The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 17, 1860, Image 2

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    fjeptinraa Wntne.
THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1860.
Qu Where pertie* Me nnknownto w.onrnilafor adver
tiling U to require pay ment to edre&ce, or a gnmrantee from
fenUwn pertknu. It. is therefore oeeleee foraUiuehto «end
tat advirtiaemeaU tigering to pa; at the end of three.or eix
month*. Where edTertbemepte are accompanied with the
mrarji whether one.flve or tea doUpn, : we will gWe the
advertiser thefull benefit of ceshratea.
. Advertising Ageqts, 119 Nassau street. New York, and
lA State street,.'Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona
Trfytmt, and the.most influential and largest circulating
Newtpapewtothe United States and the Canadas. The;
are anUiorlied to contract for ns at our Uieest'roUt.
' The New Tariff Bill.
On Thursday last, the House of Repro-
sentativas, at Washington, a new
■ Tariff Bill, increasing the rate of duties
on many articles and giving special atten
tion, to coal and iron/ The new bill pos-
cesses all the essential; features of giving
protection to American industry, and it
‘would hp well for. the country should it be
finally passed; but as the Senate has yet
to act upon it, we have no hope that such
will be the case, as there is a
majority in that branch against it. The
vote on the final passage of the bill in the
House was as follows:
Yeas. —Messrs' Adams, (Mass.,) Adams, (Ky)
Adrain,* Aldrich, Alley. Andbbsoh. (Ky.,) Ash
ley, Babbitt, Beale. Bingham, Blair, BUiko,
Bray ton, Briggs, Beistow, Buffington, Bnrn
’ham, Butterfield, Campbell, Carey, Case, Col
fax, Conklin, Covodo. Davis, (Md.,) Dawes. De
lano, Duell, Edgerton. Edwards, Elliott, Ely,
Etheridge, Farnsworth. Fenton, Ferry, Flo- j
tenet, Foster, Frank, French, Gooch, Grow, Gur- |
ley, Hale, Helmick. Hichroan,* Hoard, Hum
phrey, Hutchins. Irvine J nnkin. Kellogg. ( Mich.)
Kellogg, (111 .) Kenyon, Killinger, Leach, (Mich)
Leo, * Lougneckcr, Loomis. Lovejoy, Marston,
McKean, McKnight, McPherson, Millward,
Montgomery,* Moobe, (Ky ,) Moorhead. Mor
rill. Morris, (Pa.,) More. Nixon, Olin, Potter,
Reynolds,* (lice, Higgs, Robinson, (R. 1.) Royce
Schwartz,* .i Scranton, Sedgwick, * Sherman,
Somes; Stewart. (Pa.,) Stratton, Tappan.Thay
dr. Tompkins, Train, Trimble. Vandever, Yer
ree, Wade,’Waldron,‘'Walton, Washburn, (Me.,)
Washburn. iWis .) Washburn. (H 1.,) Webster,
Wells, Whitely, Windom, Wood, Woodruff.—lo 6.
Republicans in Roman type; Administration
Democrats in Italics; Southern Americans in
shall Capitals ; Anti-Lecompton Democrats
. marked' with a star (*)
Naxsl—Messrs. Allen, Anderso.n, (M 0.,) Ash
more, Avery. Barksdale, Bocock, Bonham,
Branch, Burch,'Burnett, Gln»l(|., (M 0.,) Cloptou,
. Cobb, Cochrane. Cox. Crawford, Davis,*
(lad .) Dojarnotte. Edmunson, Garnett,
Hardeman. Harris. (Va..) Holman, Houston
Howard, Hughs, Jacksau, Jenkins, Kttnkel,'l
Lamar, Lamlr°n», Leach, (N. C. v ) Leake, Lo
jjjap, Love, Martin, (0 ») McQueen, Miles, Mill
son. Mbore, ('Ala..) NibUck, Vettit, Peyton,,
Phelps, Pugh, Reagan. Robinson, (111.,) Ruffin,
Simms,Bingleton, Smith, (Va..) Smith, (N> C.,)
Spinner , Stallworth. Stanton. Stevenson. Taylor,
Thomas, tl.ndcrwood, V,ul(indigham, Woodson,
Wright—d 4.
Administration Democrats in Roman; Repub
licans in Italics; Americans in small caps;
Anti-Lecompton Dcmocaats marked thus (*)
Yeas-—Republicans 91: Democrats 2; Amer
icans 6'; Anti-Lecomptou Democrats 6.—105.
Hats—Democrats 59; Republicans 3; Amer
icans 1; Anti-Lectin pton Democrats 1.—64.
