mil the public generally that he hoe just received a large ftud handsome as- sortment of CLOTHS, Cassimeres, and vestings, which he is now offering for sale, and is prepared to make them np in the latest style 4 most dnrable man ner, as none hut the best workmen are employed, and all work made will be warranted to giro satisfaction. He has also a good Stock of Orrsrs' FUUNISIUNQ GOODS, such as SntitTS, Conans, Uvi>kr snißis. Drawers, pocket Handkerchiefs. Neck Tf-s. Stocks. Suspenders. Hosiery, 4c- 4cj also a large assortment ot 1, KADY-M ADK CLOTHING, all of which he is determined to sell as cheap ns they can be bought this side of Phila delphia. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock, as II shall take pleasure In showing them. Doors opcn at all times from 6A. M. until 01*. M. Admittance free. Ms# 5* 1859-tf THOMAS ELWAY. There was a serious and ludierbus aspect in the late shipment of the negro in a.dry goods box. from Nashville to Seymour, per Adam* express. It was serious to the poor, fellow, who endured Lis sore trials in transit with so much fortitude, and who, just on the eve of escape, was returned to servitude. His name is Alex. McClure, and he is the property of Newton McClure, of Nashville. It appears that he was packed in an ordinary square dry goods box by a free negro named Nathan Jacobs, at aroom which wus occupied by Aleck. It was addressed as heretofore described, and the negro who drayed it to Adam’s Express office, in Nashville, remarked, when depositing it. on ..the pavement, “ Massa, dat’s de curiosestbox eVerl seed. Ebcry time I ; oil it ober, he hebby side come down. Sambo, it appeals, had ta ken bold of the light end, aopppsing it to be closely packed, and making a straining r||'HJSi3T$JAf; QUESTION WHICH lift » l,e .*«*> astonished that it came up so JL tiif mfni dr every per»6n ' easy; then trying a light Tift at ’tether end, he was considerably mote pdixled to UQOTS OB 'SHOES He “tried it on that way shrewd times, TwiwiUttob erw» »toek •nd'mdt ' and naturally concluded it was “ curios- Styp Boi»VM.- Ow Boi „ M -.tipped, jogs h. RQBigTg. I writhed during a three boon ride to Bdv- r |VO THE PUBLIC.—THE SUB JL BCRIBER would respectfully announce •_ to thu citlzens of Altoona alid vicinity, that he ißa has opened W ' * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HS TIN. SHEET-WON WARE STO VE STORE, qfTJI Ob'Helen street, between Annie and Jolla streets, East Al toona, where hn will keep Constantly bn hand a largo aa sortmentW everything in his lino, which fab will dispose of on reasonable terms.; ROOFING- & SPOUTING fut np on short notice. Ho also manufactures Leaped host Spouting, which is said to be much superior to gal vanized sheet-iron ortii. " AO kinds of job work promptly attended to, A share of PPMtc solicited, i BAMOELI. VRIES. ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1860. ID iTENT KEROSENE OR CARBON ML LAMPS! Unr.valedin Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. -£*«>/ person deetringto obtain the Very best and cheap eat pv-table light within their reach, ebuuld call at the Store j* the undersigned :&nd examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge oursolvefe to demon strate JJ’ ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. "*• That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they Hre very easily trimmed. .4th. That they are easily , regulated to give more or lew light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 60 per ccut. cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamp iiro admirably adapted for the nsi» of Stn denta, Mechanics, Seamstresses. factories. Halls,Churches, £e “’ hre recommended forfiimily use. Ttie burner of th# Ciirpou OiL Lamp can be attached to old aide, hanging ami table fluid and oil lamps, et a small expense, and will answer every purpos* of a new laap. VTe guarantee perfect satia&ctiou in all caws. Aug. 19, 1858-tf-l G. W. KESStER. ] EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB- J SCIUUKR would hsspectfully in form the public that he has recently ro- k fitted the above Hotel. apd is now pre pared to accommodate his friends »n.i patrons in a comfortable manner, and hoiq£s9mfifir will spare no pains In making it an agreeable home fur all sqjouruers. Hie Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. Ilis charges are as reasonable'as those of anv other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deservu it. he throws open his house to.the public and invites a trial. I liavejust received a stock vf No. 1 .French Brandy, for medicioul pnr}>oses. Also alargo stuck of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses. together with a lot of the best ohl Kye Whi-key to be fount! in the country. Altoona, Slay 27, i.559.