' Distressing Calamity.—Twenty-sev
en persons, mostly females, were drowned
a few days sipce, while on a pic-nic and
fishing excursion; nine miles from Cam
den, South Carolina. During the after
noon about 80 ladies, with a few gentle
.men embarked in a fiat-boat for the pur-
v large pond. —
- "w hile thus enjoying 'themselves the boat
struck a snag, held fust, aqd began to
leak. In a short time it sank, and the
party, which seems to liave been fuddled
together; sank with it, and clinging one
to the other, with that grasp which be
longs only to those in a drowning condi
tion, there was little opportunity for the
males in the company to rescue the ladies
or even to save themselves. The scene
on the boat and on shore is said to have
teen heart-rending. A few pf the bodies
jrere afterwards recoverd, but most of
them could not be found.
v onr cotemporary of
field' Raftsman, we have frequently bf*o.
asked-how Hon. John Coyote can* to
Kaye the sobriquet, “ GJory-ty(fpd” at
tached to his name. We isetr ap the
time it.wfts firstgiven, how became by it,
forgotten until qwr memory
wai refjreshed by Brother Bo6r, who says
tfhat Covode is.charged; but'whether cor
rect or opt we can not .say,' with haying
to ft friend,when the protrac
ted contest lor the" Speakership in 3-856
*ftk endedy ‘‘Glory to Ged, Banka is
■.' Mujaziut, for Jane, is
- Ihe first pf the monthlies upon our table
*'' 1$ contains the usual number of fashion
ldafcft-en4;epgraving3 and a well eelloted
Binary Jgyice f 2 per annum.
—We always take pleasure in calling the
attention pf>ftnr readers to ihe fact that!
Messrs i.eonard^Scott'&Co.)theenterpri
sing publishers Of New York,' are now re 4
publishing the London, Edinbnrgh, Northi
British and Westminster Reviews, and:
Blackwood’s Magazine, .and furnish them
at the prices of simitar publications in this
country, which '® far below the price vat
which they in England.
They are all standard works of worldwide
reputation. New volumes of each com
menced on the first of January last. The
following are the terms:
' _ \ Per Ann.
For any One of the four Renews.. $B. 00
For any two of the four Review 5..........: 60Q
F.or any three of the four Review 5......... 700
For all four of the Reviews 8.00
For Blackwood’s ilugazine........ 8.00
For Blackwood aid one Review X 6,00
For Blackwood nnd two Reviews 7.00
For'Blackwood and three Review 5,...,.... 9.00
For Blackwood and the Four Reviews..-.,, 10:00
Remittances should always be addressed
to the publishers, Leonard Scott & Go.,
No. 54 Gold Street, New York.
ggk. The Baltimore Constitutional
Union Party National Convention nomi
nated Hon. Johri Bell, of Tennessee, for
President, and Hon. Edward Everett, .of|
Massachusetts, for Vico President. Belli
was noprioated on the second ballol> The
Convention was much larger than was
ticipated,;and its actions very harmonious.
It was composed of the American party;
North, old line Whigs who have not af
filiated with the Republicans, and the|
Southern Opposition." Mr, Bell was an
old, line Whig, but went over to the|
American party, which is ♦the only one
opposed to the Democracy, South of Ma-|
son’s and Dixon’s Line. He is in favor
of a protective tariff, and is an anti-Le
comptonitc. The ticket is a strong one,;
and could easily be swallowed by the en
tire opposition of the country.
Samuel Griswold Goodrich, widely
known to the youth of our country as
“ Peter Parley,” died at hia residence in
New York, on.the K)th inst. It was as
editor of “ Merry’s Museum and Parley’s
Magazine,” which he established and pub
lished from ’4l to ’54, that we first became
acquainted with his writings, which we
always admired and sought after. No
man ever obtained a higher place in the
affections of the youth of the country
than “ Peter Parley,” and dis death will
be universally regreted.
The Senate Chamber, at Harris- |
burg, is now undergoing repairs. It has {
heretofore been badly ventilated, and:
suitable arrangements are now being made
by .which a proper temperature can be
maixtauxed. Hope it will have the same
.effect upon tempers the
of that' body. In ih<? hQuse .qf "ivepnsScn -
tatives, the golden eagles and the Speak
er's chair have been draped in heavy
mourning, as a mark of respect to, the
late Speaker, Hon. Wm. C. A. Lawrence.
ipg* Guffey’s Lady's Book for Jane is
on band, filled with summer fashions for
the ladies, and reading matter the best
quality. This number contains ’B9 engra*
vings ; 13 full page engravings ; in all 27 (
pages of engravings, and an excellent o/
ginal piece of music. As Godey cluh 13 ’
it is the “ excelsior” magazine. ce
$3 per annum. ,We furnish it to iur^ub-
000 has been discovered in the/
Post Master Fowler, of Ne -
The matter is .now updergr
gatiop. Mr. Fowler ad’
tion, saying that he h
money and charges ti
ordinates. It is sr
the country.,
rpjj C ndcago Convention met yes
terday. a/the Northern States are ful- ;
ly an( * the crowd is said to be
immenr- Who the nominee will be, no
to foretell.. Wade, of Qhjg;
jjb&i, of Missouri; Lincoln, of Indiana;"
of New York, and Cameron of
this State! are cohsidered most prominent.
' On Monday: last, the- Legislature,
of Connecticut re-elected Lafayette |Si
Foster United States Senator, by a large
majority. The Democratic candidate was
W. Easton; ~ \
Exibaobdinark 1 Fbisak of Natubf.;
—One day last wee* a cow belonging to
Mr. «Tames Meats, of Loyalhanna town-;
ship, Westmoreland county, gave birth tq
a calf upon Which “nature had played some
strange freaks. The skin of the calf, wai
turned wrong side out, the'hniry side be*
mg next to the flesh* ‘ Thpre were no en|
trails in the body—the tail was stuok-upon
its back, about six inches from its head j
one of its fore legs was close to the head,
and the other was set considerably- back
frqm 'its proper place. It was a most sin *
gular looking' object, and Mr. Mearsdn
tends having theskin dressed and exhibi*-
ted at tbe'Blairsville Fair, which will bq
-heldon thefirst Tuesday ol J
\' ■ ■
ICCOUht of
“"ork City,
an investi
:s the defalca
ed part of the
rest upon his sub-;
that Fowler has left]
I The Two CnAMnowSg-rTBE Knock- >
friends 0n the otheKside df-thc water are ?
taking up subscriptions, and paying hdut
o*9. Ur Sayers. v A man' who would ataau
up and be knocked down twenty-seven
times, without hnoe felling’ltts antagonist,
ought to Tiaveppldcn. guineas. The man.
trho was thrown thirteen. times, And once '
managedto get ins .opponent down witfe
him, so %hat it was doubtful which threw,
deserves to be applauded. Let each man’
i have the credit that belongs to him. —■
Heenamis, without doubt, the champion j
pf the' world, for knocking men down ; and ■
Sayere js the champion of England, at!
least, foe being knocked. down. Heenan
can knoct a man down more times in two
hours than any living man ; and Sayers ■
can stand being knocked down , more
times. HeenancSn give more hard
knocks; and Sayers can take them., llee
han’is the active hero of the prize-ring:
Sayers isithe passive. Heenan is the pos
itive champion: Sayers is the negative. —
If you want a man to beat, send for Hee
lian ; but if you are afier a man who will
stand an infinite cfeal.of beating, then ap- |
ply to -Sayers. Heenan is the great ;
knocker down-payers tbeT great knocked
dow-n. Heenan is the most porous and
powerful of the users-up of humanity ;
and Sayers the most extraordinary
;men of tough and well-seasoned humanity.
"So the English will crow over their cham
pion, and we over ours. Vie ate what
ours did ; they can brag of what theirs
mighit, could, would, or should have done.
;« Yonl-ftftj Hoodie I” “ God Save the
Queen!” Chorus all!— I “Derry, down
down, down-derry-down !”— Ti-i-ger !
Recently, near Petersburg, \a., a
musk rat and a mocassin snake had a fight
in a pond, and the rat turned and made
for the shore. The snake caught him as
he reached the bank, they fought for
ten minutes, now on the bank and now in
the water, till the rat surrendered. At
this time a looker on threw a stone, which
caused the snake to release bis hold, and
the rat, finding himself free, scrambled
away to his hole. Our .English cousins,
we presume, in view of the recent fistic
battle'' in their dominions, would call this
a “ drawn fight.”
Fun for the Japanese. —The Japan
ese thought that the ladies whom they
,saw at the Sandwich Islands wearing crin
oline, actually filled the immense skirts.
One of the men, who happened to touch
a dress hi passing, was much surprised to
find it caving in, and bust into roars of
i laughter at his astonishing discovery. —
His ideas of the bodily proportions of the
fair one suddenly collapsed.
_ Coining;—mad dog season. I.ook out for virions
pliiz>-d canines.
MS' Creating a “furore”—the Altoona correspondent of
the U. S. Volv'.f. Gazette.
ffg- Our thanks are due Col. L. W. Hall for a copy of
the revised Penal Code of Pennsylvania.
Charles Dickens Is said to hare reported the lleenau-
Sajera prize llglit for the London Timet.
V. '.win Brice a Boston pugilist, has cbidlenged John
Morrissey to a prize figlit for $13,000 a side.
j&ff- To bo deprived of the person we
in comparison of living flri* 1 * i.ote. \
A f-c-w days since, tlio Emigrant Train on the Penn’»
Railroad conveyed some three or four hundred aWrmoiiß
through this place, on their way to Utah.
_ ' i » „r6ut one old woman
Prentice says he has heard or
, . . , , . , of many thousand young
who kissed her cow, but he J J °
ones who have kissed very calves.
*5- A newspaper ™ atarted Dot lons Rgo ' the flrfit
number of whir* contain* 1 a letter from a correspondent,
who aigned'nimself a instant, reader.” <
It is said th" 1 a h artlat recently painted an imita
tion of a bottle water so naturally, that the cork
flew out befor' hc CoKld P aint a * rtrin B to fustHD il -
Team.—The new planet of Dr. Loscirbault
the snn in 19 of our days. Rather a short
vjArchut 1
t£B- A young man advertises his desire for a wife—pretty
and entirely ignorant of Oit fact." Evidently he wants a
fool. Any smart, pretty woman Knows she’s pretty —she
w ouldn’t be smart if she didn’t.
,'#sr Tiie New York Courts, by a decision just rendered,
hold that the “conditions” printed on the free passes issu
ed to cattle drovers are sufficient, defence to any claim for
damages arising from any cause whatsoever. '
t3_Tlie Chicago correspondent of the Harrisburg Tele
graph says the proprietor of the “ Briggs House” tells him
that he can eat a thousand men. What a cannibal he
must be. ' '
£3>ohfascatory. —The Cleveland Plaindealtr says there
are so many colored persons in Oberlin that the streets
constantly wear a dark appearance, and gu has to be
burned on cloudy days to enable white people to get around.