-ly] Howard association. UIILADELPmA A Denecolent institution established by Special Endowment. J'ir /he lichef of the Sick anti Distressed, afflicted with I trulrnl and Epidemic Diseases. and cspcciully for the t/ure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Meilical Advice given gratia. by tin; Acting. Surgeon, to nil who apply by 1-tter. with a description of their condi tion, (ngf, occupation. babitß of life. Ac..) and In casus of extreme povrty. .Mediciinis;furnished free of charge. 1 ALITAULK REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseased of the Sexual Organs, itnd on the Ntw RKMttmts emtdoyed in the Dispensafy. sent to the afflicted in Sealed letter euvolo|ie«. freo of clduge. Two or three Stamps for p os Urge will he acceptable; Address. DU. J. SKILLON lIOOGIITON, Acting Sur geon, Howard AasnciiUiotu No 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, I’a By ordecof the Directors. EZRA D. IIEAKTWKLL. Pres I. GEH. FATUrillbD. Secy. |.lan 19. 'CO.-It DLENN’S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (CORNXR or Tlt£ riTK STOET CLOCK.) ftorlh l} «t Corner of F.ujK/h and Race Street», I PHILADELPHIA. High. Low and Medium Depth Crown. Cloth and Glazed Cups. Plush and Plush Caps for Men and B ys. Fancy Hats arid Caps foi Children, \ at Fair Prices. *»- NO TWO PRICKS FOR REG CL AH -GOODS “S* Jau. 12, 18U).-ly ' [independent in everything.] JOHN. BOWMAN \ The swallows, my darling the swallows are come, O’er land and o'er sea, from lie ir fur distant home! Conic, wrap yourself up, and. though the air’s cool. We ll wolcone- the swallows again to the jiool. We ll stay not by hedges in newly donned green. Nut yet where the robins snug nest may he seen ; But straight to the banko of file pod will we roam; The swallows, my darling, the swallows are come! See, see how the rips ..f their pinions they lave. As they swoop at t : ie knar- whieb ride tin the wave, And show- Ih-ir dark wing- and their bosoms of white. As back ward mid forward they dart in fin ir flight! How joyous, bow gladly they sport with the breeze, Sow low on the water—now high o’er the trees; And some arc np high as the church's old dome. All merry ns we are to see they are come! And now round the pool—’neafh the alders, weT stray, Atnl thank our kind Father for this pleasant day ; 'Tis He guides the swallows long mih-s o’er the sea, Belighting the minds both of thee. loie. and me. I'll light my tobacco and rest on this stile ; You may seek for a pretty ringed snail-shell the while, And when you have found it we’ll hasten back home. And tell your dear mother th.o swallows are come. 89, The following, by Dow, Jr., is matchless in its beauty; Bay by day old sorrows leave us, • Leave ns while new sorrows come: Come, like evening's shadows lengthening; Leulhening round the spirit homo. Bay by day fade Friendship's Flowers— Flowers that flem ished in the past— Past, oh Past I—once bright and glowing: Glowing once, but dimmed at last I Lost to fade of all its Fancy— Fancy, ever young and gay; Gay ,as when young Love was dreaming, Beaming, dreaming, day by day. The Darkey in a Bad Box.—“ Tails Up." Select ||octrg. * THE ASS AND THE HARE. A FABLE. One day a rough and ragged Asa Was munching thistles, weeds, and grass, Upon a common scant and bare. When, looking round, he spied a Hare. The. Am munched on in solemn state, : And leaned and rubbed against a gate. Gazing with dull odd stupid sta e. And thus addressed the listening Hare “ P-*or Puss, I- pity and despise The fear lurks within those eye*; You tremble while yon sit) a* though You dread at every turn a foe; Whilst I rouuch up tny weeds and thistle, Nor care for any one a whistle. Poor Puss, pursued by man and beast, Must furnish up to each a feast, Nor do the very birds forbear To prey upon the timid Hare.-” He ceased: the Hare, with modest grace, Stroked with her feet her gentle face, And. looking bashful as a bride. She thus unto the Ass replied: u Onr lot in life, good Mr. Ass, Is not the same—but let that pass. I do u*«t wish to seem unkind, But think it be.*t to speak my mind, And own at once I’d rather be A timid hair unbound and free, Than pa**s my life in munching gr***, ' And bearing burdens, I ike an Ass. They do not eat you up for food, Because yor carcass is not good:; But alter death, if no one eats you,. In life each village urchin beats you. Your strength is greater for than mine, But doesyour coat so brightly shluef Courage and patiancc you possess, Par more than mine. I must confess. A faithful drudge and slave at need, Art thou, good Mr. Ass, indeed. . But much I doubt if lash and thong. If burdens great and journeys long, « Are n<>t worse ills for you to bear, Tiiau any which befall the Hare.” MORAL. Contempt for oth.