A little boy fell into the river at Greenfield, Maine,
a few days since, barely escaping drowning, \then asked
by his mother what be was thinking about when in the
water, ho said he thought “be should furnish an item for
the newspapers.”
The Mormons are somewhat excited at the intro
duction of the bill in Congress making Polygamy an of
fence against statute law. They are drilling and arming
to some extent, and if they will ever fight, it will be in de
fence of their peculiar institutions
43* Our exchanges all contain brief editorials headed
“ Prepare for the Census.” A woman in Herkemer coun
ty, N. Y- has done so. She has presented her husband
with three fine boys pnd a girl. Editors had better devise
some less sensational beading for their paragraphs.
The Pennsylvania Railioad Company have made a
proposition to build a telegraph line from Clairsville Inter
section to Indiana, provided the citizens of BiaireviHe sub
scribe 125,000, the railroad company to be entitled to tho
nso of the line for transmitting all necessary communica
tions relating to the road.
V%.The prize-fight in Parliament.—The subject of prize
fighting hasheon introduced into the English Parliament,
with the riew to prevent another meeting, but those who
condemned prize-fighting were only laughed at in that
august body. - This shows the prevailing sentiment of the
public in upon the price ring.
, A prize fight came off in NewUarapahlre, oh the
10th inal., between UsrryJFinuegan, of Boston, and Mike
Leavitt, of Lowell. Twenty rounds were fought in thirty
six minutes.Binpegan was the winner, Leavitt haring
been beaten blind. There were about two hundred specta
tors present, mostly from Boston.
A pmale.—The following three words are the foil
address (naiue, town and State) of a certain iodiridaal.—
See if yon can find oat how to read it. -
■ Wood
See another eolpmn for explanation.
fl3»lt is said that in : Japan old maids are unheard of— ;■ - T r
tf* *>™p. ««^kd T» i,*,.
"r*!* ?*• D^'n ' <w1 '
: ■
Western Correspondence.
I left Blair cotmt ji ta*s«w*
Sd of May, and amrodtt CWAgo on V
the A* 1 hay «M £ « f: g
JUlW^MB^iro«i!n fo I hare give* tWcj sof .ho
ov* i&KfciH*. I consider the Pittebargh, »»0"W Art**
the beat built and 1 to tochim extent »a to
roadsTLvtert. W*>l»a'tli« pleasure of meeting ip the j door anAllnteL fl-ttt.
care, tin the day wopnaedWer it. thegentfemanlyPml- moT the perpetrator:, guilt.
dent efthai W. Case. More-of A j man *l*l.l* to temptation
man and a greats than he. i pteahmo, dpt. j one whispers it ta »r to.£
not Ut« in the wist. The cmrioctor. bn thl. Koad are eye toeje untd the
men who understand their business—gefrtlv manly and ac- anxioUt expectancy, i°- ~ . ..
commodating men, not only calculated to build up their ctet hlrnedf. or quietly golng;tp the k‘ndly
own reputations, but also that of the Hoad. The whole reprovi.igl.Un of his errorard
Bond from Pittsburgh to Chicago U’ in as complete order the Pharisee.««t*eto
as almost any Road in the U.dted Statcs-all owing to the streeto and from the honse-toji., m hopes of men
I careful manner in which it is managed. 1 would sdvise that he is piously concerned and anxious to see the tide of
all persons travelling west, who wish to travel up to time iniquity stayed.* Splendid consistency, indeed
and with perfect safety, and also to aVqid the annoyance The publicity given by men to the secret sins of other,
of changing cars, to take the P. Ft. W. tC. R. R., as has done but W Httle, If goo* ;
run. through without change, and iu less time than any .Every man, whether gopd or
other Road. . of moral courage, wilt defend lo the last hrf ovrneh.rac
-1 cknnot, in tliU letter, give yon ranch news \bout the ter if assailed byaman worthy of
Empire City of the West, more than to iay that is is Uk* ; mUf Jeolons ol that wtoll . °J-£yj n-
all other Western cUiw-rnther dull at present. Bu ? iuess reform a man by c °* Md ’J r •
seems somewhat prostrated owing to the general dullness Kxpose him-hy Ty
of the times. '\J of luiurhig hi. injured «*•»•«**h Try
Next mining my friend and I shook hands and separa-1 to make men and women better bjr pofctip* out with nice
i arrive ate However, X look my ticket for Oshkosh, a town j this actyr that one,-*a yop %
jof about 1200 inhabitants, on the shore of Lake Wtnaeba- goahee! you ate a bewflictOft iudoedi. Oh, &Hy. where la
I go, at the mouth of Wolf River. After the tram got un- thy blush? y , i ’ .
der headway, I whs requested to take a seat in the hind- ‘ No, the despot «*
most car. Raving no one to look after but myself, 1 spent any good, hut to dp all t»*>ann they
a good portion of the day on the hind platform, where X poss.bls, a thirst that can %Iy bequenched with therm*,
had an opportunity of examining both the road and the of its vlctim-to seek to thcappcUtc oftl.> vulgar
, country. The country is one vast plain, and much of it In crowd. PRO . 80. 0
a high state of cultivation. The road is as good as could Altoona. May 15 th. IS-**
be tvjiected, considering the manner in wlricb it is bui.t,
the greater portion of it being without stone or gravel.—
The liind t, low, wet prairie, which is riifiicm t to build up
; on; but the worst feature I noticed about it was tliat it is
laid with English iron, which undoubtedly makes it an un
safe food to travel over.