-rn oft will bring A just retort Winch b» ar-* a sting. Condemn rot any til r you know The reason why God made him so; Nor seek to benefit y.>ur s:ate By sneering at another's fate. THE SWALLOWS ABE COME. DT FREDIUCS WOE. ikied llliscellanij. ling Green. There the Express messen ger concluded to lie down, and, haring another box of similar dimensions, he rolled the two together for a bed, getting Aleck down in a horizontal position. At Louisville, when the box was tumbled oft the train, Aleck’s tribulations again com menced. The box was rolled about'as rail road baggage masters toss trunks aboat. Aleck, to save his bones, spread himself promiscoualy about, holding his elbows out spread eagle fashion against either side of the box, his knees and back bone also pressing opposite sides. Unfor tunately he was again turned bead down ward, and so rode across the river to the Jeffersonville Railroad Depot. By good luck be was placed in the car on this road right side up with care, and so went to Seymour. There his adventures culmin ated. it was just dark. The express messenger, a comparatively new hand at the Dusinesa, was getting his Cincinnati freight on board the 0. & M. cars rapidly. He got hold of Aleck’s box and “joun ced” him about until he was tilted into the car, when the upper side of the box burst open. It was darjk, and no discov ery was made at the instant; but the messenger took his fist to drive down the lid of the box, so that he could get it out of the way, and rolled it over once more, when out rolled the> nigger. The messenger; budlyxterrified as if he had seen the d —l, sprang from the car, shout ing “ A man in the car, man in the car.” A crowd gathered and the facts began to appear. The messenger got wrothy end was about to kick Aleck out of the car;— The watchman of the O. & M. road, how ever, had seen police service, and discov ering a prospective reward for a runaway slave, seized poor Alec and detained him as a prisoner until the train fot Louisville came along, when he took the fugitive to Louisville and deposited him in jail, sub ject to the order of his master. Mr. Pat teison, of the express company, endeavor ed in vain to regain possession-, in order to reship him to Nashville, the authori ties pleading the severity of the law in the case, which required even the master of a fu itive to prove ownership before deliv ery from jail. So the express company waited till yesterday, when Mr. McClure appeared and took his chattel home.— Aleck was in the box seventeen hours without food save a few chestnuts. His po.-ition and confinement, without ventila tiuii, except from the very slight cracks where tlie box was joined, was excrucia ting—almost horrible—and nothing hard ly save the love of liberty could induce him, or any other man, to undergo such torture so many hours. W e add that the party who arrested entitled to a reward of §125, payable by the State, and which is requir ed by the State from tbe owner before the delivery of the negro. The Adam’s Ex pres Company assumed the debt in this instance, besides all other expenses.— Ctuciima.fi Commercial. ' I DON’T CABS IP I DO. In olden times before the main laws were invented, Wing kept the hotel at Middle -GrainviTle? and from his; well stocked bar furnished “accommodations to man and beast.*’ He was a good! land lord, but terribly deaf. Fish, the village painter, was afflicted in the same wa^v One day they were sitting hy themsel ves in the bar room. Wing was bfehind the counter, waiting for the next fcasto mer ; while h ish was lounging before 1 the fire with a thirsty look, casting sljeep’s eyes occasionly at Wing’s decanters and wishing most devoutly that some oue would come in and treat. • A traveler from tbe South, on his-way to Brandon,i stepped in to inquire the dis tance. Going up to the counter he said : Can you tell me, sir, how. far 1 it : is to Brandon ! “Brandy?” says tbe ready landlord jumgmg up; “ yes sir, I have some,” at the same time handing down a decanter of the precious liquid. ' | “ You misunderstand me,” says the stranger; “I asked how far it .Wfia to Brandon ?” " “They call it pretty good brandy,'? says Wing. “Will you take sugar with' kl” reaching as be spoke, for the bowl! apd toddy stick. j.. , 4 ‘lespairing traveler toiled to Fish. The landlord,- * said he, “seems jfco be deaf ; will you toll me how■ fer it .is to Brandon ?” ' v ,:-it i • “ TlVant you, v said j«J tiare if I do take a little bl^dj^' Xbs stranger treated andjped- ,j j . Not long ago a bridegroom rotor. nip| home from bw wedding, wis mk oy a fnend who thua mm t ? f ? wTeiL Israoi, I’m ‘glad $d Wpj condidition,. thoo’st seen theood of fchy trouble now.'