The train arrived at Oshkosh, 193 miles, from Chicago,
about an hour before date. I expected that there would
be steamboats running from tills place, making connections
with the cars, bat 1 found this was not the cose. About
ten o'clock on Saturday, a boat came down. Quite a uum- {
ber of passengers who were waiting ul tiie XXanington {
House, where 1 stopped, together with myself, were pack- i
ed, baggage and all, in an omnibus to bo curried to the |
bout lauding. About tbe time we were all comfortably |
seated, the young man of the house informed us that the |
boat only run to Prairie du Chion, while vve all wished to :
go to Uunieith. Assuring ns of this fact, the kindly laud- i
lord informed us tha, we must all get out and wait for ano
ther bent. Being aware of " tricks upon travellers,” I
took the. liberty of walking down to the wharf, and ar
rived Aere just as tbe boat was rounding out, and on in
qury found that she was bound direct to Dun Leith. Xf
ever a poor fellow received a blessing it was that landlord,
as we ail believed it was a “trick upon travellers; ’and now
we arf here wilb no hope ofTi boat until this time to-mor
row. 1 wouid advise ail persons travelling west to the
Mississippi, and wishing to go either north or south an the
river, not to come to this point, or ten chances to one they
will bt kept here a 'day or two. If X were travelling west
fifty times again, this w ould be the last point I would come
to. Whether it is the tanlt of the Lacrosse llailrond Com
! pauy, or this people here, I am. not able to sily, but 1 pre
i sumu it is chargeable to both, os there v an a regular line
steamboat loft mr the south before the arrival of the
train, and the train was on time. Keeping passengers here
two nights and a day wijl nut be tolerated by tbe travelling
community. 1 understand that we arc not the first who
have come here by the La Crosse Railroad, under the he-
Lof.ihat they could go right along, au.fwhen they arrived
found il wai not tile case. Therefore, when you travel,
wei-t, take care ol Lacrosoe.
As I walked through some of the principal streets yes
terday, it being Sunday. I saw some of the principal whis
key shops and several clothing stores in full blast, and per
sous coming in in e*inud. j with their guns on their shoul
ders. set theta down at the door of a whiskey shop, take
their liquor .and then,march of) Again. I also observed
Indians—men, women and children —coming across the
river iu their caiidcs, getting their bottles filled with ‘-fire
water,'’ (tefri-o drunk iui'l paddling their their canoes back
again. Some of them .-«r,, r. he hiirdestdooking creatures
I ever saw. Yours, w I,II7 tv'UAGO
' Dear Tribune :—When I came to imjuire the best way to
get from Stephens’ Point to the Mississippi River, I began
to see where I was, and thought of retracing my steps, put
I came to the conclusion that that would not do, as I never
was in the Imldt of backing out from any undertaking. I
therefore shaped ray course down the Wicousln Riv. r again
in the Wisconsin line of stage coaches. Seating myself in
the coach at 4 o'clock in the morning, away I went, and
arrived at Grand Rapids at 9 o'clock, for breakfast aud
change of horses. This is a lumbering place 2+ miles be
low Stephen's Point, on the same river. I thought the
place was properly named, fur the water dashes and foams
over rocks of huge size. projecting above the water in the
bed of the river and along the shore. The water is of a
dark reddish color, and is not fit to drink,us it is kept up
by the water from the marshes and lakes in the upper
country. Wo crossed Hie riverat thisplace in a self-acting
ferry-boat. The mail leading to New Lisbon, on the La
crosse and Milwaukis Railroad, runs through a barren
country, of the poorest lafid. Along the way I noticed
ruins of improvements that had once been opened up but
abandoned on account of the shallowness of the so;'.. One
place, in particular, arrested my attention. The road pass
es through one ol those ancient fortifications about which,
perhaps, you have heard so much. This ons is the most
interesting I have ever seen. There bon the north side a
row of mounds, about 40 feet apart, extending nearly north
aud south, some 600 yards, that have not a tree or shrub
upon them. On the south side there is a perfect breast
work of earth thrown up about the same length of Uio
mounds. On the south-western aide there extended another
breast-work, closing up all hut the eastern end or square.
These were all erected by a race of people now nearly un
ti*. '
At Hew Lisbon we took tbe cars and run through to La
crosse in four'and a half hours, arriving at 12 o'clock at
night. This town is situated on the Mississippi'river, at
the mouth of Lacrosse River. After a good night's rest, I
arose early next morning, and perambulated about town
for a while, examining several extensive saw-mills. This
is an extensive lumbering point; vast quantities of pine
logs are brought down tho river and manufactured Into
boards tor tbe southern and eastern markets, I then took
passage up Wolf River, and ascended 50 miles above Osh
kosh; Tills is a Very crooked and deep river, but in some
places it spreads out into lakes five miles wide, most of
wliich are shallow. In many places they were covered
with thousands of ducks, and I am Informed they abound
in fish of different kinds. All along tbe shore are Indian
wigwams. The Indians come down from tho upper coun
ty to fish during the winter season and flit again in the
spring as soon as tue ice in the river breaks np.
After 1 hod proceeded up this river far enough, I stepped
off the boat at Gill's Landing, which is about the head ol
steamboat navigation. I seated myselif in a stage coach,
In company with two strangers, and, at the crack of the
driver’s whip, away we went over hills and throngh mar
shes toward Stephen's Point, on tho Wisconsin River, the
w'hble country is a wilderness. Along the stream there are
heavy forests of while pine timber, hut all show the marks
of the woodman's axe. tA great portion of the distance has
neither timber nor grass, nothing but white sand—too
pitor for grass to grow upon.
A little before night wo encountered sin old-fashioned
thunder-storm on the plain. 1 thought that I had heard:
it thunder and aeon it rain in Pennsylvania, but that storm
outdid anything 1 bad ever seen or beard in my travels
hjre. He closed up the coach and kept ourselves' dry, and
trusted to the driver and horses to take ua through, which
they did with safety. After tho storm,'vmpassed 'along
smoothly unfil woarrivedjit Stephen's Point. Tills a town
lying on the Wisconsin fciver. 'iSOmiles aJboTe its month.—
It contains ZJWMnhaWtants. The only fausiness dona here
is lumbering. Many men engaged In it here have become
wealthy, and most of them are from the east.
I shall giro you an account of my travels from here in
my next. . WINNKBAUO.
». • 1.-..- ■.''.. .*.!:.►
• • \\
- - *• /,
•.’? •■iv.' ■ ■
Vt.J?-* 1 ./- "
Win., May 9th, Vc.vy
t “
‘ iHr Atom* Tribune.
Love of Sowadal.
SPECIAL notices.
to- every form and species of
vermin: ,
itafe, &c., Exter’r.
-aSK* Bed-Bug Exterminator.
Electric Insect Powder, &c.
Ruta—Roaches—Mice— Moles—Ground.
Aula—Moths— Mosquitoes—Fleas— Plants— lu
accts on Animals, 4c., Ac.—in abort every form anti species'
of vermin;
10 years established In New Ymd^Olty— City
Post Office—the City Prisona and Stilton Houses—City
Steamers, Ships, 4c.—fhe City Hotels, “As'.or, ’ “St. H|-
cholits.” 4c.—ami by more than 20,000 private Camilles.
«jr Druggists and retailors everywhere sell thorn.
4-jy Wholesale Agents in all the large Cities.
Regular sices, ibc., 50c.. and J 1 boxes, bottles, flasks.
A®-! 1! Beware li; of spurious imitations. Examine each
Bos. Bottle and Flask, and take nothing but “Costal's."
/US' $l.OO brxessont by mail.
and J 5 bases for Plantations, Hotels, 4c, by express
fltg-Address’orders—Kir for “circular to Dealers- to -
r-ccrcifAl. Depot, 410 Ur.o.vDWAV, N, Y.
Sold by «. W. Kessler, Altoona.
March 2b, ISOO.-flra.
Wonderful, but True.
A few days since, Mr. Jus. 11. Beadle, of Huntsville.'Ala- 1
bama, called on us and gave us permission to publish for I
Ilk- benefit of suffering humanity, the astonishing care J
which bad been effected in the case of bis wife by the use j
of Ur. Honee's V-g-table Epileptic Pills. He Informed us. I
that at the time bis wife-commenced using the medicine, !
her system wis so entirely prostrated, by tbo number of
spasms she had undergone, as to redndo her weight to 100
lbs. Since she has been talcing tho pills, she has entirely
got over the spasms and has gained in weight and bodily
heaith. She now weighs at leas* 2UO W?., snd declares sha
is in better enjoyment of health than ever V-MUro in hot
life. Mi. Beadle also reiateii the ro-e of Mr. Ilnfrisou
l.iglitfojt of the same tovyu. whs ha.! heed entirely cured
of the worst form of Epilepsy by these samo pills. Ur
lagbtfoofs case was eo bad that be never passed a Week
without having an attack, often falling down in the street.
-Un has not had an attack for more than a year. Mr.
.Bea<lle thinks that if the pills ever fail in curing a case, it
is the -* »nt of a proper perseverance on the part of the
person in taking asdic feels assured from observation
in the case of his wife, tljuVft rt,ey are taken for * suffl
cb-nt length of time, they will CnrWuyy t to any
part of the country by mull, on the recalptofa remittance.
Address'SETH S. Haxck, IDS Baltimore street;. Bultimore.
j aid. Price, one box, $3; two. fo; twelve, $24.
The Mustang Liniment cures Bheumaa'iUi-;
The Mustang Liniment cures Stiff Joints,;
The Mustang Liniment cures Burns and fToumls ;
The Mustang Liniment cures Sires, twicers, Cl'i.rd
Breasts and sore yipples; Xatratgia, Corns and frarls,and
is worth
To the United States, as the preserver and restorer of val
uable Horses and Cattle. It cures all Sprains, UniJs.