? ‘♦Thaok thee, lad"eaid Israel, 1 ' I hope I have^ : About a inouth Kr'-, l.i - EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. . t Tfiemort mtserableatidhepelew mta ofhumanity, ia n»n chief aim ini life is toloaf---towaBto > ia listless loangingand saeatal and physical inaction, the best years ofhis Kfh. There are such beings in every town~*miserahlo people, whose sole occupation ia 16 aVoid employmentof any bvesoan scarcely be called lxves~wbo die oheaftsr another, and leave behind A vacancy to be mourned? are in :thenuMh»s -vaflan^e%j. l M^.. ii 4^ r women. To these atoms, owe nothing. The history of the World's pro* gress ignores their names, their sxisteace, and, being dead, the grave contains no more inert, worthless earthy than ii did before. They become chronin nuisances; they have no local habitation or name, in so far as regards their worth or value* and from day to day, in the haunts oflmsy life they pass current as unourrent fhodi —at so much of a discount that they can’t even bay themselves. The only apparent ’ exertion they exhibit is that which enables them to be eternally in somebody’s way, to the great hindrance of that somebody's progress and business. They never do any special harm, and never accomplish any good. They die only, when they get too lazy or indolent to use their respirato* ry, organa. They never get the consume* tidn, because they haven’t energy enough to cough. They give employment to no* body, for they have none for themselves. From such as these, may Qod preserve all meaning mortals. Tub h Dignity of Bein' Niggers.’* A slave’s speech on the relative standing of the races, and the superiority of slaver* ry to freedom, is reported bythe’Peters burg (Va.) Express, of a late date in this wise : , ". '• V In front of the Central Warehouse a philosophical darkey, leaning lazily against one of the wheels of a dray, thus deliver ed himself to a brother Jehu, who was disposing of himself similarly: MAH nig; ers ought to feel de dignity of bein' niggers, ’cept free niggers what dunno what dignity am, Dis inmate' I’m waff about fifteen hundred 'dollars/' and he gave a demonstrative gesture with his loft forefinger, “ and a heaps of white folks can’t say dat for Jcyselves. Now dar/’ and he pointed to a “ gentlemanly va grant,” “is a white man; he couldn't turn hisselfioto money to save his life. More'n dat, he ain't wuff nuffin, he dunno ntiffio, and he won't do nuffin. I feels de dignity ob de facji, and dat’s what makes me say what I do say.” A Shout Ceremony. —-Old Squire Jack as he was familiary called, was for many years a justice of the peace in----; and in addition to issuing warrantsaod executions, was frequently called upon to perform the marriage ceremony. One hitter cold night, aboutl2 o’clock, he was aroused from his v sleep by a tndck at the door. In no very amiable-mood-he jumped from his warm bed, and.tlurowipg up the window called out: . .. f “Who’s there?” T “ Halloa, Squire,” was the reply, " ire want to get married.” ; v - . “You're one I and now be off with you!" roared the Squire; and bringing downthe window with a crash, ho hopped into bsd again.. “They are living man and wife to this day," the Squire always added, when he told the story. ; ’ B®»A man s pride, if .he has no othew motive, ought to keep him from getting drunk. The treatment which he is MS to receive while he is in this stale to doter him from it. Every block Seed can laugh at hiiq, every cowardly calf-can abuse him, and ever? designing can impose on him. WuPqW P|%yera nre as aihiowa Wtlhout heads, as swords without edges, as fii*ds without wings i ? they p ierce wot, they hot not, they fly not up-to heaven. Gobi prayers always freeze bofore they reach heaven. ' * f , * -fr*.. . franklin, 0,0 bearing the renutrl£si|has Wbaat Wop lost bn earth*: went fe> observed that there advice accumulated there* .;>-■■ '-• • • ‘ ■»••'’ ■'•■”.>. -s.' >*,... ■ y\r Kr.iis , Wo other so intolaraatye T e refome^iust«;«# other roads are eo r6us&: m those l&ai have Just been mended. b ■; ■■ *»**?'»•'■* * give way to mClBnebo)*>» Justao sure as yon do, yoa release too* holdof happiness without the tea* on. of regaining & ' ? orst form of ii to refuse tQ accept a favor from -the hpjuff of a person to whom you have hailth# pleasure of rendering one. ..->• rl PsyM« s»*■ rn* hog* lute a grot mg CibfcaplMmaW •: %s -ft*. ■ill # kcMS 1 - ■v < -W y k i, s ■V- ‘ S t'.TS S! 4ir