Wounds, Stiff Joints, 4c. Did you ever hear of any ordi
nary Sore, Swciirhg, Sprain or Stiffness, cither on inao or
beast, which the Min tang Liniment would not core? Did
you over visit uhy respectable Druggist in any part of the
world—in Europe, Asia or America—who did say '• it was
the greatest discovery of the age?" Sold everywhere.—
Every family should have it; there Sizes.
BAUNES A PARK, Proprietors, Jfcw-.Tork.
\ i Mothers I
Tlie attention of mothers is directed to I\r. Eaton’s IX
FAXTILE CORDIAL, which is highly recommended for
all complaints attending Teething, such aa Dysentery,
Colic, Croup, Ac. ■ • s
BLOOD POOD—Phis medicine, being, as its name sug
gests, *• Blood Foodl,’ and a scientific discovery differing
from all patent medicines, is well worthy the attention of
all who are suffering from impurity or deficiency of blood.
It, Is prepared by Dr. C. P. Bronkon, author of several
works on Elocution, Physiology, Science, Ac., and is highly
recommended by numerous certificates of those who have
availed themselves of it? virtues.
Church A Dupont, Xiiw York, are the General Agents
for both.— Lawrence, Mass., Sentinel.
tSte See advertisement. For sale by A. Roush, Altoona.
One of the ,most and at the same time
troublesome an\l pjtipful disease that attend the human
flesh, is the Fever and Ague. For a long time the medical
wOrW have been continually bringing forth numerous spe
cifics forjßs permanent cure: hut ail without effect. Dr. J.
llostetter, an experienced and celebrated physician, has
succeeded in furnishing the publio with valuable pre
paration for the cure of Fever and Ague. The steady and
increasing doiuand lately mudo fon the “Bitters,” and the
universal sutoess attending its have made for It a repu-.
tatiou A) isutpasaed iby auy specific kind. For the
cure of Fever and Ague, Dr. Hostaliter’* celebrated Stomach
Bitters must and should cla£m a superiority over any other
preparation-extant 1
Sold by drhigistjs and dealers generally, everywhere.
£3f See advertisement in another column.
. *KAt lint sm of an innocent shoop ehonld be
made into parchment, and written on to the undoingbfa
man!” qnotb Shakspeare. He might also have, deplored
tho' ruining of men’* forms by the uncouth manner' In
wh job some ungracious tailors butcher up the cloth made
ftom. the woo| grown by these nine barmlesssbeep. To
>» thi} perfcctkHj |>l/tbp art/Of wo*jfei doth' wisely
and well, and eoa4 to set off to fh* beatiadvautaga the
iorms of its ,call at ths Brown SfoneClotbing
Hall ofßdckhjn, * 'WS CheetnutSt.
abose 6trth. I’hila. andeiamine ihiir itbek ofgarmenta
for gentlemen and youths. ;,'■/ N ; ;• , • , ■ ■ •
Thle disease canbe cored by Dr. Keyttr't P>c(haeht R*
***' Prepared by him in Pittobnrg, Pa,i#bioh la pnt up
ta bottjee andeuld at 25 cents eacb.ltisaa excellent
wheo (hinted, for spongy and Under gains, and
»r, hooplasd’s Balsamic
The great standard medicines of the pruettt
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through ycore of trial, Uabounded eatitfae
tion it rendered by them in aU eases; <nd the
people have pronounced them worthy,
lifer Complaint* Bpspep&la, JuiOke,
OebUlty of tbe Kerf om System,
Diseases of ttao Kidneys,
and ail dwou** anting from, <* <S*)riiend
liver or weakness of the stomach and thgtstint
organs, aretpeedilyand permanently eurtd bo
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired «
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre.
paration .extant. It will ewe, without f*a,
the most severs and longstanding
Cougfc,Col4, or Hosmaau, BroadutU, I*.
fta«u£, Croftp, PntumoaU, Zaoipint -
and hat performed the most astonishing ear*
ever known of
Confirmed Consxunptloo.
A few doses unit alto at once cheek and
curt the most severe DhurikOMl proceed*?
from Cold in iu Bownsi. . '
These medicines are prepared ly Dr. C. JJ,
Jaoksox & Co.; No, 416 -ArqA- Street, Hie.,
delphid. Pa., and are told druggute and
dealers in mediants everywhere, at 75 teats
per bottle. The signature of Q. M, Jacmo*
will be on the outside wrapper of! each bottle.
- In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors , called Eviutbody’s AtHAtuc,
testimony and commendatory
notices from afl parts of the country. Thus
Almanacs are given-away by all our agtn(a
OE9» For sale, in Altoona, by A. Roush (uni fflw
-Kessler, an«l by nil Druggists. [may 19,'6?-\y ‘
The combination of ingredients in tlias, till* m ft,-.,,
stilt of a long and extensive praftice. They ue tellj
their, operation, and certain in correcting all Inegaistlfei
) Painful Menstruations, removing ail obstruction, abslW
>Vun cold ot otherwise, headache, pain In the slue, pelpbt*.
t'Otvpf the heart, whiles, all nervous affections, hjiterr.*,
fntigdypain in lira, bach and limbs, Ac., Jisl’iiieJ ii*p
which a\jj« prom interruption of nature.
Vm the coutoencemciit of a new era in the tKstaw,t„t
those irregulauties and obstructions which Uatseensiiont
thonsaids of the young, the beautiful, mJ the Os
loved to‘>n premCaita grave. No female caa enjaj joci
health unlaw she Is tsgular. and whenever an ibicu-tira
takes place the general health logins tc tledlne.
are the most effectuarpipiedy ever known for allcompUitti
peculiar to /smalts. Toaii clasws they are itivoluabls, .'!
due.'itj. WtitA certainty, ptntdicj.l Ti.ji.lartly. . They ar,
known to thoWcaada, who have 'nurd them at Jifferrnt p.
) riode, t|iionghout thneonutty. having thsauictiunuffuuu
of, the bust eminent IViyiitttlnt in dnerieu'
! directions, stating, jr/i.w, o.W irfon 'I, iloc.'
| not bt used, with each Box,— On ' fries One iWior tjti
i Cox, cohtfiininrj 40 Pills. ■ '
A valuable Pamphlet, to be had oflhs Agents-
Pills «n/ by duit, promptly, by to tbs the
eral Agents Sold by Druggists generally,"
■ R. It. IUiXCTIINUc, AlisOUv ibutt,
' 14 Broadway, .sS* fori!
■Hid in Aituona by U. If. Kessler; in llollWayAarg lj
UcO. A. .lu* 'jLs,
Have You a DiaoosCd Liva^,
The question, though startling, is sipEeieatly »ugjallu
wln-n the fact b taken into cmildemtion that Hsuasd
the Liver'have become most frw]ncntlatU
United Slates. Indeed, there are few foiraulil-le ilikus
that are not in some way t reef able to ft deranged suit ;f
that important organ. Many of the comphi&U uvcaCj
dossed under tlie-hvad of Consumptfon, have their origin
in Iho Liver. “ Any remedy that would insure reguhritf
and healthfulj»ctloß-te the "Liver, Would he a liWsiaf to
mtraKf'ndi” has beou the exclamation of Ihotmudt
remedy has been found ; it is safe and. sure. Wheostti
trial has bom-afforded it, it has never boon known to Si.
Bender, have you nny disease of: the Liver, or dies*
which you believe proceeds from heptui:
Lose uot a moment, hut purchase a boa ■ f hr. Jl’tsii- <
Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros* Pitinbnrgb. Pa-. trails*-
will restore you to health. Ills the only reir.Mj jdi*
covered, to which implicit confidence tuny be insert.
AST' Purchasers will be careful to iwk fc rPH. ML-tl't'’
-IXO BROS ,of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pill* im
porting to he Liver Pills, now before the public.' Dr. M'-
Lane's genuine Liter Pills, also his ctichmtai Vttaifcr
can uow be had at ell respectable-drug stares. AW.>w
vine without tlie sigitalure of , ' FLEUISO BROI
Cheapest! Best! Largest !
J 35.00
Pays for Tuition in Single and Double Retry '
lug. Writing, Commercial Arithmetic sod I*™* ■
Boari i ,Weeks $2O, SUitionery |I. Biilion
, pen«ss62.
Usual time to complete a full course, front 61 0 ' 5 ” _
Evpry StudenLupon gradon ting, Is guamfew »w
-petent tomanaguthc Books of any Busim-a sm I 0 * 13 *
to cant a salary of from
1600 to $l,OOO.
Students enter at any t(we—So/Tfcstica—• fop*’ *
pleasure;- v.unoi*
First Premiums ifotr Best Business Voting
ccived at PhilaAelphfawanffObio
Also, at the principal Fdiraof the Cuba fhr tha pea
years. • ■./ • V ” i . • -i
- *S_ Ministers Sons received nt haf price-
For fall information. areolar. Sptf*'ajw*.
OrnamentalWritlng and
enclose Are letter stamps to . . /F. w.
Bept.2a,lM«.L-ljr / Pitt3imr?h, lL-
TronsK*®* loti at pbivaib
O. SALK.—lhrGate-llonee adlot .
belonging totheALTOONA AN llObv mjSRLt W
nate mfto from Altoona. Is Id red ataMKUCr
-Private Sale, l\>r terms iaf : irtber^wMPßj
particulars inqolre ot JOSEPI »«ART.
Company. . f \ [AprO»isau^
Ti t o R E UGH!
J.S I Just arrived at the
lot Ora No. y 1, Carbon OS, S
quart, abb a lot of Carbol
which are warranted to bm
' Altoona, Nov. 34. ’59-tn-
O, YES! 0 1
rdraw n]<*Ji andbj
cee to the pn.,ic, that I
Man Auctioneer whenoi
JTL Hons just recel
15-tf] -. •
Paint, Saab
Jussis for salsa*
Iore if’A:*on«h.
Ueh he will ** n
Alii Lamps ° T ;
jporior to an) other
is ready to djs*h*OE« hi *,- s 7
called upon. 11*°' .
[ of aliTbeschip
? (W* ' «*T* .
■ -'.i
.1 v=>
' 0
, • *v.
■ ' ! «y
tie tit
B. R.
dang, i
fell int
*• Ljnn
100 cc
anti 0
pea rat
but as
ua, V
feat ia
* Tefftii
jleO; c
find wt
take t:
it wou
‘S not
stui an
or oou
*ery j,
tt Utbn
trial p t
a crcc.
tlj a she
thbt ti